#Business Communication Skills Courses
ruvviks · 3 months
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sometimes i forget that vitali really is a heywood boy
#personal#like of course he is. he may have ended up a corpo boy but deep down he is nothing like that#he used to go out to smoke with friends in places they weren't supposed to be#got into so many fights when he was young and he was a boxer like jackie... they trained with viktor for a long time together#when vitali was in college. and it's always been about community and connection to him#even now as a fixer he's putting his resources towards his mercenaries and their families#and to the fixer council so they can use the collective income to keep streets safe for regular residents of night city#he's got a whole program running to support businesses that are trying to make heywood more accessible to those without a car#and organizations focused on making life in night city better for children specifically so they have safe places to hang out with friends#if he was really a corpo boy he would've set up his office in city center somewhere. or like. charter hill#would've barely cared about his mercenaries and would DEFINITELY not have helped with creating the fixer council#none of his mercenaries have died. like obviously people get injured but none of them have ever died and like#it's all because he makes sure that they have all the resources and gear they need to succeed at the gigs he gives them#which makes me so insane he cares so much and he's running his business SO professionally but in like. such a human way#like yeah his skills as a corpo come in super handy for what he's doing here and he's absolutely using them to his advantage#but that's all he's using them for. corpo boy on the surface but lover at heart
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speakersyouneedllc · 20 days
Administrative Training for Government Employees
Enhance administrative skills tailored for government employees. Our training improves efficiency and productivity in government roles. For more information visit our website: https://speakersyouneed.com/
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jcmarchi · 3 months
Rapid AI Advances Spotlight Critical Global Tech Skills Shortage
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/rapid-ai-advances-spotlight-critical-global-tech-skills-shortage/
Rapid AI Advances Spotlight Critical Global Tech Skills Shortage
For a perfect example of just how quickly technology evolves, look no further than ChatGPT.
While artificial intelligence, chatbots, and virtual assistants were hardly new concepts prior to ChatGPT launching, it managed to take the conversation to the next level. Today, it seems like AI is quickly becoming a ubiquitous part of our lives. Professionals in virtually every industry obsess over what it is, what it can be, and how to unlock the potential for their own unique use case.
This is all why it’s so important to remember that the public launch of ChatGPT only occurred on November 30, 2022 – less than two years ago. In less than 24 months, technology has once again shifted in a bold new direction at a rate that shows no signs of slowing anytime soon.
Based on that, it should come as no surprise that there is a massive critical shortage of advanced technical skills in virtually every industry you can name. The technology itself is simply evolving faster than humans can master it.
According to one recent study, about 70% of business leaders say that there is a critical skills gap, with data analysis and project management being among the most in-demand hard skills of the modern era. The digital skills gap is so vast that it is estimated that 14 G20 countries could miss out on a collective $11.5 trillion in GDP growth as a direct result of it.
But thankfully, all hope is not lost. Once an organization makes an effort to better understand the technical skills gap, particularly as it relates to high-level concepts like machine learning, it is in a much better position to mitigate risk from it moving forward. You just have to keep a few key things in mind along the way to get to that point.
The Fast-Paced Digital Era is Faster Than Ever
To illustrate how we collectively reached this point, consider your average business relationship with technology for a moment.
You don’t need to have a team of software engineers working underneath you or a legion of SaaS clients to be considered a “technology company” at this point.
Thanks to email, instant messaging, video conferencing, and other technologies, communication is ingrained in our lives, both internally and externally.
Data analysis and business intelligence tools are heavily relied on to uncover trends and patterns that a human may have missed, allowing leaders to make the most informed decisions possible faster than ever.
CRM suites help create better and more personal relationships between a brand and its customers.
IT helps dramatically optimize supply chain management, saving organizations a tremendous amount of money that can be better used elsewhere.
Tech advances in human resources make it easier and more cost-effective to find the right candidate, to retain them, and to keep them engaged with the rest of the organization as much as possible.
Any organization that relies on modern technology that much is a “technology company.”
Now, think about the major shift that machine learning, in particular – again, a relatively new addition to this world – has made to some of those areas mentioned above. In the realm of human resources, it has completely changed the way we think about everything from talent acquisition to employee training and development. Machine learning algorithms analyze countless resumes in a flash and highlight ideal candidates just as quickly. Employee skills and preferences can be analyzed to personalize training programs for maximum effectiveness.
In supply chain management, machine learning and artificial intelligence can be used for things like inventory optimization. The algorithms can predict inventory levels to ensure that nothing goes out of stock at the worst possible moment.
In terms of customer relationship management, businesses of all types have had major success with automated lead scoring and segmentation, predictive analytics for sales, and sentiment analysis to extract more value from customer feedback.
This all points to a very simple fact: artificial intelligence, and machine learning in particular, is evolving extraordinarily rapidly.
As machine learning changes, so do things like customer relationship management, supply chain management, and human resources – core pillars upon which every business is built. As those change, the business itself does as well on a fundamental level. Everything is tied together so organically that it’s impossible to separate it all.
This is precisely how you take an emerging issue like the IT skills gap and accelerate it at a rate faster than even many experts would have thought possible a decade ago.
The Shape of Things to Come
If it feels like you’ve been hearing about this skills gap for a long period of time, that’s because you have. But believe it or not, the problem is still getting worse – and is expected to continue to do so. Another study indicated that nearly 1/3rd of employers say that the skills gap is worse today than it was just a year ago.
But fascinatingly, roughly 56% of hiring managers “anticipate” that tech-driven interventions like artificial intelligence and machine learning will cause a “major shift” in the kinds of skills they will need prospective candidates to have.
The key word, of course, is “anticipate.” For as much change as we’ve already seen in the last few years, many believe that the most significant shift has yet to come. If this change is an inevitability, there’s no sense in trying to delay it. Instead, one must embrace it by also embracing the emerging talent pools in global markets to meet those future technology demands when they arrive.
Data analysis. AI/machine learning. Software engineering. Cybersecurity. UX/UI learning. These are among the skills that businesses need to be looking for in new employees if they’re going to remain competitive in the global talent market. If they can’t find prospective candidates that meet those needs, they must train the ones they already have to fill in the gaps.
In the End
If nothing else, the current critical shortage of advanced tech skills highlights one simple truth: all businesses are “technology businesses” whether they want to be or not.
Over the years, technology slowly became a part of the DNA of nearly every organization, initially just as a means of productivity, but eventually to form the basis of a company’s competitive advantage in the marketplace. IT is a part of who these organizations are. If you eliminate it, there isn’t much left.
Because of that, enterprises are beholden to the rate at which technology evolves—in this case, extraordinarily quickly. At that point, there are only two options available. The first is to make every available effort to keep up with that pace, remaining flexible enough to meet today’s needs and better prepare for tomorrow’s demands.
The second is to dig your heels in, stick your head in the sand, and continue to rely on an “old-school” way of doing things just because “that’s what has always worked.”
Make no mistake: those who remain inflexible and insist that the IT skills gap is not their problem will soon find themselves left behind by their savvier, more agile competitors. This is not a matter of “if” but “when.”
Truly, it doesn’t get much more straightforward than that.
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absentlyabbie · 11 months
seriously, though. i work in higher education, and part of my job is students sending me transcripts. you'd think the ones who have the least idea how to actually do that would be the older ones, and while sure, they definitely struggle with it, i see it most with the younger students. the teens to early 20s crowd.
very, astonishingly often, they don't know how to work with .pdf documents. i get garbage phone screenshots, sometimes inserted into an excel or word file for who knows what reason, but most often it's just a raw .jpg or other image file.
they definitely either don't know how to use a scanner, don't have access to one, or don't even know where they might go for that (staples and other office supply stores sometimes still have these services, but public libraries always have your back, kids.) so when they have a paper transcript and need to send me a copy electronically, it's just terrible photos at bad angles full of thumbs and text-obscuring shadows.
mind bogglingly frequently, i get cell phone photos of computer screens. they don't know how to take a screenshot on a computer. they don't know the function of the Print Screen button on the keyboard. they don't know how to right click a web page, hit "print", and choose "save as PDF" to produce a full and unbroken capture of the entirety of a webpage.
sometimes they'll just copy the text of a transcript and paste it right into the message of an email. that's if they figure out the difference between the body text portion of the email and the subject line, because quite frankly they often don't.
these are people who in most cases have done at least some college work already, but they have absolutely no clue how to utilize the attachment function in an email, and for some reason they don't consider they could google very quickly for instructions or even videos.
i am not taking a shit on gen z/gen alpha here, i'm really not.
what i am is aghast that they've been so massively failed on so many levels. the education system assumed they were "native" to technology and needed to be taught nothing. their parents assumed the same, or assumed the schools would teach them, or don't know how themselves and are too intimidated to figure it out and teach their kids these skills at home.
they spend hours a day on instagram and tiktok and youtube and etc, so they surely know (this is ridiculous to assume!!!) how to draft a formal email and format the text and what part goes where and what all those damn little symbols means, right? SURELY they're already familiar with every file type under the sun and know how to make use of whatever's salient in a pinch, right???
THEY MUST CERTAINLY know, innately, as one knows how to inhale, how to type in business formatting and formal communication style, how to present themselves in a way that gets them taken seriously by formal institutions, how to appear and be competent in basic/standard digital skills. SURELY. Of course. RIGHT!!!!
it's MADDENING, it's insane, and it's frustrating from the receiving end, but even more frustrating knowing they're stumbling blind out there in the digital spaces of grown-up matters, being dismissed, being considered less intelligent, being talked down to, because every adult and system responsible for them just
ASSUMED they should "just know" or "just figure out" these important things no one ever bothered to teach them, or half the time even introduce the concepts of before asking them to do it, on the spot, with high educational or professional stakes.
kids shouldn't have to supplement their own education like this and get sneered and scoffed at if they don't.
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susanhorak · 9 months
#spoken_english #تعلم #learn_english #تعلم_الانجليزية دورات اللغة الانجليزية - اتعلم تتكلم انجلش - تحدث اللغة الانجليزية مع اشخاص يسهم الأداء اللفظي الصحيح المتمثل تحدث اللغة الانجليزية مع اشخاص بطريقة صحيحة و في فهم اللغة من قبل متلقيها، وتختلف موسيقى اللغة من لغة إلى أخرى، ومن لهجة إلى أخرى، حيث يمكن تخمين اللغة المنطوقة دون سماع الصوت الصادر عن الناطق بها من خلال تعابير الوجه، والتي يمكن أن تشير إلى نوع اللغة التي يتم التحدث بها، بالإضافة إلى دور تحدث اللغة الانجليزية مع اشخاص بالنطق الصحيح في توحيد الطريقة إلى يتم من خلالها استخدام الألفاظ اللغوية لدى أهل اللغة الواحدة، حيث إن لكل لغة لحن خاص ومناسب للناطقين بها
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يمكنك الاستفادة من الدروس التالية دورات اللغة الانجليزية - اتعلم تتكلم انجلش - تحدث اللغة الانجليزية مع اشخاص https://youtu.be/jjmFC080Bs8
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كيف اتعلم انجليزي - اخبار الطقس - درجة الحرارة غدا https://youtu.be/VZA5JLMgiZg
تدريب اللغة الانجليزية - اللواحق فى اللغة الانجليزية - البداية والنهاية فى الانجليزية https://youtu.be/N_CVwMLRjb4
تدريب اللغة الانجليزية - أخطاء النطق - تحليل الاخطاء في اللغه الانجليزيه https://youtu.be/skWK65mAsXg
تعليم انجليزي - الحديث عن الاصدقاء بالانجليزية - افضل اصدقاء بالانجليزي https://youtu.be/4WqjWSUMxiU
تعليم انجليزي - زمن المضارع البسيط - شرح المضارع البسيط https://youtu.be/QldeX6XQ7E0
#مواقع_تعليم_انجليزي #برامج_تعليم_انجليزي #تعلم_اللغة_الانجليزية #تعلم #spoken_english #english_speaking_course_online #spoken_english_in_telugu #نهي_طلبة , Noha Tolba
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story-works · 1 year
How to Improve Your Communication Skills in Any Situation
Effective communication can lead to successful collaborations, meaningful relationships, and increased job satisfaction. As a blog post writer, it's crucial to have excellent communication skills to convey ideas and connect with readers effectively. Developing communication skills requires regular practice, feedback, and a willingness to learn from mistakes. Honing these skills can lead to improved writing styles, increased engagement, and stronger connections with an audience. By focusing on communication skills development, we can enhance our ability to express ourselves, engage with others, and ultimately achieve our goals.
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suhkusa · 3 months
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PAIRING. Bakugou Katsuki x f!Reader
CW. slight enemies-to-lovers, some angst but not heavy, fluff, you're both snarky (romantic), ~4k words, slice of life, reader has a healing quirk
A/N. i'd say slowburn but it's only slowburn because i barely ever write fics this long lol
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Throughout your time in the nurse’s office as Recovery Girl’s student apprentice, you’ve met many different students. They all varied– whether it be their quirk, their grade, or even the injury they had come in for. 
Students from the general education, support and management departments rarely ever made their rounds to the nurse’s office, only coming in for a simple cut or bruise. 
That left you with those in the hero department.
You got along well with nearly all of them, even going as far as becoming friends with a few. And while that was true, of course there were gonna be some who you couldn’t get along with. But, there was specifically one student you could not stand. And he’d probably say the same thing for you as well. 
It was none other than Bakugou Katsuki.
The first time you really interacted with Bakugou Katsuki was within the first month of your apprenticeship. It was in your 3rd year, and you had already been managing well. 
Your day had started off fantastic. Recovery Girl had left you to run the office by yourself, thoroughly trusting your working and communication skills, so that she could run errands out of town. 
The office hadn’t been too busy, allowing you time to finish a bit of your homework at your own little desk next to hers. A few people came and left, just needing a simple healing of their arm or leg. 
You had been lost in thought when he slammed the door open, practically huffing as he walked in. Putting your pencil down, your wide eyes looked up and met his own. It felt as though he was burning a hole straight through your skull with the way he stared you down.
You didn’t even have to ask to know who he was. In your first and second year, his face was plastered nearly everywhere throughout the media. Bakugou Katsuki. But you’d never talked to him. Well, until now.
Assuming he’d be like every other person who walked through that door, stating their business then quietly leaving, you broke the deafening silence.
“Uh, yes?” you let out, cringing internally at the way the words came out.
Bakugou looked around the room before back at you, “Where the hell is the old woman at?” he spat.
You were seemingly surprised at his not-so-subtle entrance and dirty language. 
“If you meant Recovery Lady by “old woman”, then she’s out of town for some errands. I can help you if–”
“And who the hell are you?” he snapped before you finished, impatience laced in the way he spoke and stood before you.
You could practically feel how your jaw dropped and eyebrows furrowed at his blunt question. If he didn’t hold back, then why should you?
“I’m Y/N L/N, I’m Recovery Lady’s helper. Now,” you put on the most calm and collected voice you could manage, “what the hell do you want?”
The day was going well, before now at least, and you were not going to let some egoistic, cocky guy ruin it for you. Tug of war is a game with two different sides, and you weren’t gonna let him win victoriously. 
Bakugou’s face scrunched up at the words you spat right back at him, opening his mouth to retort something– probably an insult– before letting it fall shut with a grunt. 
“What the– Just put a bandage on this shit,” he held his arm out for you to see a scrape wound running up the length of it.
You raised an eyebrow as you glanced between the injury and his eyes that looked down at you expectantly. And waited.
“The fuck you staring at?” he spoke– yelled, really– before stepping a bit closer.
A smirk tugged up at the corner of your lips before you sat back in your spinning chair, crossing a leg over the other. Like you were the one expecting something.
“Please.” you cut him off, lifting a hand to inspect your nails nonchalantly. Hm, maybe you should get them done.
“Like hell I’m saying that, do something about–”
“Please.”  you repeated, emphasizing the word in a louder tone. You looked at him from behind your lifted hand, the smirk that once teased at your mouth now sitting there fully– mocking him.
“Fine! Fuckin’ fine!”  Bakugou snarled, his pearly whites peeking from under his lips. “Will you please do something about this?”
Satisfied, you responded, “‘Kay,”
Perhaps you should’ve bit your tongue before you spoke to the oh so great Bakugou Katsuki. In your defense, you didn’t know he’d hold it against you. You were joking, obviously. It was obvious. Right?
And so, everytime he walked into the nurse’s office, he’d send you the same nasty glare, practically seething through his teeth as he made eye contact with you. You knew exactly why he did the gesture every time he came in, but how long did this guy hold grudges for? It wasn’t like you publicly humiliated him or anything. 
“Why are you always looking at me like that?” you asked him one day as the Recovery Lady escorted him to one of the vacant cots, leg stretched out as you leaned back in your chair. 
“Hah? Like what?” he grunted in your direction as he took a seat, an eyebrow raised in curiosity? Irritation? Probably both.
“Mm,” you looked up to the roof as if you were thinking, “Like you like me or something, I mean it’s really flattering but you don’t have to sta—”
“As if. I’d rather watch an elephant take a dump than stare at your face any day,” Bakugou inputted as he lifted his arm to allow Recovery Lady to heal the injury along his bicep.
“Oh really? I didn’t know you were into that kind of stuff, Bakugou,” 
You fidgeted with the pen in your hand as you watched his face scrunch up. 
“You know what—”
Just as he was about to rise and stand from his spot, Recovery Lady quickly and gently pushed him to sit back down. 
“Y/N,” she emphasized your name with a familiar tone, “I think we’re running low on bandages, could you go get some from the storage room?” 
Even though her words were anything but hostile, you and Bakugou could tell she was scolding you. You let out a sigh. 
“Yeah, I can,” 
Getting up from your seat, you set your things down before making your way to the door. Not before stealing one more glance at Bakugou. He was also staring back at you, but this time there was a bit of cockiness in his eyes. Getting the last word never hurt anybody.
You slid the door open, eyes still locked with his, “You know, you’d probably look cute as well if you didn’t look like you were constipated 24/7,” 
“The fuck—”
Quickly sticking your tongue out at him, you shut the door before he was able to finish his sentence.
The nurse’s office had been particularly quiet today. The slow day in the office gave you more free time to yourself, which allowed you to catch up on a couple past assignments. Only two or three people came in before the lunch bell rang. After packing your bag, you waved off Recovery Lady as you excused yourself to the cafeteria.
And when you returned, it was still quiet. You quickly noticed that it was also void of Recovery Lady, the short woman nowhere to be seen. As you slid the door shut behind you, you heard a hushed groan come from one of the beds. Your head snapped to the source of the noise, quietly stepping closer to the person. 
Almost naturally, you recognized the disheveled blonde hair. Bakugou. 
But this was different. New. He was quiet for once, and the eyes that almost always were glaring at you were closed shut. Your body relaxed at the unusual sight of him. And maybe if you were crazy, you would’ve thought he was cute. 
As you got closer, you noticed the slight crease in his eyebrows, as well as the bandage that was wrapped around his torso. 
Perhaps you got too caught up in the moment, though. Too caught up in the way his chest slowly rose with each breath, the way his skin seemed to glow under the sun’s filtered light. So caught up that you didn’t realize those familiar crimson eyes were staring back up at you.
“You a pervert now?” his voice cut through silence, causing you to tense and step back. “The hell are you looking at?”
For a moment, it felt like your voice was caught in your throat. You caught yourself trying to find something to look at. Something other than him.
“Looks like you’re in quite a predicament,” you commented with a breathy laugh, not really knowing what else to say. Stupid joke.
“No, really?” sarcasm was laced in his tone, but you could hear the struggle as he grunted quietly afterwards.
Maybe you’d spare him for the day.
“Recovery Lady hasn’t gotten to you, yet?” you asked as you slowly made your way to your desk, setting down your bag.
“Nah,” he let out a huff as he sat up, “Shit— she wasn’t here when I got here,”
Letting out a hum in response, “Do… Do you want me to help you then?” you asked, even though you already knew the likely answer.
“What the hell do you think—” 
“You know, on second thought I have some homework—”
He let out an exasperated sigh before surrendering once again, “Yes. Yes, please. Help me,”
Biting back a small smile, you turned back around to make your way back to the injured man. You pulled up a chair next to the bed, sliding in closer. After gesturing him to lay back down, your hands carefully peeled back the bandages that covered the wound. You’d never get used to the sight of blood. 
You could feel the way his body tensed every time your hand neared his injury, though you tried your best not to touch it at all. 
“Sorry if it hurts a little,” you said, lifting your hands over the gash, “Just do your best to relax,”
“Whatever,” Bakugou responded as he turned his head away from you. 
It happened in a flash. From his peripheral view, he saw your hands glow, and the next thing he knew: he was fine again. Not a scar, scratch, or wound in sight. Like it wasn’t even there. 
Though you enjoyed the perplexed look in his eyes, you could feel yourself becoming rather light-headed. You took a deep breath before standing up and going back to your desk to get your water bottle. 
As you took a sip of your water, you watched as he sat up in the cot, lifting up his shirt to examine the skin. 
“Never seen a quirk before?” you laughed at his amusement.
His face quickly snapped back to his normal grouchy look, “No, just didn’t know you had a quirk at all, you usually just bandage my injuries up. Plus healing quirks are rare,”
“Mm, I get that a lot,” you mused, twisting the cap back onto your water, “It’s just a normal healing quirk though. I’ve been working with Recovery Lady to train it’s capabilities,”
Bakugou grunted in response. Silence filled the room for a moment before he decided to speak up. 
“Gonna head back to class,” he stated curtly, swiftly putting his blazer back on before stepping towards the door, “Thanks, I guess,” 
With one last glance back at you, he was gone. Leaving you and the rapid thumping of your heart alone in the room once again. 
“Is anyone sitting here?” a gruff voice came from above.
With the rest of the noise in the cafeteria, you nearly didn’t hear him. Your eyes gazed up from your food toward him, eyebrow shooting up in question.
“Uhm,” you swallowed the food in your mouth before responding, “what does it look like to you?” 
You gestured to the empty seats around you before going back to poking at your lunch.
“Tch, just asking,” Bakugou murmured under his breath as he tugged a chair out from under the table and took a seat.
As you ate, you couldn’t help but sneak a couple of glances his way. Just why was he sitting with you? Was this his own silent way of tormenting you?
“So,” you started before clearing your throat, “what do you want?”
You could see him freeze mid-bite, eyes shooting up to you.
“To eat? What else?” he grunted nonchalantly.
Well no shit.
“Oh really? Didn’t know that,” you rolled your eyes, “why not eat with your friends?”
“Don’t wanna,”
Your lips pulled into a thin line before you gave up. You dismissed him as you continued to finish your lunch. After this you’d probably have enough time to take a nap in the nurse’s office. In an attempt to finish your food without starting some random argument with the blonde next to you, you kept the interactions to a minimum.
After you finished, you debated your options. Did you say goodbye or just… leave? Just leaving would be rude, wouldn’t it? Well who cares, you sure don’t–
“Hold on,” he called out, catching your attention.
You watched as he quickly finished the rest of his lunch, gathering his stuff before standing up. 
“Alright, let’s go,” he said as he walked past you towards the garbage can.
“Uh,” you followed shortly after him with your trash, “go where?”
Stacking his tray with the others, he sent you a glare with a rough, “Where else?” 
When you didn’t respond with a word but instead with a confused look, Bakugou sighed and continued. 
“The nurse’s office,” 
Your mouth dropped open in a silent “Ohh”. You tugged your bag over your shoulder as you walked up next to him.
 The walk through the halls was rather silent other than the couple of students that walked past the two of you. But not a word was said between the two of you. At least until he opened his mouth. 
“So, what are your plans after graduating?” he asked, hands in his pocket as he continued to walk by you. 
You let your eyes scan the exterior through the wide UA windows when you responded, “Hm, I think I’ll find a job in a hospital? I think I wanna work in some field with heroes, but I’m not quite sure yet… And you?”
“Obviously I’m gonna a hero,” Bakugou scoffed with a smirk, “Gonna be the best one, at that,” 
“I see,” you let a light laugh slip out at his confidence.
“What’s funny, huh?” he asked, voice suddenly scarily serious. 
Your eyes widened, “Nothing, nothing– It’s just we barely have normal conversations like this. I guess,” you quickly added.
Bakugou hummed in response, coming to a quick stop as the two of you reached the nurse’s office’s door. 
“Well,” you step closer to the door, “Thank you for walking me here, Bakugou,” you smiled.
He rolled his eyes, “Just call me Katsuki,” he turned the other way quickly before waving you off, “Later, nerd,” 
A laugh escaped you as you watched him walk away, waiting a couple of more moments before walking into the office.
Maybe if you stared for a little longer you would’ve seen the way his ears reddened at your smile.
“Oh! Good afternoon Bakugou and Kirishima!” the voice of the elderly woman snapped you awake, causing you to jump in your seat.
You could hear a snicker come from a certain person as you turned to see the two who entered the room.
Your eyes were met with a seemingly beaten up Kirishima and Bakugou, the two having scruffs, scratches and bruises on their skin.
“What were you guys doing this time?” Recovery Lady escorted the two to their own beds, tending to Bakugou’s injuries and gesturing to you to help Kirishima.
“Ah, just training, same as always,” the red head responded with a smile, “Oh, hey Y/N,”
You could feel the ends of your mouth tug upwards at his greeting, “Hey,”
“How’s everything been?” 
As you continued your chatter with Kirishima and helped him with his injuries, you didn’t seem to see or feel the daggers of stares that Bakugou sent in your direction.
On the other hand, Bakugou didn’t even know why he felt like this. 
What was he pissed about? It’s not like the two of you are friends. Did you consider him a friend? Yet why did it feel so utterly annoying to watch you interact with some other guy? 
That was beyond Bakugou. 
Maybe he already knew the answer. And maybe he didn’t want to come to terms with what that answer held.
Either way he couldn’t take another second of this.
“Bakugou? Where are you going—”
The sound of Recovery Lady’s frantic voice caught the attention of you and Kirishima. Your eyebrow raised in confusion as the blonde made his way to the door with the little lady following him.
“You’re not fully healed yet,” the old woman claimed.
“It’s fine,” 
“Let him,” Kirishima said after Bakugou slammed the door shut. “He’s been a little off lately,”
You wrapped a bandage around Kirishima’s elbow, “Off? How?”
Kirishima’s eyes looked up in thought, “He’s been kinda closed off lately; barely comes to our hangouts,”
“Ooh,” you sighed as you continued helping the guy in front of you.
There was a seedling of worry planted in your stomach, and you barely had any clue why. It’s not like you guys were close. He was just some guy who came to the nurse’s office like every other student. Maybe those late nights staying up were finally catching up to you. 
After cleaning up and sending Kirishima off, you were finally left alone. Recovery Lady had left a while ago to fetch some supplies from the storage room. And so that left you and your thoughts alone in the office.
A week had gone by.
A week had gone by, and there had been radio silence from Bakugou.
Either training had slowed down or he was completely avoiding you. And either way, it still made you a bit sad. Only a bit. 
Days in the nurse’s office were slow and lonely. You never made a real connection with anyone. People came and people left. They come to get healed and leave. No side talk, albeit a few exceptions. Bakugou being one of those.
 There were times where you thought you saw him entering the nurse’s office when you were leaving, but the glimpses were so small that you chalked it up to your imagination.
It felt like he was consuming your every thought, so you had no choice but to accept the fact that maybe you had a crush on Bakugou. Maybe.
But so what? That was normal, everyone had a crush on him at one point. Too bad you fell victim along with the rest of them, though.
Admitting to yourself that you liked Bakugou was hard, but having to actually deal with the feelings you had was harder. One, because you’ve never really had a serious crush. And two, he was nowhere to be seen. Having a crush on him made your heart beat so quick that you’d use your quirk on yourself to make sure you weren’t having heart problems.
Soon, one week turned into two.
And it seemed like the office was only getting busier as the third years prepared for their finals. Everyone was in and out as they practiced their hand to hand combat more vigorously and more often.
The first couple of days, it was easy. But towards the end of the week, you began to fatigue. Having to balance your own finals and running around the office having to use your quirk over and over was doing a number on you. 
The injuries were becoming worse, the amount was increasing. At times, you were dizzy with how many times you’d have to keep turning around from bed to bed to help someone new. 
Then there was a calm. You barely noticed a full week of finals had swung by, leaving the clinic empty and quiet. 
“Is it alright if I nap during the passing period?” you turn in your chair to Recovery Lady, who is stocking up the medicine cabinets.
“Of course, you should be fine, if anything I can handle anyone who comes in,” she tells you.
You sigh in relief as you walk to the nearest bed on weak legs, basically melting into it as soon as your body hits the cushion. You knock out on the spot, letting your well-deserved slumber overcome you.
 Your slumber is interrupted by a slight jolt to the bed frame you’re lying on. You groan as you flip onto your other side. The light escapes through your lashes, creating a blurred light illusion with a silhouette. Your eyes shot open, a silhouette? 
You become conscious of yourself as soon as you realize the one before you is none other than Bakugou Katsuki. There’s a stupid grin on his face which makes you want to slap it right off of him. You sneakily nudge at the drool on the side of your mouth and adjust your clothing and appearance.
“Finally awake, sleeping beauty?” he says from the seat beside you, and it feels like forever since you’ve last heard that voice of his.
“Yeah, because of someone,” you grumbled, eyebrows scrunching up. He laughs, laughs, as his eyes focus on you.
“It’s getting late,” is all he says.
You have half a mind to respond, until you remember that he’s been avoiding you. Your eyebrows tighten together impossibly closer, as you flip to face away from him.
“You’re a dick,” you say matter-of-factly. “You’ve been avoiding me, I’m not stupid,”
Your eyes are jittery as they look everywhere. Trying to focus on something in the room to distract yourself from all of the possibilities of what might come out of his mouth.
“Why do you care?”
His words cause you to sit up, facing him once more. “What do you even mean, why? I used to see you everyday, then suddenly you just walked out and I never saw you again,”
Bakugou’s eyes slightly roll at your words, and it kind of hurts.
“I just thought maybe we were…” your words trail off causing Bakugou to stare at you more intently.
“Were what?”
“I don’t know, friends, or some shit,” you bury your head in your hands out of embarrassment.
“Did I say we weren’t?”
“Well, you never said we were,”
“Didn’t think I had to,” he says, “Thought you were smarter than that, doc,”
You smile at the nickname. “You can leave now, I’m awake, I just have to close up the clinic. Why were you here in the first place?”
“Had to make sure you weren’t dead or something,”
Laughing, you get up to fix the bed sheets. The words that fly out of your mouth come out on their own. 
“What, do you like me or something?”
His careless response didn’t register in your mind at first, but when it did, you could feel the heat rush from the back of your neck up to the tips of your ears. 
“W-What? You can’t just say that… weirdo,” your eyes flick up at him then back down to the sheets, fluffing up the already neat pillows. 
Silence filters through the room, the only noise filling your ears being the noise of cotton and linen being moved around. Along with the sound of your heartbeat thumping in your ears. It felt so loud, that you swear he could probably hear it as well. You didn’t know what to do, was this real life?
Did those words really just come out of his mouth?
His head tilted and you could feel his gaze on you. It was nerve-wracking, and you were just hoping and praying he’d say something that’d clear your mind. A small, “just kidding,” would be nice right about now. The hurt you’d feel from that would be better than the anxiety you felt at this instant. 
“Say what?” he mocks, and it causes your eye to twitch.
You decide you’re not playing these games with Katsuki Bakugou today, “Oh nothing, must’ve been the wind,” you flutter your eyes before turning the other direction to fix up another bed that looks like it’d been used.
A hand on your wrist puts a stop to your motions, and it immediately makes your head turn back to meet his eyes. 
“B- Katsuki–”
You’d usually be able to come up with something snarky, but right now all your words were caught in your throat. You were actually scared to say the wrong thing for once.
“You were joking right?” you ask him, nervous for what his answer might be.
Bakugou is quick to retort, “Depends, were you?”
You gulp down your anxiety before giving him a response, “N-No,”
“Then? Use that smart little brain of yours, doc,”
“Say it,” you demand, “I’m not playing this little game with you, so say it,”
His ruby eyes roll before connecting gazes with yours once again, “I like you, or something,” he mimics your words from earlier.
You can feel yourself fluster. The dizziness in your head almost made you convince yourself that you were dreaming. If this was a dream, you wanted All Might himself to pop out and punch you across the face.
“Why don’t you say something now, hm?” his grip around your wrist loosens to a more gentle grasp.
His face closens to yours, the distance between the two of you is only breaths-length. 
“Since you’re so smart, you tell me,” you sass, “Take a guess, smartass,” 
A smile quirks at the corner of his mouth, “You’re such a dick,” he whispers under his breath before closing the distance completely, his lips locking with yours. 
Your eyes widen at the pure shock, but you ultimately melt into the kiss. It’s sweet and you can feel the two of you smiling into it. 
When the two of you part, you can feel slight embarrassment wash over you. “You’re an ass, you didn’t even let me confess, my high school sweetheart experience is ruined forever, 
Bakugou lets out a breathy laugh at your words, “Thought you wanted me to take a guess,” 
“And if you were wrong?” 
“Hah, as if,”
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© all writings belongs to suhkusa 2024. do not repost or change.
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helslastangel · 4 days
How you relieve stress according to Mars
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1H Mars - Exercise, dance, running, body building; any physical movement, joining challenges or competitions, sex
2H Mars - Putting in overtime, DIY projects, honing talents/skills, esp. creative ones (e.g. photography, music/singing, art)
3H Mars - Socializing with friends and family, short trips or visiting new places, esp. if good for conversation, texting and phone calls, joining meetups to make new friends
4H Mars - Volunteering, esp. at nursing homes or childcare centers, spending time with parents, siblings, children, etc.; taking care of your home and family
5H Mars - Going on trips, trying new hobbies (solo or with friends), playing video games, going to board game cafes, escape rooms, arcades, etc., sex (esp. casual)
6H Mars - Getting through your to-do list, cleaning, organizing, finishing projects that you've put off for a while, catching up on abandoned hobbies
7H Mars - Spending quality time with your partner; going on planned dates (if single); starting a business or project with a friend or loved one
8H Mars - Finding your why, devoting more time to dive deep into a topic or hobby you're passionate about, fully allowing yourself to follow your heart for a change
9H Mars - Travelling, esp. long-term or long-distance, exploring new concepts and philosophies, taking courses or becoming a career student; finding/becoming a muse
10H Mars - Setting goals, focusing on your next milestone, thinking about the bigger picture, planning for the future, sharing your ideas and vision with others
11H Mars - Joining causes and missions that you believe in, volunteering to help in your community, making friends, going to underground festivals, meetups, etc.
12H Mars - Meditation, prioritizing self-care, taking time to nurture your connection with your inner self and a higher power (if you believe in one)
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pwrn51 · 2 years
Talk to me about the Podcast Obstacle Course
Talk to me about the Podcast Obstacle Course
          Coach Lilian Cauldwell offers Coaching and The Podcast Obstacle Course for adults updating their podcasting skills and/or learning how to podcast. What differs in The Podcast Obstacle Course from other courses offered? Well, it is Interpersonal Skills. What are Interpersonal Skills? It is the ability to communicate, socialize, connect and cooperate with individuals. These “People…
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asidian · 4 months
I've seen a lot of really excellent analysis on Charles' reaction to Edwin's confession, but there's a huge aspect that I haven't seen talked about at all yet. And that is, namely:
Charles Rowland is a people-pleaser.
Doesn't seem like there's a connection there, does it? Have a seat, my friends. Let me break this down.
The show lays the groundwork for this aspect of Charles' personality early. It's one of the very first things we learn about him, in fact. He's kind and agreeable and helpful, and he's always, always smiling. When Crystal insults him, he laughs it off. When Crystal and Edwin fight, he scrambles to diffuse the situation. He calls himself "a good sort of a chap," and it's important to him that he is.
In episode 3, we find out why. At home, love was always conditional for him. He spent his entire life trying to please his father, and he confesses to Crystal that no matter how nice he was, or how good at sports, it was never enough. That's how Charles sees the world. If he can make people happy, he might actually be good enough for them to love him.
Not only didn't he earn his father's affection, he didn't even manage, in his own eyes, to clear the low bar of being good enough to earn the privilege of not being hurt. And his mother, he says, was "quiet." From the flashback we see, she never stepped in for him or defended him. However hard he was trying, it wasn't enough to get her to intervene on his behalf.
So who else does he have? His "friends"? The ones who literally murder him when he steps in to stop them from doing a terrible thing? The act he put on wasn't enough to win them over in the end, either. However friendly he was, however personable, they turned on him and left him for dead.
Then he meets Edwin.
And when he meets Edwin, he's at his absolute lowest. He's not smiling and putting on a show, for once. He's in a corner of an attic cowering while he slowly freezes to death. But here comes Edwin, offering him kindness, and company, and comfort.
All these things that Charles has spent his whole life chasing, trying to be good enough to earn? Edwin just gives them to him.
Of course he stays with this boy. Edwin is there when he's lost in the dark, shining a light to guide the way. Edwin has seen him unsmiling and afraid, not a shred of his usual act in place, and Edwin has offered him kindness anyway.
So they begin their time together. And what are the things Charles will pick up on almost immediately?
Edwin says right away that he's spent ages in hell. He's plainly had an awful time. He doesn't know how to handle people anymore, but Charles, he knows how to be amiable, how to smile, how to offer levity when things get grim.
So he does. He falls back into what he thinks Edwin needs, the way he always tried to be what his father wanted to see. In the very first episode, he tells Crystal, "I try to be extra happy for all of us, don't I? And I do a pretty good job."
He doesn't ever discuss his own trauma because these boys are terrible at communication, but more than that. He doesn't ever bring it up because he's busy being the support he thinks Edwin needs.
And importantly, Charles doesn't have the self-reflection skills to realize that's what he's doing. Crystal clocks him with shocking accuracy, three episodes in. "He's been hiding it from you," she tells Edwin. "Probably been hiding it from himself." She's spot-on here: when Charles doesn't want to examine his own emotions, or can't face them, he shoves them down under a smile and he carries on pretending.
But that's not the only thing Charles will have picked up on from Edwin.
It's blindingly obvious that Edwin is bad at people. He's terribly repressed. He's from a culture in which emotional honesty and physical affection were not valued or encouraged. But more than any of that, Edwin has his sexual awakening during the events of the show. Before then, he is absolutely clueless about his own wants.
So we have a situation where a consummate people-pleaser who has spent his entire life learning that he has to earn affection finds his way into a friendship with the first person who ever saw him with his mask down and gave him kindness anyway.
Of course he stays with this boy. Of course he wants to keep this.
And what's the best way Charles knows to win someone over? Well, by being what he thinks they want.
So, out come the smiles, for Edwin's sake as much as his own. But more importantly, out comes whatever Charles thinks he needs to perform, in order to keep what is the single most important relationship in his entire life and afterlife.
At this point, Edwin has shown zero romantic or sexual interest, not just in Charles, but in anyone at all. He doesn't especially seem inclined to dating, or to romance, or even to physical affection.
So Charles takes his cues from Edwin, and the cues are very firmly, for thirty years: this boy doesn't have a glimmer of interest in him, not that way.
Fast-forward to the events of the show. Fast-forward to a staircase in hell, where they are being chased by a literal demon. Suddenly his best mate, who he has spent thirty years with, who is his most important person in the world, is saying that he's in love with him.
Of course he needs a minute. Of course he has to sort that through. Any feelings he has for Edwin are things that he has spent literal decades firmly ignoring in the scramble to try and earn affection by being what he thinks Edwin needs him to be.
Because Charles is a people-pleaser at heart. And he may be dreadful at self-reflection, but he is aces at hiding things from himself.
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speakersyouneedllc · 1 month
Communication Strategies for Military and Civilian Teams: The Role of Training
When soldiers and non-soldiers collaborate in a military-environment, effective communication is not simply a plus; it’s necessary and must occur so that the mission could succeed or fail in a battlefield or other support roles. Definitely, this every time indicates that this area of communication can only be achieved through specialized training. The main focus of this blog is to demonstrate why military civilian personnel written communication training is important and how it helps enhance team effectiveness.
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Special Military-Civilian Team Communication Challenges
Military and civilian personnel usually emanate from diverse backgrounds, many of which have their own language, jargon, and even styles of communication. These differences can easily cause miscommunications that may range from mere delays to complete mission failures if not managed effectively. Military civilian communication training is purposed to span these gaps by making the personnel from both groups work in tandem.
The Role of Written Communication Training
Written communication should clearly be part of the military process, where orders, reports, and briefings are supposed to be clearly understood with precision. Military-civilian personnel written communication training focuses on developing skills whereby it helps the team members to:
Write Clearly and Concisely: The training puts forth the message that all languages should be crystal clear, not using jargon that others may not understand.
Structure Information Effectively: This is quite important for the proper flow of written text, especially in documents such as operation plans and briefings.
Tailor Messages for the Audience: Understanding such demographics or groups and corps such as military and civil personnel would assist in the improvement of written communication.
Enhanced interpersonal communication results from interpersonal training
Where writing plays a crucial role, equally in combined military-civilian staff interpersonal skills are vital. Such areas as active listening deal with military civilian personnel communications training to these needs.
Conflict Resolution: Lecturer: Hence, conflicts may at times arise from how we communicate. The training makes the personnel able to address them in a non-conflicting way and maintains the culture friendly.
Intercultural Communication: Every organisation that is involved in any form of international undertaking needs to be culturally sensitive. Training takes the staff through these differences, thus disarming cooperation, and teamwork.
The Contribution of Presentation Skills to Joint Operations
Another important skill for both military and civilian employees, as well as for officers and civilians, for people who are in leadership positions, for people who are producing products, and for people who are delivering products, is the ability to communicate succinctly, the ability to be both informative and convincing when briefing commanders, presenting information to stakeholders, or discussing strategies when being a part of a joint task force personnel. When training military civilians’ personnel presentation skills training, the following aspects are of focus.
Confidence Building: Speaking in public is a little scary, even more, if one has to speak in front of important audiences. The training will empower the personnel to have self-confidence when speaking and how to speak with fluency and conviction.
Mastering Visual Aids: Several presentations are made clear by the use of other appliances like the use of slides and charts. It through training that the use and creation of the such tools is facilitated.
Engaging the Audience: The audience can only grasp all the vital information that makes the headlines if they are compelled to pay attention. Focusing is a key area that training avails to the trainer with ways to capture the attention of the intended audience.
However, it is as we have discussed communication is the major success in the military and as well for civilian institutions. In the area of written and interpersonal communication and presentation, which is a critical process in the course of military and civilian undertaking, multiple difficulties that are realized due to the contrast in training history, as well as experience in other tasks, are likely to be mitigated. Personnel communication training with military-civilian personnel is the basis for a more actual and effective team that can solve any issue.
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web3ziro · 2 years
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From Web2 Mentality to Web3 Reality...!💡 Web3ziro brings one of a kind online course that makes you want to learn a rewarding skill that will help you earn money by becoming a Community Manager (the most demanded upcoming job🚀). And get benefits such as: ➡Working in a creative environment ➡Flexible Work ➡Become Independent ➡Socialize with new people ➡And Many More. So Why Wait? Register Now and be part of our community in telegram. Visit Now at http://web3ziro.com/.
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pubbamoon · 4 months
Venus in houses and how you might create your music
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Hi again! Do you remember when I said that my previous post could be the last one? This was just a joke. Hahaha! Never mind, welcome to my second astrology observation about Venus! This time I'm going to write about how can you create your own music through Venus in houses from you natal charts. This observation might be great for someone who wants to be musician. This was supposed to be posted yesterday, but I was working on something else and I was too tired later on. This observation can apply for both western and vedic astrology. Again, if you resonate with this observation, take it. If it doesn't, leave it, this might be for someone else then. But nonetheless, enjoy it!
Venus in the 1st house: I think that you guys with this placement can be inspired about your own life while creating music. Of course, it all depends on your Rising sign/Ascendant. The 1st house represents our personality, body, self and our life path, so you might make music that is related to your overall life or that is tied to your persona. You may create all of the music on your own, 'cause 1st house is associated with being independent too, but it doesn't have to be the case for all of you. It seems to me that you can basically live your music or you already live music in general. Your discography could be your autobiography, period.
Venus in the 2nd house: You may value music a lot and you may prefer to make music that is valuable, since the 2nd house does represent values. The 2nd house is also related to the business and money, so you might have this business mindset when it comes to creating music or you can make the type of music that gives you money. I think this is a great placement to monetize your artistic abilities in general. Since the 2nd house also represents the throat, which is related to singing voice, I feel that people with this placement prioritize their vocals over anything. It reminds me of singers who just come to the studio and record already made song/demo, written and produced by someone else and I don't think that's a bad thing at all.
Venus in the 3rd house: This house rules over the communication and self-expression, which means that you can express yourself through the music easily. Your mind is very creative with this placement. You may focus on writing skills while making your own music. Lyrics are first, and then there's ten blank spaces. You might write really beautiful songs about your life circumstances, but it depends in which sign your 3rd house is placed. The 3rd house is also associated with siblings and neighbors, which tells that you can create music with your brother or sister or just with people who are close to you. This placement can also indicate having multiple inspirations or ways to create music or write lyrics, because the 3rd house is being ruled by Gemini which is an air, mutable and dual sign like I just said in my previous post.
Venus in the 4th house: You can create music in your own house, since 4th house is related to home or a place which is familiar to us. When it comes to making you own music, you might work with your family member, especially with your mother who can help you and teach you how to make/write music. You may also have an innate talent from one of your parent or from both parents. Maybe you create music when you feel like it, because the 4th house represents emotions, so you don't force yourself doing anything related to music when you lack motivation or ideas. You may wait for idea to come to you first and then you start making stuff. This placement can indicate practicing traditional/old school ways of making music too.
Venus in the 5th house: My God, this is just a fun and creative placement! Seriously, you should practice any kind of art you want everyday if you have this placement in your natal chart. You might use music as a hobby or have a lot of ideas out of nowhere, because the 5th house is one of the most creative houses in astrology and is related to the entertainment. You can turn your hobbies into a career, especially if your Venus is your 10th house/MC ruler. But when it comes to creating your own music, your way of doing that could be a joyful experience and you can really have a lot of fun while making the music, 'cause you might see the music as a hobby. You can also make music with children, since the 5th house in associated with children if you like children as well.
Venus in the 6th house: This placement might not indicate a great talent of music or anything art related, 'cause the 6th house does represent our daily routines, 9-5 jobs and doing something that we don't like to do. But it doesn't mean there's no good side of this placement. You can be a type of musician who practice writing or production almost every day, which makes sense because this house basically represents something we do everyday. The good part is because you practice creating music/art everyday, you can become a better artist than someone who has a natural ability to create music. You may also make music about working class, 'cause that's what 6th house is all about. If you have this placement in your natal chart, I encourage you to do something creative everyday, 'cause there's a potential for you to become skilled in this field.
Venus in the 7th house: Venus is all about love, while the 7th house is about team work and partnerships, so they work well together. I feel that the best way to create you own music is working with others/collaborating and just being a team worker in general. I'm not saying that you can't do anything on your own, but if you struggle with making your music independently, then you should engage other people. Thank me later. You can make art with you partner or be inspired by your partners, because the 7th house represents our partners and how you interact with other people. It could also mean that your partner is artistic and pushes you to create music with him, her or them. Overall, I think working with others can fulfill you somehow.
Venus in the 8th house: You may create your music when you feel intense emotions, such as grieve, sorrow, sadness etc. The process of making music might be challenging for you and you'll likely have to deal with ups and downs while creating your music, because the 8th house is one of the hardest houses in astrology to deal with and is basically associated with challenges in our life. This placement can also tell me that you're someone who lock the room and make/record the music in silence or in places where there's no many people. The 8th house is a very mysterious house, so it makes sense.
Venus in the 9th house: This house is about religion, luck, happiness etc. You may be inspired by the experience with your religion or with your overall life. Making music could be an adventurous process where you can expand your horizons. The 9th house also represents foreign land and higher education, which may indicate you collaborating with people from abroad or being inspired by international music from foreign culture. It can indicate you studying some form of artistic major too and that's where the association of the 9th house with the higher education comes.
Venus in the 10th house: If you have this placement, I want to tell you that you may be blessed when it comes to your career path (it depends on your Venus sign and its aspects, of course). You can basically make the whole career based on music with this placement. Your co-workers might be artistic and they might push you to navigate your talents and gifts as much as they can. The creating process of yours could be very professional and you may take that seriously. I feel that you might make the certain type of music that the general public expects to hear, because the 10th house is associated with reputation and how people perceive you.
Venus in the 11th house: This is another placement that can indicate you making music with the bunch of other people, especially with your friends, 'cause this house is about friendships, connections and networking. If you want to be a musician while having this placement in your natal chart, please find someone who can work with and share your artistic vision, because I don't think you can do everything on your own. I'll also encourage you to post your songs on any internet platforms if you can, because the 11th house represents internet and social media too. It seems to me that you may follow the music trends or even start the new one while creating your music. The 11th house is also associated with your finances and how can you make money, so you can make money with you music as well. Lucky you!
Venus in the 12th house: You're likely someone who is naturally talented in music or in any kind of art, but you mostly hide this side of you or you just make music in private and do everything by yourself. It's so sad if you hide your talents and gifts from anyone else, because I feel that you're so creative musically and you could make a good piece of art if you acknowledged your talents. I can also sense that you might create your music when you're emotionally in tune with yourself or when you have an adequate vision about how should the particular song sound. Hope that makes sense, lol.
Well, that's it! I really hope that you all can resonate with this observation. This is basically the second part of my astrology observation about Venus and to be honest, I got a little bit tired of Venus planet. So, if this astrology observation flop, I will not be surprised, haha lol. Overall, I hope you enjoyed it.
Best regards,
Paky McGee
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tales-from-elysivm · 6 months
★。/ falling in love with you \。★
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ask: this was a request! but I can't find the ask on my old blog, but I do know that it was a quirkless!assistant!reader with midoriya, todoroki, bakugo, shinso, monoma, and kendo. I did cut off monoma and kendo since I feel like I don't know enough about their characters, if that's ok!
pairing: midoriya x gn! reader, todoroki x gn! reader, bakugo x gn! reader, shinso x gn! reader (separate)
fandom: boku no hero academia
word count: 3,722
tw: none, wholesome fluff with some swearing on bakugo's section
notes: this had taken a really long time on my original blog, so im happy to finally be able to share it, if you're from my OG blog, and you were waiting, im sorry it took so long! and since I can't get back into my old blog anymore (I lost the password), please resubmit your asks at anytime and ill try to get to them asap!
! be sure to like and reblog if you enjoyed !
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~the meeting~
You’re first introduced to Class 1A/1B as a stand-in for a sparring partner in hand-to-hand combat. It was better - in Aizawa’s opinion - for you to brush up on your skills while also putting his students in a more hands-on approach to learning. You stand before the class, ready. 
You challenge whoever is confident with their skills so far to come forward and fight you. Over your shoulder, Aizawa stands huddled in his sleeping bag. He isn’t too worried, he trusts your abilities to handle his class, and besides, you needed to grow to tolerate them quickly.
None of the students wanted to fight you at first.
There was at least one of their close friends that teased them because they had noticed you staring at them out of all the other blue-clad students. So, of course, to avoid further embarrassment, they step forward to be the first example.
The rules are simple. No quirks. Just simple hand-to-hand. The first to pin the opponent for at least half a minute is the winner of the exercise.
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I. midoriya 
~ after the meet ~
Izuku really didn’t want to fight you
He didn’t know your strengths, your weaknesses, your quirk, your skill set, how powerful it was versus what it looked like, etc. (cue the nerdy rambling). He had no notes on you!
Izuku had seen you in class every once in a while when he wasn’t busy. You sat by the teacher’s desk grading papers and sometimes assisting Aizawa by running errands or taking over while he took a nap on the floor. But based on your stature and appearance and the fact you were wearing a school uniform, you seemed to be a student as well.
That leads to plenty of interesting theories about you!
“I think they’re a villain!” Kaminari said light-heartedly. It sounded like a rather malicious thing to suggest, Izuku thought, despite his wider grin. “In like… a rehab program or something.”
“Why would they send a villain to a school for a rehab program though?” Iida pulls his drink from his mouth. “It’d be much more likely they be put on community service or in more safe environments.”
Izuku looks across at you.
You’re sitting away from the teachers at the moment, trading notes with a girl in class 2C, laughing as you both scribble away and discuss some class that he can’t quite hear. You wave her off before moving down the table to another group who are slurping ramen over a table full of messy textbooks and broken pens. Izuku knew these kids to cause enough trouble for everyone, but they push aside their bowls and utensils and kick off their bags so they can let you sit with them. 
Have you always looked so pretty from this far away?
~ falling in love with you ~
My boy falls hard and fast… save him…
Izuku always pays attention during a class, but he always tries to pay a little more attention when it’s you that’s teaching <3
After assisting Aizawa for a few weeks into the term, Momo asked who you were. In all the “excitement” of having to shephard a class of hormonal superheroes around, you had forgotten to introduce yourself!
He pulls out his hero notebook and begins taking detailed notes on you
[Y/N L/N], your power stats and small doodles of you in the bottom corner. Some more detailed, some awfully sketchy, but he never feels he got it quite right
Aizawa pats your head and dismisses you from your teaching duty for the day
For the rest of the class you resign yourself to your desk and join the students in learning the next emergency protocol
He thinks you might be looking away when he glances at you
Are you looking at him too?
You’ve ruined him, he’d swear on it. He can’t help it, just by looking at you. The swell of your hips when he can see you walking in front or behind him, the way your eyes light up if he even gains the confidence to talk about his hero notebooks with you, the little shocks he gets when your knees touch on the floor of his dorm room. Or maybe he finds you distracting in some way? Your voice drags him from each lecture, even if it’s not aimed at him. Your smile lures him in. He’s sure you have to have a quirk somehow, hidden there that you haven’t told him about yet.
Do you find him as distracting as he finds you?
Among his many nervous habits, a new one is born. What is it? Well, drawing you in his notebook. 
It’s during one of these very creepy-sounding moments that he remembers he never actually asked you what your quirk was. Nor had he seen it in action before
Other people had wondered about it before, but no one had an answer
So he asks you
You laugh.
It’s almost shocked, but partly sad. You tell him, quite simply, that you’re quirkless. And that Aizawa gave you the position in 1A because you were willing to become a teaching assistant on the side. Though you suspect it’s favouritism, he wants you to have a good education, UA is a nice place, he’ll be close by in case any shit goes down. 
If anything Izuku falls even more in love with you. Hearing you ramble with him about your favourite heroes, how you want to be your own hero even if you can’t do the same things as they can, and you’re still here talking to him.
You’re one of the first people he tells about All Might passing on his quirk to him. He’s worried you might be envious of it, or hate him for lying his way into UA, but you beam at him and assure him he’ll be the best Number One Hero you’ve ever seen.
Yeah, he’s definitely fallen a bit harder, if the sweaty palms and nervous heart skip is enough to go off of.
~ fighting for your attention ~
Now imagine this poor, sweet, innocent broccoli-head of a boy finally falling in love with you! He’s smitten with you
But now he’s watching you interact with his classmates interact with you a little more closely
He doesn’t mind of course, he knows everyone loves your personality and just the feeling you give off. It makes them feel warm and safe and you being quirkless limits any sense of a threat to those who are more sceptical
What he doesn’t like is that he knows some of them fancy you
Some of them love you
He begins studying harder, training harder, works out more so he can make sure he can hear your sweet praises and warming smiles
Any “good job!” and “i’m so proud!” you can offer him is cherished. He cherishes you
So he gathers his courage to try harder just for you, so you can think of him as your number one hero!
Now the only question is; do you cherish him?
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K. bakugo
~ after the meet ~
An unbridled opportunity to inflict pain on an (admittedly) attractive stranger?
Fuck yeah
Quirk or no quirk, he was going to absolutely destroy you. He was sure of it!
Shitty hair said you looked oddly familiar, but who cares?
Katsuki had seen you around in the dormitory building, of course, he never paid you much attention. You were wearing a uniform, so he guessed you were a student. He thought you were boring. 
Pretty, but boring. 
Not that he was looking, shut up–
Maybe if he kicks your ass a bit he’ll stop getting so distracted
Are you fucking kidding?
You kicked his ass! Barely breaking a sweat! 
One minute he’s preparing to just kick you in the gut and land a right hook to your face, but then he steps into the field where white lines have been drawn and you smile at him. You wish him good luck and bow before getting into a fighting stance. 
He draws a blank after that. Sure, he lands the first kick, but gets your thigh instead so you skid across the pitch. Then you effortlessly sidestep his next swing and he just wants to blast your face off in embarrassment.
Then, most painful of all, you punch him right in the gut and kick him until he’s down. 
He’s butt-hurt, as expected and refuses to even look at you.
Shitty hair slaps his shoulder and laughs as he joins the rest of the class. You brush dust off your uniform and prepare to fight Mina next. 
“That was something huh?” Kaminari jests, snickering. “I should’ve gotten that on camera.”
Katsuki decides just then that he’s going to make your life hell for what you’ve done.
~ falling in love with you ~
He’s not falling in love with you, shut up-
Ok so he’s a grouchy boy anyway right so of course he’s not going to admit it as quick as the others 
In fact he makes it a goal in life to annoy you enough until you hate his guts, then he might feel better about wanting to grind your face into the pavement 
He kicks your chair out when you go to sit so you slam into the floor, shut the door to the classroom in your face, shoves you in hallways at every chance he gets, and even becomes so petty he begins stealing your favourite snacks and drinks out of the fridge and cupboards 
Smug bastard even devours them in front of you just so you know that it was him 
He hates them but that doesn’t stop him! 
And - as much as he doesn’t want to admit it - he kinda hates the small flicker of disappointment that flutters behind your eyes before you offer to go on a snack-run for everyone on your way 
He makes it sound like your idea that he stalks alongside you to the grocery store.
“You’d probably get lost if someone wasn’t around to hold your hand,” he’d mock you. If you inquire if he’d hold your hand around the store, he’ll definitely leave you behind. Don’t tempt him. And if you laugh he’ll walk back to the dorms and leave your ass to wonder where he went, searching through aisles for him. He knows you would.
Begrudgingly, he knows somewhere in him won’t let him abandon you there. What part? No idea but he hates it. 
Which is why he is now escorting you on the seventh snack-run of the month. You push the trolley around because even with all your begging he won’t do it. Shopping list in hand you throw in bags of snacks and surprise treats for your classmates.   
You have everything stacked up now. Popcorn for movie nights, and each person’s specific sweets, but instead of heading towards the cashiers, you’re turning towards the scoop-and-weigh section. 
“Oi, dumbass!” Bakugo doesn’t follow after you at first, and he doesn’t care that people are turning to stare at him. “Cash register is that way!”
“I know that.” You smile and disappear behind the aisle. He really has no choice but to drag his feet to follow. When he comes around the side you’re scooping a bag full of honey-roasted almonds - ones he knows you hate but his mouth waters at. 
“What are you getting those for?” He curses how soft his voice is now, but he can’t help but wonder why you’re buying them now.
“They’re your favourite, right?” You respond.
“Yeah?” How did you even know that?
You must be reading his mind with some hidden quirk or something, because you quickly explain that you had questioned Kirishima about the hidden stash in the cupboards one time and he had told you almost immediately. So, why not grab some more when you noticed that his stash was getting low?
Without letting him answer you walk past him to the checkouts. He watches after you, mouth dry. He can’t even think of an insult for you right now.
~ fighting for your attention ~
He still won’t admit it to himself so don’t expect a massive, dramatic confession from him (…yet)
No, he’s willing to fight anyone and everyone who wants your affections from the sidelines 
Someone looks at you a little too long? (Punch them)
Someone touches your shoulder during a PE class? (Make their life hell)
Deku asks for your help on an essay and you respond with an all-sweet smile that just rubs him the wrong way? (Kill him - but not actually)
Jealousy is a dangerous game for Katsuki 
(He’s not jealous don’t even ask—)
He’s willing to completely flip the tables so that maybe you’d notice that something’s different: he doesn’t kick your chair out anymore, or eat your snacks, or try to fight you in the hallways 
Instead he does all of that for pretty much everyone else—with exceptions for Kirishima of course 
Anything so he can deny that he’s gone the slightest bit soft for you when you both sit in the common room and eat your respective snacks, talking about some annoying classmate that had pissed him off for the fourth time that day 
And god dammit, won’t you just notice that he appreciates you? 
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S. todoroki
~ after the meet ~
Now, my first question is, is it vague curiosity or a drive to urge his strength forward that makes Shoto fight you?
It’s the strength training, he reasons
He doesn’t need it of course, he’s capable enough, but that doesn’t stop him from arguing with himself that that could be the only reason
And no, it’s definitely not because he can see you giving him a curious look over the heads of his classmates, and certainly, not because Kaminari gives him a knowing grin because even he can see you staring at him
So he puts himself forward as a volunteer
For the training… sure
Even after you lose to Todoroki he’s courteous about it. You both bow out of respect and he rejoins the line. After that he doesn’t expect to see you very much after that, perhaps never again. He thinks, despite the theories, you might be a student-teacher from a different academy.
But no, the next week you show up to their regular classes. And not long after that, you’re both working on group and pair projects together.
Like today, it’s theory. Emergency Evacuation in a Disaster. You pick some form of ‘emergency’ and then plot out an essay with detailed instructions for evacuation for the project. Simple. You pick a disaster and begin the essay.
You ask him questions in between, just general small talk, asking how his day is and the like. But he appreciates it. He knows that you know who he is and yet you just ask him normal questions. (Let’s say this is before his arc to make friends.)
You praise him for his strength in your battle and it makes his heart pound. Is he sick? What does this mean? 
What do you mean when you say you like his company? How does he get you to stop? He doesn’t like not being in control of how his heart is beating.
~ falling in love with you ~
I don’t think that originally it would be obvious to you that he fancies you
He’d be courteous at first, hold the door for you, compliment things about you, pull out your chair or save you a seat at lunch, it’s simple little things
You don’t notice of course, you just think he’s being nice
But to literally everyone else, it’s so obvious to them that he’s already completely smitten with you. He barely talks to anyone else… and yeah he doesn’t talk much with you either but he tolerates your company more than others
And he’s a gentleman so why would he outright say anything?
(That’s the reason and not that he’s afraid to, yeah totally-)
So instead he sits and listens to your conversations 
It’s not your fault he’s having a bad day, but at the moment he’s giving the cold shoulder to everyone in 1-A. 
That doesn’t stop you from dragging your chair up to his small desk during your break and eating there with him. He doesn’t tell you to leave, because he doesn’t think he can. He just watches you pull out utensils and begin to eat. He hasn’t even bothered with his own food, he can feel a pit swallowing his stomach, like he couldn’t cram anything in there if he wanted to.
“Bad day?” you ask, like you couldn’t already tell. “Don’t wanna talk about it?”
He nods at you. He can’t lie. And he sure as hell can’t ignore you.
“I understand,” you give a thoughtful hum, eating a bite of your food. “My day was pretty crappy too. It gets like that sometimes, you just gotta keep going. You can’t stop living just because your head’s a bit heavy.”
He didn’t ask for your advice, and maybe before that would’ve bothered him that you didn’t stop talking, but now he can’t find it in him to be frustrated. His annoyance deflates at your presence. You radiate this homely comfort he hasn’t felt in a long time.
Shoto goes through the effort of pulling out his food, just so you might feel better about it.
He forces out the words;
“And your day? Tell me about it… please.”
~ fighting for your attention ~
Now shoto is less likely to actually try and confront others about their shared affections
In fact in normally takes him a good while to officially realise that he loves you
But pretty soon he just begins to seek you out more
As he grows more social, earns new friends and becomes accustomed to everyone, you work with him closely to help him learn social cues and overcome his trauma
He comes to like touching you, whether it be a hand on his head, touching knees in the dorms, a simple hug, or you leaning on him until you fall asleep on him during the winter. He feels comfortable with you
But with this realisation comes one more;
He wonders if he could handle going back to living without you
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H. shinso
~ after the meet ~
Now, shinso’s quirk is pretty hard to implement in a fight, which is why he mainly prefers hand-to-hand
Overall, he feels tired, if not a little bored, by the spar with you
He hadn’t noticed you at all before this lesson in 1C, but his teacher had said that you were helping by moving down from 1A
Why, he couldnt figure out
But nonetheless, he finds you watching him while waiting to spar you in your first physical education class together, so he volunteers
And he quickly gets disqualified– 
He swears he doesn’t mean to, but almost as soon as he begins the fight, you overwhelm him.
What you lack in a visible quirk, you make up for in speed, kicking and jabbing and ducking away before he can get a hit in. It’s when he finds you hovering over his shoulder, about to throw a punch to his face, that he panics and asks for your name.
A bit confused, slowing down a little bit, you give it to him, and almost as quickly, you’re under his control. The teacher immediately barks at him to release his control, and he obliges, but he’s still disqualified and you’re given an instant win. When you stumble, regaining your own self-control, you look up at him in bemusement. 
But you don’t look scared at all, instead you smile at him.
“Brainwashing? That’s a pretty cool quirk, huh?”
You confuse him, and he’s not sure if he likes it yet. 
~ falling in love with you ~
After you move down to 1C to work on your General Hero courses, you begin to grow closer with Shinso 
You don’t think that his quirk is any different to the others at UA, which he is somewhat confused by
‘Some of these guys can set people on fire! Brainwashing doesn’t sound too different to the others you see here’, was your only explanation whenever he asked about it
Overtime, you become one of his only friends in 1C, he tolerates you
He spends most of his time with you, studying, eating, talking, he helps you write papers on general hero practices, telling you about his history with children being scared of his ‘villain quirk’
All things considered, he trusts you, and i dont think he could say that for many other people at UA
You both sit cross-legged on the floor of his dorm room. He very rarely decorates it, but you begged him to let you set up the fairy lights and little cat decals that were meant for his wall. Begrudgingly, he agreed.
So that’s what you’ve been doing, arranging kitties on the wall over his desk. Cute little art pieces that resemble grey and calico cats. 
Meanwhile, he’s studying on his floor, laying back and occasionally sneaking glances at you to see if you’re tangled in the lights. Soon enough you have them strung up nicely in the corners of his dorm-room, sending soft gold light over his purple hair. He doesn’t move until you lay on the floor beside him, looking up at the ceiling.
“What do you think?” you ask, leaning up on your elbows to admire your handiwork.
He’s quiet for a moment, just looking at you, taking in the view of your side-profile. 
“They look nice.”
Shinso isn’t talking about the lights.
~ fighting for your attention ~
Listen, usually Shinso absolutely hates using his quirk for anything out of villain fights, because if he does he feels like he reinforces the idea that he might be a villain too
But, when it comes to you?
He’s relatively tame at first, he doesnt get too jealous or overprotective as someone else might (cough, bakugo, cough), but it doesnt mean that he doesnt need reassurance sometimes
If it gets to the point that another one of your suitors is making you uncomfortable, then by all means, hes asking them what theyre doing and forcing them to walk away
And afterwards, having that little moment of supposed villainy feels worth it
Just keep smiling at him
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im sorry this took so long!
I hope you guys enjoyed
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little-pondhead · 4 months
Day 20: Pitch Bible AU
I had a lot of fun with this :)
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[Quotes from the pitch bible and personal headcanons are below the cut.]
Link to pitch bible
"The kid with the nerdy, freaky parents. The kid who's afraid of his own shadow."
"Shy, quiet, stumbling and nervous - but always with a smile and a wink to his friends and the camera."
(Page 7)
Danny's death mark looks more like a burn scar rather than Lichtenberg figures. Everyone assumes he was in a fire whenever the trio talks about the Accident. The Fentons back this up since the true events cause an electrical fire in the lab.
He was only bullied about his scars once. Danny burst out crying on the spot, and no one has said anything since. He carries around a homemade balm to soothe the scars when he gets phantom pains.
His death mark extends into his hair and one of his eyes. He now has heterochromia as both Danny and Phantom, as the affected eye's iris was darkened, and a starburst pattern appeared. (inspired by this)
His overall eyesight was also affected, and he now wears reading glasses as a human. Danny frequently loses them, so his friends bought him a used eyeglass chain from a yard sale. The eyeglass chain is made of rainbow beads, and the spirit of the previous owner is attached to it.
Danny took up knitting soon after the Accident to help retrain his fine motor skills and concentration. He's quite good at it, and he made a sweater based on Van Gogh's Starry Night.
Frequently has ectoplasm stains on his clothes from either ghost fights or helping his parents in their lab. Most people think it's paint.
Phantom is invisible to most people (including himself when he looks in mortal mirrors.) He keeps it that way as much as possible, as his appearance is quite inhuman. Danny hates the uncanny valley feeling he causes wherever he goes. Even his friends had to work to get past the instinct to run when he showed himself. He has no pupils, but his death mark remains.
"Tucker uses the gadgets that Danny has gotten for him by raiding Mom and Dad's lab: The goggles that let him see ghosts, the backpack that lets him capture them, and the occasional random jet back that Dad was saving for a rainy day."
(Page 17)
Tallest of the trio, even with Sam's boots giving her an inch. Took track and field in middle school, so he's also the most physically fit, even if it's just by a little. Tucker is also the most reckless of the three and carries a first aid kit around for both him and Danny.
Bit of an adrenaline junkie, even if he won't admit it. Red Bull is his go-to over coffee and tea, which both Sam and Danny insist is bad for him. He's always hungry from sharing his meals with Danny, who cannot cook at home.
Tucker was forced to stop wearing his hats in middle school, but he hated his hair at the time, so he dyed it blonde and fried it straight to 'fit in better.' Sam and Danny have yelled at him for it, and he's slowly learning to appreciate his natural hair. (He still wants to keep dying it for a few more years, however. Red is the next color on his list!)
Takes dual courses at the Amity Park Community College in computer science. Became a top student quickly. He uses this knowledge to help Danny tinker with his parents' inventions and computers. (Which is difficult, given their backgrounds.)
Has a form of synesthesia called 'chromesthesia,' which means he sees colors and patterns when he hears sounds. His favorite color pattern is the sound of leaves rustling in autumn since it makes pretty yellow, orange, and red swirls. He turns the most memorable sounds into tie-dye t-shirts.
Tucker uses his 'liberated' Fenton tech all the time. Aside from ghost fights, he will 100% use the jetpack to get to school when he's late or use an extendable arm to hold a drink when he's busy. It drives Danny nuts because he has to recharge the backpack more, but when it comes down to it, he doesn't really mind. After all, Tucker is the one jailbreaking all their equipment.
"A Goth Janeane Garofalo-type that hides her good looks behind baggy clothes, she is an encyclopedia of conspiracy theories and paranormal activity…a cute girl who loves all things geek!"
(Page 17)
Sam is the most serious of the three and is suspicious of everything. Her parents raised her as a rich elite; nothing comes for free in that type of life. She practically lives in the secondary suite that belonged to her grandmother Ida, tending to the greenhouse and library there.
Her favorite color is purple, and she raises Purple Emperor butterflies in the greenhouse in an attempt to increase their population, despite her location. She raises other butterflies and insects as well, but the Purple Emperors are her pride and joy. She wears purple butterfly charms in honor of them.
She has a bigger library than the high school, with books on topics Danny and Tucker have never heard of. During a ghost-induced power outage, they went to Sam and her library to perform an "ancient form of Googling." She did not appreciate that joke.
Cuts and dyes her hair herself, and bothers the boys about proper self care. She even has a little notebook in her pocket that lists reminders, dates, and observations she wants to look back on later. (For example, it reminds her when Danny is supposed to take his medicine, since his memory sucks now.)
Sam researches the paranormal almost obsessively, especially since she gains that psychic link with Danny. She wants to understand it, how it works, and why it happened. (She isn’t aware the ‘get better’ kiss was the cause.)
The random feelings and visions have increased her anxiety tenfold. Tucker jokes that she’s Batman now, since Sam has used her money to create a hundred different backup plans for everything she could think of, including hidden emergency packs all over town.
Once curb-stomped a grown man, as a child, on the day of Grandma Ida’s funeral because he was bragging about influencing the final will in his favor. She brings this energy to any fight she’s capable of participating in, and ghosts have learned to give her a wide berth. Locals just think she’s nuts.
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