#Be My House Husband Au
juanarc-thethird · 1 month
Be My House Husband p3
At the Vale Summer Fair
Jaune is participating in a cooking competition. This year's theme is barbecue. So he brought along his famous pork ribs covered in a special siracha and barbecue sauce. Plus a few secret ingredients that are valid in the competition rules.
Jaune: *Shaking a little*
Coco: Nervous?
Jaune: Hm? Oh! Coco, I didn't expect to see you here.
Coco: And miss out on a chance to see you, hottie? Not even in dreams.
Normally Jaune would blush at this point and tell her to stop, but he doesn't say anything. Coco stares at him and she can see that he's distracted. His mind is elsewhere.
Coco: Jaune?
Jaune: Oh sorry! Yes?
Coco: Are you okay? *She asks concerned*
Jaune: Y-Yes, I'm totally fine.
Coco: Jaune....
She stares into Jaune's eyes and he sighs.
Jaune: This isn't my first time doing this, actually. I really put a lot of effort into my dish. But I don't think it's enough. I mean, look at the guy over there. He brought a whole pig, the guy over there brought three-meat sausages, and the guy over there…
At that moment Coco took his hand and he stops. He then looks at her and Coco starts talking.
Coco: Jaune, I've eaten your food and I can safely say that you are the best chef I know. There's no way you're going to lose this competition.
Jaune: But the others...
Coco: Forget about the others. In the end, what will decide the winner is not how complicated the dish was, but how tasty it is. So believe in yourself the same way I believe in you, okay?
Jaune stares at her for a few seconds, absorbing every word she said. That calmed him down a bit and with a smile he answers back.
Jaune: You're right, I have to trust in my abilities. Thanks Coco.
Coco: You're welcome, tiger. *She winks at him* Now where are the rest of your friends? I thought I'd run into your team or team RWBY by now.
Jaune: They couldn't come.
Coco: What? Why?
Jaune: They had plans, but that's okay.
Coco: If you say so. Oh! I think the judges are coming. Good luck!
She then gives him two thumbs up and walks away.
Jaune: *Looking at her walk away* Thank you.
The competition continued and after a couple of hours, the judges finally came to a decision. All the contestants are standing on the podium as they await the results. While spectators watch attentively from the stands.
The master of ceremonies together with the judges are in front of the podium. Two of them hold a trophy and a plaque while the other holds the envelope with the winner.
Master of ceremonies: Ladies and Gentlemen's. After a long discussion, the judges came to a decision.
Judge 1: *gives him the envelope*
Master of ceremonies: *He takes an envelope and starts to open it* This year's winner is… *He pulls out the paper and…* Jaune Arc!
Jaune: *Shock* What?
Coco: Heck Yeah!! That's my future husband! WOOHOO!!!
Jaune walks to the center of the podium and receives his first place plaque and trophy.
Judge 1: *Shakes his hand* Congratulations, young man.
The crowd applauds in excitement. People then approach him to congratulate him and talk a little more about his dish. It was a great day for him. As time went by the celebration began to die down and he stepped away from everyone to get some air. He finds an empty bench and sits down.
Jaune: *Sighs*
Coco: I told you you'd win.
Jaune turned to see Coco giving her famous smile. But this time she looked different, Jaune could see how the warm light of the festival made her skin shine like the sunset. Her eyes were so beautiful; dark brown like wood. And her hair, was her hair always looked this nice?
Coco: Hello~ Jaune are you there?
Jaune: *Blushing* Huh?! Oh! Sorry! I was thinking on something else.
Coco: Was it about me?~💕
Jaune: *Red* Huh?!!
Coco: Hahaha, I'm just messing with you. Can I sit beside you?
Jaune: *Looks away* S-Sure.
She sits beside him and looks at the starry sky.
Coco: Today the stars look beautiful, don't you think?
Jaune: *Looks at Coco* I... I think so
Coco: *Looks at him* So how do you plan to celebrate your victory?
Jaune: Um... well, I never thought about that.
Coco: That's what I thought, that's why I took the liberty of calling everyone to tell them about your victory and preparing a table for us at Imos Pizza, your favorite pizzeria. My treat.
Jaune: *Smiles* Thank you, Coco.
Coco: Don't even mention it. Now get up and let's eat.
She stands up but jaune grabs her hand.
Jaune: Wait
Coco: Hm?
Jaune: Before we go I just want to say that… Well… Thank you very much for your help.
Coco: It was nothing.
Jaune: It was something!
Coco was a little surprised by Jaune's raised voice. So she looks at him intently, paying attention to every word.
Jaune: I was so nervous about this competition and I thought my friends would be here to support me. But they couldn't come. But you came and not only helped me with my nerves, but you also trusted me. And that's why I… I…
Coco: *Nervous* (Is he... Is he about to....)
At that moment Coco's phone started ringing.
Coco: Sorry! *She immediately grabs her phone and puts it on silent* Sorry about that. You were saying…
Jaune: I... I want to thank you.
Coco: Just that?
Jaune: Y-Yes...
Coco: O-Ok, so should we go now?
Jaune: After you.
Coco: Ok
As she takes the lead while Jaune walks beside her, Jaune can't stop glancing at Coco and a crazy idea pops into his head.
Coco: By the way, Jaune. *She turns to look at him* What kind of pizza do you wan-!!!
At that moment Coco is kissed by Jaune on the lips. She freezes and a few seconds later Jaune realizes what he did.
Jaune: Sorry! I just wanted to kiss you on the cheek! I didn't mean to kiss you on the lips! Um…! I'll see you at the restaurant!
Jaune ran away, leaving Coco behind. Coco can't believe what just happened, and slowly a huge smile fills her face. Jaune just kissed her.
Coco: *giggling like a school girl* Jaune just kissed me. He freaking kiss me! Today is the best day of my life!!
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captainkirkk · 2 years
I want to see characters being taken care of in an explicit and worshipful way. Home-cooked meals. Hair brushed and braided by gentle hands. Little gifts just because.
I want to read about characters who are not used to kindness being bombarded by acts of service. This trope works romantically and platonically. Give me found family and acts of service - all the ways a character is wrapped up in wordless, explicit care after years of cruelty and having no idea how to handle. I need it.
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aprito · 12 days
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sos fam...they are so important to me actually...
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dhmis-autism · 17 days
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been thinking about them lately ok
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inthehouseoffinwe · 2 days
Finarfin Fades.
No one expects it, no one’s faded in Valinor since Miriel. The War of Wrath is won and he comes back, waving off the courtiers, well wishers, and congratulators with his usual grace, and walks into the palace of Tirion. To rooms abandoned since their owners left so long ago. Winding deeper and deeper his feet take him to what was once Finwë’s favourite garden.
He’s so tired.
He’s fulfilled his promise to Fëanaro and Nolofinwë, to avenge them. To make the agony of their final moments - agony Finarfin felt, falling to the floor screaming as fire and darkness consumed his spirit - count for something. Now Morgoth is finally gone, but he’s not the only one.
His brothers, larger than life, larger than death, are gone. With them his sons. Niece. Nephews. Grandchildren. His daughter is never to return. He Saw little Nelyo’s death in his dreams and is sure hopes for the child’s own sake that Makalaurë will be close behind.
Little remains. Even less on these golden shores.
So Finarfin sits on a bench long overgrown with vines and weeds, and watches the sun filter through the thicket, wishing the ghosts he sees in his father’s garden would flesh out.
He sits. He waits.
And by the time anyone finds him, it’s too late.
…at least he’s smiling again.
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backpackingspace · 3 months
Listen can we talk about the fact that odysseus, Penelope, and telemculus all cry at a drop of hat and then you have Athena and diomedes sitting there like :/// embarrassing
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lazysunjade · 9 months
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J A N U A R Y | 01
"happy birthday, Puppy."
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0ctopus-vase-phas3 · 4 days
Hello dear, I am Hala, a mother of four children from Gaza. We live in difficult circumstances in Gaza. Our dreams and future have been shattered. Our home has been destroyed and we have been displaced many times. Please donate participate to evacuate my children to their father in Egypt. Thank you.
Please take a moment to listen to Hala, spread her story. Imagine how devastating it must be to have everything shattered right before your eyes whilst having children. Please help Hala and her dream for a better future for her and her children. Donate if you can, boost, reblog, share, post, anything you can do helps. Reach out a helping hand to the people begging for it, please.
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wayfayrr · 1 year
With all the asks from 👾 I've been thoroughly inspired to write something for Hyrule in the House Husband AU because it now just lives rent free in my head AKSNNXKS (these asks were the inspiration)
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The chain are in my house now which is just lovely, and while it's good to see that they're still safe. it's concerning that they were so focused on finding me that they'd abandon Hyrule for their search. Did they even see if there was a way for them to go back… or do they not care?
But if how Sage's body has reacted to being in this world for so long is anything to go off of?
Then some of the chain might need some time to adap-
No, no, no. Please let him be alright, he's part fae, of course, he wouldn't handle the lack of magic well. But I didn't think he'd faint on the spot!
"[name]? What's going on!? What happened to the traveller?"
"I'll explain later, just.. help me get him into my bed."
Where do we even begin, Sage doesn't have it this bad and there are no documented cases of magic withdrawal to look at. Would the best thing to do right now be to get him comfortable and keep him stable?
He’s still breathing, even though it’s worryingly shallow and his skin impossibly clammy. He’ll live though.
He has to.
“[Name] please. We all just wanted to see you, we didn’t - we didn’t think anything bad would happen.”
“Wind… It’s not your fault, Rulie’s going to be fine. I’m sure of it. We’ve got to stay strong for him alright?”
Rulie’s almost in my bed to rest now, if we can just get him comfortable then we can deal with the rest of this as it comes. Maybe I should ask…
“Sage, would you mind making some soup while I get Rulie stable? He'll probably need something thin for when he wakes up. Oh come on, you don’t need to pull that face love.”
Calling him that seems to have gotten him to show a little care for the others, even if it's just to get me to call him more pet names. Although the rest of the chain didn’t seem to like me calling Sage that, there are more important things to deal with right now.
Like getting Hyrule to wake up, if he stays unconscious for too long the only option would be to call the hospital, but that isn’t even a safe option because none of the chain has any ID which would cause a few issues, to say the least.
Starting with lowering his fever is a good idea, there should be something around here I could use. There’s a flannel I can dampen in the bathroom somewhere.
“Guys can you stay here with Hyrule and make sure he doesn’t get any worse while I go and get something to cool him down.”
“You’ve still not said what’s happened to him. Do you know what’s happening?”
“I have a hunch. Nothing certain, but we really need to focus right now. I promise you I’ll explain in a moment, Sky.”
Shoving past where they've all gathered in my room wasn't the easiest thing, but the adrenaline from all of this seems to be giving me an edge over the rest of the heroes, because I know if I didn't have that it should have been near impossible to do. 
Coming back with a damp towel; laying it on Hyrule; his breathing becoming more steady, making now the perfect time to explain to the chain what’s most likely happening to him. Now I’ve just got to hope that I can think of how best to explain what might be going on.
“You all want to know why Rulie’s like this? It’s a little hard to explain and I’m not even sure if it's right but I’ll try my best to explain.”
No response. They are looking at me with a lot of concern though, more than that as well but it seems their concern for one of their brothers is outweighing whatever else they want to tell me right now. Guess the best action would be to explain what I can then try to answer any questions they might have.
“You probably noticed Sage’s ears right? Something similar has been happening with him, we guessed it’s most likely due to the fact that there’s no magic in this world. Something to do with that seems to change Hylian or magical features to make them fit would be the best way to put it. Hyrule’s part fae, so the lack of magic impacted him far more as well as far faster than it did with sage.”
“... you’re saying that something like this is going to happen to all of us? That we’re going to lose our magic if we stay here?”
I don’t know if I’m simply hearing things or not but Legend sounded like he was weighing that up as an option. I know they were somewhat desperate to be with me seeing as they’ve gone through all of this to be here but to throw away part of themselves like this? Sage didn’t have a choice to be brought here.
Would he have chosen it if he had the chance? How they’re all acting, like this doesn’t seem world-ending to them, like they aren’t sacrificing everything they've ever known. I think he would have decided this in a heartbeat now.
“It seems like that. Unless you have a way back to Hyrule then I think it’s almost certain to happen.”
Rulie looks to be stirring a bit now giving me an excuse to step away from why the chain are acting so concerning; instead focusing on him as he wakes. Gently taking his hand in my own the only real thing we can do is wait for him to get up and then figure out how bad everything is. However long that may take, I’ll make sure to stay here by his side.
He doesn’t need to wake up alone with everything else he’s going through.
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juanarc-thethird · 11 months
Be My House Husband
Guess what! I've got a fever, and the only prescription is more Coco x Jaune! -----------------
Jaune: *Cooking*
Coco: *Looking at him work* Hey Jaune...
Jaune: Hm?
Coco: How do you feel about being a house husband?
Jaune: Sorry?
Coco: I mean you're good at cleaning, cooking, and fixing problems around the house. You are the perfect candidate for the job.
Jaune: Thanks? I guess... But why the question?
Coco: Be my house husband, Jaune.
Jaune: *Confuse* Do you mean like in a work sense?
Coco: No, I want you to marry me.
Jaune: *Blushing* Eh?!
Coco: *Smiling* Gosh, you're so cute when you're blushing.
Jaune: *Upset* Stop making fun of me.
Coco: I'm not. I really want you to be my husband.
Jaune: Yeah right, as if I believed that the coolest girl on the planet would date a moron like me.
Coco: *Serious* Jaune, you're wonderful just the way you are. I love you.
Jaune: *Gasp!* *Red* Y-You-
*TING!* The stove clock goes off
Jaune: T-The food is ready!! I have to tell the othersI! See you later!! *Leaves*
Coco: *Smug* Playing hard to get, huh? You're on.
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idliketobeatree · 7 months
hello hi my good omens fellows hear me out. yes i know it's ooc. and i think it could be more ergonomic (already readjusting the straps in my head) but.
aziraphale wearing THIS
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thank you for your attention
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skylerhvn · 2 months
“In the shadowed depths of the forest outside her house, Constance Langdon confronts the terrifying consequences of her pact with Alternate Gabriel. The desire for a son as beautiful as a God, but regret intertwine in a chilling dance, leaving Constance to grapple with the horrifying reality of her twisted desires. What happens when ambition meets malevolence?”
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─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
-Skyler: Heyhi thank y'all for delving into this dark crossover I hope you enjoyed the blend of sinister forces from The Mandela Catalogue and the haunting world of "American Horror Story ˚☽˚.⋆
* . ݁₊ ⊹ [Sorry for the low quality]. ݁˖ *. ݁
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jtl-fics · 1 year
You said you had something queued for the non-specific reality show AU?
"Welcome to Ugh." Andrew says while sitting in a perfectly white room on a simple black chair.
"We're your hosts, I can't believe I'm still alive to suffer through this, it's Jean Moreau." Jean says pouring half of a bottle of wine into a wine glass and handing the rest of the bottle to Andrew before taking a sip.
Andrew accepts the bottle, "And Contractually obligated by the Real House-spouses of Exy to say I'm happy to be here, Andrew Minyard." Andrew says.
"Today's segments include, 'No Kevin just because it has Exy in the title doesn't mean any of us want to hear about changes in player stats'" Jean says tiredly.
"And ,of course, 'Is it fashion or is Neil just hot enough to pull it off?' The answer may surprise you."
Thanks @ittyybittybaker for goofing around with me in messages about this yesterday lol
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merry-andrews · 1 year
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Boxer!Bradley AU;
Bradley fights big matches and wins big prizes. He's one of famous ones. one night at a bar he meets Jake. He's a run-away kid looking for finding a job in this big town and a new start and it's supposed to be a casual one-night stand but morning after when Jake walks around Bradley's small kitchen, wearing Bradley's shirt and sitting on Brad when he's doing his push-ups, Bradley just gets too fond of him that he suggests Jake to stay with him until he finds his own place to live.
he's set for a big match for next couple of months and his competitor is also a good boxer with good reputation too so it's a real challenge if he can beat him. Talking about moneys and bets here which he can make a whole new life someplace else (with Jake💗 Brad's planning on to purpose him) something that he doesn't know, Jake's his competitor's lover.. and all this was a plan from start to get under Bradley's skin to get to convince him losing the match without polluting his own name. So Brad finds out somehow and they break up and while Jake truly has feelings for him, but he doesn't say a word or begs him.. he just leaves..
Brad wins the prize (Jake's heart was beating so fast he was so scared, on the edge of tears whenever Brad got hit. At the end Bradley's locking eyes with Jake while they raise his hand to announce winner) and at that same night Jake comes knocking on a moping Bradley's door, tears in his eyes when Brad pulls him in a kiss, says he's in love with Bradley and he put bets on Bradley instead of his ex-lover💗
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wanderingaldecaldo · 1 year
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Val bought it as a joke, and Mitch won't stop wearing it.
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Inspired by this post. Thanks, @hawkeshep.
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vargaslovinghours · 2 years
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Coparenting a baby, now with separate bodies!
#💟#Doodles#Art#Edgar#Todd#Scriabin#Baby Todd AU#More of this - it's the cutes I am so not immune to cutes#Now an After set! I like to imagine both but gosh what a tumultuous time to take care of a baby#It's another one of those Don't Think Too Hard About It scenarios lol it's fine#Honestly it was like 80% that first set that initially inspired me to want to draw something along these lines -#Edgar completely worn out trying so hard to be a good dad but at his wit's end and begging Scriabin to help him and he does ahhh ♥#That tiny bit of give and take#Holding each other steady 💕#It's a struggle but they're in it together ♥#And then some confident and happy Dadgars because my heart ♪ Hehe ♫#He gets a hands-free carrier and the world is back open to him! He can hold his baby and still cook food! Utter delight haha#House husband ♥ And he brings in the paycheck! He's super mom#Little baby Todd peeking up over his shoulder gets me so bad it's so flipping cute aghfslajffd#His tiny haaaaaand fdslafjklfsdfkdlsaj#Ahem anyway lol#Onto names and words and such! :D#Mouth shapes are still the funnest haha#Scriabin actively trying to teach Todd words and Edgar letting him ♪ As long as he doesn't start teaching him swears or anything lol#And little Todd mirroring and learning ah ♪#He does retain stuff! He takes a little nap and when he wakes up and goes to play and Scriabin's out then comes back - this ✨#Scriabin's name is very important to him but also it's cute but encouraging it mmmmmmmm#He'll learn with time ♪ Unless he chooses to call them dad to some degree being a very young child in their care hehe#So many little things they can do separately together ♥
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