Love Apologist
25K posts
Name is Mespeth. 28yo, AuDHD, Virgo sun/Scorpio moon, NB (They/them). An artist and a writer. Queer until the end of times. Old school fandom. Mostly fucked up and into fucked up shit. Judging you in silence. Don't be afraid to ask anything about you are curious. Also give me all your gay shit. [#my art] for browsing
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loveapologist · 12 days ago
some fucking resources for all ur writing fuckin needs
* body language masterlist
* a translator that doesn’t eat ass like google translate does
* a reverse dictionary for when ur brain freezes
* 550 words to say instead of fuckin said
* 638 character traits for when ur brain freezes again
* some more body language help
(hope this helps some ppl)
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loveapologist · 1 month ago
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December 31, Voldemort's birthday (though not in time)
HB to lord💦
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loveapologist · 2 months ago
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happy birthday voldemort :3
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loveapologist · 3 months ago
By the way, seeing this drawing I did January 3rd this year against the most recent ones after months of not picking up a pencil??
Burnout was real.
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Vampire Draco is so funny. Just imagine how much worse his pronunciation gets with the fangs.
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loveapologist · 3 months ago
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Vampire Draco is so funny. Just imagine how much worse his pronunciation gets with the fangs.
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loveapologist · 3 months ago
A 22 yr old in my org got drunk tuesday night and kinda shit on the fact that I'm running a community cleanup for our chapter. Said something along the lines of "i didn't join up to pick trash." Which really bothers me and it took me a while to figure out why. The whole point of the community cleanup is that we're returning to the neighborhoods where we knocked doors for A4 to help clean up their streets and provide material improvement for free in an effort to build inroads with those neighbors.
Like... if your socialism doesn't include picking uo trash, I'm guessing it also doesn't include doing the dishes, babysitting, or anything else that is important but not prestigious. Idk man, fuck off with that shit. You'll pick up trash and you'll like it until you understand why picking up trash isn't anyone's job but your own. I hate that attitude. If helping and doing activism was always fun and visible and impressive, everyone you know would already be doing it.
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loveapologist · 4 months ago
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"Isn't that the son of the Rosier widow?"
"Merlin, must be! He doesn't resemble his father much, tho."
"Well, you know how it is with the side branches."
"Actually, I can't put my finger on it but he does remind me of someone."
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loveapologist · 4 months ago
Do you all actually search the tags for the ships/fandoms you are interested in or are you like me and forage trough your dash like a medieval peasant looking for edible berries?
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loveapologist · 4 months ago
You show up for your first day at Copyright-Free Magic School. As you're going through orientation, you're informed that all new students get a school-assigned familiar that they are responsible for housing and maintaining. The staff member assures you that your assigned familiar is appropriately chosen and reflects you in some way.
Spin this to find out yours. (Remember, you are responsible for maintaining this familiar in your dorm room.)
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loveapologist · 4 months ago
I know some of you really like Theodore Nott due to some fanfics like Heir of the House of Price and I really like him too!! But somehow, in my rp/creative hadcanon universe he has ended up doing some really fucked up shit. Swear that I try to redeem him and the little fucker comes around again doing more fucked up shit.
I should probably make a tag or something to keep these posts organized somehow...
Tazverse? Cringeverse? Pfft
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loveapologist · 4 months ago
Ugh why tumblr deleted the quality of that drawing... May reupload at another moment.
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loveapologist · 4 months ago
These two are so fun to rp with lol. Somehow they end up getting wasted while gossiping 90% of the time, no matter how serious the thing happening around them is.
Not one of them is perfect. Pansy can be too judgemental and cruel having the most trouble understanding mental health struggles. Blaise can be a bit too uncaring and selfish in his carefree mentality.
Either way, both of them are as loyal as they come and when the worst comes, they stick around for their friends. These snakes got your back.
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You caught them talking about you when the bell rang.
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loveapologist · 4 months ago
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You caught them talking about you when the bell rang.
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loveapologist · 4 months ago
All the takes are correct and yet they also miss the point. Yes, it was insane for the Democrats to think they could win by running a soulless candidate, without a shred of progressive policy vision, pursuing endorsements from neocon war-hawks everybody hates, while arming and funding a genocide, and belittling and crushing those who have enough morality to protest it. It is enraging that the Democrats are so smug and blind to this. But these are all just symptoms. The deeper reality is that liberalism has failed, liberalism is dead, and people urgently need to wake up to this fact and respond accordingly. It is a defunct ideology that cannot offer any meaningful solutions to our social and ecological crises and it must be abandoned. Democrats have proven over and over again that they cannot accept even basic steps like public healthcare, affordable housing, and a public job guarantee - things that would dramatically improve the material, social and political conditions of the working classes. And they cannot accept a public finance strategy that would steer production away from fossil fuels and toward green transition to give us a shot at a liveable future. Why? Because these things run against the objectives of capital accumulation. And for liberals capital is sacrosanct. They will do whatever it takes to ensure elite accumulation, it is their only consistent commitment. At home, they suppress and demonize progressive and socialist tendencies. Abroad, they engage in endless wars and violence to suppress input prices in the global South and prevent any possibility of sovereign economic development. The Democrats have done all this purposefully and knowingly, for my whole life, not as some kind of "mistake" but in full consciousness that it is in the interests of capital. And because liberalism cannot address our crises, and because it crushes socialist alternatives, it inevitably paves the way for right-wing populism. They know this pattern, and yet they risk it every time - this election being only the most recent example. They did it in 2016, when they actively crushed the Sanders campaign and sent Trump to the White House. They do it because ultimately they (and I mean the liberal ruling class here) don't really mind if fascists take power, so long as the latter too ensure the conditions for capital accumulation. They 100% prefer this to the possibility of a socialist alternative. So, progressives have to face reality. The dream of "converting" the Democratic party is dead. This is now a fact and it must be accepted. The only option is to build a mass-based movement that can reclaim the working classes and mobilize a political vehicle that can integrate disparate progressive struggles into a unified and formidable political force and achieve substantive transformation. This will take real work, actual organizing, but it must be done and that process must begin now.
Jason Hickel
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loveapologist · 4 months ago
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loveapologist · 4 months ago
so like I said, I work in the tech industry, and it's been kind of fascinating watching whole new taboos develop at work around this genAI stuff. All we do is talk about genAI, everything is genAI now, "we have to win the AI race," blah blah blah, but nobody asks - you can't ask -
What's it for?
What's it for?
Why would anyone want this?
I sit in so many meetings and listen to genuinely very intelligent people talk until steam is rising off their skulls about genAI, and wonder how fast I'd get fired if I asked: do real people actually want this product, or are the only people excited about this technology the shareholders who want to see lines go up?
like you realize this is a bubble, right, guys? because nobody actually needs this? because it's not actually very good? normal people are excited by the novelty of it, and finance bro capitalists are wetting their shorts about it because they want to get rich quick off of the Next Big Thing In Tech, but the novelty will wear off and the bros will move on to something else and we'll just be left with billions and billions of dollars invested in technology that nobody wants.
and I don't say it, because I need my job. And I wonder how many other people sitting at the same table, in the same meeting, are also not saying it, because they need their jobs.
idk man it's just become a really weird environment.
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loveapologist · 4 months ago
Thesis: the rise of fanwank and anti culture correlates directly with diminished understanding of what “romantic”, in a literary sense, actually means.
It doesn’t mean “this is ideal or healthy or even realistic”. It means “this is beautiful, this is tragic, this is grotesque, this stirs emotion”, even if it’s not, as @starryroom puts it, something you would be comfortable seeing play out in front of you at Taco Bell. It’s about grandiosity and mythology and heroism writ large. It’s about playing with the id, as beautiful and terrible as it can be. 
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