#Ardyn is the best!
krisssssssy · 5 months
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lunarlegend · 14 days
you know another reason Gladnis is so comforting is that both Ignis & Gladio could kill someone effortlessly, and they don't
they both have the ability to use violence in any given situation, and neither of them do
they are literal bodyguards to royalty, trained to protect and react, and they still put their humanity first
Ignis could basically be an assassin if he wanted to lol, he is both unbelievably agile and also smart enough to always be several steps ahead of his opponent, giving him the advantage in almost any situation
Gladio is not only fucking huge and intimidating by default, he's physically strong enough to break a pillar from the ground and swing it around like a weapon. he would barely need to lift a finger to harm someone, but he doesn't
they both are so capable of violence and neither of them relies on that for anything, they choose to be good and kind
they both were robbed of their childhoods and assigned to their roles and they could just as easily carry that around and take it out on others, and they don't
nothing about either of their lives is fair, or has ever been fair, but that doesn't affect how they view the world or how they treat other people
i love them both so much, i'm going to cry
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ronkeyroo · 1 year
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Some old Prompdyn doodles I drew long time ago 📸🌹 Have I mentioned they’re my favorites?? My lovelies???
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savage-rhi · 1 year
Like I sent a request already, so don't feel bad if you ignore this one, but, like the prompt from family "Have you hit your head?" In regards to Ardyn. Cause who in their right mind approaches such a devious man?
(Me. BUT that's besides the point! AND whoever said I'm ever in my right mind in the first place???)
@sillylittlevulpine It's okay hon. 💙I have an open inbox policy. You can send in as many requests as you'd like! They may take some time to get written out, but you're welcome to toss in anything. Thanks for this one!
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The first thing that began to stir Y/N from their nap was the smell of Ardyn's coat. The rich earthy aromas guided them back to consciousness along with the rocking of the chocobo with every step the mighty creature took. A quiet yawn drew from Y/N's mouth, confused at first about the nature of their surroundings until Ardyn chuckled.
"Did you enjoy your little rest?"
Y/N hummed and shut their eyes, smiling big against Ardyn's back while their arms snuggled around his waist. He felt like a mighty tree. Something that offered shade and shelter from the elements that tried to bear down upon the world. He was warm--safe.
"I hope I wasn't muttering anything weird while I slept."
Ardyn smirked while turning his head to the side. He couldn't see Y/N well enough from this angle, but his heart stammered in his chest observing the brief image of them laying against his back. He enjoyed the weight and close proximity. More than he would allow himself to say.
"Whatever secrets you hold dear weren't spilled during slumber. Though, you do have me intrigued with your statement. Perhaps I can pry more at a later time." Ardyn mused.
Does this mean that he wants to see me again? Y/N thought to themself. The prospect of spending another evening like this with Ardyn made them both excited and fearful.
The night had been enchanting, with Ardyn taking Y/N to beautiful locations scattered around the outskirts of Lestallum on chocobo back after indulging in local festivities. Y/N smiled, remembering how attentive he had been. How Ardyn listened well to their ramblings and passions. They couldn't recall a time where it had been so easy to speak up without ridicule or shame. There was none to be had around him. Much like there were so many new worlds that Ardyn had introduced them to. Moments like this made Y/N wish neither of them had to return home.
Despite the wonderful evening that was shared between them both, Y/N didn't forget themself when it came to the war, and their respective sides. How Ardyn was the chancellor of Niflheim, and they were a mere citizen of Lucis. Two pawns on the chessboard that shouldn't be interacting under any circumstance, yet here they were. Y/N knew deep down it was dangerous, and though Ardyn hadn't said anything, Y/N understood he was no fool to their situation.
"Ardyn, could you stop right here? I don't want to wake anybody up." Y/N murmured quietly against his ear after adjusting on the saddle. Their brows furrowed when they saw their house up ahead, near the border to the West side of the city.
"Sure," He whispered back, feeling a chill travel down his neck from Y/N's breath hitting his skin.
Ardyn gently coaxed the chocobo to pause it's careful trot by giving a tug on the reigns. The avian creature let out a purr like squeak. Ardyn gave the bird some soft spoken compliments and pat the feathers along it's neck, smiling before he got off the saddle and waited for Y/N.
Y/N stumbled while attempting to get off the chocobo and Ardyn caught them in an embrace before they both fell to the ground. The two laughed against the other, and the world shifted while the two of them traveled back onto their feet.
"I think that's the third time tonight you've broken my fall." Y/N said in between fits, feeling thankful Ardyn couldn't see their blush under the moonlight.
"You have a knack for keeping me on my toes," Ardyn chuckled. He brought Y/N to his chest, holding them tight while staring at them affectionately.
"I'm sorry I've been a bit of an idiot," Y/N sighed and shook their head. "I'm not usually this clumsy."
"Nonsense. Your antics have been most entertaining. It beats having to drudge through my current responsibilities."
Y/N could hear the subtle pain in Ardyn's voice. It seemed he too wasn't looking forward to going back to work.
"When do you return to Niflheim?" Y/N asked.
Ardyn made a face. He closed his eyes and pressed his forehead to Y/N's, breathing in their sweet scent. "I leave at dawn. The negotiations in Lestallum have closed for now."
Y/N felt a heavy weight on their heart hearing Ardyn admit defeat. Hearing him sound morose was in stark contrast to his usual charismatic self. It was almost as if Y/N had been talking to another person then. A different man. The thought made Y/N wonder if they should let bygones be bygones now. Let this little ember that was growing between them burn out before it had the chance to become an inescapable forest fire. That would've been the safe path. The best choice.
"Is that why you were so adamant sneaking away from everyone tonight?" Y/N smiled sadly, breaking out of their current thoughts.
"Yes," Ardyn smiled softly. "Was it not entertaining?"
"It was fun! More than I've had in a long, long, time."
"You honor me." Ardyn became contemplative for a moment before his amber eyes lit up to an idea. "Would it be too bold on my part to visit you again?"
"You're coming back to Lucis?"
Ardyn nodded. "I return in two weeks time. Though I've enjoyed the spontaneity of this evening, I'd like to treat you to something more formal. What say you?"
"Where are you going to take us?" Y/N tilted their head curiously and grinned. They made a face when Ardyn tutted at them, like a parent would to a child who had asked one too many questions.
"Now that would be telling, wouldn't it?"
Y/N rolled their eyes playfully in defeat. There was no point in arguing with him. Not when he was this charming.
"Ardyn," Y/N took in a deep breath as the concerns from before began to play out in mind. "Are you worried at all about...this?"
"No," Ardyn claimed. Though he appeared confident in body and in expression, his eyes conveyed the truth: he was frightened for more reasons than what Y/N knew of.
This wasn't in the plans at all that Ardyn had carefully orchestrated. He didn't have time for self-indulgence. Not when he was so close to obtaining his revenge and earning the true death. Yet here he was, mingling with a Lucian who had grown on him during the past few weeks he had been in Duscae speaking with representatives. Even without the political endangerments, Ardyn knew it was cruel to drag Y/N down with him. Yet the longer he stared into their eyes, the more he found it difficult to not give into temptation.
"I have no shame in being with you." Ardyn muttered. The human desire for companionship was still very much alive inside of his dark heart, and Ardyn despised himself for it. It wasn't enough to stop him from lifting Y/N's chin and pulling them in for a deep kiss, having been yearning for the pleasure all day.
Y/N felt their heart race and their stomach jumping over itself. Their lips pulled and tugged against Ardyn's. His warm breath on their face felt inviting, washing away the fears Y/N had. So what if it didn't work out in the end? Y/N thought to themself. Who cared about opposing sides when this felt so right?
Ardyn ended the kiss before it had the opportunity to become heated. He pulled away, nuzzling his nose against Y/N's and pecked their cheek. "I'll call on you."
"Promise?" Y/N breathed.
"Do you trust me?" Ardyn countered with a playful smirk.
"I guess so." Y/N shrugged and grinned. They were surprised when Ardyn gave them a final kiss to their mouth before he got back on the chocobo.
"Sleep well, my dear." A final glance of longing was shared, and Ardyn drifted off into the darkness as if he had been a shadow himself.
Y/N stood near the road leading to their residence, letting their chaotic feelings and the euphoria settle before making the trek back to their house. Y/N stopped in their tacks when someone up ahead had been waiting for them. Their eyes roamed over the shocked expression of their aunt who looked as if they had seen a daemon in the flesh.
"Now it all makes sense. Why you've been more enthusiastic lately." The older woman trailed off, still in shock and disbelief at what they had witnessed.
"How long were you standing there?" Y/N's voice hitched.
"Long enough!" The older woman exclaimed with a huff. "Of all the people in Lucis--of Eos--you've been messing around with Niflheim's chancellor? Oh six hells, Y/N!"
"Wait you don't--!"
"Have you hit your head?! We are at war, Y/N! He's dangerous! How long have you been trying to keep this in the dark?"
Y/N didn't say a word, knowing their aunt was right to a degree. However they didn't take kindly to what was said about Ardyn. Their disdain must've been evident, for they watched their aunt's expression become neutral. The fright though never left the older woman's eyes.
"Are you going to tell the rest of the family?" Y/N numbly asked.
"No, that's not my dirty laundry to air out." The woman closed her eyes, said a silent prayer to the gods then looked upon their neiph with sorrow. She walked up to Y/N, grasping either side of their shoulders while looking firmly at them.
"Do you care for this man?"
Y/N swallowed, and nodded. There was no point in denying their feelings. Not when they had already been caught red handed.
Y/N's aunt sighed, letting them go. "I thought as much. Come. We have much to talk about."
Y/N raised a brow, taken back by the sudden change in demeanor. "I'm sorry?"
"You heard me, come." Their aunt gestured with her head. "Let's take a few laps around the house before we go in. Tell me more about him."
"Oh Y/N, don't be so obtuse!" Their aunt raised a brow at them. "If my neiph is going to canoodle around with one of the most dangerous men to walk this star, you might as well have someone to confide in! I don't want you to be alone in this mess."
Y/N didn't believe their face could get much redder than it did now. They were thankful to the gods, to whatever was listening, that Ardyn wasn't around to have witnessed the commotion.
As Y/N walked side by side with their aunt toward the home, an unsteady silence grew between them. Neither wanted to address the underlying issue at hand but Y/N's aunt cleared her throat.
"Your mother isn't going to be alright with this."
"I'll cross that bridge when I get there..."
"More like you'll burn it to the ground." Y/N's aunt forewarned. "You know how she feels about imperials."
There was a part of Y/N after this moment, that wished they had ignored all reason and would've left with Ardyn and the chocobo.
If you like my work and feel generous, feel free to donate to my ko-fi account or my cash app account!
Cash App: $JayRex1463
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uncleardyn · 3 months
FFXV for the ask game :]
the main cast for this game is super strong and their friendship feels so genuine! there's a reason that despite the game's flaws, people still adore our boy band roadtrippers to this day, me included. i think the appeal of the game wouldn't be nearly as strong, nor the tragedy as great, if the four of them didn't have the energy of Guys Wanting To Hang Out.
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wounddread · 11 months
hey!!! i followed for the ardyn content!!! but i was curious about your ire tags??? is this an oc??? id love to hear about them!! <3
omg hello fellow ardyn-lover!! <3 ahhhhh yeah ire is my oc 👉👈 she's my oc x canon for ardyn lol that's why you probably see them a lot together in my tags 🖤 SO cringe of me but tysm for humoring me 🖤🖤🖤 i guess to start, she's one of my angel ocs!! and she's my personal fave :) i've got this like. whole huge fic in the works about them i've been writing for years now that my friend @vince-prime REALLY helped me with including adding in his own ocs. we brainstorm together and i do the writing :) ardyn needs someone who would defy the gods for him, yenno? and ire is kinda like. the culmination of that i guess 🤍 and she's also the "he asked for no pickles" wife lol i love ire because she stops at nothing if it means he gets a chance at happiness, gods and devils be damned. she is a force of absolute nature and i find her fascinating because all the angels in my fic have slight human qualities about them, whether it's lust or cruel fascination or curiosity or even selfishness, and she's no different :) but her human characteristics culminate into... persistence and eternity. it's the vibe of like. she'd burn down heaven to keep him warm. and the way love can become a purely neutral force because you won't bend to the laws of fate and whatnot. yeah. idk, i think she's cool lol 🖤 i have an ire aesthetic/ardyn/ffxv blog if u wanna check it out @ire-in-reverence :) all things that remind me of her are under the 🤍 tag and all the ardyn things are under the ♥️ tag. and the "iredyn" tag stands for the ship name i gave them :)
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katetorias · 1 year
if you ship prompto with ardyn you are a capital F fucking Freak
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sillylittlevulpine · 1 year
I've got an Ardyn Body Pillow that I've just commissioned and I'm so very excited about it! ^^
I'm literally feeling so happy about it. I got the concept sketches tonight and sent payments over. It's official!! Lineart is being done this week
Go support @savage-rhi
I had no idea where to even look and guess who helped me look. Also if you hadn't posted your body pillow I wouldn't have been brave enough to ask anyone lmao
Why is everyone in Ardyn hell so nice??? We're all heads over heels for the creepiest Bastard I've ever seen in a game. And yet literally the chillest Fandom space I've had the pleasure to walk in. Like lots of adult content over here but there is absolutely no disrespect towards anyone ever over here. Such a breath of fresh air. This is the first Fandom I've joined in on the adult side. I've been so pleasantly surprised. I absolutely LOVE all you guys with my whole heart! Everyone I've interacted with is a sweetheart!
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rosewoodprincess · 7 months
Finished the main story of Final Fantasy XV! :)
Also played through Episode Gladio and playing through Episode Ignis atm :)
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starshcwer · 1 year
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( a cryptic message | @curenone )
“ i would be careful , if i was you. ” (7 or 15 verse anything i <3 tifa)
though iris had given her plenty of updates from her brother, tifa hadn't been able to shake the feeling of hearing the initial news reports about noctis' death. the feeling as though someone had wrapped their hands around her heart and squeezed and the feeling of her entire world tilted on its axis were feelings she'd hoped she'd never encounter again, but she had been strong enough to force herself to anchor with the reminder of her charge–––– she had people to see to safety. she'd staved off her tears until iris & talcott were tucked into their beds in the leville. her own room was the perfect, private place to allow herself to release the feelings she'd buried in her heart.
the truth had been attainable at any time. noctis' number was almost always at her most recent, with prompto's just behind, but the thought of receiving a report that she knew was accurate was almost more frightening than having no confirmation. what sort of reply would she have received if he wasn't there to respond? would she have received one at all? with gladiolus reportedly on his way to visit his sister, there had been no need to find out. any message she sent wouldn't bring them to lestallum any faster, & so she'd resigned herself to wait to see if their reunion came. it did. it was a series of moments she would never forget. from when he entered her sight as she entered the leville's lobby to the next moment when he was wrapped in her hold. it was difficult not to notice how her mood improved. even the melancholy that had come with temporary departure to cross a few hunts off their list wasn't enough to snuff out her good cheer–––– not when she knew they would come back soon.
the knowledge did little for the restlessness she felt, & so she found herself wandering the lestallum streets long after the moon had risen with pegglar outlook her final destination, the glow coming from the meteor a welcome & calming sight.
there were very few people wandering about, so tifa paid them very little mind until someone joined her at the lookout railing–––– a bit too close for comfort, but not close enough that he couldn't be ignored.
until he spoke. i would be careful, if i was you.
his words caused an instant reaction. she pushed away from the railing, putting some distance between them. it wasn't quite enough for her to throw her fists up, but she was instantly on guard. there were a number of questions running through her mind, but, in the moment, she could only manage a single word.
❛ what? ❜
her eyes were locked onto him. a few of his features were obscured by the shadows cast by the lestallum street lights, but something about him sent a shiver up her spine, even without a full view. she took another step away, deciding instantly that any inquiries she had about the odd statement weren't worth it.
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❛ your concern is... appreciated...but can handle myself just fine, thank you. ❜
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krisssssssy · 27 days
After careful consideration I’ve decided Ardyn is just superior in every way to every villain ever
He’s the best one, we can all go home now
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nossumusmanus · 2 years
He is absolutely not kneeling on the floor with the two puppies, rubbing their bellies as they wriggle about and attempt to drown his hand in licks.
Absolutely not. Just like he has absolutely not already named them -- Amatus for the (seemingly) more affectionate of the two, and Donatus for the one that keeps periodically becoming distracted by his tail.
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mostfuckableffvillain · 6 months
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I would love to hear why
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the-alarm-system · 25 days
being plural is literally the best like
hey v you understand physics and I don’t! Hiii can u front
And then V is like
Hey Ardyn I’m tired do u wanna switch for a few minutes?
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sparklecryptid · 3 months
AtB!Reveal due to the kids singing one of Uncle Ardyn’s favorite songs for his birthday - ‘Before He Cheats’
“I believe,” Persephone says as she and her siblings stare at the mess magic had made of Ace’s bar, “That we may have gotten a bit carried away.”
The rest of their siblings shift nervously under Ace’s stare. Persephone is the only one that meets his gaze.
“You also took part in this.” Persephone gestures to the mess around them. “This isn’t all our fault.”
In the corner Ardyn is still passed out with a party hat on his head. Ace turns to their uncle and something in his gaze softens. They all know that Ace and Ardyn have a relationship that goes beyond what is expected of uncle and nephew. They all know that Ardyn would take Ace in as his own son if the world would let them have that.
“Fine,” Ace concedes to her point and turns his gaze back to his siblings, “You’re right, but I expect help with cleaning this up.”
Persephone wonders which of them will have to wake Ardyn up to clean the area he’s in.
The siblings share a look and decide that Ace can do it.
In the middle of their cleaning, the Crownsguard arrive much to everyone’s shock.
“Uh,” Thanatos says because that is very much Cor and Clarus standing in front of them, “Hi, welcome to Genesis, how can I help you?”
“You don’t work here,” Ace deadpans and casually moves to block Ardyn from view. Persephone has a feeling their uncle is feigning sleep now, and that it’s probably for the best that things don’t escalate.
Persephone steps forward to stand beside Ace.
“Is there anything we can help you with?” She asks pleasantly. Around them her siblings shift, subtle enough to not be noticed to anyone that isn’t highly attuned to their magic. Persephone knows that none of them want to fight, but it’s never good when government officials come knocking at your door unannounced.
Cor raises an eyebrow.
“We’re here about the video from last night.” Is all he says.
The air freezes.
“What video?” Ace asks carefully, “I don’t recall posting anything that would draw the attention of the Crownsguard.”
“It wasn’t you,” Clarus says and looks directly at Bard who is frantically scrolling through her social media feed and rapidly paling, “Your sister posted a rather interesting video last night, we would like to speak to you all about it.”
“Shit,” Bard swears as she watches a video on her phone. She looks up at the incredulous gaze of her siblings and sheepishly smiles.
“What the fuck, B?” Mercury says, “What did you post?”
“Do none of us remember last night?” Bard asks, “Because I remember nothing after Uncle broke out that mead made from that Old Sol recipe-“
Ace furrows his brow. “I remember singing.” He offers.
Persephone frowns.
“I think there was - oh,” Persephone sighs, “You posted us doing magic didn’t you?”
“Regrettably,” Bard says, “That’s the case.”
“I pity your notifications,” Jupiter says.
Cor clears his throat, all eyes go back to him.
A dark chuckle in the back of the room makes everyone freeze.
Ardyn stands, an intimidating figure even with the silly party hat on his head.
“If you must interrogate my darling nieces and nephews,” Ardyn drawls as he strides out from behind the table to stand between Ace and Persephone and drop a hand on each of their shoulders, “I’m afraid I must insist on being there. I have little faith in their father to do the right thing you see?”
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What can I say other than I'm so happy, it's crazy in my head. Finally an Ardyn mod on RE!! (my god, I just discovered it even though it's been available for a month, it's horrible/wonderful) ardyn is so perfect too! A tasty video is available, I'm obviously looking for others. Now, I no longer see anything stopping me from having this game, if there is this mod, I will do my best to have this experience :3
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