#ALSO a headcanon her as trans. so i REALLY WANT a trans storyline there
kezcore · 27 days
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neonlight2 · 1 year
Marauders era Headcanons
I’ll be adding to this throughout the storyline
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Sirius Black:
- Partially Deaf, because there is no way he came out inbred and totally unscathed.
- Genderfluid because he’s an indecisive bitch
- Loves when his hair is braided no matter how much he says otherwise (also likes his head scratched)
- Paints his nails just to chip them cause he thinks it looks hot (same thing with smudging eyeliner)
- Calls Lily ‘Evans’, until she and James get together then he calls her ‘Mrs. Potter’
- annoyed he has to share James
- Fidgets with his hair and finger/rings constantly, because he definitely had ADD
- Makes this claw thingy with his hand when he’s nervous (if you know where this is from ily)
- Can dance REALLY WELL (ballet), because of that pure blood privilege, and does the stance naturally
-Can play the violin but is embarrassed so learns guitar so if someone asks him if he plays an instrument he can just say that instead
- Sexuality = Hot people aka Remus Lupin ( he’s just a whore idk what else to say)
-Touch starved/attention whore
- Such a fucking G, this man would riot for anything his friends ask
- If you walked into his closet you would think two people put their stuff in there, no, just him
- Speaks French
Remus Lupin:
- Poor boy is depressed
- And actually poor which is why he sells weed or other muggle things (he hustles the shit out of the students at Hogwarts by saying everything is ‘exotic’ and they believe him because everyone thinks he’s smart)
- Touch starved but doesn’t like to be touched (if you know you know)
-Bisexual panic. All. The. Time.
-Oblivious as hell to the fact everyone wants him— I mean everyone
- Loves tea. SO. MUCH. TEA.
- Has a book club with Lily
- Got a ton of piercings and tattoos over fifth year’s summer, but people rarely see them cause he’s always wearing sweaters or covered up some how
-His whole closet look like it should belong to an old man, yet he still slays
- Bites his lips and inside of cheek a lot, so James carries around lip balm for him
- When he’s high he’s chill
- But he’s hysterical when he’s drunk
-Can read multiple languages, but his pronunciation is god awful (Sirius makes fun of him for it)
-Has Chocolate on hand at all times because once he didn’t and he threw Snape across the classroom
-Man is an uncoordinated tree
James Potter:
- Both the Mom and child of the group somehow
- Takes lots of naps
-Sorry to say but Gryffindor is his personality
- Foot taps
- Holy shit this guy is ADHD
- ‘Bambi’ is his other nickname, and he thinks it’s cute until he watches the movie
- The healthiest mentally of the group
- Golden retriever vibes
- If James hasn’t seen Sirius within 30 minutes and he doesn’t know where he is, he gets panicked
-Has a thing for Youngest siblings apparently (Lily and Regulus)
-Obsessed with Babies
- Definition of himbo sometimes
- He’s good at every sport he tries
- Queer
- Trained Sirius not to say Mudblood throughout first and second year
Peter Pettigrew:
- Trans (I’ll go more in-depth later)
- Ace
- if Social anxiety was a person
- Bakes like an absolute KING
- Chews fingernails, so Sirius got him leather gloves to matches his own to get him to stop
- Knows random shit/facts
-also knows everyone’s business because no one pays him any attention
- Short king
- Hilarious, practically makes the group piss themselves when alone in the common room
- Loves everything fuzzy
- Has been in love with Mary since third or fourth year, but hasn’t said anything because he knew about her and Lily
- Has family trauma too, but he doesn’t thinks it’s enough to complain about because of what he’s seen with Sirius
- Was the first to master turning into an animagus
-As bad as Sirius and James with worrying about his hair, just less loud about it
-He knew about wolfstar before James
Lily Evans:
- Politics Queen
- As sassy and sarcastic as Sirius
-Stress cleans
- the Left corner of her forehead twitches when she’s mad
- Thick girl (her thighs are HUGE and James practically drools over them 24/7, respectively ofc)
- Short 5’
- the others have to keep her within arms reach because she gets lost easily in crowds, her hair is the only thing that helps
- Human calculator (she gets perfect marks on every subject EXCEPT DADA, which is the class Sirius and James do; it annoys her to no end)
- Most likely to actually throw hands
- Fangirls openly about book characters (with Remus)
- Can’t sing to save her life (poor babe just wants to sing abba, but she just ends up being made fun of)
-Vowed to not cut her hair until she graduated, so around sixth year she had to start braiding it because if she didn’t she’d sit on it
- Can forge a signature/handwriting very well
- Is actually really insecure about her magical abilities because of the rift it caused between her and Petunia
Marlene McKinnon:
-The only person to actually make her question her sexuality is Remus, and that’s because it’s fucking Remus Lupin
- During fourth year when her and Sirius were ‘dating’, they were just teaching each other how to flirt with girls/guys and they’d kiss just to practice
-Obsessed with Piercings (begged Remus to give her a couple after he told her about how he had the supplies)
- One of the best players on the Gryffindor Quidditch team/ uses it as anger management (Beater position)
-Her and Sirius have an agreement to tell each other the weekly outfit plan so they don’t wear the same thing or color (red or black mostly)
- Roasting people is her platonic love language
-Can play every band instrument
-She looks like a tough, rocker chick but is a softie for Dorcas
- Intimidates everyone because she’s low key buff (can bench more than James and Sirius combined) and super tall (looks like a giant next to Lily)
-Can’t speak in front of Dorcas at first, yet Dorcas understands her
-Big on PDA which leads to Sirius gagging obnoxiously
-Her and Sirius “fighting” is for show so people stop shipping them together/ teasing them
- Dyslexic so Lily and Dorcas read to her if there’s anything important (which leads to them doing it even if she’s not around)
-Simps for James Mum (but who wouldn’t)
Dorcas Meadowes:
- Part of the Slytherin skittles
- Non-binary
- Dark humor and it’s worse when she’s around Regulus and Barty
- Nyx is her first girl kiss in my oc story (Marlene probably was for every other story)
-Big softy when it comes to Marlene
-Resting bitch face
- Amazing artist/ sketching Marlene constantly
- Makes jewelry (Marlene and her matching rings, and friendship bracelets/ necklaces for the others that they can never take off— she warns them before hand)
- Will go batshit crazy if she stays up after 12 am
-Gets super competitive when playing Quidditch
- Rants about how much she loves pockets every 20 minutes
- Instinctively moves closer to someone she knows when she’s in public
- More introverted than the rest, would rather stay in the common room and chill
-makes a ton of your mom jokes
Mary Macdonald:
- Pansexual or Polysexual
-She loves to embroidery/making clothes, so if anyone needs something made or tailored they go to her
-Hypes everyone up all the time, ‘don’t disrespect yourself’ vibe
- Has the best alcohol tolerance in the group
-James potter triggers her for a multitude of reasons; they have a banter relationship
- She always has what you need in her bag— like Mary Poppins
-Lily was her first love and friend
- SUCH a good listener (like I know canon Remus and Lily would be the best listeners, but I think it’s Mary)
- Both her and Remus had a glow up fourth year and everyone wants to either be them or be with them
- Loves dancing, will do it randomly while doing absolutely anything
-Hates cold weather, she’ll literally wear five jackets DON’T play
-Has had or does have a eating disorder because of societal pressure of internal judgment; not to mention people definitely paint her out to be a ‘slag’ because she happens to be more open about her sexuality (and they don’t do it to Sirius because we live in a fucked patriarchy)
- Will scream “fuck the police” or “fuck the Patriarchy” when running away from an authority figure (or just Lily/Remus)
-Extroverted (loves to be around people/hates being alone)
Regulus Black:
- Asthma (again, can’t escape inbreeding completely)
-Has permanent dark circles, yet he still looks beautiful??? Looks like eyeshadow to be real
- Demisexual
-Scratching his knuckles is a severe nervous tick of his
-Writes poetry and short stories
- Plays the piano
-Started playing quidditch to interact with Sirius more and to impress him (but as he got older he didn’t really give a shit anymore)
-Speaks French and Reads Latin
-Really into Astronomy
- He had a crush on James in fifth year but didn’t pursue it because he still somewhat resented him for having Sirius all to himself (and he knew Sirius would get mad)
-Cusses a lot when around his friends
-Best poker face, could lie to anyone and get away with it
-Photographic memory
-Nice to all the House elves (and all the Marauders except Sirius and James)
Pandora, Evan, and Barty
Evan and Pandora are siblings
Everyone in the Marauders and Slytherin Skittles have agreed that Pandora has to be protected at all cost
What they don’t know is that this girl is lethal (Carries around potions she’s created that could burn through steel)
Barty is hella gay, psychotic, and a bit of a pyro
Barty is also low key obsessed with Regulus
Evan is in love with Barty
Rosekiller is a thing, and it is toxic (don’t we just love it)
I’ll probably add more for Barth, Evan, and Pandora later
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keithbutgay · 7 months
vat7k headcanons?
oh my gosh my time has come (you will probably regret this)
so first off imma reference my like three other posts i've made on the topic because i'm a nerd
starting with lgbt+ headcanons-
hugo is genderfluid and likes men i don't make the rules (he/she/they)
i am very much a trans varian truther. in my mind they use he/they pronouns and is also very biromantic
transing nuru's gender too- i love transfemme nuru (she/her) and also she's a lesbian definitely
yong gets the aroace nonbinary treatment
okay moving on to headcanons about languages-
its canon that varian speaks like three languages but i headcanon that he is fluent in coronan, saporian, and is learning the dark kingdom's language
hugo definitely knows so many languages because he gets around. i like to think he's fluent in ingvarran, coronan and bayangoran
i love the idea that yong is still learning coronan and that hugo sometimes has to translate for him or they repeat things for him sometimes because varian talks too fast or they use an unfamiliar word or like accents trip him up
on a seperate note in my mind coronan is german, bayangoran is mandarin, ingvarran is farsi (based on this post)
one of my favorite possible vat7k storylines is when hugo finds out about varian's past and i love the idea that he found out because of a wanted poster they found- perfect angst potential. on that note, i also believe that the rest of them would have heard about varian (the alchemist) when he was still wanted for example
hugo would have been told about him from donella, whether he was always told to be better and be like varian, or that he admired varian and thought he was really cool and dreamed of working with him
nuru had heard about him through horror stories about the kidnapping and attempted murder of the royal family. she most likely would have been scared of varian when she found out, not trusting him not to hurt her
i honestly think yong wouldn't understand. i don't think his parents would have told him if they even knew, and he would have been like seven at the time, so
hugo was varian's bi awakening except not really. he had liked guys before that but hadn't realized that was what he was feeling
they definitely met cass while on their adventures and she definitely had a girlfriend
ruddiger and prometheus hate each other
hugo is extremely jealous of ruddiger as well. ah yes him, his boyfriend, and his boyfriend's raccoon that's taking up all his attention
firmly believing in hugo showing up one day with period products because he might be a loser but he's not a jerk and nuru not knowing how to tell him she's trans while varian (also not out) comes up and just takes the pads being like 'thanks i needed these'
t4t obviously
also they're both neurodivergent i dont make the rules
they hate each other but like not
like in the sense that, if they were asked if they liked each other, they would be like ew gross no i hate this man
and then at the end of the conversation varian kisses hugo on the cheek and is just like see you at home babe and everyone is like w h a t
they argue nonstop, to the point of being violent, and then someone changes the subject and hugo's in varian's lap
obsessed with that one au where they were in prison together
also obsessed with hugo dropping the piano on eugene's head
this entire post
might add to this later but here you go have fun!
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punkeropercyjackson · 4 months
in celebration of me getting my first anon hate comment that just so happens to be transphobic I want to hear more about your headcanons abt the gaang and the characters u think are trans :3
SO Zuko is Link level trans to me.I want to get my transmasc version out first,he was an early egg cracker and Ozai is a sexist ass so he was happy to have a son instead of a daughter and Ursa was happy to have a son because Zuko was happy to BE her son.Zuko's transition happened no hassle thanks to being a prince giving him easy resources and he has top surgery scars and his voice is like That because of T and voice training to sound 'intimidating' and he identifies as dragongender since he says 'he's a guy in the way a dragon is'.There's a Zunia moment where Zuko is feeling dysphoric and Nia says he's never known him as anything but a guy and Zuko snarks that they met after he realized he is one and Nia points out they actually met when he was still just figuring it out and insisting he was a guy in the way he talked about himself and that he'd just rolled with it while everybody else dismissed it as him being a tomboy.Cue 10+ gender euphoria for Zuko
And TRANSFEM ZUKO MY BEAUTIFUL WIFE <333 She keeps her birth name because 'Princess Zuko' goes hard and just has an in-universe attachment to it because Ursa named her(/hc)and her storyline in the show has major tgirl swag with letting go of toxicity to not force herself to be Ozai's son,what a Team Mom she is to Aang,Maiko and Ty Luko feel so sapphic to me and she's lowkey kinda a misandrist lmao(instantly beefing with guys for talking to Mai because she thought they were creeps just for being guys,her Iroh roasts that're worse than her Azula ones,how realistically she hates men and trust women because of having a bad dad and a good mom,etc).She's femme presenting in a japanese way and the first people she comes to out to would obviously be Nia and Aang and she was being super jittery and even teary but they showered her in love and acceptance and nobody could really say anything about the Fire Lord being transfem because hello,FIRE LORD.Her transition went as smoothly as her transmasc variant's and she's him but cooler cause she's a girl /lh
KATARA HAS TGIRL SWAG!!!She tries to emulate motherhood despite being 14 so she can be 'a real girl' but still fights against other gender stereotypes like that feminine women can't be strong or else they aren't feminine or even female and her getting so excited to finally have another girl in the Gaang :'))) Her reinforcements of her gender identity are her being transfem and proud of it and rightfully demanding she be aknowledged as female being a core part of who she is and wanting to experience the good parts of girlhood including being thought of desirable FOR being a girl(Thank you gender validation king Aang)and she's mermaidgender.Also 'I was a Teenage Anarchist' by Against Me! is Katara core and so is Punk Tactics by Joey Valence & Brae,I'm just a girl by Cassidy Mackenzie and Bang Bang Bang Bang by Sohodolls.Normie Katara truthers wild asf,that is a punk native trans girl,end.of.discussion!
Aang is transmasc genderfluid and i once described his gender as 'tboy swag in the sense that's so feminine she's a girl but in a guy way'.Any pronouns and obviously the Air Nomads had their own transgender parts of their culture so that's why he's so openly gnc and is only embarrased about it when mocked for it and Nia also practices into Air Nomad transgenderism because Aang teaches him about since it's his heritage like being half Fire Nation(the black subgroup)is!!He physically transitions but Nia dosen't,solidarity🤝🏾🤝🏼
Sokka is a trans man and the token binary of the Gaang.Nothing much to say on this one,it's just vibes and he overmasculinized himself out of trans male insecurity and he transitions physically as well!!Him and Yue were t4t obvs i mean she's literally the moon in addition to her personality????
I consider transmasc girl Toph quasi-canon since she expresses wanting to be seen as a girl but also uses male titles for herself and the Ember Island Player scene deadass had her getting overjoyed to sound like a huge burly guy so testosterone could've saved her.Any pronouns like Aang and hrt but no surgeries for extra gender fuckery
Jet is a trans Team Dad to the Freedom Fighters and diy'd his own hrt with stolen resources from the goverment,KING!!!He was working on doing the same for Smellerbee who is transfem but we didn't get to see it because the 2000s😔She gets her full transition in my verse though and finally is seen as the beautiful girl she's always been♡Also Jet's rizz comes from his brownskin tboy swag /hj
Nia to expand a bit is afab and bigender so he's transmasc and happily uses the trans man label but also he's a black femme so his experiences with gender are really similar to that of trans women's and he relates the most to them when it comes to girlhood next to other black women so he's transmascfem too!He's naturally androgynous so that's why he never wants physically transition and it took him a hot sec to find his style due to his complex gender but Otome Kei was the perfect fit and he's also dragonkin and pinkgender!Zunia is extremely goth4pastel t4t childhood best friends to lovers and The Peace Trio is literally trans parents and their adoptive trans sondaughter
Ty Lee is such a typical femme trans girl(complimentary).She's a girlypop who's super peppy and goofy but she's also mentally hardend due to trauma and dosen't actually know how to approach guys but DOES girls-A lot of Atla lesbians say this is a lesbian thing and i'm like that one 'Why not both?' meme,transbian Ty Lee supremacy.Anybody who slutshames her for her body type is automatically transmisogynistic and hates to see a trans queen winning(and is also probs a conservative who'd rather pin the blame on her than the writers🙄)
Mai is giving tradgoth transfemme.If i'd seen her design as an adult instead of growing up with the series i would've thought she's canonically trans and especially Maiko pics because they're your average alt4alt transmasc4transfem couple.Like Zuko her transition was easy breezy but fitting in with other girls not so much because she was never taught how to,thanks a lot Ukano and Michi /s.Her dysphoria was crazy bad until her and Ty Lee reunited and got to be trans girl best friends again.I think she'd be batkin also!!
And finally,Azula!!She's a nonbinary trans girl and Ozai choose her as his perfect child soldier subject so she'd 'prove' herself as truly worthy to 'fail' by being useful to him.He gave her all the hrt but none of the needed love every child does💀Azula considered herself 'the perfect trans girl' out of a mix of genuine pride and being taught to be traditionalist with her girlhood but learns to let herself stop being a perfect illusion and just a tgirl after her Nia induced redemption arc that was also a healing arc and dating and eventually marrying Ty Lee let her see that there's no one way to be perfectly trans and that she dosen't have to fit herself into a box.She added nonbinary to it because she likes being masc sometimes!
And not related but they're also all autistic.Ty
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arizonaaaaaa · 3 months
21- Unique Adams- trans
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-canonically trans
-her story felt a little rushed in my opinion, she went from a drag queen to a crossdresser to a trans person in a spam of like 6 episodes
-underrated Queen
-the best singer in my opinion
22- Marley Rose- pansexual and asexual
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-this could be an interesting story line
-like the reason she doesn’t feel ready for sex is because she’s not sexually attracted to anyone
-although this would potentially make Jake an asshole
-her and Unique are gfs tho❤️
23- Jake Puckerman- bisexual
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-def wanted to smack Ryder
-he was watching Sam “twerk”
-just gives of energy tbh
-I would actually spend a lot of money to see Jacob Artist make out with a ma
24- Ryder Lynn- gay
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-never liked Marley, he actually liked Jake
-i really like Rynique but gay Ryder just speaks louder in my heart
-we could’ve met his father in this possible storyline like the opportunity😭
-Ryan Murphy had a chance to do an actual love triangle on glee but NOOOO LETS MAKE THEM FIGHT FOR THE PRETTY GIRL AGAIN FOR THE FOURTH TIME
25- Kitty Wilde- lesbian
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-“what would Quinn Fabray do?” She would be a lesbian
-she dated Jake, Artie and had a crush on Ryder yet she had absolutely 0 chemistry with all of them
-Marley on the other hand…
26- Roderick Meeks- aroace
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- I find it interesting how him (and Madison) are the only ones that never showed interest in another person
- really wish assexuality was discussed more back in the 2010’s
- he should’ve been one of the characters introduced in season 4 and I would die on that hill
27- Jane Hayward- unlabeled
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- probably thinks labels are stupid and shouldn’t exist because it’s misogynistic or offensive or sm
- idk I really dislike her I feel she would say something annoying like this
28- Mason McCarthy- bisexual
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- yeah you’re not straight
- he’s also a really boring character for me so I have nothing to add💀
29- Madison McCarthy- aromantic and lesbian
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- now THATS a feral lesbian
- her and Jane as girlfriends tho?
- aromantic part is bc I feel she’s the type of aro who’s disgusted by love
-still likes touching boobs tho
30- Spencer Porter- gay
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- interesting storyline for the first seasons
- although it’s kind off like Dave’s storyline
There’s a limit of ten pictures per post but I really don’t want to make a fourth post just for the students so…
31- Alistair- gay and genderfluid
- Billies brother wow
- this is just based on vibes cause I have no idea if he ever spoke on glee
32- Myron Muskovitz- trans and lesbian
- Josie Totah it’s trans so I feel her character should also be
- maybe figured out when she was about 16?
- so by dreams come true she would already be in her transition🥹
33- Skylar- polysexual
- who? Oh yeah the Blaine of season 6
- again based on vibes
- he’s also a really good singer go listen to the album version of take me to church
34- Super Gay Warbler- indeed gay
- behold the oracle has spoken the truth
- also a good singer go listen to the album version of rise
35- Sunshine Corazon- trans and pansexual
- same with Myron, since the actor is trans I feel like his character should also be
- just imagine after all those years Sunshine returning on season 6 for his transition
- what would be his name tho? Moonlight? *old people laugh plays on the background lmao lol haha*
That’s it for the main kids, prolly won’t do a fourth post for the adults because I don’t really care about them but only time will tell
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swiftfootedachilles · 7 months
you wanted more asks, so I'm here to deliver!
-favorite gallavich canon scenes?
-what are some favorite headcanons for them that you have? missing scenes, what ifs, etc.
-favorite characters besides gallavich?
-storyline you would have liked to seen/favorite storyline that the show did well?
-favorite fic tropes that make you just go fuckin feral?
-five things you think needed to be fixed/changed/improved about the show? gallavich related or just in general, dealer's choice
rubbing my greasy paws together getting ready to type out an essay
ummmm uh okay lemme think.... the s1 juvie scene (CLASSIC!!!), all their scenes working at the kash n grab together, mickey finding ian and taking him home, club kiss, like all of South Side Rules pre-sammi fucking everything up, dock scene, literally all of their s7 scenes tbh, prison reunion scene, "I WANNA BE WITH YOU" "you dont get to be," mickey wasting his break getting noodles in the food court for ian instead of making ian get his own lunch, fiance shenanigans, "i only make toast for husbands with jobs," STEALING THE AMBULANCE AND MICKEY GETTING SO TURNED ON THEY IMMEDIATELY HAVE TO FUCK AND MICKEYS KNEES BUCKLES WHEN IAN PUSHES HIM AGAINST THE AMBULANCE, coworker husband shenanigans, "youre such a fucking barbarian" "thank you☺️," being SOOOO cute at their anniversary party together. so honestly all of their scenes
i love all the deleted scenes i literally need the show editors to go to prison for what theyve done. i especially love the original scripts for the s5 deleted sex scene/ians dream and their s5 breakup. favorite headcanons are autistic!mickey, casual D/s dynamics, not-so-casual D/s dynamics, 🏳️‍⚧️trans gallavich🏳️‍⚧️, hobby artist!mickey, ian becoming the new vee of their neighborhood (ghetto nurse!ian), annoyingly clingy codependent!gallavich being gross in front of everyone, s6 canon divergence where mickey doesn't go to prison bc wtaf was that, s5 canon divergence with no breakup bc that literally made no sense
ummm i love liam hes the true golden child. mandy. uh ethel i would've LOVED to see more of, and the other milkovich siblings. sheila. karen was a REALLY complex character that never really got more than surface-level analysis from the show writers. debbie and her journey as a child obviously struggling with bpd. i do like carl turning his life around and kinda fulfilling many of the dreams ian had growing up. i kinda wish they did more with kev than just "haha kentucky appalachian guy is stupid" like that whole family reunion arc of his was so fucking weird and honestly embarrassing of the writers. also we..... never really learn about vee's family? theres a whole episode dedicated to meeting kevs stereotypical family, and vee gets.....becoming a believer in the american voting system??? and of course svetlana. missed opportunity after missed opportunity with her character - but hey at least they didnt kill her off like isidora wanted⁉️⁉️🥴
really really wish the writers gave a fuck about showing ian coming to terms with his trauma of being groomed and abused. he never learns that what he experienced was abuse. i feel like if caleb can call mickey abusive, then surely ian wouldve mentioned something about literally any other relationship hes had and caleb or trevor wouldve been neen like "uhhh you should see a therapist about that thats really super fucked up that you were victimized like that as a CHILD"
ohhhh the fic tropes. my #1 is always bdsm i am a bdsm gallavich truther until i DIE!!!! um i like canon divergence fics (sometimes). domestic fics. post-s11 married life. learning to grow together as a couple after being off-and-on for like a decade, autistic!mickey!!!! trans!mickey and t4t gallavich!!!! aus where ian and mickey are actually dating starting s1-3 and are out to the gallagher/mandy. uncle!gallavich shenanigans. taking liam on adventures shenanigans
OK SO. FIRST AND FOREMOST I WOULD FIX THE FUCKED UP JUDICIAL SYSTEM IN SHAMELESS fionas/mickeys/ians court shit was so fucking unrealistic and BAD. how the FUCK did fiona get like 60 days in jail + house arrest for possession of a schedule ii drug and attempted manslaughter AND STILL KEPT CUSTODY OF THE KIDS.
literally what the FUCK did mickey get charged with. did he plea? what the fuck kind of plea is 16 years when the person you assaulted ALSO ASSAULTED YOU and is also a COMPLETELY unreliable witness/victim. youre telling me he wouldnt take his chances in court? as if debbie wouldnt be the perfect witness to prove his INNOCENCE? and bianca was dead and frank wouldnt even give half a fuck to testify to seeing mickey lock sammi in the trailer. literally no proof that ever happened. no proof he drugged sammi because it was FAR too late to test her blood and see how much of each drug she had in her system. just her testimony that she drank soda then fell asleep lmao. any defense lawyer would have an easy time getting him acquitted entirely, at most getting a refusal to comply with officers and disturbing the peace for running from sammi and then trying to kick her when the cops showed up to arrest them
literally what the fuck is ians trial. HE PLEADS NOT GUILTY BY REASON OF INSANITY (WHICH NO LAWYER WOULD EVER DO BECAUSE OFC HE WOULD BE FOUND GUILTY WHEN HE CHOSE TO STOP TAKING HIS MEDS) AND IS FOUND GUILTY. OF ARSON. A CLASS X FELONY IN ILLINOIS. IN THE COMMISSION OF ANOTHER FELONY (KIDNAPPING.) AND HE GETS LIKE 2 YEARS IN PRISON YOUVE GOTTA BE FUCKING KIDDING ME. he could have gotten LIFE for that shit in the real world. i hate this shows pisspoor attempt at a legal system SOOOOO BAD. i stand by my belief that it wouldve made much more sense if he pled guilty and got put in the Chicago-Read Mental Health Center for mentally ill offenders. like he literally thought he was the gay Messiah what do you mean hes in a regular prison. plus it would've been much more interesting to see mickey in this environment - IF everything up to s9 was kept canon. otherwise he would only be able to visit ian like in s5, unless he found a way to get himself committed ?? idk it just makes much more sense than ian in regular prison
the attendees of their wedding. who the hell were those people. people from ians club ing days?? trevors friends???? i mean maybe. i assume sandy just went to every gay bar and passed out flyers saying there was a big gay wedding. it would've made much more sense if mickeys siblings were there especially mandy but what the hell ever. it's not like iggy literally has multiple scenes where he's supportive of mickey being gay and dating ian. WHATEVER. IT'S NOT LIKE THE GAY JESUS FOLLOWERS SHOULDNT HAVE EVEN BEEN THERE AT ALL SINCE THEYRE SHOWN LITERALLY ABANDONING IAN AFTER HIS ARREST AND IT WOULDVE MADE MORE SENSE FOR THE MILKOVICH BROTHERS TO BE OUTSIDE TO KEEP TERRY OUT. FUCKING WHATEVER I GUESS!!!
throw away the shitty homophobic gay man writer and let those 2 bi ladies write s11 gallavich. they were the only ones who wrote decent storylines. fr that gay guy needed to be fired SO BAD i can't believe he wrote the dumbass "who's the wife/bottom/submissive of our relationship" 11x3 plot AND the 11x7 orgy. HE SUCKS SO BADDD??? get rid of that stupid shit. give me more of ian and mickey in the growing pains of their relationship looking for jobs and dealing with the death of terry and trying to find common ground of their plans for the future and mickey being stubborn and scared without being "accidentally" an egregious stereotype of autistic people. LET HIM STIM AND GO NONVERBAL AND LET IAN LEARN TO GIVE MICKEY HIS SPACE WHEN HE'S OVERWHELMED GOOD LORD
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It’s pride month! You know what that means.. OBLIGATORY LGBTQIA+ FANART OF MY BIGGEST HYPERFIXATION-
I think ever since, literally yesterday, I colored in the characters with grey- I just love doing it now.. it’s turned into my favorite way to color in my sketches. Also it fits more in this context because the flags actually stand out, and they probably wouldn’t have as much if I colored it in normally-
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As usual, that beautiful small child in between Khonjin and Gay Spaggers is owned by @peppeppeppepperoni-pizza go check out their art it’s amazing ^^!!
I went with their canonical sexualities and identities because I don’t really headcanon anything lgbtqia+ related that’s out of the ordinary with the KH characters.
Except for Gino, which- I don’t think I spoke about this in detail, but a BIG Gino headcanon of mine that I genuinely love talking about is that he’s unknowingly Aromantic. He’s still cis and hetero in my head, but he feels very little to no romantic attraction. Something about this just clicked in my brain.
Also it kinda fits with the Pride Month episode when Gino starts to return to mother earth but goes back. I like to think it’s because both Gay Spaggers and Khonjin KNEW about their sexualities and identities, while since Gino doesn’t have a clue and probably never will; he doesn’t go with them.
Along with Gino being Aro, I wanted to make Noel Ace as well because that also clicked in my smooth brain. So the both the Fratellis identity with A :].
Also I know I’ve already stated that Noel doesn’t plan on coming out at all, and she hasn’t in her canon storyline in my head. But I just wanted an excuse to draw her with bad face-paint for pride month xD (also for her to be happy about being Acesexual for once instead of feeling like a weirdo..)
Btw just look at Shelly’s teeny tiny trans pin, they’re so silly- I don’t imagine she’d be very open about it but at least willing to participate in stuff like this. They just like me for real…
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peonyblossom · 3 months
Trans headcanons for Tegan and Andy!
okay i started answering this in november when you sent the ask and then it got eaten by my drafts for a while so i'm pulling it back out for pride month @choicespride
Teagan didn't tell the AME producers she's trans until after they cast her
She didn't talk about it on the show much, but Piper tried to make her because she said "being trans is trendy"
Teagan couldn't say much about it publicly because of her contract, but after Piper got fired, Teagan posted all about her experience with her
Piper was transphobic at times, not overtly, mostly microaggressions and just generally being weird and trying to exploit Teagan's transness for storylines
As for non-AME related headcanons:
When she was younger (like middle school) Teagan tried to manifest growing boobs
She came out when she was 14
She got top surgery when she was 18
She got facial feminization surgery when she was 20
She got bottom surgery when she was 21
Whenever any of Andy's friends wanted to play house as kids, he would insist on being the dad or brother or something like that
None of them really cared too much as long as they got to play
The first person Andy came out to was Tom
Andy came out to his family not long after Jane died
At first his parents were worried it was some kind of weird trauma response so they sent him to therapy
They wanted to be supportive if Andy was telling the truth, but they also wanted to be sure
My ILITW MC, Harry, is also trans
Even though Harry and Andy hadn't talked in years, when Harry started questioning his gender in middle school he went to Andy for advice
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mournmeal · 6 months
Good evening my mourning doves! I’m in the market for some longterm roleplay partners / friends for Baldur’s Gate 3! Please read it all to avoid confusion BEFORE reaching out. If this all sounds good to you then feel free to message me! I won’t bite. …. I’ll bite you if you ask. THE VOICES. Sorry it was my demons.
Also wanted to add just in case this may apply to someone’s interest, if you are seeking for a Tav ( or Durge ) to write with, are fine with them being a woman and you are wanting to write Astarion ( Spawn or Ascended ), Raphael, Haarlep, any of them you can also reach out to me!
( And for anyone who finds this and recognizes me, I promise to work on your reply early tomorrow or at some point tonight. )
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• I’m 24 and you can call me Asta. Any pronouns are fine by me.
• I will only write with adults who are 20 and will gladly accept older. Please do respect this boundary.
• I’d say my style is Multiple Paragraph Novella. A sucker for details and tend to get carried away when enjoying the roleplay. No need to match length, but do give me something to work with. I write in third person.
• Currently unable to work, but have intentions to work from home. Though this means I will be very active. And at ungodly hours …
• I have decided to no longer be ghost friendly. This goes for myself and others. So, to avoid wasting handing out my discord I’d prefer we feel each other out before that exchange. If I get busy with anything I will properly give a heads up. Should I be away for a long period of time.
• I am comfortable writing mature content ( whether that be dark themes. containing violence, blood, dead dove, to smut. ) However I do not want mainly smut focused roleplays. And I do not want to be thrown in head first into smut. Rich Plot with smut my beloved. THOUGH we can still make nsfw headcanons whenever we please.
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• A longer term writing partner and friend. I’d love to vibe with you ! Match each other’s energy. I don’t want the connection to be transactional. Let’s bond over our silly little game with our silly little characters.
• Love writing OC x CC. And would love to hype up the ship of your Tav / Durge with the character you want.
• Currently accepting double ups! I am more than happy to play any origin character you desire. Or any other characters. Examples being Rolan, Raphael, Haarlep, you get the idea.
• Parings can be MxM. FxF. FxM. NBxF. NBxM. Whatever! This is a safe space. Trans Tavs/Durges are always welcome!
• Me being absolutely down bad for your Tav / Durge. I will hype that babe up like my life depends on it. If you can’t tell, I adore when people create their own characters and give them lore. Flood me with pictures of them, with your headcanons, ALL OF IT. I crave sustenance. Me having to resist the urge of saying our Tav’s should kiss.
• We can have our own little discord server to send moodboards, headcanons, music, videos edits, and the list goes on. Let’s gush over our characters and ships like insane friends do. Literally. Go crazy. I will chime right in any hour. … As long as I’m not napping.
• I enjoy sprinkling other characters into my writings to really help set the scene or add some more depth / detail to our storyline. So if we end up in a situation where they are needed or if we just want them there from time to time for plot - I can do that.
• Also? If you have BG3 on computer WE SHOULD PLAY IT TOGETHER SOMETIME. Let’s go create mass chaos. But be warned I do encourage trying to fight everything.
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• Honestly damn near everything I already stated above. LMFAO.
• Longterm writing partners / friends only. Consistency will be important. As I’m also going to try and be that way too. So if you know you ghost don’t bother.
• I’d like to write as my Tav / Durge who is a female. ( I plan to make more with various gender identities for other runs! And sexualities. This one is pansexual.)
• For her love interest in think maybe Astarion? ( Spawn or Ascended. ) Raphael? Haarlep? My answer may change depending on my muse at the moment so who knows. ( You can still want for me to write as them for you! )
• Would love for our Tav’s / Durge’s to interact! Love making headcanons for them. Creating a dynamic for them.
• Anyone who wants to write dark themes here and there! Dead dove is allowed! We just need to discuss it of course for each other’s comfort. Eat up whatever drama we want going on.
• Speaking of drama. Should you want some where some other character seems to have eyes for your Tav / Durge to get some jealous action … I will fuel that fire. As I’ve said before. We can go crazy. It’s roleplay, let’s have fun!
• Let’s make moodboards, throw / bounce headcanons, share music, create au’s even, whatever we want.
• If anything else comes to mind I’ll throw it here or in our messages. But yes. Message me if interested!! Look forward to meeting you!
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slothspamsstuff · 1 year
Okaaay....this is just my headcanon but but but here's a thread on each Batfam member's sexual orientation (some of them might be unpopular opinion but it's my opinion so...)
- Bruce Wayne is bi, he might have been bi-curious at one point if he is not 🥹 playboy, charming, flirtatious and rich, he's everyone's dream. And I don't think the Bat himself is in denial of his sexuality, in fact, though lowkey, he might just be casually talking about his flings to Alfred if he didn't consider feelings a scary thing.
- Please forgive me for saying this but Dick Grayson feels like a straight guy who's very comfortable with his sexuality that he doesn't mind the gay jokes and he himself would make non-homophobic queer jokes towards his friends (regardless of their sexuality).
- Jason Todd is either bi or straight, because of that Judd Winick interview and because he's giving major bi friend vibes (trust me I'm bi), who leans towards dating girls but he might have been too jaded or fearful of commitment to be in a relationship so he's still single til this day. But he might also be similar to Dick, he might be a straight guy who is constantly attracting queer friends and is ok with that. Maybe he just has a smart mouth and wants to tease or provoke other guys to the point that it seemed queer as a hetero man, like how guys irl do? I dunno, but he could either be bi or straight, he gives off both vibes to me honestly lol. I can’t decide on this one.
- Tim Drake, similar to canon storylines, bisexual, need I say more? Though I'd like to see them build Tim and Bernard more cuz Bernard is a bit too similar to Steph now, and Tim and Kon also have a very interesting dynamic so I am very conflicted. I like the fact that even though they've broken up, him and Steph are still friends. I really appreciate healthy relationships like that (i...if of course you look past the fact that he might have wanted to unalive her dad).
- Stephanie Brown feels like she could be pansexual, she's chill and she doesn't mind being in a relationship with someone of the same gender, of the opposite gender or genderfluids or trans. But to get the most accurate impression of her, I will spend my time reading Batgirls. For now, her vibes scream pansexuality to me.
- Damian Wayne is straight, but he is just not into relationships. Though I also like his dynamic with Jon, I can't see them as more than friends (but you're welcome to ship them, it's actually a cute ship but bc they're literally children so I just can't see anything more than platonic). I know the Asexual Damian trope is also very popular but to me, he seems like a straight guy who, like Jason, is not into relationships due to the nature of his worklife.
- Barbara Gordon feels like she could be straight or bi, that's up to intereptation, but for the most part to me, she seems to be straight, I mean she loves a guy named Dick so...and her interactions with BoP members seem very platonic to me. But other headcanons are also cool, please enlighten me.
- Duke Thomas is straight, he's like that one YA romance novel live action main character, an awkward teenager except he's a metahuman and also a vigilante. Yes, he's sassy and funny and nice, I know, but his vibe doesn't scream queer to me.
- Cassandra Cain is bisexual because of her interactions with Tim and Steph in the comics. She's the quiet bisexual friend/lover that everyone is comfortable with. And I love, love that about her. Yes, Cass seems to be the downright not heterosexual, hell, she might have been more into girls than guys.
- Kate Kane is 100% a lesbian, this is not a headcanon. She's so gay that nothing about her is straight, not even her name.
- Ok, weird one but I think Alfred Pennyworth might also be bisexual, he could have banged the queen as an agent in his younger years then started dating the prince a year later. Or he could be demisexual, who knows, maybe he loved someone when he was younger, then something happened and he can't find himself being in another relationship with anyone else, and also younger Bruce only had him so he didn't have time for dating.
Sorry, idk much about Harper so I can't say fo sho.
Edit: my take on Cassandra Cain before anyone comes at me with their extremist anti batcest bs again (and unless you're here for Bruce and Damian as a couple, I don't even think batcest is a word that should exist) and here. Don't go looking for dramas, be polite to other people please. Just because you don't ship it doesn't mean you should act like an asshole about it. Their interaction happened in canon and I simply stated the fact with pictures from the actual comics, I don't ship them as a couple because well, I just....don't? But it's not like I'd care or I'd be grossed out if anyone ships them because well, a ship doesn't harm anyone nor does it affect my life, but going for harassment and being aggressive about what other people like, that has nothing to do with you or your life... you're the weird one and maybe you should touch grass or get some real life friends to talk to because that's just sad.
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superluigiglitchy · 12 days
Super Meme Gaurdian: Paper Jam (a summary)
((Long post ahead because i'll be rambling so be warned))
What exactly is SMG: PJ? or SMGPJ
Short answer: a rewrite au bron from several hyperfixations and my insanity
long answer:
SMG: PJ is an au where several things in lore are changed, some stories are adjusted and new ones are created
in this au aspects of Splatoon's lore is more loyal as seen with the fact Meggy is Captain of the Squid Beak Splatoon and was the first Agent 3, the Splatoon Manga is also apart of the world of SMG4 as shown with Goggles and Rider being Agent 4 and 4.5 respectively and the events of the Paper Mario series are VERY much relevant with a new arc appearing named the Paper Jam arc where Mario and his old and new friends team up to stop a new evil from stealing an ancient powerful treasure capable of granting any wish among other changes
other changes include Desti surviving being stabbed but being crippled as a result of it, now needing to use crutches just so she can move
Axol also living but needing a cybernetic body because of the sheer amount of corruption zero put his original body through
the anime arc being renamed the Anime Metro arc which is just a combination of Octo Expansion and Anime island and instead of Peach banning anime, the NSS are put in an urgent new mission to find out why so many inklings have gone missing including Meggy and Marie, and Francis and Tartar teaming up
Meggy is Agent 3/Captain 3, Goggles is Agent 4, Braids is Neo Agent 3, Rider is Agent 4.5, Desti is Agent and Hachi is Agent 8.5
Hachi is Desti's little brother
the events of the Splatoon Manga's version of OE are a continuation of Post-Anime Metro because Desti may have gotten amnesia during her debut
Meggy essentially got adopted by the Cuttlefishes when she was 14 and combine that with the fact Mario and her are practically siblings Meggy technically has 4 older siblings, all of whom are annoying as fuck but she loves them
yes, Meggy's hygiene is absolute shit
yes, Meggy was sanitised and now has chronic head aches that flare up if she pushes herself too far in a fight so she has to be really careful or forgo fights all together
Meggy is Team Blue's coach after Goggles asked her to help them out a bit as a favour, now she's attached to these idiots, but then again her brother is Mario and he's a dumbass so Meggy might just have some kind of idiot magnet at this point
A version of the events of Meta Runner will be involved in this continuity but i haven't really watched the series yet so that's up in the air
Mario's Partners from TTYD and the Glitchy Gang actually get along really well, Meggy and Mini-Yoshi (whose named is Giusseppe) get along like a house on fire (the aunt and nephew duo of all time), SMG4 is dragged around with Miss Mouz to do god knows what, Koops and Boopkins both like anime and get along fine, Goombella and Tari actually found an unexpected friendship with eachother, shockingly Bob and Vivian are really close (trans solidarity it seems), Flurrie gets along well with Melony surprisingly and SMG3 follows Bobbery like a loss duckling, much to the veteran's annoyance
Yes, Meggy had a bit of a stroke when she saw the amount of flirting Maryo's autisitic rizz got him into, it's fine though luigi helped her cope
Meggy hates Wireglasses with a passion
yes meggy gets dragged into Team Blue's adventures and shenanigans because she's there coach!
Meggy took a few weeks (instead of 2 days) to deal with her trauma from Western Spaghetti, meanwhile Marie and Callie blew up a museum a little bit to destroy a statue
yes there will be ships galore this is my au i can do what i want
speaking of which
yes, Pearlina are Hachi and Desti's parents, i will die on this hill
I'll add more to this post later for now enjoy my insane rambling
i just added more family dynamics and coherent storylines into SMG4, and a SHIT ton of headcanons and gayness
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captain-astors · 1 year
any numbers you want for Furuta please?
Also I wanted to say that u always have the best takes / headcanons / thoughts on characters. love reading 'em!!
Oh hello again, I'm touched! I just throw things at a wall until I feel they stick honestly, and I appreciate this opportunity greatly. I'm so very normal about him.
2. When I think I truly started to like them 
Oh I know this one with certainty, the interrogation scene with Eto! Specifically when he was spinning around on his chair and keeping a far-too cheery tone while having a very serious conversation and being actively insulted, because I am not immune to the persuasive power of “Oh hey, I do the same thing.” Also how he instantly gets sent into a mental breakdown induced by Eto, which is my favorite variety of such. 
3. A song that reminds me of them
I’ve talked about this right? Bears repeating anyways, Malmo. Very Furuta-like, in lyrics and energy. Or Quixote, there’s only one english cover (by Micchi) but I would recommend it. Not because it’s the best song ever or anything but just because it very effectively communicates what I mean. ( The fruits of my labor offer nothing in my favor/ What if I spin a little lie of a life unlived/ Worshipping the dance of a hero's dream, you idiots are caught up in a fantasy/ etc. ) Also I subconsciously stole the jacket I drew Shikorae in that one time from it.
4. How many people I ship them with
Two. Neither of them are Kaneki, Eto, or Rize, and both of them have me and a piece of lint as a population but I'm open to others. 13. Koori, but "friendship" is generous. I do think he meant his apology.
15. Worst storyline they had
I feel like his “pet the dog” moment (When a villain is shown in a genuinely sympathetic light) during his fight with Kaneki could’ve been a much better scene than just. Further objectification of Rize. Walking on eggshells with this one because I don’t know how to state it but there were better ways to prove that despite his efforts he was still human, because he’s said he wants to marry her before, it’s not new! He’s said he wants to have a family with her, and it was never painted in a sympathetic or endearing light up until that point, by the narrative or by Furuta himself, it was always “Oh look at how disgusting I am!” and suddenly trying to flip it around to “Well he genuinely cared about her all along” isn’t super effective. It works to a degree but it could be better. Maybe if it was mentioned less or if it was simply them being happy together. Could be my bias because I hate that they’re cousins but I don’t feel like I need to apologize for that.  16. A childhood headcanon
I think he was really good at hide and seek for some reason.
20. A weird headcanon
Everything about this guy is a little weird, but I think he’d just drink straight coffee creamer. Out of the pump. No one in the CCG feels comfortable using it anymore after seeing Furuta in the breakroom like some sort of lactose demon. Also I have like a whole concept of how he could be trans because why not, but it’s one of those headcanons I desperately only want when it’s mine and a certain kind of other people’s, because I know canon and certain fans would mess it up so terribly and turn it into another “awful because trans” not “awful and trans.” Anyways yeah, assigned gender is very important to the Washuu for obvious reasons and I think the concept of one being scarred by the experience and struggling with their identity on several levels would be interesting and I kind of want to write something about it one day. Doesn’t have to be Furuta, a trans garden child would just be neat. 
22. When do you think they were at their lowest? He's never gotten the chance to be 100% content and happy at almost any point, but I'd say after his fight with Kaneki because, in his eyes his attempts to make the absolute most of his life in spite of it, and make sure a situation like his would never happen again were all for naught. They swapped out one organization for another and the people and ghouls who needed help the most were never given it.
28. The most unnecessary thing they ever did?
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I could rant about this for a while but in short, it's one of very few times we see him actually do something "just because." His actions might seem dressed up or ridiculous but there's always an ends to his means and a goal in the act. Here's different. There is a purpose but feeding someone their friend doesn't help with an interrogation and the suppressants could've been given in many, far more effective ways. It's just a little "hah, I won" that goes very poorly.
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hawkeyes-boy · 2 years
ty for asking these @variousqueerthings they were v fun
1. Whose overall narrative feels the most satisfying to you?
margaret!!!! I love her sm and her development is so wonderful.
2. Whose finale narrative feels the most satisfying to you?
ok so I haven't actually seen gfa but I feel like Charles really connecting with the Korean musicians is a very satisfying storyline.
3. What’s a post-canon headcanon that you have (about anything or anyone)?
hawk and trap open their own surgery (they do illegal gender affirming surgeries <3) also klinger continues to wear dresses ofc and radar and sherm regularly meet to do father and son activities like camping and fishing :)
4. What’s a pre-canon headcanon that you have (about anything or anyone)?
does radar being trans count? I mean I think he transitioned pre-canon, I love the idea of his little community all knowing radar as the kid who's definitely a boy and anyone who challenges that is shunned by everyone.
5. Who’s a secondary/tertiary character you wish you could have seen more of?
I would've love love loved to see more of nurse kellye like a proper character arc or development or storyline or something idk I just love her sm
6. What’s a headcanon you have about a non-main character?
hmmmm...klinger is a part of the nurses group, like he's one of them they include him in all their shenanigans and gossiping and girls nights etc.
7. Who’s your single-episode MVP?
I mean it's just gotta be hawkeye in Hawkeye, I loved that episode so much and alan was so amazing and it was such an insight into his character.
8. Share a headcanon about anything that you don’t get the chance to talk about enough
SPARKY AND RADAR they are boyfriends who talk all day on their phone like romantic ass pen pals ok and then I've just thought of this now but when radar goes home and obviously he's sure he'll never meet him....and then....he hears a familiar voice on the radio......
9. What’s one of your favourite non-romantic dynamics on the show?
marg and hawks relationship makes me so warm and fuzzy,,,,"you're going to pull me through this despite myself aren't you" :,,)
10. What’s an underrated dynamic overall on the show?
feel like maybe it's not underrated but I just really miss radar and henrys dynamic
11. What’s a moment that was shocking to you?
abssynia henry I can't even talk abt it
12. What’s a moment that you could analyse forever?
trap leaving hawk a kiss....
13. What’s a moment that you want to watch over and over?
the scene at the end of comrades in arms, (who's smiling? I'm not smiling! everyone stop smiling! who's smiling??) also anything with sidney
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essayofthoughts · 6 months
🍄 ⇢ share a head canon for one of your favourite ships or pairings
🔪 ⇢ what's the weirdest topic you researched for a writing project?
❄️ ⇢ what's your dream theme/plot for a fic, and who would write it best?
🍄 ⇢ share a head canon for one of your favourite ships or pairings
Lets go with Kashra, because that's been eating my brain lately.
My go-to headcanon for Kashra is that when she falls asleep, Zahra loops her tail around Kash's arm or leg or waist - it's a habit from when she was quite young, first wrapping her tail around herself as a self-soothing method, and later using it to hold tight to things that mattered to her (her bag, her staff). It always makes Kash go all Squishle because it means that he matters to her.
🔪 ⇢ what's the weirdest topic you researched for a writing project?
Hm, there's a few but I can't recall all of them. A random selection:
The time I was researching the pH of salt water to try to see if would slowly wear away at limestone like acid rain can.
History of horse domestication and use in Iron Age Europe.
Animals which can change sex due to social or hormonal factors for when I wanted to figure out ingredients for a Trans Ur Gender Potion for a fic.
Why some woods burl.
Human evolution and the mix of non-sapiens DNA found in modern humans so I could headcanon Berserkers.
NOT fic, but for my dissertation I found a completely whacked out guy from the Victorian Era who thought that Europe's megalithic sites were built by Appalachian Native Americans and that the zodiac matched to the Greco-Roman gods and also Atlantis was involved somewhere. That one really threw me, if I'm honest.
There are probably more, and this does not include the things I researched when helping you with fic things.
❄️ ⇢ what's your dream theme/plot for a fic, and who would write it best?
I.... don't know. Because a lot of the plots I really want to see I've kind of resolved to rolling up my sleeves and doing it myself? At least within fandom spaces. And when it comes to original fiction, it's more that I'd like to see more gothic horror-romance stuff, and more stuff that's willing to meaningfully dig into trauma within the bounds of an overarching storyline, and I'm kind of still discovering the authors I specifically like for those things? There's authors I know are good at it - Martha Wells, for example - but who's writing style I don't always gel 100% with, while, like, I gel with S.T. Gibson's writing style better, but in how they nail the gothic writing style occasionally it feels a smidge to urple for me to take quite seriously because I'm picky.
So... I don't know what my dream theme/plot for a fic is, really, but I do know that unless it ended up being spyfic, I'd probably do it myself.
If it was spyfic, of course, I'd want you to do it, Mike.
Writers Truth & Dare Ask Game
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yuridovewing · 11 months
hollyleaf and/or a wc oc of yours (if you want!!) :3c
OOO I have not thought about her in forever but I'll take the time to flesh out Silverleaf a bit cause I miss her.
Hollyleaf first though
Sexuality Headcanon: lesbian and i can see her being on the ace spectrum somewhere! dunno where exactly though.
Gender Headcanon: I like to think shes nonbinary, specifically agender especially in my au.
A ship I have with said character: hollywillow is one thats soo interesting to me and the one i go for in my au cause mannn the extra angst it adds to her storyline with leafpool (she is a medic in this au). like as you grow up alongside the code you grow disgusted towards yourself for loving another medic so you leave her, only to learn your mother has also broken two vows at once and it resulted in you. like. goddamn....
im also fond of hollycinder ofc! and i definitely like hollyheather a bit for similar reasons as hollywillow
WAIT WAIT. I GOT AN IDEA FOR RAZORVERSE i'll write this in a different post cause i dont wanna clog this one too much
A BROTP I have with said character: if not as a ship i like hollycinder as a brotp. i guess also fallen leaves buuuut tbh i dont really care about him, lol. but having a ghost friend is cool.
A NOTP I have with said character: hmm i dunno who comes to mind. does anyone actually ship hollyleaf with men other than fallen leaves? idk if its because i like her a lot but shes one of those characters i just cannot see with a man, like it just feels weird.
A random headcanon: if we're talking razorverse, as a part of the tunnel hivemind, she can take form outside of the tunnels as a shadow. she often followed dovewing and ivypool this way, though she was unable to actually talk to them.
General Opinion over said character: i love the version of her in my head but man I wish she was handled sooo much better in canon. what do you mean leafpool has to apologize to HER. no she fucking doesn't. hold my girl accountable, she ruined lives and tried to kill her own mom, dont just let her get off scot free? the end of her arc should not be "oh i should have followed the code Better", it should be "hey the code is sorta... bullshit actually"
And now Silverleaf
Sexuality Headcanon: lesbian ace ^^
Gender Headcanon: trans girl
A ship I have with said character: her with another oc named lightheart. their relationship happens after lightheart is exiled and silverleaf is nearly murdered (and subsequently fakes her death), they're from different clans. havent figured out their new story but they start off when lightheart takes refuge with Silverleaf and Fang (her rogue friend) and they can relate to each others' traumas a lot and things build from there ^^
A BROTP I have with said character: Like I said she has a rogue friend named Fang! they became friends when silverpaw was an apprentice and she ended up confiding in him a lot about her situation with applefrost (her mentor) and he was the only one who made her actually feel like a kid. hes the one who found her and helped fake her death.
A NOTP I have with said character: none really
A random headcanon: she becomes some sort of traveling bard! she creates some songs with lightheart and fang and they go around different territories to sing
General Opinion over said character: I really need to fix up her story and update it someday, im not sure what exactly to do cause as of right now, i don't know if her story is too generic or not. (applefrost, the deputy and her mentor, attempts to isolate her and make her loyal to only her for when she gets her nine lives, so silverleaf could be an enforcer or mole of sorts, only to discard of her when she feels silverleaf isn't up to the task.) but she's my first ever wc oc and im very fond of her
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malcolmthebrightest · 4 years
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Bi trans man Malcolm x bi ace greyromantic Dani
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