#Balanced Diet for Kidney Health
How Can You Keep Your Kidneys Healthy?
This article is originally published on Freedom from Diabetes website, available here. Everyone know this, how kidney is the most important part of our body. It located at the bottom of the rib cage. It filtering waste and excess fluids from your blood, helping to maintain your overall health.
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Kidney disease, if it develops, can lead to serious health complications making things challenging to manage. But no need to worry about this, you can take proactive steps to promote healthy kidneys throughout your life by adopting and maintaining good habits. In this blog I will explain key practices to keep your kidneys functioning optimally.
Always stay hydrated You have to stay hydrated which is good for your kidney health. You have to drink enough water, so it will helps your kidneys flush out toxins and waste products.
Maintain a Balanced Diet You have to be more careful about your diet. Your diet should include nutrient-rich foods, inlcude fruits, vegetables, grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats. etc
Monitor Your Blood Pressure You should maintain blood pressure level in control. Becuase high blood pressure not good for kidney. So regular check your blood pressure level.
Manage Diabetes Diabetes is another major risk factor for kidney disease. If you have diabetes, it's essential to manage your blood sugar levels carefully.
Avoid Overuse of Pain Medications Certain over-the-counter pain medications, like non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), can harm your kidneys if used excessively.
Regular Exercise Regular Exercise and physical activity supports overall health and can help prevent kidney disease. Exercise improves circulation, promotes heart health, and helps maintain a healthy weight, reducing the risk of kidney problems.
Your kidneys are essential organs that deserve attention and care. By adopting these good habits and maintaining a healthy lifestyle, you can reduce your risk of kidney disease and support the longevity and function of these vital organs. To read more about this, please visit our Article. Also please connect with me on my website, Facebook page, and YouTube if you want to stay in touch or give me any feedback!
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How to Use Potassium-Rich Foods to Support Kidney Function: An In-Depth Guide
Maintaining optimal kidney function is crucial for overall health. The kidneys play a vital role in filtering waste products, balancing electrolytes, managing blood pressure, and regulating fluid levels in the body. One essential element that supports these functions is potassium. This mineral and electrolyte are indispensable for maintaining cellular functions, nerve signaling, and muscle…
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surinderbhalla · 2 months
Do Cleanses and Detoxes Work? Scientific Insights and Real-Life Stories
Embarking on a journey towards better health often leads many to consider cleanses and detoxes. The idea of purging toxins from our bodies is alluring, promising a fresh start and improved well-being. Let’s delve into this topic: Do Cleanses and Detoxes Work? Scientific Insights and Real-Life Stories and expert insights to uncover the truth behind these popular health regimens. Do Cleanses and…
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txbanjarahills · 9 months
Balancing Act: Exploring Dietary Approaches to Manage Hypertension and Protect Kidney Health - Insights from TX Hospitals, Kachiguda
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Set the context by emphasizing the crucial role of diet in managing hypertension and promoting kidney health.
Introduce TX Hospitals, Kachiguda, as a leading healthcare institution committed to holistic patient care.
In TX Hospitals, our expert care to personalized attention, embark on a journey to optimal well-being with top-notch medical facilities in the Lone Star State. Book an appointment. For further information or inquiries, please reach out to us at 9089489089
Section 1: The Link Between Diet, Hypertension, and Kidney Health
1.1 Understanding Hypertension and Kidney Disease:
Briefly explain the relationship between hypertension and kidney health.
Emphasize the impact of diet on these conditions.
1.2 The Role of Sodium Intake:
Discuss the significance of controlling sodium intake for hypertension and kidney health.
Offer practical tips for reducing salt in the diet.
Section 2: Kidney-Friendly Nutrients and Foods
2.1 Importance of Potassium:
Highlight how potassium-rich foods can support kidney health and help control blood pressure.
Provide a list of potassium-rich foods.
2.2 Omega-3 Fatty Acids and Kidney Health:
Explore the benefits of omega-3 fatty acids for kidney function.
Suggest sources of omega-3s suitable for a kidney-friendly diet.
Section 3: Dietary Patterns and Hypertension Management
3.1 DASH Diet Demystified:
Introduce the DASH (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension) diet and its positive impact on blood pressure.
Offer practical tips for incorporating DASH principles into daily meals.
3.2 Mediterranean Diet and Kidney Health:
Discuss how the Mediterranean diet can benefit kidney function.
Provide examples of Mediterranean-style dishes suitable for those managing hypertension and kidney issues.
Section 4: Nutritional Guidance from TX Hospitals, Kachiguda
4.1 Dietary Counseling Services:
Highlight the nutritional counseling services offered at TX Hospitals to manage hypertension and kidney health.
Introduce healthcare professionals specializing in dietary guidance.
4.2 Community Workshops and Cooking Classes:
Showcase any community workshops or cooking classes organized by TX Hospitals, Kachiguda, to promote kidney-friendly eating.
Summarize the key dietary approaches discussed.
Encourage readers to seek personalized dietary advice from healthcare professionals.
Provide contact information or links for dietary counseling services at TX Hospitals, Kachiguda.
TX Hospitals is one of the best hospitals in Kachiguda, Uppal, and Banjara hills with the largest healthcare facility and the best team of doctors and specialist surgeons to help patients recover fast from health ailments.
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High blood pressure system and causes information
Increased blood pressure in the arteries is a medical disease known as hypertension, or high blood pressure. It’s a vital component of cardiovascular health that has broad effects on general wellbeing. This illness usually takes time to manifest, and until problems happen, it frequently remains asymptomatic.High blood pressure is caused by a number of variables, such as underlying medical…
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yarnings · 1 year
I'm aware that eating too much protein is hard on the body. But counterpoint: tofu.
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dieticianankita · 2 years
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cosmicintro · 2 years
Astro observations: Health aspects from the 6th house 💫
6th house in Aries: Be mindful of strong reactions, impulses and emotions as these could trigger high blood pressure, stress or unwanted headaches. Possible problems associated with the adrenal glands if health is not good. The person could be nearsighted/farsighted. Teeth issues and sensitive gums are common with this placement. 
6th house in Taurus: Be careful with ‘burnout’ and try to keep a healthy work-life balance. The individual is prone to respiratory conditions, jaw and neck pain/problems, weight gain (associated with thyroid issues). Thyroid disease. Problems with your voice or throat. Take it easy and follow a rhythm that honors your needs. 
6th house in Gemini: Allergies, infections, asthma, cough, breathing issues. Arms, hands and fingers might be sensitive. Anxiety and nervousness caused by too many unorganized/unwanted thoughts. Be careful with hand, arm and/or shoulder injuries. 
6th house in Cancer: Sensitive breasts/chest area. Inflammation associated with water/fluid retention. Pay close attention to your salt and fat consumption. Intolerance to different ingredients. It is vital for individuals with this placement to express their emotions as this can feel like a detox process for a 6th house cancer.
6th house in Leo: Hear what your heart is telling you. Don’t let stress or anger take you 'over the edge'. Similar to Aries in this house, it is common for the native to suffer from high blood pressure if a balanced lifestyle is not followed; a healthy diet will help this native tremendously. Be careful with hernias and your spine. Back pain/injuries. Spend more time outside. 
6th house in Virgo: Food sensitivities. Problems with digestion. Pay attention to sugar, fats, starches and the way your body reacts to them. Pancreatitis. Bloating associated with food intolerances. Meditation is recommended to calm an active mind and a healthy relationship with food will help with digestive issues. 
6th house in Libra: Lumbar pain. Problems with the lower back. Sensitivity to salt. Kidney stones. Insulin resistance. Diabetes. Partnerships have a big influence in your life; stress or strong (negative) emotions resulting from these relationships can have a big impact in your health. 
6th house in Scorpio: Constipation. Bladder/Urinary tract infections. Issues with libido/sex hormones. Cystitis (inflammation of the bladder; can cause pain or/and a burning sensation when peeing). Problems with the colon and elimination systems. Let go of any guilt/shame around your sexuality and keep a healthy relationship with your needs. 
6th house in Sagittarius: Issues associated with the pituitary gland. Hip mobility problems, pain or injuries. Obesity. For optimal liver health, alcohol and stress levels need to be monitored and, if possible, reduced to a minimum. Yoga can help ease stiffness around the hips and thighs. 
6th house in Capricorn: Knee pain. Injuries/procedures can cause significant scarring. Hair loss or scalp issues. Arthritis and joint pain. If your body is telling you to slow down, honor it and rest. Movement in every way is beneficial for the native. Be careful with your bones. 
6th house in Aquarius: Varicose veins. Frequent cramps. Arteries and veins might need to be monitored closely, as the native is prone to circulation problems. Calf pain. Stress, nervousness, anxiety, insomnia. Be careful with addictions. Stay hydrated. 
6th house in Pisces: Problems with the lymphatic system. Feet pain, inflammation, discomfort, injuries. Plantar fasciitis. Be careful with falls. Sleep problems, nightmares. Sadness that can lead into deep depression. Time alone is necessary. Make sure you’re getting the hours of sleep that your body requires to work harmoniously. 
Stay tuned for more! :)
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nenelonomh · 2 months
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detoxification and behavioural addiction
a detox, short for detoxification, refers to the process of removing toxic substances from the body. medically, detoxing is an essential step in addiction recovery. it helps individuals safely eliminate toxic and addictive substances from their bodies while managing withdrawal symptoms. it’s crucial for those with physical and psychological signs of substance dependence.
i believe, personally, that everyone has a 'drug of choice'. this isn't necessarily a substance but can be a hobby or activity. even a person. addictive behaviour arises from a desire to escape an undesirable reality through fantasy living. daydreams about a better life can drive these behaviours.
a negative example of a 'drug of choice' could be excessive eating. it's a compulsive behaviour and a coping mechanism for some individuals. some studies suggest that the brain's reward pathways involved in addiction may also play a role in binge eating.
a positive example of a 'drug of choice' is someone who dances, compulsively and as a coping mechanism. this person may use dance as an outlet - to express themself. it allows them to focus on the present moment and can reduce stress and anxiety.
obviously, this behaviour becomes an issue when it is dangerous, and excessive. this is a reason to detox.
too often, the word 'detox' is thrown around online, without many people understanding what the process actually is.
your body naturally eliminates toxins through organs like the liver, kidneys, digestive system, skin, and lungs. no special diets or expensive supplements are required for this process. detox diets often include laxatives, diuretics, teas, and other products. however, evidence doesn’t support their effectiveness for toxin elimination or sustainable weight loss. your healthy organs already handle detoxification efficiently.
detox is only the initial step towards recovery. it's super important to seek professional help if needed, find people to talk to, understand your vulnerabilities and triggers, and set boundaries.
the key is to find a healthy outlet, your 'drug of choice'.
finding a healthy outlet involves discovering activities that nourish your well-being and provide positive emotional release. consider your interests, passions, and what brings you joy. reflect on past experiences - what activities made you feel fulfilled.
some ideas for different activities include:
playing music
pay attention to how different activities make you feel. choose something that energizes you rather than drains you. mix physical, mental, and social outlets. avoid overcommitting - balance is key.
something to be aware of is the mind-body connection. it's the intricate interplay between our mental and physical health. it recognizes that our thoughts, emotions, and behaviours significantly impact our overall well-being.
for further reading:
how the mind-body connection works | nick morgan ph.d. - psychology today
narrowing down the choices: binge eating and food obsession | claire wilcox m.d. - psychology today
drug of choice | the free medical dictionary by farlex
can you become addicted to a person | courtney telloian - psychcentral
is addiction a disease? | psychology today
understanding how hobbies can become addictions | hector badosa - hobbies blogs
is your hobby actually an addiction? 5 signs you have a behavioral addiction | ashwood recovery at northpoint
the role of hobbies and interests in addiction recovery | magnified health systems
can you be addicted to a person? | ariane resnick, cnc - verywellmind
the difference between an obsession and an addiction | Christine hammond, ms, lmhc - psychcentral
thank you for reading! this post is more of a collection of ideas that i wanted to share; to get out.
if you have any questions, send an ask! be sure to check out the further reading links!
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hellenhighwater · 1 year
Hi Hell, congrats on the exciting foster kitten news!
I just applied to adopt a kitten and had my interview for her today. The woman seemed most interested in convincing me of how terrible dry food, traditional litter (she preferred clay), and tap water is for cats. She said the carbohydrates and ingredients were terrible for their kidneys, the dust in litter is bad for their lungs, and the chlorine in water is harmful. I have a 12 year old cat named Scipio who has been using those things all his life, and now I feel guilty and scared for his health. He seems perfectly healthy to me but she said “cats are stoic.” What do you use with the Tiny Terrors? Is she extreme?
Well, I'm not a vet, so the actual answer is that your cat should be getting what their doctor recommends. But I've had those conversations with people before, and I can give my two cents--just take it with a grain of salt.
So...it's basically always true that you can spend more money on fancier 'health' options and there is, to some extent, benefit to the pricier choices. But there's a point at which that benefit is pretty minimal compared to what you get for the midrange price options. This is as true for pet health as it is for people health.
It's true that wet food is usually a better option for cats. Among other things, it helps them stay at a healthy level of hydration, can be easier on their digestive systems, and is often more palatable for cats who are elderly or have dental problems. But that doesn't mean that dry food is inadequate--Mal and Vice used to split a can of wet food daily, and graze dry food whenever they wanted. They're currently eating almost exclusively dry food, because Vice is on a sensitive skin and stomach diet to help address his overgrooming. I would avoid the bottom-end dry foods, because they seem prone to contamination, but that's more manufacturer quality than an issue with the dry food generally. Dry food is usually a nutritionally complete way to feed a cat, and there's nothing wrong with it.
Mal and Vice drink tap water. They have a bowl of still water, and a fountain with an inbuilt filter. The fountain is because if they don't have running water, they will make running water by splashing their bowls all over. I can't speak to chlorine but it's definitely healthier than drinking out of puddles, which is what they would be doing if left to their own devices.
They use clay litter because that's what's effective and affordable. When I'm changing it out I generally give it a few minutes for dust to settle before I let them at it--someone always wants to make a deposit in the clean box--but there's pros and cons to all the litter options out there.
In a perfect world with infinite resources, I'd be feeding the cats a careful balanced diet of fresh-prepared meats and filtered spring water, and they'd take dumps in a tiny kitty toilet that cleaned itself without my help. But that's not really practical or achievable for me, my life, or my cats, and frankly, it's not necessary. I want them to have a good life. It doesn't need to be a perfect one. If your cat is doing well, and their vet is giving them a clean bill of health, you probably have nothing to worry about. I'm not a professional; you should consult your vet and research options for yourself (which is what I do) but you're not doing anything wrong here.
I will say that when I was going through the process of adopting Mal and Vice, some places (usually private rescues) wanted me to jump through INSANE hoops to even apply. I respect that their hearts are in the right place, but... There are hundreds of kittens in shelters right now that need homes desperately, and the quality of the cat has very little to do with the quality of the rescue--they might have more or less vet work done, depending on where they're coming from, but nobody's managed to fundamentally change the nature of the beast. If you can provide a safe home, food, clean water, and attention to a cat, that's really all they need. The rest is just gravy.
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sensualnoiree · 10 months
astro health notes pt.3
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Libra: Balance and Aesthetic Charm
Ruling Anatomy: Libra rules the kidneys, bladder, veins, sense of touch, insulin regulation, and lower back. It embodies distillation, filtration, and balance.
Health Connections: Librans prioritize balance in diet, work, and relationships. However, they might face kidney ailments, skin breakouts, and lower back weaknesses when overexerted. They tend to have attractive features, yet might experience health issues related to kidneys and skin.
Distinctive Traits: Libra ascendants radiate beauty with glowing complexions, defined features, and symmetrical bodies. Their charm and symmetrical appearance draw people to them.
Challenges: Excessive blood, often linked to moisture of Sanguine humor, can lead to lethargy, high blood pressure, and cranial disorders like apoplexy and strokes.
Scorpio: Reproduction and Physical Vitality
Ruling Anatomy: Scorpio rules reproductive organs, genitals, prostate, rectum, and urinary tract, reflecting both procreation and elimination.
Health Connections: Susceptible to sex organ problems, skin eruptions, cystitis, and urinary tract diseases, Scorpios often face emotional health-linked illnesses. Their ruling planet, Pluto, ties to cell formation and reproductive function, giving them strong, voluptuous bodies with remarkable recuperative powers.
Distinctive Traits: Scorpio risings captivate with mesmerizing, piercing eyes, sharp features, and powerful physiques often exhibiting a serious demeanor.
Challenges: Scorpios may experience sluggishness, mental dulness, watery sinuses, and eye issues. Severe cases can lead to dizziness, vertigo, or faintness, reflecting the sign's vulnerabilities.
Sagittarius: Motion and Physical Activity
Ruling Anatomy: Sagittarius governs the liver, sacrum, hips, and thighs, orchestrating locomotion and movement.
Health Connections: Physical activity is crucial for Sagittarians to avoid stagnation and potential weight gain issues. They might suffer from chronic aches in hips and thighs, sciatica, gout, and hip-related problems.
Distinctive Traits: Open-faced Sagittarius ascendants, with broad foreheads and cheerful expressions, possess an athletic build, often showcasing expressive storytelling with their bodies.
Challenges: Tension in neck and shoulders, headaches, nosebleeds, and heat-related conditions like giddiness and nausea can affect Sagittarians.
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arthropodboy · 2 months
Help save the adorable Miss Margles
A friend of mine from High School is trying to save his new senior kitties life, but he doesn't have the funds. I thought I'd try sharing this here because Tumblr is the only place I have even a little bit of reach.
Donations and/or reblogs would be greatly appreciated
"Hello! My name is Jay and I recently adopted Margles back in the beginning of July. This senior girlie was found wandering around downtown Tacoma in really horrible condition. When she was found, she was severely underweight, dehydrated, and seemed to be ill - it was very clear that someone had dumped her, or maybe everything went wrong and she ended up alone long enough to deteriorate on the street. My homie MJ fostered her for a while until I was able to adopt her!
Despite her condition, she is one of the most affectionate and trusting cats I've met in a long time, and after bringing her home she loved hopping into bed with me in the morning and licking my face to wake me up to feed her. She also absolutely loves getting brushed/groomed. She has quickly become good buddies with Tommy as well (our other senior kitty) who had been showing signs of wanting a companion before we got her.
This past month has been a lot of back and forth to the emergency vet clinic and our primary vet clinic as we've tried to figure out what's going on with her. She has been having bloody vaginal discharge, been unable to get comfortable, urinating inappropriately, vomiting daily, has had a steadily declining appetite, and could never seem to get enough water. We treated her for a UTI, however her symptoms returned as soon as her course of antibiotics finished.
However, we finally were able to figure out what's going on with her!! She has a severe urinary tract infection with two different types of bacteria that require a longer course of special antibiotics. Miss Margles was also diagnosed with kidney disease, pancreatitis, low potassium, and low phosphate. She is also severely underweight at 4.5lbs (but has been steadily gaining weight since coming to us). Thankfully, all of these conditions are easily manageable through treatment, medication, and supplements, and Meegles should be able to recover and live out her golden years in comfort with Tommy after we get her balanced out.
Although, as someone who is currently working paycheck to paycheck at minimum wage, the bills are quickly becoming more than I can handle.
With appointments averaging around $650, recurring medications about half of that, starting a specialized kidney diet, and the costs of supplements + daily fluid therapy (and of course urine + vomit cleaning spray...) I've reached a point where I've decided to seek out financial support in mutual aid. I am very hopeful that she will make a recovery from her current condition, but I fear that if these bills become too much I will have to try to find her a new home, which is already hard enough for senior kitties, let alone a high medical needs senior cat. I don't want to have to put her through a whole life transition again; especially since I have veterinary assistant experience and work in the animal care field, and am confident with giving her specialized care in my daily routine.
I am currently giving her 4 medications a day + 2 supplements, and subcutaneous fluid therapy once or twice daily. She is also getting monthly Solensia injections for her severe arthritis due to having very low muscle/fat content. Due to the sedative effects of some of these medications, Margles is experiencing extreme muscle weakness and needs assistance getting to the litterbox in time, grooming herself after eating or peeing/pooping, and will only eat via spoon feeding for now. Its quickly become a labor of love, and I know that Margles would be better off remaining in my care as she rides out her golden years.
Any financial support for her medical needs to ensure that she gets to remain in my care would be greatly appreciated! Even like $5 goes a long way. The goal amount is based on what I've spent so far and am estimated to be spending on the next follow up appointment. I will return to working at a vet clinic soon (I am currently working with zoo animals) and should hopefully get some discounts for her lifelong fluid therapy, arthritis injections, kidney disease management, and senior wellness exams in the future, so this is just to help us through the next few visits. Times are rough for us all right now, if you aren't able to donate please boost if you can!
Thanks for taking the time to read ‍⬛ I will post updates as they come
- Jay"
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snekky-arts · 3 months
Update on my cat!
After going through actual hell with 3 different vets we finally got him into an appointment. His kidney disease is worsening, but that's per the course for his situation. The good news is that the vet determined that he's otherwise in really good health for his age and should have years left with medication and diet.
Of course, however, this appointment and the subsequent medication (the cost diet he's going on will be somewhat balanced out by the fact we're dropping his old food) will cost money. Because of this, I'm not ending my commission sale anytime soon.
In case you didn't know, I am offering 30%-60% off all commissions indefinitely to help pay for my cat
I'm hoping to at least be able to pay my parents back for this appointment (I still need around $300) by the end of the summer, so if you are at all interested I welcome the business!
Commission info
Tumblr commission post (<- find regular pricing range here!)
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How do CoQ10 Supplements Help Improve Heart Health?
A healthy heart is a primary requirement for healthy living, and your diet has a crucial role in doing so. A nutritious diet containing a balance of vitamins, proteins, and carbohydrates is all you need to take regularly. A balanced diet is not enough as you also need to perform exercise in your daily routine. For some people, following a balanced diet with regular exercising is not possible due to their health condition or any other reason.
What those people can do is look for alternative ways. And, when we talk about alternative ways, taking natural supplements to lower cholesterol is one of the best ways to keep your heart healthy. Supplements such as Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) have proven beneficial, especially among people with cardiovascular disease (CVD). Thus, the risk of experiencing repeat heart attacks will be minimal, and its use will also lower blood pressure. Before going any further, let’s know about CoQ10.
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What is Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10)?
CoQ10 is a natural substance present in every cell of the human body. Its role is to convert food into energy, and it does so by making the antioxidant adenosine triphosphate (ATP), which is primarily responsible for the transfer of energy and also protects cells from oxidative stress. Even CoQ10 is in the body itself; however, there are foods that speed up its production, and those foods include vegetables, such as cauliflower, broccoli, and asparagus, and organ meats, such as liver or kidneys, and fish, such as mackerel and sardines.
Role of CoQ10 in Heart Health
It has been proven in many researches that CoQ10 is beneficial for many health conditions, especially heart conditions. Let’s shed light on the heart conditions this supplement is helpful for.
Cardiovascular Disease (CVD):
CoQ10 supplements will raise High-Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol or HDL-C and Apolipoprotein ApoA1 levels and keep cardiovascular disease at bay. CoQ10 supplements also lower inflammatory biomarkers, such as high-sensitivity C-reactive protein, a risk factor for CVD. For your information, a lower CoQ10 level may cause greater tissue damage to the heart, especially during a heart attack and brain stroke.
Heart Failure:
A heart failure is another heart condition that CoQ10 is quite effective, and its continued use improves mortality rate. A research study by a multi-center on 420 patients found that deaths have reduced to almost half. The study has been carried over a period of two years, which is enough time to get to this conclusion.
Statin-Related Muscle Symptoms
Statin therapy is quite effective in minimizing heart attacks and strokes; however, about 25 percent of people quit this treatment within six months because of new health problems, such as body aches and weakness. When those people with statin-related muscle symptoms started taking CoQ10 supplements twice a day, they reported reduced pain.
After Heart Attacks
Patients who started taking CoQ10 supplements found a reduction in subsequent cardiac events in the future. It is like a blessing in disguise for those people. A CoQ10 supplement is the best natural supplement for cholesterol.
High Blood Pressure
CoQ10 is quite effective in lowering systolic blood pressure. When we talk about the exact number, the systolic pressure reading lowers up to 17mm Hg, and the diastolic pressure reading up to 10mm Hg. All this happens without any significant side effects.
In conclusion, CoQ10 supplements are effective in several health conditions, particularly cardiovascular conditions. Whether it is about reducing the risk of heart attacks, improving survival rates in heart failure patients, alleviating statin-related muscle symptoms, or lowering blood pressure, CoQ10 offers a natural and effective solution. Incorporating CoQ10 supplements into your routine, alongside a balanced diet and regular exercise, you can support your heart and overall well-being.
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ridiasfangirlings · 9 months
I see a lot of patient x therapist in sarumi but it's illegal, so I propose a much more interesting plot: Urologist!Yata x Patient!Fushimi.
Could Yata even handle being a urologist XD Maybe he initially started studying when someone suggested it as a way to deal with his girl issues, like hey maybe you’ll be less nervous around girls if you think of them only in clinical terms (this backfires though, Yata can now handle seeing a girl with her pants off but he only thinks about health things, and meanwhile women in low cut shirts still make him blush and stutter). Fushimi is also the type who definitely avoids doctors and normally would never see a specialist, he probably had to be forced into it. Like Fushimi works for a private detective force and due to his bad diet he has frequent health issues. At some point he’s dealing with significant issues going to the bathroom and having pain, all of which he’s blithely trying to ignore, until his boss Munakata makes him an appointment and gives him no choice but to either go to the doctor or be fired (and while Fushimi would love to be like good I quit he does need this job, because he’s not going groveling back to his parents for money and his bad personality makes it hard to be hired by anyone besides someone who is in their own way equally twisted).
Fushimi ends up in the urologist office all hunched and grumpy on the examination table, waiting for the doctor to show up. When Yata walks in Fushimi’s all ‘I thought I was seeing a doctor, not a shrimp who’s still in high school.’ Yata’s immediately like shut up I’m a med student in college asshole, and I’m totally capable of handling your problems. Fushimi finds it pretty funny that his doctor is being so foul mouthed, like does your school know you talk to patients like this. Yata stutters and quickly tries to move on, like can we just discuss your medical history. Fushimi’s much more relaxed now, he doesn’t particularly want to discuss any of his medical issues (mainly because he never goes to a doctor so he doesn’t actually know what most of those are) but he can at least have some fun with this. Poor Yata is having trouble keeping up, he’s doing his best but this guy keeps being such an asshole it’s hard to maintain a professional demeanor. He does manage to get some info from Fushimi about the problem and assumes it’s a urinary tract infection, he prescribes some medicine and is happy to get that jerk out of his office.
Except the medicine doesn’t work and Fushimi reluctantly shows back up at Yata’s office mocking him for being such a shitty student that he couldn’t fix the problem. Yata grumbles like well if you weren’t being such a jerk maybe I could have examined you properly. Fushimi’s like you’re shirking your duty Misaki, Yata covers his name badge with a hand all that’s doctor Yata you bastard. Yata threatens Fushimi with a rectal exam and Fushimi’s like oh are you that interested in me. For the first time in a long while Yata gets all red, he thought he’d gotten over being embarrassed about doing this kind of thing but Fushimi just keeps throwing him off balance. He does need to do some examinations that require Fushimi to take his pants off though and it’s suddenly so awkward, like normally Yata always sees this as just medicine but now for the first time he feels like he’s really looking at another guy’s dick and he’s flustered.
It eventually turns out that Fushimi has like kidney stones, Yata can remove them but of course this requires more of Fushimi lying down with no pants on. Yata manages to fumble his way through the whole thing and afterward he’s trying to be professional again, discussing diet and such, and that’s when he finds out that Fushimi eats like a four year old. Yata starts lecturing him on proper nutrition and Fushimi clicks his tongue all ‘don’t want to,’ without even thinking Yata slips out a ‘if I have to I’ll go over to your place and make you healthy meals myself.’ Fushimi responds with ‘fine, come over then,’ intending to say it in mocking tones but it just comes out as a blunt acceptance of Yata’s inadvertent invitation. The two of them stare at each other, both thinking they should take that back but of course neither one is willing to swallow their pride and go back on those words, so Yata’s like ‘o-okay…where do you live?’. After Fushimi leaves Yata’s immediately freaking out like did I just ask that total jerk out on a date, and meanwhile Fushimi is outside the office all irritated at himself and thinking about how stupid he is, why would he want that shrimp to come over and make him dinner. He tells himself well maybe I can just tease him and it will be entertaining, not willing to in any way think further on why for once he’s actually showing interest in another person.
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I can't even check my blood pressure at home right now because cheap batteries from rexall ate through my blood pressure monitor that I have had for over 10 years...
So I have to estimate how fast my kidney's are actually processing things by how much I am peeing VS how high my blood pressure -feels-...
But actually the decrease in POTS symptoms over the past couple years, the getting gout every time I try taking a vitamin and even all the bone pain could all be from some level of kidney failure.
Which would make sense considering at some point during early post covid my complain to my doctor was that I hadn't peed in a week, hadn't pooped in two, and it felt like pressure was just building up in my abdomen.
My doctor and the hospital ignored that complaint until I slowly got better on my own... And didn't bother doing tests until the symptoms had already mostly lifted. Again.
But it may very well be my kidneys, and all the things I have been doing to help my liver and energy levels like having extra phosphorus, animals fats and proteins... Might all be very very bad for your kidneys.
So I am putting myself on a kidney failure diet, at least until the gout and bone pain go away, and monitoring for other symptoms [I mean I may still have occasional steak I kind of need the iron], but like... Without someone running tests I can't actually know how bad the problem is, but going to a walk in clinic about it and trying to convince them to run the tests I -actually- need run sounds a lot like adding errands to run when I don't even have the energy to go finish my groceries, for zero actual pay-off.
Regardless, know that I am on top of it and paying close attention anyway, since I am sure I will cause someone great concern by coming on here and being like "my bones won't stop hurting now"... Because my bones won't stop hurting now. I think high serum phosphorus levels might be fucking with the calcium in my bones again. I think everything is feeling like it's trying to break my forearms because the bones are actually fucked up right now.
Now I just have to balance doing what I need to do to support my liver with what I need to do not to tax my kidneys and honestly the answer might be to let myself get a bit jaundiced and prioritize my kidneys for a bit, the added anti-oxidant effect of bilirubin won't hurt my kidneys, it'll probably actually help protect them from damage.
So now the only animal fats I am going to eat for a while are from cream. The fats might not be great for my kidneys but I need the calcium and iodine and I don't want my liver going fully to shit... But I -do- need to buy more honey so I am not tempted to switch to refined sugar T~T which I don't normally eat much of at all. Going to try to get iodine from foods and not by having more salt. Going to -in fact- keep forgetting to salt my food like I have been lately.
Gee it would be so cool if I could just submit some blood tests for approval and my reasons for it and have a practitioner of some kind who's job it is to be like "sounds legit" and have a lab do them and send me the results. Free health care shouldn't mean needing someone's permission to know what's going on inside my body. Tell me what my serum phosphorus levels are, and also I want to be checked for chronic hepatitis still, and also while we're at it can we check my thyroid levels and my ana right now too? There has to be a way to get set up to test some of these things at home, right?
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