speedingly · 3 years
[ BEST UNCLE EVER ] Last I checked, she’s hanging in there. 
[ BEST UNCLE EVER ] You have a boyfriend? Ugh, you kids are growing up too fast. If your cousin Luna told me the same thing, it would take me days to recover. 
[ BEST NEPHEW EVER ] I only want the best for her. 
[ BEST NEPHEW EVER ] His name is Noh-Varr! We were on the same team but it wasn’t until he started taking me out to space with him alone that I really fell for him. I’ll have to introduce you to him soon since you’re in town? 
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speedingly · 3 years
Noh-Varr was silent for a long time, his brow knit in a tight furrow. “I admit… that I do not know how to ‘freak out’ in this instance. It is unsettling to me. Seeing you injured.” The snow-haired male explained in a quiet tone. “I was always aware that you were susceptible to injury, given that durability was not one of the mutations afforded to you, but you always had your speed to keep such an event from happening. To know that it is still possible…” He sighed and just shook his head.
As they nestled into the bedding, Noh listened to Tommy’s words. “Yes.” He responded with a tiny smile. “I do like the sound of you spending more time here.” He expressed, running his hands lightly over the other. The Kree was content with the other’s presence so, that he hadn’t even realized he had fallen into a series of silent thoughts until several moments had passed.
“Are you at ease, Tommy, or should I help you relieve tension?” The question was blunt, but Noh-Varr did not mean it in quite such an overtly sexual and direct tone, despite his intended thoughts. Rather, he knew that such acts were often quite effective at bringing a sense of ease to individuals and so the question was a logical one.
“I think that’s the appropriate response to these kind of situations. You know?” Tommy is pretty sure that nobody should be used to the kind of situations. Injuries usually come with the territory of being a hero, even if that’s a word he’s not really fond of. “I wish durability was one of my abilities gifted to me. I’ve gotten so used to being fast that I think I’m untouchable. This is a wake up call that I can be hurt. I don’t know what to do with that information yet but all I’ve got now is time to think about it.” He realizes that this is difficult for Noh too. “It’s new for both of us, huh? I hope injuries like these don’t happen often. I have discovered that I don’t do well with pain.” How unfortunate, right?
The bedding is comfortable and the fact Tommy is here with Noh-Varr makes it that much better. It all smells like him, like being surrounded by his comfort. His lips smiling while leaning his head against his lover’s shoulder. He hasn’t felt this at peace in days. “I like being here. I like being anywhere with you, even if it’s exploring other planets.” He says this softly, leaning up to press a soft kiss to the other’s cheek before relaxing back into his spot. “Remember that one time I got lost and you had to come find me?” He chuckles a bit, knowing that he shouldn’t have tried to read a sign that was in an alien language that he didn’t speak.
Tommy blushes at the question. “I’m at ease right now but I wouldn’t say no to us relieving some tension.” He thinks about it for a moment, moving in a way to pull his boyfriend on top of him. “You don’t have to treat me like glass but be gentle, yeah?”
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speedingly · 3 years
[ BEST UNCLE EVER ] Well, if you see him, tell him I’d like to have a word with him.
[ BEST UNCLE EVER ] Okay, this is why I should not try to play bad cop. I know who I’m talking to. Where have you been hiding, buddy? I just met with your mom. I promised I’d keep an eye on you and your brother while she’s recovering. 
[ BEST NEPHEW EVER ] You tried. I’ll give you that. 😜
[ BEST NEPHEW EVER ] How is she today?
[ BEST NEPHEW EVER ] When I’m not home I’m usually at my boyfriend’s place. Right now though? I’m sitting on a random bench with some french fries.
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speedingly · 3 years
Appreciation || Pietro & Tommy
[ Best Uncle Ever ]: Word on the street is that there’s someone impersonating me in the city. Likes to stick his nose into everything. Looks a lot like me. 
[ Best Uncle Ever ]: Sound familiar to you?
[ BEST NEPHEW EVER ] Someone impersonating you? Now who would be doing that . . . 
[ BEST NEPHEW EVER ]  I have no idea what you’re talking about! 😇
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speedingly · 3 years
Delayed Retribution
Erik had taken great care at and after the explosion not to let Wanda see the injury she’d inflicted on her son. If she found out, and he suspected that she would eventually, it would not be from him. Tommy would be fine - a broken arm, a bone that would quickly heal - but the grief it would cause her would far outstrip the damage she’d done. It had seemed better for all of them that she not know. He’d checked in enough to know that he’d received care and that the only thing to be done was wait. 
The debacle with NOVA and Tommy’s injury had delayed the plans he’d made to deal with the scientists and doctors that he’d tracked. Still, he didn’t let them slip away. He’d kept his tabs, and when his grandson had healed he was ready to move. Unlike the times prior, Erik arrived at the house his daughter and grandsons shared. He’d gifted it to them nearly two years prior and, though he never said a word of it, it made him glad that they still stayed there. Still, he knocked. It was their home, no matter how they’d acquired it. 
“Thomas,” he called through the door. With any luck, he would get the right twin. Billy, much like his mother and uncle, would likely try to interfere with what they were doing.
There’s relief in his arm finally healing itself. The bone had been fractured in two places and the last couple of weeks have proved to be quite difficult to manage. He hasn’t really been dealing with that trauma well as most might think but that’s how the speedster goes about with anything that happens throughout his life. He pushes it down as if stuffing everything into it’s own concealed box. These are filed away somewhere in his mind to deal with at a later time. Tommy usually is good about keeping his composure until pushed to his limits and they all come tumbling off the shelves and the lids of each box come off — revealing his true colors all at once. He might have gotten better at showing his emotions but certain things aren’t dealt with for a reason. The Shepherds? One of the memories hidden away to deal with when the moment feels right.
Plans were established that have been delayed but Tommy understands the reasoning. Yet the thought lingers, wondering when they’ll finally take action. The voice on the other side of the door pulls the white-haired boy out of his thoughts, jolting up while racing over to the door. His hand swiftly opens it up and grins up at Erik. “Hi, grandpa. You came to visit me? Do you want to come in?” He leaves the door open and is racing around the room faster than anyone could see . . .  trying to clean up a little. Mostly his snacks that he has been working on the last hour or two.
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speedingly · 3 years
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billy&tommy. watching cat videos together
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speedingly · 4 years
“I do not know how to properly ‘freak out’ about this. You were injured. You were injured and I was not there to protect you.” Noh-Varr stated with a stern tone. He knew Tommy had obligations to this ‘Avenging League’ - obligations that would take him away from him at certain times as long as Noh remained unaffiliated with the group. After seeing Tommy walk up with a cast on his arm, he could only imagine - what if it had been worse? He was already making mental reminders for himself to speak with Billy or whomever was necessary about this League. 
“Your… own mother did this?” Noh repeated, visibly stunned at the information. He stepped closer to the speedster and listened as he spoke. “Tommy…” The name was all that came to him. He didn’t know how to express the comfort he wanted to instill in the other. Instead, his arms wrapped around him at his gentle request.
“I will not seek retaliation. You can stay here, always, Tommy. You never need to have a reason to do so.” Noh spoke quietly. It was difficult to not immediately tune out the world - to not enter ‘white running’ and track down this mother; this Wanda Maximoff, and engage her. It was a fool’s errand in the end, anyway. Noh-Varr knew little of many of the mutants and other heroes in the world, but he knew how powerful Wanda Maximoff supposedly was. He had inferred as much from his dealings with Billy. The magi was immensely powerful, so it only stood as logical reason that his mother would be so as well. Noh was resilient, but he was not invulnerable, so perhaps Tommy’s request was a positive in this scenario.
Noh gently led Tommy deeper into the ship, down one of its branching hallways and through the hydraulic doorways of his bedroom. A few articles of clothing were strung here and there, but he paid them no mind as he climbed into the bed and took the speedster into his arms there - bringing the blanket up around them. “I know your mission did not go as foreseen, but it seems the end goal was successful. This ‘NOVA’ organization is no more.” Noh spoke idly.
This is unexpected. Tommy never had someone in his life that wanted to be there to protect him before and it’s too late to even dare trying to hide the blush appearing on his cheeks. The speedster knew what kind of obligations would be expected of him when it comes to the Avenging League but maybe there was some naive feelings toward the concept of injuries. He always felt indestructible . . . not able to be touched. The white haired speedster didn’t even calculate the option for a broken arm but maybe they can freak out about it together? “You can freak out however you’d like to . . . I won’t stop you from doing so. I don’t even know how to properly freak out about it. I cried a lot mostly when it happened because it hurt so bad. I don’t want you feeling guilty for not being there. Okay? You couldn’t have known this would happen.” None of them did.
“Yes.” Tommy used to hate holding hands and affection in his teenage years but since then? He has grown to gravitate toward it from those he cares about. Which means being in Noh’s arms is certainly his happy place. He leans his head against his boyfriend’s chest for a moment, just enjoying this moment. The warmth that is provided by being close to him. The fact his request was being respected makes him happy — much rather just relax here together than worry about Noh getting hurt too. “Thank you. I don’t like being alone and falling asleep next to you makes me feel safe.” He pulls back to look at the other before being led deeper into the ship. He’s brought down familiar hallways, traveled down many times before.
The bedroom is waiting for them behind one of the doorways and Tommy doesn’t mind the mess. He kicks off his shoes before crawling into the bed. He settles into Noh’s arms easily . . . and his lead leads against his shoulder after the blanket is covering them. For the first time since the incident Tommy truly allowing himself to relax. “NOVA is gone which was definitely the end goal. I just wish Bruce didn’t have to give his life to reach it.” He sighs, moving his head to look up at Noh. “I’m not doing any missions for a while with this thing so I’ll be spending the night here with you more often. I like the sound of that, don’t you?” One positive thing from having a broken arm.
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speedingly · 4 years
There was a little spike of relief as Tommy agreed. It would have been far more stressful if his brother, against all odds and inclinations, had sealed himself away and alone. That would’ve been as worrisome as what their mother was doing. Maybe even more. Wanda, at least, tended to often be in her own head like Billy was. Tommy was usually quite the opposite.
“Can do,” he agreed, heading off to go turn on the system and get the controllers both set up. It only took a minute, and once he was done he went into the kitchen to help Tommy carry things if he needed it. “No Noh today?” he asked, grabbing drinks from the fridge. “You know he can come over.” He didn’t think either of them would mind the extra company right then. Billy was trying everything he could think of to keep himself from withdrawing and wallowing. 
It could be so easy to seclude himself from the world and just wallow in what happened to him. Tommy has done that enough in his upbringing. He remembers being locked up in his cell, walls laced with power dampening technology and a collar around his neck with the intention to keep him in line. Those were the years he spent really sitting around just reflecting on his trauma. The needles that would puncture his skin and how nobody was allowed to visit him. Although it wasn’t like his parents would have even if they could. Tommy liked to do things and keep himself busy now. This is how different he is in adulthood.
He went into the kitchen, grabbing as many snacks that could fit in his arms. He even managed two drinks as well from the fridge. He might have been able to handle it but Billy coming to help is a good thing. He passes off half the load to him. Stupid broken arm. “Not today. I spent the night at his place two nights ago? Now . . . don’t tease me for saying the but I feel bad for worrying him. ” His boyfriend was protective from the first moment that he saw the injury and Tommy liked that but doesn’t want him trying to fight his mother or anything. “Noh stopped over? When?” 
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speedingly · 4 years
Barry had just finished putting together the last couple of finger sandwiches when Tommy’s knock came at the door. Wheeling himself into the living room, the positioned himself and swung the door open with a smile upon his face. “Hey, don’t worry about it Tommy.” Barry responded and waved for the white-haired young man to come inside. “I made us some sandwiches. Figured we may as well have a snack of some sort while we hang out.” He explained as he rolled away from the door. 
Tommy doesn’t like seeing Barry like this . . . but they can make the best out of their situation in the meantime. He’s intrigued to know how different their healing factors might work. How does it change depending on the severity of an injury? He doesn’t get hurt this badly enough to know but Tommy is also sure that isn’t appropriate conversation. “Thanks for being so cool.” He pushes some white hair out of his face while following Barry to where the sandwiches were waiting for them. “I never say no to snacks.” He settled down in a chair and pulled one off the plate to examine it. “What kind are they? I’ll eat anything so it doesn’t really matter but I’m curious anyway. They look good so thanks again, Barry.” There he goes using his manners for once. Recent events put a lot of things into perspective. The speedster decides to finally take a bite of the sandwich in his hand.
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speedingly · 4 years
When: Present Day Where: District X - Streets With: Tommy @speedingly​
Zach hadn’t planned on visiting the District but he did want to see if there was anything he could help with; while he’d not done much during the attack save to get people evacuated he was a dab hand at repairing buildings and damaged roads, inanimate things had always been easy for him to manipulate. So he was offering his services, more open to it now it seemed he wouldn’t be incarcerated for the task and had fixed about thirty or so windows and a damaged wall by the time he saw a familiar face (for once) walking at regular pace.
“Tommy?” he asked, heading over and noting the other’s cast. It was green, definitely a theme to this one. “I guess even speedsters don’t get out of all things unscathed.” he gestured at the injury, “Want my autograph?” Zach smirked, at least trying to put on his usual behaviour. 
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It feels rotten being so useless but Tommy doesn’t know if it’s safe to use his powers right now. He doesn’t know how that will affect his healing process just yet. It really does suck being slow but quickly decided that walking at such a regular pace isn’t his favorite experience. He wandered around the District, observing everyone from a distance. If he wasn’t injured then rebuilding wouldn’t take much time at all with his speed but unfortunately lifting anything heavy won’t happen for a while.
“Zach?” Tommy didn’t expect to see his friend here in the District but this might be a welcomed distraction that’s needed right now. His gaze look down at the cast and shrugs his shoulders. “It’s the first time I broke anything . . . fractured my arm in two places.” He looks back up at Zach with a smile while holding it out to him carefully. “Sure, you’ll be the first.”
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speedingly · 4 years
( @speedingly )
Barry had been worried about Tommy ever since their team had made that slow trek back to Star City following their disastrous mission. He was worried about his injuries, but also about his mental state. It had been Tommy’s own mother, after all, who had broken down over Bruce’s death; her powers that had caused injury to so many of her allies. It was difficult to believe that Bruce was really gone. It hurt and Barry wished more than anything there was something he could do to make things right, but he knew there wasn’t. They just needed to find a way to move on, even if it seemed impossible. It was for that reason that he wasn’t angry with Wanda at all. Of course, it did help that his healing factor had finally started kicking in. His legs were still a no-go, but the broken ribs were now just deep bruising that hurt whenever he moved. Or breathed. Or turned the wrong way. Progress though!
The bone in his right leg had set itself and was just as equally bruised, from Barry’s own self-examination, but there was still no feeling in them. The broken vertebrae in his lower back ached constantly as his body desperately tried to fix things. It would take time and until then, Barry was stuck at home or only able to go wherever his wheelchair could take him. Work had been a mess to try and explain is way out of – he really should just get with Jim one of these days and loop him in. Jim knew about Bruce, after all, and they seemed good. 
Slouching slightly in his wheelchair to try and ease the pain in his back, Barry rolled his way through the kitchen - putting together a number of finger sandwiches as he waited for Tommy to make his way over for a proper visit. 
It might have been the first time Tommy cried in front of an audience. He wasn’t a stranger to showcasing emotion anymore but it was usually more private. The pain was so unbearable at the time that it just came pouring out like a flood. He doesn’t want to go through breaking one of his bones again as walking around with his arm in a bright green cast makes him feel weak. He couldn’t sit around and do nothing though . . . that won’t help anyone. Tommy has been making the rounds to visit the people he cares about and the next person on the list was his mentor. Barry sufferer from injuries that were worse based on what the white-haired speedster could remember. Everything happened so fast and Anna took him away before he could go check on anyone else. Maybe it was for the best . . . what use would he have been to anyone with his forearm fractured in two places? Worry has made a home in his chest though . . . hoping that Barry is starting to heal.
It was going to take some time for his own injuries to heal. He has never broken bones before so Tommy wonders if his body even knows what to do yet. It will likely take weeks but for someone like him? The time will just feel like months.
Once the white-haired boy arrives and he uses his non-injured hand knock on the door. He doesn’t know what to expect. “Barry? It’s Tommy . . . I’m a few minutes late since I took the long way here.” Maybe he’s afraid of what will happen if he moves at super-speed with broken limbs . . . not wanting to make it worse since this situation is unknown territory. He plans on asking the older speedster about it at some point before the night is over. Until that moment? Tommy is waiting patiently to spend time with one of his favorite people despite somber circumstances.
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speedingly · 4 years
Overdue Introduction || Lucifer and Tommy
Lucifer had met Tommy Shepherd briefly at the massive Thanksgiving feast that had been hosted at a Manor by Billy’s mother. Then, he had been alarmed by their resemblance but had not had much time to follow up on it. He had been good, though. He hadn’t made a single lecherous comment about twins though he would most certainly have done so in the past. Billy wasn’t really the type to laugh at those jokes, though. Lucifer did his best to keep things harmonious with Billy, though he hadn’t been doing a very good job recently. Their spat had gone on for quite a while and it left Lucifer feeling… frankly gross all the time, so he had done the first steps of repairing things. 
So it wasn’t exceedingly awkward when he looked up and saw a familiar shock of white hair approaching the bar. Lucifer was still shaken by how much this boy–Tommy–looked like Billy, but he gave him a smile anyway. Catching sight of the cast, he raised a brow. “Tommy, isn’t it?” He asked. “Come for something to dull the pain of whatever happened there?”
This isn’t the scene Tommy typically finds himself in but occasionally finds himself making his way out to the local bar. Sometimes this is for some form of enjoyment but today it was about searching for a distraction. Maybe not thinking about all of the things that have happened to him in the past for a little while will help. He stood near the bar but didn’t order anything yet as someone approached him. Tommy took a look at the man and recognized him from the massive Thanksgiving gathering his mother hosted.
“Yes . . . that’s right. Tommy is preferred but my full name is Thomas Jakob Shepherd.” His eyes glance down at his arm then over at Lucifer once more.  “I thought maybe getting a drink would help me stop thinking about it for at least a couple of hours. Any drink specials you’d recommend? I’m always up for trying something new.” His hand vaguely gesturing toward the bar with a slight smile on his face. The white-haired man is just glad they’re finally getting the chance to properly meet. Anyone important to Billy will be important to him too.
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speedingly · 4 years
The chaos in the city had calmed down and the cleaners were taking care of the colorful bits of paper and glitter in the streets. The news had been abuzz with the dissolving of the NOVA organization and even louder was the noise the push to repeal the Relocation program. Other parts of the community were dealing with news of those injured and those lost - including one Bruce Wayne, a well-known vigilante from what Noh could find out.
The man had stopped by his ship to shower and clean up before going back into the City when Tommy contacted him. He waited anxiously for the speedster to show, but when he did - his expression immediately hardened despite Tommy’s words. Hands went to Tommy’s shoulders before lips met the other’s and pulled away. “How am I not supposed to ‘freak out’?” He questioned and gently took the casted arm into his hand. 
“I am sorry I don’t have any sort of organic tissue recreation or medical facilities on this ship to take care of this…” He spoke through his frown. It was just a broken arm, but that didn’t matter. Someone had harmed Tommy; harmed his boyfriend. “Tell me who did this and I will pay them back.” He stated. 
The kiss is quick but it’s a softness that Tommy really needed right now. He holds onto this warm feeling even after they pull away from each other.  His green eyes just looking at Noh-Varr in a way that nobody else got from him. He doesn’t flinch as his casted arm is taken into his boyfriend’s hand. The hardened expression is expected. “You’re right. How can I expect you not to freak out when I’ve done plenty of it on my own already.” He will respect how Noh feels about the situation. “So, you can if you want to . . .” His voice gentle and tries to pair his words with a smile.
“It’s okay, you don’t need to apologize for any of that. Do you mind if I spend the night?” Tommy really doesn’t want to go back home and be on his own. He trusts Noh-Varr to take care of him if needed but this might be the best way to unwind and relax after everything that happened.
His eyes widen, remembering what happened. “My mother did this. Bruce died while we were on our mission . . . they were in love so she’s grieving right now. I know that she wouldn’t hurt me on purpose if the circumstances were different.” Tommy does think that it’s sweet how protective Noh-Varr is but this is the one time he doesn’t want him pursuing the person who harmed him. There will be trauma from the experience but Tommy isn’t a stranger to figuring out a new coping mechanism. He isn’t mad or upset with Wanda though. It’s complicated.
“Promise me that you won’t do anything? Just stay with me, please.” Tommy leans against the other white-haired man in this moment and using that word doesn’t happen often which means that he really means it.
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speedingly · 4 years
LIKED for a starter! 🧤
"How are you feeling?" Anna asked softly, sitting on the edge of the couch next to Tommy. Erik wasn't home yet, she didn't expect him for at least another hour, and it was a good time for them to catch up. The chaos after the battlefield had been terrifying, to say the least. She'd been left to get Tommy to safety and ensure he receive prompt medical attention. It wasn't until much later that she spoke with Erik, who explained what had happened to Wanda.
She couldn't imagine how hard it had to be for Tommy. Both boys had already visited Wanda in her dream world, but she knew the sight of her suffering wouldn't bring much comfort.
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“Rotten.” Tommy looks over at Anna as they sat on the couch together. He doesn’t like having broken bones it has been decided. He also feels useless not being able to do anything that could help his mother. It’s not easy seeing her like this. “I hate this thing but at least it’s green like I wanted.” He says while gently waving the casted limb in the air vaguely. It had a few signatures on it by now which at least makes it appealing to look at. He rests his hands in his lap and stares at them for a while until looking back up at Anna. There was something about the other Mutant that makes him feel like he’s able to trust her. After all, they are family, right?
“I always thought I was indestructible . . . so I made a habit out of being reckless because I believed nothing could hurt me. How foolish of me . . . I didn’t think I was able to break any bones.” He sighs and slumps into the couch. “I don’t know what to do with myself, Anna.” It shouldn’t be all about him. He doesn’t know what grief feels like in the way his mother is experiencing it but still, Tommy doesn’t like seeing her suffer. “How are you feeling with all of this?”
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speedingly · 4 years
The time between the explosion at NOVA’s base and and the rest of the League finally getting contact from Team A felt like it lasted a hundred years. Billy heard from his grandfather before it came, in fact, and it was through him that he found out that his family was safe. His mother, grandfather, and brother had all made it out alive. That couldn’t be said for everyone, and Billy did grieve for Bruce Wayne and for the state it left Wanda in, but there was some selfish relief in there, too, that the three of them were alright. He regretted not going to the site of the explosion, couldn’t help but think if he’d been there with them that he might have been able to do something. If Wanda hadn’t, though, then…maybe not. He didn’t voice the thought, anyway. 
Tommy’s busted arm would heal, probably far more quickly than a regular person’s. If it had happened under different circumstances, Billy might not have paid it much mind. As it stood, though, their mother had put herself in some kind of fugue state. She was staying with their grandfather and Anna. Things with Lucifer were…complicated, and Billy felt like he was left floundering all around. Tommy was he only person he had fully accessible, and he was lonely. 
Once he’d pulled himself out of bed that day, against the very deep desire to remain there forever, he knocked on his brothers door. “Wanna play Mario Kart? You can do it with one hand.” 
The speedster isn’t sure how long it would take his arm to heal. It’ll be faster than that of an ordinary person but still be several weeks of wearing the cast. He hasn’t used his abilities since the injury and it’s making him feel a variety of emotions. This is the first broken bone he has ever had after all . . . but will have to deal with the healing process. Two days ago Tommy slept at Noh-Varr’s place but he returned home last night. This morning felt quiet, staring up at his ceiling while remaining lost in his thoughts. He’s tossing an old tennis ball up into the air and letting it hit the ceiling a few times before growing bored of the activity. He lets it fall out of his palm and roll onto the floor. It keeps going until hitting his closet doors. Everything feels complicated now but just hopes his mother will be okay. Tommy doesn’t care about anything else.
There’s a knock on his door and that pulls him out of the chaos that’s his own mind. Green eyes look at the door and groans softly while getting out of bed. He pushes white strands of hair out of his eyes . . . moving to open the door. It was only the two of them here so Tommy expected to see Billy on the other side. Maybe it would be a good idea to keep each other company after everything that happened. “I’ll play Mario Kart. You go get it set up and I’ll grab some snacks. We can’t do some gaming without something to eat.” Maybe they both wanted to remain in bed all day but they gathered enough energy to keep each other company instead.
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speedingly · 4 years
To the outside observer, there was clearly something very wrong with Wanda Maximoff. She was alive, she could move around, feed herself, and care for basics. But her expression was blank. Her emotions were non-existent. She barely spoke. Since she had retreated into her mind, it had been like this. Like she was a shadow or a ghost. Sometimes she would settle in some unobtrusive corner and not move for hours, her eyes closed or just staring blankly. When someone spoke directly to her, though, when they needed to have a real conversation with her much like her son was asking for, they would soon find their mind drawn into her own.
It was warm in Wundagore today, and Wanda wore a long flowing skirt embroidered with bright flowers. Marya had made it for her, and she sat by the fire with her mother, fingers busy making up a beaded headpiece as she talked. Tommy appeared beside her, as if he had always been there, and Wanda had to remember to switch from Transian to English. “Hello, shoshi bitti,” she greeted, hand reaching out to catch his. Her large eyes watched his face before she spoke to Marya at her side, introducing her son to her mother. “This is your grandmother,” she told him, nodding to the other woman. “She raised me and Uncle Pietro.”
It was loud here. And boisterous and happy. Jovial. So unlike the real world where their physical bodies sat. Wasn’t that better for now? She thought it was.
It happened in an instant and Tommy was suddenly somewhere very different. He doesn’t know how but doesn’t question it due to being aware of how powerful his mother is. He can’t possibly imagine what it feels like to lose someone you love and all the white-haired boy wanted was for Wanda to be happy. He wishes that there was a way for him to rewrite time to make that possible for her but that isn’t how life works, is it? He accepts that and maybe just being here would be enough. The support through these dark times. Which is what brought him here to somewhere warm. This is a place unknown to him but Tommy has barely left New York and New Jersey until his various journeys brought him to California. This isn’t any of those places but can tell that it’s important to his mother. Which means that he’ll learn to love it too in their time together.
“Mother!” Excitement is able to be seen on his face while looking over at Wanda, squeezing her hand gently. He forgets all about the outside world for now while in Wundagore. Tommy only focusing on spending time with his mother. He wants to ask where they are geographically but will let that come out naturally. For now? He just focuses on meeting Marya.
His free hand waves at his grandmother. “Hello. . .  it’s nice to meet you, grandma.” Tommy is trying to be polite because he’s genuinely interested in learning more about where he comes from. “Did you grow up here?” He asks in reference to the land around them and opening up when his green eyes look back to his mother filled with curiosity.
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speedingly · 4 years
Furlough || Steve and Tommy
He had already been to see Erik about Wanda. There was still an uneasy feeling in his stomach about all of that, though there was nothing really he could do for Wanda. He had to trust that her father and whatever other mutants might come in would be able to handle her and helping her. He just… didn’t like not being able to contribute anything to assist with fixing a situation. 
Steve could at least do something for Tommy, though. He didn’t know what was going on with the League just yet, as he and Diana had to discuss it and figure out what their next steps were, but regardless, Tommy deserved a break. Rest. His mother had broken his arm. There was trauma in that, surely, but he was also likely worried about her. If her children were anything like her, though, Wanda’s stubbornness had passed to them both. It was trait that seemed apparent in all of the Maximoffs. He wanted the boy to rest.
Knocking on the door to Wanda’s house, he waited on the doorstep. He’d picked up a pizza, feeling strange going empty handed. “Hey Tommy,” he greeted warmly as the door opened. “Hope you like pepperoni.”
The speedster feels like a ghost wandering through this home on his own. He doesn’t know what to do with himself after what happened on that mission. These rooms feel so empty and he finds himself just wandering through them searching for something that he isn’t aware of just yet. Memories of decorating the house for holidays with his mother come back to him and that just makes him miss her again. Tommy sat in the living room, gaze staring over at some television program with little interest.
Although a sudden knock on the door makes him jolt up off the couch. His hand quickly turning off the background noise and going to see who’s waiting on the doorstep. He’s thankful for company. “Uncle Steve!” Maybe his voice a little too loud, despite not sleeping well. This cast is so irritating. “I love pepperoni.” Tommy isn’t terribly picky though . . . any pizza topping is good in his book.
He steps aside to allow Steve to come inside before closing the door behind him and asking him the following question. “How are you?” The smell of the food brought in makes his stomach growl already as he reaches for a slice once the opportunity presented itself.
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