#Age of Dawn and Dusk
weepingtalecowboy · 12 days
I am surprised and kind of not surprised at all by how undeniably bad Hyrule's politics are
Like there is a demon knocking at your doorstep every decade or so
And instead of creating a system of actually destroying the demon again and again
You just throw your daughters at the problem and wait till a little blond boy comes and saves you
Like why is the whole kingdom so underprepared for calamity ganon
They had 10.000 years to prepare for it and instead chose to procrastinate till they had less then a year left and only then did they try to find a way to fix the situation
Like telling Zelda to get on and start zelding would have been useful when they had several thousands of years to prepare
But only like 17 years without a link to be found
Is just stupid they should have recovered the divine beasts the second that Zelda came to be or even earlier like several hundred years before the reawakening of the calamity
But that also makes total sense for a kingdom that won’t stop sacrificing daughters and relies entirely upon a single man (most Times a boy even)
And that is so fucking hilarious and pathetic
Like if I was an outside observer
I too wouldn’t want to involve myself into such a mess
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weirdnotal · 2 months
My Accent headcannons for the lu chain (and etc):
Time: was taught hylian by trees???? Almost has no tone/infliction in voice (he's working on it)
Malon: Tennessee accent all the way, with that nice hook at the end too (non southerners imagine dolly parton)
Lullaby: very formal proper hylian, dignitary style
Warriors: British military like he's reading from a manual
Sheik: I don't know much about her but the sheikah definitely take inspiration from Japan
Twilight: Appalachian accent as thick as raw honey (non appalachians have yall ever heard of one looking it up)
Midna: try 'n' convince me she don't have a loud ass Louisiana accent (non southerners go watch princess and the frog) (this is totally not for my Midna is African American agenda)
Dusk: real formal like n all that
Sky: That's a Midwesterner (he genuinely tried to get Wild and Rulie to eat jello salad once)
Sun: completely Midwestern
Groose: spends a lot of time around the other two^ but his parents are Gerudo (Arabic/middle eastern)
Four: the minish have always reminded me of the Icelandic tales of little elves
Dot: same formal accent, maybe more like Four's
Age/Cal(calamity): very formal british accent almost royal but also uses some Korean (Zora) words
Mipha: Korean accent (thicker than Sidon's)
Fauna: royal and tight lipped british
Wild: used to be more British (kinghts!), but now is more southern cause twilight has corrupted him
Flora: much more informal than the other zeldas
Legend: Scottish accent, but he usually hides it really well, so you can't really tell at all unless he's mad or tired
Fable: Scottish asf (non Scottish people imagine Merida)
Ravio: fairly normal, but if provoked, he will speak like an Italian mobster wife until he gets his way
Hyrule: Rulie is Irish or Welsh all the way (especially with half fae/fey Hyrule)
Dawn: pretty similar to Hyrule
Aurora: transatlantic accent!!!!!
Spirit: he's always reminded me of Hugo Cabret, so cockney british accent it is (this grates on War's patience)
Phantom: can be formal if she has to but usually just sticks with cockney as well
Wind: Okay look, I love scottish pirate Wind, but I raise you patois or creole pirate Wind
Tetra: Wind's accent but double the amount and also the volume she says it at
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gentledeathsblog · 1 year
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Lucifer Vesperus
in his eyes you can see
the end of all days
your rest, at last
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yossariandawn · 1 year
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howemancing · 2 years
Imagine you ran into someone who loved Dragon Age but had never heard of Nathaniel Howe. What's the *first* character trait of his that you'd describe?
I love this question. I’d be deeply tempted by kindness, or empathy, but in the end, I’d probably have to go with “thoughtful”, because it encompasses so much Then, because this poor fool who made the mistake of asking me about Nathaniel Howe is still there, I’d tie them down and elaborate. From the first you meet him, Nathaniel is testing you and getting a read on you. He tries to aggravate you by belittling you, he tries to suss out if you’re feeling guilty at all. Then he brags about how dangerous he is, because he, at this point, has given up, and just wants to spit on you in the way down. Throughout the rest of the game, Nathaniel explores his companions and gets to know them, testing them, often gently at first but occasionally pushing back further. (After that mockery in the jail cell, suddenly the meanest he gets to his companions is calling Velanna’s ears clownish, which, rude, but it had come right after asking if she bad about killing a lot of innocent people, to which she cheerfully denied it). He wants to know more of Justice’s purpose, of what life was like for Sigrun, of Oghren’s history and ferocity and experiences; of where Anders’ anger comes from. He’s deeply thoughtful and considerate of his fellow companions, learning about them and for the most part, choosing kindness, including acknowledging when they push back - Sigrun pointing out how ignorant he is, for example.   He also comes to realize how blind he was, and why he was so willing to believe in lies about the Wardens, refusing to see the truth about his father. Delilah calls him out on it, that his father was his hero and he’d always worshiped Rendon. And he realizes that. That that worship warped him and his perceptions. While at the same time, he doesn’t throw it all away - his father still read him bedtime stories, after all. And Nathaniel spends the rest of the game struggling to reconcile those two things. But most importantly, he realized that he owed the Warden an apology for his mistakes.  He has a wonderful moment of self reflection, and unlike a lot of “redemption” arcs, he doesn’t try to snidely step aside from his need to own up - he does it, a full throated apology, and keeps working to make things better.
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cambracts · 6 months
i just want it stated on the record that when the opportunity arises, i'm absolutely going to roast raphael. he's more than earned it for the shit he pulls throughout the game
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snowe-zolynn-rogers · 2 years
Evening regressing?
Evening finally gets to come out of the dungeon again only for Lord Day to find he regressed sometime during his stay in the dark and is huddling in the corner crying because he’s afraid of the dark.
Lord Day cannot coax Evening out, little Evening only gets more scared when he tries and the cries from Lord Day trying to get him out eventually draw down Lord Dawn and Lord Twilight.
Lord Dawn is able to carefully coax little Evening out of the corner while Lord Twilight asks Lord Day what happened to their servant, to which he answers truthfully since the Lords don’t hide anything from each other.
Lord Dawn settles Evening into his bed and is going to leave him to rest, thinking he was simply scared of Lord Day during a panic attack due to the dark.
Lord Dawn gets a very teary and clingy Evening whimpering and grabbing to him for comfort and breaking down all the more because he hasn’t been held in a long time.
Lord Dawn resigns himself to laying with him to figure out what’s happening, because obviously Evening isn’t in the right mindset, though he can’t fully pinpoint what’s happening at first.
Evening is just happy to cling onto someone and be held, shaking and still crying at the prospect of being left alone while he’s so small again.
Eventually Lord Dawn figures out Evening is regressing and picks him up from the bed after they rest and relax to carry him to the other four Lords to explain that their brother is regressed.
Lord Day is incredibly apologetic once he figured this out and uses their star to make Evening a plushie ferret Evening names Noodle as a gift to try to apologize further.
Evening gets absolutely swamped with snuggles and plushies from his brothers as they attempt to care for him, though he’d be happy with just snuggled and Noodle and maybe the paci Lord Twilight makes him to help him not suck his thumb.
His five Lords sometimes make him ‘accidentally’ regress by giving him new toys or stuffies or a new paci and they get to cuddle their little Evening because they enjoy taking care of him and making sure he’s happy, since little Evening will much more freely tell them if he’s sad or unhappy.
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wizardlyghost · 1 year
just wanna fuckin. rip the roof off of my living room so i can get some fucking SUNLIGHT in here!
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wander-wren · 2 years
do i need to start biting people who just comment to point out continuity errors in d2d bc i will. bc it’s several people now. i’m sorry that not every little detail in my 150k+ 2-years-in-the-making warrior cats fanfic isn’t 100% perfect, okay
like i wouldn’t be mad (i might be slightly miffed) if these commenters maybe said anything else once in a while
also, this is warrior cats, the series with so many errors every single book and most major characters have their OWN mistakes page on the wiki. i think i’m doing okay
i didn’t want to make this post bc god, i don’t want to yell at people or anything, but it’s just a little bit harder to find motivation to write when you know someone’s going to come out and nitpick
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avokado-the-great · 11 months
Oh, my glorious life.
I'm on a five day work trip and forgot to bring panties. I even did laundry couple days ago so I could pack my most comfortable ones with me.
And I forgot them. I literally only have the pair I was wearing. Nice.
I need to see if I have time to sneak to the nearest store or if it'll be handwashing that one pair every night.
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blog-of-reaction · 11 months
So it seems like Richie’s back now. I guess killing that bank teller and finally getting weird knowledge vision shit really helped him.
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ladamedemartel · 1 year
‘ what have you done? ‘
Aurora stared at the snake that writhed in her hand when she'd expected to only remove a heart. "Did he eat a snake?" Aurora asked as she cast the creature to the floor. Considering she hadn't expected a snake at all, best not to see what surprises would come should the beast bite her. "I thought they were vampires. Is he actually a snake person? I've never met a snake person before."
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hiraethwrote · 1 month
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Been thinking a lot lately about how Satoru doesn’t really cook.
Growing up the way he did, everyone was pulling from every direction, unloading immense responsibility on him because of the Six Eyes. So normalcy wasn’t in the cards for him.
From a young age, his schedule was packed from dusk to dawn with all kinds of tasks embedded on him. And so, dinner was simply a time of day for him more than anything else. He was served a mediocre dish, then he had to return to his responsibilities.
And then he moved to Tokyo, and was finally blessed with some newfound freedom. But he didn’t want to waste this spare time learning how to cook, especially when Jujutsu Tech served him perfectly okay meals three times a day. Who was he to not take advantage of such privilege?
Any interest of developing some culinary skills was also smothered by his insane sweet tooth. Something he’d picked up as a way to help him, quickly evolved into never ending munching — forget proper food.
Sadly for him, the number of responsibilities didn’t decrease as he entered adulthood — rather the opposite. And now, as he was technically a grown up, there was a lot less tolerance for nonsense. People expected things from him now.
Yet again, cooking dinner was deprioritised. He also didn’t see a reason to devote time to cook when it was so much easier to just have it delivered right on his doorstep. He had the means to support such an expensive luxury, so why not?
Sitting down by the dining table after a long day of duties, a warm meal welcoming him with delightful smells never even became something he missed, seeing as he didn’t know what it was he had sacrificed for choosing the easy path.
Then you came creeping into his life.
You in general, had been a surprise to say the least. After everything, pursuing anything romantic wasn’t something that had been on his list of priorities either. But once he met you, he couldn’t not try to make you his.
Everything escalated pretty quickly, and it was fairly early on that you decided you wanted to cook for him for the first time.
“I got some insane pasta cravings. You down for that tonight?” You had your phone resting between your shoulder and your cheek while you scanned the grocery isles for what you needed.
“Yeah, sounds good,” he answered on the other end of the line. “I’ll just have whatever you’re having.”
You couldn’t help but giggle a little at his comment, a tiny bit confused by what he meant. “Well, duh. I’m not making two separate pasta dishes.”
“Oh,” a moment of silence from your boyfriend as the reality set in. “Yeah, no, of course. Just habit I guess,” smearing on with his usual, charismatic voice to play off his little slip.
Because poor Satoru had only assumed you would be ordering in, since it was all he really knew. The concept of prepping and cooking a dish from scratch hadn’t even crossed his mind.
A few hours later, the same usual comfort that came from your company, welcomed him along with an assortment of the most delicious smells once he arrived at your apartment.
“Ah, perfect timing,” you smiled, rushing to give him a small peck on the lips when he joined you in the kitchen before quickly hopping back to putting the finishing touches on dinner.
A small sensation of worry filled you, because this was the first time you had witnessed Satoru completely silent. Taking the time to turn your head over your shoulder to make sure he was alright, you saw his eyes just taking in the scenery of the set table and the somewhat messy kitchen.
“Just take a seat, Satoru,” you chuckled nervously, nodding in the direction of what had become his designated chair. “It’s almost ready.”
You saw a weak nod before he slowly shuffled over to the table and sat down. He swallowed the small lump in his throat when you put the casserole on the table in front of him.
“Dinner is served. But it’s hot, so just, be careful.”
When he didn’t move a muscle, you tried to act as if things were normal and served yourself first, hoping he would eventually tell you whatever it was that had gotten into him.
Your soft voice of concern snapped him back to reality, his familiar smile finding its way back to his expression — though he wasn’t truly himself quite yet.
“Looks absolutely delicious!” He gushed and finally filled his plate.
You continued to eye him with some suspicion as he started to dig in. Something you couldn’t put your finger on, washed over him when he took the first bite. Then another, and another, and another — then he was suddenly ogling you with the widest eyes you could remember seeing on him.
“This might be the best thing I’ve ever eaten!”
You pursed your lips to choke back the exaggerated laugh that was about to burst out at his statement, that you were convinced had to be a lie.
“Is that so?” You teased, carefully stepping deeper into the topic to see if he was actually being truthful.
“Babe, this-“ he cut himself off, awe overtaking him. “Where did you learn this?”
You shrugged casually. “I’ve just picked up a few things over the years, I guess.”
“What else can you make?”
“Uhm, I don’t know,” you stuttered, a little taken aback by his surprising enthusiasm to what you considered to just be a simple pasta dish. “Several things.”
“Could you please cook for me tomorrow? And whenever you have the time?”
“Of course,” you smiled, shoulders resting when he now seemed to be totally fine, finishing his first portion only to take yet another huge serving.
Because to Satoru, it was more than just dinner.
Dinner and eating had always just been yet another task he did simply because he knew he had to eat. Never had there been any deeper meaning to it — but you showed him it could definitely be more.
To him, it also became a sign of devotion. You were willing to put in the time and the work to make him something nice, then you would get to enjoy it together. No one had really done that for him before.
Finally it was Satoru's turn to enjoy the domesticity of something as mundane as a home cooked dinner.
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©hiraethwrote 2024 . all rights reserved. reposting, translating and otherwise plagarisim is prohibited
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isaacathom · 2 years
accidentally prompted myself to reconsider the lotmv story, so thats fun
the premise, such that it was, was that Seora was a demigod of light, and had funky light magic. And there was a weird magical darkness that had corrupted the land, and she was one of a whole class of people who keep it at bay. But that 'bay' is pretty politicised, and at some point the whole forced to live with the magical darkness kidnap Seora to make her fix things for them. And then a whole lot of shit happens.
And that's... fine? i guess. but i think it could be better, and part of that is just. telling the big grand politics angle to leave. there was a lot of weird geopolitics happening and we dont need that.
the changes arent unprecedented, since i tried to fix the story earlier too lmao.
what i think id prefer is something a bit more. social?
In a reconsidered lotmv, Seora is still a light demigod, and still has these very specific duties that she's been practically raised for since birth. There's strict duties and hierarchies and so on, things she can and cant do. She has a 'boyfriend', a bodyguard called Roderick, who has absolutely has no interest in but cannot very well reject, because to do so would be stepping out of the social agreement. it would cause problems for them both, but mostly for her. So she's stuck in her job, and in a "relationship".
At some point, she is contacted by Esther, who is a member of a group trying to fix the magic goop problem - a group whose reasonable requests for aid keep being denied. The two start a very careful correspondence, each bound by the norms around them.
An idea comes into focus. Seora would like nothing more than to help them, but the binds of her position stay her hand. She cant do anything. And if she acts out and voices her support, she'll be stripped of whatever "authority" she had while remaining bound.
So, to get Seora into the correct locations, a kidnapping will be staged. The group will kidnap Seora, bring her back to their place, and "force" her to help them. Once she's done what she needs to do, the group will suddenly become amenable to any of the negotiations presented by Seora's people, and they'll return her. She'll not be harmed, her reputation will be preserved, everythings fine.
For the optics, to make it seem that she's unwilling, they'll need to play up some things. She understands this going in. That they'll need to skirt the line for the greater good. She has her part to play.
And what she doesnt reckon with, prior to agreeing to everything, is on falling in love with Esther. And Esther doesn't either.
And that's a problem. Because if Seora starts getting too comfortable, enjoys herself too much, then the whole part of the operation intended to preserve her reputation fails. Because, well, now she looks willing. And that defeats the whole point.
So the two of them are stuck in a complicated dance of the various expectations of them, what they need to do, what roles they have to serve, and what they want.
Because, for Esther, Seora's help is essential. She's the one person that was on board. They need her magical skills. Esther was willing to risk being caught kidnapping her, because the end goal is very important to her. And now she's in love. And that risks the whole fucking thing.
Strictly, this could have all been "present" in the original version of lotmv, but its a slight reframing to be about those expectations and complications. There's still the issue of what exactly Esther's group is, how they fit in/oppose Seora's. In the original, they're different countries. i feel like that still wooorks? two countries who are not on speaking terms, a group within that countries military (?) who feel they have no other choice. there's some little worldbuilding... bits that make things weird, but its workable, i think. maybe? idk
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hazelplaysgames · 2 years
i finished a few things early today, so i guess i’m able to start thinking about those Dusk/Dawn runs. i was wishy washy about which version to actually go with, so i already figured that’s grounds to start planning out teams for both. as such, i’ve already done that. now, i still need to just pick one to start with.
more so, next main issue is regards to formatting and tagging this little thing. one version to the other, i.e., “Dawn to Dusk“ or “Dusk to Dawn“ would be pretty straightforward. those tags both presume i’d liveblog both of them... which isn’t off the table, really. i suppose i’ll see public reaction to this in the first one, go from there.
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saradika · 3 months
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— just can’t say goodbye
bodyguard!din djarin x princess!reader
rated e - 4.8k
tags: sorta medieval vibes, references to antiquated societal expectations, mentions and references to virginity, arranged marriage, technically infidelity because of said arrangement, light angst, sneaking around, first time, fingering, PiV, creampie
this is for the 1500 kisses event for @janaispunk! I got din + wedding! Jana, thank you so much for hosting this awesome event & for the gorgeous moodboard! 💖
“Take me,” You beg. It’s pathetic, no more than a whimper, “Take me, and then take me away from here.”
He’s been in your bed since the second your maidens were dismissed. You won’t sleep until dawn, not if tonight is all you have.
“You cannot mean that.” It’s harsh, almost a growl as it buzzes from his helmet.
"I have never meant anything more.”
(or - a final night is spent in the arms of your bodyguard, before your arranged union the next morning.)
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You'd always known your duty.
What was expected from you, of you, drilled deep from an early age. Borne with pride - you were the eldest daughter of the king, after all - until you were wise enough to see that perhaps your obligations and loyalty were as much a chain as they were an honor.
Your life followed a well-worn path. Absorbing the lessons. Hours spent in learning about those before. Women like you - the graceful neck beneath the head of another lord, another king.
Support them, love them, bear them children.
It hadn't bothered you. You hadn't known anything else.
Not until him.
The Mandalorian had been assigned to protect you three years ago. A renowned knight, his allegiance first pledged to your father. And then, you.
Your bodyguard is not from your planet. It’s something you clung to - an endless source of information about things you've never seen or known, when his lips finally loosened.
But you had always seen him for more than just your bodyguard. That it was more than duty that bound you to each other.
Over time, during those hours spent with his back facing your door - a steadfast barrier between yourself and the cruel outside world - you had started to see between the cracks.
To read into his minute movements. Catching the tilt of his head and cock of his hip. The dry comments that slip from beneath his helmet.
Pretending he doesn’t care which of your handmaidens were caught in a dark corner with Ser Shand.
But you know better.
You think that perhaps you were doomed from the start. That it was always going to turn out this way between you.
Because when you had finally reached out to touch temptation - to sink your teeth into that sweet, ripe fruit - he had let you.
And at first - with the way he had allowed your hand to flatten against his armor, fitting into her personal space - you had wondered if it's because he wasn't able to.
People do not often tell you no. You've grown up in a carefully-carved mould - your requests are rarely things to be denied.
The thought had you shrinking back, the flat of your palm pulling back to fingertips.
Until his hand had closed around your wrist, tracing up to map the back of your hand. Bringing it back to smooth against his chest, right above his beating heart.
It had you realizing that perhaps he was just allowing you to take the first desire that has truly been yours. That your hopes and wishes had not been alone.
That all this time, he had simply been waiting for you to come to him.
Hours are spent together since, stolen between dusk and dawn. The near-silent wandering of hands and mouths.
That beskar armor nearly always fixed in place. It’s as much a part of him as flesh and bone. The edge of his helmet only lifting when he gets desperate. Sealing his mouth to yours. Deepening the kiss, until he’s all you can taste.
So much of him is still a mystery, but he’s come to know you as well as the back of his hand. Knows just how to make you bend, and then break.
Working his fingers between your thighs, until you’re shattering his arms. It will be enough to hold him over, until next time.
It has to be.
In the months since that first night, you’ve never tried to push. You’ve long known that you don't need to see his face - to strip him bare - to love him.
Determined not to ask him for more than he can give.
That is - not until tonight.
You've tried to hold on as long as you can. Always had been good at pushing things down. Grinning and bearing - with that polite, learned smile.
The dread you’ve been holding back crashes into you now, a charging lance against a shield. Splintering, and you can feel the ache in your ribs as if truly struck.
You cling to him. Stripped bare, his armor a welcome chill as your fingers slip between the fastenings of his armor.
Tonight, he allows you to loosen them. The room pitch-black, as the moon hangs full against a blanket of stars.
His helmet set carefully on your side table. Too dark to see him, a way around his creed. Trust woven in his actions, and you thank him with the soft press of your lips.
Against his throat. Teeth nipping skin as he groans.
He can’t leave a mark on you. Not a single thumb-print bruise - not with the way you’ll be stripped and scrubbed tomorrow.
So you leave ones on him. Reminders he can keep, until you can manage a moment alone again.
Desire swirls hot in your belly. Your own palm slipping down to tuck against his front, cupping him. Another part of him that he’s denied you fully.
“Take me,” You beg. It’s pathetic, no more than a whimper, “Take me, and then take me away from here.”
The potential wrath of your family pales in comparison to the thought of being bound to another. The reality of your situation sets everything in sharp contrast, the pretty veneer you’ve been living in cracking at the seams.
Din’s breath is harsh in your ear - fingers stuttering where they circle against your clit at your plea, coated in your slick.
He’s been in your bed since the second your maidens were dismissed. You won’t sleep until dawn, not if tonight is all you have.
“You cannot mean that.” It’s harsh, almost a growl as it buzzes from his helmet.
You might have thought he was angry, if you did not know him so well. If you couldn’t hear his own desperation, woven into each syllable.
It has your hips canting into his touch. Each word panted out, as your fingers stroke where he strains.
"I have never meant anything more.”
Your fingers pluck at his belt, but he eases them gently away. Catching your wrist with his spare hand, pinning it to the bed. His thumb sweeping against your skin, soothing as you squirm against him.
The fingers at your clit slip down to press just inside you. As if he’s thinking about it for just a moment, giving you what you’ve long desired.
But instead there’s a finality to his words, as his touch slips back up. Increasing the pressure until you’re moaning into your pillow, the tightly-wound stream about to snap.
His words, murmured into your hair, as you come undone.
"I won't let you throw your life away."
But how can you live, knowing that he won't be yours?
Not in the way you want him to be.
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The man you’ve chosen to marry - a high-born Mandalorian from another clan - is kindly enough, but he is not your knight.
No one could be.
Your only solace in this union is that Din is going with you, honor-bound by his own sworn duties.
A blessing in spite of everything. You do not think you could do this without him.
But it does not make the lead-weight of your feet any lighter. The room spins in front of you, stretching long and think as your hearing fades out to white noise.
It's only the grip of your fingers into the King's bracers that keeps you upright. Nails digging into steel, as you take one step at a time.
Your wedding is as beautiful as it should be. As you've always dreamed - your dress in pretty layers of white and gold. Up since daybreak, primped and pampered.
It's enough to almost, almost, have you regret meeting Din. If you had not known a love such as him, you might have been content for a marriage like this.
But of course, it's no more than a fleeting thought. Immediately shut down.  
Better to know and grieve, than to not know at all.
You're still as stone, at the end of the aisle. All the movements practiced the night before - the events that had sent you rushing into Din’s arms after.
It hadn't seemed real until then.
Your lips feel carved into that smile. Hewn since the day you were born, your true feelings hidden in the dull sheen of your eyes.
Disconnected, as they drift. Annoyance flickering deep in your mind, when they slide over your groom.
His armor is ill-fitting. The leather straps at the shoulder stretched to their limits, hooked on the last notch. Too much space between the plates of his cuisses, and his poleyn.
You've spent weeks preparing for this, and he couldn't even dress in his finest for the ceremony. It feels like an insult, after everything.
Maybe if you blur your eyes, you can pretend it's him. Just until this is over.
The Cleric chants the words you’ve known since childhood. Repeating the phrases as your palm presses against your groom's. Each phrase bringing you closer to the end.
Only propriety and decades of lessons keep the quaver from your voice. They sound just as you practiced as they slide from you, even when repeated through muted lips.
There's a crackle of energy at the joining words. A golden string, glimmering.
Only now does your hand twitch. Resisting the urge to pull away. If you don't right now - right this very moment - then you will not get the chance again.
Your groom feels it. The slight tremble - his grip tightening around yours. The barest sweep of his thumb against your knuckles.
The movement startles you.
Just long enough for the string to loop around your joined hands, and then tighten.
It's too late now. Bound forever, until death do you part.
“You may now kiss your bride.”
Your eyes go to his helmet, as the ceremony winds to an end. His finger and thumb catching on the hinge, as his head tips towards yours.
You can’t bring yourself to meet him. Not until his lips press to yours. Not until there’s an intimate familiarity to them.
The gasp that slips from you is quiet. A hushed thing, breathed into the chaste kiss. There’s scruff on his jaw where his skin should be smooth shaven.
The height is off, too - something you’re only just now noticing.
It’s like your heart remembers how to beat again. Confusion and hope swirling in you in equal measure.
You squeeze the hand in yours, as the kiss breaks. Eyes shining as you both turn towards the crowd, life finally flickering in them agin.
It’s here, that everything begins to fall apart. Almost fool-proof.
With a bang, a man stumbles through the arched door at the end of an aisle. The pale blonde of his hair is mussed - eyes wide and red-rimmed as he shouts, a finger pointing towards the pulpit.
“Stop them!” It’s a high, hoarse thing, “He’s an imposter-!”
There’s a rippling murmur, gasps and cries as the man’s voice carries.
But your husband’s hand is is tightly grasping yours.
“Trust me?” He mumurs, and you’re nodding.
Following behind him as he darts to the side, making for the hallway. Your skirts bundled up in a fist as your heartbeat pounds behind your ribs.
There’s voices behind you. The stomp of feet, though the guests and the hired protection do not know the castle the way the two of you do.
Ducking down one corridor, and then another. News hasn’t spread fast enough - there’s murmurs from guards that you pass, but they’re not quick enough to stop you.
The sky bleeds red when you burst outside. A ship waits, engines roaring - the same one you watched drop out of the sky years ago, with his first arrival.
“Su cuy'gar!” A voice calls from inside - another Mandalorian hailing as he rushes down the ramp, “You’re late. I’ll stall, but you need to go.”
It's one you recognize as a member of your Father's own guard, hand-chosen. Boba Fett's reputation for ferocity and loyalty preceeding him. Only now do you realize just where that loyalty truly lies.
“Vor entye, ner vod.” Din clasps his arm, a farewell woven into his thanks.
“Ret'urcye mhi, princess,” Boba’s head dips in a nod, “We’ll handle things from here.”
You’re whisked inside, and ship takes off just as guests begin to pour from the door. Boba blends into the crowd as you watch the scene from above, becoming no more than another bystander.
They grow smaller. Doll-sized, and then ants, and then the stars are streaking as the ship makes the jump - shooting you out into hyperspace.
It’s here that your legs finally give out. All that tension building up until it snaps, until you’re collapsing into the co-pilots chair.
Din’s hands are on you in a second. Gloves shucked with his teeth, discarded on the floor. Warm and familiar as they cup your face.
“I am sorry,” His voice is rough. Still distorted beneath your betrothed’s helmet, but you know it’s him, “I couldn’t let you marry him.”
“I know,” You head turns, lips pressing into the palm of his hand, “I was so afraid. I wanted to run, I almost did-”
He feels how you tremble. A ragged breath as his touch turns soft - smoothing over your cheeks, knuckles brushing your neck.
Your name is breathed out, as you relax against him. As your hands start to wander, tugging at the edge of his cuirass.
“I don’t like this on you.” Your voice sounds thick, in your own head. Biting through the emotions that threaten to choke you, “It’s not yours.”
“No.” He hums, and it sounds like a laugh, “Though as my wife, you may remove them now. If you wish.”
Din’s words makes you ache with want. His wife.
You wonder if he’s teasing you, or if all that he said is true. He’s never allowed you to remove more than a piece or two before.
“Is your armor here?”
“Mine is in the bunk. Along with your things, I had them packed while you were getting ready today.”
You smile then. Relief in knowing that this was planned. That he had put the ball in motion, in those few hours you shared before dawn.
Maybe he had daydreamed about it for even longer. Knowing he could not, but still unable to help thinking through things. How he would always choose you, if only you were to ask.
And you finally had, at the very last second.
He lets your hands slip across his chest, mirroring that first night. New, in the way you slip the leather straps free, until pieces are left stacked on the floor.
The flightsuit beneath is his own. Your fingers have traced the stitching night after night, patterns you know by heart. And for the first time, he lets you tug at the zipper under his chin. Guiding it down with you, exposing tanned skin beneath.
It leaves you greedy. Fingers mapping every inch that appeared. Tracing over old battle wounds and scars from a lifetime ago. A pounding in your heart as each second stretches to the next.
Expecting him to take this back. To wrap himself away again, hiding from your eyes.
Soon, only his helmet and small clothes remain. Your fingers drifting to where he’s half hard, another part of him you already know well.
But his hands wander as well. Plucking at the ribbons that weave up the back of your dress, encasing you.
“Are you fond of this?” He’s asking, just as a fingers hooks beneath. The sharp tug that follows the shake of your head has the seams splitting. That ribbon starting to fray, and then snap.
Your gasp is almost as loud, as the fabric rips. The straps drooping down your arms as the dress starts to pool around you, dragged down by the layers of tulle.
“I’ll get you another,” Din rasps - watching, as you wriggle free.
Seeing the layers of lace beneath, meant for another man. Deep down, knowing it was always meant for him.
His bare hands catch at your hips. Sliding over skin, then up.
"I'll marry you again, cyar'ika. Properly,” Din’s words make you shiver, as his touch drifts across your arms, “As many times as you want, as long as you're mine."
“Yours.” You echo.
Reminding you about binding rituals of the ceremony - all the excitement of the escape almost making you forget.
But when his fingers catch yours, dragging your hands to the curve of his helmet, it’s impossible to think of anything else.
Intent in his movement. The tip of his head towards you, the muscles in his chest going tight as he holds his breath.
“Are you sure?” The beskar is cool beneath your touch.
You know what he offers you. Something akin to the vows you recited, something spoken in his own language.
“Yes,” He echos, “I’ve never meant anything more.”
There’s a weight, one of which you’ve never known. That this wasn’t just to save you. That he’ll wind up right back here as many times, until you believe him.
The lift of your hands is slow. Revealing the stubble on his neck, then chin. You’ve seen bits with the tip of his head. A knowledge that the hair is dark, but then there’s the soft curve of his lips.
Ones that you know the shape of, tracing yours fingers over them in the darkness. Pressed against every part of you, night after night.
There’s a patch of hair missing against his jaw. His nose, and you resist the urge to press your lips to it. A hint of curls, grey-flecked at his temples.
And then his eyes.
He needs the mask, you realize. You would have fallen immediately, looking into eyes like that. Warm and dark, as brown and pretty as his hair.
Everyone would have known what you meant to him, if that had caught him looking at you like this.
The exhale of your breath is low. Only a heartbeat until your mouth is pressing to his, insistent.
Hungry, unleashed fully for the first time. His hands slide up your hips, as the helmet hangs from your fingertips. Curling around your back, pressing you to him.
He’s dreamed of taking you countless times. Your own desires mirroring his - something flickering in your mind, now. A thought that maybe, you should move.
Down to his bunk, perhaps.
But there’s something about here. The cockpit, the streak of stars behind you. His strong thighs spread and bare in the seat before you, as you stand between them.
It’s easy to crawl into his lap. To straddle him, your clothed core already damp when you fit yourself against him.
You can feel groan in his chest as your palm flattens against him. One of his real ones - not modulated through metal.
“Please,” It’s hushed, whispered against his mouth. A rock of your hips, grinding against him.
He catches your hand, dragging it down again.
“It’s yours,” He husks, “It’s always been yours.”
Pleasure blooms low in your belly. Your fingers cupping against his length, before they slip beneath the fabric to curl around him.
Eagerly easing him out. His hips lift so you can shove his small clothes down. The weight of his cock trapped between your belly and his, as his own fingers trace the damp fabric at your core.
“I need you,” You breathe, arching into his fingertips. How they press and rub at you through the lace. It’s far past want.
Want was those early days, stolen glances from beneath your eyelashes as your solemn guard. Finding excuses to make him laugh, so sure he must be smiling beneath the helmet.
Din wears his expressions so openly without. His own desire shown in the grit of his jaw. Those lips that part on a groan, as your fist gives a slow pump.
The lace at your hips tears as easily as the ribbons that held your dress together. A pivot of his chair until he can lay you back against the metal panels of the dashboard, chilling fevered skin.
You whine at the distance that now stretches between you, but his hands only tighten where they grip at your waist.
“Shh, cyar’ika. I’m not going anywhere.” He soothes you, as the reason he moved you suddenly becomes clear.
It’s easier for his fingers to fit into you this way. The flip of his hand, as it faces palm-up. The tip of one stroking against bare skin. A familiar stretch as he slips to the first knuckle.
And then, as a shallow gasp slides from you, he sinks further than he’s ever been.
Had to hold back, before. Give you just a taste of what you’ve been wanting. This - the feel of him nudged so deep inside you.
“I know,” Your husband soothes, as his thumb nudges at your clit - distracting you.
From the slow plunge of his finger. How that quick twinge of discomfort bleeds into a pulsing throb you know well.
It’s not long before your hips are lifting. Your breath growing shorter, as a second fingers slips in to stretch you out. Getting you ready.
His cock is heavy where it rests on your thigh, the tip sticky against your skin. Flushed and swollen - making you realize that maybe you had been too hasty, thinking you could take him before.
Your own hands drift - and this time, you watch. Catching how dark and blown-wide his eyes get. The peek of his tongue between his lips when your fingers pinch at your nipples.
The way he inhales, when he feels you clench down around him. Back arching off the console, as his fingers curl against a spot that you never knew existed inside you.
“There,” You moan, as nudges against it again, “Din, please-”
His jaw grits, his voice low, “Yeah? Are you close, ner riduur?”
You’re used to the pretty names he calls you - a hidden way to show his affection. But never like this, with the soft purr of his voice. The way the words slide so easily from his tongue.
It must mean something special.
“Yes,” Your fingers pinch harder, teeth sinking into your bottom lip. Biting back the panting gasp of your breath, as his thumb presses against your clit.
“Come for me.” It’s a command, but there’s a razor edge of need in his words, “Always sound so fucking pretty. Let me hear you.”
You’ve always had to hold back. Muffled into pillows, his palm of his hand as it clamps over your mouth.
The cry rips from you today, as you reach your peak. Eyes fluttering shut as the star-lines streak across your bare form - still bright, even as your vision darkens.
Your nails scrape against his skin, as he leans into you. Din’s mouth sealing to yours as you’re hauled into his lap, his thick fingers slipping free.
The kiss is messy, your mind still swirling as you reach down. Desperate for more, now that you’ve had a taste.
He pants into your mouth, “Don’t have to, cyare. This is-”
The words breaking off with a groan, as your fingers squeeze around him. His own need evident with how he throbs against your palm.
“‘s not enough,” You’re breathless, the dregs of pleasure settling low in your belly, “I’ve waited, we’ve waited-”
“Long enough.” He rasps, a flash of teeth in the darkness when you lean back.
Your nod is sharp. Determination in the pull of your shoulders as you lift up, angling his cock between your thighs.
A breath, and then you’re lowering yourself. The pressure you felt before is nothing compared to now - a muffled cry, as your nails bite into his shoulders.
As he stretches you open, even with how slick and ready you are. His own hands tug at you, trying to keep you from dropping down too quickly.
But you take him. You were made for him, after all. You decided that long ago. Even if you had joined with another, you’d never be theirs like you are his.
And you always were a quick learner. That competitive streak in you takes over now - figuring out just how to move in the cramped space.
That sting easing into pleasure, with the roll of your hips. The movement is familiar - you’ve sat astride him before, just never like this.
Never feeling this full, when your thighs are finally flush against his. Din’s hands guiding you like they often did - grasping at your waist, keeping your rhythm steady.
Even as it threatens to stutter, with just how good he feels. The angle you ride him sends him across the place his fingers found. Each drop of your hips sending you higher, eager to follow his murmured encouragement.
“You feel so fucking good,” It’s ragged and low - close to the tone he has when he comes, spilling across your belly, “Been waiting so long so have you like this-”
“Yours,” You sigh, again. Finally able to say it aloud, “I’m yours, we can have each other any time we want.”
Din groans at that, his hips bucking into you.
It’s possessive. The hairs on the back of your neck standing up, as his fingers slip down again. Needing to know just how it feels to make you come around him, after imagining it for so long.
Your rhythm goes sloppy with his touch. Unable to figure out how to keep moving with your mind so clouded with pleasure. Chasing his touch as you bounce, head tilting back as his lips press against your throat.
Up, and then up, until he’s kissing you again. Your arms twine around his shoulders, curls tucked between pinched fingers as he brings you over the edge again.
Sharing a breath, as you moan into his mouth. His cock filling you as you clench down around him, almost as if trying to keep him inside as your orgasm pulses through you.
Din used to worry about monsters and beasts darkening your doorstep, never knowing he’d create one in you. Hungry like you’ve never known, eager for more even as your energy slips from you.
With his own desperation, he’s not far behind. Not with how you tight you are. Ready to give you everything, now that he finally can.
His jaw grits as he buries himself in you. Doing most of the work now, your legs leaden in your afterglow. Rutting his hips against yours, notching himself deep into where you’re wet and warm.
“Princess-,” Din rasps, like he used to. A low huff of a breath as you correct him.
Your lips at his ear, as you croon, “Riduur.”
“Fuck,” He groans at that, his voice dropping low, “Riddur, where do you want me?”
It makes you moan, the rough tone in his voice. How that name in his native tongue affects him just as much as you.
Your hips begin to move in earnest, skin slapping against skin. Those dark eyes on yours as you answer - finally able to express your hearts desire, after all these years.
“I want to feel you.”
His breath grows harsh, as your hips roll.
“Come in me. Please, Din.”
There’s no need for you to beg. He’s already there - a rough grunt as his hips near lift off the seat. Tugging you down and flush against him as he spills inside you.
You can feel him throb, as his warmth floods your walls. Threatening to spill from you, to leak onto thighs that are already sticky with your release. Sweat-dewed with exertion.
That heady ache of need fades, when you both come back down. It’s just bliss now, warm in your limbs. In his embrace. For the first time in weeks, you feel like you’re able to breathe.
The stars streak across his skin, illuminating pieces of his face. So like the stained glass back home, each feature split and soldered with darkness.
“Do you regret it?” His voice is low, barely audible over the hum of the engine, “Leaving with me?”
Your head tilts back, as you look at him again. A sight that you cherish, one you hope you can indulge in, but never take for granted.
And after all the questions that led to today - this one has been the easiest to answer.
“No,” You catch his hand, pressing it to your heart. Mirroring his words earlier.
“It’s always been yours.”
In every world - you would have gone with him.
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Sometime amongst the late hours, you wind your way downstairs.
Fitting together in the narrow bunk, not minding the small space. Drifting off with a hand cradled against his neck. Thumb brushing his cheek, loathe to leave the warmth of his skin.
Soft dreams swirl in the moments you do sleep. In between the times when you wake - reaching for each other. Another hour spent twined together, re-learning every inch.
Not fearing the dawn, this time.
Because for once... your life is yours.
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thanks for reading! and jana, thank you so much for hosting this event, I was so excited to celebrate with you! 💖
Su cuy'gar! - a friendly greeting (lit: "still live," i.e. "so you're still alive.")
vor entye - thank you (lit: "I accept a debt")
ner vod - my brother
ner riduur - my spouse / wife
ret'urcye mhi - goodbye
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