#Blood Donation Awareness
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townpostin · 7 months ago
New Ekta Club to Organize 20th Blood Donation Camp on Independence Day
New Ekta Club to host its 20th blood donation camp on August 15, alongside free health check-ups and cultural programs. New Ekta Club will celebrate Independence Day by organizing its 20th annual blood donation camp on August 15, 2024, at Rishi Bhavan, Jugsalai, with a target of collecting 500 units of blood. JAMSHEDPUR – In observance of Independence Day, New Ekta Club will hold its 20th annual…
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odekiisu · 2 months ago
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Restock day
Inspired by this post by @icantspellthings & referenced off a couple doses of A positive at our blood bank lol. Was intending to include pink/purple Klingon blood as well but I ran out of space 😔
From left to right: Human, Cardassian, Ferengi, Vulcan (top one also noted as appropriate for Romulans), and Andorian.
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gale-gaze · 8 months ago
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[ she falls in battle the next day immediately following her hearing Gale groan after getting hit and the entire camp raises a brow - she was at full health ]
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leapingthroughworlds · 4 months ago
my week til now has been a huge blur of mental breakdown but at least my nails look a pretty shimmery purple i guess
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sp00kysk3lly · 2 years ago
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I’m in the middle of doing my #millionstepsfordiabetesuk
I wondered if anyone could be kind enough to donate to a great cause, that has helped me and so many other people.
I was diagnosed with Type One Diabetes in 2016 when I was 18 years old.
Since then I have also been diagnosed with EPI (Exocrine Pancreatic Insufficiency), Diabetic Retinopathy, and Chronic Pain. I have also lost my teeth due to bad control and being unsupported by my diabetes team.
Even if it is only a few pence, or a few pounds (even if you’re in America or other countries), every penny helps!
All money goes to DiabetesUK to help other diabetics get the help they need!
This is a really important cause for me. I know I have only done 254,131 steps but I am dealing with chronic pain and I’m logging every step I am taking even if it isn’t much.
These guys have helped me with so much. Even if I didn’t know it yet.
Without donations I probably wouldn’t have got the pump or sensor that have helped me lower my HbA1c or my blood sugar!
Please help where and when you can. This challenge finishes on 30/09/23! 30th September 2023!
Please help me get more money for this amazing charity and the amazing people that have helped me and others so much!
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r0semultiverse · 5 months ago
Someone a while ago told me apparently not to tag donation posts with trigger warnings?? I only do that for gore or blood. As someone whose sensitive to both of those things and has multiple friends who are, call me privileged if you want, but I’m gonna trigger warn it. I’ll still pass it along in hopes others can help, but fuck off telling me not to trigger warn actual blood and gore.
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dykeredhood · 8 months ago
Inseparable since childhood: Steven Rogers and James Buchanan “Bucky” Barnes…
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townpostin · 8 months ago
Blood Donation Drive at ADLS Sunshine School Saves Lives
93 units collected as school community rallies for noble cause ADLS Sunshine School’s blood donation camp saw 93 donors contribute, embodying the motto ‘Donate Blood, Save Life.’ JAMSHEDPUR – ADLS Sunshine School hosted a successful blood donation camp on its premises, collecting 93 units of blood from enthusiastic participants. The school’s management members, principal, staff, and parents…
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yuni-5 · 2 years ago
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(via be cool give blood Magnet by yukicha)
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op0ssumlord · 9 months ago
hi!  I am desperately in need for help. I need my insulin to bring my blood sugar back down. It’s $300 That’s all I need. I’m not asking for a windfall, just a little help, please.
Be blessed 💓🙏🙏💓
            DONATE AND SHARE.
Please donate if possible!
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urbnvision · 10 months ago
Raising Sickle Cell Awareness in Memory of Israel Adeoye.
So my nephew (by way of marriage), Israel Oluwamide Adeoye, passed away 3 weeks ago from Sickle Cell Disease at the age of 27. 
After his death, I discovered his TikTok page and proceeded to listen to all of his videos and learned more about his experiences with the disease and specifically with the medical establishment. 
Y’all! I was appalled. And slightly embarrassed for not having known more while this was happening. I’ve known sickle cell exists and could have rambled off a brief definition of what it was in terms of its etiology. What I did NOT know was the ravaging way in which it affects people’s actual daily lives and an inside look at what the day-to-day looks like for those going through it. Listening to his stories deeply humbled me.
When I met my husband, it was on our second date that he asked me about my status and if I was a carrier for sickle cell trait (AS). I did not know. Still don’t know actually. But because he knew he was AA (a non-carrier), I guess it didn’t matter for us so much in terms of carrying on dating. But I understand now why we had that conversation so early on.
I also learned from one of Israel’s TikToks that Sickle Cell Awareness Day is the same day as Juneteenth. He was disheartened that the Juneteenth holiday overshadowed Sickle Cell Awareness Day and wanted more people to know about the disease. He often ended his videos detailing his medical abuse with a charge for us to help and “do something about it.” I kinda took that charge to heart. 
In honor of Israel, and all Sickle Cell Warriors, I wanted to take up his cause and do my small part to help with raising awareness. We are all we got y’all! Back in the 70’s the Black Panther Party saw this need and they were fighting for this awareness too. One of the main initiatives for the Party setting up the free health clinics was to get people screened for sickle cell disease and trait. It is 2024, some 50 years later, and still, this isn’t being talked about nearly enough. I know they are beginning to make some strides with gene therapy it seems…but a cure that is readily available and affordable for all is probably still some ways away.
So what is sickle cell disease? According to the NIH, “Sickle cell disease is a group of inherited red blood cell disorders that affect hemoglobin, the protein that carries oxygen through the body. Normally, red blood cells are disc-shaped and flexible enough to move easily through the blood vessels. In sickle cell disease, red blood cells become crescent- or “sickle”-shaped due to a genetic mutation. These sickled red blood cells do not bend or move easily and can block blood flow to the rest of the body.
The blocked blood flow through the body can lead to serious problems, including stroke, eye problems, infections, and episodes of pain called pain crises.”
The condition affects more than 100,000 people in the United States and 20 million people worldwide. According to the CDC, “more than 90% are non-Hispanic Black or African American, and an estimated 3%–9% are Hispanic or Latino.” Pause and let that sink in for a moment. More than 90% of us! 
“About 1 in 13 Black or African American babies are born with sickle cell trait.
About 1 in every 365 Black or African American babies are born with sickle cell disease.
The estimated life expectancy of those with SCD in the United States is more than 20 years shorter than the average expected.”
Those are pretty chilling statistics to me. Like any disease, there is a spectrum of how well one can do while having it, but no one is exempt from the pain.
So with all that being said… The purpose of this post. I don’t know what to do to “fix it” as he asked. And I am sure I don’t have the power to do much, though I will continue to research and figure out a more satisfying answer to that question for myself. But for now… 
I am doing a bake sale for Juneteenth in honor of Israel and for World Sickle Cell Day. The proceeds from the bake sale will be donated to Health Equity Matters Foundation in his name, as was requested by the family at his funeral. 
I would be honored if you all would support this initiative by buying cupcakes or just making a donation if you don’t want the actual cupcakes.
Better yet, if you want to take it a step further, I charge everyone to go get tested to see if they are sickle cell carriers and know their status. Make sure your children know theirs also.
If you are able to, donate blood!
I don’t want to say that he lost his fight to sickle cell. He fought well and was awarded the rest he so desperately needed. But his fight is over. However I am personally making sure that his charge to “do something” did not fall on deaf ears. This is my little version of “something.”  And if nothing else, every Juneteenth y’all will hear from me a post about Sickle Cell Awareness Day, even if that’s all I can do. Posting additional links in the comments for those who want to know more. 
Rest well Israel.
#sicklecell #sicklecellanemia #sicklecellwarrior #sicklecellawareness #sicklecellmatters #healthequity #juneteenth #worldsicklecellday #donateblood #israeladeoye 
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fanciedfacts · 11 months ago
Donating blood benefits the giver and the receiver of the blood.
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thatonequeeraunt · 1 year ago
Tumblr really be out here trying to get me to sell my blood
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deadsetobsessions · 1 year ago
Danny laid across his throne, legs planted across the left arm of the ornate chair and back pressed uncomfortably against the right.
"Listen," Danny started, letting his head flop to the side as he glared at a hovering Observant. "This meeting has wasted enough of my time. You all have been arguing for hours and that's without Clockwork slowing things down."
"Your Majesty, this is a matter of great importance. Belial means to overthrow and rule my-our world!"
"I am distinctly aware aware of that," Ancients, Danny couldn't wait to go home and rid himself of the formal speech he'd had to adopt in order to be taken seriously. Well, as seriously as he cared to be taken when sprawled across his throne instead of sitting on it intimidatingly or something. He slowly placed his gaze on the suddenly still demon sitting across from him. "Yet you've proposed fifteen different plans that were all unviable for whatever reasons you've cooked up. Your conclusion is that I must step in. Does your world not have heroes to take care of it?"
The demon- another lord of hell from this Belial’s universe- fell silent.
“Ah. But if they do, they would also take care of you.”
“No- no, that’s not-”
Danny allowed his voice to drop to the artic freeze he knew his core was capable of. "I opened these these doors to allow all of you to present me with reasonable concerns regarding your own universes and realms. What is not on the table for discussion is your petty politics. Do you think I am unaware of your intentions in tattling to me? That I do not know you are trying to use me to further your own position?"
"Your Majesty, I-" The demon growled out, fear slowly coating its expression.
"It no longer amuses me. You think that I am young and easy to manipulate." Danny froze the demon to its chair. It tried to break free, but Danny isn't the High King of the Infinite Realms for nothing. "Bring to me a miserable problem like this ever again, one that could be easily solved if you used even a smidgen of your intelligence, and you will find exactly how I tore Pariah Dark from his throne."
Not that Danny knew how he did it either, he just did it.
"Yes, Your Majesty. My-my apologies."
The room is dead (Danny patted himself on the back for the pun) silent. Some of the Ancients looked bored, like Clockwork who knew Danny would never hurt them, but everyone else looked close to crying. He held eye contact with the demon until it looked away.
When Danny settled back into the throne and allowed his ice to dissipate, the room let out a collective sigh of relief.
"The next item on the agenda is another demon, by the name of Trigon." Clockwork announced, the large piece of paper comically huge next to his currently toddler-like body.
He flicked an amused look at the previous demon, who kept his trap firmly shut.
"He is attempting to take over multiple worlds in an attempt to conquer the universe. I had thought you would be interested in this one, Your Majesty, as he plans to begin with Earth 135."
Danny stilled. That was his Earth. His haunt.
"Does he know of the Realms?"
"Vaguely, I believe."
"Then he should know the rules. I will wait to see if my Earth's heroes are capable to step to the task."
Danny would be a hypocrite if he doesn’t let the heroes of his Earth try first, even if he is one of those heroes.
"Of course," Clockwork grinned at him, fully aware of the shit Danny's about to stir back home. Ah, the wonders of being able to influence the time stream. Perhaps the young Ghost King will finally get some friends, and maybe get those pesky speedsters to stop making his jobs so hard. Cujo yipped at Danny as the King begrudgingly moved onto the next topic.
Raven shuddered as she watched the footage of her "brothers" laughing while steering their human "meatbags" around. She turned back to the giant circle of donated blood and herb filled candles.
“This is a nuclear option, don’t you think?” Green Arrow mumbled, clearly not against it by the half hearted way he’d said it. The Star City billionaire nursed his cracked ribs.
“No,” she floated over to where Zatanna and Constantine kneeled, trying to see if they needed help with the inscriptions. “Trigon is coming soon, and my brothers will no doubt find their way here in a moment. We are out of time.”
“Yeah. Plus, we don’t want Raven to be turned into a portal.” Garfield piped up, switching animal forms rapidly.
“No one dies.” Red Robin muttered. His wrist computer was open, monitoring the surroundings of the open field they found themselves uneasily occupying. Batman grunted in affirmation, eyeing the tree line. Every hero except the magical ones were on look out, preparing themselves for one more battle against the two demons that were trying to take Raven and force her into becoming a portal.
“Hey guys, we might want to hurrythisupbecausethey’re kind of close!” Impulse slammed into the room.
“Done.” Zatanna got up, motioning for everyone to step back. In Superman’s case, he floated back.
“Too bad you won’t get to use it,” a voice drawled, dripping with malice and the screams of a thousand souls.
“Come now, little sister. Why fight fate? Be grateful father has deigned to spare you. If not for your dirty blood being useful, you would be dead, little sister. Give up, before our patience runs out alongside the lives of your little pets.” Another, mocking, voice gleefully rumbled.
Raven would rather gouge out her own heart than to claim these two as any type of family.
“You won’t touch them.” Raven snarled, powers rising even as the marks on her body burned a painful red.
“Buy us some time!”
With that, the group of beaten and battered heroes rose to clash against just two demons, for a chance to save their world.
The Circle crackled. Danny felt a tug on his core. He followed the thread of the summoning. Oh. It was his haunt. Earth 135. Hm. It tasted of blood. Desperation? A hint of anticipation. Oh, an overload of fear. Could use some more hope, but Danny understood that it was rather hard to season these kinds of summonings with hope.
“Stop.” Danny commanded, straightening in his chair.
“Sire, we have more-”
“There is an issue with my haunt,” with that, he followed the summons.
“Ugh,” was the first thing everybody on the frozen battlefield heard. The demons had smacked away many of the heroes, but they all turned as one when the circle lit up a bright green. “Why do you people always use blood? I’m dead, I don’t need any more iron!”
A boy
Raven’s eldest brother let out a hideous rumble. “You fools tried to summon the king, and you got a dead boy. And now, you’ve doomed another.”
Constantine looked resigned, and regretful. “I am so, so sorry,” he whispered. It was just a kid. John might be a lot of things, but even he found summoning dead kids for demons to devour was just a step too far. “Shite, we got the wrong fucking-”
“Hey, man, that’s rude,” the boy snapped back, waving John off.
“Brother, kill the whelp.”
“I vote on not killing the whelp. Not killing at all, really,” the boy stepped out of the massive blood circle, wrinkling his nose at the drying stains.
“This is not one of your pesky democracies, fool.”
In response, the demons lunged at him, ignoring the screams of the surrounding heroes as they shoved their human arms through the boy’s stomach.
“So,” the boy continues, “I heard your dad was after my haunt?”
“Your haunt, whelp? This earth shall be his! And through him, ours!” Raven slammed against the demons with her power, shadows enlarging and tossing them away from the unharmed… ghost boy?
“Is it?”
Wow, these demons are so rude. Normally, it’d be a breath of fresh air compared to the stuffy halls of his throne room. But since they’re attacking his haunt…
“Thanks. You’re… Raven, right?”
Raven nodded, arms outstretched in concentration as she held her brothers back.
“You have to go. We’re- we’re sorry you got pulled into this, but it’s not safe here.”
“Eh. It’s cool. You don’t have to do that anymore, by the way.” Danny stepped forward once more, green skin shifting and gliding as everything about him sharpened. He flew at the demons piloting the human shells, catching them around the necks and dragging the demons out of their stolen bodies. The threw them even further away as he floated in the air, a beacon of green and white. Raven thought it looked like hope.
“My name is Phantom, the High King of the Infinite Realms,” let it be known that Danny always had an eye for dramatic entrances. He shifted into something more off, more eldritch, more kingly. The crown flared to life above his head. “You have invaded my haunt. You have challenged me. What do you plead?”
“You’re not-” they said.
“Wrong answer,” Danny flew at them once more, body contorting into something undeniably terrorizing, his maw unhinging and crunching down on the demons with a sound that made the present heroes cringe.
“Ugh,” Danny grunted, turning back and floating peacefully to the group of heroes- Tucker and Sam would be so stoked he met Wonder Woman and Batman!- and chewed rapidly. He shifted back into his normal form. “Eating demons always leaves me with indigestion. And their bones get everywhere up in my teeth!” Danny pulled out a giant femur looking bone from his mouth, despite it not logically fitting in there.
“Right. No eating demons, solid life advice.” Red Robin said.
“Right? So, you’re Raven! It’s nice to meet you! Think you can summon your dear ol’ dad for me?”
“But we summoned you to stop Trigon, not help him come here.” Superman said, frowning.
“One! That summoning circle is wack. Those things you piled up as offerings? Mid. Also, if you thought you could control me with those terribly written spells, you’re dead wrong. And yes, I am making puns about death.” Danny jabs an aggressive finger towards the shabby circle.
“Have you considered that maybe not every being that can be summoned wants a shit ton of useless blood? Like what if I wanted food? And two, how am I supposed to beat up Trigon if he’s still stuck in the prison realm?”
“I have a cup of coffee,” Nightwing offered. “Kid Flash could probably get you food, right?”
“Yep, surethinganythingyouwantyourMajesty.”
“You wouldn’t catch me alive accepting food from a speedster. You people fuck up the timelines so much,” Danny grumbled, crunching on the last of Raven’s brothers. Raven thought she should probably sit down.
“But you’re dead.” Batman said, something about his voice catching the sharp attention of his protégés who all started making cutting motions at him.
“Fair,” Danny pointed at him, grinning. “I’ll take two pizza and Nightwing’s coffee as payment for taking care of your little demon overlord problem. Raven, summon your dad.”
Didn’t much like the characterization of this piece but it’s been in my drafts for a while and I needed it out
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reasonsforhope · 3 months ago
"When Ellen Kaphamtengo felt a sharp pain in her lower abdomen, she thought she might be in labour. It was the ninth month of her first pregnancy and she wasn’t taking any chances. With the help of her mother, the 18-year-old climbed on to a motorcycle taxi and rushed to a hospital in Malawi’s capital, Lilongwe, a 20-minute ride away.
At the Area 25 health centre, they told her it was a false alarm and took her to the maternity ward. But things escalated quickly when a routine ultrasound revealed that her baby was much smaller than expected for her pregnancy stage, which can cause asphyxia – a condition that limits blood flow and oxygen to the baby.
In Malawi, about 19 out of 1,000 babies die during delivery or in the first month of life. Birth asphyxia is a leading cause of neonatal mortality in the country, and can mean newborns suffering brain damage, with long-term effects including developmental delays and cerebral palsy.
Doctors reclassified Kaphamtengo, who had been anticipating a normal delivery, as a high-risk patient. Using AI-enabled foetal monitoring software, further testing found that the baby’s heart rate was dropping. A stress test showed that the baby would not survive labour.
The hospital’s head of maternal care, Chikondi Chiweza, knew she had less than 30 minutes to deliver Kaphamtengo’s baby by caesarean section. Having delivered thousands of babies at some of the busiest public hospitals in the city, she was familiar with how quickly a baby’s odds of survival can change during labour.
Chiweza, who delivered Kaphamtengo’s baby in good health, says the foetal monitoring programme has been a gamechanger for deliveries at the hospital.
“[In Kaphamtengo’s case], we would have only discovered what we did either later on, or with the baby as a stillbirth,” she says.
The software, donated by the childbirth safety technology company PeriGen through a partnership with Malawi’s health ministry and Texas children’s hospital, tracks the baby’s vital signs during labour, giving clinicians early warning of any abnormalities. Since they began using it three years ago, the number of stillbirths and neonatal deaths at the centre has fallen by 82%. It is the only hospital in the country using the technology.
“The time around delivery is the most dangerous for mother and baby,” says Jeffrey Wilkinson, an obstetrician with Texas children’s hospital, who is leading the programme. “You can prevent most deaths by making sure the baby is safe during the delivery process.”
The AI monitoring system needs less time, equipment and fewer skilled staff than traditional foetal monitoring methods, which is critical in hospitals in low-income countries such as Malawi, which face severe shortages of health workers. Regular foetal observation often relies on doctors performing periodic checks, meaning that critical information can be missed during intervals, while AI-supported programs do continuous, real-time monitoring. Traditional checks also require physicians to interpret raw data from various devices, which can be time consuming and subject to error.
Area 25’s maternity ward handles about 8,000 deliveries a year with a team of around 80 midwives and doctors. While only about 10% are trained to perform traditional electronic monitoring, most can use the AI software to detect anomalies, so doctors are aware of any riskier or more complex births. Hospital staff also say that using AI has standardised important aspects of maternity care at the clinic, such as interpretations on foetal wellbeing and decisions on when to intervene.
Kaphamtengo, who is excited to be a new mother, believes the doctor’s interventions may have saved her baby’s life. “They were able to discover that my baby was distressed early enough to act,” she says, holding her son, Justice.
Doctors at the hospital hope to see the technology introduced in other hospitals in Malawi, and across Africa.
“AI technology is being used in many fields, and saving babies’ lives should not be an exception,” says Chiweza. “It can really bridge the gap in the quality of care that underserved populations can access.”"
-via The Guardian, December 6, 2024
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aymanfamily · 1 month ago
Evacuation of my Neurological Patient Brother 🥹🙏
Dear Friends and Supporters,
I’m reaching out to you today, on behalf of my husband, with an urgent request for assistance. My family is currently facing an unimaginable situation as I desperately seek to evacuate them from the ongoing crisis in Gaza including my brother-in-law, who is a neurological patient, and my mother-in-law who is 70 years old, and she is not only grapples with the challenges of aging but also shoulders the burden of chronic illnesses, including high blood pressure and diabetes. My brother-in-law's condition requires specialized medical care, as he suffers from a benign tumor in the cerebellum. He underwent two major surgeries to remove the tumor, and an internal valve was installed to drain the cerebrospinal fluid.
This operation led to a permanent disability in movement and stiffness in the muscles of the legs, especially the left side. He needs constant follow-up and permanent rehabilitation treatment, as he was receiving two physical therapy sessions weekly to relieve muscle stiffness, but since the beginning of the aggression on the Gaza Strip (more than 4 months ago), he has not received this service, and in the same context, he needs daily medication which is simply not available now in Gaza, as the healthcare system in the Gaza Strip has been severely impacted by the ongoing conflict, with limited resources and a shortage of medical supplies. It is crucial that we act quickly to evacuate him to a safer location where he can receive the necessary medical attention and support, in addition to the evacuation of 6 other members of my family.
As many of you may be aware, Gaza has been experiencing a devastating humanitarian crisis for years. The recent Israeli aggression on the Gaza Strip has worsened the situation, leaving innocent civilians trapped and in desperate need of help. Knowing that we live in Gaza City, but the Israeli occupation army forced us to evacuate our homes and move to the center or south of the Gaza Strip. We left our home on 13th Oct. 2023 and moved to the center of the Gaza Strip, which was supposed to be a safe area, but then the Israeli soldiers began military operations in the central region. Therefore, we were forced to move to Rafah, living in a house including 20 members. Currently the Israeli Occupation Forces are threatening to invade Rafah, where 1.4 million people are taking refuge in an area of 55 km2. If Rafah is invaded, more massacres will be committed in addition to the massacres that were and are currently being committed in all areas of the Gaza Strip. Note that our house was directly hit by a missile, and currently the Israeli army does not allow us to return to Gaza city and to our homes, in addition to the fact that Gaza currently does not have the minimum necessities of life, such as electricity or clean water, in addition to the scarcity of resources. So, in an attempt to save our lives, we are planning to evacuate to Egypt, but the cost of evacuation is exorbitant, far beyond what our family can afford, therefore I'm setting up a GoFundMe campaign to raise USD $59,000. Here is the breakdown of the funds: • A total of USD $49,000 is estimated to cover the expenses associated with obtaining permits to leave Gaza, as well as crossing fees at Rafah, at the Egypt-Gaza border. This amount breaks down to USD$ 5,000 - $7,000 per person (7 people). • It is estimated that USD $10000 will be sufficient to cover the basic needs of my family in Egypt, including their accommodation, food, and other essential. Every donation, no matter how big or small, will make a difference. Even the smallest contribution can help us an inch closer to our goal of saving our life. Knowing that times are tough, and the invasion of Rafah could happen at any time, noting that the crossing with Egypt is in the city of Rafah, and it is possible that the crossing will be closed at any time due to the invasion, so I hope you help as soon as possible. Many thanks in advance for your contribution to save our lives.
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My gofundme link:
Thanks for your trust and support ❤️🙏
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