#Banana Waste
mad4india1 · 1 year
Banana Waste Into Treasure: MBA Grad Transforms 5 Tonnes of Waste Into Lucrative Eco-Friendly Crafts
In a world where environmental sustainability is becoming increasingly critical, innovative solutions to reduce waste are gaining more attention. And one such solution has been brought to life by an MBA grad who has successfully transformed banana waste into eco-friendly crafts, generating impressive profits.
With a deep commitment to sustainability and a unique approach to business, this entrepreneur has turned what was once considered useless waste into a valuable resource, proving that with the right mindset, even the most unlikely materials can be transformed into something truly valuable.
Meet Mehul: MBA Grad and Sustainability Entrepreneur
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Mehul is an MBA graduate who was inspired to start his own business. He found his niche in transforming banana waste into a valuable resource, and his dedication to sustainability has earned him impressive profits. His story demonstrates how creativity, hard work, and determination can turn waste into a profitable and sustainable business.
Discovering the Value of Banana Waste
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Mehul recognized an opportunity in banana waste. After learning that banana stems contained cellulose and natural fibers, he developed a business strategy to turn this waste into a valuable commodity.
He studied the market for two years, learning about the potential of banana fibers and their uses. Mehul gained support from local farmers, reducing waste and supporting the community.
Shroff Industries: A Sustainable Business Model
Mehul established Shroff Industries, a sustainable brand with a mission to positively impact the planet. He developed a unique process to convert banana stems into fibers, which he sold to the textile and handicraft industries.
Mehul’s dedication to his vision paid off, and Shroff Industries generated an impressive yearly revenue of about Rs 30 lakh by selling three to five tonnes of banana fiber monthly.
Empowering Women and Promoting Sustainability
In addition to his impressive efforts in utilizing banana fiber to create sustainable products, Mehul’s commitment to sustainability extends to empowering rural women in Burhanpur.
Through his company, Shroff Industries, he has trained 40 women to create eco-friendly handicrafts using banana fiber, such as wall clocks, yoga mats, worship mats, ropes, bags, planters, baskets, and other items.
Despite the challenges brought about by the pandemic in 2020, Mehul remained steadfast in his mission to promote sustainability. He now provides raw materials for creating paper using banana fiber and has also developed a liquid organic nutrition product made from banana waste.
Mehul’s initiative has helped promote sustainability and provided a source of income for local farmers. His company procures agricultural waste from farmers in the region, which they can use to create sustainable products without paying for labor to clean up their fields post-harvest. His efforts are not only admirable but also have a positive impact on the community and the environment.
Mehul’s success story shows that waste can become a valuable commodity with creativity, determination, and hard work. His business supports local farmers, empowers rural women, and promotes sustainability in the textile industry. Mehul inspires innovative thinkers who see potential where others see waste. With more individuals like him, the future is indeed sustainable.
Revolutionizing Banana Waste
Mehul’s innovative idea to turn banana waste into useful products is eco-friendly and a blessing for farmers in the region. His initiative not only helps farmers avoid the cost of labor but also provides them with an additional source of income.
From Waste to Wealth: Creating Paper and Liquid Organic Nutrition from Banana Waste
Mehul’s company procures agricultural waste from banana fields and transforms it into raw materials for creating paper and liquid organic nutrition. This reduces the waste generated by the banana industry and creates a sustainable and eco-friendly way to produce paper.
Mehul claims that liquid organic nutrition from banana waste is rich in vital plant nutrients and includes growth regulators and organisms that break down waste. This product is a boon for farmers as it helps enhance soil fertility and productivity, improving their economic well-being.
A Helping Hand to Banana Farmers: Making the Most of Agricultural Waste
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Mehul’s initiative provides a helping hand to banana farmers in the region. Farmers can notify Mehul’s team when they need to clean their fields post-harvest.
Mehul’s team then gathers the agricultural waste from the fields, splits it, and brings it to their processing center.
Currently, Mehul obtains stems regularly from between 50 and 100 farmers in the area, providing them with an additional source of income and reducing their labor costs.
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hunnystufff · 1 year
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"Kinda distracting, tbh"
"Well- Steve eating a banana right in front of his face wasn't exactly what Billy had expected when he had decided to have a very healthy lunch at Scoops Ahoy that day. But he also wasn't going to complain, even though his ice cream was melting right off his spoon and he might also be close to a heat stroke in the well tempered store."
I hope you guys enjoy this one! (even though it's not Comic pages, but I'll post those tomorrow!)
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seraphimhalo · 3 months
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did it this evening and im glad i did
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yardsards · 3 months
the trouble with moving in with someone who's lived in that house for a long time before you is having to constantly figure out "is this thing like that On Purpose or can i fix it?" like. is that bowl of weird liquid in the microwave load-bearing or did you just forget it and can i go ahead and dump it out?
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jusiri · 3 months
I have decided that eating fruits badly is better than not eating them at all
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morethansalad · 1 year
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Banana Nice Cream With Wet Walnuts (Vegan)
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imanes · 2 months
sigh i think i fucked up my banana bread... i really should've looked up how to make caramel more carefully
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funnytooncaps · 11 months
gifs from Rainbow Rangers ep3
all made by me
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dancing bears
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i thought this animation was a bit wierd
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just nice leave area gif. kinda interesting outa context
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you knew we needed a gif of this
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The super girl of sight fails to see a rock
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cloth girl giving the side eye
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drunk cheering
Now for gifs of animation errors in this episode. whoever animated this episode needs to be fired portfolio of evidence.
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helmets disappear with no animation
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hair moves wierd
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entire dialogue of anna in full frame with no lips animated. wow
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quibbs126 · 4 months
Anyways, so now I’m struggling on what to make this banana OC
Banana bread was one of my first thoughts, and I’ve actually seen it before (don’t think I personally like it though due to the banana texture, I’m more inclined to pumpkin bread), and that’s what I was going to use. But then I thought about the actual name Banana Bread Cookie, and the fact that characters like Dark Choco and Dark Cacao would be saying that name with 100% seriousness, and when it’s said in my head, it sounds a little silly, and it makes me think that maybe I shouldn’t use it. I think part of it may be the alliteration
So one of the things I have to watch out for is silly sounding names
Banoffee pie is an option that doesn’t sound silly in my head, but there’s the issue of the fact that there is a well known OC in the fandom named Banoffee Cookie, and not to mention he also already works in the Dark Cacao Kingdom. And I really don’t want to step on somnolance’s toes
Banana pudding I know also exists, but I’m not sure about it either. I think because when I looked, it isn’t actually a lot of banana, it’s way more vanilla. Suppose they could be Vanillian or something then. Though honestly, it doesn’t sound half bad to eat
I’m hungry for bananas now
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wachinyeya · 7 months
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thirstyvampyr · 1 month
Me at 6am: I'm not gonna eat a single thing all week, I'm sick and tired of food I am done
Sister in law bringing croissants at 10am: bonjour!
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bunnyrafe · 2 months
agree with the anon who defended sofia i loveee the idea of rafe in a relationship or getting involved w a girl. gives us more chances to see how he acts, treats her, etc. think it'll be good!!
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go dumpster diving -- it’s bananas!
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(I also retrieved hummus, bell peppers, celery, a cantaloupe, and several cartons of eggs (perfectly fine, 99% sure they were tossed bc each carton had one or two cracked ones))
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morethansalad · 1 year
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Zero Waste Banana & Chocolate Smoothie (Vegan)
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aniseandspearmint · 5 months
ugh cleaning out the fridge
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cowardlycowboys · 5 months
I wish I liked bananas unfortunately they make me wanna vomit at the thought
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