#Best Proxy Server
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sunnyisla · 2 years ago
How to choose the right crawler proxy?
In data crawling, the use of proxy IP is necessary to improve the crawler efficiency and stability and avoid some anti-crawler limitations. However, it is also important to choose a good proxy IP service provider.360 proxy agency is a company providing high quality agency services.360 proxy proxy has a global proxy server covering many countries and regions around the world, which can provide customers with quality proxy IP options to meet the needs of different customers.360proxy proxy is a powerful proxy server, which has a number of advantages, and can provide users with efficient, stable and secure proxy services.
First, the 360proxy proxy has a large number of IP resources, not only the quantity and quality are very high, but also the IP stability and availability is very excellent.
Second, the proxy IP provided by the 360proxy proxy has a fast response speed and access speed.
Third, 360proxy proxies offer a wide selection of geographical locations across all regions and countries around the world.
Finally, the 360proxy proxy provides an API interface for easy user access and manage proxy IP addresses.
If you need to provide high quality proxy IP services, the 360proxy proxy is your best choice.
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averyspoopedcorgi · 2 years ago
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have your lawyers professed thier love to eachother
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joleenscott47 · 6 months ago
SOAX Proxy
Soax Proxy provides residential and mobile IP addresses to its users, granting them access to a vast network of proxy servers in various countries and cities worldwide. This service is specifically designed for businesses and individuals who need assistance with conducting online activities such as market research and ad verification while ensuring anonymity.
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voidpunker · 1 year ago
hmm…mind and heart cccc for the character bingo? :3
awawawa thank youuuu |3ccc
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i prommy im so normal abt them <3 (lying)
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astronomodome · 7 months ago
I think it’s kind of crazy how Skizz’s arc in the life series is so integrally defined by his being a loyal soldier of the Red Army in third life, a position in which he felt comfortable and confident in his value to the server. The archetype he sees as the ideal team, one that not only protects each other but works for the wellbeing of the server, that template that he follows is the Red Army. Every season since, he falls into a leadership role whether he intends to or not, and every time he tries to recreate that formula with the team he leads. And here’s the thing: it never works.
In Last Life, team BEST’s first objective is to not only secure the enchanting table, but to make it free to use for everyone. Their goal here is to become the “heroes of the server” through this, and Skizz openly says that. However, any victories they achieve are plagued by the fact that… well… there never really was a team BEST. There’s a team BE and a team ST and they work together in theory, but as soon as there’s cracks in the foundation- a boogeyman here, an accidental death there, it falls apart (never all the way while Skizz is alive, but still). Skizz dies a lonely failure of a red life, wearing the initials of his team on his head and haunting them after he dies.
In Limited Life, he gets a chance to try again. Bdubs was the most obvious point of failure for BEST, so why not replace him with sweet and reliable Impulse? And yes, as a group, TIES works much better. Unfortunately, this season doesn’t go well for Skizz, and he’s in the weeds so to speak pretty much the whole time. But one of their crowning achievements- blowing up Bread Bridge- is rationalized by Skizz to his team as a heroic and charitable act. Another set of heroes. But not the strongest players out there. Skizz dies to keep it going just a little longer.
In Secret Life, he has the Heart Foundation, which differs a lot from what Skizz claimed it to be. On paper it’s three people, but in practice it’s just him and Tango (I love BigB but he really was not the most engaged with the group here). On paper Tango’s the leader, but Skizz can’t really keep from taking charge. Again, we get a charitable motive: using the heart-giving system for good (and profit, of course). And Skizz even has plans for when it goes south: they turn the heart’s smile upside-down and start killing. But even this plan fails; as in Last Life, people take advantage of the team’s kindness, and then the heart itself burns down before they get a chance to change it. Skizz dies trying and failing to right this wrong, even by proxy.
What makes this so so interesting is how formulaic it is. I don’t even mean that in a bad way. It’s fascinating how Skizz always, always falls into this pattern. Icarus reaches for the sun and, for his hubris, falls the same way every time. And Tango is there
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theswiftheartsystem · 1 year ago
Guide to Pluralkit
So pluralkit is a tool used very commonly for plural systems. Basically what it does is proxy who’s speaking (this can have an alters name, pronouns, a custom profile picture, ect.) it’s very easy to use once you get the hang of it!
Step 1. Make yourself a private discord server. The reason why is because that way it’s easier to edit and save what you need in the server.
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after this you will need to add pluralkit to the server. You can do this by going to the website (https://pluralkit.me) or clicking the bot in a server you share with it, and adding it to your server.
Okay so after that, set up your server. All it needs is the channels you guys need. Obviously general can be whatever, we use it for bot commands. Would recommend a system chat channel, especially if you cannot speak internally. Other channels that might be helpful, or channels to store picrews and things of that nature, we have one for storing alter intros, if you don’t want to have a psychical diary, you could start one in the private server, and basically anything you need. The idea is that this server only has you guys in it
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Step 2. Okay so you’ll need to set up a system now. To get started you’ll need to do pk;s new keep in mind you can only have one system per discord account, and only 1k members (we have heard you can request more in the discord server, but we haven’t tried it ourselves)
Most system servers require a system tag. To set one you do pk;s tag (tag here) tags can be anything in a character limit. Ours is 💙. Some servers don’t like when people have the same tag, so if you need to change it in a server you can do pk;s server tag (tag here)
After setting up your system to add a member you do pk;m new (members name) keep in mind you want it to be one word with no spaces or hard to use symbols. This is so it’s as easy as possible to edit. Also would like to add, if you throw in a image while doing this command, it will set that alters avatar without having to do another command (image below is a random image we had saved) if you are like us, and have alters that share names, it’s best to just add a number (no space still) infront, this makes it way easier to edit.
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To set up a display name you do pk;m (members name) dn (what you want it to say, we normally have name and pronouns, and if a alter has like a specific role in the system, sometimes that gets added if the alter wants it)
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If you accidentally set the wrong profile picture, or a alter wants a different one for whatever reason, the command is pk;m (name) avatar and then insert the photo
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Finally to set a proxy do pk; (member name) proxy (proxy here)text (the text can also be behind the poxy, it just has to be behind or above) proxys can be anything basically! We usually use emojis, although whatever you do, make it something you don’t use. For emojis we have one or two emojis typically that represent the alter, and then the blue heart emoji in front that way if it’s a emoji we use a lot, it isn’t going to proxy us by accident. You can either do the proxy everytime you speak, or do a few commands.
Pk;ap latch this latches to the last used proxy. Good when one alter is having a conversation, but others aren’t.
Pk;ap (name) this latches to the alters name that is used. Does not change until turned off, or switched to a different alter, or auto proxy command.
Pk;ap front this command sets whoever is set as fronting as the auto proxy. The front is set by doing pk;switch (name) To turn off all of these the command is Pk;ap off
Step 3. With pluralkit you can add alters to groups!
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To make a group you do pk;g new (groups name) like with the base names you want it to be one word, no spaces or weird symbols.
with groups you can set display names, descriptions, avatars, just for that group!
pk;g description (put the description you want with the command)
pk;g avatar (photo)
pk;g dn (name)
To add members to the group do pk;g (groups name) add (name) (name 2) you can add as many as you want, just make sure to not use commas or and, just name after name separated by a space
Step 4. To set a system/alter description and banner is pretty easy.
For system:
pk;s description (desc goes here)
pk;s banner (add image)
For Alters:
pk;m (name) description (desc goes here)
pk;m (name) banner (add image)
Step 5. Finally, some good commands to just know.
If you react with a question mark emoji on an alter using pluralkit, it gives you information about the person. (Username, ect)
If you have a member you feel needs to be private the command is pk;m (name) private
to delete a member you do pk;m (name) delete and then enter in the code it gives you
to change a alters base name, (not dn) do pk;m (name) rn (new name)
A fun little pluralkit game is going “pk;r (random silly thing here)” Pk;r randomly picks a alter, so putting a random caption over it can be fun sometimes.
if you do set a alters name as something with a space, you’ll have to edit it in qoutes. (Pk;m “Example name with a space” (command)
to look up a list of alters do pk;m list or pk;s list
Thanks for reading! Pluralkit is confusing at first, so we thought we would make a simple guide!
-Carrie + a few others
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the-alice-killer · 6 months ago
Friendly reminder: you don't have to track anything about your system if you don't want to
(Longer explanation below)
(Also tagging any system origin i think of for reach as i feel this is important for any group to remember)
I know you see pretty much every system on social media seems to have simply plural/octocon/plural kit/etc to track things about their systems. I also know some systems feel pressured into doing so because everyone else is doing it.
You don't have to track if it makes you uncomfortable. If documenting alters make your dissociation or doubts worse, stop. If you find yourself worry about documenting things constantly, it's okay to take a break. You don't have to proxy on a discord server. You don't owe anyone anything about what is going on in your system.
It's okay to never use these things. It's okay to take a break from using them if it's burning you out or frustrating you. Don't feel bad to do what is best for your system.
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merelyspecters · 26 days ago
Lost: The Minecraft Server
AKA Lost doesn't happen, "The Island" is just the survival server these guys play on. 
Jack is the guy who tries to organize the server and hopelessly fails. I cannot emphasize this enough, Jack is not good at Minecraft. He doesn't even really enjoy it. He's just playing out of obligation to the server owner Jacob who dragged him in as a mod.
Locke is the guy who goes off to defeat the Ender Dragon alone and reads the whole end poem weeping. He disappears for extremely long stretches of time. Sometimes, he's mining, and sometimes, he comes back with an elder guardian head.
Sawyer just griefs at first… But then he realizes he enjoys Minecraft more than he’d like to admit. And what’s more? He loves the thrill of fighting mobs more than griefing. He begrudgingly becomes the protector of spawn/new members.
Everything Kate holds dear fits in her ender chest. Her idea of a house is a two-block-high hideaway carved into the side of a mountain. She initially isn’t invested in the game, either… until she gets emotionally attached to her horse.
Sayid used to be a part of an anarchy server and quit the game for a while. He normally just messes around in creative mode, but after getting dragged into playing on the server, he makes redstone farms. An Ethoslab-type.
Jin fishes for hours at a time. No autoclicker or anything. He finds it relaxing. Sun's the farmer and makes endless fields of wheat. The two of them like Minecraft more because they're playing together rather than the actual game mechanics. They eventually leave the server to play Stardew Valley, instead.
Shannon is initially a builder/griefer—she'll terraform other people's builds to make her own stuff, and then be like "oh i thought you abandoned that house, sorry xoxo."
Charlie and Claire are both builders who make cute little houses in the flower forest together. Charlie is super into Minecraft and gets Claire into it by proxy.
Michael is originally the person who builds infrastructure around spawn. He’s not particularly into it—he plays to connect with Walter, who’s a huge fan of Minecraft YouTube. Specifically Mumbo Jumbo. After Michael leaves the server, Jack attempts to take over his responsibilities and fails miserably.
Hurley is not good at building, but he'll drop off gifts in front of people's bases and build them the most atrocious looking wool statues you've ever seen (like the YouTuber Skizzleman). He’s one of the OG Minecraft fans of the bunch.
Desmond logs onto the server accidentally. Honestly, he’s not even sure how he got here. The concept of video games baffles him. There’s a solid three weeks where he glitches into bedrock—Locke finds him on a mining expedition and saves him.
Penny isn't whitelisted on the server, either; Desmond fights to get her added.
Ben does not place or break a single block. He just steals from people’s chests. He gets the Diamonds! achievement before Stone Age.
Juliet is one of the best builders of the bunch. She and Sawyer create a hidden base in the Nether that they live in together.
The server owner Jacob will sometimes build bedrock obelisks. Genuinely for no reason. Just because.
Richard is a mod in creative mode. He breaks said obelisks.
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mcyt-trios · 1 year ago
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Gaslight Gatekeep Girlboss:
Listen to me closely. There is no other alliance on the whole Traffic series as based as them. They did EXACTLY what they set out to do. Did they Gaslight? Oh fuck yeah. Did they Gatekeep? You better believe it. Did they Girlboss??? By the good grace of god they did!!!!!!! They are simultaneously the blueprint for every trio of mean girls in a 2000s high school movie and the most genuinely devoted alliance on the whole server. They trust and respect and love each other in ways beyond mortal comprehension. Vote them please I'm begging you.
They were an absolute powerhouse! Also also, Cleo finding herself a group of people who were properly loyal to her after being betrayed for the healing arc. Scott telling them he was the boogieman and refusing to kill even if it meant going red. They're just so hhhhhh
cleo is gaslight (setting things on fire), scott is gatekeep (protecting the base), and pearl is girlboss (girlbossing).
Quite possibly the most ride or die alliance of Last Life. Consistently sharing lives, helping each other get boogey kills, refusing to hurt each other… they were just such a feel good team up for the entire series :] and then they kicked Pearl out in double life :]
Listen they are the EPITOME of ride or die. They love each other so much during that time. Do you hear me. Dear God they are the most precious
Best faction on Last Life. Set the template for pretty much everything Scott and Cleo do together, and set us up for 5AM Pearl.
Prince Trio:
Me when they're princes and children of gods (said gods all being siblings. Making them all cousins) They all need very big hugs. Sherbert's dad (God of Creation) is trapped in Purgatory, and they tried to get them out at the end of season 2 and it failed (because Sherbert got. A possible god following them around (metaphorically) and changing things they touch sometimes-) because instead of it bring back their dad it brought back a person they killed. (Also happens to share their mortal mother with Rae) Rae's godly mother (Goddess of the Mind) sucks and corrupted multiple of their friends. (One of which was Sherbert.) and he's also the vessel for said mother, and got some silly mind powers because of it. Athena is literally a child created for being the vessel of one of their parents, who is also the God of destruction, which by proxy makes him the vessel of destruction and that is an awesome title-
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dreadfutures · 8 months ago
Tevinter Nights: dramatic summaries
Back in March I decided to read a story from Tevinter Nights out loud to the DA FanFic server every Monday night. I figured with the number of stories, we'd hit August right as we finished - hopefully it'll be a big month for us fans!
I just love this anthology so much - there are many gems and entertaining bits among them, and they're criminally underrated. A lot of the DA side content is hit or miss for a lot of people, but seriously, some of these short stories could be published on their own without any knowledge of Thedas and still entertain!!
Here are the summaries I wrote ahead of each reading. :) All of the TN short stories are independent of each other, so take a look and perhaps you will find one you enjoy. I tried to keep them largely spoiler free :)
Also, check out @larkoneironaut 's Tevinter Nights art project! They're enjoyable in their own way :)
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Three Trees to Midnight, by Patrick Weekes
After the Qunari take Ventus, prisoners are put to work chopping wood on the outskirts of Arlathan Forest. Myrion, a human mage, and Strife, a city elf who joined the Dalish, are shackled together at the ankle as a work pair. While their relationship starts antagonistic, they are quickly forced to work together to escape. This thrilling adventure is one of our first looks into the mysteries of Arlathan Forest, and the Antaam’s advance south—despite the rifts forming in the Qun’s ranks. Notably, Strife and his companion Irelin appear in another short story, Ruins of Reality, and Dragon Age: The Missing.
Down Among the Dead Men by Sylvia Feketekuty
We finally see Nevarra in this tale, and what better place to start than in the Grand Necropolis itself? Audric Felhausen, our POV character, is a city guard who is tasked with protecting a Mortalitasi mage during an investigation about some restless undead in the bowels of the Necropolis. We see how spirits and demons wander, and get stuck, in the bodies kept there -- and how possessing a body, even a long-dead one, can have significant effects on the spirit. On both a cultural and metaphysical level, this story gives us a TON of lore. And Audric, our hero, is equally curious and unsettled by what he learns. By the end you'll see why so many people are desperate for him to be a companion in DA4!
The Horror of Hormak by John Epler
Do you love Wardens? Do you miss the dark fantasy elements of Origins? Do you like the aesthetic of Dark Souls, with giant stone doors you push open with all your might to reveal a giant boss? That's the vibe that John Epler (DA4 Creative Director!) brings to this story. Wardens Ramesh and Lesha are tracking down a group of missing Wardens in Nevarra--a group, it turns out, that does not want to be found. For better or worse, Ramesh and Lesha plunge into the darkness and discover a horrifying truth with massive implications for the ancient history of Thedas... and the Evil Gods about to wake in DA4!
Callback by Lukas Kristjanson
Follow Sutherland and his crew of honorable adventurers back to where they began: Skyhold. Now defended and empty but for a handful of Chantry chosen caretakers, the fortress that once housed the Inquisition has gone dark, and Sutherland is tapped to investigate. We see Skyhold and by proxy the Inquisition itself from the perspective of one of the little guys, drawn to it because of ideals and encouraged to become their best selves. In doing so, we also see how the events of this world can shape Spirits in unexpected ways, with consequences for a world where the Veil is thin. Callback is full of callbacks and cameos from a surprising group from DAI, and an entertaining and perilous mini adventure in its own right. This is a love letter to Skyhold, to the Inquisition, and a meaningful counterpart to the memories of Skyhold kept in its frescos.
Luck in the Gardens by Sylvia Feketekuty
Hear a tale of glory and daring straight from a Lord of Fortune themself! A genderfluid, disguise-wearing, acrobat-turned-swashbuckler regales us with an adventure from the streets of Minrathous. Spy on secret meetings between Magisters, learn what the Venatori have been doing since Corypheus' defeat, and tremble in the face of things "past the Veil of our world," neither demon nor spirit. Who are the Lords of Fortune from Rivain? What lurks beneath Tevinter's streets? This may be the story that inspired many people's wishlist for the next Archon and the next Black Divine -- some beloved, familiar faces join our hero to face the terror in the gardens!
Content Warning: Body horror, Eldritch horror, mentions of Tevinter slavery
Hunger by Brianne Battye
Tevinter Nights returns to Warden business in Hunger -- or does it? Evka Ivo, a heroic warden, and her junior recruit Antoine, have to decide what counts as Warden business when there's not a Blight ongoing. As they make their way to Weisshaupt to answer their summons, they decide to make a small detour to help a village in need. Evka and Antoine are our beloved dwarf/elf romantics who feature in a DA Day short story - as well as in the DA4 lead-in comic, The Missing! Whether they may be companions or contacts to our protagonist remains to be seen, but surely they'll make an appearance after such tales of heroism and compassion!
Murder by Death Mages by Caitlin Sullivan Kelly
We return again to Nevarra from a different angle this time! An agent of the Inquisition, the multiplayer necromancer Sidony, is sent back to the home country she resents in pursuit of a killer. We learn not only about Sidony's past, but about the political landscape of Nevarra: do the Mortalitasi run the country as shadowy puppet masters? What do the common people, and the nobility, think of the death mages from the Necropolis? How are Mortalitasi trained? And what does necromancy look and feel like to the characters in Thedas? In this tale of alleyway chases and gossip-filled balls, we get another glimpse into a country we may very well visit in DA4!
The Streets of Minrathous by Brianne Battye
We return to Minrathous to learn what's become of the Venatori since Corypheus's defeat. Join Neve Gallus, special investigator (and important cameo in The Missing comic), as she navigates the alleyways of Tevinter's great city in search of a murderer. Through her eyes, we see how less-privileged mages are viewed, and how the law bends to the whims of the rich and magical in Tevinter. Neve is joined by Tevinter Templars in her investigation, and their final battle is certainly eye-opening for anyone interested in fighting mages... What lies beneath the Streets of Minrathous, if not the Cekorax? Well, you're about to find out.
The Wigmaker Job by Courtney Woods
Lucanis Dellamorte, Master Assassin (and rumored heir to the First Talon) of the Antivan Crows, prowls the secret passages and unsuspecting rooftops of Tevinter with his cousin Illario on a contract. The target? A member of the Venatori with a... peculiar hobby. From shady hotel rooms to a grand gala and fashion show, get a look at the best of the Crows doing what Crows do best. This is one of the best stories in Tevinter Nights by far.
Content Warnings: abuse of slaves, body horror, torture, gore, hair eating, lots of pretty gruesome (if cathartic) assasination, and possession
Genitivi Dies In The End by Lucas Kristjanson
The remnants of the Inquisition approach a new group of adventurers and task them with finding the secrets of Fen'Harel. The Antaam - or at least, part of it - give chase. And Genitivi Dies in the End.
Herold Had the Plan by Ryan Cormier
Our Lords of Fortune are on the run as a mission to steal an ancient amulet goes awry. They have the amulet, they have their daring escape (a Lord of Fortune knows no other kind, of course) -- but Herold had the plan for what to do with the damn thing, and Herold is gone. As Starkhaven guards give chase, only one Lord of Fortune will survive the night. But will he make it to the mysterious Squire who hired them in the first place? Join us for an adventure that will break your heart and keep you on the edge of your seat.
An Old Crow's Old Tricks by Arone Le Bray
Tevinter has sent their finest centuri to defend the shores of the Nocen Sea from potential Qunari invaders. They stake their claim on the area and set up camp, enjoying the esteem of being the proud defenders of Tevinter. But it's not the Qunari this group of soldiers should fear.
CW: blatant racism against dalish, off screen massacre of a Dalish clan, many gruesome cathartic assassinations described in some detail, hand trauma
Eight Little Talons by Courtney Woods
Antiva's crown is weak. Antiva has no army. And the Qun is at its doorstep. Antiva's Crows may be the country's only defense, but they must act fast. Caterina Dellamorte, the fearsome leader of the Crows, calls all Eight Talons to meet in secret and solitude to discuss and prepare for the threat at Antiva's borders. But perhaps they should begin by looking for threats at home. All Crows are assassins. But only one is a murderer.
Half Up Front by John Epler
A former altus who chose to be disowned into poverty to be with her elven lover takes the job of a lifetime: steal a precious, powerful, magical artifact from the Archon's Palace itself. It was never going to be easy, but the former Altus Vadis couldn't have predicted that a Minrathous heist would bring her all the way to a port in Rivain, loyal to the Qun. What at first glance seems like a classic cat burgling caper actually might tell us a lot about the forces at play in Thedas—how perhaps the people on the ground may or may not be following orders.
Dread Wolf Take You by Trick Weekes
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sunnyisla · 2 years ago
The optimal alternative to 922
922 is a very good proxy software, but for consumers, if the IP quality is guaranteed at the same time, the price can be cheaper, it is indeed a big temptation.
360proxy - The most cost-effective comprehensive proxy service provider, supports socks5/http protocol, provides users with pure and stable IP, compared with most IP proxys. 360proxy's IP connection rate is definitely in the forefront, and IP quality is very stable! Now there's a $10 200IP campaign for new users!There's a 10% discount that can add up!
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thebibutterflyao3 · 1 year ago
Day 6 - Prompt: Brave @wolfstarmicrofic
January Daily Series - 674 words
<<<Previous Part OR Start Here
“What happened to you?” Lily demanded, hands on her hips. “Whose arse am I kicking?”
Remus waved dismissively as he limped over to her table and slid into the booth. “It was animal-adjacent. No need to bury a body.”
“Animal-adjacent? Explain.”
“Sirius has a dog. As in a massive, burly creature who thinks he’s a wee sprout.”
She’d just taken a drink and promptly spluttered trying not to spit out. As Lily choked and coughed into her hand, her eyes watered. She waved frantically at him to continue.
“Are you alright?”
Lily cleared her throat twice and croaked out, “Yeah, fine. You talked to Sirius? Met his dog? That was brave, for you.”
“Yes, well. I was flattened by his dog before I realised that he was the one walking Padfoot.”
“It’s name is Padfoot?”
“His, yes. A Newfoundland apparently.”
She frowned, eyes flicking upward in thought. Remus waited to see if she recognised the breed, but after a full minute in silence, she shook her head. He pulled out his mobile and searched for pictures, then handed it over.
“It looks a bit like a Great Pyrenees, if you squint?” she asked, peering at the screen.
“Well, Padfoot is bigger than that. I don’t know about the whole breed.”
Lily’s eyebrows lifted to her hairline. “And you were assaulted by this dog?”
“Yes, and no,” he said, shrugging lightly. “He did knock me down twice, but the bruises are technically from Sirius. We fell while trying to hold Padfoot back from a sausage vendor and I caught an elbow to the eye and a boot to the leg.”
“Did he apologise, at least?”
“No, Sirius was busy chasing after the dog.”
She leaned forward and folded her arms on the table. “He left you like that? Bruised and battered?”
Remus sighed, rubbing his forehead. It sounded so much worse than it was. Sirius ran off to prevent the big, beefy fellow in an apron who was holding tongs from snapping them at the dog, not because he was an inconsiderate prick. He’d practically thrown Sirius after the dog, so it was unlikely he even realised that Remus was hurt when he limped away slightly humiliated.
“There were exigent circumstances. Padfoot was free and that dog is a menace, from what I’ve seen…and personally experienced. Sweet as honey, but a menace.”
“Sounds like Sirius,” she teased, smirking as she relaxed against the booth. “He is fun though.”
“He says the dog is exactly like James, which also seems to fit. I think they’re opposite sides of the same coin.” Remus accepted the Guinness that the server dropped off in front of him, then savoured it with a slow sip.
Lily bobbed her head side to side in vague agreement. “Possibly, they’re both sweet. James came into the bookshop today with his parents and they were adorable together.”
“Sounds nice. I haven’t met the Potters yet.”
Her phone pinged with a new text message. “Quick question. Does Sirius know that you’re obsessed with him?”
“No, but I think I was pretty obvious about fancying him,” Remus said, leaning forward to peek at her screen. “Why?”
“Because I just received a text from him asking if we’re actually friends, or if he has another stalker.”
“Another stalker? Who was the first?”
Lily arched an eyebrow as she slowly lifted her head to meet his gaze. “Are you jealous of Sirius’s stalker? For pity’s sake, Remus!”
He groaned and dropped his forehead onto the table. “I know I’m pathetic, Lily. No need to lecture me about it.”
“I commend you for self-awareness, but let’s rein in the stalking. Just ask him out.”
“Shut it. It was light stalking, at best. I was looking for his best friend, actually. Stalking by proxy, if you will,” Remus defended, flailing a hand above his prone head.
“I will not,” she retorted flatly. “I will, however, ask if he knows how you ended up with a black eye and a limp. That might buy you a little sympathy.”
Remus sighed. “I’ll take sympathy. That’s better than suspicion.”
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zzz-updates · 1 month ago
"Elpis Ultimate Angler Championship" Event Details
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[Event Duration]
2025/02/14 10:00:00 (server time) — 2025/03/10 03:59:59 (server time)
Reach Inter-Knot Lv. 23 and Main Story Chapter 2 - Intermission.
[Event Details]
• After meeting the requirements and completing the prerequisite commissions, Proxies can find McDunn at Port Elpis to participate in the "Elpis Ultimate Angler Championship" event.
• Complete various commissions in the event to earn Angler Points, increase your Fishing Permit level, and receive rewards.
• Complete the limited-time reward missions to obtain the event exclusive dynamic wallpaper: Bangboo Angler Club, Tuning Calibrator, Polychromes, and various upgrade materials.
※ For the best experience, it's recommended to complete Main Story Chapter 5 "A Storm of Falling Stars" before participating in this event.
[Ridu Chronicles]
• Once time is up, the event will be documented in Ridu Chronicles. Proxies can continue playing event content in Ridu Chronicles.
• Limited-time rewards cannot be claimed after the event is over. Please be aware of event times and claim your rewards promptly.
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gatheredfates · 8 months ago
I am thinking about the Compendium.
I am... I don't think disheartened is the right word—I feel like that implies it's targeted at other people/the community when the contemplation and consideration is aimed inwardly to myself—but I can't quite surmise the best word to sum up how I feel.
I know I would have liked to have had more Free Company / Event / Community focused spaces by now, but I think that's self-inflicted. I think my adherence to wanting permission from server owners has created a rod for my back in that not every server owner is on tumblr, has time to submit their communities or may even know of the Compendium in general. It's lead to me needing to do a bulk of the reaching out as well as recording and maintaining the document.
Which, don't get me wrong, I enjoy! I've had success! But I don't really have time for it between working full time, caring for my partner, running my other projects and actually having time for myself / my interests / my ocs and stories. There's a level of investment in trying to find the communities, join them, reach out to the owners and then copy all the information into the Compendium—time I'm realising I don't always have (unfortunately).
What it means is that I'm left with three options. One is to just suck it up and try to do it anyway, risking burnout in the process. Two is to appoint people to reach out on my / the Compendium's behalf; a job I wouldn't ask anyone to do unless they wanted to volunteer and, even then, I'm kinda eh about. Three is to reassess the Compendium's categories and change up what I accept.
I feel like the latter is the best. While consent is still important to me, I'm tempted to operate on adding Community and Event discords on the basis of them having public links (in the way I openly advertise Seafloor) is implied consent to be added to the Compendium—in the same way I don't mind if people link Seafloor in their Discords. It would be for these servers only ("Communities" in this instance being servers catered to a specific part of xiv storytelling / roleplay; e.g. a Doman Community, a WoL-centric community, etc. and events being like cafes, fight clubs, public in-character spaces—you get the idea), but means that people can anonymously submit communities and events they are a part of, rather than needing to ask their leaders, and I have a greater chance capture more spaces.
Free Companies and Casual servers would still require submission, due to their more intimate nature, but I don't think that's a huge setback? However, whether you're a Free Company leader or not, if you have a suggestion for a better method, I'm all ears.
Obviously, if people don't want their spaces on the Compendium, they can message me and I will remove them. That aspect won't change. I'm just wanted to alleviate some of my workload whilst also... kinda giving myself more work by proxy. It makes sense in my brain.
If the overwhelming answer is no, I'll go back to the drawing board. I don't think it's a bad idea, but there might be something I'm overlooking.
Anyway, if you've read this far, thanks for your time!! I care you. I'm going to bed. I may not respond to replies here until tomorrow. 💖
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carlyraejepsans · 1 year ago
What reads/videos would you recommend that explain chara's relationship with the player more clearly for monkey brained folk like me? I'm gonna admit my reading comprehension is not the best and I'm having trouble understanding the meta aspect of it (mostly why chara doesn't fight back during the geno route if they really care for monsterkind that much). I'm 100% being dumb rn but you have to be dumb to be smart
i don't trust youtube with chara. at all. defenders and offenders. though tbh i dont trust youtube with UTDR in general.
andrew cunningham had an old written essay about them from way back that hit almost every metanarrative point i also share. the only thing i personally disagree with is his thesis that those points are non syncretizable. i personally see chara as a more fluid, dymanic character compared to rest of the cast in function of their role as player proxy; all 3 readings that he proposes are ways to accomodate it diegetically, within the story, and not. the essay's linked in his discord server, if you want to check it out!
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petrichormore · 2 years ago
FIRST OFF - one little thing that I want to say:
(This is about the characters, obviously.)
I am totally on Bad’s side about locking his base down and not letting anyone in. If he wants to do that, there’s nothing wrong with it. I get why Forever and Baghera might be upset but holy shit it’s his house. And also: Trust is always gifted, never owed. The fact that he’s letting them inside his base at all is a privilege that very few people on the server have and I don’t think they realize that.
Yes, maybe they trust him with everything but that’s their decision and Bad isn’t somehow required to reciprocate equally as they see fit. I’d even argue he is reciprocating equally - but his idea of “I trust you as much as I possibly can” is just different from theirs.
I saw a lot of people telling Bad in chat that Baghera had a point but like - trust is not really a transaction like that, or at least it shouldn’t be - trust is something you earn. Forever and Baghera have earned more of Bad’s trust than any other people on the server but that doesn’t mean they’re entitled to anything he doesn’t feel comfortable sharing with them if it doesn’t concern them. Especially if it’s his LITERAL ACTUAL TOP-SECRET PRIVATE HOUSE WHERE HE LIVES.
That’s not to say I don’t understand where Forever and Baghera are coming from - obviously it probably does come across like he doesn’t trust them but. Even if they’re right (they’re not), if he doesn’t trust them then trying to guilt-trip him into giving them complete access is not gonna. make him trust them more so. Y’know. Skill issue.
- Lmao Bad is explaining his potential proxy representive democracy style government to Antoine and he really just said “if any candidate tries to assassinate anyone else I’ll just kill them” like he knows how stacked he is. People ask “What if someone assassinates Bad?” And my answer to that is: they can certainly try but they’ll probably fail miserably.
- Bad: “Everyone thinks they’re powerful until a mine is placed in the right location.” I am so glad he’s not evil because everyone else would be screwed if he was
- Bad: “I’m gonna be honest: I don’t want a government. I do not want a president. But if we have to choose a president, I want a president that will do as little as possible [without full community support].” My anarchist king. A man of the People.
- Bad has decided he wants to talk to Phil and try and convince him to run because he doesn’t trust anyone to be a ‘good president’ and thinks someone who doesn’t want the position at all would be the best choice. He also said if Phil won’t, he will run himself with an anti-government stance. If he doesn’t have a chance of winning, he will throw his support behind Forever or Baghera and help them win. I really want to see a Phil/Bad team-up though, or at least see them discuss it.
- Overall, Bad’s whole monologue about his stance on the election was super cool and he’s so Right and Correct. He didn’t explain it very well during the debate but god damn is he cooking
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