#Best Medical University
uvgullascolleges · 1 year
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education0011 · 1 year
Shape Your Medical Career to Choose Kursk State Medical University for 2023-24.
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Are you ready to embark on an extraordinary journey toward a fulfilling medical career? Look no further than Kursk State Medical University, your ultimate destination for excellence in medical education. As you prepare to make a crucial decision for your future, let us shed light on why Kursk State Medical University stands out as the ideal choice for aspiring medical professionals like you in the upcoming academic year of 2023-24.
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luna-loveboop · 1 year
I love how warriors is the one who always asks paramedic-style questions when someone’s hurt
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He’s asking questions not just to distract, but to see how bad the wound has impacted mental functioning “maybe we should be worried, because that’s not what I asked”
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Calling by name to draw attention, asking easy questions…
Like look at his face in each panel, how closely he’s watching while talking to assess the damage
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He’s always the one taking action in first aid (though obviously he can’t do magic stuff like hyrule but outside of that it’s him)
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Wars is a captain, he’s trained and has had to take care of wounded, so he knows how to take care of not only the physical but the mental impact of injuries as well, and he always comes through for it.
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I just kinda think that’s pretty cool
(Credit to Linkeduniverse au)
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mixelation · 10 months
my hot take is that most ninja have some sort of competency kink, but female shinobi get held to such high and often contradicting standards that people rarely get universally obsessed with them the way they do for men. like she can fight, sure, but don't you know kunoichi are supposed to be conventionally attractive? oh, yeah, she's hot, but she's only a B-rank, bet she relied on her good looks and can barely fight.... this is why people get obsessed with kakashi even if he covers 3/4 of his face and giggles over porn in public, or with itachi even though his face is unfortunate and he doesn't know how to hold a conversation.
tsunade is the rare complete package kunoichi that people get obsessed over, but also a shocking number of mediocre men think they could land a hit in a fight with her, the way some people think they could score a point against serena williams.
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chaoswarfare · 2 years
do x dc prompt #65
The ghost zone has a way of driving all it’s inhabitants loopy over time. Especially leaning towards the more ‘mortal’ occupants. Like ghosts that died and came to the zone, or Halfas.
Danny has been stuck wandering the Zone for almost a decade. Nobody ever stopped to help him out before, and now his perception of reality started… warping around the Zone.
When a small Robin fell into the hell portal, Danny still kept enough awareness that he knew he wanted to help him back into the living world. Now they have to travel a realm worse than any realm of afterlife torment than any religion has ever constructed, and Robin has to figure out how to readjust his guide back to the living world before it’s too late and his mind slips completely.
(danny is forced to flee into the ghost zone, but there’s only so much hell a human mind can comprehend. Luckily Robin is here to help.)
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Wally and the Colour RED
Wally and the colour Red have an interesting relationship in Welcome Home. This is a rambling/analysis of different things I've found that makes me believe it's an important detail moving forwards with the Welcome Home Mystery!
First! Why do I think this matters?
There's a few reasons why I think this matters! First, while all the members of the cast seem to be tied to a colour, none is as focused or as consistent as Wally and the colour red! The two primary examples I'll use to cover this is one that we've had for a while, and two that we got in this update. Those being the signatures at the bottom of the guestbook, the interactable telephone, and the name graphics on the transcript page!
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Interestingly, all of the cast are directly tied to a specific colour! The signatures at the bottom of the Guestpage and the colours of the "calls" on the telephone are the same for each character. This being pink for Julie, orange for Sally, yellow for Frank, green for Poppy, turquoise for Howdy, blue for Barnaby, purple for Eddie, and red for Wally. This is consistent (and possibly something to pay attention for in the future?)
Notably however, Home is signed by Wally, while the audio file for Wally's "call" recording is also called "duet" when you open it in another tab. Audio files with "duet" is a sign that Home is present. This means that red is not strictly a Wally colour, but also the colour for Home!
(if you're curious, the other audio called "duet" is Wally's little song he sings)
This is interesting, because Wally and Home are often treated as a duo, moreso than any other characters of Welcome Home. I would also like to point out another detail, one that I think ties into this tie between Wally, Home and the colour red.
The Records
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All the records from Wally's hidden message ("I will help you understand neighbor, I will find a way soon.") are red! Sure, some are glitched, but they are all red. As is this record with the strange audio (has anyone decoded this yet?). This audio is directly tied to Wally, as it's called "(DRAWING?) WITH WALLY DARLING".
However the hidden one's may not just be Wally. Though they are all name the tab "answer" when opened, I'm tempted to say that "answer" is wally prompting us to answer (or, alternatively, Wally is trying to answer us, however he perceives us).
I believe that Home is there too in the audio. If you listen to all of them in a row, turning up the audio will reveal that there is a heart beat in the background. This, I want to say, is Home and not Wally, as Wally does not seem to register them. It peaks about halfway through with Neighbor, coincidentally the audio that is both glitching and is made of a series of clicks rather than voice lines.
I have seen people say that this is "Help Me" or "Hello" in morse code. I do not know which is the agreed translation is (to me it sounds like "…. . ..-.. .. -.. ---", which translates to "HEĘIDO", which is not a word. However it most resembles "…. . .-.. .-.. ---" which translates to "HELLO")
Regardless of what Home may be saying, it shows that the hidden recordings can be put together into a timeline that sounds like one recording, which means it's most likely all recorded at the same place. Ergo, Home is in the hidden recordings as well!
Other spots where red is brought up
There are other instances of red being tied to Wally. Some are obvious, like his love of apples (red ones specifically), the Wally prints/finger paint on the bottom of the guestbook, the background of the "i <3 Wally" gif/sticker in the sticker section of the site (also shared with Home. Wally's character description is also shared by home!), Wally himself in the "so-below" page, among other things. Such as the Wally themed telephone being red, despite his more iconic blue swirled hair (or blue and yellow-trimed sweater), his clothing in multiple official artworks, the Wally cereal box, and more.
(Like something I've noticed, which is that Home is the only house that's a solid colour (red!) without any pattern breaking it up, plus the most "standout" red that Wally typically wears being tied around his neck (symbolism?). Plus the "W" of Welcome Home is red! That's fun too!
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There's also some... stranger ones. Such as this hidden piece of morse code found by this person, which spells out ".. -- .-. . -..", or "IM RED" when translated to english.
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And more hidden ones too, that tie into the hidden staff page (I have a post breaking that down that you can find here!! I cover everything I could find plus went through the website code, if you want to know everything about the secret staff site check it out!)
There is the red safe, which has in WHRP universe lore!! I delve into this in my other post, just know that it is something that exists both in the secret website (it is what introduces you to the hidden website!) AND it exists in the WHRP world, both written about in printed emails and as a physical object seen within The Room:tm:. You may also notice everyone is represented by their original colours, except for home, who is now white (or blank?).
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There's also scrap pieces of red paper spilled on the ground in The Room:tm: (that have drawn spirals), a red clock in the style of Wally's red car, a red painting of some sort on the wall of The Room:tm: (that we never get a good look at, though it may have a drawn yellow eye in the upper center), a red apple, and most importantly of all, this:
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The Red Notebook
This is no ordinary notebook. This here is the notebook that the WHRP team have "loaned" the Question Answerer, also known as the Head Curator of Question Answer! according to the printed emails. This book is very important because there are multiple signs that it was written by Wally. Inside is a sketchpad attached to the lefthand interior bookcase with little paintings and a handprint suspiciously similar to that on the bottom of the GuestBook page and doodles in the styles Wally has used (spirals, finger paint smiley face, the drawn apple, etc).
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(by the way, if you're interested in what the note says the most accurate translation I've found is by Tumblr user truckfreaks
My name doesn't matter. I am here to catalogue something I'm not sure is fully real. But it must be. I'm holding all the evidence in my hands. Pictures. Characters. Text I can barely read. It's called "Welcome Home" and it looks like it might've been a children's book? Like I said, I can't tell.
It was sopping wet when I found it. When I first reached into one of the brightly colored envelopes, my hand was already covered in some gross, [unknown - possibly “oozing”] material. It feels like antiques are always covered in some kind of grime. I'm trying to clean up what I have and do a little more digging.
There's only one name I can make out right now... Wally. Probably important, but like I said, I'll keep looking.
The wrap up (don't want to make this too long!)
Regardless of what you make of this, it shows that there is even more proof of Wally, not just the character but the Wally ""haunting"" the website and the Wally within the WHRP universe, all being tied to the colour red. (Quick clarification: The Wally we see in branding, clips of the show, etc are all Wally, however he isn't current Wally. He is the Wally of the past, the original Wally, the base Wallly, whatever you want to call him. Therefore I separate him from the "now" Wally. It's unconfirmed whether the Wally that's seemingly trying to communicate with us through the website is the same as the Wally that seems to be related to all the objects being sent to Question Answerer, who is the same Wally that is constantly calling them. If so, then there is only one "now" Wally. If they are separate, then there are two, possibly one in the website itself and one focusing on Question Answerer. Please note, this is all speculation).
While it's true that red is Wally's favourite colour, I believe that it's far more than just that tying Wally and the color red together. Going forwards, anything red that isn't immediately branded as a Wally related object should be considered important, at least I think so.
As for the connection between Wally and Home, both sharing the colour Red? I think this primarily is a display of how the two characters either rely on each other or are, in the vaguest of ways, tied together by fate.
Good bye for now!
#welcome home#wally darling#welcome home analysis#wh home#i have... so many thoughts!! so much I wish to ramble on!! but I shall leave it with this#hopefully it makes sense! if not I will re-read it later and maybe make it more comprehensive#but summary: red and wally!! important!! this is important!!#also question answerer... you and me we're buds from another universe @:)#the reason why question answerer is mentioned is because their part of the story is VERY important when analyzing#the background WHRP-universe happenings. The objects are heavily implied to be coming straight from the Welcome Home world#(though covered in a black ooze. The same ooze mentioned in the letter BESIDE the notebook tied to Wally AND the same ooze growing on#growing on the walls of The Room:tm:)#Other objects appearing in The Room:tm: also have this black ooze. AND!!#this black ooze is known not just by Question Answerer (who seems to be the main restorer of the Welcome Home media)#but also by the WHRP team.. who directly tells Question Answerer that if they feel nauseous#dizzy sick or otherwise unwell around the stuff.. to just ignore it!#denial TRULY is the BEST medication folks /it is not please take care of yourselves!!#however the emails (printed? which is suspicious?) between the WHRP team and Question Answerer are... odd#very odd. An oddness that goes beyond a simple company acting in corporate interest over employee safety#maybe I should cover that?#hmmmm so many things!! so many thoughts!!#Alas my habit of writing much in the tags cannot be stopped. anyways thank you very much for reading!!#I encourage you to share thoughts (if you wish! No pressure of course!)#syncrovoid.txt
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skyward-floored · 1 year
Whumptober Day 16: Flatline
Okay so I picked “flatline” but it’s not... EXACTLY flatlining. His heart’s kinda still going, so it only sort of counts but who cares anyway I got inspired by that one so that’s what it’s about—
...this one’s a little heavy.
(Also thanks @silvrash-797 for some help with ideas :)
Read on ao3
Warnings: serious injury, mention of broken bones, CPR is necessary
It happened so fast that even when he looked back on it later, Four still wasn’t entirely sure what happened.
Their group was standing at the top of a cliff, discussing how best to climb down and studying the long fall below. Wild jumped out with his paraglider and was making lazy circles in the air while he studied the cliff, pointing out what looked like a less steep area for them to climb down.
They’d all just decided it was the safest way when something caught Four’s eye, something small and fast zipping over their heads—
An arrow?
...headed directly for Wild.
“Champion!” he shouted, but Wild hadn’t seen the arrow, and couldn’t turn fast enough to do anything.
It flew straight at him, slitting a hole right across Wild’s paraglider and catching it at the perfect angle to rip the top nearly in two.
Four watched almost in slow motion as Wild let out a single shocked yelp, the arrow embedding in his arm, then dropped like a stone through the air. He fell out of sight into the trees below them, but only seconds went by before Sky and Wind were already leaping down after him, their faces white as they snapped open their own gliders.
Four shook himself out of his shock and began frantically searching for the best way down the cliff, Twilight slamming a mask over his eyes and shooting an arrow into the forest behind them.
Four registered a scream from a monster as he began to go down the less steep side Wild had spotted only moments ago, and seconds later Twilight was beside him, his face drawn with worry. The others stayed back to fight the monsters that were running out of the woods, but Four knew they had the small group handled.
Wild was their priority.
They reached the bottom and Twilight turned into a wolf, nose in the air already sniffing. His ears perked, and Four hopped on his back before he tore off into the woods, paws pounding against the ground.
Four’s heart was in his throat as they ran, heart beating almost as loudly as Twilight’s pawsteps. He’s fine, surely he’s fine, he can survive a fall from that height, it’s not likely but it’s possible oh Goddesses please let him be okay—
Twilight nearly skidded to a stop, and Four had to clutch him in order not to be flung. He jumped off at Twilight’s nudge, and the wolf turned towards a particularly thick section of bushes, shoving his way through with Four following.
And on the other side was Wild, snapped twigs scattered all around him, lying in a small smear of blood.
Twilight practically threw himself forward, changing into a hylian as he moved, and Four ran up beside him in horror. Wild lay crumpled in a heap among the bushes, blood trickling from his nose, his arms both at odd angles. The offending arrow stuck up out of his shoulder, but Four barely noticed, his gaze stuck on the rest of him.
“Wild— Champion, can you hear me?” Twilight said frantically, fluttering his hands overtop of him, unsure of what to do. Four took a slow step closer, unable to look away from Wild, eyes glued to his chest.
Wild was still.
Too still.
“Link, come on,” Twilight choked out, and Four dropped to his knees beside him, still staring at his chest.
“He’s not breathing,” Four said suddenly, the realization like a splash of cold water. “Twi he’s not—”
Twilight made a choked noise and Four lurched forward, carefully setting his head over Wild’s chest.
A thin, thready beat met him.
“He’s not gone yet,” Four gasped, and looked at Twilight, his face twisted in horror, eyes shiny. “We don’t have any fairies, we need Hyrule, you gotta go get him.”
Twilight stared between him and Wild with an agonized expression, but then he bolted back into the woods, shifting into a wolf as he went.
Four turned back to Wild, and breathed out, panic threatening to overwhelm him.
Not right now, you need to get him breathing again! his brain shrieked, and Four quickly moved to make sure Wild was in a good enough position.
Then he started rhythmically pressing on Wild’s chest, trying to remember the exact technique to get him breathing.
It had been a long time since part of him had read that medical book, but he still remembered most of what to do. Up and down in a regular beat on the chest, then breathing air back into the person’s lungs, back and forth to get their breathing going.
He just hoped it would be enough until Twilight came back.
Distantly he heard Sky and Wind run up, heard their gasps of horror, saw in the corner of his eyes as they kneeled at his side, but his focus was on Wild, and trying to get him to breathe.
Push down hard, but not too hard, stop and breathe into his lungs, start the compressions again—
More footsteps pounded next to him, and a hand suddenly pulled at his shoulder, despite how Four tried to throw it off.
He couldn’t stop, he had to keep going or Wild would be in an even worse state when Twilight came back, he might not even be able to be saved—
“Four, we have Hyrule, you need to let him work!” a voice shouted, and Four stopped pushing, letting the hands tug him backwards.
He watched almost dazedly as Hyrule moved to where he’d been kneeling, hands glowing a bright, intense blue. Warriors was next to him, saying something as he felt along Wild’s neck and shoulders, but Four could only watch in silence, blood roaring in his ears.
Please let it have been enough please let it have been enough please—
Wild jerked slightly, and Four heard a gasp of relief beside him, Legend pulling a shaking Hyrule back from Wild. The traveler began to argue, but Legend didn’t budge, and when Hyrule nearly fell over, the veteran pulled him further out of the way.
Four could only watch as Wild slowly stirred, Warriors working to make sure Hyrule had done what he’d needed. Wild’s eyes flickered uncertainly, and blood still trickled from his nose, but he was already trying to sit up, Warriors firmly stopping him from moving.
“He’s breathing, he’s okay, you and Hyrule did it Four,” Twilight breathed from next to him, and Four could only nod, still watching Wild.
The champion couldn’t even keep his eyes open all the way, and Time knelt next to him then, helping Warriors with the arrow Hyrule had accidentally healed into Wild’s arm. Four watched as Twilight moved to grab Wild’s hand, and the champion’s eyes closed again, face creased with pain.
Four swallowed. He’s fine, he’s fine he’s fine he’s fine he’s fine.
Sky gave him a concerned look from where he was kneeled, and moved closer to him, a hand settling over his.
“Are you all right Smithy?” he asked, and Four nodded yet again, reaching up to rub at his cheek.
His hand came back damp.
Four blinked in surprise, staring at the tears on his fingers and wondering when exactly he’d started crying. Why was he even crying at all? He wasn’t hurt, and Wild was okay now, breathing and being tended to by the others. There wasn’t any reason...
A wet hiccup suddenly escaped him, and Sky moved forward and pulled him into his arms, rubbing his back when a sound more like a sob came out.
“You did it Four, he’s alive, he’s okay,” Sky said a bit shakily, and Four swallowed, trying not to utterly break down in Sky’s arms.
He wasn’t usually one for hugging, at least not all the time. But under the current circumstances, the memory of Wild’s motionless body still sharp in his mind...
He sank further into Sky’s arms, and didn’t resist when he pulled his sailcloth over him, a hand running through his hair.
“He’s okay,” Sky repeated quietly, and Four clung to those words like a drowning man.
He’s okay.
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evilkitten3 · 6 months
But listen, if Izuna had said yes to Hashirama's help after he was injured and he still died, would Madara rampage like in canon? Would he still chase the infinite tsukyomi?
the thing is, hashirama never offered to help izuna. i'm actually not sure he could have - the hiraishingiri pretty much cut through him like butter. moreover, while madara himself lauds hashirama's medical prowess, we actually know very little about his capabilities with medical ninjutsu. he could heal wounds without any hand seals, that's mostly all we know.
here are hashirama's words immediately after izuna is injured:
"madara... you can't beat me... let's end it already. if the strongest shinobi, the uchiha and the senju, form an alliance... the country won't be able to find another shinobi clan able to counterbalance us... the conflict will eventually calm down"
he doesn't acknowledge izuna at all. whether he intended an offer of medical aid to be implied or not, it's never addressed. a bunch of people have claimed that this makes hashirama a jerk, and while i definitely get that viewpoint, i do think offering to help izuna without being absolutely certain he was capable of doing so would've been a terrible move, politically speaking. madara might have known that hashirama isn't the sort of man who would do something like this, but the rest of the uchiha clan would have no reason not to assume that hashirama didn't just take advantage of madara's kindness/trust/desperation/whatever to ensure that izuna died while potentially leaving room for madara to feel indebted to him for trying in spite of all the reasons he had not to bother.
hell, the clan might even come to the conclusion that madara intended for izuna to die so he could get his eyes, given what ended up happening in canon, so his fallout with them might actually happen even faster (and without the uchiha ever joining konoha at all, although without madara around to counter hashirama, i have no idea if/how the uchiha would manage against the senju from there)
all that aside, if hashirama had indeed offered help and izuna had agreed to take the risk and died anyway and the uchiha clan trusted that that was what had actually happened, i think pretty much everything else would've proceeded according to canon.
there's definitely plenty of fun possibilities to play around with concerning madara's path in life, but tbh i personally believe that without a massive deviation from canon, he would've eventually become who he became. hashirama definitely fucked up here and there, but i honestly don't think there was anything he could've personally done alone that would've changed madara's fate short of killing him back when they were kids, which he was never going to do. he was always doomed.
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beskarfrog · 1 year
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Din, you're trembling. Sorry, you're just...so much.
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theangrycomet · 2 months
Something something Steven Universe and TFA are the same story but from opposites sides of the war.
okay- obviously not the same-same story but I have been laughing at the amount of parallels the two shows have with them telling/giving completely different messages.
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sergeantrosabellaswan · 4 months
Am I a Monster? Disney Frozen & MCU Corssover, CHAPTER ONE
Elsa and Anna Arendelle. Sisters first, best friends forever. Even with Elsa being the one with cryokinesis- the enhanced abilities to control snow, ice and the cold. Struggling to make ends meet with Elsa attending college and Anna finishing up her senior year of high school, they accidently attract the attention of both SHIELD and HYDRA.
I’m back! this is a rewrite of a past project that I had abandoned due to Covid and lack of brain cells. Let’s hope that I don’t lose interest in this little project of mine!
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Elsa shut the door with her foot, carrying two bags of groceries for the week. An exhausted sigh escaped her mouth at the silence that filled with dingy apartment, located in the poorer parts of New York. Despite the fact that the twenty one year old college student was raising her sickly high school student sister on a fixed income, the sad apartment was fixed up to the best of their ability. The thin walls were decorated with blankets to keep the warmth in, the sagging bookshelf was crammed full with textbooks and cheap adventure novels, the outdated kitchen had a fresh tray of double chocolate chip cookies on the counter and a damp towel was neatly folded next to the stove.
All in all, the two sisters did the best that they could with what little they had access to.
“Hey,” Anna, her little sister, greeted with a weak smile over from the couch, where she was working on her chemistry homework. “How were classes?”
“Alright,” smiled the pale blonde with a small smile. “I’m just happy that winter break starts next week. Speaking of which- I went and got you another blankie.” She reached into one of the grocery bags and pulled out a fuzzy fleece blanket in hot pink and electric purple.
“Thank you!” Anna happily squealed, snatching the blankie from her sister and promptly wrapping herself in a warm cocoon.
“Well with how easily you get cold, I just figured that I should just wrap you up in blankies and have myself a little Anna burrito,” Elsa teased her said with a laugh. “Especially with Paul being such a grade A sleazebag excuse of a landlord and flat out refusing to fix the heating system.”
“Yeah.” All that could be seen of Anna were her eyes and nose, causing for Elsa to reach across and tap her little sister on the nose.
“Speaking of which, how are you on medication?” Elsa asked as she began to put the groceries away. “Do I need to go out and make a drug store run?”
“I don’t think so- my inhaler is half full,” Anna said, taking her glasses of to scrub at her eyes. “But I think I’m coming down with another ear infection and a head cold.”
Elsa groaned under her breath as she figured the cost of the medicines that Anna would require to get to her bubbly self once more.
“I’m so sorry Elsa,” Anna apologized. “I truly don’t mean to be so sick all the time.” Elsa didn’t have to look to see her sister was trying not to cry.
“I know you don’t,” Elsa took out a saucepan that had seen better days. “Does chicken noodle soup sound good for tonight?” Anna nodded, setting her homework aside as she curled up into a little ball to keep herself warm.
“Oh Elsa, before I forget, you got a letter today,” Anna said in an excited voice. “Had to sign for it and everything. I put it on our bed. it has an official looking seal- who do you think it’s from?”
Elsa smiled her thanks through a mouthful of food before standing to place her now empty bowl into the sink. She entered the only bedroom in the crap excuse of an apartment and immediately saw the letter- an official looking envelope of heavy cream colored parchment.
“Well, well, well… what have we here?” Elsa muttered, eyeballing the otherwise innocuous white envelope- Miss Elsa Arendelle it was addressed to in stern typewriter’s font. 1450 West Snow Hill Drive, #237, New York NY, 00097 was addressed underneath her name, making her anxiety skyrocket for some unknown reason.
Elsa was shaking as she used her gloved thumbnail to peel the flap open and pulled out a single sheet of paper, the same font from the front of the envelope. Elsa took in the bolded header, which had STARK INDUSTRIES stamped in a simplistic stylist font.
Elsa eyeballed the cream colored letter envelope as she set her backpack onto the rickety chair next to the sisters’ shared chest of drawers. She continued to read, her hands trembling as her pale blue eyes took in the words that were scattered across the page. Elsa could literally feel her face losing all color as she closed her eyes, forcing herself to take a deep breath of air.
I should have been more careful, she scolded herself, thinking back to that day when she had interrupted a mugging between a pimply faced teenaged young man and a heavily pregnant woman.
Dear Miss Arendelle, the letter read.
Your unique abilities have recently come to the attention of the Avengers, as well as your current living situation. Mr. Stark would like to propose a simple deal: you come and work for the Avengers Initiative, and in return, you will get put onto the team’s medical insurance, which will cover all of your sister’s medical expenses- visits to her cardiologist, audiologist and her ear nose throat doctors, all her medications including her asthma inhaler and her pacemaker and any furture surgeries that she may require.
I’m also including my phone number in case you have any questions at all.
Anothny Stark
Genius. Billionaire. Playboy. Philanthropist.
(571) 998-7850
If you liked this, then please consider buying me a coffee HERE It only costs $3!!!
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dredshirtroberts · 8 months
well. if nothing else One Person in the medical field has decided i fall in line with enough symptoms to confidently talk about what she thinks it probably aligns with. There's still things I gotta do in order to keep ruling things out, but... I don't know... I have hope? which is weird to come out with after a diagnosis of something that's symptom-management only but like. yeah i might have this forever but also I know what it is.
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lillyelmarie · 1 year
Watching Young Royals S2 simply for 🫶Revenge Whilhelm🫶
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abstract-moth · 1 year
for once I would like to be struggling academically bc my brain actually struggles to comprehend the material and not bc I have some dumb*ss sh*t going on in my personal life
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simptasia · 7 months
also unless tuvok's ancestors are a part of the 10,000, this universe will never have a version of tuvok. they pre-killed tuvok :(
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silverislander · 8 months
idk if it's genuine excitement or the energy drink i had earlier that's actually letting me focus and work but dude. i am CRUSHING this essay. this is Fun To Write. i think i'm actually doing a really good job here. wtf. i love my major man
#i am a LITTLE bit sad i cant do grad school bc like. im going to miss writing essays and researching and all once i graduate#i do genuinely like doing it. call me a nerd or whatever but i love it esp when its on smth fun and interesting like this#now im not sad enough to actually DO grad school lmao#unless i got offered a scholarship or smth idk. wont happen but. hm. if it did.#seriously tho. i would think more seriously abt it if it werent for my adhd. i just dont think its realistic for me#as much as i like my field i dont think i have the ability to focus well enough to complete the work id need to complete#i went to the meeting abt grad school i learned abt what it requires/why people do it and all. i just dont think i can do that#and bc i ultimately cant get diagnosed -> cannot get help/medication thats not going to improve any time soon#after years of learning how to adapt and work with my brain this is probably the best i can do without medical/institutional intervention#its not worth paying a shitload of money and possibly setting my career back by years only to fail out yk?#im not too torn up abt it. ill give it more thought if it becomes relevant but rn its not really on my radar#ive done an excellent job in school! im getting an honours degree (hopefully)! most people dont even get that far#a lot of people with my condition dont even get into university let alone graduate. im incredibly lucky to be able to do what i can#levi.txt#this is all over the place but takeaway is im having a good time! things are coming together i feel confident in my work#im gathering theorists and sources for the section on night of the living dead and having a blast#ive got my examples all lined up my arguments make sense in my head i know where to look for applicable theories etc etc#i just need supporting quotes and im working on that rn!! it hasnt even been that hard#ok. back to work. i need to harness the power of caffeine once more (made my brain quiet) (no longer full of bees) (im in charge)
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