#Snapcube Fandubs
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colorsisgoodactually 1 year ago
I gotta say one of the biggest casualties of AI art is one of my favorite things in this fandom, SnapCube's Sonic Destruciton.
For those unaware Sonic Destruction is an AI generated Sonic script that is maybe one of the most batshit insane things to ever exist. I love it. It's my comfort video. I've seen both episodes more times that I can count and will constantly quote along with them. My backup choice for the name of this blog was going to be a Destruction reference.
With the movement to AI art actually putting the livelihood of real artists in jeopardy it adds a horrible, ugly cloud over something that was once very easy to enjoy. And the worst part is that destruction actively proves WHY AI writing isn't the future.
Destruction is NONSENSE. Complete and utter NONSENSE. The only reasons it KIND OF makes sense is because Penny Parker works extremely hard to tie the script into some cohesive narrative. But the joy of Destruction is that there is a very specific KIND of nonsense that can ONLY come from AI. Things that NO HUMAN IN THIER RIGHT MIND would write.
Things like there being two Shadows for no reason, the endless repetition of "large", "Sonic I think you should sit there" Shadow points to the bathtub, Charlamaigne Bee, Shadow the Hedgehog for the PS2 being a documentary but also Shadow isn't Shadow it's Silver that's Shadow and ARE YOU CONFUSED YET?, Sonic is a human for no reason, Tails and Knuckles have gone feral for no reason, and whether or not this takes place on earth or if "Earth" is a simulation inside a PS2 game.
The point is that AI can't be trusted to write a cohesive narrative. It's not smart enough. So the fun comes from watching it make the wildest creative choices possible and watching Penny struggle in vain to make it make SOME kind of sense and watching the cast react.
It's a beautiful commentary on why AI can't replace writers and also brilliantly funny and like all great Sci-Fi cautionary tales, major corporations have looked at it and gone, "actually lemme get in on that action."
Not sure what point I was trying to make here, just that it sucks that the world is a little less bright now that people are actually trying to push AI beyond what it's capable of to the detriment of other humans.
The threat was never an AI turning evil, it was AI empowering already evil humans.
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lyrarizii 1 year ago
Petition for snapcube to dub sonic boom 馃槰
Sonic boom is a meme itself but if snapcube would do it we all die laughing
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julia-beatrice 1 year ago
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"Well I'm not a gamer so maybe they'll respect me!"
"That just makes you a beta cuck."
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the-deceived-deceiver 4 months ago
The snapcube fandubs r funny asf what is with people hating on them ?? 馃槶馃槶
Get a hobby bozos
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dragons-hoard-of-fandoms 6 months ago
Things I'm Expecting/Want From Sonic the Hedgehog 3:
Sonic calls Shadow an edgelord at least once
They finally stop being cowards and let the Wachowski boys call Maddie and Tom Mom and Dad
"I Am... All of Me" and/or "All Hail Shadow" cover
Knuckles' cowboy hat
Eggman Makes An Announcement
Fandub references
Someone questions why Shadow sounds like Keanu Reeves
Seriously if they don't do this it'll be a bigger missed opportunity than that time the Archie comics did a Sailor Moon parody but didn't call Tuxedo Mask Knuckles "Knuxedo Mask"
Maria is secretly alive as well
Shadow says The Line
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mechaneo 2 months ago
"Why do people hate Snapcube now? She's such a precious uwuwuuu and did nothing wrong!"
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Snapcube's fandubs have spiraled out of control and have completely taken over Sonic discussion, not just for the internet, but for the general public as well
Every time someone wants to talk about SA2, 06, Shadow 05 or the Riders games, or even the characters of Eggman, Black Doom and Mephiles, they get bombarded with annoying mofos spamming the jokes over and over and you can't even use the excuses "Then get off the internet", "Just ignore them", because:
We can't ignore them, even if you mute certain words, that's how much they get spammed
People spam these jokes in public as well, meaning even though we've gotten to a point where people don't unanimously hate Sonic anymore, people like me still gotta hide the fact I like Sonic in public
Not only that, but these jokes have been spammed for 6 fucking years
The Snapcube Dubs have also reached a point where they've become more popular than the actual Sonic franchise, these videos get hundred millions views, not a single actual Sonic vid gets this many, and it's not just the dubs themselves, any video about the Snapcube dubs gets way more attention than actual Sonic stuff, they're so popular that they're listed on the Sonic Wikipedia page for fan animation content, when they're not even animated, what's worse is that actual fan animations like Nazo Unleashed aren't even listed, they're also become popular where they've gotten multiple articles written about about them, along with hundreds of reaction videos, which goes to show people would rather watch these than actually play Sonic games
They's also reached a point where the general public unironically thinks that the Snapcube Dubs are either canon or invented stuff from the games, they've also contributed to more mischaracterization discourse, specifically Silver
Snapcube fans also have this weird worship obsession towards the dubs, treating them like the second coming of christ, along with having a parasocial Dream Stan like obsession with Snapcube herself, they also get irrationally mad whenever someone doesn't find these jokes funny, screeching "You hate fun and whimsy!" or making accusations of misogynistic, transphobia or homophobia, not even actual Sonic fans go to these lengths
Snapcube fans also have an obsession with making the Dubs canon, even going to the lengths of harassing the official Sonic VAs and getting mad when some of them refuse
Recently when Sonic Movie 3 came out, Snapcube herself made a tweet stating there were no references to the dubs in the movie, yet her fanbase keep insisting that there are references to her dub
Oh and you've been hearing me right, majority of Snapcube fans aren't even Sonic fans, many have even admitted to it, meanwhile on the opposite end, Snapcube Fans think only watching her Dubs makes them Sonic Fans, even seeing it as a flex, thinking they don't need to play the Sonic games to be actual fans, or any Official Sonic content in that regard
Then why hasn't she done anything about it?
It's literally not that hard to to make a statement that her Dubs aren't official or that the stuff her fan's doing is wrong
But considering Snapcube's other dramas, like getting offended over Persona 4 and the first Sonic Movie, and the fact she pushes Silver's current mischaracterization and unironically described Sonic's character as "Be Gay, Do Crime", I don't think she cares, from what I've seen, all that matters to her is that more queer people surround Sonic discussion
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carlin2925 5 months ago
gay highlights 馃挃
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im so proud of this u have no idea ive litterally never drawn sonic characters before howww
all the text stuff is snapcube fandub refrences
also ignore how bad black doom / the actual devil looks this aint about him
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py6oto 2 years ago
you shouldn't talk about your wife that way
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datcravat 1 month ago
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paintedcrows 3 months ago
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Dipper, It's me. The Devil! I'm here to convince you to do sin!
(Previous) and Bonus Doodles!
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cintiri 2 months ago
Top 10 anime betrayals
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lyrarizii 10 months ago
Hot topic collaborating with sonic
Decides to put shadow on pants
Snapcube fans: HE IS GONNA PEE IN A-
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1nky-quill 5 months ago
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Obligatory I miss my wife tails kinger joke
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seldompathic 8 months ago
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They should start a podcast
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dragons-hoard-of-fandoms 2 years ago
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"Wee-oo, wee-oo! Hey, I'm in Ninjago now."
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mechaneo 1 month ago
Another annoying thing I noticed about Snapcube fans is that whenever a new fan actually does want to get into Sonic, they get bombarded by a bunch people spamming Snapcube jokes and telling them to watch the dubs over the games It's gonna be really awkward if a new fan does watch them but doesn't find them funny
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