agrebel18 · 1 year
Reblog if Darius Deamonne. 
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I feel like for the first few years of guardianship Darius and Hunter really struggle to figure out how to refer to each other.
Like it's easier for Hunter, he pretty quickly settles on "guardian" for explaining their relationship to other people and just referring to Darius by name when talking to the man himself. Overtime the phrasing gradually warms, becoming "foster parent" and eventually, once Hunter's already an adult old enough to move out, "Dad".
(Sidenote: he doesn't move out til he's in his mid to late twenties, bc he's under no obligation too, Darius low-key doesn't want him too, and the two of them want to make up for lost time in a sense, since Hunter only had 2 years of legal dependency on Darius before aging out of the system. Darius adopts Hunter retroactively as an adult)
Darius on the other hand has a real conundrum on his hands for those first few years. He has a lot of options! But "ward" is too formal and makes it sound like Darius picked him up off the street like after his parents were murdered, "apprentice/student" isn't really accurate considering the focus of Darius and Hunter's relationship has less to do with Hunter learning magic and more to do with Hunter being housed and fed. "Kid" and "foster son" are there...but...
Look, Darius isn't going to refer to Hunter more familiarly than Hunter refers to him! He's not gonna make it WEIRD. He's not a dad, because Hunter doesn't want/need him to be (and also parenthood is scary <3). Darius doesn't know the first thing about being a dad, despite how his friend group teases him.
Eda and Eberwolf are the two who are worst about it. They torture him with how 'fatherly' he's allegedly being (allegations Darius will DENY til his GRAVE!!!) And Eda specifically compares his journey to hers, saying it always starts off with you referring to them as your apprentice (again, Darius doesn't plan on doing that), as your roommate (...kinda weird in Darius' opinion? But okay Eda), or even your pet (????HELLO???). But eventually, they always become your dumb kid when you least expect it.
She's had a couple cups of appleblood by this point, but Darius knows on some level she's right and he's steadfastly ignoring that fact, even as Eber continues to refer to Hunter as his "cub" (kinda cute but Darius doesn't know how Hunter would feel being compared to an animal). The only people who are even remotely reasonable about all this (besides Lilith who's a bit disinterested in kid talk) is Raine and Alador, who both sort of neutrally, a bit awkwardly refer to Hunter as Darius' Boy.
Darius referring to Hunter as "my boy" is funnily enough what sticks the longest before it evolves to son boy. Hunter's crushing it at a derby match? Darius is whooping and cheering, yelling "THAT'S MY BOY!!!" At the other parents in the stands. Hunter is doing something dangerous or inadvisable where others can see him? "Darius, your boy-" "AHH! MY BOY". Hunter, a year into his stay with Darius finally comes clean about everything to do with him being a grimwalker, and is afraid that he's going to go back to seeing him as just an inferior replacement for Darius' beloved mentor? Darius (who has just had to process some of the most bonkers, emotionally heavy information in his life) gently, hesitantly puts a hand on his shoulder (the 'good' one Hunter doesn't mind people touching), and says that Hunter's much more than that. He's Darius' Boy and he's not going to kick him out or get angry or love him any less for things out of his control. It's good. They're good.
Like I said, it evolves over time and 'boy' becomes somewhat obsolete as the two get caught up in the joy of finally feeling able to explicitly refer to each other as family. But unlike "guardian" or "ward" the word never gets fully retired. Even when Hunter is 30 and is arguing that he's more of a man than a boy now, he is still getting referred to by Darius as "his boy", the way some parents never really stop calling their adult kids baby or kiddo (Camila and Eda respectively btw).
Hunter makes one of those corny matching shirt sets at some point for a father's Day gift when he's 17/18, where the two shirts say "if lost, return Boy to me" (Darius) and "I'm Boy" (Hunter). Hunter mostly did it so he could own a funny shirt that says "I'm boy". Darius openly weeps upon seeing them. Like Oh my Titan he's boy. He's my boy. Oh wow
#ramblings of a lunatic#the owl house#toh#hunter toh#darius deamonne#dadrius#made this instead of finishing my dadrius week day 1 comic. it's okay i have time#i think this post dips it's toes into being one of those 'part writing drabble/part textpost analysis' posts#which I'm okay w/ tbh i love those#i just hope it reads well#the important thing about dadrius + eberwolf to me is that it's just as unlikely a trio as King Eda and Luz are#just as weird and has just as gradual and retrospectively funny a journey as them#i also specified foster parent instead of adoptive parent just bc i read it in a fic once where Hunter was placed in isles foster care-#-post canon and he had a social worker who was a gargoyle named Chantelle. it was delightful#this is my homage to that. the fic was 'the titan laughs in flowers' i think (thank you user yardsards for the rec)#alador still gets the instinct to refer to Hunter as the golden guard and amity gets on his case about it#so referring to Hunter as darius' boy grew out of that and spread to raine who finds it kind of adorable#darius refers to hunter as his foster son for the first time when his (darius' i mean) family comes to visit#not as like a statement of anything they don't deny Hunter as a deamonne. they love him like they love a scraggly cat#but just like. it felt right for Darius in the moment and Hunter got emotional about it#anyway happy early dadrius week I'm rotating them in my mind I'm biting down on them like a chew toy etc etc
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chameleon66 · 6 months
Pushed down
Pairings: Alador x Darius
Words count: 1,586
Warning: Angst, abusive parents, Odalia, (Tell me if I need to add anything else)
Author’s note: This is my late christmas gift to you all, this also has no connection to any of my previous Fics and I may or may not post another new fic tomorrow we’ll see what happens. I was also thinking about maybe writing something not about the Owl house but maybe about other shows that I enjoy so we’ll see how everything works out.
“Alador, what's wrong? Why are you crying?”
“Nothing’s wrong Raine, I’m fine.”
“No you’re not Alador, come on you can tell me anything.”
“No I can’t.”
“Alador, you know you can trust me, I’m your friend.”
“Well, ok but swear you’ll never tell anyone.”
“Of course, anything said between us stays between us.”
“I…I-I broke up with Darius today.”
“What! Why? You both are crazy about each other.”
“My parents arranged a marriage for me with Odalia and I don’t marry her then they swore to make sure Darius will never get into the Abomination coven and that’s been Darius’s dream forever. what kind of person would I be if I let that happen?”
“Why didn’t you just tell Darius that?”
“I didn’t think of that, but now it’s too late Darius probably won’t even breathe in my direction now.”
“...Well Alador you might just have to try.”
“What's the point? I’ll still have to marry Odalia and you swore you wouldn’t tell anyone.”
“Ok, you’re right Alador, I gave you my word so I won’t tell anyone.”
“Thanks Raine.”
Despite the fact this conversation happened over thirty years ago Raine still remembered it. Well more like they remembered it after they started the rebellion with Eberwolf and Darius and Darius was always talking about ‘That hack’ A.K.A Alador.
On the outside their rivalry might have looked childish or just driven by jealousy but for Raine who knew the actual backstory of the two it was actually quite heartbreaking to watch.
But Raine was a witch of their word so they at the time just listened to Darius rant about Alador. Even if Darius wouldn’t admit it to Raine or anyone else, they could still see Darius still had some kind of feelings towards Alador but most likely just tried to bury them away and turn them into spite towards him.
Now with the death of Belos the Boiling isles had returned to something near normal. There was now a permanent portal between the Demon realm and the Human realm, Raine had gotten back together with Eda, Alador had divorced Odalia and he was now working on an invention that could remove coven sigils with Raine and Darius helping him work on it.
Darius was still trying to act like he didn’t care for Alador but Raine regnonized the way that Darius would look at Alador when they were both working as the same look that he’d look at Alador with when they were dating.
Maybe if Darius wasn’t so bitter about the break up they would actually happen but that would mean some one who knew why Alador broke up with Darius (Raine) would have to tell Darius and Raine gave Alador their word and they didn’t want to break Alador’s trust.
Raine needed Advice from someone who was stable, rational and had self-control.
Darius arrived at Alador’s lab with Raine, though Darius was the old one talking, Raine was being very quiet. Alador also took note of this but let the thought go and continued on with his work. By lunch Darius had enough of the silent treatment and asked.
“Raine, are you ok? You’ve been awfully quiet.”
Raine’s arms stiffened and he looked away but still nervously answered. “I’m ok.”
Alador took the initiative and spoke next. “So why have you been so quiet all day?”
Raine pressed their lips together as their eyes darted around the room, this silence lasted only a few seconds though.
“I accidentally drank a vial of blabber serum instead of my migraine medicine this morning and I”ve been trying to avoid talking all day because I don’t want to say something that wasn’t meant to be said out loud.” Raine blurted out all in one breath.
Darius and Alador looked at eachother then back at Raine. “That’s all.” Darius shrugged, “Raine come on, you're an open book, you don’t have any secrets to spill.”
“Actually I know a lot of secrets.” Raine’s expression conveyed a look of hesitation and embarrassment by the blush on their face. “Like Hunter’s secret fear of thunderstorms, that time I caught Eberwolf sleep walking through the castle, why Alador broke up with you, Eda’s unpaid tab for apple blood at-.”
“Hang on, hang on, hang on, back up.” Darius held out his hands in a stopping motion easing Raine to silence themself. “Did you just say why Alador broke up with me?”
“Yes.” Raine answered back to Darius, Darius glanced back at Alador who was frozen like a deer in headlights on the freeway. Darius turned back to Raine with a hint of a flush on his face. And then came the million dollar question past his lips.
“Raine, why did Alador break-up with me?”
Alador began shaking his head back and forth vigorously at Raine but it was of no use.
“Alador’s parents were forcing him to marry Odalia and he didn’t want to but when he said no they swore to make sure you’d never get accepted into the Abomination coven and Alador knew how much that meant to you, so he broke up with you and the only reason I know is because I found him crying in the bathroom and I promised that I wouldn’t tell anyone.” Raine’s voice was squeaky through his explanation and after they were finished talking they shut their eyes tightly unwilling to look at the two witches.
Darius’s world went blank for a minute, after the break up Darius had always looked at that snake (Odalia) and wondered how Alador could be so blind to her abuse and manipulation. Why had he chosen to be with her when he and Alador were happy together? This led Darius into thinking that he wasn’t good enough and that was a burden he had to fight for a long time.
But it turned out that Alador didn’t break up with him because he didn’t love him quite the opposite. Alador broke up with him because he loved him and wasn’t selfish enough to hold him back from his dreams just because he wanted to be with him even if that just made things worse for him in his life.
He had done it all for him, endured all of those years with Odalia for him.
“Alador?” Darius looked back to Alador who’s eyes were fixated on the ground and his right hand was fisted in the fabric of his coat and the blush was clear on his face. Darius sighed, they couldn’t go on like this. Something had to change.
“Raine?” Raine’s eyes opened to look at Darius and he waited for Darius to speak again. “Can you give us a minute?” Darius’s eyes darted to the door then back at Raine.
“I’ll go make myself some tea.” Raine quietly excused themself and quickly walked out of the room.
Darius turned on his heels to face Alador who still refused to look at him, Darius knew that it was now or never and took a deep but silent breath then spoke softly to Alador.
“Is what Raine said true? About you breaking up with me?” Darius knew it was a dumb question but needed it to be confirmed for him to fully believe it.
“Yeah it’s true.” Alador admitted. “I’m sorry, I just didn’t want you to be held back.” Alador blinked a few times, probably trying to disguise the tears in his eyes but Darius had already taken note of them.
“Don’t apologize Al.” Alador froze, Darius hadn’t called him that nickname in so many years. “You’ve really just wanted me to be happy, even after we broke up?” Darius felt his throat tighten as he finished his sentence.
“It wasn’t easy but I knew how much being in the Abomination coven meant to you and I also figured you’d find someone new, sooner or later.” Tears were now rolling down Alador’s cheek yet he was trying to wipe them away.
Darius acting on pure impulse took both of Alador’s hands in his and spoke again. “What if I don’t want to find someone new, I like what I already have.” Darius watched a flush made its way up Alador’s face “or at least what I used to have.” Darius added.
Alador’s face was now bright red; his eyes quickly went from Darius’s eyes to his lips then back down to the floor. “I…I still…love you too, Dar.” Alador mumbled and Darius smiled hearing his old nickname.
Darius leaned into Alador and captured his lips in a tender kiss, even after all these years the kiss still felt familiar, the way Darius’s hand fonded through Alador’s hair while the other rested in Alador’s hand, it all just felt so comforting and like home.
The next day at work Alador and Darius told Raine they were going to try again and Raine couldn’t have been happier for them.
But Raine really needed to hand it to Hooty, they had not thought that his insane plan would work.
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oryoucouldhavemine · 1 year
TOH Headcanon Dump Post
(Mostly the De-lights because i write them the most lmao)
surprisingly tall but like in a lanky "towers over everyone" way except he has terrible posture
gets overwhelmed with sound, light, people, basically everything if it was unexpected he's probably overwhelmed
Darius is his dad but Raine and Eberwolf are like, honorary parents at this time. Eda and Camila are more like the really close aunts he always visits to me, idk i dont see Eda being a parental figure that works for him (Luz however that is her daughter fr fr)
has lots of scars from Belos trying to "teach him a lesson" about bravery and such and Hunter doesnt think anything about it until hes like changing and Darius does a drama queen dramamgic gasp, hand over chest while leaning against a wall for support
HATES tight clothing, its too restricting he enjoys oversized and loose clothes. in the human world, luz introduces him to skirts and hunter is like "WHY WOULD ANYONE NOT WEAR A SKIRT THEYRE AMAZING"
he also likes purses he thinks theyve gotta be magical or something
touch-starved but has loving friends and family who are here to help him through it
discovers fire trucks and engines in the human world and despises the boiling isles for NOT HAVING THEN WHY DONT THEY HAVE THEM THEYRE SO COOL????
ADHD + genderqueer (p sure both are canon)
SHE WOULD LOVE NEO/XENO PRONOUNS theyd have sm fun with chosing ones
Loves to dress masc and fem and soemtimes combine them in asburd ways but she always surprisingly makes the outfit work
wants a guinea pig farm. no, NEEDS a guinea pig farm. She wants to name them all after her favourite book characters and sew them tiny outfits to match she would KILL a man for a guinea pig farm
considera hunter her older brother and looks up to him a lot
LOVES her gf would also kill a man for her she is the light of her life. luz tries to do grand romantic cheesy gestures like writing amity poems or getting her a massive bouquet of flowers but something ALWAYS goes wrong (amity loves all the gestures regardless)
luz's favourite colour is purple (because of amity ofc)
she HAS to sleep either sprawled out taking up every inch of the bed possible or curled up and swadled like a little baby there is no inbetween
very tactile if luz isnt hugging someone there might me something wrong
im cutting this short i could make fifty posts about luz hcs alone
autistic + sapphic
npw that shes free from her mom, she LOVES to be imperfect, she gets happy whenever she fails a test or a spell because shes ALOWED to be imperfect now
she and hunter did NOT get along at first like even post-s3 they didnt mesh well but they both care for Luz they had to get over it (and now theyre practically ever apart)
admired lillith even more now, she thinks lillith is like, THE COOLEST person in the world but feels akward telling her
has poor circulation so she gets cold really easily
whenever shes stressed or worried, shell pull at two strands of her hair next to her face and like twirl or pull on them to ground herself
unlabelled he/they
brags about having gone to the human realm to anyone who will listen
considers himself an expert on human things despite barely actually knowing anything human
loves playing pranks but is literally terrible at them but everyone humors him and acts surprised (he knows theyre acting)
once took a human SAT just to see if he could and got a higher score than Camila got on hers and she calls him Boy Genius for it
like in Flyer Derby, hes really good at a lot of sports but he plays untraditionally. hes always underestimated by the other team but then ends up scoring all the winning points
hes a silly little guy love him
her comfort person is hunter, she feels strong all the time but it weighs on her and hunter makes her feel strong even at her weakest moments
she likes to knot and crochet! she picked it up in the human world and she finds it so calming and fun except it took her a bit before she actually got the hang of it (she made like five sweaters that had three arms but in her defense!!! she knows a lot of creatures and beings with three arms!!!)
works out! not necessarily to get strong but because working out makes her feel accomplished
amity has been trying out new hairstyles and Willow loves being Amity's pracitce head. You can barely ever find willow without some sort of fancy braid or bun hairstyle nowadays
she wants a horse. shes not actually sure what a horse IS but she wants one
super sweet to every new person she meets until they mess with her friends then she is the scariest person alive
OCD + gay
he discovers what drag queens are and becomes obsessed
"a place for everything and everything in its place" hehas harsh rules about what does where and gets easily upset if his system is ruined
he DESPISES "if you hate messes so much whyd you pick the messiest magic to learn" comments because how DARE you insinuate that abomination matter (PART OF WHAT HE IS!) is ANYTHING like mud its actually very disrespectful of you to think so he says
he and alador had a falling out in their later years of school and to cover up the hurt, darius will argue and tease him but deep down he really just misses him
at the start of him trying to care for hunter, he refuses to admit that he is like a father to him. anytime eda or raine call him a dad, he'll go out of his way to try and prove hes NOT (cut to five months layer when hes legally adopted hunter and they meecilessly tesse him)
acts like eberwolf is the biggest inconvience hes ever met but would kill anyone who tries to harm them (and hed rather die than tell them that)
does things in threes, he doesnt even notice he does it at this point but he'll like rub his hands together three times, tie his hair up with three twists, eat three waffles for breakfast, and when smth isnt in threes it feels verry OFF to him
queer + autistic
very fixated on his work, he needs to be constantly creating and if he isnt creating then hes falling behind and if hes falling behind its the end of the world
doesnt know how to properly show affection, his parents had been pretty strict and neglectful so he doesnt know how to properly show his kids that he loves and cares for them
NOT a tactile person at all. don't touch him and DEFINTELY dont touch him without permission. he has very few people who are exceptions (his kids and Darius) and even then there are limits
hates the feeling of showering so hes a bigger bath person despite darius telling him thats not an effective way to get clean
he has like eighty pairs of the exact same outfit because its the only texture he can stand
darius and his falling out was due to his parents telling him darius was dragging him down and he itched him in an attempt to make his parents proud. he deeply regrets his choice everyday (they fix their shit eventually)
he DOES have a favourite kid but he refuses to tell them such
bisexual + autistic + transmasc
this man gets NO BITCHES none zero trying to find a partner is borderline IMPOSSIBLE for some unknown reason
he runs on a schedule and if something breaks the schedule no matter how small it can ruin his whole day
vrry open with his emotions. he will tell you right away if youre bothering him or did something to upset him
WHY THE HELL IS SCHOOL SO HARD he despises english because why are all answers right and wrong he loves math because there is only one right answer but its still a tricky subject for him
his biggest fear is dying alone he hates being alone its the worst thing ever
WHY IS MAGIC TRICKY AS WELL WHY IS EVERYTHING SO HARD? hes getting better though and hes really good at beastkeeping
clingy emotionally and physically he needs the constant reassurance that people are there and care for him and hes close to his sister and tends to stick to her like glue
bisexual + AuDHD + transfem
when she and edric were younger and realised they were both trans they just switched names and clothes and it took ten years for their parents to notice the switch
RSD [Rejection Senstive Dysphoria] she hates that she has it because someone can say smth as simple as "sorry i cant make it my grandma died" and she'll start thinking of a million different reasons why that person actually just hates her (shes communicated this with her siblings though and they do their best to commincate clearly back with her that no they dont hate her at all)
SO MANY BITCHES people fall at her feet they swoon when she walks by but NONE of them are her type its terrible!!!!
loves her little sister but doesnt know how to show her love through any other way outside merciless teasing
she loves her brother, she does, she just wants to be her own person outside him, to be able to turn around and not see him two feet behind her
loves english and the fact you can make any wrong answer right with enough arguing and debate. math is her least favourite subject WHY THE HELL IS IT SO HARD
has years of detention stacked up but has not attended a single day (she got suspended for a week because of it and was just like YAYYY FREE VACATION!)
will sometimes just sit in her dads workshop while he works and watch in silence because she likes hanging out with people but knows alador cant focus with sound. its both of their favourite times
lesbian + nonbinary
post-s3 runs a music therapy group where they teach people how to play instruments or how listening to music can greatly help their mental health
has been in love with eda since their breakup, they never stopped loving her and would watch from the sidelines with terror as wanted signs got hung up around the BI for years
doesnt mind dressing fem or masc but prefers the more androgynous outfits
has watched hunter from the sidelines and tried to protect them from a distance but could only do so much. post-HM raine goes out of their way to make sure hunter is safe
sees luz as a sort of step daughter and then promptly panics over that realisation for a whole day
gets flustered really easily like why is everything so embarrassing what the hell
very agile, can do backflips and stuff
Unlabelled + he/they
COULD JOT STAND DARIUS AT FIRST darius and eber did NOT get along in their early years of being covenheads but then eventually learned they were both rebels and got closer now theyre kind of like begruding brothers
could kill a man in their sleep and has
loves being dirty, mud is so much fun why doesnt everyone roll around in the mud more?
has also watched hunter from afar for years, hunter used to be sent out on overnight missions into the woods and stuff and eber would follow along and protect hunter so he could focus on his mission and not random forest creatures trying to kill him
Most of these are based on my dadrius series and stuff so if you enjoyed these hcs uou should go read my fics (KaztielCS118 on ao3!!! used to be Im_Basically_Shakespeare but i changed it recently)
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dazeddoodles · 6 months
hey heads up open talk of sexual (raedius) things in here I love polycule dynamics where its either two allos one ace or two aces and one allo darius is someone who's asexual but only disgusted by sexual activities if it involves himself. if it involves eda and raine he is very supportive the way any partner would be for their lovers - including gifting them "bedroom toys" - he'd never partake in sex himself as an asexual but that wont stop him from being a supportive wife raine & eda absolutely destroying each other meanwhile darius is in the other room happy as can be doing self care - eating snacks - sewing some new stuffed animals for his room and playing his favorite show at full volume taking a nap all at the same time - absolute heaven for her bc she loves her alone time then afterwards raine and eda are done and darius gets even more excited because aftercare time!! (yippie!) and he'll actually join in most of the time it'll just be the 3 of them having a fancy bubble bath together - raine & eda are often too tired to prepare it bc of how much they exhausted their bodies out but darius is full of energy and very giddy (for reasons discussed below) and this is where the "whore in the asexual way" part comes in; Darius is an absolutely whore for any physical affection - like he needs affection. As soon as they're all in the bath Darius is stuck like glue to them for the rest of the night. Kisses, cuddles, pet names, compliments, etc. All of them will praise each others' bodies in a way that isn't really sexual but rather simple love & admiration - especially Darius. Raine is mostly silent (eda exhausted them so much LMFAO) while eda and darius are playing with each other's hair as they clean each other up Also also - Darius has two forms of affection that he ended up getting from eberwolf (and possibly impulses & instincts from his abomination form bleeding through) which is - nuzzling his face against his loved ones' face, playfully biting them, and sniffing them aggressively - he can identify where raine & eda is just from their scent even when they're far away once aftercare is done they all pile into the nest and pass tf out - the next day raine & eda are well rested, still a bit sore and woozy from last night, but overall feel very satisfied while darius is feeling well rested, and very refreshed, but maybe a little bit lazy - he just wants to keep cuddling with his amazing partners for just a little longer <3 I love raedius - rant over
We love to see Allo and Ace romantic relationships working out
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Headcannons for Darius, Eberwolf, and Hunter as a family
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Darius and Eberwolf already lived together (well truth be told mostly Darius spends nights there. Eberwolf shifts between out door campsites, and the house’s basement when the weather is to cold/hot/stormy) in an older house just outside of bonesborough, and inside the country. They like the quiet of it. They clear an extra room out for Hunter and offer to help him with setting it up and decorating.
As soon as he can Darius drags Hunter to the healing coven get his scars looked at, find out what kind of medicine they need, and if their are any cosmedics that will iritate them. You best believe Hunter is getting a crash course on skin treatment from Darius.
Darius also takes Hunter to get some new cloths. Hunter at first tells Darius he doesn’t need him to because Camila already took him to earth “thrift stores” for cloths
When he shows his new cloths to Darius, and lets him see all the mismatching colors and clashing patterns, Darius has to bite his tounge and forces a smile as he comments that it still looks Hunter only has a few outfits, and could use some more. He also suggests they look for plainer cloths that’s colors will maybe match what Hunter already has, or that Hunter can sew designed onto.
The last part actually turns into a really nice continuation of the sewing lessons they already bonded over at the castle between ASIAS and HM. Darius helps Hunter work on formatting and spacing his designs. Hunter starts telling Darius everything he learns about this awesome earth concept called “cause play”.
Hunter is quick to decide he wants to learn Eberwolf’s language, which delights Eberwolf because apart Darius and Raine few witches have ever made an attempt to
Eberwolf does most of the cooking in the house. Yes when they eat meat it is often very fresh. He will let Hunter help sometimes with side dishes or setting the table. No Hunter does not have to help clean or gut kills. Like Darius Hunter perfers to not even be in the room while Eber is doing that
Eberwolf will also allow Hunter to come with him to his stables and help take care of the beast he keeps there. Hunter decides he wants to learn to Ratrace after hearing Boscha smugly brag about winning a race. Hunter wants to learn to to race on the big, scarred ratworm that Eberwolf brought on the mission in ER. Eberwolf growls at him that that worm is a rescue, from a really abusive situation, and does not trust anyone except for Eber himself on top of it. He points Hunter to a smaller, more gentle ratworm to learn riding with. Hunter listens to Eberwolf, but makes befriending the scarred ratworm a personal goal afterwards.
Hunter also gets the mistaken idea that Eberwolf must be really slow, because he is always riding everywhere either on one of his worm creatures, or On Darius’s shoulders. Darius learns Hunter thinks this first and just laughs and says “well what can you do? He is to suborn to improve”.
After that Hunter goes to Eberwolf and tells him that speed is important and Eber should start joining him, Darius, and Willow on runs in the early mornings. That is how Hunter finds out Eberwolf is actually the fastest out of all the former coven heads. His reason for hitching rides so often is in fact due more to his small size and wanting to see over peoples heads.
Oh yeah Willow comes by before for school, so she and Hunter can work out together. Darius makes changes to his sleep/morning schedule to make sure he is up too. Even if Hunter and Willow are generally trustworthy individuals, he remembers what teenagers can be like, and does not like the idea of Willow and Hunter being completely alone together.
Willow’s is as nervous to properly meet Darius and Eberwolf for the first time as Hunter is to meet her dad’s. She tries to bring them flowers to make a good impression. When she tries to give them the flowers they both back away, Eberwolf starts hissing. Through his cloak Darius impassively tells her that he is allergic to pollen, and that the type of flowers in her hands also happen to be poisonous to Eberwolf’s species. The Flowers quickly go in the trash and Willow is certain she has messed up both first and any impression the pair will ever have.
Willow cannot understand Eberwolf, and Darius is his usually stoic self throughout dinner, so neither really alleviate Willow’s concerns. At the school the next day though Hunter excitedly tell Willow that after she left they remarked that she seems like a very nice girls, and that Darius said he was impressed by how neat and tidy she is.
When Hunter first moves in he ask for the house rules. Darius tells him the basics. No shoes worn in the house, wash dishes after eating, do not leave your things out in the open. Bed rooms, which include yours, are a private space and no one will go into them without your permission. Keep your scroll on you when you go out encase you need to call us or vise versa
After Hunter has lived with them for a short time, and they learn just how foreign a concept relaxation is to Hunter, Darius has to give him some new rules. You need to be home by this hour and in bed by this hour. Do not try and get up in the morning until this hour 7-9 hours later. Eating three meals a day IS required. We are going to carve two hours out of every day for mandatory down time, during which time you are need to find something relaxing to do. That is not training, school work, or rebuilding plans for the isles. Hunter uses relaxing time to work on sewing, carving , or geeking out over cosmic frontier.
Because of the current state of the isles school moves first to online, then to partially online partially in person. Hunter is allowed to come with Darius and Eberowlf to work on clean up and repairs to the isles. They also give permission for him to attend therapy with Luz (Luz goes to Therapy in the demon realm because no human therapist will understand what “gliphs” or “tricked by belos” means) and to research alternative ways of using magic with Luz and the Clawthorne sister, (thank you to the poster who told me that Hunter does not infact have a bowl-sack after TTT and can only do the teleportation trick).
It seems like in the time skip Darius and Eberwolf become police, for keeping supporters of Belo’s form of tyrannical government from trying to bring it back. I also notice that they do not have Hunter with them while on the job. I imagine that he wanted to join them on that, and tried to pitch a fit at not being allowed. But they told him very firmly “No. This is dangerous work. Being a teenager is your job now”
Generally Darius and Eberwolf will have set their schedules so that one of them can be home with Hunter, or are only both working when Hunter is out. Sometimes they will both have to be away overnight, or for a couple days at a time though. Then Hunter will sleep over either at the Noceda residence, or the Porters.
 One time when they come back home early from what was supposed to be an overnight trip only to find out that instead of going to the Porters house like he said, Hunter invited the hexsquad and EE’s to a house party, which totally trashed the living room. They send everybody home, and Darius angerly yells at Hunter to clean up this mess and that he is grounded indefinitely. Hunter cleans the mess and then goes to his room to text some of the adults he visits houses that he thinks he needs a new place to stay
Darius gets several messages on his scroll wanting to know what happened, and why he is kicking out Hunter. He explains what he came home to, and that he is not kicking Hunter out of the house, he has just grounded him. Because this is the first time Darius has ever had to ground Hunter, he is honestly not even sure what he is supposed to do to ground him. Once they understand the situation the other parents are happy to give Darius some suggestions based on how they will be grounding their kids for lying about their whereabouts and sneaking off to an unsupervised party.
Darius later goes up to Hunter’s room and tells him that he is not being thrown out. He and Eberwolf love having him here and will never do that to Hunter. But that lying to him is wrong and its also dangerous for Hunter to stay in the house alone at night. What if someone got hurt, or somebody tried to break in? Yes Belos used to leave Hunter alone in unsafe environments, but that was one more thing Belos did wrong. He finished by saying that Hunter will have extra house chores and an earlier nighttime curfew for the next two weeks, but that is going to be the extent of grounding.
Darius and Eberwolf go to all of Hunters Flyer Durby games once teams start back up.
 Before carving waffles Hunter uses Darius’s palisman (The mini abomination thing Darius hid in his hair). Darius does not fly anymore (teleporting is faster and poses less risk of wrinkled cloths or bugs in his teeth) So Hunter reasons that he is not replacing Flapjack, he’s just helping gooey get to have a little more fun and activity in his life.
When Hunter tells them he wants to be a palisman carver, and has been asking Luz and Amity to get Eda and Lilith to recommend him as a student to Dell, Darius and Eberwolf help him create a pitch and practice interviews. This turns out to be over preparing. When Dell learns Hunter wants to learn the trade his only concern is if Hunters scars are anything like his and weather or not they impact his mobility.
Hunter calls Darius and Eberwolf by their first names, and that is also what he refers to them as in conversations. But eventually he gets to where he starts introducing them to people as his father and his Patruus (Latin for paternal uncle). Darius and Eberwolf love this.
Hunter is sad to learn that kids are supposed to move out of their parents house at or shortly after turning 18. He never had a real home or family until he was 16, and does not want to leave it after only 2 years. When Darius and Eberwolf learn this they tell him that he is welcome to stay with them as long as he wants.
Hunter lives with Darius and Eberwolf until he and Willow become engaged, then they get their own apartment close enough for both their families to visit.
Darius and Alador become friends again during the rebuilding of the isles, but do not start dating until after all their children have become adults. Emira and Hunter are the first two to learn about their dads being a couple. One day Hunter goes to hang out with his friends to find Amity distressing because her dad has just told her he has been dating someone for a while now, and wants to do a dinner between their two families. Alador did not say who his boyfriend is, Ed does not know, Em does but will not say who,  just that “I’ve seen him at work. He can be pretty alright”. What does that mean? He is dating Amity’s dad, and his last partner after all was Odalia!
Hunter laughs, puts his hand around Amity’s shoulders, and tells her that he is sure things will be alright and her dad’s new boyfriend is not someone she will ever have to be sacred of. When Amity see’s Hunter at the restaurant, and learns that Darius is who her Dad is now dating, she informs Hunter that she will get him for not telling her so earlier.
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thousand-winters · 5 months
Do you think Hunter has any extra attributes due to being a grimwalker? Like his teeth are sharper than the average witches or his eyes shine if a light is shined in them etc
I have two answers for this.
I get the feeling that in canon he wasn't intended to have any "unusual" traits or anything of the sort, the formula to make the grimwalkers probably ends up mixing into the closest being to a witch/demon you can have, without the bile sac, unless that's a Caleb specific thing since he was a human. There are a lot of unanswered questions when it comes to the grimwalkers, honestly.
Which is why my actual answer is yes. Because we really don't know exactly how grimwalkers work and it's the more fun option so that's usually the assumption I work with. Because why not.
It honestly depends what I'm thinking the headcanons for, a casual discussion, a fic... it's one of those things for me that's like "whatever works for this specific thing I'm doing but I can change it for another".
In general, I like to think that because he's sort of a mix when it comes to witchy and human traits, he needs a diet that includes food from the demon and the human realm. He can go without one of those but to be the most healthy he needs both.
The eyes are a really fun one as well, I do like to imagine they reflect the light, especially because along with Darius in his abomination form and Eberwolf with those glowing eyes of theirs, they end up being a family with unsettling eyes in the dark and Hunter probably would have such a blast with that. They're not family by blood but precisely because of that, it's more fun to him that they share a trait like that.
If he also had sharper teeth than whatever is the norm for witches, Eber could help him with that. He probably would need to get some chew toys, I imagine, especially if it's a trait that developed a bit later because before all the energy and nutrients his body got had to go to him surviving instead of developing properly, considering how his needs were going neglected.
I love the headcanon too that he gets particularly sleepy when someone scratches the back of his ears justs like the stonesleepers, except he doesn't actually turn to stone, he's just as hard to move as it once he falls asleep over someone like that. Very useful trick when for whatever reason he's having trouble sleeping, especially since he really has to make up for years of sleeping as little as possible.
That he has an easier time connecting with palismen (not bonding properly like witches do with their unique palismen, just befriending them) is also a good one, though very bittersweet, especially if he notices only after he's out of the Coven, because he's already going to be thinking about all those palismen he handed to Belos and feeling guilty and now he's gonna realize they might have had an affinity with him and then if they were aware enough at the moment, that probably made them trust him. And then... well. As a palisman carver that would be a boon though.
Oh! And can't forget the good old HC that he might be more resistant to boiling water. I figure he wouldn't have as high of a resistance as an actual selkidomus, but still higher than the average witch, so he can't be careless about it but he doesn't have too worry to death if he ever gets caught for a bit on the Boiling Rain and such. It doesn't keep Darius from having a couple of big frights there.
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inconspicouslurker · 7 months
do you have favourite ships for the owl house?
*edit a little because I forgot a small explanation. 12/10/23)
I enjoy pretty much everyone but I really enjoy Darius and Alador. There really so little we know about them as individuals so its fun to imagine what they be like. But I think they fit so well together and they will make each other happy. With most characters I'm already satisfied because they are already together and are happy ever after. With these two, they are mysterious individuals and the ship is only semi implied. I know you don't need to be with someone to be happy and yadda yadda yadda, but I think most people are saps for people coupling. I am also more interested in the potential of a relationship then when one is actually established. I love the slow build ups and such.
Darius for the most part would pair well with any adult/ HagSquad character including the poly pairings. Except I don't see him being with Eda alone in a relationship, so him being a poly with Raeda.I don't want to break up a canon relationship (Raeda) either. We don't know much about Perry but I imagine they get along really well. The same goes with Camila. Lilith is out as its canon she a big nope on these things. I know the fanbase have mix feelings about Alador but I'm huge Darius and Alador as a couple.
Some people say the time skip and that near kiss was random but it wasn't. There was small clues that Darius always cared about Alador the entire time.
First clue is the name hack. Darius as far I can tell, only give little pet names to characters he fond of but delivered in a almost condescending way. I believe he trying to remain distance from the people he cared for. He worked in the castle where everyone was cutthroat and backstabbing. He does not want his 'weakness' be shown or used against him. So he refers to his love ones with derogatory names to appear uncaring towards them. Alador: Hack Eberwolf: Mutt Hunter: Little prince Raine: Songbird Eda: The Owl Beast....okay thats not really a nickname but it is a title he can refer to.
The other clues is him muting Alador on pentagram, instead of deleting. As much of a front Darius gives about "loathing" Alador he still follows him and and silently checks up on Alador by the updates. If he truly didn't give a damn about Alador, he would have simply deleted him. Out of sight, out of mind. I have to rewatch to conform but I think Darius only muted Alador to keep himself from commenting a snarky reply (an act from Darius to insure Alador safety. He can't have anyone think he likes him, he NEEDS to have people think he hates Alador so Alador is not placed in danger or used against him, especially so close to the DoU). Darius may suspect Belos starting to have suspicions at his point as Raine, a covenhead, has already turned against him. Darius can sense Belos scrutiny on all his Covenheads since then and Darius can not fail. So Darius refrain from his usual cattiness of replies and opted to remain silent. It was safer to ignore Alador then put on an act that the Emperor might see though as he scrutinize his Covenheads.
I know there was another clue but for the life of me I can not think of it at this moment.
I agree with the fanbase, Darius could do better then Alador, but Darius is absolutely what Alador needs in a partner. Darius would make a great partner to anyone. You know this man will treat anyone so well, respected and be patient. He the type that would treat himself to something and would make damn sure he gotten two to share with his partner. I want Alador to be alone for while (aside from kids). We know he been with Odalia right off the bat, so Alador never been on his own before. It was under his parent rule then straight to Odalias. He needs to figure out to be on his own two feet and rediscover who he is and what he wants while making his OWN decisions. Which I'm positive he'll struggle with but its something he needs. You know this man is struggling (beside emotionally) with everyday adulting. He never had to focus on paying paying bills as it was always been handle by anyone but him. He probably forgotten about bills until the lights were turned off and it left his scratching his head until his one of kids point to the mountain of unopened mail, mostly past due bills.
I was happy with the time skip that Alador is at least alone and trying. I was not thrilled of the vacant expression with Darius he had in the time skip which made me pause. I really wish they made Alador smile instead of staring blankly. But I have my own little headcanons to explain to satisfy my wishfulness. First of all, I do think Alador needs a hit on the head and things spelled out to him when it comes to feelings, particular feelings of love directed at him.
The second part is, I think Alador was brought on a compulsory heterosexauality. (I know that term is used mostly for lesbians) I know this is a huge stretch as the Boiling Isle so open on identity and sexuality. But I have a feeling Alador life has always been strict. He was brought up similar to his children or stictor which is why he puts up little fight or arguments as his opinions are generally valued lowly. Sheer exhaustion his a huge part of that as well. I been overworked for a solid month every year to the point of just not caring. I know what its like. You want to care but you had so little time yourself, so little in fact that you don't even have enough time to sleep and eat. It affects your mental state. You are trying to care and listen but you already running on fumes and barely functioning as is so you just become barely aware outside from what's needed for work, numb and your focus is very limited.
But going back to point, Aldor may been brought up as compulsory heterosexauality. He was made to think hes straight or didn't have a choice while he was young before he had any sexual awakenings and never really question it. I'm fairly certain his marriage is arranged, so there was no point on exploring that part of himself when he was already been promised to someone. Remember how being a pre teen and teen that emotions were wild and confusing? Now, imagine that and being Alador who was more then likely told to suppress his emotions to uphold a Blight image and appearences. I don't think he would have much emotional intelligence, especially as a boy. So if he did, had feelings for the same gender, he probably would come up some weird explanation to himself that particular fondness, isn't what it is and come up with some excuse to himself what it could be and just ignore it. So in that near kiss, Alador brain short circuited and gears started to move. He was processing his possibly new sexuality that maybe he isn't only straight? It was his gay/Bi awakening. Not only that, he processing the thought he can indulge in that exploration now. That's my take on that scene anyways for me to have Darius and Alador to happen.
I need it to happen because I know they would make each other happy. They are so opposite in so many ways but strangely complementary, like a yin yang. Alador needs someone like Darius. Darius will still take charge which Alador prefers and actually needs. Alador is too lax so he needs to be lead around and have someone set up some type of disciplined lifestyle. Unlike Odaila, Darius will asked Alador opinions or thoughts and listen and consider them in decision making instead of bossing and ordering Alador around. Hell, just the simple act of Darius listening to Alador is something Alador needed. We all saw Alador trying to bring up hesitantly the subject of having second thoughts and reconsidering the deal with Belos before Odalia responded with threat. I take that and assumed most discussions are similar when he talks to Odalia. Darius will make Alador feel heard which is something he hasn't felt often since being best friends with Darius at school. Darius will also make sure Alador is taking care of. Including him in self care days. Alador reluctantly enjoys them, and enjoy them more as they slowly become routined.
*Side note* I know people think Alador had a lot more say in things and is more 'equal' with Odalia because he managed to talk Odalia to keeping her deal with Amity. I think otherwise. I believe he mostly unaware when it came to his children.But he tried to help out when he can without making it worse or when he not being threatened or blackmailed. It was clear that Odalia in charge and threatens Alador into submission. Yes Odalia listen to Alado in Escaping Expulsion but I think Alador had an opportunity to help his children and seized it by choosing his words carefully. He spoke exactly in a way that Odalia would respond positively to and goals she striving for. "She getting stronger....maybe strong enough to be a covenhead someday..." and left her with that thought. It was something Odalia wanted and he used it to have her back down.
Now, I know most people are thinking...why Darius, a near perfect man who probably can have anyone, because even a straight man cant deny all of that, would be interested in Alador. I understand, because I think it too. I have a few headcanons on that.
First of all, I think Darius is Demisexual. His color scheme are nearly ace colors and his first outfit even had diamond shape on it. I know the outfit doesn't mean anything. It not like everyone walks around with their pride colors as their everyday wear. But someone as fine as Darius, did not appear to have much interest in relationships except for that time skip. So if Darius is Demi and Alador being one of the strongest bonds he had made in his lifetime may stir deeper feelings.
Darius also hadn't made many deep connections since his school days and Eber (brotherly affection). The last one being the previous Golden Guard, which I believe he had feelings for. We know that ended in tragedy. Darius knew it was suspicious death that more than likely spun his question Belos and started a rebellion. But the previous Golden Guard death also made Darius become strict with keeping a distance with people (Part of which is a broken heart) while not showing who he cares for. So he not allowing himself to bond with anyone therefore keeping him from forming an interested in anyone. So, this may have cause him to have lingering thoughts and get stuck on Alador from time to time when longing for a connection. Since Alador is the strongest bond he felt and had an attraction to beside the previous golden guard.
Headcanon time, I think Darius was considered an ugly duckling and untalented as a little boy. It was later Hexside years he became skilled and was fortunate that puberty was kind. The ugly duckling may have spun his interest in fashion and focus on looking good. Alador befriended Darius during his ugly duckling years and always stuck by him and always so genuine. So when Darius started to get peoples interested when he became...I was going to say swan but that man a peacock! It felt superficial and hollow which really made it difficult for Darius to bond in that way.
As much as Darius puts up a front of being a selfish uncaring person, he isn't. He probably the most caring person in the show that hes forced to hide. He also a natural caretaker. It's just who he is. How can he turn a blind eye on his old flame Alador who overwhelmed post emperor reign when Darius no longer has to hide his 'weaknesses'. Darius can lend an ear or shoulder. Note: Darius always had underlying feelings for Alador but I wouldn't say he was crushing on him right away after the emperor defeat. It was built back up as the rekindle their friendship. The rekindle was a stiff and a bit bitter at first. Both trying work past their issues to work together with the common goal of the sigil removal. But despite any past grievance from their fallout and the years that followed, they did miss each other company and soon they quickly fell back to the familiarity of their younger years.
Darius is smart, he may not be an expert and recite text books from memory on a lot of things (like Hunter and Alador) but he very intelligent that spread across many subject. He just may not know the exact details or formulas but he gets the gist of things. So I think he finds talking to Alador intellectual stimulating. I have no doubt that Alador reads on complicated subjects (mostly theroized) and has the memory to well, memorized what he read. He typically has no one to share what he finds fascinating. When he tries to share it goes over most people's head or he really has to dumb it down and still people only understand half what he discussing. People are usually not that interested what he wants to share. He finds it so refreshing that he doesn't have to dumb it down for Darius, if he did its rare and only because its super niche or very complicated details. Darius seem to comprehend what being discussed and to Alador delight, seem interest and asked questions. Its stimulating to both of them.
I also think Alador sees the world differently which is a refreshing change of pace for Darius. I have a suspicion that despite Darius scheduling his me time and treating himself, he kept really busy schedule. Alador mellow and go with the flow, so being with Alador, he would end up stopping to smell the flowers or realistically, looking at the colors of the butterfly. Basically, Alador would literally and figuratively lead Darius down an unbeaten path unintentionally as Alador absentmindedly chased a butterfly and have Darius appreciate the small things in life. For example, I have this scenario stuck in my head. When they were little boys, *cue pokemon random encounter music* a wild Boiling Isle bug appeared! Now Darius first instinct is to be disgusted and try to squash the creature out of existence. Alador throw himself between them to protect the little critter. Darius would question why he wouldn't let him get rid of the disgusting thing. Alador, who probably cradling the things fondly like it was a baby would explain it isn't disgusting but beautiful. Then recite all the interesting facts on why the creature so amazing, and its potential. Which convenience Darius to see it in a different light. I think that dynamic happens rather often. I think Darius would be appreciative at the change of perspective.
They still have a minor rivery that they both will poke at each other in a form to egg them on to do something. Which they will because they now have to prove to the other why whether they are rivery-ing on is better. They bicker a lot but its friendly, it almost flirting. Something is wrong if one of them didn't playfully insult, tease or joke about something the other interested in. I also imagine Alador doing small innocent harmless pranks on Darius which Darius would have some type of playful payback revenge later. It so familiar to when they were boys that it keeps them both young as they laugh. The relationship has the comfort of familiarity while having the excitement of being new. I wish them all the happiness!
I completely rambled but I think that's expected at this point.
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theowlhousesaga · 2 years
Here are some Infos about the CovenKidsAU!
The Logo (which has a secret in it)
Tumblr media
The CovenKidsAU focuses on Darius and the other Coven Heads in their school days. When Darius and his new friends found a mysterious egg, they decided to take care of it. While researching what this egg is and where it belongs, they will have exciting adventures or face the truth and make difficult decisions.
Main Characters
The Golden Guard
Side Characters
Unnamed Characters
All Parents and other Family Members of the CovenKids Gang (including Eberwolf)
Boscha’s Parents
Previous Coven Heads
Teachers and Students
Background Characters/ Characters I don’t know what to do yet
Warden Wrath
I'm not 100% happy with these episodes, so don't be surprised if I change some things. BTW, the episodes are not in order and the titles are not the actual episode titles, just keywords.(Excuse my non-existent writing skills)
20-25min Episodes
Episode 1 (Third Wheel)
Introduction to the main character Darius and his goals, problems, family and friends. One of the problems is that his best friend Alador and Odalia start ignoring him and excluding him. Raine wants to find a solution by searching for new friends. They end up taking part in a school play where they soon meet their new friends.
Episode 2 (School Play)
So Darius and Raine participate in the school play, but while Darius keeps complaining about the script, Raine has to fight their stage fright as Eda has become ill and cannot comfort them during the school play. Nonetheless, they have to team up with the two new students Adrian and Hettie. Hettie seems really open to making new friends, but Adrian is very skeptical about the two as he has a passion for acting, he would be very mad if someone screwed up his performance...
Episode 3 (School Trip)
Days later, Darius bumps into Adrian and Hettie again during a school trip. They decide to go for a walk and talk about recent events when they come across a cave that Hettie wants to check out. Even though it's dangerous, they go inside and explore. In the cave, they noticed an egg all alone with no parents nearby. They ignore it and don’t think much about it, but when they found out that this was a Slitherbeast's cave, they just want out as quick as possible. Darius didn't want the egg to get eaten, so he tries to save it, which leads to Adrian and Hettie getting captured by the beast. Meanwhile, Raine and Eda are just talking when Eda mentions a witch who also goes to potions class.
Episode ? (Top Student)
Darius wants to be the best in the abomination class, but that's not so easy when you have a rival in class. His new friends help him train for an upcoming test and become the top student.
Episode ? (Grudgby Match)
Arguing over who should keep the egg, they decide to make it a challenge. Whichever team wins can decide who takes care of it.
Episode ? (Research)
Searching in the library for infos about Eber, they can't seem to get any clues as to what the egg might be. As the six split up to find more information, Vitimir finds a mysterious man who may knows something about what they are looking for.
Episode ? (Call for Help)
Darius introduces a special person to the his five friends, the Golden Guard. Maybe he knows more about this topic, but even someone as almighty as she is needs help sometimes.
Episode ? (HECK)
When Adrian got sent to the Helping Enhance Coven Knowhow he wants to prove he’s way better than everyone else. But as an illusionist and with his old bullies following him, it’s hard to get that attention.
Episode ? (Vitimir’s Past)
Curious as to why Vitimir always speaks badly of himself and never talks about his family they meet Vitimir's sister. As she tells the kids the tragic story of the past, it begins to make sense.
Episode ? (Disguise)
Vitimir wants to spend time with his sister, but his adoptive parents don't even allow him to be near her. Adrian disguises himself as Vitimir so he can enjoy the days with his sister without fearing that his parents are looking for him.
Episode ? (Flyer Derby)
Mason want his parents to see that he’s also good at something like his cousin Harvey but nothing seems to work. His friends suggest to participate in a Flyer Derby tournament. What he doesn't know is that his cousin is also participating and is many steps ahead of him.
Episode ? (Backstory)
Terra tells Adrian about her school days while Osran also tells Vitimir about his school days. It seems that the two stories have a connection.
Episode ? (Cure)
Hettie is desperate to find a cure for Vitimir’s disease. As they work together, they grow closer and gain trust.
Episode ? (Season 1 Finale)
Some demon hunters mistake Eber for a demon egg and the kids have to get it back somehow. (At the end of the episode Eber hatches)
Specials (45-50min Episodes)
Episode ? (Night at Hexside)
There's a Halloween sleepover in Hexside, but those who venture out in the hallways at night must face Hexside's spooky guards.
Episode ? (Where‘s Eda?)
When Eda goes missing for days Raine asking everyone to help find her. Together they explore the boiling isles to search for Eda.
Episode ? (Eber‘s Parents)
Darius and the five others make their way back to the Knee to finally find Eber's parents, but there are dangers along the way
Episode ? (The Truth)
(This episode has some intense final scenes. It might be scary for younger viewers.)
As Hunter goes through his daily routine, she finds a door he has never seen before. It leads her under the castle, but what and who he finds there is the last thing she wants to see.
Episode ? (Season 2 Finale)
It's Darius' last days in Bonesborough before moving to Latissa. Everyone comes together to make these days the best.
Episode Ideas
Episode for each Backstory of the Main Characters
Grom Episode
Gland Prix Episode
Mindscape Episode
Darius x Adrian Episode
Hettie x Vitimir Episode
Raeda Episode
(Okay I probably have more ideas but I’m too lazy to list them)
What happens after all that?
Well there are two options…
Canon Ending (the Events of The Owl House)
Fanon Ending (the Events of the CovenSpiesAU)
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myohmyimanxious · 2 years
- Alador wasn't present for any of his children's births. Not bc he didn't want to be, but bc odalia wouldn't allow him time of work to do so
- He was so happy to see amity grow up looking more like him with the brown hair and similar traits
- He wishes he put up more of a fight against odalia for how she treated their kids, and feels guilty about not being more present and standing up for them
- Eda and Raine were the worst people to put together, bc they caused C H A O S during their hexside days
- Sometimes Lilith, Darius, Alador and Perry would also join in, but it was mostly Eda and Rainey
- They have a Look™️ which means LETS CAUSE TROUBLE ON PURPOSE
- It's part of the reason Darius sought out Raine for the rebellion and knowledge
- Darius and Raine and Eberwolf always played pranks of Adrian Graye but never got caught. Adrian found it infuriating
- Darius takes Hunter in after everything goes down
- Eberwolf lives next door and likes to cause chaos and wrangles hunter into doing it too much to Darius's dismay
- Mud baths are a staple. But hunter and eber have to be hosed down before being allowed back into the house
- Hunter begged for Darius to tell him about his predecessor after the dust settled. It took Darius a while to do so but he did eventually
- Lilith will not hesitate to punch anyone who disrespects hooty
- They're ride or die pals forever and always
- Hooty still kinda freaks Raine out even after all this time
- Hunter and Amity have a secret pact that is basically if one of them needs the other for any kind of fight they come no questions asked
- They also go to each other when talking about childhood trauma
- Luz and Gus bond over losing a parent
- They first do so in the human realm when Gus asks about her dad
- Gus's mum died when he was like 5 or 6 so he doesn't remember her very well other than that she was ill for most of his childhood
- Gus has no idea how strong he is
- He was arm wrestling amity and accidentally hurt her arm bc he was so into it
- The hexsquad don't get it when Luz calls him Lennie after that, and she won't elaborate
- Willow gives people specific plants to certain people as gifts
- For example, Gus gets one that symbolisies friendship, amity gets one symbolising strength, Luz gets one symbolising honour, and hunter gets one symbolising love
- The way the others had to hold back tears when she gave them out made her cry as well
- Hunter is terrible at sharing unless it's with Gus or Willow
- Eda will bite you if you try and take food from her plate
- Raine tried once, they never tried afterwords tho
- Lilith and hooty go off on little adventures every now and then
- King and Luz always refer to each other as brother and sister, even in the human realm
- King is also very clingy over Luz and Eda now (more so than before)
- I like to think that if the collector is tamed and looked after they get to be a real kid, who doesn't cause chaos for the sake of it
- I also like to think that the collector and hunter would be close almost like a sibling relationship but not quite?
- Like the collector is like MY GRIMWALKER HE IS THE ONLY ONE WHO UNDERSTANDS ME and hunter is like this is my star child who I can't get rid of
- Initially, bc of this, the collector is clingy with hunter and somewhat jealous of his other friends but soon grows used to it
- Hunter is basically their parent but also sibling? Like I say it's an odd dynamic
- King and the collector often hang but it's a little awkward at first
- Lilith and Raine actually get along really well once they properly get to know each other, tho they don't hang out much
- When the do they just embarrass Eda
- Luz is still very much an outcast at school when she returns to the human realm but it doesn't bother her in the same way as it did before
- She's a lot harder now so stands up for herself and others more as a result of her time in the Boiling Isles
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polyhexian · 8 months
Raine's entire experience in the eventually AU cracks me up.
Like, on the one hand, the rebellion seems to have a bit more steam earlier on here? (is that a result of Jasper being alive? or just headcanon?) In canon there didn't seem to be much organized rebellion until, like, a month before the Day of Unity. So they've got that going for them.
And they've got the Martlet! Who is a very strong ally, even if they can't figure out what the guy's whole DEAL is. Who is he? Where'd he come from? What's with the lack of magic? What's with the broken hawk palisman? How does he seem to have better castle intel than Raine does despite Raine WORKING IN THE CASTLE? Why is he so standoffish about getting more involved when he OBVIOUSLY hates Belos? He is weirdly obsessed with fighting the Golden Guard but also insanely protective of the Golden Guard? His motivations are inscrutable and make no sense. But beggars can't be choosers and the Martlet is really good at what he does, so Raine doesn't question him much.
But the guy isn't all that great at cashing in favors? He just keeps racking them up. What does he WANT??
When he DOES cash in a favor or name his price in a trade, it makes no SENSE.
"I want more information on the Golden Guard."
"You probably know more about the Golden Guard's fighting skills and tactics than anyone else at this point."
"Not that kind of information. I want to know ABOUT him. His likes, dislikes, personal history…"
Raine squints at the Martlet. "Okay, I'm aware you two are rivals, but this is a bit much." They can't afford to worry too much about the Golden Guard, aside from worrying that he doesn't get in the CATTs' way. The child soldier thing is messed up, but the kid is severely brainwashed and there's not much Raine can do when they need to focus on saving all of the Isles. Still… "Are you aware that the Golden Guard is a teenage boy?"
The Martlet straightens up. "Aha, so you are aware that the Golden Guard is a teenage boy."
"That…doesn't answer my question."
"Nope, but it's answered several of mine."
Raine groans, but the Martlet's price is relatively inexpensive and while the guy is weird he's never been a creep, so they say, "I know of a few people who were involved in his upbringing, I'll see what I can do."
Things progress generally along the same lines as canon for a while. Raine's got the CATTs, and they reunite with Eda for a bit, and then Darius and Eberwolf "protect" them in the stupidest way possible but at least it ends with them joining the CATTs, and they've got to fake being brainwashed by Terra's STUPID tea, but everything proceeds as usual.
And then Any Sport in a Storm happens.
"Darius," Raine says, staring blearily at the other man, "it is four in the morning. WHAT is so important that YOU are skipping out on your beauty sleep to knock on my door at four in the morning?"
"I need the Martlet's contact information," Darius says, wild-eyed.
Darius draws a blank. "Um…classified?"
Raine decides they don't want to know and gives him the Martlet's scroll number.
And then things get weird. Darius doesn't leave his room for like two days and when he does he's oddly jumpy now? Eberwolf seems to think he's depressed by WHY is anyone's guess. And then Darius starts trying to befriend the Golden Guard?? Why?? Darius we're running a rebellion we need to stay UNDER the kid's radar - You're going on a camping trip? What? YOU? What's this about eating bugs??
If they try to contact the Martlet during this time period they are. taken aback. by what a bad mood the guy's in.
And there's a million ways Hollow Mind could go down, but if it goes down in such a way that Raine remains oblivious to the whole Jasper situation, they are just. So confused. Like, okay, we didn't get into the Emperor's mind, but we got the intel we needed. Time to stop the Day of Unity!
The Golden Guard ran away for some reason and Raine is like, okay, one threat eliminiated, yay? Except now Darius is freaking out over the missing kid and it's like, Darius. Darius can you please focus? Darius we are all going to die.
They try calling the Martlet like 50 times before he finally picks up and they're like, look, we figured out what the Day of Unity is, and it's bad, we need all hands on deck! Are you in or what? What do you mean no? So just because you're a wild witch you're gonna leave everyone with a sigil to die?
"Busy doing WHAT? What could possibly be more important than - did he just hang up on me?!"
Eda's house gets raided but Eda herself isn't captured, so that's a relief, but Darius is really cagey all of a sudden, and - what's this about the Martlet single-handedly holding off an Emperor's Coven attack squad at Hexside? What is he DOING?
Darius finds the Golden Guard. Yay? The kid isn't on Belos's side anymore so that's good and Darius wants to give him a mission and you know what, knock yourself out Darius, Raine is just going to ignore whatever's going on there and focus on the ACTUAL plan. The Martlet STILL isn't answering their calls. Why does Raine feel like they're the only one who cares about this rebellion?
And then, y'know, Day of United, puppetization, possession, final battle, stomping Belos into an unrecognizable puddle of goo before seeing the spirit of their god ascend into the aether. Raine has had. A long day. Week. Month. Whatever. But they've won! Everyone's alive! And there are reunions!
Darius is with the Golden Guard kid, because of course he is. There is a strange man glaring very intently at Darius. Darius looks terrified of the guy but that is not stopping him from listening to Hunter's ramblings.
The strange man is the Martlet. The Martlet is the previous Golden Guard. And also Hunter's father. WHAT? WHAT??
And Raine looks at this enigma of an ally whom they have never been able to figure out, who is apparently the Emperor's old lackey and infamous bogeyman, and who the CATTs owe approximately five million favors to.
And Raine is like, okay, what do you want. Are you after money? Power? What is your GAME?? I'll have you know we aren't going to replace one tyrant with another BUT I admit your leadership experience COULD come in handy so if you want a seat in the new government we've got to build up I could probably arrange SOMETHING.
And this man just looks at them and says, "I'm going on paternity leave. Don't call me."
And Raine is just like. What is HAPPENING.
god raines perception of this man is so funny. He's a weirdo who won't listen to them unless they bring him a plain boiled egg for lunch. The only favours he ever cashes in are "can you find out what the golden guards favourite animal is" and "if anyone but me touches a hair on the golden guards head I'll blow up the boiling isles myself." He's so fucking DRAMATIC. And after the day of unity they don't see him again! It's three months and until Raine is captured they keep an eye out, but he appears to be gone. Either he ran away like he seemed to want to, or he got killed. Either way he's out of the picture and he's probably never coming back. Then. Who the fuck is that guy over there with Darius and Hunter.
Actually I imagined in hollow mind jasper shows up to the party late because obviously this was NOT on hunters mission schedule, and it is also not the weekend or his day off!! By the time he gets to the owl house eber and Raine and Darius are panicking in the bushes frantically arguing about what to do when the Martlet fucking emerges from the brush panting for air like what the FUCK did you DO. And they explain what happened as quickly as they can and he's like SO GO TELL THEM HOW THE FUCKING SPELL WORKS???? SO THEY CAN GET THEM OUT??? and they're like but our secret identities and-- at which point jasper just grabs Darius and drags him across the yard, kicks open the door and throws him on the floor. Everyone inside like HELLO and the Martlet like HE IS GOING TO TELL YOU HOW TO FIX THIS NOW.
And here, for DRAMA, it's like when Luz went in that portal she made for the vee episode, where they had her tied with a rope so they could pull her back? They have to send someone in to grab them so they can pull them back, and obviously jasper insists. Because how fucking cool would it be for the kids to be finally cornered by Belos like they were just before they got teleported back only for jasper to show up out of nowhere with a flapjack staff to block a big dramatic blow and Belos to freeze like YOU-! and a moment of absolute terror on jaspers face before he grabs the kids and yells he's got them and gets pulled back. And then they all drop on the floor, hunter panics and bolts, and jasper frantically goes after him but oh god, jasper just got hit hard, maybe he hurt a leg or something and he can't CATCH him and Hunter goes off on his exciting homeless era while jasper is left to collapse in the woods and wail angrily at god because he was so fucking close!
And of course he doesn't go back to Eda's or explain shit lmfao he's just gone again like fucking always
Can you imagine Raine seeing THAT. He drags Darius away. Enters the owl house all dramatically. Long silence. Flash of light, lots of yelling. Door slams open, hunter sprints into the woods. Martlet runs after him, bleeding, also vanishes into the woods. Darius stumbles out with a thousand yard stare. Raine is like what the FUCK happened??? And Darius is like I need a nap goodbye
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dio-icarticaae · 3 months
Work in Progress Wednesday (Owl House)!
So I am really hopeful that I'll get the Raine and Hunter talking about possession (plus post-Watching and Dreaming stuff) done by the one year anniversary of Watching and Dreaming airing! In the meantime, here's a snippet from it for Work In Progress Wednesday!
Hooty slunk away from Lilith and began chasing a fly around the house. Raine didn’t question it, but Camila looked vaguely weirded out. To be fair, Hooty’s seemingly infinite ability to lengthen his body was disturbing if you weren’t desensitized to it.
Lilith was the one to break the awkward silence. “So! Yesterday was eventful.”
“Titan, how are you still this awkward?” Darius rolled his eyes. Lilith glared at him.
“Yes, yes it has been a very eventful couple of days.” Camila said, looking somewhat dazed.
Raine softened, refraining from saying something snarky to Lilith. It wasn’t just them and old Hexside friends here. Camila had to be overwhelmed by being in a new realm, not to mention recent events, and she didn’t know anyone here.
“It has.” Raine agreed. “And lots of things have changed. Lilith, I’ve never seen your hair that short.”
“Eda cut it.” Lilith sighed. Well, that explained everything.
Darius snorted. “Why did you let her cut your hair in the first place?”
“I set some of my hair on fire by accident while making elixir and she offered to even it up.”
“And you believed her?” Eberwolf asked in Beast-Speech.
“Enough of that!” Lilith said hurriedly. “Raine, your hair is longer, it looks nice!”
Darius made a cutting motion to try to get Lilith to stop talking but did not succeed.
“Yes, Belos is a goop monster who possessed me and decided I needed a mullet while also eating my skin.” Raine said drily.
Lilith looked very apologetic. There was a prolonged moment of silence as everyone at the table stared at them. Then, Lilith spoke.
“Belos was a goop monster?”
“Apparently,” Raine said tiredly. That was the takeaway here?
Darius looked contemplative. “That seems like something that would have been hard to hide. How did we not notice?”
“Well, he did wear a mask most of the time,” Lilith said.
“Sometimes you’re an abomination goop monster but that isn’t immediately obvious.” Eberwolf added.
“That’s not entirely accurate –”
“Similar principle though,” Lilith said.
“No, Darius is just abomination matter. Belos was stringy bones and kind of rotten flesh goop.” Raine said.
Darius made a supremely disgusted face. “I am nothing like that.”
“I figured that wasn’t normal. So this is something he’s done to more than just Hunter?” Camila said. It was then her turn to get stared at.
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non-bee-knees · 1 year
The Owl House Headcanons that I have
Coz my head won’t let me sleep
Raine now has chronic pain. It’s not great. They use their palisman as a mobility aid most of the time.
Hunter also has pain issues, but it’s not as severe for various reasons:
He’s younger (so recovery was faster)
He seems to have been possessed for a significantly less amount of time
He’s got the whole ‘flapjack healing magic’ thing going on
He’s part tree (?) so, idk man, healing or whatever
Willow and Hunter are in a QPR (Queer Platonic Relationship) - I know it was said that they were Bi and Pan respectively, but headcanons are headcanons 🤷
Darius is a pining fool ; Alador is oblivious:)
Darius was in a relationship with the past G.G. Sorry, that headcanon grabbed me and wouldn’t let go, THERES SO MUCH ANGST POTENTIAL
Odalia was abusive. Alador flinches when people touch him randomly or move too fast around him ; Darius is Not Pleased about it
EberWolf uses He/They :)
When they first became friends, Eber cast a spell on Darius that allows him to know what they’re saying. If Darius isn’t around, no one has any idea what Eber is saying
This spell got destroyed during the Day of Unity, and Darius freaked out when he realised.
Eber sleeps in Darius’ room, curled up on the mattress like a dog would
Eda tried to propose to Raine at some point: Raine obvi said no. They explained (once Eda had stopped crying) that while they loved each other and would literally die for each other, they had a lot to work on, and through, after everything
Darius took in Hunter. It took some convincing, and once he was told everything he had such a massive breakdown that everyone reconsidered it for a second, but Hunter chose to go with Darius and that was that, they couldn’t not let him.
It took a while for Raine and Hunter to talk about the Belos stuff. Obvi Hunters friend and Camila knew, and Darius was told before Hunter moved in, coz he needed to know incase anything happened. But Raine didn’t tell anyone for a while. They knew Eda wanted to know, so she could help, and she put some pieces together after hearing about Hunter, but still. She waited for them to go to her.
The only person to know about Raines deal before Eda was Hunter, who Raine found crying in the Owl House kitchen the first night back in the Isles. Hunter started talking about it all (coz it’s a lot of stuff to happen to a kid in 24hrs) and after a minute, in an attempt at comfort, Raine admits to having been captured by Belos too. They don’t go into it, but they know that Hunter knowing helped him.
When Hunter had time to process everything for real, he realised that he technically committed suicide. This freaks him out, especially since by that point ‘he was supposed to be doing better’. Darius, of course has no clue how to handle this, and calls Camilia as soon as he calms Hunter down a bit.
Darius is the kind of guy to shove all his shit aside to help others first, because it’s easier than dealing with it. All his anger and hurt and frustration over The Day of Unity, and the Emperor’s Coven gets shoved aside to help Hunter and the aisles rebuild. His grief over the past G.G is never brought up because he doesn’t want Hunter to blame himself. He pushes his grief about almost loosing his friends, almost dying himself, away, because there are more important things to worry about. It’s not healthy, and he is fully aware, but he doesn’t know how to stop, when it’s kept him going for so long.
Darius knew Hunter was a GrimWalker, because the past G.G told him all of it before he ‘disappeared. What he did *not* know was the extent of it all. When the grave is found in the skull, Darius goes mental, then blacks out, then spends the next week ignoring everyone, even Eber. He sent Hunter to Eda’s for that week. Then he went back to work like nothing has happened. He still refuses to talk about it.
The Draining Spell fucked people up big time, mainly the elderly and the Coven Heads. For a while after, if any of the Coven Heads tried magic, they would almost pass out. This frustrated Darius the most, since he used his for travel a lot.
Also his hair stopped being animated for a while, until he could do magic properly again. He hates it. He has a lot of issues with it not looking the way it normally does, and wears a head wrap for a while because of this.
Eber had the hardest time recovering from it all, and couldn’t do magic for a while. People were starting to get worried he wouldn’t be able to do magic again at all, but he’s fine now.
Darius’s hair goes all funny when he gets emotional. He isn’t aware of this til Eda points it out.
Alador is stronger than Darius. They are both aware of this. Neither acknowledge it
Vitrimir has a personality that’s a cross between Gyro Gearloose from the Ducktales Reboot, and Varian from TTS. He’s an eccentric, genius guy, but a bit of an ass (this is after it all, when he’s stopped being a Belos Ass Kisser :3 )
Hettie was the first to apologise, and offer her help. Terra is still currently the last (she fucked off to live out her retirement alone)
Eda changes her hand every week. It’s payment from Al in exchange for her making sure his kids didn’t die while he was busy being stuck in a toxic relationship.
Eber is older than Darius- technically. In ‘witch years’ he’s older, but because Direwolves age differently to witches, they’re technically only in their early 30’s
Darius, Odalia and Al were all in Liliths year, where Raine and Perry were in Eda’s :)
Aight I think that’s all I have for now :)
Add more if you want
I apologise that most of them were Darius - centric
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stelladoesstuff · 1 year
Okokokok. I watched Watching and Dreaming several hours ago at this point, and the hype still hasn’t gone away. So here were are: Welcome to Stella’s ranting about different parts of the Owl House finale to cope with the absolute insanity in my brain.
This is all incoherent rambling.
1. Raine. Raine Whispers is a fucking badass. They were fighting against being possessed not only by the Collector but by Belos at the same time, and still managed to break through TWICE. The Collector lost control over them the first time, and they managed to push Belos out second. And then. After ALL OF THAT. They get up and chase Belos into the throne room to try and stop him from possessing the Titan. Absolute powerhouse.
2. King’s DAD???!!! Bi-gender icon, over here wearing a bad girl coven t-shirt and pajama pants. And a tiny Hooty sticking out of his eye?? Gosh, I really wish he’d been able to talk to King, but the bread pun message hit hard regardless. He’s been watchinggggg ;-;
3. Eda and King’s reactions to Luz’s ‘death’ were HEARTBREAKING. And the Collector processing the concept of death- that entire sequence hurt. Seriously, I cried twice during that scene alone- once when Luz died, and once when she came back. Eda and King immediately calming down from their rampage upon seeing she was okay I’m not ok-
4. DARIUS AND HUNTER. All of the parent-child reunions were adorable, both Gus and Willow seeing their dad’s again dhdhdh, but Darius and Hunter’s little moment aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. And Eberwolf too! I really wish we could have gotten more, but the show gave us so much with what little time Disney gave
5. The flapjack tattoos. And Hunter being a palismen carver. AND HIS NEW PALISMEN- I heard Dana confimed the new bird’s name was Waffle and I love him so much. ALSO HUNTLOW SIDE-HUG???? I’m going to need fanfics for all of these ships and moments to cope with this finale istg. I’ll probably write a pile of them
6. RAEDA EARRING SWAP. I was already crying watching the end credits, and then I spotted Raine’s earring on Eda and immediately had to rewind. I didn’t even notice Raine wearing Eda’s earrings until I went back- canon or not, I’m interpreting the earring-swap as a boiling isles alternative to wedding rings. Sue me.
7. DALADOR CONFIRMED??? I now need content about Amity and Hunter being step-siblings because that shit is hilarious. And when Amity and Luz eventually get married that would make Hunter her brother-in-law ddhdhdh I’m fine. Also, Alador removing the coven sigils- we love to see it. And the fact that Odalia is nowhere to be seen is perfection
9. Lilith and Hooty’s reunion was everything I hoped it to be. Their friendship means so much dhdhd. Lilith aroace icon u.u
Ok, that’s some things out of my system for now. I might be back with rambling round two later because I’m sure there’s a dozen tiny details I’ll notice upon rewatching and looking at other people point things out. Till then, I shall be writing fanfic and drawing fanart :D
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THE OWL HOUSE SEASON 2 HAS CAPTIVATED ME, so here are my reactions/thoughts to episodes 18 and 19
Episode 18: FINALLY MORE GUS TALK!!!! We get so much information about all the other characters I WAS BEGINNING TO THINK MY GUY GUS WAS BEING NEGLECTED!!
His power is so cool, I need more people to be as excited about illusionist magic as me and Gus are! HE LITERALLY CHANGED THE WHOLE SCHOOL AND TRICKED THE HEAD OF ILLUSIONIST COVEN!
Speaking of, the head of the Illusionist Coven being just some wanna be director is fucking hilarious, he is a snob and I hate him with a passion but I want to laugh at him, so much
Gus literally saving all the students at the school too is being SEVERELY looked over right now, like DUDE HE LITERALLY SAVED ALL OF YOU!!!!
All the guards this episode had me in stiches!!! I WANT MORE GUARDS BEING FUNNY IDIOTS!! ESPECIALLY SEVERINE, god, someone get Severine some therapy, like SLAYYY GO BACK TO THE TINY CAT COVEN! GET SOME SELF ESTEEM BACK!
Obviously, i cannot talk about this episode WITHOUT talking about our boy, Hunter.... who was living in the school stage. Listen, I won't judge the guy, he is homeless, his whole life has been thrown upside down, I feel for the guy it was just a surprise! (/lh) ANYWAY, I LOVED THE GUS AND HUNTER FRIENDSHIP GROWTH! From the sharing of the breathing thing (TWICE!!!) and the comforting each other AMAZING
Amity and Willow learning how to be friends again was also an amazing plot line, I love to see how their friendship will expand
Episode 19: THE WEIRD DREAM THING??? AND KING BEING CONNECTED TO THE COLLECTOR?!? Listen, I still don't fully understand who the collector is BUT THIS IS THE SECOND TIME THEY HAVE APPEARED IN ONE OF THE GANG'S DREAMS! Yeah, I haven't forgot about it being in Eda's dream too! I am very confused, it seems lonely, but evil, but also just a chaotic vibe, I am conflicted
POOR KING! He literally just found out traumatising news and THEN people keep treating him differently now?? I spent the whole start of the episode wanting to just hold King and keep him safe from everyone, HE IS JUST A LITTLE GUY!!! HE IS JUST A BABY!!!
BUT! Steve to save the day. I am now a Steve Stan. I am a Steve fangirl. If Steve has 1 fan, its me, if Steve has 0 fans, I am dead. BRING BACK STEVE!!!! I adore Steve, with every essence of my being, HE WAS ACTING LIKE KING WAS FAMILY AND- AHHH, best friends your honour, they are best friends
FUCKKK The Eda and Raine and Luz angst was a plotline I was NOT ready for after the absolute fluff that was King and Steve helping people and vibing. SOMEONE GET MY PAL RAINE OUT OF THERE!!! Plant coven girl is literally obsessed with them, tf
Eda just wanting to save the kids, to protect Luz and King- I will admit, it hit me in my feels, Eda still treating King as a kid (AS HE SHOULD BE) and Luz and wanting them both away from danger AHHHHHHH
Luz bestie, I love you, but PLEASE EDA WAS RIGHT
HOWEVER HARPY EDA CAMEO!!! RAHHHHHH, I am still obsessed with it, we need more of Harpy Eda in this show.
AND FINALLY, THE ALLIES!!!! GOD. I am obsessed DARIUS I KNEW I COULD TRUST YOU!!! I don't know if I posted, but I REALLY liked Darius but knew (well, thought) he was evil, BUT NO I CAN NOW FINALLY LOVE HIM! AND EBERWOLF! Didn't forget him (did just have to search his name tho)
OH AND! The Palisman!!! I was going to mention this as I hadn't been mentioned in a while, BUT CARING FAMILY BONDING BETWEEN EDA, LUZ AND KING!!! I fucking love found family. Can you tell!!#
IN OTHER EXCITING NEWS! I am about to watch the season 2 finale episodes! No idea what to expect, but I am literally addicted so will take anything, i am sad I am so close to finishing it though, as Season 3 has less episodes
BUT it means I can finally interact with the fandom, etc etc
Thank you to all following my journey watching the series for the first time
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crimeronan · 1 year
imagining Raine, Darius and Eberwolf doing there whole Hollow Mind scheme to figure out what the new empress’ plan for the isles are, and upon entering her mindspace finding a very stressed teenager who wants to burn down the empire as much as they do.
this concept is so juicy i might HAVE to fic it at some point. GOD!!! it would be HARD to engineer a situation where the three of them felt like invading luz's mindscape was their best bet -- they'd have to 1) feel like she's keeping dangerous enough secrets to warrant taking such an Enormous and invasive risk to find out more, and 2) feel like she's dangerous enough Just By Herself to warrant needing to know Now, as opposed to taking extra time for subtle spy work
but there are honestly. a Lot of ways to meet those conditions. especially given the circumstances in the AU. luz says herself that it doesn't make any sense for her to assassinate the emperor just a few weeks before she would have taken power anyway -- so IF raine and darius and eber suspect her (like any reasonable person might), then that Alone raises the stakes. because then their question is yeah, actually!! why DID she do it!! and what DOES she want with this power!! and why IS she being so obviously secretive about her plans and politics and alliances!! who Theeee Fuck is she working with and what did THEY get out of the assassination?? even if luz herself doesn't set off genocide-adjacent alarm bells, the potential for political instability would have the rebels on heightened alert
and then there's a potential additional layer here that would make me Fucking Crazy, in that. darius and hunter have had a pretty friendly rapport in this AU for much longer than they have in canon. and darius has also always been intensely mistrustful of luz's whole Bright-Eyed Curiosity thing. so if darius happens to be observant enough to notice just how strangely tense and stressed out and upset hunter is during the time leading up to n immediately following the assassination...... i can only IMAGINE what kind of theories he might have about what went down between hunter and luz. and how that might shape his own actions.
(the funniest irony would be if darius is worried that luz forced hunter to help her with assassinating belos and/or that she's blackmailing him. meanwhile in actuality hunter is like "god i would LOVE for luz to blackmail me. at least that would mean she's talking to me again")
i'm certain that luz and raine would have a positive rapport in this AU, given that they're both sweet people who hate playing political word games and have similar senses of humor. they likely wouldn't be Close due to all of the politics at play, but like. raine at least is like. i don't think she wants the same things that belos did. i don't know what she DOES want but. it can't really be any worse, can it.
& darius being insistent that raine shouldn't trust the very calculated doe-eyed innocent persona that luz projects, because No One around the castle is Actually as kind or helpful or earnest or weird as luz pretends to be. she's manipulating you whispers!! you're giving her exactly what she wants!!
so they enter her mindscape warily prepared for anything, not sure what they'll find, basically braced for anything Except the straightforward teen girl that luz seems to be. & then within like Minutes, raine is like. alright. darius. you overthought this one. this is a baby.
& darius is just like. jesus FUCKING hell. this is a BABY.
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