#CDDWTD King Dice
popfizzles · 19 hours
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Rum and Tumb ARE demons, but the Devil made them specifically to replace Cuphead and Mugman for him. The Devil did his best to make them look as much like the twins as possible (and he got pretty close, all things considering)!
Here's a reference of their base form colors, and all the notes of the small differences they have compared to the twins.
Cuphead and Mugman were the best, most efficient repossession men the Devil had ever had, so the Devil wanted to hire them full time (and of course, get their souls in the process), and after they refused, the Devil got a bit obsessed with the idea of having them anyway.
Rummer and Tumbler were the first and only attempt at making his own.
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shortcakelils · 5 months
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casino cups style practice (Cus I got a little rusty)
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carlarosenakilah · 3 months
dose cuphead have a crush on your oc?
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Nobody knows 🤷
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cupheadocscasino · 9 months
so what do King Dice and Devil think of this rival Casino?
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whosectype · 11 months
Devil C3 and Dice B5
Idk if I was supposed to reply or reblog or whatever but uh yeah
also your art is nice 👍 glad ur not sick
Hehe sending an ask is perfect!!
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Idk how devildice shippers not only draw these guys successfully but also draw them in interesting poses yall are an anomaly to me
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How's king dice doing?
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Bonus doodle hehe
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Asked by @idkitssomeone1 and @fifithegreat654!
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cloverthemonke · 9 days
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Moving this guy up to the position of "post detailed thing I've done on my blog"
Oh yeah first cuphead art posted on this blog 🎉
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emma-xd-15 · 3 months
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(Tiene alas que no sirven Xddddddd)
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Solo los angeles y demonios (los más poderosos) son alicornios xddd
(Lincy no tiene porque tener alas, pinche deform-)
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ask-mapletea · 2 months
Heyyy Molasses— can you give us a big smile >:]? (P.S to the artist, LOVE YOUR ARTWORK. KEEP IT UP!)
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🔥Previous 🃏Next
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dreambones · 1 year
Why do i feel like Ditzy gets along great eith the baroness.... And that lucky and king dice are two of a kind....
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Well, I am not sure if Ditzy and the Baroness get along, they are probably related in some way since Ditzt is a dessert, she probably at least comes from the candy kingdom area of Isle 2. 
Now Luka and King Dice... You are not wrong. They are both showmen with a tendency to scam and trick others. Although King Dice would quite literally give anyone's soul to the Devil while Luka would never purposely hurt others (wasted potential if you were to ask Dice's opinion).
Full art quality in my Patreon
Cardless version under the cut
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popfizzles · 2 months
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What a sleaze. 😒
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shortcakelils · 9 months
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@whosectype @cupid-shortcake @momento-morii-ua @carlalovesyourart @cups-and-pentacles @mimuo-no @fresacake @fizz-wizz-dizz @4ce-of-2pades
that's a lot of people omg
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carlarosenakilah · 3 months
hey i would like to ask what does Christine do in the casino and what is her relationship with the other casino staff
tw: blood
Due to how she dresses, people will assume that she's just some regular guest. But no:
She's the Devil's Assassin
Also known as:
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The question is: is it really necessary since he's the Devil and all?
No, it really isn't. However, he figured he needed some assassins too if some mortals wanted a cherry on top for deals that required bloodshed. And so, Christine was hired and trained under three days.
Now relationship with other staff:
I imagine a lot of the staff are amused that this pretty woman was able to piss off Cuphead while befriending his brother.
Chips and Mangs started inviting her over because of the rumours. I feel they're the only ones who actually tried getting to know her.
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King Dice has a mentor-mentee relationship with Christine. He's one of her trainers. They don't really open up much, but they both have that mutual feeling that they shared one thing in common
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The rest of the staff just treat her like another co-worker. They mostly know her as "Cuphead's girlfriend", "The gal who pissed the brat", "Mugman's best friend", "The assassin", and the list goes on.
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cupheadocscasino · 11 months
Wait Ryker- what do you mean you were tired of being Devil and Dice's third wheel?
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whosectype · 1 year
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Shiteposts starring dysfunctional brothers, men who kiss, and lesbian furry fish people
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This may seem like a silly question, but Chai, do you know the meaning behind the symbol on your uniform?? How does it make you feel?
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Asked by @straight-syrup!
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