#And Luigi got his fucking moment right here
brucenorris007 · 2 years
The moment Bowser Lost
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Gives me chills every time.
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shygirl4991 · 7 months
True Love Kiss
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Artwork all done by @merp0515 do not repost
The fic is base on my theory about Three being aware he is in a fairytale episode enjoy!
Summary:  He won't let someone else tell him how to live his life, he doesn't need a prince, what he needs is an evil witch that lives in the woods. 
Tag: Fairy Tale parody, True loves kiss, princess three, witch four, fluff and angst, posting this before the episode comes out so lets see what i get right
Once upon a time there was a kingdom with a beautiful princess named Super meme guardian 3, the kingdom knew him as Princess SMG3. He was known to have grand knowledge of dead memes, something that was extremely rare to have. Everyone from all over the world have heard of him, over the years many have wanted to win his hand in marriage. They have all failed until the princess's birthday marking him to be twenty five, he was sitting on the throne bored over the event.  In the shadow no one noticed an evil witch was hiding, waiting for his time to strike. He had a spell all set to throw the moment the winner of the event. 
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Prince Luigi walks up to the stage, he pulls out his sword and starts fighting the corrupted memes. The event made royal’s from all over prove they have the power to defend the kingdom, not to mention protect the beautiful Princess Three. While everyone was excited by the events, SMG3 blinks looking around confused, he watches everything unfold in front of him. Everything felt cloudy as if he was dreaming. In no time Luigi won the battle and everyone cheered for him. Three clapped as he looked around the room, noticing things felt slightly off, was he dreaming? He looked down and gasp “What the fuck?” he gets up confused seeing himself in a purple dress, looking around he then sees SMG4 smirking and running up the stage. Everyone was panicking dashing to protect the princess, Three stands there watching confused as the witch throws a potion at his feet. He started coughing as his vision got blurred with a blue fog “See how you love your princess now with this curse!” he runs off leaving everyone in the room looking around lost. Once he was able to see, Three dashes after four “SMG4 WAIT WHAT IS GOING ON?!” he tosses his heels to run faster. They make it outside only for Four to turn and cast a spell teleporting away “Fuck!” Three swore to losing the man. Slowly he notices where he is, as he looks around he jumps in surprise seeing his avatar as a deer. It felt as though someone just placed him in  a cheap disney knock off, he panics as he looks around trying to find anything familiar. 
No matter where he looked, everything felt like someone threw up every fairytale cliche known to man. He made it back to the castle and sighs, he wasn't able to figure out where Four went or where the hell he was. As he walked around he noticed people giving him strange looks, he looked at his reflection and glares.  Why was he even here? The last thing he remember was being in the basement getting the light back on in the castle then a strange TV was there. His head hurts remembering the event, as he rubs his head a knock was heard. He walks to the door to see two shadow figures. “Son, we learn the curse placed on you by that evil witch…it has made you invisible to the world.” The voices made it hard for Three to figure out if the person talking to him was his mother or father. From his understanding he was cursed in this world to go through the same things he already goes through in reality. He sighs at his luck, once his parents are gone he decides to sneak out of the castle and attempt to find this so-called evil witch.
He waits till it's late in the night, climbs out his window, determined to find his ex rival.  He charges into the woods not knowing something was watching him, a small TV jingle starts to play catching his attention. He looks around the woods nervous “ Fuck i hate the dark….SMG4? IS THAT YOU WITH THE STUPID SONG?” he hears a giggle making him turn. He lets out a girlish scream as he is blinded by the light of a TV screen “Hello Princess it is i, your fairy god puzzle here to help you find what you're searching for! True love!”  Three rolls his eyes and walks away “True love? That's a fairytale joke.” The fairy god puzzle chuckles “Is it because you fear you can't be loved?” Three turns seeing the screen flicker different emotions before giving him a gentle smile “It’s okay to be scared, take my hand and I will show you the truth!”  slowly memories hit him. He holds his head remembering the TV they saw in the basement, the channels showing them different series for different ages before a body appeared out of nowhere. He takes a step back, as the memories stop hitting him, slowly the face of shock turn into anger “YOU FUCKER, YOUR THE REASON WE ARE HERE!” 
Seeing his actor break character, his screen flickers stopping Three in his tracks, the channel it stopped showed his friends screaming in pain. Then it flipped to SMG4, he looked drained of emotions as he kept drawing random items in a notepad.  Three growls at the adware “Fine…i will play your game, but if i do you let the others go!” The TV man laughs nodding his head “Only if you give me good entertainment!” With a snap of his wrist, Three was in a field with SMG4 cloaked laughing “So you found me huh Princess, so what's your plan now? I will never break your curse!” Before he can speak Luigi appears out of nowhere to protect him “Stay away from my maiden! Don't worry princess, I will get rid of this monster!” Three frowns at the words as he looks at Four, he feels his cheeks warm up looking at the man. SMG4 may have ruined his life in the past and they still have things they need to work on, it never made Three see the other man as a monster. They both went through shit and that is what made them who they are today. Luigi starts to fight with SMG4, Magic and swords clash and Three looks for something to stop this, The adware chuckles watching the whole thing “Face it, the only way for this to end is with the death of the evil witch and for the hero to give you true loves kiss!”
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SMG3 stomps his heel to the floor “TRUE LOVE'S KISS? YOU FUCKING WITH ME?!” Luigi stops fighting to run to him, Four just stands back watching things curiously. Luigi gently takes Three’s hand “If true love kiss will save you then I shall do it!”  Three growls stomping over to SMG4 “I'M SICK OF THIS, YOU CAN'T TELL ME WHAT TO DO!” the witch stared at the princess confused as to what was going on. His eyes go wide as the princess picks him up by the overall strap of his outfit “Pucker up lover boy!”  and just like that kisses the evil witch that cursed him. Something about the kiss just felt right, as if he had been waiting for this moment for years, the adware let out a dark chuckle pleased to see his planned work “And with true love's kiss the curse is over!”  Three pulled away glaring at the adware waiting for his friends to be free.  
He claps slowly “My look at the ratings, the world has been waiting to see that! As my thanks, I think I will make you my next star again.” Hearing this Three shaked his head, he was about ready to kill the man before him. Unfortunately everything went black, he groans rubbing his head and looks around confused as to where he was. He gets up and hears an opening theme song, his eyes go wide “I'M STILL IN THE TV!” he can feel himself shaking.  Only to jump at a gentle touch, he turns and sees Four. His eyes go wide seeing the man “Four?” with a nod SMG4 looks around confused “We were in the basement, how did we get here?” With a soft smile he pulled four into a hug. Things are gonna be okay, they are together now and with their memories back they will stop the adware, they will save their friends. Not to mention try to figure out what that true love kiss truly meant. 
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goodolddumbbanana · 1 month
Sun's wedding [1]
Warning: very cringe. Summary: Sun gets marry. And his husband is MIKU. I kinda low on motivation right now so i only finish the part 1.
It was a normal day like any other.
“...--and that's why Luigi won without doing anything, Moon.”
Seven hours… Seven fucking hours. Moon couldn't remember what the heck he did wrong by opening his mouth, but he must have done it in a moment of inattention, because right now, he has to suffer the consequences of listening to his brother's voice squawking for seven hours about the lore of Mario and Luigi.
Why did he need to know why Luigi's beard was smoother than Mario's? Or what Luigi's pet ghost dog liked to eat? Moon didn't understand and didn't want to.
At least it was one hour less than the day before. Moon silently consoled himself, before closing his eyes and lying tragically flat on the table.
He was dead. Tortured and brutally murdered by his own brother. He couldn't even think about the new science project he was going to do, something he had been thinking about for over 7 billion years but couldn’t do because there was so much crap going on here, all because Sun would shake him awake whenever he fell into a state of being in a trance.
"Oh don't be so dramatic, Moon! It wasn't that bad!!"
Sun waved his hand, his brother's shadow hanging over Moon's head. The yellow animatronic pendulum on his hand shook and swayed with the red ribbon in front of Moon's eyes, making him itch to raise his hand and smack the pendulum.
"You're being childish right now, Moon!"
He could feel Sun's irritation from The force, but he chose to ignore it. Moon turned his back to Sun, trying to make some pathetic whines to prove to Sun how his brother had ruined his spirit and his entire relaxing afternoon with Sun's crazy fan obsession speech about Luigi and Princess Peach.
“Come on, Moon, wake up. You can’t just lie on the table like that. What if someone, or the kids see you?”
“I don’t care, Sun!! 7 hours!!! You scream that crap on my face for 7 hours” Moon shouted, his face already covered, but he still peeked at Sun.
Sun’s face was stuck in pure confusion and annoyance, and their hands tried to pull him up but failed.
Their voices were as high as the sound of a boiling kettle, ringing an octave in Moon’s ears.
“Look, I’ll pick you up if you keep being so damn stubborn, Moon!!”
Moon could feel his will shake. Sun was definitely serious, and he had every inch of confidence in his body that Sun was capable of picking him up and throwing him wherever they wanted.
Being picked up by Sun was so humiliating, more than the time he turned into furry.
But whether he should trade his last dignity to fight against tyranny, that was the question.
(The door opens.)
“Oh, did I just interrupts you guys?”
A clear feminine voice snapped Moon’s train of thought like a fiddle stick. He craned his neck, Earth’s long, flowing hair swaying in the wind. His sister was wearing a pink outfit today, a rare thing for her to do while she was at work.
“Hey Earth.”
“Hello.” Moon’s voice cracked after Sun.
“So… What are you guys doing?” Earth’s curious question was answered by her irritated older brother.
“Well, you see. We’re getting ready to open the daycare, but someone refuses to leave this table for a moment!!!”
“I bought it, I have the right to lie on it. And it’s your fault for making me listen to your nonsense about your idol for 7 hours.”
“MOON!!” Moon’s lips curled up as Earth chuckled. Even Sun, who looked like she was about to explode, stopped themselves and looked at him with a reluctant sigh. “Okay, whatever. Just make sure you get down before the kids come in.”
“Got it, Mom.�� Moon yawned, waving his hand, ignoring Sun’s confused stutter, and Earth’s harder laugh.
“Don’t ever say that again.”
“No guarantee.” Moon stuck out his tongue. He turned to face Earth. “So, what are you doing here?”
At the mention of her name, Earth turned around. She pulled a rather large gift basket from behind her back that included a scarf and a cat nail care set.
“Oh, I came to congratulate Sun on his upcoming wedding. This was both mine and Lunar’s choice.”
“Hehe… Thanks, Earth. It’s a nice color.” Sun held up the scarf, which was the same shade of yellow as his, smiling.
There was only one person who was left out of this conversation, and unfortunately it was Moon.
“Wait.” Moon scrambled to his feet. “What wedding?”
“Huh? I thought I already told you?” Sun frowned. “You’re the best man, remember?”
Moon’s face was still blank.
“This Friday? That means today?”
There was not a trace of thought behind Moon’s eyes.
Sun sighed and pressed his forehead.
“My wedding with Miku?”
One second…
Two seconds…
Three seconds…
Moon screamed. The blue animatronic almost fell over. No, he did, his face kissed the ground painfully. His three views were shattered, and his whole world changed. Sun and Miku? Was his brother crazy? Were they brainwashed? Someone secretly replaced Sun with a clone? A mimic? Is it Frank?
He staggered to his feet and shook Sun violently.
“SUN!!! Are you joking or are you serious!!?”
“Moon, you’re being silly, Miku isn’t that bad.” Sun cleared their throat, his psychopathic older brother's face contorted in confusion.
"I have no idea and don't know what you're talking about." Sun replied with a straight face and a mechanical tone as if they were reading a line from somewhere.
"Besides," Sun sighed. "--you know that if I don't marry Miku, we'll be scrapped, soon."
"What?!! Why?" Moon waved his hand frantically. He didn't understand what the hell was going on.
"Because of me." And so, the demon born from hell stepped in. Moon turned his head in surprise. He growled the name burning in his mouth.
Hair as green as an onion, a face that would look much better if she kept her mouth shut and never bothered his brother ​​again. Miku wore a leopard-skin dress, a mink scarf hanging over her shoulders. She looked like Cruella from One Hundred Dalmatians with her disgustingly sly smile and the lollipop pretending to be a pipe in her hand.
“Hello, bitches.” That annoying voice rang out, causing Moon’s fist to twitch.
“What do you mean? Why would Sun marry you?!!”
Without answering Moon immediately, Miku snapped her fingers. Freddy in a suit appeared from nowhere, respectfully handing Miku a piece of paper placed in a zippered suitcase.
“Sun and Moon, based on current laws and some other laws and transactions, will be fully owned by the newest shareholder of Freddy Fazbear, Miku.”
Moon’s head was buzzing. That meant… that meant…
“YOU’RE MOTHER FUCK*R PIECE OF SCRAPS!!! HOW DARE YOU SELL US, FREDDY?” Moon yelled, not sure if he was going to strangle Freddy or Solar.
“Haha…” That damn yellow bear stuttered nervously. “Technically it’s not my decision. I’m just the faceman. Please don't kill me.”
“Fan does what Fan wants, my dear brother-in-law.”
“Get my name off your mouth. I’m not your brother-in-law.” Moon gritted his teeth. But he was completely ignored by Miku, as she walked towards Sun with a lecherous expression. “So, honey, babygirl~~ my dovey cutie~~~ my OWO~~~ How are you preparing for our wedding? I want you to wear something sexy~~ maybe black under that dress~~”
“Hah—” Sun’s forced laughter. There was a ‘save me’ message flashing behind Sun’s back.
Moon about to throw hand until—
“Moon, it’s fine.” Sun pulled his hand back. Their faces looked worried about what was going to happen next. “Miku… is actually a pretty good… person.” Sun said each word as if he had poison in his mouth.
“That’s right, honey, and… I’m very rich~~~ A rich girl who owns you, my alpha skibidi beta man. After marrying me, all you have to do is stay home and take care of the kids.” Miku laughed gleefully.
“There’s a lot of things wrong with that sentence, and maybe you are too dumb to understand but We’re the animatronics, we don’t have that function! WE DON'T FUCK!!” Moon took a deep breath, trying to speak some sense into Miku's empty brain.
Hoh boy... He is smiling. He is so angry it makes him laugh. 
"Moon." For the first time, Miku took off her sunglasses, her face serious. "Are you a Misogyny?"
"What do you mean!!! You are MIKU!! I don't even like you as a person, let alone a woman!!!" Moon shouted angrily, he felt a large amount of his brain cells disappear just by continuing to communicate like this.
"Moon, I think you're going too far." Earth interjected, her expression showing disapproval. It made Moon's anger flare up even more. Some shrimp head wanted to marry his brother and she simply was that nonchalant??
"Well then, goodbye to you two. I'll take my bride to the wedding that was planned for before. Come on, my sugar baby. Daddy will take care of you~~"
Miku grabbed Sun's waist and forced them to leave, before leaving she gave Moon the middle finger.
The door slammed shut in front of him, leaving Moon stunned. It wasn't until Earth's voice rang out that his soul returned from hell to reality.
“Well… your reaction… that must be something…”
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skaruresonic · 7 days
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Why do you guys always add the caveat of "Sonic only kills... if he absolutely has to" like it matters? Dead is dead.
Does Sonic kill? Yes. Okay, good, we have established that he does. There's no need to add fine print. It's not like those he kills can suddenly un-die just because he says "You left me no choice. :<" which tbh I'd argue he almost never does anyway
And no, Sonic does not whip out killing as a "last resort" after exhausting all available options; otherwise, he would not have stolen Eggman's jetpack hose at the end of Lost World.
This idea that Sonic just lets Eggman go all la-di-dah when he technically could kill Eggman right then and there is so incredibly bad-faith. Why doesn't Sonic just seize the opportunity?
1.) You're assuming he hasn't tried, many times, while also forgetting that Eggman is good at escaping and surviving things that would usually kill other people,
and 2.) I don't know, same reason Shadow doesn't kill everyone in the room and then himself even though he technically could at any given moment. You're pointing at Sonic just... Being Sonic(tm) and citing that as damning proof that he's somehow bestowing freedom on people. Literal "Luigi wins by doing nothing."
This is predicated on the most asinine possible reading of the games' various endings. You are literally making shit up and trying to convince people that that's how it went down in the games.
To hearken back to the SA2 example, the game says N O T H I N G about Sonic "letting Eggman go"; you just assume he did. We don't know how the crew got back to Earth. We don't know if they took a teleporter. We don't know if Sonic and Eggman left at the same time, even though Sonic is last to leave the control room. We don't even know if Eggman snuck away like usual. You are essentially writing fanfiction of the events you think transpired, because the game's insistence that Sonic's beef with Eggman isn't the ending's emotional priority at that point in time has eluded you.
"He doesn't attack rulers" - why would he? What beef does Sonic have with the President? With Elise? Is the implication supposed to be that he otherwise would have reason to attack them if either one got too big for their britches? That sounds a little panopticon-ish for how Sonic usually operates, isn't it?
Fuck me, the Commander is 10x bloodthirstier than the rest of GUN, and yet Sonic still chooses to team up with him in the Diablon boss fights just to stop Shadow's rampage. Again, Sonic makes allies out of convenience; he doesn't go out of his way to rehabilitate people.
Besides, if these world-ending exceptions occur on a regular basis, then they can't exactly be called rare, can they?
This is such a circular goddamn argument. You're arguing as if the mitigating circumstances really matter to Sonic's character. Like he performs some form of moral calculus of "Should I offer this guy freedom?" before every kill, instead of playing things by ear and by common sense.
When nearly every game has Sonic killing the monster du jour because he absolutely has to or else the world will end, the last part of "Sonic only kills when necessary" really doesn't matter anymore, does it? It becomes less of a rarity and more of a pattern.
Like, the only thing you could possibly be implying here is that Eggman doesn't count as the kind of villain that merits the "omae wa mou shindeiru" treatment from Sonic, despite being the most persistent threat to the planet.
Also, Sonic hates Eggman so badly that Shahra has to beg him to save his facsimile. King Shahryar merely suffers from the misfortune of resembling his nemesis, and Sonic only begrudgingly saves him. He wasn't like "Oh, no, poor Shahryar! I'll rescue him right away!"
Sonic so happens to accept the help of new allies out of pragmatism. He doesn't make the conscious decision to offer people freedom and second chances like he's the arbiter of who gets to live free or die. If someone he "lets go" so happens to survive, that is pure coincidence.
Until those who fuck around find out, he will continue to throw down with them without scruple. Conflating what is essentially Sonic making allies of convenience with "Sonic rehabilitates people through the power of justice" is not only wrong, it's disingenuous as hell.
Besides, if Sonic is supposed to be the series' rehabilitationist, then he's really fucking shitty at his job, considering that half the time he's not even the one doing it.
It's other characters like Amy and Cream who sway hearts and minds. It was Cream who befriended Blaze and introduced her to the crew long before Blaze and Sonic ever had their final confrontation. It was Amy who won over Shadow and Gamma. It was Rouge who convinced Omega to team up with her and Shadow against Eggman.
Some important nuance is definitely being lost in these debates, and I don't know what, but rest assured Sonic lives the way he wants. He does what he feels is right.
It so happens that the thing he wants to do is the right thing. I need you all to understand that that is not me saying Sonic is immoral, or even amoral. I am saying that Sonic is not guided by staunch principles of freedom and justice because, ironically enough, principles would limit what he wants to do.
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slxsherwriter · 7 months
Waking Up
Fandom: Repo! The Genetic Opera
Parings: Luigi Largo x Reader
Word Count: 1,414
Warnings: Scars, talk of surgery, mentions of addiction, cursing, talks of violence
Series: Genetic Repossession
Author's note: A straight continuation of Better Me Than You. Just a short little fic to detail a little fallout and Luigi getting to display a slightly softer side.
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Beeping. A gentle, steady beep. It was the first thing that registered. A gentle tickle on the brain that brought you back to the conscious world. Slowly. Disoriented and feeling like you were swimming through a dense fog, it was a struggle to latch onto the feeling of waking and not get pulled right back under. That was until a not so gentle touch yanked at your head, causing a groan to slip from a chest that seemingly didn't want to expand right away.
“For fuck sakes!” A familiar harsh voice yelled out, breaking the peaceful quiet of the room. “Be fucking careful or I'll take those fucking hands and mount them like God damn trophies on the wall. How the fuck did you ever become a fucking nurse?” It took effort but finally, you forced your eyes open. The world was blurry for several long seconds as you tried to blink your vision clear. Low lights made the adjustment easier, no harsh fluorescent lights greeting. A thud sounded somewhere off to the side but there wasn't enough energy or care within you to turn your head. Right now, the focus needed to be on what the hell happened.
‘“I'll get the doctor…”
“You fucking do that,” the voice barked. Warmth encompassed your hand and finally, Luigi came into focus. There was a hesitant smile on his face. “Hey there, sweetheart.” Oh, shit. A soft pet name. Yeah, it had to be bad. Your throat and mouth felt incredibly dry, as if someone had filled it with cotton. A soft cough came when you opened your mouth to respond, though it hardly hurt the way that could have been expected.
“Easy. Here.” The water was soothing and cold as it washed down. Definitely helpful. The room spun a little when you shifted your head again. Before Luigi could say anything else, a doctor came in. A soft greeting before the exam started, though right then as he babbled, words you should understand sounded foreign.
“We'll start weening back the medication, hopefully clear your head up a bit. I know things probably aren't making a lot of sense right now…” Well, that was hitting the nail on the head. Your vision started to blacken at the corners, slowly creeping and consuming your field of vision. “Get some more rest.”
Your head felt significantly more clear the next time your eyes opened. A little sore and sorry. The room was quiet. Not a typical hospital room. Grunting softly, it took a little effort to shift your weight and work to a seated position. The family home, your room with Luigi, that was where you were specifically. Part of you was surprised and part of you wasn't all things considered. Curiosity got the better of you before anything else. No one else was in the room, so you took the opportunity to carefully pull back the covers and pull up the shirt. A large wound ran across the left side of your abdomen, sutures keeping the skin shut. Where the knife had entered you and likely where another, that one by skilled hands, tried to do damage control. Across your chest was a marring wound that didn't require sutures as it hadn't pierced flesh deep enough to require such treatment. Alive. You were alive. Something you should be grateful for, even if it broke the streak of never having had surgery.
The door opened.
“Shit, you're awake.” The shirt dropped from your hand, as if you were guilty of doing something that you shouldn't be. Luigi quietly closed the door behind him and moved to the bedside. “Had to replace your liver, bastard really got a good jab into you…” You would never expect him to be all that great at comfort and it was apparent he was struggling at the moment. Giving him a reprieve, you offered a small smile.
“And I take it that he was relieved of his own?” That seemed to lessen his worry and the uneasy nature about him that was a little unnatural feeling. As if he had been unsure how you would handle everything. “I'm honestly a little surprised to be awake at all…”
“It was close,” he admitted. “Doctors weren't all that sure you were going to wake up.” He settled down on the edge of the bed, careful to not jostle you too much.
“I thought I was dead when my knees hit the ground.” Which was the truth. You had accepted that your dying act had been protecting the man beside you. A worthy trade in your eyes.
“Shit fucking security has been dealt with too. How the fuck he got in there and that close with a weapon is ridiculous.” The words grew in volume, Luigi seething as if the event was happening all over again. It was a valid point. No one should have ever gotten that close or been allowed in with a hidden blade. Everybody was supposed to be checked. Not only to keep the Largo's safe but for the general safety of the event. It looked bad when shit like what had happened actually happened.
“And the PR nightmare that is surely causing a shitstorm?” He rolled his eyes in response.
“Nothing that you have to worry about right fucking now. You aren't getting paraded in front of the press until you can actually stand up.” Judging by the fact that you were able to sit up with pain, you thought that it may be at least a week before you would be able to get yourself to your feet and put on a face that did not show just how much discomfort and pain that you were in. Being able to school your features was too important in order to maintain appearances, so you would have to take it careful.
“I mean it. I don't give a shit what my father says. You are staying in bed and healing until you get a clear from the other docs.” You held up a hand, hoping to placate the man before he ended up stabbing whoever came into the room next. A high possibility on a normal day but judging by the slight redness to his cheeks, he was particularly worked up.
“I'll keep my ass in bed until given the all clear.” Repeating back the near order had him pausing and returning his eyes to yours. It accomplished just what you had hoped as his shoulders dropped a bit, his body going just slightly more slack. Tension unwinding from a constantly tense man. There was something on the tip of his tongue as he went to start speaking and thought better of it after a second. Silence reigned for a moment, neither of you willing to say something right away, for different reasons. You wanted to know what it was that he had been ready to say, while he was restraining himself. Until finally, finally he broke.
“Did you need any more Zydrate?” Ah, now it made sense. As uncomfortable as you were starting to be, the dull throbbing becoming more insistent and increasing in intensity as you sat there, you weren't willing to mask it. For multiple reasons. One of which was clearly on his mind. Shaking your head, you decided to recline yourself slowly instead, hoping it relieved enough pressure on the wounds to calm them down mildly.
“No, I'm okay. Would be preferable to not have to take any more.” It was impossible to miss the small sigh that rushed out of him. One addict in the family was enough. “Rather be uncomfortable and have a clear head anyway. Hated that I couldn't understand what was being told to me when I woke the first time.”
“It gets bad enough you don't need to go being a martyr. Take the fucking medicine, okay?” You nodded your consent, even though you both knew that there was a likelihood that you would ignore it entirely. His hand engulfed yours again and you used what little strength that you had left to give him a tug. A silent request for him to just lay down beside you. He grumbled a bit, an attempt at putting on a show, before he did just that. Carefully, his body settled down onto the bed beside you and with just as much care, his arm wrapped around your waist. Warmth seeped into your skin. Settling enough that you began to drift off once more.
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pianokantzart · 1 year
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Yes please. The first scene of The Mario Brothers sets the tone for their relationship so well, and I’m so glad it carries through the entire film.  Most of the screenshots taken from this posted clip: X
I ADORE THAT THE FIRST SHOT OF THEM IN THE MOVIE IS THEM SIDE HUGGING EACH OTHER. They’re just standing there in front of the television, watching their commercial, two goobers barely able to contain the excitement of what they’ve accomplished together.
The commercial ends, and immediately they start showering each other with complements while teasing each other. “Wow! You were great!” Mario shouts while slapping Luigi’s cap over his eyes.  “I was great? Are you kidding me!? You were great!” Luigi shouts back as he playfully jabs at his brother’s stomach. 
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While they’re both proud of the commercial, Mario expresses some minor worries. He says “I’m so glad we spent our life savings on this commercial” as though he was having doubts before, and wonders if the goofy Italian accent was too over the top. But Luigi is fully optimistic, describing their ad as not just some commercial, but true “cinema.” He is about to reassure Mario about the accents too, when the Giuseppe... who naturally has that same goofy over-the-top accent... chimes in to voice his support.
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“Well well well...” Then a new voice joins the conversation, and the moment Mario and Luigi hear it the mood changes. Both brothers tense up and turn to look.
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In an instant, their instinctual reaction is “Ah fuck, not this guy.” “...If it isn’t Brooklyn’s favorite failures, The Stupid Mario Brothers.”
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“Oh great, Spike’s here.” Luigi’s comment is one of passive annoyance. He stays behind his brother, his body language anxious and anticipatory, his expression looking more and more worried the closer he gets to Spike.
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“Hey, Spike.” Mario, on the other hand, is assertive. He immediately walks over and stands confrontationally in front of his old boss, arms crossed in front of his chest.
“Yeah. IT’S-A ME!” Spike retorts with an imitation of Mario’s put-on Italian accent and aggressively laughs in his face. He isn’t “annoying but well-meaning” the way Mario’s uncles are, he’s deliberately trying to get under his skin. Mario squints when Spike laughs a little too close for comfort, but otherwise holds his ground and maintains his composure.
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Spike wipes a tear from his eye and switches gears from obnoxious mockery to cold belittling. “Tell me, have you even gotten one call since you left me to start your dumb company?”
So right off the bat we learn two things: 1. The Mario Brothers quit Spike’s business, and he’s bitter enough about it that he’s tracked their future endeavors and goes out of his way to make fun of them for it. Clearly there’s an issue of pride here– two little nothings quitting his business to try and make it on their own? Who do they think they are? 2. Mario, in return, is bitter enough about whatever happened while they worked for Spike that he takes the bait and gives Spike the time of day. Luigi looks like he would prefer to dip out of the situation altogether, but he does his best to support Mario when he thinks he’s got a leg up…
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While Mario is still taking a breath to form his reply, Luigi summons the courage to step out from behind his brother, looking smug as he waves his cellphone around. “Actually, Spike, we have!”
Mario is excited for a moment until it’s revealed the phone call is from their mom. Luigi is proud enough of her support that he sincerely considers it a bragging point, happily clinging to his sibling all the while Mario is internally begging his brother to stfu.
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Then, Luigi mic-drops the phone. It audibly shatters. Instant regret. Mario looks like he’s going to implode from embarrassment.
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Spike, naturally, finds this hilarious. Giggling, he grabs a napkin, wipes the pizza grease off of his beard, and lobs the crumpled napkin at Luigi. “Good luck running a business with this idiot.”
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With lightning-fast reflexes, Mario reaches out and catches the napkin before it hits its target. The music takes a dramatic shift as the mood of the conversation gets more serious.
“Say that again about my brother, and you’re gonna regret it.” At that point, it might have been smarter for Mario to just throw the napkin in the nearest bin and walk away, but Spike just made the mistake of going at Luigi. Nobody is allowed to treat him like that, not while Mario’s around.
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Mario retaliates by throwing the napkin back in Spike’s face, hitting him square in the forehead. Spike does not take this lightly. Where Mario has a sense of basic dignity, Spike has an overinflated ego, and he won’t take even the smallest offense lying down. He rises to his feet, fists clenched, chest puffed, ready for a fight. “Oh yeah?”
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Mario also looks ready to throw down, but rather than raise his fists his first priority is to press Luigi out of harm’s way. Luigi, in the meantime, looks terrified, stepping back and bracing himself, his already anxious body language tensing further. Both Mario and Luigi are startled when Spike actually follows through with getting physical, snatching Mario by the overall straps and lifting him up off the ground.
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“Get this through your tiny brain Mario: You’re a joke! and you always will be.” Mario doesn’t fight or argue, he just squints as Spike talks uncomfortably close to his face like he’s trying to goad him into throwing the first punch. Mario does not take the bait, and does not give Spike the satisfaction of any reaction at all. When it comes to petty insults like this, he can take them like a champ.
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Luigi is shocked into a standstill. His gaze rapidly flicks back and forth between Spike and Mario. He has no idea what to do, he’s just worried about his brother in every sense of the word, taken aback by both the vitriolic comment and threat of an actual fight.
Spike, after getting the final word in, throws Mario to the ground. Luigi drops to his knees and holds out his hands to help his older brother up, but Mario recovers himself before Luigi can assist.
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Luigi looks far more hurt by Spike’s insult than Mario, and seems to be calculating what their options are if things escalate any further. Mario holds what little ground he has, staring defiantly up with his hands clenched, as if he’s daring Spike to try something.
Luckily, things simmer down. Spike proudly dusts off his hands and heads toward the door, taking a moment to leave money on the table. He’s an asshat and a blowhard, but he still plays by society’s rules. He doesn’t dine and dash, and he’s not going to carry a confrontation further than he feels he needs to, especially not in a public restaurant. Spike has the potential to win this fight, but at the end of the day he has a business to run.
Despite having been dropped flat on his back, Mario is the first to get up. He straightens his cap and dusts himself off, staring daggers at his old employer’s back while Luigi rises to his feet and begins questioning his brother’s decision. “Are you insane!? He’s three times your size!”
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Spike’s insult was cruel, but it clearly didn’t effect Mario too much. It’s more of the same ole same ole from him, and can’t be taken too seriously. Luigi is more concerned about the physical risks involved.
“Luigi, c’mon! I mean, you can’t be scared all the time.” To me, this comment doesn’t feel like Mario criticizing Luigi as much as it feels like Mario defending his own approach to life. Both him and Luigi are young (probably early 20s), little guys working in manual labor. They’re at the bottom of the totem pole, but Mario maintains his sense of pride. He’s eager to fight back against adversity and prove himself to the world, even if it means taking serious risks.
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“Mmmm, you’d be surprised.” Luigi, in the meantime, has complete opposite approach when facing life’s challenges. He is not as good at rolling with the punches as Mario, and being very anxious and sensitive by nature, his way of getting along is by avoiding confrontation altogether. 
CONCLUSION: Mario’s strong drive pulls Luigi into situations that go against his instincts, but that’s for the better. If Mario hadn’t been there, Luigi definitely wouldn’t have attempted to talk back to Spike like that. Is he skilled at backtalk? Not in the least, but it’s the spirit of attempting to stand up for himself that counts. Mario gives Luigi room to be vaguely adventurous and assertive by providing protection, clearing the path, and making things easier for him whenever he can.  As a result, Luigi would follow Mario anywhere– and does, supporting him in all of his endeavors with full confidence. There is a reason why Charlie Day described Luigi as “die-hard loyal,” and for someone like Mario, who has gumption, big dreams, and a lot going against him, having someone at his side who sincerely supports and believes in him with all his heart is indispensable.
The beginning shows us a good example right off the bat of Luigi’s confidence regarding Mario’s dreams, and anxiety regarding outside threats. Meanwhile, we see glimpses of Mario’s anxiety regarding his own dreams, and confidence when facing outside threats. I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again: they really do balance each other out. 
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Im sorry I think I heard someone say angel Luigi? Like oddly born with wings? Learns to hid them? Magic? Maybe some sort of creature that latched on to baby Mario’s cries as a child? Shifted to match him but has the wings? Maximum Ride vibes? Hmmmmm. Trigun vibes? Maybe a lil bit of both!
Ok hear me out. But I warn you this isnt my typical post. Im tired and cold so it’s a mess but maybe ill clean it up later. Who knows.
Mario’s family was super freaked out at first but accepted it cause of how much it helped Mario. Like maybe he was sickly as a baby but this odd creature who looks like him is helping. Doctors told him he was gonna die. Now it’s a miracle. So they just raise Luigi too. Well guarded family secret. Maybe thats why Mario is so protective of his brother. Their mother believes Luigi an angel sent to save her lil baby boy. Their father thinks him a demon who will one day eat their little boy. Why else would it be helping if not for it’s next meal he claims. Luigi has no idea why he was sent here. Never a good enough reason for their father. Maybe their mother and Mario are the only two who really accept Luigi, rest of family share the fathers pov.
Idk how to tie this into bowuigi but just let me think of the middle part for now think of the end game!
Bowser finds an injured winged Luigi. Slap that man in a bird cage. Oops thats Luigi’s biggest fear. (Did you papa traumatise you Luigi or was it just me) anyway mans having a horrible time at all the bird puns. Yoikes hes heard those before get creative Bowser smh. Oops did he say that outloud? Well now Bowser is pissed. Someone is lucky their so pretty up in that cage. Oops did he say that outloud? Well now Luigi is blushing. GET THIS MAN SOME SKIPPY CLOTHING AND A GOLDEN CAGE NOW! Well now Luigi is mortified and horrified. Hes just a decoration now. Or a pet! Awww maybe they can give him a little collar. Oh how humiliating. Whats he got left now? Probably no more tears at this point. Hey Bowsers new pet doesn’t look so good. Oops someone stopped eating. Maybe actually be nice idk man you killing Luigi from the inside. Look at those soulless eyes. You did that Bowser you happy?
Cut to Bowser trying to bring some life back to Luigi. Awww hes making sure hes ok. Getting him food. An actual bed? A room? Who said the beast doesn’t have a heart? This is how Luigi remembers the story. Though he doesn’t understand why Bowser had a change. Of course Bowser saw the soulless eyes of someone begging for death and realised he done fucked up. Of course he never thought he would have greenie over this long anyway. Wheres that red pain in his side. It’s been ages? (Oops Mario is injured and thats why Luigi had his wings out. From protecting his brother. Maybe ill put Mario in a coma for sillies)
Anyway ever so slowly Luigi gets some pep back in his step. Though hes clearly more reserved. The kids (yes plural) helped. But Bowser can see the longing in Luigi’s eyes. The way the man just looks to the sky like an old friend. They had just started really getting along too. But if you love something set it free right? So he does. And Luigi doesn’t even hesitate. The moment he is uncollared (yea baby thats last to go lmao) and outside. The moment Bowser tells him to go he just takes off. As fast has those beautiful wings can take him. Can I get an F in the chat for Bowser and his broken heart.
Luigi is frantic to see how his brother is. Consumed with worry almost his whole stay in Bowsers castle. He could feel their link, their bond, and knew his brother needed him. Of course once he reaches Mario and grasps his hand Mario wakes up. Awww brotherly love (and nothing else ya goobers) is a magical sight. Literally Luigi is glowing and has wings. Neat says princess Peach.
Maybe once he is sure his brother is oi he can feel love sick about Bowser. And misses the kids. Now it’s Mario’s turn to see the longing look in Luigi’s eyes. Mario’s turn ti tell Luigi it’s ok to just go. Though he better tell his brother whats going on when he gets back. But maybe since im such a kind god ill make it painful for Luigi to show his wings. Like painful when they sprout. So he just walks to Bowsers castle. Who is probably smad. Lmao hes sad and mad. Though word filtered in of Mario being in a coma and he figured thats why Luigi needed to go. Anyway hes probably relieved to see Luigi back. So relieved he can feel mad about not even getting a goodbye. Oopsies. But they will make it. Im sure of it.
Ok I know this post is a mess but man I had to get this idea out of my head. I wanna draw it. And I just might.
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skulls-soul · 1 year
Well that was unexpected
On Ao3
I 100% recommend reading it before reading the rest of this post because I’m gonna go off on how much I love it what I love about it and more specifically the auto filling that my brain did while reading it because I think it’s absolutely hilarious
Did you read it? read it. good, isn’t it great!
the relationship between Bowser and his family is so fucking adorable especially when all of the kids tackled Bowser into a group hug oh my goodness and when Kamek started being a cheeky little Old Man giving bowser a knowing grin because he’s like (this bitch gay good for him..good for him)
Bowser‘s over here getting really flustered because he knows Kamek is right
Also the things that Luigi says internally got me cackling each and every single time
Especially when he asked Bowser to step on him!!!! I’m DEAD literally RIP
Poor Bowser is even more of a flustered mess because he’s reading Luigi’s mind and he has to keep it all to himself because if not that would be a dead giveaway (also I’m pretty sure Mario would be furious to find out that Bowser was invading his brothers privacy like that even if it was kind of on accident)
I really love that there was a song recommendation to listen to while reading the racing scene it made my brain go brrrr
Also relatable as fuck because sometimes when I’m listening to music it helps me get into the mood for writing especially when it’s music that goes along with what I’m writing (if that makes sense)
But my favorite scene of all time has to be a tie between Luigi saving daisy or when Bowser asked Luigi officially out on a date.
Because Luigi saving Daisy was a real treat I love it when I get to see Luigi being an absolute badass that he is
But also when Bowser gave a kiss on Luigi’s hand I couldn’t NOT grin from ear to ear I think that would be physically impossible and if you were able to that’s a flex 
When Bowser asked Luigi on a date and Luigi was basically like “dead ass?” this is where my brain auto filled because I imagined Luigis internal thoughts just being
Speaking of Daisy absolutely love her in this and can totally see her and Luigi having a little sleepover squealing like teenage girls as Luigi tells Daisy everything that happens and also scold Daisy for being the one who gave away the fact that he was crushing
Even though it’s because Bowser had the ability to read Luigi‘s mind Daisy did say things that Luigi could definitely use as a (this is probably when he found out) moments “when you made a joke about the gym date or called us lovebirds!!! of course he would find out!!!”
Daisy would only cackle in response
I think the cherry on top though Has to be Luigi giving Bowser a little kiss on his cheek to only then have Mario’s reaction with him being like “Luigi what was that?!?!?”
Oh boy I can’t even begin to imagine the brother’s conversation that there going to have after luigi did that. although I do know one thing that it’s probably hilarious!!!
Also imagine with me, Kamek being an absolute fan girl in the background and giving Bowser a thumbs up 
There all dorks and I love them
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plague-karm · 2 years
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Right I’m still working on that deluxe Mario movie post but I’ve seen no one talk about this frame yet and it’s been on my mind for the past few days so I thought I’d talk about it because why not.
It’s a banger moment fr, the soundtrack fucked and the animation was nutworthy (just like how the rest of the animation was nutworthy).
But these expressions are so telling, Luigi looking determined as all hell after his divorce with his babygirl turtle. You’re doing great sweetie I’m so proud of you.
But Mario’s face left me fucking SHOOK. Like goddamn, this might be the rawest expression I’ve ever seen this character make, this is some Mario Strikers Charged shit right here folks (if anyone who has seen this post hasn’t played that game I fucking IMPLORE you to try and find it wherever you are, it’s genuinely one of my favourite Mario games and the soundtrack is just sjsjjsjdsj). THIS MAN IS READY TO CATCH A BODY FOR HIS BROTHER AND I AM HERE FOR IT MORE FERAL MARIO IN THE SEQUELS PLEASE.
Deadass, when I was watching this movie in the cinema with the bestie @velveteensugarcoat I was all hyped and shit because “lmao motif’s make my serotonin levels go brrr” BUT THEN THAT FUCKING EXPRESSION CAME UP AND MY EYES WIDENED. All I could utter was a simple “holy shit”.
Idk man I just had to get this out of my system, I’m still working on the big boi Mario Movie post istg I’ve just got a lot of college work and other things I’m doing nahshsjs-.
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mammonsdabloon · 2 years
Obey Me! as my quote book #2
Warnings: swearing, nsfw-ish? Really just vulgar jokes
Mammon: “DID I-? Holy shit I just got a paper cut from a McDonald’s fries container.”
Asmo: “how you gon have no green card OR v-card? 😐”
Mammon: “I wish coffee made my day better. Instead, I cry over how much I spent on said coffee as I drink it.”
Levi: “people with depression are like legos, they break down or they stick together.”
Solomon: “secret third option where they break down together :).”
Belphie: “oooo look a caprisun!”
Beel: “that’s mine I claimed it.”
Belphie: “since when?”
Beel: “since a few days ago.”
moments later
Beel, in demon form: “BITCH YOU HAD YOUR SHARE.”
Belphie: “bitch you know you gotta chug when it’s a caprisun.”
Lucifer: “put your phone away before I have to start killing people.”
Lucifer: “fucking mammon.”
Solomon: “oh! It was mr krabs birthday yesterday!”
MC, on the verge of tears: “wHy dO yoU kNoW thAt?!”
Satan: “I’m trying to be a good person….it’s failing miserably.”
Thirteen to Solomon: “that man is a fuckin’ ODDITY.”
Lucifer: “I’m gonna be 52 when I turn 18.”
Beel: “you have more water at home.”
Luke: “actually no I don’t that was our last bottle.”
Belphie: “you got a sink right?”
Solomon: “are you one of them queerrrssss”
Everyone (except raph 😭) with Solomon’s food: “THIS TASTE LIKE HOPSCOTCH AND LARGO MEDICAL.”
Solomon: “Lucifer, bestie.”
Asmo: *GASP*
Satan: “BELPHIE! My favorite quiet kid!”
Satan: “YES YOU DO.”
Beel: “I drank bong water.”
Belphie: “you drank bong water…?”
Solomon: “Master has given dobby legal documents!”
Lucifer to Mammon: “I need you to stop infecting my fucking vocabulary.”
Solomon: “does anyone have any water that isn’t watered down?”
Levi, about life: “I don’t like this arc.”
Asmo: “I know 💕”
Mephisto: “don’t you fucking 💕 me.”
Raphael: *rises from the dead* “I am, Abraham Lincoln.”
Mammon: “g’s are weird in words ok! Fuck you and your luigi words.”
Belphie, laying on the floor: “the party, is down here.”
Belphie: “adoption is just abandonment with extra steps”
Mammon: “….nice weather...”
Barbatos: “….that’s a light.”
Diavolo: “I was so astonished I threw a piece of cheese at him”
Lucifer: “my little brother just called hitler the president of Russia”
Simeon: “good, he knows his algebra! :D”
Asmo: “sperm flavored lemon. Yummy.”
Asmo and Solomon: “SPERM SLUSHY”
yes i let luke say fuck he deserves that right he deserves to be able to go apeshit
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circusgoth-dotcom · 10 months
Every Artist Needs A Fan Club
Ship: Pavi Largo x Aniol West
Word Count: 1026
Summary: Aniol visits his darling Pavi and the two shoot the shit. I also wanted to showcase that Rotti likes Aniol more than his own children. 👀 CWs for canon typical suggestiveness and references to/discussions about surgery, food mentions.
Tag List: @canongf @futurewife
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Aniol lounged in the lobby of a large, mostly empty apartment building, editing his latest film on his laptop. In the very topmost penthouse lived the Largos, a rich, eccentric, and exhausting family, headed by Rotti Largo, the man who started and owned GeneCo. Aniol had an off-and-on relationship with his middle child, Pavi, known mostly for his feverish swapping of faces on a near-weekly basis. He was waiting to be buzzed in, unsure of if Pavi was even around but seeking his companionship nonetheless. Finally, the elevator doors opened and Aniol saved their work, closing their laptop and placing it in their bag before stepping inside the dark metal box.
With each floor passed, a ding could be heard overhead and a brief light flashed. No one else got on as Aniol climbed to the top, and when he stepped out and knocked on the penthouse door, he was greeted by Rotti, who seemed relieved to see him.
“Ah, Aniol, my child,” he beamed, stepping back to let them in and taking its hands in his. He pressed his cheeks against each of theirs, moving from left to right, with additional air kisses in warm greeting. “How are you, what brings you here? Can my surgeons do anything for you?”
Aniol made a light sound. “I’m flattered, Mr. Largo. I’ve come looking for Pavi, though your offer sounds tempting. I’ve been thinking about sprucing up the scars a bit, now that everything’s fully healed,” he gestured to his chest; where once there were hills now lay valleys.
“Ah, very good! Let me know when you have an idea of what you want, you know I’m always happy to pay for your surgeries...” Rotti then sighed, glancing over his shoulder. “Pavi isn’t in at the moment, and neither are the other two.” Thank God for the peace and quiet.
“Of course. Let me guess, Luigi’s off yelling at somebody about something or another, Amber’s fawning for attention, and Pavi’s getting the attention Amber wants.”
“You know them well, Aniol. I can’t understand what you see in my son, but I suppose I can’t say I’m ungrateful. You’re a man of good genetics.” Rotti chuckled.
“Every artist needs their fan club,” Aniol mused, adjusting his bag. “Well, I’ll be going, then. See what grime Pavi’s stuck his nose- or dick -in this time.”
“Can’t I do something before you leave? I’d feel like a bad host if I didn’t.”
“If it makes you happy, I can raid your fridge.”
Rotti made a sweeping motion with his arm toward the kitchen. “Be my guest.”
Aniol nodded and entered the gloomy, industrial kitchen of the penthouse, opening the fridge and letting himself be bathed in yellow light. It was mostly packed with pre-cooked meals, marked with sticky notes.
Luigi's salad, DO NOT FUCKING TOUCH!!!
Amber's beer - Like we'd touch your wilted-ass loser-salad???
Aniol shook his head and reached for a bottle of black-cherry-flavoured ErythroPop, nestled between a styrofoam box of takeout and a half-empty condiment bottle. As they closed the fridge, they heard the front door open and a small commotion commence. Upon investigating, they found it was simply Pavi, returning home from God knows where.
“Angel!!!” Pavi squealed, pushing past his irritated father to hug Aniol tightly, rapidly kissing their jaw and neck as they held their drink aloft.
“Spotlight,” Aniol greeted affectionately, petting Pavi’s dark waves with his free hand. He gave Rotti a mildly apologetic look. “Do you mind if we stay?”
Rotti waved his hand dismissively. “Do what makes you happy. I'll be going into the office soon, anyhow.”
“I wasn't expecting you or I would've come sooner!” Pavi giggled as he loosely hung off of them, staring at them with unwavering affection.
“Well, I would’ve found you eventually,” Aniol responded, guiding them toward Pavi's room. “I’ve been editing Kidney Beach.”
“Ah, finally! I’ve been looking forward to seeing Judette Newheart in that minxy little two-piece on the big screen,” Pavi was practically drooling as he closed the door behind them and turned on the mood lamps before dramatically flinging himself onto his curtained, four-poster bed.
“You can have it if you want.” Aniol set down his bag, stretching as his boyfriend excitedly sat up, eyes wide.
“Sei sicuro? You have it?”
Aniol’s lip curled devilishly as he nodded. “I mean, it’s back at my place, but yes. And I haven’t washed it yet.”
“Oh, you dirty little bitch!” Pavi squealed again as he leapt up and wrestled them to the mattress, making them chuckle as he smothered them with his newest set of lips. Teeth and tongues clashed for a moment as fingers twirled and tugged and gripped before Pavi fell beside them, panting heavily and nestling his head against their shoulder. “I’ve missed you, Angel.”
“It’s only been two days since I last saw you.”
“Yes, two days of missing my favourite master of filth. I’d treat you like an accessory dog if I could.”
“I mean, you’ve already got me the collar...” Aniol mused as both his and Pavi’s hands instinctively rested on their neck. “But you know I’d hate that, I’ve got to stretch my legs. How can I make my art if I’m glued to your hip all the time?”
Pavi groaned quietly. “You tease too much...~”
“I’m not getting conjoined with you, Pavi.”
They closed their eyes, whining in their throat. “Let me hold onto the thought just a moment longer!”
Aniol sat up slightly, glancing down their body and scoffing lightly. “I’m surprised you’re not half-chubbed already.”
Pavi rose as well to kiss their shoulder. “Keep talking and I’ll be at full staff in no time, my sweet.~”
They sighed. “You know I love you and your dick, but I’ve got work to do.” He tapped his nose playfully.
“Yes, yes, I know.” He kissed his cheek and let him unload his laptop. Aniol settled back on the bed while Pavi stood and turned on the TV before opening his closet. “Mind if I model some things for you while you work? I haven’t decided what I’m wearing tonight.”
“Sure, go ahead.” He smiled. This was his domesticity.
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spikedsoul · 1 year
Hello, a request please, from bowser x reader, how does bowser react (mario and company) if about 7 boys and a girl arrive from the future and they turn out to be his children from the future (he still does not know the reader)
Bowser bares his fangs at the Mario Brothers, his claws held up in a defensive position as the three circle around each other like predator and prey.
"Give up," he snarls, "you two can't beat-"
His words are suddenly cut off by someone tackling him to the ground from behind, knowing just how to avoid his spikes. All he can see from his new place on the ground is five multicolor spiked koopa shells - like his - charging the Mario Brothers. Some of the weight on him shifts and his vision is suddenly blocked by a pair of little koopa feet.
He can hear Mario and Luigi yelling profanities in the background.
When he finally looks up, the snarl catches in his throat - standing before him is a koopa kid that looks remarkably like him, except his fiery red hair is pulled back into a ponytail and he's wearing a bandana with a crude drawing of a fanged mouth on it.
"Listen up, papa!" the little koopa declares.
"What," he growls.
"We've all come here to make sure you get something through your thick skull!" The kid lightly raps his knuckles on Bowser's forehead, smirking a bit. "And you better listen or else we'll be back!"
"Just get to the point!" Bowser chuffs. His tail lashes, but he feels a pair of hands grab it that don't belong to whoever is on his back.
"Cool off, dad, geez! Junior, just get the message out already, we're on a timer!" comes a female voice. She holds his tail fast in her little but strong hands.
The koopa in front of Bowser pouts at the girl, but soon looks back down at him. "Alright, alright. Look - in the future, you're gonna attack Peach's castle again - be sure you go inside and take the lady hiding in the closet, got it?"
The closet? There's dozens of closets in that damn palace!
"And why wouldn't I just go straight for Peach?" he sneers.
Junior grabs his face, staring so intently into his eyes that the king is starting to feel uncomfortable. "Because she's not there. I'm tellin' you, the lady in the closet is who you want." Junior even narrows his eyes to drive the point home.
"Hey, kiddo, we gotta go!" one of the others calls from somewhere behind Junior.
"I'm comin', Roy, damn! You got it in your head, papa? I'm the closet!"
With that, the three bodies holding him down are suddenly up and running off, the little female koopa surprisingly sure-footed in her heels that look just a little big. Bowser manages to sit up just as all seven kids gather together and disappear from view.
There's a heavy silence between the three men remaining.
Mario is the first one to speak: "What the fuck?"
"Were those your kids?" Luigi asks, looking over to the baffled king.
"...I don't have any kids, far as I know," he reminds them. He's still staring at the spot they disappeared from.
Mario raises an eyebrow. "I mean, that little one looked just like you."
Mario's right. He did. That was undoubtedly Bowser's son. He remains quiet for a moment as a multitude of thoughts rush through his mind.
"I gotta go," he suddenly states, jumping onto his feet. The plumbers protest, but he throws them the bird and takes off - he's got to figure out what just happened, immediately.
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gaast · 1 year
Shoutouts to Paper Mario for making Bowser feel like an actual threat through the whole game.
Honestly, just, shoutouts to Paper Mario, especially the end sequence. Like, what a fucking ride? You go through all of Bowser's Castle and you finally get Mario to Peach's Castle, where his game started and where you played as Peach, feeling hopeless and powerless the whole game. Here you are, Star Spirits assembled, ready to totally neutralize the only thing Bowser has going for him. And you do. You storm through the castle and fight a 50-HP Bowser and you can use the Star Beam to make him vulnerable just like the game spent hours telling you you would. It's all right, but it's so wrong, too, because isn't this TOO easy? Isn't it anticlimactic?
And you win and he runs away and you find out, wait a minute, he actually PLANNED for Mario to gather all of the Star Spirits, he EXPECTED it, he decided not to just rely on the Star Rod by itself as a simple source of invincibility, no, he made it STRONGER, strong enough to overpower the Star Beam, and they even make you use it against him in the final battle just for it to fail, just for him to laugh at you for thinking it would work. Like, fuck. If we're back where we started, regardless of how strong Mario got in the process, Bowser's still gonna fuck us up, no question. It's just a matter of time.
Then you get that whole goddam sequence where Peach and Twink fight Kammy, and sure it's scripted but like, dude, these two FINALLY get to show off their own character development and belief in each other, with Peach's wishes powering him--just like they should!--to get stronger and stronger, to beat Kammy, and to join the other Star Spirits to make the Star Beam just strong enough to overpower Bowser's plans, and like, man, I wish more RPGs actually made it fucking feel like your ultimate victory wasn't inevitable, like the antagonist could actually pull everything off at the very last minute. And how often does a game actually make BOWSER seem like a credible threat? When he shows up at the beginning of the game, even HE celebrates beating Mario's ass. "I finally did it!" Dude took Peach AND her castle to the fucking SKY. And he spends the whole game actively trying to fuck up Mario anyway! He never once let up on the gas.
And shit, he may have been comic relief in the sequel, but even there they manage to let him have the fucking incredible moment where he and Kammy come in right after you beat Grodus so you have an honest to god pretty tough back-to-back boss fight literally the room before the final boss of the game. And honestly, the Shadow Queen is easier than that sequence imo.
RPGs is where Bowser works as a villain for me. Really the RPG space is where Mario consistently has genuine and credible threats through a whole game? There's just no fucking drama in ANY of the other games. Like, Odyssey, Galaxy, Sunshine, you name it, if it isn't an RPG the antagonist isn't threatening. Fucking, the ONLY part of Odyssey that feels REMOTELY threatening is the escape sequence at the very fucking end. Where you take control of Bowser. So like. Yeah. Cool.
And god do I think the Super Mario series gets that so fucking wrong. All you gotta do is fucking step on their heads three times and that's it. There's no drama. Compare that with even Bowletta, a post-final boss boss that literally doesn't let you attack so you have to demonstrate mastery over the game's unique mechanics, but used in a way you haven't really seen before. Contrast that further with Sunshine, where you just do the same old shit as always but it makes FLUDD die for no reason.
Even Luigi's Mansion makes a really good play by making you THINK Bowser's in play the whole time because holy fuck imagine fighting that guy with nothing but a VACUUM, which makes the final boss fight feel so fucking cool ultimately just because Bowser isn't the THREAT, he's the WEAPON.
Super Mario-series games have this weird tendency to try to rehabilitate Bowser somewhat and like, much as I love the read where Mario, Bowser, and Peach do everything they do because they literally all enjoy it and are all having fun (with Mario and Peach genuinely enjoying Bowser kidnapping Peach and fighting Mario, etc), it doesn't make for an interesting game AT ALL. You beat the Tower boss and they just fly away to a later level until you step on Bowser a couple of times. Ooh. Game Over. Meanwhile there's so many Mario-branded games that have genuinely cool and dangerous villains. The Shroobs fuck things up! The X-Nauts and Shadow Sirens get everything they want! Dimentio literally kills all of the protagonists, corrupts Luigi, and becomes an ultimate evil through the magic of world-destroying power AND LUIGI HIMSELF. There's so much creativity there and Nintendo and Miyamoto absolutely hate it because Nintendo and Miyamoto absolutely despise creativity and fun.
I want Nintendo to die a horrible horrible death.
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scarletk537 · 1 year
It was getting late, and James May is walking down the streets, heading towards back to his apartment. While he walks, he mumbles to himself, well quietly as it sounds so no one hear him blabbering, "Bloody hell Vercetti, showing up outta nowhere and take the kids away! I was having my moments with them and this happened. I really want to tell them, but I guess I didn't have guts to say. Fucking Vercetti, a notorious gangster but an impatient, bad-tempered prat. Hardly blame him. Italian mobsters are spoiled, power-hungry bastards."
Letting out a sigh, as he heads his way back to his apartment, passing by was a dealer, who noticed James, and the dealer starts calling out to him. "Hey señor! Over here."
James stopped in his track when he turned around and sees the dealer raising his hand to him. James looked around, thought that the dealer called someone else, but ended up point at himself in curious.
"Yeah you! Come over here," the dealer beckons. James walked up to the dealer, who is identified as Mexican, by the accent he speaks. "I know you, you're looking for The Reaper Man, are ya?" the dealer asks him. "Who's asking?" James asks him back, in a not interested tone. Surprisingly, the dealer thought James was going to ask how did the dealer knew about it. Guess the British man already knew that.
"Well, I got something to show you," the dealer began. "If it's about drugs, I ain't interested in those things anymore," James said. He remembers that time he was an addict to wizz but decided to go into rehab and overcome the addiction because he had enough of those in his life. It really gives him paranoia and delusions.
"No, no drugs holmes," the dealer replied. "Something's special for you." "Well what is it then? Whatever it is, I ain't interested in things," James said impatiently, crossing his arms. The dealer unzips his bag and takes out a small CD case containing a CD inside. On the case has a paper tape on it written in red marker.
James raises his eyebrow as he took the case from the dealer's hand and inspect it. "'ROMANO'S SPECIAL'?" he reads the title before turning to the dealer. "What is it, some sort of a movie or something?"
"It's an exclusive movie, señor," the dealer began. "The film was made by a guy named Romano Sanchez, claimed to be an adult star some sort, alongside the Diablo leader, El Burro, filming with every beautiful girls. They made bunch of copies like this one on VHS tapes, but me think all of them were destroyed, except this CD."
"Let me guess, it's a bleedin' porn film, and you want me to watch this piece of poncie crap, right?" James began with a snark tone. "Then, why me, why not anyone else wanna watching it? I'm not a porn addict, you know?" 'Well technically, we prefer jokes and taunts about it and other things instead. Quite subtle.' James thought truthfully.
"I know, señor. But this is a good stuff," the dealer said. "What's more good stuff than this bloody thing?" James groaned in annoyance. "Well, señor, you might be surprised that one of the girls you knew was in the film," the dealer stated. "She really got screwed up with a lot of men in that scene."
"Such as?" James inquired. One of the girls that he knew? Who was it?
"One of the girls with the Reaper Man, was actually the same girl in the film," the dealer replied.
This sudden reply got the British man's attention. "The one with the Reaper Man? You mean... Sereena Lane?"
"Si señor, that's the one," the dealer replied affirmatively. "My amigo told me that he saw that same woman walking out of Luigi's with that Reaper Man. He recognize who she was because he watches this film and later, he was actually standing quite close across the streets to Luigi's." "And you actually confirmed his story that Sereena Lane was in fact, the same Sereena in this film?" James asked. "Of course señor, I do," the dealer said. "He gave me this CD and I watch it. She was the only girl there, what a hot shot she was."
James stared at the CD for a bit before asking, "Why you gave it to me then? You like watching this stuff, don't you?"
"I do, but I watch it so many times I grew bored out of it," the dealer said. "I lost count how many times I spunked my pants there. That's some good shit, though."
James groaned in disgust before changing the subject. "How much is this... thing cost?"
"For you, it's a free of charge, señor," the dealer said. James looks at the him suspiciously and takes out his wallet and pays the dealer $2000 in cash. "Keep the change, and don't tell anyone about this. They knew me, and inverted, well sort of. Got that?"
James walked away with the CD in hand, leaving behind the dealer, who's in shock by the amount of money he was paid by the British man.
Later, after returning to his apartment, James hung his hat on the hat rack and relax on the couch. He takes the CD case out of his pocket and stared at it.
''ROMANO'S SPECIAL', huh?' he thought. 'Let's see what special about it, you sick bastard. I hate it.' He didn't want to watch it, but if the dealer is telling the truth, then there'll be lots of questions. If Sereena was in the film, then why? And how? And yet, who is this Romano Sanchez character? The dealer said he was an adult film actor, or so claimed to be, but why this Sanchez guy has to do with Sereena?
Without waiting any longer, James opened the CD case and insert the CD inside the CD Player. He went back to the couch and picks up the remote and turns the TV on, but lowers the volume down so no neighbours will here him.
The TV starts showing static on the screen before later shows the title on the screen:
"The hell is this?" James asks himself, as he watches the scene runs further.
In the scene, it appears to be a girl was seen dancing on a stage in a private room. Strangely, she didn’t seem to be herself, or was she? He noticed every move the girl made as her body slithered into the pole had got him curious. The girl was moving like she was being forced, struggling to spread her legs and constantly covering her chest, by the look of it. Which is probably a good thing, atleast.
Seeing the background, it looks like no other women in this film, only her, and her alone. From the camera angle, he could see who was watching her. One was wearing a red bandana, and the other wore a blue one. Their clothes… he recognized who they were.
'The Diablos?' he thought. He had seen the Diablos before. From the newspapers. What are they doing in there for, watching the girl dancing? How perverted they are.
Suddenly, one of the Diablo men grabbed the girl’s wrist and hauled her toward him. The moment James saw the man pull his pants down and starts performing sex acts on her, he starts to gag and quickly paused the film, before immediately get up from the couch.
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'Good bloody God! That's horrible.' he thought in horrid and disgust, looking away from the TV while clutching his stomach as he tries not to throw up. His face slowing turning pale and green. Man, that's one awful film ever made. He takes deep breath, trying to gain composure and the green on his face slowly fading away.
Once he finally composed himself, he looks at the TV screen, where the video had paused on that scene, but only seeing the girl's face a bit clearly. He moved closely at the screen to take a closer look at the girl's face. Then, he noticed something. That girl, she looks so familiar.
At first, he thought it was just a product of his imagination, or some sort, but when he moved closer, he saw her face as clear as day. Freckles on the cheeks. Light orange hair. And those hazel eyes... seeing them start forming tears...
Then, it clicked together.
Surprised by the discovery, James slowly back away from the screen. He couldn't believe what he just saw. Sereena Lane, the girl who fell for the Reaper Man, Claude Speed, and had two children, was in the film? Questions start swirling in his head.
Was she a former porn actress? If so, I thought she was innocent at first, but why she looks so uneasy, harassed and afraid, to the point where she's about to cry in the film? Was she just acting or... an actual victim of sexual abuse?
Feeling confused and disillusioned, he went back to the couch and picks the remote up and turns the TV off. He drops the remote down, picking up the CD case and went back to the TV and ejects the CD from the CD Player. As he picks it up, he placed the CD back inside the case. The film really cause quite a bleedin' stir, even from a single CD.
"I never, EVER, watch this piece of fucking piece of dirty crap again!" James quietly swore. But something else got into his mind. The dealer said all of the film inside the VHS tapes were destroyed, but how did it get into the CD without noticing it? And yet, who did destroy those VHS tapes? Was it Claude? Or someone else with him?
Looking at the clock on the wall above him, and realising it was late, he places the CD case beside the TV and head inside his room to sleep.
'Tomorrow I'll be seeing the dealer again. He might have answers regarding this filthy movie, and Romano Sanchez.'
Finally, another GTA The Legend Unbound fic was made. I accidentally this one and it really frustrates me. So I rewrite it, and later change the sentences. Also, I copypasted the sentences from one of the chapters from ashmirkier's fanfic: The Reaper Man, but with changes and addition for James's point of view.
Man, haven't seen ashmirkier for a long time on Twitter and Tumblr. Kinda miss 'em 🥲
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m1ckeyb3rry · 26 days
SISHSJSJ ok wait you’re full on selling me on the hydration idea now wait the goodra hydreigon opposite vibes plus the territorial behavior study sort of thing??? Ok lowk im glad you did some reworking (couldn’t be me id probably flip a table atp) HUT IM GLAD YOU MADE IT WORK because the more i read the more I was like “haha….what if….” Ok I was actually contemplating asking like what if you replaced Dragalge with hydreigon but I figured you probably had some insane type matching involved in that and besides dragon their other typing isn’t the same so I was just like “er yeah idk”
UAHAHAHA LUNA GETTING DOWNGRADED TO A MUK sorry no hate to muk fans i just think its so goofy and its just like the classic team rocket/enemy team grunt pokemon HSHSHSH but yeah Luna will make do fs thank god for your big brain I feel like readers team also feels more stacked now LMAO
EVIL TEAM NAGI LNFAOOO real??? I love the matchups though it’s like that one meme pic of the pink Barbie looking house right next to the pitch black one
LMAOO pursuit is an itoshi free zone…we will note have Emo eyelashes here
OOOH ok very slay ik some pokemon characters have wild designs or very themed designs so wasn’t sure if that was gonna get mixed up or not the crow feather iridescent does slap though
MAMA Y PAPA imagine its a like one of those “a day in the life” videos and imagine garchomp and nidoqueen are also wearing matching aprons like karasus while they deal with all the babies (im also specifically thinking that there’d be some moments wheres there’s the excessive pink flowery aura used in some anime/manhwas where it’s like happy sunshine rainbow family LMAO you can probably tell that’s one of my favorite meme formats)
LMAOO exactly get the best of both worlds the ultimate angst crack fluff combo
After reading your drafts/outline/thoughts for the future peregrine chapters that Nagi is probably the most down bad person to exist like down bad to the point that NAGI is speeding over to catch up to reader before she leaves like bro is MOVING??? Insane ok but fr is some hardcore yuki stan could just throw out some ideas or thoughts I don’t think itd be hard for me to see the vision/get converted just need some guidance….
AHAHAH omg imagine a tabieita breakup SHSHSH ok wait im pretty certain ive read a fic on here that was actually kinda tabieita beef except I think it was like Karasu liked reader but reader liked otoya after Karasu introduced him to her and then in the end he runs to her house in the rain trying to confess before it’s too late but otoyas already in her house and they’re just hanging out and he’s like ok nvm like ok way to step on my heart that fic had me reeling
THATS EXACTLY WHAT I THOUGHT “haha…nice…” is SO Isagi coded he would totally say something like that (I’m pretty sure he DOES when his old classmate tada is like lmaoooo u just got lucky with that shot no skills lmaoooooooo) wait I love that LMAOO that’s actually the perfect approach to not making it angsty just make Isagi stupid /j LMAO but whether he’s just dense or stubborn or both I feel like that matches his vibe either way soooo
It looks like Mario and Luigi got fused with a piranha plant because what the fuck is that……..but fr tbh I thought I had convinced myself that I’d continue playing anyways just for the sake of following through and I enjoy the gameplay generally too but the new designs I CANNOT I mean I get it because they’re already made so many pokemon they’re probably bound to run out of ideas esp if the design team isn’t changing much but wtf is Gen 9….like I pulled up the dex for serebii and they’re so ugly SHSGSHS also the weird past future versions of old Pokemon whyd suicune become a dinosaur and raikou a giraffe??????
STAY STRONGGGGG real though just like the tags here the edits of them are SO abundant like pleaseee where is the variety!!! But tbh with the way u20 arc goes plus how saes nonexistent in nel I think it would take eightbit their entire studios worth of budget to make me convert so
Oooooh icic im not as in tune to interaction patterns so I lowk didn’t realize that might be the case LOL based off your rules for no exact repeats of trope and character are allowed hopefully the next three will give enough room/inspo for non overlapping ideas though! I’m assuming you’ll probably be safe plus what are the odds right….
LMAOOO imagine once pursuit picks up people are gonna think you’re a Barou blog /j if people actually start fully associating you with sae idek how id react atp it’s so ironically funny…no actually dw when peregrine eventually makes its big comeback people will all go back to their roots and be like “oh yeah this is that really good nagi series yup this is the nagi blog” LMAO
AHAHAH BAYOSAGI in the back as npcs deadpanning like “bro wtf” while aiku and arbok are vibing our running around trying to look cool and pick up girls
Wait I got distracted and forgot to send this earlier but talk abt perfect timing literally right when I choose to come back here and send this in ITS BEEN PUBLISHED BAROU OAEUUUH
- Karasu anon
YESS WE MADE IT WORK i’m so glad i love hydreigon and reader having one matches the vibes of her team so well LMAOAO like between gyarados houndoom and hydreigon alone her team is 50% demons that everyone is afraid of but they LOVE her and they’re actually just sweet and cuddly (actually hydreigon is going to be lowkey sassy but still he really likes reader just can be a bit teenager-ish at times) BRO THE REWORKING HAD ME CRASHING OUT NGL i was literally typing a response to your ask where hydreigon is the starter and donphan is replaced by nidoking but dragalge is replaced by espeon (in a situation where otoya and reader get eevees at the same time) at the same though i was just like 😐😔 the whole time because while espeon provided some type coverage it just felt so BASIC and reader’s team is meant to be fairly non-basic the halfway through typing out the explanation i was like wait…keep houndoom keep the theme get rid of the members we don’t care as much abt and BOOM done and done
LMAOOO no because there truly just aren’t enough poison types and ig muk is decently good…his star is his roserade anyways so it’s fine we’ll just have muk be one of the first pokémon he throws out!! wait also reader having a nidoking is so cute imagine it becomes friends with hiori’s nidoqueen 🥹 DHDKSJS okay wait do you remember the quick ball idea we had w phanpy…lowkey it would be even funnier with deino (baby hydreigon) because they’re not really found in the area so reader’s going ham trying to catch it and accidentally uses all of karasu’s quick balls?? HAHAAH hold on actually this could be done right around the arc where otoya gets his happiny (in that arc otoya flirts with a nurse joy too hard and accidentally gets himself and reader involved in busting a pokémon abuse ring) maybe deino escaped from that ring and that’s what tipped nurse joy off to its existence as well as being an explanation for why there’s a random deino wandering around!!
NO THAT’S EXACTLY THE VIBES like all of reader’s pokémon are 👹💥😈 and nagi’s are 🧚🏻‍♀️✨💖 meanwhile reader herself is super kind + gentle looking (and she actually is) and nagi’s the king of idgaf who would sell anyone out (except reader) for a lukewarm donut (jkjk he’s sweet too just not in the same way as reader)…i honestly rlly like the dichotomy plus reader having all villainous seeming pokémon adds to the “team x thinks she’s one of them” vibe in the beginning of the story…agreed her team is much more stacked now i like it!! zero weak links it’s all absolute monsters i KNOW the league conference hated to see her coming 😓
the most the itoshis get is a mention that they live in another region in like the isagi ova…maybe sae’s an elite four member and since in my mind the elite four candidacy process includes traveling abroad and training with the elite four members there perhaps isagi knows of the itoshis via that?? that’s why he’s not around when barou’s abt to challenge the champion too he’s in a diff region which is why he doesn’t know what actually happened to barou
HAHAHA you know how doggy daycares irl send like updates of what your pet is doing imagine the spin off is just karasu taking photos of all of the daycare pokémon up to stuff so we have garchomp and nidoqueen in the aprons looking after everyone and karasu with his camera just clicking away and each scene starts with like an image with a handwritten caption and then it zooms into the image and we see the scene it’s describing 🥹
NAGI INVENTED DOWN-BAD-ISM peregrine nagi my beloved…he is super simple with his gestures BUT it’s like the smallest things mean so much with him!!! agreed i need a yuki fan to enter my inbox and show me the light LMAAOAO
HAHA i think i read that fic too i was like bruh in no universe (except hollyhock) would i choose otoya over KARASU that was before miraeita was real too so it was especially emo to read
DJDSHSJA OAEU BAROUUU YESS i hope you like it!! it is SUCH a silly story 😭 but yeah agreed isagi not necessarily rejecting her just refusing to accept that she’s confessing is so him i think it’s perfect (and that way isagi stans can still imagine that he does secretly like them)
no because all of the new pokémon keep getting uglier and uglier and they keep doing stuff with the old ones and from i’ve heard the gameplay isn’t that good 😔 i’ll stick w my gen vi and before games thank you very much 🤩
LMAOO you’re so right the itoshi edits are everywhere it’s so funny…hopefully the love is spread during s2 but the good thing abt being a nagi lover is he also gets a lot of edits and content due to having a lot of s1 screentime so at least I’ve got that going for me
yeah just based on my guesses/what usually happens all of the people that follow me and would’ve requested have already done so!! so it’ll be randoms for the last three spots but they likely won’t find my account until i post the first event posts and those gain traction ☝🏻 unless people find me via oaeu barou and happen to see my event ig 🧐
PLS technically pursuit is a nagi story so hopefully once it picks up people will associate me w nagi?? although you’re right in that it is very barou centric so it might give me more of a barou reputation (for example the funeral invite that people keep liking) HAHAA no because somehow seabird is my most popular bllk work?? ig it is pretty good but come on now guys…read bfb…read hollyhock…LMAO PEREGRINE NEEDS A COMEBACK ASAP THE WORLD NEEDS TO REMEMBER WHO MY MAN IS
HAHAAH bayosagi are so done with aiku they all think he’s a major dumbass but he’s also a genius?? considering he’s supposed to become a professor and all…the bayosagi + aiku dynamic is hilarious i honestly love the prequel group just as much as i love reader and co + mc trio they’re so silly yet so sweet
WE LINKED UP YET AGAIN FKDKSJ looking forward to hearing your thoughts!! i think i’ll take a break from the oaeu for a sec after this to work on other stuff but the barou version is nice and long so that should tide people over
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servrz · 5 months
been playing around with a bunch of different ops lately, as you can tell. so, here are my main 3 ops for each side at this moment.
ash - ah. nothing quite like ash. stuck with her through the ups and downs-- got her stuns removed, reduced to 2 breach rounds, the r4-c became borderline uncontrollable, her precious acog was taken. but i'll tell you what... she's back, baby. the r4-c slaps again (acog is back but i still use holo), she still fast as fuck, and the boom boom launcher can take care of tons of util. favorite entry fragger, favorite operator. goated.
iana - yeah yeah, i know. no more frags, no more stuns. iana is somewhat of a shell of the entry fragging powerhouse she used to be. but let me tell you, she's still really solid. the arx and g36 are two great weapons that can fit a variety of situations, and the gemini is basically just an unlimited rechargeable drone. still a w entry fragger.
finka - honestly, i hated finka for so long. when she was first released in chimera, she was pretty underwhelming for me and remained that way until she became the staple of the lmg meta. that made me hate her in a different way. but once that whole debacle was taken care of, i tried her out with the spear (which i enjoyed on thunderbird) and realized she isn't so bad. the gun is solid, and the heals provide some good value for the team.
solis - yeah, she's getting nerfed next season, but she will still be good. and right now, she's really, really, reeeeally fucking good. the ultimate drone hunter, with the smg-11 as a secondary, who has the potential for insane plays and lurks. her info gathering ability is unmatched, and she's the most dominant roaming operator in the game right now. the p90 takes some getting used to, but OH MY GOD THE SMG-11. cracked.
vigil - vigil was my boy back in years 5 and 6. the k1a has always slapped, and even though his cloak isn't particularly strong anymore, the ability to deny the attackers access to your precise location can prove really valuable on the roam and in 1vX situations. he's always had a special place in my heart, and it will remain that way. bible done hit luigi
alibi - alibi is an operator that everyone loved for the 1.5. she also doesn't have impacts anymore, so she isn't as strong as she once was, but she's still fun to roam with. the mx4 storm is an insane smg, one of my favorites. the bailiff is a good util sidearm, with a great revolver as an alternative. the addition of prox mines to her kit provides some flank cover for her if she roams, or provides your teammates with intel if you place them around site. her holograms are hit or miss, but with clever placement she could still get some decent value out of them.
also got some honorable mentions for ops that i think are good and fun, but aren't really in my top 3 on either side. they probably don't fit my entry fragging and hard roaming playstyle, but i like them nonetheless.
flores - by far my favorite non-entry frag attacker. if i ever wanna sit back and play more passive, he is my number one choice. i hate thatcher so i never really realized how good the ar33 was until i played flores. the raze boombots ratero drones are super useful for clearing util without putting yourself in harm's way, which can make a huge difference when you're gonna push or contest an area.
ram - my favorite vertical play op. the r4-c is my favorite gun, so that's a plus. the razor roombas are so good at crushing floors-- they cover a lot of ground and can do it remotely. not much else to say, she's just awesome.
deimos - i'm still learning how to play him effectively, but i always thought the ak74 was mistreated because it's been greatly overshadowed by the arx on nomad. i'm happy to see it getting some attention. the 'volver is a pocket dmr, so being restricted to it while the deathmark is active is still fucking good. its destructibility is nice too. but the deathmark is a lot of fun to use, and is a great info gathering tool in a capable deimos's hands.
brava - i feel like brava is greatly underrated in most cases. the para is a good weapon despite its slow fire rate, and the super shorty is always a good destruction sidearm. the ability to use defenders' gadgets against them is really good, and she's a great counter for teams that run a lot of maestro, kapkan, anyone with prox mines, and more.
azami - doesn't really fit my roaming archetype, but i'm still very much a fan. the vsn is a very strong smg, and the deagle is a fucking hand cannon. her pancakes can block off lines of sight and create silly little angles for me and my team to hold, which is super useful for when you wanna hold an area down. the kibas are more easily destroyed now, but who cares? they've still proven to be really strong and effective at their job.
ela - god, i love ela, but it's so hard to justify bringing her nowadays. the scorpion is actually pretty solid with its fire rate and mag capacity, but it's so hard to control, making it pretty unreliable. her grzmots are basically prox alarms that are destroyed upon use. the stun helps a little bit, but not much. i hope she gets buffed soon (and her gun too) so that she's a little bit more viable.
warden - haha. everyone looooved warden for his 1.5, but those days are OVER. i mained warden before the 1.5 even existed, and i can say that he does have his uses. i think his ability is even more useful now that ying is pretty popular and wamai is typically picked over jager (so candelas and stuns still go off). the mpx is a headshot machine, but you can also bring the shotgun for funsies since you have the smg-12 as a full-auto secondary. my only gripe with him is that he's slow now, but it ain't so bad.
thorn - yet ANOTHER operator enjoyed by 1.5 crutch users. and yet ANOTHER operator i mained before the addition of her 1.5. the uzk is a criminally underrated weapon in my opinion, and the cz75 as a secondary is a great full-auto sidearm to compensate for the uzk's small mag. her thorn traps are (like ela) basically glorified prox mines, but (unlike ela) have the potential to kill and destroy util.
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