#CDDWTD Mojito
popfizzles 2 days
I鈥檓 sorry if this has been asked before but what do the card suits and numbers mean for each cuphead character?
Don't apologize, I'm ALWAYS down to talk about the cards when it comes to Cuphead characters!!!
When I write lore and character details for Cuphead characters (both ocs and canon characters), I like to attach a Minor Arcana tarot card to each character, but I use the French-suited version of the deck. You know these cards as the standard deck of 52 playing cards!
The four suits represent four different ideals:
Diamonds (Pentacles) represent Value.
Spades (Swords) represent Action.
Hearts (Cups) represent Emotion.
Clubs (Wands) represent Knowledge.
Attaching a suit to a character is easy; think about what they care most about in life. Are they worried about being able to provide for themselves and the people they care about? Are they a hard-worker who refuses to wait for change to happen? Do they let their heart guide them, whether for better or for worse? Are they striving to learn more and more about themselves and the world around them?
Ace cards are perfect paragons of their suit. Cuphead is the Ace of Diamonds, so every single decision he makes, he makes based on whether or not it would result in added VALUE for him. Usually, this results in greed, and a want for more. But "value" can mean many other things! The value of a home-cooked meal, or the value of a meaningful relationship. These are all very important to him!
Finding a more specific number for a character can be a bit more difficult. I like looking at the meaning behind each individual card, and finding one that helps drive a story for them.
For example, Mac is right next to Cuphead in the Arcana, the Two of Diamonds. The Two of Pentacles represents the idea of ebb and flow. Being adaptable, and flexible. But it can also represent chaos, finding difficulty in balancing responsibilities, even buckling under pressure and experiencing financial hardships. I think this describes the way I've characterized Mac very well!
Jacks are a fun one. Because where the normal Minor Arcana has two different cards to represent the learning and mastering of an ideal (shown in the Page and the Knight), the French-suited deck has combined them into a single card, the Jack.
So, it makes a fun dynamic, where Jacks (like Mojito the Jack of Hearts, or Smith the Jack of Spades) are either slowly learning their ideal and finding their footing, or have already mastered it and are ready to teach others. And it can be fun to try and figure out which the character ACTUALLY is.
Like I said, I'm always down to talk more about the inherent cartomancy of Cuphead. It always intrigued me that Cuphead and Mugman's Super Meters were represented by playing cards. It really ties their whole gambling man motif together. :)
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popfizzles 5 days
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Smith and Mugman are pretty evenly matched!! They do a lot of the same thing to work out, actually, mostly manual labor around Isle One.
But, despite everything, I'd like to think that Mugman has done more. let's call it. brawling >:)
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popfizzles 2 months
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hits you with the little-guy-ification beam
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popfizzles 1 month
omggggg is Mojito like jealous?????
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popfizzles 12 days
it feels like we see a lot of Smith + Mug interactions, why is that? (not in a shipping way, just saying they鈥檙e seen as a duo a lot. even in older doodles)
Mac and Cuphead are super close!! They hang out all the time, mostly causing trouble, throwing rocks, exploring parts of the isles they're not supposed to. They've always clicked very well, to the point where sometimes Cuphead goes out to run cons with Mac instead of Mugman.
And since Cuphead and Mac were so close, Mugman and Smith sort of bumped into each other a whole lot.
It started as a sort of "your brother really likes my brother, so I'm gonna tolerate your presence" type deal, and as they slowly started to get used to each other, their friendship turned into; "I fucking hate you. You wanna get a beer some time?"
Smith has a really rude, sour exterior that is hard to get past, and Mugman was always the type to give back what he takes. Make no mistake, Mugman and Smith are friends! But if either of them say it out loud the other would beat them to death.
I also sort of imagined that Mugman and Smith were the type to have a social drinking group (which also includes Mojito, and occasionally Napalm, when he happens to be docked in Inkwell). They'll hit the bar, do a few shots or ten, and then stumble home on each other's shoulders.
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popfizzles 1 month
How did solo meet Jax? How鈥檚 mojito feel about him?
Red Solo and Jax probably met in university, bumping into each other often in one of the shared spaces.
Jax is nice!! He's friendly, strong, draws attention, invites a crowd of good people wherever he goes. Hanging out with Jax is fun. :)
But, Jax doesn't really like a lot of the same things Red does (and honestly?? Red is too smart for him). I think. Red Solo fell in love with the atmosphere that Jax has instead of Jax himself.
Mojito doesn't like Jax.
To him, Jax is some high-horse motherfuck that only cares about himself, and Red is too nice to notice it.
Mojito seems to always get in a bad mood when Red brings Jax over. But then again, Mojito seems like he's always that rough and combative, so who knows.
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popfizzles 1 year
Holdonholdon. So does Red have to drink alcohol to keep himself full, or can he drink whatever? If it's the former, does it affect him? :0
I think a common misconception would be that cup toons only consume the kind of liquid they normally hold.
Drinking daily water and regularly consuming varied foods doesn't make much of a change in their appearance. But, drinking lots and lots of one single thing CAN make a change!
I've done a few arts of Val changing what kind of drink is in her head; see these examples of Val as a hot cocoa and a rose champagne!
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But things get a little more complicated with transparent cups like Boba and Mojito.
Since Boba is clear plastic and Mojito is glass, you can see right through them! Which means that drinking too much of one thing can make a HUGE change to their palette and appearance;
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So transparent cups try to stick to what they know, to keep them looking familiar!
You can also notice that Mojito's "skin" is much thicker than Boba's, which means Mojito could probably get some carvings or decorations in place of tattoos!
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popfizzles 1 year
Question! Who was the red cup and like shot glass object heads? They were roommates or something but I cannot remember their names for the life of me
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Mojito and Red Solo!
Mojito hangs out with a rough crowd, and he's admittedly a bit dirty and lazy. His father works behind the bar at the Devil's casino. But he cares a lot!
Red is an academic, pursuing higher education. He's very kind and polite, but unassuming and frankly? A little plain. <:)
They're Val and Boba's next door neighbors, they're roommates!
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popfizzles 8 months
mojito thinks he's a ladies and mens man but actually can't flirt for shit
I think this is pretty accurate, all things considered.
Mojito is a funny guy who thinks he's hot shit, but I think he's a bit too stupid to realize that others aren't as interested in him.
He really isn't the type to flirt though, at least not outwardly. It's kind of one of his main character flaws, you know?
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popfizzles 10 months
does Mojito visit the Casino a lot since his dad works there? what do Val and Boba think of him (Mojito) and his (inherited) connection to the casino?
Mojito bums around the bar when he feels miserable, visiting his dad and his dad's work friends. It helps him keep his mind distracted.
Val and Boba don't really pry when it comes to their neighbor. They hope he's doing good, and that he's keeping himself safe, though.
And you know, in a roundabout way, Val and Mojito are in the exact same situation, when it comes to their connections to the Devil's casino.
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popfizzles 2 years
:O!!! I didn't realize!! If that was a actual offer I would love to see it cuphead ocs -cuphead anon
I have two main cupsonas, named [Val] and [Boba T.] who are roommates (the links go to their respective Toyhouse pages, there isn't any information aside from quick sidebar info, but there's art). They're my favorites and I honestly wish more people cared about them ghsfjkgh Here's some more doodles of them together;
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I also have a few notable others like Yarrow Yarn (a yarn ball toon who is Val's father, and King Dice's tailor);
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Mojito and Red Solo are next door neighbors to Val and Boba, Mojito is one of the Tipsy Troop's son, and Red Solo is attending business classes on Inkwell. There's unrequited love between them;
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Rummer and Tumbler are demons meant to look strikingly similar to off-model versions of Cuphead and Mugman, and were supposed to create trouble ruining their good name (they handle maintenance at the casino on their off days);
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And this is just which ocs I think are particularly popular with people!!
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popfizzles 3 years
Can you maybe list all of your oc cuphead ocs so we can asks for your cuphead prompts?? Can鈥檛 really remember them all honestly
UH! Sure here鈥檚 an incomplete collection of references (or the most recent arts I have of characters if not their references); i may have forgotten a few here or there, but here鈥檚 the Most Complete List I have:
[Val - cupsona]
[Boba T. - cupsona]
[Yarrow Yarn - Val鈥檚 father]
[Mojito - Val and Boba鈥檚 neighbor (Red Solo鈥檚 roommate)]
[Red Solo - Val and Boba鈥檚 neighbor (Mojito鈥檚 roommate)]
[Smith - Mac鈥檚 older brother]
[Goldie - Mac鈥檚 younger sister]
[Sleepytime - Isle 2 worker]
[Cain Canody - Isle 2 worker]
[Darwin - Isle 3 busker]
[Clef - Isle 3 busker (the orange music note)]
[Betsy - Isle 3 busker(the purple cat)]
[Plink - lost child]
[Missy Houndstooth - Val鈥檚 boss]
[Rufus - Missy鈥檚 chef]
[Cheddar Fry - Isle 1 carhop]
[Russet Fry - Isle 1 security worker]
[Frenchie Fry - Isle 1 entertainer]
[Napalm - Brineybeard crew member (the bomb)]
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popfizzles 4 years
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Mojito and Red Solo are Val and Boba鈥檚 next door neighbors!聽
a clean tidy red solo cup and a messy awful varsity dude fancy mixed drink that live together can be so intimate actually
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popfizzles 4 years
i really like how you can make parts of a characters design look like facial hair; like with burnt cookie and mojito. it's a really neat detail
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popfizzles 4 years
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lots and lots and lots of boba (+ some others)
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popfizzles 4 years
Love the juxtaposition of those two! The drink typically associated with chaotic teenage gatherings being the prim and proper one and the fancy mixed drink being the chaotic one is perfect harmony! Wonderful character design!
Thank you!!!
I originally created Mojito and Red Solo to be adoptables but I got far too attached and I didn't have the heart to separate them (and I know I could have probably sold them together but that's besides the point hfksbfkahfks)
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