aleiska-stryker · 8 days
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leorio with no glasses
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aleiska-stryker · 15 days
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HxH Mobage Cards ~ 11/?
Zeno Zoldyck
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aleiska-stryker · 15 days
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HxH Mobage Cards ~ 269
Zeno Cards 2
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aleiska-stryker · 16 days
everyone be simping for hisoka when leorio is the ultimate bae
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aleiska-stryker · 16 days
leorio boyfriend headcanons? affection, nicknames, dates, all that jazz :)
200 times yes !! He needs more love
Leorio boyfriend headcanons (#1)
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He takes a little bit of time to work up the courage to ask you out, but once he decides to do it he’s extremely determined
He’s somewhat new to relationships, so he does make mistakes, but it’s obvious he’s doing his best to make you happy
For a first date he takes you on a sight seeing trip around town. He studied all night on facts and monuments in the area, but with the late night last minute cramming he did end up mixing just a few bits of information up- That became clear when he talked about the Koi Statue, which did not have any trace of any fish
Have I mentioned he’s doing his best??
Medical school and everything takes up a lot of time, but he still frees up as much time as possible
This results in a lot of late night cuddling
When you’ve grown really close he tends to often be touching you in some kind of way, be it hand holding or just putting his foot next to yours (he thinks he’s being subtle- he’s not)
He definitely shows you off to his friends. He might sometimes still struggle to believe he managed to get such an amazing partner, but that doesn’t mean his friends shouldn’t believe it either ! He really wants them to know how great you are
Bastard uses the cutest nicknames when he’s in trouble or needs something, whether it works or not
At a certain point he starts trying out different nicknames to see what would stick
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aleiska-stryker · 16 days
leorio boyfriend headcanons? affection, nicknames, dates, all that jazz :)
200 times yes !! He needs more love
Leorio boyfriend headcanons (#1)
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He takes a little bit of time to work up the courage to ask you out, but once he decides to do it he’s extremely determined
He’s somewhat new to relationships, so he does make mistakes, but it’s obvious he’s doing his best to make you happy
For a first date he takes you on a sight seeing trip around town. He studied all night on facts and monuments in the area, but with the late night last minute cramming he did end up mixing just a few bits of information up- That became clear when he talked about the Koi Statue, which did not have any trace of any fish
Have I mentioned he’s doing his best??
Medical school and everything takes up a lot of time, but he still frees up as much time as possible
This results in a lot of late night cuddling
When you’ve grown really close he tends to often be touching you in some kind of way, be it hand holding or just putting his foot next to yours (he thinks he’s being subtle- he’s not)
He definitely shows you off to his friends. He might sometimes still struggle to believe he managed to get such an amazing partner, but that doesn’t mean his friends shouldn’t believe it either ! He really wants them to know how great you are
Bastard uses the cutest nicknames when he’s in trouble or needs something, whether it works or not
At a certain point he starts trying out different nicknames to see what would stick
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aleiska-stryker · 16 days
President (of) My Ass [Leorio Paladiknight X Reader]
Description: That whole election incident? Hilarious. You’re ripping on him about it and making bad presidential jokes at his ass lmao.
A/N: I am a wee bit blitzed my guys that edible hit real nice so uh… pardon spelling errors. I can’t fawkin read lmao. But here’s the Leorio food for tonight <3
Word Count: 844
The whole incident that occurred with the election of the next president of the Hunter Association had you choking up inside. Every minute of that entire process was so hilarious that even now as you rode home in a cab, you had to do your best not to laugh about it. You were riding home with Leorio and Gon, so you had to hold back all your comments so as to not embarrass him in front of Gon as they chatted. The moment Gon left the can though and the driver pulled around the corner, you could no longer stop yourself from busting out laughing. Leorio rolled his eyes, knowing exactly why you had started cackling and he sighed. Thankfully your apartment wasn’t far from where Gon was dropped off, so the cab driver would be spared of the verbal assault you were about to unleash. 
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aleiska-stryker · 16 days
President (of) My Ass [Leorio Paladiknight X Reader]
Description: That whole election incident? Hilarious. You’re ripping on him about it and making bad presidential jokes at his ass lmao.
A/N: I am a wee bit blitzed my guys that edible hit real nice so uh… pardon spelling errors. I can’t fawkin read lmao. But here’s the Leorio food for tonight <3
Word Count: 844
The whole incident that occurred with the election of the next president of the Hunter Association had you choking up inside. Every minute of that entire process was so hilarious that even now as you rode home in a cab, you had to do your best not to laugh about it. You were riding home with Leorio and Gon, so you had to hold back all your comments so as to not embarrass him in front of Gon as they chatted. The moment Gon left the can though and the driver pulled around the corner, you could no longer stop yourself from busting out laughing. Leorio rolled his eyes, knowing exactly why you had started cackling and he sighed. Thankfully your apartment wasn’t far from where Gon was dropped off, so the cab driver would be spared of the verbal assault you were about to unleash. 
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aleiska-stryker · 16 days
aight, i said it was coming and tonight is that night. enjoy some leorio hcs that i wrote bc i love him and he deserves the world
pt. 2 here
leorio paladinight
let me start this off by saying that leorio would treat you RIGHT. no questions and no, you cannot change my mind.
he tries to act super confident about love and being in a relationship with you, but he is honestly such a dork when it comes down to it.
he mostly just does what comes naturally to him.
with that being said, he is not only super caring, but also just generally super loving towards you.
will smothering you in affection just because he felt like it. he is constantly giving you kisses, hugs or really any sort of love because he cannot keep his hands off of you.
cuddles are an absolute must. especially after he’s had a long day at school. they always make him feel 10x better.
also, a huge fan of pda
he needs to be holding your hand in public, having an arm around your waist, etc. anything to show other people that you’re his.
will also give you kisses in front of other people with no shame.
speaking of kisses, they’re always super sweet. he has a very playful personality, which naturally carries over into your relationship. especially kisses.
and he loves giving kisses. he can’t get enough of them.
will kiss you before he leaves for school and the second he gets back.
absolutely hates spending unnecessary money but will totally drop hella cash to buy you gifts or flowers.
and to take you on dates. you can tell him all you want that he doesn’t need to take you on fancy dates, but he will not listen to you.
he thinks you deserve to be treated like royalty. so as much as he doesn’t like spending an enormous amount of money, he absolutely will to treat you.
please!! support!! him!!!
he can get self conscious and feel like an idiot a lot so it means the world to him when you remind him that he’s amazing!
not only that, but just you supporting his dream as a doctor means so much to him.
will quite literally walk on hot coals for you. there’s really nothing he won’t do for you.
masterlist || rules page
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aleiska-stryker · 16 days
OH what about like headcanons after leorio and his s/o have a huuuge fight and leorio raises his voice at them and his s/o starts crying??? how would that turn out😀
Initially, these were headcanons but this ended up becoming a scenario. 
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                                𝙇𝙚𝙤𝙧𝙞𝙤 𝙮𝙚𝙡𝙡𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙖𝙩 𝙨/𝙤
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You thought you were doing him a favor, honest.
Leorio had been working non-stop this past week and you hated to see him so stressed out. He’d been super cranky and could barely make It to your bedroom without collapsing from exhaust. It was truly getting hard to watch him tire himself out like this. That’s why you wanted to do something that would cheer your man up. 
You noticed what a mess his work area was with papers scattered on the floor, half opened books thrown everywhere, and coffee cups overflowing the garbage can in the corner. It was an awful site but nothing you couldn’t fix.
When Leorio left in a rush for work one morning with his tie undone and a bagel hanging from his mouth, you snuck into his study room and got to work. You dusted, and picked up every messy area, and when you finished you stood with a triumphant smile on your face.
You waited anxiously for Leorio to see what you had done as you sat on your living room couch. The front door finally opened and you saw Leorio sluggishly walk through it with his suit jacket thrown over his shoulder.
“Hey babe, I’m home.” He yawned while bending down to kiss you on your cheek, his strong cologne flooding your senses. 
“How was work?” you asked, already knowing the answer to your question in the back of your mind. Leorio started walking to his study room and you leaned your head back in anticipation  to watch him.
“Oh It was fine..” Leorio’s voice trailed off as he entered his study. Your house then became unusually quiet for a second until the peace was interrupted by Leorio loudly yelling your name. 
You rushed in asking him what was wrong and he began panicking about how he couldn’t find his very important notes. You stood in the doorway watching as he began to throw around the things you had spent all day organizing and you couldn’t help the pang of realization that you must’ve accidently thrown them out. Leorio had everything how he wanted and you had essentially done more harm than helping him.
When you told him you had cleaned it up to surprise him, Leorio turned to face you with an angry expression covering his face. 
“I didn’t need your help! You know that I’d been working on this presentation all week and now you messed up everything! ” He yelled at you and you stepped back now feeling a little hurt. 
“I need my space right now, can you just leave me alone?” He exhaled slowly while grabbing the bridge of his nose.
Umm.. ouch.
Your vision would become cloudy, feeling tears fall from your eyes as you saw Leorio turn his back towards you.
You would leave him, silently closing your bedroom door behind you and feeling awful at your meddling. 
It would be hours until he’d come in your room, where he’d walk in with his head down low, carrying a plate of your favorite meal in his hands.
“I’m sorry I took my anger out on you when you were only trying to help me. I tried making this for you... but I kind of burnt It.” He said while rubbing the back of his neck with an apologetic smile.
“It’s okay, but the next time you raise your voice at me like that we’re going to have some problems.” You squinted your eyes at him and Leorio laughed in response. “But for now on I’ll be more considerate and ask If you need help before touching your stuff.” You pledged and took the slightly crisp food from his hands and looked at him seriously. 
“Good! Now scoot over because I haven’t hugged you all day,” Leorio said before suddenly pouncing on you and smothering your face with wet kisses despite the protests heard between your laughs.
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aleiska-stryker · 16 days
warning: lil bit suggestive :DD lowkey crack
“no, leorio, you’re wrong!” you said, ‘arguing’ with your boyfriend about something he said. “it’s obviously that man’s fault!”
“can’t you see what that other man did?” leorio said, pointing to his evidence.
kurapika, gon, and killua are just watching the two of you banter back and forth, amused with how you two kept on going. they’re used to you just picking a fight with your boyfriend, which was still a bit weird for them because you both are not that gushy in front of them.
“leorio, it’s cl—,”
“it’s mr. leorio!” he said, used to correcting you when you both get into not so serious arguments like these.
and when he saw you smirk, he knows what you’re about to do. he looked at you with a look that says “don’t do it” and yet, you did it anyway.
you reached your hands up to gon and killua’s ears, and saying this a bit overdramatic, “oh my god, leorio! not in front of the kids!”
leorio sighed, his palm getting into contact with his face, looking very exasperated. kurapika laughed at the two of you, more so at leorio than you with gon and killua just staring, wondering what happened.
“y/n, i hate you.” leorio said, his form defeated.
“nah~,” you said, dragging the a. “you love me~!”
yeah, he does.
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aleiska-stryker · 16 days
Cookies and Books | Leorio x reader
Request: Could u please write something fluffy w leorio?
Genre: Fluff
Fandom: HunterxHunter
Word count: 830
I’m back from the death after having suffered two years of the most difficult courses I’ve taken in my life. Graduated bitch :)
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The black-haired man sighed as he heard you call him the nickname for the tenth time today. He adjusted his glasses and tried to peek through the gap that separated the closet doors as he hid from you. Leorio had lost his glasses to you a long time ago when all this happened.
The two of you had gotten back from the local library (him being completely absorbed by medicine books), and you spent most of your time staring at his cute-thinking face. Once you two made it home he boosted for the best place to conceal himself from your neutral and bored face. Hiding in the closet allowed him to realize his guilt. Back at the library he was too invested in his studies that he neglected you, and now he felt bad for it.
And now here he was, hiding away from the sound of your whining of the name “Oreo.” And then boom! The door opened and a devilish smile adorned your face. In an instant, Leorio jumped at you grabbing you by the waist as you messed up his jelled black hair.
“I’m sorry I didn’t pay attention to you a while ago. Ever since I got my hunter license I’ve been so focused on studying to be with you,” you took off his glasses and put them on yourself. Leorio carried you to the couch in the living room and set you down on it while he went to the kitchen.
You saw him come back with a book and a few cookies to share. He sat on the couch with you and pulled you down to have your back against his chest. He opened the small plastic packet and offered you one of the treats while grabbing one himself.
“Thank you,” you said. His response was a squeeze of his hands on your stomach as he held you. Leorio flipped open the book onto a random page and you couldn’t help but smile as you saw the picture of both of you together at the library a few months ago.
“I thought I’d compensate you for ignoring you so I took something and printed it for you. From the back pocket of his pants, he grabbed a folded piece of paper and held it out for you. With delicate fingers, you opened it to see a picture of your sleeping face resting against the table of the library. Noting the clothes you were wearing, the photo had been taken today.
Leorio then flipped onto a blank page and set the picture down then closed the book.
“I’ll find some glue to paste it down later, right now I just want to be here with you,” He took off his glasses from your face and set them down next to the now-empty package of cookies. A yawn left your mouth and you fumbled closer to the man behind you as he tightened his arms around you. He gave you a lingering kiss on the forehead and you dozed off.
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aleiska-stryker · 16 days
okok so if you're comfortable soft leorio nsfw hcs? there's like no content for him and its a TRAVESTY. you're writing is so lovely btw!
- yesss omg this man is lacking in content to the point its actually concerning
soft leorio nsfw headcanons
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right off the bat, leorio will be a man of care when he gets you in bed
sure, this man can sometimes come off as a rather obnoxious individual
but when it comes to more serious subjects, he knows when to tune it down
so, for a start, he subtly let you know what he’s after, closing in on your slowly as he peppers your face in kisses
things would escalate from there, but every moment seemed to go by with such ease, like it had all been perfectly planned out
you always felt so safe between his arms in moments like these
he will undoubtedly put your pleasure before his own, but he will decently not turn down a blowjob if you insisted in returning him the favour 
your body, to him, is a work of art, and he will let you know this with a series of praises and compliments that he will let out as he explored your soft skin, giving it small pecks here and there 
his most favourite place, however, is between your perfect thighs 
keep this man down there for hours, you will not hear a single complaint come out from him
he will work on you until you have reached at least one orgasm, but will usually go on for a little longer
he just loved the sight of you coming undone for him. the view was extraordinary
when it came to the main event, be sure to wrap your arms around your neck
leorio can kind of get lost in the moment, so you’ll have to remind him what he was doing by pulling him into a soft kiss
this will also help to muffle his groans, as this man is anything but embarrassed by letting out noises
you wondered if anyone had ever accidentally heard him over the walls, and even over you sometimes
he gets a little excited in the moment
aftercare will be a must with this man. hug him, lay on top of him, curl up beside him
anything and everything will be accepted, because this man will not sleep until he knows that you are content and satisfied
sometimes even waiting for you to fall asleep before he drifts off into his own dreams
in conclusion, leorio will be the absolute best man to be in bed with, that I can assure you
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aleiska-stryker · 16 days
Hi!! <3 Can I request some general romantic fluff headcanons for Leorio???
Yes of course!!
Romantic Fluff HCs for Leorio Paladiknight:
TW: none
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So we know this man is an absolute simp, but it doesn't end there. You and Leorio's relationship will be chaotic but also extremely sweet.
Imagine Leorio making super bad jokes at night while you're trying to sleep and instead you guys end up dying of laughter and full on snorting.
s o m a n y s e l f i e s t o g e t h e r
He craves affection constantly. Is always touching you somehow. Lingering kisses, resting his hand on the small of your back, draping an arm around your shoulder, constant forehead kisses, etc.
This man tries to act put together for you when you guys first start dating, but once you get past the ice breakers you will catch him eating cereal at 2am because he's too lazy to make anything else since he just finished residency training for the day.
Absolutely loves holding you. Is the big spoon but if you fight on it (because he wants you to think he's a big boy) he will lay his head on your chest as you wrap your arms around him and he falls asleep.
Because of med school, you guys don't get to spend a lot of time together since he comes home at ungodly hours of the night but whenever he catches a break he makes sure to spend as much time with you as possible.
However if neither of you felt like going out because you guys had an overwhelming week, you would stay in and have a lazy day! Ordering takeout and watching shitty Netflix rom-coms (which has Leorio in tears although he claims his eyes are just sweating)
Is an absolute softie. I believe his love languages are acts of service and words of affirmation. Sometimes he gets really down thinking about his friend that he couldn't save so reassure him!! make him know that he is amazing and doing his absolute best to make a difference!
One of the kindest mfs in the series. Has such a pure heart. Whenever you guys share food he makes sure to take the smallest half, he always walks near the street when you guys are walking side by side, and this man is a hunter so you know he always pays on every date.
I hope this was what you wanted! I really am a Leorio simp 😌
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aleiska-stryker · 16 days
I love what you wrote for Leorio!! Can I request general NSFW Leorio headcanons?? Thanks!! <3
ooooo spicy sexy doctor time
Leorio NSFW Headcanons
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We know this man is perverted. He risked 50 hours during the hunter exam to feel on some tiddies. However, Leorio isn't as freaky as you might think in the bed. He's actually pretty vanilla with a little bit of added spice every now and then.
His hands will not leave your ass though. Ever. That's literally his favorite part of your body (besides your beautiful eyes cause even though he's a pervert he's still a simp)
Really into foreplay. Like, really into it. He will go down on you at any time of the day and it's one of his favorite activities (besides receiving blowjobs)
Will WORSHIP your body like it's his full time job. Knows every spot to make you shake and squirm and is so cocky about it
Daddy kink. That's it. (He asked you to call him Mr. Leorio in bed and you flat out refused so this was the next best thing for him)
Mans is packing, definitely has a size kink
Enjoys watching you pleasure himself. Like this man will get so hard if you're masturbating and he's watching.
His favorite position is doggystyle, he's an ass man, enough said.
Is goof for 2-3 rounds but after that he's passing out. He wants to have sex every moment of the day but when it comes down to it, he doesn't have the stamina.
However he will eat you out until you're crying because of overstimulation
But him being a doctor knows that it can be super painful so he tries to control himself
key word tries
A little above average, I'd give him 7 inches
Isn't opposed to fingering you but he loves eating you out way more
Not into anal like most would expect. He's a doctor so he knows all about these kind of things.
Would find teacher-student roleplay kind of sexy
Has fantasies about fucking you over a desk
Again, very horny all the time
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aleiska-stryker · 16 days
📚 nsft leorio headcanons . . .
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i couldn't take the leorio smut tag being empty anymore. enjoy! (fem reader used here)
♡ he's the coochie man
♡ tbh you two almost never plan out sex
♡ 99% of the time, he's trying to study and you're chillin in your shared bedroom
♡ but he can't stop sneaking glances at you
♡ every noise or movement of yours distracts him so much
♡ before either of you know it, you're getting railed over his desk, his studies long forgotten
♡ or he sits you on his knee and fingers you with one hand while the other jots down notes
♡ you're so lucky his fingers are that long and thick
♡ plenty of times you've gotten off on his thighs, grinding against his muscles until you melt in his lap
♡ phone sex
♡ big on aftercare
♡ he'll always draw you a bath and give you a massage. always
♡ he lowkey has a breeding link
♡ he wants to mark you but knows that once he leaves you a hickey he won't be able to stop
♡ he's creampied you at least 96979 times, the guy's obsessed with claiming you as his
♡ seriously he's mesmerized by seeing his cum on you then getting to clean it off, you're his
♡ sometimes he gets super sentimental while getting his dick sucked he's like "i can't believe you're mine" and you go 😛
♡ he's only ever rough on accident and always apologizes
♡ ..but you don't know how to tell him you love his animalistic side
♡ when he tugs on your hair a bit too hard during a bj you feel even better than he does
♡ if you wore any lingerie for him he wouldn't last a minute
♡ you constantly make him horny by just sitting on the couch watching tv, if you tried to seduce him? poor dude wouldn't live
♡ even when you aren't around, he's pumping himself and thinking of you
♡ send him a suggestive pic and receive HFND3758(&:&2|}^{^] in return, followed by a blurry pic of him LOSING IT
♡ call him mister leorio and he'll be putty in your hands
♡ he definitely knows where to find the clit and g spot, mans has STUDIED
♡ he hasn't just studied the human body, but yours specifically
♡ he's spent hours gauging your reactions, where you're sensitive, what areas make you shiver, how to draw out your orgasms as much as possible
♡ give him some credit, he's a lot more perceptive than he looks
♡ especially when it comes to his girl's pussy
♡ equally good with his fingers and tongue so you're in for a ride
♡ ok he also sweats a lot
♡ he melts around you...literally he's wetter than you are sometimes
♡ he's always complimenting you and adores when you say it back
♡ tell him he's handsome and making you feel good, he'll think about it hours later and smile
♡ he also smells super good? i imagine him smelling really salty and you want more, to be as close to him as possible
♡ he loves when you ride him and unbutton his shirt for him
♡ when you two are apart he'd definitely get you a pair of vibrating panties and turn them on at random times
♡ he's not evil so i think he'd call you beforehand, asking for permission in case you were doing something important
♡ but if you say yes?
♡ the next few minutes are dreadful, it's like he purposefully waits for you to let your guard down to send waves of ecstasy to your core
♡ he's so snarky but you know he loves you
♡ and he can't wait to see you again, you're all that's on his mind
♡ lastly, his dick is like 9 inches
♡ he insists on tooons of foreplay but he always does more than he needs to
♡ simply because he wants an excuse to eat you out for nearly an hour
♡ that's mister leorio for ya
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aleiska-stryker · 17 days
Random Leorio Headcannons because we were robbed
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He’s mildly dyslexic but doesn’t like to tell anyone because he’s afraid people would think he’s dumb
He grew up poor so he always wants to make sure everyone has enough to eat
If one of his friends refuses to eat because they're “not hungry” he’ll make them a plate of food anyways and save it for later 
I definitely am convinced this man has very dry lips
Someone needs to get him some chapstick
He’s scared of birds because he got pooped on by a seagull one time and from then on he’s never trusted them
Lots! Of! Dad! Jokes!
Partly because he’s the dad friend, but also because he thinks he’s genuinely funny
“To be Frank, I’d have to change my name”
“What do you call a fake noodle? An im-pasta”
Gon and Killua always laugh even if its not funny
He’s definitely a cat person even though he has a mild allergy to them
Makes an effort to call the Gon, Killua and Kurapika once a week just to see how they’re doing even if he’s exhausted
Kurapika never answers
He’s pen pals with Gon. He writes to Gon telling him about med school and Gon always writes back telling him about his adventures with Kullia and how much he misses Leorio
Gon also almost always includes a picture of him and Killua in each letter
I’m conVINCED he’s a nail biter
One word: V i r g i n 
He’s all big talk but he’s actually never gotten any
Absolutely a closeted K-pop stan
I feel like he’d definitely play an instrument but again, he dosen’t tell anyone about because he’s shy
But I just KNOW he would play music for his patients (especially the little kids) to make them feel better
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