#Boston universities
madhubabudotblog · 3 days
Boston's Prestigious Universities: A Hub of Education and Innovation
Introduction Welcome to Boston, a city where history meets modern charm, creating a unique blend that captivates every visitor. Known for its pivotal role in the American Revolution, Boston is not just a city but a living museum of America’s birth. This blog takes you on a journey through Boston’s rich historical background, its prestigious educational institutions, vibrant cultural scene, and…
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agentfascinateur · 2 months
From Gaza to the Student Protest Movement, with love:
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Thank you 💜
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quinnylouhughesx43 · 10 days
it’s okay Macklin, you’re the height Jack Hughes tells everyone he is.
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folie-a-deux · 18 days
Boston Hannibal Reunion 2024
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Photo © krisandcats via Instagram
Oh I can't even begin to tell how overwhelmed I am with the number of interesting questions asked in this panel. I was only halfway through the video and my interest was already beyond satiated. No mere crumbs today, we're being fed really well.
Some great topics (and my personal favorites) that were brought up in the panel were:
Hannibal's time travel equations in Digestivo
Will about 'falling in love with Hannibal'
Hannibal Extended Universe being brought up (like if any of Mads & Hugh's other characters could do a cameo in Hannibal, and if one of their characters could meet the other's character)
If they could eat a painting, which one would it be
What would Hannibal say to Molly if he met her
How Will would have described Hannibal to Molly
On Hannibal and Will's habits and life on the run
About the time skip in TWOTL
How Will's mind palace looks like and a bonus question of how Mads & Hugh's personal mind palaces would look like
I really enjoyed this panel! ❤️
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theglitterdome · 2 months
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Vintage Love
Affectionate Couple At Boston University by Spencer Grant - 1972
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mkremy137 · 1 year
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April 10
Work from home views :)
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junimo-hexed · 2 months
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So apparently I never posted this mini comic based off my limited reading of the dbd comics from 3 months ago. I made it for the crossover prompt for the Obscure DC Character Bingo (yes, I like doing crossovers)
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emo-batboy · 5 months
Tbh I was always under the impression Metropolis is NYC and Gotham is Boston. Like iirc Arkham is based on an asylum that was in Danvers MA? The east coast city rivalry vibes feel pretty identical to me. Gotham's organized crime has big whitey bulger energy to me idk.
Gotham has always been adjacent to NYC.
Before DC decided NYC was a real place in their universe, Gotham and Metropolis were considered to be the light and dark side of the same Bay Area, taking up residence where NYC would be. Afterwards, Gotham has always been placed squarely across the Hudson River from NYC in North NJ. Until they couldn’t decide where Metropolis is.
Metropolis is a child of divorce.
The first time DC claimed it was in Delaware was the 70’s. (I don’t know why. They just did.) I think DC realized that making NYC a part of the universe meant they couldn’t make Gotham and Metropolis twin cities anymore so now, whenever they want to bring that dynamic back, they either ignore NYC altogether or move Gotham to the Delaware Bay and claim Metropolis is in Delaware.
But ever since Metropolis was a city, it’s been in NY. It’s been in NY since the 30’s. Usually, it’s placed somewhere above Manhattan, particularly near Westchester or just outside of the NY Metropolitan Area. So in my head, it’s about an hour above NYC but still west of Connecticut.
I like the concept of them being twin cities, but they have such different vibes that I can’t imagine them being right beside one another, and I think a lot of comic writers know that too. So I always place Metropolis in NY. Maybe it’s further upstate like DC sometimes claims, but Gotham and Metropolis are always within three hours of each other without fail.
But yeah, the more you know :) toodles
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fiapartridge · 5 months
hii 💌 with macklin celebrini and his celebrity crush! reader ?? teehee 🤭🤭
macklin celebrini x hughes!sister
summary: when a video on the bu hockey instagram blows up, you finally match the name to the most perfect face.
fia's notes: i love mack so much. he's my fave bu boy 💌 also! happy valentine's day! 💌⭐️🍓 OH! and i made this a hughes!sister because...i wanted to... enjoy!!! <3333
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Who is your celebrity crush? the whiteboard read as the boys piled off the ice and down the hall towards the locker room. Monday questions were the guys’ favorite or least favorite day depending on which guy you were asking. 
Case bounded off the ice, catching the question in the corner of his eye. “Mm, Margot Robbie. One hundred percent,” he pointed at the camera, winking. 
Lane Hutson was next as he stumbled down the hall, smiling once he saw the board. He hummed, standing in front of the question as he thought deeply about his answer. “Can I have multiple answers? Yes? Okay, um, I like Meghan Fox sometimes, Alex Morgan is pretty cool, Livvy Dunne definitely, Taylor Swift is a favorite, maybe Ariana Grande but she’s been iffy lately—”
Pushing him off camera, Doug laughed as he read the board. “Jesus, Lane. How many crushes do you have?”
“Hey! There’s a lot of beautiful women out there,” he smiled at the camera as Doug made a gagging noise in the background.
“Aiden!” Doug called for the boy as Aiden laid his stick on the wall and threw his hands to his hips. 
“Huh?” he replied.
“Celebrity crush, go.”
Aiden chuckled before shaking his head and pointing to Macklin who was trailing behind him, oblivious to the question. “Why don't we ask Mack over here,” he beamed, grabbing his brother’s shoulders and throwing him in front of the camera. “Macky definitely has someone in mind, don’t you Mack?”
Macklin would have punched his brother square in the face if he hadn’t been standing directly in front of the camera. A light tinge of pink dusted the boy’s features as Aiden teased him for his sudden shyness.
“C’mon Mack, maybe she’ll see it!”
“Yeah, that’s what I’m afraid of,” Macklin laughed awkwardly as he raked his hand through his hair.
“Yeah, well, if you don’t say it, somebody else will.”
“Don’t you fucking dare,” he pointed as Aiden grinned at the camera.
“Macky’s in love with Y/N Hughes!” he shouted before Macklin shoved him off camera, the video cutting off as you gaped at your screen. 
The video was being sent to you by everyone you knew and every single person you didn’t know, too.  Your entire feed was flooded with the boy’s reddened cheeks and awkward smile. The first few times of watching it, you felt bad that the boy was getting blasted on social media for liking you, but after a couple more rounds of watching, you went down a Macklin Celebrini rabbit hole. Your search engine was consumed with his interviews and game highlights. You researched his stats, age, birthplace, which school he was currently attending, everything. 
And it didn’t hurt that he was hot and your age. I mean, you weren’t new to the hockey scene being that you grew up in a house full of stars: your dad was an assistant coach for the Boston Bruins, your mom played for the US National Team at the Women’s World Championship, your brother was the captain of the Canucks, and your remaining brothers were playing on the same team in the NHL, breaking records and setting new ones. Your entire life was hockey even though you had nothing to do with the sport in the slightest. No, you were more of a figure skater—an Olympic gold figure skater, to be exact. You were on the ice in a different, less violent way. But you still supported your family and all of their endeavors, and gratefully, they supported yours, too.
So Macklin wasn’t a total stranger. You had heard talks of the projected #1 first pick at the 2024 NHL draft, but you never cared enough to match the face to the name. It’s funny that this is how you found out—sitting on your living room couch surrounded by your protective older brothers who knew his stats like the back of their hand. And they all held a bit of resentment for him.
“He was on Team Canada,” Jack scoffed. “You should not be associating with him.”
“So was Mercer!” you retorted. “And he’s still one of your best friends!”
“He’s also my teammate, Y/N/N. I can’t really not like the guy.”
You rolled your eyes, turning to the oldest who sat on the other side of you. “Quinny?”
He shrugged. “He’s a good kid, good stats, from Vancouver so you already know he’s a Canucks fan,” he smirked. “Let it go, Jack.”
Jack turned towards Luke who sat on the coffee table directly in front of you as he held your laptop on his lap, rewatching the video. “Luke? Thoughts?”
Luke looked up, watching as the three of them stared right back at him. “He’s in college, so at least you know he’s getting an education.”
Jack chuckled. “You were in college and you still have the brain of a monkey.”
Luke stood up, throwing the laptop on the couch as you and Quinn gave each other knowing looks. “And if you went to college, you would know that monkeys are actually really smart!”
You rolled your eyes, huffing as they burned glares into each other’s souls. “Can you guys just shut up!” you shouted. “I’m going to DM him and then I am going to never ask for your guys’ opinions ever again,” you smiled, standing up from the couch and walking towards your bedroom.
“I still don’t like him!” Jack yelled from the living room.
You groaned, not even making a move to turn around and talk to him. You simply shouted from the stairs, “I don’t care!” 
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You started a conversation with "Macklin Celebrini"!
You: Hii!
Macklin: You saw it, didn’t you?
You: What gave it away?
Macklin: The fact that you probably didn’t know I existed until that video came out.
You: Okayy, true. BUT I enjoyed it!
Macklin: Which part? The part where I was trying not to kill my brother, or the part that became a meme of my face getting so red everyone put tomatoes all over my Instagram comments?
You: Both? To be fair, I thought your blushing was cute.
Macklin: You’re kidding.
You: Not in the slightest. :) So, when are you in Michigan next? Heard there was this super fun lake house there in the summer.
Macklin: I can’t believe this is happening.
You: You would think you would be a bit more enthusiastic.
Macklin: Believe me, my face is crazier than in the video right now, and that’s saying something.
You: I believe it. And actually, that’s just all of my burner accounts commenting on your post.
Macklin: Knew something was suspicious.
You: Oh, definitely. Also…
Macklin: Bad news? I knew this was going too well.
You: No. Just thank your brother for me.
Macklin: For what?
You: For leading me to you.
Macklin: Oh, God, I’ve gone full-on tomato.
You: 🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅!
Macklin: IT WAS YOU
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inthedarktrees · 2 years
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Boston University students sunbathing by the Charles River
Yale Joel, Life, May 5, 1950
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brutalistinteriors · 2 months
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Healey Library, University of Massachusetts, Boston. Harry Weese.
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athleticperfection1 · 2 months
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Boston Soccer
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larsnicklas · 6 months
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[231226 FIN VS. CAN] macklin celebrini watches a replay and calls goal; the officials confirm and team canada converges to celebrate their youngest member's first goal of the tournament
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folie-a-deux · 18 days
"If one of your other characters get cameo on Hannibal, which one would you choose and would they get eaten?"
Mads: "I played a cannibal before, a different one... (Svend, from The Green Butchers) I think it'd be fun for him to be in the Hannibal show."
Hugh: "I played a kind of uninspiring (?) cult leader at one point (Cal, from The Path), I don't think he would last a second."
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asunsetgrace16 · 26 days
Introductions ⎥ MC71
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Pairing: Macklin Celebrini x fem!reader
Warnings: one swear, little brothers being little brothers
Summary: Mack meets the parents.
Notes: Requested by luvzty
masterlist⎥ navigation
Word Count: 1k
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For the first time, Macklin is joining Y/N’s family for dinner and meeting her family in person. Of course, they had talked over FaceTime, but it is a whole different ball game to meet the parents in person. His schedule with games and both of their class schedules, along with being on the opposite side of the continent, made it impossible for it to happen during the season. Now, with both school and hockey over, Y/N and Macklin flew home for the summer. They drove through Vancounver, out into the suburbs. The sun began its descent as they drove east. Y/N flipped the radio to a classic rock station, minimal conversation being made. As they neared her parent’s house, Mack blew out a breath, his knee bouncing nervously. His hand flexed on the wheel, a nervous tick. Y/N noticed, reaching over the console and resting her hand on his knee. Her thumb rubs soothingly over the fabric of his jeans. 
“Why are you so nervous, baby? They’ve always liked you.” Y/N asks softly, keeping her eyes trained on Macklin’s face. 
“I know, but what if it’s different now? Besides, I think it’s tradition to be nervous before meeting your girlfriend’s parents.” He says and looks over at her briefly. The joke makes them both smile a little. 
“I guess there’s that. But don’t worry, dad will talk your ear off the whole night if my brothers don’t get to you first.”
“A welcome distraction. I’m not sure who I’m scared of more, your dad or your brothers.”
“Preteens are remarkably harsh.”
“And brutally honest. RJ has more of an attitude than the three actual teenagers in our house combined.”
Y/N laughs, shaking her head and says, “It’s always the youngest ones.”
She has many times been a witness to the youngest Celebrini’s antics, hilarious, annoying, and exasperating in equal measure. She turns as much as her seat will allow, content to gaze adoringly at Macklin, a soft smile on her face all the while. Macklin moves to turn up the radio, and before long, they are singing along to Bon Jovi at the top of their lungs. The rest of the drive passes quickly, with each of them taking turns doing karaoke to whatever song plays next. As they pull into her parents’ driveway, Macklin is nervous again. He wipes his palms on hsi jeans, closing his eyes for a second. 
“It’ll be ok. Just be you.” Y/N says encouragingly, “C’mon, they’re probably waiting.”
They climb out of the car, and Mack immediately grasps Y/N’s hand, interlocking their fingers. They mounted the porch steps and just as Y/N reached for the handle, the door flew open to reveal her parents. A flurry of activity had Mack and Y/N in the house, passed between parents for hugs and ‘nice to meet you’ handshakes.
“It’s wonderful to meet you, Mrs. Y/L/N. I just wish it could have happened sooner.” Macklin says, going to shake her mom’s hand. She goes for the hug instead. 
“Just Anna, Macklin, Mrs. Y/L/N is my mother in law. And technically we have already met.” Y/N’s mom says warmly, smiling at him.
Y/N’s dad is less warm, opting for a firm handshake that Mack returns no problem.
“Nice to meet you, sir.” 
“Brian. Not ‘sir’. It makes me feel old. I’ve heard a lot about you.” He tells Macklin. 
“Good things, I hope.”
“Oh yes, as Y/N called it, ‘a grade-A teenager level crush’ which tells me all I need to know.” Her dad winks, and Y/N covers her face with her hands and groans.
“Dad, don’t embarrass me.” She pleads.
“What, it’s my job to embarrass you. I get the feeling that Macklin here isn’t going to run for the hills when he hears an embarrassing story,” He and Macklin share a grin while Anna rolls her eyes and heads to the kitchen, “besides, who knows what stories your brothers will spin and share at dinner.”
Y/N just groans, following her mom out of the living room. The group settles in the kitchen while dinner finishes cooking.
“It smells amazing, Mom. What are you making?” Y/N asks.
“Beef stroganoff and broccoli salad.” Anna answers, sliding the salad bowl and dressing over to Y/N. 
A thunder on the stairs announces the arrival of Y/N’s younger brothers, 13 year old Chase and 10 year old Reese. Y/N introduces them to Macklin, both of them pulling a disgusted face at the words ‘boyfriend’ and ‘don’t embarrass me’. Chase pretends to puke. Before long, they whisked Macklin away to shoot pucks outside. Y/N’s dad laughs as she watches the three of them out the window, her mom smacks him with a towel. The boys are called inside to wash up. Dinner passes quickly, with the conversation of school life, the hockey season, and how Macklin and Y/N met, punctuated periodically by her brothers grilling Macklin about the NHL players he knows. 
Y/N and Macklin help clean up before heading on their way. Copious amounts of leftovers are sent with them. Her brothers give her a quick hug, Reese holding on for a second longer. Reese even awkwardly side-hugs Macklin, who simply smiles, while Chase goes for the grown-up handshake. They finish saying their good-byes, hard to do when Brian likes to talk as much as he does, and head back into the city. 
“I’d call that a success.” Y/N comments. It’s dark out now, but the stars can’t quite be seen. 
“I think so. I had a good time. Your dad really likes to talk.”
“I’m glad, and I told you he would. I lived in that house for seventeen years. Mom’s been pestering me since we got back that we need to come for dinner.”
Macklin hums in acknowledgement, “Your brothers are hilarious, by the way.” 
“Oh yeah? What did they tell you about me?”
“Oh nothing important.”
Y/N can hear the quiver in his voice. He’s trying not to laugh, the fucker. She tips her head back and sighs, eyes closed. Macklin rolls his lips together to fight off a smile, hand flexing on the steering wheel.
“You’re never going to tell me, are you?” 
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quinnylouhughesx43 · 2 months
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usahockey on instagram
just my favorite boys 🥹
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