#Bart the Rock Troll
vernonroche269 · 2 years
how do you feel about a ploughing potty-mouth with a monocle? hot as lebioda's infected left testicle or unfuckable like a rock troll's tightly clenched fist?
The thought of him makes me drier than Bart's gnarled and sundried prick.
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newmoonwastaken · 2 years
Completely Rewriting Trolls 2: World Tour because I was just forced to watch it and I think it needs a bit of improvement
warning: long post; major spoilers for both Trolls movies
So first off, it’s a cool concept but it does NOT make sense in the existing Trolls franchise. I doubt the ogres or whatever are just a small part of the Pop-Trolls’ area, considering the travel montage featured in the first movie. Additionally, the ogres-or-whatever like music as much as the Trolls, so having them as a totally different species on another part of the map doesn’t really make sense. So assume this all takes place in a completely different universe. (I’m keeping the names the same, though, to avoid confusion.)
So it can start off the same - introduction to the completely new Techno-Trolls subspecies and society. Keep the king of that place and his autotune-greeble-thing: they’re pretty good and nicely sum up that area.
When the Hard-Rock-Trolls arrive, have the Techno-Trolls be really wary and insular. Like, really wary and insular. Have them set up a lot of defenses unprovoked. This will help to reinforce the main message (putting aside differences is optimal for any society).
The Hard-Rock-Trolls can still seem evil at first, but don’t have them outwardly express world domination plans. Bart’s plan to steal all the strings still exists, but it’d be best (in my opinion) to try to pull a Lego Movie 2 and make her a reverse twist villain. A twist hero, if you will. The movie goes as always, with the Techno-Trolls being nowhere near prepared for an invasion of such a scale, and having the subspecies abducted to the Hard-Rock-Trolls’ domain.
Cut to the Pop-Troll-Village or whatever. Reintroduce the characters, keep Tiny Diamond if you so insist. This is a kids’ film - a little bit of filler characters being cool is ok.
Poppy receives the invitation from Bart. She is highly trusting and replies in a way that offends Bart when it is received. Branch thinks she’s kinda sus, yada yada. Mr. Previous-Leader-Of-The-Pop-Trolls-Or-Whatever-His-Name-Was tells Poppy a bit of exposition about the Strings, where it is explained that fighting amongst themselves split up the Trolls, and also (for a bit of worldbuilding) explaining that the most powerful 6 genres of music at any given time own one of the strings. This will explain the Disco-Trolls reference later.
Poppy and Branch go to meet Bart, The British One is a stowaway, Cooper finds the open scrapbook and tries to find his kin, yada yada.
Upon arrival at the Pre-African-Influence (classical, baroque, etc) Domain, it is revealed by a surviving instrument that the Pre-African-Influence-Trolls suffered a similar fate to the Techno-Trolls (although of course they don’t know about that). Poppy offers to help, but the instrument refuses on the basis of different music tastes.
They move on to the Country Domain, in which they attempt to cheer up the Country-Trolls. That scene is fine as-is, as it once again reinforces the point. They are once again rescued by Hickory, a.k.a. the Yodelling-Trolls in disguise, as bounty hunters serving Bart.
Speaking of which, the Bounty Hunters are offered some payment vaguely described as meagre instead of the tiny plot of land which reinforces the idea that Bart is evil during that time. The Bounty Hunters themselves are small populations of Trolls who preside over genres too niche to earn a string for themselves. These are not the only smaller communities of Trolls, it should be noted.
Back with the protagonists, the usual disagreements ensue. This can be kept pretty much the same, as it reinforces the main theme. However, it’s more focused on Poppy’s lack of acceptance of the other genres.
Cooper finds the Funk-Trolls, and soon so do the protagonists. Cooper’s-brother-or-whatever-he’s-called does the explaining of the previous aggressive actions of the Pop-Trolls, and the Funk-Trolls act significantly more on this presumption, so the protagonists are ejected, just before Bart and the Hard-Rock-Trolls attack. 
Arguments between the protagonists ensue, and they stumble across a series of much smaller communities, hiding from the Hard-Rock-Trolls. They are revealed to be even fighting amongst themselves, with Trolls who prefer (for example) one artist over another getting into massive feuds. Poppy tries to calm them down but ends up joining in, despite Branch’s protests.
In the middle of this fighting, Hickory’s identity is revealed and they are all caught by the Hard-Rock-Trolls. Bart takes the final string and it does not change colour as it is strung onto the guitar. The other Pop-Trolls are revealed to also be there.
Fast-forward to the concert where Bart is about to play the Power-Chord-or-whatever, which is designed to eliminate discrimination between the Trolls. At the last moment, Poppy breaks out of her bindings and smashes the guitar, destroying the strings.
Bart’s not-evil intentions are revealed, and Poppy is revealed to have been the antagonist all along. Everyone is quite rightly angry at her for eliminating the media for the domain that the species presides over, and the other Trolls realise their own mistakes.
And then to not have it end in tragedy it is suddenly revealed that, as gods of a sort over the domain of music, the Trolls do not require any special media to create music. In fact, much like humans, they can create music with anything. And, since it’s revealed that all the trolls have perfect pitch, proficiency in at least one instrument and decent-ish knowledge of music theory, they create the world’s biggest crossover and have a great big jam session together. And they don’t make it in freaking F major.
So yeah, that’s it. I’m going to sleep.
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Bart, you are the most beautiful and pure creature in the world. I love you.
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Man loves Bart. Bart loves man. Bart man give rock. [gives you a rock]m
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thecrimsondandelion · 2 years
the rock trolls in witcher 3 are so fucking cute, if Jaskier came across Bart or Trollololo. he’d beg to keep them
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birdy-bat-writes · 4 years
Headcanon- Kon Kent Things
Just Conner Kent being Conner Kent. or Konathan Kent for that matter.
Requested: By @comicsandhoney and I think @offendedfishnoises and @catxsnow not sure though. Taglist is at the bottom. Feel free to message me if you would like to be added to the taglist :) Love ya! Here we go! 
-       In Titans tower, far too many people have had near-heart attacks because they got up at night to get water and saw a floating body in the kitchen.
-       “AhhHHhhahaha!!” everyone rushes to the kitchen to see poor Garfield shuddering on the floor.
-       Tim: “What’s wrong?”
-       Gar: “Possessed! Its possessed!” He points to an unconscious floating body, clinging to a blanket in the middle of the kitchen.
-       Tim: “Ohhh, don’t worry about him. Conner sleep-flies.”
-       Yes, my friends, Conner Kent sleep floats. Now to prevent this, Tim has started tucking him in very tight. Bart once resorted duct taping his legs to the bed.
-       Kon will never invade your privacy by reading your thoughts but he will on occasion plant gift ideas into your head around a friend’s birthday or his own for that matter.
-       He just happened to be walking by Cassie when she was struck with a perfect gift idea for Tim’s birthday.
-       Kon has 16 leather jackets and one of them has rhinestones on it. His favorite one is the custom leather jacket that ma and pa Kent got for him and Jon. They have a matching set of 4 and there’s a picture that Kon keeps of Ma Kent, Pa Kent, him and Jon in a group hug, wearing their matching leather jackets.
-       He gets along really well with Jason Todd. People don’t notice it.
-       The two aren’t best buds like he and Tim are but Conner really admires Jason. Once when Tim was running late to the manor and Conner showed up early, he and Jason went for chilidogs on vine street. Thanks to Jason, Kon knows the best local places in Gotham.
-       Kon was afraid that when Jon was born, he’d be left behind because Clark and Lois finally had a son they asked for. Kon and Clark’s relationship started out a bit rocky and he was worried he couldn’t be like real family to them.
-       When Lois went into labor, Kon was right there. He called Clark and took Lois to the hospital. Clark, Ma and Pa joined along the way. When Jon was born, all the fear left Kon’s heart because all he could see was this little angel.
-       Lois: “Conner, I want you meet your baby brother,” He felt so happy. He wasn’t replaced; he was an older brother now.
-       Lois had Kon hold him and he was so scared to. She had to reassure him “Don’t worry, you’ll be fine.”
-       Kon had never felt as happy as he did when baby Jon held his finger. They didn’t even know yet if he had powers but boy did that baby have strength in his left hand. He was so small.
-       When Lois and Clark saw Kon holding Jon and rocking him, they said out loud “I love our family.”
-       Conner and Jon have weekly water-gun fights.
-       Jon has once called Conner out for his crush in front of them. “You like that person! Talk to them.” Toddlers are loud and they definitely heard. They found it cute though. Jon was a little wingman.
-       Conner really loves corn.
-       He is very amused by the way humans perceived aliens before they knew about superman and Martian Manhunter.
-       Just for trolling, he will hover over meadows and lay down the grass in perfect circles to freak people out and Clark will try to scold him but start laughing while trying.
-       He and Tim have sleepovers that are basically just games of ‘Can I actually get Tim to sleep tonight?”
-       His favorite color is red, but not just any red. He likes cool-toned deep crimson shades.
-       Kon loves Ma Kent’s rhubarb pies and Pa Kent’s hamburgers. Those are his comfort foods.
-       He has a minor fixation on foreign television. This boy will sit in a room and watch a 4-hour Bollywood movie in one sitting with nothing but subtitles, popcorn and very dramatic facial expressions. “Shah Rukh did WHAT?”
-       His K-Drama marathons take up a lot of his mental capacity.
-       “No, Tim, Park Seo Jun is was really her hero all along. He’s the main love interest! ...Puh-lease! They have so much more chemistry than that other guy! He doesn’t deserve her!”
-       Conner loves math.
-       He had learned how to paint nails over the course of Lois’s pregnancy to help her paint her toenails and now he paints Ma Kent’s nails once a month.
-       Kon is a big love bug.
-       He’s actually really good with pickup lines.
-       He’s awkward with opening up about feelings but he gets there eventually.
-       He takes Jon to Build-A-Bear too often. There are over 30 in Clark’s house now. Jon’s favorite is a white dog dressed as superman that they named Krypto. Jon has an entire justice league of stuffed animals by age 6.
-       Wonder woman is a bunny. She finds it endearing. Green arrow is a monkey and he’s amused by that.
-       Kon loves dogs and volunteers and rescue shelters.
-       Conner has cut his own hair only once and never again. Tim tried to fix it. Never again. They eventually went to the parlor.
-       Kon cooks really well.
-       We will ignore the time he had Jon try to heat up food with his eyes. It may or may not have ended up with custard on the ceiling. Luckily, Lois doesn’t look up too often. Clark on the other hand…well, he kept the secret.
-       This boy is a big goofy sweetheart.
Taglist: @anothertimdrakestan @offendedfishnoises @comicsandhoney @river-bottom-nightmare @catxsnow @cries-in-fangirl-23 @batarella @idkmanicantenglish @sonofrobin16 @l-horizon11 @subtleappreciation
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its-onions · 4 years
i'm glad you love rock trolls too!!!!!! they are the BEST. i love my man bart the most, i mean he collects rocks. ROCKS! what is there not to love?? :'))))
right??? they’re just absolute sweethearts and every time i had to kill one i was like, fuck this quest bye let me hug my lil trollies
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mischiefandspirits · 4 years
Colony of Gotham (6/7)
The Colony of Gotham is an urban legend that is whispered about in the dangerous city. It’s said the Colony is a family of demons and spirits that stalk the night, hunting for the souls of the guilty.
When Bruce became Batman, he’d never intended to be mistaken for a demon. He was happy to lean into it, though, and as he gained his partners – as his family grew – they all followed suit.
First Part ~ Previous Part ~ Next Part
Vampires’ animal forms
When they woke up, Young Justice was lying inside a small recess in the wall of a large cavern. Thick bars separated them from the main cavern while an innocent-looking blue rock hung over them.
“Shouldn’t we call Batman and Catwoman now?” a deep voice asked from somewhere out of sight.
“We don’t know where they are,” a staticky voice answered.
“Didn’t they go to the Maldives?”
“I thought they were in Lapland,” a third voice, high and echoey, said before continuing with, “No, Father clearly said they would be in Antarctica.”
“They told me they were going on an African safari,” a fourth added, and the group all turned to a pale Cassie since the voice sounded exactly like her.
“Yeah, apparently they lied so we couldn’t mess with them during their trip. Corvid figured it out, but Pythia’s been keeping him from tracking down where they actually went,” the staticky voice explained.
“You demons don’t need to be bothering them. We’ve got this under control,” the team heard Pythia say.
There were some bird sounds, followed by an animal growling.
“Corvid’s got a point. Someone’s eventually going to notice the team’s missing,” the deep voice pointed out.
“Who asked you, Day Shift?” the staticky voice huffed.
“Leave him alone. You don’t even live here,” the high voice snapped, then added, “Neither do you. You are only here until Father and Catwoman return.”
There was a moment of silence.
“Did no one tell Robin that Catwoman and Robin were moving in?” the staticky voice snickered.
“Can we please focus?” Pythia asked as the high voice started stammering and multiple laughs rang out.
“I don’t know why I thought you’d all be more collected while on the job,” a familiar voice said and the team perked up.
“No clue. You really should have known better,” Spirit-Nightwing answered.
“Wally!” Bart shouted before he could stop himself and the team all glared at him.
The cave went silent, then Nightwing walked into view, followed by a younger man in a feathered cape and a small child covered in blood. Nightwing smiled at them while the other man seemed to study them and the child bared his fangs.
“Morning, Young Justice,” Nightwing chirped. “You already know who I am. This is Corvid and Robin.”
“Let us out of here,” Kon growled, punching the bars. He hissed and yanked his hand back when the punch actually hurt.
Corvid pointed up at the ceiling and trilled.
“Blue kryptonite,” Robin translated. “It takes away your powers without the pain and exhaustion of the green variant.” He crossed his arms and glared at Corvid. “I still say we should have just used green.”
The feathered spirit smacked the back of his head and the demon child drew his sword.
“We’re not torturing them. We might not be human, but that doesn’t mean we have to be inhumane,” the staticky voice said and a cloaked figure appeared next to Corvid in a shimmer. A growl came from somewhere else and the figure said, “Yes, I’m sure. Don’t mind Robin and Red Hood. One was raised to be an assassin and we’re still teaching him that killing is wrong while the other’s a thug with anger issues. I’m Batgirl, by the way.”
“She’s lying about the assassin thing, right?” Kon heard Wally whisper and someone shushed him. “No, seriously. I need to know if he’s meant all those threats he’s been giving me the past couple of years.”
“Super hearing, dork! Shut up!” Kon’s voice hissed at Wally and Kon frowned.
“Years?” he asked and Red Hood growled again.
Nightwing and Corvid gave confused frowns that the team might have believed if Batgirl didn’t smack her forehead and Robin didn’t shoot a glare off to the side.
“Oops,” Wally muttered.
“Nice,” the deep voice sighed as someone snickered.
“I’m going to kill him,” Robin said and Nightwing grabbed him with one hand and disarmed him with the other.
“See! Does he mean that?” Wally whispered.
“No, you’re not. He’s mine,” Nightwing said firmly.
Robin looked about to argue before a beep came from him and he growled. “One moment.”
As he slipped away, Jinny asked Kon, “What happened? What’s going on?”
“I can hear Wally. He said something about Robin threatening him for years.”
“So this is why they used to call you Kid Mouth.”
The team froze as they recognized Tim’s voice. Bart darted to the bars and tried to look around the wall. “Tim?”
“What did you do to him?” Kon growled.
“Calm down, your boyfriend’s fine,” Robin said as she walked back up. She climbed up Nightwing to sit on his shoulders with a wide smile that flashed her fangs. Corvid trilled and she turned to him. “Really? Then is he dating Kid Flash or Wonder Girl this time?”
“He isn’t dating any of them right now,” Nightwing answered.
“How do you keep track?” Batgirl asked, causing Robin and a few of those out of sight to snicker.
Kon, Bart, and Cassie all glared at her, then turned the glares on Jinny and Keli when they snickered too.
“Anyways, Timmy isn’t here,” Batgirl said. “That was just Hawkfire. She only speaks with other people’s voices.”
“Hi there!” came Bart’s voice.
“Now where were we?” Nightwing asked just as a dark shape dropped down next to him. He turned to it with a frown. “Black Bat? What are you doing down here?”
She made a few signs with her hands.
“What? Hood, go -”
“I better be wrong or I swear I’ll send you all to hell the hard way!”
The team perked up at the sound of Tigress’s shout and Nightwing groaned.
“Well, we’re dead,” Robin said, sliding down Nightwing so she was clinging to his back.
“It’s been nice knowing you.” Batgirl saluted them then disappeared the same way she’d come.
“Where are you demons?”
“Hey there demons, it's me, ya boy,” Kon heard Wally mutter.
“Oh, hey Stripes. So -”
“Where are they?”
“We can exp-”
Suddenly Tigress marched into view and grabbed Nightwing by the front of his suit, earning a yelp from Robin.
He gave her a nervous -- yet somehow still flirty -- smile. “Hey.”
“Tigress!” Cassie called.
The older heroine glanced at the team and her glare grew. She shoved Nightwing away and rubbed her forehead. “What happened?”
“They came to bother Tim and Hood overreacted. We were just going to give them a scare and send them off.”
“We did warn them to stay out of Gotham,” Pythia said.
Corvid trilled and Hawkfire translated in Tim’s voice, “They were getting on Tim’s nerves too, so we were doing him a favor.”
Tigress glanced over her shoulder with a frown. “Okay, that’s freaky.”
“Thanks,” her own voice answered.
“Don’t ever do that again.” She turned back to Nightwing. “I’m taking them back to the tower.”
He nodded. “Yeah, alright.”
“You’re letting us go. Just like that?” Keli asked skeptically as Corvid unlocked their cell.
“We respect Tigress,” Nightwing said with a shrug.
“She minds her own business,” Robin added.
“We can’t leave. They have Wally,” Bart pointed out.
“I’m taking him too,” Tigress said.
“But he’s my -”
“No," she cut over Nightwing. "This stupid game is over. Congratulations, the whole League is thoroughly traumatized. Mission accomplished.”
“You know what, I’ll take it,” Hawkfire said in Bart’s voice.
“Me too,” Batgirl agreed. “Want to go watch Gotham Girls?”
“Heck yeah,” Cassie’s voice answered. “Coming Black Bat?”
The shadow nodded and skipped off as the deep voice said, “No way I’m letting you guys leave me alone with them. You coming, Robin?”
“You know it.” She dropped off Nightwing’s back in a flip and ran off.
Robin and most everyone else who must have been in the cave had disappeared by the time Corvid opened the door to let the team out because the only ones with them in the cave were Tigress, Nightwing, Corvid, Flash, and a tall man in red and black.
Bart raced over to his uncle, who wrapped an arm around his shoulders.
“Are you okay?”
“Me? You got kidnapped!”
“So did you.”
“You got kidnapped first!”
“He never got kidnapped. He and the rest of these idiots just wanted to screw with the League,” Tigress said and Flash and Nightwing both pouted.
“We were warning them to leave us alone,” the spirit argued.
“You were trolling them because you and your siblings are all chaotic little brats who can’t help yourselves.”
Red Hood growled with a nod and Corvid trilled with a shrug.
“Would the two of you just talk like normal people?”
Red Hood flipped her off while Corvid gave an offended face, setting his hand on his chest.
“That’s some discrimination right there,” Flash said and Nightwing nodded.
“Shut up. We all know they’re just doing it to be extra,” Tigress said, running a hand over her face. She pointed at the team and Wally. “Alright, we’re leaving now.”
“Hold on, what’s going on?” Keli asked.
“What do you mean Flash wasn’t kidnapped? How do you know them?” Kon asked, looking them over. Flash had seemed terrified of the Colony before, now he seemed relaxed. Had they done something to him? Or maybe… Hawkfire had copied voices, so maybe they could copy more?
Kon closed his eyes and listened for heartbeats. He could hear Jinny’s, Keli’s, and Tigress’s steady human beat; Bart’s and Flash’s (thankfully) rapid-fire thumps; Cassie’s gong-like pounding; and the sloshing pulses of Red Hood, Nightwing, and -
Kon’s eyes sprung open and he turned to Corvid. The spirit went stiff as their eyes met, before slumping and giving a sharp whistle that had Red Hood and Nightwing looking at him in confusion.
Everyone’s heads snapped to Kon, then Red Hood smacked Nightwing’s arm and snarled.
“What? How is this all my fault?” Nightwing whined.
“You just had to tease Flash,” Corvid -- Tim! -- sighed.
Tim pulled down his cowl and his brothers revealed themselves shortly after. They explained that they weren’t demons, they just leaned into the rumors because fear made people sloppy. When questioned, Tim told them that yes, that had just been a jacket and no, he hadn’t tricked them on purpose. They really were just being paranoid idiots.
He really didn’t appreciate how stunned they all seemed by the idea of him being a vigilante.
“I told you I could handle myself!”
“You drink coffee like its water.”
“I have to ban you from working so you'll take a break.”
“You never sleep!”
“You never EAT!”
“Okay, but like he also pulls the stupidest shit so why are we surprised again?”
Tim threw his hands in the air and marched off when the team and his brothers all nodded at that. Dick and Jason followed, Dick ruffling his hair and Jason bumping their shoulders together. Once the brothers had changed back into civilian clothes, the group headed upstairs where Stephanie, Duke, Cass, and Bette were watching tv.
“You guys dropped the ball already?” Stephanie asked, not looking away from the tv.
“Figures,” Bette tutted, holding out her bowl of popcorn for Cass.
The younger girl nodded as she grabbed a handful.
“Copycat cheated,” Dick said.
“Copycat? You’re the one who stole my name.”
“Kid, he’s been Nightwing longer than you’ve been alive,” Jason pointed out.
“He’s not even Kryptonian,” Kon huffed. “And you’re only three years older than me.”
“Technically I’m seventeen years older than you.”
“No clone jokes,” Tim said, slapping Jason’s arm.
“Yeah, it’s like Dick jokes. Low hanging fruit. You can do better than that,” Stephanie said, throwing a piece of popcorn at Jason.
He caught it in his mouth.
“How’d Kon cheat?” Duke asked, actually turning to face the group, unlike the girls.
“He heard Timmy’s heartbeat.”
“I’m already making plans to implement some sort of white noise generator or something into the suit to keep that from happening again,” Tim said.
“Why? Are you planning on getting comfy with someone else with super hearing?” Stephanie asked, finally turning away from the tv so she could wiggle her eyebrows at Tim. “How did he become familiar enough with your heartbeat to be able to identify it, hm?”
“And I’m gone,” Jason growled and marched out of the room.
“I’m just looking out for you, Timmy. Wouldn’t want another accident like our twins.”
Wally and Bart choked as the rest of Young Justice gaped and Artemis raised an eyebrow.
“You have kids?” Kon breathed.
“No. No! We do not have any kids!” Tim said quickly before trilling at Stephanie, “They don’t know we’re vampires! And quit saying your fangs are our kids!”
“How was I supposed to know?” she trilled back and threw her hands up in the air before turning to the tv. “And never.”
“It’s an inside joke from when they were dating,” Duke explained. “Kind of a you had to be there thing. They don’t have kids.”
“Do you guys just always make bird noises at each other?” Jinny asked, gesturing between the two.
“It’s a code Tim made up years ago. We use it on the job when we don’t want to risk people eavesdropping on us so it’s basically a second language for all of us by this point,” Dick said.
“What’d you guys do to Jason?”
The team jumped as Robin’s voice came from above them and looked up to see Carrie hanging from a light fixture.
“No voice filters in the manor,” Dick reprimanded and Carrie pouted at him.
“Should she be up there?” Keli asked.
“Bruce reinforced anything that hangs from the ceiling after Dick brought down his third chandelier. It’s fine,” Tim said before looking up at Carrie. “Steph was talking about relationship stuff.”
“You know, Timmy, you didn’t answer my question,” Stephanie hummed.
“I’m not hooking up with anyone else,” Tim sighed. “I just want to be prepared. I mean, you’re friends with Kara and Damian’s friends with Jon. Either one of them could figure it out.”
“It might be too late for Jon,” Bette said.
“What do you mean?” Kon asked.
She gestured towards the door to the parlor. When the others peeked inside, it was to see Damian and Jon curled up on the couch, each holding a Switch. “They were already there when we came up.”
“Yes, flee you sniveling boy! Fear the power of Anser caerulescens!” Damian shouted at the game.
“You’re so weird,” Jon teased, bumping against him. “Hey look, I’m on tv! Watch me dance! Honk honk!”
“And you claim I’m weird.”
Kon stepped into the room and crossed his arms. “You were playing video games while I was being kidnapped?”
Jon looked up at him, confused.
The boy had texted his friend after he heard his mom and dad talking about how Kon had disappeared right after Flash had been kidnapped in Gotham. Damian texted back saying, “Your brother and his friends are down in the basement, as is West. If any more people come here, yourself included, I will end them.”
So Jon had immediately flown over.
“What part of stay away didn’t you get?” Damian huffed, opening the window to his room.
“The part where everyone else is already over here. You have something on your neck.”
“It’s fake blood. My brothers and I are playing a prank on your brother and his friends.”
“Sounds fun. Do you need to get back?”
“Carrie is covering for me. I assumed you would not heed my warning.”
“Cool. I brought my Switch. Wanna play?”
“I suppose,” Damian shrugged. “I left mine in the parlor. We can grab some snacks on our way.”
“Did you tell your parents you were coming here?” Damian asked once they were sitting on the couch with their games.
“Mom knows. She’ll probably tell dad.”
“Good. Did you have a plan for how you were going to explain how you’d gotten here?”
“Everyone here knows I’m Superboy.”
“I meant if someone were to show up who doesn’t know.”
“Oh, I figured I’d just say I’d come with Kon.”
“Acceptable. Shall we play the game with the misleading title?”
“It’s not misleading.”
“Its title claims it to be untitled. That is an oxymoron.”
The two bickered as they settled in, but quickly got drawn into their game. They ignored it when the others passed through until Kon interrupted them.
“You were playing video games while I was being kidnapped?”
Jon looked up at him, confused. “Kidnapped?”
Damian rolled his eyes with a snort. “You call that a kidnapping? Your heart didn't even stop.”
“See, when he says things like that, it makes me wonder about the whole assassin thing,” Wally whispered to Dick.
“I’ll explain later.”
“And by later he means after we’ve reassured everyone that you lot haven’t been kidnapped by demons,” Tigress said.
“The prank. They didn’t tell anyone they were coming here so your dad’s going crazy, remember?”
“Oh, alright.”
“Come on, Jon,” Kon called as Tigress started herding them all out.
The boy stuck his tongue out at him. “Unlike you, I told Mom I was coming here. She already okayed the sleepover.”
“I never said you could stay the night,” Damian huffed half-heartedly before snapping, “Get back you harlot! The leek is mine now!”
Before anyone can say anything about how "That's not how blue kryptonite works!" I know. I do. The problem is that I wrote that scene using what I remembered from Smallville. It was only when I looked up BK during edits to make sure I'd gotten the right color that I realized the show took some liberties with how the other colors of kryptonite worked. I decided to just go with it since the others don't actually want to hurt Kon. I'm sure there's probably another way out there (probably something to do with red sunlight), but I don't actually know that much Superman lore outside of Smallville and even that's been quite a few years so...
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clown-of-rivia · 4 years
Your interactions with Bart and Trollolo the rock trolls are the best moments of Witcher 3: Wild Hunt and you cant change my mind.
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I found lots of rocks for you!!!
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Bart rocks got from friend. Bart got happy! You nice 🪨
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benisalilbitch · 4 years
Bart the Rock Troll
Thank you so much, I'm cackling. Of course I'll do Bart. There's a thing going around that Jaskier is a monster-fucker and that he calls monsters sexy and stuff and that's me
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Bart the Rock Troll
I will fuck a troll, I don't give a fuck. 9/10
If it was for me, I'd also spend my time guarding a cool vault, provided that Bart is also there so we can have fun and I'll give him all the cool rocks I find.
I love Bart so much and we vibe so hard. I, too, think rocks are very interesting and spend a lot of time thinking about them.
I do think Bart is more of a friend, but my hoe ass won't deny the cute troll if he wants something more. I just love him so much.
Send me The Witcher 3 characters and I'll rate them along with my thot thoughts.
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aces-to-apples · 4 years
A Brief (By No Means Comprehensive) Goodrocks Reclist
Amongst All Creatures Wild and Tamed by @dharmaavocado
The story changed, the way Goodnight told it, depending on the mood, the person asking, or if he sussed out that Billy was in the need of some entertainment. Sometimes it was five men, sometimes a dozen, and on one memorable occasion it was almost twenty, and in Goodnight’s words he was something dangerous and unknowable. A reckoning, Goodnight had said.
Billy and Goodnight through the years.
notable tags: #Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies
Blue Suede Shoes by @poemsingreenink
Goodnight is a merman, and Billy is a dryad brought together through the most romantic of events....political trade talks.
notable tags: #Fantasy #Alternate Universe - Fairy Tale
You've Got Me, Who's Got You? by poemsingreenink
Billy wakes up after the events of Rose Creek. The good news is that he's alive. The bad news is he's been shot. The weird news is that his soulmate has shown up.
notable tags: #everyone lives au #worst soulmate au ever
Taken for weakness by holdingbreaths
Billy slips and calls Goody "hyung".
The thing is, the concept is a bit harder to translate than other words.
notable tags: #Misunderstandings #Pining #First Time #Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies
make you say my name tonight (let me set the mood right) by pynk (pinkjook)
This time, it's Billy who's dreaming.
And it's a real good dream.
notable tags: #Pre-Rose Creek #Established Relationship #Wet Dream #Dirty Talk
In Vino Veritas by @hellolittleogre
"No harm no foul, just one party under the influence, who kissed and groped another party, who had appeared to enjoy it much more than they ought, and now both parties would proceed like nothing happened. Because nothing had."
Following an ill-judged escapade under the influence of drugged wine, Billy tries to flirt with Goodnight with increasingly disastrous results.
notable tags: #Mutual Pining #First Time #First Kiss #Mildly Dubious Consent #Comedy of Errors
Cupid Is No Longer An Archer by hellolittleogre
Sam saw how it was of course, in a single glance. The way Goody held himself, defiant and tense at Billy’s introduction, the silent way his eyes darted from Billy to the group, to Sam, protective and wary. Sam obviously had the advantage of knowledge, of Goody’s character, of his inclinations, but once you knew the signs were easy to spot.
“That’s how it is, you and him?” he asks later, jutting his chin towards Billy on the other side of the fire and Goodnight’s shakes his head quickly.
“Ain't nothing like that, and he doesn't know a thing about it so don’t go telling tales and giving him ideas either.”
In which Sam, by means of Faraday, basically trolls Billy and Goodnight into confessing their feelings.
notable tags: #Everybody Lives/Nobody Dies #Matchmaking #First Kiss #Idiots In Love
Send Nudes by hellolittleogre
Billy was sifting through the debris one morning, considering just caving and bringing the cups down, ending whatever Mexican standoff Goody was having with the landlady, when he came upon an envelope with photographs. They were very different from the childhood pictures, printed on stiff cardstock. The images were darker and somewhat grainy, and while Goody was young in the pictures he was certainly not a child, no, he was a young man and he was devastatingly handsome.
Wherein Billy comes upon the photographic evidence of Goodnight's youthful indiscretions.
notable tags: #Getting Together #not enough sex to be PWP #but not enough plot to be an actual story either
After Midnight by Adora Addams (apollymi) and Katsuko
When Bart Bogue makes his threats to the people of Rose Creek, Emma Cullen sets out to find some men who will do what it takes to save their town.
To find some monsters who will save Rose Creek.
Wherein most of the seven are gods or monsters, with little exception.
notable tags: #Changelings #Elemental Magic #Alternate Universe - Monster Hunters #Fae & Fairies #Angels #Demons #Shamanism #Wendigo
Five Facts About Goodnight Robicheaux and One About Billy Rocks by Caora (Soujin)
Billy sits him down on the side of the bed and starts to undress him, hands so gentle that it's hard to believe how good they are at death. He works slow and methodical. In a quick-draw he's like the flare of a match, spark and then fire, but now he's taking his time, unbuttoning Goody's waistcoat, getting him down to shirtsleeves.
"Puritan," Goody says.
"Someone had to carry you back."
notable tags: Pre-Canon
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geekgirles · 5 years
You know why Cooper's arc is so important for Trolls World Tour?
Because it's living proof that trolls from different tribes can live in peace and learn to respect different music.
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And that is a key element in their battle against Barb and her crusade against diversity.
I have to admit that I can't tell the difference from certain types of music to save my life. Especially since some of them are nowhere near as popular here as they are in the US. Have you ever heard a Spaniard playing country music? Me neither.
But, if Cooper has been singing pop music all this time instead of making a difference by singing funk, given that it "should" be second nature to him, then that is proof enough that trolls aren't obliged to follow or take part in their designated type of music!
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And, considering all tribes will be present when Bart tries to destroy all music except for rock, seeing Cooper there, with his true heritage, could be Poppy's epiphany.
Because Cooper became one of them, despite being a funk troll.
Because Cooper understands Pop society, despite being a funk troll.
Because Cooper likes Pop music, despite being a funk troll.
And that could be the only thing Poppy will need to restore her faith in her mission, in her believes!
All music is important for the sake of harmony, because all trolls can learn to love each type of music.
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Which is something that cannot happen, without Cooper.
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pasalachido-cdmx · 4 years
Texto por: Victor C.T. Ilustración por: Alan Alexander. Fotos por: Cheis Medina
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¡Qué tiempos aquellos! Cuando los días parecían más sencillos. Algunos los darían por perdidos pero nada más errado que eso, pues un pedacito de ellos sobrevive en el Comic’s Rock Show. Apenas es medio día y ya se oyen por doquier las voces de los comerciantes sustituyendo el famoso “llévele, llévele” por un triunfal “es de primera edición”.
Para coleccionistas y aficionados casuales, venir los sábados es una verdadera búsqueda del tesoro. Tal como dicen algunos locatarios, la gracia está en los detalles ¡Y vaya qué detalles! ¿Qué tal llevarse a casa aquel Hombre de Malvavisco junto a sus Cazafantasmas?
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Pero tomar una decisión inmediata es difícil cuando a solo dos pasos se halla un Gizmo de la película Gremlins en perfecto estado y con unos ojitos que parecen gritarte “¡cómprame!”
Solo esperemos mantener el agua alejada de él.
Siguiendo en la onda ochentera, algunos fanáticos de Star Wars se aglutinan ante unos cabezones de Luke Skywalker y compañía, solo faltan Han Solo y Chewbacca que probablemente están destruyendo estrellas de la muerte entre aquel mar de figuritas.
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Trolls con pelo multicolor en perfecto estado, el Castillo de He Man con Skeletor al acecho, Tortugas Ninja por aquí y por allá; estos juguetes son una máquina del tiempo que nos transporta a esos días de Take On Me en la radio y suéteres multicolor abombados.
Para aquellos nostálgicos de los noventas también hay un festín, pues volver a ver unos Motorratones junto a las Pepsi Cards de Marvel hace que más de uno estalle de emoción ¿Ya checaste ese set entero de los Simpson del 95? Hasta Bob Patiño está ahí, Bart debería salir huyendo en este instante.
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¿Fuiste fanático de los tazos? Si buscas minuciosamente podrás hallar desde los primeros que existieron dedicados a los Looney Tunes en el 94, hasta los clásicos de Pokémon a inicios de los 2000 con los primeros 150 personajes mostrados en la serie. El dueño de esta colección sí que se tomó en serio el “Atrápalos todos”.
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El día aún está en su apogeo pero es hora de partir y qué mejor forma de hacerlo que entre peluches de E.T. y Alf ¿Quién diría que unos objetos tan pequeños podrían guardar algunos de nuestros mejores recuerdos? En definitiva habrá que volver por una Pokédex.
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Santa's Toy Monster Attacks (2011)
Merry Christmas, DA!
For my 2011 Christmas Card, I decided to go with a design involving Santa Claus sicking his toy monster on a naughty kid.
This piece was by far this most ambitious piece I've ever done. I looked back and saw that I posted my first draft of this piece in my DeviantArt scrapbook on June 29th, and I've just completed it finally on November 12th... Dang.
I am really proud of this piece, and I'd love to hear your thoughts.
You can also view a progress video to see how this piece came together over on you tube: [link]
Thanks To: -- A Blanket of Snow by ~midnightstouchSTOCK (reference) -- frecklebrush by ~Dojang (PS freckle paintbrush) -- SNOW PS7 Brushes and IMG Pack by ~KeepWaiting (PS snow flake paintbrush) -- THe Valley of Childhood Toys by ~MGrigsbyArt (toy ideas... check this out. similar idea and AWESOME execution)
On the subject of the toys, after hours and HOURS of googling, wracking my brain, and soliciting ideas from friends and family I've incorporated the following 200 toys to make up Stanta's toy monster... Enjoy!
1. Adam Bomb (Garbage Pail Kid) 2. Aladdin (Disney) 3. Alf (Alf) 4. All-Star Snork (The Snorks) 5. Ang (Avatar) 6. Animal (Muppets) 7. Ariel (The Little Mermaid) 8. Atari Joystick (Atari) 9. Barbie (Mattel) 10. Barbie Dream Car (Mattel) 11. Bart Simsons (The Simpsons) 12. Baseball 13. Basketball 14. Batman (Batman: Animated Series) 15. Batmobile (Super Power Collection) 16. Battlecat (He-Man) 17. Beach Ball 18. Bebop (Ninja Turtles) 19. Bernie Kosar (Starting Line-Up) 20. Bert (Sesame Street) 21. Big Wheel Bike 22. Biker Scout (Return of the Jedi) 23. Brak (Space Ghost) 24. Bucky O'Haire (Bucky O'Haire) 25. Bumblelion (Wuzzles) 26. ButterCup (Powerpuff Girls) 27. Buzz Lightyear (Toy Story) 28. Cabage Patch Kid 29. Captain Planet (Captain Planet) 30. Castle Greyskull (He-Man) 31. Catwoman (Batman: Animated Series) 32. Cera (The Land Before Time) 33. Chatter Phone (Fisher Price) 34. Cheer Bear (The Care Bears) 35. Chip (Chip & Dale's Rescue Rangers) 36. Cobra Commander (G.I. Joe) 37. Cookie Monster (Sesame Street) 38. Cooties (Milton Bradley Game) 39. Copper Kid (Silver Hawks) 40. Cowboy Boot 41. Cozy Coupe (Little Tikes) 42. Dale (Chip & Dale's Rescue Rangers) 43. Donatello (Teenage Mutant Nija Turtles) 44. Doozer (Fraggle Rock) 45. Dr Zaius Bank (The Planet Of the Apes) 46. Dr. Zoidberg (Futurama) 47. Droll, the Bogglin (Bogglins) 48. Dump Truck (Tonka) 49. Edith (My dog) 50. Ernie (Sesame Street) 51. ET (ET: The Extra-Terrestrial) 52. Etch-A-Sketch (Ohio Art Company) 53. Figment (Disney's Epcot) 54. Foot Soldier (Ninja Turtles) 55. Gak (Nickelodean Toys) 56. Game Boy (Nintendo) 57. Gamorian Guard (Return of the Jedi) 58. Gargamel (Smurfs) 59. Genie (Aladdin) 60. Gizmo (Gremlins) 61. Glo Worm (Glo Worms) 62. Godzilla (Godzilla) 63. Great Garloo (Marx Toys) 64. Green 'Erin' Bear (Beanie Baby) 65. Gumbie (Gumbie) 66. Harry Potter Book (J.K Rowling) 67. He-Man (He-Man) 68 He-Man's Power Sword (He-Man) 69. Hello Kitty (Sanrio) 70. Huey, Dewey, & Louie (Duck Tales) 71. Hulk Hogan (WWF Wrestling Buddies) 72. Hypnotaod (Futurama) 73. Iron Giant (The Iron Giant) 74. Jabba the Hutt (Return of the Jedi) 75. Jack Skelington (Nightmare Before X-mas) 76. Jack-In-A-Box 77. Jem (Jem & the Holograms) 78. Kermit (Muppets) 79. Kermit With Stocking Ornament (Muppets) 80. Krang (Ninja Turtles) 81. Lady Lovely Locks (Lady Lovely Locks) 82. Laser Tag Gun & Chest Sensor 83. Leg Lamp (Christmas Story) 84. Lite Brite (Hasbro) 85. Little Foot (The Land Before Time) 86. Little Miss Sunshine (Roger Hargreaves) 87. Lots-O'-Huggin' Bear (Toy Story 3) 88. Magic 8-Ball (Alabe Crafts Company) 89. Max (Where the Wild Things Are) 90. Millennium Falcon (Star Wars) 91. Micky Mouse (Disney) 92. Milton (Milton Bradley's Electronic Game) 93. Mojo Jojo (Powerpuff Girls) 94. Mr. Bill (SNL) 95. Mr. Bucket (Hasbro Game) 96. Mr. Potato Head (Hasbro) 97. Mr. T (The A Team) 98. Mumm-Ra (ThunderCats) 99. My Buddy Doll (Hasbro) 100. My Little Pony (My Little Pony Tails) 101. My Pet Monster (American Greetings) 102. Nerf Turbo Football (Nerf) 103. Nerf Vortex Football (Nerf) 104. Niddler (Pirates of Dark Waters) 105. NES (Nintendo) 106. Operation (Milton Bradley Game) 107. Optimus Prime (Transformers) 108. Orange 'Puzzle' Popple (The Popples) 109. Orcko (He-Man) 110. Paddington Bear Doll (Michael Bond) 111. Panthro (ThunderCats) 112. PeeWee Herman (PeeWee's Play House) 113. Peter Rabbit Doll (Beatrix Potter) 114. Pikachu (Pokémon) 115. Pink 'Pinky' Flamingo (Beanie Baby) 116. Pizza Planet Alien (Toy Story) 117. Play-Doh (Hasbro) 118. Poké Ball (Pokémon) 119. Polka-Dot Elephant (Rudolph Claymation) 120. Pound Puppy (The Pound Puppy) 121. Pull-a-Tune Xylophone (Fisher Price) 122. R2-D2 (Star Wars) 123. Rafiki (Lion King) 124. Raggedy Ann Doll (Johnny Gruelle) 125. Rainbow Brite (Hallmark Card Company) 126. Rancore (Return of the Jedi) 127. Raphael (Ninja Turtles) 128. Red (Fraggle Rock) 129. Red Ranger (The Power Rangers) 130. Red Rider BB Gun (Christmas Story) 131. Red Wagon (Fisher Price) 132. Ren (Pirates of Dark Water) 133. RoboCop Action Figure (RoboCop) 134. Robot 2000 (Millennium) 135. Rocking Horse 136. Rollar Blade 137. Rollar Skate 138. Rub-a-Dub Doggie (Ideal Toy Company) 139. Rubber Ducky (Sesame Street) 140. Rubber Shark (Safari) 141. Rubix Cube (Ideal Toy Company) 142. Sally (Nightmare Before X-mas) 143. ScrappyDoo (ScoobyDoo) 144. Sega Genesis Controller (Sega) 145. Seven Mystic Dragonballs (Dragonball Z) 146. She-Ra (She-Ra: Princess of Power) 147. Shredder (Ninja Turtles) 148. Simon (Milton Bradley) 149. Sister Bear (The Berenstain Bears) 150. Skeletor (He-Man) 151. Skip-It (Tiger Electronics) 152. Slimmer (The Real Ghostbusters) 153. Slobulus (Madballs) 154. Smurf (The Smurfs) 155. Snake Mountain (He-Man) 156. Snarf (ThunderCats) 157. Snoopy (Peanuts) 158. Snuggle-Soft Bear (Snuggle) 159. Soccor Ball 160. Sock Monkey 161. Sprite (Rainbow Brite) 162. Stacking Rings (Fisher Price) 163. Stay-Puft MarshmallowMan (Ghostbusters) 164. Stimpy (Ren & Stimpy) 165. Strawberry Shortcake (Hasbro) 166. Stretch Armstrong (Kenner) 167. Stuffed Wizard Doll (Delta Force) 168. Super Mario Bros. (NES) 169. Super Soaker 50 (Hasbro) 170. Superman (Superman: Animated Series) 171. T-Rex (Jurassic Park) 172. Talkboy (Home Alone 2: Lost In New York) 173. Tazmanian Devil (Looney Tunes) 174. Teddy Ruxpin (Worlds of Wonder) 175. The Giving Tree (Shel Silverstein) 176. The Great Gonzo (Muppets) 177. Tickle Me Elmo (Sesame Street) 178. Toy Train (Hasbro) 179. Tricycle (Radio Flyer) 180. Troll Doll (Russ Toys) 181. Trunks (Dragonball Z) 182. Turtle Van (Ninja Turtles) 183. Twister Game-Spinner (Hasbro) 184. Two Alphabet Blocks 185. Ursula (The Little Mermaid) 186. Vampire Teddy (Nightmare Before X-mas) 187. Vegeta (Dragonball Z) 188. View Master 3D (Ideal Toy Company) 189. WALL.E (WALL.E) 190. Where the Sidewalk Ends (Shel Silverstein) 191. Wicket the Ewok (Return of the Jedi) 192. Wild Thing (Where the Wild Things Are) 193. Winnie-the-Pooh Doll (A. A. Milne) 194. Wolverine (X-men) 195. Woody (Toy Story) 196. Wooly Willy (Smethport Specialty Co.) 197. Yoda (Empire Strikes Back) 198. Zapper (Nintendo Gun) 199. Zero (Nightmare Before X-mas) 200. Zibbe Owl (Zibbes)
(Waldo is not included... Don't look for him)
Source: DeviantArt
#unofficial #Santa Claus #Star Wars #Stretch Armstrong #The Land Before Time #Popples #Sesame Street #Superman #Ren and Stimpy #Snuggle #Taz #Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer #Catwoman #Barbie #Muppets #Masters of the Universe #Bucky O'Hare #Last Airbender #Toy Story #Where the Wild Things Are #Strawberry Shortcake #Wall-E #Figment the Dragon #Futurama #Nightmare Before Christmas #Ghostbusters #ThunderCats #Hello Kitty #E.T. #Jem #Planet of the Apes #Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #Transformers #Peanuts #Chip 'n Dale #Raggedy Ann and Andy #Dragon Ball #Pokemon #My Buddy #Power Rangers #ALF #Peter Rabbit #Boglins #Batman #Space Ghost #WWF #Mickey Mouse #Huey, Dewey and Louie #Fraggle Rock #Iron Giant #Cabbage Patch Kids #A Christmas Story #Jurassic Park #Gremlins #Rainbow Brite #Mr. Potato Head #My Pet Monster #Winnie the Pooh #Madballs #PowerPuff Girls #Simpsons #Godzilla #Lady Lovely Locks #The Lion King #GI Joe #Scooby Doo #Captain Planet #Pound Puppies #Paddington Bear #Care Bears #Robocop #Wolverine #The Berenstain Bears #Snorks #Teddy Ruxpin #Troll Dolls #My Little Pony #Mr. Men and Little Miss #Glo Worm #Gumby #Mr. Bill #SilverHawks #Pee-wee's Playhouse #Aladdin #The Wuzzles #Little Mermaid #The A-Team #Mr. Bucket #The Pirates of Dark Water #The Great Garloo
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beetlebongos · 7 years
i was tagged by @ymirjotunn :D !!
Rules: Tag 9 people you want to get to know better
Relationship status: cuck :(
Lipstick or chapstick: chapstick 
Last song I listened to: in my house by the mary jane girls but it doesn’t count i only listened for few seconds.. before that i was working my way thru the first 2 gorillaz albums 
Last movie I watched: some movie on netflix w aaron paul 
Top 3 characters: killua, mob, tall botw ladies, mikitaka, okuyasu, rock lee, avdol, polnareff, poppy from trolls, clarence and all his friends and family, bart simpson, noodle, my friends ocs
Top 3 ships: nana/hachi, leopika, jolyne/hermes, josuyasu, widowmaker/sombra, terumob, lego batjokes
Tagging (only if y’all want to): @sapphonaut @fungussteps @honeykiwi, @folisade @heartbutton 
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pomegranatebitch · 4 years
not to be dramatic but i would die for any of the rock trolls in Witcher 3
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