#Brain fuck
x-heesy · 2 years
#middlefingersup 🧠
#thisisntmymiddlefinger it’s an #unicornfist
#sexdrugsandsockswithholes #sexdrugsrocknroll
#punks #punksarentdead
#fuckit #fuckitforfun
#surrealism #surrealismartcommunity #popsurrealism #popsurrealist #popsurreal #surrealist #surrealista #surrealistic #lowbrowart #weirdart #lowbrowartist #surrealisme @derflaneur #dankefürnüsch#surrealismo #surrealpainting #newcontemporary #lowbrowpopsurrealists
#nowplaying #fuckthepainaway by #peaches #brainfuck
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cryptocism · 3 months
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that half-blank, half-apocalyptic look
"i can b ur angle or yuor devil" etc etc "get a man who can do both" etc etc
obsessed with this vamp i think he should get to do whatever he wants forever
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jenovacomplete · 1 year
daylight savings is actually truly one of the most evil things in the world. just casually forcing us to confront the fact that time is fake while torturing insomniacs, autistics and schoolchildren across the globe. when will the agony end
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DEVASTATING the lyric you've been mishearing is better than the real one
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segretecose · 2 months
underconsumption being called a trend now…… mf that’s just how normal sane people live
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thetragicallynerdy · 6 months
Reminder from someone with actual literal brain damage from a brain injury to stop fucking using "brain damage" and "brain injuries" as a means of describing someone whose opinions you don't like or deem as stupid.
It's ableist and offensive as fuck, and for some reason a lot of leftist people think it's okay to use. I've seen posts replying to right wing racists calling them "brain damaged if you believe this" and "do you have a brain injury? do you not understand X?". Just now I saw a beautiful post about fat people throughout history that was absolutely ruined by opening with "How do we break it to boomers with actual brain damage and nostalgic brainrot..." before continuing to say that fat people existed throughout history.
Brain damage does not make you racist. A brain injury doesn't make you ignorant, or fatphobic, or unaware of history and politics. Stop fucking using my disability as a catch all to describe people you think are shitty. Y'all use it like it's a replacement for how people used to use the R-slur, which shows you learned absolutely nothing about why the R-slur was wrong to use and decided to throw in other disabilities instead. Fuck off and stop doing it.
(And don't do it with other disabilities either, because I know y'all do.)
I know a lot of people with brain injuries. They're smart, and funny, and compassionate. They learn about the world and care about social issues and wish they could go to protests if their disability won't allow them to. Are there right wing people with brain injuries? Sure, absolutely. But they are not right wing because they have a brain injury, and using any disability as an insult is still fucking ableist.
Tldr - stop using brain damage and brain injury as an insult. It's ableist and incredibly offensive.
Love, your local brain injured/brain damaged pal
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velvetporcelain · 3 months
brain fuck. ⚠️
took a long shower. — —
—- thinking i am the only that has ever made me cum— and I’m afraid that i am the only one that will ever make me cum—- is that a bad thing?
fuck— so many temptations. i push down an ache everyday i wake up- and it seeps out of me throughout the day— — i made myself cum multiple times tonight— talking and moaning so very quietly — I’m really good at that— so i say— well wouldn’t it be fun if we did something in a public area?? — well i mean my husband and i fucked in his truck in a brightly lit parking garage—— I’m talking like — make me cum underneath the dinner table when the table is full of people —-
— or let me sit on your lap in a crowed taxi — where you can feel my pussy right on top of the bulge in your pants — I’ll put just enough pressure and my movements would be natural — god it would set the energy for the night— if your receptive— which makes me have to admit that i want to fuck my husbands best friend — mainly so he will shut the fuck up— he’s emotional sad boy and needs mama —- UGH!! — come lay your head on my tits please — let me give you love. and partly because i am attracted to him— spiritually. i am going to have to be extremely mindful on this one— i want to see him— i want to hug him— i want to moan slightly when i French kiss him. i fucking know he’s attracted to me.—— ah hence all the delicious fantasy—
—- also—- YOU—— yes you—-what a delight it would be to experience you—- i pictured you watching me shower — watching me fuck myself silly while you milked your cock next to me —- what a dirty little girl i am, i know —- more ultra sensitive clit vibration as punishment for me. making me say stupid shit like — “daddy” — &. — i never think of my husband when i am fucking me.
i warned you.
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corbasm2 · 4 months
the scientific reason why we have consciousness is so that we can Fuck Bitches and Kill People
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loveapologist · 11 months
He changed his mind.
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Support me on PATREON!
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phosphorusmoon · 4 months
How Being a Cop Broke My Brain
This is an important video about how cops are trained and how they function in america.
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nekurothings · 4 months
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imagine: you get your memories back after years of amnesia to find out your whole species is dead and earth doesn’t exist anymore. that the only thing left of your culture is your weird ex and his busted honda civic that barely even works that he stole from the government when he was 13. And he’s been taking members of an alien species for trips in his honda civic and they’re all like “woah it’s so cool” and you get upset because it’s NOT COOL it’s a honda civic, the turn signals don’t even work “wow it can go up hills” yeah OF COURSE IT CAN GO UP HILLS EVERY CAR COULD DO THAT. but they’ve never seen a car before so everything it does is the coolest thing ever. And your ex’s only tool is a fucking screwdriver which is somehow also cool to this dumbass alien species even though it’s a fucking screwdriver so you just look like an idiot screaming about how none of this is even cool it’s actually really shitty but your whole planet is gone so you can’t even prove it but also you’ve had a constant drumming sounding in your head since you were 10 slowly driving you insane. I would become evil too.
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andi-o-geyser · 1 year
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a full SAGA of chaos choices at the diner in the centre of your mind
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brainfugk · 5 months
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inkskinned · 3 months
it is hard to explain but there is something so unwell about the cultural fear of ugliness. the strange quiet irradiation of any imperfect sight. the pores and the stomachs and the legs displaced into a digital trashbin. somehow this effect spilling over - the removal of a grinning strangers in the back of a picture. of placing more-photogenic clouds into a frame. of cleaning up and arranging breakfast plates so the final image is of a table overflowing with surplus - while nobody eats, and instead mimes food moving towards their mouth like tantalus.
ever-thinner ever-more-muscled ever-prettier. your landlord's sticky white paint sprayed over every surface. girlchildren with get-ready-with-me accounts and skincare routines. beige walls and beige floors and beige toys in toddler hands. AI-generated "imagined prettier" birds and bugs and bees.
pretty! fuckable! impossible! straighten teeth. use facetune and lightroom and four other products. remove the cars along the street from the video remove the spraypaint from the garden wall remove the native plants from their home, welcome grass. welcome pretty. let the lot that walmart-still-owns lay fallow and rotting. don't touch that, it's ugly! close your eyes.
erect anti-homelessness spikes. erect anti-bird spikes. now it looks defensive, which is better than protective. put the ramp at the back of the building, you don't want to ruin the aesthetic of anything.
you are a single person in this world, and in this photo! don't let the lives of other people ruin what would otherwise be a shared moment! erase each person from in front of the tourist trap. erase your comfortable shoes and AI generate platforms. you weren't smiling perfectly, smile again. no matter if you had been genuinely enjoying a moment. you are not in a meadow with friends, you're in a catalogue of your own life! smile again! you know what, forget it.
we will just edit the right face in.
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