#Bree things
call-of-the-ocean · 10 months
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Perception (Sight)
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breelandwalker · 1 year
You seem like you're more familiar with the broader occult community than my scholarly shut in ass. I'm curious. If there were a few lessons you wish you could drill into the head of every prominent social media occultist, what would they be?
Ohhh the number one thing I wish I could drill into the head of every aspiring occultist and magical practitioner is that CRITICAL THINKING IS YOUR FRIEND.
Study magic but keep fact-checking! If there's a claim in a book on witchcraft that should be able to be backed up by mundane sources, look for those sources. If they're not cited in the book, that's a red flag. If the sources you do find don't support the claim, that's another, bigger red flag. This is especially true with claims about history, science, medicine, psychology, anthropology, and religion.
Also, be wary of anything New Age. There's a pipeline to anti-science, eugenics, and racism there that runs directly through portions of the modern pagan and witchcraft communities and it's brightly painted with New Age buzzwords.
If something seems too good to be true, it probably is. If something seems geared to appeal to your emotions, especially that which seems formulated to make you feel special or "chosen" or to fire up some kind of righteous anger or feelings of superiority, you should immediately be suspicious of it.
If a source tells you to disregard science, modern medicine, or recorded history, or tries to tell you that some people are inherently more special or magical or deserving of power than others, discard it immediately. That is a bad source.
Don't believe everything you see or hear online. Too many witches roll their eyes at their parents and grandparents believing everything they read on Facebook, then turn around and insist that everything they've seen on TikTok or Tumblr or YouTube is Absolute Truth.
Believing in and studying magic does not mean that common sense goes out the window. You should be supplementing your magical studies with parallel practical topics (i.e. botany, geology, chemistry, mythology, etc) and ALWAYS keep one foot squarely planted on the ground.
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newttxt · 11 months
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i cannot believe i made it to gear 5 without being spoiled,,
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pensandsliverswords · 8 months
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My final ref sheets for Shasta/Cor, Aravis, and Corin’s outfits. It’s taken me many months of revisions but I’m finally happy
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ship-ambrosia · 1 month
Hey who was gonna telll me callowmoore did like a major make out sesh this week???
You can scroll back on my blog I posted ep 1 that I shipped them and I cannot believe I’m now TWO FOR TWO because I clocked fjorester and I clocked callowmoore. Kinda still unsure if callowmoore is canon BUT ILL TAKE IT ITS MY BIRTHDAY ON TUESDAY
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tabl3 · 4 months
I have always found it more than a little funny when the fandom props up one of the rats with a seething hatred for the other(s), citing the treatment that sibling gave to the other, when like,,,, they were all terrible to each other???? This is coming from someone who loves and adores all three, but like be so fr
Now I, someone who has three siblings as well, can excuse some of the teasing as sibling stuff. Some of the jabs as well. That's just what we do. Also some of it is just sitcom stuff. But.
We all know the infamous "Adam physically abuses Chase" argument. This is completely true, he does, and it's a problem. However Chase is not at all innocent. He's very much verbally abusive back to Adam, and Bree as well. Bree herself is verbally abusive to them both, and even has encouraged Adam to hit Chase in some episodes. She lashes out at them a lot more than necessary, and Chase belittles them both (Adam particularly). In summary: THEY ALL SUCKED TO EACH OTHER. No one treated one worse, even though Chase's abuse was considered more alarming by the fans because it was so overt, which is why everyone focuses on it.
Also,,, I think the real problem sometimes gets lost. His name is Donald Davenport. These kids were isolated, bionic, and without a parental figure that showed much emotional intelligence until Leo and more relevantly Tasha came around. Without the ability to socialize they didn't grow up understanding what is okay and what isn't, which is why Bree and Adam find Adam bruising Chase to the point of him being unable to wear short sleeves funny, Bree and Chase enjoy sniping at Adam's intelligence together, and the boys go overboard with screwing over Bree's chances at normalcy. This is the way they were raised, and Donald NEVER bothered to correct them, save for a few instances. It's also canon that he intentionally keeps an unbalanced power dynamic with Adam being the strongest overall, which encourages his behavior too. Playing devil's advocate, it was fair of him to keep them somewhat isolated when they were younger and unpredictable, but the extent to which it affected their behavior is not excusable. Basically Donald sucks regardless of opinions on the character, because he canonically doesn't try to fix the issues and will encourage them to treat each other the way they do, directly or indirectly by doing nothing about it when he's the parent and it's his job
So if you hate one of the characters for the way they treated the other, it's a little unfounded
Except for Donald
All the homies hate Donald
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4/10 Happy National Siblings Day!
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gewoonaardig2 · 2 months
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Dude ,, 😭😭😭
Rolling on the flooooorrrr, the things that man must hear
Wait hold on, his ass lives in the lodge.. and some others from the southern chapter do too, right? When he's inside cant he just hear everyone.. bruh.
That sucks privacy gucked
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brianakane · 7 months
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If/when sel calls Bree mystery girl in oathbound I think I'm going to cry 😭
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albanianpsycho · 17 days
hot girls watch desperate housewives ―୨୧⋆ ˚
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Lab Rats is a show about superpowered teens who grew up in a lab and start to integrate into the world for the first time at the start of the show. All the fucked up parts of this premise are played for laughs. This show ran from 2012 to 2016. Stranger Things, a show about a superpowered teen who grew up in a lab and starts to integrate into the world for the first time and delves into the fucked up parts of this premise. The show was released in 2016. Hi, welcome to watch mojo, today we'll be counting down the top 10 reasons why Stranger Things was inspired by Lab Rats. Number 10-
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badlucksav · 1 year
Bree Tanner deserved better, and not just from a narrative standpoint (although I think it would have been interesting to see how the story changed if she’d remained alive), but in regards to Bella. Bree gets only a handful of paragraphs in Eclipse, but we see Bella describe and empathize with her, even noting that the girl looked young, perhaps only fifteen. And then Bree is dismembered by Felix, and she’s never mentioned again.
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Imagine if Bella had hung onto that little girl, felt remorse and sympathy for her. Bree was, after all, turned and then subsequently killed because of Bella. All of the newborns were. But we don’t hear anything about them, only how they were violent monsters. They were all human once, but the narrative ignores this. Bree was an actual child. If it wasn’t for Bella, and by extension, the Cullens, Bree would have lived a normal life in Seattle.
Bella should have thought about all of this. It should have been in the back of her mind: guilt and sadness and maybe a little self-loathing too. And the continued fear that maybe when she went through the change, she would be that uncontrollable, bloodthirsty creature too.
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But of course, Stephanie Meyer chose to ignore Bella’s trauma per usual, and so we never hear of Bree again; instead we get sappy romance and a vampire-hybrid baby, Bella’s trauma forgotten and never truly addressed. But that’s nothing new here.
Anyway, Bree Tanner deserved better.
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breelandwalker · 2 months
#30 What do you think is a scam in witchcraft? (Go off!)
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Wow, y'all had your priorities in order, didn't you. 😆
There are SO many things in the witchcraft community that I think are scams. Here's a sampling, in no particular order.
The Law of Attraction / Assumption / Lucky Girl Syndrome / "Manifesting" (aka victim blaming, thought policing, and confirmation bias dressed up in buzzwords). The whole Burning Times / Unbroken Line narrative. (In fact, any narrative that paints the victims of witch trials as actual witches as we define the term today just pisses me off, it's so fucking disrespectful.) All the ancient aliens / star people / indigo children / pyramid conspiracy bullshit that gets passed around in pagan circles. The "need" for a bevy of expensive crystals and tools and clothing and accoutrements in order to be a "proper" witch.
The idea that you have to abandon belief in science in order to believe in magic. The essential oils racket (where it overlaps with magical practice). The way that some witchcraft and pagan spaces push homeopathy and naturopathy over modern medicine because Witchy Reasons.
People who offer familiar spirits or astral helpers for sale (especially the ones with the clickbait descriptions). People who market themselves as pagan self-help gurus who can "fix" your mental health or life issues through magic. People who offer ridiculously overpriced classes or courses to "uncover the secrets of the universe / discover your past lives / realize your psychic potential / whatever."
But tbh I think the biggest scam in witchcraft is the idea that there are people out there waiting to curse anyone and everyone that crosses their path, just for shits and giggles, and that they can ruin your life just by knowing the slightest thing about you or your practice. And on the heels of that, I think the idea that being a witch or practicing magic makes you more visible and appetizing to spirits / demons / evil forces and therefore you need SO much protection Or Else is equally scammy. It just rubs me the wrong way when anti-Catholic or anti-witchcraft scaremongering rhetoric gets incorporated into community beliefs.
witchcraft ask game
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Legendborn Ships 🚢
If the idea of Bree choosing Nick instead of Sel upsets you, this story is no longer about Bree.
If the idea of Bree choosing Sel instead of Nick upsets you, this story is no longer about Bree.
If the idea of Bree choosing one and not both upsets you, this story is no longer about Bree.
If the idea of Bree choosing none of the above and opting to focus on herself for a bit upsets you, this story is no longer about Bree.
If you're expending energy trying to 'prove' your ship is the right one and participating in shipping wars... this story is no longer about Bree.
I love romance. I love the way Tracy Deonn has woven love stories into the narrative. I'm not going to say the romances aren't important because they are, and given Tracy's thoughts around Bonnie's treatment in the Vampire Diaries I think Bree even having a choice is deliberate. Tracy has reiterated in several places that Bree will choose whatever is best for Bree, and given the sensitivity and thoughtfulness with which Tracy has handled the whole story (seriously, this is what puts this series a cut above the rest for me), I don't think the decision Bree makes romantically will be taken lightly or that TD will choose a thoughtless solution, because she's the kind of writer who respects the characters she has created.
But at the end of the day, this is a story about a Black girl navigating grief after losing her mother, dealing with institutional racism and systemic injustice, and being at the very heart of a centuries-old battle she never asked to participate in.
I am #TeamBree, whatever that looks like, and my wish as a reader is that Bree would find peace, hold the power that is rightfully owed to her to wield as she wishes, and have a community of people that love and support her, including Nick and Sel.
It's normal and acceptable to feel disappointment if your ship doesn't sail, but if you find yourself rating the book lower for those reasons specifically, you have lost the plot. Who Bree chooses to be in a romantic relationship with is literally not the main point of the story.
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sappholovell · 2 months
So... you guys realize that Sel and Nick had an entire conversation about how beautiful Bree is, right?
Which she is, but that's not the point. I think it's worth noting that the reason that Nick didn't want Bree around Sel in Legendborn is because Sel actively wanted to hurt her. Now that he knows that Sel wouldn't do that, and would protect her with his life, many of his negative feelings toward Sel from the first book have kind of gone away.
Sel and Nick have a really interesting relationship. Yeah, it's really toxic because the order forces them to play certain roles and do things that they rather wouldn't. But when it's just them, without the order (and with Bree) there's a sort of... devotion? That they have toward each other that's really fun to read about.
When people are like "Oh, Bree is cheating on Nick" I think that things have changed with the Bree/Nick/Sel dynamic because he DOES think that she cheated on him with Sel for a moment in book 1. And he's really upset about it. But in Bloodmarked him and Sel have a whole conversation about her being eternally beautiful, and how she misses Nick (and misses Sel being emotionally closer to her). Nick is the one who brings up Bree missing the closeness between her and Sel (I think. Google Translate Welsh-to-English is iffy at best). It's almost like Nick is giving Sel the go-ahead to stop holding Bree at arm's length. Bree also describes Nick as Sel's safe place, and both Nick and Sel as hers.
Is this poly confirmation? I hope so, because I love them all deeply.
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thefabelmans2022 · 5 months
did you ever notice how merry doesn't actually volunteer for the quest? pippin is the one who assumes he and merry will go, gandalf vouches for them both, but merry doesn't say a word for the entire encounter. it's a stark difference from his insistence on going with frodo in the conspiracy chapter, and i think it's because he's totally lost his confidence. in the beginning, he's very confident and fully believes he'll be able to lead the group through the old forest to bree with no trouble, and then they all almost die twice basically immediately. notice that when they get to bree, he refuses to go to the prancing pony with the others, deciding instead to stay in their room alone? and then of course he gets attacked by nazgul, which definitely doesn't help matters. i think by the time they get to Rivendell, he no longer believes himself capable of helping frodo. he'll do it, obviously, if frodo or gandalf or elrond or pippin ask him to, but i think he's at a point where he no longer believes he'll be any good.
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