#Bartemius is a bastard
franklysirius · 5 months
Just James listening to Barty´s knowledge and being really interested and he keep asking question and tell Barty that he’s so smart and interesting and Barty who never have that before (bcs his dad is an as***le), is just crying because he need James so much and maybe maybe he’s not unworthy of love
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northlt03 · 4 months
Read The Secret History for the first time and I got obsessed with it so I wrote smth. Kind of want to write a whole fic but should I ??
Does such a thing as the “fatal flaw” so prominent in Ancient Greek myths and plays exist? And if so, what makes it fatal? What makes it have the power to unravel a person from the inside out? To be the very reason behind their downfall? To be the reason behind the madness they descend into.
My given, legal name is Bartemius Crouch Jr, after my rather self absorbed father. I am twenty three years old and this is my suicide letter.
I do believe such a thing exists. A fatal flaw. Something in the core of one’s soul, one’s psyche. Something fixed and immutable. A core part of one, around which the rest of their being is built.
Mine, I would like to think, would be something striking, perhaps climactic and dramatic. A morbid longing for the picturesque at all costs.
That sounds like something an old friend of mine might say. In a way, my writing of the events that follow, is a letter to him. To justify, perhaps, or to explain. I am not asking for forgiveness or understanding. This is simply a recount of what happened. 
As is the case, the search for “aesthetic” might not be my fatal flaw at all. It is pride, or perhaps hubris, as the Greeks called it. A call for attention. I did this! We did this! Oh we’re all sick bastards but how fucking glorious was it?
Perhaps a smarter man might analyze that, sit me down and ask me why I feel like announcing this to the world. Is it because of the lack of attention I had growing up from my father? Or the feeling of being absolutely inconsequential and meaningless? 
I grew up hearing, listening, reading, about old men and women who went on soliloquies, about the importance of family. Blood maketh family. Toujours puur, was the motto of my friend’s family. That is what all the adults believed around me, while I was young and even now.
Family above all else.
I feel as though they might have exaggerated the consequence of a family, making me believe I would never be greater than my father, that all my existence would be tainted by his. I would follow in his footsteps as a lawyer or perhaps a public servant and waste away like he did, with a wife and a child I never wanted.
Now, writing down my bitterness for my family, I may come across as a bit harsh. But that is the truth.
My father, a lawyer, who settled down in the south of England in a quiet sort of city, had never wanted to get married, nor to have a child. The fact was painfully established. Clear even to me as a child. I was unwanted. I was a hindrance, just another mouth to feed. Then as a teenager, a recalcitrant, rebellious waste of space.
I had a few friends growing up, none of them significant. I had always felt a shadow of dread, something rotten in my core, perhaps my fatal flaw. And it was this that other people, even children my age, could sense. I suppose that is why I was so swept up in the romance of it all at college. My first real friends, the ones who understood me, just as rotten and downright ugly on the inside.
It sounds shameless and repulsive on paper, but it is one thing to read about the events and another entirely to live through them, to live despite them, though I won’t much longer.
In my younger years, I did not have much of an affinity to the classics. I found them boring and incessant. It would be long until I grew to love everything I despised about them.
My father was a tall man, someone who, to me, had always seemed foreign and distant. We shared the same name (a bit egotistical in my opinion to name one’s son after oneself), and according to my mother, even shared the same features (a sharp nose, dark brown eyes, a distant stare, and a slim figure). I never accepted the comparison as a compliment. Even now, when it has been years since I’ve seen my parents, I detest even the mention of my father. 
It is one thing to not want children and another entirely to have one you feel nothing for and push him to fulfill your ambitions that you never achieved.
The trajectory of my life had been decided by him since before I could put one foot in front of the other.
I was to study law, like him, from a better university than him, then with my practices, I was to support my aging parents once my father retired. I have now a few hundred pounds to my name, and I leave it all to them. It is a bitter sort of ending. They will not know about my death until the papers tomorrow.
My mother, in contrast, is a meek woman. She had always been that way and will stay that way until she dies. Passive, docile, doing what my father requests because she is in love with a ghost of a man who aged and turned vile.
She used to tell me stories of their youth. How she had met my father at college, a smart, brilliant, animated young man with great ambitions. She had been charmed instantly. And that is perhaps her fatal flaw. To see someone or something and immediately assume the best of it. To ignore the abuse she endured, and to try and convince me, her son, to see her husband in the same light she saw him— a hard working family man who despite his aloofness and distance, ultimately wanted the best for me.
I don’t know what magical land my mother lived in, nor what rose tinted glasses she looked at my father with.
My only impetus through most of my life was the fact that I never wished to be like my father. I would rather die before I became that cold husk of a man. Rather funny how life works out.
Now I am sitting here in a rented apartment at midnight, scrawling desperately while the love of my life snores in the bed behind me. The only light is the candle burning, something that reminds us both of our old friend. Tomorrow, we will join him.
But for now, I am my past.
My father could have accepted the sciences as a career had I chosen them. If I wanted to be a doctor or perhaps a veterinarian even. He would have been displeased, but ultimately be persuaded. It was my attraction to the Arts and Humanities he despised.
Though my involvement with them was largely an accident.
I was rather lazy in my first two years of college, content to just drift through life (another thing my father disliked). It was in my first year I chose Greek simply because the classes were only twice a week and both times late in the afternoon. That should give you an idea that I truly did not intend for everything to play out the way it did.
A butterfly effect so aptly called.
Had I known I would change the trajectory of my life this way, would I still choose that Greek class in the afternoon? (Now, listening to the soft snores behind me, the answer is obvious. Yes. Of course).
I was nineteen when my life changed. A quite unruly teenager who dramatized his life because he was afraid it would amount to nothing. I wrote in my diary, similar to the one I am now writing in, about everything and nothing. 
I would write about the colors of the flowers in the spring, the first breath of fresh air after I had not left my house in some time, the vexatious and futile rituals of teenagehood the rest of my peers conducted, the loneliness I felt, trapped in that house, like my father’s hand constantly squeezing my throat, making it hard to breathe.
It was this diary my father had found, through my own fault. He was rarely, if ever home. He spent nights and days out, never informing my mother of his whereabouts. It left her wondering and fearing for his safety. Though a few days later he would come stumbling back with no explanations.
Sometimes I wanted to hold her by her shoulders and shake her. 
Look at him. I wanted to scream, but for fear of becoming a shadow of my father, I did not. Look at his pathetic state! At the secrecy he employs. Business retreats he calls them! And what about the lipstick stains on his blazer?
My mother was either blind in love or a fool.
I hate to think I am a son of those two. 
I hate to think I am no different from them.
I had always wanted to run away. Even as a child. I would dream about running into the woods, a mile out from the city. I had quite the imagination then. I would live in a tree, build my own house with my seven year old hands and live right there. I would never see my parents again. 
I had written about my urge to run away as well in my diary. 
My father found it tucked between the cushions of the sofa after I had fallen asleep the previous night writing in it and retired to bed, forgetting about the notebook. 
There was screaming, a few objects thrown. An anger at the way I had written about him and my mother. It was all truth, of course. I never knew why he had the audacity to treat us the way he did, but not enough courage to own up to it, denying it entirely and loathing the truth I wrote about him. He could not hope to face the man he had become and took it all out on me.
I slammed the door of my bedroom hard enough for the frames on the walls outside to rattle. No one could bring out my father’s worst traits in me better than the man himself.
The day was cold, my windows closed. I wanted a breath of fresh air, but with my bad luck that day, I probably would have lost my balance and fallen out of my window and broken my neck on the pavement below.
That’s when my eyes fell on the brochure, shoved carelessly in my closet somewhere when I had been looking for colleges. My father had insisted on some local college not far from the house to cut back on the cost of living had I gone somewhere across the country or continent. 
We weren’t poor, exactly. Not rich either. And the campus on the brochure made it clear Hogwarts University of Humanities and Arts was not for people like me. With its grand castle-like buildings, the rolling hills that surrounded it, blanketed by snow in the winter when the photo had been taken, and the classical medieval looking classrooms inside, I wanted it more than anything I had ever wanted.
Greed, I suppose, could also be a flaw of mine. I am chock full of flaws. All the sins rolled into one. Although I hope you wouldn’t hold that against me. It is so much more interesting to get swept up in the amorality of it all.
From the moment I had laid my eyes on the brochure, I knew I wouldn’t stop at anything. I wanted to be there and I would. Sometimes my ambition showed through. Greed, ambition, hubris, maybe not concerning on their own. 
I flipped through the brochure, eyes scanning the important parts of the text. Perhaps if I could get a scholarship, which was certainly possible with my above average grades and excellent record in my local university.
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bestblacksister · 6 months
Introduction Post
I saw Cissy do this and anything she can do, I can do better 🖤
About ✨me✨
26 (I'm NOT old), proud Slytherin 🐍, eldest (prettiest, most talented, and best) daughter of The Noble and Most Ancient House of Black, avid follower of You-Know-Who 🙌 (but for legal purposes, it's just hypothetically, all in my head), unhinged, feminist, goddess in flesh and bone (I'm literally named after a star ⭐ and Bella means beautiful 💅🏻), I like beatles 🪲 (the insect, not a muggle band)
Fellow witches and wizards on this thing:
@narcissasupremacy - Narcissa Black, my beloved sister Cissy (we have another one but she's problematic), only one named after a flower rather than a star/constellation 💫
@are-you-siriius - Sirius Black, our ex-cousin (he was disinherited... embarrassing 🥱), Gryffindor blood traitor (ofc this wouldn't have happened had he been sorted into Slytherin)
@reallyregulus - Regulus Black, the better cousin (Slytherin) and new Black heir (I'd be a best fit, as I'm the oldest and wisest. Sadly, only men get to hold that title 😒)
@severely-severus-snape - Severus Snape, a fellow Slytherin, friends with my sister (in love with a mudblood 💀)
@justtjames - James Potter, Gryffindor blood traitor (corrupted my cousin, the bastard 😡 Corrupt Reggie and I swear to Merlin Potter-)
@actuallylupin - Remus Lupin, Gryffindor half-blood dating my ex-cousin (why?), according to Severus - a werewolf 🐺 (?)
@peterpeterpumpkinpeter - Peter Pettigrew, the less loud Gryffindor (who apparently likes pumpkins? What's with that name? 🤨Moving on...)
@ritaskeeteroffical - The gorgeous and talented, one and only, Rita Skeeter 👑 (I'm a big fan of yours, let's have a chat? 😘)
@evan-at-deaths-doorstep - Evan Rosier, Slytherin, I'm pretty sure we're related... 🤔
@italianbartycrouchjr - Bartemius Crouch Junior, Slytherin, better than his father (is he dating Evan? I'll have to ask Rita for the gossip), somewhat psychotic but that's part of his charm
@pandorahaspropheticvisions - Pandora Rosier, also considered crazy - we're likely related (Why don't you join my... club? Those visions would surely come in handy 👀)
@dorcas-in-a-meadow - Dorcas Meadowes, girlboss energy, has potential (let's chat)
@marlesbiane-mckinnon - Marlene Mckinnon, feisty Gryffindor, possibly a mudblood (?), dating Meadowes
@lily-evans-loves-nature - Lily Evans, Gryffindor mudblood 🤢
@marymaccies - Mary MacDonald, another Gryffindor mudblood 🤢 (and dating the previous one)
@alice-loves-herbology - Alice Fortescue, stole my sister (break her heart, I'll break your legs, arms, skull, soul...), but at least her family has great ice cream 🍦 (I scream, you scream, we all scream for the Dark Lord 🙏)
@totallyteddytonks - Theodore Tonks, the mudblood that my sister Andromeda seems to like 🤢
Disclaimer: this is for roleplay purposes only, the user does not agree with the character's views and morals. Don't take anything at face value. If you want to join the roleplay, DM @jaylienpotter
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icarus-last-fall · 6 months
going to sit here and stare at you ominous cat style this is an invitation to talk about platonic bartylily btw
oh I love cat-like attitudes
thank you!!
so :
Italian Barty cause his mom is Italian so well he speaks Italian and Lily who decided to learn Italian when she was a kid with no apparent reason but now they spend hours talking in Italian (the others find it very annoying but it's also Barty's revenge of Evan and Regulus talking in French all the time)
Again with Italian, as it's Barty's first language, he sometimes (often) tell the person he loves (aka Evan for me but ship who you want) how much he loves them etc but in Italian and only Lily understands and she absolutely teases him with that
Wizards don't have maths (lucky bastards), but in a muggle au Barty would be so good at maths and Lily would struggle with it so he would help her (but their study sessions are very chaotic cause its Bartemius Crouch Jr we're talking about)
Barty tells Lily things he doesn't tell others cause he doesn't want them to worry (like things that happen with his father or his insecurities)
Lily sees Barty as her little brother I KNOW IM RIGHT
Once after Petunia as made Lily cry Barty tells her that if she wants he can be his sibling (he also said he could break all of petunia's bones but she said no to that)
They learned every single one of Hogwarts rules to be able to break them all (without getting caught obvi)
In a case with rosekiller and pandalily they're both dating one of the rosier twins and they find it so funny. They make jokes about it all the time (James and remus do the same with the black brothers but that's beside the point)
Barty is the only one allowed to take a book out of Lily's hands (no one else can do it they would die)
Nobody knows but Lily as a hidden tattoo matching one of Barty's
That's all I got rn but the chances I'll do a part two are high
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Barty was an eccentric. Ever since he was little, Barty had always been compared with his father. He didn't only share the bastard's name but he also kind of looked like him. So everyone said. Proof that unfortunately Barty was not anyone else's child. With his mother's record of men, Barty had hope. But no.
Ever since Barty had memory, he did everything in his power to not be like his father. When Barty became a teenager, he became a punk..
Barty wore mainly black, his nails were of the same color, his hair was long, he used chokers and chains.
Barty did everything that would piss off his father. Bartemius only cared when it affected his image of the perfect Chancellor and father. Bartemius didn't care about Barty. Maybe as a peon. Not as a son.
Barty's mother only cared about her diets and her friends. She had affairs with different men. Barty knew about them. Even Bartemius knew. He didn't do anything about it. If it didn't affect his public image, it didn't matter.
Barty learned to take care of himself. He was used to anyone caring about him. When he arrived at Hogwarts, he decided he didn't want friends. Everyone was fake, idiots that only cared about appearance and money.
But Regulus was different. Regulus was the only one that was worthy in that school. Maybe Regulus was the only one worthy in the world.
And now Barty was gonna lose him forever.
"Barty... Please think about it..." Regulus always told him "What if your father means it? He is gonna send you away..."
And Barty just grinned and shrugged.
"That old man is always saying that... He doesn't dare"
"Just be careful. What am I gonna do in that bloody school without you?"
Barty felt the same. He wouldn't last a day without Regulus next to him.
But this time Barty had gone too far.
It seemed like the perfect idea in his brain. Barty had been angry that his father made him go to the party. Bartemius cut his hair against his will. And forced him to wear a suit. Barty was furious to be in the middle of pretentious assholes. He was sick and tired of his father pretending to be proud of him and loving him. He was sick of their parents pretending to love each other when they couldn't even stand each other. Barty was sick of everything. So Barty went big this time. He poured red painting through the fire system over all the guests. It all looked as if it was raining blood. Interesting Aesthetic. At least it made Barty laugh. At least it made the party fun.
Bartemius' party scandal came out in all the papers. Barty expected yells, even violence, like always. But Bartemius was so angry that he didn't speak with his son for days. It was until a week later that Bartemius finally opened his mouth.
"I fixed everything for you to go to Military School next year" he said as he peeked through his newspaper.
Barty snorted amused. That man always said that.
"What do you find funny, Bartemius?"
"It's Barty, asshole..." he whispered "Sure old man" he added.
"I already signed the papers" Bartemius showed him some signed documents, forms signing Barty into a military school "You leave by the end of August"
Barty's smile disappeared from his face. So it was serious this time. The documents not only had his father's signature but his mother's as well.
"You're gonna learn to be obedient from now on, Bartemius" he said "You're my son. Not a fucking savage"
"I am not your son" Barty whispered clenching his nails on his palms, trying to contain his anger.
"What did you say?!" Bartemius asked furiously.
"That I am not your son! You are not my father!"
Barty stood up and hit the table.
Bartemius crossed his arms and snorted.
"You cannot send me away! You can't! What about Hogwarts?"
Barty didn't care about Hogwarts precisely. That school was full of pretentious assholes. Just like his father. But Barty couldn't lose Regulus. Regulus was the only one who cared.
"You are not going back to Hogwarts" he said "You are going to Military School for the next four years"
Barty got desperate "You cannot make me! I don't plan to go anywhere!... Mum??"
Barty's mother hadn't said anything. Usually she was cooler. She defended him. She chose his side. But not this time.
"Mum!" Barty begged "Mum, mummy please don't let him do this"
Ursula was very quiet, looking at her son with pity.
"You went too far this time, love"
Barty was too furious to speak. He wanted to cry of frustration. This wasn't fair. His parents didn't love him. They wanted to get rid of him. Like a package. So Barty pushed everything from the kitchen table to the floor and ran away to his room, before they could see him cry.
Barty knew exactly how to get inside the Black's mansion. He'd done it so many times by now. Barty knew how to climb the wall and land on the other side. He knew how to avoid the guards or the alarms. He knew how to get to Regulus' window. He knew which one was Regulus' window. Barty even had a special knock for Regulus' window.
Regulus' face peeked through the curtains and his mouth twisted. It looked like smile in Barty's brain. Regulus opened the window and let Barty in.
"I thought you would be grounded" Regulus said "After what you did"
Barty faked a smile.
"You know me, Reg" he said "When have I respected that?"
That's why Bartemius and Ursula had enough with their rebel son. That's why they were sending him away.
Regulus tutted and shook his head, smiling a little. But he still seemed sad. He always looked sad. But it was a beautiful kind of sadness. It suited him. He wasn't smiling like a fake person.
But then Barty heard the screams.
Regulus looked down and moved his leg to calm down.
"Welcome to hell" Regulus sighed.
Barty grinned as he took out something from his pocket. A split. "Good thing I've come prepared"
Regulus grinned back.
They were listening to Linkin Park and blink-182 and smoking weed. Barty was singing to every word. He knew Regulus smiled when he did that. Regulus was smiling now. And Barty had a warm feeling inside his chest. Especially when Regulus dropped his head back and joined him in the singing.
Then they laughed. But Barty remembered about Military School and he immediately felt like dying. Nights in the cold and the dark without Regulus. Without this music. Without weed.
"What you did was stupid, Barty"
Barty smiled "It was glorious" he sighed putting his hands behind his head "I wish I could've filmed it"
"The press filmed it"
"Not in an artistic way"
Regulus turned to look at him with worried eyes.
"What did your father say?"
Barty closed his eyes. He couldn't tell Regulus about Military school. It would become real. And Barty still had hope he could fix this. He wished this was all a bad dream. He wouldn't be able to see Regulus for four years. No.
"You know, he screamed and shouted like a maniac. Forbid me to get out of my room until the end of summer... Normal stuff"
"I thought it would've been worse this time. Your father's career is stained. Everyone is talking about his crazy son"
"That was the idea" Barty said still with his eyes closed.
Regulus sighed beside him.
"I wish I could be that brave"
Barty finally opened his eyes and looked at Regulus. He was sad, looking down and playing with the covers of his bed.
Barty cleared his throat.
"Hey... The screams finally stopped. I was getting a headache" Barty chuckled "What happened with your folks?"
"They are probably fighting about Sirius again" Regulus whispered.
Right. Barty had totally forgotten about Sirius with everything.
"Yeah?" Barty hissed "Sirius pissed them off again, eh? Is he here?"
Regulus shook his head slowly.
"He left"
Regulus said it so low that Barty wasn't sure if he had heard him at all.
"Went where? With his friends?"
Regulus' eyes fixed on Barty's. They were darker. A dark kind of gray .
"He left forever, Barty" he said "He is not longer part of the Black Family"
There was a second of silence for the impact in which Regulus said it. But then he raised an eyebrow.
"At least that's what my father said" Regulus looked away "But now he wants his pressure Heir back. Mum doesn't want anything to do with him"
"What?" Barty finally reacted "But what happened?"
Regulus got up from his bed furiously and began pacing around.
"He packed his things and he walked through the door. He left forever. That's what happened, Barty"
Barty knew Regulus was more hurt than angry. He knew his expressions really well.
"Please don't tell anyone yet"
"Damn..." That was all that left of Barty's mouth.
Regulus' eyes filled with tears. He rubbed his hair.
"I know he did this on purpose" Regulus spoke mostly to himself "He wanted to provoke Orion and he wanted an excuse to leave. I know he is not gay.."
"He just said it to piss father off" Regulus sniffed "That wanker! That son of a bitch!" he yelled "He was planning to leave all along. He never cared about us. He never cared about me...." Regulus hugged himself as silent tears fall down his eyes "Sirius left as Andy left years ago and as Uncle Alphard left months ago. Everyone just leaves and it is not fair because they leave me behind..."
Regulus let out a sob that broke Barty's heart.
"Oh Reg..." he stood up and came closer.
"I asked him not to go. I asked him to stay with me but he didn't listen" Regulus continued "Now I am stuck in here and I don't know how to get out..."
Barty touched his shoulder gently. It was awkward because Barty wasn't used to affection or any of that bullshit. Although he had a strange desire to hold Regulus between his arms.
"Sirius is so stupid. He doesn't care about the consequences and what he leaves behind. He only cares about himself! Him and his stupid friends..." Regulus spat the last part with hate.
"And you're stupid Barty!" Regulus now shouted at him "I really thought your father was gonna send you away this time" Regulus cried "If you leave I will be alone. You are the only one I have left! Please don't do anything stupid! Don't let your father take you away!"
Barty pulled Regulus closer and hugged him for one reason. He was not gonna let Regulus see him cry.
"I won't" he said quickly so he his voice wouldn't break.
"I need you!" Regulus sobbed in Barty's shoulder. "I need you, Barty! Please don't go"
"I would never"
Barty's eyes filled with tears. There was some sort of magnetism that made Regulus' body feel so perfect against Barty's. It felt like they fitted like that. Barty felt Regulus was so vulnerable, fragil and precious that he was afraid of moving. He hesitated but he touched Regulus' hair, stroking it slightly. Barty's heart began beating so fast, he was afraid Regulus would feel it. He felt goosebumps all over his body. He felt his chest burning and his cheeks on fire. It was an inexplicable feeling. Barty wanted to stay with Regulus like this forever. Perhaps maybe move to do something more... Maybe... Maybe kissing him...
Suddenly everything made sense to Barty. Dating had never been his forte. Girls thought he was weird. But when he dated, the only two times he dated, nothing made sense. He found those girls boring and stupid. So he blew them away. Barty just invented that crush on Emmeline Vance because she was the only girl in class that actually spoke to him. But it all had been a lie. This was real. Everything that Barty was feeling was what he was supposed to feel with those girls. It felt like love. Or at least what those stupid cliche songs said about love.
Barty even felt something moving in his stomach. He felt butterflies. And it felt amazing. Barty was in love with his best friend.
That realization got him out of air.
Barty broke the hug and pulled away.
Regulus wiped his tears away.
"Sorry, my brother pisses me off"
Barty couldn't leave now. To freaking Military School. He was kind of a puff, wasn't he?
"I am not gonna go" Barty said, still in shock "I promise you, Reg" Barty snorted "I am gonna behave like the perfect gentleman. I am gonna be posh and false. I am gonna do everything my father wants, I swear"
Maybe that way, Bartemius would change his mind. He had to change his mind.
Regulus chuckled.
"I didn't say you had to do that"
Barty smiled "I am not gonna abandon you, Reg" he said as he walked to the window "I promise you"
Barty felt a new kind of energy, a rush of adrenaline, a weird type of joy. He still felt his cheeks, his whole face on fire. He probably looked ridiculous all blushed.
"Are you leaving?" Regulus protested "I thought you were staying the night"
Barty felt his cheeks getting redder thinking about spending the night with Reg.
"I... I have to go..." he said nervously "Everything would get worse if my father finds out I am spending the night out"
Regulus' mouth twisted.
"You're actually a new Barty"
"Anything to stay with you" he said "I mean at Hogwarts... With you.... Both of us at Hogwarts... Like in the school and stuff"
Was he stuttering?
Regulus blinked "Wait, does your father wants to take you out of Hogwarts?"
"I am gonna stop that" Barty said as he got out the window, then he stopped and smiled before climbing down "I promise we are gonna finish bloody Hogwarts together"
Regulus smiled back. And Barty climbed down before he did something stupid like kiss him. Shit. Barty couldn't leave. Not now. He had to figure out his feelings towards Regulus and find out if Regulus by any chance felt the same.
I got the idea of Barty and Regulus being kind of punk or emo. Just imagine them dressing all black and using chains and piercings. They were kind of outcasts at the school even if everybody knew who they were for their families.
It was the two of them against the world until they met unicorn sunshine Pandora (which I think is funny compared to the other two punks), and they become friends with Dorcas and Emmeline. Even if at first they didn't want to.
And also, Barty had a crush on Regulus but Regulus didn't reciprocate because Aroace. So I don't see them together as a couple just as good friends. But they truly love each other.
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darkouter · 5 years
barty has four rings on his right hand, each unique and sporting a gem representative of each house.  they are from the house traitors club and regulus (specifically, @proditeur‘s regulus!).  he got them on valentine’s day in his fifth year, where adnan orchestrated a group event for him.  throughout the day, each of them made a friend proposal to barty in succession, and it was a big spectacle at hogwar.ts.  barty cried every single time.  barty cried for the next week at random moments where he looked at the rings they gave him on his hand.  he cries a lot and talks about how much he loves them, ok.
adnan gave him a silver band with emerald gems, lorelai a bronze band and sapphire gem, a gold ring and ruby gem from atticus, and, in g’s own words about the ring from regulus, “ it would be silver cus that's what reg really likes, but he'd give it a yellow tourmaline stone for hufflepuff set in the thick silver band with a thin black line wrapped around the middle, and it's got "for my dummy" etched around the inside”
anyways, barty wears them ALWAYS.  he loves all of them equally, but he tells each of them “i love yours the most, but don’t tell anyone else” because he just wants to make everyone happy about their contribution.  at any point in time after his fifth year, he wears them.  he refuses to take them off, besides to wash them or his hands or whatever else like that.  when he’s anxious, he toys with them.  they are especially important to him in his later years due to regulus’ disappearance and the club all abandoning him.  they are relics of his past, and he gets touchy and generally sensitive about them.
he had to take them off while masquerading as moody, and it was Painful.  even during the duration of the imperius curse, he consistently wore them.  that is the longest period of time where he would take them off, though he would immediately put them back on each time the polyjuice potion wore off and he could put them back on his long, skinny fingers.  he nearly fucked up his right hand because he left them on once during his transformation into moody, and they got stuck on his hand and cut off circulation, and he had to magic them off carefully lmao
anyways don’t damage his rings or he’ll 🔪🔪🔪
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moony-t0ast · 2 years
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This is a long and extensive list of (mostly) every fanfic I've enjoyed. I would just like to preface with this: A LOT OF THESE FICS ARE RATED EXPLICIT!!!!! I’ve made sure to label each fic with its corresponding rating and summary but I am not responsible for what you choose to read. I am only here to give you some recommendations of all the ones I’ve read and enjoyed so if you're not comfortable with explicit sexual content please just pick a different fic. I did put in quite a few fics that are rated mature for language and teen&up audiences for those who aren't comfortable with explicit content. (All of the titles and authors are clickable and will take you directly to the fic/author)
another quick note: all of these fics are completed apart from 2 separate series that are still being written (I put an Asterix’s next to them). I will not be putting fics on this list until they are complete
pairings included: Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter | Sirius Black/Remus Lupin | Regulus Black/James Potter | Bartemius Crouch jr./Evan Rosier
ok here we go...
Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter
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- Leo Inter Serpentes by Aternum 852k+ and going ****
Rated: Teen and up years 1-3 ; Mature years 4-5 ; Explicit years 6-7
Summary: Just one conversation between two eleven year old boys goes slightly differently, and the world changes. Just how much will be different with Harry being sorted into Slytherin, and how much will stay the same?
- Cruel to be Kind - Reboot! By queerwerewolf 41k
Rated: Mature
Summary: Harry has become a bit of a bastard. Hermione has become a bit narcissistic. And Ron has finally come to terms with the fact that he is in love with Hermione. Unfortunately for all of them, she refuses to date until Harry does. 10 Things I Hate About You: Hogwarts Style!
Includes a conniving puppet master Gryffindor, hair-brained schemes, a meddling professor, muggle music, a Shakespearean play, a little humiliation, and a lot of snark!
- Grounds For Divorce By Tepre 122k
Rated: Explicit
Summary: Malfoy finds a coin. Harry finds a letter.
A story about histories, a story about families. A story about a lemon tree somewhere in Upper Egypt.
- Evitative By Vichan 222k****
Rated: Teen and up
Summary: In the summer before his fifth year at Hogwarts, Harry is drawn to a room in Grimmauld Place. Like the Gryffindor he is, he enters the room without fear. The room is a library, and Harry is surprised to find that he’s eager to learn.
Then he gets the bad news: he’s been accidentally expelled from Hogwarts, and he needs to be sorted again. Everyone is confident that he’ll go straight back to Gryffindor, but with what he's been learning, Harry’s not so sure.
- In Another Life (I Would Make You Stay) By aboutmalfoy 112k
Rated: Teen and up
Summary: Seven years out from the war, Hermione comes to Harry with a way to undo the lasting damage done to the Wizarding World, and save those once lost. The catch is, only Harry will remember anything differently. When Harry wakes up in the world where Voldemort never came to be, he’ll have to navigate the life he never lived as if he’d been there all along. Except, a version of Harry was there all along—and he may not be so easily overridden
- Two to Shore by lamplighter 204k
Rated: Mature
Summary: Harry and Draco meet in Madam Malkin’s and instantly take a liking to each other.
Just kidding. They don’t, but Harry does get sorted into Slytherin, and they do become extremely good friends..
- In Another Life by petrichorca
Rated: Mature
Summary: After an encounter with a Bludger, Harry Potter wakes up in Slytherin robes. Everyone hates him except for Draco Malfoy, who is his friend—maybe more than a friend.
- The Devil’s White Knight by orphan_account 64k
Rated: Explicit
Summary: When Harry wakes up in an alternate timeline--a timeline where Voldemort was defeated long before the first war--he discovers everything is different. His parents, his godfather, his friends--and him. Harry must deal with the consequences of who he would have been if he had been raised by his parents, and figure out where he stands with his casual hook up, Draco Malfoy.
- A Look Through The Ages by Ramirk3 49k
Rated: Explicit
Summary: Harry suffers devastating news while his hands are full with two children. He has found himself abandoned by the woman who gave him his children. He is a young father who isn't looking for anything. But he some how finds himself surrounded by Malfoy's. He never expected his life to be so interesting even after the war.
A simple story of a man finding love again with an ex-rival and a little boy who stole his heart.
- An Idiot’s Guide to Wooing Your Husband by toxik_angel 45k
Rated: Explicit
Summary: As far as Affairs of the Heart go, Harry has sort of always floundered.
When he's sent to Malfoy Manor to examine various Dark Artifacts Draco Malfoy has uncovered in his home, he finds that the eight years of house arrest plus another two of hermitage have softened his old rival into a pleasant, though confusing person.
And that was before they accidentally got married.
- As Real As We Are by redthoughts 37k
Rated: Explicit
Summary: Harry Potter just wants a quiet year at Hogwarts. Which, he realises, is not possible when your name is known all across Wizarding Britain and a group of girls follow you everywhere you go.
Draco Malfoy just wants peace. Which, he realises, is not possible when everyone around you wants to hex you every time they see you.
Harry has a solution, but Draco doesn't want to hear it.
Will their fake relationship turn into true love?
Of course, you already know the answer. ;)
- Chasing Dragons by The_Sinking_Ship 98k
Rated: Explicit
Summary: Draco can think of only one way to outclass his pleat-front-khaki-wearing politician ex, and that’s by making headlines with an obvious upgrade. And who better to upstage the cheating bastard than the Saviour of the World, Harry Potter himself? Sure, Potter is a little rough around the edges in ripped jeans, a rumpled tartan shirt, and a permanent scowl. Draco reckons a haircut and a shave wouldn’t hurt, either. But Potter is also in need of a Healer willing to keep his secrets, and Draco is just the man for the job. It’s a perfectly reasonable exchange. They need only attend a couple parties arm-in-arm, smile nicely for the paparazzi, and tolerate each other long enough to convince everyone they’re smitten. In return, Draco will keep Potter alive and in one piece.
But it isn’t long before Draco realises he might be in over his head, because Potter is ten tonnes of trouble packed into a leather jacket, and seems keen on hurtling himself towards death on the back of a flying motorbike. And that says nothing of Potter’s penchant for fire-breathing beasts and things that bite.
Ah well, at least they’ll have some fun while it lasts. After all, Draco always did like a bit of danger.
- Heart Like Neon by lq_traintracks (lumosed_quill) 41k
Rated: Explicit
Summary: Bored of being The Chosen One, Harry discovers he rather likes sex and becomes a professional. He’s good at it, and part of why is that he can read people. Not minds, not Legilimens, but their whole self, and he can give them what they don’t even know they want. Enter Draco fucking Malfoy, enigma to everyone, including himself. Harry can’t help but want to break into him, to figure him out. And Draco, thinking he’ll fuck Potter on a lark, has no idea what he’s in for.
- Sourdough by academicdisaster 17k
Rated: Mature
Summary: Draco writes romance novels and doesn't leave his apartment much. Harry bakes bread and sells it to Draco. Draco is quite weird. Harry might like that.
- Synonyms For Pretend by Scarlett_Lucian 33k
Rated: Teen and Up
Summary: When faced with a stubborn lovelorn admirer, Harry Potter blurts out that he and Draco Malfoy have been secretly dating to avoid his admirer's attentions. Unfortunately for Harry, a few other students played audience to his false admission, including Draco. Harry persuades Draco to play along with the charade long enough for it to be believed, but as the two enemies get to know each better, they realize things about themselves - and each other - that they never knew before.
- The Ordeal of Being Known by louisfake 146k
Rated: Mature
Summary: When Auror Potter is anonymously cursed with silence by being forced to hide his own voice inside his mind, there's unfortunately only one person in the country with the qualifications to fix it: Certified and Licensed Healer Legilimens, Draco Malfoy, specialist in Mind Curses and Afflictions. It's obviously a terrible idea, a disaster waiting to happen, but Draco's never been able to back down from a challenge... especially from Potter.
Features fuzzy cartoon slippers, devious house elves, 90s music, and lots—LOTS—of memories. Ron is annoyingly hot, Hermione sees right through you, Harry is a powerful idiot, and Draco is a reclusive masochist that would buy an entire city if it would make a kid happy. (And Pansy is "5'2, I wanna dance with you, and I'm sophisticated fun.”)
- The Rewards of Being loved (part 2 of the ordeal of being known) by louisfake 160k
Rated: Explicit
Summary: It was probably a terrible idea, a disaster waiting to happen: dating Harry Potter, in the middle of an investigation into a criminal conspiracy that seemed fixated on the both of them.
Of course, Draco was going to do it anyway. He'd never forgive himself if he didn't.
- Turn by Saras_girl 306k
Rating: Explicit
Summary: One good turn always deserves another. Apparently.
- Right Hand Red by lq_traintracks (lumosed_quill) 73k
Rating: Explicit
Summary: Harry felt Malfoy's breath on his lips as they came together over the bottle, hands firmly planted on the floor as though they each needed their familiar soil, refusing to cross into enemy territory.
Except that Malfoy no longer felt like his enemy.
Malfoy felt inevitable.
Pages of you by wolfpants 102k
Rating: Explicit
Harry stares at the scrawl of neatly slanted handwriting, imprinted on crisp white paper that hadn’t been torn from a notebook like his own. He slumps back against his pillows, reads the letter again, and his grin grows so wide that it actually hurts his cheeks. 
He’s definitely royalty. Has to be. 
When he sits up again, he grabs the yellow notepad from his desk, bites the lid off of his black biro pen, and he starts scribbling.
-- Summer, 1980. Harry is floating between university and becoming a Real Certified Adult. He's not ready. He really isn't. In a desperate attempt to have the Best Last Summer ever, he takes a casual job at his godfather's bookshop in London, starts an illicit pen pal affair with a wordy posh boy that he's catching feelings for, all while dealing with the son of Sirius's business rival, one Draco Malfoy, insufferable know-it-all extraordinaire. A story about trying to figure out who you are, where you're going in life, and who you want to take along with you.
Temptation on the Warfront by alizarincrims0n 180k
Rating: Explicit
Draco Malfoy is forced into hiding with the Golden Trio and dragged into their search for horcruxes. What ensues is a journey of redemption, unexpected friendships and an unwanted, turbulent romance with Harry Potter. Warnings for swearing, sexual content, and dark themes.
Sirius Black/Remus Lupin
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- Time Is a Fine Invention by bluepeony 105k
Rating: Mature
Summary: Sirius Black expected university to be simple; a medley of moonlight trysts and Good Times. What he didn't expect was the yearning for home, the strains on his friendships, or falling for the hot-tempered History student Remus Lupin.
- That’s The Art Of Getting By by sarewolf 40k
Rating: Mature
Summary: “What do you want me to do?” Remus says, tiredly. All he wants is to curl up on his bed. Smoke a pack of cigarettes. Get drunk. He can’t stop looking at Harry.
“Remus...” Dumbledore is gentle. Remus hates when he has that tone. Hates that he knows it will hurt. “There is no one else left.”
A bitter laugh escapes him. “So you’ll curse the poor thing with a werewolf for a guardian?”
- Temper by achoo_gesundheit 19k
Rating: Teen and up
Summary: Remus Lupin never attended Hogwarts. Peter Pettigrew was never a secret keeper. James and Lily Potter did not die on Halloween, 1981, and Harry Potter grew up silent and scared and loved.
- Sweater Weather by lumosinlove 156k
Rating: Explicit
Summary: Remus works for the Gryffindor Lions as a physical trainer, and has been half in love with Sirius Black, the Lions' heartthrob captain, for a while now, but he never expected Sirius to return the feelings. Read if you like cute nicknames, slow burn, and pining. Yep. That's it.
- Suite Nothings: Wolfstar Edition by femme_de_lettres 61k
Rating: Teen and Up
Summary: When Remus Lupin was placed into a suite with James Potter, Peter Pettigrew, and Sirius Black for his first year away at college, he didn't have very high expectations. When Sirius Black was placed into a suite with James Potter, Peter Pettigrew, and Remus Lupin for his first year at college, his expectations couldn't have been higher.
As the year goes on, Sirius and Remus each discover that sharing a room with the other might be the best thing that could've happened to them. But will either boy have the nerve to make a move?
- Stealing Harry!verse by copperbadge 443k
Rating: teen and up - explicit (there are 4 multi-chapter fics and 8 one shots)
summary: On a dark night long ago, Sirius Black took a wrong turn and never found Peter Pettigrew. Instead of Azkaban, Sirius settled down in Little Whinging to keep an eye on his godson, and hired Remus Lupin to run his bookshop for him. Then one day when Harry was eight, Sirius found out how the Dursleys treated him, and stole him away. Stealing Harry is an alternate universe version of Harry Potter's life before his time at Hogwarts. It is the story of Harry's family: Sirius and Remus, Ted and Andromeda, Nymphadora, Neville Longbottom, and even Severus Snape, all banded together against a newly powerful Peter Pettigrew who is still searching for a way to resurrect Voldemort.Laocoon's Children follows Harry through his time at Hogwarts as he develops a very different group of friends: Hufflepuff Draco Malfoy, Ravenclaw Padma Patil, and Gryffindor Neville Longbottom, strange companions for a Harry who was sorted into Slytherin -- the house of his beloved Professor Snape.
- Marauder Ink by jennandblitz 108k
Rating: Explicit
Summary: Sirius Black and James Potter are successful and famous tattoo artists. Their manager Lily insists they hire a piercer to cover their busy schedules, and Sirius does not approve of that idea even slightly.
- Loose Ends by impossiblemoon 40k
Rating: Mature
Summary: Remus’s right hand travelled up his shoulder, round the curve of his neck and finally came to a rest on his jaw. Sirius tingled at the contact; the feather-light touch like a kiss from a butterfly. He tilted his head into Remus’s hand, his middle finger gently stroking the soft skin beneath his ear.
“You’re a bit of a mindfuck, Remus Lupin.”
Remus smirked, raising his eyebrows briefly. “I’ll take that as a compliment.”
Sirius Black was perfectly content with living his unremarkable life until he found himself in a chance meeting with the first person he couldn't instantly suss out. Remus Lupin was a complete mystery that captivated Sirius hook, line and sinker.
- Lessen My Load by moonymoment 73k
Rating: Teen and up
Summary: When Remus can't sleep and heads to the familiar laundrette down the road at 3AM for the noise and comfortable sofas, he's certainly not expecting to have to comfort a beautiful black haired boy having a breakdown over a red glove in his white washing - but he does.
He's not expecting to fall into sickening, life-ruining love with him, either, but that happens as well.
- Hidden Scars by YumeNouveau 32k
Rating: Explicit
Summary: Remus' life is filled with secrets. Not only has he been in love with Sirius since he can remember, but he has kept his scars hidden with a charm spell his entire life out of fear. When unforeseen circumstances cause both to be brought to light, will Sirius still be there for him?
- Drawn Together by Jencala, YumeNouveau 64k
Rating: Explicit
Summary: Without knowing why, Remus wanted to argue with the other man. “I’ll grant you it’s nice , but I’m just not sure it’s going to suit my column.”
Sirius stared at him incredulously, his control appearing to finally snap. “Nice? Look, I’m the best at what I do, and that’s why Peter approached me for your magazine. If anything, you should be thanking me for even considering drawing for your little... sex column.”
Remus narrowed his eyes, burning with anger over the insult. All thoughts of how incredibly good-looking Sirius was were overridden by how much of an arrogant berk he was. “My little sex column? First of all, it’s a lifestyle column, and secondly, it’s the most popular item in a very successful magazine and directly responsible for our increased subscriptions!”
Sirius smirked, rolling his eyes. “Lifestyle? So whoring around is a lifestyle now?”
- Dating Remus Lupin by Children_of_the_Shadows 83k
Rating: Mature
Summary: Remus Lupin is a mystery to the whole school; the boy who's quiet, aloof, and cold. He also happens to be queer, which is enough to gain Sirius's interest. What Sirius never realised that dating Remus Lupin wasn't quite as easy as it looked.
- Carry Me Away by greyeyedmonster18 104k
Rating: Mature
Summary:“You know I need you, and that's for sure, you’re just the kind of crazy I’ve been looking for.”
Sirius had devised the perfect plan. Two weeks in London before he started University. Two weeks of bars and football games and time spent out from under his parents gaze. Two weeks without rules or expectations. He concocted the perfect ruse to fool everyone about his whereabouts. And then he met Remus. And suddenly two weeks couldn't have ever been enough time.
(non-magic, AU; Sirius is a sheltered posh boy on his first rebellion, Remus is an attractive stranger who make's him re-think all his plans).
- Blends by rvltn909 176k
Rating: Mature
Summary: Words got in the way sometimes, but Remus got the sense Sirius knew what he was trying to say.
Another coffee shop au.
What’s a fic rec list without atyd
- All the Young Dudes by MsKingBean89 526k
Rating: Mature
Summary: LONG fic charting the marauders' time at Hogwarts (and beyond) from Remus' PoV - diversion from canon in that Remus's father died and he was raised in a children's home, and is a bit rough around the edges. Otherwise canon-compliant. 1971 - 1995
This IS a wolfstar fic, but incredibly slow burn. Literally years. Long build up but worth it I promise!
- All My Cards Are Here by haey1 112k
Rating: Teen and up
Summary: Sirius cracked a well-practiced smirk, “Nice to meet you, Remus.” Sirius looked at his bandmates loading their equipment into Potter's car, “You wouldn’t happen to know a bassist, would you?”
Marauders Band AU - When the Marauders kick out their bassist, they ask local bartender Remus Lupin to step in. As the band gains success, Remus must navigate his new friendship with Sirius under the public eye.
- The Lab by de_sire 95k
Rating: Explicit
Summary: “I don’t get it,” Sirius says truthfully. “Remus is such a nice person, why does everyone pretend like he’s some kind of wicked stepmother?”
James laughs joyfully and winks at Sirius. “Are we even talking about the same person?” He holds out his hand above his head. “Big guy, about this tall, curly hair? Temper like a sleeping dragon? Smart, but a bit full of himself? Can kill you with his eyes?”
Sirius raises his eyebrows and laughs as well. “No, I don’t think we are talking about the same person at all.” 
A love story about healing, new beginnings and growing up. Academia! Romance! Shared cigarettes, cute cats, lots of coffee and the most amorous business trip you have ever seen.
- Berlin Angel by de_sire 89k
Rating: Explicit
Summary: Berlin is absolutely miserable in February. Or it’s just Sirius.
Alternatively: A story of how Remus Lupin stepped into Sirius’ life, flashed his trademark grin, and reminded him that life is a beautiful thing meant to be enjoyed. No risk, no fun!
- Solntse by lumosinlove 61k
Rating: Explicit
Summary: Sirius, a young Russian billionaire hires Remus, who is working part time as a call boy to make ends meet. Things happen, feelings occur.
- One Step from Grace by SignifiQuint 83k
Rating: Explicit
Summary: Finally breaking the last tie to his previous relationship, Sirius starts afresh by moving to the same town as his two brothers, Godric's Hollow. Getting to know Remus is easy. Navigating the dating scene again...is not.
- Of Memories and Milk Thievery by moonymoment 57k
Rating: Teen and up
Summary: “So you stole his milk.”
“I borrowed it.”
“So you’re going to give it back?”
Remus took a sip from the mug of tea (with almond milk) that had been residing on the coaster, smacked his lips, and said, with a ridiculous air of casuality for a man who had oh so recently delved into thievery: “Nope.”
or: Sirius and Remus have been divorced co-parents for four years, and they won't stop terrorising each other. Teddy is sixteen, midway through his GCSE's, and... well, he finds it all to be quite exasperating, really.
- Evolution is spelt with an R by de_sire 77k
Rating: Explicit
Summary: Summer of 1978. There is a lycanthropy epidemic in Britain. The Dark Lord is gathering forces. The Order of the Phoenix is preparing for fighting. Sirius Black has no idea about any of that – he just finished Hogwarts with his two best friends, the future is bright and endless before him, and he is just looking for a bit of fun before adult life is going to start – but somehow, he ends up right in the middle of a secret war. All because of a handsome stranger that, for some reason, saves his life.
- What I Heard by fishpilgrim 28k
Rating: Explicit
Summary: Word on the street is Sirius is with Remus, but nobody bothered to tell either of them. Marlene, Sirius's actual girlfriend, thank you very much, is not thrilled. As the fall term settles into their last winter at school, things happen, feelings occur, Sirius and Remus are obviously in love, and the students of Hogwarts prove hard to surprise.
- Waterloo by frogsandfairies 67k
Rating: Teen and up
Summary: Sirius’ hands fell to the floor again, and he lolled his head to the side to stare despairingly at James. “His skin is so soft and he smelled liked strawberry jam,” Sirius said quietly, deploying his saddest puppy dog eyes. James snorted loudly as he stood up, broom in one hand. He looked down at Sirius. “What you need, mate, is to get a life.”
Remus and Sirius find themselves in a predicament. Both are hopelessly pining after each other, and after James dares them to pretend to be dating, they find that time is running out and they'll have to admit their feelings sooner rather than later. Centers around Wolfstar but focuses on lots of other characters as well :)
- The bird may die by venusispanicking 111k
Rating: Mature
Summary: Remus looks at Harry's wide eyes again. Maybe, he thinks, and he knows it’s absurd and impossible, but he still thinks that maybe they sent him to Harry, and they sent Harry to him after all those years he spent alone. Perhaps to commemorate what they have lost together and cry and mourn and suffer. Perhaps, they thought it is high time that Remus smiles again, sincerely, like the days in Hogwarts. Like he is a human again, not just a hollow bag of bones. Perhaps they think he should stop just existing, and live again. Perhaps. * Voldemort is defeated, the war is over, but Remus can't pull himself together until suddenly there is a little boy in his arms, crying and waiting for him to wipe his tears away.
- Fault Lines by greyeyedmonster18 19k
Rating: Mature
Summary: "Because what was supposed to be date night had turned into the first night Sirius could hear it. The ground rumbling beneath his feet. The flash of lightning, striking the same place twice. Their hearts fracturing along identical fault lines for the millionth time.”
In which Remus and Sirius separated after Lily/James died, and are now doing their very best to co-parent Harry
- I Found You by de_sire 23k
Rating: Explicit
Summary: On a sunny, absolutely ordinary Tuesday morning, after twenty-six years of longing, yearning, searching, Sirius Black finally finds his soulmate. He’s not a fair maiden in need of saving, he’s not a prince on a white horse. He is just a werewolf with a Welsh accent and a little too much self-loathing for Sirius’ liking. Regardless, he’s not disappointed.
- Under the Eucalyptus by xinasvoice 24k
Rating: Explicit
Summary: On his first day working at the queerest zoo in the Australian outback, Remus meets Sirius, whose smile is bright enough to knock him over. Sirius doesn’t speak aloud, but that doesn’t stop either of them from falling in love.
A soft romance about the value of slowing down enough to listen to each other and watch the sun rise.
- Led by Light of a Star Sweetly Gleaming by wolfpants 53k
Rating: Explicit
Summary: The man stretches over the counter on one forearm. “Mr S.O. Black,” he says, and it’s then that Remus thinks that he can smell him: a rich, musky sort of smell, like woodsmoke and vetiver.
As Mr Black recites his address – a sprawling estate out in the sticks, of course – Remus jots out the details on his invoice with a hand that is surprisingly steady. All the while, he feels those cool grey eyes on him, probably, disappointingly, seeing Remus as nothing more than what he is: a temporary, unsophisticated stock boy student in need of a few extra bob over the seasonal break.
Remus Lupin is a student and temporary sales assistant at Oxford's finest department store when a mysterious, handsome young man by the name of Sirius Black enters his life and introduces him to a world of sprawling country estates, parties, and London's underground bar scene. A 1960s Wolfstar AU with lots of music, smoking, fine interiors, and, of course, romance.
- Forever Live and Die by wolfpants 83k
Rating: Explicit
Summary: “Tell me everything,” he says quietly after what feels like a hundred years of them just floating unbound in space. “Tell me everything, from start to end, and then I’ll decide whether or not to get the map. Okay?” He knows it’s a tall order for them - two men who had neglected to tell each other the truth for almost a year before it all blew up in their faces, but it’s all he can hang onto for now. Words. So he sits down, slowly, wand flat on the table underneath his palm, the end still pointed at Sirius.And Sirius tells him everything. -- It's 1990, and Petunia and Dudley Dursley have been killed in a car crash. Remus Lupin is now Harry's reluctant ward. Thrown back into a world he has long since abandoned, he's forced to confront some painful truths of his past.
Or, "what if the Dursleys died and Remus and Sirius reunited earlier"?
- The Horcrux Hunt by Keysie 142k
Rating: mature (I would argue this has explicit vibes but that's just me)
Summary: He is a Slytherin, a Black, and an ex-Death Eater. Of course he makes it out of the cave.Regulus sets out to destroy the Dark Lord's Horcrux with no one but a house-elf to help, until he realises his task is bigger than he alone can handle. Reluctantly he turns to the only man Voldemort fears for assistance - Dumbledore - who loans out his pet wolf for the job, much to Regulus's dismay. Together they embark on a hunt for Horcruxes - a long and arduous journey that both makes friendships and destroys them. And a few people get hurt along the way. Slowburn Wolfstar, Regulus character development, a very flirty (but platonic) Regulus and Remus friendship, and a canonically manipulative Dumbledore.
- An Interesting Grasp by TheBiButterfly 110k
Rating: Explicit
Summary: Muggle University AU - James Potter & Remus Lupin Dual POV Excerpt:
“Wait, this is really interesting,” Sirius said suddenly, moving around the table to stand between Lily and Remus, pointing at a sketch. “The way you captured this hand holding a cigarette is both poetic and raw. I love the feel of it.” He leaned down to meet Lily’s eye level. Lily nodded excitedly, “That’s one of my favourite subjects actually, though I doubt he’ll pose for us. We may have to use the sketches.” She glanced pointedly at Remus and then back at Sirius. She pulled a few more examples of the same subject out of her bag and showed Sirius. “We’ll just have to talk him into it,” Sirius said dismissively, either missing the look or ignoring it. “That is just what we need. It’s a brilliant mix of elegance and violence.”
- Love is Not a Victory March by SplitScribbles 46k
Rating: Explicit
Summary: Acting as if James hadn’t even spoken, Fabian gets up to meet Sirius eye to eye. “Next person to walk through the door is your conquest. 
“Fine with me.” 
“I don’t like this at all.” Everyone continues to ignore James, to busy keeping up a death stare towards the entrance of the living room— Sirius’s stomach dropping six feet under and his heart clenched when not even a minute passes and it’s no other than Remus Lupin who ambles through the threshold, looking so adorably flustered until spotting Dorcas Meadowes— president of both the STEM club and the black student union— who quickly envelopes him into a hug before they stroll towards the garden by the smokers. ANd shit.
OR—In which Sirius wants all of this to be real, Remus wants to live inside the silver screen, and this is a very thinly veiled She’s All That AU
- The Scientific Method by mcdynamite 62k
Rating: Explicit
Summary: Remus Lupin has been in love with Sirius Black for ages, so when an unexpected opportunity arises for him to have everything he's been dreaming of, he can't possibly say no (even if it's only for one night). After all, it's just an experiment. Nothing really needs to change. Right?
In which Remus and Sirius are tragically terrible communicators, Peter just wants to help, and James is forced to reconcile with the fact that his friends may, in fact, be idiots
- All Hail the Outlaws by orphan_account 29k
Rating: Explicit
Summary: One of Remus Lupin's three jobs happens to be working maintenance for their flat building. He gets to meet all sorts, most of whom he would rather have nothing to do with. Until James Potter and Sirius Black move in across the hall. Engineering students and self-proclaimed geniuses, the pair set out to make their neighbours new best friends, and everyone's life is turned upside down, but in the best way possible.
- The Weather Inside by earlybloomingparentheses 43k
Rating: Explict
Summary: Sirius rides a flying motorbike, and snogs strangers in pubs, and strikes moody poses Remus finds irritatingly attractive. But for Remus, who drinks milky tea and wears flannel pyjamas, there's a chasm cracked right down the fault line between wanting and doing. How he wants, though. 
How he wants.
- Now I Wanna be your Dog by pixelated (prettyremus) 20k
Rating: Explict
Summary: Sirius clunks about in his Doc Martens and listens to The Stooges and smokes cigarettes and wears his hair much too long and spends more time serving detention than not. And is way too forward about his sudden feelings for Remus.(A story about teenagers and summer love in the 70s.)
- The Barista, the Burglar, and the Sofa by orphan_account 21k
Rating: Explicit
Summary: This is the story of twenty-three year old Remus Lupin, an overworked graduate student and underpaid barista, who comes home one day to find an exceptionally attractive man has broken into his flat. Given the neighborhood he lives in, that isn’t a huge surprise. He is surprised, though, when the burglar comes back with a sofa. 
Alternatively, this is the story of how Sirius Black tries to seduce a man by slowly furnishing his flat.
- Wilde and Whimsey by achilees, chasingbluefish 37k
Rating: Explicit
In a world where Dumbledore defeated Voldemort during the first war, the wizarding community is picking up the pieces and getting back to their lives. Remus Lupin becomes a person of interest in a murder at the bookshop where he works and Sirius Black and James Potter, aurors, are sent to investigate. As they navigate the crime itself, Remus and Sirius realize that there is something to their instant chemistry. But they need to keep their newfound attraction under wraps while trying to find the killer and stop them from claiming more victims.
- take a shot of holy water by pinkpalaceapartments 73k
Rating: Mature
Summary: a year after cutting ties with his family and taking steps to improve his life after coming to terms with his role in the tragic death of his best friend, sirius black reconnects with his past at an engagement dinner for a friend he thought he’d lost and the family he’d left behind. there he meets a priest named remus lupin, who is about to change the course of his life forever.
or, a fleabag series 2 au
- Love & Blowjobs & Other Sacred Things by BrujaBanter 77k
Rating: Explicit
Summary: Two strangers meet in a loud and dingy club. It's love at first sight, except the few mitigating circumstances. Namely, that Sirius is married to God, Remus is a minister, love is complicated, and religion is even more so. 
OR In which Sirius is a priest, Remus is a preacher, Lily is a badass, and James is confused.
- Dear your Holiness by MollyMaryMarie 142k
Rating: Explicit
Summary: During the week of his father's funeral, Sirius Black meets an unusual priest and offers to help write Orion Black's eulogy. At the same time, he's started texting a mysterious bass player from a pop-punk band that he accidentally swapped phones with. Eventually, the conversations between the two start to blur together and Sirius has trouble trying to decide which one he's falling for the hardest.
Regulus Black/James Potter
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- Best Friend’s Brother by Zeppazariel 329k
Rating: Mature
Summary: Regulus hates his brother—this is fact—and as his best friend, Remus would never betray him by falling in love with aforementioned brother. Sirius hates his entire family—this is also fact—and as his best friend, James would never betray him by falling in love with a member of it.The problem is, none of them are even aware that it's happening.
- just lovers (like we were supposed to be) by zeppazariel 321k
Rating: Mature
Summary: Regulus closes his eyes and shakes his head again, looking pained, then he opens them and sighs. "And your solution to this is me? Pretending to be my boyfriend?"
"Yeah. It's actually bloody brilliant, if you think about it. Everyone will leave happy. I'm going to fake date my way into falling in love," James announces grandly, sticking his hand out and waving it through the air like he's presenting a banner.
Or, the one in which James Potter wants to prove he'd be a good boyfriend to Lily Evans and comes up with the brilliant plan to fake date Regulus Black his way into falling in love. It doesn't quite go as anyone expects.
Task failed...successfully?
Bartemius Crouch jr./Evan Rosier
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- Intermission by zeppazariel 43k
Rating: mature
Summary: Evan and Barty have no plans to fall in love. Life rarely goes as planned, though, does it?
150 notes · View notes
my-reality-my-rules · 3 years
my [main] DR script pt. 1
some of the characters that i listed below are my own. some of the details that i included are optional as well, if you ever decide to incorporate it into your scripts!! again, shifting is a personal journey. it’s intimate and it’s subjective. your DR is yours and yours alone, for you to design and conquer. it’s not anyone’s business to care about your DR, nor is it anyone’s to care about mine, but i wrote this regardless to motivate or give inspiration for those who want or need it.
when i started writing the details for this DR, i just constantly kept thinking of the sims games. build my own house, my own person, my own family, my own world. scripting is as fun as that, and think of how much more enjoyable it’d be once you’re actually there and awake for it all. :))
BIRTHDAY: April 06, 1980
HEIGHT: 5”6 ft (at maturity)
WEIGHT: 101 lbs
GENDER: female
SPECIES: human
ETHNICITY: white/Caucasian
∗ ⋅◈⋅ ∗
PARENTS: Esther Catelyn Martell (mother), & Tom Marvolo Riddle (father)
maternal side
Bathilda Bagshot (great-aunt)
Gellert Grindelwald (great-grandfather)
Lyanna Martell (great-grandmother)
Esther Jane Martell (grandmother)
Abraxas Cassius Malfoy (grandfather)
Lucius Abraxas Malfoy (half-uncle)
Draco Lucius Malfoy (half-cousin)
paternal side
Marvolo Gaunt (great-grandfather)
Morfin Gaunt (grandfather)
Merope Riddle née Gaunt (grandmother)
Tom Riddle Sr. (grandfather)
Thomas Riddle (great-grandfather)
Mary Riddle (great-grandmother)
Bartemius Crouch Jr.
Regulus Arcturus Black II
Gellert Grindelwald starts an affair with Lyanna Martell (1914).
Esther I is born (1928), technically a bastard child.
Merope Gaunt abducts and sires a bastard with Tom Riddle Sr. (1925-26).
Tom Riddle Jr. is born (1926), an orphan.
Abraxas Malfoy marries Helena Yaxley (1953).
Lucius Malfoy is born (1954).
Esther I relives a childhood affair with Abraxas Malfoy (1961).
Esther II is born (1962).
Esther I dies (1971).
Esther II marries Tom Riddle Jr. (1977).
Esther III [me] is born, Esther II dies in childbirth (1980).
∗ ⋅◈⋅ ∗
I can remember everything that happens/happened in my DR every time I wake up in my CR
I am immune to carrying any bad habits from my original reality to my desired one
all the memories I have in my DR will immediately come to me upon waking up
muscle memory also come to me immediately as I wake up in my DR
I possess excellent situational awareness
I think faster than most of the geniuses alive [my thought process is comparable to that of the Flash in the DC comics]
one day in my DR = 7 minutes in my CR
I have a photographic memory, and am immune to ever forgetting anything
I am immune to poisons and radiation
I am immune to sickness
I am fluent in reading, writing, and speaking in: English, Russian, Japanese, and Latin
it is unnecessary for me to piss, shit, fart, or burp; nevertheless I possess good metabolism
my safe word for this DR is: 'Fuck the English language.'; I am immune to forgetting my safe word
I will smell peppermints upon waking up
I have a mid-high pain tolerance
I have good handwriting, sharp and cursive
I have a good fashion sense
wealth and estates
other miscellaneous items
∗ ⋅◈⋅ ∗
I am incredibly smart and calculative, which should have made me put into Slytherin, but my thirst for knowledge won out in the end; I always know the right things to say during an argument, and my points are always hard facts and logical
I try my best to be kind, even in the face of extreme bullying and favouritism
I am immune to legilimency probes, I have natural and powerful occlumency
no one can read my mind; not Dumbledore, not Snape, not Voldemort, not Ollivander, not even the Sorting Hat itself
no prophet or seer can ever know about this reality, not Luna Lovegood nor Sybill Trelawney, not even the centaurs
I am immune to horcrux possession
I am immune to being expelled from Hogwarts
I am immune to ever being sent to Azkaban
I know a large variety of spells and potions, and am able to cast and/or create them with relative ease
I can create any spell or potion that I set my mind to
I know exactly when someone of something is lying, even without the use of legilimency; I have high observational skills and am very perceptive
I know how to hold and use a quill
I know how to tie a tie
I am a talented flyer for quidditch, I became a Ravenclaw chaser in 3rd year
my mind is immune to being subjected to memory-altering charms and spells
I have manners like a pureblood, and use them at the appropriate times
I can wield elemental magic
I am a talented dueller, and I can cast wandlessly and wordlessly
I always know the answers to the questions asked during class, so on professor can ever surprise me
I am a magical sensor
∗ ⋅◈⋅ ∗
James Potter
Fleamont Potter
Arcturus Black
Sirius Black
Druella Black
Orion Black
Abraxas Malfoy
Fabian Prewett
Gideon Prewett
Fred Weasley
Cedric Diggory
Frank Bryce
Charity Burbage
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NAME: Rabastan Lestrange AGE: 26 BLOOD STATUS: Pureblood OCCUPATION: Unemployed PORTRAIT: Penn Badgley
Rodolphus Lestrange: His older brother and the heir to the family, Rodolphus and Rabastan have a strained relationship. Their parents had a clear preference for Rodolphus, which extended towards his wife when she joined the family. He was always second fiddle, and hates that knowledge. He is getting more dangerous and reckless with his missions, in the hopes that he can demonstrate to the Dark Lord that he is worth more than his brother.
Marlene McKinnon: There’s no describing their relationship; there is an orbit between two lost souls ensnared by one another, two snarling wolves still circling & looking for a fight. Marlene is less afraid of the darkness than her peers, as shown in the basement of the Spiny Serpent late one winter’s night, and if Rabastan didn’t know any better, he would think she wanted him to pull at the strings so barely keeping her together. She wanted to be untied, untethered, too much ease in the way she slipped into a cold-blooded rage when he poked and prodded; Rabastan can’t get the girl out of his head ever since, the term ‘obsession’ putting it mildly. Fragile like a bomb, that girl is armed for war, and Rabastan can’t help but be enraptured by the idea of setting another monster free. Kindred spirits, indeed.
Corban Yaxley: The closest friend of his missing brother (arguably the closest companion the man kept in general), Yaxley cares more about finding Rodolphus than Rabastan. If the younger Lestrange boy happened to mention a certain fuzzy bastard of a wolf as the alleged cause of his brother’s disappearance, it’s mostly on Yaxley for believing it. It seemed like the most efficient way to rid the Death Eaters of the beast without getting his own hands dirty.
Frank Longbottom: Frank almost unmasked Rabastan on a dangerous heist mission that he undertook, and Rabastan is now paranoid that Frank knows his identity. He has taken to watching the man from afar, and is prepared to take Frank out should he learn that the man knows more than he should.
MENTIONED CONNECTIONS: Fenrir Greyback { x }, Bartemius Crouch Jr { x }, Fabian Prewett { x }, Sinistra Lowe { x }, Rodolphus Lestrange { coming soon ! }  
FREQUENT LOCATIONS: The Spiny Serpent, Lestrange Manor, His Apartment (Canal Street, Manchester.)
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dulcepericulum-rp · 5 years
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NAME: Rabastan Lestrange AGE: 26 BLOOD STATUS: Pureblood OCCUPATION: Unemployed PORTRAIT: Penn Badgley
Rodolphus Lestrange: His older brother and the heir to the family, Rodolphus and Rabastan have a strained relationship. Their parents had a clear preference for Rodolphus, which extended towards his wife when she joined the family. He was always second fiddle, and hates that knowledge. He is getting more dangerous and reckless with his missions, in the hopes that he can demonstrate to the Dark Lord that he is worth more than his brother. 
Marlene McKinnon: There’s no describing their relationship; there is an orbit between two lost souls ensnared by one another, two snarling wolves still circling & looking for a fight. Marlene is less afraid of the darkness than her peers, as shown in the basement of the Spiny Serpent late one winter’s night, and if Rabastan didn’t know any better, he would think she wanted him to pull at the strings so barely keeping her together. She wanted to be untied, untethered, too much ease in the way she slipped into a cold-blooded rage when he poked and prodded; Rabastan can’t get the girl out of his head ever since, the term ‘obsession’ putting it mildly. Fragile like a bomb, that girl is armed for war, and Rabastan can’t help but be enraptured by the idea of setting another monster free. Kindred spirits, indeed. 
Corban Yaxley: The closest friend of his missing brother (arguably the closest companion the man kept in general), Yaxley cares more about finding Rodolphus than Rabastan. If the younger Lestrange boy happened to mention a certain fuzzy bastard of a wolf as the alleged cause of his brother’s disappearance, it’s mostly on Yaxley for believing it. It seemed like the most efficient way to rid the Death Eaters of the beast without getting his own hands dirty.
Frank Longbottom: Frank almost unmasked Rabastan on a dangerous heist mission that he undertook, and Rabastan is now paranoid that Frank knows his identity. He has taken to watching the man from afar, and is prepared to take Frank out should he learn that the man knows more than he should. 
MENTIONED CONNECTIONS: Fenrir Greyback { coming soon! }, Bartemius Crouch Jr { coming soon! }, Fabian Prewett { x }, Sinistra Lowe { x }, Rodolphus Lestrange { x }  
FREQUENT LOCATIONS: The Spiny Serpent, Lestrange Manor, His Apartment (Canal Street, Manchester.)
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The Kissing Booth- Part 1
Word Count: 2,675
Series Masterlist
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Y/N Y/L/N and Regulus Black had been best friends since they were born. Their mothers were friends long before they were born, and being born on the same day, at the same time- they shared everything. For as long as Y/N could remember, Regulus had been by her side. Through both of their powers developing, nervously shopping for school supplies in Diagon Alley together, their first time at Hogwarts, the two were inseparable. As they grew older through their time at Hogwarts, they grew different, but not apart.
“Damn, Y/N, when did you fill out?” Sirius whistled at Y/N while she laid out by the Blacks’s pool, enjoying the rare bit of sunshine on the last day of summer before her fifth year at Hogwarts began. “Like a year ago, you perv. What are you on about?” Y/N retorted before turning her attention back to soaking up the sun. Y/N didn’t dislike Sirius, but she didn’t like him, either. She had always thought him to be attractive, but she knew how Regulus felt about him, so she put a wall up around him. “How would he know? It’s not like he’s ever here anyway,” Regulus muttered spitefully. “Well, if Y/N is gonna be prancing around here half naked like that, I reckon I might hang around more,” he winked. “You can just ignore him, Y/N. I do,” Regulus rolled his eyes.
“Hurtful,” Sirius feigned offense. “I’m sure you’ll be alright,” Y/N brushed him off as he became preoccupied with charming one of the garden gnomes to swim in the pool. “Anyways, Reg, we have to talk about this festival thing. We’ve only got like a month before it, and I have no idea what to do,” Y/N prompted. “Y/N/N, I don’t want any part of that rubbish. This “Homecoming” thing is just an excuse for the muggleborns to trash our school with their filthy muggle traditions,” Regulus scoffed. “Well, I know it’s a muggle thing, but it sounds like it could be a lot of fun. A whole festival, and a dance? It could be so cool! Bartemius told me that the dueling club is setting up a booth where you cast a spell and you have to aim it exactly so it hits one single pin and knocks it over, and if you can do it, you win a prize! And Lucius told me that the Slytherin quidditch team is doing an accuracy game, where you levitate rings and try to land them on tiny bottles that are really far away, don’t you know about that one? And the Ravenclaw team is doing a trivia game, and-“ “The Gryffindor team is doing a dunk tank,” Sirius interrupted Y/N. “Yeah! I think I heard that! Doesn’t all of that sound so fun, Reg? And I love the idea of a dance! Hogwarts never does anything like that!” Y/N rambled excitedly.
“I told the team I wouldn’t be participating in their silly game, and who cares about the dance? We go to at least 3 balls a year,” Regulus shrugged. “Please, Regulus? I can’t do a booth for the Astronomy Club by myself, and I don’t trust any of the other members to be in charge with me. And those balls are full of old, crotchety people. With waltzing. This is one is all of our friends, and we can actually have fun, and dance for real!” Y/N pleaded. Regulus huffed. “I’ll help you with the booth, because you’re my best friend. But I’m not going to the dance, so you’ll have to find someone else to go with. That’s not fun, it’s sloppy dancing,” Regulus acquiesced. “You’re such a buzz kill, Reg,” Y/N laughed. “Easy, now. I did agree to help with the booth,” Regulus laughed along. “Yes you did, and I love you for that,” Y/N smiled and pinched one of Regulus’s cheeks.
Y/N’s first day of fifth year was pretty normal. She went to all of her classes, got settled into her dorm, and after dinner, she met up with Regulus in the Astronomy Tower. Ever since they were little, Y/N and Regulus had LOVED the stars. They joined the Astronomy Club at school as soon as they were able to, and went out twice a week in the summer to look at the stars. It was their “thing.”
“Okay, we have to meet with the head boy and girl to give them the information on our booth by the end of the week and... we have no booth,” Y/N sighed. “I don’t know. All of the other booths sound moronic,” Regulus shrugged, staring off into the sky. “You seem distracted, Reg. Whatcha thinkin’ about?” Y/N nudged him. “Emma Vanity looked so good today,” Regulus gushed. “You say that every day, Reg,” Y/N laughed. “Because she does! But Merlin, she blossomed even more over the summer,” he sighed. “I wonder if she noticed how much taller I got over the summer.” “Regulus, you know I love you, but can I be honest with you?” Y/N asked him. Regulus playfully rolled his eyes and gave her a shrug. “Emma, much like every other girl in the school, is too far up you brother’s ass to notice anyone else,” she told him. Regulus huffed, “Of course she is,” he muttered.
“Before you get too pouty, Sirius isn’t into her. I can tell. But, she isn’t gonna realize that on her own. If you want her attention, you have to take it from her. Make her notice you...” Y/N trailed off. “Oh my Godric!” She gasped. “I’ve got it! A kissing booth!” “A what?” Regulus looked horrified. “A kissing booth! For the festival! We’ll line up a couple girls and guys, and everyone else will pay a sickle to kiss whoever is up there. It’s an interesting booth, AND we’ll raise money for the club!” Y/N explained. “If we want money for the club, we can donate money to the club,” Regulus pointed out. “True, but then you won’t get a chance to kiss Emma. Plus, if we do the booth, I’ll be able to save my own money, and I think I want a companion for Flynn,” Y/N reasoned.
“Hogwarts only allows one pet per student. And how exactly do you think this booth is going to work?” Regulus challenged. “I’m sure it won’t be too hard to bend a rule or two to sneak a new kitten in,” Y/N shrugged with a smirk. “But here’s what I’m thinking: Emma Vanity, captain of the Slytherin Quidditch team, I’m sure plenty of people are crushing on her. We’ll get her, Lily Evans, Marlene KcKinnon maybe, Lucius, Davey Gudgeon, and I hate to say it, but we should probably ask Sirius-“ Regulus cut her off, “Absolutely not. We will not let him be part of-“ “Regulus, I know how you feel about him, but he would draw in so many people. Do you know how many girls are fawning over him?” Y/N pleaded. Regulus rolled his eyes, “Fine. But if lot of people are going to pay to kiss Emma, how are we gonna get her to notice me?” He asked. “You’ll lay down a sickle and be the best kiss she has,” Y/N shrugged with a smile.
“Hey Sirius, wait up!” Y/N called after Sirius as she sprinted down the hall to catch up to him. “Y/N,” Sirius gave her a confused smile. “Hey! How are you doing on this lovely day?” Y/N smiled brightly, just as a loud crack of thunder shook the castle, causing Y/N to grimace. “Can I help you with something, Y/L/N?” Sirius raised a suspicious eyebrow. “Pft, can’t I just say hi to my best friend’s handsome older brother and see how he’s doing?” Y/N tried. Sirius raised his eyebrows and held back a laugh. “Alright, listen,” Y/N sighed. “Regulus and I want to set up a kissing booth for the Homecoming festival, and I think that putting you in the booth would attract a lot of people,” she admitted. “So far Vanity, Malfoy, Evans, Gudgeon and McKinnon are in,” Y/N added.
“While I’m flattered, there is absolutely no way I’m going to get in a booth and kiss a bunch of people,” Sirius laughed. “What? Why? Do you know who you are? You do that anyway!” Y/N countered. “I do not,” Sirius laughed. “Yes, I enjoy my time with beautiful women, but I am very selective when it comes to the women I kiss. It’s not a free for all,” Siri’s told her. “I was thinking more of a sickle for all,” Y/N muttered. “A sickle? Is thy what you think a kiss from me is worth?” Sirius gasped dramatically. “I am worth at least ten galleons, baby,” he winked. “Please, Sirius?” Y/N asked. “Sorry, Love,” he shook his head, “I’m not into it. If I can help in any other way, I’d be glad to. I’ll see you around, okay?” He gave her a gentle smile and a light nudge before making his way to the Gryffindor common room.
“He won’t do it,” Y/N shook her head as she ate lunch with Regulus. “Of course he won’t, the selfish bastard,” Regulus rolled his eyes. “That’s okay. We have a handful of pretty popular people. Potter alone will probably give us enough sickles to fund the club well into next year to kiss Evans a bunch of times,” Y/N pointed out. “We’ll just give each of them a little bit longer shift and stick with five people instead of six,” she decided. “Whatever you say,” Regulus shrugged. “This will be fine. And we’ll have fun! Stop being so mopey about it!” Y/N nudged her best friend. “I still think it’s preposterous that we’re throwing a muggle festival,” he grumbled. “It’s not a muggle festival if no muggles are there. And besides, who cares who came up with the idea of it? It’s fun, Regulus! Do you remember what that word means?” Y/N teased. Regulus quirked an eyebrow and next thing Y/N knew, a series of grapes flew at her at hit her right in the middle of her forehead. “That is fun,” Regulus smirked.
The next night, there was a party for Dorcas Meadowes birthday in the Gryffindor Common room, and the whole school was invited. “Alright, Reg, I’m off to the party... all by myself... because my best friend hates me...” Y/N announced as she made her way through the common room. “Whatever you sa-absolutely not!” Regulus exclaimed as he looked away from his book towards Y/N. “Fine, I’m going,” he huffed. “Oh, but I thought you weren’t going to sneak into the Gryffindor common room for a lousy gathering,” Y/N teased. “Well if you’re gonna dress like that, someone has to protect you from the predatory eyes,” he declared. “Let’s go, then.” “Are you gonna go dressed like that?” Y/N asked him. Regulus looked down at his less than festive attire and shrugged. “I’m not trying to impress anyone yet,” he decided. “Well alrighty then,” Y/N smiled and lead her best friend into the hall towards the Gryffindor common room.
“Y/N! Y/N! Y/N!” Mary Macdonald excitedly approached Y/N before Y/N could even find her first drink. “Hey, Macdonald, what’s up?” She asked, eyes scanning the room for Regulus. “I heard that the Astronomy club was putting up a kissing booth at the festival next month, is that true?” Mary asked. “Yep! That’s the plan!” Y/N smiled, “Regulus and I thought it would be interesting-“ “Are you getting Sirius to work it?” Mary asked excitedly. “Um, well...” Y/N mulled over her options, and chose to wing it. “I’m not sure yet. I’ve still got a few more people to ask, and Sirius is one of them,” she lied. “Merlin I hope you get him, what I would do for a chance to snog that boy,” Mary sighed dreamily. “I’ll um, I’ll go talk to him,” Y/N nodded.
Y/N searched the common room for Sirius’s mop of hair, finding Regulus standing with Lucius Malfoy and Emma Vanity along the way. “So much for protecting me from predatory eyes!” Y/N laughed, nudging Regulus. “I’m sorry! Lucius and Emma called me over to discuss some strategies for-“ Y/N cut Regulus off with a laugh. “Yeah, yeah. Sports stuff. You have fun, I’m going to go enjoy the party,” she told him. “As far as protection from predatory eyes, stay away from my brother and his friends and you should be fine,” Regulus called after her. She gave him a playful salute, and continued her search for Sirius.
Y/N finally found Sirius standing with a Ravenclaw girl who was ogling him while he spoke. “Hey, Sirius. I hate to interrupt, but can I borrow you for like two sec-“ “Excuse me but were you even invited? Seeing as Dorcas is a muggle born and everyone knows how you feel about them, I can’t imagine anyone actually wanting you here,” the girl snapped, interrupting Y/N. “And how exactly do I feel about muggleborns? Please, tell me, because I’m sure you know me so well, Girl I’ve Never Seen Before,” Y/N narrowed her eyes and turned to the girl. “Oh Merlin,” Sirius muttered, rubbing his hand over his jaw. “You think you’re so much better than half of this school just because both of your parents are wizards,” the girl sneered. “What the hell are you talking about?” Y/N asked, trying not to raise her voice.
“Y/N isn’t like that, Celia,” Sirius spoke up. “And you know her so well?” Celia asked him with an arched eyebrow. “I do, actually, and she happens to be very important to me. You know, I think you should leave,” Sirius frowned, causing Y/N to raise her eyebrows. “Are you kidding me?” Celia laughed angrily, looking between Y/N and Sirius. “Not even a little bit,” Sirius shook his head, lightly reaching out to tuck Y/N behind him as he stood in between the girls. “This is fucking absurd,” Celia muttered as she stormed off. “Um, thank you for that,” Y/N spoke up after a few moments of silence. “And sorry for ruining your date.” “She wasn’t my date, and you didn’t ruin anything,” Sirius assured her. “And you don’t have to thank me for that. How she acted was unacceptable,” he shrugged. Y/N gave him a shy smile.
“What did you need to borrow me for?” Sirius asked. “Oh, um,” Y/N tucked a piece of hair behind her ear and looked at her shoes. “I was going to ask if you would reconsider participating in our kissing booth. A lot of people want you up there, and I know we don’t really talk a lot or get along all of the time but-“ “Y/N,” Sirius cut her off. She looked back up at him. “I’m sorry but-“ “It’s fine,” Y/N sighed. “I shouldn’t have asked.” “Hey, wait a minute,” Sirius stopped Y/N as she turned to leave, “I’m not saying no to be an arse, you know.” Y/N didn’t say anything. “You’re not doing it, right?” He tried to reason with her. “Well no... but that’s because I’ve never kissed anyone before, and I don’t really want my first kiss to be a stranger, followed by a bunch of other strangers,” she said quietly.
“You... you’ve never...?” Sirius trailed off. “Nope,” Y/N slowly shook her head. “But you’re-“ Sirius started. “I know. Something about being attached at the hip with another boy sort of turns suitors away,” Y/N shrugged. “That’s insane,” Sirius shook his head and Y/N shrugged again. “Never kissed anyone, never had a boyfriend, never been on a date.... I mean all of those things sound nice, but I’m not going to try to force anything,” she told him. Sirius just gaped at her. “Well, now that I’ve opened up my soul to you and look like a giant fool, I’m going to go enjoy a lot of firewhiskey, as that’s what I came here to do. Have a good night, Sirius,” Y/N gave him an awkward smile before disappearing into the crowd.
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A/N: I am so so SO excited to be back!!!! I saw this movie and got MAJOR Sirius/Regulus vibes from Noah and Lee, so I decided to give it a shot and tweak things I didn’t like about the movie. I hope y’all love it!
Tagging: @argentinemango @kbaille92 @allertonn @espressoo-patronum @max-evergreen
Buy me a cup of coffee
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ao3feed-snape · 3 years
Colours of Intrigue
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/39qqsgM
by TheQuietLuka2021
[Previously known as Intrigued, under my old pseudonym SilentGhostWriter2017]
The entire magical world is shaken to its very foundations when Harry Potter, Boy-Who-Lived and vanquisher of Voldemort, was Sorted into the house of cunning and ruthlessness upon his return at Hogwarts.
Divides occur. Some fear the rise of another dark lord, while others try to manipulate the situation to their advantage.
Harry stands his ground, refusing to be a doormat. He mercilessly cuts his enemies down, fuelling the fears that his soul has gone dark, beyond even the slightest chance of redemption.
That is the general consensus, save for two individuals who thought very differently.
One seeks a companion amidst crippling loneliness brought upon by bigotry and hate. The other catches a glimpse of the real Harry, hidden behind his armour of cold ruthlessness. A Harry that created life as much as he destroyed.
Intrigue follows, and a carnal desire blooms. He will stop at nothing to claim the tantalising mystery that was the Boy-Who-Lived as his own.
Words: 631, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M, Multi
Characters: Harry Potter, Marcus Flint, Draco Malfoy, Vincent Crabbe, Gregory Goyle, Hermione Granger, Blaise Zabini, Pansy Parkinson, Daphne Greengrass, Tracey Davis (Harry Potter), Millicent Bulstrode, Neville Longbottom, Ron Weasley, Fred Weasley, George Weasley, Luna Lovegood, Ginny Weasley, Lucius Malfoy, Tom Riddle | Voldemort, Albus Dumbledore, Minerva McGonagall, Severus Snape, Filius Flitwick, Pomona Sprout, Terence Higgs, Dobby (Harry Potter), Quirinus Quirrell, Horace Slughorn, Poppy Pomfrey, Gilderoy Lockhart, Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, Cornelius Fudge, Argus Filch, Dolores Umbridge, Cedric Diggory, Cho Chang, Peter Pettigrew, Fleur Delacour, Gabrielle Delacour, Olympe Maxime, Alastor "Mad-Eye" Moody, Viktor Krum, Igor Karkaroff, Ludo Bagman, Bartemius Crouch Sr., Bartemius Crouch Jr., Goblins (Harry Potter), Original Female Character(s) of Color
Relationships: Marcus Flint/Harry Potter, Marcus Flint & Harry Potter, Hermione Granger & Harry Potter, Hermione Granger/Viktor Krum, Neville Longbottom & Luna Lovegood & Blaise Zabini, Neville Longbottom/Luna Lovegood/Blaise Zabini, Fleur Delacour/Original Female Character(s), Sirius Black & Harry Potter, Sirius Black & Remus Lupin, Sirius Black/Remus Lupin, Marcus Flint & Terence Higgs, Dobby & Harry Potter
Additional Tags: Slytherin Harry Potter, BAMF Harry Potter, Dark Harry Potter, Artist Harry Potter, Cold-Hearted Harry Potter, Biracial Harry Potter, Magically Powerful Harry Potter, Bottom Harry Potter, Top Marcus Flint, Protective Marcus Flint, Light Dom/sub, Dom/sub Undertones, Dark Hermione Granger, Black Hermione Granger, Powerful Hermione Granger, Hermione Granger & Harry Potter Friendship, BAMF Hermione Granger, Albus Dumbledore Bashing, Manipulative Albus Dumbledore, Severus Snape Bashing, Severus Snape Being a Bastard, Severus Snape Dies, Draco Malfoy Bashing, Ron Weasley Bashing, Abusive Dursley Family (Harry Potter), Dursley Family Dies (Harry Potter), Implied/Referenced Torture, Drama, Hurt/Comfort, Eventual Romance, Harry Potter is Not a Horcrux, Parselmouth Harry Potter, Rare Pairings, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Minor Character Death, De-Aged Marcus Flint, Racism, Homophobia, Misogyny, Possessive Behavior
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/39qqsgM
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clairecrouch-blog · 6 years
If she breaks the rules, the punishment must be strong, because what is more pathetic than a father that can't stand up to his own daughter? Or more useless than a master that doesn't have any power over his servant? My father flaunted a strength that he didn't possess, but children feel when the wall that is put up against them is made of paper. And it doesn't take them long to break it down, once they have understood that they can. That's what allows me to succeed where the old bastard has failed. What allows me to call myself a good father. This, and the ability to feel something for this girl, who depends on me for every single breath. It doesn't matter if it is rage, sadism, or need to protect her, or desire to fuck her. I am a human being, maybe at its finest, because I feel all of this, all at the same time. My father was as cold as ice, I came to think that he wasn't really alive. Or maybe he was crazy, just as I am, but his madness was simply different. I will never know, because I have killed my dad, and I am extremely pleased with it. He deserved it, after all. But my little girl, does she deserve it? Look at her. Look how pretty she is. And she's yours. And she is beautiful, fucking beautiful, wearing the signs of my rage, her small body tortured by the blind confidence she places in my judgement. She says I'm always right, and do you want to know something? It's really like that, but she's the only one who has understood it, the first one who has accepted it. She has literally put her life in my hands. And if you can't love a person for a thing like that, then you can't love at all.
Bartemius Crouch Jr.
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darkouter · 5 years
@abittangledup liked for a starter with Barty !
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His eyes bore into her.  It’s just above a whisper, the way he says it.  “I will not come in quietly.”
Cold, yes.  But mostly just blunt.  He wants to think he’s not going to treat her differently just because she is who she is.  But Liz is getting a warning from him, isn’t she?  They both have afforded each other some hesitation, regarding each other with words before actions.  Still, his father’s wand is clutched tightly in his hands, held up toward her in defense.  
“They are death eaters.  I’ve known them to be.”  She has caught him in the act, dueling them, winning against them.  He’s left them dead.  He always leaves them dead.  His tone is even, but he shakes because it doesn’t matter how many times he does it, there’s something about ending them that sits with him.  Steeps.  Consider it his penance.  “Just.  Turn a blind eye, Liz.  This is my business.  Really, I am just cleaning up an old mess for the ministry.  No one should mourn them.”
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ao3feed-jily · 4 years
The Third Path
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/36iGiIa
by queenofthecorner
Clarity Potter doesn’t want to die. And when she finds a time-turner in Dumbledore’s office, she reasons she might not have to.
Together with Ron and Hermione, Clare takes the horcrux hunt all the way back to 1976 hoping to save as many people as she can, hopefully up to and including herself.
Words: 3771, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M
Characters: Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, Ron Weasley, Severus Snape, James Potter, Lily Evans Potter, Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, Peter Pettigrew, Albus Dumbledore, Regulus Black, Bartemius Crouch Jr., Evan Rosier, Avery Jr. (Harry Potter), Mulciber Jr. (Harry Potter), Mary Macdonald, Order of the Phoenix, Death Eater Characters, Tom Riddle | Voldemort
Relationships: Harry Potter/Severus Snape, Hermione Granger/Ron Weasley, James Potter/Lily Evans Potter, Sirius Black/Remus Lupin
Additional Tags: Female Harry Potter, Bisexual Harry Potter, Time Travel, Time Travel Fix-It, Marauders Era (Harry Potter), Horcrux Hunting, Harry Potter is a Horcrux, Remus Lupin Needs a Hug, Ron Weasley is a Good Friend, Hermione Granger is a Good Friend, Severus Snape Has a Heart, Good Severus Snape, Sirius Black Being an Idiot, Friendship, Enemies to Friends to Lovers, Severus Snape Being a Bastard, The Prince's Tale, Lily Evans Potter & Severus Snape Friendship, One-Sided Lily Evans Potter/Severus Snape, Dark Arts, Magical Experiments, Spell-craft, Slug Club, Hermione Granger & Severus Snape Friendship, Companionable Snark, The Fidelius Charm, Harry is NOT the Master of Death, Past Harry Potter/Ginny Weasley
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/36iGiIa
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*dances around because you take prompts* Hi! I found this: "You know who would have never believed that Sirius could be a traitor even if he was unaware of the change in secret keepers? An incredibly dead James." So pretty please, would you write a fic in which James is the only one that believe that Sirius is innocent? It can be set whenever you want! Angst is fine as long as the end is fluffy (I love happy endings!). Thank you so, so much!
When James woke in hospital, the first thing he said was, “Where’s Sirius?” He’d found his glasses on the bedside table, and after sluggishly sitting up and pushing them on, he looked around. Lily, Remus, and Harry were there, Remus clinging to both of them like a lifeline. He wanted to reach out and hug all of them, but he felt like his bones had been hollowed out and filled with cement, so he settled for looking. Sitting up had been more difficult than it needed to be, and he wasn’t in a hurry to anywhere. Provided there was a good reason he wasn’t seeing Sirius, that is.
Lily and Remus exchanged an uneasy look at his question, and his stomach plummeted to the floor.
Don’t jump to conclusions, maybe he’s hurt or summat. “Where. Is. He.”
Lily swallowed, and didn’t answer his question, as if there were any chance he wouldn’t notice. “Voldemort’s dead, but so is Albus– he died before the Aurors could arrive. The war is officially over now, so that’s good. You’ve been out a few days,” she explained. “Got hit with a nasty curse, they had to keep you under for the pain. Peter was here earlier, but he’s helping search for Death Eaters, so he couldn’t stay long.”
“Is Sirius dead?” he asked, since apparently they didn’t want to come out and tell him.
“No,” Lily said, averting her eyes and looking completely uncomfortable.
“James,” Remus said cautiously, shifting the sleeping Harry in his arms, “you do remember what happened, don’t you?”
He furrowed his brow as he thought. “Voldemort… showed up at the house.”
“Yeah.” Remus and Lily’s faces were etched with expectant sadness, but James didn’t understand why.
“What does that have to do with anything?”
“James,” Lily said, and James was starting to hate people saying his name like that, “Sirius was our secret keeper. If Voldemort found us, it’s because he told him, and he did find us.” Her voice was soft, like she was breaking the worst news of his lifetime.
James glared at her. How could she even think Sirius would do that? And why was Remus agreeing with her? “Sirius wouldn’t have told him shite.” He pushed the blankets off him and weakly swung his legs to the ground. The cold of the floor made him shiver, and he grit his teeth against the stab of pain it caused to his stomach.
He tried to stand and wouldn’t have gotten far even if Remus hadn’t been there to gently press him back down with a hand on his shoulder. “I know you don’t want to believe it, James, but it’s what happened. He betrayed you.”
James shoved Remus’s hand off, and stared at him, unable to name all the swirling emotions in him. “How can you say that. You know Sirius, he would’ve rather died. Did you even bother to talk to him? I’m sure he would’ve told you what happened if you, you know, asked. Where is he? We can go together.”
“He’s in Azkaban, James,” Lily said and his heart stopped.
“He’s in Azkaban, along with all the other Death Eaters they’ve caught.”
“Don’t call him that,” he snapped, eyes welling with tears. “He’s not one of them.” 
“James-” Remus started.
“Stop saying my name like that!” James was ready to tear into the two of them for the mere consideration that Sirius was a traitor, but a Medi-Wizard arrived, effectively cutting him off before he could start.
“Mister Potter please lay back down.”
His hands clenched into fists.
The Medi-Wizard turned to Lily and Remus. “I’m afraid I have to ask you to leave for now, until he’s calm again.”
“I’m plenty calm,” James blatantly lied.
“I’m sure,” they said drily. “If you please,” they said, turning to Remus and Lily and motioning to the door.
They gave him a worried, lingering look as they left, that he studiously ignored.
“Mister Potter,” they sighed.
“Yeah, yeah,” he grumbled, reluctantly getting back in the bed. “When am I cleared to leave?”
They started doing something with their wand, but James couldn’t be bothered to pay attention to what it might be. “Tomorrow night, now that you’re awake. As long as you take it easy,” they added.
James nodded but– judging by the Medi-Wizard’s sigh– both of them knew he had zero intention of doing so.
The next day and a half was tense. James played at being happy for little Harry but was short with the boy’s parents. Remus and Lily seemed to understand, but it was still in the ‘he needs time to come to terms with the situation’ sort of way, so it only served to keep him upset.
“Did they even give him a trial?” he finally asked.
“No. They haven’t given any Death Eaters them, just thrown them in Azkaban to rot.”
“Lily. I love you, but stop calling him a Death Eater.” It was as nice as he was going to be. Personally, he thought his restraint was divine.
She opened her mouth to argue her point, but stopped, visibly holding herself back.
“What have they done with his things?”
“Nothing,” Remus answered. “They’re yours now.”
James had to close his eyes and take a deep breath. If he thought it would get better when he left St. Mungo’s, he was horribly wrong. Going to the Ministry was a bad decision, but he wanted to talk to Bartemius Crouch about getting Sirius out of Azkaban. It was like everyone wanted to pretend Sirius was dead. Shove him in a horrible place he didn’t belong and talk about him like he didn’t exist anymore. James was ready to fucking deck the next person that called him a traitor.
…It took about fifteen minutes. Another Auror– one James knew from an assignment when he and Sirius had worked with him– was spewing bullshit, and James didn’t feel the least bit bad about breaking his nose.
Scrimgeour hauled him to his office, furious. “What the hell was that Potter?” He continued without waiting for an explanation. “I know that Black was your partner, but you more than anyone should be angry with him.”
“And why is that, sir?” he spat, gearing up for a fight.
James stormed out of the room a few minutes later, jobless, livid, and thoroughly unsatisfied. During the time he packed up both his and Sirius’s desks, he managed to create a calm facade, solid enough to talk to Crouch, not that that went much better than talking to Scrimgeour. When Crouch said Sirius had been manipulating James into being his friend, it apparently wasn’t a good idea to ask how the buggering hell an eleven year old was manipulative enough to be planning for a war with a threat none of them knew about yet.
Crouch had said, “He’s a Black,” as if that explained everything.
“Yeah he’s a Black, a Black who was in Gryffindor, and an Auror, and was bloody disowned for his beliefs!” It didn’t have any effect on Crouch, but after two minutes with the man, he wasn’t surprised.
James wasn’t having a very good day. Or week. He was about two days away from busting Sirius out of Azkaban.
He was very careful not to say that to Lily, Remus, or Peter when they got together that night, careful to not so much as hint at it.
“You don’t look like you’ve had a good day,” Peter said sympathetically. He looked nervous, as he always seemed to these days. James was glad for yet another reason to be happy that the war was over– Peter didn’t deal well with stress, and he was so paranoid.
He almost felt bad about how aggressively he answered, especially considering he had been thinking the same thing. “Well let’s think here Pete. My boyfriend slash best mate got thrown in a literal hellhole, all our friends are convinced he deserves it, and no one cares that he, you know, didn’t do it or get a trial. I punched O’Leary for being a complete arse, quit my job, and probably convinced Crouch I’m a traitor because he’s a paranoid bastard. Oh, and everyone thinks me and Lily are together, so people keep mentioning that. All in all, I think the only that could make this worse is if one of us was dead, so yeah, I didn’t exactly have a good day.”
Peter blinked at him owlishly. “You- you and Sirius were together?”
“That’s all you took from that?” James asked incredulously. “And of course we are. I thought you knew.”
He shook his head and looked to Remus, who shrugged helplessly. “I didn’t know either.”
James frowned at them. “Seriously? We haven’t been subtle.”
“I thought you were just really good friends,” Lily added.
James was… perplexed. “How the fuck did none of you know? And what do you mean ‘really good friends’? We’ve kissed in front of you. Several times. We act like a bleeding couple!” None of them had a good response, and he let his head fall back on the sofa with a groan. “I can truthfully say,” he said slowly, staring up at the ceiling, “that I did not expect that.” He looked at them again. “Does this affect how you think about him at all? C’mon guys, this is Sirius do you honestly think he’d betray me? You should know better than to think he’d support the Death Eaters at all, but- me?”
“I guess not,” Remus sighed. “But there’s no other explanation, James. If I thought for a second there was a way it couldn’t be him, I’d jump on it, but there isn’t.”
James thought about it. He hadn’t bothered before– he knew Sirius didn’t do it, but he didn’t think about the how; he didn’t need proof. “What if they switched secret keepers? Only Sirius, Albus, and the other person would know, and with Albus dead…”
“Why wouldn’t he say something?” Remus asked, but not to discourage James like he’d been doing the past few days, more interested, hungry to find an excuse to agree with him.
“Maybe he did, but no one believed him. It’s not like there was an official setting for him to mention it,” he added bitterly. “We never told anyone Sirius was our secret keeper did we?” Lily shook her head. “They just assumed. So if Sirius thought the Death Eaters would assume the same thing, he could’ve switched to keep us safe.”
“Then what happened to the other secret keeper? He wouldn’t have chosen someone he didn’t trust,” Peter said, seeming skeptical.
“And why wouldn’t they have come forward?” Lily asked.
“They could be dead.” He shook his head. “We’re going to get nowhere with this. I’ll ask Sirius tomorrow.”
“James, you can’t visit him, they’ll think you’re a traitor too,” Remus said, looking unnerved at the prospect.
“Well I would hope you’d tell them I’m not,” he said drily.
“It really doesn’t sound like a good idea, and they probably won’t even let you.”
“Pete, let me put it this way: I’m going to see him, whether they let me, or not.”
Lily forcefully changed the subject, and they come back to it for the rest of the night. James was beginning to relax as they talked meaninglessly, not bringing up the war, or the countless good people who died, then Peter dropped his news.
“You’re moving to Germany?”
He nodded. “I know it’s sudden, but… I’ve actually been planning on this for the past couple months.” It was an understatement, they all knew. “With,” he swallowed, “everything that’s happened, I just don’t feel safe here, and I can’t relax, and I just-” he cut off, looking at the floor shamefully.
“Hey,” James said softly, putting an arm around his shoulders, “it’s okay. We’ll understand as long as you write us.”
Peter gave him a half-smile that had him grinning. “Can do.”
Everyone was out to make James’s life harder, he was sure of it. First, Scrimgeour had sent an owl, all but ordering James to come back (James sent back a reply telling him in explicit detail what he could do with that idea). It wasn’t a good idea to piss off the Head of the Auror Department, but James was full of bad ideas at the moment. Then, Lily had flooed to try and convince him not to go visit Sirius (except she refused to say his name), giving all the reasons she thought it would go poorly. Of course she was operating under the ridiculously incorrect assumption that Sirius was guilty, so he didn’t pay her any mind.
And then, they told him that he couldn’t go to Azkaban, citing some made-up rule about visitation. James eviscerated that attempt because he’d done his goddamn research before coming today. It’s not like visitors weren’t allowed, they just never did– whether because the prisoner didn’t have anyone, or because no one voluntarily spent time around Dementors. Once he called their bluff, they said something about wands not being allowed, clearly thinking it would dissuade him. Instead, James shoved his wand flat into their chest without a second’s hesitation. After that they understood that they were going to have to let him go or risk him breaking in.
They took a boat across, his guide– or whatever their title/job was– looking supremely nervous, and not taking more than a single step closer to the main structure than he had to. He stuttered out a location and James took off before he finished speaking. He was sure he would’ve looked very intimidating if he hadn’t slipped on some moss.
James had to hold back a wave of rage when he neared Sirius’s cell, seeing the higher concentration of Dementors in this area. In what was surely the most stupid thing he’d ever done, he made physical contact with one to push it aside so he could get through, it was so crowded in the narrow hallway.
James doesn’t know how Dementors work, but something about him or the situation made the majority of them float a short distance away. His chest tightened when he saw Sirius, half-way between the door and the outside, obviously wanting to get away from the ocean spray but not wanting to get any closer to the Dementors than he had to. The floor was comprised of hard stone and a thick film of mud and grime that Sirius was covered with after his week here. James knelt on the ground, shoulder bumping the same wall that Sirius was leaning against.
His body stilled, to the point James was half-convinced he’d been petrified, before he took a careful breath. “James?”
An involuntary smile came to James. Gods but he’d missed his boyfriend. He hadn’t seen Sirius in over a month, and with the stress of everything else he hadn’t had time to be sad about it this past week.  “Yeah, love, it’s me.”
Sirius’s head came up sharply, eyes roving over James like he couldn’t believe he was here. He scrambled forward, but not so close that James could reach him on his own. “You’re alive,” he breathed, voice filled with wonder.
“‘Course I am, I’m too stubborn to be killed,” James said with a crooked smile, trying to ignore how wrong it was for them to be separated, for Sirius to be behind bars. James stuck his arm through the bars, reaching for Sirius and gesturing for him to come closer. “I can’t reach you back there, mate.”
His eyes filled with tears and he lurched forward, flush with the bars as he tried to get as close as he could to James, and hugged him. He was filthy, shaking, and smelled like death, but James wouldn’t want to be anywhere else. “I thought you were dead.”
“Nope. Hurt a little, but not dead.” He let a deep breath out and felt the exhaustion of the past few days weighing down on him. “I’m sorry I haven’t gotten you out yet. No one wants to listen to me, and they don’t care that you never got a trial, and it’s just-”
“It’s okay.”
“It’s not okay Si, how can you say that? You’re in Azkaban for fuck’s sake, this is the antonym of okay, it has this exact situation described in the thesaurus.”
“But you’re alive,” he said, as if that changed everything. And for him, maybe it did. By this point, they normally would have let go of each other, but they hadn’t seen each other in weeks and Sirius had thought he was dead. James didn’t want to let go of him for the entire visit, and he was certain the sentiment was returned.
“I’m alive. And you’re alive, so this could be a hundred times worse.”
Sirius chuckled, sounding strained. “Yeah. I’m guessing you haven’t found Peter?”
James frowned, and pulled back a little. “What do you mean? Pete’s fine, I saw him last night.”
Sirius’s face contorted. “He’s the one that gave your location to Voldemort.”
“But… what?”
“We switched Secret Keepers, I- I thought I was too obvious, that you’d be safer if it was someone else, and he agreed, and Albus switched it didn’t he tell you?” Sirius had gone from angry to desperate and rambling in a matter of seconds, and if James wasn’t used to it, he’d have whiplash.
James shook his head numbly. “Albus is dead. Pe- he said he was moving, he’s running.”
“If he leaves, I’m never going to get out!”
“Yes you will. I’m not leaving you in here. If I- if I can just get you a trial, then you can request Veritaserum, and then you’ll be out.”
Sirius stared at him, but there was no hope there. “Crouch isn’t going to authorize that. I tried when they took me James, they aren’t going to listen; they want to throw every suspected Death Eater in here and forget they helped build a society where something this horrible got this far. They sure as hell aren’t going to admit they were wrong about me.”
“I’m going to get you out of here,” James promised.
“Don’t go doing anything illegal. I’m fine,” he lied, and James gave him a flat stare. They hadn’t been able to lie to each other since third year.
“You’re not, I’m not, and when has legality ever stood in our way. Are… are you sure it was Peter?” James asked hopelessly.
“I’m sure.”
James went back to hugging him. “How did everything get so buggered?”
“Well, I think it all started when the first wizard thought genocide was a great idea and it snowballed from there.” Neither of them said anything for a while. “Don’t do anything if it’s going to get you in here,” he said quietly.
“Si. I appreciate the thought. But we both know I’ll do whatever it takes.”
He sighed. “Yeah. I know. Be careful though. I love you, but I don’t want you to be my next-door neighbour for the rest of our lives.”
“Yeah. In your bed is a much better arrangement.”
James would be the first to admit that getting Sirius’s name cleared was a whole hell of a lot harder than it needed to be, and in his ever objective opinion, it took way too fucking long. The fortunate part, he grudgingly acknowledged, was that no one found out he’d broken Sirius out of Azkaban. Remus had known what James was doing, just because he knew that James wasn’t going to leave Sirius there if the process to get him out was taking months. He snuck Sirius out, started working on getting him what he should’ve had from the beginning, and snuck him back in the day of the trial.
Crouch had been deposed, and the new administration was going back, trying to fix all the previous oversights, which was the only reason Sirius got a trail. James tried to push Sirius’s date up, but the department was busy with other things. He wasn’t happy about it, but he understood.
They never found Peter, and honestly James was glad. He’d left them a note in Germany– where he’d told them he was staying before they knew what he’d done– apologising. Sirius was furious, but James… well. He didn’t want to see Peter again, and that included having him tried for what he’d done. Maybe it was hypocritical, but he didn’t want to think about it. Peter betrayed them, he had his reasons, and that was that.
It took time for them to trust Remus and Lily again, but Sirius was more willing to forgive than James was, and that helped. The rest of the Wizarding World could suck it. They were all imbeciles, who would rather an innocent man be in prison than out so they could have a false sense of safety.
James could never hold his bitterness for too long though, because then he’d see Sirius, healthy and smiling, and– as per usual– not giving a single fuck what anyone else thought.
“You know Jamie, we should get married.”
“Oh? Why’s that?”
“You need a reason other then our world-stopping, undying love?” He gasped, a hand over his heart.
“It would be nice, yes,” James teased.
“How about so the next time people falsely accuse me of betraying you, they won’t have a leg to stand on?”
James rolled his eyes. “They didn’t have a leg to stand on in the first place, but yes we should get married. Just in case.”
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