#Bible Study for Black Women
inherpower · 6 days
Spiritual warfare
As I deepen my relationship with God, I find myself stepping into a new realm—spiritual warfare. This isn't just a metaphor but a real, daily battle to protect my faith, mind, and heart from the forces that seek to pull me away from my walk with Christ. I’ve realized that this warfare is part of the journey to spiritual growth, a necessary challenge as I grow closer to Him. It’s not just about surviving the battles—it’s about being transformed by them, becoming stronger, more faithful, and deeply rooted in His truth.
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abongthadoll · 4 months
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It’s the girly lifestyle for me
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onceatpeace · 22 days
God loves us,
We are meant to love each other, everyone
Accept who you are and who you will become
Don't let your past define you but shape your future for who you will be
Love isn't rushed or sexual
It's within us to share and appreciate
Enjoy you're time while you still have some
And always be joyous even in bad situations
Heal from what has broken you
Propser from where you are now
Be happy. Be loved. Show love.
-Once at peace
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mediciean · 17 days
The seed
Jesus uses a parable about a seed in Matthew 13. In this book he refers to the seed as the message/word of God. Now there are three kinds of people who react to this seed after it's been sowed.
Someone who hears the message and jumps for joy at it, but they do not understand it so they are weak to Satan's schemes. Matthew 13: 18-19
Someone who hears the message and understands it but is so worried about their life and their financial situation, they don't apply the word to their lives. Matthew 13: 22
Someone who hears the message and understands it AND applies it to their lives. This is when the seed had been planted into good soil. Matthew 13: 23
What does this all mean? Well reflect on how you are after reading he bible, or just finished listening to a sermon. How are you remembering the word of God. How are you taking his word and applying it to your life?
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malkahpariyz · 2 months
The Difference Between A Saint & A Sinner
Those of us who know the Hebrew scripture know that it is said; that we are all sinners saved by grace. This is the truest mindset of a real saint, who is humble and knows that they themselves struggle with the temptations of the flesh and only by grace (the nature of God) are we truly saved.
But let me tell you the full idea of what this means and the difference between a saint and a sinner.
Strive to be a saint, and do not be confused into thinking you cannot reach such a status of holiness. Do not let the fact and truth that we all sin, trick you into not striving for sainthood.
Yes, we are all sinners in the sense that we all commit some form of sin throughout our lives. But the terms saint and sinner exist for a reason and there is a difference between a saint and a sinner for a reason.
If you are on the true path of righteousness and you are in the TRUE way of God, then you are to be considered a saint.
A sinner is someone who goes out of their way to sin, and delights in sin only and/or mostly, and refrains from being in righteousness at all or does not make a conscious effort to be in righteousness.
A saint is a righteous person whom is devoted to righteousness and holiness in Gods name but is simply not a perfect being (as none of us are) and makes the mistake of sinning at times throughout their life, but is saved and redeemed by the grace, understanding, forgiveness, and love of YAH & their love and fealty to YAH. As believing alone is not enough to truly please YAH, you will be saved by grace in believing the truth of YAH but you must be in The Way & The Spirit as well to truly delight Gods heart and make Him overjoyed with knowing that His children truly abide in Him and obey all His commands and guidances. God designed worship. Worship was designed for us to submit to Him and glorify in a way that appeases and pleases only Him. Our faith practices that we do in the name of the Lord is a form of our worship that comes in a multitude of forms.
Believe & Submit; at the same time, this is what ushers in sainthood in YAHs name.
We all continuously sin throughout life, sometimes without even knowing we have in an instance or another. This is why knowing that you are ultimately saved by grace alone is essential to understanding your God YAHUAH, your faith that you chose to serve God with, and your salvation.
The reason the Saints of the Bible are called saints and not sinners is due to their sheer will and hunger to be in Christ and Christ’s ways (the Way of God) and for the favor, grace, and mercy God gives them through their obedience to Him only and abiding in Him only.
To be a saint, is to be a sinner that truly abides in & obeys God only, and in turn are saved by the pleasing of God and the love God has for them. If you are someone truly after Gods heart and Gods way, you are to be considered a Saint. Even if you are not perfect in your step, but your walk hungers for the footsteps of God YAHUAH & Messiah Yahusha (Jesus Christ).
Exodus 15:26
And he said, “If you will diligently listen to the LORD your God’s voice, and will do that which is right in his eyes, and will pay attention to his commandments, and keep all his statutes, I will put none of the diseases on you which I have put on the Egyptians; for I am the LORD who heals you.”
• for this scripture stands to say that abide in Him (YAHUAH our ELOHIYM) and you will be spared and saved.
- The Modest Blog | Paris Dior
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batmanisagatewaydrug · 4 months
Do you have a list of good sex ed books to read?
please bear in mind that some of these books are a little old (10+ years) by research standards now, and that even the newer ones are all flawed in some way. the thing about research on human beings, and especially research on something as nebulous and huge as sex, is that people are Always going to miss something or fail to account for every possible experience, and that's just something that we have to accept in good faith. I think all of these books have something interesting to say, but that doesn't mean any of them are the only book you'll ever need.
related to that: it's been A While since I've read some of these so sorry if anything in them has aged poorly (I don't THINK SO but like, I was not as discerning a reader when I was 19) but I am still including them as books that have been important to my personal journey as a sex educator.
additionally, a caveat that very few of these books are, like, instructional sex ed books in the sense of like "here's how the penis works, here's where the clit is, etc." those books exist and they're great but they're also not very interesting to me; my studies on sex are much more in the social aspect (shout out to my sociology degree) and the way people learn to think about sex and societal factors that shape those trends. these books reflect that. I would genuinely love to have the time to check out some 101 books to see how they fare, but alas - sex ed is not my day job and I don't have the time to dedicate to that, so it happens slowly when it happens at all. I've been meaning to read Dr. Gunter's Vagina Bible since it came out in 2019, for fucks sake.
and finally an acknowledgement that this is a fairly white list, which has as much to do with biases with academia and publishing as my own unchecked biases especially early in my academic career and the limitations of my university library.
ANYWAY here's some books about sex that have been influential/informative to me in one way or another:
The Trouble With Normal: Sex, Politics, and the Ethics of Queer Life (Michael Warner, 1999)
Virginity Lost: An Intimate Portrait of First Sexual Experiences (Laura M. Carpenter, 2005)
Virgin: The Untouched History (Hanne Blank, 2007)
Sex Goes to School: Girls and Sex Education Before the 1960s (Susan K. Freeman, 2008)
Bonk: The Curious Coupling of Science and Sex (Mary Roach, 2008)
Transgender History: The Roots of Today's Revolution (Revised Edition) (Susan Stryker, 2008)
The Purity Myth: How America's Obsession with Virginity is Hurting Young Women (Jessica Valenti, 2009)
Not Under My Roof: Parents, Teens, and the Culture of Sex (Amy T. Schalet, 2011)
Straight: The Surprisingly Short History of Heterosexuality (Hanne Blank, 2012)
Rewriting the Rules: An Integrative Guide to Love, Sex and Relationships (Meg-John Barker, 2013)
The Sex Myth: The Gap Between Our Fantasies and Realities (Rachel Hills, 2015)
Come as You Are: The Surprising New Science That Will Tranform Your Sex Life (Emily Nagoski, 2015)
Not Gay: Sex Between Straight White Men (Jane Ward, 2015)
Too Hot to Handle: A Global History of Sex Education (Jonathan Zimmerman, 2015)
American Hookup: The New Culture of Sex on Campus (Lisa Wade, 2017)
Histories of the Transgender Child (Jules Gill-Peterson, 2018)
Revolting Prostitutes: The Fight for Sex Workers' Rights (Juno Mac and Molly Smith, 2018)
Ace: What Asexuality Reveals About Desire, Society, and the Meaning of Sex (Angela Chen, 2020)
Pleasure in the News: African American Readership and Sexuality in the Black Press (Kim Gallon, 2020)
A Curious History of Sex (Kate Lister, 2020)
Boys & Sex: Young Men on Hookups, Love, Porn, Consent, and Navigating the New Masculinity (Peggy Orenstein, 2020)
Black Women, Black Love: America's War on Africa American Marriage (Dianne M. Stewart, 2020)
The Tragedy of Heterosexuality (Jane Ward, 2020)
Hurts So Good: The Science and Pleasure of Pain on Purpose (Leigh Cowart, 2021)
Strange Bedfellows: Adventures in the Science, History, and Surprising Secrets of STDs (Ina Park, 2021)
The Right to Sex: Feminist in the Twenty-First Century (Amia Srinivasan, 2021)
Love Your Asian Body: AIDS Activism in Los Angeles (Eric C. Wat, 2021)
Superfreaks: Kink, Pleasure, and the Pursuit of Happiness (Arielle Greenberg, 2023)
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cocofetti · 2 years
God brings a fresh word EVERY DAY!! And if you are so hell bent on the Bible being the ONLY voice and word of God, I PROMISE you aren’t getting a fresh word. The words in the Bible are a lot of promises that God made TO OTHER PEOPLE. He promised to bless people, to multiply their riches, to heal them…. THEM! That was what He said to ABRAHAM! That was what He said to NOAH! What promises is God giving YOU?!! That is a word you won’t get unless you are truly tapped into the source. The Bible is good and I love it. But it is NOT the only source and voice of God. Get some understanding for yourself.
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liver-f4ilure · 2 months
The Charleston Church Shooting: Dylann Roof
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*NOTE! This is a repost! And it will look familiar CAUSE IVE POSTED IT ON ANOTHER ACCOUNT!! Is it the best? No.*
Early life/ Prior convictions
Dylann was born April 3rd 1994 to mother Amelia and father Franklin with 2 sisters Amber and Morgan. During early childhood his parents would divorce and his father would later remarry. His stepmother accused his father of abuse. He would beg his step mother to let him live with her but she wasn’t able to. Dylann would be described to have obsessive compulsive tendencies with germs. In middle school he would stop caring about school and started smoking weed and drinking vodka. In nine years he would have attended seven schools. In 2010 he would drop out of Highschool and continue playing video games and smoking weed and drinking.
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(The Roofs home)
In 2015 he was caught with an invalid prescription for suboxone at a mall to which he was banned from for a year. Later that year he was caught loitering in the mall to which they searched his car finding a forearm grip for a AR-15 semiautomatic rifle and six unloaded magazines capable of holding 40 rounds each but was let off it was legal in the state. Roofs Suboxone charge was mishandled and a system error took it as a misdemeanour instead of a felony. Which would have possibly prohibited him from purchasing the firearm.
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(The flag of Rhodesia)
Later Dylann would look into the Trayvon Martin case and from an unknown article concluded Zimmerman was in the right. He then fell down a rabbit hole of black on white crime and misinformation. He then found 4chan and would find even more misinformation and hard right ideologies Dylann states he hasn’t been the same since that day. Which leads to his manifesto titled ‘The last Rhodesian’ Rhodesia being the African state founded in 1965 ran by primary Europeans and a white supremacy ideology before being abolished in 1979. The term now sticks with white supremac!sts like Dylann had became, as he also used the flag on his jacket. In preparation before the attack he looked up black churches and found the Emanuel Methodist Episcopal Church and would scout the area and ask around about mass times.
The shooting
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(The Emanuel Methodist Episcopal Church)
June 15th 2015 somewhere around 8:00pm Dylann entered the church, once he did he was greeted by Rev.Pinckney and given a bible to study with. Roof was sat next to Pinckney as the study continued. As the study closed and the ending pray started Roof stood up and pulled out his Glock 41 .45 calibre handgun and began shooting. Killing Pinckney first. Then 26 year old Tywanza Sanders stood up to plead with Dylann before he said ‘I have to do it. You rape our women and you’re taking over our country and you have to go’ he then shot and k!lled Sharonda Singleton, Dr. Daniel L. Simmons, Ethel Lee Lance, Cynthia Hurd, Myra Tompson and Tywanza Sanders. Dylann would reload 5 times that day. Polly Shepherd was spared when he asked her if he shot her yet to which she replied no he then told her ‘good cause we need someone to survive because I’m gonna shoot myself and you’ll be the only survivor. He then turned the gun on himself realizing he was out of ammo. He then left the church to the surprise there wasn’t anyone outside. The next day the police confirmed the gunman was 21 year old Dylann Roof with witnesses reporting they saw him drive towards Shelby, a town close to Charleston. At 10:44am Roof was arrested at a traffic stop in Shelby where it was then confirmed he worked alone.
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(The victims)
The Trial
Five days after the shooting the grand jury announced that Roof was being indicted for 33 federal charges.
12 counts hate crime against black people
12 counts obstructing the exercise of religion
9 counts murder using a firearm.
On June 6th Roof reportedly did not want to be trialed by jury and instead let the judge decide if he was guilty and if the death penalty was reasonable. August 23rd Roofs lawyers called the motion of death penalty unconstitutional and asked to reject the motion. On September 1st an on camera hearing was held in case of outbursts. December 7th 2016 the trial started. During a survivor statement Roofs mom collapsed as she had a heart attack. After 3 days of the trial FBI played a video on which he admitted to laughing and drinking while describing to friends how he’d shoot the church. To which his friend didn’t report to police and said he was drunk and took his keys and Glock that was on him. After 2 hours the jury found him guilty on all 33 charges. Roof wanting to plead guilty but told not to by lawyers.
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(Roof at his video hearing)
January 10th 2017 Roof was sentenced to the death penalty,death by lethal injection.
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inherpower · 10 days
I am new
Ok, pull up a chair cause we're about to go on a ride y'all. If you happen to follow me on my socials (if you aren't you should) then you'll know that I announced that my content is shifting because I am shifting. I'm developing a relationship with a father figure that I haven't been connected to.
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org4n-failur3 · 5 months
The Dylann Roof case- In Depth
Pls reblog incase I get trmed!
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Dylann was born April 3rd 1994 to mother Amelia and father Franklin with 2 sisters Amber and Morgan. During early childhood his parents would divorce and his father would later remarry. His stepmother accused his father of abüse. He would beg his step mother to let him live with her but she wasn’t able to. Dylann would be described to have obsessive compulsive tendencies with germs. In middle school he would stop caring about school and started smoking weed and drinking vodka. In nine years he would have attended seven schools. In 2010 he would drop out of Highschool and continue playing video games and smoking weed and drinking.
In 2015 he was caught with an invalid prescription for suboxone at a mall to which he was banned from for a year. Later that year he was caught loitering in the mall to which they searched his car finding a forearm grip for a AR-15 semiautomatic rifle and six unloaded magazines capable of holding 40 rounds each but was let off it was legal in the state. Roofs Suboxone charge was mishandled and a system error took it as a misdemeanour instead of a felony. Which would have possibly prohibited him from purchasing the firearm.
Later Dylann would look into the Trayvon Martin case and from an unknown article concluded Zimmerman was in the right. He then fell down a rabbit hole of black on white crime and misinformation. He then found 4chan and would find even more misinformation and hard right ideologies Dylann states he hasn’t been the same since that day. Which leads to his manifesto titled ‘The last Rhodesian’ Rhodesia being the African state founded in 1965 ran by primary Europeans and a white supr3macy ideology before being abolished in 1979. The term now sticks with white supremac!sts like Dylann had became, as he also used the flag on his jacket. In preparation before the attack he looked up black churches and found the Emanuel Methodist Episcopal Church and would scout the area and ask around about mass times.
June 15th 2015 somewhere around 8:00pm Dylann entered the church, once he did he was greeted by Rev.Pinckney and given a bible to study with. Roof was sat next to Pinckney as the study continued. As the study closed and the ending pray started Roof stood up and pulled out his Gl0ck 41 .45 calibre handgûn and began sh00ting. Killing Pinckney first. Then 26 year old Tywanza Sanders stood up to plead with Dylann before he said ‘I have to do it. You r4p3 our women and you’re taking over our country and you have to go’ he then wh0re and k!lled Sharonda Singleton, Dr. Daniel L. Simmons, Ethel Lee Lance, Cynthia Hurd, Myra Tompson and Tywanza Sanders. Dylann would reload 5 times that day. Polly Shepherd was spared when he asked her if he shot her yet to which she replied no he then told her ‘good cause we need someone to survive because I’m gonna sh00t myself and you’ll be the only survivor. He then turned the gûn on himself realizing he was out of ammo. He then left the church to the surprise there wasn’t anyone outside. The next day the police confirmed the gûnman was 21 year old Dylann Roof with witnesses reporting they saw him drive towards Shelby, a town close to Charleston. At 10:44am Roof was arrested at a traffic stop in Shelby where it was then confirmed he worked alone.
Five days after the sh00ting the grand jury announced that Roof was being indicted for 33 federal charges.
12 counts hate crime against black people
12 counts obstructing the exercise of religion
9 counts mûrd3r using a firearm.
On June 6th Roof reportedly did not want to be trialed by jury and instead let the judge decide if he was guilty and if the d3ath penalty was reasonable. August 23rd Roofs lawyers called the motion of d3ath penalty unconstitutional and asked to reject the motion. On September 1st an on camera hearing was held in case of outbursts. December 7th 2016 the trial started. During a survivor statement Roofs mom collapsed as she had a heart attack. After 3 days of the trial FBI played a video on which he admitted to laughing and drinking while describing to friends how he’d sh00t the church. To which his friend didn’t report to police and said he was drunk and took his keys and gl0ck that was on him. After 2 hours the jury found him guilty on all 33 charges. Roof wanting to plead guilty but told not to by lawyers.
January 10th 2027 Roof was sentenced to d3ath penalty, and d3ath by lethal injection.
NOTE: if I get anything wrong please tell me! This was from an old project I had.
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onceatpeace · 13 days
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Figuring out
"Sam, Sam."
"Psst, Sam"
"What Dean?"
"I think I love him."
"That's great he loves you too, go back to sleep."
"I don't think I can."
"Then for fuck sake, shut up," Sam grunted and turned over on his shitty motel bed to face away from Dean's bed.
"Then shut up," Dean mocked under his breath, "bitch." He flopped back down onto the pillow only to stare up at the celling he had just enough light from the freeway to see.
Not four hours later the sound of wings fluttering reefed both boys from their sleep. Dean jolted up knife already in hand only to see Cas, his Cas maybe even, standing at the foot off his bed looking for all the world like a lost child.
"Cas, not that it's not good to see you, but why are you here, it's like five in the morning," Dean grunted while rubbing his eyes with the hand not holding his knife.
"I wanted to see you, though waking you was not intentional." His head was tilted a little to the side, an adorable pout on his lips. Thank god for the dark room or Cas would've seen the blush creeping up his neck.
"Well I'm up now, what d'ya want for breakfast, Sam?" Dean asked while swinging his legs over the side of the bed.
"Whatever they have, salad-wise," Sam said, snuggling deeper into the covers.
"Naturally." Dean put his knife onto the bedside table so it was within Sam's reach if need be then trundled his way into the bathroom after grabbing the same jeans he wore yesterday and his only clean shirt.
He came back out, did up his boots and grabbed the keys for Baby.
"C'mon Cas, we'll let Sammy get his beauty rest," He said while walking past the Angel who followed a half step behind Dean
The drive to the diner was thankfully uneventful, no vampires trying to slash their tyres and no women in white trying to seduce them.
The diner was even more dull. The standard traffic of office monkeys that hate their life but can't bring themselves to end it and early morning joggers who think they're different for getting oat milk and tweeting about it on their aggressively nature themed blog that calls to the end for all farming. The only stand-outish part of it all was the cashier. A woman in her maybe late 20's by Dean's guess with bright blue hair, a pro-Palestine hat that said 'from the river to the sea' with the Palestinian flag under it and a full cyber-sigilism tattoo sleeve.
Dean had been so busy studying her appearance that he hadn't even noticed the line had moved enough that it was their turn to order.
"So what will you and your boyfriend be having today?" She asked with a tinge of an Aussie accent and Dean faltered.
"We- uh- he's- we're ah not together." He stumbled to get his words out.
"Sorry mate, what can I get ya?" She asked again, this time her accent came through thicker.
"I'll just get a bacon and egg muffin with a coffee, black, two sugars please and, do you guys do a Caesar salad?"
"We do, yeah."
"The largest one of those I can get, to go please." He passed her the money and pocketed his change before walking over to the table furthest from the door.
"It is odd that she thought we were together," Cas stated. Dean almost choked.
"Yeah, yeah it is." dean replied praying to a god he knew didn't care that Cas would drop it, of course, God doesn't care so Cas did no such thing.
"I wonder what it is about us that made her think that, I've been told that I 'look the type' whatever that means, maybe that was it."
"Yeah, yeah I guess you do." Dean paused for a second but kept talking before Cas could open his mouth. "Cas can I talk to you for a second?" He asked.
"You already are." Cas said, tilting his.
"Not the point, the bible doesn't say anything about being gay is a sin, right?" Dean asked.
"Not the original one, no. Why?"
"Because I think I love you." He rushed out.
"Yes, I love you too, I believe." Cas said, making Dean chuckle and shake his head.
"No Cas, I'm IN love with you."
"Oh well in that case then I too, am in love with you, perhaps not in the exact same way that a human might be, but rest assured I have loved you since I pulled you from perdition." Cas admitted with a soft smile.
Dean's tunnel vision on Cas was broken when the same cashier set their food on the table between then with just enough force to almost startle Dean out of his seat.
"Have a good one," she said before speed walking away back to the counter where a chef was relentlessly ringing the bell.
"Come, we'll continue this in the car." Cas said while getting up and grabbing the bag.
Cas was waiting next to the passenger door when Dean finally pried himself from his seat in the diner. He swiftly unlocked Baby and jumped in to start the car. Cas wasn't half a second behind him and had the door closed before Baby had started.
"Did you mean in when you said you've loved me since you pulled me from hell."
"Of course, why else would I say it?"
"Then why, why, didn't you say anything?" Dean exclaimed.
"I didn't want to make you uncomfortable."
"Good grief Cas." Was all Dean said before grabbing Cas by the lapels of his coat and kissing him. He pulled back a second later only to be pulled straight back in by Cas' hand in his hair.
The food was cool by the time they got back to the motel and Sam had packed all of his stuff and some of Dean's
"Good to see you two are still alive, I was about to send out a search party." He said with a knowing smirk.
"Shut up, bitch."
"Whatever, jerk."
Sure they still had a lot to work out, especially when it came to Dean's issues but they took the first step and that's what really matter.
With that thought Dean ate his cold muffin with a small smile on his face.
This is my first time posting something original (on this blog) and I'm super nervous. Please let me know if you find any egregious mistakes and I hope you liked it.
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malkahpariyz · 2 months
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Yes, it is true… it’s hard to find sisterhood, yet, sisterhood is biblically essential.
It’s time y’all, it’s time.
The end times are near & in these end times. It is time.
It’s time to start coming together as women.
It’s time to start loving each other as women.
It’s time to stop putting men before the women in our lives.
It’s time to stop distancing from the fellow women in our lives.
It’s time to coddle one another as women.
It’s time to see other women as God sees them.
It’s time to stop all of the sickness that has tainted the female community.
It’s time…
It’s time to stop being jealous of other women.
It’s time to stop assassinating the character of other women (especially an innocent woman that you have no proof to back the tarnishing of her character).
It’s time to stop comparing ourselves or others to other women.
It’s time to stop judging other women.
It’s time to stop gate-keeping other women.
It’s time to stop back-biting other women.
It’s time to stop gaslighting other women.
It’s time to stop hating on other women.
It’s time to stop abandoning other women.
It’s time to stop ignoring other women.
It’s time to stop suppressing and oppressing other women.
It’s time to stop helping the agenda against women.
It’s time to stop letting ourselves be coerced by false mindsets (and/or male mindsets) and false information that incite hatred towards other women.
It’s time to stop putting down other women.
It’s time to stop betraying other women.
It’s time to stop.
Sisterhood is essential. It takes a village.
In a world that hates women, it’s take a village of women to support one single woman.
We all need that sense of sisterhood and sisterly companionship. There are many good women out here who deserve sisterhood and don’t have it, because of their peers being unworthy of true sisterhood.
All of us need love. Sisterhood is about REAL love between women who were not born of the same womb. This energy is essential for us to thrive as women. As a real community of women. Especially a community of real Godly women.
Yet, a lot of us are missing out on sisterhood because a lot of us are undeserving of sisterhood. All these negative behaviors described above (just to name a few) are what makes a woman undeserving of sisterhood. There are so many women of today, that are unworthy of the unconditional love and support of sisterhood.
You wanna know what makes an undeserving woman, deserving of sisterhood?
When that woman starts loving other women as herself.
When that woman starts supporting other women.
When that woman starts trusting other women.
When that woman starts listening to other women.
When that woman starts uplifting other women.
When that woman starts understanding other women.
When that woman starts protecting other women.
When that woman starts defending other women.
When that woman starts speaking well on other women.
When that woman starts acknowledging other women.
When that woman starts accommodating other women.
When that woman starts caring about the feelings and emotions of other women.
When that women starts caring about the wellbeing and success of other women.
When that woman starts thinking for herself.
When that woman starts acting for herself and not for society or human community.
When that woman starts carrying herself how a real woman is supposed to.
Modern Sisterhood
The sisterhood of today is so skewed.. and the pool of which we find sisters of our likeness is shallow.
Many women do not like other women, this climate is at an all time high. Just as insecurity, judgement, and comparison is at an all time high. It seems most interactions with other women are only taking from you instead of adding to you. I’ve endured pain from all angles with interacting with women. It’s important that those of us that are good inside and love our neighbors, be the change we want to see, and treat other women as we want other women to treat us, and create a space where all women who enter that space, are safe.
When you are a righteous woman, it will be harder for you to find friends. God will not let you settle for anything that is less than you.
So many women have fallen into the trap of hatred amongst themselves, even the ones who claim to be of God. So, it will be few and far between that you find… a sister.
In these times, you must pray for proper sisterhood and fellowship, because only God knows the heart of all people and only God can give you someone who truly means you well and fits into the loving peaceful life God had designed for you.
I can’t be the only one struggling to find sisterhood in this cold world. I’m with all my girls who have accepted the life of a loner, because these women of today don’t know how to act or treat anyone & most of them lack the self analysis to know that they are hurting every woman they encounter for no reason at all.
Remember, that real Godly sisters, love and support each other even when it’s inconvenient to, even when supporting them will mean an attack on you, & even when others will judge and hate you for having so much unconditional love and support for someone that they want you to judge and hate so badly…another woman.
“I am not at peace until every woman is at peace, I am not free until every woman is free, I am not safe until every woman is safe.” - Paris Dior
Ladies, keep your head up.
Scriptures That Encourage The Need for Sisterhood:
1 John 4:21
"The one who loves God must also love his brother and sister, in both word and deed"
Romans 10:12
“Love one another with brotherly (or sisterly) affection”
“Be devoted to one another in love. Honor one another above yourselves”
Psalm 133:1
“How good and pleasant it is when God’s people live together in unity!”
1 Samuel 18:1-3
“After David had finished talking with Saul, Jonathan became one in spirit with David, and he loved him as himself. From that day Saul kept David with him and did not let him return home to his family. And Jonathan made a covenant with David because he loved him as himself."
Acts 16:40
“After Paul and Silas came out of the prison, they went to Lydia’s house, where they met with the brothers and sisters and encouraged them. Then they left.”
Moral: be in holy familial covenant with your brothers and sisters in faith, unify in familial unconditional love and love one another as yourself (learn to love yourself so that you can actually do that) and love your brothers and sisters in the way you speak of them and to them, and in what you do for them, and to them. Love them in word and in deed. Unconditionally. As a brother or sister should love one another.
One love 💕
- The Modest Blog | Paris Dior
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serene-sun · 6 months
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𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝕸𝖎𝖓𝖎𝖘𝖙𝖗𝖞 𝕺𝖓 𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝕸𝖔𝖚𝖓𝖙𝖆𝖎𝖓, 𝕻𝖆𝖘𝖙 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝕽𝖎𝖉𝖌𝖊 𝖁𝖎𝖑𝖑𝖆𝖌𝖊
Summary: After a multitude of wrong doings at your catholic church, you and four other nuns are sent on a mysterious transfer to a ministry nobody dares speak of. On behalf of the Count Copia, you are welcomed after a suspenseful journey. Author Note: This is the first chapter to my new series based on some of my favorite movies like Dracula, The Phantom Of The Opera and Labyrinth. You might even get some references to some others as well as a few ghost lyrics. This is going to be a build up to smut, and this will be a romance one obviously but beware this is major corruption kink coming your way. If you need some help, the ghoul in this chapter is Aether, and half of this is quite literally the exact script of Dracula. You can even look it up and see! Please enjoy, all feedback in my inbox is greatly appreciated.
Chapter one of my new series, “𝕽𝖔𝖘𝖊 𝕲𝖆𝖗𝖉𝖊𝖓 𝕱𝖚𝖓𝖊𝖗𝖆𝖑 𝕺𝖋 𝕾𝖔𝖗𝖊𝖘”
In a Coach in the Carpathian Mountains, a young woman reads to four passengers from a travel brochure.
“Among the rugged peaks that frown down on the Borgo Pass are found crumbling castles of a bygone age.” The woman is knocked from her seat by a bump in the dirt rural road.
“I say, driver, a bit slower!” Another woman says, her black veil crooked as she shakes in the mobile. 
“No, no! We must reach the mountain before sundown!” The driver says, a crack in his voice as the silent erie sound of the forest starts to swallow all sounds.
‘And why, pray?” One of the female passengers asks, closing the bible in her lap.
“When the sun sets the demons start evoking the mountain side like raging wolves and hyenas, desperate for any vulnerable being to feast upon!” The driver replies as they are enveloped in a cloud of fog, the steep road getting more bumpy.
You held tight onto the rosary in your hands, a charm of Jesus Christ on the cross between your palms as you listen to the man speak.
As the vehicle stops in the center of the small village on the ridge, the passengers eagerly step out of the transport and into the rich moist soil. This is a small village of three homes and one or two inns, mainly farmland and water sources as it fits in a small acre. 
A woman from the nearest inn steps out of the entrance as chickens follow, her hair is in a messy bun and there is soot smudged across her face and clothes with a few patches holes in her dress and apron.
“Oh dear, let me help with your luggage sisters.” She says, wiping her hands on her sides to rid of the grim.
“Oh do not worry madam, we are to arrive up top the mountain by tonight.” you say as she grabs a leathery bag.
“Tonight? But the sun is already half set? The gate keeper, he is afraid. Good fellow, he is. Wants me to ask if you can wait to go on after sunrise.” She says as she sets the luggage back into the trunk.
“Im dearly sorry but im afraid we have specific orders from our adviser to be there by sundown, and I fear we are already late.” You reply, hands still clasped together.
Was what the driver said true? Why would it? Perhaps he was only trying to scare the group of young women.
“And who needs you on the mountain? Who sent you faithful young holy women to the dark abbey?” The innkeeper says in disbelief, she studies the very christian and catholic constant theme on the luggage and clothes.
“Count Copia, I assure you, we are here on holy deeds.” You say, willingly ignoring the description of the abbey, surely it was not truly an unholy place, it was an abbey after all.
‘Count Copia? And to the ministry?” She hides her hands in her apron pockets with her brows knitting.
“Yes.” You nod slowly, unsure of what she means, is he not the holy man they were sent to serve? 
“No, you mustn't go there. We people of the mountains believe at the castle there are devils. Count and his ghouls!  They take the form of wolves and bats, goats and succubi. They leave their coffins at night, and they feed on the blood of the living.” She says, placing her hands on your shoulders and eagerly rushing you inside, “Look at the sun! Its already gone, come we must go indoors.”
“But thats all superstition. Why I…I cant understand why…” You try to reason as the door is slammed shut after the other nuns enter.
“But wait, I mean, just a minute. What im trying to say is that im not afraid. I've explained to the driver that its a matter of holiness and god filled right, We've explained it and we must arrive soon.” You say as she pokes at the fire, letting out a cough into her hand.
“If you must go then take this for your mothers sake,” the innkeeper hands you a small vile of blood, “This will protect you..”
‘W-what is it?” You ask, the other sisters surrounding you in curiosity.
“The blood of christ!” She says, eyes wide with fear.
For a moment you feel the need to call help for the woman, she must be a poor paranoid soul. And there is no way she of all people would have the blood of christ.
The sisters gather back into the small mobile and quickly ride upon the foggy dark mountain as the red piercing sun drowns in the horizon. 
When the car stops in the pitch black court yard, the car hurriedly drives away.
“Wait! Driver! Our luggage!” 
The groups attention is brought back to the stone path to the large entrance doors as it is lined with lit candles that come of flame. The dancing red light illuminates them to follow, you take the lead, as you seem to be the least terrified. 
You push open the large black doors and step into the Obsidian floor of the main castle. Its dark just like outside and candles suddenly egnite.
The nuns look around the room, taking in the shadowed paintings, murals, and stained glass.
A footstep spooks you as the sound comes from a taller man at the top of the main stair case.
“G-Good evening.” You bow your head slightly in respect as you can only make out his shape.
“I am…Count Copia..” He says, thick italian accent in his voice as he begins stepping down the long stairs.
“Its very good to see you. I don't know what happened to the driver and our luggage and…well…with all this..I thought I was in the wrong place.” You say, hoping to not sound rude, but there wasn't a cross in sight and the stained glass showed depictions of devilish things instead of virgin mary and jesus.
“I bid you welcome.” The count says,
Outside the large windows, there the howl of a wolf.
“Listen to them…children of the night. What music they make!” He smiles hauntingly.
The older man starts walking off down a corridor lined with paintings and candles. The hall is painted dark red with black trim. One candle stick is consumed with spider webs, it catches your attention as you follow.
“A spider spinning his web for the unwary fly. The blood…is the life, Ms…” He invited you to say your name.
“Ah of course, My name is Sister _, from the western Catholic church of god.” You say with another pleasing bow.
The man hums, his eyes darkening, “Im sure you will find this part of the ministry more inviting.” He says as he opens the doors to a larger room, it has five beds, dressers, nightstands and even an chest at the foot of every bed. Theres two couches on either side of a coffee table in the center of the room, accompanied with a vase of dead roses, a fire place, and two other chairs of black leather. What is most questionable is why the room is a circle, not one corner.
‘Oh rather! Its quite different from outside. Oh, and the fire! Its so cheerful.” You say with a smile.
“I took the liberty of having your luggage brought up. Allow me.” He says as he takes the groups wool capes, he hangs them on a coat rack.
‘Oh yes, thank you.” One of the sisters says as she sits on the neatly made bed. 
The room is painted a deep purple, black trims and wall designs. The curtains over the large windows were a pitch black, and the beds were of black steel and neatly covered with purple silk sheets and purple cotton. The room was lit with candles and a chandelier.
You pick up the letter on the bed, but you accidentally cut your finger on the sharp note card.
As a droplet of blood rolls down your finger, the man quickly turns away.
“Oh dear im sorry, its just a paper cut, I didn't know you were squeamish.” You apologize as you grab a napkin cloth and hold it.
“The infirmary is on the main hall to the left, I hope you shall never need it.” He says as he holds his hands behind his back.
“Thank you,” You smile.
‘I will have a ghoul take you there, and get a bandage.” He says with a large swallow. 
You tilt your head, “ghoul?” You ask, what is with this odd abbey?
Suddenly, out of the darkness of the room, a masked entity approaches you. His silvery devil mask shines in the candle light, through the slit shines his piercing white eyes, pupils so thin and slit like a snake your unsure if they're even there or if its the shadows playing tricks on you. Hes in a nice suit attire, a skull tie and button up pants. His dark hair is slightly wavy and is cut short at his ear and neck, he has a calming presence and you notice his ears are long and pointed. You take in the fact that this man was not infant human, but rather a demon. 
So the innkeeper was correct? About unholy ghosts here?
He leads you to the infirmary, the walk there is silent as you continue to study his form. He has a spaded tail, and his hands are a pale muted purple and his veins are visible in a lighter white color. The ghoul had long sharp claws too, as well as a thicker build. 
He opened the door to the infirmary, he lets you sit down as he gathers materials to address the minor cut.
As he comes back, he kneels in front of you and takes your hand. The pads of his fingers are rough but smooth, hes very gentle and has a calming affect to him.
You swallow, your afraid to speak.
The ghoul parts his lips, like hes about to speak but doesnt know what to say, “Your heart is racing.” he says, deep voice like a deep cave filled with echos and shadows. Its warm and heart filled, he truly means no harm.
Your hands tremble as you shiver, “w-what?”
‘Ah uh…sorry…I meant that your frightened and there is no need too be.” He quickly blurts out, like he hasn't talked to a stranger in years.,
“This is not what i was expecting..” You say as you start to ease up.
“Nobody does, don't worry, you are safe.” He says as he cleans the wound. 
“This…is not a place of god is it..?” You finally ask as he lets go to cut a piece of gauze to use.
“No. It is not.” He looks into your eyes.
You had the feeling that when your church said they were moving you, that it wasn't because you were the best sister of god there. You had started asking to many questions and you always knew that when they transferred people it was never for the better but to rather rid of the so called delinquents that questioned god. In a way you knew you would be thrown out, but not like this and to the wolves.
“Im sorry…I just…I don't want to die..” you start to tear up, ‘I don't want to burn for eternity.”
The ghoul quickly looks up at you, ‘no no no don't worry,” He chuckles, “Your not going to die here and you wont burn for eternity, I doubt god even knows you exist.” 
Your taken aback some, “But don't you eat people? Kill us for blood? Sacrifices and such?” 
“Your demonology books are far outdated…” He says as he wraps your finger.
“So….you ghouls are…kind?” You say, standing up.
He nods, “yes, everyone here is.”
You look down at your feet, “I apologize, I feel I need to introduce myself and start over.” 
The ghoul stretches his hand out, “You may call me Nameless Ghoul.”
You take his hand, “Im Sister _, I hope we can be friends.”
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