untitled-vitamin 21 days
so this is just like a.. walmart?? Yayy now I don't have to travel from pharmacy to pharmacy to get everyone's vitamins
Though people mostly send their excess stock here, and they rarely get sold, so some vitamins like Tsukasa vitamins have been sitting here for quite some time.
It's only recently that we had more customers, even if they only use the vending machines.
We're also working on our own Untitled Vitamin, but so far, it just gives me the urge to compose to save someone on top of minty breaths.
Where is she anyway? I have VitaHonas with her name on it.
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Kanade came out from the back and found the pharmacist slumping against their chair while one of her songs was playing on the pharmacy's sound system.
馃幖 "What happened while I was at the back?
馃摀 "A detective came in and asked some questions about the city and Research Lab 39. It went exactly as you'd expect.
馃幖 "Oh no. What did they do when they saw you like that?"
馃摀"They didn't push the topic and just left, saying they'll come back when I feel better."
馃幖 "How did she know about that place anyway? I thought they dealt with all the survivors of the fall to ensure no information leakage and to avoid them allying with us?"
馃摀"Maybe she found some classified documents while investigating one of her cases?"
馃幖"You have a point, but it's also possible she's a spy sent by other factions to dig up more info from us."
馃摀"I hope she's just someone seeking out the truth, because I feel like I can trust her."
馃幖"I hope your judgement isn't wrong, otherwise it could end up messy for us."
馃摀"I hope so, especially since when I talked to her, I felt like I was talking to one of my old friends."
馃幖"Are you sure the Soyo vitamin didn't make you think that?"
馃摀"I doubt it."
馃幖 "For both our sakes, I hope the vitamin isn't clouding your judgement."
馃幖"So, do you want to compose music with me now?"
馃摀"Sure. I'll go get my bass."
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davidtimes 1 year
Managing MURs from Subacute to Chronic: Insights with Kristi Maguire
Explore valuable insights with Kristi Maguire on managing Medication Use Reviews (MURs) from subacute to chronic settings. Enhance your knowledge in pharmaceutical care.
#MedicationUseReviews #PharmaceuticalCare #ChronicMedicationManagement #KristiMaguire #HealthcareInsights #PharmacyPractice #ClinicalPharmacy #PharmacistTalks #MedicationManagement #HealthcareProfessionals
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untitled-vitamin 22 days
Hellloooo~! I thought I'd stop by....I never really come out here, only to dispose of unnecessary remains in my storage!
Oh, hi there.
It's been so long since someone actually stopped by to dispose of their excess stocks.
Usually they just ship it here, after I put a request for more that is.
To this day, I question how many people come here to get their vitamins, because the vending machines outside has to be restocked from time to time.
Would be nice if they came in and had a chat from time to time
Say, you wouldn't have happened to seen a brown haired girl with twintails wearing glasses who acts like Honami, have you?
I'm starting to feel like she's avoiding this place because she doesn't want to be attached to me and not because it's more convenient for her to get the vitamins she needs in the city.
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untitled-vitamin 23 days
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Today's Untitled Vitamin is Kanade's music box in the Empty SEKAI
Wait... This is new. It's never done anything like this before...
It used to just give you minty breaths.
Hmmm, maybe it turning black has to do with this....
"You must keep composing to save her, Akio."
"You can't let her disappear."
I don't feel so good. I'm just gonna write the effects doen before I rest for the day.
Untitled Vitamin - Black (Does the colour affect the vitamin's effect?) - Develop the urge to keep composing to save someone.
Okay, that's done. Mini Kanades, help tend the pharmacy for me....
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untitled-vitamin 11 days
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Today's Untitled Vitamin is An's headphones in the Street Sekai
"Do I look good in headphones?
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untitled-vitamin 6 days
"You think this will work, A?"
"I hope it does. Oh, and you can call me Aria."
"And you can call me Akio." he pauses. "Man, it feels weird talking to you face to face."
"And yet you don't feel weird when talking to Suisei?"
"That's.... Well....."
"Now, all we need to do is wait for her to take this and everything should be fine..... that is, she doesn't go through with her plan to become full Honami. I couldn't believe my ears when I heard it from her school-"
"Wait, what?! We have to talk her out of it."
"Well... she won't listen to me or her foster siblings, so.. it's time for you to talk her out of it."
"Will she listen to me?"
"That, I cannot say for sure. Maybe you need some help."
"I'll get the other pharmacists to help me."
"And I'll see if they're available to help." She looks at you, hiding in the corner.
You can try talk Suisei out of her plan.
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untitled-vitamin 10 days
Still unsatisfied that you found nothing at the Honami Pharmacy the other day, you once again decide to investigate, this time with a Mini Kanade.
Unfortunately, both you and Mini Kanade find nothing of note.
In fact, the area around the pharmacy seems too clean, save for a candy wrapper, which Mini Kanade takes.
You were about to leave when Akio taps you on the shoulder.
"Guess you and I had the same idea."
He stares at the pharmacy. "I still can't believe this place started it all. I love to talk with the pharmacist, but it seems they have their own issues, considering the fact that it's stuck in a temporal bubble for the past few days."
Mini Kanade shows him the candy wrapper and he clicks his tongue.
"So, she was here again yesterday. Maybe I should get a Mini Kanade to watch this place."
Mini Kanade salutes Akio and leaves.
"Suisei's been frequenting the vending machines back at the Untitled Pharmacy to get her Honas. I'm thinking of replacing the Honas with a different variant, but everything I made isn't as good as the original. A says she's working on something that might help. A fusion of Hona and another Pharmacity vitamin."
You ask him what the other vitamin is.
"She told me not to tell you as she wants to tell you herself. I'm not sure why, but I rather not question it." he shrugs.
"Since I'm here, I'm going to check out the other pharmacies."
He then leaves for the Mafuyu pharmacy.
Maybe you should text Aria about the vitamin she's making as well as other things.
You can now ask Aria questions (not that you can't already).
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untitled-vitamin 10 days
Some Mini Kanades say they saw Suisei buying VitaHona from the vending machines late at night.
The ones there, fortunately aren't from the same batch as the one that contain enkephalin, but it's still a Hona.
I should probably take those out, but then Suisei will suffer heavy withdrawal symptoms.
A says the vitamin she's working on is almost done, so I can probably replace the Honas with that.
Hopefully that will help her.
Wonder if I should ask the Mini Kanades to stall Suisei for me.
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untitled-vitamin 27 days
So why is this place in the Outskirts?
Well, we used to be in the Pharmacity area until this girl who I loathe very much banished us here.
I have no idea how exactly did she get a device that is able to do so or why hasn't she done it to the other Pharmacies
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Today's Soyomin is the Key Visual for the Mygo x TogeToge collab live featuring @semidaily-vitamin-tomori
"We split up before we could even form a band..."
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I wonder if my former close friends are faring much better than me...
I miss them very much.
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untitled-vitamin 3 days
"That fucking smell. She's here. Tcsh, I really should have brought more resources with me."
A bullet hit her right shoulder, causing her to yell.
"I am so going to get the person who thought putting pain receptors in this body is a good idea."
"Can't you at least use a clone body so that my inflicted wounds cause you to bleed?"
Hisono turned and glared at the source of the voice, Aria.
"Where's that son of a bitch and Suisei?"
"Right behind you, Hisono."
"Right here, girl who wanted to Honamify me for your evil intentions."
Hisono backed herself against the pharmacy's wall, as Suisei, Akio and Aria maintained their positions to the right, left and Infront of her, respectively.
"If you jump, Mini Kanade will shoot you." Akio coldly said while shooting her a death glare.
"Guess you win, it's over."
Aria kept her gun aimed at Hisono. "You're too calm. What do you have planned?"
"Nothing. You win, I lose. It's a simple as that."
Aria dashed towards her as a blade of light emerged from the muzzle and sliced the top of Hisono's head off, revealing her mechanical insides. Before Hisono or anyone else could react, she performed two downwards slices and a horizonal slice, slicing both Hisono's arms and head off cleanly.
Then, she performed a few precise slices on her chest before she pulled out a glowing mechanical heart and threw it into the air.
Moments after, the heart exploded mid air.
Aria took Hisono's torso and threw it towards Suisei, landing directly at her feet. She staggered back a few feet.
"It's common for one with a mechanical body to rig their hewrt to explode as a last resort."
"Aria, what the heck was that?"
"Did you forget that I said I did combat training?"
"I don't remember you saying that."
"Is your family some sort of secret peacekeeping force or something?"
"Yeah.... Something like that."
"I really wish it was just that, Akio."
"Too bad I never got to lash out at her, but hey, at least it's over... for now."
Susiei clapped her hands. "Let's go back and celebrate this victory, even if I didn't do much in the end."
"Don't say that. You're part of the reason we're celebrating."
"Oh, right. Silly me."
Aria looks at the both of them, "You two head back first. I have something to do."
"Sure~ Come, Akio, let's go back."
Suisei grabs Akio's hand and they leave the area, the latter trying to hide his blush from her.
Aria kneels down, picks up the severed arm and grimaces.
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untitled-vitamin 3 days
"It's over... Any longer and I might actually give in..."
Aria lies on the ground facing the sky, still panting.
"Mini Kanade found where Hisono is. If we hurry, we can still catch her."
"Aria, can you stand up?"
"Just give me a minute."
Slowly, Aria gets up, using Suisei as support. "Where is she?"
"On a building rooftop overlooking the first Honami Pharmacy."
"There's more of them??? If I knew that earlier, I wouldn't have gone to the first one. Then again, I wouldn't have met you, Akio, so... actually, forget I said anything."
Akio slightly blushed and looked away.
"Sometimes the portals bring you to where you need to go, not to where you want to go."
"Mini Kanade says she jumped down and is heading towards the first pharmacy."
"Oh, forgot that we're chasing her down. If only those portals connect two places in this city together and not just my world with this city."
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untitled-vitamin 4 days
While searching the city for Hisono, the three of them heard an.... orchestra playing. Aria suddenly fell to her knees and started panting loudly.
Suisei ran to her and gently caressed her back while Akio clicked his tongue.
"The nerve of her to use one of mom's stuff." He took out his phone and dialed a number. "Mini Kanade, find Hisono and get that baton out of her hand, now."
"Akio, what's going on? Why is Aria hurt by the music but not us?"
"Must... set the town on fire. The music compels me to...argggh."
"Aria! Stay with us, please!"
"Hisono is using a baton that makes everyone within a 500 meter radius feel the urge to set the area on fire. Judging by how we're unaffected, she must have not figured out how to remove the safety feature my mom put."
"Your mother?"
"You'll be meeting her soon enough. And thanks for not making an unintentional your mom joke."
"You're... welcome?"
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untitled-vitamin 4 days
"Aria, Akio. Thank goodness you're here."
"Suisei, take this HonaSaki vitamin now! I promise it'll help you."
"I don't understand, but okay."
Suisei immediately swallows the HonaSaki vitamin and instantly feels calm and energized...
"I feel energized. That's new."
"Aria, Akio can we try being friends?"
"I hope I can escape the friendzone though."
"Absolutely. Can I ask your opinion on friendships now?"
"Well.. I still feel like they'll hurt us both, but I'm willing to give it a try."
"Akio. It worked... It actually worked... Oh, I'm so happy, I could cry."
"You're already crying."
"You too, Akio."
She looks them both in the eye and takes a deep breath.
"Guys. I'm so sorry for what I did to you these past few weeks."
"It's not your fault. You were under the vitamin's influence."
"No need to apologise for that. It's Hisono's fault. She gave you the vitamin, fully intending to Honamise you."
"Hisono.... I thought she was a good person because she gave me the vitamin intending to help me with my issues, but after seeing what the vitamin did to me, I doubt she had good intentions to begin with."
"She never had good intentions to begin with."
"Say, I got a wonderful idea for our first outing together."
"What is it, Akio?"
"Let's go find and beat up Hisono."
"Count me in. That bitch will pay for what she did to you and me."
"I have some strong words to say to her."
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