#Brilliantly Bee
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brilliantlybee · 2 years ago
Sweet Pea the Bee
Sweet Pea the Bee and her little story of kindness and courage.
In the warm embrace of a summer’s day, I, Sweet Pea, fluttered carelessly above the fragrant blooms, intoxicated by the symphony of colors and scents that surrounded me. As a bumblebee, my world revolved around the sweet nectar of wildflowers and the gentle caress of the breeze. One fateful afternoon, the sky was painted with hues of gold and pink when an unexpected gust of wind sent me tumbling…
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luv-again · 4 months ago
update : not only have i devised (again, completely invented from no evidence whatsoever) those two previous points, but also why eggman may be containing these chao. and perhaps the black arms purpose for being there as well !! it all comes back to the fucken chao. and guess what !!! it's ✨️ energy related ✨️ (ofc it is, it's me. any excuse to weave it in there)
i would be reposting my previous posts on this but i can't be arsed so-
i have completely made up a reason why amy, cream and cheese are at cryptic castle in the first place, and an explanation for the massive room full of chao. two birds with one stone bc those are gonna be correlated >:))
as for all my other questions regarding cryptic castle... those are still left unanswered by lore and whatever my brain does to do conjure creative visions
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whalemleck · 4 months ago
(Bodyguard!Bee ask)
Does Bee have to sneak out to see Clif or is he just allowed to see his bro whenever he wants to :3
Both options are correct!
Sentinel allowed him to rest from time to time, so all Bee does is walk and communicate with Cliff
I think Sentinel doesn’t care as long as Bee performs the main duties brilliantly, no matter what the bodyguard does in his free time
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lina-vas-dom · 8 months ago
Не стреляйте в пианиста — он играет, как умеет, а хромой учитель танцев вас научит танцевать… полюбите пианиста — он не знает Франца Листа, но зато танцует лихо — ему нечего терять.
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Полюбите леди в чёрном — у неё любовь по чётным, у неё ручные пчёлы в штате сонном Арканзас, она тоже любит танцы и, возможно, пианиста, что играет гениально и без нот собачий вальс.
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Не стреляйте, не стреляйте… пейте, пойте, обнимайте всех, кого недообняли, пригласите танцевать леди в чёрном и хромого безымянного танцора и, конечно, пианиста — ему нечего терять… /Стеклянный Дым
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Don't shoot the pianist - he plays as well as he can, and the lame dance teacher will teach you how to dance… love the pianist - he doesn't know Franz Liszt, but he dances dashingly - he has nothing to lose. Love the lady in black - she has a love of even-numbered hours, she has tame bees in the sleepy state of Arkansas, she also loves dancing and perhaps a pianist who plays a dog waltz brilliantly and without notes. Don't shoot, don't shoot… drink, sing, hug everyone you haven't hugged enough, invite the lady in black and the lame nameless dancer and of course the pianist to dance - he's got nothing to lose…. / Glass Smoke
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somedayillbepeterpan · 10 months ago
*since I learned how to make gifs, I will be making more*
I love this part in the beginning of S3E4 (Old Friends). Arguably, episode 4 has the most heightened emotion of Part 1 and it's brilliantly set up by this back-to-back scenes of Penelope and Colin being unsettled before the Eros and Psyche ball. I wanted to see how it would look like side-by-side because this is how we get to the carriage scene.
If Colin and Penelope wasn't so antsy the evening of this ball, they wouldn't have tried to find the other.
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Penelope is anxious about possibly getting a proposal from Debling. For me, she looked like she was trying to assess if this is what she deserved in life. Colin is hungover and lovesick (most likely wanting to go back to sleep for that is where he'll find Penelope). For me, he looked positively suicidal.
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If Penelope wasn't so antsy about getting a proposal and so affected by the Eros and Psyche dance, she would not have asked the "love" question to Debling.
If Colin wasn't so lovesick enough to lash out on his mother, we wouldn't have that beautiful but sneaky speech from Mama Bee.
Debling never really had a chance. I really don't think that Penelope would've said yes in the end.
(This is also a masterclass on micro expressions, if I could just point that out. You can feel the despair that they both feel without them being in the same room).
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colorsisgoodactually · 1 year ago
I gotta say one of the biggest casualties of AI art is one of my favorite things in this fandom, SnapCube's Sonic Destruciton.
For those unaware Sonic Destruction is an AI generated Sonic script that is maybe one of the most batshit insane things to ever exist. I love it. It's my comfort video. I've seen both episodes more times that I can count and will constantly quote along with them. My backup choice for the name of this blog was going to be a Destruction reference.
With the movement to AI art actually putting the livelihood of real artists in jeopardy it adds a horrible, ugly cloud over something that was once very easy to enjoy. And the worst part is that destruction actively proves WHY AI writing isn't the future.
Destruction is NONSENSE. Complete and utter NONSENSE. The only reasons it KIND OF makes sense is because Penny Parker works extremely hard to tie the script into some cohesive narrative. But the joy of Destruction is that there is a very specific KIND of nonsense that can ONLY come from AI. Things that NO HUMAN IN THIER RIGHT MIND would write.
Things like there being two Shadows for no reason, the endless repetition of "large", "Sonic I think you should sit there" Shadow points to the bathtub, Charlamaigne Bee, Shadow the Hedgehog for the PS2 being a documentary but also Shadow isn't Shadow it's Silver that's Shadow and ARE YOU CONFUSED YET?, Sonic is a human for no reason, Tails and Knuckles have gone feral for no reason, and whether or not this takes place on earth or if "Earth" is a simulation inside a PS2 game.
The point is that AI can't be trusted to write a cohesive narrative. It's not smart enough. So the fun comes from watching it make the wildest creative choices possible and watching Penny struggle in vain to make it make SOME kind of sense and watching the cast react.
It's a beautiful commentary on why AI can't replace writers and also brilliantly funny and like all great Sci-Fi cautionary tales, major corporations have looked at it and gone, "actually lemme get in on that action."
Not sure what point I was trying to make here, just that it sucks that the world is a little less bright now that people are actually trying to push AI beyond what it's capable of to the detriment of other humans.
The threat was never an AI turning evil, it was AI empowering already evil humans.
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lies-unfurl · 1 year ago
Hydra Trash Party rec list
It's @tenyearsoftrash's rec day, so I decided to go through my bookmarks and pull out a few of my favorites! Not in any particular order; please make sure to mind the tags for specific warnings.
Sam POV (series) by @appalachianfireflies: One of the first Sam/Steve/Bucky fics I ever read. Found footage and recovery-focused. There's a really lovely, slow building sort of atmosphere here.
Skin Trade by @defilerwyrm: The Winter Soldier learns to trade its body for things that it wants. Great use of the 5+1 format. The oatmeal scene still gets me.
Motions (series) by Nonymos: I don't typically go for modern AUs. But Nonymos manages to perfectly transpose all the key elements and characterizations of CA:TWS into a contemporary setting, blending explicit trash with one of the best recovery fics I've ever read. I cannot see pool balls without thinking of this story.
A Prelude in Ice by aleberg9: This is technically a WIP, but the chapters all work as oneshots. Really fascinating portrayal of Bucky and the Red Room, plus some fantastic young Natasha moments.
Multiple Subcutaneous Hemotomas (series) by @a-social-construct: Sam/Steve/Bucky, navigating relationships post-retraumatization. The end scene is one I still mull over.
pictures came with touch by Nonymos: I'll take "Fics that cater perfectly to my id" for 2000. Bucky being simultaneously touch-starved and touch-averse.
For Science by @clucku and @mumble--bee: Truly one of the Sam/Bucky HTP fics of all time. Forced to do it, forced to watch, forced to have things done to them. The sequel is also great.
And, last but not least, three fanworks which okay, were created specifically for me and which probably say way too much about my psyche, but which everyone else who's into this should still enjoy regardless:
Mindbeast by @defilerwyrm: Brilliantly original Bucky/Creature fic that's trashy, but also like... not as trashy as it could be. It passes the Harkness Test, I swear!
Please by @thefilthiestpiglet: Found footage AND recovery AND touch starvation AND developing relationships. I'm in this picture and I like it.
The Ties that Bind [ART] by @callmekayyyyy: Beautifully detailed post-HTP art that lets you imagine a story all on your own.
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oakswhoalista · 2 months ago
okay so i watched it again because i have been unable to think about anything else for the last 24 hours!!
there were so many beautiful and incredible moments throughout but i am mostly here to talk about lister and rimmer (also i know this aired in 2020, im aware that most things will have been said/pointed out, i am just a girl who loves her space boyfriends hanging out with their cat and their mech) also spoilers below in case you haven’t seen it either
firstly; the fact that rimmer has moved out of their room?! i have always (ever since i was a kid) been obsessed with the fact that lister and rimmer still share a room despite having the whole ship to themselves. they still bunk together bc they can and no one bats an eyelid. but obvs dave’s hoarding has become so much of an issue that not only has rimmer moved out, but can’t even step foot in there. lister, tidy that space up and get your husband back in there.
such a small moment but lister coming round the console to make sure he can catch rimmers light bee? stunning.
and then also to be the one to pick him up after his light bee crashes out? girl, you are so obvious.
when the boys are separated and rimmer is trying to catch up, he only says “lister where are you?” again this could mean nothing but i am reading into everything. particularly as we’ve seen in the past that rimmer goes with or to kryten with things.
another iconic moment was when rimmer went to offer to criticise lister, the SMIRK that is on craig charles’ face, you cannot tell me that wasn’t him trying not to laugh!!
i cried so much when i watched this the other day, watching the scene where rimmer powers down to low battery mode and the cat points out how weird it is. seeing rimmer come to the realisation that he isn’t deemed worthy or essential to the mission. to hear him be deemed less important than the heated seats or air con was awful and chris barrie played it so brilliantly, his minute expressions were everything. i loved lister defending rimmer and telling the cat to leave him alone, he could already tell this was going to send rimmer into a spiral. their relationship has developed so much over the series and it is wonderful to see. particularly when you think back to series 5 when they all pretended to love rimmer so they could escape his terror formed world.
right i could talk for the days about the moonlight scene and the set up scene. again i was already emotional from the above scene and i could not stop crying during this. rimmer basically insinuates he should k*ll himself to help the crew by removing his charge. important thing to note is that rimmer NEVER would have done that previously; he has always said he needs to be kept on, always disagreeing when they said to turn him off or reduce his power. he was always fearful they would never reboot him and yet in this episode, he was willing to shut down and help preserve the power to save the other 3!!!! lister looking horrified that he would even consider it?! lister telling him that people liked him and even ensuring that kryten said it. i cant man.
i think what i liked most about the moonlight scene is that lister is trying his upmost hardest to ensure that rimmer knows how important he is to the crew, to him. he knows he could say all the things that rimmer wants to hear but in this moment, it has to come from the heart. it has to mean something otherwise rimmer will die and that will be that. so he tells him. he tells him that he is important, that he exists without needing a reason too but also deep down, that lister needs him (also lister actually telling him that he needs him? someone sedate me)
okay lastly because this post has gotten away from me but when they are back on red dwarf, and kryten has powered down and rimmer is on his last bit of charge? THIS SCENE. when kryten has already gone and rimmer makes a comment, lister is the one to point out that rimmer doesn’t have long left. lister is the one to say, hold the hell on, we need to get you back too. and then, and then
“there’s a moon over here that could do with a little sunlight”
arnold j rimmer and david lister, you two have ruined me. that might possibly be one of the most romantic things i have ever heard. rimmer is the moon and lister is the sun?! god damn. and listers little smile when rimmer becomes diamond light again? my GOD. he was so cute and smiley and proud and him watching rimmer go and dispose of the bomb? i know the focus of this scene was the cats reaction to rimmers ‘death’ but lister looked like he had accepted this was the way it had to be and he would have to continue on. craig charles is just so good, like all of them tbf, with his subtle expressions.
so yeah, it’s safe to say this is one of my favourite episodes. i hope red dwarf does come back because i am not ready to say goodbye to these guys yet but if it doesn’t, then at least i have this episode to watch again and again.
if anyone would like to discuss any of these points with me, please please hmu. i love this show and lister/rimmer so much (again, i appreciate i am v behind)
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tricky-winds · 8 months ago
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Meet B.U.G. also known as 'Brilliantly Uncommon Grove'
They're an iterator oc for the hive slugcats (bee and wasp). I'm still working on their lore so there isn't much right now however, I can share this: "B.U.G. is a rather solitary Iterator, their communication systems had malfunctioned long ago and in a desperate attempt to have anyone around they made the hive. They modified the slugcats to function better within groups, giving better emotional intelligence and puzzle-solving skills to them while reducing their size so they would naturally grow to rely on each other. 
Even after they got their comms fixed, BUG didn't want to leave behind their creations as they themselves had grown attached, and so with the hive bustling around, BUG found peace where they stayed"
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cyberrose2001 · 2 years ago
Girl, I have a good one for you. If you recall the episode s2 ep21 in TFP when Prime got the Starsaber destroyed. He had a bit of an attitude at the end. Sure, everyone could understand why, but it makes you curious.
Place a f!human reader, supposely close to him. She cannot stand him acting this way and basically yells and bitches at him. In the end, he argues back which frighten her since she hasn't seen him mad. She runs only for him to come and apologize leading to confession and a nice NSFW!!
TFP Optimus x human!fem!reader
I'm so sorry that this took waaay longer than intended, my word doc glitched and didn't save half of it so I had to rewrite the rest from memory :(
Either way, Medli, your requests are always so delicious to write, and I hope you enjoy!
Warnings: Overstimulation, orgasm denial, oral sex.
Word count: 2531
You can't stand him being like this, cold and distant. Optimus had just returned from retrieving the first set of the precious Omega keys that supposedly would revive Cybertron, but only with great sacrifice.
It was bad enough that Optimus thought he had lost another team member at the hands of Megatron, our rookie who tends to bite off more than he can chew. He hid his emotions well, but at that point, you could tell in his optics that he was about to snap. A force that you were sure would send shockwaves throughout the team and across the cosmos.
You knew that impact was evident when you watched Optimus walk through the ground bridge with a shattered Star Saber. A powerful weapon forged by the Primes solely delivered for Optimus's use is now destroyed, broken beyond repair. You can feel his EM field in the air, instantly dampening the atmosphere in the room. It's heavy, laden with sorrow and, worst of all, silent.
He hadn't said a word to you. Not even a glance or a nod. Nothing, nada. He skipped past everyone's worried looks and made a bee-line to the base computer, where the next set of Iacon coordinates remained projected onto the screen, waiting for him to decode them. The emotions on Optimus's face were difficult to read, a mixture of despair, desolation and, most of all, focus, all colliding behind these brilliantly blue optics you've come to love and drown yourself in.
But those hardened eyes won't prevent you from giving him a stern talking-to. You've grown close with the stoic leader for the short time you've known him compared to his potential billion-year lifespan. You're not afraid to tell him to take a break or say things how it was, no matter his intellect. And right now, the Prime needs a break.
You slowly approach him from behind. Even when he is helm deep in the monitor's circuits, you are sure he can still hear you. After all, Archivists were the eyes and ears of his home planet. You give him a light tap on his pede to try and draw his attention to you.
"Hey." You call out to him. His frame is unmoving, delicate servos feverishly typing away. He hadn't seemed to notice you, or maybe he was ignoring you. You give him another firm tap of your foot, which turns into kicking.
"HEY!" You yell to him, "I know your ears work. Get your head out of the computer and stop ignoring me!"
That got his attention. His servos stopped in their tracks, but his back still faced you. He seems to be listening.
"You need to take a break. You're overworking yourself." You fold your arms, "Those coordinates can wait. You can't decode them properly while your processor fries from lack of recharge."
"I'm fine." He says bluntly, not even bothering to turn and look at you.
If there's one thing you hate more than being ignored, it's when Optimus lies through his teeth.
"Optimus, you're not fucking fine!" In frustration, you throw your hands in the air, "Don't lie to me because I know when you do. Ever since you got back, you've totally ignored everyone… your team… even me! You're being a total bitch to everyone that actually cares about you. That's not who you are. Now, it's best that you get your head out of your aft and that damn computer and get some fucking rest!"
Now that struck a chord. Optimus spins around fast, slamming a fist into the concrete floor next to you and sending debris into the air, some almost hitting your face. He crouches close to your frame, harsh ex-vents grace over your body, and whips your hair around. But you stand your ground, albeit slightly terrified at the change of Optimus's demeanour.
"I do not suppose you believe Megatron wouldn't stop at nothing to get his claws on the next Iacon relics?" He growls. He's so close to you that you can see every dent and imperfection on his faceplate, some from his most recent battle with the Decepticon tyrant, "I will NOT stop until I decode the remaining coordinates. I will not let you or anyone prevent me from doing so. So if you would be so kind…"
He looms closer to you. He's growling at you. You step back but almost trip on the rubble scattered behind you, "Leave me alone."
You're trembling because of two potential reasons. Optimus has never raised his voice or got angry at you, not even at the other bots. And the second is the ungodly amount of blood rushing to your loins. You're at his mercy under his gaze. While you are surprisingly horny, you're intimidated by the pinpoint optics burning holes in your body.
"Fine. You wanna be left alone? Then I'll leave you alone." Your own fists are clenching now. You can't look vulnerable before him, "Come find me when you're not busy making out with the computer screen."
And with your final blow, you turn on your heel and storm out of the base, ignoring the wide-eyed faces of the other bots, who had unfortunately witnessed the whole thing. You didn't care where you were running to; you just needed to get out of there and blow off some steam. Something that Optimus should be doing as well.
Optimus watched you run out of the base, his optics softening a fraction. While what he said about not resting until he decodes the rest of the coordinates was true, Optimus caught himself lying when he told you to leave. You were the only thing preventing him from breaking down and losing his shit. You are why he hasn't locked himself in a stasis pod and cranked the dial to ten billion years so that he doesn't have to endure a moment longer of this Primus-forsaken war.
But watching the human he loved run away from him, he realised his mistake. Optimus has just pushed away the only human tethering him to the edge of a self-hatred cliff, and he's just cut the cord.
He releases his death grip on the crumbled floor, letting the pebbles fall out of the servos. You probably hate him now. You probably don't even want to see him again, and he doesn't blame you. But the least he could do was apologise before you leave for good.
Your feet are starting to ache. You know you've been walking for a while when there's nothing but desert sand and the worn-down asphalt of the road to keep you company.
You hadn't meant what you said to Optimus to come out so harsh. Most of the time, when you would first tell him to recharge, he would be reluctant but would oblige. Tough love was your philosophy. But this time, your philosophy may have been a step too far today. You greatly underestimated how stressed the Prime was. That was a mistake on your part. That fact that he was grieving the potential loss of a teammate and the weapon that could win the war? It would've helped if you were more understanding and compassionate.
You should turn back; the sun was beginning to set. It looks beautiful, and you wish Optimus was here because you know he would enjoy this as much as you do.
Speak of the devil. A low rumbling noise grows louder from some distance behind you; you know it's Optimus. Most likely coming to banish you from the base for how you spoke to him.
He rolls behind you and flashes his high beam, and you stop. You can feel and hear him transform behind you, but you don't turn to look at him because you feel ashamed.
"Optimus, I'm sorry for how I spoke to you." You take a deep breath and cradle your arms to your stomach, "I… I didn't realise how troubled you are about…"
A cold servo wraps around your shoulder, sending goosebumps across your body. Optimus carefully spins you around to face him, and he oozes your exact amount of regret. His optics cast a brilliant glow across your form, and the remaining flickers of the sunset reflect off his metal, casting him in an orange hue.
"Y/n, I should be the one who apologises." His downturned dermas hurt your heart, "There was no justification for my actions. I should not have lashed out at you the way I did."
"But there was justification for it, and I was careless about your feelings." You say, bringing a hand to the servo resting on your shoulder, "I shouldn't have said those things, I realise now."
A small smile creeps into the corner of Optimus's dermas, "Perhaps not, and while I am very saddened by today's events, I do not think you realise how much your words encourage me."
"But…" You're cut off by a smooth thumb brushing over your cheek.
"I should have told you this a long time ago, but… Primus, you are the only thing in this universe holding me together." He takes a sharp intake, "I love you more than anything."
Your breath catches in your throat. Optimus, the greatest warrior to ever grace this Earth, just confessed to you. In the middle of the desert, when the temperature is dropping but you don't even feel it because the warm glow of his optics and his confession sparks a fire in your chest.
"Optimus… I do… I love you… I." You struggle to find the words—instead, you involuntary shiver.
Of course, Optimus notices and give you a slight chuckle, "It is getting cold. May you accompany me back to base?"
You nod, and instantly, he transforms into his alt mode, leaving the passenger door open for you and you make haste and climb in, and he buckles the seat belt for you. Staring out the window to witness the last of the sunset, resting your head against the window as Optimus turns his heater on for you. You sigh in contentment as he pulls onto the road and journeys home.
"OptiMUUS… hngh… please." You whine from the bed and tug at the restraints on your wrists, soft, breathless begging as Optimus's grip on your thighs tightens and relaxes with every swipe of his glossa.
You could say that this was a form of payback, a playful punishment from when you yelled at him earlier. Even though he had forgiven you for saying those harsh words, he told you on the way home that he still needed to "put you in your place". At the time, you had no idea what that entailed, but little did you know the method Optimus liked to 'punish' you was to edge you on the cusp of euphoria multiple times only to deny you of any orgasm.
It was torture, but you kind of deserved it.
"P-Please, fuck…" You beg, writhing your hips as Optimus drags his glossa around your folds, then circles your clit, "I can't- no more… FUCK."
It was an endless back-and-forth pattern. Optimus would lick your folds and collect your fluids on his glossa before dragging it back to your clit, circling it and increasing the pressure momentarily. And just when you were so close to cumming he would stop teasing the bundle of nerves and go back to licking strips up your pussy. You tried rocking your hips desperately to chase the high, but it was in vain as he would instantly pull away and watch as your hips writhe around to find friction.
"I do believe you are close. Am I correct to assume so?" Optimus grins, pressing light kisses to the inside of your thigh and, in turn, smearing your fluids over your soft sweaty skin.
"You asshole," You groan as he presses a firm kiss to your clit, "You know I am-aahHHH!"
Your whine cuts you off as Optimus wraps his dermas around your clit and gives you a harsh suck, and rolls it around his denta.
"I do not like your choice of words, Y/n." He growls against your clit, sending vibrations throughout your body, "I am not the 'asshole' you speak of."
The sucking at your clit sends electrical shocks through your thighs, making them shake and clench around his helm. Your hands find purchase on the berth under you, and you grip the sheet so hard you can feel it rip. You can feel him smiling against your mound as you thrust your hips into his intake, finally feeling your orgasm wash over you. It was sweet relief from a long two hours of edging, and you weren't sure how much longer you could've handled his glossa torturing you.
Optimus lifts his helm from your pussy, and you're trying so hard not to whine as you watch him lick up a string of arousal still attached to his dermas.
"F-Fuck…" You whimper, hips stuttering. The torment is finally over, you think. But you were severely wrong when you felt a cold digit rub at your folds, and he pushed it inside. You cry in overstimulation as he curls the digit, pressing against your G-Spot in a mind-numbing, relentless thrust. Similar to Megatrons antics in retrieving those Iacon relics, this bastard is stopping at nothing until he retrieves every last orgasm from your trembling body.
Optimus chuckles as you throw your head back and try to maneuver your hips away from his servos. He's enjoying watching you become an overstimulated mess, he's getting a high out of it, and it's taking all your strength not to slap him in the helm. You love him, but this is getting too much for you.
"You seem to be enjoying your punishment, hm?" Optimus smirks and strums his thumb to your already hyper-sensitive clit, "It certainly looks that way. I wonder if I can make you overload again."
You let out a string of swears as he thrusts his digit with haste, his thumb circling your clit and increasing the pressure. The wet sounds between your thighs are lewd and only add to your pleasure. The room becomes hazy and distant as you clench around his digit, and a second orgasm slams your body within the span of two minutes. Optimus lets out a guttural groan as he feels your walls clench around his digit; Primus knows what it would feel like with his throbbing spike inside you.
Optimus watches as you pant, sweat covering your entire skin. He gives a breathless laugh and leans down to kiss your soft lips, his glossa transferring some of your fluids onto your tongue. During the kiss, he groans as he slowly drags his digit out of your dripping pussy and relishes the little whine you give him.
"You're mean." You groan out against his intake. Your body is exhausted from his torment, and you're sure he can feel your muscles quivering against his plating. He innocently chuckles as if he hadn't just made a mess of you.
"I can assure you this was a one-off. No more torment, love." Optimus kisses your forehead, servos tracing circles on your thighs, "But on this occasion, you needed to know the consequences of your actions in future."
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brilliantlybee · 2 years ago
Bee Congruent
To "bee" brilliantly authentic is to stay true to yourself and your values, even when it's challenging. It's a path to stronger, more fulfilling relationships and a healthier, happier you.
Inconsistencies between words and actions, often referred to as incongruence, can be a significant source of problems in relationships. When individuals say one thing but do another, it creates confusion, erodes trust, and can lead to a host of issues. On the contrary, being authentic, even when it’s uncomfortable, is crucial for both personal well-being and maintaining healthy…
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instruth · 3 months ago
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The wings of dawn deliver
the birth of a brand new morn
with lyres and the ten-string harps
amidst the sound of trumpets blast
pure as the first fall of snow
soft as wool, sweeter than honey
fragrant as the seeds of lavender
fresh as droplets of morning dew
On the wings of dawn
A parting kiss of Night and Day
breaks the spell of lonely hearts
triggering a passionate floral smile
displaying colors of the rainbow
inviting all lovers to put on wings
brilliantly flapping in the morning sun
in tales of the bees and the butterflies
ceremoniously, as the robins sing
Flocks of exotic birds rise in succession
the storks, the flamingoes and pelicans
song birds, courting birds, and love birds
they take the wings of dawn in flight
pick the spoils of wondrous captivity
and piece them all into oneness true
everything, from the water, the ground
and the air, is recreating the new life
the morning glory
brings reunion of lovers
by a parting kiss
©Johnny J P Lee
(Novelist, Author & Poet)
10 December 2024
HAIBUN: (Gogyoshiren 25+ Haiku 5-7-5)
Photos Credit, J. P. Lee
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sapphirothcrescent · 1 month ago
6 Sentences on a Sunday
Tagged by @bardic-tales. More butterfly cuteness.
Others followed suit. The syrup on hands trick, though a sensory nightmare for Sephiroth, worked brilliantly. Wings of orange, yellow, blue, and brown fluttered as the creatures ate their fill. The sugar did not just attract butterflies however.
"So long as you don't upset them, I'm sure the bees won't sting," Sapphire said nervously as one buzzed around her.
Soot gently poked one that landed on her shoulder. "So tiny and fuzzy!"
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theelvenhaven · 2 years ago
Anniversary Proposals
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Glorfindel x Reader
2k Words
Request:  Greeting, I adore your blog and been here since the start, I want to attempt a request for the first time. Reader (fem  preferably or neutral) proposes to Glorfindel in marriage (in Gondolin), they were friends and pinning for eachother since so long but she is human with a limited life span, being anxious, she makes her mind up and does something unusual instead of waiting for him to make the move. Whether you do it or not, know that you're my fav Tolkien blog over here, thank you so much.
A/N: Hey anon! Wow how lucky am I that you have been here so long! I am so happy to still have you here with me on the blog! :) I stuck with neutral reader and I hope that is okay. But thank you so much for your continued support of my blog! It means so much to me! I hope you enjoy! <3
* * * 
Today you were going to do it, finally having worked up the nerve and courage to do so. It was a beautiful and perfect day to do it finally. With the sky cloudless and Anor was shining brilliantly down into Gondolin. Making the white spires and walls sparkle and glitter under it’s light, the song birds sang and flitted overhead.
Spring was in full swing, with beautiful flowers in bloom. With trees of gray with leaves of green and silver glittering and swaying overhead. Thesound of fountains trickling met your ears, mingling with those birds and pollinators like bees and butterflies danced among Manwe’s wind. Yes today was absolutely perfect to propose.
To which you could thank Ecthelion for, for bolstering your confidence. Having grown far too impatient to wait any longer. It was either now- or at the pace Glorfindel was going- it would never happen. You would be a ripe one hundred-year-old on your deathbed before the words ever left his mouth and a ring was ever slipped onto your finger.
You loved him immensely and you understood the ravages of time didn’t work the same way for the elf that you grew to love so much. It was slow and long lasting, countless thousands of years he had to live before his fea consumed his body- as he explained to you- but you on the other hand. Your fea wouldn’t consume your body. You wouldn’t live for thousands of years let alone hundreds. 
You were mortal, you would age, grow weak and grow feeble. You would slip away from the world like so many of your ancestors had before you. It was inevitable, and you had come to terms with it, but what you weren’t coming to terms with was how long it was taking Glorfindel to propose. 
The first year you understood, it had only been a year into that relationship. It was so fresh and new; you would not have accepted if he had proposed then. The second year you were becoming more comfortable by the idea of getting married, but by the fourth year you were certainly ready for it. 
Yet Glorfindel never asked.  
Here you were on your sixth year of courting and still Glorfindel hadn’t asked for your hand in marriage. He hadn’t done anything that hinted to you that he was going to propose to you. Nothing to the effect that he wanted to spend the rest of your life together, and now you were downright impatient.  
Holding the little velvet box that held his ring if he couldn’t do it right. You weren’t afraid of the challenge, reminded daily that this forever wouldn’t be forever for you. 
There was no one else you wanted to spend the rest of your life with. What wasn’t to love about Glorfindel? He was kind, and cheerful, loving and funny. Yet just a tad forgetful about the fact that you were a mortal on occasion. This was certainly one of those occasions. 
Though he certainly didn’t forget anniversaries. 
Today marked your sixth anniversary, your seventh year being in Gondolin. Which had been a dream to be here, let alone meeting and being with your now partner. Save it felt like time was passing too quickly and your partner had yet to ask the question.
You hoped that when Glorfindel arrived that he didn’t have an inkling as to what it was you were planning, seeing as you had vented your frustrations to Ecthelion. Who, by all means, encouraged that you propose to him when the idea had left your lips, you made him promise to secrecy. Though there had been plenty of times in the past that Ecthelion had to breach those secrets, granted for good reasons of course.
Quietly you tucked the ring box back into your robe pockets as you heard hurried and quick footsteps begin to approach you on the veranda you stood on. Turning to find that it was Glorfindel who was approaching, with a bright and happy smile and a bouquet of flowers in his hand.
You couldn’t help but smile as you saw him, his smile was infectious as always. Warm and captivating, you took in the sight of your handsome partner. The way his long blond hair was left long with a circlet of silver sitting atop his head. Dressed in warm earthtones of browns and greens, that were embroidered with little celandines and ivy leaves.
As always your partner quite the vision and the sight for sore eyes, and you felt your nerves only begin to grow as you realized this was the ellon that you were going to propose too. For the love of Eru you prayed for courage to be able to do so.
“Y/N, meleth nin, it is good to see you. I apologize for running so behind.” Glorfindel began keeping his cheery grin as he climbed up the steps of the veranda outstretching his arms, inviting you to step in. You didn’t hesitate to hug him at the motion of the gesture, coming to rest your head against his chest and listening to the thrumming of his heart.
“It is alright, the important this is that you are here now.” You smiled and said with warmth as you lay contently there for a moment, before finally you pulled away. Wondering if now was the right time to propose to him, yet something in your gut told you to wait before you pulled out the ring box not ready to do so just yet.
“These are for you, meleth.” Glorfindel said in a soft voice, holding out the bouquet of roses towards you, you couldn’t help but grin wider as you accepted them. Taking them from his hands and bringing yourself to bury your nose in them to smell them.
There was nothing sweeter than Eldar grown roses, and the ones that the other Edain had tried to tame and grow themselves just simply couldn’t compare. Not to mention the shade of red that these were, there breathtakingly beautiful. You hummed inhaling their sweet scent,
“Glorfindel these are beautiful.” You mused to him thoughtfully before you moved cradle them gently and look up at him, seeing that his grin was certainly still there. Gently he leaned forward to capture your lips with his. Pressing a soft kiss to you,
“Not nearly as beautiful as you are… They pale in comparison.” He hummed out softly to you and you began to blush softly at his smooth and enticing words. Keeping your happy smile, before you reached for one of his hands with your free one, to pull him along further to sit down on one of the benches near the railing.
Glorfindel was happy to tag along behind you, before sitting down with you while you set the flowers aside. Glorfindel was the first to speak,
“How would you like for us to spend our day together, Y/N?” He asked with a big smile, and you couldn’t help but wear some surprise on your face. Usually for your anniversaries the two of you dedicated a lunch and your evenings together. Not really the whole day today.
“You have today off?” You asked him still with your surprise, but quickly a smile overtook you as excitement ran through you. Glorfindel mirrored your expression as he began to nod, jostling his blond hair. The rays of Anor shining down on him, making him even more ethereal and beautiful than he already was.
Yes today would be the perfect day to propose to him, damn any societal norms that said he must do it first due to his status as Lord. You were happy to do it first and knew it would all be worth it and you couldn’t wait to see the smile on his face when you did it.
“Yes I do, it is a big anniversary even if it isn’t our twelfth yet.” Glorfindel said, and ah yes you remembered how the elves had their affinity for six. A calendar that you were still adjusting too. Six days of the Week, Six Seasons, and so on. So you supposed this was a significant anniversary,
“Well then I want to give you your surprise.” You said with a big grin, and you watched the way his eyes began to sparkle with wonder and curiosity. Wondering what exactly the surprise could possibly be.
“A surprise? For me?” He said warmly and you could hear the eagerness in his voice as he spoke. Glorfindel wasn’t one for gifts, and you knew it. But every now and again when you did something on an important occasion he was always accepting of your gifts and excited to receive them.
“Mhmm I do!” You smiled to him with a big grin, before you stood up from your seat, now was the perfect time to propose to him. You had all day to do it, but you were simply full of jittering excitement and couldn’t wait to do it. That was the premise of why you wanted to propose to begin with, was because Glorfindel was taking too long.
“Now close your eyes.” You watched as he gave you a soft smile, clearly with a little hesitation in the air, as he wasn’t usually one for long drawn out surprises. Nonetheless he did exactly as he was instructed, closing his eyes, you quietly took the ring box out of your pocket. Moving to stand in front of him before kneeling down.
Opening the ring box the two of you waited in silence for a moment as you felt your heart pounding in your chest with excitement. With nervousness and even a tinge of worry finding him as you feared that he may reject you. But you hoped that wasn’t the case, you had faith that it wouldn’t be the case.
“You can open now.” You said with a bit of a shaky breath, and watched as he fluttered his eyes open to look at you and then immediately at the ring that was in the box. A look of surprise found his face and that surprise was indiscernible, you couldn’t tell if he was excited or not. If anything you were quickly growing concerned that he was going to reject you.
“Glorfindel, will you marry me?” You asked with confidence, or tried to with confidence that was dwindling down at the fact that he wasn’t answering you and the expression hadn’t left his face. Suddenly Glorfindel stood from his place on the bench, reaching out for your hands, and gently helping you to your feet.
You felt your heart sink at the fact that he hadn’t said anything- and you were utterly worried that he was about to reject you in full. As gently as he could, you knew the rejection would hurt regardless of how sweet and gentle he was. You were fully prepared for it, and you swallowed the lump in your throat.
Debating if you even wanted to hear him reject you or if you should just leave.
Before you could make a decision did his hands come to cup your face, his thumbs stroking your cheek before he dipped his head in to kiss you.
Glorfindel’s lips melded passionately with yours, stealing the air from your lungs as he did not hold back. His hands still holding your face so tenderly, lingering for the longest moment as he kissed you. You were reeling from the intensity of his kiss, hardly knowing how to react other than to kiss him back, and try and keep up with his pace.
Finally Glorfindel pulled away resting his forehead against yours, grinning widely as he continued to cradle your face.
“Of course, I will.” He breathed out joyfully, and you found yourself grinning alongside him. Your heart soaring in your chest grateful and happy that his answer was a resounding yes! That he would marry you! Praise Eru!
“There is no one I’d rather be with than you, Y/N.” Glorfindel continued, gushing with excitement, and you felt like you could breathe again. Relieved, happy, excited.
“I love you Glorfindel.” You said to him in a soft breath, and you felt his lips press back to yours again, but only for a moment.
“And I love you too.” He answered you warmly, finally all the right things had fallen into place and you couldn’t be anymore grateful with how they were turning out to be. You couldn’t wait to spend the rest of your life with him.
* * *
Tags: @saviorsong​@lilmelily​ @dicksoutformtl​ @fandomhoe101​ @celebrimbor-telperinquar​ @red-riding​ @miriel-estelwen​ @ta-ka-shi-ma​ @nerdysimpy​ @thegirlwithoutaname87​ @anunexpectedsideblog​ @spidergirla5​ @eunoiaastralwings​ @eternalabysss​ @noldorinpainter​
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kimmiessimmies · 1 year ago
It'll be a while until my next story update is finished as the chapter that's due next is one I'm struggling with a little bit, so I thought I'd do a rambling post on what my plans for the coming time are.
Under the cut, for it is longgggg rambling.
As we speak, I'm writing several things at once. One of the things I'm writing is the next chapter of the story, entitled 'Bestseller'. It's not coming along brilliantly, which is mostly due to the fact that I'm feeling quite out of touch with the characters who feature heavily in this chapter. They have been slightly off the radar for a while since my student bunch, particularly Sadie and everyone around her, required so much attention. I guess I'm also a bit reluctant to post this chapter for that same reason. Many of you have gotten to know ATOH mostly for all the Sadie-drama, but there's more to it, and eventually, it all connects. So I need to write this chapter, even though the characters will probably be unknown to many (new) followers, and it may seem like a different story altogether unless you've been with me for longer.
Aside from struggling to write Bestseller, I'm also already working on the chapter after that, working title 'Starting Over', but with the way it's going, I'm probably changing that title; it doesn't fit right. Edited to add, this chapter is pretty much finished now and titled 'Now or Never.' This one is flowing from my keyboard more easily, which is mostly because it takes us back to Sadie (and James! ;) ).
Lastly, I'm writing two shorter chapters/updates. These weren't originally on the timeline, but I'm fitting them in. One might even be the first one I post next. It will show twins Viola and Rosa, nieces to James and Sarah, have their first birthday and age up to toddlers. This will show James with his family, which is interesting for reasons I won't yet go into too deeply, and it will give me a chance to stage a conversation between James and Seth they really need to have, but I couldn't build in elsewhere. The other is something I really don't know where to fit in, but it shows a conversation between Jill and Daniel, which I also really want to show.
2. Character posts
I feel like I need to do some character posts before posting Bestseller. Because of what I wrote above; the characters might be too unknown. I don't know how to approach this yet, but I feel like I should. Ideas are welcome.
3. Rachel's Dating Adventure
Thank you so much to everyone who's created someone for my dear Rach. <3 It might be a while until I can continue this because I'm still contemplating whether this takes place before the aforementioned chapters, after, or somewhere in between. But it will happen, and I'm very excited about it.
4. "Backstage" posts
Since the topic of time came up several times in replies and conversations I had recently, I've decided I'm going to write up some posts on how I do things with regard to my game and the story "behind the scenes". I'll explain a bit more about how I approach time and dates (why is it 2008 in my story, and what does that mean?), but I also want to write something on education and why my students started uni at 20 years old. Also, what's with the bees and the honey? Why all that? Maybe I'll go into that one too.
5. The Grand Honeycomb Valley Tour
I keep promising this and keep postponing it, but I will do it. I will, over time, give you all a closer look of everything I built to make Honeycomb Valley the town it is.
Is it too ambitious to want this all sorted before March?
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missiletoe · 9 months ago
and last fill of the night for yuri shipping olympics!
Ship: Kitty/Yuri Word Count: 722 Prompt: Foxgloves have a history of folklore related to fairies. It is said that planting foxgloves will attract fairies, and that depending on the size of the fairy and the specific myth, they may wear the foxglove bloom as a dress, wear it as a hat, or if particularly small, use it for shelter and sleep inside.
Minho makes fun of all the foxgloves she plants until a fairy shows up on her doorstep one day.
“Hi,” she says for lack of better options, hoping against hope that pleasantries are universal. The fairy blinks slowly at her in response.
The fairy in front of her doesn’t fit the typical stereotype from stories. She’s a little bit taller than Kitty with her feet an inch above the ground, the silver wings on her back beating back and forth in some cross between a hummingbird and a bee. They glint brilliantly where they catch the light.
No one told her fairies that wore denim jackets instead of ballerina tutus. No one told her that fairies were this pretty either. (She would’ve planted more foxgloves then.)
“I’m Kitty,” she says, wiping her palm against her apron to get the sweat off. She sticks it awkwardly out to her when it's not quite dry but at least less damp.
“Yuri,” the fairy responds. Her voice is a melody that would put a choir to shame.
Yuri noticeably does not take her hand and Kitty eventually lets it fall limp against her side.
“I heard that you guys sometimes use these things as hats!” she says, gesturing towards the pink flowers blooming between them.
They both stare at the petals that can’t be more than a few inches wide unfurled.
“A hat,” Yuri echoes dully. “For my finger maybe.”
“Ah,” Kitty replies eloquently and makes a mental note to find whoever the fuck published the latest almanac on fairies and beat the absolute life out of them for the inaccuracy.
“Why didn’t you come earlier–when I first planted the foxgloves?”
Yuri shrugs as she leans against the fencepost.
“Would you trust a pot of gold that appeared one day on the side of the road?”
“Touché,” Kitty says but Yuri still reaches for the flowers regardless. She plucks them up by the stem and folds them into a pocket in her jacket that seems to spill out into infinity. A pocket dimension in her pocket. Kitty giggles.
“What do you want, Kitty from KISS?” Yuri asks her.
She jolts at the words before remembering the shaky lettering going across the wood. Kitty’s KISS Cabin, she had spelled out in paint one time when she was twelve with too much free time on her hands and though the letters have faded, she keeps the colors around for nostalgic reasons. Or something like that.
“You don’t have to,” she explains, trying to cram a childhood into her words. “That’s–you can call me just Kitty.”
“Just Kitty,” Yuri echoes and Kitty doesn’t have the heart or the energy to correct her.
“I heard you’d grant a wish if I could find one of you,” Kitty says, voice hopeful. Yuri stares at her like she’s trying to study her in the sunlight.
“We don’t grant wishes,”  she replies, bemused. “You’re thinking of genies. What would you have wished for?”
“For my neighbor to have bad skin for the rest of his life.”
Yuri blinks at her and Kitty’s not sure if it’s amusement or disappointment in her eyes this time.
“You summoned a fairy from the woods to play a prank on your neighbor.”
“It wouldn’t be a prank–he treats his skin like it’s made of gold or something! It would have devastated him.”
Yuri laughs for the first time in their conversation–laughs a real laugh that has her clutching at her stomach and wiping tears from her eyes. She looks almost human like this, save for the giant silver wings still beating behind her back.
“Just Kitty, you are the most interesting person I’ve met in a while,” she sighs, rubbing at her cheeks. “Why don’t you come with me–just for a little bit?”
Kitty stalls like an overturned engine. She’d been a good kid. She had all the rules drilled into her growing up–don’t riddle with trolls, don’t invite vampires in, don’t go home with fairies.
But clearly the people who wrote the rules have never met a fairy like Yuri and Kitty’s never been one to play it safe–she planted flowers on the off-chance they’d attract fairies after all. Kitty takes her hand amidst all the ringing alarm bells going off in her head.
“Lead the way.”
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