#Best Legal Assistants On Property
europeanshops · 1 year
Find the Best Marketplaces in Europe | My European Shops
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Europe is home to a variety of marketplaces, both traditional and online, where you can find a wide range of goods and services. Here are some notable marketplaces in Europe.
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7thheavenhomes · 1 year
Real Estate Consulting Services Near Me
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Organized real estate companies can provide interior design services to individuals looking to remodel or renovate their homes or commercial properties. They can collaborate with clients to create a unified, functional space that meets their needs and tastes. Real estate consulting services near me are provided by organized real estate firms to those looking to invest in real estate or better understand the market. They can offer insightful commentary and sound advice on a variety of real estate topics, including market trends, investment opportunities, and property valuations.
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Free Legal Advice In Ahmedabad | Free Legal Advice Near Me In Ahmedabad । Free Legal Consultation In Ahmedabad | Advocate Paresh M Modi
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rosellacwrites · 22 days
I wanna be someone who believes
summary: Dieter knows it when he sees it.
pairings: Dieter Bravo x Reader
rating: teen maybe? I never know what to call this shit if it isn’t smutty 🤣
warnings: reader is a real estate agent and uses she/her pronouns but is otherwise undescribed; gratuitous use of double negatives; Dieter being Dieter
word count: 1650 (oops)
author’s note: posting late but written for the @dieterbravobrainrotclub May Drabble Challenge — the prompt was a meet-cute with “Do you believe in aliens?” Please be kind, I’ve never written for any of the Pedro boys before 🫣
Happy reading! ❤️
dividers by @firefly-graphics
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“Please,” she coaxes you over the phone. “I’ll owe you big time.”
This is not the first time you’ve heard this from her, and you sigh. “What?”
“I need you to cover a big buyer for me this weekend. Dave got some kind of crazy deal through work, and he wants to take me to Cabo for the weekend, and my in-laws actually agreed to take the kids for once, but this is the only weekend he’s gonna be in LA between projects and I swear to God I’ll make it up to you, I’ll take your biggest pain in the ass buyer off your hands — “
“Danielle.” You take a sip of your coffee and rub the spot between your eyebrows. “Who is it?”
She takes a deep breath on the other end. “Okay — hear me out — he’s not quite as wild and crazy as you hear, more like… sexy eccentric? And the budget is good, all cash, I’ll send you his proof of funds — “
“Danielle,” you growl. “Who. Is. It.”
There’s a beat of silence, before she speaks. “… it’s Dieter. Dieter Bravo.”
“Are you fucking with me right now?” She’s your best friend in the industry, and you’ve watched her build her business, a solid roster of low-key celebrity clients who can trust her discretion, but this — this is the big time. “You really want to take a referral on this one?”
“It’ll be a healthy referral,” she points out. “He’s looking at five to seven, but he’s willing and able to go to eight for the right property. He won’t buy sight unseen, though — he’s gotta visit them all. The vibes, you know.”
You’re mentally calculating two and a half percent of eight million, minus referral, and you like what you’re coming up with, maybe even enough to genuinely enjoy this. “God save me from the vibes. Okay. Fine,” you say, exhaling. “I’ll do it — does he have a short list already?”
It’s her turn to sigh. “Vibes.”
“Vibes,” you echo, shaking your head. “Got it. Have fun in Cabo, you lucky bitch.”
“Have fun with Dieter,” she sing-songs. “You lucky bitch.”
As soon as you set eyes on him for the first time, you know you will. Everything about Dieter Bravo proclaims the fun kind of trouble, like sunshine that didn’t mean to burn you.
“Hey there, sweetheart,” he greets you, looking like he just rolled out of bed and wants nothing more than to get back in it, preferably with you. “Do you come with the house?”
��Only when the earth moves,” you retort sweetly.
He looks stunned for a moment, and then the grin breaks over his face like sunrise and he laughs, long and loud. “I like you,” he proclaims. “Danielle said I would.”
“I’m glad to hear it.” His laughter is contagious, and you can’t help liking him too. “It’s nice to meet you, Mr. Bravo.”
“Babe,” he says, looking pained, and you belatedly remember what Danielle had told you.
“Dieter,” you correct yourself, and he beams.
“That’s more like it,” he says cheerfully.
His assistant materializes from somewhere behind him, handing you a stack of papers. “Standard NDA,” they say. “I’m sure you understand.”
Dieter groans. “Do we have to do this?”
“I’m not offended, I promise.” You smile at him, and start to skim over the contract. It’s all fairly standard stuff, really, apart from the alien invasion bit inserted neatly into the force majeure clause. But it’s not the weirdest thing you’ve ever seen turn up in a legal document — this is Hollywood, after all — and you shrug, and sign.
“Amazing!” Dieter claps his hands like a child. “Let’s go buy a fucking house!”
Six showings later, you’re exhausted, your feet are killing you, and Dieter’s assistant looks as fried as you feel.
“Food?” Dieter asks hopefully. “Or weed? Or both?”
“I’m not feeling great,” his assistant says, rubbing their forehead. “I’m starting a migraine. Dieter, do you think you can manage without me for the afternoon?”
“Yeah, yeah, we’ll be fine.” Dieter waves a hand dismissively. “Go sleep it off.” He turns to you, and before he can say anything else, you nod and lead him away.
Fifteen minutes later, you’re seated at a tucked-away patio table at your favorite cafe, and Dieter’s looking much more relaxed, sunglasses pushed haphazardly up into his hair. “How’d you meet Danielle, anyway?” you ask him over the rim of your matcha latte.
“Hit on her in a club in West Hollywood,” he admits. “She was like ‘haha I totally would if I weren’t married, but hey, do you want to buy a house instead?’”
You can’t help laughing. “Yeah. That’s on brand.”
“It was fate,” he says. “Because I did want to buy a house, I just didn’t know it until she said it.”
“All that Cliff Beasts money burning a hole in your pocket?”
“I’m sick of hotels.” He shrugs, looking almost serious for once. “I travel all the fucking time, but — I want someplace I can come home to, you know?”
“Yeah. I do.” You look down at your drink and smile, toying with the already-disintegrating paper straw. “It’s such a stressful job sometimes, and the money’s not as great as everyone thinks it is, but when I can make that perfect match for someone, and I see their face light up when they walk in because they’re finally home — there’s nothing like it.”
“Yeah?” When you glance back up, he’s giving you the softest look you’ve ever seen, and it makes you wonder what his agent could possibly be thinking. The genuine sweetness he radiates is made for rom-coms, not half-assed action flicks. “Well, I’m glad you’re the one matchmaking for me.”
“Me too,” you say softly, your eyes locked with his, and you realize as you say it that it’s true.
It’s hard to remember that you’re working; you’re having more fun with Dieter than you have on any of the actual dates you’ve had recently. You linger at the table far longer than you should, talking about everything and nothing.
Finally, you crack, leaning forward and resting your elbows on the table. “I gotta ask,” you begin, and you see him tense, just slightly. “Do you believe in aliens?” He looks at you quizzically, clearly not expecting the conversation to take that particular turn. “It’s in your NDA. Alien invasion is one of the situations that gets me out of the contract.”
“Oh, I never read that shit.” He yawns and stretches, and you get an eyeful of his tummy when his shirt rides up. You try not to look — you’re sure there’s something in the realtor’s code of ethics about not ogling your clients, even if they are celebrities — but it’s impossible to look away from all that freckled golden skin. “But… I don’t not believe in aliens, you know? Who knows what the fuck’s out there? My lawyers know better than to leave my ass in the wind.”
“Fair enough, and I appreciate the loophole.” You shrug. “If aliens landed on the roof during one of our showings, you bet your ass I’d be calling TMZ real fast.”
“And I’d support that. Get your bag, babe.” He grins at you. “Do you want to have sex with me?”
You consider your next words very carefully. “I don’t not want to have sex with you,” you admit, and his face lights up. “But I have to do my job, first.”
“Okay, so let’s go do your job and get it out of the way.” He stands up, all business for the first time all day, and extends a hand to you. His hands are warm, slightly calloused, and big, and you find yourself praying that he gets good vibes from this last one.
“I’ve saved the best for last,” you tell him. “I think you’re gonna love this one. It’s been on for a while, and they just knocked the price down to seven-four. I think if you offered a little low, they’d take it.”
“What’s the vibe?” he asks.
“Think Zen, but casual about it. It was built ten years ago, but it feels a little seventies in a good way — lots of stone, warm wood, skylights. Indoor-outdoor living. There’s a koi pond that goes under the house.”
“Funky,” he says, raising his eyebrows. “Go on.”
“Separate guest wing with kitchen, ideal for live-in staff — yoga room with adjoining massage area — detached guest house with art studio potential — “ you recite. He’s weakening by the minute, you can see it. “Pool and hot tub, of course — there’s like a waterfall thing, it’s pretty cool — “ His eyes go all dreamy and you know, you just know, he’s thinking about having sex there.
Almost there, you think; it’s time for the clincher. “Six minutes to the Whole Foods on Sepulveda.”
He whistles, reluctantly impressed. “That’s the good one.”
“It is indeed.” You nod sagely.
“Fuuuuuuck,” he groans, tugging you by the hand he’s still holding. “Let’s go.”
A few weeks later, you surface to the sound of your phone ringing.
“Can you look and tell me who’s calling?” you call out, hooking your elbows over the side of the pool. “I’m all wet.”
Dieter wiggles his eyebrows at you and answers the call. “Hey, babe,” he says. “How was Cabo? Did you get pregnant?” He laughs. “Yeah, yeah — she knows I have her phone. She’s in the pool.”
“Tell Danielle I’ll call her back,” you shout.
“Yeah, she found me the perfect house,” Dieter says, ignoring you. “It’s fucking awesome. Moved in last week — you should come over and hang. Bring the kids. There’s this koi pond — ” He pauses for a moment to listen to her, and you shake your head fondly.
“Dee,” you warn. “Get off my phone.”
“You were right, you know,” he tells Danielle, grinning and blowing a kiss at you. “I liked her.”
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Thanks to @freelancearsonist and @reallyrallyauthor for convincing me this was worth posting 😂
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polutrope · 6 months
💖 What made you start writing? 🧐 Do you spend much time researching for your stories? 🤲 Would you please share a snippet of a wip?
Thank you 😊
Thank you for the ask!
💖 What made you start writing?
Well I know you know this better than anyone because you were there from almost the beginning 🥰. Answered here.
🧐 Do you spend much time researching for your stories?
Two factors in conflict: I am neurotic about getting things factually right. I don't like researching. So, I do the bare minimum amount of research and make ample use of people more knowledgeable in various subjects areas than I.
🤲 Would you please share a snippet of a wip?
(What do we have here... a Beleria AU prompt fill that got out of control and isn't finished? 🤫
September 13, 2017
Subject: Hey
Hi Fingon,
Sorry for the delay getting back to you, I didn’t get this from the admin assistant for a while. That’s nice of you to check in. Recovering well, thanks.
Sure, it would be nice to catch up. What were you thinking?
Maedhros N. Finvesen, JD Chief Legal Officer Ambar Metta Property Development Group 700-610 Gelion St. Beleria, Endor Tel: 715-555-1212 ext. 402
September 13, 2017
Re: Hey
I’d given up on hearing back from you! Really glad to hear you’re recovering okay! Not that that’s the only reason I reached out. It was weird running into each other like that hey? I kept meaning to track you down since moving out here but time just rushes faster the older we get, you know?
Anyway I’m super glad you replied. I was thinking maybe grab a coffee? When do you have time off?
All the best, Fin
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filmnoirsbian · 2 years
I hope this doesn't sound accusatory because that is not the tone I'm taking here but
I came across a video today of a disabled person who upon the end of their flight found out that the airline had severely damaged their wheelchair. It was deeply upsetting to the person and myself too— I've come across countless stories of this happening
I understand that you work with airlines, but not in the behind the scene aspect of it so this ask may be for naught... i know that airlines are likely not doing this on purpose, and physical labourers have a hugh work load but even still... do you know why this is still a recurring problem?
Also would you possibly know what the best way is to raise this issue with airlines so necessary accomodations and precautions are made for people with mobility devices and disabilities?
Thank you very much!
This doesn't sound accusatory at all and I absolutely understand the frustration here. I myself have witnessed similar things and have been frustrated on my passengers' behalf, especially as I have no explanation to give them. The simple truth is just that people are often careless and that carelessness can result in the destruction of other people's property, including but not limited to assistive devices. When this happens, the airline is legally obligated to replace and/or pay for the damaged and lost goods, but just like any other corporation which values money more than lives, this can be a difficult process, especially if those goods must be replaced sooner rather than later. The only real advice I can give is to always keep a paper trail of your bags and devices when they are separated from you, to expedite the process if something like this should happen.
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michygranger23 · 1 year
Ok I'm now in my computer so I can write better the second part of my Spider-Man AU hehe. OK HERE WE GO LET'S START!!
Spider-Man Dream "Mirage-Spider" (Earth 120899)
Dream is a 23 year old man who lives in the city of New York with his little brother Tommy (their parents died in a car crash when Dream was 15 and Tommy 10, they were sent to an orphanage since they didn't have any family to take care of them, when Dream became a legal adult, he got a job and went to live in an apartament with his brother). Dream works as a part-time.job assistant coder in one of Alchemax's buildings, he helps in a minimal way to program different systems that the company needs to perform their activities (you could say he's like the plummer of coding lol). He's also studying in the L'Manburg College to be a writer, since that's one of his passions. His best friends are George and Sapnap, the first one works at the Alchemax´s laboratories, studying different properties of spiders; the second one is his classmate in college, Sapnap is studying to be an athletic coach. Sapnap knows George because they used to go to high-school and became good friends.
He has a very good relationship with his brother, even when he ends up very tired from college and work, he tries to always make time to hear Tommy ramble about his day and hear how he has been, and they do different activities depending on their mood and energy, sometimes they play video-games, others they watch a movie, in others they play some board-games, or others they just cuddle (platonic only/srs) in one bed and just relax with the presence of each other.
One day on work, George calls for Dream to help him with a program he's having trouble with, Dream goes to the laboratory George is (it's full with spiders in cristal cages btw) and tries to help him. Neither George or Dream notice the spider that managed to crawl out of the cage and to Dream's neck. Dream is bitten and slaps the spider out of him, George tries to help Dream with the bite with a first-aid kit but scolds Dream for killing one of his experiments. He recommends Dream going home early and to rest, since he started to look like having symptoms of a fever. Dream follows his instructions and goes home. Tommy was already home since high school was finished for that day, he tried to tell Dream about his day, but his brother told him he was feeling sick so he needed to rest. Tommy understood and went quiet (but he left him a cup of water with some pills on the bedside table and put a blanket over him when Dream fell asleep without changing his uniform on his bed)
After that incident, Dream got his powers, being the typical Spider-Man abilities, but with a new one included: He is able to manipulate existing cristal, like a window, ice, etc. This also includes the reflection it produces, meaning that is a very useful power if he needs to fool the police to get out of a scene. This power is not too strong but he's working to make it better. NOTE: He can only manipulate cristal that already exists, he can't create new one). Because of his weird behaviour and having compared Spider-Man's powers with the properties of the spider that bit Dream, George is the first one to know Spider-Man's secret identity. He tells this to Dream, and at first he calls him crazy for thinking that, but after George showing a lot of evidence, he accepts defeat. After that George is able to create a better suit for Dream (he used materials he had at home to make his original one).
Because of his job as a coder, a student from college, and being a vigilante that saves New York everyday from crime, he doesn't have much time to spend with Tommy anymore, which Tommy always says he understands this and it's okay with it, because he knows his big brother has worked very hard to get both of them a stable life, so he accepts it (even tho Tommy secretly misses hanging out with his brother, talking about whatever nonsense he wanted to tell and always being heard, play games with him, or just relax by his presence. But he doesn't want to make him feel bad, so he doesn't says anything) (And the same feeling goes for Dream as well).
One night, Dream arrives home very late after a patrol, he's frozen when he sees Tommy sitting in his bed, looking at him -without his mask- (he took it off because he thought Tommy would be asleep because of the hour and wouldn't bee seen by anyone. He didn't thought Tommy would be waiting for him to arrive home, and even less to be in his room -Tommy wanted to feel Dream's presence while waiting for him, so he waited in his brother's room-). Tommy obviously is very shocked and confused by discovering his big brother is the vigilante he has admired since the day he appeared in the city. They get into an argument about Dream risking his life everyday and for not telling him his secret sooner (he felt betrayed when Dream accidentally said that George knew the secret first, and he felt dumb for not realizing sooner this, he felt like he didn't knew his brother that well as the thought so before).
The next day when Dream went to patrol Tommy tried to stop him, he told him he didn't want to lose the only family he had left, he didn't want to see him hurt. Dream told him everything was going to be fine, that he would be there for him always when he was in trouble, that he had his big brother to protect him (it's the same words he told him the night they received the news about his parents, and he has kept that promise since that day)
That day he had a battle with the Vulture in the top of a clock (who I think could be Punz, idk he fits good with the selling illegal weapons and all that), Tommy was near one of the buildings watching the scene (he sneaked out of the house, he wanted to make sure his brother was alright, and also because he wanted to see Dream's fighting style -he still admired the vigilante, and knowing now it was his brother, he admired him more-). When Dream notices Tommy being near, he tries to redirect Vulture's attacks so they can move to another place, so he wouldn't be near Tommy. Vulture, noticing this behaviour, he observes where Dream's glance goes to in those moments he looks away. He notices Tommy, and he takes him as a hostage, thinking that maybe Mirrage-Spider will do what he demands. Dream demands Vulture to let go of the citizen, but Vulture doesn't budge, he demands Mirrage to return him the weapons he took from him, or the kid would get it. Dream did as told, he threw the bag back to him, and told him to let go of the child. Vulture did as asked. He threw Tommy inside the clock. Dream launched one of his webs to Tommy so it would stuck with him and prevent him from hitting the floor. But as in the Andrew Garfield's movie and scene, the force of the web catching Tommy made Tommy's neck snap and killed him.
Dream was left devastated, he lost the only family he had left. He hugged Tommy very hard, hugged him as if he was hiding a small child in his arms, shielding him from the cruel world, his big brother was here, he would always be there to save him from evil...until he didn't.
That day Dream promised himself to never get attached to anyone else, because he feared that he would lose them. He promised himself to always work hard to be a better version of himself. He promised he wouldn't reveal to anyone his secret identity, only George would know. He promised his brother he would try to save everyone he could, to never let evil touch them, because Mirrage was here to save the day, and he would honor his memory by doing so.
He visits Tommy's grave every Friday (that's the day they usually hanged out the most before becoming Mirrage). He tells him stories about his patrols, the jokes Sapnap tells him in class, the way his relationship with George has developed into maybe something more than friends (but he doesn't want to take the next step, he doesn't want to lose him as well). He tells him he feels sorry for not being a good big brother, for failing him when he needed him the most, and that he understands if he never get forgiven by his spirit, that he doesn't deserve his kidness and his love, and that he misses him, and he loves him so much.
OK WOW THAT WAS A LOT MORE TEXT THAN THE PREVIOUS ONE I THINK HAHA. I literally come up with this ideas as I write this, so that's why it can get so long and a bit messy haha. I still have another post for how the discduo spider-man's meet and extra info. But I think that's going to be for tomorrow lol. FOR NOW I HOPE YOU ENJOYED READING THIS GIANT TEXT LOL/lh/pos
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pslaw123 · 3 months
Top Qualities to Look for in the Best Divorce Lawyer in Delhi
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Divorce in Delhi is a complex process that necessitates not only legal understanding but also the support of a sympathetic companion.
Navigating the complexities of the legal process with the assistance of competent and empathetic counsel can significantly elevate this endeavour.
Understanding the Legal Landscape:
Divorce proceedings in India require seasoned professionals, and PS Law Firm is the preeminent option for locating the most qualified divorce attorney in Delhi.
The firm, backed by a proficient team, possesses a comprehensive understanding of legal complexities and provides customized strategies and all-encompassing assistance.
Assisting clients in navigating the complex legal landscape, PS Law Firm places a high value on openness and effective communication, enabling clients to experience a smooth divorce process.
The Best Divorce Lawyers at PS Law Firm:
PS Law Firm divorce lawyers are skilled and client-focused. Expert divorce lawyers use particular methods, clear communication, and speedy results. Our faithful friends help divorces go well.
Expertise in Family Law:
PS Law Firm’s reputation as the preeminent divorce lawyer in Delhi is primarily attributed to our team of exceptionally qualified and seasoned divorce attorneys specializing in family law.
They adeptly maneuver through the intricacies of divorce cases by utilizing their exceptional credentials and strategic methodology.
Regarding child custody and property divisions, PS Law Firm’s unwavering commitment to excellence guarantees customized and impactful legal counsel, solidifying its preferred firm for achieving favorable outcomes in family law.
Client-Centric Approach:
With a client-centric approach, PS Law Firm distinguishes itself as the top divorce lawyer in Delhi.
Prioritizing comprehending individual needs and concerns, our approach transcends mere legal expertise.
In addition to rendering legal counsel, our divorce attorneys act as empathetic counselors, extending consoling compassion throughout trying circumstances.
The PS Law Firm Advantage:
Customized Legal Strategies:
As the preeminent divorce lawyer in Delhi, PS Law Firm demonstrates exceptional proficiency in customizing legal approaches to suit the specific situations of every client.
Recognizing the unique characteristics of each divorce proceeding, we are dedicated to offering customized advocacy, thereby increasing the likelihood of a positive resolution.
With our customized approach, PS Law Firm guarantees legal expertise and a personalized route to triumph, establishing ourselves as your reliable ally in traversing the intricate realm of divorce law.
Transparent Communication:
PS Law Firm, widely recognized as the preeminent divorce lawyer in Delhi, prioritizes transparency.
We place a high value on transparent and unambiguous communication, guaranteeing that our clients are well-informed throughout the divorce proceedings.
By cultivating trust, this dedication enables clients to make informed decisions at every stage of their legal process.
Transparency is not merely a guiding principle at PS Law Firm; it is a commitment that ensures our clients have a knowledgeable and uncomplicated divorce experience.
Timely Resolution:
PS Law Firm, the top divorce attorney in Delhi, recognizes the critical nature of a speedy resolution.
Because a speedy resolution mitigates the psychological and financial strain on our clients, our divorce attorneys move swiftly to finalize the paperwork.
Our goal is to expedite the resolution of divorce disputes without compromising on quality. By doing so, we provide closure to our clients and streamline and reduce the cost of the legal process.
Navigating the Divorce Process:
Divorce proceedings can be daunting, but the process becomes more manageable with the proper legal representation.
PS Law Firm guides clients through the various stages of divorce, including:
Consultation and Case Evaluation:
By starting your legal journey with PS Law Firm, you will be granted access to a concise yet thorough consultation and a case evaluation.
Through the initial action you undertake, we can acquire knowledge regarding your particular circumstances, examine the specific details of your case, and formulate an individualized strategy for the following phases of the legal process.
Negotiation and Mediation:
PS Law Firm has established itself as the preeminent divorce lawyer in Delhi due to its outstanding achievements in negotiation and mediation.
Our legal professionals prioritize efficiency and harmony in the resolution process to reduce the probability of protracted court battles.
They endeavor to find solutions that satisfy the interests and concerns of all individuals concerned.
Litigation Support:
To protect our client’s legal rights if litigation is necessary, PS Law Firm provides unwavering assistance and makes compelling arguments in court during the proceedings.
We offer legal counsel and are dedicated to standing by our clients and ensuring they have a strong presence in obtaining a just and equitable resolution to their concerns.
The top divorce lawyer in Delhi, PS Law Firm, embodies strong advocacy qualities and legal prowess.
We navigate your voyage with clarity and efficacy by utilizing a client-centric approach, proficient practitioners, and customized strategies.
We guarantee your secure and robust transition into a new phase, encompassing everything from consultation to litigation.
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skyseoroundtable · 4 months
The Louis Law Firm, PLLC: How to Choose the Top Brooklyn Divorce Attorney
The Louis Law Firm, PLLC: Your Guide to Selecting the Best Brooklyn Divorce Lawyer
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Recognizing the Legal Environment in Brooklyn
When it comes to divorce proceedings, Brooklyn—a borough renowned for its diversity and individuality—presents its own set of difficulties. Legal counsel who is knowledgeable about both the law and the community is necessary due to legal subtleties, local court procedures, and the emotional toll of the process. At LM Divorce Lawyers, we take great satisfaction in our in-depth knowledge of Brooklyn's legal system and our dedication to providing individualized, compassionate representation.
Why Lawyers for Divorce in LM?
1. Brooklyn Family Law Expertise:
With a wealth of knowledge in Brooklyn's courts, our team is an expert in family law.
In order to offer the best possible representation, we keep up with the most recent legal developments.
2. Compassionate and Personalized Approach:
We understand the emotional intricacies of divorce.
Our attorneys give you individualized attention and compassionately and empathetically walk you through the procedure.
3. Strategic and Effective Legal Representation:
Developing approaches specifically suited to your particular circumstance.
We put your best interests first, using diplomacy where appropriate and aggression when necessary.
4. Transparency and Clear Communication:
We support honest and open communication.
Regular updates on case status and detailed explanations of legal choices.
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Offerings from LM Divorce Attorneys
1. Divorce Representation:
Contested and uncontested divorce proceedings.
Competent litigation and negotiation for successful results.
2. Child Custody and Support:
Advocacy for fair and just child custody agreements.
Help in calculating child support
3. Property Division:
A tactical method for dividing up assets and property.
Safeguarding your monetary interests.
4. Spousal Support and Alimony:
Guidance on spousal support cases.
Negotiations for just and equal maintenance agreements.
Start Here on Your Journey to Resolution
At The Louis Law Firm, PLLC, we acknowledge the individuality of every divorce case, and our strategy reflects that knowledge. The first step toward a resolution is a consultation during which we hear your worries, evaluate the circumstances, and develop a customized plan of action.
To find out more about how our knowledge, compassion, and dedication to quality set us apart as the top Brooklyn divorce attorneys, visit https://lmdivorcelawyers.com/ . With the assistance of our committed legal team, start a new chapter in your life.
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wizard-irl · 11 months
Birthstones: August✏️
Its August! Every single birthstone for August has been shown as a gem in Steven Universe: peridot, spinel, and sardonyx. Let’s discuss these three crystals' physical and metaphysical properties as we begin the month.
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Peridot is a strange crystal when it comes to its formation. The gem variety of olivine (which itself is green forsterite), peridot is found in lava flows, inside solidified molten rock, and even in meteorites. It is made of magnesium silicate (Mg₂SiO₄), along with inclusions of iron and magnesium, which causes its green colour.
Peridot is believed to help with emotional trauma by providing positive energy. Along with this, it known for its ability to bring out unconditional love and understanding of relationships. Peridot is also thought to be best for attracting money and abundance, as well as preventing overspending. Physically, Peridot has healing properties and can aid in the recovery from illnesses or accidents. It is known to relieve allergic reactions, ease problems in the lungs, heart, and stomach, and assist in childbirth. Emotionally, Peridot stabilizes moods, encourages letting go of negative emotions, and alleviates stress and anxiety. It can also enhance focus and concentration, making it useful for academic pursuits. It is considered a stone of transformation and can aid in recovery from addictions. Peridot also has specific uses for luck, protection, and finding lost items.
Peridot is rated 6.5-7 on the Mohs hardness scale, making it suitable for wearing. It's colour is light-stable, but the gem is sensitive to heat. Warm, soapy water recommended for cleaning peridot.
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Spinels are actually a group of related minerals. The type I'm referring to are the namesake spinels made of magnesium aluminate (MgAl₂O₄). Spinel's red colour is caused by chromium, but spinel is not just found in red. Spinel's can be found in a variety of colours as well. Orange and purple spinels are coloured by a mix of iron and chromium, violet spinels by iron, and blues either to iron or cobalt.
Spinel is a gemstone associated with revitalization and energy. It is believed to be beneficial for workaholics, helping release stress and replenish energy levels. Spinel may bring inspiration and brings hope, promoting new thinking, persistence, and a positive outlook on the future. It is thought to enhance personal power, creativity, intuition, and emotional balance. In relationships, Spinel is said to encourage hope, gratitude, and open communication. It may also stimulates sexual desire and fosters clarity and non-judgmental communication. In terms of health, Spinel is said to support the treatment of infertility, calm the nervous system, reduce fatigue, and promote overall physical vitality. It may also provide help with various physical issues such as joint and muscle problems, dental health, and digestive system imbalances. Spinel is associated with wealth and success, providing insight into financial matters, boosting self-confidence, and protecting against negative influences.
Spinel ranks 8 on the Mohs hardness scale, making it harder than quartz but softer than corundum (ruby or sapphire). Spinel's colours are stable in sunlight. Washing it with warm, soapy water is best, regardless of any treatments it could undergo.
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Sardonyx is a type of agate with reddish-brown and black or white banding. Being an agate, it is the same composition as quartz: silicon oxide (SiO₂).
Historically, Sardonyx has been associated with bravery, eloquence, and luck in legal matters. It its believed to promote self-control, motivation, self-confidence, happiness, and optimism. Sardonyx supports discipline, willpower, and strength of character while stimulating happiness, optimism, and self-assurance. It aids in finding meaning in life, attracting friendships, and improving relationships. Alongside its metaphysical benefits, Sardonyx has physical healing effects, invigorating the senses, regulating body fluids and metabolism, and aiding in various physical ailments.
Like all quartz, sardonyx has a hardness of 7 on the Mohs scale of hardness. This makes it a strong stone that doesn't break easily and can stand being worn as jewelry.
Link to the masterpost. Sources below the cut. Masterpost archive is a WIP until the series is finished!
"August Birthstones", Gemological Institute of America.
"Peridot", MinDat.
"Peridot", GemDat.
"Peridot Description", Gemological Institute of America.
"Peridot History and Lore", Gemological Institute of America.
"Peridot Care and Cleaning Guide", Gemological Institute of America.
"Peridot", Crystal Vaults.
"Peridot Meaning: Healing Properties, Uses, & Benefits", Tiny Rituals.
"Peridot", Healing Crystals.
"Spinel", MinDat.
"Spinel", GemDat.
"Spinel Description", Gemological Institute of America.
"Spinel History and Lore", Gemological Institute of America.
"Spinel Care and Cleaning Guide", Gemological Institute of America.
"Spinel Meaning and Properties", Fire Mountain Gems.
"Uses, Meaning & Healing Properties of... Spinel", Healing with Crystals.
"Spinel", Crystals and Jewelry.
"Sardonyx", MinDat.
"Sardonyx", GemDat.
"How Do Agates Form?", Pennsylvania State University.
"Sardonyx Overview", American Gem Society.
"History of Sardonyx Birthstone", American Gem Society.
"How To Clean Quartz Crystals (Step-by-Step Process)", Rock Seeker.
"Sardonyx Meaning and Properties", Fire Mountain Gems.
"Uses, Meaning & Healing Properties of... Sardonyx", Healing with Crystals.
"Sardonyx", Healing Crystals For You.
Image Sources
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7thheavenhomes · 1 year
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advvedtripathi · 5 months
Top Divorce Lawyer in Noida - Lawyer Ved Tripathi
Lawyer Ved Tripathi is a professional lawyer in divorce cases in Noida. They have in-depth knowledge of family law and the legal process for ending a marriage. He can provide the best legal advice, help with negotiations, and represent you in court. They can also assist with other legal issues related to divorce, such as child custody, property division, and alimony.
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irlkisukeurahara · 1 year
In me and my friend's human au, we've included several Zanpakuto as human characters as well. If any Zanpakuto fans care, here's a few.
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Senbonzakura is a servant of the Kuchiki family, assigned to preside over Byakuya since the day he was born. Senbonzakura was 6 years older than him, but regardless, they grew up together with an almost sibling-like bond. Senbonzakura did not have a name before, however Byakuya came up with a name. Senbonzakura, meaning Thousands of Cherry Petals. He explained that he loved cherry blossoms, and Senbonzakura was extremely honored to be named after something his liege held so dearly. Senbonzakura was the closest thing Byakuya had for a sibling until Rukia. Speaking of Rukia, however, one day he was sent with a search party to find her one day. However, he got lost and was abandoned by the family, very soon before Byakuya and Hisana's wedding. Byakuya was devastated, assuming he was dead, but he moved on with marrying Hisana. In his later years, he got a cockatiel and named it Senbonzakura in the man's honor. However, in the modern day, Senbonzakura saw in the newspaper that Byakuya was in the hospital. He overheard Rukia and Renji passing by talking about him, and he approached, asking to follow to see him. They were hesitant, as Byakuya never talked about him because he doesn't talk about anything- But they let him tag along, and as Byakuya and Senbonzakura laid eyes on each other, their faces lit up. Byakuya's cold and callous gaze completely shattered, laying eyes once more on one of the three people that helped him get through his childhood. The other two being his father, Sojun, and Hisana, both deceased. He'd assumed Senbonzakura was too, but he was thankfully wrong. Senbonzakura moved into the Kuchiki home once more, and the pet bird seemed to initiate a rivalry between them for Byakuya's affections. It is thoroughly entertaining to Rukia.
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Hyorinmaru used to serve in the military with Kensei Muguruma. Some time during their service, they were both discharged due to severe injury. It left Hyorinmaru with a missing leg and left Kensei completely deaf. They didn't end up keeping in touch, but they do remember each other in the back of their minds. Hyorinmaru later went on to get married and have a child, being Toshiro. He lived with his wife, mother, and child. That was, until the child Toshiro made a friend in Momo Hinamori, who had nowhere to go with housing. They ended up taking her in as well, giving her food and shelter and viewing her like a roommate. He would continue to be cursed with poor luck, getting in accident after accident that eventually caused the amputation of both arms and both legs, which left him having to have four prosthetics. Even with financial assistance from Ukitake, the cost of these caused him to fall into an extreme financial slump. On top of that, his wife and mother passed away within close proximity to each other. So, Hyorinmaru started taking up many many jobs, hoping to support the two children. This often leads to the two of them spending the day with Ukitake more often than not, to the point he's a more stable father figure than Toshiro's actual father. But he's trying his best.
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Kisuke Urahara had a difficult childhood, though born into riches, he was also born into severe abuse. As his childhood went on, he developed Dissociative Identity Disorder, and his brain split into two to psychologically recover from his abuse. Then formed Kisuke Urahara and Benihime Aratame. Kisuke ran away from home, living in an abandoned shed on the Shihouin property, so while he had access to Urahara and Shihouin money (a LOT), he was legally homeless for years. Benihime, in a way, raised Kisuke when his mother and father wouldn't. She stood in for his mother, and often behaved as such. She took after his mother a little too much, in that she is quite mean and sometimes cruel, as well as finding quite the importance in her regal appearance. Despite her regal beauty, she isn't completely princess-like, being she has horrible table manners. Besides that, she acts like a princess and gets treated like a princess. Kisuke's husband, Tessai, even honors her with the title. She's a seamstress, and is in fact so skilled with a thread and needle, she has sewn up her own wounds at times. She bought Kisuke's cane, the super illegal sword cane. She helped him learn his way around a sword through co-fronting and coaching, and he ended up jokingly naming the sword after her. The stoned merchant and the beautiful princess live together in the same body, and while everything he does seems to make her mad, she adores him. As much as she wishes he wasn't too depressed to shower on his own, as much as she wishes he wouldn't set shit on fire, as much as she wishes he would quit smoking, she loves him like a son regardless. Still makes her mad when the first thing she has to do upon fronting, 100% of the time, without fault, is take a shower. Kisuke is gross like that.
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Nozarashi was, similar to Kenpachi, a homeless woman with no name. She had nothing but her infant daughter, nameless at the time. The only thing she knew is the town she came from, Kusajishi. So, that's what she began to call herself. She wanted to kill anyone who messed with her and her baby, and was fully capable, but didn't want to risk her life. One day, she found refuge in a cave, not realizing it was previously occupied. There sat a man, only a year or three younger than him, alone with a fire. He asked her who she was, and she said she didn't know. He replied that he didn't know either. The two stuck together, and the man said he calls himself Kenpachi Zaraki. Zaraki, from the town he was born in. And Kenpachi, from the Kenpachi Killer, Yachiru Unohana, who had been arrested and allegedly rehabilitated maybe 15 years prior. That's also where he chose the name for the baby, Yachiru. Then came to the woman. Kenpachi had overhead a name from a conversation, Nozarashi, a name meaning Weather Beaten. He looked at her, covered in many scars, and out at the rain outside, and decided on that. The three became a family from then on forward. Kenpachi and Nozarashi, over time, worked (and stole) their way out of homelessness and moved in together. For the sake of Yachiru, the two decided to get married. Though, as they were both Aromantic, it was purely for legal reasons, and they shared no romantic feelings. The two both developed a very "edgy" punk style, and they taught themselves and Yachiru English through English Metal music. Nozarashi is quite harsh and mean at times, but is generally extremely overprotective. She loves Kenpachi and Yachiru as family, adoring and babying them, while treating most others with neutrality or negativity. However, when you get on your good side, you have a protector for life. She stands just as tall as Kenpachi, with similar muscle mass. They can and will both beat up whoever they want, no debate. The old crazy killers maintain a wholesome relationship, and will continue to do so to the end of time.
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fedabproperties · 9 months
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Have you ever envisioned owning a residence that reflects your ambitions, even from afar? Your dream home is currently accessible, thanks to our specialized Realty Advisory solutions customized for Nigerians in the diaspora.
What We Offer:
Land Paper Verification and also Purchase: We understand the importance of safe and secure investments. Our group makes certain complete land record verification and also assists you in acquiring properties with a solid legal foundation.
Smooth Building Deals: Browsing residential property transactions can be tough, specifically from a distance. We act as intermediaries, skillfully negotiating between parties to ensure a smooth as well as sufficient bargain for all celebrations involved.
Effective Paper Processing: Managing land as well as residential property documents can be overwhelming. We deal with all relevant paperwork, consisting of structure authorizations, to make the procedure easy for you.
Comprehensive Residential Or Commercial Property Administration: Your residential or commercial property is a financial investment that is entitled to mindful focus. Our building administration solutions make certain that your investment continues to be in leading problems as well as yields the best returns.
Tailored Leasing Solutions: Renting out your building can be a financially rewarding endeavor. We handle the entire procedure, from marketing your structured job to collecting lease, so you can appreciate the benefits easily.
End-to-End Building And Construction Services: Building a home from a range can be an obstacle. Our building services give detailed supervision, from the project's inception to its effective conclusion.
Professional Service Provider Interface: Finding and also managing professionals can be discouraging. We take the problem off your shoulders by involving with specialists on your behalf, making sure that your vision is understood.
To learn more, Contact us: https://www.fedabproperties.com
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te-quiero-coshar · 1 year
Finding support With Junk Removal
Maybe you are a landowner with inconsiderate occupants. Inhabitants who have left you with a back lease balance and a heap of old furnishings and broken products. If you have purchased a dispossession property you are probably going to know the sorts of stuff individuals abandon. Furniture, general trash, and frequently old vehicles. Maybe you understand that your shed has quite recently become a heap of stuff that is overpowering and is truly nothing you need. Almost certainly, you understand that you will struggle with disposing of things, despite the fact that you know you should. You can call for junk removal administrations.
Companies who offer this assistance know how to appropriately dispose of paint jars, old computers, TVs, and even apparatuses. You can have confidence that the things that should be reused will be and that the things that need to be tossed by the law will be dealt with appropriately. All of this junk removal would take you days, even a long time to complete. You would need to be legal when tossing out paint jars and lights with mercury. You even need to make certain to take computers, monitors and TVs to a reusing station. However doing it without anyone else's help is less expensive, it is unquestionably not without a cost. The cost is your significant investment.
Show a professional the space that needs cleaning. This could be a shed or carport. There might try and be flotsam and jetsam in your yard. They will give you a gauge. You choose whether or not to recruit them. If you employ them you can anticipate that these companies should be quick and productive. If you finished this work yourself you would need a truck, a dump license, and you might need a willing friend to help with the heavier things.
To downplay the need for junk removal, make certain to purchase machines at places that offer removal of the bygone one. This goes for sleeping pads also. However you might pay more for the removal, you will be happy when you don't make a heap of stuff to cleanse later. Pack away occasion decorations in legitimate holders to keep rodents out and decrease the need to buy new stuff. When saving pre-worn stuff for your children, put them in appropriate compartments too. Stuff is just worth saving if it doesn't get harmed. Store grass trimmers, pressure washers, generators, and some other tools inside. This will keep them in better condition, decreasing the need to supplant them. When things truly do gain out of influence, remember that you can call somebody to help. It will be the best thing you accomplish for your home. When you have it taken care of the wreck will be such a ton simpler to maintain.
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falatiseo · 10 months
The Secret Guide to Find the Best Intellectual Property Lawyer
In today's rapidly evolving world, intellectual property (IP) has become a valuable and fiercely protected asset. Whether you're a creative artist, a tech startup, or an established corporation, your ideas, inventions, and innovations deserve safeguarding. This is where intellectual property lawyers come into play. In this article, we'll explore the critical role of intellectual property lawyers and why their expertise is indispensable in an era of creativity and innovation.
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Understanding Intellectual Property
Before we delve into the role of an intellectual property lawyer, it's essential to grasp what intellectual property encompasses. Intellectual property refers to the legal rights granted to individuals or entities over their creations or inventions. These creations can include:
Copyrightable Works: Such as literature, music, films, and software. Trademarks: Identifiers of goods or services that distinguish them from others. Patents: Exclusive rights to inventions, processes, and innovations. Trade Secrets: Proprietary information, like manufacturing processes, formulas, or customer lists.
The Vital Role of Intellectual Property Lawyers
Strategic Counsel: Intellectual property lawyers provide strategic guidance on how to protect your IP assets. They assess your unique needs and develop a customized plan to safeguard your creations.
IP Portfolio Management: For businesses, managing a portfolio of IP assets can be complex. Lawyers assist in organizing, maintaining, and enforcing these assets, ensuring they remain valuable assets.
Registration and Filing: Intellectual property lawyers are experts in filing and registering IP with the appropriate government authorities. This includes copyright registrations, trademark applications, and patent filings.
IP Enforcement: When someone infringes upon your intellectual property rights, an IP lawyer is your advocate. They can send cease-and-desist letters, negotiate settlements, or take legal action on your behalf.
Defensive Strategies: Intellectual property lawyers can help clients defend against allegations of IP infringement. They evaluate the claims, gather evidence, and develop a strong defense strategy.
Licensing and Contracts: Many IP owners license their rights to others. Lawyers negotiate and draft licensing agreements, ensuring that the terms protect the IP owner's interests.
Due Diligence: In mergers, acquisitions, or investments, intellectual property lawyers conduct due diligence to assess the value and risks associated with IP assets.
Challenges in the Digital Age
In today's digital age, the protection of intellectual property faces unique challenges. The ease of copying and distributing digital content, the rise of online infringement, and the global nature of the internet have added complexity to IP issues. Intellectual property lawyers must adapt to these challenges by staying current on legal developments, cybersecurity threats, and international IP treaties.
The Importance of Early Action
One crucial aspect of intellectual property protection is early action. Waiting until an issue arises can be costly and limit your legal options. Intellectual property lawyers stress the importance of proactive protection. Whether you're an individual artist or a business entity, consulting with an IP lawyer early in the creative or innovative process can help you establish a strong foundation for protection.
Navigating International IP Law:
In our interconnected world, intellectual property often crosses international borders. Intellectual property lawyers are well-versed in international IP treaties and agreements. They can assist clients in protecting their IP rights globally, ensuring that innovations, trademarks, and copyrights are safeguarded in multiple jurisdictions.
IP Litigation and Enforcement:
When disputes over intellectual property arise, IP lawyers are prepared to advocate for their clients in legal proceedings. IP litigation can be complex, involving issues such as patent infringement, copyright disputes, or trademark challenges. Lawyers specializing in IP have the expertise to build strong cases and represent their clients effectively in court.
Emerging Technologies and IP:
As technology continues to advance, intellectual property lawyers are at the forefront of addressing novel challenges. This includes issues related to artificial intelligence, blockchain, virtual reality, and biotechnology. Lawyers work to ensure that innovators in these fields have adequate protection for their creations while also navigating the ethical and legal complexities that arise.
Digital Rights Management (DRM):
In the digital age, the protection of digital content is paramount. IP lawyers play a role in advising content creators and distributors on implementing DRM strategies to prevent unauthorized copying or distribution of digital assets.
Open Source and IP Licensing:
Open-source software and collaborative projects have become essential parts of the tech industry. Intellectual property lawyers help clients understand the intricacies of open-source licensing and ensure compliance with license terms when using open-source software in their projects.
Protection Against Counterfeiting and Piracy:
Counterfeiting and piracy remain significant threats to intellectual property rights. IP lawyers work with clients to develop strategies to combat counterfeit products and piracy in various industries, from fashion to pharmaceuticals.
Education and Awareness:
Intellectual property lawyers often play an educational role, helping clients understand the importance of IP protection. They can offer guidance on best practices for IP management within organizations, including employee training on IP issues.
Environmental Considerations:
In some cases, intellectual property intersects with environmental concerns. IP lawyers work with clients to protect environmentally sustainable innovations, such as clean energy technologies, and navigate IP issues related to environmental regulations and patents.
Ethical Considerations:
The ethical responsibilities of IP lawyers are multifaceted. They must uphold the highest ethical standards in their practice, ensuring confidentiality, avoiding conflicts of interest, and providing clients with honest and transparent advice. Ethical considerations are particularly important when dealing with sensitive matters such as trade secrets.
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Conclusion: Guardians of Innovation and Creativity
In a rapidly evolving world driven by innovation and creativity, intellectual property lawyers serve as essential guardians of the rights and interests of individuals, businesses, and organizations. They navigate complex legal landscapes, address emerging challenges in technology and digital media, and provide strategic guidance that allows innovators to thrive while protecting their valuable creations.
The role of an intellectual property lawyer extends beyond legal expertise; it encompasses a commitment to fostering innovation, creativity, and the responsible management of intellectual assets. By collaborating with these legal professionals, individuals and entities can navigate the intricate terrain of intellectual property rights, secure their innovations, and contribute to the vibrant tapestry of human progress. In an age where ideas and innovations are catalysts for change, intellectual property lawyers are instrumental in safeguarding the intellectual legacy of today and the innovations of tomorrow.
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