#Arthur would not like that cave
maplesugardoodles · 2 months
Saw a place called “Lester’s Hungry Hut” today
You think there special was the Mr.Faust
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jerys · 1 month
thinking abt merlin through the ages contending with the fact that arthur is still so present in the land. in mythology in legend in fairytales told to children in books and films and countless other forms of memory. throughout the world he is remembered still, and yes it isn't really him they're remembering, it's the legend of him, the myth, the heroic fool's gold shimmer of his legacy. but he's still here.
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What is currently killing me about merthur is the whole Merlin fell first but Arthur fell harder. Because if this is true (which I fully believe it is) and Merlin was so so broken over Arthur's death. And waited dutifully and solemnly for 1500+ years. Then just imagine, imagine (!) what Arthur would have done if Merlin died. Broken wouldn't begin to describe it. He would have raged and torn the world apart to bring him back. If Merlin turned dark in s5 trying to prevent the end, then imagine how dark Arthur would become if he lost Merlin. Nothing, I mean nothing would have stopped him from bringing Merlin back.
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hyydrang3a · 3 months
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Because Anusia Battersby (Gwen's VA) had an amazing Arthur cosplay at MCM I got the idea to draw Gwen cosplaying Arthur and Alice cosplaying John! I feel like they would both enjoy the podcast and always argue about it the day after a new episode came out 😭😭
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charlitabutterscotch · 5 months
Spoilers below!!
So I recorded my thoughts while listening:
"At least it was a human fuck up" IM SO NORMAL ABOUT THIS HELLO???????
Oh thank goodness Arthur still has his bag. For a sec I thought he left it back at New York loll
John not knowing what an owl was 😭🤣 poor Arthur
"I would've forgiven you, John. Easily...I would've understood" ON THE FLOOR CRYING. I LOVE YOU ARTHUR
Alexander the Owl 🦉 (if something happens to Alexander, I will kill someone or something 😀)
For once Arthur doesn't actively try to enter some creepy ass tunnel/cave without any hesitation. Sure hope something doesn't come running down that hole! Hahahaa....
"I know its your body..." Can yall tell how normal I am of this podcast? Cuz I'm sooooo normal!!!! *bangs my head against the wall*
First injury of the season!! Huzzah!
Arthur having his gun for once and not losing it? Let's see how long that'll last...especially those 7 shots
More maggots. More worms. How fun... *flashes back to the several times Arthur had to deal with such shits*
"Help me!" NOPE NOT UNTIL YOU STATE WHY YOURE CHAINED AND WHAT IS HAPPENING. Oh dear I hope it's not another situation like Matthew 😭
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fluffypotatey · 14 days
I said once and I'll say it again, I don't really think late season merlin is a villain, but I do think season 1 and pre canon merlin would think his future self is a villain
agreed, anon, s1 merlin would be horrified at the decision and choices he made by s4-5
but yeah merlin isn’t a “villain” by s5. he falls into more of a gray area in my opinion. like, he is still a hero to me but just with a narrower view on his priorities and 10 years of dealing with your classic episodic enemies who want to kill Arthur
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echoesofcamelot · 2 years
Things I actually hate about Merlin season 5:
1) These two random cosplayers
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2) Whatever the fuck this thing was
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bioluminescentcat · 10 months
I love Merlin fanfics that are like:
"To pass through this cave you must say your full name and titles!"
So the knights and Arthur all go through while merlin is internally panicking about having to say allllll those titles. And the whole revealing magic thing as well, yeah.
i imagine it goign something like
"I am Merlin."
"Your title please?"
"Servant of Camelot?"
"Merlin of Ealdor..?
"Son of Hunnith?"
"Are you even trying?"
"That's not even both your parents!"
"I don't know my dad."
"Yes you do."
"Nuh uh."
"I can tell when your'e lying!"
"FINE! Son of Balinor!"
"Now we're getting somewhere! And what would that make you?"
"The Last Dragon Lord."
"Now the rest of them!"
heavy sigh
"Emrys, Most Powerful Warlock, Protecter Of Arthur Pendragon, Guardian of the Once and Future King, King of the druids, magic incarnate- ect ect
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earlymorningfoxhunt · 1 month
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Freak On a Leash
I fucking love right Darkthur so much, I've been rotating these guys in my brain for the past week. Hes wonderful, I want him dead, here's my ramblings about em:
Arthurs horribly fucked up, hes not jazzed about killing but he sees it as a tool in his arsenal + it helps that he kinda enjoys the blood lust
John gets his arm amputated because of an infection/ it being mangled and dubbed too far gone by doctors, neither can protest in their comatose state. John is half awake even with anesthesia so he feels when they start sawing through flesh and bone. his coma period is much more horrific, with Lilly being the only thing to anchor him to hope. Arthur waking up feels like a godsend.
John can still feel the residual limb and can slightly move the elbow around. when he gains control of arthurs right leg, theres a learning curve to walk, tho they adjusted after having to sprint around the island caves.
Dreamlands is where they begin to bond/Arthur sees him as a person and John feels like more than an a voice in his head. its a stained relationship but they realize they still care about each other after they escape the pits.
Arthur invokes the "do you trust me" as they reach the plateau, John says yes
Arthur hold up the dagger to his chest
"i have your fucking heart"
Hastur is flabbergasted and almost impressed that this hobbled man he threw in the pits still has fire in him.
John is freaking the fuck out.
Arthur is using both of them as a hostage to negotiate 100% of what they want. "John will be mine, you will return us home, your stupid fucking cult will leave us alone, and you will rot in the dreamlands half the king you once were. you will lose to a mortal or die along with your better half."
"you're bluffing. would you really trade your life for this parasite? Arthur Lester, you're smarter than this."
Arthur doesn't break eye contact when he plunges the dagger into his chest.
the kings tendrils fly towards him with a guttural screech.
all forward momentum stops with the weapon, less than an inch from Hasturs fluttering heart. blood pumps down his tattered dress shirt with only a sharp inhale and twitching eye to indicate pain.
a smile dusts his face "is this really time for games, king?"
"how does it feel to be beneath someone you consider lesser? I bet it stings" Hastur growls and arthur twists the knife "down boy"
"John do you really want to stay with this freak?"
John, vaguely pissed off "my dick has lead me places i wouldn't go with a gun"
kiy: oo get it white boy
john: do NOT get it white boy
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theroundbartable · 9 months
Imagine if when Merlin came to Camelot, Gaius wasn't there (like, he lived somewhere where he felt safe), so Merlin had to find another place to stay.
And the only place he could think of was the cave with the dragon beneath the castle. And Kilgharrah became his *flatmate*.
When he meets Arthur, Merlin is already annoyed with destiny and keeps asking for more work, because "I really, really hate my flatmate".
Randomly, Merlin would let slip some completely whack shit about his roommate, like: "And then he ate an entire goat! I don't even know where he got it from! He never leaves the room!!!!"
Arthur is starting to get really, really worried about him. Not only doesn't Arthur know where Merlin lives, apparently Merlin's roommate is a pyromaniac and possibly sorcerer. Half of the attacks on Camelot, Arthur suspects Merlin's roommate first, but Merlin keeps telling him: "nah, he's not that smart. And besides, he never left. The guy SNORES in his sleep, you have no idea." And Arthur has to let it go, but he still goes mad about it.
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Arthurian characters ranked by how good a geologist I think they'd be:
Uther. There is no evidence he knows what a rock is. 0/10
Gawain. Could probably swing a rock hammer pretty hard, but has a history of not disclosing outside funding. 2/10
Bedivere. Likely has some experience in studying geography when making battle plans. 3/10
Arthur. He touched a rock once. He also has a decent amount of patience and strategy skill from being a king. 4.5/10
Lancelot. Good at getting lost in the woods, but I think he would forget to label his samples. 4.5/10
Tristan. He jumped off a cliff and survived once, which is a very geologist thing to do. 5/10
Merlin. Apparently very good at putting swords in stones, which means he knows what rocks are. Points off for getting trapped in a cave. 6/10
Morgan le Fay. Has experience in employing the scientific method through her attempts to murder Arthur, and is generally a very learned woman. 9/10
Palomides. Knows that the Earth is round, and is good at finding things in the wilderness. He cried by a well once, thereby demonstrating his knowledge of groundwater systems. 10/10
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ggukalaxy · 2 months
just finished my rewatch of all five seasons of bbc's merlin, and my sister and i decided it would be fun to keep count of how many times merlin saved arthur's life throughout the show, so here is an accumulated list:
(disclaimer: it is absolutey possible that we weren't always watching attentively and that we might have missed a case or two, but i like to believe that it is kinda accurate)
times arthur would have died if merlin hadn't saved him
• 1x01: dagger thrown at arthur ⟶ merlin slowed down time to pull arthur out of the way
• 1x02: snakes supposed to poison arthur ⟶ merlin exposes the snakes and arthur kills them
• 1x04: poisoned cup ⟶ merlin drinks from it instead
• 1x05: a griffin attacks them ⟶ lancelot fights it, and merlin enchants his sword/spear so that it’ll work
• 1x07: arthur is to be sacrificed to the sidhe ⟶ merlin saves him
• 1x10: ealdor gets attacked, including arthur, and they’re doomed ⟶ merlin creates a huge wind gust to save everyone
• 1x13: questing beast attacks arthur ⟶ merlin kills it
• 1x13: questing beast bites arthur, the poison is fatal ⟶ merlin gets water from the cup of life to save him
• 2x01: arthur gets attacked by a huge boar (?) ⟶ merlin uses magic on a crossbow to save him 
• 2x01: camelot gets attack by living stone statues ⟶ merlin destroys them
• 2x02: assassin tries to kill arthur during a tournament on horses ⟶ merlin uses magic to make the assassin fall off his horse
• 2x12: dead stone statue thingies attack arthur and his knights ⟶ merlin uses magic to make the ceiling cave in and pulls arthur to his side, separating them from the statue thingies
• 2x13: arthur's wounds are getting worse ⟶ merlin finds balinor in time and has him help him (HONORARY MENTION)
• 3x04: arthur gets attacked (again) ⟶ merlin uses magic to save him (again)
• 3x07: morgause tries to kill arthur with a fire beam ⟶ merlin uses magic to make the fire beam explode before it reaches arthur
• 3x08: arthur gets attacked by wyverns ⟶ merlin uses his dragonlordness to stop them
• 3x08: arthur wears the eye of the phoenix bracelet (sucking life-force out of someone) ⟶ merlin takes it off him
• 3x12: arthur gets shot by a poisoned arrow ⟶ merlin uses magic to help him, then brings him to gaius
• 3x13: an army of immortal deads attacks camelot ⟶ merlin empties the cup of life of their blood to “kill” them all
• 4x01: dorochas attack arthur ⟶ merlin pushes arthur out of the way to get attacked instead
• 4x04: their food gets poisoned ⟶ merlin uses magic to save them
• 4x05: arthur fights in a duel and is about to be striked down ⟶ merlin makes the opponent’s sword fall out of his hands with magic
• 5x01: arthur and their men get attacked by morgana’s men ⟶ merlin saves arthur and gets them away from the battle
• 5x04: arthur almost got beheaded by odin ⟶ merlin created an earthquake with magic to stop that
• 5x06: dark tower traps ⟶ merlin parries an arrow with magic
• 5x07: arthur gets poisoned ⟶ merlin saves him with magic
• 5x08: someone wants to shoot an arrow at arthur ⟶ merlin attacks the shooter and saves arthur
• 5x11: kara tried to stab arthur ⟶ merlin uses magic to save him
and the one time he fails: 5x13, mordred stabs arthur with a sword forged on a dragon’s breath — merlin doesn’t get him to avalon in time
which brings us to a total of 27.5 times that merlin has saved arthur's life throughout the show
we also kept track of all the times arthur saved merlin's life, so here is that list:
• 1x03: merlin tells uther he is a sorcerer to save gwen (which would’ve gotten him a death sentence) ⟶ arthur convinces his father that merlin is lying out of love for gwen
• 1x04: merlin drank from a poisoned cup ⟶ arthur gets the antidote for him
• 1x11: arthur drinks poison so that merlin won’t have to ⟶ it was actually a sleeping draft though (HONORARY MENTION)
• 1x13: questing beast attacks ⟶ arthur pulled merlin out of the way
• 2x12: dead stone statue thingy attacks merlin ⟶ arthur strikes it down
• 4x01: a dorocha flies towards merlin ⟶ arthur pushes him out of the way
• 4x08: the lamia was about to kill merlin ⟶ arthur comes in at just the right time
which brings us to a total of 6.5 times that arthur saved merlin's life
it's kind of crazy to me to compare it like this, because on the one hand 27 near-death experiences across 65 episodes doesn't really sound like a lot. but at the same time i can't believe that arthur would have died 27 times if it hadn't been for merlin. and to think that arthur only saved merlin's life 6 times though?? oof
on my next rewatch, my sister and i want to make a list of all the moments that contributed to arthur's death (a so-called "doom list" with moments like merlin poisoning morgana in 2x13 etc), but that one is definitely going to be more subjective, since it'll be based on things that we think could've prevented arthur's death if they had gone any different
very excited to debate all the things that could go on that one!
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aemondsi · 4 months
anything for you. theodore nott.
in a universe where voldemort won, you and theo risk everything.
reposted from my old account.
warnings: graphic death
pairing: theodore nott x ron weasley's twin sister!reader
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“You can’t possibly love him, y/n. He’s a bloody Death Eater!” your brother had jeered at you. Hot tears ran down your face but you refused to wipe them. You wanted everyone in the room to see how deeply this was hurting you.
“I have never been more sure of something in my life. While you were gone – while everyone was gone – he was the only constant. He isn’t who you think he is.” The room broke out into a chorus of repulsed sounds. The Order of the Phoenix wasn’t much these days, the predominant members being the Weasley family. Harry Potter’s death loomed over everyone. Numerous other deaths piled on: those who died at the beginning of the war, but those who have died recently like your older brothers, Percy and George, and your father, Arthur.
“He thinks we’re scum! He would kill Hermione on the spot. How can you stand there and say this shit?” another brother had chimed in. Voices were starting to overlap the more trapped you felt.
“You’ve never given him or myself the chance to prove that’s not true! If you remember, Theo was the one who told me about everything Draco was doing back in school. He has already given us so much information. He’s climbing the ranks, but he is doing it for us!” you fell to your knees, exhaustion and frustration getting the best of you. “Can’t you see that even if he’s not doing it for all of you, he’s putting his life on the line trying to help secure a world that I feel safe in? You know how my beliefs align!”
“Has he stopped killing innocent people? Does he still partake in Voldemort’s plans that don’t necessarily target us? If he’s climbing the ranks, I can’t begin to imagine what he’s doing to do so,” your mother inquired, shooting daggers at you. You couldn’t look her in the eyes.
“He’s doing what he can to survive, too. If he dies, we will lose so much.” Without missing a beat, you added, “If he dies, I am as good as dead.”
This conversation, over a year old, still rings in your head every time you meet Theo. Your current setup in an old warehouse allowed these thoughts to amplify. The only sounds keeping you from spiraling were the rhythmic tapping of Ron’s foot and Bill’s pacing. You never got to see Theo alone, but that wasn’t a horrible thing.
Though you wanted nothing more than to have one evening alone with him, as selfish as that sounds given the climate of the world right now, the positive came in the form of the people who joined you on these exchanges and started to see through the cracks in Theo’s character. This hardened soldier who bears the Dark Mark turns into someone else in your presence. He is more patient and gentle, as compared to the man that numerous members of the Order have seen slaughter people in cold-bold, just to laugh at their frozen-in-death facial expressions.
You had noticed changes in Theo throughout the last few times you’d seen him. He was much more focused on you than the information they were there to exchange. He’d almost become frantic – dark circles that got darker every time you saw him circled his eyes, and his face had become much more caved in. He was starting to look as though he were actively being tortured. He didn’t look better this time around.
You sprang up from your spot when you heard the metal door grind against the floor, opening quicker than anticipated. Ron and Bill quickly put their wands up and took aim at Theo, refusing to put them down even when you yelled, “It’s just him!” Theo didn’t respond much better, raising his wand and aiming at Bill, who you knew Theo saw as more of a threat than Ron.
“Are you being followed? What made you come in here like that?” Bill growled, eyes flickering between Theo and the entrance. Theo narrowed his eyes at the older man.
“You think I would lead them straight here if I was? If it was just you two, sure. But, I would never do that with her here. Consider yourself lucky,” Theo spit.
“That’s enough. Are you alright?” you stated, briskly walking to your lover. Up close, you noticed faint bruising around his neck, as if he’d been choked. Theo didn’t say anything and instead, kept his eyes locked on the two men standing behind you. “Theo,” you trailed off, putting one hand on his cheek. You searched his eyes for any type of response, but you couldn’t find one.
“You don’t have much time,” he said, only loud enough that Ron and Bill were barely able to hear. You took a slight step back, still close enough that you could hold his hand – the hand that he couldn’t even bring himself to grasp in return.
“The Dark Lord knows there’s a mole in his closest circle. He knows you are not dead, despite me telling him you were,” Theo said, finally making eye contact with you. Your mouth fell open and you held his hand tighter.
Theo lost his will to fight at that exact moment, letting his hand holding his wand fall to his side. He pulled you into him and rested his forehead against yours. “He knows you’re the mole?” you whispered.
“Not yet, but I can’t imagine it taking much longer. His eyes are set on Berkshire – thinks he’s gotten scared now that his mother died. I was able to ward him off me for the time being. I told him that I wasn’t the one to kill you, I just saw you get hit with a nasty spell.”
“Come with us before it’s too late, Theo. How many times do I have to beg you? Turn your back on it all. We can keep you protected.” you pleaded, looking back at your brothers for reassurance. Bill shook his head before Ron chose to speak.
“He is not coming back with us. Do you know what kind of target that would place on us? It would be a death sentence,” he spit. “With that Dark Mark, I’m sure Voldemort could summon you back to him at any given second,” he added. You spun around to confront him but Theo was quicker – he grabbed you by the arm and pulled you into him.
“I wasn’t planning on it, Weasley,” Theo said with such spite behind his words that it made you want to cower away from him. He looked down at you, asking you a silent question. You bit your lip in thought, looking over at your brothers. 
“Could you guys give us a minute to ourselves? Just stand guard at the door.” With a few grumbles, you were able to convince them to leave. As soon as the door shut, you wrapped your arms around Theo as tight as you could, reassuring yourself that he was here with you and still alive. For how much longer he would be alive, no one was certain.
“You can leave them. Even if you don’t take refuge with us, you can escape,” you pleaded. Theo softly shook his head and pressed his lips to your forehead.
“No, y/n, I can’t. I’m bound to him until one of us dies. I…” he trailed off. You frantically started shaking your head at him and he sighed. “We knew this was going to happen.”
“You might have known. I held out hope,” you cried. Theo grabbed your chin gently, using the other hand to wipe away the stray tears. “Promise me you won’t die.”
“Promise me, Theo.” 
His response never came. Theo pulled you into him and kissed you so tenderly, that it was beyond out of character for him. You knew this was the end. He softly ran his hands down your sides, over your back, anywhere they could grasp. It felt as though he was trying to remember the exact shape of your body. He eventually tried to pull away, but in return, you softly bit his lip and pulled him back in. 
Theo couldn’t bring himself to let go of you. You were intoxicating in a way that no drug or drink could replicate. Not breaking the kiss, Theo hoisted you onto a table that was just behind you. Laying you down on it, he kept kissing you. Along your jaw, down your neck – Theo kissed you anywhere with an exposed bit of skin. You couldn’t stop yourself from crying, to which Theo then kissed away your tears. When he was finished, he pulled you up into a sitting position.
“Love, you are the only thing in this short existence of mine that I’ve ever been sure of. When I die, I can die happily because I knew you. I got to love you.” Theo whispered, his voice cracking as he professed to you. You leaned your forehead against him, looking him straight in the eye.
“Try to survive, Theo, please. For me,” you pleaded. Theo nodded briefly but was interrupted by a banging on the door. 
“Hurry up, it’s getting dark. We need to leave,” Bill’s voice called out. Bill and Ron both reappeared in the room, looking at the two of you expectantly.
“We need to leave, and you still haven’t given us what we came for,” Bill sighed. Theo tensed and pulled himself away from you, putting his facade back on as if it were a costume. Part of you wished he didn’t, just so they could see the real him.
“The Dark Lord plans to raid Hogsmeade, again. You need to make sure everyone is evacuated. He doesn’t plan on ever having to raid them again. In two days, if you don’t create a plan, everyone still living there will be dead.”
“And will you be one of the Death Eaters killing those people?” Ron inquired.
“If it means that it keeps me alive, and keeps a steady stream of information coming to you, yes. I have never been unclear with my intentions.” Theo said. He was significantly taller than Ron, forcing the redhead to look up at him as Theo walked closer to him, slowly.
“We don’t have time for this,” Bill said, getting visibly anxious. “We’re leaving,” Bill added, grabbing you and Ron both by the arm. 
Everything happened so fast after that – you reached out for Theo, but he backed away from you and you could’ve sworn you saw a tear run down his face. Just like that, you were whisked away, Bill choosing that moment to apparate. You didn’t get to say goodbye; you didn’t get to tell him you loved him for the last time.
Three days later, after their failed attempt at raiding Hogsmeade, you and your family watched in horror as Voldemort was broadcasting yet another round of executions. This wasn’t the first time this had happened – the first time being with his son, Mattheo, a boy you had known in school. You can’t recall the exact reason for his death, but it set a standard. If Voldemort would kill his child in such ways, what would he do to others?
You held your breath as the camera view panned down the small row of people awaiting their death. You felt the wind get knocked out of you when you caught sight of him.
The boy you loved was there, his eyes already dead. His appearance was, somehow, much worse than when you had last seen him. The bruising around his neck that had almost been healed was now back in full display, accompanied by bruises all over his face. He had blood dried around his mouth and nose, and his left eye was so swollen that it looked completely closed. Something told you that death was merciful compared to what he had been put through.
Voldemort rambled on about the first three men, killing them quickly. His smile never failed, especially when he turned to the last victim: Theo.
“Theodore Nott, what would your father say?” He teased. He pulled a wand out of the box that a servant of his carried at his side. Raising it, you recognized it to be Theo’s. Voldemort snapped it in half, causing a slight flinch to radiate off Theo.
“Stupidly fell in love with a dirty blood traitor, one of those Weasleys. He’s acted as an agent for them this entire time, but of course, I knew from early on. We’ve played a brilliant game of cat and mouse, haven’t we, Nott?” Voldemort, again, laughed. Every muscle in Theo’s body was tensed up and he never lifted his face to look at the crowd that had gathered or the cameras broadcasting the event.
Noticing Theo's aversion to looking at the crowd, Voldemort ran his fingers through Theo's hair before yanking it back, forcing him to look up. Theo grimaced but finally looked straight at the camera. His good eye bore through you, sending your heart straight to the bottom of your stomach.
You started sobbing, sliding off the couch and crawling towards the hologram showing the entire scene. “Please,” you gasped. Hermione sat behind you, pulling you into her, but you fought her off. 
“You were special to me,” Voldemort sighed and raised his wand. You grabbed whatever was closest to you – in this case, a plate someone had been eating off of earlier – and threw it through the hologram. The sound of your sobs and the plate exploding against the wall ricocheted around the hideout.
Another one of your older brothers, Charlie, moved Hermione aside and restrained you. Without doing so, you would’ve hurt yourself or someone else. “Get off me,” you repeatedly screamed, thrashing around on the ground.
Charlie was able to hold you in place on the ground, holding you facedown on the carpet with your arms pinned behind your back. To your horror, you turned your head to the side just in time to see a green light encase Theo in its grip. 
The cry you let out was movie-worthy. Using all of your strength, you burst out of Charlie’s grip and jumped up, turning on your surviving family members. “He died for us. He died for us and our cause. You never gave him a chance and never wanted to offer help in return,” you sobbed. Hermione came back to your side and held you in her arms. 
You didn’t fight back this time. You sat in her arms and sobbed. You couldn’t stop sobbing as you looked back at the hologram and it was panned to Theo’s dead body. It zoomed in on his face as if to hurt you even more. You watched as Voldemort whispered a simple charm, and flames consumed Theo’s body.
“I hope the Weasleys watching this enjoyed the show. While you watched this we have surrounded your hideout. Even Nott’s Occlumency he worked so hard on for you couldn’t keep me out. Perhaps it’s good that you never trusted him with your exact location, or else this would’ve happened long ago.” Voldemort smiled, and the hologram shut off. There was no noise in the room other than your silent sobs. 
Then, the first window exploded.
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justaz · 3 months
the staff in the castle keep a running scoreboard over every argument the king and queen has. the staff is split pretty 50/50 on who they’re rooting for. when merthur get in an argument, literally everybody in the castle starts watching them like it’s a tournament. the staff are biased in their actions and then once either merlin or arthur cave the servants turn and shout out “another point for the king/queen!!” and a cacophony of cheers and groans sound out around the castle.
once arthur got so sucked into work that merlin got annoyed at having to go to sleep and wake up in a cold bed that he stopped visiting/talking with arthur and arthur noticed bc ofc he did and sent gifts to merlin thru the servants and merlin accepted it bc ofc he did but tells the servants to tell arthur that he threw it away bc like hell is he gonna let arthur apologize thru others. he wants arthur to face him like a man and apologize. groveling on his knees is also acceptable. the servants who are on merlin’s side tell the king that merlin does not accept the gifts and seems even more irate with each one, the guards that are on arthur’s side tell him that the servants are lying and that merlin appreciates each gift. arthur gets told that merlin is tearing up his clothes which means arthur has to pay for new ones and he shoots up from his desk and charges towards merlin to get him to stop and that means merlin won their argument. the moment their chamber doors slam shut the servants shout out the queen won
once merlin had to travel to a foreign kingdom and was told to take knights and guards and servants and he was very put out bc he doesn’t need protection nor help, he IS the protection and he can care for himself as he always had. arthur was very insistent he took them. he was very stubborn and said no. with our resident emotionally constipated dollophead, a fight ensued and they spent a couple of nights in separate chambers. lancelot went to merlin and was like “i know you are powerful enough to protect yourself, you know you are powerful enough to protect yourself, and arthur knows you’re powerful enough to protect yourself, but he still wants you to be protected” and merlin is like “if he knows i’m powerful enough to protect myself, he should just let me go on my own. he’s so overbearing and doesn’t really believe i’m capable of anything other than being a clumsy idiot” and lancelot cuts him off and is like “no. remember that one time you took an arrow for him and almost died?” and merlin flushes and is like “that was one time” and lancelot waves him off before continuing “arthur just about died with you. he loves and adores you with his entire being. if you died, so would he. maybe not physically but emotionally and mentally he wouldn’t be arthur anymore. he can’t stand you being injured so he’s sending knights to protect you. if you won’t accept the knights for yourself, at least accept them for arthur” and merlin grumbles but complies and a point gets added to the king’s side of the board
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lxclerc · 1 year
𝐛𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐜𝐚𝐭 𝐠𝐟 | 𝐚𝐥𝟏𝟐
summary… arthur is dating someone and his fans don’t like it request… yes but it’s for the og arthur girlie faceclaim… xowie jones pairing… arthur leclerc x reader
note… @coffeehurricanes have been begging me to make something for arthur since forever and i finally caved
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liked by arthur_leclerc, lorenzotl and others
yourusername my “that’s her” pictures but it’s the pics my bf showed his mum
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user1 girlie this isn’t something to be proud of
user2 she’s so cool and different and quirky and not like other girls !!!!!!!!!! do you want a cookie or sumthing?
lorenzotl can confirm! 😂
⤷ yourusername you loved me the moment you saw me, admit it
⤷ lorenzotl i admit it!
charles_leclerc maman nearly had a heart attack!!
⤷ yourusername then i became her fav 🤭
⤷ user7 pascale prolly can’t stand this bitch
user3 nah bc what the hell does she have on the leclerc brothers bc no way they genuinely like her dating arthur
arthur_leclerc and i wouldn’t have it any other way ❤️
⤷ yourusername idiot
⤷ arthur_leclerc *your* idiot
⤷ user4 arthur was being sweet and this bitch just insults him for no reason
⤷ user5 arthur blink twice if you’re being held captive
user6 so many jealous and mad bitches in this comment section. not so gentle reminder for yall that he’ll never date you in any universe lol ♡ liked by arthur_leclerc, charles_leclerc and 203 others
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liked by yourusername, pascale_leclerc and others
arthur_leclerc my beautiful, beautiful girl ❤️
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user1 is the beautiful beautiful girl in the room with us?
user2 arthur wear red next weekend if she’s holding a gun to your head
user3 i could be a better girlfriend than her
yourusername i’ll always save my last chicken nuggy for you, mi amore
⤷ arthur_leclerc you must really love me 😌
⤷ yourusername don’t push it
⤷ user4 she just has to ruin every sweet moment
charles_leclerc really mate?
⤷ yourusername if you’re jealous, close your eyes
⤷ user8 girl what does charles have to be jealous about
user5 why do we even hate her? like has she done anything worth hating her for? or is it just bc she looks a little different than what’s considered as conventional and happened to be dating your white boy of the month?
⤷ user6 i think she’s really a bad influence on arthur and she publicly argues with a lot of people on twitter
⤷ user5 doesn’t she only argue with people who say shit abt arthur? i mean why isn’t she not allowed to defend her bf? also where’s your proof abt her being a bad influence on arthur
⤷ user7 bitches real quiet cause they’ve got nothing to use
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liked by charles_leclerc, lorenzotl, and others
arthur_leclerc i’ve let this go on long enough and now she’s gotten hurt. i have no words to express how disappointed i am of everyone who has ever said anything against y/n for no reason other than she is with me. she has done nothing to deserve the bullying she gets and yet she does nothing to any of you.
any hate i see about her will be automatically blocked. i would rather have no fans at all than have fans who can’t respect the woman i intend to spend my life with.
and if anyone do anything to her physically, i will retaliate worse than i did today. this is a warning.
and to @yourusername i’ve failed you, baby. i sat back and watch everyone bully you telling you to just ignore it all and you didn’t deserve that. i will spend the rest of my life making up to you.
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charles_leclerc i am so proud of you for taking a stand, brother. y/n does not deserve any of this
lorenzotl fully behind the two of you 🤍
user1 arthur has had enough on all of your bullshits and it’s time yall knew it
user2 he let yall know he’s not afraid to throw hands
user3 where yall loud mouthed ass bitches now????
yourusername i love you more than words
⤷ arthur_leclerc i will love you better now, baby
user4 it’s always seemed so fucking stupid how much hates she gets for literally no reason
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lizlovestofangirl · 3 months
ఌ︎ driver blurb featuring... oscar, daniel, charles, lando, ollie, arthur
ఌ︎ letter from liz... really loving the driver blurbs right now so request some more! if a driver isn't on my writing list you can always request them and i'll see if i can try and write for them <3
ఌ︎ warning... a little angst i guess but nothing serious and swearing
ᡣ𐭩 oscar piastri
oscar is a polite cat. this is a known fact. it is also a known fact that cats are selective about the people they trust. luckily for you, oscar has put all his trust in you. you knew he had a rough day. he had been gone before you woke up and was just now getting back after you had already eaten dinner. you could see the exhaustion dripping off of him, eye bags evident and shoulders hunched. he greeted you with a small smile and then wrapped his arms around you. you could feel him relax as you stood together, his arms around your shoulders and yours around his middle. he places the most gentle kiss on your temple and whispered how he had missed you. there's nothing that makes him happier than coming home to you.
ᡣ𐭩 daniel ricciardo
daniel is sunshine in human form and finds joy in making other people laugh and feel good. but sometimes, he can get tired just like everyone else. he had been quiet all day but said he was fine when you asked. by mid afternoon, it was apparent that something was really wrong. you walked from the kitchen to your shared room to find him on the bed answering emails, looking like he wanted to curl up and die. you gave him a look, your eyes screaming 'tell me what's wrong'. he gave you one right back that said, 'talk later, hold me now.' he shuffled so he was sitting at the edge of the bed and you wrapped your arms around his shoulders as he wrapped his around your waist. he pressed his head into your chest as you ran your fingers through his curls and he realized in that moment that you were exactly what needed. then and now, forever and always.
ᡣ𐭩 charles leclerc
charles isn't the biggest hugger. he'd rather wrap an arm around you and place a kiss on your cheek, so when he does cave and hug you, it's even more special. you hadn't seen him in two weeks because of work. you guys had talked on the phone and texted constantly, but it wasn't the same. when he picked you up at the airport, he grabbed you and lifted you off the ground, spinning you like how they do in movies. "i've missed you, mon amour," he says as he puts you down. he pulls away and smiles at you, and before you can smile back he pulls you back in for another hug. "what's this about, charlie?" you ask. "i don't know, i just really missed you."
ᡣ𐭩 lando norris
it doesn't matter if you're happy or sad, lando just wants to be close to you. you were in the paddock grabbing food with oscar's girlfriend, lily, in between free practice one and two when he snuck up behind you, wrapping his arms around your waist and pressing kisses to your exposed shoulder and neck. lily giggled, giving you knowing look that said 'he would do anything for you.' and it was true. he would. he would give you a million dollars or kisses if you asked, and give you a million hugs without you having to ask or think about it.
ᡣ𐭩 ollie bearman
ollie hugs are the best. staying true to his last name, he really does give a bear hug. he walked into hospitality after a great qualifying and his face lit up when he saw you. "hey bear," you said, your smile creeping into your words. he immediately pulled you into a tight hug. his thumb lightly tracing circles on your shoulder. he starts to rock you back and forth and you can feel his contentment as he rests his chin on the top of your head. his height makes hugs even better because he is able to envelop you like your own person blanket, or even better your own oversized teddy bear.
ᡣ𐭩 arthur leclerc
let's be honest, arthur is hot. like really hot. and he loves that you think he's attractive and sometimes get a little embarrassed about it. he had just finished working out and was walking through your shared bedroom to the bathroom so he could shower, but he felt your eyes on him. he looked up from his phone to find you staring, your lips slightly parted and your book completely forgotten on your lap. he smirked and said, "like what you see?" classic. but you couldn't help it! he looked so good. the arms. the waist. the layer of sweat that made him glisten. you looked away in embarrassment and he just laughed. that cocky motherfucker. he grabbed your hand and gently pulled you out of bed and into a hug. you hid your face in his neck and be gave you a squeeze. he pulled back to see your blush had worsened, quickly deciding to kiss your forehead and pull you back in so you could hide again. curse his hotness.
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