#Amnesiac Stan
call-me-cosmic · 10 months
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I used a reference from Mellon_soup for this!! I love their pose refs 🫶
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garourrr · 3 months
still not over the fact that garou has met saitama for the ‘first’ time three times.
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fonulyn · 1 year
jesus fucking christ this fandom. one more time: Piers did not put Chris back in the field in RE6. Piers does not have that sort of an authority. who the hell assumes that he has the actual power to put his own commanding officer back on active duty??? anyone with half a fucking braincell should realize that is not how shit works. yet the amount of "uwu omg i hate piers he did chris so dirty!!1!1" posts I've seen here is STAGGERING. blaming Piers for clearing Chris back to work, blaming Piers for the lives Chris lost with his recklessness? nope. get out of here. get out of my sight.
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faetedforglory · 2 years
yes hi it is emo over Clyde hours so consider this a Clyde starter call for when I get home
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avatar-aaang · 2 months
Crystal is such a fantastic character bc shes missing her memories and one of the first things she does is try to be mean to Charles, who is just so delighted by her anyway, and when she realizes that she might have been disliked before, she kinda of just starts over.
and she starts off being by being so kind by demanding they help a girl half way around the world, and they oblige. and then! she wipes the girl's memory of the house so she'll never have to suffer the nightmares the way Crystal does.
she's working through some shit, but every time she comes out the other side having tried to be a better person and trying to help her friends and correct mistakes.
and when she finds out who she is? she is horrified by what she sees and wants nothing more than to get away from that. and she still thinks she's a horrible person bc of what she's done and how her parents react to her calling them. she doesn't realize that you're not your past actions, and just bc she was awful then does not mean she has to continue to be that way.
she wants away from charles and edwin and niko bc she doesn't want them to know her like that. even tho they've never known her like that, and they never will, bc Crystal has changed so much as her time as an amnesiac and she is constantly trying to be a better person.
anyway stan Crystal, she wants to be kind, and her journey from being a bitch to being That Bitch is so fantastic, I can't wait to see what she does next
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eisforeidolon · 1 month
Do you consider Dean to be abusive to Sam?? I read a post saying the number of times he's punched him to vent his frustrations or control Sam, and how Sam is clearly used to it suggest it was like this when they were kids too.
So the thing is, if you go far enough into either the solo-Sam or solo-Dean side of the fandom, you run into those kind of fans. Who are convinced their fave is a poor helpless baby relentlessly abused and forced to stay with the other brother against their own best interest while being a veritable saint who has done nothing questionable ever.
Is hitting someone when you're frustrated or pissed off healthy? Of course not. However, the framing of certain Sam (and Cass) stans that Dean is constantly physically lashing out is both hardly accurate of to totality of Dean's behavior across fifteen seasons and pointedly amnesiac that while Sam is more inclined to lash out verbally, he has also hit Dean in frustration/anger, too. The whole first episode is them trading back and forth shoving each other around out of emotions ranging from mild annoyance to genuine anger. Even if we don't count him initiating the fight at the end of season four because he was high on demon blood (which...), he shoves Dean into a wall at the beginning of season five for doubting he might not be entirely over his addiction, and he does his own punching over the archangel box thing in season fourteen. Things like that are, of course, entirely different when Sam does it. For reasons. Which doesn't even get into the relative healthiness of the verbal stuff like his cajoling Dean to tell him about Hell and then throwing every insecurity Dean has over it back in his face later that season. Or how he always very pointedly wants to make Dean talk about Dean's feelings regardless of what Dean wants as his method of coping after a shared tragedy because he gets very weird and agitated about trying to "fix" Dean being obviously not okay.
I am not going to get into a whole long rant about the weird neo-puritanical impulses of current day fandom trying to entirely whitewash or blackwash characters (or ships) into Pure Good or Pure Evil according to whether or not particular fans like them other than to say it's totally a thing at play here. Which usually involves an absolute fuckton of over-identification and projection (see nearly every discussion of John Winchester, like, ever). I'm just pointing out that these are both complicated characters who sometimes make bad and ugly choices, that's ... a big part of what makes a good story, that they can also make good choices and be heroes while being flawed and fallible.
As to the whole underlying assertion about being abusively controlling? The Winchesters' childhood fucked them both up, but in really different - nearly opposite - ways. I am not at all saying that Dean can't be stubborn, bossy, or belligerent when he's made up his mind about something. However, Sam (and Sam's stans) often try to frame Dean not agreeing with Sam as bossing him around. It's all fine if Sam wants to do what Dean does. It's all fine if Dean agrees to do what Sam wants to do. But as soon as they have an insurmountable conflict of opinion? Several times Sam falls back into insisting Dean is trying to control him for not immediately agreeing Sam is right when Sam has decided he's sure he's right. He doesn't just want to be able to do what he wants to do, he wants to have the authority to make Dean agree and go along. And when Dean doesn't or he decides Dean won't? That's when he starts lying or sneaking around or taking off without a word - like he's back to being a rebelling teenager rather than an adult disagreeing with another adult. Which makes it easier for Dean, whose own issues do very definitely lean towards an overactive sense of responsibility for Sam and Sam's choices from his experience of their childhood? To fall back into treating him like someone being childish. Early on there's even a couple instances, like in season one when Sam characterizes his own choice to go on a revenge quest as Dean dragging him out of Stanford or in season five when he blames Dean for his being so willing to trust Ruby, where Sam tries to reframe his decisions as Dean's fault because he's so desperate for an authority to push back against when things didn't turn out like he was sure they would. Like, yeah, Dean has got some serious Big Brother Issues, but Sam has got just as big of a boat full of Little Brother Issues. Both sides of that are sometimes quite maladaptive and feed off each other. You get a far different result when they actually both commit to talking something out instead of falling into dumb behavior like this (and it being Dean's unilateral choices setting Sam off certainly happens its fair share of the time). Contrast how Dean reacts when Sam sneaks around with Ruby versus when Sam talks to him about his plan to jump in the Cage. Contrast how Sam reacts to Dean trying to stick himself in the box behind his back versus them working out a plan involving him going to confront Amara. And so on.
They very much push each other's deepest behavioral buttons, both intentionally and not. And extreme stans of one or the other have a tendency to convince themselves their fave is acting in a totally understandable and reasonable manner at every turn, while the other brother is an irrational, abusive, selfish fuck-up of an albatross around their neck. Hell, even without going to extremes, it can be very easy to sympathize with and fixate on all the positive attributes of and slights against your fave so much more clearly. Especially with fifteen years of show to remember. I can understand that to an extent, but I think abuse discourse is just plain ridiculous.
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ifbrd · 10 months
Roadside attraction:
Stan: what do I look like, an amnesiac?!
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weclassybouquetfun · 7 months
You can spend the first few days of 2024 with Jamie Dornan's Elliot and Danielle MacDonald's Helen when series two of THE TOURIST returns to Stan Australia (Jan 2nd) and BBC One/iPlayer (Jan 1st).
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What is our favourite amnesiac and favourite rookie officer up to now that they have traded Australia for Ireland?
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*TBT Paul Mescal putting in a request to Jamie's IG.
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thirty eight slutty, slutty years since mike hanlon called up his amnesiac mates and stan uris took a bath
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linkspooky · 8 months
Thanks for your response to my ask on antagonists that weren’t really villains now I don’t read that many x men comics so I don’t really know that much about magneto aside from the basic(backstory goals etc) so what about magneto is “always right”
(P.s to keep thing’s balanced I’ll elaborate on my side if you don’t want to read it you can ignore this part of the post.
(Doom is an interesting case where you could argue that the villain is more heroic than most of the heroes themselves and that’s due to his goals and the fact that when he succeeds it’s almost always for the better dooms goal is to take over the world so he can make it into a better place and when he does it actually is a better place a prime example is his hometown of latveria because when he other throws the previous king it becomes the closest thing to a perfect place you can get there’s no crime no disease no poverty and it’s run by a pretty reasonable schedule during his brief stint as iron man almost all crime in the world dropped either due to him or out of fear of him even Stan lee argued that doom wasn’t really doing anything wrong(wanting to rule the world mind you) and his hatred for reed Richards is pretty justified when you think about what doom has done and that reed is smarter than him and hasn’t done what doom has)
No, I agree with your argument anon, Doom is a way more compelling character than Reed Richards.
(Sadly the only comics I've ever read with Doom in them are the distant epilogue of Spiderman 2099 and Young Avengers the Children's Crusade, neither of which I think are good examples of his character).
However, I'd say that Magneto is the hero of his story for basically the same reasons that you listed Doom as the hero of his. You know how you listed all of those super compelling character traits for Doom, and then Reed Richards is kind of just a jerk.
That is essentially the same as the Magneto and Professor Xavier rivalry. Magneto's one of the most compelling characters in comics driven by his overwhelming empathy for the suffering of his people and then Xavier is just kind of a jerk.
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If you know Professor Xavier and what he's done at all it's hard to consider him a good guy even if you find his ideals more agreeable and less extreme than Magneto's. Xavier is a manipulator and a groomer, basically raising the students at his school to be tools to his political agenda even though they're literally just kids.
Things Xavier has done:
Once reprogrammed an amnesiac Wolverine's brain into thinking he came to rejoin the X-men in Wolverine Origins #29.
Designed a bunch of robots called the Xavier protocols to kill his students if they ever got out of control.
Literally joined an organization called the illuminati and plotted to kill Scarlet Witch once among other things.
Literally erased the memory of Scott's brother from his mind. Like. Just made Scott forget that he had a brother to cover up the mistake he made when he sent a team on a mission to an island and all of them died with the only exception being Scott's younger brother Gabrielle.
This isn't to knock on Xavier's character. All of these things are what make Xavier interesting, because the Xavier and Magneto rivalry blurs what the definition of hero and villain is. He's also I think a pretty realistic depiction of what I think someone with Xavier's mutant abilities would act like, giving that much mental power to one person would be too tempting no matter how good your intentions are.
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riverthebooknerd · 2 months
just so y’all know, this won’t impact my current/ongoing fic (“smeared with oil like david’s boy”)! i’m still gonna be writing that one :)
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call-me-cosmic · 10 months
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thelastspeecher · 2 months
elishevart replied to your post: “elishevart replied to your post: “elishevart...”
Bill wood! XD that’s so funny
What if it was Dubois? William Dubois
​Lumberjack Ford getting the nickname of a gentle giant XD also, it would be an interesting climax where in the canon, they are trying to help Stan regain his memory but this time it’s Ford trying to remember who he is, but since he was a lumberjack and Bill Wood, he has an existential crisis where he wonder who he really is in all of that.
hmmm I think I'm sticking with Bill Wood for Ford's lumberjack nickname. it's a funnier option lol. and while I do think that amnesiac Ford gets a v gentle and easygoing personality, he's far from the largest lumberjack lol. even after he bulks up with muscle.
and oh yeah "Bill" definitely has an existential crisis to work through after he finds out his real identity. he's established a life he loves in Gravity Falls, and discovering that he's really someone very different is rather devastating. hell, maybe he's started a relationship with a fellow lumberjack. and now he's got memories of his relationship with Fiddleford, and the associated feelings rising up.
Angie, who didn't meet Ford before, is the person on the team that Ford prefers to spend time with to talk things out. she doesn't have an agenda and Ford doesn't have any memories of her getting in the way of him being open. lol maybe by this point Angie and Stan are engaged. at the least they're dating and very serious, which Ford is happy about. he's glad to see Stan in a committed relationship.
I think that Ford never goes back to storm chasing out in the field. he's got too much trauma to really withstand a regular thunderstorm, let alone track down tornadoes. after enough time and therapy, he might eventually be able to be the guy in the chair back at base with Fiddleford, but that's it. and that even takes work. just thinking about tornadoes sends him into a tizzy at first.
I mean. he was carried away by a tornado and lost his memory due to the injuries he sustained.
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lonelysa1lor · 3 months
Question, who are the Timekeeper and the Curator in this AU??
Bleep bloop :3
The Timekeeper and The Curator in the AU are the Axolotl and The Oracle. While there's no official Jheselbraum Art for this AU yet (though there is a doodled meme if you look in the TSPP tag), There is a design for what the Axolotl looks like made by @theautismgoblin !
In this AU, Ford types out 'EVERYTHING' instead of 'STANLEY PINES'. Due to this Bill never finished his message for the Axolotl, he was too slow. But since Bill is an immortal entity made of energy, and the energy that Bill has cannot be eradicated. Only changed. Combine this with the slowly decaying mind of a Human man in his late 50s (on a good day) and you wind up unintentionally creating a place between time and space! Yippee!
Jheselbraum, seeing this occur, rolls up during the early days of the parable loops (after Bill 'created it') and begins messing with it in order to keep Bill in a loop, hoping to hold him there until he dies. Sadly, this means Stanley is also held in the loop, but they were both meant to be erased in the first place. So it's not really that bad of a thing, just speeding up a lag in the system.
The Axolotl is mostly unaware of this occuring until they manage to pick up on Bills location, they find the gap and witness The Parable. They are unable to simply grab Bill and Stan and get them out of there because it would probably do more harm than good. A giant powerful entity attempting to hand pick two amnesiacs in a place that is already on the edge of collapsing at any moment doesn't make a recipe for fun, who would've thought?
The Axolotl instead chooses to try reach out to Stanley more subtly (Stanley has already been getting vague memories back at this point,but nothing concrete). Appearing in clocks and computers, sometimes he can be found chilling in the bucket! He also makes an appearance during the Museum Ending instead of Jheselbruam.
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He's a dad, real sadistic and violent and he's god and king themed (he's a priest, his hunting limb is covered in crosses and he loves to crucify his opponents, he has a god complex, his Clown nickname is Crown,).
He is SO smart, like he should by all means have been disposed of already (he's a ghoul and in jail. they never last long) but he's so damn smart that he survived Cochlea (said jail) for 15 fucking years /all the while mentally tormenting the investigators that came to ask him questions/ (yeah he's Hannibal coded), like. Legendary, we stan. And there's the fact that he cares? So so much about his son? The way Amon's (his son) entire world view revolves around what he's lived with him and despite all that cannot help but love him? The way Donato knows how his son loves him, how he tries to get him to admit it to himself, all going "my beloved son" whenever they meet? The way, as Amon was falling injured and he thought about Donato, /we get a panel of Donato praying alone in his cell/?? Losing my mind. And he's somehow?? friends with Haise (an alter of the protagonist)? Donato has only been seen caring about 1 (one) person before that and hhhhhhhhh like he even apologizes to him. Legit mind-blowing moment, I haven't been the same since. And he tries to help him. He's the only one who truly realizes how terrible is what Haise is living (an amnesiac ghoul working as a ghoul investigator, with a special rule to treat him as human, unless…). Probably cause he's a professional liar himself and the way he probably wasn't that far when 240 (an alter of the protagonist) was losing his mind but. You know. And then we learn he's a clown (an extremely feared group of ghouls that are extremely powerful even by themselves and thrive on chaos)? Like, I already loved the Clowns, they're my favorite group, they're depressed misfit assholes they are SO great. Anyway yeah Souta (a Clown member and the antagonist) was like "hello want to kill my shitbag family?" and the Clowns went hell yeah buddy and all went ride or die for him, including mister self proclaimed "not sentimental" (Donato) Also the way Donato says that to Uta (a Clown) right after he flips out on Urie because his father took his son from him? The way it's mayhaps also linked to the way Urie treated Amon on Rushima? The absolute banger of a line: "Taste how it feels. How I feel. How cruel it is. Cruel to be one of those who only but watch over others" like nnngh I am biting through concrete He cares SO MUCH, despite himself! Just like his son!! They can't help it! And they try to take it back or play it off any way they can, but they can't they can't, it's too real for them, after all they stopped playing when Amon saw.. God… Like, at the end? When they fight? Donato doesn't do shit. We know what he's capable of. He could wipe the floor with Amon. He doesn't do shit. He scares him off a bit, and lets his son beat the shit out of his clones. It's the only way for him to keep him there away from the taxidermied owl where he could get injured. No, Donato's barely fighting. He sent a clone and let his son destroy it. Becsuse he can't bear to hurt his son. AND THEN. As I said, he tries to take it all back. "I'm a monster and I never cared." and now. Now finally after all that time, Amon is /honest/ and admits he loves him like. Ouch my heart. They can't both be honest. There's always gotta be one liar. That's so fucking tragic.. So beautiful…
Also he's super mega powerful like HELLO??? dude is double S, I mean /real/ double S, unlike?? Hinami? What's she doing there. (investigators rate ghouls on their strength, going from C (barely a threat) to double S) Anyway yeah.. God. He's so so powerful, he fights so efficiently and ruthlessly, his makes no superfluous movements to the point it surprised Urie with his Quinx senses, like he took out Higemaru before they could even register Donato was even there like hhhhh and he's so precise with kagune, too, on top of being quick? Plus he can detach his kagune to make traps? AND HE CAN CLONE HIMSELF like hotdamn. He can make multiple clones at once and good lord he can control another person's kagune /while/ making a bunch of clones of himself. ALL THAT WITHOUT CANNIBALIZING. HE'S SO GODDAMN COOL. (cannibalizing enables, if you don't lose your mind, to unlock a special state of ghouls where they have a, huh, monstersona basically. There's a secret triple S ranking but only 2 kakuja ghouls have gotten it, and I say it's cheating)
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chaotic-guinea-pig · 1 year
I love your SOT fic! I was wondering if you have any fave style fic recs? 🙏
AWW THANK YOU! <3 I'm glad you're enjoying my fic! And boy, oh boy, do I have some Style fic recs! I'm not sure if you're looking for a specific flavour (i.e. angst, fluff, hurt/comfort, certain AUs etc) so I'll just recommend you something from multiple categories! I'm happy for you or anyone else to send asks for fic recs for specific flavours, though.
These are just some of the fics that came to mind. Someday, I will make a masterlist of my fic recs. I'm also going to assume you heard of the classics like hollycomb etc so most of these are ones I don't see get talked about as much in the fandom (at least to my knowledge - I don't interact with other style shippers that much ;-;)
Starting with ongoing fics to give my fellow WIP authors some love <3
Alter Ego by butterstotchcandy: Ongoing, but a REALLY GOOD TFBW + COLLEGE AU!! The basic premise is that everyone from South Park lost their memories during some mysterious amnesiac epidemic, and it's up to Kyle - who has recovered memories of his superhero identity and powers - to find the rest of the gang and the culprit. Everyone's characterisations are so well done here. It's the perfect mix between fluff and mystery and I'm so hooked and excited to see the plot unfold + Style's relationship grow! There's also bonus Creek here. :)
War Games by CiceroProFacto: Also ongoing, BUT THIS IS DELICIOUS ANGST. It's a modern world and Stick of Truth swap AU where both of the Kyle's have swapped worlds. Stan and Kyle are also bitter ex-best-friends so this is a must read if enjoy reading messy Style where they hate each other. :) I really love how the author characterises both the modern and Stick of Truth versions of our two boys.
Entries from the Past by ViviBaby69420: Ongoing! Wow, this one blew my mind when I came across it?! It's a really cool take on the Stick of Truth AU where King Kyle and Ranger Stan Marshwalker meet in the forest during the war. The worldbuilding is super detailed. Read this if you're more in the mood for a something reminiscent of classical novels. It's also the best execution of first person POV in all my time of reading fanfics (alongside Strider's Edge from Homestuck)
Mood Ring by HedgehogSquadGoals: Ongoing. Honestly, I'm not sure if the author is still in the fandom as the last update was in 2020, BUT STILL, I'm happy to have read this fic anyway, abandoned or not! <3 It's a very sweet and hilarious romcom of Stan being wildly in love with Kyle, who is so terribly oblivious his affections... and everyone else watches on in pain. The banter between everyone is on point and this is one of the few high school Style fics I adore.
Now for some complete ones:
Supportive Parenting by PervertCinnamonRoll: Complete and short fic in which Randy and Sheila try to get their sons together. :) Both of their characterisations are perfect - the most in-character Randy POV I have ever seen.
Sincerely, your super-best-friend Kyle. by cocoacremeandgays (part of a series called 'Three Sides') Oh god... this one, right here. It destroyed me for days. It is the best portrayal of mental health issues and ah, my heart hurts. :( BE VERY CAREFUL THOUGH if you're triggered by heavy topics. **Read ALL the tags and content warnings in full first, please; this one can be distressing.**
Sleeping Lessons by sleep2thefr33zing: One-shot of Stan struggling to sleep after Kyle gets accepted to Harvard! Very sweet and unique. I adore all of this author's works, actually - one of my inspirations from this fandom.
I Thought Soulmates Were Supposed to Be Easy by Anonymous: My favourite take on Style in the soulmates (name on wrist) trope! It shows a more complicated but 100% realistic side of the soulmates trope.
burning apart by clovariia: One-shot of high school Post-Covid timeline - a very sad one-shot of Stan's life during his teenage years, and Style is absolutely bittersweet :(
Connection Lost by VinnieDakota: Another Post-Covid one shot, but this time before the events of the specials! Kyle gets a drunk call from Stan after decades of not speaking to each other and it goes just as well as you would expect. Damn...
Hope this is a good start! Let me know if you would like other recs. :)
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