#Agent Hamilton
sassyzazzi · 2 years
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opal-owl-flight · 5 months
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Self-indulgent bad-end/evil aus for these two :)
The first ones a what-if scenario where Tartar's essence/goop remained embedded in 3 post OE and continued to gain more and more influence over time. A merging of 3s desire to protect the world and Tartar's desire to subdue it -- now a sort of "service that must be served", that the world, for its betterment, must be reset so itll stay safe/perfect forever.
The second is a 4 who becomes the Perfect Agent, and vents out her frustrations abt her previous life on what appears to be 3s soul.
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honorhearted · 7 months
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TURN-themed Valentines
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hertwood · 11 months
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2serenity0 · 3 months
See what he gets 🙂‍↔️🙂‍↔️
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I made Valentines cards off my little ole channel
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hvaneyflowers · 10 months
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Alden Parker x Jessica Knight
The Secret [Part 1] [Part 2] [Part 3]
F1 drivers
Carlos Sainz:
Italian Girl [Part 1] [Part 2] [Part 3] [Part 4] [Part 5]
Fernando Alonso:
Family [Part 1] [Part 2] [Part 3] [Part 4] [Part 5] [Part 6]
Lewis Hamilton:
Pov: You're dating Lewis Hamilton
Christmas Special🎄🎅
Christmas will really be Christmas [Charles Leclerc x you]
Mistletoe [Keving Magnussen x you]
Christmas vacation! [Pierre Gasly x you]
First love... and the only [Lewis Hamilton x you]
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inwhichiramble · 2 years
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Various Fandom Valentines ❤️
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jackiequick · 7 months
That’s Would Be Enough | Marvel Fanfic 🖋
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Summary: Elizabeth wants to be the best inventor and aunt. She’s overworked herself late into the night, but what she needs a break. And to be reminded that she is enough. And who other to do it than her own favorite blonde, aside from Captain America.
Pairing: Jason Grey Underwood & Elizabeth Stark
Fandoms: Marvel Cinematic Universe—> Agent Carter, Iron Man 1-2, The Avengers
Marvel timeline: Pre/During—Avengers 2012 (Phase 1)
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Characters mentioned: Tony Stark, The Young Avengers, Howard Stark and Jarvis
Song inspired fic: That Would Be Enough from Hamilton
A/N: I know it’s a simple fic but I was listening to this song and just had to write it.
Ship Name: JALIZZY
Sidenote: Jason’s nickname is JJ meanwhile Elizabeth is Liz
Click here to see the latest fanfic featuring this family
It’s been a few short weeks, Stark Tower was running high and low with noise.
New York City lights in contacts to the skyline views that the home brought to the world. Voices from the young heroes were softly heard. You could hear Liane and her friends screaming over the sound of the tv wired up in the living room and the hallways were being used as a reminder of how huge the building truly was.
But underneath the main lounge floor, past the elevator doors and across the narrow halls stood the tapping of nails against a keyboard humming a soft tune, that was played earlier from the afternoon radio. Files surrounding her desk as she spun in the chair for a while, as it reminded her of older memories at The Mansion’s lab.
The laughs and the louder bickering over bullshit that didn’t matter but it did at the time. Trinkets and posters surrounded the lab back then, it still does now but as many as Stark Tower.
She missed it, weather she liked to admit it or not.
And she wasn’t the only one.
Her thoughts were interrupted by a soft knocking that belonged to a tall blonde with fluffy hair, sweatpants and a baby blue t-shirt, carrying two mugs of warm hot chocolate. She nodded, inviting him into the room as he took a seat near the empty chair, gently placing the mug into her palms as she took a peek noticing a few tiny marshmallows.
She hummed as she took a delightful sip of the warm drink.
He noticed she wasn’t upstairs for a while now. Something that never bothered him, he’s used to his creative minds spending longer than expected in the lab tinkering. However having seen what he would assume the worse of it from Tony in 2010, noticing his eyes bloodshot and the lights making his body appear weak, he made it a promise to watch the time to bring whoever was in the lab to bed.
Tonight it was Elizabeth.
She’s a Stark. So he can’t stop her being in a lab to invent something, since that’s one of places she shined. Aside from the stage of course. He have noticed her getting a new scope of the world, having been gone under the ice for a while now. He knew she had her own ways of doing things, as she handled the transition better than expected but it had him worried.
Does she believe that she’s not doing enough?
He has been there himself plenty of times, where he feels useless and annoyed around everyone but he never showed it. Everything phases him, just not exactly his face. With one swift look at her vulnerable face, the tired eyes and gentle smile that could light up the stars, he knew.
He has been around theses people long enough to not know. Especially since JARVIS tend to be the house’s eyes and ears, it all added up to this point and he wasn’t upset about it
Elizabeth’s eyes analyzed his facial expressions, noticing the small bags under his eyes and the way his shoulders dropped ever so slightly. He smiled softly at her, placing the mug of hot chocolate that was in his hand onto the desk. All she wanted was to rest her head on his shoulder and hear his smooth southern drawl as he hummed a old song while she drifted to sleep.
But she wonder, if she left asleep and let herself take a breath, then that would mean her inventions would be unfinished. Her work would’ve not been done and the studies she has been doing lately would have left aside. It was silly to think she was putting all this unnecessary work onto herself when she doesn’t need it but it made her feel like she was doing something.
Then it clicked.
“How long have you know?” She asked, running her fingers crossed the side of the mug
“A month or so.” He replied, playing with the fabric of his sweatpants.
“I never told you.”
“Jarvis told me a less than month ago.”
“We all just wanted you home.”
She sighed, “You should have told me.”
“I’m not sorry.” He added, with a honest smile.
He smiled placing a hand on her knee and said, “I knew you’ll work until the idea was done.”
“The idea’s not done.” She replied, placing a hand over his and sighed.
“But you’re tired and deserve a chance to be with our son.”
“He’s Howard’s son, I’m just his overprotective aunt.”
“We both know your more than that to him. You don’t need to prove anything, you said it yourself years ago.”
“I know…um but still my work, my life. I just want to make sure I’m worth all of it and I’m leaving a legacy behind..”
He sighs and smiled, “Just look around and you’ll see the difference you made.”
“We made.” She corrected him with a smile.
The two chuckled soft at that.
Nonetheless, Jason continued, “Look around at how lucky we are, just to be alive right now is a miracle. And that’s saying a lot knowing what we’ve been through.”
“Will you relish being a silly inventor’s spouse?” She added, as it sounded like a question, “Somewhat dependent, not about to provide for our life? It’s stupid I know, we’re in a good place but it feels like the roles are reversed and i don’t know why..I don’t feel as independent yet. I mean, we used to have Jarvis and Ana to help us. Peggy too! And now we’re sorta alone at this..”
“It’s not easy, it never was but we can handle it. And that not true, you’re more than confident and independent. Give it time.”
“How much time? How did you do it? Let’s face it, I’m here now, I have been awaken from the ice for a considerable period of time, but it still feels odd. We both has been working for a long time and sometimes it felt like we can’t breath again because of it. The world is changing a lot more than expected…so do you still relish all of this?”
“Your just tired and a little vulnerable right now, honey. It’s okay, no rush here. But to answer your question, yes, I do. I also relish you someday being my wife. Just look around, look at where you are. Look at where you started..the fact that you’re alive is a miracle. Just stay alive, that would be enough.”
She smiled hearing those words, “Yeah. I guess I am tired…and a little worried, I just want to be the best version I can be.”
“You already you.” He added with a chuckle, “Our child shares a fraction of your smile and dare I say, a fragment of your mind just as much as he does Howard!”
“Oh good god he’s smarter than I thought!”
“And his ego too. I love him but damn, it’s wild.”
“Oh yeah, he’s more than enough to make a difference in the world. We’re safe then.”
They both smiled and laughed harder than expected knowing how many godchildren Tony gave them. So look out world, that would be enough.
He looped a finger underneath her chin, “Look, I don’t pretend to know the challenges you’re facing. The worlds you keep erasing and creating in your mind. Your reading more than i do when it comes to understand everything we can.”
“Mhmm! It’s hard moving from one era to another.” She admits with a light chuckle, “..sometimes I don’t know how we’ve done it for so long and haven’t driven ourselves mad.”
“I know...but I’m not as afraid as I should. I know who I married. So long as we all come home at the end of the day..”
“That would be enough. Uh, about our legacy and the money?”
“Jason. I’m serious.”
“We already are creating one and we already have money. If I could grant you peace of mind, let us inside your heart…”
Those words shut her up, as her eyes watered a bit understanding everything he meant. That they are supposed to be made of steel but it takes the people you love to make it a strong material.
And truth be told, she told him those same words years ago. It wasn’t as gentle, heartfelt and darling as she said in her own way, but it was a similar format as theses line meant the same thing. She remembers telling him in a charming yet sweet manner.
“Just let us be apart of that narrative, in the story we are watching today.” He continued, with a gentle grin, “Let this be a new chapter where I hope we stay..”
“And I could be more than enough.” She finished for him with a gentle grin, “We could be enough…since that would be enough.”
“Took you long enough to get it.”
“I should’ve known by now, I just need the reminder...I’m sorry for worrying you.”
“It’s alright, you didn’t mean it. Now, can we please go to bed?”
She smiled breathlessly and softly replied, “Yes please!”
He stood up, and walked away to the doorway thinking he was following her. But she wasn’t. He looked over his shoulder to to find her holding out her hands at arms length with a cheeky little smile that resulted him to snicker.
“Carry me?” She asked with a soft chuckle, tiredness laced in her voice.
“You’re so dramatic.” He replied with a similar tone as he walked over and picked her up bridal style.
“Shhhhhh babe, there are people trying to sleep here.”
“Oh my god.”
“I think I love you.”
“I know.”
The pair smiled as he carried her to bed, as she nuzzled her face into the crook of his neck. She hummed a few words and cracking a couple of jokes while he rolled his eyes dropping her onto the bed. She swiftly crawled under the warm covers and laying her head on the pillow, smiling at the blonde who treated her well.
Sometimes she wonders how exactly did she deserve such a man? Guess she will never actually get that solid answer.
She reached for his hand, giving it a small squeeze as if to know she was real and not at all in that icey cold apartment she once placed into. He smiled in return and winked, as there was an unspoken feeling of love in the air.
He left her side and stepped over to the doorframe. He looked over his shoulder and whispered, “Night Liz.”
She yawned, about to ask, more like suggest something but choice against it. Save it for another night as she replied, “Night Jason.”
Just as Jason turned off the lights and leading himself towards the hallway, Elizabeth bite the bullet with a soft grin. She decided to go for it and muttered, “Grey?”
She wondered if he heard it but he did. It cause Jason to pause and turn around to face Elizabeth, because it was a rare but somewhat made common sense that he would hear his middle name being used. Not everyone called him that unless necessary and he secretly preferred it being used among certain people.
Usually it was a way to get his attention in an endearing manner, when it came to his plenty of nicknames over the years.
His mind was fighting off a nerve of worry, as he met her eyesight, and hummed, “Yeah?”
“C-can you stay with me tonight? In bed like old times…” She replied almost shyly, pushing away her curls. It was a rare moment for a woman as bold as she might be. Yet, there was gentle tired smile that tugged her lips.
“Y-you sure?”
“I wouldn’t be sure if I didn’t ask, would I?”
“Fair point. Uh, left side of the bed?”
“A-and you on right.”
“You’re positive about this?”
“Mhm, I am. If not, I can always buy a dog to keep me company instead. I heard Sal’s shelter is open this time and hour.”
“I’m kidding! But not about the dog thing.”
“Come on, I know you can’t resist waking up the next morning to a nice view.”
“You talking about yourself or the city’s morning skyline?”
“Both. We’re such amazing views, just sayin’.”
With a chuckle and a little eye roll, Jason climbed into bed and nuzzled himself underneath the covers next to her. Elizabeth’s giggles could be softly heard from her own cocky comments from earlier, as she rested against his shoulder blade humming gently.
She pressed a tiny kiss onto his cheek, as her eyes slowly dropped muttering a few words as she did. He wouldn’t admit it but he missed this, as he pressed a light kiss onto the top of head. With a swig of his arm, he reached forward and turned off the lamp that rested on the nightstand as the soft night sky peeked through the windowsill.
Thank you so much for reading! I hope you enjoy the fic
Please like, comment and share. Also let me know what you think in the comments below. Like suggestions for future content.
Tags: @gaminggirlsstuff @gcthvile @missstrawbs2001 @rooster-84 @djs8891 @halesfavoriteharlot @starkleila @mallowbee4 @mandylove1000 @yetanotherwells @topgun-imagines @hardballoonlove @buckysteveloki-me @sherloquestea @nakiaswg @carellmcu @savemewattpad @ximehs and etc
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freshcephs · 3 months
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Outfit boards for my two agent 4s.
Sonia on the left, Chris on the right.
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tilbageidanmark · 5 months
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Terminator 2, by Sam Evans
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queenpiranhadon · 1 year
Every story is told
Whether in new tv shows or books of old
From the Ballad of Bo and Ro
To the scar that adorns Prince Zuko
Or the endeavors of messrs Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot and Prongs
And the sweet mockingjay as it sings its fateful songs.
There’s a story behind Davy Jones and his cephalopod physique,
As well as one behind Melinda May and her fighting technique.
There’s a story behind the pistol shot in the sky, and the shot thrown away,
And one of no requiems with nothing to say
One behind the metal staples inside Dabi’s face
One from Nik Malikov and Hannah Donnelly, locked in an embrace.
There’s a story behind every katana that slices through demon flesh
And one from Leo Valdez, a new life, starting fresh.
There’s a story in the sewers, with a shadow that lives inside
And another as the twinless Traveler wakes up in Teyvat, eyes wide.
A pink haired Telepath, who just wants to draw
An Inator-loving, divorced pharmacist who’s not afraid to break a law
Navier Trovi, contently stroking her Queen
Hawkmoth in his room of butterflies, unseen.
Every single person, real or not
Lives a life, does what their taught
They all share their sorrows, their joys, their dreams.
Because in a small way, they think and feel, like you and me.
In all entirely I’m not sure why I wrote this (I was bored)
But I just did it, started to remininse (I apologize if this shows up on your dashboard)
Anyways if you know like 5 references in this random poem then you’re already a friend of mine
And if you can, reblog this, if you have the time ;)
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coffeetrain · 1 year
Stone getting Robotnik hooked on Hamilton and now everytime he hears something hamilton related he'll bust out into loud singing
Stone: so I might have gotten the Doctor into Hamilton..
An agent: how you know?
Stone: *clears throat and yells* no one else was in the room where it happened!
Robotnik from the other room:
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thisbluespirit · 1 year
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The Outfit's newest recruits leave for France in Wish Me Luck 1.2 (LWT 1988).
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feyres-divorce-lawyer · 3 months
funnily enough tho doing pixel art has been kinda teaching me how shading and coloring works. like oh what a nice light brown cat, let’s look at the shading and woag it’s purple
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marvelsfavoriteuncle · 4 months
—Facts about Jennie Ruth Underwood 🎈
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(Her full story will be posted soon on the main page 📃)
Her favorite colors are teal-green, yellow/gold, pinkish-red, blue-purple (plus a few more!)
She enjoys makeup (She has suffers from acne over the years, so she now sticks to very specific light products)
She’s not a big fan of musicals but this girl very much enjoy like Hamilton, The Greatest Showmen, West Side Story and etc
Speaking of music, she enjoys a variety of different styles of music! Taylor Swift is one of the artists she enjoys listening to, if her songs come on the radio.
Jennie won’t admit it but she has a fear of tight/close spaces and being restricted
In her files, it says she is an unofficial Widow (before it was called The Red Room), as she trained in Russia for a short couple of months
During the 1940s, she volunteered as a nurse for the war (that’s where she met Steve, Howard and Peggy)
Has artistic expression! Ever since she was a child Jeanie loved drawing cartoons, her favorite thing to draw are flowers
Disney lover, as she remembers the old school version of Mickey Mouse and Friends. Daisy Duck is her favorite character from the gang!
When it comes to Modern Day, Jennie can sometimes have a hard time adjusting to things (like slang words, very advanced techniques, understanding new concepts, fashion styles and etc) but other than that, she is a model modern day lady
Keep the chain going guys with ur OCs!
Let me know what you think 💭
Tags: @missstrawbs2001 @purpleprincessonfyre @meiramel @gcthvile @rickb-chaos @gaminggirlsstuff @wizzzardofoz @cherrysft @luna-d-marsh @ask-starrk @blueboirick and etc
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