#Ajax rants
saturnsconstellation · 4 months
James “The crime occurs at the exact moment you break a law” Potter
Barty “it’s only a crime if you get caught” Crouch jr
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makeyouminemp3 · 2 years
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this is actually canon to me cause i said so
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arsonlookers · 5 months
Guysss HEAR ME OUT!!! Am I the only one who thinks adventurine
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and childe
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are the same person in a TWO different game!? help what's wrong with me tuehruhe WHY ARE THEY SO PRETTY!??? LIKE AM I SICK IN THE HEAD??!! they are make me simmp on them like wtf! pleasee stop they are renting free inmy MIND pleaSEE! HELPPP they are gonna make me loose my MINDD :D
The other one is a gambler and the other one is a fighter who also gambles on his life like THEY ARE SIMILARITIES THAT I JUST DONT UNDERSTAND!! I CAN LITERARY MAKE AN WHOLE ASS ESSAY FOR THIS TWO like look at this THIS!
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AND THIS!! pleasee!
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brrk barkk!!! I will marry this man like eat them whole up!!
DAdddddyyyyy AAAGGGGHHHHHH!!!!
THE VOICE THOUGHHH LIKE AAUUGG if I would die and you would play this in my funeral I WILL JUST GONNA RISE TO DEAD IMMEDIATELY!!
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pleasee take me with youu!!
this is my first ranting so hehehe im sorry to bother but hehheheehehheheeehehehe stay with me if your with meee!!
IF you have any ideas pleaseee!! IM willing to listen I want to share my thoughts too!! this two are just mwahhh!!
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varicspidey · 1 month
sum1 told me i was spreading misinfo on the internet by saying hypersexuality has 2 b caused by sum type of trauma nd b4 yalls maul me and call me dumb, that trauma can even b being exposed 2 sex nd shit like that at a young age. sum people have it in their head that trauma is only sum huge life event that clearly fucked you up like nooo... it can even b sumthing you can't really tell
like bro i'm not spreading misinfo but you aren't magically hypersexual cuz you wanna have sex or sumthing.
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twobellsilence · 21 days
no but fr aom retold is so important to me. probably one of my first favorite characters in anything ever and maybe my first crush too was this bundle of pixels right here
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and like y'all dont understand how HYPE it feels to finally see him iN HQ AFTER SO LONG
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i Adore his smug ass, Your Honor
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ajxrn-archive · 21 days
Obviously I know (some) of your thoughts on Childe, but what do you think of the other harbingers?
YIPEE I love the harbingers ‼️ I’ll rant under the cut.. I had a huge obsession with the harbingers a few months back and I still do (in fact my brainrot is coming back so this is a perfect time for you to ask this)
Starting off with Pierro. I find him so interesting as a character because when I was diving into the lore of the harbingers I originally thought that he was number one?? Apparently he’s the director because capitano is no. 1.. I think that’s interesting. So what mainly intrigues me about him is the fact that he’s khaenri’ahn. The Tsaritsa has got to be different from the other Archons because of the fact she literally has a Khaenri’ahn man help run her military. I wonder what their relationship is with each other. Is it anything like dainslumi? I can picture it being that way but more cold, you know? The fact he’s based off the commedia dell’arte stock character Pierro (the fool/jester) is really interesting to me too.. they all have their connections to the characters in one way or another so I wonder what exactly his is.
Now onto Capitano. So far I think he is SO fucking cool he might be one of my favorite harbingers atp. Design wise it’s definitely a favorite but also the fact that he has so many similarities to Kaeya? If hyv were to make him related in some way to kaeya that would be so funny to me.. a lot of people do the pierro is kaeya’s dad thing but honesty I think Capitano would be a cooler connection lowkey? Also generally the ragbros situation would be 10x worse if kaeya was related to the fatui in some way, no matter which one it is. Anyways back on capitano, I’m mostly interested to see how his motives lay out and what his relationship with Mavuika is. The fight seen with him and her was so neat like the way they laid it out was so.. idk. I have a thing for fire/ice character relationships (not in a romantic way.) also what interests me even more about him is that The Captain in the commedia dell’arte is described as a ‘braggart’ type of person, so I’m wondering if he would use his ability to “convince people who knew nothing about him beforehand” to try and manipulate people in Natlan to revolt against Mavuika for the current issues and whatnot.
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like I wonder how this'll play into his character in game/story wise. I hope he'll be playable sniff sniff.. Anyways, now onto this fucker!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Dottore is one of my favorite harbingers. I am an avid Dottore enjoyer. He’s cunning and genuinely awful and there’s no redeeming his ass he’s going straight to hell 🙏 and that’s what makes him such a GOOD character. He genuinely has zero redeeming qualities about him. He literally uses people and children for his experiments without second thought. He has clones of himself. He possibly killed his girlfriend in his school days. (If the zandik lore is right.) He was literally expelled from the Akademiya because of how awful he was.
I cannot fathom how amazing of a character he is. I think in games we need to have more characters who are just genuinely fucking evil and we don’t just “hate” them for it. I honestly dislike how people hate him JUST because he did bad shit, like have a better reason than that tbh? "He hurt collei/He's the reason crepus died/he gave scara so much trauma" I LOVE ALL THREE OF THOSE GUYS AND DOTTORE</3 Don't hate one character only to love the next. anyways dottore supremacy..
Anywho, onto Columbina. Honestly she intrigues me so much. She's so powerful that not even childe wants to fight her, what is up with that??? I think its also interesting how in the commedia dell'arte her title is technically Little Dove but it’s Damselette in the game. we like,, do not know much about her at all to be honest?? The harbingers voice lines about her interest me so much, especially arle's. It's very. vague??
Arlecchino: "She is a very special Harbinger. Pose her a question, and the answer you receive will be entirely unpredictable, if she sees fit to give a proper answer at all. Regardless, any answer you do receive is sure to be an interesting one."
Childe: "The Fatui Harbingers are ranked by strength, and I have no idea why that girl is No. 3. I'd test my skills with every Harbinger who ranks above me if I had the chance, but when it comes to her... something just doesn't feel right. Anyway, you should be careful around her."
Scara/Wanderer: "Let me ask: what should you do if you were to encounter a "damsel" who is oblivious and innocent at any given time, and unconcerned and unfeeling in any given situation? If it were me, I could at least challenge her to a fight. But if it were you... with your conscience, I would stay away from her."
Judging by voice lines alone, columbina is very, very powerful. she seems to beat around the bush with questions (arles voiceline) and is very mysterious even with the other harbingers. (childe saying something doesn't feel right) I've seen theories that she belongs to the seele race which is honestly pretty cool, but I think i'd need to see her in game or hear more about her first. I'd assume that Arlecchino has a rather close/interesting relationship with columbina. Not purely because of the fact they do in the commedia dell'arte, but because she was the only one out of the three to not tell the traveler to be careful around/stay away from columbina.
Arlecchino herself is a really well written character to me and I notice that a lot of the fandom don't understand her entirely (myself included.) Something i notice the most is how people tend to dumb her down to the Father of the house of the hearth, either portraying her as a wonderful parent (incorrect) or as an awful one (also incorrect.) She's definitely a highly flawed person who does put her children in danger, although she absolutely cares about the children of the hearth. I wouldn't say she's a child abuser/groomer/any other stupid shit the fandom says about her. Her wiki quite literally says that she's flawed but not as awful as Crucabena:
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Her (possibly?) being khaenri'ahn is also so interesting because WHY does the tsaritsa keep having connections with khaenri'ah in her military of all things. I have so many questions.
We do not know much about pulcinella at all but I do find it SO intruiging/interesting (can someone give me another word for this HELP) that he's close to childe. he visits childes family for him, iirc, which is suspicious when you read the commedia dell'arte lore.
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I do think he's doing this for self gain to be honest. He's a manipulative person, so he could be manipulating childe into relaxing around him to the point of letting pulcinella get near his family, which could end really badly to be honest.
Next up is scaramouche. I feel like the scara stans themselves don't even understand his character that much, because they're too busy yelling at people about raiden/dottore instead of focusing on his character itself. I think he's a LOT more than mommy issues short boy and actually his character is really deep. His name in the commedia dell'arte is also Little Skirmisher (instead of balladeer, though I'm not too sure what that means) and what's most interesting to me about his commedia dell'arte connection is how (IIRC, this could be wrong but i found this out last time i was talking about the harbingers and the commedia dell'arte) scaramouche's "mask" was later removed, which him being removed from irminsul could be a nod to that.
What's also a neat nod to the commedia is how scara "influences the audience to do his bidding." I think in game they referenced this by him influencing/controlling that one woman in sumeru (i forget her name) to be his first follower and do as he says.
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Okay so truthfully i don't have many thoughts on sandrone but something that makes me curious about her backstory is the fact that in the commedia she is known as "Peasant.” what else is neat with this is that she looks like that one girl from Fontaine (Mary-Ann) I don’t really know/remember the the lore of her but hm.
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What’s even weirder abt the similarities is that Marionette (her title) means Little Mary IIRC? I don’t think she IS Mary Ann since she’s dead but she could have connections to her. Anyway I don’t have many thoughts on her ngl.. </3 genshin give us sandrone lore PLEASEEEE
Next up is my fucking WIFE ‼️‼️ (la signora)
everyone who hates her sucks lowkey she’s such an overlooked character like her lore is so fucking?? sad?? Everyone reduces her to “haha ashes” and it annoys me tbh. Her boss fight was a pain in the fucking ass though ROSALYNE WHY.. it took me 20+ tries
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I genuinely love her backstory it makes me so sad honestly. Through her grief and rage she became feared and hated. Idk I wish people would talk about her a little more?? Because she’s so interesting?? She has ties to ancient mondstadt isn’t that sick.
something that interests me the most about her character is how they made her somewhat different from La Signora in commedia dell’arte? She’s continually described as a woman who often cheats on her husband in the commedia, but when you read genshin Signora’s backstory it’s interesting to see how it’s mostly focused around how her loss of her lover threw her into a grief induced rage (basically, it’s centered around her grief and love)
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as for her similarities, these two images explain it well:
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Honestly I wish we had got to explore her character more than the information we have now. Genshin is so evil for killing her off tbh.
Pantalone I know like NOTHING about. I think he’s a really neat character. A lot of people dumb him down to “evil baizhu” but I do think he has a lot of potential to be a really good character
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Basically he’s a capitalist ‼️ kidding but for him, he seems so far to be REALLY similar to Pantalone in the Commedia. I dont have too many thoughts on him either because we don’t know much about him yet </3 pantalone lore when….
and you already know most of my thoughts on Childe so I will save the rant for another day because that would get me fired up (I am losing words this rant sucked the life out of me HELP)
oh wait another thing that is neat about the harbingers entirely is how the trailer for them was called a Winter Night’s Lazzo (I think) but that’s another reference to the commedia dell’arte :)
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underleveledjosh · 10 months
Enough is Enough
Time to never post about my favorite Genshin ships (Yae x Ayato and Childe x Lumine) on Twitter again because those terminally online teens in the Fandom forget that bisexuality and pansexuality exists.
These mfs don't realize that "coding" isn't canon. "Lesbian coded" this. "Gay coded" that. How about you code deez nuts?
Even if Yae and Raiden were canonically lesbian, that wouldn't make shipping Yae with Ayato homophobic or lesbian erasure or what not. It is almost as if most shippers don't give a shit about canon.
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haunted-xander · 1 year
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Ah yes, the Eleventh Fatui Habinger, Mr. Cyclops
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nix-for-kix · 2 years
……..because I’m obsessed (I’m just gonna like info dump all the thoughts in my head so be prepared)
So one day Enid is going on a jog around campus and she sees this big ass snake on the side of the road on the brink of death and brought it to Wednesday and was crying and was like “fix her” and Wednesday was like “Like Taxidermy ?” And Enid was like “NO “ and then she’s like “fine my uncle taught me the joys of electroshock therapy” and fucking zaps the snake and that somehow works and they keep the snake and Enid names her fluffy and Wednesday absolutely hates the name but then Enid says something like “Her middle name can be Nero if you want” and Wednesday stops complaining about the name.
Wednesday and fluffy have very similar reactions to thing Enid says.
Enid: *crying over dog videos*
Fluffy and Wednesday: 😐
Fluffy Wednesday and Enid all go out to the woods whenever it’s a full moon and Enid and Fluffy play and shit and Wednesday watches (if thing finds a picture like the one below on Wednesday’s camera role then she’ll blackmail him into silence)
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One day Enid takes Fluffy to class with her because….
E: it’s her birthday
W: Enid you found her in the side of the road half dead there is no way you know her birthday
E: I do too
W: pray tell how
E: Ajax told me
W: Ajax ?
E: yeah I take fluffy to go on play dates with Ajax so she can socialize with other snakes :)
W: snakes are know to be solitary creatures ?
E: well fluffy likes them right girl
F: *slithers around*
E: see
W: …..ok fine but that still doesn’t explain how you know today is her birthday
E: Oh she told Ajax’s snakes who then told me
Ajax and Enid share snake care tips
Oh yeah forgot to mention that Fluffy is a full grown black and white ball point python so do with that what you will.
She escaped from a zoo near Jericho and since the mayor is freshly dead and the sheriff was a bit preoccupied with a certain Hyde incident a rouge snake was the last thing on his mind so Fluffy just kinda slithered over towards Nevermore and got fuckin bodied by a car
Thing and fluffy are besties
E: ah shoot i forgot something in class, Thing could you watch Fluffy for a bit
T: (thumbs up)
E: you’re the best
*fluffy and thing look at each other*
*Wednesday and Enid walk in seeing Thing riding Fluffy like a horse a tiny cowboy hat and bandana on the disembodied hand*
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So even though Wednesday will never outright admit it, Fluffy has definitely grown on her. Like she loves that snake.
E: Wednesday have you seen fluffy ? I cant find her anywhere and its time for her to go to the vet for a check up
W: *in bed under the covers* and what make you think I know where she is
*covers move slightly as a bit of fluffy's tail peeks out of the covers*
*enid and wednesday just stare at each other*
E: *pulls back the covers to reveal fluffy tightly coiled around wednesday* really ????
W (to fluffy): I told you she would find out
F: *sad slithers*
Fluffy is the homophobic dog meme
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Wednesday, Enid, Fluffy and Thing all watch movies together every Friday night after the Hyde incident it’s kind of a long-standing thing and very important to Enid. Wednesday acts like she could care less but if anything that she needs to do comes up on a Friday she reschedules or does it really fast to make at least some part of the movie night. Every week someone new gets to pick a movie so like Enid usually picks a romcoms, Wednesday always picks horror (the scream movies are her favorite) Thing picks silent movies, and Fluffy always picks Disney movies. One week it’s Fluffy’s turn to pick the movie but a new Scream movie had just came out and Wednesday really wanted to watch it so Wednesday bribed Fluffy
W: I realize it is your week to choose but might I interest you in this cinematic masterpiece
W: fine if you choose this movie I will personally find you a big juicy rat for you to eat from my collection
F: …
W: fine two
F: ….
W: you drive a hard bargain 3
F: *slithers approvingly*
W: pleasure doing business with you
Enid spends most of the movie curled into Wednesday’s side. (And while Wednesday did enjoy the scream franchise the werewolf practically sitting in her lap was a plus)
I am running out of space to write so imma reblog with some more
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Me after doing absolutely nothing: I'm tired
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nickwildelvr · 1 year
Genshin rant that I have to get out bc no one has talked abt this but
BIGGEST PET PEEVE is when people make childes dad abusive or homophobic because he sent childe to the military bc ik that sounds bad OUT OF CONTEXT but lets put this into his fathers perspective ok. His “timid and hesitant” 14 yr old boy suddenly goes missing for 3 days and has come back a completely different boy. He is now an egotistical violent maniac. He HURTS people, PICKS FIGHTS WITH EVERYONE, imagines tearing off BIRDS’ WINGS. And even though his dad was extremely worried the last straw was when childe took place and POSSIBLY EVEN STARTED a HUGE BRAWL with CLOSE FATALITIES. HE ALMOST KILLED PEOPLE. Do u realize how scary that is to see that type of drastic change from your own child(e). (I had to) THAT MAN WAS SCARED OF HIS OWN SON. THATS SCARY TO SEE??? and in this little town of morepesok it’s not like there’s fucking mental hospitals let alone ANYWHERE IN TEYVAT so at that point what else is there to do. I mean u CANT just let him get worse as he gets older he’s probably gonna join some gang or smthn. So “he had no choice but to send his BELOVED SON to the fatui”. It’s not like he did it to make his son worse or to hurt him, plus childe was FAR from hating it and still loves his job. Plus he gets big bucks too 🤤❕
And I do not for one second think that childe resents his father for it. Now I still definitely don’t think they have the best relationship when it comes to opening up though, or anything emotional, maybe their past plus as dash of toxic masculinity in there. I feel like they would both avoid the topic too, maybe sometimes it’s a little bit stiff between them. Childe would probably be a little more closed off to his old man than he is to his mom yk cuz there’s no way he’s not a mamas boy. BUT THEY STILL FUCKING LOVE EACH OTHER AND HIS DAD ISNT HITTING HIM OR CALLING HIM SLURS LIKE GOD. Leave that man alone he loved his son more than anything and still probably does.
I’m sad childe isn’t that major of a character to the point that we would probably ever get a close look into his relationships with his family let alone his father but that’s just my personal take on their dynamic. I just am GETTING TIRED of people saying this like “I bet childe hates his father” “his dads probably homophobic” “poor childe he got sent the the fatui :((“ MAYBE BC HE ALMOST KILLED PEOPLE???? Like what That’s on him bruh 💀
I removed the drawing I originally put bc anything angst that I draw makes me cringe so bad after a week 💀💀💀💀
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saturnsconstellation · 5 months
I love how no matter who Pandora is in a relationship with, we do NOT hate on Xenophilius Lovegood. Like at ALL. I have yet to see a fanfic in which he is an abusive ex (I really hope I don’t, he’s so bbg).
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cheekyboybeth · 4 months
I have claimed Achilles’ cousin Ajax as my baby girl
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twobellsilence · 22 days
Wanted to draw. Found out AoM Retold is Now available for play for premium users. i no longer want to draw
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kiirous · 8 months
I'm still crazy about Childe and realized I haven't screamed about him for a while now. Not on here, at least. Or ever. It was fairly normal. And this post isn't really contributing to anything. But this needs to be said.
Childe is amazing. I would carve out my heart for him. Who allowed him to be so perfectly inperfect? Dude. I love him.
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crayonssz · 7 months
I'm tired.
I'm tired of being scared.
I'm tired of reading yet another story of a hate crime against a member of my community for simply existing.
I'm tired of being told I'm simply confused, it's just a phase, I'll grow out of it.
I'm tired of watching the numbers of shootings go up, and staying numb to it all.
I'm tired as being used as a talking point for politicians who know NOTHING about the community and twist our words.
I'm tired of being villainized on the basis of my identity.
I'm tired of wondering if when my community's rights will be stripped away from us.
I'm tired of being seen as less than human.
I'm tired of not knowing whether or not I'm going to go home alive tomorrow.
This is the reality of being a trans teen in America. Wake up.
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