#Abortion Pill BC
Abortion Pill BC
Abortion Pill bc
Abortion Services bc
Medical abortion, available up to 0 to 70 days days from the start of the last menstrual period, is a procedure administered in a doctor's office. It involves the use of two medications, mifepristone and misoprostol, to halt the development of the pregnancy. Mifepristone, a progesterone receptor modulator, disrupts the action of progesterone in the body. Misoprostol, a prostaglandin, induces muscle contractions in the uterus, relaxes the cervix, and causes the shedding of the endometrium.
Some women opt for medical abortion to avoid surgical procedures, although it may take several days and necessitate a follow-up appointment for completion. In the rare event that a medical abortion fails (one to two percent of cases), a surgical procedure known as a dilation and curettage (D&C) may be required to empty the uterus.
The CARE Program does not currently offer medical abortions. For information on medical abortions, individuals are encouraged to contact Willow Clinic, Everywoman's Health Centre, https://www.abortionclinictoronto.com/products/abortion-pill-bc , or Bagshaw Clinic.
Manual Vacuum Aspiration Abortion (MVA) is a surgical procedure that can be performed up to nine weeks from the first day of the last period, or seven weeks from conception as confirmed by ultrasound. The procedure involves administering mild pain medications and using local anesthesia to numb the cervix. A small tube connected to a syringe is then utilized to empty the uterus. MVA is also considered a safe procedure, typically requiring two visits to the doctor's office.
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ink-asunder · 1 month
My medical wishes to wish on a medical star so we all get better medical care in the future:
Stop calling so many things birth control and start calling more things abortions.
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yearningheart · 2 years
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800-dick-pics · 2 years
im way more afraid of the long term effects of hormonal birth control+IUDs than i am medical or herbal abortions
like ovulation is actually really important for your long term bone density! so id like to keep that goin yfm??
im glad hormonal bc is out there for other people for health or sex but after i learned my own fertility patterns, practice FAM, and became and herbalist im not worried about pregnacy or pregnacy scares.
FAM/fertility autonomy its freeing bc youre actually DIRECTLY incharge of if or when you actually wanna have a child or not, gives u the power to prevent egg implantion or to go ahead with an abortion, or helps you track your PCOS or transition into menopause, and helps you have body literacy in other areas too!
wish more ppl knew theres other options besides standardized birth control bc if were gonna be honest, all of them are very sucky.... and for me getting nutted in isnt worth that hassle of birth control
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fuzzyunicorn · 1 month
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Me @ my “mom” after she killed my first body in her womb so I wouldn’t b born into our family & god orchestrated me 2 b born to another but baby swapped at birth back into my family ha ha ha
#this is not a joke I’m being so dead serious#she legit murdered me out of jealousy & spite karmic n Satanists u all got nothing on that genius bitch y do u think I’m immune 2 ur#bullshit? bc I’ve been living in the bullshit 4 25 years#fun fact: b4 we all incarnate we get to choose which body we inhabit yes it is technically possession when u incarnate into the Matrix (the#Mateix is real & best xplained like this: you basically get to Sims urself by choosing ur Soul Map & vessel & once ur physical body in the#Matrix dies the fact ur soul is immortal & survives ur body’s death & u go back to the Spirit Real (Heaven) to do it all over again!)#henious not genius* and yeah sarcastically she’s a genius by murdering me to get rid of me & I literally am baby swapped into her family 😭😂#that is so fuckin’ funny 😭😂 real surprise bitch thought you’d seen the last of me? 😭😂#btw no she did not abort me she murdered me in the 3rd trimester with pills#more to tell on all the black witchcraft she’s been doing on our entire family she would cut me to make me bled while I slept & for my own#safety I’d have to pretend I’d still b sleeping while she’d carve me n chant over me this is y I don’t react at all to pain#so lil karmic & Satanists u literally can’t do anything that hasn’t been done 2 me which is y im immune & find ur bullshit such a snoozefest#yep she’s the 1 who orchestrated for her brother & his wife & their 2 sons to rape n film my rapes so she could break my spirit in order 2#siphon my energy as she was so jealous n spiteful my magick is by far n larger much more powerful than hers#now do u all c y Satanists r so evil? (she’d get the demons to heal my wounds she created so no1 would know intervene & save me) & there’s#still so much more to say I’ve only shared 5% of the bullshit she’s done
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aqg-arts · 3 months
Anyone wanna my 2 cents on Jade Shadows?
Spoilers bellow frens ;3
So, right off the bat (before I put my personal personal thoughts out there), we need to acknowledge the criticism and outright discomfort this quest had.
Some of the criticism this quest got is something I can agree with. Specifically; Jade Shadow's needed more time. 100%. Let them cook, or more importantly, let the story cook and maybe even burn a bit to give us some crispy, smokin hot parts.
The little footnote at the end of the quest saying we have 'more questions than answers'? We get it, you're self-conscious, but that doesn't give you an excuse for not giving me Stalker. PERIOD, BITCH.
Jest aside, srsly, we needed to know more about Jade, Stalker, what happened to them, baby Orion (Halo possessed me in that moment, iykyk), etc. People needed to get invested in the characters, especially because this is a quest so close to being like Sacrifice on its level of storytelling...
Had it been able to have just 30+ minutes longer.
Onto the 2nd part of the criticism, birthing sim:
I'll be honest, as someone who was thinking of even going into being a midwifery/allied health, it didn't freak me out as much as it did others. But that's just one side of it. The other is how people say Jade's agency was ignored.
I'll be honest, this is just wrong. It's not media illiteracy by any means, but rather pure ignorance. Why?
Because her agency is declared.
"... you're going to be a father." OH, and the fact she literally wanted the baby. There are plenty of people who can explain it better than that, and whilst I acknowledge people may feel this way, this was, in fact, not what happened.
Also, this quest is not pro-life, nor is it anything related to that. If it was, I assure you, you would have a majority of the fan base up and walk. Take a chill pill. If you want to attack something for being pro-life, go help out at an abortion clinic with crowd control or smth. Because once you see that, you'll understand just how wrong you are.
It's not subtle.
It's not in between the lines.
It doesn't exist.
The end. Period. Fullstop.
The criticism is fair, but going so far as to say those are the undertones is just not on. Not only are you lying about something, but you are also disrespecting the very real women whom have had their agency denied in one way or another.
Now, that's not the only criticism about it, but those are just a few things you may see floating on tumblr. Again, both are ok and fair. But when you start to spread lies or ignore what actually happened, you're part of the problem, not the solution.
Now, onto the fun stuff!
Imo, aside from what was stated before, the quest was actually pretty fun and interesting. The pair make an interesting concept, especially now with the lil fugly bean, which has stolen a place in my cold, brainrotted heart. I think I like the Corpus Cap the most- pls marry me, pls. Oh, an Hunhow? Let me hug him. Let me give him a home on my ships. Let me tell him he can be my bestie!!!
Back to Stalker, though, I really hope we see more of him, especially now he's git a VA.
Speaking of, homie didn't get to speak often, but God did it hit home when he did. You can feel how desperate he is, then when he gets his answers, how lost he is. Finally, resolution and love ehen he names his lil kid at the end.
Music was on point, too. I can't listen to it tho bc Ik ima be sobbing lol. It was so beautiful!!!!!!!
Lorewise, however, I have so many fucking questions, but in the funny haha/good way.
Was jade pregnant b4 being a wf? If not, Stalker...
Why was their relationship shamed upon? Was Jade a Dax and him, well, him? Or was it because they weren't married? What was it that made the Orokin make em into Warframes? Also, Ballas, man, we know your hypocritical ass is in this shit too.
Also, Umbra and Helminth are confirmed to roam around the Orbiter, and vc Umbra is my main, this is a personal achievement. Now let us see it happen, and I'll be DE's 4 life.
But seriously, TL;DR:
Jade Shadow's was a good quest, it just needed to cook slightly longer. And, until we get more Umbra x Stalker from DE (bros b4 all), I'll be on AO3 in 3 (maybe 4) tags.
See in the next Stalker stan post :)
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spacelazarwolf · 1 year
I really hate how often neo ra/df/ems will go on and on about how trans fem's transitions are waaaaaay more difficult and they're waaaaaay less likely to pass, but if a trans masc dared to make any similar comparisons, they'd be fucking crucified.
There are a lot of feelings I have around sex-based discrimination and the difficulties of a masculinizing transition. On one hand, I don't think comparing struggles like that is useful (i.e. trans women have harder transitions).
On the other hand, I feel like the reality of the situation is actually quite the opposite for many people (everyone acknowledges that testosterone makes your voice drop and you grow hair, but nobody seems to want to acknowledge hysterectomy vs orchi, voice training is still often needed, electrolysis for phallo, the fact that bottom surgery is usually multi-staged [even metoidioplasty is sometimes 2 stages] with a lot of moving parts and far worse scarring, top surgery is almost a necessity for passing whereas not every trans fem wants top surgery + scars are easier to hide, face masculinization is far less common w/ fewer options, puberty begins earlier in perisex people AFAB and puberty blockers don't always allow for full height to be achieved bc they don't typically allow you to start testosterone until you're about 15 even IF you were a "classic" trans-since-3-years-old kinda case, the extreme body horror that is accidental pregnancy and abortion and menstruation when that's dysphoric vs not being able to carry a pregnancy just feels like an insulting comparison sometimes and I've had multiple trans women call me inconsiderate for expressing horror at getting my bodily rights taken away bc "that triggers my dysphoria", testosterone is a scheduled substance and has more difficult administration methods than simply a pill, etc.)
And so I bite my tongue and try to be the better person, because stooping to that low doesn't help anything. But at the same time it's so extremely frustrating to be told that you "have it better" when, considering the facts, it REALLY feels like the opposite. There's this level of bitterness around that that I am DESPERATELY trying to resolve within myself. I have a therapist. I know it's projection. I'm working on my own bullshit. But please tell me I'm not alone in feeling this way? I just wish they'd stop with that rhetoric and realize just how difficult the average trans masc transition truly is
yeah it's really frustrating for ppl to present Trans Women's Experiences and Trans Men's Experiences as diametrically opposed, with one experience being Eternal Pain And Inescapable Suffering and the other being Barely A Blip On The Life Radar. and while i understand it's coming from a place of pain, i've also experienced a lot of trans women shutting me down when i try to talk about how abortion rights affect me. back when i was first dipping my toe into trans spaces, i was friends with a trans woman who told me it was transmisogynistic of me to want to transition because "trans women would kill to have been born in your body." and while it absolutely comes from a different place than when cis men try to assert control over me and there's not the same power dynamic, it's still a complete stranger feeling entitled to tell me what to do with my body because of the sex i was assigned at birth. it's frustrating to have people i'm supposed to be in community with play into the same sexist bullshit that other people, regardless of gender, have been holding over my head my whole life, feeling like they own my body bc women and ppl who are forcibly assigned the role of women in society are seen as public property. our bodies aren't our own. everyone feels entitled to comment on them and touch them and make decisions about them. and it sucks when it comes from other people who should understand how that feels.
and like. obviously this idea that trans men's transition is so much easier than trans women's is unhelpful bc 1. there is no one particular way for trans men to transition, 2. not everyone who transitions in the way typically associated with trans men is a trans man, 3. it doesn't take into account how disability, race, ethnicity, etc. play into people's experiences before, during, and after transition, and 4. it's just not a fucking competition????? the fact that a disabled black trans man is going to be more systemically oppressed in society than a wealthy white trans woman doesn't mean trans men as a category are Objectively More Oppressed than trans women. bc gender is like. the worst possible way to try to gauge a group's place within the system. bc at this point, gender is not the most powerful system, race is. and i feel like a fuck ton of people really do not recognize that.
another thing that has bugged me for as long as i've been in trans spaces is this bizarre attitude that trans women are doomed to this miserable life of clockability and will never be able to pass as cis women thus they must accept that their life will be nothing but pain and suffering. and that's just very much not true! i know plenty of trans women who "pass" or who are happy with their bodies, who have jobs they love and friends and family who love them, who have a community that supports and celebrates them. and it has just always rubbed me the wrong way that people think they're helping trans women by presenting their existence as Inevitably Miserable when all it does is terrify closeted trans girls who think they're better off never coming out or transitioning, or better off dying. like. we have to understand that these narratives we create, the idea of the perpetually suffering trans woman and the lonely isolated trans man, are absolutely driving people to suicidal ideation. and if we give a shit about trans people, we should be changing these narratives.
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Abortion Pill BC
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killezramiller · 13 days
Posting this for reference bc I found out recently that you can order abortion pills online if you can't access a clinic in America and I'm also linking directories to abortion providers in Canada (alt) and the US and because it's personally relevant, if you happen to be a Canadian who's been denied an abortion by a practitioner, here is a list of provincial medical colleges so you can report them.
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noodleos · 8 days
have to get this out of my head bcs its driving me crazy
so that woman in georgia who died bcs doctors wouldnt intervene with her miscarriage that killed her
right wingers are claiming (and i have no idea if this is true but it doesnt matter for the sake of this post) that she actually took an abortion pill from one of those online abortion pill websites and Thats what killed her, not the abortion ban, so its disingenious to use her as an example of abortion bans killing people
so like 2 things
1) it has been our argument the literaly entire time that if u ban abortions, people dont stop getting abortions, they just become more dangerous. if you think the abortion pill was So dangerous, it killed her, its not safe for people to be getting these pills online then like. abortions from real doctors with appiontments and follow ups needs to be accessible then? this is our entire point?
2) so lets say the abortion pill initiated the miscarriage that killed her right. my understanding is she went to a doctor for help and was refused bcs they felt like intervening went against georgias abortion laws right. that literally still means it is the abortion law that killed her???
if there is a law preventing doctors from treating tetanus. and i cut my hand open with a rusty knife and get tetanus. and then i go to the doctor and im like hi i have tetanus im dying please treat me and they refuse and i die? it is the law that killed me.
whether or not she took an abortion pill is so literally irrelevant i feel insane like i had to get this out bcs its all over my twitter bcs elon musk keeps showing me jack posobiec on my feed and im going crazy
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aleksa-sims · 10 months
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CW: drugs, pregnancy
The holidays were over and I had to go back to work. Today was my first day in the new office. New people, new challenges. That’s why I was so nervous. 😰I expected the worst. I always had bad luck with these annoying department changes. I only liked it in the social office, where I had nice work mates and also working with them and helping other people made me happy. And that’s exactly where I wanted to go back, after I finished the remaining 2 years of my training.
I was glad that I didn’t have to go back to that asylum, where I worked before. This was really one of the worst offices I’ve ever worked in.
Later that day, I will study with Dilek for our next big exam. That's what we planned but... well, let's see. N. accompanied me to my new office in the morning.  I was so scared that someone had to take me there. Not just because of my new job! What happend 6 months ago... started to torture me again. I guess that's bcs I stopped taking my antidepressants. I am pregnant. Every drug, every pill I take (in addition to that drug substitute) ..... can cause risks for my Baby. That’s what my Mom's gynecologist said to me. Her doctor did not examine me. He only briefly informed me about the options, if I don’t want a pregnancy. And he also made me an appointment for an abortion. I wanted that.😞This was 2 days ago, I wasn’t sure what to do? But yesterday my other doctor, Daniel’s doc, who prescribes me my drugs, told me I could keep my Baby. And this doctor, I could tell by his face, how happy he was for me, because I was so happy about that good news. He really enlightened and informed me well! Our conversation lasted almost 40 minutes. This doctor wanted to help me and my Baby. I could see and feel that. So for now, I decided to trust his opinion.
Nico tried to calm me down and encouraged me about my new job. I would have liked to take N. with me as support. I told him, if I had magic powers, I’d shrink him, so he could fit in my bag, to accompany me without anyone noticing anything. Like.... a tiny, hidden helper doing my job for me. 🤣 ... Nico said, "But you’re not alone! You actually have someone tiny with you." Aw, this was so cute. 🩵 ... Knowing that I wasn’t alone, really helped me that day. 
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milfzatannaz · 2 months
I’m finally a college student bc I’m helping my best friend find abortion pills #girl
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firespirited · 10 months
Period poll : would you be ok with periods without the horrors?
Most replies : no because my periods have the horrors
Pretty sure the reading comprehension online means you have to say:
Would you be ok with a regular and predictable (every 28 days) light flow 4 day max period with no cramps, no blood rushes, no migraines, no pms, no pmdd, no acne bloom, no anemia, no period poops and not expensive supplies.
Personally i'd have edited the original post to add ways you can change or stop your periods otc or by prescription.
Pro tip: you can just not stop taking your regular BC pill, the 'periods' are hormonal withdrawal and only there because the church lobbied for keeping things "natural" and some women need the advance warning if they're pregnant or not (for abortion/retrying to get pregnant on limited ovulation days) .
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Just saw a dude on Twitter saying it'd be good if the abortion pill is banned bc it'd help the Biden administration win re-election. I'm emotionally raw rn anyway but I'm literally in tears. Women + ppl with uteruses are nothing more than political pawns whose suffering can be exploited to so many men. Even the liberal "good guys"
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anamericangirl · 6 months
not that you're wrong in your core arguments against what that rant person was saying, but i do want to point out that you can actually see a small dark speck in the clear liquid in that one photo that could be the poppy seed-sized kid? very easy not to notice bc, well, poppy seed-sized :')
There is a black speck floating in the water but it's not the aborted baby. They are the size of a poppy seed, but they don't look like a poppy seed. And if that video were actually the result of an abortion it wouldn't just be a black speck and barely visible white strands.
Abortions are a pretty bloody procedure, even when using a pill. Like that girl is claiming she expelled that from her body and just easily located and perfectly extracted a black speck and thin white strands from the mess?
That alone is enough to throw doubt on the claim even without the photograph/video that is obviously not the remains of an embryo or the aftermath of an abortion.
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queen-mabs-revenge · 5 months
so you know what's a bit banana peels?
local elections here and we're running a candidate and were invited to a womens' group meeting - our candidate couldn't make it bc....it was in the middle of the work day and she was at work, so we submitted a statement.
it was read in full except for a line about how we need to follow the lead of the disability activists who organised for a no vote on the care referendum. they organised for this because the government, under the guise of removing hideously misogynistic language from the irish constitution, were trying to redefine 'care' as only being something the state should 'strive' to provide - essentially being in no binding way the responsibility of the state and only the responsibility of, as ol' maggie thatcher would put it, 'individual men and women and families'.
disability activists pointed out how this would open the door to destroy even the meagre public support for care and accessibility they have, and would make the job of carers that much more undervalued and precarious as care responsibility could be fully shouldered off onto anyone who the state deems to be part of a family unit, which with a passing of the family referendum could have been expanded to be anyone with a 'durable bond'.
and they were right. even though the current wording of the irish constitution is disgustingly patriarchal, gains for one oppressed group that come at the expense of another oppressed group are poisoned pills from the capitalist class. telling others to sit back and wait because you want to grab the pathetic crumbs swept off of the tables is how we all starve to death.
and we had the part of our statement lauding the huge efforts and organisation by disabled activists literally censored by the person who was reading our statement. just chopped it right out and altered the next sentence so it made sense without the preceding statement. lmaaaoooo fucking BOURGEOIS FEMINISTS doing what they do best!
bourgeois white feminists in the us betrayed working class women of color in the united fight for bodily autonomy supported by economic liberation (the right to choose both to have and to not have children and the economic stability to do either) by condensing the fight to abortion rights won through the corrupt and violent court system. its that betrayal that's what lead to the constant fragility of federal abortion rights in the us and its eventual repeal by the same violent court system.
we fight together or we die together. we don't want the crumbs, we want the whole damn bakery.
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