#hc: black woz
theheartsofheroes · 5 years
(*Addams Family opening now* trope trope trope trope *snap snap* trope trope trope trope *snap snap* trope trope trope trope, trope trope trope trope, trope trope trope trope *snap snap*)
For every “Trope” I get, I will post a TV trope for my muse.
[AGAIN!? REI! YOU MONSTER! I better get some RI soon for this lmao j/k I love you have some Riders]
1. Black Woz - Berzerk Button: A slightly more downplayed example; he gets quite peeved when people interrupt or ruin his dramatic moments or speeches, but he tries to remain composed, if only to try to get back into the spirit of the moment.
2. Geiz - Hair-Trigger Temper: He can go from stoic and unmoving to attempting murder screaming in two seconds flat. On better times, he express his disagreement with Sougo with a scathing glare. Worse times, he grabs Sougo and shakes him out of nowhere. When Sougo forces Woz to apologize in #28, Geiz tackles Woz and tries to strangle him (or something).
3. Emu - Be Careful What You Wish For: Back when he was a little kid, Emu loved video games, but always wanted a friend to play them with him. That friend he got was Pallad.
4. Pallad - Attention Deficit… Ooh, Shiny!: Very few things can keep Pallad’s attention for long, except when he’s playing with Emu or Graphite.
5. Euryale - 
Sssssnaketalk: She does have a tendency to over-enunciate her ‘S’ and ‘TH’ sounds just a bit, but not enough to be annoying.
6. Mitsuzane - The Atoner: Has been trying to make up for all the things that he’s done to the point of trying to have himself arrested.
7. Shinnosuke - Deadpan Snarker: In AND out of combat. He’s probably the most sarcastic Rider, and being a lazy, cynical police officer instead of a hardened hero or an innocent Wide-Eyed Idealist might have something to do with that. In combat, he’s just like Spider-Man, constantly taking the chance to annoy, bicker with and insult his opponents with quips, puns and snarks.
8. Takumi - Comfort Food: Tamagoyaki prepared by his mother. He apparently liked it so sweet that it’s unbearable for anyone else to eat.
9. Otoya - Beware the Silly Ones: He’s constantly seen as an overly flirty person, with him being IXA seemingly the most serious he’s willing to get. He also ends up becoming the second person to become Dark Kiva, and the only human in the show to do so.
10. Yukiko - Character Tics: Yukiko will mess with her hair when she’s stumped on a project, often times so much so that it comes free of whatever she’s used to keep it out of her face.
11. Nyoko - Back from the Dead: Doctors were able to revive Nyoko after her suicide attempt. Her temporary death granted her the ability to become Draugr.
12. Tatsuya - Bash Brothers: With Masaru Sawatari. Masa and Tat are best friends who are basically brothers despite their differences and will fight together no matter what.
13. White Woz - Light Is Not Good: Both his outfit and Rider form sport glittering silver colors with neon green. White Woz is anything but pure white on the inside.
14: Oren - Character Development: Originally a Child Hater, watching the younger Riders fight for their home made him admire their childish determination leading to him becoming a nicer person and helping them out because it is an adult’s duty to help children. Arguably, it comes earlier than that. Realizing the children, particularly Kouta, he so easily kept dismissing were far more on the ball than he was and was giving them credit for, and getting lost in Helheim, would be a humbling experience. It helps that Kouta held no grudges towards Oren, despite the latter having treated the former like a thug the moment they met.
15. Tomoko - Playful Hacker: She's hacked onto the school frame twice; one for the warning messages in Episode 2, the other for deleting every photo on the school's mainframe (especially those that included her wearing her ribbon the wrong way) in Episode 7.
16. Belt-san - Prophetic Names: We have a man named Steinbelt becoming a belt. Shinnosuke notes this once he learns "Belt-san's" real name in Episode 10.
17. Jun - Sleeping with the Boss: While Jun is Takatora’s personal assistant and they are in a relationship, they mostly keep their personal lives away from the office.
18. Vernage - Physical God: Her first display of power terrifies Seito enough that they fall back for the time being out of sheer fear of her. At full power she was capable of taking on full power Evolt one on one and fighting him to a draw.
19. Takeru - Death by Origin Story: At the very start of the series, he is slain by Gamma. But then gets an another take on life, with the benefit of becoming a Kamen Rider.
20. Kosuke - Ditzy Genius: Tends to lose his train of thought and go off on weird tangents making you forget that he is a skilled fighter and a talented archeologist.
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dresspheres · 4 years
630 Icons | Black Woz | Kamen Rider Zi-O
630 Icons for Black Woz from Kamen Rider Zi-O.
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Do you ship Woz with anyone? What's you hc, 19, about Woz?
I absolutely do! I ship him with Sougo, with Geiz, with both of them at once, with any additional Woz conveniently available assuming they don’t hate each other (so for like five minutes mid-series). I also of course acknowledge that he’s clearly in love with Oma Zi-O, at least at the beginning of the show, although that’s not necessarily something I’d want to. Like. Write about.
I mentioned one Woz headcanon in a previous ask (blushes easily, will hide in scarf to conceal this), but here are a few others. These are all generally about Black Woz, although some can be applied to any Woz currently present.
Apart from being the strange time-traveling book man that he is, he does actually read for fun. Mostly he reads histories and classic literature, but he’s also quietly very into science fiction, for I think obvious reasons.
He has never cursed in his entire life and would immediately blush if induced to say “fuck.”
The book is an integrated part of his being, but didn’t start that way. While he does have some inherent powers, like everyone else on the main cast, the book thing is something that was done to him.
He can sew--not necessarily enough to make an especially complex garment, but enough to make and maintain his own clothes when necessary.
He has no idea how old he is. Like, he’s probably 20 or 21, but he couldn’t possibly tell you when his birthday is or how many of them he’s had. This doesn’t bother him, although it tends to bother other people when they find out.
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narashikari · 5 years
Woz for the ask thing
favorite thing about them
He’s just so extra lol. Like, he doesn’t do anything halfway.
least favorite thing about them
The henshin tune is a bit much for me. Like, the henshin itself is spot on but the music is a bit... eh???
favorite line
“IWAE!!!” To the point where I use IWAE, in all caps, as a verb for what he does.
Ex: Woz IWAEs for the sake of his Maou.
Dark Toei, give me the Woz/Geiz/Tsukuyomi backstory... they really shafted us on the 2068 stuff.
I don’t really ship him with anyone but if you twisted my arm maybe Sougo? Idk
No Wozcest in my blog please
random headcanon
Because Sougo and Geiz end up running a dance school and Tsukuyomi becomes a history teacher in my hcs, Woz was the one who took over Nine-to-Five when Uncle retired.
unpopular opinion
I think it would’ve been more interesting if White Woz was Kamen Rider Woz the whole time. I just feel like making White only to give Black the powers anyway was a copout. And it would’ve been interesting to see their conflict as White Woz grew more powerful. Not to mention the potential ANGST from Black Woz feeling useless for his Maou.
song i associate with them
Aw hell I’m genuinely gonna suck at this question. Is it okay if I skip it?
favorite picture of them
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I think I called it him being like a Greeed but instead of Medals paper came out of him. And I stand by that comparison.
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dresspheres · 4 years
408 Icons | White Woz | Kamen Rider Zi-O
408 Icons for White Woz from Kamen Rider Zi-O.
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