koka-mi · 2 months
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Can y'all guess what these untitled documents are of
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erial-c · 3 months
2 whole minutes of silence . erik you must rhink you're so fuckin funny huh
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attex · 1 year
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had fun playing co op with @shadowefigure @overstays @plutosoda
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maipareshaan · 1 year
Attributing anti behaviour to Evangical Christianity is so weird to me, one idek what it means, but in general concepts of justice and making safe spaces by punting out the freaks and harmful people is worse when you decide something is an 'ism' or 'abuse apologism', and i don't think this has much to do with religious attitudes or suffering but of how anything goes for activism for safe spaces.
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weregreatatcrime · 2 months
Anyways *deep breath* thanks @omalahsocs for making me think SO MUCH about this bcz of the prompt during stream. It's very late and I'm tired but I want to get the concepts down before I lay down and presumably forget all about it
So heres some Trans Girl Noctis ideas to ruminate on
I've said it before I'll say it again: her sculpted shoulders are one of her FAVORITE parts of herself and she is PERMANENTLY salty it means struggling to find dresses and blouses that fit
(Thanks to omalah) A? Corset?? You're galaxy brained
Corsets are just Gender it doesn't matter what the gender IS they're just Gender and wonderful. Tiss isn't sure about them at first but then she tries one on and it's like. A back brace that pushes her pecs up. She looks hot as FUCK
I'm probably going to draw this at some point gfdi
All of the chocobros are supportive in their own ways but absolutely nothing compared to how feral Prompto is. He hears a misgender and he is about to Throw Down. He hears "His Majesty" and Prompto is pulling out a gun
He goes through all of Tiss's mail and crosses out everything addressed Incorrectly with a sort of manic glee that Ignis doesn't even dare stop him
Ignis is so supportive in an Ignis way. He does All the research. He's that ally that knows more about trans experiences through research than most trans people do from personal experience. While they can't exactly do much for her transition medically on the road and technically being fugitives (and she's not overly concerned either) he still goes over every single potential option she has just so she Knows
Ignis is very annoyed that they actually Do Not Have The Funds to help Noctis like, socially transition in terms of clothing and jewelry and presentation. Tiss has to inform him that she is still perfectly happy dressing masc on the regular because they are, in fact, war fugitives and no, she does NOT need a new wardrobe
He still finds little ways to help her feel a little fem. Ignis is the one who starts to paint her nails for her and will on occasion just hand her a hair clip or small bits of jewelry she's not sure how he got
If Ignis ever gets the chance to find Noctis feminine formal ware he just about has a heart attack because instead of her usual grumping and groaning about how stupid formal wear is she is actually very tentatively excited. She definitely wants to wear the pretty dresses, Iggy. She doesn't UNDERSTAND a lot about fashion and shit but going over dozens of pretty dresses is a million times funner than going over dozens of suits.
She still gets bored after like an hour. But that's an hour of Noctis going through CLOTHES. Ignis is taking so many notes
Gladio isn't very like outwardly supportive or anything but he is so good at being the scariest thing in the room. He will Loom behind her and make people think twice about talking shit
He is the one who has to nearly tackle Prompto from trying to attack people at the SLIGHTEST hint of bigotry
He's not good at fancy shit. But while they're on the road, living out of the armiger and clothes bought from thrift stores and hunter depots, Gladio helps resize dresses and shirts and everything that won't fit her
He's not the one who'll give a nice pep talk or comfort her when she's down but he WILL be the first to pull her aside and ask very seriously if she needs a hug
Being the one and only one of them with a living female family member, Gladio also is the resident "Iris does X girly thing, if that helps?"
The day that Prompto and Noctis wear matching skirts Gladio calls them fucking ridiculous, ruffles their hair, and threatens to lock them in a closet together
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autisticempathydaemon · 4 months
your match up game looks so fun ‼️‼️‼️‼️ i wanna try it out hehe (rambling ahead)
1. beast of blood by malice mizer :3 i honestly don't have a reason other than it being chaotic enough that it fills up empty noise in my brain lol
2. 5w6 !!
3. ohh i LOVE youtube essays/analyses whether i'm fully listening or have em as background noise, i love horror youtube deep dives, particularly about analog/digital horror series and that one creepypasta iceberg hehe
4. i don't think i've ever had one ? to be honest i don't think i ever thought abt it until i saw it in like . cartoons n shit , never rlly knew about the concept of imaginary friends as a kid 😭
5. recently i use redacted sleep aid audios but most of the time i just . stay awake until my brain shuts down 🤞
6. honestly? i never thought abt this . but the first thing that came into my mind was veronica (idk either!!) though if i genuinely wanted to change my name i'd want it to be gender neutral, and tbh i doubt i'd have any important meaning behind it i'd just pick whatevr sounds nice
7. guy's sleep audio !!!! i joke about wanting guy angst a lot but to be real . this audio of his is so vulnerable .. like before that we only saw him being a goof and stuff yaknow . . idk that one forreals hit different 4 me
8. as much as i love every character, i do not understand why gavin is the most popular😭 don't get me wrong , love him, maybe it's because i haven't listened to the fl series but i do not get the hype💔
9. i don't know all the words per se but i would have to say mean girls . . as problematic as that movie is now its iconic and i love it and i need to rewatch it BAD .
10. damien tbh . haven't gotten to his other audios but i think i would want 2 be besties w him i relate 2 him a good amount (he also seems like the type id be intimidated into doing well in school for)
11. to be real i wld not be able to ramble if im tired LOL i think i'd be more quiet bcz i have a hard time sleeping to begin with
12. tbh just a soda (coca cola bcz i am basic) i go to convenience stores n stuff after school so im only there to pick up something quick before i go home so im in and im out 🔥🔥
13. the 2007 sweeney todd soundtrack 🤞 i cannawt find the movie ANYWHERE and its nostalgic to me so listening to the songs is the closest i'll get to scratch the itch in my brain
14. fnaf tbh EHWHEHW i've been into fnaf ever since i was a kid and it's stuck with me because it's what got me into horror n stuff  🫶
15. i'm a saggitarius, my mbti is INTP, i love horror and fashion, despite wearing a lot of darker alt fashion, my favorite color is pink (my phone case is decorated to the gods its very ridiculous) i like doing my own nails (funnily enough in bright colors) , i think i relate to honey the most in terms of personality, and i like to analyze most of the media im into!!
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So part of my thought process is based on your personality types, the Troubleshooter and the Logician. However, I have to admit a bigger part of my reasoning is I think Asher would love your fashion sense and would contrast you so cutely.
Like, on a deep, core level, your personality types give me the impression of someone who’s thoughtful and analytical and capable of solving problems. Those are good traits for a beta’s mate, especially when Asher can have more social, impulsive tendencies. On a funsies level, I imagine Asher dresses like your typical So Cal dude, kinda surfer chic, and he loves your style and what an odd pair you make. Like, on all levels but especially physical, you are the embodiment of the black cat/golden retriever couple.
Asher loves everything about you, so many things about you he finds it hard to pick a favorite. He loves the contrast between your dark clothes and your bright nails, loves asking you to paint his while you’re at it so y’all can match. He loves watching FNAF theories with you, because he was definitely a FNAF teenager. He even loves watching scary movies with you though he’s terrible with them. (Asher’s the type that loves the adrenaline rush while it’s playing but regrets it once it’s time to lock up the house.)
In the car, I just can't wait/ To pick you up on our very first date/ Is it cool if I hold your hand?/ Is it wrong if I think it's lame to dance?/ Do you like my stupid hair?/ Would you guess that I didn't know what to wear?/ I'm just scared of what you think/ You make me nervous so I really can't eat/ Let's go/ Don't wait/ This night's almost over
Given we canonically know Asher to be a FOB fanboy, it’s hardly a leap to assume he’s a Blink fan, especially this song. I think this particular track is not only fun and nostalgic to him but captures his energy and vibes, how he felt when he first fell in love with you. It’s also catchy as hell, so you know he’s singing this at you full-volume all the time.
Anytime someone says they’re a horror fan, I’ve got to put Guy in their big three; one of my top headcanons is that he writes some gripping horror and loves it as a genre. (I also think he loves FNAF lore and finds it so fun, though he was not impressed by the movie.) I also love Lasko for you because I think he admires your bold, authentic fashion choices and finds them inspirational.
Read this post and send me an ask if you’d like a match-up of your own! 💌
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evilkaeya · 1 year
Every time a tabloid or the internet starts circulating rumors that Chuuya is dating someone, Dazai’s eye starts twitching and he is very alarmed to realize he can’t make it stop. And everyone else is worried Dazai is going to commit homicide or spontaneously combust. Except Chuuya. Chuuya’s not concerned at all
Hear me out. Chuuya thinks he and Dazai are dating. So every time there's a rumor he just laughs bcz yeah it's true but Dazai doesn't know that they're dating. Sure he breaks into Chuuya's apartment every now and then and they have dinner together and watch movies together and sometimes get lunch together but that doesn't mean they're DATING right? OK FINE SURE Chuuya smiles at him more often now and holds his hand but that's just his idol persona right? They're not dating.
Ranpo finds the entire situation hilarious. He's the one posting the rumors with ridiculous headlines, after all.
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osomatsuconfessions · 2 months
It's hilarious when ppl normalize incest just bcz the artists of the show make art of it.
It is still wrong even if this sh*t was a thing. And thank God it isn't.
Osomatsu-san is a gag anime anyway and incest jokes are that popular among the japanese (in anime too obv).
And im not saying it is okay because it's a joke.. I'm saying you shouldn't believe it's a thing just because they joke about it like tf even the manga artist made fun of the fujoshis it's really ridiculous.. Yall are mad ppl and if u think something is going on between the brothers i advice u to quit anime, get some therapy and have a life for God sake.
(sry if this is too much mod have a cookie 🍪)
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I've seen your post about Ron's positive/underrated traits, one of them being kindness and how if he was a girl, he would be characterised as a caretaker. However, that trait is overlooked by most of the fandom. Do you think the fact that Ron is a boy has something to do with it (since kindness and being caring are generally considered "feminine" virtues and men with "feminine" traits are either overlooked or looked down upon)? If he was a girl, would his love and devotion be appreciated more?
Its a mix. Mostly they are being ignored bcz people don't remember them. Why? Bcz they watch movies/read out of character fanfics more than they read books.
Ron helps Harry to put his pajama on in COS.
Ron wants to make Hagrid tea when Hagrid is upset bcz that's what his mom does.
Ron forces Hermione to eat a decent meal when she is ignoring her dinner for study.
Ron cuts bacons and puts them on Harry's plate when he is hurting from Umbridge's scar.
Now. People don't remember them. Partly bcz they don't read books. Partly bcz they DON'T want to like him. They focus on what they want to see and exaggerate those ten times. They only remember how much abusive he is to Hermione and how he 'betrayed' Harry.
It's same with Ron and Hermione. Its always 'oH hOw mUcH tHeY fIgHt' but never how many times Ron jumps into her defence, how much times she spends time with Ron without Harry, how Hermione apologises to him, him apologises to her, how Hermione stands up against twins for him, how she kisses on his cheek to distract him from the song Malfoy wrote, how she is absolutely devastated when he isn't with her in DH. (They do focus on that scene though. Very much. Just in a different way. They use it to say he 'abandoned' them) how much happy she is when He isn't with lavender anymore, how many times he consoles her effortlessly, how many times he calls her amazing and brillaint. Etc etc
People don't want to love Ron. Bcz
1. He is red head, poor, comes from a working class family, wears hand me down stuff. West romanticizes/sympathizes with the rich. Not with the poor. There's HEAVY classism in the Harry Potter fandom.
2. Most Men see themselves as Harry. Most Women see themselves as Hermione. And they don't exactly want friends of Harry. They want followers. Who would bindly worship and follow him. They want someone who would worship the ground Hermione walks on. Needless to say Ron doesn't do either of those two things. Lmao
3. Women want to bang whatever character they personally fancy and use Hermione as a SI blank slate. So they cant digest Ron as he 'comes in the way' of their fap material fanfics.
4. Ron doesn't have anyone defending him. Whenever Hermione messes up, Hagrid, Luna, the narrative are there to defend her. Heck even Harry defends her once in HBP. When Harry messes up he has the abused orphan card. Plus narrative support and Hermione. Whenever Ron messes up who is there to defend him? If anything narrative doubles down to bash him.
5. Ron's flaws hit home much harder than Harry or Hermione's. Each and everyone atleast once feels jealousy, envy, insecurities in their life. But if you are white, will you understand Malfoy's racism? Or if you aren't an orphan can you understand Harry being self centred? These are superficial flaws. Ron's are REAL flaws. Peoole don't want to be reminded of their flaws.
Ron gets very much injustice from this fandom. People don't value him. Forget about treating him as 1/3rd of the main characters, they don't even give him the minimum respect. Ron's EVERY positive thing is underrated. Each and every. Not only kindness. His flaws are exaggerated, he is bashed, ridiculed, maligned, annihilated. Fandom Ron is an OC. just like fandom Malfoy is an OC.
If he was a girl he would have got Ginny treatment. Ginny gets maligned for coming in the way of Harry ships. Ron would have been treated the same way.
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thesinglesjukebox · 4 months
Breaking up: it's like sugar sometimes...
Rachel Saywitz: NewJeans has found a comfortable home in the production of DJ and electro-trot producer 250, whose musical style has become so singular that I'd start putting him up there with some of the other K-pop producing greats like Brave Brothers, the late Shinsadong Tiger, or Sweetune. His method continues to work well on "How Sweet": adding a little shimmering twist to American club genres (Miami bass in this case), seamless transitions from section to section, and the light vocal touch of every girl's vocals. But, as with the greats, I sense a slight loss of luster with the constant repetition. How many underground genres is 250 going to fish out of the Western world's murky waters to can up and ship out with a shiny new label? The catches are going to dry up eventually. [7]
Kayla Beardslee: NewJeans’ early singles smashed, bringing them ridiculous and unprecedented success for a first-year K-pop rookie group, because they delivered masterfully crafted pop songs in deceptively simple packaging. "Hype Boy" plows through enough memorable hooks for an entire album in a minute and a half, yet sounds so breezy and youthfully optimistic that the music doesn’t feel like work at all. Beneath the soft swells and whispers of "Ditto" is an instrumental that has a beautifully subtle touch with intimacy and a topline that stays in constant motion even as it tantalizingly holds itself back. In comparison, “How Sweet” is more of an underachieving graduate of the Tortured Poets school of songwriting. In each section of the song, they pick one melody with a limited dynamic range, hammer it into the ground, then tick the box and move on. For a Coca-Cola ad, it’s pretty flat.  [5]
Mark Sinker: Chirpy song about how breaking up with u is great and also v easy bcz u suck and I never liked u! Happily the real-world backdrop (MASSIVE INDUSTRY DRAMA pitting label against manager) cannot possibly ground this as a metaphor. The delivery turns the tale of the change from oops non-allegory into smilingly blank-faced stonewall. [7]
Iain Mew: They stretch simplicity as a virtue further than ever, relying almost entirely on immaculate floaty vibes. The almost is crucial, though; the "...now that I'm without you" kicker adds just enough bitterness to keep this from  feeling completely blank. [8]
Joshua Minsoo Kim: "How Sweet" is one of the most powerful kiss-offs we've had in years because it treats the end of a relationship as something so effortless, so natural, "like biting an apple." Even when lines are acerbic ("toxic lover, you're no better"), they are delivered with the exact amount of lift needed to signal both disgust and nonchalance. NewJeans do not care about this ex anymore, and they wield their restraint with grace; this is living well as the best revenge, and the song is potent because it feels like mist on a hot summer day. Producer 250 has always known how to excavate the potential of a minimalist pop song, and he's found an especially strong avenue here with the skeleton of an Atlanta bass track. The regional style (and specifically the Ghost Town DJ's track "My Boo") has had a large impact on K-pop since "Body Party" got big, but 250 makes it a more congenial affair: the hi-hats are low in the mix, the handclaps have more pop than the kick, and it all feels muted so the bubbly synth melodies and percussion—the latter approximating the "Triggerman" sample used in bounce classics—can flutter about. "How Sweet" is the most everyday that NewJeans has sounded, and it's all the more biting for it. [7]
Ian Mathers: It's devastating enough to get a "I'm doing better without you" message delivered with such nonchalant cool, but to make it a bop too? Really drives the implied "I probably didn't care that much in the first place" home, ouch. [8]
Jacob Sujin Kuppermann: A very NewJeansian take on the break up-come down song; it's a harder feeling to make sound giddy, but they pull it off here. The fragments jutting out from the sing-talk ("like biting an apple"; "no drama, it's good karma"; "little demon in my storyline" most of all) are thrilling and deranged, the kind of phrases that become involuntary mantras and mutterings when you make your way out of something all-consuming and are faced with the shock of the new. Most of the writing about NewJeans centers on their musical trappings, but the Miami bass riffs here are more perfunctory than their prior dalliances with drum-n-bass and Jersey club. That's not to say that it's a bad song — that bassline itself, rubbery and grooving, is gorgeous — but that it shares less with the perfect grooves that "OMG" and "Ditto" than first appears. [9]
Oliver Maier: Unusual for NewJeans both in that it is kind of a retread (think "OMG" 2: Not As Good) and that the performances are really quite listless. The thing about girl groups from anywhere in the world is that their songs tend to implode the moment it sounds like they aren't having fun. [5]
Jonathan Bradley: There's not the great shock of the new provided by genre experiments like "Super Shy" or "Ditto," but the R&B-lite of "How Sweet" gets some extra mileage from burbling percussion runs and photon-light electro textures. Switching between English and Korean lines in the hook is smart songwriting as well as smart globalization; it adds variation to a melody that threatens to run out of ideas after a mere three-and-a-half minutes.  [6]
Michael Hong: Initially put off by how weary the vocals sound -- NewJeans have always been low-key, but they've never sounded so spent. But it starts making sense when you consider that NewJeans are just as much about the experience of sharing these milestones as they are living them. Backed by a laser show of synths, "How Sweet" is about convincing yourself that you're okay after a heartbreak and proving it to your friends. This exhaustion makes the sharper moments more effective: the wistfulness of "it's like biting an apple" longs harder, and the snarky "I'll see you out" that closes the track is a truly satisfying line read. With every chorus, the bitter tartness lessens and the the sweetness pops brighter. [7]
Alfred Soto: The relaxed sensuality is what I wanted from this week's Tinashe track. The melodies are sticky and sweet. [7]
Nortey Dowuona: The drum programming is a bouncy, yet flimsy kick snare pattern full of glittery lasers and clinking closed hi-hats. At first, it overwhelms you, with the rising hit arriving every four bars and doubling during the post chorus, but once you pay attention to the looping, ghostly synth melody, you feel toward a handhold in the wind. [6]
Isabel Cole: I get so excited by the aliens-attacking space-laser sounds at the beginning, and then it all mellows out to make room for an uninspiring vocal line delivered uninspiringly. Things perk up a little in the chorus (I remain a sucker for handclaps!), but unfortunately the actual melody continues to be the worst part of the song, to the extent that I think I'd prefer an instrumental version. [5]
Katherine St. Asaph: The melody on the verses sounds like something off PinkPantheress's Heaven Knows, which is some real influencer-becomes-influenced ouroboros shit. But "How Sweet" settles into a chorus that's undeniably itself, frenetic but small: kind of like "Let the Music Play" recreated by one of those miniscule Helmacron ships from Animorphs in tiny zaps and little plinks. And I do mean "settles": there's less fizz in the pop than there could have been, and NewJeans' vocals range from effortless to affectless, unbothered to unengaging. [6]
TA Inskeep: I'm absolutely here for NewJeans giving us a little bit of ecstasy. If this kicks off a revival of second-wave freestyle, I'll be very happy. (Someone call Sabrina Carpenter to the white courtesy phone, stat!) [8]
Wayne Weizhen Zhang: “How Sweet” is the most subdued and pedestrian newjeans have sounded. The beeps and blorps and percussion taste sweet, but the vocals are bitter and dull. But when the production has so many dynamic flourishes, and the meta-narrative around the group is so interesting, the score floor is high.  [6]
[Read, comment and vote on The Singles Jukebox]
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mrs-monaghan · 1 year
I think you don't understand the point here. Friends can hangout whenever they want..yes. couples don't need to spend every minute with each other...yes I agree. But that's not the point here. Point is jimin was going to ny the next day and jk..as u are saying jimin's boyfriend...was not with him bcz he was at the premiere with a guy friend who he's most shopped with and later on going for drinks till early morning... You say it or no but it's strange and clearly shows how jikook cant be real. Nobody wants a partner like that who can't even spend a day with you before you are going out of the country. You are not addressing the point here.
I sent you this ask..i was supporting you before on stormie matter but now you are doing the same thing. You keep talking but when someone asks you to address the exact point or something..you are not going to post their ask?? Or maybe you are going to block us too like she did before.great. you have nothing to say what point i made...so keep ignoring logical asks and stay delulu. But what jk did yesterday...it clears out all the confusion of him being a couple with jimin. He and jimin are not together.
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How did u know I deleted your ask? 👀
I have only recently just started getting asks but when I used to only read posts I always use to sympathise with Jikookers who had to deal with you lot. Because you people are annoying, I'm sorry. I wish you would just pick a side and then move along. You have two options anon (and any other insecure Jikooker reading this) its either a) You become a proper Jikooker and join us with celebrating and supporting their love or b) Stop being a Jikooker and just enjoy BTS content. Stay away from Jikook support spaces and just ship them on the surface as that one duo u find adorable and cute.
There is no other option. This back and forth is ridiculous to me. Pick a side. Please. I beg you. Does this look like a broken couple to you?
No seriously, look at them. If you see two exes behaving like this I assure you they're still fucking. No cap. If my man behaved like that with his ex I would result to violence. I'm not even kidding he would catch these hands 👊🏽
An anon told me that u guys come to us to convince you that Jikook are still a couple and I'm starting to see that. But why is it so important to u that Jikook be together? Or not together for that matter? Why does it have to be black and white?
What JK did yesterday it clears out all the confusion of him being a couple with Jimin.
Okay I'm glad you have come to that conclusion. And that's okay. Now will this help you move on? Will u finally stop sending asks to Jikookers trying to disprove Jikook? I hope so. Because you can't be changing your mind next time Jimin tells JK he loves him on weverse. You're not allowed to change your mind when we see them together and they're all lovey dovey as usual. You're not allowed, I'm sorry. Pick a side anon, please.
I am not confused as to whether or not Jimin and JK are together and you can't hold that against me. I do not need regular Jikook content to believe they're still making out behind closed doors. I, know that just because I don't see it doesn't mean Jikook were not cuddling the night before JK left for the premiere. Just because we didn't get a photo of it, doesn't mean it didn't happen. My memory is intact and I remember how natural this looked.
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So I deduced that this is something they do regularly. Just because I have no footage of it, doesn't mean that was the last cuddle or the last time they ever fell asleep together.
My memory is intact and so I remember the love confession that is GCFT. I haven't forgotten the lyrics to Letter. My memory is still good and the last 10 years are worth something to me. I won't throw away everything they have ever said and showed us because JK went to a premiere instead of staying home with Jimin who was flying out.
Nobody wants a partner like that who can't even spend a day with you before you're going out of the country.
You know this, how?? Ever since JK came back from the US we don't know that they haven't been together every day since. I, believe they're together so I know they made time for each other. I don't need to see it, to believe it. I delete these asks for a reason. You need proof in order to believe Jikook is real and that's messed up. U wanna be a shipper, fine go be a shipper. But stay away from supporters because we believe what we believe. And you don't have to see things my way. You don't believe Jikook are a couple, well and good. But leave me out of it. Please. I am happy to be delulu. You do you, and I'll do me.
Oh. FTR I don't block people. If someone has an issue with me they can block me themselves. I resent the accusation. 😒
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akoo9 · 6 months
After reading your posts... you don't know anything about the Yakuza, or psychology. You don't know the story or the characters, or Doumeki's traumas, or Yashiro's traumas. You don't know Yoneda Sensei's way of working. What do you have ..? 12 years? ridiculous and out of place opinions
Hello anonymous…thank u for sending this ask
There’s not much I want to reply to this
First of all who did hurt u!!!
Second: my previous posts exclusively depended on manga panels and no much interpretations or out of pockets informations…infact my previous posts are one of leasts posts from fandom that doesn’t dive into that…..bcz there’s alot of AMAZING accounts here that do this for us and i extremely appreciate all of them
Thirdly: yeah iam a doctor actually,but that EXCLUSIVELY doesn’t mean my previous posts were diving into saezuru’s character’s psychology…anyway hate to break it for u but yeah iam certified to comment on their psychology if i ever wanted to do that….I’ve been thru psychology clinics and patients more than u did or will do in ur life
Hope u have a nicer day that will make u feel better ❤️‍🩹 ❤️bcz sometimes we do feel pressure and get frustrated when see ppl have different opinions than us
Edit :guess i did had alot to say to this at the end lol
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prettyboykatsuki · 1 year
do u think gege is good at writing women? bcz lowkey between u and me writing maki real good doesn’t excuse all the other failed attempts at writing women😭 bro failed nobara tremendously ngl n shoko too n yuki🙈 like idk am i just complaining to complain?
ive said this before but maki is literally the only well written female character in jjk and all the other women are sidelined and immensely undeveloped. the only reason anyone sees jjk as the standard is because the bar for women in shounen is in hell and gege doesnt outright sexualize any of them or make them completely unbearable. nobaras writing is piss poor considering she’s meant to be in the big three for the series and the fact we get little to not context about shoko and her relationship to stsg is ridiculous. its not that gege cant write women but its very far from being considered peak and i dont think thats an unfair assessment lol
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olderthannetfic · 2 years
Hi, just an observation i have nowhere else to share, i think some people have very complicated personal relations with some darkships or subjects but they are drawn to it, it sorta triggers them but they can engage with it in a kink way if prepared, like say rape or incest, then there are people who maybe were never triggered or disturbed or are over it. Its obvs complicated when the first group gets into spaces, when they talk about stuff in fun crack ways but don't want that content in certain times. Do i make sense? I kinda fall in the first one but i don't talk to anyone and just ignore if my stuff gets tagged a certain way even if it kinda bothers me (i don't really care overall ofcourse i would set boundaries better if i did, but its more of a bother to talk about how you specifically feel and meant than to ignore).
So wrt tagging i feel like people could perhaps tag dark shippy stuff for people in fandom they know are okay with it, i saw someone say a person objecting to a tag was being ridiculous bcz they watch dark media and i am not moralising but i feel like the fact that people in a fandom don't want dark stuff tagged aren't entirely ridiculous or performative bcz they watch mainstream shows with dark stuff esp when those tagged ships are not canon. It seems to me a disconnect that comes from being the second group, someone maybe never bothered by the subject matter
Ofcourse there is the principle of your post their tags, no reason to monitor it, i get that too.
I think everyone gets that.
But membership in a wider community of Fans Of Thing requires basic respect for other Fans Of Thing, including not freaking out when somebody posts content that is completely normal for Thing or likes some ship from it, even if not canonical.
Somebody who can't keep away yet can't handle things isn't resilient enough to wade through the wider community on their own.
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secretlilsis · 4 months
Omg yes😭 the boob size judgement is one of the dumbest things ever🙄 like judge people by their actions, not random assumptions based on a ridiculous stereotype. The entire thing with judging women's character based on how they dress is so disrespectful. I really don't get the innocence thing? Like if you don't know someone you can't possibly know if they are or not? Anyone can wear dresses that don't show cleavage, it literally says nothing about them as a person😭 like what the heck is that?🤨
Yeah legit lol. Its so fucking superfical honestly? Like what are we rating womens morality on how likely she is to accidentally give u naughty thoughts? Literally, theres so so so many fucking divinely beautiful outfits w/ extremely short skirts esp paired w/ like knee-socks. Ugh. Like I will admit that the only reason I dont dress revealing is bcz I am not actually equipped to deal w/ the kind of attention it would get me. Like I had a trial period for that and I found out that the "male attention" feels fucking abhorrent lol. Like I am VERY argumentative irl regarding feminism and calling out men and shit, but somehow even then I just really cannot go thru w/ it to just dress how I want and like, I 100% cant fucking handle the way men look at me, the way men interpret that, the way they think its an invitation, the way they try to speak to me, catcall me, hit me up. Fucking hate hate hate it. Like this I still get catcalled but its no comparison to how frequent that shit was when I dressed how I wanted to. And HONESTLY no front, being catcalled whilst you dont show a lot of skin does not feel as disgusting and uncomfortable as when you dress more revealing. I honestly believe the girls that dress provocatively without a care in the world not giving A FUCKING shit about what anyone says about it and just manage to ignore all of the bullshit are fucking warriors lol.
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77ngiez-archive · 1 year
erm. smiles. chihiro izuru miu
chihio ^^
favorite thing about them i looove her intense care and love and passion for her work and the way she goes above and beyond for it. youve talked abt her themes and narratives a lot but like i feel like its sooo interesting that she genuinely loves her talent and continues living on after death because of the passion she holds for it .
least favorite thing about them transmisogyny
favorite line not a line specifically but her whole convo with hajime in dr2 drives me insane.
brOTP literally truly genuinely want her to be friends with izuru and also hajime. her and izuru are coding transfems. her and hajime i just find interedting bcz of the aforementiond dr2 convo
OTP FUJIMAKIII <3333 also i enjoy chifumi a fair amount (blame roob)
nOTP I HATE CHIMONDO I HATE CHISHIMARU I HATE CHISHIMONDO.they suck so bad with each other they pick at eeach orhers scabs (metaphortically)
random headcanon as a child believed fhat if she ate a watermelon seed then a watermelon would grow inside of her. she believed this up until like a year before hopes peak probablt
unpopular opinion genuinely one of the most important chatacters in the series
song i associate with them digital/physical heart by vane
favorite picture of them gonna seem sooo self absorbed for this but i rlly love the sprite edit i did of her a while back
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favorite thing about them her themes and narratives !!! i adoooore the concept of taking control of your own life and leaving behind the "purpose" your creators made you for. she Fascinates me
least favorite thing about them how little screentime she gets.. i do love the moments we get in dr3 tho
favorite line let her be a girlboss!!!
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brOTP izuru chihiro friend chip……… :] also pls let her interact w hajime & the naegis i am begging on my hands and knees
OTP KAMUNAGA .AND KAMUKOMA. izuru when silly white-haired antagonists with belief systems deemed ridiculous by their classmates <3
nOTP dont like kamunami. sorry. i see the appeal i like the concept but the execution is not there. also i dont like her with makoto At All Ever (hinata/naegi cousinisms in my brain)
random headcanon when not using her talents she has little to no navigation skills lol
unpopular opinion this freak is a GIRL !!!!
song i associate with them kamippoi na/god-ish by pinocchio-p <3
favorite picture of them
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favorite thing about them her ISSSSUEEES <3333
least favorite thing about them maintenance scene.
favorite line all those ch4 bits where she insisted that she was doing what she was doing for the greater good..
brOTP her and touko would be so fucking funny actually. girls with the weirdest beef. IDK i feel like her dynamic with kaede is vv interesting and also with shuichi.
OTP Oh You Know (irouma)
nOTP kiiruma go away
random headcanon at age 13 she didnt have acne and she thought she was a freak for it bcz every other 13 yo in school had acne and she cried into the mirror about it
song i associate with them teratera by kuragep (i would have said miu by mcki-robyns p but it is literally written abt her so thats cheating rip)
favorite picture of them
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loove this old unused trial cg from the demo version
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