#Adventurers Who Don’t Believe in Humanity Will Save The World
yeswatchandtalk · 1 year
《不相信人類的冒險者們好像要去拯救世界》(英文:Adventurers Who Don’t Believe in Humanity Will Save The World,日語:人間不信の冒険者たちが世界を救うようです)是改編日本輕小說富士伸太的同名作品,有改編成漫畫,動畫由小林裕介、菊池紗矢香、土岐隼一、渡部紗弓等配音,類型為奇幻冒險的23冬動畫,主要語言是日語,在巴哈動畫瘋等多個影音平台播出。
他們是一群曾經遭親近之人背叛所組成的"倖存者隊伍"。 在這個充滿危機與轉機的迷宮都市特拉涅,屬於他們的冒險即將展開。
更多內容: https://www.yeswatchandtalk.com/2023/01/adventurers-who-dont-believe-in-humanity-will-save-the-world-details.html
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lllluffyvert · 5 months
It’s funny how the entire trajectory of one’s life could be completely and utterly changed by a singular event. A chance encounter with a living whirlwind, a sunbeam in human form. An extended hand and bright, brown eyes that sparkled with the promise of an adventure and despite himself, Zoro was utterly captivated.
“I’m gonna be King of the Pirates!” Luffy, the kid who saved him without a thought for himself, without even knowing him, declared with utmost conviction, as if it were a fact, already set in stone. “I need a strong crew, the best of the best! And you’re amazing, Zoro!” A huge, toothy smile split across his freckled face and his eyes crinkled at the corners. “I want you to be my first mate. Let’s help each other achieve our dreams!”
And it’s with the idea of pursuing his dream alongside someone this dazzling and so wholly determined that Zoro, the pirate-killer, the bounty-hunter, a man of self-imposed solitude, grasps Luffy’s outstretched hand in his own, catalogs the warmth of his sun-kissed skin, and swears his swords and his loyalty.
Just like that, Zoro finds himself whisked away to sea, sailing the East Blue with Luffy at the ship’s bow and their 3rd member, Nami, at the helm.
“She’s our crew’s navigator, the best there’ll ever be!” Luffy had announced by way of introductions, tipping his straw hat and throwing Zoro an enthusiastic thumbs-up.
“Not part of your crew,” Nami replied firmly while crossing her arms. The sleeve of her shirt shifted with the movement and a bandage wrapped around her right arm peeked from underneath the fabric. “Just hitching a ride.”
“I know,” Luffy said with a knowing wink and a winning smile. Zoro eyed Nami with some suspicion, but he could tell that Luffy had already made up his mind to trust her, and he wouldn’t question his captain.
It didn’t take long for Luffy to secure the fourth member of the crew: Usopp, an incredible sniper and an even worse liar. Zoro’s eyebrow twitched every time he called himself “Captain Usopp”, but along with Usopp came the Going Merry, and Luffy finally had his ship. Zoro would let Usopp spin all the tall tales he wanted as long as Luffy was happy.
The sun is high in the cloudless sky now as they skim over calm ocean waters. Zoro reclines against the ship’s wooden railing, nurses a bottle of beer and kicks his feet up. He contemplates taking a nap when he catches sight of Luffy, perched atop the sheep’s head of the Going Merry and basking in the sunshine. He holds his straw hat in his lap and hums a jovial tune as the salted breeze tussles his brown curls in a way that has Zoro feeling short of breath.
Luffy turns like he feels the weight of Zoro’s gaze and meets his eyes. He smiles, bright and warm like a ray of sun. Beautiful, is what Zoro thinks, as he sends up a silent prayer to the gods he doesn’t believe in that he would be deserving of such an expression, quietly devoting himself to his captain as his first mate, as his sword, as anything Luffy wanted him to be.
I’ll become the world’s greatest fucking swordsman, he vows with rekindled resolve, his hand a tight fist around the hilt of his sword. Whatever it takes.
Zoro is tested much sooner than expected, when only days later he, Nami, and Usopp are confronted by Dracule Mihawk, one of seven Warlords of the Sea, a man that Zoro simultaneously idolizes and strives to surpass. As Mihawk tersely questions their captain’s whereabouts, Zoro unsheaths his sword and points the tip at Mihawk’s chest.
“I, Roronoa Zoro, challenge you to a duel.”
“Zoro,” Nami hisses, her expression tense. “Please, don’t do this.”
Mihawk looks him up and down with eyes full of contempt and scoffs. “I don’t waste my time with children.”
“I’ve followed your career since I was a child,” Zoro doesn’t waver, adrenaline pumping in his veins and blood rushing in his ears. “And it’s my dream to be a greater swordsman than even you.”
One of Mihawk’s perfectly manicured eyebrows raises inquisitively as he stares at Zoro for a moment before nodding once. “Fine,” he says, “I’ll humor you, because you’ve piqued my interest, Roronoa Zoro. We’ll meet at dawn, and do try your best not to disappoint me.” He turns and strides away with a flutter of his dark cloak and disappears into the night.
“Why did you have to do that?!” Nami’s voice shakes with anger. “He’s going to kill you!”
Zoro sheaths his sword and looks to Nami. Her cheeks are flushed and her eyes are filled with apprehension.
“It’s a chance at my dream,” he says with conviction. Nami glares at him. “And why do you even care?”
“Why do I–” Nami sputters, and punches his arm hard. “Because you’re my friend, you idiot! I’m telling Luffy about this!”
She storms off and Usopp follows quickly, but not before he casts an apprehensive glance at Zoro, in agreement with Nami but afraid to speak his opinion.
Luffy will understand, Zoro thinks, and the idea provides him a modicum of comfort. Out of everyone, he knows his captain will understand because they’re the same. It’s what drew Zoro to him so easily; that unbreakable spirit and unshakable resolve. It might’ve also been the beaming smiles that sometimes seemed to be just for him, or maybe those big, sparkling brown eyes that only ever looked at him with adoration. He made Zoro want to be better, to be the best; he’d do anything to make his captain proud and dueling Dracule Mihawk was only the first step.
The hours seem to crawl. Zoro doesn’t sleep, choosing instead to cycle between meditation and polishing his swords, clearing his mind and steeling his nerves up until his crewmates barge into the room with only a few minutes remaining before dawn.
“Okay, now tell him to back out of the duel, Luffy!” Nami demands.
Luffy looks a little unsure, glancing back and forth between Zoro and Nami and biting his lip. “I’m not sure this is such a good idea, Zoro,” he says finally, pushing his hat back to scratch at his forehead, an anxious movement as he’s suddenly forced to make a decision as captain.
“I have to,” Zoro says, a bit desperately as he holds Luffy’s gaze. “To achieve my dream, I have to do this.” Understand me, Captain, is his silent plea.
At that, Luffy’s hesitant expression shifts into one of comprehension, and he immediately straightens his posture and nods firmly. “I’ll support you, Zoro,” he states resolutely.
It’s like a weight is lifted from his shoulders, and Zoro’s devotion grows ever deeper. His captain was at his side, and nothing else mattered.
Nami makes a noise of protest and her eyes begin to well up with tears. “Luffy, why?”
“I can’t get in the way of someone else’s dream, Nami.”
“Even if that dream will get him killed?!”
“Zoro is strong,” Luffy says simply, causing Zoro’s heart to skip a beat.
“I won’t let you down,” Zoro promises, as time runs out and the sun begins to peek over the horizon.
“I know,” Luffy replies with a reassuring smile and a confident gleam in his eyes, believing entirely in his first mate and filling Zoro with a fiery determination. He picks up his swords, ties his bandana around his head, and marches outside to the docks where Dracule Mihawk awaits.
“Ah, you actually showed up,” Mihawk says dully, looking rather bored. “Bravo.”
Zoro says nothing. He stands before Mihawk and pulls out his swords, biting down on the hilt of one and the other two in each hand.
The duel is quick. Zoro breathes heavily, Mihawk’s dagger in his shoulder and blood trailing down his arm to drip from his fingertips. He hears Nami cry out and Usopp gasps. Luffy makes no sound but watches him with wide eyes, features drawn with apprehension.
“Why don’t you retreat?” Mihawk questions, looking pointedly at the wound he’d created.
“If I do,” Zoro says through gritted teeth, “My dream will be lost forever.”
Mihawk hums appreciatively and pulls the knife from Zoro’s shoulder with a wet schlick. “Not bad, Roronoa Zoro,” he says, and a metallic ring echoes in the quiet of the morning as he unsheathes his greatsword from the holster on his back. “I believe you deserve to die by Yoru.”
Zoro rushes him, but his attack is parried easily; Yoru slices into his skin and ends him flying backwards. Two of Zoro’s swords shatter, leaving him only Wado Ichimonji, which he removes from his mouth to grasp firmly in his hand, standing despite his injuries.
“You’ve been defeated,” Mihawk says, “Why do you still fight?”
“Wounds on the back are a swordsman’s greatest shame,” Zoro responds honestly.
“Magnificient,” Mihawk murmurs.
Zoro opens his arms wide and closes his eyes as Yoru slashes across his chest, throwing him onto his back as blood pours from the gaping cut and pools around him, soaking into his shirt.
I’m sorry, Luf, is the only thought in his mind as his senses are wracked with pain and his vision fades to black. He thinks he hears Luffy cry out his name, but it’s faint under the ringing in his ears. Mihawk’s blurred silhouette stands above him, and it might be the blood loss, but he thinks he catches a gleam of respect in his enemy’s eyes.
“When you’re stronger, come and find me,” Mihawk says quietly, before he turns towards Luffy, who’s already running past him to drop to his knees at Zoro’s side, and Zoro’s focus shifts to where his captain’s warm hands touch his cheek, his arm, his chest, burning hotter than the pain in his body. It grounds him for just a moment, and he opens his eyes to meet his captain’s, huge and round and glistening with unshed tears.
Don’t cry for me, he silently begs, I don’t deserve it. I failed.
“Luffy.” Zoro’s voice is solemn, penitent. “If I fail to become the world’s greatest swordsman, you’ll be disappointed in me.”
“Never,” Luffy says immediately, and he leans forward to press his forehead to Zoro’s, balling his fists in his blood soaked shirt. “You could never disappoint me, Zoro.”
Zoro briefly considers what might happen if he were to tilt his head and catch Luffy’s lips, which were so, so close, in a kiss, and he blames the intrusive thought on blood loss induced delirium, before his vision goes black and he fades to nothing.
It’s dark outside when he comes to, without any idea of the time or day. He blinks to clear his eyes and gathers his bearings. He’s lying on a firm cot, the laceration to his chest has been cleaned and bandaged, and the pain is down to a dull sting. There’s a soft blanket around his upper body, and he can see Wado Ichimonji propped up against the opposite wall. His head throbs and right hand is asleep, prickling uncomfortably. He tries to move it, and hears someone shift beside him. He turns his head and catches his breath at the sight of Luffy. His captain’s hand is wrapped tightly around his own even as he stirs from his slumber, his hat around his neck and his brown locks sticking to the side of his face, and Zoro wonders how long he’s been sitting there, waiting for him to wake up.
His heart aches at the thought, and he hates himself for causing Luffy any grief.
“Eh? Zoro?!” Luffy is suddenly wide awake, and he drops Zoro’s hand, choosing instead to hop up onto the cot and hover over Zoro on all fours, straddling his hips. “Zoro! How are you feeling? Are you okay?”
He’s always so warm, Zoro thinks, and as his right hand regains feeling he lifts it to stroke his captain’s flushed cheek.
“Barely a papercut,” he quips softly with a smile only ever for his captain. Luffy’s laugh rings like a bell, a pretty sound that Zoro will never tire of hearing, and he drops to wrap his arms around Zoro, burying his face in his neck. Zoro’s heart hammers behind his ribs and returns the embrace, barely registering the pain his movements induce to his very recent injuries and thinking only of how Luffy smells of sea salt and fresh air, and how perfectly he fits against him.
Luffy lifts himself onto his elbows and meets Zoro’s eyes, his own filled with conviction. “You’ll grow stronger for me,” he says quietly, confidently. “And you'll be the greatest swordsman ever.”
Zoro’s hands move of their own accord, sliding his fingers up Luffy’s neck and into his hair, and he marvels at its softness for a moment before he brings Luffy’s head down and kisses him gently.
Fuck, is his desperate thought as the contact lights a fire in his stomach and he suddenly needs more, craves it.
“Captain,” he breathes reverently, and Luffy’s lips are slightly chapped but pliant against his own as he kisses him again, tenderly, trying to hold himself back and failing miserably. Luffy hasn’t moved, but he hasn’t told Zoro to stop either, so Zoro kisses him yet again, even goes so far as to suck Luffy’s bottom lip into his mouth and swipe his tongue over his velvety skin. That seems to shock Luffy to his senses, as he makes a soft noise that Zoro swallows up and tentatively, awkwardly returns the pressure, like he’s not sure what he’s supposed to do, exactly.
The idea of being his captain’s first kiss sends a thrill up Zoro’s spine, and his fingers tangle in Luffy’s hair as he deepens the embrace, tilting his head and licking into Luffy’s mouth like he was dying of thirst and his captain was life-saving water, only breaking the contact to gasp for air.
Luffy looks down at him with twinkling eyes and Zoro’s heart aches, this time with adoration for his captain. He pulls Luffy down against him, wraps his arms around his waist, and buries his face in his curls.
“Now let me get some sleep,” he mutters, and Luffy chuckles against him, snuggling deeper into his chest and sighing contentedly. He’s asleep within seconds, his warm breath puffing against Zoro’s neck and if he wasn’t wounded, he might’ve done something about it, but instead he follows his captain's lead and lets sleep take him.
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leiasources · 1 year
an  assortment  of  disney  sentence  starters.    a  compilation  of  sentence  starters  from  and  inspired  by  lilo  and  stitch,  lady  and  the  tramp,  lady  and  the  tramp  ii:  scamp’s  adventure,  the  little  mermaid  and  the  little  mermaid  ii:  return  to  the  sea.  feel  free  to  adjust  as  necessary  but  do  not  add  to  the  list.  thank  you!
‘ i don't see how a world that makes such wonderful things could be bad. ’
‘ if anybody ever needed a muzzle, it's him ... ’
‘ have you lost your senses completely? ’
‘ i'd give anything to have what you have. ’
‘ i didn't mean it, {name}, i don't know what i was thinking! ’
‘ beyond those distant hills, who knows what wonderful experiences there are, and it's all ours for the taking. ’
‘ if you promise not to fight anymore, i promise not to yell at you ... except on special occasions. ’
‘ you ... saved my life. nobody else here would have dared to do that. ’
‘ you don't know what it was like. ’
‘ i see you haven't changed a bit. ’
‘ hey! watch where you're going, stupid head! ’
‘ you don't belong on the street. you won't last five minutes out here. ’
‘ wonder what they do around here for excitement. ’
‘ do we have a lobster door? no! we have a dog door! we're getting a dog. ’
‘ we're just going to forget this whole thing ever happened. ’
‘ how could there be anything wrong with something so wonderful? ’
‘ i'm not going home! you can't make me. ’
‘ did you lose your job because of me? ’
‘ if you want to leave, you can. i'll remember you though. i remember everyone that leaves. ’
‘ i just ... i just don't feel like i belong here. have you ever felt that way? ’
‘ i'm giving you a choice, you can come with me or you can return home. ’
‘ if your father knew about this place- ’
‘ if you ask me, she's a little strange ... ’
‘ everybody thinks i'm ... weird ... ’
‘ this is great. this is living! i never get to do this at home. ’
‘ why don't you go tell my father? you're good at that. ’
‘ stop criticizing me! that's all my mother ever did, criticize me! ’
‘ you're hiding something from me ... ’
‘ remember this: a human heart has only so much room for love and affection. ’
‘ i'm going to bust us out of here, if it's the last thing i do. ’
‘ i know you're trying, {name}, but you need to think about what's best for them ... even if it removes you from the picture. ’
‘ i've given you what you've always wanted ... they're the one who's been lying to you all these years. ’
‘ it wasn't built to keep something out ... it was built to keep me in. ’
‘ you've got no one to blame but yourself. ’
‘ well ... that's what comes of tying yourself down to one person. ’
‘ we could run off together. we don't need them. ’
‘ you're just like ... like your mother. ’
‘ it's about time you settle down. ’
‘ i thought we could sit out here and talk. ’
‘ i'm sorry i bit you ... and pulled your hair ... and punched you in the face. ’
‘ sometimes you try your hardest but things don't work out the way you want them to. ’
‘ i hope that you appreciate what i go through for you. ’
‘ take my advice and settle down with this one, huh? ’
‘ i should have been home hours ago ... ’
‘ i'm late because i had to go to the store and get peanut butter because all we have is stinkin' tuna- ’
‘ no, you don't belong there, you're better than that and that's what i like about you. ’
‘ you know, i really believed they had a chance ... then you came along. ’
‘ isn't it obvious? {name}'s in love. ’
‘ why didn't you wait at the school? you were supposed to wait there! ’
‘ that's the first time i've seen you smile in weeks. ’
‘ i know that's why you wreck things and why you're mean to me sometimes ... ’
‘ i was just like you when i was your age. ’
‘ i don't need you to shelter and protect me! ’
‘ you're not like the rest of us. you're good and kind. the streets will beat that out of you if you stay. ’
‘ you really want a family, don't you? ’
‘ i've got a very comfortable home, where i know you'll be loved and appreciated ... ’
‘ why do you act so weird? ’
‘ open up your eyes to what life can really be ... ’
‘ are you going to play dolls? ’
‘ this is great. i mean, i really love this ... adventure, excitement, danger lurking around every corner ... ’
‘ you don't have to be scared of me. i won't hurt you. ’
‘ we can't go in! the sign says- ’
‘ i need you to stay here for a few minutes. i'm going to be right back. ’
‘ i'm {number} years old! i'm not a child! ’
‘ hey, i brought you some pizza in case you were hungry. ’
‘ i'm not your girl. i don't belong to anyone ... ’
‘ i wish i could tell {name} how i feel ... but they'd never understand. ’
‘ you seem very familiar ... have we met? ’
‘ people treat me different. ’
‘ i know you've been keeping something from me. ’
‘ sometimes ... things have to change and maybe sometimes they're for the better. ’
‘ you didn't think they would miss you!? ’
‘ this is you and this is your badness level. it's unusually high for someone your size. ’
‘ all i ever hear is rules, rules, rules ... don't do this and don't do that ... ’
‘ everyone has trouble fitting in at your age. i know i did. i was a regular fish out of water. ’
‘ there's a great, big hunk of world out there with no fence around it, where two people can find adventure and excitement ... ’
‘ why did you keep the truth from me? ’
‘ i bet they've got a lid on every trash can ... oh, and a fence around every tree. ’
‘ we're a broken family, aren't we? ’
‘ if it wasn't for you, i would have wound up somewhere else... ’
‘ i'm the only one who understands them. you take that way, they won't stand a chance. ’
‘ our family is little now and we don't have much but if you want you could be a part of it. ’
‘ i'm going to stuff you in the blender, push puree then bake you into a pie and feed it to- ’
‘ when you're footloose and unattached ... well, that's nothing but the best. ’
‘ what are you doing out here? don't you have a nice family back home? ’
‘ don't you have a family? ’
‘ oh man, must have been horrible having someone care about you that much ... ’
‘ you have a home and a family that loves you. you're not like the rest of us, {name}. ’
‘ i'm just so afraid i'm going to make a total fool of myself. ’
‘ you're hiding something from me ... ’
‘ i didn't think they would miss me that much ... ’
‘ have you ever seen anything so wonderful in your entire life? ’
‘ i got to get to work. stick around town and stay out of the roads, okay? ’
‘ they aren't much of a family ... but what choice do i have? ’
‘ it's clear to me that you need them a lot more than they need you. ’
‘ i might not be a doctor but i know that there's no better cure for a sour face than a couple of boards and some choice waves. what do you think?  ’
‘ you're such a pain. ’
‘ come to join the party? ’
‘ the world out there is full of traps. here? here you have a family that loves you. ’
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artist-issues · 1 year
People don’t seem to understand what makes fan content good. Not likeable necessarily, because likability is another thing. I mean, objectively good.
So I’ve decided to illustrate my point. (badly, because I’m a doodler not a pro) Let’s say this is my character, Snatch. He’s just a simple character: a rat who lives on the streets, avoiding humans and surviving. But as simple as he is, Snatch has two distinct character traits that make him “Snatch.” 
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And these character traits define everything Snatch does. They are his Unbreakable Character Traits. For example, Snatch won’t jump into traffic to save neighborly  possums because he doesn’t like risking his own skin. He’s perfectly happy stealing from babies because that also gets him food without endangering the beloved skin.
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The character traits can go deeper! Like when Snatch starts to make friends or like other people, it’s usually because he was getting something out of the relationship. For example, his very closest friend, Buster the Dog, is the only friend Snatch cares about because Buster makes him feel safe. 
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So we can have adventures, and people can like my character very much, because no matter how deep or shallow the antics, he’s a consistent character. He’s always Snatch. And in my story, Snatch never grows past those particular flaws.
Now let’s say people like Snatch enough to make fan content about him. (Let’s say. Hypothetically.) They want more of Snatch! So they put him in new situations, wacky worlds, and even let him meet different characters.
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Some of the new situations can even break some rules, and that’s okay, as long as the rules aren’t about who Snatch is.
For example:
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Cyborg Snatch! (that’s cool! Maybe he escaped from a lab, and that’s why he’s so self-protective.)
See, even though a major part of Snatch has been broken—the fact that he is a regular rat with no close experience with humans—he still has an opportunity to remain Snatch. All the fan-content creator has to do is make sure Snatch’s Unbreakable Character Traits are incorporated into the cyborg story. And it has to be believable, in some sense. Maybe, like I said, Snatch is still concerned with protecting himself…but now he can do it with lasers! Or he’s still selfish, but he talks like a robot.  This way, fans of robots and fans of Snatch can have the best of both worlds. Snatch’s nastiness is still there, but you get to explore it from a new angle. You get to fall in love with his character all over again. That’s what fan-creators who really know the original and care about craft integrity LOVE about fan creations, and it’s what other fans search for, too. But there’s a dark side. When fan works just becomes Lazy Self-Service. And that happens when a character’s Unbreakable Character Traits are treated like easily-snapped old rubber bands. Unfortunately, I’m just the original creator. I can’t stop people from breaking Scratch’s Unbreakable Character Traits. They don’t really understand Snatch himself—or else, they don’t really like him for who he is. They would rather see a story about a rat who falls in love. Or maybe they want a story about a green rat who learns the value of selflessness and proves the haters wrong.  But they don’t do the work to move Snatch from a selfish coward to a selfless cutie. They don’t write Snatch into a believable scenario that would force him to learn from his mistakes and become a better rat. They don’t explain why he would ever grow out of caring for himself above all else. Instead, they simply plop a rat character into a dangerous situation, and have him save a baby mouse’s life…he willingly shares cheese with Buster…he comforts sad lady rats…and the fan-creator tells everyone that the hero rat doing all this is Snatch.
This goes for characters like Snatch, who are simple or purposely nasty, and more complex characters like Sherlock Holmes or Tony Stark. No matter how complex or simple, most characters (that are good enough to have a fan following) do have Unbreakable Character Traits. Things that make the character who they are. Things that should not be changed without lots of hard work and believable buildup to explain the change.
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You see, much like real people, most characters need lots of experiences and hard knocks before they can change what makes them who they are. And if they do change those Unbreakable Character Traits, the fan creator will have to care more about the effort that it takes to understand a character and reproduce it faithfully…and care less about what makes them feel good to write without much hard work or risk.
So if you are making a story about Captain America, but he’s got trauma from losing his friends and can’t bring himself to rescue kids from a war zone because of it, then you’ve shattered one of his Unbreakable Character Traits: doing the right thing, especially when it’s hard for him. You’re not really making a story about Captain America anymore.
If you are making a story about Eddie Munson, but he’s a brave hearted warrior who takes Chrissy on a date to a fancy restaurant after beating up the whole basketball team, you’ve shattered his Unbreakable Character Traits: before the events of Stranger Things 4, Eddie Munson is afraid and runs from trouble, and he certainly doesn’t believe in conventional dates enough to spend money on a fancy restaurant. You’re not really making a story about Eddie Munson anymore. 
If you are making a story about Snatch the Rat, but he’s a cute little guy just looking to be accepted by his neighbors, you’ve shattered his Unbreakable Character Traits: Snatch doesn’t care about acceptance, he only cares about grub and shelter. You’re not really making a story about Snatch the Rat anymore.
I could go on and on. But the point is: instead of writing a story you want to see and lazily dragging established characters along when they don’t fit, just make up your own character! Or change the original, but show your work. Either way, work harder.
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xanthusasaka · 1 year
My version of thilbo arclight
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People are naturally jealous/want to have what they can't get, and Thorin also almost naturally, without realizing it, longs for things that Bilbo has - a warm home, a peaceful town, enough to make him proudly say that "I miss my home." Maybe it was envy? Maybe it was jealousy, which made him remember the warmth and all kinds of comfortable facilities in Bag-end a few months after he visited it, so he firmly believed that Bilbo - a flower in this kind of greenhouse, could not be like himself, a wandering warrior without a home.
In fact, Thorin's "self" has no home, the lonely mountain is a responsibility, it is destroyed, he has no right to call it home, he feels that he has no choice but to reclaim Erebor, and because of this heavy responsibility, he can't proudly cal the Blue Mountains home.
When Bilbo finally sympathized with the dwarves and confessed that you don’t have a home and I will help you get one, that kind of envy and jealousy and suspicion all turned into an extreme form of longing. Not only does Thorin longing to have a home but he also longing to become like Bilbo, who can say out loud that home is comfortable and I miss home, and even (in a queer lens) longing to find nostalgia in Bilbo’s body. It was a dangerous yet soul-touching transference. What he lost in childhood, he found them in the hobbit. If his homeland had not been destroyed, he would have lived a life like Bilbo, so he also realized that courage lies in In everyone's heart, Bilbo could also empathize with his experience and Bilbo is also brave and strong.
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When Bilbo faced Gollum, he didn't realize that he was a Hobbit, but this didn't affect Bilbo thinking of Gandalf's teachings and not killing him. Yet, when Bilbo was protecting Thorin, he made the determination to kill. ↘️(he is literally aiming for heart
(Bilbo in Thorin’s eyes are probably like:↙️
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In fact, Bilbo also has a dark and greedy side in his heart. He wanted to kill Gollum. Before Thorin told Gandalf that he must have run away, he did hesitate and wanted to leave secretly. He concealed the ring from Gandalf, and then wanted to kill the orcs again. He's been in an inner struggle, and knows quite well what the bright side looks like in opposition to those dark sides—he wants to be an adventurer, to see the world, and he is moved by Thorin’s heroic past.
Unlike Thorin, who may not even know about Bilbo’s upbringing when he dies, Beebo knows very well that he also has noble blood; he just doesn’t have the sense of aristocratic hierarchy like dwarves and humans, but he is actually a person who value’s his upbringing: he often attributed his boldness to Took's blood, and in the end of BOTFA he told Thorin that as a Baggins (perhaps representing his cautious side), he did not deserve to be with Thorin. Maybe after he set off on the journey, he also secretly thought about whether he could do what Thorin did if he were a dwarf, whether he could be a hero and do the right thing.
Unlike Kee and Fee, who proactively wants to be Thorin, and wants to be recognized by their uncle; Bilbo only subconsciously wants to be Thorin, wants to be recognized by him. Bilbo cannot bear to see a heroic story with a sad end, so he jumped out to save Thorin from Borg. This complex desire and motivation has shaped his growth, from hating Thorin, wanting to leave; to actively protecting a person who had doubted Bilbo ten minutes ago, to taking the initiative to climb up trees and find direction, to rescuing the whole squad several times. Interpretation of movie Bilbo without a queer lens always believes that spare Gollum from death and not attracted by the Arkenstone shaped Bilbo growth. While in fact, Bilbo has a lot of desires. In addition to the Ring, he also wants Thorin’s affirmation. (And maybe love😂)
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ace-touya · 11 days
I don’t know if anyone’s listened to the Enneagram album by Sleeping At Last, but I’m going to assign each song to an MHA character!
Izuku Midoriya
One is an optimistic song. For Izuku, I believe it highlights his beliefs that being a hero means to save others and contribute to making the world better, and the confidence he has in heroes to do that. This song also has a few lyrics that I think resonate with his arc in terms of being quirkless.
All Might
Two is a song that focuses on the narrators relationship with others rather than self-reflection like many of the other songs in enneagram. I think this highlights one of my favourite traits that All Might possesses - the fact that he’s in no way arrogant despite definitely coming across as someone who would be. The themes of this song also relate to the aspect of All Might’s character that puts others before himself far too often.
Katsuki Bakugo
Three is an anthem for burnt-out gifted kids. A major part of Katsuki’s character revolves around a fight to be the best, and this song delves into the moment of realisation that perfection isn’t necessary, and that the narrator has worth even with all their flaws
Shoto Todoroki
Four revolves around learning to find the good in the world and discovering yourself. Shoto has come a long way since season one of My Hero Academia, realising the things that he truly wants and who he wants to be, learning to forgive, and forming friendships with people who he feels safe around. In four, the narrator is still working through their feelings, but they’re beginning to love the life they lead.
Tomura Shigaraki
Five explores the thoughts of someone who needs to understand the world in order to not feel threatened by it. Tomura’s character, all throughout the series, has worked to reveal the holes in hero society. He hates it, and he wants rid of it, because he no longer wants to be hurt. The narrator of Five struggles with detachment and a fear of the chaotic world around them, feelings that I do see present in Tomura’s character. However, the narrator finds closure and belonging through human connection. And Tomura found that with the league.
Keigo Takami
Six speaks on struggling with negativity. Keigo is an overall optimistic character, but he’s been through horrific traumas and as a result, that positivity likely doesn’t come as easy to him as Izuku’s does. Keigo struggles, but he ultimately believes that the world is good. Five portrays a fight with depression, and the narrator is constantly fighting their own mind just to stay alive, yet they also want to be there for others. I think this is the kind of energy we’d get from Hawks if we saw what his day-to-day was like.
Eijiro Kirishima
Seven is a song about adventure. Kirishima is full of infectious positivity who, while maybe not the most confident in himself, is confident in his goals and morals. He wants to be manly, which to him means brave and compassionate. Seven’s narrator is always trying to move toward their goals, and deeply appreciates the world they live in and the people they’re surrounded by. Seven doesn’t seem, at first glance, to be as deep as the other songs in the album, but it is still just as introspective once you pay attention.
Touya Todoroki
Eight is about growing up too fast. When Touya became Dabi, he also became closed off and secretive. Eight’s narrator is angry, and scared of healing, and is finally putting themself and their pain on display in hopes that they’ll be understood. Dabi wants to be seen and heard and still craves the same thing he wanted as a child: validation from his father. The narrator feels like they aren’t the same person they were when they were young, and that they can’t go back to that version of themself, and has a deep sense of protectiveness over anything that they see themselves in. This is my favourite song on the album.
Himiko Toga
Nine is about the aftermath of being what others want instead of being yourself. Toga’s childhood was full of pretending to be ‘normal’ to appease her parents and fit in, leading to her desperation to be herself and do what she wants now, because she was never able to before. The narrator wants to start over, and what’s to be someone they like. They want to experience life for themselves, regardless of what other’s think of them. However, they still find their understanding of others just as important as their understanding of themself. This is my enneagram!
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roseblushwrites · 2 months
Extremely Optional Marigold Tav Lore
I got an incredibly kind comment on one of my First in My Heart fics yesterday that was asking for basically any details about the Tav I write in all my Gale stories (so far 👀). I will acknowledge that yes this character is mostly supposed to be a stand-in, I don't want to step on anybody's interpretation of her or ability to project whatever vision they like to imagine when they read my fics. But there is a version of her I am picturing when I write, so if you would like to know more about how I think about her, that's what this post is for ☺️
First, a disclaimer: the boring truth is that I don’t have a ton of things fleshed out about her. Most of what I’ve put thought into about her is the stuff mentioned here and there in the fics—she’s a monk, she was raised in a Torm temple but isn’t a believer in that faith, she loves flowers, and she lived in Baldur’s Gate until getting tadpoled at the start of BG3’s story. But here's what I do have about her:
She’s a human from a town in the Cloud Peaks, a mountain range south of Baldur’s Gate
She grew up in a Torm temple, where her mother worked as a gardener in exchange for her daughter getting to have an education. Her biological father was never in the picture and she has no siblings
Her mother died when she was 14, and after that she was raised by a Torm monk named Eirik. He never required her to convert to his religion, but instead taught her about the importance of loyalty and being true to one’s self. She was so filled with rage and grief after her mother died, and he taught her how to take all of those feelings and release them through her monk training. Eirik is still alive and she still regularly exchanges letters with him—she sees him as her father
When she left the temple in her early twenties, she went to Baldur’s Gate to seek her own fortune and spent years doing odd jobs and bounties to get by, occasionally joining a short term adventuring party here and there, but never anything too intense. She was definitely in a rut of her own making, just kind of listlessly getting by. Getting tadpoled was objectively terrifying but also was the wake-up call she needed to stop going through the motions and start living her life, and to chase down what she really wanted (which, aside from the whole “saving the world” thing, was a relationship with Gale)
At the start of BG3, she’s 35 (she and Gale are the same age)
Marigold loves flowers because they remind her of her mom, but she’s never had anywhere that she could nurture that interest or grow her own garden—they’ve just been something she appreciates everywhere she goes
She loves cats
She's the same height as the Tav in the game (so still shorter than Gale), but she is not skinny! Interpret this however you wish! She is also absolutely covered in freckles
Sexually (I made this character up to write smut about, after all) she likes being on top and being in control, but Gale is the only person she’s ever been with who makes her feel comfortable enough to relinquish that control on occasion. She likes to fluster and tease him, she loves going down on him, and she really loves all the little noises he makes when she’s taking her time with him. She also loves being spanked, and she loves being surprised by all of Gale's creative, sexy, magical ideas
She does not want to have kids. What she went through when she lost her mom was so traumatizing that she doesn’t want to put her own child through that when she dies, however old she is when that happens
Personality-wise, she’s not exactly shy but she is kind of closed off until she gets to know people. She kept to herself a lot pre-game, and she didn’t have a lot of friends in Baldur’s Gate before getting tadpoled. Her beliefs in the Torm ideals of loyalty (again, the ideals, not the actual religion—she wasn’t a fan of the gods even before the events of the game) make it so that she’s afraid to get too close to people, because what if she gives her loyalty to someone who doesn’t deserve it? It just made her very wary of strangers and mostly keep to herself. Opening up to the tadpole crew was a big deal for her. Besides Gale, she’s closest with Karlach, but she really loves all of them
And now here are a few screenshots of her (and Gale of course)—I have never used mods for Tav appearances, so she is built with the default character creation options. I have played her through several different playthroughs with different hair and classes and outfits but she always has this face (which I initially chose because I think she has Rachel Weisz vibes):
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And here are a couple bonus pictures of what she looked like when she was a rogue during our evil playthrough (she and Gale both became gods), and also what she looked like when I made her the Dream Visitor when I was playing as Gale:
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(Dream Visitor still has the two-toned bob because we did this right after the evil playthrough and I was still really vibing with that hair choice lmao. But "canon" Marigold has the wavy blonde hair pulled back into a ponytail.)
Again, just to reiterate, you do NOT have to picture her like this when you read my fics, I intentionally do not describe her physically in any of the stories because I don't want to take away from anyone who wants to think of their own Tavs when they read. But this is what she looks like in my head when I'm writing about them. Genuinely honored that anyone cared enough to even ask me about this, hopefully this was interesting! 🥰
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The Wizards’ Expectations - Translation (魔法使いの思惑)
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Please do not repost/retranslate without permission.
I have also made a version which includes the members' notes found in the script.
[The five people’s great efforts - Quadling, Glinda’s palace]
Glinda is watching over the five of them using magic.
Glinda: The steady progress of these five since then has been remarkable. A steep cliff obstructed the group’s path. Just when everyone had given up thinking that there was no way they could not cross it, that cowardly Lion stepped up of his own accord!
He applauds and praises with great delight.
Glinda: Carrying his companions on his back one at a time, he leaped across it. And lo and behold, they went beyond the gulf with ease! The companions are overjoyed by this.
He explains the situation using gestures.
Glinda: When they came across an even bigger chasm, even the Lion would have trouble jumping over it, but this time the Scarecrow came up with the idea of chopping down a large tree and using it as a bridge. Everyone was impressed by his quick thinking.
With a big nod, looking impressed.
Glinda: Next appeared a broad river. As if it were simply his turn now, the Tin Woodman wasted no time in chopping down trees to make a big raft. Even with a body that never tires, it must have been a difficult task.
Glinda acts as if is surprised by the critical situation.
Glinda: While crossing the river, the Scarecrow got stranded in the middle, and was nearly left behind…! Despite this crisis, they were able to reunite by working together.
He puts his hands together and clasps them tightly.
Glinda: Their friendship deepened as they were able to overcome all kinds of obstacles together. Adventure is always accompanied by danger, but you’ll be fine if you have valued companions with you. They make it look that way…
Glinda turns around and speaks to Oz who is far away.
Glinda: Don’t you think so…? Hey, Oz. I’m sure you’re watching, too, as this journey unfolds…
[Oz and Glinda - Quadling, Glinda’s palace]
Using magic, Oz and Glinda talk to each other.
Oz: … Glinda, spying is ugly. It doesn’t sound like something a great wizard would do, does it?
Glinda: I wasn’t watching you. I was just worried about what would happen to those boys.
Smiling, he puts a hand over his mouth.
Glinda: Since the goal is to come to you, it’s only natural to care about it. Aren’t you wondering about them, too? Whether they’ll arrive safely…
Oz turns away from him aloofly. 
Oz: Hmph… I have no obligation to do so. I was merely watching them to kill time. It’s unusual for humans to come to this country, after all.
He gazes at the five people shown in the crystal ball with a grim expression.
Oz: The path to the Emerald City is not an easy one. It can’t possibly work out like in a story.
Glinda: You make it sound like you don’t want it to go well. Yes, the real world may be that way… Even if you try to change the situation, you can’t. Sometimes things don’t go the way we want them to.
Glinda opens his arms wide.
Glinda: But this is a magical land… It’s an extraordinary world where any miracle can happen. Of course, magic is not all-powerful, but… Isn’t it also true that opportunities are given to those who believe?
Oz: I’m the one who decides whether to help them or not. As the one who reigns over the Emerald City, I must uphold order and tradition.
He sullenly brushes him off with a wave of his hand.
Oz: Now, will you please go away? If you interfere any further, I have some ideas of my own.
Glinda shudders and pretends to be scared.
Glinda: Oh, how terrifying… Shall I excuse myself, lest I spoil the great wizard’s mood? Well then…
By undoing the spell, the communication with Oz is cut off.
Anticipating the difficulties that are to come, he worries about the five of them.
Glinda: Those who seek sincerely shall be saved... No matter what challenges they face, they’ll surely be able to overcome them….
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dino-fart · 2 years
The Bargain | Chapter 10: Peace
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Pairing: Namor x Female Reader
Genre: Action, Adventure, Romance
Summary: To say you had a complicated relationship history was an understatement. Your ex was well...Not of this world? Yet he seemed to always find his way to you. One day he shows up with his new girlfriend asking for your help. You promise to assist if he never shows his face again. What is it he needs you for? And what are you all going to find when deep diving into the Atlantic Ocean?
Summary | Preview | Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 | Chapter 9 | Chapter 10 | Chapter 11 |  Chapter 12 (End) | Sequel
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“Watch the fall of your kingdom.” Namor hissed at Atlas. Atlas was restrained by chains that tied his wrists together. Two guards were on either side of him. Namor swam ahead, he had his feathered helmet on and shoulder plates. His long cape floated in the water as he waited for the troops of Atlantis to approach. Instead, to everyone’s surprise, Sypha headed toward him with the scepter. Namor’s eyes grew wide and he watched the blonde queen stood a few feet from him. 
“Take the scepter, release my husband and leave Atlantis be.” She offered him the scepter. 
Namor took the scepter carefully from her grasp. “Where did you find it?” 
“I didn’t. Our favorite wench...I mean human found it.” Sypha corrected herself. 
Namor twirled the scepter, “Where is she now?” 
Sypha was quiet at his question. 
Namor tilted his head, “Where is she?” 
“She’s...She’s in Atlantis...She’s fatally wounded. I don’t know if she’ll make it...” Sypha said solemnly. 
Namor felt his heart ache hearing her words, “May I see her?” 
“Not now, your majesty, the healers are doing everything they can and prefer to be uninterrupted.” 
Namor made a motion for the guards to remove Atlas’ chains. Atlas swam over to Sypha and embraced her tightly. “I will send a messenger when she is awake.” Sypha said to Namor who just nodded and swam away from the couple. 
Namor held the scepter tightly and for now, he would head back to Talokan and wait for the news.
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It was a few days after and the healers had sealed your wounds. Atlas and Sypha took you back home so you could rest on the surface. Your aunt, Emily, had bumped into him when she was trying to find you. Atlas told him what had happened and while your aunt wasn’t sure if she should believe him, you needed to be taken care of. Your aunt would stop by every day to bring you something to eat and drink. 
You had regained consciousness and were slowly getting your strength back. Emily had called over her friends, one that was a doctor and the other a physical therapist, to examine you. The doctor showed you that the wound on the left side and shoulder had been sealed but it was quite the scar. He said whoever had done it saved your life. You didn’t answer as you knew it would confuse and concern the physician. 
One day, Emily brought over a mirror and scissors to properly trim your hair that you had sliced off in the fight. Your once long hair was now shoulder length. You didn’t seem to mind, after all, you were alive. Over the next week, you continued to recover, getting out of bed every now and then and working with the physical therapist to get your exercise. You were now resting in bed after a long day of being examined again by the doctor and physical therapist. 
They said you would be ready to leave the bed in another week and to continue exercising your legs. You laid back on the bed and sighed, yes this was better than being dead, but you were someone who was always on the move. You sat up when you heard a noise and sighed in relief when Atlas walked through the door of your bedroom. 
“I’m so glad you’re okay.” He smiled. 
“Yeah...Thanks...Sypha saved me.” You smiled back at him. 
Sypha walked into the room and approached you. “I hope that can make up for when I tried to kill you.” 
“Yeah, it does.” You smiled kindly. 
“We made a promise to tell Namor you were awake, I will do that while Sypha keeps you company.” Atlas smiled and left the room. 
“I imagine the war was avoided...Namor...Wants to see me?” You asked. 
“He’s been asking ever since I told him you were wounded.” Sypha nodded. 
“That’s...Sweet. He’s a kind man...He can be scary though.” 
“Most kings are, though I think it was a little dramatic waging war over a scepter.” 
“Agreed.” You chuckled. 
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You and Sypha had a few conversations before you closed your eyes to rest. Sypha turned around at the sound of footsteps. “King Namor.” Sypha bowed her head and moved aside. Namor nodded to her and Sypha walked over to Atlas to give Namor some space. The two left the room and now it was the king and you. 
Namor sat on the edge of the bed and looked down at your sleeping face. Your hair cascaded on the pillow that created almost a halo around your head. “Mi pixamech... (My angel...)” Namor said softly and leaned down to gently stroke your hair back. 
You stirred slightly at his touch and your eyes slowly opened. “Namor...” You said softly. 
Namor smiled softly and leaned down to kiss your forehead. “My brave and clever researcher...” 
“Namor...I’m so sorry about everything...I found the scepter.” You sat up on the bed. 
Namor shook his head and gently ran his fingers through your hair, his other hand moved to take your hand in his. “There is nothing to apologize for...If anything I need to apologize. For doubting you.” Namor leaned forward to rest his forehead against yours. 
You blushed and rested your hands on his chest. “You lost your patience, I don’t blame you.” 
Namor brushed his nose against yours and gently captured your lips with his in a slow and tender kiss. You closed your eyes and slid your hands over his shoulders to deepen the kiss. Namor cupped the back of your head as he continued kissing you. His hands moved down to wrap around your waist and he slowly laid you back on the bed. His lips never left yours when he did this until finally, you needed to breathe. You pulled back and smiled softly at him. 
“I love you.” Namor gazed at you softly. 
“I love you too.” You leaned up and kissed him again. 
Sypha was about to come back into the room when she caught a sneak peek of the two of you kissing. “Let’s go back to Atlantis, darling, she’s in good hands.” Sypha held Atlas’ hand and the two left your house. 
Namor pulled back from the kiss and moved to lay beside you. “I wish to spend this night with you.” He said softly and pulled you close to him. His arms still wrapped around your waist and his lips kissed every inch of your face. You giggle softly at his kisses and moved to nuzzle your head under his chin. “Sleep, my love, I will not leave your side again.” Namor gently stroked your hair, lulling you to sleep. 
You breathed in his scent and enjoyed his touch, you felt safe in his arms, safe in the king’s arms.
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Author’s Note: Namor smooches!
Dividers By: @firefly-graphics​​
Tagging: @bontensbabygirl, @deputy-videogamer, @anthonyedwinstark, @fangirlingbookworm1, @theyluvremi, @bbylime, @redcrayonsforwanda, @sidefanficaccounttohidemyshame, @missbeverlyhills, @bluskyy30, @sonadowloverf-blog, @spctorstrnge, @justanotherfanhere, @britty443, @lilithskywalker, @tzurue, @lego0city123, @livingdeadgirl7, @bl6o6dy, @didneyworld13, @bookfrog247, @thicc101q, @angel-bi666, @witchxlove, @omgsuperstarg, @andy-wandy, @queenotaku23, @maripositanoctruna, @ursecondbirthmom, @jupiterclipse, @pauline-s12, @spookymicrowave, @darkfairymoon, @gemini5991, @littleficreccs, @3am-at-a-party, @hotdoglamp, @supernaturallover2002, @natchayaphorn, @sixthgun98, @xwackk, @strvbelities, @internetmultifandomfangirl, @yawny0-0, @girlmythlegend, @lotsoffandomsandsoftpeeps, @ameliabs-world, @dvaine-mercy, @sadslasher13, @jylanlove12, @boxbraidboo, @secretpostts, @fefa-la-printcessa, @queenofangrymoths, @artaxerxesthegreat, @sammisregrets, @imlikefrhungry, @namorwife, @22carolina08, @batfam-sitcom, @ohantonia, @agustdpeach, @ethereal-athalia, @spicydonut25, @historygeekqueen, @em-asian, @stitchattacks, @agustdeeyaa, @sadbutradbarnes, @mynameisbaby9, @thebluehare, @fandom-lover-4, @delsinhunter, @im-a-slut-for-fluff, @asarcasticcaffeinatedslytherin, @theslytherinwriter, @kirrasrkive, @deliciousfestsalad, @violet-19999, @ameliachastain, @raeluvsbloodline, @omega-horus, @namor-is-the-way, @icytrickster17@bontensbabygirl, @deputy-videogamer, @anthonyedwinstark, @fangirlingbookworm1, @theyluvremi, @bbylime, @redcrayonsforwanda, @sidefanficaccounttohidemyshame, @missbeverlyhills, @bluskyy30, @sonadowloverf-blog, @spctorstrnge, @justanotherfanhere, @britty443, @lilithskywalker, @tzurue, @lego0city123, @livingdeadgirl7, @bl6o6dy, @didneyworld13, @bookfrog247, @thicc101q, @angel-bi666, @witchxlove, @omgsuperstarg, @andy-wandy, @queenotaku23, @maripositanoctruna, @ursecondbirthmom, @jupiterclipse, @pauline-s12, @spookymicrowave, @darkfairymoon, @gemini5991, @littleficreccs, @3am-at-a-party, @hotdoglamp, @supernaturallover2002, @natchayaphorn, @sixthgun98, @xwackk, @strvbelities, @internetmultifandomfangirl, @yawny0-0, @girlmythlegend, @lotsoffandomsandsoftpeeps, @ameliabs-world, @dvaine-mercy, @sadslasher13, @jylanlove12, @boxbraidboo, @secretpostts, @fefa-la-printcessa, @queenofangrymoths, @artaxerxesthegreat, @sammisregrets, @imlikefrhungry, @namorwife, @22carolina08, @batfam-sitcom, @ohantonia, @agustdpeach, @ethereal-athalia, @spicydonut25, @historygeekqueen, @em-asian, @stitchattacks, @agustdeeyaa, @sadbutradbarnes, @mynameisbaby9, @thebluehare, @fandom-lover-4, @delsinhunter, @im-a-slut-for-fluff, @asarcasticcaffeinatedslytherin, @theslytherinwriter, @kirrasrkive, @deliciousfestsalad, @violet-19999, @ameliachastain, @raeluvsbloodline, @omega-horus, @namor-is-the-way, @icytrickster17@bontensbabygirl, @deputy-videogamer, @anthonyedwinstark, @fangirlingbookworm1, @theyluvremi, @bbylime, @redcrayonsforwanda, @sidefanficaccounttohidemyshame, @missbeverlyhills, @bluskyy30, @sonadowloverf-blog, @spctorstrnge, @justanotherfanhere, @britty443, @lilithskywalker, @tzurue, @lego0city123, @livingdeadgirl7, @bl6o6dy, @didneyworld13, @bookfrog247, @thicc101q, @angel-bi666, @witchxlove, @omgsuperstarg, @andy-wandy, @queenotaku23, @maripositanoctruna, @ursecondbirthmom, @jupiterclipse, @pauline-s12, @spookymicrowave, @darkfairymoon, @gemini5991, @littleficreccs, @3am-at-a-party, @hotdoglamp, @supernaturallover2002, @natchayaphorn, @sixthgun98, @xwackk, @strvbelities, @internetmultifandomfangirl, @yawny0-0, @girlmythlegend, @lotsoffandomsandsoftpeeps, @ameliabs-world, @dvaine-mercy, @sadslasher13, @jylanlove12, @boxbraidboo, @secretpostts, @fefa-la-printcessa, @queenofangrymoths, @artaxerxesthegreat, @sammisregrets, @imlikefrhungry, @namorwife, @22carolina08, @batfam-sitcom, @ohantonia, @agustdpeach, @ethereal-athalia, @spicydonut25, @historygeekqueen, @em-asian, @stitchattacks, @agustdeeyaa, @sadbutradbarnes, @mynameisbaby9, @thebluehare, @fandom-lover-4, @delsinhunter, @im-a-slut-for-fluff, @asarcasticcaffeinatedslytherin, @theslytherinwriter, @kirrasrkive, @deliciousfestsalad, @violet-19999, @ameliachastain, @raeluvsbloodline, @omega-horus, @namor-is-the-way, @icytrickster17, @lilikan​
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bunni-v1 · 9 months
Bunni’s TWST OC!
🍓Hello! I decided to just bite the bullet and post my beloved OC as well as some info on her. Hope you all can enjoy it! I’m putting it under the cut because it’s LONG, and I don’t want anyone who doesn’t want to see it to have to see it. @acornwinter @the-nightingales-song
TW: Mentions of abuse and past trauma (I am so cruel to my OCs)
Intro: Her name is Mitsumi Kozima, she’s from Kyoto, Japan (you know, like on our planet from our world). She’s lived alone since being separated from her aunt at sixteen. She attends a prestigious art academy on a full ride music scholarship, and made a pretty decent but boring life for herself. Thats how she wanted everything to be, at least. When she suddenly gets run over by a horse drawn carriage (IN THE MIDDLE OF KYOTO???) while saving a helpless little kitten, her life gets way more interesting!
Here are References of her (they’re all old, sorry):
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Background: She has no memories before showing up at her “aunts” doorstep at the age of eight. She had nothing but the clothes on her back and the heart-shaped locket with a picture of her father in it, and a little note for the woman who would take her in. It’s like she popped into existence all at once. Her “aunt” initially took her in out of the “goodness of her heart”, but Mitsumi quickly learned it was for appearances. Her “cousin” Hirohito had been suffering multiple types of abuse at his aunts hands for years, and did his best to shield her from his mothers wrath, but could only do so much. Mitsumi learned to blend in, not rock the boat, and most importantly do as she was told. She didn’t have many friends, as she had “imaginary friends” at an age where that thing was unacceptable. Despite all this, she remained as cheery as she could be, holding out hope that her real parents were out there somewhere. Hope that they would find her one day. She did not find real freedom until the day her aunt died during a “horrific break in.”
She separated from her cousin shortly after, using the money she was given after her aunt died to move to Kyoto and make a life for herself there. She found freedom in music, and thus dedicated all her time to learning music. She proceeded to learn six other languages, and knows how to play numerous amounts of instruments. Her school calls her a prodigy, she simply believes she’s hard working.
Personality: She’s a bright, quick witted young woman. She’s academically average, except for the subjects she is particularly interested in — such as history and music. Her professors describe her as hungry for knowledge in most cases. Always doing her best to see the best in others, she is easily taken advantage of, but there’s not a single person she doesn’t believe she could befriend. Still, she has a deep sadness in her that she rarely lets show. She craves adventure and adrenaline, but would rather keep to herself if it means she doesn’t have to be hurt by others. She can adjust her outgoingness to whoever she is around, making her easy to get along with — if not a little difficult to wrap your head around. She’s a friend of extroverts and a lover of introverts.
How she is at NRC: Being thrown into a magical world as a magic less human isn’t all that exciting for normal people. However, for Mitsumi who is quite the opportunist, she is thrilled to be here. Magic is something that only exists in fantasy anime where she’s from, but she just saw a fire breathing cat nearly set a magical talking mirror on fire! If that isn’t cool, she doesn’t know what is. Though, she isn’t used to not excelling in her classes, she’s more forgiving since she missed out on more than just a few years of education here. Being transported here woke her inner sense of adventure, and she can’t help but get herself involved in trouble. Can you blame her, everything here is just so darn exciting! She could even see if there’s a way magic can help her find her parents. The heart locket seems to have a reaction to nearby magic use, nearly burning her skin during overblots, so it seems like she has a lead!
Her most important relationships:
-Ace, Deuce, and Grim are her absolute best friends here! They’re like real siblings that she never got to have, and they take care of her better than her aunt ever did. She really would trust these three (tentatively) with her life. (This applies to all the first years, these three are just the most important by name)
-Vil is the closest thing to a positive motherly figure she’s ever had. While he was scary and mean at first, after he warmed up to her, he’s rather caring and sweet. She particularly likes when he invites her over for “tea” (aka. Sleepovers) with him and rook. He does her hair for her, and sometimes will even take her shopping for new clothes. He is the first person she would go to if anyone upset her, honestly.
-If Vil is her mother, Rook is her quirky step-father. Despite the scars she has (from her aunt and the overblots), he constantly reminds her that she is a beauty and should feel as such. He enjoys her time likely more than Vil does, and is a constant positive person in her life.
-Azul is her dearly beloved, deep rooted crush (that no one in her life sees the appeal of). She always found him quite pretty, but seeing his more vulnerable sides made her heart ache for him. She works in the lounge, which means she gets to see him rather frequently. She’s spent many closing shifts chatting with him for hours on end until Jade or Floyd reminds the two of them that it’s getting rather late, and they both have classes early in the morning. He’d never reciprocate her feelings though (so she thinks), so she’s happy keeping things like this. She has no idea how much she drives him crazy.
Mitsumi twst Lore: This shit is nuts and it’s probably not gonna make sense, but I don’t care. I am cringe but I am FREE!!
Okay so, I alluded to the fact that she belongs in twisted wonderland no so subtly more than once, so let’s get into that.
Mitsumi’s father was a human mage named Wen. He was an extremely talented magician who was capable of mastering some of the most difficult spells known to human and fae alike, but preferred to spend his time studying and writing. He was appointed as the queen’s own scholar, and had a board of men and women who worked beneath him to study whatever he liked. He was born during the era of the great war, but unlike his fellow scholars and royals of the castle, he was not afraid of them. No, Wen was fascinated by them. Their culture, biology, magical systems, and anything he could get his hands on. Frequently he ventured outside of his territories bounds to try and find traces of them, but was rarely successful. That was until the fateful day he met his future wife, Hikari.
Hikari — better known as Princess Hikari Draconia of the Valley of Thorns. Much like Wen, she was particularly curious about humans, and would rather study them than practice and master such simple and easy magic (for her). She had a rocky relationship with her mother and sister, and therefore she has a rocky relationship with the court — aside from her lady in waiting, Jingyi Cheng. She had wanted some space from her mothers oppressive eye, when she ran into this young human in the very woods she sought solace in.
The two spoke, and found their similarities to be evidence that human and Fae can live in harmony. That this war was selfish and senseless. So, they met nearly every week since that day. A week turned into a few days, and a few days turned into every day. The two, unwittingly, had fallen in love with each other. However, the war had begun to escalate, casualties rising on both sides and neither ruler seemed to want to listen to reason. Despite this, their love flourished, and they made the decision to have a child. Maybe that would bring the two sides together. It would give the young prince a companion, after all.
This only seemed to make things worse, however, and both sides saw their baby as a monstrosity. There was a price on the young child’s head in both kingdoms. For a number of years then lived in hiding, far away from any people that could possibly hurt them or their child, however their luck would run out. They would be found by Fae soldiers, and to save their child’s life they gave a grave sacrifice.
Hikari — whose own unique magic she was forbidden from using due to its unstable nature — put her child into a deep sleep, only to be woken in a few thousand years, when things had settled. Wen gave the child an enchanted locket to help guide her back to them when she found her way back into their world. Finally, the child’s magic was sealed away within the same locket. Only small bursts of magic would happen when encountering other magic or magical beings in the world. Their child was safe, for now, but the two were captured and cursed. Hikari was locked away in a mirror, memories wiped. Only a draconian could free her from her eternal prison. Wen was cursed with immortality, forced to wonder the world in an aimless search for his lost family — memories of them haunting him for as long as he lived.
Their child was no better, as her luck seemed to be awful… that was, until she arrived back to twisted wonderland.
🍓Aaaaand that’s it! That’s a lot that I crammed into one post, sorry :/ It’s a bit rambly, but if I went into it like I wanted to this post would be endless. If you need clarification, just tell me!
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ash-and-books · 3 months
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Rating: 5/5
Book Blurb: A skeptic and a supernatural being make a crossroads deal to achieve their own ends only to get more than they bargained for in this lively young adult romantic adventure from the New York Times bestselling author of Spell Bound and So This Is Ever After.
Seventeen-year-old Ellery is a non-believer in a region where people swear the supernatural is real. Sure, they’ve been stuck in a five-year winter, but there’s got to be a scientific explanation. If goddesses were real, they wouldn’t abandon their charges like this, leaving farmers like Ellery’s family to scrape by.
Knox is a familiar from the Other World, a magical assistant sent to help humans who have made crossroads bargains. But it’s been years since he heard from his queen, and Knox is getting nervous about what he might find once he returns home. When the crossroads demons come to collect Knox, he panics and runs. A chance encounter down an alley finds Ellery coming to Knox’s rescue, successfully fending off his would-be abductors.
Ellery can’t quite believe what they’ve seen. And they definitely don’t believe the nonsense this unnervingly attractive guy spews about his paranormal origins. But Knox needs to make a deal with a human who can tether him to this realm, and Ellery needs to figure out how to stop this winter to help their family. Once their bargain is struck, there’s no backing out, and the growing connection between the two might just change everything.
A skeptic and a supernatural make a crossroads deal only they find themselves getting more than they could have ever bargained for, from falling in love, running from supernatural shades, trying to find a Goddess, and learning to enjoy the little moments. This was a touch of Hades and Persephone with a bit of Orpheus's story all mixed in with queer teen modern day romance in the best way possible. Ellery is a seventeen year old non-believer in a place where people believe the supernatural are real. Ellery gave up believing in the Goddess after they've been stuck in a five-year winter that has destroyed and ruined so much, particularly impacting their own family. Ellery works day and night to just make ends meet to send money to their family while living with their cousin and their cousin's girlfriend. Knox is a familiar from the Other World, a magical assistant sent to help humans who have made crossroads bargains. It's been years since Knox heard from his queen and after his last deal resulted in his charge creating the elixir of life and then being promptly taken... Knox ran away with the elixir in a panic and runs into Ellery in an alley. Ellery rescues Knox from the shades who wanted to abduct him and when Knox reveals who he truly is to Ellery they enter into a bargain: Knox will help Ellery find a way to end the winter and help them find a way to contact his queen (the very same Goddess in charge of the seasons and crops that abandoned Ellery) if he can and in exchange Ellery will become Knox's new tether to the human world as he needs a tether to work his magic. Knox begins living with Ellery and her cousin and for the first time he begins to actually experience life, having lived vicariously through tv shows and movies all his life he finally gets a chance to just be a teen. Knox's condition means anytime he returns to the Other World he loses his memory of the human one. The more time Knox spends with Ellery the more romance begins to bloom... yet when the truth of what is causing the winter reveals itself and the shades chasing after the elixir of life and Knox finally catch up... can Ellery save Knox before he is lost to them permanently? This was a magical and fun time, I loved the romance and the friendships in this story so much. It' was a really sweet read and I loved how everything wrapped up in the end. The story was a fun time and the characters were all well fleshed out. It's honestly a quick and easy read and you find yourself zooming through it to see how it all ends. I would absolutely recommend this for anyone looking for a magical queer read with a fun cast of characters and a modern day magical world and romance!
*Thanks Netgalley and Simon and Schuster Children's Publishing, Margaret K. McElderry Books for sending me an arc in exchange for an honest review*
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princess-ibri · 1 year
I would love to know more about your Nutcracker and whether you'd introduce things from the book or ballet into a DisneyVerse version
Thanks for your patience anon! Ok, here’s the ideas I have, used some of the look of the live movie cuz I did like the designs for some of it but will be a completely different story, based somewhat on an old story concept I put together with my friend @im-fairly-whitty a few years ago.
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I see it as starting out like your basic Nutcracker ballet story, it’s Christmas, Clara gets a nutcracker from her godfather Drosselmeyer, during the night the mice come in and the nutcracker comes to life to fight them. Mouse King doesn’t die though he gets away and Nutcracker is still a nutcracker and Clara goes with him to the magical candy land of Cockaigne, where there are peppermint trees and lemonade springs and gingerbread houses, usually sans witches. (Basically Barbie Nutcracker Movie set up a bit, but Clara goes as she wants to have an adventure/doesn’t feel appreciated at home, she’s running away.)
They travel thru the war torn candy land and meet the Sugarplum Fairy, the leader of the ‘human/human adjacent army against the—for lack of a better word— vermin army that has been besieging them. The army is made of mice and bugs and other unwanted creatures that over hundreds of years have eaten the magical food that makes up the land and gained sentience and anthropomorphic traits which brought them into conflict with the humans. They are looking for the Krakatuk Crown, a powerful object that could tip the scales of the war. The Sugarplum Fairy takes them to the ruler of Cockaigne, Princess Pirlipat, who says she is the Nutcracker’s fiancé and who wears a mask at all times, the result of a curse placed on her by the Mouse King’s predecessor. She sends them on a quest to find the crown and save the land. Clara and Nutcracker have to find it as the main quest, and along the way we would learn about the Nutcracker and Mouse King’s backstory:
Years ago the Princess Pirlipat was cursed by the Mouse Queen, in revenge for Pirlipat’s parents having caused the death of the Mouse Queen’s seven sons in the war. Pirlipat is cursed into a hideous form that she can only be released by if someone with a true hero’s heart manages to defeat the sorcererous Mouse Queen and places the Queen’s crown of her head. (The crown could be carved from a magical Krakatuk nut to reference the og story and it’s where the queen gets her magic from). The court magician, Herr Drosselmeyer, believes his nephew Andre could be the destined hero and brings him from Our World to Cockaigne.
Andre, who also wanted to escape his old life where he didn’t feel understood and be a hero, undertakes the task of attempting to gain the crown by infiltrating the vermin army, during time he makes friends with the Queen’s one remaining son, Alexander, and comes to see that the vermin army are actually just as ‘human’ as people are and haven’t been treated right. He feels conflicted about his quest, but still determines to steal the crown and be a hero, and maybe once he’s proved himself and married the princess he could start peace talks?
—But of course it all goes horribly wrong. The Mouse Queen ends up being killed, Pirlipat’s curse isnt lifted lifted due to Andre’s not having a true hero’s heart (valuing fame over decency) .The furious Pirlipat tells him she has no use for him now he’s failed, and she will take the crown and use it to destroy all the sentient vermin once and for all.
And Alexander, now king and literally haunted by his dead family’s ghosts (I wanted so bad to have 7 headed Mouse King but I don’t think it could viably by animated so vengeance driven ghost brothers driving him mad it is) swears vengeance on Andre, who in shame runs away, hiding the crown so it can’t be used for any more curses, using it only once to banish the memory of its location and the shameful events from his mind, turning him into a toy, something tossed about by someone else’s will, stagnant, stuck in his shame and guilt. He’s eventually found by his uncle Drosselmeyer in his exile andwhisked away from Cockaigne by his uncle to try and find a new hero to break his self imposed curse, which Drosselmeyer believed he had found in Clara, not because she was inherently destined, but because she had the heart to learn what needed to be learned to find the truth and grow as a person, and help Andre realize he could grow and make things right as well.
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So basically the pair have to grow and realize a true hero means being compassionate and trying to understand those different from you, and doing what’s best for all, not just what will get you fame and glory, rediscover the truth of the Nutcracker’s memories and stop Pirlipat’s genocidal plans and save Alexander from his growing madness (the ghosts are very set on wiping out all the humans as well) and bring true peace to all the people of Cockaigne.
(And Mother Ginger is a good jolly kind person who runs an orphanage for war orphans, and I guess she can have an eyepatch still but yeah she’s like, a symbol of finding hope in hard times and the Sugarplum Fairy isn’t bad either, she’s a victim of Pirlipat’s propaganda and once she realizes that she stops the big attack their gonna do and helps Andre and Clara stop the mad princess and she and her cavalier are a kick-butt power couple who are ridiculously romantic for eachother…anyway rant over xD )
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rruhlreviews · 4 months
Film Review - The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey
I read The Hobbit in 2018. I’ve never seen the movies before, nor have I read or watched The Lord of the Rings yet. I was excited to give the movies a try, starting at the beginning. The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey had questionable pacing, arguably extraneous additions to the book’s story, and relied on the audience’s knowledge of the outside lore for parts to make sense, but the deeply resonant theme and the escapism only an adventure story can provide make the story a beloved classic.
Let’s first talk about the good qualities of the film. By no means did I think it was a bad movie, even if the pacing was off. This is the kind of story that resonates across the generations. A man leaves home and travels far away on “an adventure.” There are simplistic yet powerful themes of good versus evil, of leaving and returning home. Tolkien’s writing takes inspiration from Norse mythology, stories so important to humans they have endured for millennia. The popularity of fantasy is due to the escape it provides from the real world. There may still be darkness and grief, but there is also magic and dragons. A reader can imagine leaving their dull home, picking up a sword and an enchanted ring, and going on an adventure to save the world instead of to save the office job. Tolkien wrote from his experiences in WWI. In The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings, people are caught in a war, but their struggle is not for nothing, and they are not forgotten. The great evil in the world can actually be defeated by the goodness of people. The foreword in my copy of The Hobbit mentions the books didn’t gain popularity until the 1960s. In the United States at the time, people needed escape and comfort from the Vietnam War and a battle for civil rights. Epic fantasy stories can be inspiring.
I know Tolkien wrote from a British perspective, but watching An Unexpected Journey, I was reminded of old Western movies. There’s a band of righteous travelers, their mystical companion, outlaws, wild animals, authority figures that don’t believe in the quest, and a legendary city of gold. Characters travel through ruins and graves and sing of a bygone golden age. From the perspective of our protagonist and the insert for the viewer, the whole world is literally larger than life for a Hobbit. Gandalf the Grey, whose magic serves as a deus ex machina on more than one occasion. Thorin Oakenshield, slayer of countless formidable foes. The otherworldly knowledge and abilities of the elves. Giant spiders and stone giants. We have this grandiose setting populated by heroes and villains and their exploits, but the theme is antithesis to that. The story is about a small person who doesn’t know how to use a sword and would rather be home reading.
For this one line, the film spoke to me, and I fell in love with it. This one scene was the heart and glory of the story.
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In some ways, the movie gets caught up in the great power, but the book starts on an intimately human level. “In a hole in the ground, there lived a Hobbit.” From the book comes the core of the film. It isn’t the battles or magic the film added to the book that makes it a success, but the good story it was based on.
I don’t think The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey could be successful on its own if not for the success of the books and the preceding Lord of the Rings films. If we treated this like a regular fantasy adventure story not associated with the popularity of Tolkien: the pacing was slow, the plot jumped around a lot with little sense of connection between points, and the titular character is not the focus of the majority of the film. If I had not read The Hobbit previously, I would have been completely lost. Honestly, I still was lost with the pieces that were added for the film. The book is 300 pages. Stretching that into three movies is too much, in my opinion. Some scenes seemed to drag on forever. I was almost certain I did not remember the parts with the orcs or Gandalf’s other wizard associates from the book, and I was glad a friend pointed out they were added for the movie. I don’t mind film adaptations of books being a little long because they’re trying to be true to the story, but The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey could have been about half an hour shorter, and closer to an expected two hour film runtime, if the scenes that weren’t in the book weren’t added just to stretch a short book into a trilogy. The one thing you never want your audience to be, regardless of what genre you’re writing, is bored. I got bored and had to spread this film over several days of watching, and honestly if I didn’t know what climax this movie was building up to, I would have stopped watching because I lacked investment.
This is the problem with creating a movie or book just to establish context for a future installment in a series. There’s a ton of exposition and rising action, but the climax isn’t going to happen until the second or third movie, which risks leaving the viewer unsatisfied or questioning the purpose of the film at all. I think two parts would’ve been grand for an adaptation of The Hobbit rather than three. One has to wonder if the length of the film series was not in the spirit of creating an immersive story but rather for the box office. I hate to be pessimistic, but given the fact some side plots were added that weren’t in the book, I’m inclined to consider the latter.
That’s the thing about blockbusters though, isn’t it? When a title becomes immensely popular, saturates the cultural consciousness, and gains a large and dedicated audience, they can create whatever they want and it will sell. If something says Marvel, or Star Wars, or The Lord of the Rings, or even Frozen, it will be read, it will be watched, and it will make lots of money because the existing fanbase is already so loyal. I don’t think this is necessarily a bad thing as long as the audience is enjoying it, but I do become cynical when the quality of installments noticeably drops because the studios have figured out they don’t need to spend a lot of effort to get a large return. This contributes to a “fast fashion” cycle of rapid consumption in our current media climate, which is stressful on both fans and creators. It makes it harder for new stories to get a foothold in the market if they have to compete against Avengers 22, or Star Wars Episode 16, or the umpteenth remake of a Disney cartoon, or Harry Potter Prequel 7: This Time With Even More Bigotry, or whatever it is this month.
I’ve gone on a tangent, and I’ll end on a good note. I didn’t really appreciate epic fantasy until watching this movie. When I read The Hobbit six years ago, it wasn’t at the right time of my life for me to fully connect with the story. Now, I feel immersed in the comfort the escapism can provide. You can always return home, though not unchanged. Change is an inexorable part of life, but if you have the courage to confront it, you can do great things.
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jiliansky-blog · 4 months
The Nightmare and the Dreamer. Epilogue
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Pairing: Morpheus x FemaleReader
Rating: PG
Words: 588
You figure out that it was your sister who let Cori in. But she did that without any vicious thoughts. Morpheus gave you an engagement ring and said you can return home and also your family can be present in the wedding in their dreams. And you also figure out that he gave a little bit of his power with ruby. Maybe, he did this unconsciously, because he was hurt. Anyway, you gave back his ruby when everything fell in place.
Father was worried until you return and tell him that you are alright. And also he was surprised that you are going to marry Morpheus.
“Are you sure?” he asked. “You know him for a week”.
“You just don’t know him well”, you replied. “He is so gentle. He will never hurt me. And I’m really in love with him”.
“Alright”, he sighed. “If you are happy, then I’m happy too”.
You couldn’t believe that this was really happening. You have met the man of your dreams and saved him from the curse. But now you were standing in your room in the Dreaming and looking at your reflection in the white, beautiful dress.
“May I come in?” you heard Morpheus’s voice.
“You can’t wait to see me in the wedding dress, admit it”, you smirked.
“I can’t wait to see you. Point”, he smiled.
You can’t take your eyes off him. At that moment, he was dressed in a black suit, and his hair wasn’t a mess. He was looking like a dream. So handsome, it was unfair.
“I was just thinking about what my life was going to be," you said.
“What do you mean?” he asked.
“Shall I stay here or in my world?” you asked.
“As you wish”, he said. “You can have your own life in the Waking world and we will share time in your sleep”.
“And if I want to stay here?” you asked.
“Then you’re welcome”, he replied. “Usually human can’t live there. Only after death. But I think my sister and I will find the solution”.
“After death?” you asked.
“Matthew and my other ravens were humans once”, he nodded. “After their death they stay there. They died in their sleep”.
“Oh, should I die then?” you said.
“No, I will talk to my sister”, he said and kissed the top of my head. “I don’t want you to be dead to stay here”.
“Good”, you smiled and hugged him. “But I don’t know how I can stay a whole day without you in the Waking world”.
“Someone became clingy”, he smiled.
“Maybe a little”, you replied. “Don’t make fun of me”.
“It doesn’t mean that I won’t come to you in the Waking world”, he reassured me. “Or that you can’t visit me during the day”.
“That’s good”, you said.
“I can’t wait till you become mine”, Morpheus whispered, hugging me tighter.
“I’m already yours”, you purred.
“Is this an invitation to skip to our wedding night?” he asked.
“Perhaps”, you giggled.
“You’re playing with fire”, he whispered.
“Oh really?” you smirked.
And he kissed you so passionately, you forget about everything else. You can’t believe this god of dreams and most handsome man is in love with you.
“I love you”, you whispered.
“I love you too”, Morpheus replied.
And then he made you forget everything that surrounds you again. You can’t believe your happiness. You already have the adventure and the love of your life. And you believe that everything will be good after that.
@shadowqueen1318 @mypsychoticlove @justathirstyhoe​ @ladymoztaza @sapphireonline @deniixlovezelda
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maddyshome · 1 year
I just read Gojo’s natal chart and are we really sure Gege is not a secret astrologer or something? Everything fits TOO WELL. It’s weird.
(This is going to be a character bashing yall so be aware I will not hold myself back. Why? Because I’m 1. mean 2. an aries moon)
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He is a sagittarius. Sagittarius is ruled by Jupiter. Jupiter is the counterpart of Zeus. This is the strongest, everyone. No doubt about it. I couldn’t give Gojo a better suited zodiac sign if I tried.
He’s literally the common archetype of Sagittarius. Jovial, arrogant, carefree, adventurous. Cannot admit when they make a mistake. All that. Just like Zeus. 
The problem here, with this chart, is...that his Jupiter is fucked. Like genuinely fucked. Yeah, sure, it’s in cancer and that’s the exalted sign. But that’s it. There’s literally NO positive aspect in Jupiter. It’s all squares and opposites. The trine with Pluto here? Doesn’t really matter. This cannot remove the other horrible aspects. 
Gojo’s Jupiter is his dominant planet. There’s no planet more important for a Sag than Jupiter. The fact that his Jupiter is shitty is just not good. I’ll explain why.
We know that Gojo is a very arrogant character. That’s not a mask. He actually is arrogant. He truly believes that he is the strongest and other people are simply weaker and insignificant. His huge ego and hubris is mostly caused by his Jupiter. His Saturn-Jupiter opposite can indicate a pessimistic mindset. This can be someone that is indiferent to what happens around him. The Uranus-Jupiter opposite can make someone too independent. This can be someone who considers his freedom to be the most important thing in the world. 
Annnd of course Neptune-Jupiter opposite is a blockage to his own intuition and perception about the world. This can be someone that is easily lead astray. They lose themselves because their morals (Jupiter) are not connected to their spirit (Neptune). They do not understand the themes around Jupiter and Neptune (spirituality, religion, meaning of life and death, humanity)
All of this is combined with a SCORPIO MARS conjunct SCORPIO PLUTO (obsessed with power and strength. attracted to power and strength). For this man, being the strongest and having power over people, over the world, is not only part of identity, but its his ENTIRE identity. 
This chart is exactly the type of chart of a person that believes that there are two types of people. 1. strong people (like him) or 2. weak people (rest of the world that is not a special grade sorcerer or they are just normal humans). If you are in the strong people category then congratulations because he will see worth in you and you are his friend. If you are in the weak people category, then I am sorry to tell you this but this man will never care about your opinion, life or anything else.
He won’t open up to weaker people because how could they ever understand him? They are weak. They don’t have to shoulder the burden of protecting the world. So what does it matter who they are or what they think? Their problems are meaningless because they do not hold any power in this world. Do they know that the great Gojo Satoru was betrayed? There’s no worse feeling than what Gojo Satoru had to feel. It’s all about Gojo Satoru you see? If this man were alive I would avoid him at all cost are you kidding me.
His only saving grace, and I’m serious, is that Pisces Moon.  A person with a pisces moon can be very empathic and sensitive. This is the most empathic and compassionate sign for the Moon. An evolved Pisces Moon doesn’t care about weak or strong. Doesn’t care about how much power someone has. Because they can relate to everyone in all walks of life. 
It’s very likely that his dream (to have strong allies so nobody would be alone anymore) is a result of his Pisces Moon. I have no doubt he is very hurt. Sadly Gojo is an unevolved Pisces Moon. Why? Because of his ego. As we know, he is not alone, was never alone. But he’s fucking crazy and possibly delusional.
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ichayalovesyou · 2 years
(Re)Discovering A Strange New Spock: “Miri” (1x08)
Previous: What Are Little Girls Made Of?
Next: Dagger of The Mind
A meta anthology where I re-examine TOS, especially Spock, in light of the new information Discovery & Strange New Worlds has revealed about him to us.
Onto the Analysis!
No Appetite For Green Blood
“Being a red blooded human obviously has its disadvantages.”
Yet another testament to Spock’s utter distaste for Humans and rejection of the humanity within himself. I know you’d probably HATE to hear this Mr. Spock but you sound just like your father! Also, point of advice spock, maybe don’t tease the CMO whose tryna save everyone’s lives atm!
That being said his Vulcan blood is both saving his life, and could isolate him here on this foreign world. Doomed to live much, much longer than those around him. Almost a microcosm of his senior years… oof. So he gets to be a little flippant and infodump about microscopes a bit, as a treat.
Our Boys In The Only Blue I Respect (Science!)
On a slightly lighter note! This is the first time Spock & Bones have had to work together in a vacuum where there are no other science division members as a buffer. They are the only people on this planet capable of getting the job done.
Not only that we finally see them with the same priority, and agreeing with each other on something other than keeping Jim safe. It is the fact that the communicators are, in the grand scheme, more important than finding Janice. None of them can save her if they’re all dead. On this much, Bones and Spock agree, and remind Jim of that reality.
Almost Losing Bones (Do I Have A SECOND Friend?! Ugh! Annoying!)
They’ve stopped outright disliking each other, they’ve learned to trust each other, they’ve started teasing, they both realized Jim needs both of them. Now Spock is realizing he cares about and respects this curmudgeonly Doctor a lot more than he had anticipated.
Spock doesn’t want McCoy needlessly risking his life when Jim could get back to them in time. When Bones recklessly injects himself with the possible cure, and realizes something is wrong, the person he cries out to in panic is Spock. Possibly because McCoy instinctively knows, if anybody is gonna save him from himself, it’s gonna be him.
Then what does Spock do after checking McCoy’s vitals after he finds him?! He takes Bones hands and doesn’t let go, not even when Jim returns. The significance of touching hands in Vulcan culture brings further potency to this. Was this an instinctive, sentimental human gesture from a living man to a dying one. Or, was it subtle, deliberate Vulcan mental contact?
There’s a lot more adventures to be had in SNW, but as far as we know. This is may be the first time Spock has been in telepathic contact with someone who is unconscious and he believes is dying. I can’t help but be reminded of when AOS Spock stayed and melded with Pike as he died in Into Darkness.
On the same subject, I’ve talked about the ways Kirk reminds Spock of Chris (and Michael). I think, especially in this moment of reckless self-sacrifice, Bones reminds Spock of him too. Not only of Chris, but of Hemmer, who sacrificed himself as well, abrasive and grumpy on the surface but with an incredibly gentle soul underneath.
How much he gleaned of this truth from touch telepathy or from the immediate emotional pressure of Bones possibly dying is of course, ambiguous. Another aspect of this is for the first time since they’ve met, Bones was right! He was crazy and brash and almost died needlessly but Spock’s guilty of that too, just not today!
Spock is visibly relieved that it turns out he wasn’t dying after all, not only that but to his disbelief, correct in his risk. Jim is even present for most of the undeniable proof that Spock does care for Dr. McCoy.
I assume not wanting to ruin the progress or betray Spock’s trust Kirk might’ve kept his mouth shut. Just like he waits for Spock & Bones to concede to each other than oust the fact one confided to him that he agreed with the other in private.
Bones doesn’t know how much Spock cares yet, and won’t for a while. Spock may know that Bones cares thanks to the events of the episode. They’ll both know they care about each other eventually, but won’t admit it for a looong time. Jim knows they care about each other, but knows they’ll have to figure that part out for themselves.
The triumvirate continues to solidify as their adventures continue. Bones and Spock’s relationship in particular, crossed a threshold in this episode.
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