suikaday · 9 years
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Even in Suikoden you have drunks pissing in hotel plants
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suikaday · 9 years
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#PlaySuikodenFor North Sparrow Pass (More like North Swallow Pass, amirite?)
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suikaday · 9 years
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#PlaySuikodenFor sexy cougar barmaids!
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suikaday · 9 years
#PlaySuikodenFor a totally sexy bitch who will completely enamour you from the moment she steps on screen. She’ll challenge and break all your notions of royalty, of blue-blooded socialites and the entitlement that comes with such a station. She’ll be your biggest supporter, your confidant, your strength, and primary supplier of badass dialogue. Then you’ll curse her name forever.
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suikaday · 10 years
“The Truth Is, Master Neclord has...an outie belly button” Amazing!
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Googly goo???? Wha?
Here’s the details behind this weird line in Suikoden! http://legendsoflocalization.com/suikoden-and-the-googly-goo-zombie/
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suikaday · 10 years
Suikoden Thoughts #2
One thing that strikes me as especially great about Suikoden V is the abundance of strong female characters in a series that’s already rife with them. Consider Haswar, for instance. From the moment the Prince enters Lunas, you’re greeted by a seemingly bubbly cougar who regales you with stories of how she used to bathe you as a child, and you think “wow, what a flaky quack!” Not five minutes later, you hear a tale of how her parents were murdered in a royal power grab and she responded by backing her estranged younger cousin, abdicating her legitimate right to the throne, and taking a vow not to marry or have children, which must have been an especially personal sleight given her obvious love of children. Damn, Suikoden, you awesome with yo beautifully crafted storytelling.
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suikaday · 10 years
Suikoden Thoughts...
It has been nine years since the last Suikoden game came out. Meanwhile, the ten years between 1996 and 2006, we got five traditional RPGs, a turn-based strategy game, and two graphic novel spin-offs. It seems like Suikoden V didn’t come out that long ago, but conversely, the entire series was born, grew old, and came to an end in about the same amount of time. Either I’m just getting old and time slips by faster, or Suikoden fans are just a really loyal, persistent bunch. I prefer to choose the latter. TL;DR: Suikoden fans are awesome
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suikaday · 10 years
Dayman (ah-ah-ah)!Fighter of the Nightman (ah-ah-ah)!Champion of the Sun (ah-ah-ah)!You’re a Master of Karate and friendshipFor Everyone
New Falenan ballad about Prince Frey Falenas (via incorrectsuikodenquotes)
Suikoden AND an It's Always Sunny reference? Win.
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suikaday · 10 years
"Their Story: Hitman Bravo" (Suikoden II Fanfiction)
Follows the story of a 20 year-old Ace in the service of Gilbert's Mercenaries on the eve of Highland's invasion of Muse. From a series of One-Shots I'm writing about minor Suikoden character's backstories that were hinted at in game
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suikaday · 10 years
"Their Story: Ledon, King of Rats" (Suikoden I Fanfiction)
On a late night, Ledon contemplates his meeting with Tir and Odessa and the events that led to him joining the Liberation Army. From a series of One-Shots I'm writing about minor Suikoden characters' backstories that were hinted at during my most recent playthrough.
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