#Betsy the Guitar
fibrefox · 2 years
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ryokozawa · 19 days
Alison lying in a chaise lounge with an expensive drink and screaming every time someone pours water on her because she has a new hairstyle and it cost a hell of a lot more than their entire trip?
Renee building sand castles? With Nicky? Hell yeah.
Matt, Dan, Aaron, and Caitlin are having a water fight. Dan on Matt's shoulders, Kaitlyn on Aaron's shoulders (we know who lost (sorry, Aaron)).
Kevin trying to break his own record in a time race? That competitive nature...
Andrew and Neil sitting on the beach just talking? Neil talking about his mom? Telling the truth about her death? That is so heartfelt.
Wymack doesn't get paid extra for that... He, Abby and Betsy were minding their grown-up business when they got splashed with water.
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neil-minyard-josten · 4 months
Imagine Neil learning to play the guitar so he could sing for Andrew on his birthday to add good memories to add good memories to a day that has too many gruesome memories attached to it
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venusangelite · 2 years
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last few weeks (✯◡✯)
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popfizzles · 4 months
What kind of music does Darwin, Betsy and Clef like to play? Are they like a band together?
Darwin, Betsy, and Clef aren't a band, they're street musicians :) they're buskers!!
Darwin (the potted tulip toon) carries a small amp with him across the isles to plug in his keytar wherever he can set up shop. His favorite places to perform are small restaurants (he brings in business so most places let him do so for free)! He also does crowd work well, poking fun with bystanders and jeering people who walk past him without stopping or tipping. He's very "vicious mockery" core. Busking is Darwin's preferred work, but when days are slow, he picks up odd-jobs online instead.
Clef (the orange music note) has a tiny flatbed he drags a compact drum kit on. He prefers places with echos and great acoustics, like the subway or public parks. Clef isn't necessarily in busking for the cash he gets from it, since he has a well-paying office job on the side. Instead, Clef is concerned with just Making As Much Noise As Possible. If people stop by and toss him a few coins, that's just a bonus! Busking is cathartic for him!!
And Betsy (the purple catgirl toon) has an acoustic guitar that she likes to pluck on. She's softer than the other two, quieter, very peaceful and melodic. She finds quieter places to perform where she won't be too much of a disturbance to the people walking past, and keeps her guitar case open so people can tip her freely. Betsy is busking in order to help pay for medical bills regarding her broken tail. <:)
They know each other by virtue of performing in similar places, and having a sort of friendly conversations, solidarity between street musicians. Like workplace associates but much nicer about it?
They're all a strange sort of close where they don't know each other's last names, but they know each other's favorite things to get out of the vending machines. :)
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ask-nyc-boroughs · 3 months
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I’m realizing I never shared these doodles from April lol. Just Alfred/ USA and some of the undeniably Appalachian states being Jonah/ West Virginia, Maisie/ North Carolina, Betsy/ Tennessee, & Roy/ Kentucky mostly circa early 1800s. Early frontier and wars with indigenous nations, Alfred spent a lot of time with these states. I’ll try to keep everything brief cause lol I do have a lot of Maisie-specific lore that can be better expanded upon another time, but I wanna share them cause why not
Alfred went from being this grumpy New Englander to being a bit more lighthearted and more like the funny charming Alfred of today, and a lot for that happened cause he spent so much time with these states especially Maisie/ North Carolina who’s quite friendly, very confident in herself and isn’t afraid to speak her mind or share a couple of jokes. Alfred doesn’t like Maisie at first cause he thinks she’s uncouth and insane. Maisie thinks Alfred is an uptight little bitch. But Alfred and Maisie eventually develop feelings for one another and Maisie becomes his first love. However, Alfred and also Maisie are extremely stubborn and neither are afraid of confrontation- this eventually leads to the breakdown of the relationship.
Alfred also from spending time with all of them learns a lot of new musical styles and actually it brings him closer with many southern states that aren’t in Appalachia and western ones as he expands. This is where he begins becoming less of a New Englander and slowly learns to accept new ways of let’s say being American so he begins to grow into the national rep.
Hm ok so some of this I’ll explain more when I work on my revolution arc- but the short version is many of the east coast states are slightly older than Alfred. And they barely agreed to put Alfred in charge especially cause he’s very aggressively a New Englander. So southern states especially aren’t his biggest fan and are rather hesitant.
Jonah/ West Virginia not being a state for much of the early 1800s yet existing as a representative of then his older brother Rich/ Virginia’s back country led to him develop a bit of a chip on his shoulder. And he sees Alfred as an outsider so he doesn’t particularly like him.
States like Betsy/ Tennessee & Roy/ Kentucky are super young during the early 1800s so not much to say about them. Actually TBH I don’t have much information for either Betsy or Roy other than Betsy is a Melungeon & plays the mandolin and is very musically gifted. Roy plays the banjo. I think Jonah plays the fiddle and Maisie plays the guitar.
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latenightsimping · 9 months
headcanon i just dumped on my partner so now you gotta hear it lmao
I always headcanon eddie as autistic, with a specialist interest in music. Well what if guitar wasn't his first instrument?
Wayne taught him the banjo, or as much as he could; considering he himself was self taught. Eddie saw him play when he was knee high to a grasshopper, asked to learn, and that was that. Wayne even got him an old banjo from a pawn shop one Christmas, back when his Mama finally left his no good Daddy, and his love of music took off from there.
Eventually he figured that guitar wasn't much different (spoiler: it was), and ole Betsy only gets brought out for nostalgia or drunken shenanigans. But when he sings the songs Wayne used to play, he can't help but echo the lilt of his uncle's southern drawl, recalling the lyrics and cadences from that memory of Thanksgiving in '74.
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einsteinsugly · 2 years
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Does anyone want a T7S Titanic AU?
Steven Hyde (born 1885) as Jack Dawson: A twenty-six-year-old drifter from Chippewa Falls, Wisconsin, who gambled his way onto the Titanic. He's traveled throughout North America and western Europe, including Paris, Amsterdam, Edinburgh, and London, never settling down in one place. It's just him, his new friend Fez, a few books, and an acoustic guitar. Until he finds Jackie, a young woman who longs to free herself from the shackles of high society.
Jacqueline "Jackie" Burkhart (born 1887) as Rose Dewitt-Bukater: Part of the disgraced Burkhart family, her father Jack is in prison (he was on the wrong side of the law, and his trust was broken up by Teddy Roosevelt himself). And she's close to becoming an old maid, in her mother's eyes, so she must maintain appearances. And engage herself to a restless investment banker, and commit herself to misery. Like many before her.
Pamela "Pam" Burkhart (born 1865) as Ruth Dewitt-Bukater: Pam is desperate. Her husband is in prison, the money is almost gone, and she's trying to salvage what's left and save face. And that includes marrying her "old maid" of a daughter off to an investment banker.
Katherine "Kitty" Forman (nee Sigurdson) (born 1861) as Margaret "Molly" Brown: A former Wisconsinite and daughter of an abolitionist, she follows her restless husband Red to Chicago and then to Leadville, Colorado, where he strikes it rich. She's a mother, a nurse, and heads a soup kitchen. And as a part of the "nouveau riche," she's almost universally shunned by high society. But she's willing to lend a hand, when the rest? They hoard their riches, and sit on their laurels.
Michael Kelso (born 1885) as Tommy: A meager, reckless Scotsman and welder, hoping to find a better life in America with his wife Elizabeth "Brooke" (born 1883) and their children Elizabeth "Betsy" (born 1904) and John "Jay" (born 1910).
Fez (born 1886) as Fabrizio: Hyde's close friend, who he met in New York. He has accompanied him on his adventures in Paris, Amsterdam, Edinburgh, and London.
Karl Schmidt (born 1884) as Cal Hockley: Jackie's fiance. A hot-headed, ambitious investment banker.
Eric Forman (born 1886) as Lawrence "Larry" Brown: Shunning the family mining business by being a history professor at the University of Chicago and an amateur photographer and filmmaker, he's well known for consistently disappointing his father. But because of Red's failing health, his father appointed him to be the representative of the American branch of the Forman family at the family reunion in Northern Ireland. Unlike his father, he is notorious for being incredibly unlucky.
Donna Forman (nee Pinciotti) (born 1886): Eric's progressive suffragette wife and a promising freelancer, originally from New York, who fails to fit in with the society ladies. Her paternal grandmother (a Visconti) was born into old money, older than even the society ladies can possibly boast. But her father Bob also lucked out by investing in Henry Ford's business early on, largely due to his daughter's insistence.
Sarah "Sadie" Forman (born 1905): Eric and Donna's young daughter, who is quiet, pensive, and creative. She seems to have both her mother's love for reading and writing, and her father's love for photography and filmography.
William "Liam" Forman (born 1909): Eric and Donna's young son, who is often attached to his sister's hip.
Reginald "Red" Forman (born 1857) as JJ Brown: Not featured but consistently mentioned, Red is a mining engineer that struck it rich (and found a massive ore seam) in Leadville, Colorado, with his wife Kitty already (and still firmly) by his side. His branch of the family, hailing from Northern Ireland, left during the potato famine and initially settled in Point Place, Wisconsin. But his failing health prevented him from attending the Forman family reunion, so he asked Eric to represent the family in lieu of his attendance.
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badscientist · 30 days
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@chubbymonstah askin the important questions we're all burning to know.
so. theres too many iterations of him over time and space in the universes hes a part of to narrow this down, but at least as far as the iterations of him that have existed on earth- theyve been in many relationships, married many times, etc. etc. its basically vampire that marries mortals logic, only the ankhanum can die out and return, memories can pass on, etc. etc.
the version of him in dead meat has a whole history he refuses to elaborate on, but basically theyve done this song and dance theyre doing with betsy before, just with other humans.
but to be less boring and vague, here's what an ankhanum wedding would look like:
beach wedding would be ideal. this man is going ass out in hot weather.
there would be feasting and hedonistic revelry into the wee hours of the night.
there will be substances to abuse. the ankhanum are intrigued by psychedelics and other such things.
what ill charitably call the 'meat lovers' cake would also be ideal, but if he has to settle for a proper cake of flour and such he'll cope. and probably eat the majority of it. its for him, after all.
i dont think we want to know what the party favors would be, but if he figured he could get away with it, hed be bagging up parts of himself as takeaways. give it to all your friends and neighbors!
if the paper chase existed in whatever time period this is taking place in, you know he'd be playing 'the common cold (the epidemic)'.
he'd also be picking up a guitar (or making one out of his own body) and trying to play to it himself. i imagine over the years he's gotten pretty good at guitar.
whoevers fool enough to crash his wedding will be pulled apart and made into accessories and those will be the substitute party favors.
i dont know who'd cater this hot mess, but he'd tip good with whatever money the party crasher had on hand.
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kieraplaysthesims · 11 months
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As the evening wained on and Florence and Bea finished their schoolwork, Mrs. Lister, who insists on being called by her first name "you are living in my home sweetpea": Betsie, short for Elizabeth; grabbed the two young women from their schoolwork. "Come let us play a game girls."
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"A game?!" Bea reacted with fear. Will this be when they get hit? Is this what they call it here? Will Mrs. Lister strip them naked beside each other and analyze every flaw of their body, every soft piece, as her mother did with her and her sisters.
No, though, that was not the case.
It was a puzzle. Something Bea had never seen before.
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All four of them, even Mr. Lister!, sat around the "game table" she was told it was called, and they took little pieces of an image and fit them all together.
Effie made sure Bea knew that puzzles were her mother's favorite, waving her arm at the wall above the staircase across from the game table, where one could see puzzle after puzzle framed and littering the walls. Some were of animals, some of beautiful landscapes, some of fantastical creatures only spoken of in literature.
Bea was amazed as they all laughed and worked together. It was fun? Family fun? She made a mental note that when her parents married her off, she would institute puzzle nights. This was so much better than Jesse playing guitar while all the girls cross stitched and Mama picked and prodded at each errant stitch while Father called Jesse queer over and over again.
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Parker McCollum, Jackson Dean & Gavin Adcock – UPMC Events Center, Moon Township, PA – September 16, 2023
Country music newcomer Parker McCollum may just have to get an apartment in Pittsburgh before too long. McCollum opened for Morgan Wallen at PNC Park for a makeup show on August 30, and then McCollum sold all 4,000 seats at UPMC Events Center in the Moon Township area of Pittsburgh on June 16.
McCollum joked about the Morgan Wallen set by saying he was coming back to Pittsburgh every two weeks for the rest of the year. From the response to that statement, Pittsburgh is liable to show up to see him if he did just that. 
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McCollum started his set with his mega hit, “To Be Loved by You,” and followed it with “Wait Outside” and “Meet You In The Middle” to the delight of the screaming crowd that never stopped during his 90-minute show.
Working both sides of the rather small stage, McCollum proved why he was named the 2022 New Male Vocalist of the Year by the Academy Of Country Music. He kept the crowd engaged as he worked his way through a 19-song set, including last summer’s hit “Handle on You,” and ending the night with “Pretty Heart” and “Hurricane.”
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As part of his “Summer Tour,” McCollum brought rising singer-songwriters, Jackson Dean and Gavin Adcock with him to open the show. Both opening acts performed acoustic, with just an additional guitar player as they worked their way through their self-penned songs. At times, the lack of a band and few up-tempo songs made the evening drag some during their sets, but the combination also got the crowd ready when McCollum hit the stage running with his full band set.
Parker McCollum Setlist: To Be Loved By You / Wait Outside / Meet You In The Middle / Drinkin’ / Why Indiana / I Ain’t Going Nowhere / Don’t Blame Me / I Can’t Breathe / Rest Of My Life / Speed / Young Man’s Blues / Burn It Down / Things I Never Told You / Hell Of A Year / Like A Cowboy / Stoned / Handle On You / Pretty Heart / Hurricane
­Jackson Dean Setlist: Trailer Park / Big Blue Sky / Don’t Take Much / Wolves / Heaven To Betsy / Train / 49 Tons / Fearless / 1971 / Don’t Come Lookin’
Copyright ©2023 PopEntertainment.com. All rights reserved. Posted: August 26, 2023.
Photos by Dave Parsons © 2023. All rights reserved.
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my-chaos-radio · 1 year
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Release: April 16, 1990
Well, rock the cradle of love
Rock the cradle of love
Yes, the cradle of love don't rock easily, it's true
Well, rock the cradle of love
I rocked the cradle of love
Yes, the cradle of love don't rock easily, it's true
Well now
It burned like a ball on fire
When the rebel took a little child bride
To tease yeah, so go easy, yeah, ow!
'Cause love cuts a million ways
Shakes the devil when he misbehaves
I ain't nobody's fool
Come on, shake it up
Whatever I do, rock!
Rock the cradle of love (woo!)
Rock the cradle of love
Yes, the cradle of love don't rock easily, it's true, ooh yeah
Sent from Heaven above, that's right
To rock the cradle of love
Yes the pages of love don't talk decently, it's true
Yeah, flesh for your Romeo
Ah yeah, baby
I hear you moan
It's easy, y'know how to please me, yeah (ow!)
'Cause love starts my rollin' train
You can't stop it
It ain't in vain
I ain't nobody's fool
Come on, shake it up
Whatever I do
Ha, ow, whoo!
These are the wages of love, of love
Rock the cradle of love (of love, of love)
These are the wages of love
Hm, yeah
Rock the cradle
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, ow!
Shake it, baby!
Ain't it little man!
Well it burned like a ball on fire
When the rebel took a little child bride
To tease yeah, good to know how to please you, yeah, ow!
Well my love starts a rollin' train
You can't stop it
It ain't in vain
I ain't nobody's fool
Come on, shake it up
Whatever I do, ow-ow-ow!
Rock the cradle of love, yeah
Rock the cradle of love, ooh
Sent from Heaven above
That's right
To rock the cradle of love, ow!
Rock the cradle of love
Yeah, cradle of love
That's me mama
I robbed the devil of love, alright
Cradle of love, ow!
If you tease me, tonight (rock the cradle of love)
Might just sleaze me, all right (cradle of love)
If you appeaze me tonight (rock the cradle of love)
And let me ease you (cradle of love) yeah!
Rock the cradle of love, yeah cradle of love, alright
Rock the cradle of love and soul, cradle of love, yeah, ow!
Billy Idol / David Werner
"Cradle of Love" is a rock song written by Billy Idol and David Werner for Idol's 1990 fourth studio album 'Charmed Life'. The song is the album's sixth track and was released as its first single. "Cradle of Love" became Idol's last top-10 hit in the United States, where it reached No. 2 on the Billboard Hot 100. It was also Idol's first and only No. 1 hit on the Billboard Mainstream Rock Tracks chart. On the UK Single Chart, it stalled at No. 34.
"Cradle of Love" is a rock song composed in common time and in the key of B♭ major. The song title is supposedly based on the saying "robbing the cradle". However, this title appears to have been inspired directly from the John Lennon penned song, "Cookin' (In the Kitchen of Love)" which he performed piano and sung back up vocals with his former Beatles band mate, Ringo Starr on Ringo's album Ringo's Rotogravure. So it's extremely likely, and highly possible that Billy Idol's "Rockin' the Cradle of Love" was actually inspired by the Ringo Starr song, "Cookin' (In the Kitchen of Love).
The video, directed by David Fincher, features footage of Idol singing in large painting frames throughout an apartment. The director made the decision to film Idol from the waist up as he was unable to walk due to injuries from a February 1990 motorcycle crash. The video also features Betsy Lynn George as Devin, a teenager who tries to seduce a modest and mild-mannered businessman (played by Joshua Townshend-Zellner). The film makes use of clips from The Adventures of Ford Fairlane, but as Andrew Dice Clay (who played Fairlane) had been banned from MTV, he is not shown in any of the clips. The video was a huge hit and was placed in heavy rotation on MTV. Idol and George recreated the opening of the video for the 1991 Grammys. An alternative version of the video does not feature the movie's footage, instead depicting a man playing the guitar as heard in the track.
At the 1990 MTV Video Music Awards, the video was nominated for Best Male Video and Best Special Effects and won the award for Best Video from a Film.
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msfbgraves · 1 year
How on earth do Terry and Daniel find time to spend with each other in Knights and Pawns lol?? With 7, then 9 puppies, being a crime boss and father, being a houseomega and running said household. Up from early morning till midnight and later! They seem like they’d hardly have time to breathe let alone spend quality time with each other. On top of that they seem to have a really active sex life (lol) and like…how do they find the stamina for sexytimes? Especially with Daniel knocked up so often. And outside of sex, just being with each other. I dunno, taking walks together, going to a movie, out to dinner, just the two of them…like WHEN lmao? Because I do get the impression that they love being around each other for the most part, and would probably love to spend more alone time together that doesn’t always have to be in bed. 
Terry is a Mob boss - one of the perks being that this is hardly a 9 to 5 job. He has a tendency of coming in and going: "Everybody out!" And of course later the pups do go to school. Also by the time the last pup is born Sam is 21 and even Gianni is 16, and the youngest two, Luna and Anthony, are eager babysitters. They find a way. (The pups are like: "oooh, fun times with Daddy's crew!" So they rarely mind.)
But I will say - by 25, and with six pups, Daniel does get overwhelmed at times, so Betsy Kreese has looked after the Silver boys many an afternoon, and Eli joined Sam and Yasmin in school quickly, bright as he is, and strong too. Daniel could simply strap Anthony to his body and stare into space for an hour then, maybe strum a little guitar. Madonna mia, did he need it.
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nikkiruncks · 1 year
Bad News Songs; March 30, 1999
Mikayla shook her head, “Let me get this straight. You and Nate are gonna be singing bad news songs as a way to earn cash?” Sarah nodded, “Yep.”
“What happened to your babysitting gig?” Sharon asked. “Did the prediction I made about an item of necessity being stolen turn out to be true?” Sarah sighed, “No. It’s just that there haven’t been many clients lately.”
“Are you sure this is a good idea? People can be brutal sometimes.” Mikayla asked. She knew Sarah was sensitive to conflict. Sarah exhaled, “Yeah. I’m sure.”
Red and Kitty were both lounging in the kitchen, eating their snacks. "Mhm, this is good Kitty." Kitty smiled, "Aw thanks dear." Right then, Sarah and Nate came right into the kitchen.
Red smiled, “Well, if it isn’t my favorite kid. So why’d you bring the dumbass with you?” Nate scoffed in offense, “What is it going to take for you to like me?” Sarah sighed, “We’re here to sing you a song.”
Kitty smiled, “Aw, isn’t that sweet Red?” Red groaned, “Like apple pie.” Nate began playing his guitar. "🎶Oh Reginald Reginald Reginald🎶" "🎶Reginald Reginald Reginald🎶” Betsy, who was sleeping on the couch, sat right up and watched in intrigue.
"🎶We got some bad news for ya. But we still love ya Uncle Red.🎶” Nate sang. Sarah began to dance, “🎶On the way towards the bar, Uncle Eric and Laurie took your car.🎶” Red crossed his arms, trying to figure out where this was going.
"🎶They pass off as oldies to get food on the dot.🎶" Nate sang. "🎶But then some biker stole your car and smashed it with a guitar.🎶" Kitty gasped while Red's face turned red. Nate and Sarah began to panic when they noticed the pissed expression on his face. Betsy's jaw dropped in disbelief by the scene beneath her.
"🎶They tried to bring to the repair guy but it cost a billion dollars.🎶" Nate continued. "🎶So bye bye to your old ass car. You can buy a-nother🎶" Betsy cackled, "Burn!!!" Red and Kitty gave her a look, making the brunette wince. "Sorry."
Red got up, "I'm gonna find that biker and put my foot in his ass." He walked out the back door. Kitty stood up and grabbed some change for the couple. "Lovely performance. Just wonderful. Hahaha. Have a good day kids." She put the money in Sarah's hand and walked out the door. Nate nodded, "So that went better than I expected." Sarah raised an eyebrow for a moment before nodding and smiling in agreement.
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f-yeah-no-evil · 2 years
5 years later
Give or take.
This is not a return to this blog. I will never be active on this blog again, this blog is dead and only exists as an archive. I will not respond to messages about No Evil.
That said, I wanted to clear the air about some things. If anyone’s still following me, or remembers me, hi there! I’m alive and well. I’m studying to become an opera singer, I’m learning to play guitar, and I have two girlfriends I love a lot. If that’s all you want to know, you can stop reading now. If you remember several years ago when I was acting... oddly, to put charitably, and cruelly to put brutally, and wondering what’s up with that, I’d like to put the record straight and take the chance to own up for my mistakes. Really, I just want to tell the truth behind this blog.
Because there’s a lot to unpack.
First, me. The basics: At 11 or 12 I, a child in the united states and avid Heather Dale fan, found Betsy Lee’s animation of Mordred’s Lullaby. That, in turn introduced me to No Evil, and as you can probably guess, I loved it. It stayed with me all the way to moving to East Africa at 13, where things came to a head.
It was a big adventure! I wouldn’t trade that experience for the world. It was, however harrowing; I was sick all the time. Most of my time in Kenya - for about a year - was spent in and out of hospitals and emergency clinics. I had no friends or kids to play with. I could only leave the house on mondays and what was it, wednesdays? because it wasn’t safe outside. I couldn’t go to school because there were no schools the accommodated mzungu (white people). I was extremely, extremely isolated for over a year.
And when I say isolated, I don’t mean I was bullied. I mean I was getting an hour of social interaction every three days.
We’re not done yet. I have adhd and have been taking medicine for it since I was 7. What I didn’t know was that I was reacting badly - really badly - to the medicine, and I had no idea it wasn’t normal, because how I felt was normal to me most of my conscious life. I didn’t figure it out until I was 18 and tried changing dosages.
My preferred dosage of my adhd medication? 10mg. The dosage I was at throughout my childhood? 60mg.
I was about six times overdosed on stimulants than I could handle, isolated, and usually vomiting my guts up.
Physically, mentally - in every way possible, I was sick.
(When I moved to Uganda, things got better socially, but I was still overdosed and constantly ill.)
It would be safe to say I was manic most of the time.  I turned obsessive. There were days on end where I didn’t really sleep, but worse were the days where I didn’t quite wake up. I hallucinated. A shadow hand that looked like a spider seeped out of the ceiling and skittered away. Sometimes I saw shadows in the hall that looked like my mother. Sometimes, I would pass out in my own vomit. I would lie on floors naked because even my clothes hurt me. Once I couldn’t stop screaming from the pain, and my mother told me to be quieter. Why would she do that to me? Why would anyone say that to their child?
(To this day I don’t know.)
No one could help me. I seriously considered checking into a ward, but I was a) in east africa; those places didn’t exist, b) if they did, I would certainly be abused if not killed, and c) I would be separated from my family and sent back to America. It wasn’t a choice at all. So I stayed, and I hid, and I coped the best way I knew how.
That brings us to this blog. I turned obsessed. I forgot obvious details, I harassed people for shit I just made up. I was well and truly not in my right mind, and desperately trying to hide it and trying to beat down the part of me that was sick. I even tried to convince myself I was doing better because I was “suicidal in a different way than before.” I embarrassed myself by saying I was acting strangely because of previous trauma, when really I was going through trauma THEN but wasn’t able to access my situation.
I don’t remember who I harassed, but I’d like to take a minute to say: I’m well and truly sorry for that. Please forgive me. I did only as I knew.
However, I am still deeply grateful to 3 people in particular, who stuck by me even when I was at my absolute worst, and I’d like to thank them. DrAwesomeSauce, Charles’ VA; Loron, the person who did the German subtitles; and someone I called Violet, who I may not have actually liked, sadly. Obsession and desperation clouded any honest opinion I may have had for her. I needed social contact. She’s a good person and I hope she has better than I could ever give her. I know for sure I felt fondly about the other two, who did so much to support me and keep me stable to the best of their ability, all the way on opposite sides of the world.
Even Betsy’s own kindness toward me is one I appreciate; she didn’t have to treat a crazy girl with so much gentleness while dealing with the same stalker I had.*
*said stalker went back on his schizophrenia meds and apologized to me years later. I wouldn’t call it a happy ending, but erased an ache.
And I’d like to sincerely thank those people. If you are all somehow reading this, I may not have made it out alive without you.
I’ve thought about it, but it’s so wrapped up in my pain I can’t come home to No Evil - and I’m deeply, deeply sorry I have to say that. I heard the ‘soft child’ soundtrack once and I was on edge and unreal for days. It’s something I can avoid easily enough that I don’t want to do the work of unpacking it all; every time, I’m 14 years old again and covered in my own vomit. I won’t be able to come back unless I get a fresh start without all that baggage, with the people who made it and with my own memory. I know I’m forgiven, mostly. But it’s not really about forgiveness.
 Thank you, to Betsy Lee, for her art, that kept me alive for long enough to get out. Thank you to the people who loved me even when I was at my worst in every way. I will be grateful for the rest of my life to people who will never get the payoff of seeing me do well in life. I’ll spend the rest of mine paying it forward. I love you; I’m not coming back.
See you in a better storyline, folks.
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rich4a1 · 1 year
Brad "Guitar" Wilson is Making a Scene
HOME PAGE Making a Scene Presents an Interview with Brad “Guitar” Wilson Cali Bee Music is excited to announce that Brad “Guitar” Wilson released his new album, Lovers Before Sunrise, on April 7, 2023. Produced by Quincy Jones’ engineer and Grammy-award winning producer Francis Buckley, with radio and publicity handled by the very successful and world renown Betsie Brown and Blind Raccoon…
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