#Born Pissed
mo-mode · 8 months
Okay, but has anyone mentioned yet that Grover is also a vegetarian so when he says “Thanks for the emotional abuse and the cheeseburgers,” he’s like doubling down on Ares’ shittiness?? Ares even mentions how practically all satyrs are vegetarian or vegan when he said all they do is eat tofu. I bet when Grover said that at the end, he was cursing him out so thoroughly on his head, Ares could hear it. “Thanks for the emotional abuse and cheeseburgers you @&!$ing $!@? and you didn’t even get a %£#!ing salad. Oooo you got a big &$%! plate of fries? Whoop-dee &!#@ing doo!! What kind of #&*!ing god are you? A piss poor @#!$ing !%@$ one. Athena’s owl my €@%#.” That’s probably why Ares didn’t bother with the paper towels.
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dolokhoded · 7 months
with greece legalizing gay marriage and everything i'm so tired of people diminishing queerness in greece to "oh your ancient greek ancestors would be proud ! alexander the great would be proud ! achilles would be proud sappho would be proud plato would be proud" etcetc.
queer rights progressing in greece wouldn't make our "ancient greek ancestors" proud because they had an entirely different concept of marriage than us, viewed women as objects to be sold and traded and only accepted homosexuality between men, or even more likely, a man and a literal underage boy.
gay rights in greece aren't benefiting some people who died a few thousand years ago or are Literally Fictional. greek queerness isn't just some ancient dionysian fantasy of feeding each other grapes and reciting poetry to each other by the sea. actual greek people who do benefit from this still exist. it doesn't honor some ancient guy who condoned slavery. it honors greek queer people who were out there protesting at the controversy this law raised with the church and actually made the effort to win this fight.
ancient greece isn't the epitome of queerness, not even close. absolutely in no way when it concerned exclusively just gay men. the epitome of queerness is the trans kid from my hometown who insisted on cutting their hair and dressing masculine even within their transphobic high school environment and strict orthodox family, or the woman who taught me programming who was married with children and realized she was aromantic fifteen years into marriage, or the gay punks who kept cops out of the university's anarchist hotspot.
greek queer people aren't history or mythology, and ancient greece isn't the queer utopia you make it out to be. we're still here, and we're fighting against the exact ideas our ancient culture perpetuated.
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sholmeser · 2 months
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im possessed
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hauntingsofhouses · 8 months
shoutout to taigen for being the most expressive character in the entire show.
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you will never not know whatever the hell he is feeling or thinking at the moment because he will literally tell you (either very earnestly like when he traumadumps to mizu or very sarcastically which is the other 99% of the time he talks to mizu) or you will see it plain as day on his face.
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this is the textbook definition of a man wearing his heart on his sleeve. look in the dictionary for what a "simple man" means and you will find taigen's face there.
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like once you cut through the massive ego and pompousness he uses to mask his own insecurities and traumas, he is literally just some guy. he's not evil or stupid. not super kind or super smart either. an asshole but not the worst there is. he's incredibly skilled but he's not the strongest ever or even the most skilled. he is literally! just a guy!
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y'all can hate him all you want but let's be real, taigen is actually the most relatable character out of everyone. like this man is POOR, he is PATHETIC, he is COMPLAINING ALL THE TIME, and most of all he is OBSESSED WITH MIZU. if that shit ain't relatable idk what is.
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grrlterrier · 2 months
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Commissions are almost done so I finished up these designs today :]
TERFs DNI this is not for you!
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waywardsou2 · 4 months
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Shitty photos but I wore my battle vest for the third time ever.
Little bit of backstory but I made this during December last year and never wore it because some of the patches on my jacket were "not appropriate" and my dad was "disappointed" with what I wrote on them, so I got really discouraged from wearing it. I wanted to wear it to my first day of College but he saw it and told me I wasn't allowed to wear it.
But today I said fuck it. It's been several months and I put so much fucking effort into this and I've never even worn it. So I did. And I felt awesome all day
The patches I have on there are
- "Fuck the system"
- "Dead men can't cat call"
- "cowabunga dudes"
- "the earth is our mother"
- "punks not dead"
- "If you aren't angry you aren't paying attention"
- "people before profit"
- "Punks respect pronouns"
- a spiderweb
- "we all bleed the same colour"
(feel free to borrow any of the sayings if you would like)
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midnight--sadness · 2 months
this stupid ass show's timeline is so fucked up omg
according to the wikia, the year is 132 AC, which is already stupid in and of it itself but whatever, moving on.
I think it was last episode that they say that Daeron is 16, which is fine, okay, but then you remember that according to the timeskips and the wikia, Helaena is 17 and Aemond is 17-16. Jaehaerys & Jaehaera are 4 years old, so Helaena had them at 13, which is just.... yikes. But did Alicent have three children in two years? Why is Aemond's birth so uncertain when all the other major characters have birth years?
Alicent says that Gwayne was 8 and motherless when she and Otto came to court, and yet in episode 1 of the first season, Daemon mentions that Otto's wife died recently and we see Gwayne was old enough to participate in the tourney.... are there two Gwaynes or did the writers forget that they had already introduced his character? Also, him saying that he is the oldest son and should be raised at Oldtown is so stupid, because Otto is the second son and none of his children will inherite the Hightower, not unless his brother's kids all drop dead, which we know doesnt happen in the books (though they could do that in the show, who knows).
the writers make such stupid choices in regards to the timeline. Why did they make Joffrey, Aegon III and Viserys II so young when it is going to create so many problems for the narrative later on? How is Aegon going to flee on dragonback when Stormcloud is the size of a cat? Is someone going to rescue him and leave Viserys behind? One of the reasons Aegon III was so broken is because he was forced to abandon his brother and he never forgave himself. how can that happen in the show when he doesnt even have the ability to properly eat by himself?
and now they made Hugh Saera's son, when he looks like he is the same age as Daemon, and Saera was only 14 when Daemon was born in the books? hell, when he was born she hadnt even had that whole scandal business.... not to mention that they make it see like Hugh was born in Westeros, probably the Crownlands or even King's Landing itself. Are they trying to say that Saera worked at a brothel in the city while her father was king?
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hyunpic · 5 months
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prideprejudce · 2 months
while it's obvious that rhaenyra is the best suited for the role as the ruler of westeros and the rightful heir, i really hope the writers don't forget the fact that rhaenyra is not this all-knowing and all-wise ruler that they like to show her as up until now
people seem to forget that the entire point of the ice and fire series from the dance all the way up to the game of thrones timeline is to show that the monarchy as a system is absolutely fucked and having one person be in charge of everything is dysfunctional and flawed no matter who it is
while rhaenyra has been shown to be a level-headed character, she can also be just as rash and irresponsible as the next person and has flaws that make her just as problematic as any other person clawing for the throne. this isn't a good vs bad or a greens vs blacks story, it's about how the pursuit of power completely tears a family and an entire realm apart, and everyone is complicit in it, including our faves like rhaenyra
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pretty4lifeee · 2 months
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yardsards · 2 months
honestly marcille's goal to equalize lifespans was correct as hell. like if i was a regular old tallman in the dunmeshi universe and some pointy eared fucks got to live like five times longer than me purely because of genetic lottery i'd turn into the fucking joker.
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gayfortheplot · 2 months
I know we're ignoring canon right now, but can. Can we just talk about Dabi's ending for a second? Because like. What the fuck? This guy's been suffering his entire life. From being abused by his father, to being kidnapped and experimented on while he's in a coma, just to escape and go home to find out his worst fears have come true, his family abandoned him, they never really cared. Then, he spends the next 8 years homeless, where he damages his body so much to the point he's being held together by staples? How painful was his daily life?? No wonder he wanted to die. His life was hell. And now, he spends his last days alive trapped in a fucking fish tank, in excruciating agony (you cannot tell me he isn't in any pain. He has no fucking skin left, along with his other injuries. Not to mention the emotional and psychological trauma once again inflicted on him). He doesn't get to choose whether or not he wants to keep living through this nightmare. He doesn't get to choose whether or not he wants Endeavor to visit him every day. No one asks him his opinion on any of this. They decide for him, and he doesn't have the strength left to protest. He can't move, can't talk, can't do anything. All he can do is sit there, watching on helplessly, with the knowledge that after his death, his family will once again leave him behind and forget all about him. He'll never see the League again, the only people in the world who actually loved him unconditionally and never saw him as a problem or a mistake. He has to die with the knowledge that he failed. His family won't ever truly see him as a person, and he never, not once in his life, got to be happy.
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catboycyrus · 2 months
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and of course, the notorious gargoyle
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the thing is willis todd would’ve killed anyone who fucked with his son, joker or not he would end you or die trying
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will80sbyers · 1 year
People saying that Kitty liking Yuri was "random" or "forced"...wtf. that is literally the bisexual experience, because of heteronormativity many of us don't notice we are bi because we can focus on the "normal" side of the spectrum that society told us we should want!!!! That's literally what heteronormativity does to us and Kitty's journey in realizing her sexuality is 10000% realistic.
Say the truth that you want her to end up with a man because you want your ship!! and not bullshit like that, also if you're not bi/queer shut the fuck up about the bisexual experience because it's not yours to judge.
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ianthedebonair · 3 months
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Old(er) man Damien, maybe? (assuming he doesn't get anymore banged up or telepathically go nuclear at the end 🤷‍♂️)
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