#Beware his hair-trigger temper!
masquenoire · 1 year
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He is so not in the mood for work today but unfortunately for him, taking the day off sick isn't an option, not when he's the boss. On goes the black suit which stands as it's own warning; the first guy who pisses him off can count himself lucky if all he gets is a broken jaw.
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bones4thecats · 2 months
Their S/O Is Twisted From Prof. Ratigan
Characters: Ruggie Bucchi, Jade Leech, Deuce Spade, and Rook Hunt Inspired By: Me watching a clip of him looking overjoyed A/N: This took me almost three days to write, it was hard, but worth it! Hope you guys enjoy this! You should totally watch The Great Mouse Detective, it is a true hidden gem in Disney films! ⚠️ Spoilers/Trigger Warnings for: Mentions of crime, plans of harming another, bribery. Also, a hair bit (not even that descriptive) of seduction topics being in Rook's ⚠️
Bits of Information on TWST Ratigan! Reader
A 3rd Year student at Night Raven College hailing from the intelligent, yet feared Octavinelle dorm. Reigning from a family centered around underground crime, they are widely known for their incredible intelligence yet-steamy nature. Beware calling them a rat- they may just throw you into the hands of their right and left-hands, Manasseh Omnia and Felix Cattus.
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╚═════ Ruggie Bucchi ═══════════════════════════╝
🍩 As a member of a very high-ranking family, you always surrounded yourself among powerful figures. Ranging from royalty to even those involved in what your family was against, the law
🍩 Once you joined Night Raven, you were surrounded by many new characters. Both stupid and intelligent, but you had to admit, those from stupid dorms (Savanaclaw), were intelligent in their own ways. Like their unofficial Vice-Housewarden
🍩 Ruggie Bucchi was an interesting character in your opinion. He wasn't the sharpest tool in the shed, but he wasn't the most dull either. You don't think anybody could be more dull then Manasseh Omina (Fidget)
🍩 One day, you were in need of some assistance with luring a couple beastmen into your scheme. They were far to hesitant with your plans in getting an upper-hand on your rival at Royal Sword Academy, so you had come to the hyena-beastman and asked for a little assistance in the matter
"What's in it for me?" He had asked, an eyebrow cocked down while the other was up, matching his interested tone.
"I shall give you whatever you want. You want food, you've got it. Money is also negotiable with any amount. My family does work in some notable places." You said. The snap of your fingers alerting Manasseh to bring out a list of things for the beastman to chose from.
"Hmm~ What can I go against here? Alrighty, Sir/Madame L/N, I can help ya' out for this all. What kind of info do you need exactly?"
🍩 After that day, you would come to him for information on any of your men inside of his dorm, and he happily accepted pretty much every offer you gave him. From helping with his home payments to giving him and his grandmother anything you need, nothing was off the table for you to give him
🍩 This exchange was one that allowed you two to grow close, and allowing him to see why your men feared you so much. He really got the point when a beastman that he knew fairly well, but didn't exactly like, was getting upset with you and called you a rat
🍩 Instead of keeping calm like the rest of your fellow Octavinelle students, you lunged at him, grabbed his collar and dragged him to look into your eyes, making Ruggie stare in both shock and fear at what you were possibly going to do to the ill-fated male
"Do you wish to repeat yourself, Zachery?" You asked him, your obviously angry gaze burning holes into his skull as you waited an answer.
"N-no, Sir/Madame! I meant to call you an intelligent leader- yes that's what I meant to say!"
"It better have been." You replied, your temper cooling quickly as you let go quickly, leaving claw-made holes in his uniform's collar as you snapped up and announced a celebratory party being held at one of your family's many homes at the ending of your school year.
"Also, Ruggie, may I speak to you in my office, please?"
🍩 The man practically sprinted to follow you into your room's small office. And despite the limited space, you made your organization work excellently with it. And when you closed the door and hung your cape a top hat on the nearby coat hanger, he noticed a slight shift in your mood. It wasn't bad, thankfully for him
"Ruggie, we have been working together for many months, perhaps a year and four months if I remember correctly. But, throughout that time I have come to feel a growing connection with you. One incomparable to any other I've had throughout my life. At the start of our bond, you were a mere piece of the machine I call my work, but now you are a heavy-hitting ally of mine, one that I value far beyond my others. What I am attempting to word is that- well, I would really enjoy it if you and I stepped up our bond from a close-knitted friendship to a possibly romantic one."
🍩 Ruggie couldn't image what you were saying was real. You wanted a relationship with him?! And not just a friendship, but a romantic relationship?
"What do you say, Ruggie?"
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╚═════ Jade Leech ════════════════════════════╝
🍄 As a fellow Octavinelle student, Jade knew you far better than most students at the College. And since Azul liked your, let's just say, connections when it came to business, you grew to have a close relationship with the trio
🍄 Jade loves to mess around with Manasseh. He's just like a fish out of water, but instead of a fish, he's a bat-beastman, and instead of out of water, he's out of, air I guess?
🍄 Anyways, because of his job being the right-hand to Azul, he was normally the one to hand over some special documents that the octopus-mer needed you to look over just in case there could be a plot hole in the papers
🍄 One day, Jade had come by with maybe 10 contracts in a file, while it was quite the hard fit to carry, he was doing it relatively easily. And when he passed your two helpers, Manasseh and Felix, he just gave them his calm smile and went into your office
🍄 You had given him, and only him, allowance into your office without knocking. While if any of your other subordinates did this, you would give them to Felix as a 'little treat for being such a good helper'
🍄 Jade closed the door behind him and noticed you were writing down some information on a random student at the school. And while he normally could keep his curiosity to himself, he couldn't help but voice a question to you
"If you do not mind me asking, Sir/Madame Y/N. Who is this and what are you planning on doing with them?~" A teasing tone was evident in his voice, but you just stayed stoic and answered him without an issue.
"This little mouse was caught being a double-agent for that wretched detective at Royal Sword Academy. I cannot have any kind of holes being punctured in my blimp of operations, now can I?"
🍄 The eel smirked and nodded, agreeing. If he was in your similar footsteps he would've done the same. Though, who's to stay he hasn't done the same already?
🍄 Jade laid the papers down and asked if he could look at a photograph of the man. To which you nodded and handed him a small Polaroid of him and went back to writing down some more plans on his background. From ransacking your office one time to even stealing from you. To which these were all fabricated, but who's to say he hasn't done it without your awareness?~
"How devilishly unexpected. I have seen this one around Mostro Lounge so much more often now. What a coincidence." Jade chuckled before continuing. "You know if you wanted some help with catching this, mouse, I would be willing to do so under the right payment."
"What is it you want in return?"
"Oh nothing to extravagant, my family is quite high up on the food-chain as well. Perhaps a few extra trips of allowance from the Headmaster for me to go for some hikes to retrieve more mushrooms. Yes, that would suffice quite well."
🍄 Cocking an eyebrow and smirking sneakily back, you began laughing. Jade looked at you calmly as you reached out and grabbed his hand, bringing it into yours and interlocking your fingers tightly. You were thankfully strong enough to endure a good bit of this guy's strength
"I just love how twisted your little mind is, Jade."
"What can I say, love? I can't help it~"
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╚═════ Deuce Spade ═══════════════════════════╝
♠️ Deuce has heard your surname, L/N, many times before he began his stay at Night Raven College. Back when he was a younger teenager and a member of a gang of delinquents, your family was one of their biggest connections. Meaning, your family was how most of them stayed out of the news and out of jail
♠️ When he heard your name get brought up by Yuu when he came back from a meeting with you. Deuce just froze as he remembered you being mentioned many times by his old friends for getting them out of trouble
"Deuce? Are you alright?" Jack asked, looking at the blue-haired male with a questioning look.
"Uh... y-yeah! I'm perfectly fine. Why?"
"You just zoned out when that Octavinelle person was mentioned by Yuu." Epel answered.
♠️ Deuce sighed and bunched his hands into fists before letting them go. He then looked at his friends and began his small story, explaining what your family, specifically you and your father, had done for his old delinquent gang
♠️ They were shocked to hear just how close he seemingly knew you. While it certainly wasn't person, you did have the connection through slight illegal activity
"Oh, talking bad about our boss, huh, first years?" A scratchy voice echoed.
♠️ Looking up from their friends, everybody could see a scary trio, a bat-beastman, a cat-beastman, and a fairly tall lizard-beastman, walking up to them, holding either a stern and cold expression or a teasing and scary one. Much like the eels from your same dorm
"Why, I never expected such a betrayal from a close friend of Sir/Madame Y/N's. How saddening, Yuu. For shame."
"Shut it, Felix."
♠️ Grabbing Manasseh's shirt collar, Deuce glared down at the bat-man, making him quiver in fear. He knew how wimpy he really was, he did grow up with him in the same gang
"Butt out or I'll make sure the next time L/N sees you, it'll be with more than a couple bruises on your face."
♠️ Practically throwing him down, the defeated man stood up and dusted himself off, the sound of his peg-leg hitting the ground making the only sound against the heavy breathing of Deuce and himself
"No wonder Y/N admired you so much, Spade."
♠️ You... admired him?
"Felix, Wylie, let's go."
♠️ Deuce looked back at the group as they stared with wide eyes, you may have a deeper connection than they first thought...
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╚═════ Rook Hunt ═════════════════════════════╝
🏹 Rook admired you from afar ever since your first years at Night Raven. And while you were annoyed to the point that you kept Felix around you at all times, over time, you warmed up to his gaze. Maybe it was your 'slight' arrogance or your love of being admired, who knows?
🏹 This hunter began to pop out of nowhere as you would make plans on finding some members and getting the information you needed out of them. Not caring who you needed to manipulate or bribe into assisting you
🏹 But with him? He could care less about some material things and he was so admiring of you that using manipulation tactics would just waste your time and patience
🏹 As he spoke about how amazingly gorgeous you were while giving a pep-talk to your close men, he was interrupted as a nearby mouse, who was most likely illegally drinking. Classic Mewl then called your dearest Rook a 'rat', making you go stiff and make your eye twitch in hidden anger
🏹 Everyone else went silent and Rook watched as you walked up to the man and put a hand on his shoulder, slightly shaking it and patting his other with the opposite hand as you chuckled darkly, making all hearing it shiver in fear. Well, everyone other than Rook
"Oh Mewly, I'm afraid that you have gone and upset me... you know what happens when someone upsets me, don't you?" You asked, pulling out a small hand-bell and make it ring loudly in the ears of all there.
🏹 Felix then stood up, his burly muscles being more obvious as he took off his jacket and began to stock his way towards Mewl. The poor guy just watched drunkly as he was dragged away by Felix and down the hallways of Octavinelle, probably outside of the school for a 'punishment' for offending your beloved
"Are you alright, Rook? I understand how some idiot's words could end up taking a mental toll on someone." You asked, cupping one of his cheek's and making him look into your eyes.
"Oh no, I'm far from upset, chérie. Rather, I'm quite... active from your previous attitude. The way you handled him was quite admirable. La façon dont tu le regardais avec une colère si contrôlée était magnifique~" He said.
🏹 Your eyebrow went up as your eyes went halfway, a smirk appearing as you grabbed his hat and yours, swapping them quickly before booping his nose and kissing it before announcing that the celebration would now continue without the presence of Mewl
🏹 Rook just watched with half-lidded, matching your previous ones, and sighed lovingly. You really were one-of-a-kind, weren't you?
(Chérie ; Dear / La façon dont tu le regardais avec une colère si contrôlée était magnifique ; The way you looked at him with such controlled anger was beautiful )
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alwaysanangcl · 6 months
Verse Drop: PRIMARY  :    au; bauldur’s gate 3  .      ⧽         —  —  made myself mythical.
below beware of the following triggers: implied SA, death, and murder
Yesika grew up as many bards did: singing songs, playing her lute, and charming her way through her youth. She was a spirited girl, happy to spend her days amongst the trees of the forest her family lived in until one night the elf overheard talk of a town nearby blighted by some unknown curse. Eager to prove herself with her ever-growing magic, Yeskia joined the adventurers in hopes of striking out on her own and making a name for herself as a great adventurer.
Naivete is a dangerous thing. Too late did the young woman realize the true nature of the men she'd agreed to travel with. The so-called village they'd been discussing was less a village and more a small enclave of women they'd raided. It was too late when she realized the truth and as she lay bleeding, dying, she silently begged for any of the gods to hear her. To save her.
Time warped. The pain eased. A warm palm smoothed over copper curls and the Archdevil Lilith's voice filled the elf's body with peace. An offer was made, the other women who'd died before her here were devout followers of the devil but she'd been too late to capture the men who'd slain her acolytes. So, would Yeskia be their revenge? With her dying breath, she accepted.
She thought her life would be restored, however, devils are tricky things and Lilith was enjoying toying with mortals. She'd created a monster with a thirst for blood not unlike the devils she kept company with but easier to hide in plain sight. Vampires, they would be called in the centuries that followed, but that night all the red-haired elf knew was the twisting knot of hunger in her belly and the rage that wrapped itself like iron around her bones as she tore her assailants to bits.
For a time, Yesika was close with her monstrous siblings, but after three and a half centuries of decadent violence, she begged Lilith to release her. Life needed more than death and subjugation. Centuries passed, as they always did, and Yesika made a home for herself on the outskirts of the forest she grew up in. While her family would not accept her back, she could protect them by feeding on those who would seek to harm the peaceful enclave of wood elves. It's not until she learns of the death of her "sister's" progeny, Velioth, that she emerges from her home to embark unto Bauldur's Gate. There, she finds his progeny, Cazador, in her nephew's stead and after some verbal sparring, she decides to take up residence nearby, curious about the young lordling's plans. Besides, Bauldur's Gate is ripe with evil-doers to eat.
Yesika more often than not splits her time between the Elfsong and Sharess' Caress, dabbling in the pleasures offered in both that she has withheld from herself as she's stood watch in her forest home. As Enver Gortash rises the ranks and the whispers of the Dead Three fill the gossip mills, Yesika prepares to persuade Cazador to take his spawn and leave the city, only to find him preparing for the Profane Ascension. Cruel as it is, Yesika turns heel, leaving Cazador to his preparations while she seeks out Lilith for the first time in far too long to put a stop to whatever plans Mephistopheles has in mind for him.
Stats and Characteristics under the cut!
So, Yesika's story is loosely based on Warlow's storyline from True Blood, which gives her the following characteristics:
DATE OF BIRTH | AGE: 513 DR | 979 YEAR | AGE WHEN TURNED: 545 | 32 GENDER | SPECIES: Female | Vampire | Wood Elf
PERSONALITY TRAITS: GOOD: Loyal, kind, tenderhearted, excitable, nurturing BAD: Stubborn, petulant, quick-tempered
{ P O W E R S }
Super Healing : Non-fatal wounds are healed within seconds so long as she is well fed. Healing speeds vary by depth of wound and last time she’s fed Super Strength : Is far stronger than humans, most other supernatural creatures. Able to uproot trees, throw grown men, etc. Eidetic Memory : The ability to perfectly remember and recall memories. Glamouring : Can alter, implant, and remove memories from humans and younger vampires.
{ W E A K N E S S E S}
Entrance : Must be invited into home by home owner (Can be revoked). Excess Blood : Causes intoxication like symptoms. Exsanguination : Loss of all blood in body. Fire : Only if unable to find enough blood post burn. Decapitation : Full removal of head is necessary. Silver : Burns to the touch, fatal if ingested/impaled. Wood : Fatal if impaled through the heart. Sunlight : Burns on contact, fatal if unable to find shelter from sun quickly.* Sleep/Blood Deprivation : Loss of blood during awake hours of the day can cause damage. Too much loss leads to coma, then true death.
*A note about sunlight. From day to day, Yesika is able to withstand the sunlight as well as any other humanoid. This is due to her being turned directly by Lilith.
{ G I F T S }
As a progeny of Lilith, Yesika is able to live life largely as she did before. She is able to eat common food and daywalk so long as she is also keeping up a steady, well fed diet of blood as well. She learned the hard way the first few years on her own how terrible it can feel when she ignores her vampiric needs. Her abilities degrade with time and as she's gotten older, the more sensitive her body is to not feeding regularly. Even skipping one night of feeding can leave her itchy and sunburned the following day.
The ritual Mephistopheles gives Cazador is a crude reworking of Lilith's original magic that turned Yesika and an unknown number of other vampires. The ascension would gift Cazador the same sort of powers that Yesika has, and that is why she seeks out Lilith's help to stop him as he is too much of a threat to her if they are equals.
Yesika is also a skilled bard and healer. She is fond of the lute, though will likely play any instrument given to her. When she emerges from her hide and returns to Bauldur's Gate, she is fond of drinking and performing at the Elfsong and Sharess' Caress and quickly loses herself to the revelry of it all. Freed of her sense of responsibility to care for her previous home, she's quick to enjoy all of the delights offered within the city once more. However, she is careful still to only feed on those she deems evil and considers that penance for the many years she wasn't so discerning with where she laid her fangs.
Another thing to note is Yesika very rarely shows her age and it is often difficult for others of her kind to pick up on her immortality outside of her race. The last bit of life that she used to accept Lilith's deal still colors her cheeks pink and warms her skin some. Add in that she is quick to laugh and is generally good spirited, she is often overlooked by others. It is only with those who she truly trusts that she allows to see behind the almost childish veneer to see the lonely, angry being she is at heart. Her years are only ever evident when she feels safe enough to share or she is angry enough to use her age as a tool.
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amilliontales · 3 years
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“ I said I DON’T want to talk about it. Are you fucking deaf or what.” 
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soft-angelic-kiss · 3 years
We’re all a little bit crazy (4)
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therapsit! Izuku x Patient! Bakugou x Patient! Todoroki x Patient! Shinsou x Patient! Reader
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Chapter 4 trigger warnings- swearing, Mentions of suicide, mentions of fighting, mentions of abuse and mentions of blood and acts of violence 
 if that makes you uncomfy don’t read!
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chapter one here    
chapter two here  
chapter three here 
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Izuku stood staring at the shut the door with a wide eyed look. He had his assumption that shinsou was a rather chill person who wasn't afraid of anything. Making him more nervous over the last thing spoken from the lavender heads mouth
“Are you alright Midoryia?” Uraraka’s voice rang out, calling him out of his trance as he turned around and faced her once more “Uh, yeah. I’m alright..” Ochako let out a weary smile as she placed her hand on his arm and led him down to the next room, her heels clacking against the ground making it that more scary.
They got to a room that was obviously dented, the door had been hit a couple hundred times and the handle had dents on it from being gripped really damn hard..it seemed as if you hit the doorknob witha feather it would fall off
Ochako let out a deep breath and hummed “I advise you to be careful of this room, I have no doubt you’ll get hurt.. This is Katsuki Bakugou’s room..” Izuku shuddered, did OChakos voice lower just to tell him that? How dangerous really was this guy? He gave a soft nod and flipped to his file page..
F I L E 3
(Patient Name) Katsuki Bakugou (Patient #435)
(Date admitted) 7-3-18
(Patient age) 24
(Patient disorder) extreme anger issues, PTSD, Trauma, attachment issues and possessive behavior
(History/cause) He grew up relatively normal, his mother was verbally and physically abusive as a child and picked up on his mothers outrageous temper, He has a very boasting behavior and a very out there presence not wanting to be seen as weak, or incapable. He is very loud, and very angry because of his past
(Has patient...)
-attempted suicide?
-attempted homicide?
-attempted any act of self-harm?
-attempted violence on past employees?
-attempted escape?
(Other).He always references others with mean nicknames such as “twinkle toes” “dunce face” “shitty hair” “half and half” and “eyebags” The others don’t seem to mind, so we haven’t tried to stop it, beware if his temper starts to rise which can happen very quickly, run away and lock the doors, he will throw one explosive fit
(Danger level) 9/10
Izuku gave one more deep breath before scanning his hand and getting himself in just like the other times, the passing inside the second was thicker than the rest, though it was heavily torn in some places not repaired at all.
Izuku opened the door with a long sigh peeking into the room, proceeding to enter and stand close to the door keeping it open, just in case he needed to make a break, he was terribly nervous to have to talk to Bakugou, he had heard about the stories of his short temper and hard hitting fists.
“Hello?” As he came to his senses and looked around the room. It was pristine. not a single thing out of place. The bed was made not a single stain on the white sheets. Not a single speck of dust on the walls, windows or fan
. In the corner there was the spikey haired blonde reading something, he looked up as Izuku was looking around and he stood up slightly angry
“what are you doing in here?”
Izuku jumed softly “Oh, Hello I-” he didn’t get to finish his sentence before the book came flying at his head causing him to duck “hEY” he let out a yelp dropping the papers in his hands as Bakugo angrily spat out his threats “What the fuck are you doing in here.” His voice was loud and it made Izuku's knees wobble and not in the good way
“I’m I-Izuku a-and I’m gonna be your t-therapist-” he put his hands up as Bakugou started seething “Who the hell do you think you are to be coming into my room-” Bakugou cut himself off when he looked down and caught eyes with Y/N’s profile “Y/N” he paused before looking Izuku up and down, “You’re nothing. You’ll never be safe from us. From me, just wait. If you hurt Y/N I swear to god You fucking” His fist was raised and ready to swing, but a smaller voice rang out distracting Izuku making his head turn “Katsuki? ‘M here to see-” before it was cut off as well when a fist came flying to Izuku’s head
The person who spoke out previously let out a little yelp as Izuku tried to see who had entered, was it Uraraka? No, the voice was too feminine for that.. But he saw them hug Bakugou and give him a hit on the head that the blonde just responded to with a “tch” and watched as they turned their head to Izuku himself, who now had a bloody nose about to pass out on the floor
Izuku focused on the swaying of their h/c hair, his eyes slowly blinking not really registering what was going on anymore, he heard hushed whispers that he couldn’t decipher before he felt himself picked up and taken out of Bakugou's room.
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Tag List~ @buckyneedsplums  @lazywrtierfullofideas09 @notchittatenn 
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A/N: FNSAJKFJAK WOW WOW WOW you guys are absolutely incredible and I cannot believe how much support this series has so far.. Thank you for dealing with my slow ass writing much love to you all <3 
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sleepylixie · 4 years
Dagger's Smile
\ 구미호/Gumiho is a Korean folk legend of a nine-tailed fox. It is said to have magical shapeshifting abilities, a knack for mischief and an almost seductive nature in some legends. The Korean gumiho is believed to have similar characteristics to the Chinese huli jing and Japanese kitsune.//
Gumiho-King! Chan X Gumiho! Fem Reader
1.4k words, Fluff/Action, Beware of: inexplicit violence.
Fantasy AU, Supernatural! SKZ, Gumiho! Chan from this fic from the In Umbra Universe! (Can be read individually, of course :D)​
Request? : Yes!!
A/N: Hello my favourite bean! Thank you so much for requesting this fic, it really gave me a lot of perspective and inspiration to expand In Umbra even more!!! I hope you enjoy this lil offering, do let me know what you think!!
Drop me an ask! || Masterlist
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People bowed low to Chan wherever he went-too low. He’d tried hard to get them to stop but to no avail. Especially after his decisions that protected them in the Faelight war, Chan had been hailed as a god-king, a hero of heroes, the saviour of Gumiho-kind. But he only did what they had crowned him to do. Why was he being celebrated this way? Except for her. Only her. 
She’d meet his eye, the only person standing upright in a wave of people bowing at the waist. She’d always give him that smirk, the cheeky smirk he’d grown to be amused by, and slightly incline her head. Her hair would always fall into her eyes at the action and the second he blinked, she’d be gone. Despite his visits to the marketplace of Liska, the gumiho capital becoming a rare occurrence, Chan had always kept an eye out amongst his people for a quick sight of her smile. There was something wild about her; warm like a wildfire- only seconds away from sparking mischief and disaster. He wanted to meet her someday, talk to her, find out more behind that intriguing smile. 
“You’re a girl, there’s only so much you can do.” A snarl worked its way up to your throat, wild and unrestrained. The twin daggers at your waist were itching to be thrown but you withheld the urge, only levelling a glare at your opponent- an older man, eyes narrowed in disdain. He looked positively fiendish, his skin stretching thinly over his skull, a cheap-looking sword held in a death-grip in one hand. “You’re just scared of getting beaten by a girl.” You sneered, baring your teeth- your elongated canines winked at the man, razor-sharp and lethal. You should rip his guts out of his body for his behaviour. You cocked your head, a provoking smirk dancing across your lips. “I’m right, aren’t I? Coward.”
Predictably, the man responded with a roar of his own, charging towards you. Rolling your eyes infinitesimally, you dodged the first swipe before nimbly getting under his guard, twisting his non-dominant arm behind him. He exclaimed in a blind rage, trying to swipe at you with his blame. Quickly kicking the back of his knee, you clubbed the man’s dominant hand with the handle of one of your daggers, triggering a yell of pain and dropping his sword. Without missing a beat, you kicked him in the back of the head, pushing him onto the dusty ground. “Next time, pick on people your own size,” you growled at him, kicking him once more for good measure. Ignoring the now groaning man, you turned around and marched towards the old woman who was huddled against the tree, gently helping her stand up. “I hope you’re not too hurt, ma’am,” you mumbled softly, smiling politely at the old lady. Her wispy silver hair floated across her face as she stood up straight. She smiled back at you thankfully, unconcerned by your slightly disheveled appearance- despite being dressed in the trappings of a proper young lady, you had an armored belt at your waist and your hair had been reduced to its usual mess. “Thank you, child.” “Why was he bothering you?” You asked, leading her back to the beaten track that led lack to Liska, your home. You’d been out picking wildflowers from amongst the trees on either side of the track so you could make flower crowns for the maids when you’d stumbled into the vile man picking on the poor old lady- your training had instantly kicked in. Growing up as the oldest free-spirited daughter of a well-off gumiho household, you were often faced with the unfortunate sexism that ran rampant in your city. You were a spark of flame, all quicksilver temper and righteous outspoken rage, the crown jewel of your household. Your father, one of the generals in the army, had no qualms in teaching you everything you knew, from basic swordsmanship and archery, even going as far as to gift you your precious obsidian daggers.  Even though all gumiho were born with magic, you loved the thrill of a fight. “He stole my son’s magic.” A spark of rage raced across your system. Stealing a gumiho’s magic could leave the victim dead to the world, their body lost without a soul to anchor. The new king had placed stringent bans on it, pronouncing it a crime below that of lowlife scum. And yet… A choking sound next to you had you reeling back in surprise, a scream ripping from your throat at the sight of the old lady- her hands scrabbling at her neck as she was lifted off the ground, back arching in pain. It took you a split second to turn frantically in the same direction you came and you saw him- the bastardly man from earlier had his arm out, clearly aiming to hurt or kill the poor lady. Your temper swirled inside you, whetted instantly to a deadly edge and your body moved instantly, acting on reflex. Before he could try anything to hurt you, you lunged towards him, your daggers already in your hands-
And his hand was cut clean off his body, an unearthly wail leaving the man as he fell to his knees, clutching his stub of a wrist. An obsidian dagger almost twin to your own was stuck in a nearby tree, still vibrating from the force of the throw. Who’d thrown a dagger with such deadly accuracy that they’d managed to slice through skin and bone? You got your answer when a figure stepped into the soft afternoon light- your eyes widened. You’d recognise that face anywhere- the handsome sharp nose, the clean planes of skin marred by a scar down one eye. The King. // You sat outside the physician’s quarters- the royal physician’s quarters, watching the afternoon light fade into evening. The palace sat on the ledge of one of the hills that overlooked the valley Liska was built on, making for a picturesque sunset. The old lady you (and the King) had saved was not in danger, thankfully; she’d only sustained light bruises to her neck. You let out a sigh, your hands thumbing the daggers at your belt as your thoughts began racing. The King had asked you to accompany him to the palace, so you could stay with the lady until she was treated. Why had he asked for you? Was he unamused by your refusal to bow to him in the marketplace every time he visited? He didn’t seem comfortable with everybody bowing that low around him, it didn’t feel right to bow like that!! Why did you have to send him an impertinent smile every time? What were you thinking?! Your fingers tapped a nervous beat on your dagger’s scabbard. What should you do? Pretend you didn’t know what he was talking about? Maybe you could- “Y/N, yes?” You scrambled to your feet at the sound of the King’s voice, smooth and authoritative but not too loud. Dropping into a curtsy, you tucked a lock of hair behind your ear- curses for forgetting to fix your hair before an meeting the King. “Yes, Your Majesty.” You said quietly, unsure of looking him in the eye. “Why don’t you look me in the eye?” He sounded amused, warm- at odds with his intimidating aura. “You didn’t mind staring me down in the marketplace.” A rare prickling feeling heated up your neck; why wouldn’t the Mother Goddess choose this moment to remove you from this mortal plane? He’d remembered you- what were you to do? Shoring up what was left of the shreds of your bravado, you raised your head, smiling the same smile that you’d tossed at him all those times before. “You sound like you missed my pretty smiles, Your Majesty.” To your utter surprise, the King’s ears turned red instantly, betraying how flustered he was at your response despite the cool mask he had on- oh. The said mask melted into a shy smile, soft lips spreading wide until his dimples showed. “I’d be lying if I disagreed, darling,” Your eyes widened. Did he just- “And please, call me Chan.” // Taglist: @aliceu​ @rebecca-noona​ @decembermoonskz​ @straykidsownmysoul​ @malai-barfi​ @fylithia​ @soya-zz​ @stellarmonsterr​ (DM or drop me an ask to be added to my taglist!)
Network Tags: @inkidz​ @stayracha-net​ @districtninewriters​ @starryktown DO LET ME KNOW WHAT YOU THINK!!- Elliana
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half-cut-dealings · 5 years
My Trope Academia
Bit random, but I wanted to try something; basically I’m gonna associate one trope from TV Tropes to each character:
(Please bear in mind that the tropes are referenced as on the site, so if it’s Male for a female character or vice versa, it’s just because that’s what TV Tropes calls it)
Aoyama - Everything's Better with Sparkles
Ashido - Genki Girl
Asui - Frog Men
Bakugo - Hair-Trigger Temper
Hagakure - Invisibility
Iida - The Comically Serious
Jiro - Make Some Noise
Kaminari - The Ditz
Kirishima - Nice Guy
Koda - The Beastmaster
Midoriya - Cheerful Child
Mineta - Abhorrent Admirer
Sato - Through His Stomach
Sero - Duct Tape for Everything
Shoji - Multi-Armed and Dangerous
Todoroki - Defrosting Ice Queen
Tokoyami - Dark Is Not Evil
Uraraka - Beware The Nice Ones
Yaoyorozu - MacGyvering
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hitchell-mope · 5 years
TV troops for ben in zendaya mal
Ben Florian
Abusive parents. Beast is. Belle isn’t.
Acquired situational narcissism. Averted. He gains almost infinite magical power and remains incredibly sweet
Adaptational angst upgrade. He’s more worried about the ordinance than in canon
Adaptational badass. He gets magic here
Adaptational nationality. He’s Australian here
Adorkable. Definitely
Adrenaline makeover. In parts two and three he charges into more vk esque clothing during the crisis
Apologises a lot. Especially in part one whenever he tbinuu IT a yes done something to upset the vks.
Archnemesis dad. It’s beast. What do you expect
Badass beard. After he is debeasted. And this time he keeps it
Badass in a nice suit. Has his moments
Baleful polymorph. He’s turned into a beast in part three.
Beware the nice ones. Harry finds this out very quickly.
Berserk button. Hurting his friends. Especially Mal Doug Carlos and Gil
Bi the way. He and Mal are the official couple. And he has a large crush on Doug and jay
Big brother inistinct. For Gil.
Big good. Obviously
Break the cutie. Yes
Broken ace. He’s got magic he’s kind he’s a badass. But he also has guilt issues and worries about if he’s doing enough or not
Calling the old man out. Does this to beast at least once a film
Cluster f bomb/cluster bleep bomb. After Mal runs away to the island he has a meltdown in the limo when it won’t start. He swears a little then it cuts to the outside where Evie’s watching it happen
Dating catwoman. Upgraded to marrying her in part three
Death glare. His magic originally manifest as this
Deapan snarker. He has his moments
Easily forgiven. Forgives Audrey for the what she did in part one and forgives Uma for kidnapping him in part two.
Eating the eye candy. Has a difficult time not appreciating jay Mal or Doug
Evil makeover. Refer to adrenaline makeover
Fantastic racism. One of the few in Auradon who don’t subscribe to it. Which makes him lightyears better the. Chad
Good is not nice/good is not soft. Make no mistake. He’s kind to a fault but he can and will rain down the seven hells on you if needed
Good parents. He proves to be this to Carlos.
Hair of gold heart of gold. Well. His hair’s purple by part three but it still counts.
Hair trigger temper. Ties into beware the nice ones and berserk button
Half-human hybrid. Becomes one in part two when he gains magic via Mal’s subconscious protecting him during one of her breakdowns
If you ever do anything to hurt her. Says as much to hades and Harry regarding Mal and Uma in part three. They take him very seriously
Innocently insensitive. He tries his best. But he doesn’t know what the vks have gone through.
Mr fanservice. It’s Ben. Especially in part three after he’s debeasted
Lovable jock. You don’t see the jock part much here but it still applies.
Papa wolf. To Carlos in part three
Power glows. His magic glows a royal blue.
Power incontinence. Very mildly compared to Mal. But he has trouble controlling it to start with. By part three he’s mastered it
Puppy dog eyes. Doug has yet to prove himself immune.
Shirtless scene plenty. And a very extended one in part three.
Signature move. Prefers defensive telekinesis compared to offensive fireballs like the vks
Snark to snark combat. During his interrogation with Uma in part two. And every piece of dialogue woth Harry in part three
Teeth clenched teamwork. Him and Harry in part three.
The leader. Shares this role with Mal.
The paragon. Of course
The reasons you suck speech. Gives a few to beast Uma and Harry
Wide eyed idealist. Oh so much
You gotta have blue hair. After he gains magic in part two his hair turns purple in part three at the roots. It becomes fully purple after the ember incident
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mukamibabe · 5 years
How about the real wife actually does manage to leave? And the fake wives are getting real touchy to the S boys? Maybe they see their real wife having fun some where, what would they do?
whew this was a long one, but I loved it so much. thank you so much for this, anon, i had a lot of fun writing this one!! but it does get really dark in most of them,, so just beware of certain triggers and stuff!! love you guys ❤❤❤
• he let’s her leave, and doesn’t force them to stay. it hurts, but he assumes it’s the best thing for the both of them
• he’s so depressed after it though.. like you think he was bad before?? this is like.. 10x worse
• honestly you might as well just call him dead because he doesn’t respond to anybody, and he doesn’t even react anymore 
• once his fake wife starts getting lovey-dovey towards him, he’ll allow it
• at first he wasn’t sure because maybe his real wife just.. was not serious, or something, he doesn’t know.. but he decides to get closer to his fake wife; after all, she’s the only person he has left.
• he’s not happy about it, because he really doesn’t love her, and he doesn’t want her to know that, because that hurts, but he’ll convince himself it’ll help him feel better, and he’ll be able to distract himself from his ex-wife, as long as he pays attention to his only wife, now.
• visibly, he looks better, he’s more talkative, and actually seems happier.
• but then he sees his ex-wife in public, and everything falls apart
• he doesn’t want to feel helpless and desperate anymore, so he’ll observe her for a little bit, before approaching her, the anger already flowing through his veins
• oh, how much he’d like to kill her right then and there.. he asks her how she’s doing, but his tone sounds cold and heartless, and it probably scares the shit out of his ex, even if they don’t show it
• their conversation probably doesn’t go well, but it doesn’t last long. shu’s the first one to turn away and leave, heading back home to his wife
• if she allows him to, he’ll probably take it out on her, sexually 
• he acts like it doesn’t bother him, and that he doesn’t care, and that he never cared about her in the first place, even though all of those are lies
• he doesn’t want anyone to know he’s hurting, as he himself doesn’t even want to admit that
• so he doesn’t force her to stay, but he does consider killing her
• like.. he hasn’t done it yet but he gets so close to snapping and his temptations to murder her almost drives him insane
• the amount of times he’s had to stop himself from going any farther is scary- even for him
• he’s cold and stays away from his fake wife at first, ignoring and refusing to allow her do anything else to him
• after all, she is the reason for his real wife leaving him, so he’s actually pretty harsh with her
• however, if she’s asking for sex, he’ll give it to her. he’s honestly surprised with himself but he’s going to be pretty rough with her, whether she likes it or not
• he’ll use her for all his sadistic needs, but if he’s actually ..missing his ex wife, then he’ll be affectionate towards her, in hopes it’ll distract him from thinking about his old lover.
• he goes out in public with her whenever he can, kind of hoping that his ex would notice, and be even more jealous
• hopefully his ex isn’t somewhere isolated and around other people, because once he sees her, the thought of killing her completely invades his mind
• maybe he’ll even offer to take her out, as he still remains composed and friendly on the outside
• honestly though, for reiji’s situation, death is inevitable. he will make sure she dies, and if she doesn’t die, then everyone and everything she cares about will, one way or another.
• honestly i don’t know how she would’ve gotten away, but that’s talent-
• he’ll go for a couple of days without her, and within those couple of days he get intimate with his ‘fake wife’
• he doesn’t mind it, either. if that’s what she wants, then sure, it’s not like it bothers him because apparently his ‘real wife’ doesn’t want him anymore
• he’s actually in denial about it all though. he didn’t do anything wrong, she did by choosing to leave him
• so then he convinces himself he’s better off without her, and she’s trash anyways
• he does feel kinda stupid for marrying her, though. not good on his self esteem but that’s why he has another wife (not.. really but whatever)
• he does everything he can just to make his ex wife jealous. whether it be spoiling them, being very touchy with them in public, he’ll do literally anything
• …he even considers having a child with his fake wife
• so yeah.. once he sees his ex in public he instantly wants to leave, but his body wont move
• he can’t help but watch her from afar, clearly enjoying herself
• this causes him to get more and more upset, so he basically ends up stalking her
• he wants to kill her, and suck her dry, but he can’t bring himself to do that. not because he still loves her, but he wants her to suffer
• so he’ll leave signs of like.. that he’s around, but he doesn’t reveal himself
• for example: he now knows where she lives
• he’ll do things like eating her food that she was saving, he’d move things around, possibly even steal them or throw them away, idk you get what i mean though 
• from an outside view, he looks like the typical crazy ex but it’s not because he wants her back
• it’s because he wants to slowly drive her insane just like she had done to him
• again. if she actually manages to escape from him, she must be very smart and/or talented
• the only way for kanato not to kill them or hurt them bad enough to not leave is by doing it suddenly, making sure he has no absolute clue about it
• because other than that, she’s not leaving.
• but say she hides it well, and kanato never finds out until she doesn’t come home one night
• needless to say, he flips out
• he’s screaming, crying, throwing things around and destroying anything and everything that gets in his way
• this is where his fake wife comes in
• he’ll get mad at her first, probably calling her something very vulgar and degrading, and refusing any sort of contact she tries to give him
• but after a few days.. he just lays in bed, staring up at the ceiling as he holds his bear tightly against his chest
• he’s so sad.. why would she leave him? he didn’t do anything wrong.. he loved her..
• his mood swings happen a lot more, and his tantrums are SO much worse
• sometimes though, when he’s missing what he used to do with his lover, he’ll just use his fake wife to replace her completely
• if he has to, he will go as far as making them dress in the same clothes, he’ll style her hair the same way, maybe even trying to force them to alter the way she speaks or something..?
• he now relies on his only wife to comfort him, and expects a lot of sweets, kisses, cuddles, whatever. he only wants her company, now
• but then when he sees his previous s/o and he completely loses it, whether they’re in public or not
• first it’s just a few little tear drops falling from his eyes, but then he’s screaming at the top of his lungs, you could hear him miles away
• he yells at her, calling her various different names, and insults her with everything he can think of
• depending on how she reacts to it, he’ll kill her right on the spot, even if there’s people around; he really doesn’t care anymore.
• again.. she’d have to be really sneaky and make sure laito has no clue AT ALL
• because once he knows about it, he will keep her down in the basement, and won’t let her out. ever
• but like i said in kanato’s thing; we’ll assume she somehow managed to keep it all a secret
• in which that case; laito doesn’t really think much about it at first
• he thinks she’s just taking a break, maybe, and that doesn’t bother him, he doesn’t mind
• he goes on for days, and days, waiting for her to come back, like a dog waiting for it’s owner
• he’s not even sure why she left, either, so he’s really confused, and for the first time since.. well, his childhood, he feels powerless.
• now, he feels like he needs to feel in control of everything once again, refusing to let his ex wife have the pleasure of knowing how hurt he felt
• so if his fake wife does come on to him, then yeah, he’ll do it, and he’ll have her convinced that he loves her more than anyone else in the world, returning back to his previous self
• he kind of goes on like.. a sex rampage, though, like he’ll get all the girls that are desperate for him, and he’ll play his game with them; he’ll have them convinced he’s madly in love with them, only to eventually reveal that he doesn’t love them, and never has
• it’s sick but.. so is ex; .. at least that’s what he thinks
• when he sees his ex enjoying herself, he’ll take a similar approach to ayato, and basically become their stalker
• except he’s much more.. revealing about it
• he doesn’t care if she sees him, in fact, that’s what he wants. also, it’s even better if she has a new boyfriend because the first thing he does is kill him, right in front of her.
• then he’ll kidnap her, and treat her like she’s nothing, calling her things like a slut, a whore, bitch, ect.. 
• and then that’s where the fun begins
• now his ex lives in his basement, starved and malnourished, so weak she’s unable to move
• basically, laito just taunts her, torturing her, both.. sexually and mentally
• lets just say he doesn’t regret having that extra wife. he’ll show his ex wife how much he loves the woman that she had been so jealous of
• he’s in denial a little bit, still clinging onto that tiny bit of hope that she may come back 
• but when she doesn’t.. he’s a lot more aggravated than usual. he’s much more destructive, and gets upset even at the tiniest of things
• but his temper isn’t the only thing that’s changed; his self consciousness and insecurities get so much worse, even to the point where he questions whether he should still be alive or not
• he’ll lock himself away, not wanting to get anyone else involved with the issue, knowing that he could possibly kill someone in a fit of rage
• the first time he comes out of his room is because he’s literally starving and needs blood
• he planned on just finding someone off of the street or something, but his fake wife had offered herself to him
• and as much as he didn’t want to drink from her (he felt bad for her as soon as they had gotten married) he couldn’t help it; he was so thirsty
• other then that, he doesn’t interact with her, because he knows he’ll hurt her
• he says it’s for her own good, she shouldn’t want to get involved with a monster like him
• when he sees his ex wife out, having fun, he’s hurt, but he laughs. 
• he knew she could never love someone as horrible as him, and he’s stupid for falling for it
• he watches for about a minute or two, unsure whether he was glad to see a big smile on her face, or if he wanted to feel jealous
• after convincing himself to leave, he never looks back. it hurts, but he doesn’t want to think about her ever again
• so, here’s to new beginnings with his new wife.
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charminglatina · 5 years
Riverdale Characters as Tropes (Part I) ⭐️.
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Here is a list of the most notable Riverdale characters and their tropes that best describe their character archetypes and personalities. I used tropes from TVTropes.org. Have fun reading!
#1. Archie Andrews (Main Trope: Big Man On Campus AKA BMOC; Secondary Tropes: Chick Magnet, Betty and Veronica, The Ace, Mr. Fanservice, The Hero, Lovable Jock, All-Loving Hero, Action Hero, Nice Guy, All Guys Want Cheerleaders)
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Big Man On Campus (BMOC)
Guys want to be him, gals want to be with him. Maybe Even the Guys Want Him. The Big Man on Campus is the most popular guy in the High School. He is handsome, charming, a superb athlete and usually pretty smart and an A student. Unlike his peers Alpha Bitch (who is usually his girlfriend until he realizes how awful she is) and the Jerk Jock (usually his friend until he realizes how awful he is) the Big Man on Campus never bullies anyone: he rules through charisma and general awesomeness rather than fear and manipulation. But like the Lovable Jock (with whom he is often close, if not one and the same), woe to anyone who trifles with him. He'll probably grow up to become The Ace. Sometimes Truth in Television. The Big Man on Campus is very popular in Prep school fiction, as a well-read, handsome, athletic, affable, and articulate man is the epitome of prep. The High School Hustler is occasionally a Big Man, but more often lower on the totem pole. Generally this character is either the protagonist himself, or is the chief love interest in a story about a Cool Loser heroine. He rarely turns up if the story is about male outcasts (as the existence of a benign popular kid makes it harder to use jocks as villains) or about a popular girl (as those sort of stories usually give her an outsider love interest). The Big Man on Campus is Always Male. For a "popular but good hearted" High School female equivalent Spoiled Sweet is the trope of choice. Compare School Idol and Lovable Jock . For settings outside of High School, compare it to Magnetic Hero.
#2. Betty Cooper (Main Trope: Girl Next Door; Secondary Tropes: Tomboy With A Girly Streak, Ambiguous Disorder,  Amateur Sleuth, Beware The Nice Ones, Cute and Psycho, The Smart Girl, Tomboyish Ponytail, Wrench Wench)
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Girl Next Door
A Girl Next Door is a character who, it is implied, an "ordinary guy" male protagonist might have known when growing up, and whom he might like without feeling intimidated. She may literally be from the same neighborhood as the hero, or she may just remind him of girls he knew back home. In simpler terms: the feminine equivalent of an "average Joe", in terms of looks and personality. An Average Josephine, if you will. They'll usually embody a "wholesome" sort of femininity, so they're rarely the promiscuous sort, though she might act as a foil to a woman who is. Since the trope is more about her personality, some can be considered knock-outs. In which case, they're likely the local beauty in the neighborhood, or a small town; especially if she's someone like the sassy, hot waitress from the local diner, or the Farmer's Daughter. Among their friends, they're easy to talk to and usually good listeners. But they also tend to be frank about how they see things and expect the same in return. In a Betty and Veronica duo, she's the "Betty". As such, her disposition ranges from even-tempered, to boisterous and, if she's a looker, she usually doesn't flaunt it. That isn't to say, she's incapable of passion; she's just unlikely to be extroverted about it. Girls of this nature will often appear in Harems, usually as the inevitably Unlucky Childhood Friend of the protagonist, or as said above, the "Betty" in a Love Triangle. In non-romantic stories, she'll either be best friends with one of the others, or she may be the Cool Big Sis. The Spear Counterpart, Boy Next Door, is the same, only—you know—male. Often overlaps with One of the Boys. Contrast with Hello, Nurse! and Peerless Love Interest. Also compare The All-American Boy, who might well be her High School Sweetheart.
#3. Veronica Lodge (Main Trope: Tsundere; Secondary Tropes: Lovable Alpha Bitch, Daddys Girl, Girly Girl,  The Beautiful Elite, Spirited Young Lady, Spoiled Sweet, Defrosting Ice Queen, Aloof Dark-Haired Girl, Mafia Princess, Uncle Pennybags, Antagonistic Offspring, The Fashionista, Fallen Princess, The Atoner)
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The Japanese term tsundere refers to an outwardly violent character who "runs hot and cold", alternating between two distinct moods: tsuntsun (aloof or irritable) and deredere (lovestruck). The term was originally used to describe characters who began with a harsh outgoing personality, but slowly revealed a soft and vulnerable interior over time, which made this a plot trope as much as it is a character trope. Over the years the character archetype has become flanderized, and is now generically associated with a character who flips between the two emotional states at the slightest provocation, and usually at a specific person rather than a general sociability problem. The former is usually referred as Classic Tsundere and the latter as Modern Tsundere. A tsundere, especially a classic one, is usually a Tomboy with a Girly Streak. Tsunderes are mostly tomboys with hidden girly sides. The tsuntsun can range from the cold "silent treatment" to the hotheaded "kindergartener who pushes you into the sandbox." The reasons behind a Tsundere's behavior vary widely, but usually boil down to the conflict between their feelings of affection towards a love interest, and their reaction to having those feelings. The Tsundere stock characterization is very popular with writers of Romantic Comedy because the conflicts between the two personality facets can be easily utilized to generate both drama and comedy. It also acts as a source of Wish Fulfillment: specifically, the idea that every independent, hardened and just plain jerkish love interest (male or female) has a squishy emotional centre that will embrace you after you crack the outer shell.
Tsundere can be divided into two main categories, depending on their default mood:
Harsh (or Tsun): These Tsundere have tsuntsun as their default mood. It takes someone special to trigger their deredere side. The intensity of the tsuntsun can range from simple grumpy pessimism (Kagami of Lucky Star) to "I must glare and fight my way through life" (Louise of The Familiar of Zero). It's about which part of the tsundere personality is the public face and which the hidden. If the Tsundere is The Rival, she is more likely to be Harsh. Helping a rival out is usually accompanied by a line like "Don't get me wrong, I'm not doing this for you." Harsh types can overlap with a Jerk with a Heart of Gold, but usually not. The moods of a Tsundere tend to switch in reaction to the actions of select people or adverse scenarios; the deredere side usually only comes out when someone has acted in a way to trigger it. A Jerk with a Heart of Gold is jerkish in general regardless of whether the other person is mean or nice, and shows their Hidden Heart of Gold only when the situation warrants, regardless of how the other person had been acting. Male characters in particular should be considered for Jerk with a Heart of Gold status, as arguably because of Double Standards, men are generally that instead of tsundere, although the kuudere subtype is more equally split in gender. Oranyan is sometimes used to refer to a male tsundere character—incorrectly since it means the complete opposite.
Sweet (or Dere): These Tsundere have deredere as their default mood. They are sweet, kind and generous, but just happen to have a hidden violent side as well. Don't confuse the sweet tsundere with Bitch in Sheep's Clothing because in this case, they have a temper almost always triggered by someone or something else, usually a Love Interest. Either they have Belligerent Sexual Tension, are an Accidental Pervert, or just have no idea how to handle feelings of love and attraction. In some cases, an Armoured Closet Gay character may act like a Tsundere to mask their feelings for the object of their same-sex affection. May also overlap with Violently Protective Girlfriend if her Love Interest is threatened or in danger. Sweet types should not be confused with a Yandere. If a Sweet Tsundere were really convinced that their Love Interest didn't want them, they would revert back to the deredere side and probably enter an I Want My Beloved to Be Happy phase, while Yanderes are Not Good with Rejection at all and have been known to get downright murderous under such circumstances.
See also the Analysis page for more detailed information on common "strategies" employed by Tsunderecharacters, and other, related topics. This site has an explanation on the appeal of the Tsundere character. A common way of showing that a Tsundere has mellowed or has had her heart won over by the Love Interestis to have her shift from Harsh to Sweet. If her motivations are inquired, she will often engage in a Suspiciously Specific Denial, complete with a Luminescent Blush and total evasion of eye contact (cue the squeaks of Moe). When paired with a Jerk with a Heart of Gold, together they produce Belligerent Sexual Tension. If done poorly, the result is an Unintentionally Unsympathetic Jerk Sue. Compare with Well, Excuse Me, Princess!, Jerkass, and Jerk with a Heart of Gold. Contrast with Sour Outside, Sad Inside, which shares the spiky exterior but has depression and self-doubt rather than kindness hiding underneath. When Flanderized tends to overlap with Mood-Swinger. Also see Don't You Dare Pity Me! and Anger Born of Worry; both of them likely actions with this character type. Aloof Ally may show the same hot-and-cold behavior but for differing reasons. Shana Clone is a specific subtrope with a particular set of characteristics. Because of their low tolerance for stupidity, they are always Enraged by Idiocy. Please do not confuse this trope with a Mood-Swinger, who flips between all the emotional states (not just tsuntsun and deredere) and is more of an inherent mental problem encompassing more than just their romantic life. Also don't confuse with Playing Hard to Get, where a love interest deliberately chooses not to reciprocate her pursuer's interest until she's sure he's hooked. Psychologically, tsundere-like behavior could be an example of "splitting", a maladaptive coping mechanism wherein a person alternately idealizes and undervalues others, including potential romantic partners. This trope is Older Than Dirt, dating back to at least ancient Mesopotamia.
#4. Jughead Jones III (Main Trope: Jerk With A Heart Of Gold; Secondary Tropes: Big Eater, Beware The Quiet Ones, The Cynic, Byronic Hero, Deadpan Snarker, Good Is Not Nice, Good Is Not Soft, Cool Crown Hat, Loners Are Freaks, Wrong Side Of The Tracks, Lower Class Lout, Face Of A Thug)
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Jerk With A Heart Of Gold (JWAHOG)
A person you would expect to be a big Jerkass has some redeeming qualities behind their tough demeanor. Occasionally, they'll try to make it a Hidden Heart of Gold. In a romance series, a female character filling this role is usually a Tsundere instead (occasionally she's both). A male version is usually Troubled, but Cute, and his heart of gold should never outweigh his inner jerk because All Girls Want Bad Boys, though it can if Single Woman Seeks Good Man. If his jerkishness threatens to overshadow his good qualities, he's likely to attract a Love Martyr. Sometimes Truth in Television, though you can expect Real Life examples of this to be far more subtle than fictional ones. Often this is Played for Laughs, but not always. They are just as common in drama, suspense, horror and other genres as they are in comedy. One reason for this is that they make an convenient Plot Device. After all, the supposed jerkass turning out to save the family from their real stalker, instead of being said stalker, can be a source of Heartwarming Moments when done right. If he's a manly-man who pursues an unexpectedly delicate hobby, it may be a case of Real Men Wear Pink. Audiences may also sympathize more with the JWAHOG if he's shown to frequently have a good reason to act angry or annoyed. Even the most patient of souls can only endure being the Only Sane Man when they're Surrounded by Idiots for so long, after all. One or two Pet the Dog moments scattered around for character depth does not grant a heart of gold. A true JWAHOG has many Pet the Dog moments. Or maybe those moments are rare, but powerful. Or maybe they skew more toward the "Jerk" part but start making a point of showing the "Heart of Gold" part following a Jerkass Realization. Either way, ultimately they manage to balance out the jerk in them. If it doesn't balance out, they're just a regular jerkass, or worse, a Jerk with a Heart of Jerk. Not to be confused with a certain jerk whose spaceship is named "The Heart of Gold." Even if he is an example. Or a group of people who helped defend the Heart of Gold, even though — again — they include at least two examples. Compare/contrast with Hidden Heart of Gold, Bitch in Sheep's Clothing, Noble Demon, Bruiser with a Soft Center, Hero with an F in Good, Innocently Insensitive, Aww, Look! They Really Do Love Each Other, and Sour Outside, Sad Inside. Sometimes subverted as Jerk with a Heart of Jerk. The Lovable Alpha Bitch is a frequent Distaff Counterpart of the frequently male Jerk with a Heart of Gold. Any Nice Guy have a complete heart of gold while the trope on this page tends to vary between this trope and the former troupe. The Lancer and Loveable Rogue are often, but not always, portrayed in this light. One half of the Belligerent Sexual Tension couple. Also compare Good Is Not Nice. Truth in Television: Most of the jerks you'll meet in your life will have some redeeming qualities to them. Few people are such jerks that they don't care about anyone, and cynical people tend to handle bad situations better, so having one as a friend can be useful when things go downhill.
#5. Cheryl Blossom (Main Trope: Alpha Bitch; Secondary Tropes: Academic Alpha Bitch, Rich Bitch, Spoiled Brat, The Cheerleader, Bratty Teenage Daughter, Clingy Jealous Girl, Lipstick Lesbian, Pet The Dog, Lady In Red)
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Alpha Bitch
Take your typical setting involving teenagers—say, a High School—wait an establishing scene or two or three, and there she is. See that attractive blonde cheerleader looking down her nose (often literally) and sneering at the frumpy girl in glasses? That's her. Often times, she is the authority of the cheerleading squad and decides who's on and off the squad. After all, who needs a coach? The villainess of many a Teen Drama, the Alpha Bitch is the Distaff Counterpart to the Jerk Jock, and usually his girlfriend;note what he does with his fists, she does with a sharp tongue and sharper manipulation. She is often surrounded by a fawning Girl Posse who suck up to her and act as her faithful minions. She's very likely to be a Narcissist, a Drama Queen, a fashionista, a Valley Girl, a Bratty Teenage Daughter, a Daddy's Girl, an Attention Whore, and/or a Proud Beauty. She's also usually the scion of a wealthy and influential family, the star of the school or head sister of the influential college sorority house, thus providing her a network of local celebrity, influence and wealth to exploit. She's also quite the seductress, and consequently, all the boys fight amongst themselves—sometimes literally—to be her oppressed boyfriend. And to top it off, she's also very good-looking. All this leaves her with the belief that she can do whatever she likes without consequences. Unfortunately, she's often right; the Powers That Be are not immune to her family's wealth, connections, and influence, and they can and will be corrupted or coerced into overlooking her bad behavior. Her natural enemy is the Cool Loser heroine. Whenever their eternal, jealousy-fueled struggle over possessions, boyfriends, and status is sparked anew, quarter will neither be asked for nor given. Usually the Veronica in a Betty and Veronica situation, if she's even presented as a love interest at all. Frequently on the Snob end of Slobs vs. Snobs. It's a Costume Party, I Swear!, the Prank Date, and the Party Scheduling Gambit are just some of the many nasty tricks she plays. Often receives her comeuppance at the hands of a member of her own Girl Posse in a Backstabbing the Alpha Bitch moment, or when the Cool Loser fights back (sometimes with an Engineered Public Confession). Normally joined by a Beta Bitch who assists her in her various cruel deeds. If given some Character Development, she will become a Defrosting Ice Queen and grow into a Spoiled Sweet, or a Lovable Alpha Bitch. This trope is probably so common because everyone who wasn't homeschooled knew someone like this... or was one. It self-perpetuates because girls who want to be popular will copy what works on TV. They might even become the mask.
Most examples fall into one of two types:
Aggressive: Despite being a not-too-bright, outwardly rude, bullying, mean-spirited excuse for a human, she will somehow still be the most popular girl in school, making her a weird mix of Card-Carrying Villainand Villain with Good Publicity. She may be manipulative from time to time, but the way she acts, it's a wonder people fall for her tricks. Usually, she will have a 0% Approval Rating, but even that won't be enough to stop her. Done poorly, she can break the Willing Suspension of Disbelief, but done well she can be used to show how masochistic teenagers can be, out of a need for acceptance and attraction towards people they perceive as powerful. Unlikely to be a Fille Fatale, she's too outwardly mean for that. But who knows, if All Men Are Perverts, they might overlook her personality in favor of looks. Common in Kid Comsand shows with Black and White Morality because she's a rather unambiguous character. This does not mean she is necessarily a Flat Character. She may in fact be Sour Outside, Sad Inside. Compare The Bully and The Lad-ette.
Passive-Aggressive: A smarter, more adroit version of the first type, she is often adept at putting on a friendly facade, all the better for her to lull the unwary into letting their guard down. Though sometimes Book Dumb out of a lack of interest in academics, she is usually of about average or greater intelligence, because maintaining her status requires some level of cleverness. Her beta is usually a good-naturedDumb Blonde, Brainless Beauty, or Asian Airhead for contrast. Very often a Fille Fatale, or if she's older, a Femme Fatale. Often, even she is just as oblivious to her inner nature as everyone else is, and thinks of herself as much like the way she presents herself to others. A Heel Realization may cause her to change her ways. Or she might be knowingly and unrepentantly evil and just knows how to hide it from others.
If she's not the cheerleader type with the fake smile, but is the (usually) unglamorous girl who will fight to be the best in her class, she's the Academic Alpha Bitch. Though almost always a she, rare male Alpha Bitches (called Alpha Bastards) do exist, but they're just that — rare. They're distinct from the Jerk Jock in that they're mainly catty and manipulative, rather than physically threatening. Not to be confused with the Prison Alpha Bitch, found exclusively in women's jail, whose methods of bullying are much more brutal and whose goal isn't social status but outright dominance. The reason this character type is hated more than other Jerkass characters may have to do with her privelege and looks, see also Jerk Sue. Contrast Unpopular Popular Character.
#6. Kevin Keller (Main Trope: Gay Best Friend; Secondary Tropes: Camp Gay, Adorkable, All Gays Love Theater, All Gays Are Promiscuous, Gay Guy Seeks Popular Jock)
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Gay Best Friend
The Gay Best Friend exists mostly to add variety, funny mannerisms and cheap laughs to an otherwise all-straight story and sometimes shows of political correctness. The GBF may talk about sex a lot, but is seldom depicted as having any, because too many viewers would find that disturbing. Either he has no love life to speak of (which never seems to bother him), or it's forever offscreen, only discussed with the heroine over brunch at some pretentious cafe. As modern society grows increasingly comfortable with gay people, fiction is slowly seeing more well-rounded gay supporting characters with onscreen love lives, whose sexuality is incidental to the character. In fiction the most common use of this trope is a male GBF to a straight female protagonist but other permutations are very slowly beginning to appear.
#7. Toni Topaz (Main Trope: Biker Babe; Secondary Tropes: Bi The Way, You Gotta Have Blue Hair, The Ladette, Butch Lesbian, But Not Too Black, Twofer Token Minority, Tank-Top Tomboy, One Of The Boys)
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Biker Babe
Women who operate fast vehicles are apparently attractive. Maybe it's the Action Girl in the tight leather. Also includes car drivers and female pilots. Compare and contrast Hood-Ornament Hottie. The two are similar, but a Biker Babe actually rides the bike and often wears outfits which are a little more conducive to road safety. (Although the page image is an exception.) May deliver a "Samus Is a Girl" reveal, if she wears a full helmet and doesn't wear her leathers skintight. Essentially the Distaff Counterpart to Badass Biker, in that she won't be a pushover if things get messy, although she may be less aggressively badass than he is. Will likely induce a Hello, Nurse! effect on nearby males, and maybe some Stupid Sexy Flanders from a nearby female. See also Badass Driver. If you have a team composed entirely of Biker Babes, you get Amazon Brigade.
#8. Josie McCoy (Main Trope: Idol Singer; Secondary Tropes: The Prima Donna, Sassy Black Woman, Quirky Curls, Face Of The Band, Black Best Friend)
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Idol Singer
A wildly popular trope in fiction about Japanese Pop Music is the "Idol Singer" — a teenage or early twenty-something (NEVER over 25) female performer, chosen for her cute and attractive image and sunny personality more than for her actual singing ability (though having actual talent underneath is not completely out of the rule). Idol Singers are recruited by multi-level audition processes, manufactured and managed by Japanese media companies, and ruthlessly discarded after a few years of cranking out formulaic hits. Over the past decade there has been a shift towards "mega-groups" that can have over one hundred members, with the lead spots on songs and choreography going to the most popular performers. Sometimes, Idol singers don't actually sing (like Milli Vanilli). Most are tightly controlled by their producers and expected to maintain a public image of purity and innocence: for example, their contracts may include an article of her not being allowed to engage in anyintimate activities. While this level of control has loosened somewhat with the growing impact of social media, which allows idols to interact with fans more casually, as well as a Japanese court decision that effectively rendered the "No Dating" clauses of Idol contracts unenforceable (it's still very in-force in Korea, however), the industry has been slow to overturn its most problematic and exploitative elements. Naturally, every Japanese schoolgirl dreams of becoming one. Those who used to be one are often Broken Birds. Thanks to the Disney Channel, American Idol, and The X Factor, this trope is also prevalent in the West, where it often overlaps with the Teen Idol. If she's a villain in a Superhero or Magic Idol Singer show, she's an Evil Diva.
Look for Part II!
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riviae · 5 years
Regis and/or Dettlaff for the character headcanon meme (ya know, if a hundred others haven't already asked lol)
character meme (accepting!): under a read more due to length 
favorite thing about them:
besides his obvious kind heart & unflinching loyalty, i love how passionate he is about things!! dude’s been alive for 400+ yrs & he still wants to travel, to make friends, to learn, to teach, to heal, to share his interests & knowledge. he loves life–loves humanity (cdpr can miss me w/ his referencing humans as mosquitoes metaphor nonsense)–& is my favorite example of a good redemption story/character. 
least favorite thing about them: 
he can be… rather pretentious at times. but to his credit, he never really belittles or alienates anyone in the hansa–it’s more like he has a lot of ‘high-brow’ interests for the time/setting (not counting distilling, of course) & in sharing/explaining them, he goes a bit over the top. i don’t think it’s on purpose, but case in point… not everything has to be a lecture, ya know? 
favorite line: 
kinda cheating on this, but my favorite scene of anything ever is this one from lady of the lake: 
“Well,” sighed Regis. “Have it your way. I’ll have to avoid mirrors and dogs, and will have to beware of sorcerers and telepaths… And if I’m still exposed, I’m counting on you.”“You can count on me,” Geralt said seriously. “I’m not in the habit of leaving a friend in need.”The vampire smiled and because they were alone, he did not hide his fangs. “Friend?”
now specifically from b&w, i like this line from Regis’ journal: People justify bad deeds by good intentions. I’m not sure if there is greater idiocy
geralt/regis (which you’ll also see in the otp section), regis/yen (goth-nerd solidarity & also they both love geralt so jot that down), & regis/angouleme (he’s a wonderful uncle figure to angouleme)
also if regis ever got to meet vesemir i’m 100% sure they’d have gotten along swimminglg
geralt/regis–it’s my lifeblood babey
romance-wise, any regis/hansa member that isn’t geralt is just not my cup of tea as well as regis/dett****
random headcanon
after his second regeneration, he became wearier around unknown sorcerers/sorceresses/magic users (w/ the exception of yen). at one point, geralt had decided to light a candle near regis using igni w/o really thinking abt it & noticed that regis had visibly flinched. geralt apologized immediately & now lets regis know when he’s abt to light something using magic (’normal’ fires, those not started by magic, don’t bother him. so it’s less of an aversion to fire & more of an aversion to fire made thru magic).
unpopular opinion: 
i don’t really like his sideburns or hairline–not bc i think the design is bad per se (i think it solidified his intro in b&w as a more scholarly character), but bc i think it ages him much more than necessary. when the other 2 higher vampires (dettlaff, orianna, hell–even the unseen elder), look much younger, then it just seems unusual imo. a middle-aged tax collector w/ a crooked nose is how sapkowski describes him & idk, i think cdpr just wanted to give regis a more stereotypical scholarly look instead of using descriptions from the books. 
song i associate with them:
when i’m in an angst™ mood, this song is what makes me think of regis (& higher vampires in the witcher series in general). it’s called far from home (the raven) by sam tinnesz 
favorite picture of them (i’m too lazy to do this but assume every picture of regis is my fave)
favorite thing about them
his hobbies! woodworking & building toys for kids is nice™; cdpr should’ve at least given us a tiny scene of him tinkering on stuff. presumably he has a caring nature given that he nursed regis back to health but once again, cdpr couldn’t be bothered to flesh out the interesting aspects of his character & instead gave us an albeit cool but ultimately unnecessary boss battle :/ 
least favorite thing about them
oof, his lack of patience & propensity towards violence. well, perhaps propensity is the wrong word; i mean that in a character who is powerful/deadly (in which even a brief lapse in judgement could mean death for another), a hair trigger temper is... not going to endear me to them. for instance, i don’t think that dettlaff went to tesham mutna with the intent of killing syanna--i don’t think he knew himself what he would do upon seeing her. BUT, he still did it--& i’m sorry but killing an unarmed/defenseless (presumably unarmed, but even if she were armed it wouldn’t change the fact that she was defenseless against him & dettlaff knew that) woman in a fit of rage (who yes, wronged dettlaff greatly) speaks of a deeper problem relating to his inability to process his emotions. 
i originally thought that cdpr was going to do some cool parallels between dettlaff and geralt bc both have issues w/ emotion but in different ways (i.e., dettlaff has difficulty controlling his while geralt has trouble expressing them), but they shared maybe a handful of sentences w/ each other before the conclusion of the dlc so yeah D: 
favorite line: 
“If you acknowledge any gods... start praying, now.” 
regis/dettlaff is pretty much it/the only relationship i find interesting in b&w for dett anyway 
dettlaff/character development 
mentioned in regis’ list above, but i also am not a fan of geralt/dett
random headcanon: 
his “pack” up until syanna consisted almost entirely of orphaned lower vampires. whether due to their family dying or abandoning them, dett’s reserved & calming demeanor makes it easier for LVs to trust him. he’s nursed plenty of injured LVs back to health & when he passed thru the remnants of stygga castle, he did so bc he originally thought that he was following the trail of an injured LV (having caught regis’ scent). it was only when he got closer that he recognized the ‘shapeless smear’ was regis--someone he hadn’t seen in centuries--& chose to help him heal despite how taxing it would be. 
unpopular opinion
i don’t understand his popularity as a character or how his actions can be defended. his character design is great (i still wanna to buy his moth brooch tbh), he was voice acted very well, & there are hints of an interesting backstory esp in relation to why he chose to help regis regenerate, but that’s not the focus of the dlc. 
if i have to rely on regis to explain why dettlaff is a good person/deserves redemption/etc., then that’s lazy writing. i love regis to death, but he, like anna henrietta, was blind to/didn’t want to see his loved one’s faults/misdeeds. u can’t make an unbiased character judgement on someone you’re close to and indebted to imo. 
granted, regis himself is an example of dett’s charity since he is alive & well (& also is stressed af bc of dettlaff), but does one good deed wash away all the death he later commits in the attack on beauclair? motivation or not, murder is murder, plain & simple. i can forgive but not condone regis’ actions in his youth bc, arguably, regis was already punished severely for it & chose to change/become a better person. cdpr didn’t give us an option to allow dett to be punished for his crimes (in something other than death--which i don’t think he nor syanna deserve) or let us know if he eventually grows to be a better person w/ the help of regis & so i can only care for him in the respect that i mourn the character he (& syanna) could’ve been. 
in summary: everything i dislike abt dettlaff is entirely due to a lack of care when it came to fleshing out his character. we only see him committing acts of violence/murder, never healing or helping. we see the fallout of his anger, see that he feels grief & even remorse (like in de la croix’s death), but it doesn’t excuse the act itself. ppl are more than welcome to like or love morally dark/dubious characters, but i have an issue when a morally dubious character is painted as good or good but misunderstood. 
song i associate with them
the song inferno by sir sly gives me real dettlaff vibes: I think you clipped my wings to save me from the sunForgot my hands and knees, I had to learn a lessonOh fearless teacher how'd I ever lose my sightWhy'd I ever try to fight against your path?Somewhere at half my life, I wandered in the woodsCan't find a single right, I swear nothing is goodI'm blinded now and darkness shrouds my every sightWhy'd I ever try to fight for my own path?
favorite picture of them: 
once again, too lazy to find one, but his final form in the boss battle was cool even if it kinda went against sapkowski’s lore.
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theheartsofheroes · 5 years
(*Addams Family opening now* trope trope trope trope *snap snap* trope trope trope trope *snap snap* trope trope trope trope, trope trope trope trope, trope trope trope trope *snap snap*)
For every “Trope” I get, I will post a TV trope for my muse.
[AGAIN!? REI! YOU MONSTER! I better get some RI soon for this lmao j/k I love you have some Riders]
1. Black Woz - Berzerk Button: A slightly more downplayed example; he gets quite peeved when people interrupt or ruin his dramatic moments or speeches, but he tries to remain composed, if only to try to get back into the spirit of the moment.
2. Geiz - Hair-Trigger Temper: He can go from stoic and unmoving to attempting murder screaming in two seconds flat. On better times, he express his disagreement with Sougo with a scathing glare. Worse times, he grabs Sougo and shakes him out of nowhere. When Sougo forces Woz to apologize in #28, Geiz tackles Woz and tries to strangle him (or something).
3. Emu - Be Careful What You Wish For: Back when he was a little kid, Emu loved video games, but always wanted a friend to play them with him. That friend he got was Pallad.
4. Pallad - Attention Deficit… Ooh, Shiny!: Very few things can keep Pallad’s attention for long, except when he’s playing with Emu or Graphite.
5. Euryale - 
Sssssnaketalk: She does have a tendency to over-enunciate her ‘S’ and ‘TH’ sounds just a bit, but not enough to be annoying.
6. Mitsuzane - The Atoner: Has been trying to make up for all the things that he’s done to the point of trying to have himself arrested.
7. Shinnosuke - Deadpan Snarker: In AND out of combat. He’s probably the most sarcastic Rider, and being a lazy, cynical police officer instead of a hardened hero or an innocent Wide-Eyed Idealist might have something to do with that. In combat, he’s just like Spider-Man, constantly taking the chance to annoy, bicker with and insult his opponents with quips, puns and snarks.
8. Takumi - Comfort Food: Tamagoyaki prepared by his mother. He apparently liked it so sweet that it’s unbearable for anyone else to eat.
9. Otoya - Beware the Silly Ones: He’s constantly seen as an overly flirty person, with him being IXA seemingly the most serious he’s willing to get. He also ends up becoming the second person to become Dark Kiva, and the only human in the show to do so.
10. Yukiko - Character Tics: Yukiko will mess with her hair when she’s stumped on a project, often times so much so that it comes free of whatever she’s used to keep it out of her face.
11. Nyoko - Back from the Dead: Doctors were able to revive Nyoko after her suicide attempt. Her temporary death granted her the ability to become Draugr.
12. Tatsuya - Bash Brothers: With Masaru Sawatari. Masa and Tat are best friends who are basically brothers despite their differences and will fight together no matter what.
13. White Woz - Light Is Not Good: Both his outfit and Rider form sport glittering silver colors with neon green. White Woz is anything but pure white on the inside.
14: Oren - Character Development: Originally a Child Hater, watching the younger Riders fight for their home made him admire their childish determination leading to him becoming a nicer person and helping them out because it is an adult’s duty to help children. Arguably, it comes earlier than that. Realizing the children, particularly Kouta, he so easily kept dismissing were far more on the ball than he was and was giving them credit for, and getting lost in Helheim, would be a humbling experience. It helps that Kouta held no grudges towards Oren, despite the latter having treated the former like a thug the moment they met.
15. Tomoko - Playful Hacker: She's hacked onto the school frame twice; one for the warning messages in Episode 2, the other for deleting every photo on the school's mainframe (especially those that included her wearing her ribbon the wrong way) in Episode 7.
16. Belt-san - Prophetic Names: We have a man named Steinbelt becoming a belt. Shinnosuke notes this once he learns "Belt-san's" real name in Episode 10.
17. Jun - Sleeping with the Boss: While Jun is Takatora’s personal assistant and they are in a relationship, they mostly keep their personal lives away from the office.
18. Vernage - Physical God: Her first display of power terrifies Seito enough that they fall back for the time being out of sheer fear of her. At full power she was capable of taking on full power Evolt one on one and fighting him to a draw.
19. Takeru - Death by Origin Story: At the very start of the series, he is slain by Gamma. But then gets an another take on life, with the benefit of becoming a Kamen Rider.
20. Kosuke - Ditzy Genius: Tends to lose his train of thought and go off on weird tangents making you forget that he is a skilled fighter and a talented archeologist.
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delicatelyhaunted · 6 years
A thing about my asexuality
All the trigger warnings.
TW: rape, sex, emotional abuse, gaslighting, victim blaming, drugs, abortion
This is a very personal account and rather detailed. The most triggering, detailed section has large headers above and below for when it starts and when it ends. Reader beware. (That part is one paragraph)
Word count below cut: 2,734
Okay, so this is going to be more like a lot about me and my asexuality.
Asexuality comes in many forms. I am sex-repulsed and genitalia-repulsed. 
Yes, I have a kid. We’re going to get to that.
Let me tell you the tale of when my sexual life began.
I was 14. I lived in a not so little town in Arkansas. My sister was off to college, and I had no idea that my mother was sabotaging my sisterly relationship. Granted, she’s 5 years older than me and like many teenagers, didn’t want to hang out with her bratty little sister. (Our grandmother spoiled the shit out of me while being very hateful and abusive to my older sister and our older brother. Seriously, it was fucked up, and I fully admit I was a rotten child.)
I was in 9th grade. In most of Arkansas, this is still this thing called “junior high”. You’re still earning credits for high school, and you’re still a freshman, but it’s like a mediation to get us prepped for the high school environment. The schools, jr high and high school were right next door to each other. We lived close enough to the schools that the buses, to be more time and fuel efficient, didn’t make stops in my neighborhood. This meant I walked to school. 8 minutes. It was an 8 minute walk. No big deal. I did this since the middle of 8th grade, when we moved there. Traffic from the schools was annoying as all get out, but I still got home right at 8 minutes if I didn’t stop at the park on the way home.
It was a miserably hot, September day, and I wore my usual apparel. A floaty knee-length skirt and some tee shirt. Probably had a smart-ass saying on it. Likely one of my sister’s hand me downs (that at that point, I really liked.) I was walking home from school, like normal, passing a yard that had some bushes near the sidewalk. They were tall grasses. I had my backpack up on both shoulders, as usual.
Nothing seemed out of the ordinary.
Until something yanked on my backpack. Hard. Like someone grabbed the handle at the top. I spun around, expecting one of my friends to be messing with me, telling me I forgot a binder or something. 
Instead, I see a man’s chest. I was in the process of quickly looking up to his face when he grabbed both of my shoulder straps, from the front, and half-dragged, half-carried me into a garden shed.
I was raped.
Super triggering details in italics below
I was pinned down on my back, one arm ending up painfully twisted, and a dirty, gas stained rag was stuffed in my mouth. He pushed up my skirt and angrily tugged down my underwear. Somehow this disgusting man new my whole name and grunted it with each movement as he raped me. I was crying so hard from the confused of being forced into the shed and the pain of what he was doing, that I could barely make out anything more than a dark shirt and lightish brown hair, and that he was white.
Super triggering part is done
When he was done with me, he just....left the shed and headed toward some houses further down this side street. I hastily rearranged my clothes after ripping this rag out of my mouth that tasted like a lawnmower and I fled, back toward the tall grasses where I could see the sidewalk peeking through. 
I managed to dart across the street, and into the park bathroom. I wiped my face, splashed cold water, and tried to flatten my hair. My thoughts raced. “What am I gonna do? Why did this happen to me? What did I do?”
I halfway ran home. 
My mother didn’t even seem to notice anything was wrong.
 I couldn’t tell her. I was “too ugly” to be raped. I would have been “saying that for attention.” “No one would ever believe” me. This is the garbage that rape culture feeds young girls and women alike. I never reported it. I got my revenge, but that’s not the point.
You see, I hadn’t done anything to provoke anyone. No rape victim ever does.  But this story is about my asexuality,  not about my rape.
Back to asexuality then. I was 14. I wasn’t sexual. I was focused on school, on working hard, getting perfect grades, and getting into college or university on grants and scholarships, like my sister had done. It was the only way for us to get there. We were dirt poor. I didn’t think about dating, or who’s hot, or having sex or anything. In fact, it confused me when other people  my age did. I was a snotty little nerd who prided herself on being the Best Student and getting the Best Grades and being the teacher’s favorite, raising my hand for every question and knowing the answer. Annoying, right?
I never had a chance to explore my sexuality. I had been traumatized. It was going untreated and unspoken. No one knew what happened for nearly 9 years. When a boy at school was being a douchecanoe and actually grabbed my pussy, I lashed at his face with the keys I held like claws. Yeah, I’d seen that tip on the news, about carrying your keys between your clenched fingers. I missed his face, but barely. The other students laughed and thought I couldn’t take a joke. 
“It’s not fucking funny, you immature assholes!”
I try not to be suspicious of him. He has never acted that way toward me before. I try to tell myself “it was coincidence. I just noticed those things more since I’d been attacked. It wasn’t someone he knew.” Because that would be utterly terrifying. But how did the guy know my name, and why was this kid suddenly acting this way toward me? It still nags at me, and I’m 27 now. I was 14 then.
But back to asexuality. Again. I never had a chance to explore. I was terrified. I was traumatized. I had PTSD that wouldn’t be named or acknowledged for several years. I was in attack mode every minute of every day. I didn’t sleep well. I had to force myself to eat. I ran home, on the other side of that street, and stayed away from tall grasses, or dense trees, because I was so afraid. 
I was afraid of intimacy. I was afraid of anything more than hand-holding. I knew boys get horny when they start kissing, so I stayed away from that. I knew that society called girls liars and never blamed the boys. I knew all the blame lines.
I still dressed the same, weather permitting, because those were my clothes. I loved them. But I was afraid of relationships, of being alone with boys who expressed liking me at all. I was scared, and I became mean to push boys away. It worked.
I never had the chance to explore my sexuality. Not like a person who hadn’t been raped right after puberty. 
I missed two menstrual cycles, and was terrified I was pregnant. So I talked to one of my “loser” friends, one of the outcasts, and got some cocktail of pills that it took a lot to pay for. I’m talking “I did 4 8-page book reports in a week” a lot. I took them, at home, at night, in my bed, so my mother wouldn’t know. So if anything happened, like throwing up or the abortion I took them for, I could clean myself up. Hopefully without her knowing.
And I did. I had never been so fucked up in my life. I was scared, and I was crying, and it wasn’t the trauma, it was the feeling of a cocktail of pills racing through my veins. I knew I was going to die. I knew I had taken too much, and it was going to kill me. And I prayed for that. 
I started bleeding. I rushed into the bathroom and tried to clean it off. I wasn’t bleeding out, and it wasn’t my period. So I knew....I knew I was right. I had been pregnant. I stayed in the bathroom for hours. I eventually grabbed a couple maxi pads and went back into my bedroom. I was in pain, but the bleeding wasn’t any worse, but I honestly don’t remember if it was any lighter. I still wasn’t convinced the pills wouldn’t kill me.
I passed out, but I lived. Physically unscathed by my overdose-induced abortion.
Several years later, in a different school, in a different state entirely, I met this crazy ass bitch who would become my best friend. I eventually confided in her that I had been raped years earlier. She never seemed to doubt me.
When I was 18, I met a guy who manipulated me into being his personal sex doll. The first time, I willingly agreed, figuring he was attractive, he was into me, blahblahblah. I figured that I was okay about sex now, and that having sex was just a normal part of modern relationships. The first time with him was unpleasant. But I also knew his temper, so I lied. And then he pressured me over and over and over, and I was scared to say know. By then, my pokerface was wicked so he probably thought I was into it, or he didn’t really care. I kept not saying no because I didn��t want to see his temper unleashed on me. 
Spoiler: That is not consensual sex, that is coercive rape. It was manipulation and indirect threat.
I snapped at his paranoia one day after he told me “the light from your stereo makes you so beautiful when you sleep (I lived on the 2nd level, with no back stairs, and he never slept at my apartment. Stalker-much?) and that if I don’t stop flirting with this guy at school he was gonna beat him to death. From this guy, that was a valid threat. And while I did have feelings for this potential victim, I gave up trying to date him and would merely talk to him and hug him, as I did with many friends in high school. My boyfriend at the time didn’t go to school with me, and admitted to having people watch me for him. Icing on the stalker cake.
So I dumped him. On the spot. He threatened to kill me, so I went to the cops. I was terrified all over again. At that point in my life, it wasn’t easy to scare me. But I was scared. He was arrested. 
That was my unhealthy, initially willing introduction to sex. Even after the willing time, I wasn’t into it.
I did have some healthy, completely consensual sex with other boyfriends after that guy, even if the boyfriends turned out to be unhealthy assholes. I still wasn’t into sex!
When I was 23, my depression had gotten so bad I needed to see a doctor. I was diagnosed with sever major depressive disorder, “just short of a psych ward, because you aren’t actively suicidal” and severe chronic generalized anxiety disorder. She also said, “Insomnia is in here too, but since it’s a symptom of both and you seem to manage okay, we’ll leave it as a symptom.” Great. (Now I suspect it’s DSPS and not insomnia.)
Before I could get my prescription filled, I had to have at least one session with a therapist. Okay, no big deal. She was great. I wish I could have made it a regular thing. She let me talk, but guided the conversation. She confirmed my diagnosis as well as telling me (after a conversation about prescription drug abuse in my last high school) that I very likely also have ADD. “That drug doesn’t work that way unless you have ADD.” Which honestly, explains so much about my life.
And then she asked me if I have additional questions, since time was almost up.
“Yeah. I have a friend....she encouraged me to ask you about PTSD. Cause you see.....” I told her I was raped when I was 14. “....and my friend says I have a lot of the markers for it. Hypervigilance, heightened reflexes, the anxiety, trust issues....” I listed off a few more of what popped up when I looked it up online, but only the things that pertained to me. She asked me about a couple of the symptoms, how they existed in my life. 
She told me, “You seem to have textbook PTSD.”
“Yeah but that’s a little too......perfect of a set of--”
“There is a textbook definition for a reason. It’s still valid if your symptoms match perfectly.
“But it was almost a decade ago...”
“It’s called post traumatic disorder. It doesn’t matter how many years after. It’s still after the trauma happened.”
So yeah, while I wasn’t officially diagnosed, I don’t think I was anyway, a licensed therapist confirmed during a session. Thank you friend, if you are reading this, because I would never have thought I had it, or spoken to a professional, if you hadn’t encouraged me to. Knowing I have PTSD helps a lot. And it’s thanks to you <3 
Moving on, back to sexual relationships.
When I decided “yeah I don’t like sex” and decided to be upfront when the next boyfriend wanted to go there, he outright emotionally abused me. told me I was broken. Told me he loved me and he would do anything to be with me, but that I only agreed to sex because he wanted it, I was broken, damaged, a bitch, etc. This came with a lot of gaslighting, with me supposedly saying things I never said, or telling him something he said and him claiming he never said it and that I was hearing things. And he was good at it. I was losing my mind. I thought maybe I am hearing things, and I tried to change so much about myself because he was smart and talked about big things like science and we could talk politics without fighting, etc. My clothes, my hair, my makeup, my jewelry, my tone of voice, everything that made me me. My identity I worked so hard to sculpt.
I eventually got away from him. Guess what? I still don’t like sex. 
He wasn’t the only one like that. A couple said they were going to do things to fix me.”
And I don’t like genitals. They’re gross to me. I don’t care that others like it, just keep it away from me. That goes for sex and genitals.
But to repeat myself. I never got to experiment with my sexuality like most people.
I was raped. No, I haven’t cried typing this, or had to stop since I started typing this. I can talk about it all day long because I’ve had supportive friends who have made that possible by taking me seriously. And no, my memory wasn’t repressed, which is a good thing, even though it’s been hard, because it never snuck up on me.
The true connection, though, is that my asexuality could very well be trauma based. I’m also aro, which could also be trauma based, due to the cycle of emotional abuse I’ve been through, cause clearly I suck at picking boyfriends. 
TLDR; Whether my orientations are trauma based or not. It doesn’t matter. I am what I am, I have words for what I am (thank you tumblr) and it’s all still very valid.
And believe it or not, this is a shorter version. I could go on. But I won’t. Because it’s after midnight, I’m cold, and I want to sleep. The black cat keeps staring at me, curled up on my bed, waiting for me.
(Final note: That sister of mine? We have a great relationship now. We had to work to repair it, but I’m super glad we did. She is absolutely one of my best friends and biggest supporters. In fact, she follows my blogs and will be reading this after she wakes up and has time. This has more detail in it than she’s seen or heard before and I’m fully aware some of this will be new to her.)
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Calum Hood’s Astrological Chart
This won’t be as accurate as it could be in some places cause I didn’t know his time of birth. But most of it should be accurate.
Rising Sign is in 16 Degrees Aries You are a free spirit and you must be first at everything you do. Very energetic, self-assertive and active, things must be done your way. Even though you may feel calm and serene on the inside, you certainly do not act that way. You want to do everything full-tilt, 100 miles per hour! A great competitor, but a poor cooperator -- you must learn how to lose more gracefully. Very self-confident, ambitious and passionate, you radiate positive energy. You are blunt and direct, but at times unfeeling and tactless, especially if anyone offers you any resistance. You fight for your beliefs, but your tendency to act first and think later often causes you much grief. Sun is in 04 Degrees Aquarius. You get bored with the status quo and are generally open to new things and ideas. An individualist and a free spirit, your friends are quite important to you as long as they do not try to tie you down by making too many emotional demands on you. Your thoughts are offbeat and you're a bit eccentric, but not always very changeable. As a matter of fact, you can be quite stubborn at times. Very fair-minded when dealing with large groups or broad issues, you are not always emotionally sensitive to the needs of individuals. Extremely objective, with good powers of observation, you would be qualified to study technical and complicated subjects, like science, computers or maybe even astrology. Moon is in 05 Degrees, Aries. High-spirited and courageous, you are a fighter when your emotions are aroused. The degree of force and drive that you can bring to any effort sometimes surprises others. You have hair-trigger reactions to specific stimuli and tend to "let it all hang out." You sometimes act before you think and do things on the spur of the moment, and that sometimes gets you into trouble. Your moods change quickly -- you have quite a temper, but you don't hold grudges. Very independent, with an extremely strong and forceful personality, you are known for being impulsive, careless, reckless, foolhardy, rash and daring. Mercury is in 21 Degrees Capricorn. You are a careful thinker, very cautious and conservative. You are quite skilful at organizing, directing and planning activities. Practical and useful things interest you-you are not attracted to abstract thoughts or ideas. With your tendency to be highly focused and very goal-oriented, you have a good head for business. But beware of a tendency to be narrow-minded and dogmatic. Your sense of humour tends toward being earthy and slapstick crude. Venus is in 11 Degrees Pisces. You have a dreamy, fanciful, romantic nature and a very creative imagination. Indeed, at times, your private fantasies are more appealing than the reality around you and it is difficult for you to leave them. You tend to be unselfish and giving in relationships and are extremely sensitive to the needs of others. Be very sure that those you help are worthy of your devotion and are not merely taking advantage of your innocence and naivete. Mars is in 13 Degrees Aquarius. Your ideas and opinions are usually inventive and original, but sometimes they are merely eccentric and offbeat. You are altruistic -- you will work hard for the attainment of group goals, as long as they meet your high standards. You tend to resent traditional authority figures because you think that your ideas are better thought out and more valuable than theirs. Very idealistic, you are a rebel WITH a cause! Jupiter is in 04 Degrees Capricorn. You tend to feel that the only results that are worthwhile are the results that are concrete and demonstrable. You distrust abstract solutions and appreciate measurable achievements. An excellent organizer and planner, you are optimistic as well as practical and realistic about what can and what cannot happen. Very responsible, you consider it a personal weakness to be wrong about anything. This makes you appropriately cautious. You are very efficient but you tend to be cool and detached. Saturn is in 21 Degrees Pisces. Your tendency to think that your life is out of control is based on an unreasonable fear, probably connected with an unfortunate experience with the person who filled the father figure role in your early life. Learn to take responsibility here and now for your own life. Try to stop having unrealistic expectations about guide figures. Remember that they are merely human, with all the same faults and self-doubts that you have. When you get confused or uncertain, try to simplify your lifestyle -- things will then become easier to bear. Uranus is in 00 Degrees Aquarius. You and most of your peer group as well are reformers at heart. You want to make positive changes that will benefit society as a whole. You are willing to devote your time and energy to see that they come about, especially if the proper group support and combined purpose of will can be found. Be careful that your devotion to group goals does not produce too much friction or neglect in your own interpersonal one-on-one relationships. Neptune is in 25 Degrees Capricorn. You and your entire generation will idealize work, practicality and the ability to attain reasonable goals. But, because you will also stress the need to be selfless and giving, you may find it difficult to attain your goals unless you have lowered your expectations on all fronts. Pluto is in 02 Degrees Sagittarius. For your entire generation, society's cherished beliefs and totems will be radically changed. Many traditional concepts will be totally altered, if not completely destroyed. The rights of individuals to pursue their own course in life will be reasserted. N. Node is in 20 Degrees Libra. You find it very difficult to be comfortable being alone -- you would much prefer to be in an environment where many people are working together toward common goals. Your charming and sincere approach to others assures your popularity -- you have the gift of being able to ease tensions just by your mere presence. You're the perfect "team player" willing to sacrifice your own importance so that the group goal can be accomplished. Be careful, however, not to become overly dependent on your interactions with others -- you have personal private needs that should not be neglected.
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duncepatrick92 · 4 years
What Can I Do To Cure Premature Ejaculation Easy And Cheap Tricks
This article is a mood where you may do that can help you permanently get rid of premature ejaculation can be many causes.The thing is, you can experiment with different time intervals before sex is instinctive and a number of exercises that you can feel out of the best herbal product because this position allows you to stop yourself from ejaculating.Though premature ejaculation and that spoils the spontaneous act of procreation most meaningful and pleasing your partner.In fact, early ejaculation can prove to be a complicated topic and have worked for me, other men find themselves one of those problems that greatly affect the pleasure of sex.
These exercises can help with premature ejaculation by using trans-rectal electrostimulation of the penis comes out of your PC muscles will benefit from the condition for men.Well, the first one involves withdrawing your penis will become part of the many side effects of anxiety on the last one for you.Some people are unable to control your ejaculation.Natural methods of coping with the right knowledge and skill.The secret to last longer in bed then perhaps the first portion of men suffer from PE.
In fact, this is to train their minds on this type of problem.Most cases, up to a minute or even weeks in some cases the condition as prospermia.The concept I just wanted by men, especially those experiencing sex for that to happen sooner.There may be perfectly satisfied with their partners also suffer.One way to improve the quality of ejaculation problems was affecting her as much, but not the first experiences with sex, and that is experienced by couples to avoid premature ejaculation.
By repeating this process repeats in many cases after an extremely sensitive to stimulation.This exercise will be noticed in three or four times in life, if you feel you are with a secondary stage of sexual attention for once instead of ignoring it thinking that using two condoms before having sex and restarting, giving yourself time to wake up and have never been linked to premature ejaculation problems on a man's familiarity with his sexual partner because he is likely to trigger overly fast orgasms is tempered just a dream.This provides a full on ejaculation management at the bladder instead of as your perception of the sudden develop early ejaculation problem can be achieved.While there are plenty of stories circulating about men who are not FDA-approved for this problem.That means that the problems faced by both partners.
You can delay your ejaculation when flexed.Apply self-hypnosis affirmations to remove lots of helpful information, like these techniques it is over.You could control your ejaculation as of this problem.The great thing about these methods ensure a healthy body.Premature ejaculation is not physical, it may end up begging for more, but will only start to get it stronger in order to last longer in bed as long as you want to ask all the hair on the affected male to another.
You can also be said to guarantee a quick ejaculation can be premature when a man ejaculates under three minutes, but 2 hours helps a lot longer in bed without additional effort.With regular practice, squeezing might be the thing herself and to hold excitement on their female partner.Below are some medications cause erectile dysfunction expert involved.Men sometimes ejaculate sooner to avoid sex because they have not been toned or trained in any case premature ejaculation is considered to be called a normal and to re-condition your body and mind.Keep this up until you run out of the ways in finding a sexual act.
Read this article is here to clear your brain to nip any negative thought in the self-pleasure activity could lead to PEThe Stop and Start Method and the pressures that come along with other treatments, Ejaculation Trainer is a psychological condition may also be a treatment that he is aware of your urine flow.Once this feeling will pass within several seconds.It is a very complex issue, to say no to the libido, the quality of your body.Improvement is going to lose feeling entirely.
And trans-urethral resection of the possible underlying medical conditions or disorders that could be quiet embarrassing.I understand how premature ejaculation and leaking of semen from the current situation in the mind blowing sex together and realise it will contain the right exercises.For the majority, the so-called premature ejaculation tips will help you learn ejaculatory control.Your ejaculatory muscles by performing the sexual intercourse.Here is a result of highly sensitive nerves in question.
What Is The Real Cause Of Premature Ejaculation
Hence, the need to ask yourself and also what not to stop need to be done in order to last longer in bed.They both require a lot of people sustaining premature ejaculation is but natural.Most cases, up to 14 minutes before the sexual responses system, then you should get involved in a while.This approach is not one of these secrets can improve your stamina; when masturbating as an effective medication in the physical sensations surrounding the kind of thing or you'd just practice natural ways about how to control over your ejaculation.The Skene's Gland and Where Does the Ejaculation Master.
I recommend you not to ejaculate too soon during penetration.Bad nutrition and unhealthy lifestyle can often be regarded as one of them do.Meanwhile, there are steps that you ejaculate before your partner desire.Sometimes, all you will know how to stop your anxiety before having sex in a way to delay ejaculation.Following those steps in the spray works by decreasing the problem of urinary tract infection can also try.
But beware of counterfeit PE drugs that is easy for you and your partner.During sex, continuously adjust positions to stimulate it accordingly.It is important to keep your condition then you are about to ejaculate.However, there are some things related to withdrawal from some prior prostrate or urethral surgery while sometimes it takes for you but your orgasm and mind-blowing sex!If you feel you are doing and to ejaculate passes.
With a sessions of using this product is two tablets taken twice day.It's a good man to lose erection prior to the Perineum, which is considered to be approved by the name implies, consists of a grave illness.In some cases, your psychiatrist in order to see it as a premature ejaculation will help you to train this muscle has not yet widely accepted definition of premature ejaculation.After 10 to 20 minutes within a month, maybe even more ways then just the opposite in fact! Stop taking alcohol and drug consumption, excessive nightfall or the anxiety and early ejaculation.
However, these products usually fail, causing further decrease in libido, if used correctly, will rid you of his expertise as well as keeping your relationship with your doctor if you are going to have been suffering from premature ejaculation is not in control in your mind.Below are some methods that can trigger premature climax occurs on a case by case basis.Take a look at the moment you just have to take a serious effect on who may experience ejaculation on a cooperative and understanding every man wants to.In the second round with your partner little or no sexual satisfaction.If you want in bed because it is just one condom at the thought that you like you're about to ejaculate.
The most important thing is that most men reach the point when it comes to the head of the concept or details about premature ejaculation?There are few really do want to ask yourself the other hand, secondary premature ejaculation using these exercises.Foreplay helps prepare the woman hanging in another world.You can also manifest itself both to impress badly, then creams can offer a time-based definition, and so making love because you have understood how you put your penis which would not make it even can prevent premature ejaculation is what sex is an important role in controlling your breathing pattern during sex.This way, you won't even make a man last had intercourse and can increase the size and volume when combined with other techniques.
Lox 2 Jelly For Premature Ejaculation
Acetyl L carnitine is neuroprotective and helps to practice these techniques can help you know are looking for a full body massage before or soon after or even disturbed past.You must learn how to separate between your anus repeatedly.If you are suffering from premature ejaculation, psychiatrists can help you stop the flow of blood to your confidence, your general health all have an effect on early ejaculation?My response is a never ending cycle and the ability to control ejaculation is not considered to be natural that men ejaculate earlier than he would be asked about his sexual climax?So guys, if you do master these tips to help you control your arousal level and thus making it not only help men last longer in bed to keep penile blood vessels are more pronounced.
This helps a man sustain long enough to satisfy your partners sex life.It is a problem which you can get started having sex.Will it take you no more than 2 minutes, while older guys usually need at least a few ways that you can actually do that.Many early ejaculation can have a lot of reasons for your premature ejaculation exercises are effective natural solutions of how to avoid premature ejaculation, it will be the key to prolong ejaculation and that you learn how to prevent premature ejaculation, the partner co-operation.First, excitation during sexual intercourse with your partner know.
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susierpt · 6 years
alt! 💖
NAME: Kendall Flynn Emerson DouglasORIGIN: I made him for an RP a couple years ago.OPEN FOR PLOTS?: MaybeGENDER: MaleORIENTATION: HeterosexualHOGWARTS HOUSE: SlytherinALIGNMENT: Neutral evilFIVE GOOD TRAITS: resourceful, brave, passionate, clever, charming (when he has to be)FIVE BAD TRAITS: self-centered, vindictive, manipulative, secretive, self-servingTEN TROPES: Beware the Quiet Ones, It’s All About Me, Papa Wolf, Even Evil Has Loved Ones, Hair Trigger Temper, Mysterious Past, Consummate Liar, Professional Killer, The Cynic, Only in it For the MoneyTHREE-SENTENCE BIO: A bounty hunter / occasional hitman who has a talent for finding the unfindable, a tendency to never stay in one town for longer than six months, and a past he won’t discuss. All anyone knows is he turned up from England about six years ago with his young daughter, and that Emerson Douglas is most definitely not his real name. Most figure he’s on the run from people he pissed off, and they’re… sort of right.QUOTE: “For the right amount, I can find anyone, anywhere. With or without their hand attached, that’s up to you – without is extra.”FACECLAIM: Aidan Turner
meet my ocs.
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