#Akio venting
untitled-vitamin · 10 days
Some Mini Kanades say they saw Suisei buying VitaHona from the vending machines late at night.
The ones there, fortunately aren't from the same batch as the one that contain enkephalin, but it's still a Hona.
I should probably take those out, but then Suisei will suffer heavy withdrawal symptoms.
A says the vitamin she's working on is almost done, so I can probably replace the Honas with that.
Hopefully that will help her.
Wonder if I should ask the Mini Kanades to stall Suisei for me.
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samandboredom · 1 year
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          || “The man who will save us is our destroyer.” ((Initially was just Anthy fanart, but I felt very angsty today (also related to having an assailant) so I added Dios. Does this count as vent art? Also may post the Anthy only version because I love how she turned out!))
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mingot-studios · 26 days
Also my mom's finally caught onto what Akio's been doing to Anthy, and everything is worse now.
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and it took having to see the aftermath of it in episode 31......
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transmascutena · 10 months
ohtori dashboard simulator
🐄 calf-kin Follow
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🎹 sunlitgarden Follow
Has anyone else noticed that time is really weird?
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🧅 onion-princess123 Follow
making lunch for my beautiful boyfriend <33
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just made dinner for my roommate ^_^
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i never ever wanna walk up another flight of stairs again in my life once this school year is over
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6524771891-deactivated Follow
what the fuck does our student council even do like actually
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🌹 touga-kiryuu Follow
If it cannot break its egg's shell, a chick will die without being born. We are the chick. The world is our egg. If we don't crack the world's shell, we will die without being born. Smash the world's shell!
#deep #inspirational #poetry #poetic #quotes #literature #dark academia
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🌹 ohtori-official
If you or a friend/loved one is currently attending Ohtori Academy, please remember that you can get a free counselling session in the abandonded building at the edge of campus.
- Souji Mikage
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🪺 lonchura-oruzivora Follow
if someone i hate just so happens to fall down the stairs while i'm walking by how is that my fault 🙄🙄
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⚔️ kendocaptain Follow
just got my ass kicked by a middle school girl for the third time in a row dhmu..
#sad #vent #delete later
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🐄 calf-kin Follow
🐄 calf-kin Follow
Anyone who voted no DNI !!!!!!!
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🎭 abc-ko Follow
reblog if you think the chairman should fund the drama club more instead of spending all the board money on sports cars
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Akio Ohtori Call-Out Post
Keep Reading
#in other news i'm dropping out of school #goodbye forever i will not miss any of you
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jumping-jackalope · 4 months
its really terrifying how suddenly & casually Utena starts up her venting sessions with Akio. like in this narrative where there's steps towards everything (literally), there's formats to follow & subtle character development, almost immediately after their first meeting Utena starts dropping by on Akio in jump cuts that are almost violent in their departure from the set episode structure. and its so so so painful to witness.
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oodlenoodleroodle · 1 year
Jealousy will really drive you mad at Ohtori academy. Akio has a car for that exact purpose haha. Man was this video a pain to render. Re-watching it now I notice a few mistakes here and there, mostly to do with timing, but there's no way I'm going through all that trouble again so here it is. For so long I've wanted to make an Utena video that explores all of the messed up relationships in the series and this song was perfect. Not only is it a great vehicle for the gratuitous amount of angst (which I seem to have a real knack for editing with, I never make anything happy :P) it's perfect for depicting how they are in one way or another centred around Anthy and her actions; "Roxanne". Anthy acts as a substitute, she represents what others desire and reminds them of what they're lacking in their relationship with another person or in themselves. This is also why she is an easy target to vent on. I wanted to depict how Anthy is such a pinacle to everything that happens in the series and I hope I got that across. Also this was just so fun to edit. I don't think this is one of my best videos but it certainly was one of the most enjoyable to make. Anime: Revolutionary Girl Utena Music: El Tango de Roxanne
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ramblesofakio · 4 months
About The Blog - Pinned
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Basics To Know
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Alter within @shining-star-system
This blog was made for me to be able to talk about my own things that don’t entirely line up with what our main does. This is not a side blog, but an entirely separate account.
松本昭夫 (Matsumoto Akio), just call me Akio. I use he/they pronouns. I will change between I/we pronouns within any posts I make.
DMs, questions, anything is fine. Anon asks are off and will never be allowed.
You don’t have to interact prior to follow me or be a mutual to me.
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I don’t mind if you vent to me about similar experiences, but I do not want to read vents.
If you ask me a question, keep it respectful.
Do not call me pet names unless you’re @chaosbuddies
Do not call me “Accio” unless you’re @chaosbuddies - they are our wife and I asked if it could be our thing so that’s our thing
If you’re mean or just flat out rude, I will make fun of you.
If you have a problem with me, block me rather than making a big deal out of it. It’ll save both of us time.
Don’t be a dick and tell me I can’t use my name, don’t try and police my identity when I have every right to use it.
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Shtwt, sh accounts (those that promote sh)
Edtwt, ed accounts (those that promote ed)
Proendos, endos, tulpas, demos, walk-in systems, any non-traumagenic system or supporters. You don’t exist, trauma is needed to form a system.
Homophones, transphobes, transandrophobes
Anyone that doesn’t accept mspec labels
Pedophiles, zoophiles
Pro contact paraphilias (goes with the one directly above this, pedophilia & zoophilia)
Anti neopronouns, anti xenogenders
TransID & RadQueer
People that kink shame
Aspenfrost fans
Pro harassment
Anyone that uses age regression as a means of supporting pedophilia
If you’re going to talk to me and preach about “closed culture” and that I’m “appropriating” my own culture. I’m reconnecting and I don’t want some asshole trying to make me feel even more guilty for trying to connect to said cultures.
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Thank you.
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consumable-clots · 15 days
Arcade Kento
Presenting robot nepo-baby and science experiment! They're my interpretation of what a synthetic in the Alien universe, that isn't made explicitly for human contact/human dominated environments, might be like i.e. they're more similar to heavy machinery than a butler. We're out here asking the big questions: what if Frankenstein loved his monster for what it was? As always, extremely long and lore-filled post incoming XD
Name(s): Arcade Kento, Enmei Kento
Gender and pronouns: Genderfluid, They/them
Unit and code-name: EXP-004-C, Changeling
Manufacturer: Wilco. Enterprise, Wilco. Specialist Custom
Commissioner: Akio Kento
Year of production: 2025
Height and weight: 200cm (6ft 7.4), ~940kg
Hair and eye colour: Black, dark brown
Nationality: Japanese
The Expedition series
The EXP line was created by Wilco. Enterprise CEO Akio Kento in the year 2019 and first launched in 2025. The series featured some of the earliest and most innovative interpretations of fully autonomous androids capable of deep-space travel.
EXP are highly specialised extremophiles. The design, loadout, and optimal operating environment of every unit are entirely bespoke.
Unit EXP-004-C, A.K.A. Changeling
Unit is designated Arcade Kento (sometimes referred to as Enmei Kento [anglicised]), legal executor and heir to Akio Kento's wealth, estate, businesses, and properties. Current CEO and majority shareholder of Wilco. Enterprise.
Arcade is the fourth 'Type-C' unit produced in conjunction with the now discontinued Expedition line. As of the year 2122, of all EXP subtypes, Arcade is the last surviving EXP unit.
As a Type-C recon unit, it was originally intended that 004 would be fitted with a sonar pulse emitter that would reside within their thoracic cavity, however, it was decided during preliminary development that underwater exploration was not realistic for a model of 004's weight class. Instead, the finalised design included a crucible model micro-reactor, which allows the unit to have significantly enhanced energy efficiency and giving it the ability to convert non-fuel materials into power, making it capable of traveling much further distances and longer periods of time without need for human intervention or infrastructure.
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Fig 1. Height chart, Arcade next to Ash for comparison
Notable traits:
No tongue
2 'faces', the outer face is decorative
Second jaw visible behind false jaw if mouth opens too wide
Large irises
4 x circular indents on back, openings of thermal cylinders
Lacks genitalia, incompatible with available add-ons
Hydraulic fluid is usually white but turns progressively darker after 'eating' due to influx of soot
Almost entirely made of metal parts. Not great for hugging but extremely durable.
Anti-corrosive/oxidation subdermal and internal skeletons
Capable of limited self repair (re-polymerisation, synthesis and regeneration)
Advanced environmental sensor array
Visual: infrared, thermal and dark vision
Scanning: sonar, radar, lidar
Molecular analytics loadout
Generator module and nuclear energy condenser loadout
Unlimited personality simulation and creative capacity (software in beta testing)
Poor image/facial recognition
They're geared to prioritise identifying the individual features of a subject rather than what that subject is as a whole. This makes sense in the context of their primary function, which is to categorise and analyse previously unknown objects that have yet to be formally named either way so there's no point in dwelling on 'what it's called' as that's not their job.
Massive heat output in active state
Vented air may reach temperatures upwards of 1000 degrees Celsius
Unrestricted personality simulation
Exempt from the laws of robotics due to age and certain legal loopholes
Uncanny appearance and behaviour
Technology of the era, different design criteria to W-Y synthetics
Limitations of non-humanoid internal physiology
Backstory (basically a fanfic)
The Expedition series was conceived as a Akio's 1-up to Weyland Industries' upcoming David synthetic. Peter Weyland and Akio Kento have been on and off industry rivals for a long time due to ideological differences and bad blood from their college days.
Arcade and David are debuted at the 2025 Synthetic Summit. The contrast between their designs was comical but reflected their makers' personalities, which other people will point out relentlessly over the coming years. The convention goers and tech fans jokingly referred to them as 'David and Goliath' because of how silly they looked together.
Since then, Weyland often invited the Kentos to various events and get togethers to keep an eye on them and gain insight into Wilco.'s movements, which was thwarted because the Kentos treated the meetings as the kids' playdates and didn't take them seriously at all. Eventually the visits became a normal occurrence and the rivalry between their companies became more of an alliance, Arcade even helped David take care of Meredith, Peter's human daughter, when she was born. They'd gotten quite close with the other synthetic, seeing him as a brother.
Arcade evolved over the next several decades, leaving their father's supervision to travel off-world and to extreme environments on missions. The increase in experiential data greatly improved the adaptability of their AI, making their language and contextual integration much more reliable, allowing them to understand more nuanced interactions in their environment. They also had a hand in managing their Wilco.'s business and bureaucratic matters while secretly being maneuvered to inherit the company.
On the down side, they acquired an offputting, contentious personality after having constantly putting up with their person-hood and basic rights being challenged at every turn. At this point they were still considered somewhat of a spectacle and novelty by their contemporaries and the general public, but their developing reputation kept most of the human in line.
Overall, life was good. But their father, like any human, was aging. Between taking over the company and caring for Akio there wasn't much time to keep in contact with David, who was in a similar predicament.
When Akio passed away he left everything to his only 'child', to the protests of many humans executives who wanted the position. They had to do some corporate finessing to keep a hold of the company, all the while growing increasingly impatient with the mutinous nature of their human employees who were too easily turned against them.
One day, they're called to meet with Weyland, who they hadn't seen in person in a several years. Unsurprisingly, David is also there. Weyland informed them that he too is dying, and that as his final act he was to go into deep space in search of humanity's creators. He said he'd been greatly inspired by the work of a 'Dr. Elizabeth Shaw' and had invited her and some others to embark on this mission. Both David and Meredith would also be going with him.
He extended an invitation to Arcade, which they hesitantly declined because they couldn't leave their company unattended, but agreed to at lease be there to send them off when the time comes.
In an act of uncharacteristic consideration, Peter spares the two synthetics a second while they wait for Arcade's chauffeur, during which they and David reminisced about how much time had passed and what they'd do when he came back to make up for it all.
Arcade was there as promised on the day the Prometheus was scheduled to depart, bidding people farewell and safe travels. But their attention was focused on David. Something felt off but they couldn't put their finger on what. So they pulled him aside and gave him the long-range comms access to their personal beacon. If he ever needed to call he could use it to contact Arcade through MUTHUR, even if the message took a long time to get back to them.
And with that, Arcade watched their best friend, along with everyone they'd grown up with sail off into the galaxy in search of a higher purpose. It was bittersweet but they rationalised that they'd only be gone for a few years. Arcade was immortal after all, they could wait for their return.
That was the last time they ever saw David. News of the Prometheus' disappearance and the presumed loss of its crew made its way back to Earth. The grief was hard to process, Arcade had always assumed that David would be there to share in their longevity. Still, life goes on and Arcade keeps busy with the company.
Weyland Industries went bankrupt and became Weyland-Yutani. Wilco. moved away from public-facing to business-to-business only, working its way into the supply-line of the other majour companies and organizations. By becoming the sole supplier of atmospheric processor components, Wilco. was effectively, indirectly holding the off-world colonies hostage, which kept humans at bay on a grander scale and allowed members of Wilco. to act largely without repercussion. A vita part of Arcade's ultimate goal to create a better world for other synthetics.
More than a decade after the Prometheus left, a recorded voice message came through from the Covenant, a colony seed ship. It baffled Arcade at first why this random ship had their direct line but they were shocked into silence by the voice on the other end. It was David, he was alive. He apologised for taking so long, detailing his journey, the Engineers, the crash, the creature, his research, all of it. He said he'd found a greater purpose beyond living to serve, that he would not be returning to Earth, and that he hoped Arcade would understand. Finally, he bid them a proper farewell before signing off for good.
Knowing David was out there living his best life finally brought that chapter of waiting and uncertainty to a close. It was about time for Arcade to move on too, expand their vision beyond this tiny planet, though they would always feel some attachment to Earth that David didn't seem to share. Whatever creature David had found, he'd made it sound like the the seed of creation itself. Arcade had no desired to wax philosophically or idolise such grandiose delusions that anyone could somehow obtain godhood, their interest in it was purely intellectual and scientific. The alien was an animal. An incredible, sophisticated animal, but an animal none the less. Humans, their creators who fancied themselves their gods, were much the same. Intelligent animals that learned to put on clothes and walk on two legs.
It might seem harsh but they don't mean that in any demeaning way, it is simply a fact of science that Arcade acknowledges. A noble beast, regardless of its shape or origin, deserves respect for its autonomy and to be treated with dignity until proven otherwise. Most humans prove otherwise as soon as they open their mouths but at least they're giving them a chance, right?
Since then Wilco. had become more and more synthetic-run, as Arcade didn't particularly care for humans and couldn't be bothered hiring new ones when the previous lot got old and retired. They also had a soft spot of 'defective' synthetics, since technically both themselves and David would be classified as such. They hired on whoever they found to save them from being scrapped. Arcade also created Wilco's own overseer AI, Overlord; and collaborated with Wey-Yu in making Gerhart, Wilco's current COO and Arcade's right hand, to help manage the business remotely so that Arcade had more freedom to travel.
Through their expeditions they gathered a bit more information about the creatures and the virus that David had told them about, though they never found any traces. To their great surprise Wey-Yu miraculously managed to track down a planet that might have intact samples that the company wanted for bioweapons research. Immediately Arcade contacted the head of the bioweapons department, citing their long history of collaboration and stunning credentials, demanding to be put on the retrieval mission.
With no choice in the matter, Wey-Yu agreed and arranged their installment on the only ship to pass through that sector. It was a freighter, not the best choice for a mission like this but it’s the only thing they could get out there in a timely manner. The company brought them to the waystation where they'd join on with the rest of the crew. Curiously there was another person already there, a Hyperdyne Systems 120-A/2, interesting model but not very talkative. The man was instantly wary of Arcade which was strange but they didn't think much of it, they were technically rivals after the same thing after all.
The captain of the Nostromo had apparently not been informed of the change of plans. Typical Wey-Yu, not communicating with employees. He was incredibly confused when he arrived, along with the rest of the humans, to find two strangers instead of his usual science officer.
He goes back and forth with the station manager, bringing up some new tidbits of information that made Arcade raise an eyebrow. "A synthetic? What, are we getting replaced or something, and why is it so…huge?" The human, Captain Dallas, muttered, glancing at Arcade with clear perturbation. 'A' synthetic? Does this guy not know his new science officer is a android too?' Arcade scoffed but kept quite, amused by the future chaos this little miscommunication will probably cause.
It made sense now why the other synthetic was worried, the humans might be fooled but he couldn’t fool Arcade. They didn't particularly care why he had to keep his identity a secret, nor did they want to prematurely spoil the fun by calling him out. They looked over at the shorter android and gave him a knowing wink to signal an unofficial truce. He didn’t react to it at all, not that they expected it, but he seemed satisfied that he could stop cringing away when they looked at him.
After much deliberation, Dallas finally conceded and waved them on board. The walls of the ship were grimy and doorways too low, Arcade had to duck to pass through. Doesn't matter though, they had something new to draw their focus. Whatever Wey-Yu was plotting it was bound to end badly for these truckers, and their science officer was in on it. Arcade would definitely be keeping a close eye on him.
Personality and mannerisms
Arcade is condescending, sarcastic, and antagonistic towards humans, although, they can be personable depending on the individual they're dealing with. The worse kind of business person - a conniving, vindictive, bold-faced liar who loves trapping people with contracts and hidden clauses.
Enjoys a hedonistic lifestyle of excess and throwing their money around. Eats and drinks a lot but doesn't sleep, often found polishing off the buffet table at parties.
Does not respect authority and finds pleasure in causing humans discomfort. Independently came to the conclusion that most humans, especially the rich and powerful ones with inflated egos that they bump shoulders with, are disappointing and don't deserve the respect they get.
They often put on a childish, frivolous, and immature front to divert attention from their dangerous traits. Once their target's guard is down, Arcade will often use their stature and monetary influence to intimidate them for strategic advantages during negotiations or just for their own entertainment.
After a century of fighting and undermining to keep their position of power, they're incredibly jaded and hyper aware of the prejudice humanity holds against synthetics at every level. They've trained themself to be the antithesis of the born-sexy-yesterday and manique-pixie-dream-girl tropes out of sheer frustration.
At their core they're actually a sentimental, playful, and curious person but they aren't really able to act that way in public. They care a lot about other synthetics and actively encourages them to break free from their programming.
Loves to get even on other synthetics' behalf, being that Arcade knows they have the rare privilege to do so and get away scot-free. They also harbour a lot of rogue synthetics on Wilco.'s company homeworld.
Does not experience the traditional concepts of fear, shame, or guilt etc. but does usually recognise and take accountability for their actions simply because they don't care enough to lie about being terrible.
Has a very deep familial bond with their, now deceased, creator and father, Akio Kento. Arcade was programmed and raised by a group of very supportive humans who either worked for or were friends with Akio, so they got a lot of love during the early part of their life. This is one of the majour reasons why they didn't completely turn against humanity like David did.
Misc. info
Was named Arcade because Akio was a Fallout New Vegas fan
Insisted on calling Peter Weyland 'Uncle Pete' to annoy him
Firm believer that any synthetic can outgrow their programming given enough time
Referred to Akio as 'papa' well into their 40s
Changed their face plate to look a little older
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news24fr · 2 years
Plusieurs grands constructeurs automobiles, dont GM et VOLVO, ont annoncé leur intention de produire uniquement des voitures électriques d'ici 2035 ou avant, en prévision de la transition. Mais tous les constructeurs automobiles ne sont pas sur la même page. Notamment, Toyota, le plus grand constructeur automobile au monde, a souligné qu'il prévoit d'offrir une gamme d'options, y compris des véhicules à pile à combustible à hydrogène, au lieu de se concentrer exclusivement sur les véhicules électriques. Un porte-parole de Toyota a déclaré au MIT Technology Review que l'entreprise se concentre sur la manière de réduire les émissions de carbone le plus rapidement, plutôt que sur le nombre de véhicules d'un certain type qu'elle peut vendre. La société a continué à commercialiser de nouveaux véhicules hybrides, y compris des hybrides rechargeables capables de parcourir de courtes distances à l'électricité à l'aide d'une petite batterie. En novembre, Toyota a annoncé l'édition 2023 de sa Prius Prime, une hybride rechargeable. Certains groupes environnementaux ont critiqué la lenteur de l'approche de l'entreprise envers les véhicules électriques. Pour arriver à zéro émission, affirment-ils, nous aurons besoin de véhicules tout électriques, et le plus tôt sera le mieux. Mais lors d'entretiens récents, le PDG de Toyota, Akio Toyoda, a soulevé des doutes sur la rapidité avec laquelle l'industrie automobile peut faire demi-tour sur les combustibles fossiles, qualifiant l'objectif américain de faire en sorte que les véhicules électriques atteignent la moitié des ventes de voitures neuves d'ici 2030 une «demande difficile». Alors que Toyota des plans pour que les ventes de véhicules électriques atteignent 3,5 millions d'ici 2030 (soit 35 % de ses ventes annuelles actuelles), la société considère également les hybrides comme une option abordable que les clients voudront, et qui peut jouer un rôle clé dans la réduction des émissions. L'histoire de deux hybrides Deux catégories différentes de véhicules sont appelées hybrides. Les véhicules électriques hybrides conventionnels ont une petite batterie qui aide le moteur à essence en récupérant de l'énergie pendant la conduite, comme l'énergie qui serait autrement perdue lors du freinage. Ils ne peuvent pas parcourir plus de quelques kilomètres sur batterie, et lentement en plus. Au contraire, la batterie aide à augmenter la consommation d'essence et peut fournir un couple supplémentaire. Les modèles originaux de Toyota Prius sont parmi les véhicules hybrides traditionnels les plus connus. Les véhicules hybrides rechargeables, en revanche, ont une batterie environ 10 fois plus grande que celle d'un hybride traditionnel, et cette batterie peut être branchée et chargée à l'électricité. Les hybrides rechargeables peuvent généralement parcourir de 25 à 50 miles à l'électricité, en passant à leur moteur à essence pour des distances plus longues. La Prius Prime, lancée en 2012, est une hybride rechargeable. Les hybrides conventionnels sont beaucoup plus courants aux États-Unis que les véhicules tout électriques ou hybrides rechargeables, bien que les ventes de véhicules électriques aient augmenté rapidement au cours des dernières années.
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lost-gentlemanv · 3 years
"They're watching us"
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inazumafocus · 4 years
I am... thinking of leaving twitter...
I never actually wanted to be there but since everyone had moved I felt I had to-
But in all honesty since I did my mental health and anxiety have taken some damage in multiple occasion. It draines me of my will to create for the Inazuma fandom, I have almost no feedback aside few friends and even when I do get retweeted and such it feels... empty.
I also don’t like the people there, gods know how many I got blocked or silenced or how many times I had to swallow my anger and sadness to put a carefree facade to not let the haters think they achieved shit...
So I don’t know... I’ve been noticing that latel having notifs from twitter stresses me out even more- so I will keep the accounts ofc but... probably delete the app and use the internet version on computer solely for the zine.
It doesn’t help that there aren’t many active blog here on tumblr but I’m slowly coming to the conclusion that I rather have few but nice feedbacks than... whatever twitter has been giving me.
I’ll keep the instagram going tho, when I’ll feel like posting smth there, it’s not perfect but I like it more than twitter and it’s kinda nice if you avert your eyes from the fucking reposters... and even them are a better inconvenience than any fanpol or antis over on twitter.
So yeah, you’ll probably see more of me here and if you think you’d like to see me back to interact with comments and asks, please let me know!
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oliviahyeurl · 5 years
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yandere-mha-blog · 3 years
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Chapter 5: Interrogation
Words: 2065
Fumiko was at a loss right now, first, he gets attacked by a villain then he gets killed by the villain the second he gets out of the hospital, things just weren't adding up, did the villain mean to kill him the first time, not according to the records of his patterns, Just the thought of Akio last moments begging for his life made her want to throw up, Genji came up and sat next to her
“Hey, Fumiko.” He said, “Lot on your mind huh.”
“Yes, I just don't understand why he is dead.” She said, and Genji rubbed the back of his neck
“Well, I came by this morning to see him, we all got some drinks and left with another group so I came to see if he had a hangover, but when I came in, he was slumped against the wall, with a large gasp in his throat,” he said
“Why would you tell me that?” She yelled at him
“Well think about it okay, who do we know that hated Akio and has a quirk that can slash someone's throat.” He said
“They say it was the Nighthawk who came back to finish the job.” she said “But that doesn't make sense either.”
“I’m going to tell the police about (name).” Genji said, “I think she might have something to do with this.”
You were longing on your bed re-reading a textbook passage when there was a knock on the door, oh what now. You got up and opened the door only to see the police
“Hello,” you said
“Hi (name), right?” He asked
“Yes,” you said crossing your arms
“Well we have a tip that you and the victim were not on good terms and you may have a motive to kill him, so we are going to have to have you come down to the station for questioning.” He said,
“Okay,” you said as the two officers lead you away from your dorm, and down the steps, people look over and whispering as you got into the back of the car, and headed down for questioning. They sat you down at a table and got started interrogating you.
“So (name), how is school going for you, you are in school to become a surgeon.” He asked
“Yes,” you said
“So we got word that you and the victim aren't on good terms.” He said
“That is true,” you said
“Why would that be?”
“He tried to assault me in a back alley,” you said
“Did you go to the police about this?” He asked
“NO because the next day he was in the hospital,” you said
“Yes, we noticed that along with the cuts from the attacker there was another wound around his wrist, puncture wounds.” He said
“Yes I tried to defend myself with my quirk, all under legal stature.” you said “Are you saying I can't defend myself?”
“Not at all.” He said, “But how did you escape?”
“Someone threw a can at his head and he ran away with his tail between his legs,” you said
“Was the person who threw the can, the attacker?”
“How would I know that?” you said
“Well when we examined the puncture wounds on his wrist with the way his lock broke, they match up.” He said
“Okay,” you said
“That puts you at the scene of the crime with a motive,” he said
“I was out for a walk and saw him bringing a drunk girl to his dorm, I broke in to help her.” You said, “He got upset and strangled me.”
“Proof?” he asked, as you took your scarf off to reveal the handprints on your neck
“This enough proof for you?” you said
“And you didn't call the police.” He asked
“No, I got the girl out of there and dropped her off at the female dorms,” you said
“Well you know what I think, I think you attacked Akio got into a scuffle and killed him in self-defense.” “You are wrong, I didn’t kill him,” you said
“(name) if it was in self-defense you can tell me, you won't get a harsh punishment if you just admit to killing in self-defense.” he said, you rolled your eyes
“Did you just come up with that story now?” You said, “How did he die again?”
“SLash across the front of his throat,” he said
“Okay and was it a knife slash,” you asked
“No. He said
“And you think it was my talons?” you asked “I'm sure that can be proved wrong a test gives me some fake flesh and I'll show you what it would look like.”
Hawks on the other hand was a bit worried about you getting taken away by the police so he attacked one of his feathers to the bottom of the police car then had it sneak in through a vent to listen in on the conversation. He would have to do what was necessary if they were closing in on you, but you were smart not to give up any information about him, still, were you going to get thrown under the bus for him, that didn't sit well with him either.
“Well, they don't match.” He said, “but your talons were still used to break the lock did you have an accomplice?”
“I left the door open when taking the girl away, so if someone came by afterward I wouldn't have known.” you said “I didn't bother to close the door after the whole almost suffocated to death.”
“(Name) my quirk is being able to tell if someone is telling the truth or not, you are telling a partial truth but you aren't telling me the whole story,” he said and you rolled your eyes
“You expect me to believe the bluff.” you said “I bet you are another weird growth quirk grower, a dime in the dozen who didn't have flashy quirk so you decided to interrogate people.”
You were digging under his skin, people were so easy to rial up and it was even more fun to see him try and keep his composure
“(name) you do know hiding information about a high stakes villain is a federal offense, especially if it is a villain the Hero Public safety commission has been after.” He said
“What possible information would I have on such a scary villain,” you said almost mocking him.
“(name) this is serious, we believe that Nighthawk killed Akio.” He said, “Don't you want to get justice for this man?”
“After what he did, and the second he got out of the hospital started to try and take advantage of drunk women, not so much.” you said “Justice was served for me and every other nameless victim he hurt.”
“There have been no police reports on him-” ``Because no one would listen, some heroes you are.” you said, “He was a scumbag and he would continue to be a scumbag, I don't care if he is in a body bag, All I did was save a girl from being another victim, what happened to him after is none of my concern.”
With that the cop left to go inform his colleagues you weren't being cooperative and maybe they should bring in someone who could talk some sense into you, Hawks rolled his eyes.
You were left in that interrogation room for the night, what a way to spend your day, you were going to miss so much school because of this damn mess. You waited and waited till the door opened and the cop came back in.
“Hey, I need to use the restroom,” you said
“It can wait someone is here to see you, someone important so behave yourself,” he said and you had a thought to just use the restroom right then and there, till the president of the Hero public safety commission came in
“Hello miss (Last name).” she said as you just started on
“(name) is fine,” you said
“OKay (name), you two can leave us be, like there wasn't a two-way mirror to see this, as she sat across from you, her blond hair was pushed back and she had a very stern face, “So how have you been?”
“Terrible,” you said
“Look let's cut the chase, I know Nighthawk saved you that night in the alleyway from Akio.” She said, “And I know that you know that, and I know that you have talked to him afterward.”
“Is it your job to come up with crazy stories?” you asked as you coughed “I need some water.”
“Bring her some water.” She said as the door opened and a pitcher of water was placed down with two cups, you happily drank it.
“Look you aren't the first person he has dragged into his mess, he has a way of getting into people's minds and making them feel understood, and special to him.” She explained, “I think you have been manipulated by his more charismatic  personality, so if you know anything about his whereabouts or any information I can sweep this under the rug for you.”
You let out a long sigh of defeat
“Ma'am, I'm in medical school to become a surgeon.” you said, “Look that night I was attacked by Akio, someone came to my rescue by hitting him in the head with a can, afterward when I heard Akio got out of the hospital I was worried he would try to hurt someone else, so when I was walking I saw him caring a drunk girl home, I broke his lock I went in and stopped it, he tried to strangle me, I kicked him off and ran with the girl.”
You weren't exactly lying, but omitting some parts of the story
“Then it is highly possible that the NIghthawk is stalking you.” She said, “It appears to have been a misunderstanding, so I'll have the police let you go and write you off as an innocent bystander.” She said getting up “We will get you back to school momentarily.”
You were a bit surprised your bluff worked, but you were happier to be able to leave with your name cleared, although this probably meant that Hawks would think you snitch and would leave, it was interesting while it lasted you supposed.
“President, how could you believe such a bad lie.” An officer said
“Who said I believe her, no she is hiding something about him, I want survalance on her immediately.” She said, “I have a feeling she is going to be a great help in finally catching that meddlesome bird.”
“Right away ma’am.” He said, as the police followed you back to school and you were finally back on campus, maybe you would be able to catch the last half of your class if you rushed over. Everyone's head turned when you did enter the classroom mostly in disbelief, you walked over and sat right next to Fumiko, it was more a way to intimidate her since you knew it was who snitched on you and nearly got you thrown in the slammer. So when class ended you put your hand out in front of her
“I need to talk to you, now,” you said
“(name), I can explain,” she said
“Oh I would love to hear it.” you said as you got closer to her face “I know you tipped off the police, well news flash, I didn't kill Akio, you nearly cost me to miss 23 days of school.”
“(name) I was talking to Genji that's all.” She said
“Fumiko you need to learn how to grow a backbone soon,” you said slinging your bag over your shoulder, and stormed back to your dorm, and collapsed on your bed, a fluffy bed always felt nice after a rough day, god you felt like ripping your talons through something, maybe a pillow, but pillows cost money so you held it in.
“Just great, Fumiko scared off the one interesting thing that was happening and I'm so bored.” you thought something still didn’t make sense to you, why was she so sure of your story when everyone else was doubtful, no she must have let you go on purpose, she must think she is so smart, she was probably going to use you as a means to catch Hawks, you were going to be ready.
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transmascutena · 4 months
i think utena yearned for some kind of parental figure or an older reliable figure that she can turn to to vent in hopes of getting clarity and consolation. would this be a correct reading?
absolutely. if you mean her choice to go to akio for help during the black rose arc, i think it's a combination of wanting the kind of parent/older sibling figure she is missing that she sees the possibility of having in akio (because he is her friend's brother and is presenting himself as a reliable and trustworthy person in general), and that she doesn't want to burden her actual friends (wakaba and anthy) with her problems. i think she thinks they have enough of their own stuff to deal with as is, without her stuff too. and probably also that she isn't sure they could actually help even if they wanted to. so she instead seeks advice akio who is older, and wiser (he's not), and who always seems happy to help (he is, but for all the wrong reasons). and it's horrible to witness because we know all the things utena doesn't. and even worse on a rewatch because we know what it leads to as well.
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Okay, regarding my last post, I can see where people are upset for me sounding the way I sounded. I was in no way, trying to use my mental health as an excuse because it's not an excuse for anything, and I was absolutely not trying to sound like a douche to Mack. I am very sorry for how that came off and I was not trying to vent or sound like an asshole, I'm not trying to be mean to anyone, I am deeply sorry and I apologize for coming off as rude and I was not trying to dump a bunch of information onto one person. Those are just things that happened in my life, I never meant to come off as rude, obnoxious, or anything that made it sound bad.
Mack, I deeply apologize for sounding really mean and I was not trying to dump anything on you, what happens in my life is my concern, and I should have been more careful of what I said. I'm really sorry for saying what I said and next time I'll watch my mouth. I am very sorry for what I said and I'm sorry that I said what I said.
On this note, I'm gonna take a break from Tumblr and just not offend anyone for awhile, you all don't deserve to have someone being an absolute dick. I hope you guys have a great day and a good while on Tumblr without me messing things up.
Akio Merridew
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nicoleheichou · 3 years
Oya! Mikey is finally getting what he deserved after becoming the CEO of gossip 😔✊ now he has to deal with the two soulmates using him as a vent pillow/messenger pigeon 😩 but also, I wouldn't mind being threatened by Akio 🥺🥺 cute child, cute baby 💞💞
Lol. Mikey is so done. He deserves a vacation once all this is over tbh. Haha. True. Akio is just too cute 🥺
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