#Aaaaah !!!
eyetooth · 1 year
I’m so pressed about how evil this company is that I’m reposting Alex’s gofundme over here. They’re trying to bury Alex under so many legal fees that they have no choice but to give up their ip… and they’re only one of many many people (and pets!) that have been harmed by this company.
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redspotted-deer · 6 months
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He’s just a hungry little guy
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boba-online · 5 months
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sfordaisy · 8 months
Happy Halloween oOoOOoo
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mikimeiko · 3 months
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The Expanse | 3x06. Immolation
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chinchila010 · 5 months
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Dragonfire Sonic my beloved
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kdramamilfs · 8 months
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↳ episode titles
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roleplaylms1024 · 1 month
Me: *watching fallout on Prime*
Fallout: here's a badass villain-coded cowboy
Fallout: That's monsterfucker adjacent
Fallout: And an adorable autistic-coded woman for you to project onto
Fallout: Now what if...they were a grumpy/sunshine situationship?
Oh no
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needycatboy · 2 months
feeling needy for a sensual and slow evening spent tracing each other's bodies with our fingertips and gently dipping into each other's waistbands. really taking our time to find out what feels good for each other and giggling and talking while we do it. placing meaningful kisses all over the other's chest and shoulders, trailing up to pepper their face. coming in the arms of a lover who gently talks you through it. fuck.
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webdollzz · 1 year
sub!spencer, overstim, crossword puzzle, slight dumbification. teasing??? slight degrading??? idk. un-protected p n v, (don't do this!!) . that's it?˚
·:*¨ ¨*:·.·:*¨ ¨*:·.·:*¨ ¨*:·.·:*¨ ¨*:·.·:*¨ ¨*:·.·:*¨ ¨*:·.·:*¨ ¨*:·.·:*¨ ¨*:.
"okay.. okay. how about this one, spence? 'Common malapropism used to mean 'nonetheless'." You ask reid, your crossword puzzle on his chest, the paper laid flatly as your pen taps it. you roll your hips against reid, making him whine.
"i-..I dont know!" he says, voice filled with desperation.
"hm..no that's not it. 12 letters." you reply, your pen scribbling on the paper.
Reid let's out a soft cry, his hands gripping at your hip. "please- I cant- wanna cum. please?" He babbles, looking at you with the biggest puppy eyes he can spare. you laugh gently.
"No, not yet baby. cmon, last one. 'Common malapropism used to mean 'nonetheless'." You repeat, as you begin to slowly bounce up and down on spencers already overstimulated cock. he grips harder at your hips- if that's possible.
"I c-cant! it's too- much.." he whimpers.
"Here I thought you were some kind of genius, Spencer..." You tut. "think." you say, making his mind cloud over, trying his hardest to think, so he can finally cum.
"i-irregardless?" He mumbles, and you check over the crossword, gasping gently as you write it down.
"Yes! irregardless. Good boy Spence." you say, disregarding the crossword and speeding up your movements, drawing a loud whine from spencer.
"I knew you could do it, baby."
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bella-buggied · 1 year
the new beldro ramscal content is killing me
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nutcoffin · 29 days
Affection like hugs!!!
Ah, pardon me for my blasphemy
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Here is your big squeshy teddy bear axolotl. <3
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detailedart · 2 years
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“The statue Lovers dragons is located in the Sea Garden of Varna, near the swimming complex Primorski, Bulgaria. The sculpture was created in October 2010.”
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skeptical-saniwa · 2 months
Aaaaa ty everyone for liking my Dr. Ratio doodles!! Tbh it was a bit out of my usual things but I plan to subject more characters to the ✨blush✨
In the meantime here is the b&w sketch
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hazbin-helluva-itch · 2 months
i'mcrying asasasjkfds
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How to do a tumblr
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