alwaysurvalentine · 1 month
Written for Day 14 of @steddieangstyaugust - prompt: lake - wc: 262 - cw: none
- fair warning I wrote this in my notes app so forgive me for mistakes please 🥲
Enjoy! 💛
Drowning. Steve’s drowning. The lake swallowed him up when he tried to get back on the boat. Brave Buckley and Wheeler had dived in after him. Left Eddie no choice but to jump in too.
Wait- he’s already done this.
Chittering. The bats are chittering and swarming around him to take bites. He doesn’t have it in him to fight them off anymore. Can’t remember when he dropped the shield- he just hopes Dustin is okay.
He’s done this too.
Three gentle squeezes. The Munson’s way to say a silent I love you. His mom must be holding his hand, but why can’t he open his eyes? There’s a constant beeping in the background too.
Wait, it can’t be his mom, must be Wayne.
Hushed voices. He can’t pick up what they’re saying exactly, but he can’t help but feel comforted by the sound. Someone gets loud unexpectedly and he feels eyes turn towards him in the silence that follows. He still can’t open his eyes.
I’m trying guys! I’m trying!
A hand holding his, different than the one before. No squeezes. Just a constant, steady pressure. Finally, his eyes crack open the smallest amount.
Brown locks hang over the persons face, but the moles on his neck give him away. Steve Harrington is sitting at Eddie’s bedside with a faded Hawkins high shirt and jeans on. His hazel eyes are locked on where their hands are connected, his basically cradling Eddie’s. He looks sad.
With all the effort he has, Eddie presses three times against the palm of Steve’s hand.
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riding matty while he has blood on his face and has the patrick bateman costume on 😍
matrick bateman, i love you.
he barely had a second to catch his breath after running off stage before his lips were trapped by your own in a bruising kiss; equally as breathless and ten-fold more rewarding than what he had just done in front of twenty-thousand people.
"you gonna let me clean up?" he's grinning against your lips, teeth catching your bottom lip as if to punctuate his request. all it did was spur you on; a broken sigh reverberated between the two of you.
that's all the answer he needed.
ten minutes later and you've got him right where you wanted him the whole night. it wasn't without much difficulty; came with the task of having to painfully maneuver through conversations and take pictures of your friends backstage. but you both made it through; alive though baited and restless.
he's flat on his back, suspenders pushed down, shirt unbuttoned, and suit pants shimmied down just enough so you could gain access. the blood smears on his face have translated onto your own. the red smudges shared between the both of you were primal, animalistic in nature. he drags a red-stained hand down the front of your blouse, the sticky substance tainting the once pristine white fabric. he's pushing your leather skirt up past the curvature of your ass, hands firmly grasping at the flesh once its exposed. there's sure to be a red print there that you'll have to bicker with him over later on. but that's later. this is now.
you want him now.
"what's gotten into you, darling? hm?" his lips are hot on your neck, sucking and biting and teasing at the tender skin whilst you reach down to free his cock from the restraints of his boxers.
"hopefully you," you grin, though he doesn't see it; too busy marking up your neck. a puffed chuckle is the only thing you hear and its enough to make your cheeks flush.
"so go on then, take what's yours," he hums, "be a good girl for me."
he's pushing the flimsy material that's keeping you from him to the side. its soddened, uncomfortably so since he left you aching for him for almost two hours.
"s'unfinished business, hm?" he's taunting you, thumb already seeking purchase on your swollen clit.
a gasp from your lips erodes the air as you sink down onto his cock, bottoming out as you had done so many times before. he wishes he was sorry for having you wait, but he's reaping the reward of an unabashed and needy, wanton you.
"all your fault," you whine as you lift yourself up only to let your hips collide down onto his again, "made me wait. ruined a good thong."
he smirks, lips curling around a comment that gets lost in a moan you pull from him. it spurs you on, nails digging into his chest as his hips spear up to meet your own. the sound of skin slapping permeates the thickened haze, and you're sure his phone is strewn among the mess of his dressing room- no doubt vibrating with calls and texts from your friends wondering what the hell is taking so long.
his plush lips curl around your ear, "if that's so, then why don't you go on and ruin me instead?"
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teaitis · 2 years
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Happy Chainsaw Man Tuesday i guess
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Here's my cat being difficult,
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And here she is posing,
ANYWAYS- I don't have ideas, pls give me some,
Here's an idea I had for the ai's escape with them but don'thave suitable bodies,
She could see the stars, glittering and bright above them. When had she ever taken the time to really look up at them, see their beauty without smog or lights.
Is that what those are?
What the fuck, oh shit she could swear again, shit, fuck bitch. What was she freaking out about again? Oh yeah, the mysterious voice in her head, that's what she's freaking out about.
I'm, what? In your head? You're in my head.
Was that Gummigoo? Why was he in her head? She brought her hand up to her head, trying to stave off the oncoming headache.
Oh, that's weird, I didn't move that arm.
Yeah, no, this is my body. You can't move it.
Someone touched her arm and she jumped, looking behind her to see. She didn't actually know yet, the person behind her vibed like Ragatha, but she couldn't be too sure.
"Are you okay? I think you're Pomni," the curly red haired woman asked, tilting her head. Definitely Ragatha.
"Fine, just fine. I'm either going insane or something fucked up," she grinned as the swear escaped her, which caused someone in the background to start muttering several curse words in very quick succession.
"Why would you think that?" She ignored Ragatha for the moment as a lanky purple haired man started cursing an invisible someone out. Okay, not just her and Gummigoo then, she does not envy Jax.
Aw, thanks mate.
She pointed at who she heavily assumed to be Jax, "I think I got a similar problem to him,"
Ragatha looked over her shoulder to the grumbling Jax, who was cursing and gesturing at nothing.
Okay, maybe she was a lot better off, or he was actually insane.
Is, is he just an animated talker? Or is, Caine, just able to be seen. Can I be seen?
She shrugged instead of an actual answer, getting a weird look from Ragatha.
"Why'd I have to be coupled up with you huh? It's bullshit- no I'm not going to censor myself!" Jax loudly complained, ruining the silent atmosphere of the still night.
She sent a glare his way, trying to deal with a headache herself and his yelling was not helping.
Oh, sorry Poms, should I be quiet?
No, no, I think it's the whole, here's another consciousness that's going to be shoved into my brain suddenly, she sat down, dangling her legs over the roof edge as she tried to organize her thoughts into what were actually hers, because she knew for a fact that some of these memories weren't hers.
Gummigoo seemed to be having a similar problem to her, and she could feel his presence in certain memories. Rummaging through them with care.
Sorry for the trouble Poms, I know this can't be the most pleasant to deal with.
She looked at Jax, who was still spitting curses and comebacks to a figure none of them could see or hear. It could be a lot worse, she could have Caine in her head, and he would surely give her a bigger headache than she had right now.
Glad to know I'm not the worst case, but I'm still sorry for snooping around in here, even if it's not purposeful.
It could be so much worse, she repeated the thought, looking out over the far away cityscape in front of them, have you ever seen a city like this? Your adventure was more wild west than anything.
A city huh, certainly much bigger than I thought they'd be.
It's so much bigger than it looks right now, she sighed, staring at it wistfully. I had an apartment, friends, family, I wonder how much time has pass-
There was a loud clang and a shout behind her, and she turned around to find that Jax had face planted in the dirt.
"WHAT THE FUCK! How did you even do that!" He yelled, getting up only for his arm to do a weird motion, "STOP IT-"
She laughed softly to herself, and Gummigoo too, apparently, eyeing the commotion with a gleam of humour in her eyes.
Something that was really only diminished slightly by her own fingers twitching against her will.
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Punch out oc introduction!!
Detirmed Delilah
See this isn't a one and done deal
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Information that i couldn't fit in the picture
Delilah is a big fan of glass joe. She likes his determination. Consentaly going back into the ring lost after lost. Thats what inspired her to go into boxing. Dispite her horrible win lose streak like those before her Delilah has been in the gig for 9 years, rather by pity or the WVBA needing a female glass joe is unknown. But that doesn't drop her own determination. Being ranked last doesn't mean you can't try! She's here to show the world that French people are determined to show their own strengths. Even when she's knocked down she'll get right back up! Or her name is determined Delilah for nothing!
animation ideas
She wins By ko/tko
Delilah would yell in French something along the lines of "let the world know of detirmed Delilah!!"
She wins By refree choice
Delilah would slowly start saying "i won?" Before going hyper saying "i won!!" Over and over then start singing the france anthem.
Knocked out
Delilah would stumble back stunned until she falls face first, then proceeds to wave a small white flag.
Intro before fight
She jumps up, waves, and yells "Bonjour! Lets have a good fight!"
Intro during fight
Delilah would skip abit, before saying "Vive la Patrie! (Long live the homeland!)" And turns to the player, occasionally it would show her tripping mid sentence before she stands still and continues.
Intro after fight
Delilah would be dazed off, holding the side of her head on the rings poll, occasionally lifting it up before flinching and putting it down.
Title defense
(Slightly incomplete)
She essentially gets the boxer gear joe does, however she also gets a body covering for her torso.
She also becomes faster and occasionally fakes out right hooks.
Infractions (that i know of from the get go feel free to add onto)
- the title defense torso covering
- hair can be considered in the way of eyes occasionally (though does not block her own vision)
Indirect infractions
During one of vickys intermissions vickys cat will go and smack a candy bar out of the players coach's , duck Lois, hand before Delilah comes and takes it back. The infections are
- allowing an animal on the ring
- interfering with other boxers break (not an official rule but cmon it should be)
- getting too close to the ring as a spectator.
Fun facts:
Delilah has her own cat, which is a Turkish Angora cat named Marie.
Delilah has a hard time reading English, but can speak it relatively find with a couple expectations (specifically words that sound the same)
In her reference sheet i was gonna add a france flag with a corner peeling off to reveal the transgender pride flag, a reference to a running joke i plan to make of her accidentally outing herself. I cut it to make room for the text and for the potential of it being misinterpreted as it saying French is a gender or being considered transphobic because of the flag essentially being hidden.
Ironically Delilah almost became another paper white oc. Luckily i went with the right mind to go a shade darker but now if you color pick it she looks kinda very light pink without her other colors neutralizing it. It makes her look more lively though!
Hey if you read this far have a kiwi for apperaincation I'm going to beds🥝
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dontttmindmeeeeee · 6 months
birdflash [shock]
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I have been thinking about these for a couple of years and now I wish to put my pain upon you.
counting spoilers
[1] the slowburn *eats bars*
you CANNOT tell me this never happen. Who fell first? For me it’d be Wally sense he can love so much (about TOO much) and yk, Dick was raised by Bruce so yk.. pulling the mess that Young justice is, I feel like that’s when Dick had feelings for Wally. But Wally did try to move on and Artemis was a perfect distraction (not that Wally never loved her. He did, I find the ship quite cute but it ain’t my #1). Roy is sick and TIRED of seeing them pin for each other but they’re too blind to see. (😭) ofc, Wally “moved” on but Dick couldn’t quite do the same.. NOW
Edit: Bruce and Barry know each other and each other’s identity, don’t tell me why but it feels right and I’ve had this HC for so long.
[2] Wally’s death. (My personal hate.)
WALLY DIES. And he dies right after he and Dick fight. Dick ofc blames himself sense that’s HIS best friend and HIS long crush. He blames himself for not taking Wally sooner. He blames himself for not checking the outcomes that could’ve come so that they could’ve saved Wally. He blames himself for fighting Wally. He blames himself for basically everything that he couldn’t really change. (Other than confessing yk..) in the show it doesn’t even show anything ?? (Which sucks sense that’s literally his BEST FRIEND. Even platonic would’ve been fine. 🙄😒)
[3] Wally coming back.
My personally favorite, Wally coming back? Yes please. I’m not gonna get TOO much into it, might make another whole thing abt that BUT just so you know it was totally unpredictable and may be Bart’s fault.. (Wally was never mean to Bart, I REFUSE to think so. I also think he can talk super fast (and hear) but he’s also slow (not like comics)) but he meant well sense he literally brought him back
[4] the process of coming back.
noww, I think the flash family would kinda hide him, you might ask why? Let me tell you. That’s their Wally and he’s been gone for gods know long. (I don’t keep time well) and ofc, even in the speedthingy (forgot the name) he aged, sense that also confuse me. But yk, they hide him. But they can’t hide anything from Batman sense well.. HE’S BATMAN. So, when he show up (Wally) he’s super confused sense, new team?? New people?? Where his friends?? Where’s the mountain?? (Let’s say that if it was already destroyed before he left.. it wasn’t and I’m making HC, okay?) and yk, a lot of confusion.
[5] the meeting/reunion
Wally is just standing on Barry’s league chair while he and Bruce argue with each other. He’s bored Af but Barry told him to stay so he’ll listen. (For now.) that is until he hears a sharp breath and sense that someone is there. He turns around and sees Dick. Huh. Dick was there? (Loading screen appears right on his face) DICK WAS THERE?? He speed right there and jumps to give him a hug. “Dick!!” he yells excitedly and hugs him tightly. Dick literally has tears into his eyes (but has his mask so they don’t rlly see it) but hugs Wally back! They stay like that for a long time. On the ground. Hugging. I feel like Wally never had anyone with him and was always alone, how he hasn’t gotten crazy? Bro idk 🤷‍♀️
I’ll do another part with more but rn Im running out of time so like, yeah!! I’ll see you in the other part
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farewcllwanderlvst · 2 years
“Not supposed to do THAT.” Chains weren’t her weapon by choice, those were moreso knives and swords, nonetheless Cassandra was proficient in wielding them. It typically surprised her enemy and gave her a advantage in battle, this was the first time her opponent caught the chain. Not very fair of them. She glanced back at Dick to see if he had dispersed his opponent before looking at hers once more. | @creaturesofchaos​
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chiisana-lion · 7 months
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sherlocking-out-loud · 3 months
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I haven't seen this circulating here on Tumblr, so I decided to make my own post.
last saturday, in Porto, there was a pride parade going down the street and this old man was standing there, by his front door, waving the portuguese flag. most people on the parade probably thought the same: old person waving the national flag? he's probably protesting against the parade, he's a nationalist of some sort.
then the old man called for that person to come near him. the whole parade stopped. everyone just.. stopped moving. they didn't know what to expect, and most expected the worst. and that person decided to give him the benefit of the doubt and approached the old man. and then... they traded flags, he hugged the person and then he waved the pride flag happily. everyone cheered him.
such a wholesome moment. 🥹❤️🌈
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(edited to add the link to the video, in case the twitter post gets deleted or smth)
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wynsvre · 3 months
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hi this is a comic about me please be nice
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frownyalfred · 5 months
Tips for writing those gala scenes, from someone who goes to them occasionally:
Generally you unbutton and re-button a suit coat when you sit down and stand up.
You’re supposed to hold wine or champagne glasses by the stem to avoid warming up the liquid inside. A character out of their depth might hold the glass around the sides instead.
When rich/important people forget your name and they’re drunk, they usually just tell you that they don’t remember or completely skip over any opportunity to use your name so they don’t look silly.
A good way to indicate you don’t want to shake someone’s hand at an event is to hold a drink in your right hand (and if you’re a woman, a purse in the other so you definitely can’t shift the glass to another hand and then shake)
Americans who still kiss cheeks as a welcome generally don’t press lips to cheeks, it’s more of a touch of cheek to cheek or even a hover (these days, mostly to avoid smudging a woman’s makeup)
The distinctions between dress codes (black tie, cocktail, etc) are very intricate but obvious to those who know how to look. If you wear a short skirt to a black tie event for example, people would clock that instantly even if the dress itself was very formal. Same thing goes for certain articles of men’s clothing.
Open bars / cash bars at events usually carry limited options. They’re meant to serve lots of people very quickly, so nobody is getting a cosmo or a Manhattan etc.
Members of the press generally aren’t allowed to freely circulate at nicer galas/events without a very good reason. When they do, they need to identify themselves before talking with someone.
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magpie-to-the-morning · 3 months
I don’t WANT a career. I want to cuddle and sleep and eat and read and create and love and be loved.
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amygdalae · 6 months
he can infodump so deep inside me I'll have trivia running down my leg
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lilithism1848 · 10 months
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soaptaculart · 3 months
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The cat and the dad she said she "didn't want"
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tr-shb-g · 4 months
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"never too late to be who you might have been" by sara yukiko mon | still from i saw the tv glow, "there is still time"
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