#American Class War
my-midlife-crisis · 1 month
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nando161mando · 1 year
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This is the kind of free thinking Fascists want to crush.
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thefugitivesaint · 8 months
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John Ames Mitchell (1845-1918), 'From The Depths', ''Appeal To Reason'', #579, Dec. 29, 1906
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will-pilled · 11 months
"Being poor is a choice, you can get out of it if you work hard."
I live with 4 people, one of which is a child. I work a full time job. So does another. And the third works two part times.
We have no heating. Our electric keeps getting shut off. We didn't have anything AT ALL to drink for 3 days.
You REALLY fucking think we choose to live like this? You think I want to fucking FREEZE right now as I type? FUCK all the out of touch lucky people saying this shit.
Is it possible to get out of a poor family? Yes. But the majority of the time your area of living is what predicts your wealth.
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Who Are The Big Companies Buying All The Homes?
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sataniccapitalist · 12 days
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lonestarbattleship · 22 days
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USS ROANOKE (1855) was originally built as one of the Merrimack class screw frigates. She is the sister-ship to USS MERRIMACK. (The same ship which went on to be razed during the civil war, captured and converted into the CSS Virginia by the Confederates.) She served as flagship of the Home Squadron in the late 1850s and captured several Confederate ships after the start of the American Civil War in 1861.
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"Lithograph depicting the ship during the final stages of her conversion from a steam frigate to a triple-turret ironclad, at the Novelty Iron Works, New York City, circa the first half of 1863. The original drawing of the scene was done by G. Hayward for Valentine's Manual, 1863. Note the large derrick at left, and the Novelty Works' building at right."
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"Lithograph published during the Civil War era, depicting the ship after her conversion to an ironclad."
In 1862, she was selected to be transformed into a monitor, as it would be faster to convert an existing steam powered ship than coming up with a new design. She was planned to be an ocean-going multi-turret monitor. Although, design flaws, such as the weight of her armor and turrets causing her to roll excessively and deep her draft, prevented her use to only harbor defense.
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"Sepia wash drawing by R.G. Skerrett, 1899, depicting the ship underway after her conversion to an ironclad, circa 1863-65."
After her conversion was complete, local politicians in New York City lobbied to have her assigned to New York harbor. However, the Navy ordered her to Hampton Roads, Virginia, to join the blockading squadron there.
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"Watercolor by Oscar Parkes, depicting the ship after she was converted to an ironclad, circa 1863-1865. Courtesy of Dr. Oscar Parkes, London, England, 1936."
She remained there through the end of the war. Roanoke was placed in reserve after the war and sold for scrap in 1883
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"At the New York Navy Yard, Brooklyn New York, probably following her decommissioning in June 1865. The ship of the line in the left background is USS Vermont, which was receiving a ship at the Navy Yard until September 1865."
U.S. Naval History and Heritage Command: NH 45364, NH 57813, NH 50462, NH 59548, NH 48105
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comrade-onion · 5 months
The Liberation of Palestine and the Rights of Indigenous Americans: The Same Struggle
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532 years ago, America was "discovered" by Europeans for the first time. What resulted from this fateful day was nothing short of a genocide. Millions systemically displaced and killed, cultures destroyed, and ecosystems irreparably altered to accommodate the European colonizers at the expense of the people who lived there. In both the United States and Canada, remaining indigenous populations face massive societal discrimination and are victim to underfunding and exploitation from the governments of their respective states. Many are forced into poverty, underfunded reservations, and horrid living conditions. Sound similar?
The genocide in Gaza and the expansion of the Israeli settler state is almost completely congruent to the history of violence experienced by indigenous Americans. Both the Palestinian liberation struggle and the Land Back movement in the US are inherently interwined in their ideals and histories, and any anti-imperialist should recognize the victory of these struggles as fundamental to the development of equality and liberty for the oppressed.
Solidarity with Palestine and Solidarity with the First Nation's People forever. No freedom, no peace, on stolen land.
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queerism1969 · 2 years
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waitingforlostsouls · 2 months
One of the first classes we had to take in highschool as freshmen was AP Human Geography. And the fact that is not a required course everywhere really explains a lot about why international politics becomes so heated in America.
We had to go over:
Population, population theories, population growth and decline, immigration policies, and the cause and effects of migration
Types of maps, scales, patterns regions, space, to properties and patterns in where humans choose to live
Cultures, in depth analysis on languages, religions, ethnicity, and gender roles, and diffusion of cultures and patterns
Political Regions and policies, including organization of territories, countries, states, types of borders, political conflicts, conflicts related to political borders vs cultural borders, explanations of historic political conflicts, and categorization of geopolitics and international relations
Agricultural history, types, patterns, regions, agricultural revolutions, settlements, production of food, and agricultural practices and things such as chemicals and labor
Industrial and Economic development, types of economies, types of trade, patterns and processes of industrialization and production, and globalization and economic issues
Cities and Urban land usage, geography, development and organization of cities, models of urban structure and land use, and city problems and planning
Environment and Society, including human interaction and sustainability, environmental policies and challenges, and the impact of humans on the environment
We had to go over issues like modern day occupied territories and conflicts, which came in very handy once the war in Ukraine and later Palestine started; as we had gone in depth into the history and politics of both.
Part of the section on population went over why policies on birth control and abortion is so important in society and in women's health. We went over how an areas policies about access to healthcare for women greatly affects mortality rates and population sizes, as well as how women are treated. The main take away from this section was how women are one of the most important demographics, and reflect the larger status of society through how they are treated.
We went over cultural patterns such as how racism and prejudice can shape where people choose to live, and how cultural pockets can form within a broader society; as well as current and historic forms of segregation and prejudice.
Most if not all of the sections focused heavily on historic and modern circumstances as examples -most of which most history curriculums probably skip over. The tests for the maps section was made up of memorizing specific continents and then having to locate countries and their capitals from memory on the day of the test. Essentially, filling in blank maps. Most of the homework was about seven pages of fill in the blank questions from the textbooks.
All in all, while my experience with it at the time was hindered by the fact that our teacher often copied homework straight from the internet, and would not admit some of the questions had no answers because of that, I think the class in general was probably one of the best I've had as far as actual education. It really throughly explained a lot of concepts and patterns that maybe you've noticed before, but didn't have a name for until now. It also broke down a lot of issues that most history curriculums don't cover, and cleared up a lot of blind spots that we had before.
I would say anyone who has the chance to take it definitely should. And in general, I think if more of the subjects of the course were talked about in schools, a lot of the debates and issues we have would be less heated and more productive. I think if anyone wanted to learn the same things but didn't have access to the course itself, a lot of John Oliver's videos cover the same subjects in a way that doesn't leave you breaking down at 11:00 pm because your sadistic teacher included a question that has no answer in the homework again.
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carbone14 · 1 year
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USS Caiman (SS 323) au large du chantier naval de Mare Island – Vallejo – Californie – États-Unis – Printemps 1951
©United States Navy
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my-midlife-crisis · 1 month
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nando161mando · 4 months
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The warmongering US
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badolmen · 3 months
I feel that there’s a world of difference between “fandomizing real world politics and tragedies” (in my understanding - applying ‘fandom’ to, well, real world politics and tragedies eg. shipping war criminals or writing rpf for victims of traumatic events) and “making fandom art which acknowledges real world politics and tragedies” (in my understanding - political cartoons/art with a particular flag/etc.).
I’m not saying that the latter can’t be insensitive or in poor taste depending on execution but also…idk it’s weird to see tumblr activists freaking the fuck out over art of dunmesh senshi bringing food to Gaza. I can’t believe that’s the hill you want to kill (your own allies nonetheless!) on. We have people writing smut for about specific IOF soldiers or shipping Palestinian journalists, like, is the comic imagining a fictional character showing up to help people in a horrific situation really what you want to call tone deaf and insensitive?
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shinmothra13returns · 4 months
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Corporations don't care
Government always lies
Rat Race will destroy you
Getting a job is a waste of time
Billionaires are the death of us
The school system is rigged and outdated
Democrats and Republicans are wolves in sheep's clothing
We are nothing more than expendable slaves to the rich and powerful
There is no middle class
War is a waste of time and life
But in the end, is there any hope of changing any of this at all for a better future than this worthless excuse of nations on earth or is it too late.
We can change this world without the endless lies and false promises.
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dreamytones · 5 months
I wanted to come on here and say, thank you to those who are protesting. You are speaking for a bigger collective that do not wish to be harmed in any way and/or simply cannot. The compassion is felt through more people than you realize, it means more than words can describe and you are all honored. Thank you. We are all doing our best and what we can to the best of our ability, even those who are forced silent by threat. They cannot silence us all.
Humanity NEEDS to operate on a humanitarian level, how dare the government put monetary value on life; it is CRUEL and IMHUMANE. It should not be like this. It won't be like this for any longer. I promise.
There is something underlying, and there always has, you are not crazy. It is all enforced. It is on purpose.
Free Palestine. Free Gaza. Free Congo.
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