#Asthma Symptoms and Causes
sweetheartflorish · 1 year
Asthma Symptoms and Causes
  Understanding Asthma Symptoms and Causes: Everything You Need to Know Introduction: Asthma is a persistent respiratory circumstance that can make it hard to breathe. It influences human beings of all ages, from adolescents to older adults. While allergies can’t be cured, it can be managed with acceptable remedy and care. In this article, we are going to discover the most frequent bronchial…
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cyeayt · 8 months
Back on my bullshit answer my questions
while doing some rudimentary research for this poll it has come to my attention that pins and needles are a feeling felt while the limb is asleep, not the period of intense sensation/tingling/sensitivity experienced while it comes back online. or maybe it's both? the stuff i read referred to it as tingling that happens while the limb is pinned/under pressure/numb. i cannot find anything that references what i have come to think of as "the agony" but ive referred to it as the pins and needles in the options for this poll anyway.
Mild: limb has muted sensation but can be moved and used carefully, pins and needles begin almost immediately after limb is moved from whatever position caused it to fall asleep. Pins and needles not painful and do not appear painful, and last a few seconds, person affected is capable of speech and moving other parts of their body during pins and needles, which last a few seconds.
Middle intensity: limb is numb or partially numb and can twitch but not be moved precisely. Pins and needles begin a few seconds after limb is unpinned or when it is moved. Pins and needles not painful but intense and appear uncomfortable, taking a lot of the affected person's attention/capacity. they last between 5 and 7 seconds.
Intense: limb is numb and cannot move/be used, pins and needles begin 5-7 seconds after the limb is unpinned. pins and needles are intense and may be painful or not painful but 'unbearable', causing the affected person to cry out, grimace, or otherwise appear to be in pain. Person cannot speak or move their other limbs during pins and needles, which last 10 or more seconds (without shaking) and have residual tingling for a few seconds after limb regains movement/becomes bearable to move
obviously this all depends on how long the limb was pinned but just answer whichever is the most common for you, and if you want you can put in the tags what positions make your limbs go numb/how you deal.
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sugaroto · 11 months
Why did Google maps lied about the pharmacy being open :( I can't breath and I had to walk all that way only for the pharmacy to be closed, if I knew it I would have gone home and waited until tomorrow to go to the nearby pharmacy
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atlasisntdead · 2 years
Discovering that I'm traumatized by things I didn't even know I could be traumatized by
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rightnewshindi · 16 days
हिमाचल में कैंसर के 32 हजार 909 मरीज, 3 हजार 138 अस्थमा से पीड़ित; धनीराम शांडिल
Himachal Pradesh Cancer Patients: हिमाचल प्रदेश में कैंसर के 32 हजार 909 और अस्थमा के 3 हजार 138 मरीज हैं. मौजूदा वक्त में चिकित्सा शिक्षा एवं अनुसंधान हिमाचल प्रदेश विभाग के तहत जिला शिमला, कांगड़ा, सिरमौर, मंडी और हमीरपुर गवर्मेंट मेडिकल कॉलेज और अस्पताल चलाए जा रहे हैं. इन महाविद्यालय एवं चिकित्सालय में यह मरीज अपना इलाज करवा रहे हैं. यह जानकारी हिमाचल प्रदेश विधानसभा के मानसून सत्र के दौरान…
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hale-clinic1 · 5 months
Signs and Symptoms of Asthma: Dr. Reshma Singh
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Asthma is one of those health conditions that can really take your breath away - literally. I know just how challenging it can be to manage the wheezing, coughing, and feelings of tightness in chest. But the more you learn about this chronic respiratory disease, the better you’ll become at keeping it under control.
If you or a loved one has been diagnosed with asthma, or are experiencing troubling breathing symptoms, read on to learn about the causes, common signs, and where to find the Best care in Mohali.
What is Asthma?
Asthma is a condition that affects the airways in your lungs. When you have asthma, those airways become inflamed and overly sensitive, causing them to swell up and restrict airflow. This can lead to all sorts of unpleasant - and sometimes scary - respiratory symptoms.
What Causes Asthma?
The exact cause of asthma is not fully understood, but it's believed to be the result of a combination of genetic and environmental factors. Some of the most common asthma triggers include:
Allergens like pollen, dust mites, pet dander
Respiratory infections
Physical activity
Air pollution
Certain medications
If you're unsure what your specific asthma triggers are, the physicians at Best Multi Specialty Clinics in Mohali like Hale Clinics can help you identify them.
Symptoms of Asthma
Asthma symptoms can range from mild to severe, and can come and go. Some of the most telltale signs include:
Persistent coughing, especially at night or in the early morning
Wheezing - that classic whistling or squeaky sound when breathing
Shortness of breath, or feeling like you can't catch your breath
Tightness or pain in the chest
If you're experiencing any of these symptoms, it's a good idea to make an appointment at Hale Clinics, renowned as the Best General Physician in Mohali. They can properly diagnose asthma and get you on the right treatment plan.
While there's no cure for asthma, the good news is that with proper management, it is very treatable. By working closely with your healthcare team, learning your triggers, and sticking to your treatment plan, you can absolutely keep your asthma symptoms under control and enjoy a full, active life.
So don't suffer in silence - reach out to the expert Doctors and specialists at Hale Clinics, which is the best Multi Specialty Clinics in Mohali today. Your breath of fresh air is waiting.
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ecomehdi · 1 year
Unveiling the Silent Killer: Exploring the Link Between Lung Cancer and an Undiagnosed Lung Disease
Our lungs play a vital role in keeping us healthy and alive. They are responsible for the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide, ensuring that our bodies receive the vital oxygen needed for proper functioning. However, when our lungs are compromised by disease, the consequences can be severe, leading to health issues such as lung cancer. In this article, we will delve into the connection between…
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dihalect · 1 year
> doctor: take this medication when you experience symptom > alright > take medication when experiencing symptom, falling well within the limits listed in the directions > go back to doctor > "how often are you taking this medication" > like you said, every time i experience symptoms, x times a day > "wtf that's way too often, you could have serious side effects"
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drsheetusingh-blog · 1 year
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Meet  Dr. Sheetu Singh, a COPD Specialist in Jaipur
Are you struggling with COPD? Meet Dr. Sheetu Singh, a COPD specialist based in Jaipur. With years of experience and expertise in the field, Dr. Singh is dedicated to providing personalized care to help manage and improve COPD symptoms. Book an appointment with her today and take control of your respiratory health.
More Info: https://www.drsheetusingh.com/copd-specialist
Website:  https://www.drsheetusingh.com
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drvirendrasingh · 2 years
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asthmabhawan-blog · 2 years
Make an appointment with your doctor if you have any persistent signs or symptoms of Asthma of asthma that concern you. If you don’t have any signs or symptoms, but you are worried about your risk of Asthma Attack, discuss your concerns at Best Asthma Treatment Hospital In India. Hence, call us Tel: +0141-2235005 or Mob: +91-93529 345315 and get more information.
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mtariqniaz · 2 years
Everything You Need to Know About Allergies
Everything You Need to Know About Allergies
Allergies An allergy is an immune system response to a foreign substance that’s not typically harmful to your body. These foreign substances are called allergens. They can include certain foods, pollen, or pet dander. Your immune system’s job is to keep you healthy by fighting harmful pathogens. It does this by attacking anything it thinks could put your body in danger. Depending on the allergen,…
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PSA: Please don’t ask participants to do grounding/mindful/somatic/etc practices at your events
Grounding exercises should not be an activity in large group settings, especially unsolicited and without warning, especially if you’re not aware of every single person in the space’s mental health conditions, physical health conditions, and personal relationship to their body.
Practices such as mindfulness, grounding, somatic exercises, breathing techniques, body scans, etc. are very helpful therapeutic tools to help manage stress. They can (and do!) help plenty of people– when taught safely and used effectively!
HOWEVER for people with conditions that cause psychosis and/or dissociative conditions such as depersonalization/derealization, these techniques are contraindicated and can make their symptoms significantly worse. They should only be used with guidance from their mental health team and adapted to their needs. For people with conditions like anxiety and PTSD, being aware of breathing can trigger a trauma response or anxiety attacks.
And for people with conditions that cause chronic pain or other uncomfortable bodily sensations, becoming re-centered with their bodies can cause more awareness of the pain they are in, which a level of (ideally functional) dissociation is actually helpful. For people in wheelchairs and powerchairs, touching the ground beneath their feet isn’t always an option. For people with cardiac and pulmonary conditions, deep breathing can be impossible or can trigger asthma attacks. For disabled people in general, doing body scans can be impossible due to paralysis or limb differences. They can bring awareness to things the person wasn’t aware were wrong to begin with (which is helpful in certain spaces, but not a great ice breaker at a retreat!)
And for trans people, binders and other garments can restrict breathing, and taking repeated deep breaths while binding can cause rib damage (which is why you shouldn't bind at night, while coughing from sickness, while exercising, etc). Becoming centered in a body that makes you dysphoric can be deeply distressing, again, a level of functional dissociation helps.
This also goes for plenty of other people in marginalized bodies, such as people of color, people who use substances, queer people, and more. Becoming grounded in your own marginalized body can be a heavy weight to carry, and needs appropriate and individualized care to be a beneficial experience.
As an alternative, I suggest doing a round of gratitudes instead, it allows for people to choose their level of vulnerability in spaces, while not being generally contraindicated for many people. Doing fun (and appropriate to the setting) icebreakers are great. Ask what brings someone to the space. Check-ins about basic needs such as if people need to use the restroom, eat, drink water, are rested, etc. can be more appropriate body check-ins for folks to do.
I don’t recommend doing these exercises even with a warning beforehand. If I'm in the room while someone is leading a breathing exercise, even if I try to ignore it, I (and most people) would automatically become aware of my breathing. The same goes for any other techniques. These techniques can cause real, life-threatening levels of harm for some people, and can even just be deeply uncomfortable or distressing for others. Dissociation is not inherently evil or bad or harmful. It is the way the body and mind naturally respond to adverse experiences (note: it can also cause distress and at higher levels, can be disordered) it is best to allow people to exist as they are in communal spaces. Let people show up as they are.
Most spaces are not equipped or appropriate to respond to emergencies, difficult feelings, and all the varied responses that can come from folks doing mindfulness in group settings.
I personally do some things before large gatherings and events to feel centered on the activity I’ll be doing, and afterward, I decompress. Encourage participants to lean on their natural supports and offer suggestions for it! Be creative in your caring!
This also doesn’t mean to discourage these practices! If you see someone doing deep breathing, check in with them, offer a space for them to decompress, care for them! Worksheets or posters on techniques like square breathing and 5 senses check-ins are great for a quiet room or spaces where participants can decide if they want/are able to engage with those tools. It should be a fully consensual opt-in, rather than being forced to opt-out. Having to leave a room when a group leader says “We’re going to start a mindful breathing meditation, please feel free to leave if you have psychosis, chronic pain, or are trans” is obviously othering and outs people.
Sincerely, someone who has psychotic symptoms, dissociation, chronic pain, is trans and whose body is marginalized in many ways and is really tired from trying to explain this at every event I go to
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wosoamazing · 2 months
Bench Naps
Teen!R x Arsenal
Warnings: general sickness things.
Notes: Here you go @scribblesofagoonerr 1k words
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“Oh honey, we aren’t in a good way are we?” Steph said as she slipped into the seat next to you, you immediately curled into her side, the team had been messaged by Katie and Caitlin warning them about your sickness and they weren't wrong with just how sick you were. You had just about every flu symptom. Sore throat, body aches, pounding head, blocked nose. Despite your raging fever, your body shivered, Your body ached, “have you had some medicine,” Steph asked you, causing Kyra to groan.
“Yes, and Katie and Caitlin make her a smoothie so she ate something, even though she did almost throw it back up and they put tissues in her pockets and some more medicine for later, as well as her asthma puffer,” Kyra complained.
“If you’d just stayed at your own house-” you began to croak out but a cough interrupted you, causing Steph to hand you some water, Kyra just huffing and walking away, however the water didn’t help and very quickly Steph was pulling out your puffer.
“Okay, deep breaths, that’s it,” Steph said before placing it in your mouth and pushing the cylinder down, dispensing the medication, hoping to prevent a full blown asthma attack.
You stumbled slightly as you stood up out of your seat, the dizziness threatening to send you to the ground, after a short break of standing still and with Steph's help you managed to make it into the locker room having stayed on your own two feet for the whole way, before collapsing back in your locker, staying there until it was time for the game to start
You sat in your seat on the bench sideways, next to Lia who was on the bench for the first half of the game. You were curled up in a little ball, you lent your side into the back of the chair and your head lolled against your knees and the chair. Your body was wrapped in one of the sub puffer jackets, and yet you still felt cold. Katie, still feeling very concerned about your less than usual behaviour, decided to donate her jacket to you, placing it over your body before placing a kiss on your forehead, wincing at the heat still radiating off your body despite the additional dose of medicine the medics had given you. Your asthma puffer along with a spacer sat between you and Lia, the medics deciding it was best if you had a spacer after your episode on the bus, your water bottle sat alongside it.
Waking up and looking at the clock you’d realised you must’ve fallen asleep, there was only 5 minutes left of the first half. Suddenly your body was overtaken by extreme nausea and you jumped out of your seat, causing the jacket Katie gave you to fall to the ground, ignoring the black spots developing in your vision you stumbled your way into the locker room, trying to save yourself the embarrassment of throwing up in front of a sold out Joie Stadium, you managed to find yourself a bin in the locker room, hunching over it you began to lose the very little amount of food you’d had that day.
“You’re okay y/n/n, it’s okay, just let it all out,” Lia said as her hand rubbed your back, she’d obviously followed you into the locker room.
Leah was being subbed off at half time, and offered to sit next to you until she realised you had a sick bag with you, and she completely retreated from that offer, sitting as far away as possible on the bench, she was known for not having the strongest stomach on the team. So you ended up next to Katie, she’d managed to convince you to lie down, your head on her lap, the rest of your body curled up in your seat, the sick bag now laying beside your head. You very quickly fell asleep again, your body absolutely exhausted from trying to fight off the bug you had, you’d stayed asleep for the whole of the second half, and Katie decided to carry you to the bus immediately after the final whistle was blown, hoping to avoid the fans and keep you asleep. Katie had been successful in her mission, you having stayed asleep for the whole trip home, slightly raising the concerns of the older girls, however the medics telling them it was good, it was a sign your body was fighting off your illness. Katie decided to just carry you to the car, placing you in the front seat as it was easier, Caitlin and Kyra sitting in the back, they dropped Kyra off to her own house on the way home, knowing you would prefer her not to be around due to her pest-y habits.
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“Hey chicken, can you wake up for me?” Caitlin asked you, noticing you were half awake now.
“Cait,” you mumbled.
“Yeah I’m here, let's get you inside, Katie is running you a bath,”
“m’kay” you replied slightly incoherently, and Caitlin helped you inside, supporting most of your body weight. 
You tossed and turned, not being able to fall asleep, feeling too sick to do so. So you decided to venture out to the living room where you knew Katie and Caitlin were. 
“Everything okay chick?” Katie asked concerned as you entered the living room, clutching your pillow to your chest and one of your blankets trailing behind you, 
“I can’t sleep,” you replied tearfully.
“That’s okay chicken, how bout you come lie down here next to me and see if that helps,” you nodded before making your way over to her, Katie took your pillow and angled it up against her thigh before you lied down your blanket wrapping around you, with the familiar presence of Katie and Caitlin and Katie’s comforting hand on your back you were able to drift back asleep again.
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it's really frustrating to see people buying into arbitrary and incorrect divisions between "mental" and "physical" disabilities to describe the very real ableist aggression and disparity in social privilege that is better described by the ability to conform to abled hegemony
like... yes, there is a very real phenomenon of the adhd tiktokker with perfect makeup reacting with disgust towards the wheelchair user in their space
this is because that adhd tiktokker is able to fit into normative abled hegemony. their symptoms do not, currently, present as a significant barrier to engaging in abled hegemony to the extent that they exist entirely outside of it and therefore have to question its very roots. they are still able to be seen as productive, attractive, and therefore socially valuable under abled hegemony, and so they find value and utility in that hegemony and are able to use it to punch down on other disabled people who cannot.
this is still true even if their adhd manifests as what many refer to as a "physical disability" (for example, it's not uncommon for adhd to manifest with invisible breathing and heart problems, which i'm not going to get into the methodology behind here because it'd be derailing). i've encountered scores of people with what would generally be classed as "physical disabilities" who exist in this space--asthma, joint hypermobility disorders, chronic pain, limb replacements, hearing disorders--i have seen people whose "physical" disorders do not disqualify them entirely from acceptance into abled hegemony, time and time again, enact violence on people who are incapable of conforming to abled hegemony. i see this in the "spoonie" and "zebra" communities, i see it in "chronic illness" spaces that accept capitalist class interests and breed liberalism.
equally, i've encountered scores of people labeled as solely "mentally ill" or "mentally disabled" who experience the kind of disenfranchisement that is associated with "physical disability" separatism right now--people with ID and autism who are nonverbal/use AAC or who experience severe mobility issues causing them to use mobility aids for purely "mental" reasons, for example. people who tic visibly/audibly in ways that subject them to social violence. schizophrenics who are subject to physical violence simply because of their body language, even if they don't interact with anyone at all. people who uncontrollably faint at certain stimuli due to panic disorders and face public access barriers as a result.
there's a pattern being picked up on, in that what we classify as "physical" symptoms tend to actually be visible symptoms, and what we classify as "mental" symptoms tend to be invisible symptoms. but that is a false and arbitrary dividing line; there isn't a hard and fast line between the brain and the body. as with the sex binary, classifying something into two dialectic categories extremely rarely works as anything other than a thought exercise.
broadly speaking, the more publicly visible your disabled traits are, the less you're able to fit into normative abled hegemony; broadly speaking, the disabled people who enact oppression on other disabled people via utilizing abled hegemonic ideals tend to have more invisible disabled traits. but that doesn't sort into a clean physical/mental divide, because that method of sorting bodymind traits is outdated and unscientific.
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windcarvedlyre · 22 days
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Rewatched part of ch1's trial and found something else that's really interesting in hindsight!
We're all familiar with Komaeda's FTE; over a decade later, there's still some room for debate wrt whether he was telling the truth about his diagnoses or not. My stance was already that he was telling the truth, instantly regretted it, and lied that he was lying, and I will die on that hill. I think the above lines reinforce my stance further.
Hear me out. I might as well make this a comprehensive 'Komaeda wasn't lying' post while I'm at it.
For reference, here's the entire final FTE.
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The reasons I already had to believe him are as follows, ordered from strongest to weakest:
Komaeda almost died from despair disease; he was much more severely affected than Owari and Mioda. Lymphoma can weaken your immune system, leaving you more vulnerable to infections. While Komaeda's degree of illness could also have been due to bad luck, this could easily be an intentional hint about him.
He claims he's wanted someone's love all along. Again in chapter 3, after the trial, Tsumiki targets his lack of loved ones and seems to genuinely perturb him, indicating this is a real insecurity:
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Behavioural variant frontotemporal dementia, or bvFTD, can have symptoms that align with a lot of his social and behavioural issues in the game. bvFTD symptoms can include saying socially inappropriate things/being rude and insensitive, rash/impulsive behaviour, empathy issues, and rigid thinking, among other things. Do I even need to cite examples of these? He can still hide things and manipulate people sometimes, but his ch4 investigation segment proves he's genuinely socially impaired. He sometimes fails to understand the emotional nuances of other people and the impact his words will have. For example:
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(Though he still has moments of self-awareness and introspection; he acknowledges he's pessimistic in his introduction and worries he'll make Hinata hate him by saying weird things in Island Mode.)
Issues with memory, cognition in general, etc, are more of a thing in later stages of the disease, so Komaeda having significant social impairments but still being extremely sharp and lacking noticeable lapses in memory makes sense.
Physically Komaeda just doesn't seem healthy in general. He's pale, skinny, his hair is white (possibly fading into a pinkish brown that I could see being his hair colour in the past), and- at least in Japanese- he sounds really breathy and wheezy. I once laughed in a way uncannily similar to his ch1 breakdown when I had a chest infection. With asthma. Stage 3 lymphoma symptoms can include chest pain, shortness of breath, weight loss, loss of appetite and fatigue. If it's still stage 3 it's present in lymph nodes above and below the diaphragm but hasn't metastasized outside of the lymphatic system yet, but if it's advanced to stage 4 since his diagnosis then it may have spread to his lungs as well- having further potential to cause respiratory issues.
In his second-last FTE he starts to tell Hinata about something before he entered Hope's Peak but stops himself, not wanting to 'burden' Hinata. And leaves immediately to end the conversation. He'd just told Hinata how his parents died in front of him, showing zero awareness of how bad it was or how it would affect Hinata, so it must have been real bad for him to do this. And makes it less plausible he was impulsively repeating something from a book later, imo.
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Iirc at least one spinoff manga runs with it being true, depicting him in a doctor's office during a nightmare. I'm too tired to hunt this down now; maybe I'll edit it in later.
On a meta level I just find it less compelling for the final reward for spending so much time with him to be 'Here's some actual vulnerability- lol psyche, remember he's manipulative? He might still want sympathy, you be the judge'. It would make the aborted confession at the end the only thing we can't infer from elsewhere in the game already. On the other hand, the diagnoses being real, and him trying to take it back and distract Hinata with an incitement to kill him (before also trying to confess his crush and aborting that too, he's a mess there), really really adds depth to his character.
Semi-tangentially, some people with bvFTD also develop neurological problems that affect movement- eg. making them slow and stiff. There's no evidence for or against Komaeda having this in canon afaik, and I've read it's more of a thing in later stages of the disease, but in the ch1 trial he talks about the threatening letter as if it's in his actual handwriting, and if so... it looks pretty stiff, doesn't it? Either it was angular on purpose or the writer has trouble with fluid hand movements. Let me know if he displays fine motor skills anywhere else, I guess.
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The only real counterargument is that he's outlived the 6-12 months he was expected to, but:
The estimate is presumably from the cancer, which is treatable. FTD can take years and years, even 10+, to reach the later stages.
That's an estimate, not set in stone, and real people have survived after being told they have X months to live without supernatural luck.
In either case, it doesn't matter how dire the prognosis is if Komaeda's involved. If the chance of him surviving something isn't zero it will probably happen. When he finally managed to kill himself it wasn't even real.
Anyway, the thing I started the post with! Compare the lines below.
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In both cases he's said something that could make others feel bad for him, immediately takes it back, and claims he did that on purpose.
But he wasn't actually lying in the first line, albeit hamming it up a little. He wanted someone to kill him. This happened while he was still pretending to be the killer, after Saionji asked him why he sent the letter. He dropped a hint about the truth and then deflected away from it, likely intentionally antagonising people to distract them from thinking too hard about what he just implied and make them more averse to empathising with him.
So what could that imply about the lines from his FTE?
TL;DR: He told the truth about having cancer and dementia, your honour. There's not only strong evidence for this but precedent for the sort of deflection he made afterwards.
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