#AU Info post
thatrwhumanau · 7 months
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THIS EXISTS NOW YAAAYYY This will be a general blog for us to share our art and stories for this AU. Askbox to be opened very soon.
For now we only have slugcat designs but there is more on the way
Hope to get more people interested in this :')
Admins: @amenalyme @kotikaleo
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cyrusthemagician · 6 months
🫧waterpark au concept/general idea! (wip)🌊
working name(?): The Amazing Digital Mer-Park
overview/concept: The circus is replaced with a massive waterpark, each character getting their own section of it that's themed off their personality as well as what their section of the park is dedicated to! while it hasnt been decided who does what yet some examples are:
swimming classes
food, drinks, and treats
water shows
I've also mixed in some mermaid stuff and theming since each character has their own sea creature/animal (based on their personality or what i think suits them best) that they turn into, like a mermaid ofc. I actually have the offical list for this since its like teh only thing ive decided fully on lol (under the cut aswell as more info)
CAINE- mantis shrimp (confirmed)
GANGLE- eel(confirmed)
ZOOBLE- vampire squid (confirmed)
KINGER- king mackerel (confirmed)
RAGATHA- jelly fish (confirmed)
JAX- sea bunny (confirmed)
POMNI- court jester goby (confirmed)
BUBBLE- pearl (in a clam?) (confirmed)
MY OCS SPECIES (the characters are non cannon to the actual au itself)
CYRUS- beta fish (confirmed)
SUNBIE- lemon shark (confirmed)
SKYBLUE- shark (not sure, maybe orca)
BUBBLIE- jelly fish (confirmed)
POPPI- seal (confirmed)
BUGMI- sea bunny (confirmed)
I am considering whether they should be AI that have human souls in them or just be humans on their own as it is normally in TADC.
game overview: The concept for as a "game" is that its a free roam pick your own team sorta adventure. At the start of the game the player would originally get to choose which section of the waterpark they want to go to. This is where they would choose to be a "visitor" (temporary so you can go to other sections of the water park and check them all out or just enjoy the mini games) or they can choose to be an "employee" in which you would help the AIS/Characters with whatever their section is based on or does! its a major wip and im planning on messing around with it but that's kinda the basics as of now
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infohazardouz · 1 year
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DEMON WALLY DESIGNS! im still working out his design but here’s a general vibe hehehahe as well as some thought provoking sketches... HUUUGE infodump about the design & demon wally au below!
below i explain my choice of representing hindu designs as opposed to christian ones! if you want to skip to the relevant information pertaining to the actual au, jump to the big bold JUMP HERE paragraph!
alright, to address the elephant in the room: no, this isn’t the typical demon/devil design you may be used to! i was originally going to keep within the red-horned pointed tail kind of mythos that generally stems from christianity/christianity aligned concepts, but then i realized i honestly don’t know much about that stuff and don’t really feel qualified to handle it in a narrative. i also know that, especially within the welcome home fandom itself, a lot of people have religious trauma that generally tends to be from various branches of christianity, so i thought this would be an interesting solution: seeing as i know a fair amount about hinduism, wally’s design is inspired by concepts about demons in hindusim in general! that way, it’s easy to write and hopefully refreshing/non-triggering to the audience! also it’s fun!
JUMP HERE: Wally’s design in the demon AU is inspired by Asura in hindu mythology! That’s why he’s got like a billion hands- I’m looking at adding jewellery/a tail/other stuff, but it’ll fall in that general theme. in terms of lore relevancy: asura in hindusim were not strictly evil, which you will find reflected in my story. wally isn’t evil per say; the neighbourhood is his turf, and he will protect it from outside threats. that being said- he is generally self-serving for now and may not always have the best intentions for his fellow neighbours. what his overarching goal is and who exactly his enemy is (as well as Home’s relevancy to the story) is being left to you to discover as the comic goes on! themes of puppetry, where wally darling ends and the asura begins, and stuff like that is left ambiguous for now! puppetry will also play a role in the story, as well as self-awareness and meta themes. hinduism and religion WILL NOT play a role in the story itself. anything i think might need contextualizing will be contextualized in the description of every update; honestly im just pulling the asura elements for Wally’s design and part of his character! this will still be a very accessible comic to people of all backgrounds. if you have any questions or concerns please don’t hesitate to send them to my askbox or leave them in the comments!
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dragonnova · 4 months
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Bale of Sea Turtles and their Fishter
(Fish Sister... fishter... I'm funny shhhh, don't groan.) I had to share this immediately because I've never had so much fun coloring something so aesthetically pleasing to my ocean loving self. They are all my favorite color pallets.
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chyarui · 1 month
A few of you guys were curious, so as promised, here’s a few of my takes on Kiffar marriage customs! Specifically the role of the qukuuf, hope you guys enjoy! (Once again, this was all inspired by fic Resilience on ao3, though the account is unfortunately orphaned)
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Hope my handwriting doesn’t suck too much, and super open to hearing any ideas or questions you might have if I didn’t explain anything fully!
Also here’s a b/w version cause I’m a sucker for greyscale (and to make the qukuuf markings stand out more)
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gatoburr0 · 3 months
im so bored so AU lore drop in the middle of the night
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I did this in ms paint and yes I was lazy so it looks shitty a bit on purpose
does this mean anything? no. I will continue to draw feral lesbians ripping each other apart because this is just a dumb comfort au
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sarasacuni · 6 months
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liamz-spacetrash · 6 months
KQ credits: @cleverperfectionstrawberry
Rogue Kinger and writing credits: @obamerzslop
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(Their finally done)
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a proper introduction to my post-embrace-the-void AU! hive knight and hornet are queerplatonic roommates and hornet's extended family live with them
there's a lot of words here, too many to put in the alt ID, so all the text is below the cut here:
??? (the hollow knight)
tends to be a homebody
severe separation anxiety
still trying to learn the whole "having opinions" thing
does most of the housework
do not approach from blind side
resin (hive knight)
somewhat weakened from being infected
helps hornet hunt sometimes
loves physical affection
craves meat
primary provider of food (hunter and trapper)
has undergone her fifth molt
disaster bi (doesn't know it yet)
doesn't eat as much as she should
barely sleeps
ghost (the knight)
god of gods, lord of shades, agent of daily chaos
had its first proper molt
handles finances
avoiding problems (godseekers) at all costs
moss (greenpath vessel)
kinda showed up one day
best helper
demands uppies
sould molt soon…?
follows ghost and THK around most
ember (grimmchild)
still a baby
ritual incomplete
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ljesak · 24 days
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i wanna finish this eventually but!! here they are
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vanglaggle · 1 month
it's mildly funny to me when people draw horror and dust in slippers n shit. none of those guys wear slippers lol 💔
here's some instances where horror's shoes are clear (spoilers for the comic ofc) ; ★ . ★ . ★
some of the clearer images i found of them
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plus his official references (which i could not find the source but it is on sour-apple-studios's deviantart) ;
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dust has an official ref despite not having a comic
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in killer's reference he doesn't have slippers, again, like the rest of them.
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cyrusthemagician · 5 months
Gloinks in the Waterpark au are pool toys btw
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vectorisheree · 4 months
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Moon before the mold took over </3
Character on the left belongs to @n0maku!!
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andr0nap · 11 months
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with angie and buddy bc i LOVE them sm
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devilart2199-aibi · 4 months
Moment of Calm 🍃🦌
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lynaferns · 5 months
Hi, hello. Did you say big bat vampire dca au? As in, they’re big bats? 👀
That sounds really cool!
Yeah, although I don't have a clear image of them yet.
I made a doodle of the three half(?) transformed
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They are mixed species but each resemble one more than the others. (I messed up eclipses ears, drew the wrong shape)
(whoops little ramble about bats)
Sun is an Indian Flying Fox, a fructivore bat. They are one of the bigguest (1 to 2 ft tall and 4ft wingspan (great for hugs/j)) and helps with the forest pollinization. They can fly 40km in one night. They lack echolocation but has a better eyesight than other bats. It's endangered due to humans haunting them for their meat.
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Moon it's a Common Vampire bat (and a bit of White Winged bat for the colors), they eat mammal blood. There are 3 vampire species: the common, White-winged and Hairy-legged, the common can eat blood from any mammal while the other two eat mainly from birds and humans. The common vampire is a good crawler, so they'll prefer to get close to their prey from the ground. The white-winged has these glands in its mouth that uses to spit a really nauseating smell when its being molested (like skunks but these spit on you), there is sulfur in the spit.
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Eclipse has the more clear mixes to see and it's the smallest of the three, its a Welwitch bat (it has freckles!!), a big eared and has part of canyon bat (because of the colors too). It's insectivorous, they help with plagues. They pretty much just vibe, just leave them be eating half their weigh in bugs and both of you'll be happy.
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Nor the vampire or fruit bat has tails.
And they all can give you
Rabiessssss ✨
I didn't look into every especie there is of bats, first of because there are like 1,000, most of them insetivorous, and second because there is varely any info about any especie that aren't the common ones.
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