popfizzles · 1 month
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hits you with the little-guy-ification beam
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popfizzles · 1 month
What kind of music does Darwin, Betsy and Clef like to play? Are they like a band together?
Darwin, Betsy, and Clef aren't a band, they're street musicians :) they're buskers!!
Darwin (the potted tulip toon) carries a small amp with him across the isles to plug in his keytar wherever he can set up shop. His favorite places to perform are small restaurants (he brings in business so most places let him do so for free)! He also does crowd work well, poking fun with bystanders and jeering people who walk past him without stopping or tipping. He's very "vicious mockery" core. Busking is Darwin's preferred work, but when days are slow, he picks up odd-jobs online instead.
Clef (the orange music note) has a tiny flatbed he drags a compact drum kit on. He prefers places with echos and great acoustics, like the subway or public parks. Clef isn't necessarily in busking for the cash he gets from it, since he has a well-paying office job on the side. Instead, Clef is concerned with just Making As Much Noise As Possible. If people stop by and toss him a few coins, that's just a bonus! Busking is cathartic for him!!
And Betsy (the purple catgirl toon) has an acoustic guitar that she likes to pluck on. She's softer than the other two, quieter, very peaceful and melodic. She finds quieter places to perform where she won't be too much of a disturbance to the people walking past, and keeps her guitar case open so people can tip her freely. Betsy is busking in order to help pay for medical bills regarding her broken tail. <:)
They know each other by virtue of performing in similar places, and having a sort of friendly conversations, solidarity between street musicians. Like workplace associates but much nicer about it?
They're all a strange sort of close where they don't know each other's last names, but they know each other's favorite things to get out of the vending machines. :)
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popfizzles · 2 years
This one goes out to those of us who hear a song and start vividly imagining music videos with their ocs:
you CAN draw it
its allowed
(edit: forgot to tag @adreamaredoodle for her oc Curly sobs)
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popfizzles · 3 years
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found a fun quote generator and did a few of these on stream :)
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popfizzles · 3 years
Can you maybe list all of your oc cuphead ocs so we can asks for your cuphead prompts?? Can’t really remember them all honestly
UH! Sure here’s an incomplete collection of references (or the most recent arts I have of characters if not their references); i may have forgotten a few here or there, but here’s the Most Complete List I have:
[Val - cupsona]
[Boba T. - cupsona]
[Yarrow Yarn - Val’s father]
[Mojito - Val and Boba’s neighbor (Red Solo’s roommate)]
[Red Solo - Val and Boba’s neighbor (Mojito’s roommate)]
[Smith - Mac’s older brother]
[Goldie - Mac’s younger sister]
[Sleepytime - Isle 2 worker]
[Cain Canody - Isle 2 worker]
[Darwin - Isle 3 busker]
[Clef - Isle 3 busker (the orange music note)]
[Betsy - Isle 3 busker(the purple cat)]
[Plink - lost child]
[Missy Houndstooth - Val’s boss]
[Rufus - Missy’s chef]
[Cheddar Fry - Isle 1 carhop]
[Russet Fry - Isle 1 security worker]
[Frenchie Fry - Isle 1 entertainer]
[Napalm - Brineybeard crew member (the bomb)]
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popfizzles · 5 years
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more of them because i love them....
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popfizzles · 5 years
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I finally got to play as Darwin in a session with @dreamaredoodle an @clockworkscholar and it was GREAT i was thinking about it all day and i couldn’t stop drawing him today.
also the eighth note is named Clef and the cat is named Betsy they’re both other buskers who know Darwin from just being around the same general area as him
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