#she gets so fucking flustered - she keeps breaking concentration and mixing up words
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gale-gaze ¡ 8 months ago
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[ she falls in battle the next day immediately following her hearing Gale groan after getting hit and the entire camp raises a brow - she was at full health ]
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knuffled ¡ 4 years ago
Just Practice - Chapter 15
this is the most important chapter in the story so far since chapter seven, so i hope you enjoy this! if you could drop a comment and/or reblog to support all the hard work, it would mean a lot to me! 
here’s the ao3 link
The first thing that greeted Annabeth when she stepped out of her car was the sound of crashing waves and the smell of sea salt carried on a gentle breeze. She leaned against the side of her car and drank in the view of the ocean, relishing in the way the wind tousled her hair. The beach was packed with families and college students on spring break, and for good reason. It was late March, and the weather was absolutely perfect outside. The sand was pleasantly warm between her toes, and seagulls cawed overhead in a clear blue sky.
Coming to the beach for spring break had been Rachel’s idea. Her father owned a villa not far from the shore, and she had offered to let them all stay there overnight. It was exactly what Annabeth needed after the past month and a half. After Percy’s victory at state, Annabeth had been absolutely swamped with school work. Nearly every week there was some new project deadline, essay to turn in, or exam to study for, and by the time finals rolled around, Annabeth found herself running on fumes. She hadn’t realized how bad it was until she came home after her final exam and promptly passed the fuck out in her room only to wake up the following afternoon, seventeen hours later.
Annabeth gave herself some time to just stand barefoot in the sand until Piper texted her, informing her that she and Jason were setting up camp further down the beach where it was more secluded. Taking that as her cue to move, Annabeth leisurely made her way down the beach and found Piper and Jason a few minutes later, trying to set up a beach umbrella. The umbrella was an ancient red and white striped monstrosity that looked like it had seen better days. Annabeth watched her friends struggle for a while, amused by how frustrated they were getting when the base of the umbrella slipped in the sand, until Piper noticed her and scowled.
“Are you just gonna stand there and watch or do you plan on helping out?” Piper huffed.
“But you were doing oh so well without me,” Annabeth said innocently. “I wouldn’t want to get in the way or anything.”
Jason put a hand on Piper’s shoulder before she could snap and offered Annabeth a tired smile. “We could really use your help, Annabeth.”
“Well, since you asked so nicely.”
Piper muttered something foul under her breath, but Annabeth couldn’t help grinning anyways before she went to help Jason. It took longer than she would have liked, but eventually the three of them managed to get the umbrella to stay in place, just as Hazel, Frank, and Leo arrived.
Leo pointed at the umbrella and said, “That thing looks like it came straight out of the fifties.”
“Shut it, Valdez,” Piper snapped. “We just spent nearly twenty minutes trying to get that fucker to stay still.”
Leo held his palms up in surrender. “Ok, apologies. Looks like someone got up on the wrong side of the bed this morning. I get it. It’s cool.”
“That wasn’t an invitation to keep talking,” Piper warned.
Leo pantomimed zipping his lips, making Annabeth grin. Rolling her eyes, Hazel unzipped her backpack and handed each of them a bottle of homemade lemonade.
“Hopefully, it’s still cold and all the ice didn’t melt,” Hazel said.
Piper took a sip and moaned, “Hazel, you’re a goddamn lifesaver.”
“Don’t make noises like that in public,” Annabeth quipped.
Although she wanted to glare at Annabeth, Piper spotted Rachel and Percy further down the beach and called out to them instead. Annabeth’s heart suddenly began pounding harder in her chest, and she found herself involuntarily searching for him over her shoulder. They had barely talked or even seen each other since State, so she had expected to be more excited to see him, but she found herself strangely nervous instead. The nervousness only grew worse for some reason when Percy noticed her and sent her a warm smile.
“Sorry we’re late,” Percy said. “Rache forgot something so we had to drive back to her place.”
“Let’s not sweat the details,” Rachel said, waving her hand dismissively. “Now, I don’t know about you all, but I am dying to get into the water. Anyone know where the changing rooms are?”
“I saw some on the way here,” Hazel said. “Annabeth, did you want to join us?”
Annabeth cleared her throat and shook her head. “Uh, no, I’m wearing my swimsuit under my clothes already.”
With that, Hazel nodded and left with Rachel for the changing rooms. The boys went down to the water, but Percy stayed behind since he had brought some beach towels with him. He spread them beneath the umbrella so they wouldn’t have to sit on the sand. Piper left a short while later once she was done applying some sunscreen, leaving Annabeth and Percy alone. Annabeth borrowed Piper’s sunscreen as an excuse to leave after Percy did, but he plopped down beside her with a sigh instead.
Annabeth couldn’t help sneaking a quick sidelong glance at him. He looked good, really good. His unzipped black sweatshirt billowed in the breeze and stood in sharp contrast to the white shirt he wore underneath. There was a relaxed, easy smile on his face, and his sun-kissed skin made him look positively radiant.
“Hey, stranger,” Percy said, derailing her thoughts. “Haven’t seen you in a hot minute.”
Annabeth tucked her hair behind her reddening ears and said, “Y-Yeah, not since State, I think.”
“Glad to see you’re still in one piece,” Percy said.
Annabeth breathed a laugh. “Not entirely sure about that.”
Percy cocked his head to the side and studied her. “You do look a little worse for the wear.”
“And who’s fault is that?” Percy asked, raising an eyebrow. “I distinctly remember warning you not to take three AP courses your senior year, but you wouldn’t listen to me.”
Annabeth scowled and said, “You don’t have to sound so smug about it.”
Percy laughed and leaned back on his elbows. “And what would be the fun in that? It’s not every day that you get to tell Annabeth Chase that you told her so.”
“Someone sure sounds awfully pleased with himself.”
“Oh, believe me, I am,” Percy said, grinning. “But I do suppose I can cut you some slack. You know, considering how we’re at the beach and all.��
“How magnanimous of you,” Annabeth deadpanned.
Percy made a show of clapping mildly. “Oh, well done. That sounded like an SAT word.”
Annabeth barked a laugh despite herself and shoved him, but that only made his grin widen. She was relieved to feel the awkwardness dissipating between them, but her respite was short lived because Percy suddenly removed his shirt and tossed it on the towel beside her.
“W-What are you doing? Why are you taking off your clothes?” Annabeth stammered, unable to hide the panic in her voice.
Percy looked at her like she had sprouted a second head. “It’s kind of hard to go swimming when you still have your clothes on.”
Annabeth looked away to hide the fact that her face was turning pink. “I know that! But can’t you go change in the changing rooms?”
Percy blinked in surprise and said, “Oh, sorry. You’ve seen me do this like a hundred times, so I didn’t think that you’d mind.”
He was right. She had seen him shirtless more times than she could count, so why was she suddenly being so weird about it? She needed to get a fucking grip. And yet, it was everything she could do not to stare shamelessly at him. Christ, at this proximity, the scent of his cologne was inescapable, and it only served to make her feel even more flustered.
“Annabeth, are you okay? You’ve been acting really strange,” Percy said.
“I-I’m fine,” Annabeth squeaked. “Just tired.”
“Alright, try not to push yourself,” Percy said, standing up. “I’m gonna head down to the water now. Let me know if you need anything.”
Annabeth nodded, still refusing to look at him. It was only after he was gone that she stopped holding her breath. She screwed her eyes shut and buried her face in her hands. What the fuck was she doing? Why was she acting so weird? All her feelings seemed to contradict one another. She felt a bizarre mix of exhilaration and anxiety, like thousands of butterflies fluttering about in the pit of her stomach. Her eyes were drawn to Percy even though she couldn’t bear to look at him. There was definitely something wrong with her.
Annabeth took a deep breath and forced herself to stand up and head down to the water. For now, she resolved herself to just make the most of her time at the beach instead of wallowing in her own awkwardness. Nevertheless, she did make a point of avoiding where Percy was to give herself a breather. However, in her momentary lapse of concentration, Piper snuck up on her and tackled her into the sea, sending salt water rushing up her nose.
She surfaced sputtering and discombobulated only to find Piper laughing uproariously behind her. Annabeth chased after her in a murderous rage, but Piper quickly retreated to the sea and put some distance between them. Piper had always been the better swimmer, so it took a few minutes before Annabeth finally caught her, but once she did, Annabeth dunked her underwater for a full minute as payback.
Eventually, Rachel and Hazel returned from the changing rooms and joined them in the water as well. They all splashed around together for a few hours under the midday sun, and Annabeth forgot all about how awkward she felt around Percy.
They broke for lunch after that and settled on a shack that sold burgers further up the beach. Unfortunately, the only vegetarian option on the menu was fries, so Piper had to drive herself to a nearby Taco Bell. Annabeth couldn’t help feeling sorry for her when Piper returned twenty minutes later, absolutely livid, because the rest of them had already finished eating.
“I can’t fucking believe there are still restaurants in this day and age that don’t have vegetarian options,” Piper fumed.
“Remind me to buy some stuff for dinner tonight so you don’t have to do this again,” Rachel said, yawning.
“How far away is your villa again?” Frank asked.
“Just a fifteen minute drive or so,” Rachel said, finishing her salad. “We’ve got a firepit out back, so we can have a bonfire tonight! We can make smores and everything.”
“Dibs on lighting the bonfire,” Leo said quickly.
“Abso-fucking-lutely not,” Piper said vehemently.
“C’mon, I promise I’ll keep it under control this time, Pipes,” Leo pleaded.
“The last time you were in charge of the bonfire, you nearly burned my fucking house down,” Piper snapped.
“That was like three years ago!”
“It was at my birthday last June.”
“I’ll handle the fire, Leo,” Jason interrupted. “You can help me out if you’d like.”
Leo sank in his seat and crossed his arms over his chest. “You guys are no fun.”
“A bonfire sounds nice,” Frank said, ignoring him.
“Yeah, it’ll be chill,” Rachel said, nodding. “We’ll have a section of the beach all to ourselves. I think my dad probably has some alcohol stashed away somewhere in the house.”
“Percy, watch over us and make sure we don’t do anything stupid,” Piper said, throwing an arm around his shoulder.
Percy gave her a wary look. “I don’t recall volunteering to be a babysitter.”
“But you’re the only one here that doesn’t drink,” Piper protested. “Pretty please?”
Percy raised an eyebrow. “Buttering me up isn’t going to work, you know.”
“Annabeth, help me convince your boyfriend,” Piper whined.
Annabeth paused mid-drink and looked between them. “Don’t look at me. I’m not the one that’ll get black-out drunk and try to like hunt for mermaids or something.”
That got a laugh out of everyone, much to Piper’s chagrin.
After they finished eating, they returned to their spot under the umbrella. Hazel and Frank went back to laze around in the water while Rachel and Leo decided to go build sandcastles on the beach. The rest of them sat under the umbrella and talked amongst themselves for a while, but eventually Jason left for the bathroom. Percy joined him because he said he had spotted a shop selling snow cones on the way here, leaving Annabeth alone with Piper.
Once they were out of earshot, Piper turned to Annabeth with a wolfish grin. “Lovin’ the swimsuit, babe.”
“This is hardly anything special,” Annabeth said, rolling her eyes. She was just wearing a plain black two piece she’d found at Target the summer before.
Piper raised an eyebrow and said, “Percy certainly seemed to think it was. Boy couldn’t take his eyes off you.”
Annabeth blinked in surprise. Piper had to be trolling her. Sure, she had felt his eyes on her a few times, but that didn’t mean anything.
“You’re obviously fucking with me.”
“I’m being serious,” Piper laughed. “You look hot, Annababe.”
Annabeth looked down at her swimsuit and felt her face heat up. She didn’t really think she was much to look at honestly. It wasn’t like she had low self-esteem or anything, but her body had always been more of an instrument to her than a source of beauty. If you asked her, the only things she really had going for her were her height and the slender, toned physique that she had built over years of running long distance. Beyond that, Annabeth thought she was rather plain.
“Thanks,” Annabeth mumbled.
“You’re welcome,” Piper said, stifling a yawn. “I wonder what’s taking him so long.”
Annabeth shielded her eyes from the sun and scanned the beach for Percy, but she didn’t see him anywhere. Instead of sitting around and getting stuck in her thoughts, Annabeth decided to take her mind off things and search for him instead.
She stood up and brushed the sand off her thighs and said, “I’m gonna go look for him.”
“Ok, stay safe,” Piper said. “I think I’m going to take a nap.”
Annabeth nodded and made her way back in the direction of the parking lot. Percy had said that the snow cone shop was on the other end, but he still should have gotten back by now. Maybe he was having trouble carrying all those snow cones by himself or perhaps the line was really long. She made it all the way to the shop without running into Percy, and she couldn’t see him standing in line either.
She scanned the surrounding area for him without much luck and almost gave up on her search when she spotted the familiar outline of his back. He was cradling a carton of snow cones in his arms and talking to two college aged girls. Annabeth took a step forward, trepidation filling her chest. She couldn’t make out the look on his face because his back was turned towards her, but she thought she caught a glimpse of a polite, confused smile on his face, like he wasn’t entirely sure why the girls were talking to him.
Annabeth balled her hands in fists at her sides and clenched her jaw. It was obvious by the way the girls laughed sycophantically and twirled their hair, practically thrusting their tits in his face, that they were hitting on him. What did the idiot think would happen if he was gonna waltz around the beach shirtless like that?
She had half a mind to go over and interrupt them, but for some reason she found herself rooted in place. Annabeth wasn’t sure why she disliked them so much, but the more she thought about it, the less reason she realized she had to interfere. Percy wasn’t actually her boyfriend after all. Besides, he was free to leave at any time, but he hadn’t which probably meant he wanted to be there. In any case, it was none of her business to step in.
And yet, she couldn’t force herself to simply turn on her heels and leave either.
But then one of the girls, a haughty looking redhead, started tugging on his forearm insistently. Percy made a small show of resistance, enough to show he wasn’t interested, but apparently they didn’t seem to pick up on that because the other girl decided to help her friend by tugging Percy’s other arm.
Annabeth moved without realizing what she was doing and pulled Percy against her chest. A possessive thrill rushed through her when the look of discomfort on his face gave way to relief once he saw her.
She positioned herself in front of Percy and glared at the girls. “What’s going on here?”
The redhead’s eyes flashed with irritation, but she forced herself to muster a saccharine smile. “Oh, we were just inviting him to come have some drinks with us.”
“Can’t you see he’s clearly uncomfortable?” Annabeth asked. “I’m guessing he even told you he doesn’t drink too.”
The girls exchanged looks with each other. “I mean, he was obviously joking about that.”
Annabeth raised an eyebrow. “Or maybe you just don’t know how to take no for an answer.”
The girls recoiled like they had been slapped across the face. Annabeth took the opportunity to whisper to Percy that they were leaving and led him away by the hand before the girls could react. The girls protested behind them, but the only thing Annabeth could focus on was the feeling of Percy’s hand in hers. Blood pounded in Annabeth’s ears, and something simmered in her veins like magma. It took her a while to realize that Percy was calling out for her to stop.
“Annabeth, slow down,” Percy said. “You’re hurting me.”
Annabeth dropped his wrist like she’d been burned and looked away. “Sorry.”
Percy set the snow cones down and rubbed his wrist. “Are you okay?”
“I’m fine.”
“Are you sur-”
“I said I’m fine,” Annabeth snapped.
Her tone was harsh enough to prove she was lying, but she couldn’t help it. Something dark smoldered in the pit of her stomach, making her restless. She didn’t know what it was, but the sensation was intolerable and she wanted it to stop.
Percy put a hand on her shoulder and forced her to face him. “Hey, what’s wrong?”
Annabeth balled her hands into fists and stared at her feet. “I-I don’t know. I’m just- I don’t know, I feel really weird.”
“What do you mean?”
“I just hated it, seeing the way they were clinging on to you,” Annabeth said tightly. “Why didn’t you just leave? It was like you wanted them to fawn all over you.”
“I tried but they wouldn’t let me leave.”
Annabeth met his eyes for the first time. “If you really wanted to leave, they wouldn’t have been able to stop you.”
Percy blinked in surprise and furrowed his brow. “Are you- are you jealous?”
Annabeth crossed her arms over her chest, and her face began to prickle. “I-I don’t know. I just didn’t like it.”
Percy’s lips tugged upwards involuntarily in a smile, making Annabeth even angrier. “What’s so funny?”
Percy hid his smile behind his hand. “Oh, um, nothing. Sorry. I just wanted to say that you didn’t have anything to worry about. They were making me super uncomfortable.”
Annabeth pursed her lips and said, “I find that kind of hard to believe.”
“Annabeth, come on, you could tell that they were creeping the fuck out of me from a mile away,” Percy said exasperatedly.
That was enough to coax a smile out of her. “You mean you didn’t like getting eye fucked by total strangers?”
Percy gave her an incredulous look and said, “You know, having tried it, I can’t really say it’s for me.”
“Yeah?” Annabeth asked, grinning.
“Yes,” Percy said flatly. “Besides, I already have a lovely fake-girlfriend willing to save me when I’m a damsel in distress.”
Annabeth’s heart skipped a beat. “Sounds like a real catch.”
“Oh, she most definitely is.”
Annabeth knew that Percy had meant it as a joke, but it made her heart squeeze a little in her chest all the same. She turned away before her face turned red and fought the ridiculous urge to smile. Christ, she needed to get ahold of herself.
“You good?” Percy asked carefully.
Annabeth nodded. “Yeah.”
“We should get going then,” Percy said. “The snow cones are starting to melt.”
“And who’s fault is that?” Annabeth said, raising an eyebrow.
“Don’t be rude to the guy that bought you a strawberry-rhubarb snow cone.”
“A thousand apologies, your majesty.”
Percy hummed happily to himself. “That��s more like it.”
After sunset, they finally left the beach and made for Rachel’s villa. The villa was massive, easily twice the size of Annabeth’s house, and designed in a Spanish style. Annabeth took a moment to admire the terracotta tiled roof, and the large windows that allowed for a generous view of the Pacific. The villa had six separate bedrooms, which she personally found a bit excessive, but it proved to be for the best since there were eight of them. After Rachel took a room for herself, the rest of them drew straws to determine who would have a room to themselves, and Annabeth somehow managed to win.
Annabeth’s first course of action after dropping off her luggage was to shower. She didn’t like having to shower after spending so much time in the ocean since it made her skin all dry and wrinkly, but it was still a relief to finally wash off all the sand that had stuck to her all day. Unfortunately, Annabeth had been forced to pack in a hurry, so she could only change into what she worn earlier that morning. She had only brought a single change of clothes with her and that was for tomorrow.
She took some time to admire her room while she towel-dried her hair. It wasn’t particularly large, but it was tastefully decorated. A large queen bed sat in the center of the room, flanked by a small cherry wood drawer. Sheer linen curtains framed a tall window that looked out over the ocean. Annabeth leaned against the open window sill and drank in the view of the Pacific. The full moon hung directly overhead and cast its pale, diffused reflection onto the dark water below.
Just as she finished drying her hair, there was a knock at her door. Percy peered into her room, fiddling with the zipper on his sweatshirt.
“Hey, ready to go? I think Jason and Leo are getting the fire started.”
Annabeth set her towel aside and nodded. “Yeah, let’s go.”
The bonfire was nearly fully lit by the time they arrived. Jason sat atop one of the four logs circling the pit and kept a watchful eye on the flames. Off to the side, Frank was helping Leo dump some charcoal into the mouth of an expensive looking barbeque grill. Rachel and Hazel chatted to themselves and cut meat and vegetables at the outdoor kitchen countertop. Piper was the only one that appeared to be missing.
Percy noticed that Frank and Leo were having trouble and went over to help them with the grill, leaving Annabeth alone. She didn’t want to be the only one twiddling her thumbs so she figured she would go and help Rachel and Hazel.
“Need any help?” Annabeth asked them.
Hazel shook her head. “No thanks. We are pretty much done here, but we appreciate the offer.”
“Besides, not sure how much I trust you in the kitchen with a knife,” Rachel teased.
“I’m not completely hopeless. I made Percy chicken soup when he got sick, and he said it was pretty good,” Annabeth protested.
Rachel laughed and said, “You could literally make Percy drink poison, and he’d tell you it was delicious if you were the one that made it.”
Blood rushed to Annabeth’s face, making Rachel laugh even harder. She patted Annabeth’s shoulder benevolently and said, “Trust me. It’s for your own good, Chase.”
Annabeth shrugged her off and sat on one of the logs with a scowl. “Where’s Piper?”
“Rachel forgot to get her ingredients, so she had to go buy herself dinner again, the poor girl,” Hazel said.
Rachel looked repentant enough for Annabeth to feel sorry for her, so Annabeth tried to comfort her by saying, “She’s probably more than happy to have Taco Bell twice in one day.”
Annabeth started when someone swatted the back of her head. She turned and looked up with a frown to see Piper standing behind her, holding a burrito.
“Heard that, asshole.”
“You’re literally eating a burrito right now,” Annabeth muttered.
Piper’s face turned pink. “It’s from Chipotle! You can tell by the size!”
“Wow, someone’s getting adventurous,” Annabeth deadpanned.
Piper sat down at the log across from her, beside Jason, and narrowed her eyes. “Bite me.”
Annabeth was interrupted by Leo before she could respond. He skipped over to them with a manic grin and said, “We finally got the grill working!”
“You’re not gonna accidentally blow us up or anything right?” Piper asked dubiously.
“Pipes, charcoal can’t explode,” Leo said flatly. “I know you’re a vegetarian and all, but that’s literally second grade science class.”
“You can never be too sure when it comes to you,” Piper sniffed.
Leo rolled his eyes and waltzed over to Hazel and Rachel. “Looks like you’re almost done! I’ll start taking things over to the grill to get started.”
“Frank, make sure you keep an eye on him!” Hazel shouted when Leo took a plateful of meat and vegetables with him.
Rachel declared to the group that she would go find where her father had stashed his alcohol and returned a short while later with an assortment of liquor and a tray full of glasses. They all poured themselves drinks, apart from Percy, and sat around the fire.
Annabeth had helped herself to some fancy looking bourbon, mainly because she had never tried it before. Her first sip made her throat burn and forced her to cough. Percy gave her a worried look, but she ignored him and took another sip. Once she got over how strong it was, she had to admit that the bourbon was really good. It didn’t take long for that familiar warmth to spread through her body and soften the harsh edges of the world around her.
It took some time for the food to arrive, but it was well worth the wait. Frank had found an array of spices in the kitchen pantry to season the meat with, so even the smell was incredible. After an exhausting day at the beach, they all practically inhaled their food. Piper finished her food first since she had a head start and set up a smores station for dessert. It wasn’t long before they were fighting for spots to roast their marshmallows on the fire.
Later, Rachel disappeared inside the villa and returned with an acoustic guitar. She strummed a few chords and started singing softly, the sound of waves and the crackling fire providing an ambient backdrop. At first, she sang on her own and they were content to listen, but as they got more drunk and uninhibited, they would join in whenever she played a tune they recognized. Barring Frank and Piper, the rest of them were practically tone-deaf, so it sounded so bad that it would send them all into fits of laughter.
It was at times like this that Annabeth was struck by just how lucky she was to have such good friends. She didn’t have many good things in her life, but this was one of them and it wouldn’t last forever. There was no telling where they would all be in a years time or if they would ever be this close again, but that didn’t make her feel sad. Instead, an overwhelming sense of love and gratitude surged through her veins, compelling her to drink in every moment and seat it into her memory so that she would never forget.
But through it all, Annabeth found her eyes drawn to the boy sitting beside her the most. She unconsciously pulled herself closer to Percy over the course of the night and luxuriated in the way their elbows knocked together, a reminder that he was there. Annabeth would catch herself staring at him and the way the flames lit up his laughing face, making him all look every bit as invincible as she felt. At some point, she caught his hand and tangled his fingers between her own, and when he squeezed her hand, she smiled so hard it hurt.
As the night wore on, more of them left, unable to stay awake any longer, until eventually Percy and Annabeth were the only one remaining. The quietness was welcome change after all the noise they had been making, but it was hard not to fall asleep the sound of the rolling waves. Annabeth struggled to keep her drooping eyes open, but Percy looked perfectly fine, probably because he was the only one who hadn’t drank.
“You should go get some sleep,” Percy murmured. “Look like you’re gonna pass out.”
Annabeth hummed and rested her head on his shoulder. “Don’t want to.”
“If you’re expecting me to carry you, you’re going to be sorely mistaken,” Percy said, raising an eyebrow. “You’re too heavy.”
If she had the energy, Annabeth would have scowled. “Rude.”
Percy grinned and looked out over the ocean with a pensive, almost melancholy look. Annabeth poked his cheek with her finger to get him to look at her.
“What are you thinking about?” she asked.
“I don’t know,” Percy said. “About everything, I guess.”
“Hmm, deep.”
Percy laughed and said, “Alright, smarty pants, I was thinking about the future and my friends and you.”
“Then why do you look so sad?” Annabeth asked, sitting up straighter.
Percy blinked in surprise and said, “I look sad?”
Annabeth nodded and pressed a finger to his brow. “You’re giving yourself wrinkles, like you always do when you’re upset.”
There was a pause before Percy said, “Remember earlier when you saved me from those college girls?”
“What about it?”
Percy stared up at the sky and smiled bitterly. “I never imagined you would ever get jealous over me.”
Maybe it was the alcohol talking, but Annabeth found herself saying, “Neither did I.”
Percy turned to her with wide eyes, making her frown. “What?”
“I, uh, wasn’t expecting you to answer seriously.”
Annabeth rolled her eyes and nudged him affectionately. “I’m taking this seriously because you are.”
Percy smiled softly and said, “Thanks, I appreciate it.”
“You’re welcome, you dork,” Annabeth said fondly. “Honestly, since when did you become the serious, responsible out of the two of us. What ever happened to the kid that caught frogs during recess and put worms in Nancy Bobofit’s locker?”
Percy laughed and said, “Well, one of us had to grow up, so I figured it might as well be me.”
Annabeth half-heartedly jabbed him with her elbow. “Jerk.”
“You’ve grown up a lot too,” Percy said. “You just don’t realize it.”
“Yeah, how so?” Annabeth asked, raising an eyebrow.
“You’ve learned to temper yourself. When you were younger, it was like fire ran through your veins. You acted like the world and everything were promised to you, not out of some sense of arrogance, but like it was your birthright. I remember how you used to argue with the teachers and stuff in front of the whole class because it never occurred to you that there were people you shouldn’t pick fights with. I was always kind of in of awe of how stupidly brave you were. I still am,” Percy said, softly.
A lump formed in Annabeth’s throat. Percy was right, about everything, but that wasn’t what was getting to her. It was the fact that his words were a testament to the fact that he had been there with her since the beginning. He had seen her as a bossy, bratty little seven year old and had stuck by her side all the way till now.
“We have been through a lot together, haven’t we?” Annabeth asked thickly.
The tender look in Percy’s eyes made her heart squeeze a little in her chest. “Yeah, we have.”
Annabeth screwed her eyes shut, unable to look at him. She didn’t want this to end, but the moment was beginning to get too much for her, so she stood up suddenly.
“Alright, enough with all the sappiness,” Annabeth said. “Race you to the beach?”
Without waiting for him to respond, Annabeth took off for the water’s edge, running as hard as she could. Percy started a moment later, humoring her like always, and quickly made up the distance. If it wasn’t for the sand and the fact that she was super drunk, Annabeth would have won, but it wasn’t long before Percy caught up to her and slung her over his shoulder. Annabeth shrieked and pounded on his back.
“You better not dump me in the water, you asshole!” Annabeth yelled.
Percy ignored her and sped towards the water, making her fear for the worst. She braced herself for impact, but it never came. Instead, he set her down onto dry sand and grinned down at her. Annabeth scowled and stood up, dusting the sand off her shorts, watching as he rolled up his shorts and waded further into the water. The encroaching tide was cold enough to make her jump when it tickled her toes, but Percy seemed perfectly fine going knee deep into it.
The moonlight streamed down on him, illuminating half his face with its pale glow. Wind rustled his hair and billowed through his clothes as he stared out at the horizon. Under the moonlight, he seemed to age backwards and actually look his eighteen years - the hard lines of worry on his brow smoothened, and the tightness and frustration in his jaws released. There was something about his pale figure standing in the inky sea that made him look so beautiful and true that it made it hard for her to breathe. It reminded her of how Piper had said she had fallen for Jason, how he had seemed to glow, and she couldn’t help feeling like she understood exactly what Piper had meant.
Percy noticed her looking and raised an eyebrow. “What?”
Annabeth balled her hands into fists at her side. She wasn’t ready to say it. Not yet. “N-Nothing.”
Percy didn’t look convinced, but he shrugged all the same. Annabeth stared down at her feet so that she wouldn’t be forced to look at him, but her heart pounded in her chest urgently. She started when Percy draped his sweatshirt over her shoulders and stepped past her. It was warm, and it smelled like him.
“I’m gonna head inside,” Percy said softly. “Don’t stay out for too long, okay?”
Annabeth nodded, not trusting herself to speak. Percy lingered there for a moment longer before leaving. Annabeth waited till she heard him enter the villa before she collapsed down on the sand and hugged her knees to her chest. An explanation for her actions and feelings today were finally starting to dawn on her, which sent equal parts terror and exhilaration coursing through her as she stared up at the moon. Her inability to look at him conflicting with her desire never to leave him, the nervousness and exhilaration, the jealousy - all of it pointed to one thing. She was just having a hard time accepting it.
Whenever Annabeth had imagined falling in love, she had expected it to strike her like a bolt of lightning, illuminating her with a sudden, arresting, all-consuming knowledge.
She hadn’t ever imagined that it would be like this: soft and gentle, like an unfolding discovery, the way the petals unfurled when a flower bloomed. And yet, just as sure, just as certain.
Annabeth buried her face in her hands. Try as she might, she couldn’t deny it any longer.
She was in love with him, wasn’t she? She was in love with Percy Jackson.
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yedamismymom ¡ 5 years ago
Can you writing a imagine smut with Jihoon, that he want sex while she tried study. (sorry, my english is bad)
Take a Break
Jihoon x Reader
smut, fluff
1.4k+ words
“Not now Jihoon, I’m studying.”, you said, swatting away his hand that was carefully creeping up your thigh. Jihoon winced and tossed a pillow near the edge of your bed, pulling it under his arm as he laid down next to you, gently nudging your hip with his knee. You glanced at him, not in the mood to deal with his antics.
“Yeah, I know. You have been ever since I got here. Take a break.”, he suggested, cuddling into the pillow. You shook your head, eyes not leaving your laptop screen. “I still have three more chapters to go and then I have to revise everything once again. There’s no time to spare.”
Jihoon clicked his tongue, propping himself up on his elbow. “Y/n, whatever chapters come after this are easy and they only take about an hour and a half, two hours tops. Trust me, you’ll have enough time to finish those and revise everything after so give it a rest for now. It’ll only make it less difficult for you.”, he explained, having already finished his revision a week before. You glanced at him, pouting slightly. “Well you’re just saying that because you studied well in advance. You’ve got nothing to worry about.”
“Yeah and so I’m telling you that it won’t take long to do. Just listen to me and stop for now. Besides, you look like a zombie.”, he said, pushing your hair behind your ear and softly caressing your cheek. You sneered at him and leaned into his touch, closing your eyes and let out a deep breath. Jihoon smiled and shut your laptop, pulling you into his arms. You wrapped your arms around his waist, snuggling your face into his chest. His comforting scent overtook your senses, calming you greatly. You were glad you’d listened to him.
“Babe you don’t need to stress so much for these tests. They literally only constitute 3% of your overall grade and they’re just held to make sure that you’re getting along to the syllabus well. Besides, you always get good grades no matter how poorly you study.”, Jihoon said, making you look up at him. You sighed and nodded. “I know. But the only reason I get good grades is because I stress so much. I don’t want to be too overconfident and end up getting a bad score.”, you explained.
“But you also don’t want to give yourself so much stress that you end up harming yourself do you? Just relax and take it easy. You’ll do well, I have faith in you.”, he said, pressing a warm kiss to your forehead. You smiled and leaned forward to kiss his lips.
Jihoon smiled at you lovingly when you pulled away, taking your jaw and bringing your lips back to his. Hands on his chest, you pushed him down on his back, raising yourself up so that you could kiss him easily. His hand rested on the small of your back, legs tangled together with yours. You could feel his heart beating calmly against your chest. The feeling made you buzz and it melted all your tension away.
It didn’t take long for you to slip your tongue into his mouth, wanting to taste more of his sweetness. Jihoon welcomed you, flipping you both around as the kiss started getting more heated. He settled in between your legs, holding himself up on his hands. You played with the strings of his hoodie, pulling him down on yourself, and wrapped your legs around his waist. Jihoon chuckled, pulling away to kiss your jaw and sucked a small mark under your ear. It was his trademark.
“You can’t seem to keep it in your pants can you?”, he asked playfully, kissing down your neck with a grin. You shook your head, finding it quite amusing yourself. “Well its all your fault for being so proactive anyways.”, you accused, sitting up to kiss him again. “But you’re the one who started it.”, he protested, pushing you back down on the mattress.
You raised your hips, allowing him to slide your pants off. He threw them to the side and slipped his hand inside your panties, coming up to pepper more kisses to your jaw. You shuddered as his rough fingers came in contact with your clit, wetness pooling to your heat as he rubbed small circles into the sensitive bud to rile you up. “So wet for me.”, Jihoon mumbled near your ear, moving down to your core.
He peeled your underwear off, marvelling at your bare pussy. You repeatedly kicked his arms gently, getting flustered by his stark gaze. “My baby’s so pretty.”, he awed, running his finger up your slit. He slipped the now wet digit into your heat, curling it up as he studied your face. A lewd moan slipped past your lips, walls clenching around his finger weakly, body begging for more. Slowly, he began pumping it in and out of you, soon adding another finger to the mix.
You let your eyes fall shut, basking in the pleasure that ran through your body. Jihoon wrapped his lips around your clit, making your back arch off the bed. Yours hands flew to your clothed breasts, teeth sinking into your bottom lips as Jihoon ate you out. He pressed down on your lower abdomen, the feeling of his fingers fucking you becoming all the more evident. “Holy fuck Jihoon.”, you moaned out, pushing his head down on your core. Jihoon sucked harshly at your clit, knowing that you were close.
Before you knew it, you cummed. Brows screwed together, your head fell back as satisfied moans poured out of your mouth. Jihoon worked you through your orgasm, lapping up all your juices, and sat up, pulling his shirt off. He took his cock out, the length already hard and ready to go.
Spreading your legs apart, Jihoon lined himself up at your entrance, easily sliding into your wet heat. The lingering sensitivity from your prior orgasm made your feet curl. He bottommed out, merging your lips together and began fucking you leisurely.
Jihoon groaned into your mouth, the feeling of your velvety walls pulsing against his cock felt so nice and it only made him buck his hips into you more eagerly. He wanted to take things nice and relaxed, make you feel good and have you forget about your worries for a while. He maintained a steady pace, not too fast, but not too slow. It was just right and exactly what you needed at the moment.
Your moans were soft, small purrs resonating against his jaw while your hands rested on his shoulders, clinging onto him and holding him close. The pleasure was comforting and was effectively calming your nerves, eating all your stress away. “Jihoon you feel so fucking good.”, you murmured encouragingly. Jihoon’s hips moved a bit faster at the praise, his hand now firmly holding your hips down.
A knot started to form in your stomach, palms squeezing Jihoon’s arms to let him know. “Are you close?”, he asked with a grunt. You nodded frantically, moaning desperately. Jihoon fastened his pace, screwing his eyes shut in concentration. His thumb came down to rub your clit, pushing you to your high.
When your second orgasm hit, it took over all your senses. Yours fingers dug into Jihoon’s skin, making him hiss. He continued pounding his cock into your heat, chasing his own high. Soon enough, his cock twitched inside of you and he pulled out, emptying himself on your stomach.
After your breaths had steadied, he moved off of you and disappeared into the bathroom, bringing a wet towel with him to clean you up. You smiled at him gratefully, too drained to even move an inch. He ran the warm cloth over your thighs and stomach soothingly, handing you your discarded pants and helped you put them on.
You opened your arms, wanting him to hold you close, which he complied to. He let you lay on his chest, heart still beating erratically. “Thank you for that.”, you mumbled, “It really helped.” Jihoon patted your back. “I know it did. Go to sleep now. I’ll wake you up to study later.”, he said, pulling your blanket over you both. You sighed deeply and slung your leg over him, lids getting heavier and heavier. “Will you please help me revise as well?”, you asked tiredly.
“Yes I will.”, he assured, rubbing your back. “Okay. But you better not make fun of me when I mess up.”, you warned, knowing perfectly well what happened every time you studied with him.
Jihoon laughed and hugged you. “I’ll try not to but I can’t make any false promises.” You pinched his side at the comment, making him jump.  Snickering at him, you closed your eyes, finally, drifting off to a much needed nap.
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sohin-ace ¡ 4 years ago
Hermes - Switching Cells
*looks at watch* Would you look at that? It's gay time!
Fem reader
"Why did they make us switch cells again?" You glanced up at the tall dark-skinned girl next to you as she scoffed, rolling her eyes to the back of her head.
"Pfff... Some bullshit." She huffed exasperatedly, "They caught two girls being all nasty and frisky and they got mad."
Hermes and you were currently both walking along the hallways, all your belongings in your arms as two assigned guards escorted you, holding onto the chains tied to your handcuffs like a lifeline as they kept careful watch over you.
You could see other inmates doing the same from the corner of your eyes, moving from corridor to corridor and getting ushered to pack their stuff faster.
Everyone in the prison were to move from their cells and switch cellmates. It was the new rule that had just been established after some people decided to act a tad more intimate than they should appropriately have within a strict prison and disturbed other inmates as well as some night duty guards.
When the announcement was made in the court yard, the entire staff present to break the very important news down to the people, all the inmates started laughing their asses off between annoyed grunts and 'booh's.
Anyone would. How stupid was that rule? What kind of prison even forbade physical relationships between inmates? How was intercourse ever harmful to jail discipline? Weren't prisons in Florida famous for rape culture and letting inmates basically abuse each other? What about 'prison sexuality'?
All these questions you and your fellow comrades couldn't answer.
Your assigned guards set you up in your new cell after you finally reached it and locked the door behind you two, leaving you to settle down before phone calls time.
You stared around the small windowless room, cemented walls and armored door. Well that sure changed from the huge bars from before. To be fair this cell seemed even better than the old one.
"So... What are these things for?" You pointed at the bars on the small frame cut on the metallic door.
"To prevent girls from snatching each other I guess? Not like that would stop anyone but ya know... No one else but the guards on duty can see the inmates now so I suppose that's what they wanted." Hermes cleared, still salty from the ordeal and unnecessary bother.
She threw her belongings somewhere and you turned your gaze away from the door, you could only agree with her scepticism. "Hmmm... Yeah that's bullshit."
Hermes plopped herself onto one of the beds with a breathy groan, supporting the back of her head with her arms, certainly claiming that bed as hers.
Your eyes widened a bit in surprise and slight confusion when you realized that the two beds were in the complete opposite sides of the room.
"They... They even removed the bunk beds?"
"Yeah," She scoffed with a smile. "To be honest that just makes what they want to prevent easier. Like, you could easily just- Tch, I'll never understand the warden."
You looked around a bit before putting away your stuff neatly, unaware of your cellmate's sneaky and insistant eyes on you.
"Are you gonna be okay? Without F.F., I mean." You asked without taking your eyes off of your current task.
"Hah, you should worry more about her than me. She's the one that's stuck with Jojo."
"Hey, Jolyne's not that bad..." You chuckled in your ex-cellmate's defense, "...When she puts her panties away, at least."
The room became awfully silent until you suddenly heard Hermes chuckle lowly, almost evilly, even. You turned your head around to look over your shoulder and saw the latina give you a mischievous sideway glance.
You blinked and furrowed your brows at her in confusion but she only smirked back, swallowing another chuckle.
"Girl, do you want to have a good laugh?"
Her sudden deep voice made you gulp and you swore you felt a wave of heat wash over you and a pearl of sweat glide down your forehead.
Oh no, first of all, she didn't have any business being this hot, sprawled on her bed like that, her strong arms flexing effortlessly and her enticing smirk reaching her golden-green eyes.
Secondly, you knew that when Hermes had ideas, they were almost just as bad as Jolyne's. And God knows that Jolyne could scream dumbass energy like no one else sometimes. Especially when she was bored or horny. Or both.
You bit your lower lip and nodded at her. Hopefully you wouldn't be in trouble because of her genius plans, but again, it just made it all the more exciting.
Hermes jumped off the bed and struggled to keep the grin off her face as she glanced at the barred door. God she was so gorgeous and she didn't even brag about it.
She approached you and landed one strong hand on your shoulder, bringing her index towards her green painted lips in a shushing gesture.
"Here's what we're gonna do..."
She leaned in and explained the plan in a sweet hushed tone and you could barely concentrate on her words when she was this close to you, whispering with her overly endearing mexican accent. God, how could one be so cute and so sexy at the same time?
You tried your best to keep a straight face as she laid her evil plan out to you, but you could feel her breath hitting your lips and you had to clear your throat many times to cover the small squeals you unwillingly let out.
The more she explained, the more you could feel your face warm up. Not only because you were trying hard to not stare at her very inviting lips but also, and mostly, because of what her plan actually implied.
Hermes sure was a bold woman, but this plan would piss off the guards so much and be so incredibly funny if nicely executed, but at the same time, it was a bit, if not very, inappropriate and risky, which you got to figure out, was something she very much enjoyed.
"You sure about that, Hermes...? It's a bit... It's embarassing." You hesitated, visibly flustered but she squeezed your arm in reassurance.
"Come on! Don't be like that, it's gonna be so much fun!" She grinned at you and she knew you could hardly resist or refuse her anything. "Y/N, please? It'll be so worth it babygirl, trust me."
You gulped and nodded. Oh well, what's the worst that could possibly happen?
"A-aah!! I-... I can't do this...!"
"Ughh... Come on, bebĂŠ, just like that, yes...Yes!"
Very suggestive noises of the two cellmates echoed in the room and throughout the prison corridors. A wanton mix of grunts and whimpers and moans. What could be going on in this prison?
"I-Ah!... Aaah, no~!" You whined breathlessly and Hermes groaned right after you, accompagnying you in your, quite strange, string of sounds.
"Yes! That's it, Y/N! Do that again!"
"Hermes, I-...nnghh!! Fuck!"
"You gotta move like this Y/N! Yeah, r-right there! Aah! Perfect!"
Some guards on walking duty were passing by and stopped, alerted by the horrendous noises, easily heard by anyone nearby, and that left very little, if not nothing to the imagination.
"A-aah please! Hermes! I can't-..." You gasped, your voice leaving you, "No more..."
Hermes, motivated, encouraged you further, purring, "No, no, you're doing great babe... Hmmm...That's what I like to see... Ah yes..!"
The guards hurried up to the cell you two were dwelling in and banged loudly on the metal door in hopes to shut you up.
"What the hell is going on here?!" One guard screamed and tried to check inside the room. But you girls were hidden right against the door, underneath the frame and perfectly in the guards' blind spot.
You two stiffled a laugh and continued on whatever you were doing. Yes. The plan was coming together amazingly.
Hermes was currently showing you some 'magic tricks' with playing cards. You were of course, completely failing and clumsily dropping the cards all over the place after trying your best to swipe and hold them in a way that would make any spectator blind to your misdirection and believe the cards were disappearing in your hands.
The Mexican was surprisingly good at these card tricks, things that she learned during her childhood, but she decided to add a little... spice to your teaching session. Something that would drive the prison staff nuts. Something that would make you pass time wonderfully in this boring prison.
"I can't do this, Hermes, we... We have to stop!" You cried with a hitched breath and the dark-skinned girl shushed you.
"Shhh. Relax, Y/N. You're too tense. Curl your fingers a bit. Oh-Yeah... Just like that... Aah~... See?"
"Yo-you're too good at this..."
"Let me teach you, guapa." She rasped and you let out an exaggerated ragged moan that she had to muster all her self-control to not burst into a laughing fit. What an actress you were.
The other guard came in to join his partner after leaving to call for help and you two could hear them bickering over what to do. The youngest, after getting insulted way too many names, eventually walked off again to call the supervisor.
"Come here supervisor! I heard them! Those two are at it as well!"
"Those damn lesbians, I'm so fucking tired!" The first guard commented as the supervisor stomped towards your cell and grumbled.
"I swear, these fucking girls are all so horny!" The man punched at the door, almost breaking it off its hinges and making you both flinch under the door. "HEY! MOVE AWAY FROM THE FUCKING DOOR YOU SLUTS!"
You put your hands over your mouths to silence your endless snickers and hurriedly got up, getting into the supervisor's view in front of the door's barred frame and forcing straight faces out of you.
"A problem, sir?" Hermes asked as calm as ever, her smirk effectively washed off her face.
"What the FUCK were you two doing in there?!" He growled, clearly not amused and way too busy to deal with that kind of joke.
"Nothing sir. We're playing with cards. Are we not allowed to?" She feigned as she tilted her head slightly, quirking an arrogant eyebrow. She too, was quite the actress.
"Tch, you freaks, I'm coming in." The supervisor fumbled messily with the keys and unlocked the door, missing the keyhole at least three times before succeeding, opening it wide and checked you two up and down scrutinizingly.
Nothing out of the ordinary. Neither of you looked disheveled in the slightest, and there were indeed cards sprawled onto the floor and in your hands.
He let out a suspicious drawn-out grunt and squinted his eyes at you, pointing an accusing finger at you two as he slowly backed out the door.
"I got my eyes on you, Costello, L/N. Don't you fucking mess with me." He hissed before slamming the door and locked it, walking away with the other guards close behind him.
When they were all out of earshot, you two finally burst into a laughter that you had been desperately containing as you slid back against the door, holding your stomach with pain from laughing so much.
"Man, we really got them!" Hermes obnoxiously sneered and you could only laugh back, contaminated by her laughter.
"Yeah! It was genius! And the overly lewd noises too! He was so red!" You added between laughs and slapped her arm playfully.
You both continued until your laughter died down a bit. You kept giggling softly and Hermes leaned over, smirking at you.
"Well," She purred and you looked back at her with wide eyes as she slid her hand up and down your thigh sensually. "Since they won't suspect a thing now, let's just get into the real deal, you're okay with that babe?"
And just like that, she grabbed your wrist and gently pinned you to the floor, connecting your lips with hers in a hungry and wet kiss.
And indeed, they did not suspect a thing after that.
"So Y/N is a bottom, huh?" Jolyne sneered as you all sat together at the cafeteria at lunchtime.
You gasped and blushed and Hermes wore her favourite expression. The smug one.
"I don't know what bottom is, but if Y/N is that I guess I approve." F.F said her straw between her lips before she slurped her drink again.
"Shut up. All of you!"
To be honest I didn't know what the Mexican accent sounded like until I started hanging out with @gio-is-writing and ??? Hello? Cute? Sexy? Be mine already.
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kyber-crystal ¡ 5 years ago
➳ pickup lines || s.w.
summary: you’re oblivious to the fact that sam, your best friend is hopelessly in love with you. and it kills him inside because he’s been dropping hints for as long as he can remember. 
warnings: none, just fluff and a cliche best friends to lovers trope :) 
words: almost 2k
a/n: for @marvelsswansong​ ‘s late birthday present! sorry this was so late and that it’s so bad RIP i tried to write it in one go...anyway our boy sam deserves some more recognition sksksk
Tumblr media
“Guess what this shirt is made of?” Sam smirked as he pointed at himself. “Boyfriend material.”
You rolled your eyes, suppressing a chuckle. “Oh, stop it.”
He slid into the seat next to you at the kitchen counter, swiping the spare muffin from your plate. “Y’know what’s on the menu today? Me-n-u.”
You just shook your head, spreading jam across your toast before biting into it. “Wow.”
“They say Disneyland is the happiest place on earth,” he cleared his throat, “well, apparently, nobody has ever been standing next to you. You are absolutely breathtaking.”
“I look gross,” you argued as you tried to hide your face with one hand, “I got three hours of sleep after helping Bruce in the labs and I’m a mess.”
“Don’t be silly, Y/N. You always look beautiful. Especially to me.”
Even if he was joking, you couldn’t help but feel the butterflies in your stomach at his comment.
“Oh my god, will you shut UP,” Bucky groaned. “You’re cheesy as fuck, Wilson.”
“You’re just jealous because nobody likes you,” Sam retorted. 
“Ooh, shots fired,” you whispered, cupping your hands around your mouth, “need some ice for that burn, Barnes?”
“He isn’t wrong, though,” Wanda shrugged, pouring herself a mug of coffee, “the chemistry is evident here. I’m surprised you haven’t gotten together yet.”
You let out a long sigh and went back to focusing on finishing your meal, not noticing the several glances Sam stole out of the corner of his eye at you.
“Y/N. “
“Natasha,” you replied without breaking your concentration on murdering the punching bag in front of yourself. 
“Girl, how long are you going to keep this act up for?”
You dropped your fists by your side, sighing. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”
“I think you do.”
“No, I don’t.”
“You and Wilson.”
“What about it?” you questioned as you began unwrapping the tape from your hands. She handed you your water bottle and you took a long sip, “We’re best friends. I don’t see anything special about that.”
“Best friends or not, he clearly likes you. I’m not gonna sugarcoat this: you’ve been the most oblivious idiot ever. If what he’s doing isn’t obvious enough, then I don’t know what is.”
“He does not. Sam’s just being Sam. That’s who he is. It’s in his nature to joke around.”
“Does he use pickup lines on me in every other sentence he speaks? No. Does he do that to Bucky? Never-”
“Because him and Bucky are rivals, and you guys are just f...”
“Just friends! Babe, you proved my point.”
“Oh, shut up...”
“If you don’t take matters into your own hands, then I will. You keep turning the poor man down and you don’t even know it. Tragic.”
“Natasha, I do not like any-” The redhead gave you her signature ‘look’, crossing her arms over your chest. Your shoulders sagged in defeat. “Fine. I don’t know. I guess I’m scared.”
“What reason do you have to be scared? You’ve gotten shot, you’ve led countless teams into battle before, you’ve taken out aliens with the power of your fists alone. Hell, we survived the Red Room together, and you’re afraid of catching feelings?”
“What if I embarrass myself by telling him?”
“Are you nuts? He’d be over the moon if you did so much as react to what he said. Poor guy’s feeling discouraged by your poker face. Give him a chance. He’s your best friend, you don’t wanna ruin the relationship you have together.”
“Fiiiiiine.” You whined and tossed your sweaty towel at her. “Now leave me alone so I can go take a shower.”
She laughed and tossed it back. “Alright. Tell me when you’re officially dating!”
“I hate you!”
“Love you too, babe!” she called out after you as you left the facility.
“SAM!” you yelled from the bathroom “Get your ass over here!”
“Am I in trouble?” he asked innocently as he peeked his head through your doorway. “You need something?”
“I forgot to bring a shirt with me. Can you get mine from the laundry? The black one?”
“Yeah, of course.” You heard him shuffling around before falling silent, then there was a knock on your door. “Here. Take this.”
“Thanks,” you nodded before taking the shirt and closing the door behind you. 
You looked down and let out a groan when you realized he’d mixed up the shirts and given you his instead - a V-neck you’d seen him wear plenty of times when you, him, and Steve went on morning runs together. It was ridiculously tight on him and you absolutely hated it because you couldn’t help but stare. But you didn’t like him. Definitely not.
You trudged down the hall to the kitchen, walking into to see Bucky’s and Sam’s awaiting smirks.
Crossing your arms, you raised an eyebrow at him, “Samuel, where is my shirt?”
“Dunno,” he feigned innocence, “I got mixed up.”
“I’m no photographer, but I can picture you and me together,” he sent you a finger gun and a flirty wink. 
You rolled your eyes for what felt like the millionth time that day. “You’re such a sap.”
“Y/N! Hi!” Peter dropped his backpack and rushed forward, tackling you into a big hug. 
You stumbled backwards in surprise but quickly returned the gesture, ruffling his hair playfully. “Hey, kid. How was school?”
He made a face. “Sucked. I actually need your help with an assignment. I’m supposed to interview three role models in my life about stuff and Mr. Stark is in the middle of a conference call right now so...yeah.”
“Oh!” Your eyes widened in pleasant surprise. “Me? I’m not special-”
“If you weren’t special then Ned wouldn’t constantly fangirl over you to me. He always asks me if it’s true you can shoot lasers out of your eyes and hands.”
You chuckled. “I feel honored. Count me in, Queens.”
The two of you headed off to the labs together, and as soon as you left, Sam let out a loud groan, his face falling into his hands. “She doesn’t get it. I keep throwing hints her way but she doesn’t get it at all. I don’t understand. What exactly am I doing wrong?”
“Y/N isn’t an openly affectionate person. She rarely ever tells people how she feels. She usually conveys her emotions through killing her enemies and channeling all her energy into punching bags,” Bucky replied simply. “And the occasional Mario Kart deathmatch. She’s not very easy to read.”
“Even I had a hard time getting to her,” Wanda admitted. “She’s very...private. Prefers to keep her feelings to herself.”
“Does she even have any sort of clue?” Sam looked over at the young woman with a desperate look in his eyes. “Otherwise I’ve been humiliating myself all this time, for nothing.”
“She likes you, but she’s too afraid to admit it,” Steve suddenly spoke up. All heads turned in his direction. “It’s a thing I picked up from my ma when I was young. I can read into body language. And hers, well...she likes you, Sam. She’s just very subtle about it.”
Hope glimmered in his eyes. “She does? So she doesn’t mind my pickup lines?”
The super-soldier laughed. “As terrible as some of them may be, yeah, she doesn’t. I’ve seen her walk away flustered many times.”
“What do I do now?”
“You’re gonna win her over, once and for all,” Natasha declared. “And we’re making sure of that.”
“Pete.” You glanced over at the teenager, who had stopped furiously scribbling notes down in his notebook, “what’s up?”
“What’s up is you and Sam.”
“What about us?” You quirked an eyebrow. “I genuinely have no idea what you’re talking about.”
“Sure you don’t.” The boy wrinkled his nose, “I know he likes you, and you like him. So why do you keep pushing him away?”
“Y/N, I’ve known about this since we first met. So why haven’t you made a move yet?”
“I don’t know.”
“He’s trying his hardest to win you over and you’re refusing to budge! I bet he feels so bad about it.”
“Oh, God, I know...” you rubbed your forehead and let out a long sigh, “I just don’t know how to react.”
“Send a pickup line right back at him! He loves pickup lines, so gauge his reaction on that!”
"Back to Chemistry! Which you two clearly already have...”
“Okay, okay!” You both burst into laughter. “Okay!”
The team had all agreed on an outdoor barbecue, so you all gathered outside on the massive rooftop of the compound to eat dinner. Tony, Thor, Steve, and Rhodey were busy flipping the meat, Wanda and Pepper were setting up the refreshments, while the others were lounging around and casually conversing with one another. 
You noticed Sam standing alone by the edge, hands stuffed in his pockets as he stared out ahead at the horizon. He seemed to be deep in thought, but as soon as he turned around and saw you approaching him, his face lit up with a grin that the others knew he only had when you were around. 
“Hey,” you offered him a small smile. You felt your heart skip a beat as you locked eyes - the early evening glow only made him look better than he already was. “Penny for your thoughts, Wilson?”
“Are you a magician? ‘Cause when I look at you, everyone else disappears,” he stated.
“Are you a parking ticket? Because you’ve got ‘fine’ written all over you,” you replied smoothly, taking him by surprise. This was a first --
“Am I dreaming, or did Y/N just send me back a cheesy pickup line?”
“I did,” you laughed lightly, breaking into what he thought was the most beautiful sight on earth - a million-dollar smile. He’d never forget it. “How’s your week been?”
“Uneventful. You?”
Your face fell momentarily, and he felt his heart drop at the same time. “Could’ve been better.”
“You wanna talk about it?”
You took in a deep breath before responding. “Fury’s got me leading Team Alpha in a recon down south in the Outer Banks. Then as soon as I get back, I’m called to represent the team at a press conference about disaster relief. After that I’m stuck filing reports for a solid six hours and I end up only eating one meal that day. So yeah...it’s been pretty rough.”
“Did you make up for all that lost sleep, though?”
“A little. Compared to my typical three hours, I’d say 5 is a good enough improvement.”
“Progress is what matters. And you did that,” he nodded. “Look, if you ever need someone to talk to...you know I’m always here, right?”
“Definitely. That doesn’t eliminate our weekly Mario Kart competitions with Bucky, right?”
“Of course not.”
You stood there in silence for who knows how long, until he spoke up again.
“Did you know that when you smile, you can’t breathe?”
“Really?” You looked straight at him and gave him the brightest smile your face could produce. 
“I’m kidding. I just wanted to see you smile.”
At that moment, all the Avengers immediately stopped what they were doing and froze on the spot. 
“I think you broke her,” Peter whispered as he poked you in the shoulder multiple times, and you didn’t move. “That was smoother than butter.”
Your mouth opened and closed like a fish but no words came out, face burning with heat - the butterflies in your stomach had turned to hummingbirds. Since when did he make you feel this way?
“Yup,” Bucky coughed, “she’s definitely in love with him.”
"I’m not in love with him, I love him. I have for a while,” you muttered so quietly that he almost didn’t catch what you said. 
Now, it was Sam’s turn to be left speechless.
165 notes ¡ View notes
holylulusworld ¡ 5 years ago
A & X - Perfect Mix
Request: Could you perhaps do a fic where you’re part of the Avengers and you have to work with the x men. Logan catches your attention and you catch his. You both flirt and it’s sort of a love-hate thing. End smutty if you do that?
Pairing: Logan x Reader, Steve Rogers, Professor X, Natasha Romanoff, Bucky Barnes, +another reader (you’ll see)
Warnings: angst, language, arguments, smut, unprotected sex, dirty talk, size kink
X vs. A Masterlist
6000 Followers BINGO CARD kink: Size Kink
(I combined the next part of this mini-series with the kink card)
6000 Followers Celebration Masterlist
Around six months later…
“That’s great, Professor. Shall we practice some more, or did we wear Wolverine and the others out?” Chuckling you feel your boyfriend ogle your ass in your tight suit. He’s licking his lips, ready to pounce on you every moment.
“I think the training went well and we should have a break for today. Dinner is ready soon and I think our guests and my team need a shower and some hours to relax.” Charles explains as Wolverine subtle moves closer and closer till he can bury his nose into your hair.
“Logan…” Scolding the tall mutant as he started groping your ass in front of his ‘team-leader’ and Steve you curse under your breath as Logan shamelessly nips at your neck.
“Going to fuck you so hard the moment we are out of this room.” 
Steve is clenching his jaw. His advanced hearing makes it possible to hear all the dirty things Logan is whispering into your ear. Almost choking on air Steve must listen to Wolverine calling you his dirty girl and that he loves to manhandle his tiny girlfriend.
“I’ll kill you! I swear I’m going to ram my shield into your face and break it.” Steve storms toward your boyfriend but you step between both men. 
“Dude, what the fuck is wrong with you?” Wolverine slides his claws out, ready to attack your friend but you turn around to place your hands onto his chest, trying to tame the wild beast Logan occasionally turns into.
“Wolvie, calm. Steve got something wrong, I guess.” Looking over your shoulder you search your friend’s face. “Right, Stevie?”
“He said that he likes to manhandle you as you are smaller! A man should never hurt his girl!” Steve tries to get hold of Logan but you shove him away.
“Steve, fuck…” Giggling you feel the heat creeping into your cheeks. “I like it, okay. Damn, Logan is good at pinning me to the wall and…” Clearing your throat you look up at Steve to watch his face flush red. Flustered the tall Avenger suddenly finds his shoes interesting.
“I didn’t need to know that, Y/N. If he ever hurts you, tell us so and we rip him apart.” Steve’s stormy blue eyes give Logan a warning glare before he excuses himself to talk to Bucky about what he just heard.
“Is Captain America a fucking prude? Dude, he should fuck from time to time. Blue balls and all…” Chuckling Logan grabs your waist to toss you over his broad shoulder. “Prof, I’m out, giving it good to my girl.” Shameless Logan walks out of the room as Jean, Scott, and Natasha watch the scene wide eyes.
“I have to excuse Logan’s behavior but close to Y/N he becomes very…” Coughing Charles glances at his hands. “Territorial. Steve is a competitor to his claim and that’s the reason he has to prove he can satisfy Y/N in every possible way…especially…” Clearing his throat Charles looks at Natasha, flustered. “Sexually.”
“I wouldn’t mind if he dragged me out of the room. What an animal…” Natasha swoons and Clint makes an odd noise as he enters the room. 
“I’m telling you this is not a healthy relationship, Buck. We have to do something about this animal abusing our sister.” Steve is pacing around the garden as Bucky nods.
“What exactly did he say?” Bucky searches his friend’s face, enjoining the struggle on Steve’s features.
“That he likes to manhandle her…” Steve is flustered, not liking the way Bucky smirks. “…something about her size and more…dirty girl…”
“Punk, I guess they have a size kink, okay. Y/N is not in danger and for sure she could break Logan’s bones if she wanted to. You know that she even mopped the floor with you…” Bucky pokes a finger into Steve’s chest, still chuckling.
“Only that once and I was unconcentrated, Buck.”
“Just keep on telling yourself so…” Walking back toward the Mansion Bucky smirks as Steve runs after him. “Wait! What about the animal using her?”
“Stevie, our girl likes that punk, let her have some fun. The last seventy years weren’t easy for her, just like for me. We experienced abuse and manipulation.” Bucky’s features soften as he pats his friends’ shoulder. “I can assure you Wolverine is not abusing her, nor does he hurt Y/N. She’s relaxed around him, Steve. Give her this…”
“OH…you sure?” Steve is searching his friend’s face, sighing as Bucky places one hand onto Steve’s back to lead him back into the Mansion.
“Maybe you should release some steam too? I heard there is a hot chick which just arrived, and she will train with us back at the Avenger’s tower. Hell of a girl…” Bucky smirks as Steve licks his lips.
“I think you are right. Revenge for the Wolverine using our girl…”
“Look at my girl.” Growling Wolverine licks his lips as he can see your eyes darken at the sight of his naked form circling you like his prey. “Such a tiny little snack.” 
Humming Logan purrs before he grabs your waist to pick you up. Your legs are around his waist in a blink and he smirks as you bite his neck hard enough to mark him.
“The little snack will eat you alive, you tall mountain of delicious meat. Chuckling you feel Logan’s hands grope your ass, groaning as he can feel his cock press against your slit.
Your hands play with his hair as you plant soft kisses all over his face, along his jawline, even to his nose. Enjoying your attention Logan moves one hand between your body’s, lining his cock up with your entrance, before he presses you against the wall, snapping his hips forward.
“Oh, fuck…” Splitting you open Logan buries his face into your neck as he starts pumping into you. His hands hold your body in a tight grip to move you along his length.
Head threw back you moan his name, not caring about the dirty noises you make. Wolverine’s eyes darken with every snap of his hips as he enjoys the view of your tits jerking.
“Such a dirty girl, taking my dick so good.” Logan’s words come out as a low purr and you press your hands to the wall behind you, bracing yourself for his harder coming thrusts.
Your toes start curling right before Logan pulls out to toss you onto the bed. He’s groaning, a smirk on his face as he stalks toward you like a wolf ready to devour his prey.
“My little lamb…” Logan purrs crawling onto the bed to cover your body with his way taller frame. “The big bad wolf will devour you completely.” His rough hands slide over your legs before he settles between your thighs, sinking slowly back into you.
Logan is watching your face contort, as shallow breaths leave your lips with every hard thrust of his thick shaft.
“Logan…Wolvie…” Hands pawing at his shoulders you watch your boyfriend moving on top of you. He’s close, you can feel his cock twitch, so you move one hand between your connected bodies, flicking your clit to squeeze him tightly.
“Come for me, little lamb…” Logan purrs into your neck and you curse his name.
His thrusts come slower now; he’s just lazily pumping into you to ride your pleasure out. “Fuck Wolvie come on. Wanna feel you cum…” Fisting his hair you lock eyes with Logan, as you meet his thrusts, causing him to let go with a loud grunt or rather growl…
“I think…” Nipping at your neck Logan chuckles. “I marked my territory, little lamb. Do you think Captain Prude got the message?” Confused you look up at Wolverine as he points toward your phone.
“Holy shit…don’t tell me. No, you didn’t…” Logan shrugs, busy to mark your shoulder with his lips. “He will kill you Wolvie…”
“He can try…” Biting your shoulder Wolverine growls. “But he won’t succeed. I’m older, harder and fuck…in love. No one kicks my ass when I have better things to do…”
Please be aware (the reader) in the last lines is a different one. 😉
“I swear I will kill him…” Steve smashes the phone against the wall, glaring at someone entering the room. 
“Oh, did you break your phone, Captain?” Holding out her hand (the reader) smiles at the tall Avenger. “I already met the other Avengers, along with Logan’s new girlfriend. I’m (the reader). Nice to finally meet you, Captain. I’m Logan’s stepsister as he kinda adopted me.” 
Steve’s eyes darken and he can barely concentrate as the young woman let him hold her hand way too long. “I’m pleased to meet Logan’s lovely sister. I’m sure we will become good friends, very good friends.” Steve purrs pecking her hand.
“I’m glad to hear, Captain.” Smiling sweetly, she tries to ignore her brothers growl behind her back as all she can see is Captain America’s smile and the way his blue eyes are glued to her face. “I need to go but I would talk to you some more during dinner, Captain.” Turning to leave she smiles at her brother as Steve clears his throat.
“Steve, call me Steve, doll.” A smirk all over his face at sight of Logan’s angry face Steve needs to hold back a chuckle.
Looking over her shoulder (the reader) smiles, nodding. “Steve it is then. See ya…”
Logan waits for his sister to leave before he storms toward Steve, sliding his claws out. “One wrong look, one false word and you are dog food.” Wolverine snarls as it’s Steve’s turn to smirk.
“I think…” Chuckling Steve gives Wolverine a wink. “It’s time to get to know your sister better. Such a tiny girl…so sweet…”
Gulping Logan watches Steve walk out of the room, cursing under his breath as you gently pat his back. “Shhh…Cap is a smooth lover, Wolvie.”
Retching Logan shakes his head before he grabs your hand to run after his sister. He must make sure Steve can’t touch her…
There will be another part with Steve x Wolverine’s sister ;)
All works Tags
@yolobloggers​, @meganywinchester​, @shikshinkwon​, @miraclesoflove​ , @mogaruke​​, @shatteredabby​, @soryuwifeyxx​, @letsdisneythings​, @i-love-superhero​​, @psychicforest​, @thevelvetseries​, @deanmonandnegansbitch​, @sabascio​​, @goodgodimaweirdperson​​, @that-place-called-middle-earth​​, @the-broken-angel-13​​, @mblaqgi​​
Marvel Tags
@stuckys-whore​, @notyourtypicalrose​, @voltage-my2dlove​, @thedoctorscamanion, @officialmarvelwhore​, @randomgirlkensy​, @juniorhuntersam​, @lumar014​, @doctorswife221b​, @sister-winchesters99​, @sweetkingdomstarlight-blog​, @the-soulofdevil​​, @chonisberonica​ , @redroomproperty​​, @natura1phenomenon​​, @chaoticfiretaconerd​
241 notes ¡ View notes
stormtrprinstilettos ¡ 6 years ago
“Any other secrets you’re hiding?” (1983)Brian x Reader (smut)
Summary: It’s 1983 and Queen is recording their next album at the studio where you work, and things get a little heated between you and the guitarist.
In this episode: Just introducing everything.
Word count: ~4k
Warnings: language, smut, infidelity (so if you have a problem with infidelity, don’t even read because I don’t want to get stupid anon messages), age gap (Reader is 20, Brian is 36)
[A/N: Here it is. Welcome to my “1983 Brian” story. It had to happen. Just like with the Roger one, I’m going to need your input. You choose the path. I’m just laying out the characters (you’ll notice that Reader has a different personality in this one) and setting the tone in this chapter. Hope you enjoy and get your suggestions/requests in!]
Permatags: @clogwearingspacepoodle @briansfatbottomgirl @culturefiendtrashqueen @jennyggggrrr @shutup-sorry @dontstopmemeow @letmelivetaylor @tommyleeownsme @ziggymay @drowseoftaylor @mariekuuuuuh @biscuit-barrel
And I’m tagging @delilahmay39 because you expressed interest.
(Let me know if you want to be tagged - series or permanent!)
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As usual, you’re running late. You’ve had this internship for six months now and you maybe made it on time three times. It didn’t matter if you were supposed to be there in the morning or the afternoon – like today. You never made it on time. No one seemed to care. It’s not like the artists who recorded at the studio were ever on time either, but you knew that if you kept it up, you were going to lose your internship. It was hard enough getting people at school to take you seriously, given how you were the only female in a swarm of males, and you knew the business would be hard enough for you to break in to.
“You’re lucky you’re cute, Y/N,” Jack jokingly fusses with his loud, booming voice when you run in. “I’d have gotten rid of anyone else by now.” You glare at him and flip him off as you get some water to drink, trying to look into the recording room. “They’re not here yet. Calm down.”
They being Queen. Your first big test. To say your nerves were shot is an understatement. Not because you’re a big fan – you think they’re alright – but because this is the first big named anything Jack is letting you work on, even if you are just a lowly intern who will probably only be responsible for getting food and drinks and cleaning up the mess after they leave.
The producer was the first to show up – Mack, he said to call him – and he and Jack disappear into the recording room. You? Well, you were told to sit out front and wait for the rest of them to come. Just like a good intern. And just like the cute, good intern you are, you say nothing about your frustrations, keeping them bottled up instead and making sure you always let Jack know how much you appreciate the opportunity.
Finally, the door opens. Finally, you think, you’ll be able to do more than just sit up here, twiddling your thumbs. You recognize them instantly. You quickly stand up and introduce yourself to them and their manager, who doesn’t seem to like your presence. “They gave us a girl!” Freddie exclaims. “Finally, someone to take care of us!” You raise your brow and smirk at him and he throws his hand on your shoulder. “I’m just joking, darling. I don’t know what your job is.”
“Can it be called a job if I’m not getting paid?” you crack. “Because I’m just the intern.”
“The intern?” Roger quips. “You’re not here for…” He stops speaking as soon as John slaps him in the back of the head. “I was not going to say anything! I didn’t know if she was a secretary or something.”
“I’m in college. For recording engineering,” you say rather bluntly. “Not all of us non-penis owners have to be secretaries or housewives.”
“Oh, you’re fun,” Freddie says with a grin as he throws his arm around your shoulder and tugs you in. “And the cutest little thing…” He takes notice of the glare you’re shooting at him. “Own your beauty, darling. Use it to your advantage while you can. You can do your feminist routine after you turn 40.” You start to giggle. He’s impossible not to like.
“Alright, Fred,” Brian groans. “Don’t want to scare her off so soon.”
“Yeah, we have hours left before that should happen,” John chuckles.
“Did we forget we’re here to record an album? Not stand around and chat with some tart?” Paul, the manager, fusses. “I’m sorry,” he says to you with sarcasm oozing from his voice. “Some intern.”
You take a deep sigh and point down the hall. “The studio is down there to the left,” you tell them. “Everybody’s already in there.”
They all start to walk down the hall, except for Brian. “We all loathe him,” he tells you from behind. “Except Fred for some reason. Just ignore him.” You turn around and give him a thankful smile. “And for what it’s worth, I think it’s quite brave of you to get into this male dominated line of work. Not many would.”
“Hardly brave. More like I have a hard head and won’t let anyone tell me I can’t do something.”
“Most brave people have hard heads.”
“There’s always an exception to every rule. For instance, most people who study math and physics don’t play in a rock band,” you giggle.
“Ah, and she’s clever, too.” He flashes you a grin and you both walk down the hall.
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“It doesn’t sound right,” Mack complains as you sit next to him the next week in the studio. “Something’s off.”
“It’s too muddy,” you tell him as you reach over and turn down the bass on the mixing console. “And the guitar reverb is a bit much.” He looks at you strangely and you hurry and sit back down. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean…”
“No, no,” he smiles. “You’re right.”
You both turn around and look at Brian, who clearly doesn’t agree with your assessment. “I think the reverb is just fine.”
“It could be toned down just a little,” you tell him. “Unless that’s the sound you’re going for!” you quickly say. “You’re the artist, not me.”
He smiles and sits next to you. “And you’re the one who’s here to make me sound good on a record.”
“That’s it? No arguing?” Roger laughs. “No complaining? No fussing?” He pats you on your shoulder, still laughing. “This man never backs down that easy.”
“It’s because she’s cute,” Jack chimes in. “She gets away with everything because she’s cute.”
“She is cute, yes, but she also may be right,” Brian says, immediately realizing what he said and he starts to get flustered. You’re feeling pretty flustered too, to be honest, and you start to quietly giggle. “Any other thoughts, Y/N?” he asks.
“The toms could be tuned a smidge more,” you turn and tell Roger. “At least from what I heard in the live room. I haven’t listened to the raw cut yet.” Then you turn to Freddie. “And your vocals were spot on, of course, but I think tomorrow we’ll have to take a few minutes and move the mic around to find the sweet spot. It did sound better when it was in the back corner yesterday.”
“And what about my muddy bass?” John asks with a smirk.
“Your bass was fine, but we should adjust that mic tomorrow too. Maybe move a little further back.” You start to get a little uncomfortable with everyone looking at you, all seeming to be shocked by your knowledge, and your voice starts to drift. “But that can always be adjusted in mixing.” You flash a shy grin. “I’ll shut up now.”
“Well I think you’ve been a great help,” Mack tells you, smiling as he stands up and stretches his arms, looking at his watch. “It’s almost midnight and I promised my wife dinner. That won’t happen, so I have to find something else to satisfy her.” Everyone tells him goodbye, and Jack follows him out the door, leaving you with the four band members.
Brian snuck back into the live room and started to fiddle with his guitar. “See what you’ve done?” Freddie giggles. “I hope you don’t plan on leaving anytime soon because Mr. Perfectionist is at work now.”
“Yeah, soon you’ll learn to just fix everything in mixing,” John laughs.
“Well, I’m not staying. I’ll fix my toms tomorrow,” Roger chuckles. “Anyone who wants a ride better come.” Everyone gathers, except Brian, because he doesn’t know what’s going on. “I’ll get him,” Roger groans.
“Leave him be,” you say. “I’ll make sure he gets home. He’s busy.” After the others leave, you sit behind the mixing desk and watch him work. You can’t hear anything that’s going on. The mics had been turned off already, but still you watch. You watch the way he intensely listens to whatever sounds he’s making, but especially the way his fingers glide along effortlessly. Something about those hands… You’ve been watching them all week. After about a half hour of deep concentration, he looks up and sees you looking and smiles quite shyly.
He puts his guitar down and walks out. “You’re still here because of me?”
“All part of the job,” you shrug. He comes and sits next to you, a smile on his face. “So while you were in there I actually adjusted the… What?” you giggle, feeling a bit nervous by his attention.
“Nothing,” he smiles. “You’re just so passionate about all of this technical stuff. It’s nice to watch.”
“You’ve been in there for 30 minutes. That’s…”
“That’s obsessive. Not passionate.” You start to giggle again. It drives you crazy. They all make you giggle, but Brian? He makes you do that stupid giddy schoolgirl giggle and it’s embarrassing. He doesn’t even have to say anything. All he has to do is look at you and you fucking giggle. “I save my passion for other things,” he winks.
“If you weren’t passionate about your music, you wouldn’t be here,” you tell him, giving him a side-eyed glance.
He leans over close to you as you turn off the mixing board, so close you can hear his breath in your ear. Your heart starts to flutter and you don’t know what’s going on. “You have something on your collar,” he says as he reaches a hand up and picks whatever it is off. You turn and look at him and he smirks. “Got it.”
You smile a shy smile and manage to stifle the giggle you feel boiling up. “Thank you,” you say quietly. You swear the two of you sit there for minutes, just smiling and looking at each other, but it really wasn’t that long. You hurry and clear your throat and back away. “Should we get you home now?” You stand up and he follows, and you walk out to your car after locking everything up. “I know it’s nothing fancy,” you say to him when you reach your car, pretty embarrassed that you’re about to drive Brian May around in your old Jeep handed down to you from your father. “But she’s done me well so far, so I can’t get rid of her anytime soon.”
“I’ve never actually rode in one of these before,” he tells you, seeming to be oddly excited about it. Once you both climb in and you start the engine, he looks at you with his mouth dropped open. “I don’t have my keys,” he says. You start to turn the engine off but he stops you. “No, they’re not inside. I left them in Rog’s car.”
“Ah, then I guess we’re going get them. Where’s he staying?” you ask, but Brian’s face is kind of blank.
“I have no idea,” he says. He’s lying. He knows exactly where Roger is staying. He knows where everyone is staying, but you don’t know that. You believe him. “I don’t have my wallet either,” he groans. “This is terrible,” he chuckles.
You give him an amused look before you start laughing. “It’ll be fine. You can come slum it at my place if you want. I have an extra room.” You look over to him and he’s smirking. “It’s not exactly high class, but I promise I don’t have cobwebs and bugs everywhere. And I can also promise you nice ambient noises. Police and ambulance sirens are quite soothing to fall asleep to.” He looks somewhat horrified and you start to laugh. “I’m kidding. It’s not so bad. It’s not Malibu, but it’s not bad.” He nods his head and you set off for your apartment.
When you walk inside you hear music coming from upstairs. Well, it’s supposed to be music, but your neighbor isn’t the apt guitar player he thinks he is. “Ah, one of the perks of having a first floor apartment,” you groan. “He’ll stop eventually.”
He’s amused. “How do you get any sleep?”
“Easy,” you grin. “Can’t hear it from my bedroom.”
“Maybe I should go up and help him,” he jokes.
“You don’t want to do that. I tried once and was stuck there for hours.”
“Oh? You play?”
“A little,” you say. “Nothing spectacular, but I know the difference between a G and G6, so…”
“Any other secrets you’re hiding?”
“I can tie a cherry stem with my tongue.” Why did you just say that? You want to crawl in a hole and cover yourself with the dirt.
“Oh yeah?” he grins. You regret saying that. Kind of. You don’t know. But he inches closer to you and your breath catches in your throat. You can’t look up at him, not on your own fruition, so he helps you by holding his hand under your chin and lifting your head. “Does that really mean what they say it means?” he asks, grin still on his face.
And now you can’t control anything. You can’t control your breathing. You can’t control your movements. You can’t control your words. “I haven’t had any complaints before,” you murmur. You clear your throat and back away, snapping out of his hypnotic gaze. “Want me to show you to your room?” you ask, trying hard to end whatever is going on right now.
“No,” he whispers, still grinning.
“Umm… anything to drink?”
“No.” That grin still hasn’t left his face.
“Very,” he tells you, his tone soft and soothing. He moves back close to you, picks your chin up with his fingers again, and leans down to give you the softest, sweetest kiss you’ve ever had.
Oh, you love it. And you feel the heat rising up in your body, but you can’t do this. You shouldn’t do this. So you back away, taking a few steps back and regain your composure. “I don’t know if this is a good idea,” you tell him.
The look on his face is apologetic, almost guilty even. “I’m sorry…”
“No! Don’t be sorry!” you tell him. “I just don’t know if we should…” He’s grinning at you again, and your voice drifts off before you can explain why it’s not a good idea. Probably because you can’t think of a single reason why you don’t want to. “Oh, fuck it,” you groan, and rush over to him, pull his face down to yours, and start to kiss again. But you hurry and pull back again and turn your back to him, trying to walk away. But you can’t.
“Don't tell me you've never thought about me,” he says in your ear from behind you. “I’ve thought about you. I can’t stop thinking about you. I knew I wanted you the first time I saw you.”
You feel his breath on the back of your neck as he slips both arms around your sides. His palms find your stomach as he caresses you through your shirt while kissing one of your ears. Your eyes close, enjoying his touch. One of his hands finds the bottom hem of your shirt and slips underneath, his skin feeling hot against yours as he rubs and explores you.
You lean back against him, bending an arm upward to curl your hand around the back of his neck, subtly encouraging him to kiss your neck. He does, and it sends tingles through your whole body. His free hand moves beneath the waist of your pants, cupping your sex, his middle finger pushing the thin cotton material of your undies between your labia, creating friction against your clit.
“Still don’t think we should?” he growls in your ear. “Do you want me to stop?”
“No,” you whisper. “Don’t stop.”
He gently pushes you to lean forward on the back of the sofa, still standing, as he slowly pulls down your pants and undies down in one move. Assuming your foreplay is over and expecting him to mount you from behind, you’re surprised when you feel something wet poking around back there. "Brian?" You look over your shoulder and see him kneeling behind you. "What are you...? Oh my god…”
He pushes the bottom of your shirt over the small of your back and sticks his face between your legs. You’re bending over the back of the couch at your waist, but keep your legs straight, spreading them so he has easier access. Before you can fully comprehend what’s going on, Brian has his tongue lapping around your wetness and two fingers inserted. “Oh, shit…” you groan. “Shit…” That’s all you can get out of your mouth. You’re concentrating too hard not only on the bliss he’s creating right now with his tongue, but you’re making sure not to let your knees give out. Shivers travel up your spine every time you feel his tongue lap at your juices. His knuckles keep bumping and dragging against your clit as he fucks you with his fingers, making you whimper even more. "Oh shit," or "oh fuck," you keep saying, unable to vocalize much else while being so gloriously assaulted.
An orgasm burns through you like a fever, causing you to go completely non-verbal and pant out sharp gasps. Your head swirls with dizziness - it’s a good thing the couch is there to support you. His attention on you stops for a moment and you hear him unzip his pants. After quickly gathering your wits, you turn around and quickly take off your shirt.
"I need to be inside you," he murmurs, grabbing your neck and pulling you into a hard kiss. You nod wantonly, willing to give him anything he wants, and kiss the corner of his mouth. What you don't realize is that he meant he wants to be inside you right away. He eases you around to the front of the sofa and lays you down before hovering over you between your legs. You wrap your arms around his torso to keep him close as his cock slides slowly into your sheath as you both groan in unison.
He starts fucking you slow but deep, his face tucked between your shoulder and neck. A steady, rhythmic, hard humping keeps on as you kiss passionately throughout, his occasional attention diverted to your jaw line or neck, before returning his lips to yours. Your soft gasps fill the living room each time he would speak. “My cock feels good inside you, doesn’t it?” he asks.
“Yes,” you breathlessly answer. “It feels good.”
“You’re a dirty girl, aren’t you?” he groans. “Letting me fuck you. Dirty, dirty girl.” You were close, so close, with your bodies pressed together and your limbs entwined. His thrusts start to get faster, and he grabs your leg, pulling it over his shoulder.
You grab the hair at the back of his head and force him to look at you. “Look at me,” you tell him. “Look at me while you fuck me, Brian.” He doesn’t want to. “I said look at me,” you sneer, pulling his head up. Now he’s locked in a gaze with your eyes, and he can’t look away. Not now.
“You’re beautiful,” he breathily whispers. “Fuck…”
“Harder,” you tell him. “Go harder.” And he does. As hard as he can go. You shift your hips up, making sure his cock dives as deep as it can go. “Yes,” you moan. “Fuck me like that.”
“You like this?” he groans and he starts to thrust even faster and you both find your shared rhythm. Your walls start to tighten around his cock, making it impossible for him to hold out much longer. “I’m close,” he grumbles. “But you need to cum with me. Can you cum with me?”
“Yes,” you pant. “Don’t stop yet. I’m…” You can’t say anymore. His pounding has become relentless and neither one of you can hold off a second longer. You clench down on him and he erupts inside of you, filling you with every ounce he can muster. He falls down to you, kissing you deeply as your fingers roam through his hair.
“Still don’t think we should?” he chuckles.
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You wake up the next morning and Brian isn’t in bed. He couldn’t have left – not unless he called a cab, but he left his wallet somewhere, so he couldn’t have. Then you hear his voice coming from the other room. He’s talking to someone, but you don’t hear another voice, so you assume he’s on the phone. You get up and throw some clothes on, and when you go to walk out of your room, you see it on the floor. His wallet. Not just his wallet. There’s a wedding band laying next to it.
You walk into the living room and see him on the phone. “I’m okay. I forgot my key and I didn’t want to wake you,” you hear him say before he pauses. “I stayed at a hotel. I’ll be home tonight.” He says his goodbyes and hands up the phone.
When he turns around, he sees you standing in front of him holding his wallet. “Forgot your wallet, huh?” you smirk. “It was on the floor.”
He starts to blush. “Okay, you caught me. I wanted to…”
“It’s okay, Brian. I have to admit, it was real slick,” you chuckle and sit on the sofa. “Who were you just on the phone with?” You hold out a man’s wedding band. “Your wife?” You raise your brow and you see that guilty look flash on his face, the same one you saw momentarily last night. “Look, I won’t say anything. I’m not exactly proud of myself. If I’d have known it wouldn’t have happened, though.”
He crinkles his brow and seems to be a little perturbed. “You know I studied maths and physics but not that I was married?”
“I knew you were married. But you didn’t wear this so I assumed maybe you weren’t anymore. I don’t keep track of your personal life.” You sigh and stand up, walking to your room. “I’m going take a quick shower then we’ll go.”
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“How’d you get here, Bri?” Roger chuckles when Brian walks into the recording room. “I went to pick you up this morning and…”
“Taxi,” Brian quickly says.
“Yeah, forgot your key,” Roger smirks. “You’re welcome, by the way. For not blowing your cover.” He starts to walk back to his drum kit but turns back around. “Was it the blonde?” he asks. “She…”
“No, Rog,” Brian says and quickly goes to his guitar.
“He’s going to be fun today,” Roger groans in your ear. “Every time he does this, he’s impossible to deal with the next day.”
“Every time he does what?” you ask curiously.
“Not that it happens a lot. It doesn’t. But when it does? Guilt,” Roger tells you. “And he’s a miserable fucker the whole day.
He sees you staring at Brian, and your face is riddled with guilt as well. “You? It was you?” He’s genuinely shocked. You glare at him and he puts a reassuring hand on your shoulder. “I won’t say a word.”
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You and Brian didn’t speak the entire time at the studio, but when everyone was leaving for the day – it was an early day today since they had some movie premier to go to – he stopped you before you walked out. “Look, Y/N, I…”
“Don’t worry. I’m not some psycho female who’s going to stalk you,” you giggle. “No apologies, alright?”
The smile on his face let you know he didn’t want to apologize for a single thing. “What I was going to say was that I really enjoyed your company and I hope we can do it again soon.” You know you’re supposed to tell him no. “Real soon,” he whispers.
No - that’s what you want to tell him. You’re a married man, and it should have never happened - you’re supposed to tell him that, too. This is wrong and it can never happen again – any of those three things is the correct response. But what comes out of your mouth? “Tomorrow?” And it comes out with a stupid smirk on your face.
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kunoichi-ume ¡ 5 years ago
30 Uncommon Character Development Questions: Noara Starspark
No one asked, but I wanted to do these for Noara. Writing the last little bit has been a struggle (between new job, this quarantine stuff and the fucking earthquake it’s a wonder I can concentrate on anything) so making myself think about these questions is a good exercise. Plus it was a good reason to use this beautiful sketch that @dingoat​‘s Ahuska did of my beautiful Jedi girl. 
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30 Uncommon Character Development Questions and because I did all 30 of them I put it under the cut, just to be polite.
What position does your character sleep in? ( i.e; stomach, side, back, etc. ) Describe why they do this — optional. In a bed that is in a safe location, as much ‘hers’ as any bed ever is, Noara is a starfish. Stretching out across the surface, wrapping the blanket around her limbs, moving in reaction to whatever is happening in her mind. In the field? She doesn’t move much, sleeping lightly enough to wake if anything about her environment changes. It’s not about getting a good night’s sleep in that situation, just getting enough rest to keep going.
Does your character have any noteworthy features? Freckles? Dimples? A scar somewhere unusual? etc. Noara has a noticeable scar on her right cheek but few people look close enough to see the claw mark scars on her neck that she received at the same time. The wounds there were thankfully not as deep as the one on her face.
Does your character have an accent? What does it sound like? Not really, she grew up on a planet that isn’t known for any particular accent and speaks a fairly basic form of Basic with little deviation/special pronunciations.
Do they have any verbal tics? Do they have trouble pronouncing certain words or getting their thoughts across clearly? When she is flustered or nervous she doesn’t quite stutter but she has a hard time getting the words out and will often start to say one and then have to stop midword to change it because it’s not the one she wanted to say.
What are their chief tension areas? Her shoulders and lower back. She tries her best to present an image of a strong, mature Jedi Master that is capable to carry the heavy responsibilities given to her.  
If you were to pick one song — and only one song — to describe your character, what would it be and why? Choosing just one is hard, I have a whole playlist for her and most of them could work as the “one” song to sum Noara up but I think I need to go with Brighter by Patent Pending. It is a great mix of being optimistic about the future but also jaded and weighed down by the past, which is very Noara. She has a hard time dealing with everything that has happened to her but refuses to let it define her and never looses sight of the hope that life will get better.
How does your character perceive themselves? Positive? Negative? Neutral? She tends more toward the negative. Noara has no illusions about her lot in life, she is important to a lot of people but not because of who she is - just for what she can do. Her abilities are far more valued than she is for just being herself. Depending on the version of her this is more extreme, in I’ve Got You she is very convinced her abilities are the only why people are around her, in Jedi Sitters she feels like she is a failure as a Jedi because of what happened when she was under the Emperor’s control (and the very fact she was able to being manipulated so completely) and my Sith version of her that I don’t talk about as much as I would like to has no illusions that anyone cares about her until a very stubborn Mandalorian/Republic spy Fynta enters her life.
Are they a quick thinker or do they need time to sort through their thoughts? Quick for sure, she is pretty impulsive actually. When she has time to sort through her thoughts she usually ends up second guessing and doubting herself. Gotta make those choices before her insecurities can catch up.
Does your character dream or are their nights filled with an empty blackness? Describe a dream they’ve had or a night they couldn’t sleep and what they did to preoccupy their time. This one also depends a bit on which version of Noara. In I’ve Got You she doesn’t dream often, or even deal with nightmares, until Valkorian decides it’s a good way to try and manipulate her. Jedi Sitters Noara has constant nightmares and avoids sleep as much as possible, staying up later with caf or meditating until she passes out from exhaustion. Sith Noara’s life is a nightmare, why would sleeping be any different?
If they had a choice, would they prefer a subway or a bus for public transportation? It would be a major trial for Noara to ever be on a subway, it would be very triggering for her claustrophobia. Busses only work because she can see out the windows, doesn’t feel as trapped as she would knowing she was inside a tunnel underground.
What do they think of creation? Do they believe in evolution or do they believe in God? What is their religion like? Noara trusts in the Force but has never been a very religion driven person. She knows the Force is there, and what it does, but big questions like “how did life begin?” don’t really concern her much. Scholars can figure that out as far as she is concerned.
Describe 5 unusual characteristics your muse has. 
Despite being a virginal space monk, she loves romance stories - especially ones with hot scenes she can live vicariously through; 
Rarely sits in a chair the way it’s meant to be sat in, like perched on the back of a chair or couch, lying on a couch so her head hangs off the cushion and her feet are draped over the back, both feet folded underneath her when on a bench type seat; 
Exercises almost obsessively, always working out because sitting still is difficult for her unless she has something to occupy her mind; 
Taps her fingers, shakes her leg or fiddles with her thumbs when feeling impatient or anxious; 
Wears dark purple makeup in a traditional Nabooian style because it makes her feel like she belongs somewhere, like she had a home at some point, and she doesn’t openly acknowledge the reason being that she has no idea where she is from and feelings like she is missing part of herself by not knowing.
Have they ever been so overwhelmed they had to stop and take a break from something? Yes, it usually ends up with her chasing the bottom of a bottle or working out until she can’t go on anymore.
Are they a team player or do they prefer to be solo? This is such a hard choice for her, Noara likes having people at her back but hates the idea someone could get hurt if she messes up or isn’t fast enough.
Can they multi-task or must they focus on one subject at a time? She is very tunnel minded when it comes to a task, until that one is done she doesn’t really notice the other things she needs to do and often gets overwhelmed if there are too many things to do all at the same time.
What are their best school subjects? What are their worst? List five of each. 
Best: Physical Education, Technology/mechanics, Languages, Flight/piloting, Literature. 
Worst: History, Philosophy, Biology, Home Economics like sewing/cooking, Math.
Is your character an introvert or an extrovert? How do they handle big crowds of people? Extrovert, even if she has to force it sometimes. She likes crowds because the focus isn’t going to be on her when there are lots of other people around.
Are they a leader, do they prefer to follow, or would they rather just stay on the sidelines altogether? Noara is in a weird place where this is concerned. She leads, because people look to her for it, because the Jedi Council assigns leadership positions to her, but in almost every case she thinks there is someone else would would be better qualified.
If your character was suddenly challenged, would they rather run away or stay and fight? Noara is a fighter through and through, sometimes to her own detriment, but running away is never her first, second or even third choice. Lana getting her out of the spire was a test of the Sith’s patience in every way.
If your character was allowed to murder one person without any consequences, who would that person be and why? This depends on the version of Noara. 
In I’ve Got You that was the Emperor, but she would never consider that murder. It’s justice and he earned it. 
In Jedi Sitters she would give anything to be able to kill the Sith who controlled and abused her after the Emperor “gifted” her to him. 
Sith Noara would kill… well most people she has interactions with, but Darth Ira who stole her from the Jedi would be at the top of that list.
Your character has been granted 3 wishes; what would they wish for and why? 
First she would wish for peace between the Empire and the Republic - even with magical wishes she doesn’t think they could ever merge into one collation but if the Empire and Sith could see reason and stop the needless violence she would be satisfied. 
Second, Noara would ask for the ability to save all the people under her protection - failing to keep someone safe who trusted her is devastating every time it happens. 
Third she would want to know her family, who they are, where they are, why they let her go.
Does your character trust people right off the bat or does it take them some time to warm up to someone? It depends how well she can read them through the Force. If she can feel their sincerity she trusts fairly easily, even when the person is a Sith like Lana. If someone is shielding their intentions from her she is very cautious about them.
Do they prefer romance or affection? What is the quickest way to your character’s heart? Affection. Romance for so long is such an unattainable concept to her but affection is rare, something that makes her want to reach out to the person offering it and never let go. Touch starvation is very much something Noara deals with before she has a certain Mando to cuddle next to at every possible opportunity.
Does your character have any enemies? If so, who and why? The Emperor, Valkorian, comes to mind. Most Sith would see her as their enemy as well.
Do they have any weird bedroom habits? Any unusual kinks? Because so much of her life is making choices and giving orders she doesn’t feel qualified to give, she likes letting someone else take charge. She isn’t a sub in every encounter, but Torian having his way with her - and giving her firm directions - is a sure way to get her going.
How does your character prepare for bed? Do they sleep at all or can they stay awake for days on end without trouble? When on her ship or whatever location is serving as a home base at the time, she cleans her face and lets her hair down, changed into pajamas if she doesn't expect a sudden awakening.  In the field she doesn’t do much other than assure herself she found a safeish location though her preference is to use an energy stim or two and stay awake and aware - something she has done for days at a time before finally crashing.
If your character had one thing to say to their parents before they died, what would it be? Why didn’t you keep me?
Are they afraid of death? Do they have any regrets? Before Torian, no. She never questioned that she would become one with the Force and it would be a more peaceful existence than her life was. After, and especially after learning his people’s thoughts about the afterlife, she has many doubts about what she believes and if they would be together again. Regrets are a big problem for her, no matter how she feels about death she is going to have plenty of those.
Does your character get restless when things are too quiet or do they favour solitude and silence? Why? So restless! Noara always needs to be doing something, even if it’s meditation. If her mind or body doesn’t have something to do she gets anxious.
Finally; if your character was forced to eat one thing for the rest of their life, what would they choose and why? Well most of her life she has eaten prepacked field rations, the Star Wars equivalent of MREs. So making a responsible, balanced choice she would say those. She needs the nutrition to keep up with both her active lifestyle and maintain her muscle mass. As a petite woman with a high metabolism she has to be conscious of what she eats to keep herself in good condition. Idealistically? Cake, with the loophole that it can be ANY kind of cake. She enjoys sweets and they are such a rare treat for her, the idea of getting to try lots of different varieties and flavors would be very tempting.
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angrylizardjacket ¡ 6 years ago
convenient {Roger Taylor}
Anon asked: can you do a roger taylor imagine where you were just one of his flings but you keep coming back to each other and one night you’re at a show and he won’t stop looking at u and finally u confront him about your feelings like bitch i love u and he’s like o shit same but seriously any fluffy roger imagine would be fine cause i love my mans ajdjjskdj
Anon asked: heyyy, i really enjoyed always been close; i thought it was a beautiful mix of sweet and realistic. i was wondering if you would write something similar for roger with lots of like,, jealousy and elements of pining and sweetness and all that good shit. anywayssss, thank you so much for even reading this, love your work!
A/N: 3228 words. I realised I had only done one male!reader fic and I’m so sorry, I’ll try to correct that imbalance!! Um, light smut?? So yeah, male pronouns for reader.
Roger had never been shy about his sexuality in any sense of the word; he’d lived his late teenage years through the sixties, practically drenched in rock and roll and counter culture, sexuality, and more importantly sex, had never really been a huge moral issue with him.
And that’s how it starts with you.
You catch his eye from behind the drums at a gig, at least when Tim's not blocking his way, and you're hovering by the bar, a drink in hand, laughing at something the person beside you said, and even as he looks away, goes back to concentrating on his drumming, he can't get your smile out of his head.
You're not from around here, dragged here by some friends who swear up and down that the band is worth the trip, and you humour them, comfortable at the peripheries with a revolving door of friends keeping you company when they're not dancing. You're not much of a dancer, which is unfortunate because you're friends are right, the band is really quite good, some of their songs really have the crowd moving, but you're too self conscious in the new environment to even awkwardly bop, like you'd been known to do from time to time. The band is attractive enough, the bassist and guitarist looking like every other pair of rock and roll, uni-band, frontmen you'd seen in the last year, and you can't see the drummer for the drumkit on the stage, but you're pretty sure he's blonde.
"Having a good night?" During the break between sets, you're pulled out of your own thoughts by a voice beside you at the bar. Looking over your shoulder, you see a guy leaning against the wooden counter top, smirking, and 'oh no, he's cute' doesn't even begin to cover it. What's really killing you is probably his choice of open, button-down shirt in the middle of winter, but the doe-eyes and soft-looking blonde hair are also strong contenders.
"Yeah, it's great!" You respond easily, trying to keep your cool, "actually I'm pretty glad I was dragged out, these guys are good." And at that, his smile actually brightens.
"Well fuck, you're nice too, I think I'm obligated to buy you a drink." And he's already ordering you a pint as the bartender places his own in front of him; she doesn't make him pay for either.
"I- sure." You may not be known for dancing, but you're also not known to refuse free drinks from attractive strangers. "What do you mean 'too'?" You ask, and he turns back to you, taking a sip of his drink. There's a moment where he looks you over very pointedly, and you feel your heart beat a little faster as you avert your gaze for a moment.
"You, looking like that, complimenting my band?" After a beat, the bartender puts the drink down between the two of you and the realisation of what he's said sinks in, "you certainly know your way into a man's..." and he takes a very long, very pointed sip of his drink, refusing to break eye contact with you, "heart."
"Your band?" Is all you can think to ask, flustered by his forwardness.
"Roger. I'm the drummer." And it takes you a moment to realise that it's not an affirmation, it's his name, and only because he's holding his hand out to you.
"Y/N." You respond, taking his hand to shake it, before accepting the drink in front of you.
"You sticking around for the rest of the show?" He asked, shooting for casual, and you have to laugh a little at that; somehow his complete lack of subtlety was endearing.
"I think I might; maybe I can buy you a drink after the next set?" You ask, and Roger can't keep the pleased little smile from his face.
"I drink for free during the show," he says bluntly, and your heart sinks a little at the gesture being refused, but he holds out his cup, as if for a cheers, "how about after?"
Despite his earlier confidence, he's gentle, careful even, and it's about the time he's going down on you that you realise he probably doesn't have a lot of experience with guys; he's obviously got some experience, it not even that he's doing a bad job - he's really not - he just fumbles here and there, seems a little uncertain at times.
"Good, you're doing- doing really good." You're a little breathless, and it comes out as a half-moan, hand fisted in his hair.
"Thanks." He replies automatically, a little awkward, made a lot awkward with your dick in his mouth, and you actually have to let go of him to muffle your laughter. He's pulling back too, unable to help the laughter that escapes him, a little embarrassed and grinning brightly.
"Come here," you coax him to you, smiling as you press his lip to yours, moaning against his mouth as his hand takes over where his mouth had left you hard and wanting more despite both your amusements at the situation.
You've got no delusions regarding the night; it's fun, Roger's fun, and the next morning you catch a bus back to your home while he's still mostly asleep. Mostly. When you shift off the bed, pulling on your underwear, he reaches out, fingers grazing down your back, warm, a contrast to the cool morning air.
"Get home safe, okay?" He yawns, and turns over, away from you. You don't take it personally.
You don't think about him much after that, actually no, that was a total lie, you don't admit you think about him a lot after that, the blonde boy who made you laugh despite only knowing each other for less than a few hours, the drummer with energy to spare and a moan like music. Your friends tease you about the whole situation, nothing too mean, usually just about how you hadn't wanted to come out, then it turns out you didn't want to come home, but they're also the first to suggest going to see the band play when they come to your local pub.
It's been almost a month since you've seen him, and you're not exactly nervous, just unsure of what to expect. And you're late, spent too long fretting over what to wear, walking in at the end of the first set.
"Fancy seeing you here." He grins at you like you're old friends and something tightens in your chest at the realisation that he does in fact recognise you.
"I should be the one saying that, this is my local pub after all." You say, thanking the bartender as she passes over your drink.
"Local, huh?" He muses, and you tip your glass towards him in a silent confirmation before taking a sip. He orders his drink with a look on his face like he's saving that information for later. He doesn't stick around for the whole break, heads over to a crowd where you can see someone telling an animated story, and you tell yourself you aren't disappointed.
It turns out the band's gotten rid of the old bass player, and the man telling the story was the new singer. He's a much better front man, would be incredibly captivating to watch if you could ever take your eyes off of Roger.
"You have a crush, don't you." Your friend's voice in your ear breaks your trance, and you jump. She laughs, but it's not unkind.
"Yeah, I slept with him once and now I'm madly in love." You snorted, voice full of sarcasm, and you looked at her through narrow eyes.
"You gonna hook up again?" She asked, and you made a noncommittal noise, hoping she couldn't sense how much you wanted to. "Tonight?" Okay, yeah, she could definitely tell. You make another, more grumbly noise of affirmation in the back of her throat. "Is this the second time you've ever met up with him?"
"I don't think the first time counts as meeting up, we met at the bar for the first time." You tried to reason, words spilling from you before you can register that you're digging yourself into a deeper hole. She just looks smug. Looking back at Roger, you see he's watching your little argument with an amused smirk, and he gives you a wink when he finally has your attention. You both look away, and your friend just gives you a shit eating grin.
He's more sure of himself this time, lets himself relax more, and there's that strangely endearing quality about him again, where he's got you laughing and moaning in the same breath, and he grins like he knows exactly what he does to you. You're definitely not complaining. In fact, part of you hopes he never stops looking at you like that.
He's a late sleeper, it turns out, because when you get up to shower the next morning, you come back to him still there, bundled up and hogging your duvet now that he's the only one in the bed, expression surprisingly peaceful. Going about your morning routine, you fix yourself breakfast and drop in front of the television, uncertain as to whether or not you should wake him. Usually hook ups just left, sometimes if they were awake you'd make them breakfast too, but Roger was just... still asleep. You didn't want to disturb him.
Once you're finished breakfast, you head back into the bedroom to make up your mind about what to do with him, but he's awake, looking at the ceiling, blinking as if to clear the sleep from his eyes.
"Sorry, I'll get going in a minute." He assured, and you shrugged awkwardly.
"I can, I don't know- do you want breakfast?" You asked, and he turned, frowning a little.
"You don't have to do that." He assured, already moving out from beneath the covers, searching around for his clothes.
"Just thought I'd offer; shower's there if you wanna use it." You added, and he gave a nod of confirmation, a murmur of thanks. He heads past you into the bathroom, and after he closes the door, you hear the water turn on.
You're laying on the sofa reading when he emerges, hair still a bit wet, and you say a quick prayer that you don't blurt out whatever comes to mind, because Christ, he looks so clean and soft and his hair is curling a little at the ends where it's drying and you've never wanted to make a mess of something as badly as you do now.
"Thanks, I'll see you around." He grins at you, already heading for the door. You, shooting for casual and not wanting to give away exactly how much you wanted him, didn't even get up.
"'course you will." You tell him, and his grin gets a little bit more sincere as he looks over his shoulder at you.
You see him again soon, but not how you wanted to, and definitely not how you expected to. It's the middle of a pub crawl, almost eleven, and you're already feelings the booze hit a little too hard. There's a side door to the pub that you're grateful to find when the smell of smoke and alcohol is getting too overwhelming, but the moment the door closes behind you and the noise of the pub dims, you realise the alley you'd stepped into is occupied.
After a beat of getting your sluggish mind around the situation, you look over at where the sound is coming from, before it abruptly stops, and you find yourself making direct eye contact with a very startled Roger, blushing, before a pretty brunette stands abruptly from where she'd been hidden out of eyesight behind a trashcan, her cheeks now bright red.
"Hi." Is what your mind thinks is the best thing to say in this situation, but you don't give either of them time to answer, before you're turning, almost falling and wrenching the door open. "I gotta go, don't let me stop you." The words spill from your mouth as your heading back into the bar, looking for a drink, your head suddenly feeling far too clear.
It doesn't hurt, it shouldn't hurt.
The next time you hook up, you're not sure how to feel at first, you're both a little drunk, and he's got his hand on your cock in the back of his van between sets. It's messy and quick, and when you finish, he fishes a box of tissues from the glove compartment.
"Hey, I'm sorry about- about last time." He works diligently to help you clean yourself up, not looking you in the eyes. "Like last time we saw each other, you know?" It was almost a full five weeks ago, and you can see a fading hickey just beneath the collar of his shirt.
"Don't worry about it." You assure him, still a little breathless, head leaning back against the inside of the van. "Hey, hey I can-" And you make to reach for the fly of his pants sitting up once you're cleaned up, and he moves back, fond smile on his face.
"I've still got another set to go." He smiled gently at you, something about the sight makes your heart melt just a little, despite the situation. "But I'm free after that."
You're still seeing a few people here and there, people who aren't him, but it doesn't feel right. It's weird, you've only been with him twice, well three times now, but it feels like the most natural thing in the world. And then it keeps happening. Often. Often enough that you become a regular face around his shared apartment, and yeah sure, sometimes Brian can't make eye contact with you over breakfast, but that's technically Roger's fault.
It's not every weekend, you still have a life to attend to, sleep to sometimes have amid your busy schedule, but maybe once a fortnight you find yourself heading out to one of Smile's gigs (and maybe Roger starts telling you their upcoming gigs, hoping to see you there).
It started out as sex, sure, but the moment you hear Roger call out 'there's my guy' when he spots you sitting at the end of the bar, a little hunched over, when you'd come in late, you realise you might be too far gone for him. It's Summer now, and he's wearing a part of red shorts that show off far too much of his legs, and a tight t-shirt, and your brain stalls for a minute at the sight.
"You can't call me that." You hide your flustered, embarrassed, fond smile in your drink, and he claps you on the shoulder.
"Why not? At this point you're like our number one fan; you're our guy." And he's beaming, high from the adrenaline of performing, bright and excited for the night.
That's not what you said, your mind wants you to tell him, but you can't bring yourself to say it. Because you're his guy, and you're fun and convenient and at their gigs, and in his bed even though he's got scratch marks that you didn't leave, and underwear in the corner of his room that doesn't belong to either of you, and this isn't a crush anymore it's bigger than that but he's still got other options he's trying to follow, and you've got a good thing going here so you can't ruin it.
"You okay?" He's standing so close now, you hadn't even realised, so lost in your own thoughts. He's got his thumb lifting your chin where you're hunching further over the bar, not looking at him. He's become careless recently, casually affectionate even while at gigs, and you relish the attention, forgetting how lonely you'll feel the next day without those casual touches.
He's smiling at you like you're the only thing that matters to him, and you just want to kiss him.
But you think it'll hurt if you try.
"Yeah, I'm fine." You assure him, and he's called away by Brian so he can't dwell on it. You leave during the next set. You're pretty sure he doesn't even know he's leading you on.
It feels like some kind of masochistic torture, dragging yourself to see the shows for a few more weeks, always leaving before the gig ends, always leaving alone. You're still bright when you're talking to him, playing pretend like everything's fine, and he seems none the wiser apart from where you don't go home together anymore, but the moment you head towards the door, you see girls and guys swoop in on him, like vultures, and you know you've made the right decision.
The fourth time you go to leave, you don't even try and say goodbye; it's a lull between songs and he sees you putting on your jacket-
"Hey, Y/N, could you hold up I'd like to talk to you after this set, thanks." He says directly into his microphone, and he expects you to wait, which you do, and he ignores Freddie's snide remark about the interruption.
"What's gotten into you, is everything okay? Are we okay?" The two of you step outside of the pub, into the breezy Summer night.
"Dude, there is no 'we'." You cross your arms over your chest, avoiding his gaze, heart already sinking. But then you hear the words spilling from his mouth;
"Of course there's a 'we', there's been one ever since you first offered to make me breakfast and let me use your shower and didn't just kick me out, okay?" He cried, voice strained with a sudden vulnerability you hadn't heard before. You were silent for a long moment, mouth agape, eyes wide. "But I don't know how to do that, so fucking around was good enough for me. I don't know how to do sappy, real shit." There's silence for a very long moment, and he looks suddenly very nervous.
"I think I'm in love with you." Is what you hear yourself saying, and relief breaks over his face.
"Thank fucking god; I think I'm love with you too." And he can barely finish the sentence before you're kissing him again, wrapping your arms around him and pulling him close. It's almost desperate the way he holds you, like he's been holding back and now he can finally hold you as tight as he wants, and God if you aren't feeling the same way.
"I'm glad to see you two kiss and make up," Brian's voice comes from the door and you and Roger break apart, but don't let go of each other, "trust me, Y/N, he's been insufferable, I almost miss hearing you two go at it at three in the morning-"
"Perv." You roll your eyes at him, though Roger just smirks.
"But we've still got a gig to finish." And with that he heads back inside. After a beat, you and Roger turn back to each other, amused and a little hesitant.
"I should head back inside, I hear my boyfriend's in the audience, I wouldn't want to disappoint him." And when Roger says that, your heart soars. He's smirking, but you can't help your bright, sappy grin.
"Yeah, my boyfriend's in the band, I wouldn't want to miss it."
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savvylark ¡ 6 years ago
I’m Late
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A bite size Everlark drabble for you. Have a great weekend! Shout out the my friend @katnissdoesnotfollowback for being an inspiration and extra set of eyes. Rated M for mild language, sexual situations and implied smut.
Part 1
*Click clack click clack click clack*
“Damn heels.” I mutter. As I rush, each step I take echos throughout the building.
It sounds like a nagging. “You’re late, you’re late. Click clack.” Announcing my tardiness to all who have ears.
I hate these early morning monthly meetings. I had to drop my sister off especially early and traffic was infuriatingly unpredictable getting downtown. “I'm late again. I can't believe I'm late again!” I berate myself, rushing through the lobby.
“Hold the elevator?!” At the sound of his warm voice I light up. I wedge my arm through the narrowly closing metallic doors.
“Thanks,” he breathes out.
We have this unspoken way of looking out for each other. Ever since that first morning, we were racing down to the same 7am meeting.
I’ll never forget the image and the feeling of comically rushing down a hallway, looking to my left and someone was rushing beside me at the same speed. A common goal. Our eyes met, we exchanged a knowing embarrassed smile. “Glad I'm not the only one running late,” he said with that charming smile and those mesmerizing blue eyes.
I thought about him a lot after that day. My eyes gravitate toward his in crowded meetings. My thoughts migrate to what he might look like out of that suit more than I would ever admit.
He surges through the elevator doors looking amazing in his navy suit, tailored to fit his broad shoulders, thick arms, and stocky build.
“Thanks Katniss.” He smiles and I try to hide the way my heart flutters and knees grow weak.
“No problem.” I answer, but my voice sounds more raspy than I meant it to. I quickly spin to push the button for the 12th floor. When I turn I think I catch his eyes lingering on me. His head ducks rather quickly, his cheek are a little red. That could be from rushing down the hall but the way he’s rubbing the back of his neck makes me wonder.
My own cheeks feel hot suddenly and I bite my lip.
These dangerous thoughts are all Finnick’s fault. He told me he caught Peeta staring at me when I wasn't looking. I dismissed the thought. I'm plain, quite forgettable and a little brash when I do speak. He's charismatic, smooth with his words, and effortlessly gorgeous. Every carefully coiffed woman in our office has taken notice.
Peeta sets his briefcase down and balances two boxes of doughnuts in one hand while straightening his tie with the other, then runs his fingers through his ashy blond hair. Styled but a little unruly, just like his personality. A straight shooter in the workplace, knowing just where to push and use his words for positive changes.
He once told me his loft is above a bakery. He thinks he has enough time pick up baked goods before these monthly meetings but always ends up rushing.
“Hey Katniss. I was thinking,” I turn to look at Peeta. “Um,” he pauses when our eyes meet and his tongue gently trails over his lips. My gazes lingers there a beat longer than it should. I hold my breath and wait for him to speak. My eyes flick back to his clear blue ones.
“A few of us are meeting up at the Hob for drinks after work Friday. Annie and Finnick mentioned that you’ve joined them a time or two…” and he’s trailing off with reasons why I should come and my heart is beating faster. I don’t have any words so I just flash a weak smile and nod.
“You will? You’ll come Friday?” He asks earnestly. His large hands grip the side of the bakery boxes.
My smile spreads, more genuine. “Yes. The Hob. Friday.”
The elevator pings and the doors open. We fly out in a dead sprint. Click clacking away. Laughing as we abruptly slow our pace to a casual stroll in front of the windows to our conference room.
Peeta enters the meeting before I do and makes a big show of handing out doughnuts, French Crullers and Apple Fritters and smooth talking the department heads while I slip in unnoticed. Bullet dodged thanks to my ally.
“Thank you, Mellark, for the treats. Now let’s start our first order of business, are you ready with The Minutes, Ms. Trinket?” Plutarch asks.
I look down and the napkin in front of me has a Cheese Bun on it, my favorite. But how would he know? Our eyes meet and I mouth “Thank you.” Peeta flashes a smile and winks at me.
I bite my lip to hide my grin as I turn my attention to my notes.
Part 2
“Wow!” He gasps.
“Mmm. Yeah,” I moan as I we catch our breaths.
His fingers are tangled in my hair. He smiles up at me, blue eyes glistening, cheeks flushed. He has sweaty tendrils at his temples. He leans up and kisses me, slow and toe curling. He pulls away with a grin.
“Never,” his hands slide down my back, around my hips and grip my ass. Every touch shoots heat and desire from the point of contact and spreads through me. He leans into my ear and whispers, “I always follow through.”
My giggle stops short as he nibbles my earlobe.
Our kisses grow heated and hungry. “What time were we supposed to be at The Hob? Do we have time for round two?” He purrs into my ear.
I shift us and lean over to my nightstand. Peeta takes advantage of my distracted state and kisses down my neck and chest.
“That asshole Marvel was drooling over you earlier today as you were bent over the copier,” he growls through gritted teeth then he kisses my breasts.
“Peeta!” I moan as I lean further to check the time. He's reached my nipples and my mind can't quite register what the numbers on the clock mean. I arch into him, “Oh. Yes.”
I've lost all coherent thought. His fingers slide up the inside of my thighs massaging up and down, sliding higher with each pass, making his intent clear. I’m growing even more wet as he sucks and licks my nipple. Peeta flips me over and kisses lower down my body before teasing me until I'm dangling off the precipice. “Mmm, OH. Yes. Yes. Oh Peeta! Just like THAT. Oh PEETA!!”
We’re laughing between sloppy kisses as we scramble around picking up our clothes and haphazardly throwing them on. We share another kiss before we rush out the door wearing stupid dopey grins on our faces.
We’ve kept things between us for the past few months. We weren’t overtly hiding anything, just low key about it. After our friends kept nudging us to get together, it seemed to just annoy me all the more, realizing they were right. “You and Peeta are a great pair, you would be good together.” Well they finally stopped bugging me about Peeta, but Madge and Finnick have caught on that I’m dating someone. My happiness has been a dead giveaway and it’s only a matter of time before they figure it out.
“Uh, Peeta. How do I look?”
“You’re beautiful.” He beams, just before hitting the brakes. He pulls up to the sidewalk to drop me off at the entrance before he parks his car.
I roll my eyes but smile. “No I mean, do I look freshly fucked?” I flip the visor down to inspect my reflection. I grit my teeth and wrinkle my nose, “Yup.”
“No you don--” then he cups my jaw, turning my face to him and tries not to laugh. “You kind of do.” He gently runs his thumbs under my lower lash line and fluffs my hair a little. But we’re laughing now because there’s just not much we can do.
We’re late. We’ve arrived together. Our clothes are rumpled. Hair wild. Faces shiny. Grinning like idiots.
“See you in a few.” Peeta tells me and leans in for another kiss which I get lost in, softly moaning. I pull back blushing and blink a few times, back to reality. I throw my beanie on, button my coat, and enter the winter air.
*click clack click clack click clack*
My heels pound the pavement as I rush to the door.
Madge flags me down, waving me over to our booth in the corner of The Hob near the pool tables, with a smile. “Hey, better late than never.”
Clove is concentrating on her phone and without looking up mumbles, “Anyone heard from Mellark? He said he was coming.”
“Doesn't he come with Katniss sometimes?” Finnick responds a little too eagerly.
I shrug off my coat and wince when Madge reaches to pull off my beanie. “Hat hair.” I mumble.
“Hat hair, more like sex hair.” She says with a laugh. I must react and give myself away because Madge's laughter quickly turns to wide-blue eyes full of curiosity. “Katniss?” Madge whispers.
Of course Peeta walks in at that moment, hair a mess, flushed cheeks, lips red, and an unsightly something purple on his neck that is barely hidden by his collar. Ugh, what are we teenagers?
Peeta stands next to me as Gale asks, “Where ya been, Mellark?”
It takes five whole seconds of silence while their eyes take in the sight of Peeta and then me. I feel a little flustered and twist my coat in my hands. Then our group of friends erupt in loud mixed reactions.
Madge keeps exclaiming “I knew it!” To which Glimmer and Clove pester her with questions in a snooty tone. “How? Since when?”
Finnick whoops and hollers. A few slap cash in front of Finnick, which he pockets with a smug smile. Annie high-fives him. Thresh pulls me into a hug, saying he's glad to see me so happy. Gale is a little grumpy about it.
Peeta squeezes my hand and I feel like everything is right with the world.
Part 3
“I’m Late.” I shake my head, not sure what to do or think. I’ve put it off long enough, pretending I don’t know why I’m late. I know why...at least I think I know why.
I hold answers in my hands. Two minutes stretch out like two years. I clench the plastic in my shaking grip.
Peeta knocks on the door, “Katniss?” I jump back. He wasn’t supposed to be home this early. I thought I had more time.
I hesitate, take deep breaths, my resolve breaks when he says, “I brought home crackers and ginger ale. Are you doing okay?”
The gentleness in his voice calms the storm in me.
*tap tap tap tap*
My flats lightly slap the linoleum under foot as I move to let Peeta in, metaphorically and literally.
I open the bathroom door and meet Peeta's eyes, full of concern. My heart pounds, as he looks down at the test in my hands. His eyebrows shoot up as I hold my breath.
“I'm late.” I tell him, far calmer than I feel. A million thoughts and fears cycle through my head but before I can voice any of them I'm engulfed in a tight embrace. A calm steady chest anchors me in place. His large soothing hand strokes my back and I breath in his comforting scent. “You tell me what's next. Are we having a baby Katniss?”
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sweetasssuga ¡ 6 years ago
Yoonkook Fic Recs
personal favorites = ♡
new additions = ϟ
flower boys by siderum [3k] [not rated]
“it was pretty,” namjoon protests, trying to defend himself. “and it was a gift from a fan. wouldn’t she have been troubled to have to take it home?”
“and you brought it back to let it die?” yoongi interjects, dry as sand. he rises to his feet, dusting off his jeans. “you gonna take care of it, namjoonie?”
“how hard can it be,” namjoon says, but he sounds hesitant, like he knows his own annihilatory powers will trump his determination. “it’s a small plant. it needs water, sunlight, and air. we can provide all of those. piece of cake.”
(yoongi and jungkook take care of a plant together.)
bergen, 4:30 a.m. by bellamees [3k] [mature] 
“its coming of age day, hyung. i’m allowed to be reckless.”
wind chimes by ial [3.8k] [teen] 
so, that: that is the bottom line. they’re just roommates.
(yoonkook, one apartment and lousy communication.)
you and me are like peaches and cream by wormkun [4k] [general audiences] 
where jungkook is the new employee at the ice cream shop where yoongi works, and yoongi really, really didn't ask for any of this.
(or, jungkook is pretty and yoongi is weak)
Pitch Perfect by paperorchids [4k] [teen] ϟ
Yoongi doesn’t do well with heat.
It makes him sweaty and flushed and irritable, all things any sane human would be thoroughly repulsed by.
But unfortunately for him, Jeon Jeongguk is not a sane human by any means.
you and me (we're poetry) by stxrlight [5k] [teen] ϟ
“—and I just… wanted to stay here. If that’s okay.” Jungkook’s eyes drop to the floor, pink dusted over his cheeks.
This, then, is the first time Yoongi is hit with startling clarity: that somewhere along the line, without him even realizing— he started taking just as much comfort in Jungkook’s presence as Jungkook does with him.
(or: the moments in which yoongi falls in love)
All Of You by dreamingdaegu [5k] [mature] 
Jungkook's on a mission. Yoongi's confused.
Just a short, sweet and silly yoonkook.
mi casa (with you i'mma feel rich) by 24sevenheaven [5k] [not rated] 
jimin hands the fair employee a few dollars, and so does taehyung—but when jungkook does, the man stops him.
"only two per car," the man says, and jungkook's stomach literally drops out of his body and onto the pavement.
(or: in which yoongi and jungkook are both third wheels at the fair, jungkook's scared of heights, and the ferris wheel is more than a little faulty.)
magic show by fruitily [5.6k] [teen]
“what happened? why are we running away? oh, my god, did you try to flirt and it went badly so you killed him?”
“sit down,” yoongi begs as he steers out of the parking lot, “no, i didn’t fucking kill him.” he tightens his grip around the wheel and takes a deep breath. “i have to find out if i can afford a cat. then i have to find out everything about taking care of a cat.”
“holy shit,” seokjin says, amazed, “this jungkook is powerful. i think he could’ve sold you like fifteen tarantulas, or an entire alpaca farm.”
or: jungkook works at a pet shop. yoongi is just here to get a damn fish.
color in your cheeks (the feeling flows both ways) by siderum [6k] [explicit] 
yoongi and jungkook get put together in a hotel room for the next tour.
just the two of them.
i want it, this love by stxrlight [6k] [teen] ϟ
“Why don’t you just ask him out?”
Jungkook lifts his entire body off the couch to turn and stare at Taehyung in disbelief. Taehyung’s expression remains impassive, as if he hadn’t just done the verbal equivalent of throwing a punch right into Jungkook’s gut.
“He’s my roommate.” Jungkook hisses. “This is literally the number one thing on the list of what not to do with your roommate.”
(or: yoonkook are roommates. cue the crises)
do you ever wonder if the stars shine out for you by sugaretreat [6k] [explicit] 
Four months ago, Yoongi had caught Jeongguk’s hand before he’d reached out to touch him and told him we can’t, but Jeongguk said please and Yoongi had broken, broken as he always did when Jeongguk touched him like that, gentle and reverent. Four months ago, Yoongi had told him no more than this, no one can know and Jeongguk had agreed.
(Min Yoongi finds he has feelings too big for his heart and can't quite put them into words. We need to talk about it, he thinks, only they never do. Jeongguk, on the other hand, has never needed to talk about it.)
the weather in busan by fruitily [6.7k] [teen] ♡
on sundays, jungkook listens to a strange little radio show while painting and may or may not be slightly in love with a voice.
on sundays, yoongi and taehyung host a strange little radio show out of the back of their van while fighting about things like maps and portable coffee makers and yoongi has no idea whether his voice is reaching anyone
until they get lost in busan.
(the universe has moved for us) by 777335 [7.1k] [teen]
It’s a pretty dream, Jeongguk decides. He will stay here in this pretty dream and listen while Yoongi tells Jeongguk pretty things. Listen to the rough low of Yoongi’s voice, slurred and heavy with dialect because he’s tired, thick like syrup. Jeongguk wants to eat the way Yoongi sounds, taste Yoongi’s words, get his lips sticky with them, roll them around in his mouth like hard candies, suck on them, let the sweetness of every syllable rest on his tongue.
l'heure bleue by pursuit [8k] [mature] 
“i can’t sleep.”
or; yoongi is definitely weak.
Five Years by Holyhoseok [8k] [teen] ϟ
"I'm guessing you're Jungkook, right?" Yoongi asks with a hint of amusement as he avoids Jimin's and Taehyung's piercing gaze. It takes Jungkook a moment to react which makes him blush at how awkward he's being, gives a small nod to the other's question.
"Yeah, and i'm guessing you're, uh," Jungkook trails off, not knowing what to call the boy. Yoongi grins, eyes glued to Jungkook's.
"Yoongi. But just call me hyung," he responds easily, completely ignoring the couple in favor of watching the boy. Jungkook just about squirms in his seat at how intensively Yoongi's looking at him, having to break eye contact every so often as to not become flustered from all of the attention.
"Okay, hyung." Jungkook says softly, making Yoongi smile wide.
Jungkook's never had a crush before, but he thinks that this is what it must be like.
Or, Jeon Jungkook and Min Yoongi have been pining over each other for five years
we'll dream the same dream by hocs [9.6k] [mature] ϟ
“wait,” jungkook calls after yoongi after he’s walked through the door. yoongi turns to look over his shoulder and sees the freshman struggling to catch up despite wearing heelys, failing miserably at building up enough momentum.
he wonders briefly how jungkook manages to make it up flights of stairs or live life in general. then he’s zooming his way over, tongue stuck out in concentration. he's gripping his bagel so tightly that it turns his knuckles white.
“i’m jungkook,” he says when he’s close enough, almost loses control and cracks his head open on a metal pole. yoongi has to grab his arm to keep him steady. jungkook's skin is soft but yoongi’s fingers barely sink in, bicep solid under his touch.
“yoongi,” he returns breathlessly.
(ex. yoongi finds his soulmate, loses his soulmate, and then jeon jungkook nearly kills him)
Stumbling on Diamonds by endearings [9.7k] [teen] 
“Finished,” Jeongguk grins, a shy, tiny thing. “Tell me if you want anything fixed, we still have a few minutes left.”
Yoongi hums, studying himself in the mirror with careful eyes before turning around, a smile already curling half his mouth. “You made me look kind of pretty, Jeongguk-ssi,” and then his grin is suddenly blooming, all of his edges worn smooth. “Thank you.”
And Jeongguk wants to tell him he looked pretty before - wants to tell Yoongi that his eyes are lovely, the shape of his mouth even lovelier, all of his features delicate and soft and sort of sweet.
“You were already kind of pretty, hyung,” Jeongguk says quietly, pulling his jacket tight around him before ducking his head, embarrassed.
(Alternatively: Yoongi is an idol and Jeongguk is his makeup artist)
describe a morning you woke without fear by 777335 [10k] [mature]
“No way.” Jeongguk says, breath ghosting across Yoongi’s cheeks. “Holy shit, I love you.”
Yoongi freezes, and then shifts, pulls back.
“You don’t know me.” He looks anywhere but Jeongguk. “I’m very unlovable.” He laughs, so it sounds like a joke.
Jeongguk doesn’t laugh. He blinks slowly at Yoongi, eyes round and big, lashes catching, like a sleepy owl from a storybook. It’s fucking enchanting. Yoongi looks away again.
“No, I’m a very good judge of character.” Jeongguk says. “I love you.” He repeats.
(Yoongi meets Jeongguk in the fall, when everything outside is starting to die, and they fall in that good, slow, sweet and sticky like warmed honey kinda love.)
love me lights out by marienadine [10.6k] [mature]
Min Yoongi is the student TA for Digital Mix Techniques 201, aka Jeongguk's eight a.m. this semester, aka his thrice-weekly reminder that he is, in fact, gay.
That's how it starts.
likes me / likes me not by fruitily [10.7k] [explicit] 
“i don’t know what you’re talking about,” yoongi says elusively.
“hyung,” taehyung sighs, “you literally come here to hold hands with the pretty nail artist.”
soft melodies and softer touches bystrangedesires [11k] [explicit]
I see the way you look at me, hyung.
Yoongi's world stands still, and in that moment, he wants nothing more than to wring Jimin's neck. It's Jeongguk, it has to be Jeongguk, who else would it be? Yoongi knows many dancers--unfortunately Jimin's one of them--but there's only one that he's on close terms with, and whose number he doesn't have.
Jeongguk. It's Jeongguk. It's fucking Jeongguk.
(OR: Jeongguk's a contemporary dancer, and Yoongi is his academy's pianist).
seven inches from the midday sun (but you're so cool) by bellamees [12k] [teen] 
"i'm your friendly neighborhood spider-man," the sentence sounds absolutely ludicrous when the boy says it, with awkward enthusiasm. he's definitely young, yoongi can tell. spider-man(boy) holds the ladder, and it stops creaking altogether. "it's my duty to help, ahjussi."
blaze it brightly by thebestofme [13.6k] [teen]
Yoongi is supposed to be secretly teaching Avatar Taehyung waterbending, but his cute friend is distracting. But there’s something odd about Jeongguk.
witches petals by declemonts [14k] [general audiences] 
"is there anything i can help you with?"
(or: yoongi has an affinity for cute (witch) florists)
come around sundown by notyoongs [14k] [teen] ϟ
“if you don’t put your wands away this instant, i’ll be forced to dole out swift and immediate punishment, and i doubt either of your teams will be happy to be missing their captains at this afternoon’s game.”
“seokjin, you wouldn’t,” says yoongi.
“oh, but i would,” says seokjin. “wands down, now. go back to your own house table, yoongi. and for god’s sake, stop with the sexual tension. i’m practically choking on it from over here.”
(or: on the pitch, yoongi and jeongguk are rival quidditch captains capable of doing the worst to each other. off the pitch, there’s a lot less yelling and a lot more… hand-holding?)
As You Wish by theimpossibleimpala [16k] [explicit] 
OG Prompt: "I need a fic where yoongi's whipped for jungkook and does everything he asks him to do, no matter how ridiculous the request is. Jungkook...keeps asking for small things. Like cute pictures of holly or extra large portions of lamb skewers. It goes like that until the requests become less and less innocent and yoongi doesn't hesitate to drop to his knees when jungkook asks him to."
eternal sunshine by theimpossibleimpala [16k] [teen] 
Maybe it's coincidence that Yoongi's car breaks down and there's someone there to help him. But the longer he stays away from home, the more it feels less like luck and more like destiny.
very much like the moon by kookwells [17.5k] [teen] ♡ 
min yoongi is big feelings material. min yoongi is hans zimmer soundtrack, frenching in the rain, quantum heart nut material, and every time jungkook sees him he feels at once too big for his body and like he wants to take a running jump off a diving platform. jungkook has known yoongi for three months and he already can’t imagine his life yoongi-less.
jungkook learns how to wake up.
And Then It Swallowed Me by nonikkou [19k] [teen] ♡ 
He fears being buried. 
twenty-four by fruitily [20k] [teen] ♡
“i’m doing a social experiment and writing about it,” taehyung says easily. “i decided to handcuff two people together for twenty-four hours and have them report back to me on the experience. you guys are an ideal pair for this, really, because of your contradictory lifestyles. kookie goes to the gym every day, yoongi hasn’t seen the sun in what, four years -“
“jungkook has a semi-healthy sleep schedule, and yoongi texted me at two a.m. asking if i want to grab dinner,” namjoon supplies.
“i am the pinnacle of health,” yoongi snaps. the handcuffs clink as jungkook lifts their arms.
“so you just. handcuffed us together while we were sleeping?"
high on (you and me) by ial [20k] [explicit] ♡
neon lights and pulsing beats, and a single star in a sea of dark.
that's how yoongi will later say it started; with hues of blue and purple and pink and red, and one radiant star. and then many stars, and then heat, and then the morning sun. it'll be sappy, and he'll only tell the story once, but it'll be too late either way.
yoongi falls at—
so far away (don't fall away) by uoongs [21.9k] [not rated] 
“The spare to the heir, Joon-ah,” Yoongi drawled through the buzz of two glasses of whiskey he’s already admitted to having before Namjoon showed up. “That’s what I am. The spare. Married off.”"Elizabeth II was a spare, you know."(arranged marriage sugakookie that no one except me asked for HAAHHA)
trophy by uoongs [22k] [not rated] ♡
“it’s almost like you’re his trophy wife,” jimin giggled. jeongguk’s eyeballs popped out of their sockets and would be bouncing on linoleum if that were physically possible.
“you’re right,” yoongi snapped his fingers. “i’m a goddamn trophy.”
(alternatively: yoongi wants gucci, and jeongguk wants...yoongi?)
like real people do by 777335 [22.6k] [teen]
“Yeah,” Yoongi breathes, “I’m bad at this.”
“Bad at what?” Jeongguk asks, blinks up at Yoongi.
Flirting with pretty boys, Yoongi thinks and is pretty sure he shouldn’t say, which mostly works except for the part where he just ends up saying,
A tiny shy smile flutters on the edge of Jeongguk’s lips.
“Are you flirting with me, hyung?”
“Yeah.” Yoongi rasps.
Jeongguk hums. “Oh good.” He says, disastrously soft and pretty, “oh good, I was hoping you were.”
or magic isn't real. maybe if yoongi tells himself that enough it'll be true.
i don't know much about love, but i bet you could teach me by ial, timber (calculus) [24k] [general audiences] ♡
Jungkook squeezes his eyes shut, face warm. "Your—your hair looks. Good. Yeah."
Yoongi clears his throat. "...Number three: Jeon Jungkook must give me a compliment every day from now on," he says after a beat. “To practice.” Jungkook flushes even harder.
"No, no, it's been spoken to the ĂŚther now. My rules are law, Jungkook," Yoongi shrugs.
Or, Jeon Jungkook isn't really all that familiar with the dating game, but maybe Min Yoongi can help.
my youth is yours by marienadine [25k] [teen]  ♡
“What did you say your name was?” says Yoongi, after an eternity of awkward silence.
“Jeongguk,” says Jeongguk. “Um. My name is Jeon Jeongguk. I’m a freshman.”
“Oh,” says Yoongi. “Fucking hell.”
(In which Jeon Jeongguk goes to college, makes some friends, and learns he’s got a lot of growing to do.)
algae bloom by cherryjjk [25.8k] [explicit]
“You have no goddamn idea, kid!” Yoongi screams, shoving Jeongguk away from him hard, just to get some space, “I hate myself for doing this to you. Every single day I wake up wishing it could be simpler. Wishing that I could have fallen for Jimin, Hoseok, fuck, anyone else but you.”
alternatively; yoonkook sort out their feelings, together.
I know I'll fall in love with you, baby bywitheredleaf (micooled) [31k] [teen]
The soulmate/soulbond au where Yoongi is part of a famous rap duo and Jungkook is his diligent fanboy, they meet at a fansign and things escalate from there
(alt. Yoongi didn’t sign up for this)
don't wanna be fool, wanna be cool (baby i want it) by 24sevenheaven [32k] [not rated] ϟ
great, he's going to be introduced to a cute boy, tell his current (extremely embarrassing) dilemma to a cute boy, embarrass himself in front of a cute boy, get rejected by a cute boy, and then go home and cry. and then have to hide his face from said cute boy for the rest of his life.
all in twenty fucking minutes.
(in which jungkook's boyfriend of one month breaks up with him right before his older brother's wedding. too embarrassed to tell his mother he's been dumped, jungkook employs prodigal music genius and popular heartthrob min yoongi to be his date.
the thing is, jungkook should've known that min yoongi is bad, bad news.
everything goes wrong—until it starts going right.)
the other side of earth by shadowsinsounds [38k] [explicit] 
The guy was tiny, grumpy and hot, carrying an attitude like he was eight feet tall. Jungkook wanted, with a sudden furious fervor, to be pinned down and taken apart. By him.
Jungkook didn't know much, but at least he could now confirm beyond a shadow of a doubt that he was not heterosexual.
Now what?
my will is yours by orphan_account [43.8k] [mature] 
Jeongguk is cursed with perfect obedience; he can never disobey a direct order. It's a living hell until he meets Min Yoongi.
(Ella Enchanted!AU)
shake bend and break by ameliabedelias [48k] [mature] 
Min Yoongi takes in a stray cat. Jeon Jeongguk lives next door.
here comes the sun by fruitily [57k] [teen] ♡ 
“hey, hyung,” jungkook says in a tiny voice into his ear, “how are you? it’s been a minute.”
“it has, hasn’t it.” it’s been two years, which is not hard to believe, because holy fuck— “you got, um. tall.”
that’s not really it. jungkook was already taller than yoongi two years ago. and it’s not a drastic change by any means. it’s just that everything about him is… more. yoongi refuses to think of other words for it.
(or: yoongi comes back to summer camp and finds himself in something of a crisis.)
let the light in by sharpa [65.7k] [teen] ♡ 
There is magic in the world, but for years Jungkook has shied away from his gift. (It's intrusive, unwelcome, dangerous.) Now, he's in New York City, battling loneliness and a college course he hates. Until on one particularly bad day, he turns down a side street in East Village and his life changes forever.
(Or: six boys run a magical emporium together and Jeon Jungkook is looking for a place to belong.)
these hallowed halls by softlyblue [70.6k] 
“Bowtruckles,” Yoongi announces with grandeur, “Can suck my dick.”
The Hufflepuff table is next to the Slytherins; Hoseok looks over and winks, along with Jimin’s second-year friend (Taesung? Taehyung?) but a group of girls giggle, and one of the Hufflepuff prefects rolls his eyes, piecrust stuck to his chin.
“Just because the bowtruckles can suck your dick doesn’t mean they will,” says Gerry.
“Bowtruckles have caused me so much emotional damage in the last hour that they should suck my dick just to make up for it.”
Or, Yoongi goes to Hogwarts, and meets Jeongguk, and grows up.
Gusto d'Italia by AmeliaBedelia [78.9k] [explicit] ϟ
Jungkook turned towards the kitchen - and walked straight into the icy glare of Min Yoongi.
“Are you always this late?”
Jungkook tried to bite his tongue. “I was talking to – ”
“I don’t care who you were talking to,” Yoongi snapped. He had both arms crossed firmly over his chest as he continued to berate Jungkook in front of the rest of the staff. “How am I supposed to trust you to get my food out on time if you can’t follow a simple direction that I gave less than five minutes ago?”
Jungkook stared at his feet. “It won’t happen again, chef.”
“Better fucking not.”
Jungkook always dreamed of becoming a chef in the future. When Yoongi, a culinary genius with unusual social skills, shows up in the kitchen of Gusto d'Italia, Jungkook becomes awestruck.
good as gold by cyphertonic [84k] [explicit] 
He's laying in bed one night when his thoughts culminate into an ache in his chest. He longs for a release for all the tension he feels building up in his body, crawling and clawing under his skin. He longs for more warm comfort from his hyung, for the peacefulness he felt held in his arms. He wraps his own arms around himself then, balling himself up in the sheets.He just wants to be taken care of, he realizes. 
He just wants Yoongi to take care of him.
while the city slept by notyoongs [87k] [explicit] ϟ
and maybe he’s still kind of drunk, and maybe he’s sleep-deprived. but maybe this night has just taught him that it doesn’t hurt to be open to new experiences, doesn’t hurt to let loose once in a while. this trip isn’t about being safe. this is about taking chances and having fun, and he looks over at jeongguk, who is excitedly telling namjoon and seokjin about a famous perfumery he wants to visit in paris, and yoongi just blurts out, “why don’t you come with us?”
(or: the seven of them are only traveling europe together for a few weeks, but it’s more than enough time for yoongi and jeongguk to fall in love, over and over, in every country they visit.)
if you love me won't you say something by 777335 [102k] [explicit] 
yoongi and jeongguk fall in love and then some.
strawberries & cigarettes by notyoongs [129k] [explicit] 
“i’m yoongi,” he says. “hoseok’s roommate? he asked if i would be willing to drive you to work so here i am.” jeongguk stares at yoongi’s outstretched hand—nails covered in chipped black polish, which are attached to a very long and veiny hand, which is coming out of a fucking leather jacket, which is thrown over a black shirt, which is tucked into a pair of very tight and ripped black jeans, which come to rest above a pair of black combat boots, and that’s just—not fair. at all.
somehow, jeongguk manages to make the part of his brain not connected to his dick work enough to raise his hand, grasping onto yoongi’s a little too tightly. he swallows thickly, praying to god that his face isn’t as red as it feels when he looks yoongi in the eye again and lets out a quiet, “hi.”
(or: yoongi is a bad boy, jeongguk is a baby boy, and opposites always attract.)
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sohin-ace ¡ 5 years ago
Mista - Laundry
This is cross-posted from Wattpad and available on AO3.
You had taken it upon yourself ever since you joined Passione that you'd take care of chores as much as you could since the gang, children as they were, could be quite messy.
You didn't want someone like Bruno to take responsibility of something as trivial as chores when he was already so busy.
He, as well as the boys were grateful of your helpfulness, and even though nobody asked you, you still whole heartedly put yourself at work for everyone. You really loved the gang like your own family so it was only natural for you.
You really were like the mom friend of the group, which was well appreciated by your Capo, who could only understand your position.
"Oh my God Y/N! What did you do to my shirt?! It smells so good!" Narancia squealed one day when he found you in one of the hallways.
"Oh, nothing special," You chuckled. "I guess it's just the detergent." You stated humbly while playing with the straps on his top. "How do you like it?"
"It's soooo soft and way more comfy than before!" He felt the fabric on his chest as if to emphasize his words. "Thank you so muuuch, I love you!"
"Huh? Giorno what happened?" You grabbed the blonde's arm and lifted it to inspect the material of his shirt that was tearing up at the seams. "Your sleeve is all torn up."
He glanced at it and widened his eyes in surprise. Aw, too bad, he really liked that shirt and now it was ruined.
"Hm? Oh.. I guess it was a particularly rough fight. Damn it..."
You could hear the defeated undertone in his voice and you gently smiled at him. "It's okay, give it to me, I'll sew it up for you."
"Really?" He blinked at you before sighing lightly. "Thank you, Y/N. Pardon me for the trouble..."
"Don't be sorry Giogio, it's fine! We wouldn't want to have such pretty clothes in bad conditions, now, would we?"
Thankful towards you, he gently grabbed your hand and kissed the back of it before walking away to change clothes.
Those were the kind of occurences that happened ever since you joined. Your addition to the team made their daily life easier and much more pleasant.
It also didn't help that you were so selfless and kind to all of them that even Abbachio quickly warmed up to you, seeing how similar you were to Bucciarati.
As much as the boys were nagged here and there to actually help out and not let the same person do chores everyday, you were fine with volunteering when you weren't on a mission and had free time.
You were happy to help your boys out and never really had any problems with that. Not until one particular day.
You were finally putting away the laundry that had been drying in the sun all day. You hummed a little song as you lifted the basket and walked inside, starting to sort each member's clothes out and fold every piece carefully, as you always did.
Over time, you learnt to recognize each member's more or less iconic clothes and knew them by heart, whether it was Abbachio's black everything, Narancia's precious collection of Band T-shirts or Giorno's silken and golden ensembles.
As Mista was passing by the living room to get food for the Sex Pistols, he saw you picking out a familiar pair of briefs. He gasped, blushing instantly and ran towards you, snatching the piece away from your hands.
"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING Y/N?!" You jumped and almost screeched in fright at his sudden booming voice.
"OH MY GOD!!" You put a hand over your nearly exploding heart. "Mista you scared the living shit out of me!"
"What do you think you're doing with my underwear ??!!!" He yelled at you in a mix of anger and embarassment, a furious blush dusting his face and ears.
"I-I'm... What do you mean? I'm doing the laundry...?" You squeaked, still shaken by his sudden outburst.
"No no no no no!!! NO! NO! You don't understand! You can't do that! You can't just- I don't want you fiddling with my stuff like that!!" He pursued, scolding you almost, like you were guilty of some crime.
"Huh? Why not?" You asked in confusion. "It's fine, It's just me. I'm not gonna judge you- Look, I'm doing everyone's laundry, it's nothi-"
You were about to lift a random piece of underwear to prove your point, which happened to be Bucciarati's lace bralette, but he cut you off, scoffing as you didn't seem to understand the problem.
"No no no, Y/N my girl." He started making adamant and frustrated hand gestures. "It's EMBARASSING! Would you like it if I was handling your panties?!"
"I-I mean..." You stuttered a bit, flustered by the whole ordeal and not knowing what to tell the poor guy. "If I didn't want you seeing my panties, I'd do my own laundry..."
He froze for a second and he swore he heard the Pistols snicker somewhere. Oh shit, you had a point. He paused, having nothing to come back at you.
"B-but... If you want... I can tell Bruno, or anyone, to do your laundry... If it's what's bothering you, I'll just stop touching your stuff..."
Mista then calmed down and watched your defeated expression. He realized he was a bit too harsh on you over nothing and must have hurt you.
"W-wait Y/N, uh..."
"No, no, I understand." You dismissed him. "You're a man, I'm a woman, I should keep my boundaries. You're right."
You lifted the small pile of his underwear that you neatly folded beforehand and shoved it surprisingly gently to his chest.
He grabbed it while still looking at your dejected self. He started to regret going ham on you. You were only trying to help, after all.
"Wait, no- that's not it..."
It's just that he didn't want the girl he was crushing on witnessing some things. He wanted to impress you, and for you to see him at his best shot.
And you knowing that he owned underwear with 'Lucky you' or 'This gun has perfect aim' printed in bold fonts right over the crotch was definetely not the best way to proceed.
"It's okay, Mista... I'm sorry if I invaded your privacy."
"No, Y/N! Listen-"
"What's going on here? Oh Guido, you finally decided to help." Bucciaratti came in and saw you both.
"Actually Bruno, Mista doesn't feel comfortable when I sort out his underwear, so... Could you maybe-"
"Huh?" Bruno raised an annoyed eyebrow at his gunman. "Then wash your damn clothes yourself, stop bothering Y/N. She's as busy as you are. Be grateful that she's nice enough to take the time to clean and cook for us when none of you do."
Bruno walked to you and helped you up. "I'll take care of this, Y/N. Go take a break."
You obliged and thanked your capo as you left, leaving Mista to groan out in frustration and feeling like shit next to his leader who was going to lecture him all day.
"Oohh, it's laundry day? Can I help you?" Narancia said a bit too giddily for his own good as he found you all by yourself and you smiled at him.
"Sure! Can you take care of the sheets? It's the basket over there, I'll help you hang them."
"Okay! Hey wait a minute..."
Narancia furrowed his eyebrows and stared at the basket in your arms before he started searching through it.
He then took out some clothes, inspected them, and put them back in front of your very confused eyes. He did this a few times, but before you could even ask him what he was looking for, he said.
"Didn't Mista put any clothes for washing? All week?!" The boy exclaimed, absolutely baffled by his friend's filthiness.
"Um, he didn't want me to do his laundry anymore."
"What? Why?"
"I think he got shy from me seeing his underwear." You sheepishly told him and he snorted at such a stupid reason.
"Pfftt! Pussy."
"That's ridiculous." Abbachio added as he took the heavy basket from your arms. "Does he have dirty secrets or something? Would he rather have stinky-ass underwear? This boy doesn't make any fucking sense I swear."
"It's fine. I mean, I do have myself some embarassing pieces of undies, so I can't really say anything."
"He's such a drama queen." Abbachio commented as he walked off to hang the clothes outside, leaving you to barely have any work to do.
As you were done with the task at hand, you grabbed the men's attention before they could slip away and thanked them for helping you.
"Thank you Nara, thank you Abbachio. I'll make it up to you two with a special meal~"
"Ooh yeaahh!!" Narancia pumped his fist in the air in victory and Abbachio rolled his eyes.
"Don't mention it. I was bored."
They both went on their own way and you followed suit, but before you could even pass through the living room, none other than Mista came in and blocked your way.
You looked up at him and smiled, but your smile soon fell when he suddenly grabbed your upper arms and pushed you backwards.
He guided you across the room until you reached the small closet that was rearranged to be the laundry room. He pushed you inside and entered with you, closing the door behind him.
"It-it's uh... A very tight space." You managed to utter between hitched breaths as you looked down towards his hips, his gun poking you from how close you were.
There was barely enough space for you two and his body practically trapped you against the washing machine behind you. What the hell was he thinking?
"It's the only place where I know we'll have absolute privacy."
Your heart skipped a beat at his words and your eyes widened. "Wh-what do you need privacy for...?"
He realized what he said and how you must have misinterpreted and it was his turn to panick. He turned red and choked on his own words.
"W-wait... Don't get me wrong! It's not like tha- I mean-...I'm not gonna do anything. I just want to talk!" He stuttered and rubbed his head in frustration. Gosh he was so nervous around you.
"I'm listening, Mista."
"Okay." He took a deep breath and tried not to concentrate on your cute form right beneath him. "I wanted to say... I'm sorry for what I told you last week. It was so stupid and I got mad at you when you were being helpful. You're so nice to be a mom to the gang... And I hurt you."
Your eyes softened on the boy and how sincere he sounded. You reached out to gently cup his face in your hand.
"Oh, Mista." You breathed, endeared. "I already forgave you. I'd never want to make you uncomfortable, caro."
His heart pounded in his chest and he felt hot as he started to sweat bullets, your soft gestures putting him on edge and turning his legs to jello.
"I-I actually... Jeez... Oh man..." He stammered, completely unnerved by you.
Why did you have to be so sweet? Now he could barely form a proper sentence. His glance shifted from your eyes to the walls around him and he cleared his throat.
"I have a reason why... Like... Why I was so y'know... Embarassed... And stuff..." He trailed off mumbling.
"What is it?" You encouraged with honey voice, letting your hand slide down from his cheek to his chest, making him bite his lip.
"Oh god... Actually Y/N... I...I'm..." He tried, between heavy breaths, squeezing his eyes shut and balling his fists. "I fell in love with you. Shit damn, I said it."
He felt so relieved to finally have confessed to you after so long, but he almost regretted it right afterwards.
As he was about to take your silence as rejection, he felt your warmth hitting his neck, feeling your soft lips reaching his jawline in a sweet kiss and your hands run up and down his biceps, groping at them occasionally in a comforting manner.
He shuddered at the pleasurable sensations and relaxed visibly. It took all his self-control to prevent himself from letting out any weird noises. He was already crazy for you before, but if you kept touching him like that, he might just die on the spot.
"You're so cute Mista." You chuckled at the boy who was now a blushing, flustered mess who could barely keep his eyes opened. "But I knew already."
His froze and his eyes widened like saucers as he pushed you away to get a better look at you. "Y....You knew?! But how?!"
"The Pistols told me."
"The Pisto-... What the actual fuck?! These bunch of assholes!" He grumbled, wanting only to call them out and scold them for betraying him.
You leaned in and wrapped your arms around his torso, resting your head against his warm chest as you squeezed him against you.
His whole body stiffened at the intense proximity and how your body felt against him. Oh god. Was it wrong to feel like you fitted perfectly against him, like two puzzle pieces? Because that was his exact thoughts.
"I was just dying to hear it from you directly. I'm happy."
He let his hands shyly find their way on your back and locked you in his arms. He sighed in delight and relished in your softness resting his head on top of yours, smiling like a little boy. He couldn't be happier.
You suddenly slid your hand between the two of you and right towards his front which made the sensitive boy gasp and almost scream at what you could possibly be doing now. But to his surprise you only stole his gun and slid it out of his pants, tucking it inside your own pocket.
"That thing was a bit uncomfortable." He huffed a heavy but relieved breath at your words.
"Oh god, you drive me nuts sometimes..."
Oh man, do I love Mista, such a sweet bean.
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