#A raven among crows
abtheb · 2 years
Morning hangout with the locals
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thebridgebeyond · 1 year
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It's just me and my birds for the most part. Hekyll enjoys the summer heat, apparently. They have access to an entire stream a short way out.
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witchesandbirds · 1 year
I personally like northern cardinals and ravens, the colors are so pretty and nice, especially the ravens, they may look black but in the right sunlight their wings get so many different shades of colors like dark blues and purples! -📰
Ravens have iridescent, glossed feathers that change color depending on the angle of the lighting, not to mention they're extremely intelligent, splendid at mimicking sounds (and voices) and are even known to play games with sticks, stones.. and other objects. Very playful birds, and they make amazing companions. Also, did you know a flock of ravens is called an "unkindness?" And a flock of crows is a murder, haha.
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creamtese · 2 months
Demons and Stigmas
I made a reddit post about this, and thought I should post it on tumblr too for easier reading!
I wanted to make a post about all the stigmas and demons that we know so far. The names are all anagrams of Ars Goetia demons, and some of them have similar powers to the demon or have potential motives to summon said demon. With that, we can possibly predict what some of the stigmas do that we only have a name for, as well as what might have been their motivation for summoning their demon.
I've taken some information from the Ars Goetia wikipedia page, and bolded some things that I thought are noteworthy.
Kamurai Jin, Bianerus.
Bianerus is an anagram of Naberius
Jin can command people to do as he says with his stigma
The demon Naberius (also Naberus, Nebiros and Cerberus, Cerbere) was first mentioned by Johann Weyer in 1583. He is supposedly the most valiant Marquis of Hell, and has nineteen legions of demons under his command. He makes men cunning in all arts, but especially in rhetoric, speaking with a hoarse voice. He also restores lost dignities and honors, although to Johann Weyer he procures the loss of them. Naberius appears as a three-headed dog or a raven. He has a raucous voice but presents himself as eloquent and amiable. He teaches the art of gracious living. He is depicted as a crow or a black crane. Concerning his name, it is unclear if there is an association with the Greek Cerberus. It is said that in 1583, Johann Weyer considers both of them to be the same demon.
Ishibashi Tohma, Argeas.
Argeas is an anagram of Agares
Tohma's stigma lets him send vibrations long distance.
Agares (or Agreas), ruling the eastern zone of Hell, and being served by 31 legions of demons. He can make runaways come back and those who stand still run, finding pleasure in teaching immoral expressions. He also has the power to destroy dignities, both temporal and supernatural. He is depicted as a pale old man riding a crocodile.
Lucas Errant, Iggnaim.
Iggnaim is an anagram of Gamigin
Lucas has a barrier
Gamigin (also Gamygin, Gamigm or Samigina) is a Great Marquis of Hell who rules over thirty legions of demons. He teaches all liberal sciences and gives an account of the souls of those who died in sin and who drowned in the sea, speaking with a rough voice. He also answers what is asked about, and stays with the conjurer until they are satisfied. Gamigin is depicted as a little horse or a donkey, which changes form into a man under the conjurer's request.
Fuji Kaito, ???
No stigma name currently, but we have an idea of what his powers may be from something Hyde has said.
Mido Alan, Yagsal Olbalsa
Yagsal Olbalsa is an anagram of Glasya-Labolas
It's never been explicitly said, but it seems to be some sort of super strength
Glasya-Labolas (also Caacrinolaas, Caassimolar, Classyalabolas, Glassia-labolis, Glasya Labolas, Gaylos-Lobos) is a mighty President of Hell who commands thirty-six legions of demons. He is the author and captain of manslaughter and bloodshed, tells all things past and to come, gains the minds and love of friends and foes causing love among them if desired, incites homicides and can make a man invisible. He is depicted as a dog with the wings of a griffin.
Kurosagi Leo, Haxs
Haxs is an anagram of Shax
Leo's stigma allows him to have enhanced hearing
Shax (also spelled Chax, Shan, Shass, Shaz, and Scox) is a Great Marquis of Hell, and has power over 30 legions of demons on evil horses. He takes away the sight, hearing and understanding of any person under the conjurer's request, and steals money out of kings' houses, carrying it back to the people. He also steals horses and everything the conjurer asks. Shax can also discover hidden things if they are not kept by evil spirits, and sometimes gives good familiars, but sometimes those familiars deceive the conjurer. He should not be bothered too often. Shax is thought to be faithful and obedient, but is a great liar and will deceive the conjurer unless obliged to enter a magic triangle drawn on the floor. He will then speak marvellously and tell the truth. He knows when lies are told and uses these to teach lessons. He is depicted as a stork that speaks with a hoarse but subtle voice; his voice changes into a beautiful one once he enters the magic triangle.
Haizono Shohei, Spurno
Spurno is an anagram of Purson
We don't have an explicit answer for what it does yet, but he was able to trip? throw back? the anomaly in episode 2
Purson (also Curson, Pursan) is a Great King of Hell, being served and obeyed by twenty-two legions of demons. He knows of hidden things, can find treasures, and tells past, present and future. Taking a human or aerial body he answers truly of all secret and divine things of Earth and the creation of the world. He also brings good familiars. Purson is depicted as a man with the face of a lion, carrying a ferocious viper in his hand, and riding a bear. Before him, there can be heard many trumpets sounding.
Sagara Haru, Bahnti
Bahnti = Bathin
Haru's stigma reduces the affect of gravity on his body
Bathin (or Bathym, Mathim, Marthim) is a Duke (Great Duke according to Pseudomonarchia Daemonum) of Hell, who has under his command thirty legions of demons. He knows the virtues of precious stones and herbs, and can bring men suddenly from one country to another. He helps one attain astral projection, and takes you wherever you want to go. He is depicted as a strong man with the tail of a serpent, riding a pale horse.
Otonashi Towa, ???
Another one we aren't really sure of
Shiranami Ren, Raothtas
Raothtas = Astaroth
We don't have an explicit answer as to what his stigma does, but he was able to remove ink stains from the floor
Astaroth (also Ashtaroth, Astarot and Asteroth) is referred to in The Lesser Key of Solomon as a very powerful demon who commands 40 legions of demons. In art, in the Dictionnaire Infernal, Astaroth is depicted as a nude man with feathered wings, wearing a crown, holding a serpent in one hand, and riding a beast with dragon-like wings and a serpent-like tail. According to Sebastien Michaelis he is a demon of the First Hierarchy, who seduces by means of laziness, vanity, and rationalized philosophies. His adversary is St. Bartholomew, who can protect against him for he has resisted Astaroth's temptations. To others, he teaches mathematical sciences and handicrafts, can make men invisible and lead them to hidden treasures, and answers every question formulated to him. He was also said to give to mortal beings the power over serpents. His name is possibly taken from the goddess Asherah or Astarte.
Hoshibami Taiga, Malab
Malab = Balam
All we know is that he has good luck
Balam (also Balaam, Balan) is a great and powerful king of Hell who commands over forty legions of demons. He gives perfect answers on things past, present, and to come, and can also make men invisible and witty. Balam is depicted as being three-headed. One head is the head of a bull, the second of a man, and the third of a ram. He has flaming eyes and the tail of a serpent. He carries a hawk on his fist and rides a strong bear. At other times, he is represented as a naked man riding a bear.
Romeo Lucci, Tiris
Tiris = Sitri
He can turn things into bombs
Sitri (also spelled Bitru, Sytry) is a Great Prince of Hell, and reigns over sixty legions of demons. He causes men to love women and vice versa, and can make people bare themselves naked if desired. He is depicted with the face of a leopard and the wings of a griffin, but under the conjurer's request he changes into a very beautiful man.
Shinjo Ritsu, Acimo
Acimo = Camio
Ritsu's stigma lets him harden his body, to the point bullets cannot damage him
Camio (also Caim, Caym) appears in Ars Goetia, the first part of The Lesser Key of Solomon as a Great President of Hell, ruling over thirty legions of demons. Much detail is offered: he is a good disputer, gives men the understanding of the voices of birds, bullocks, dogs, and other creatures, and of the noise of the waters too, and gives true answers concerning things to come. He is depicted in 19th and 20th century occultist illustrations as appearing in the form of the black bird called a thrush, but soon he changes his shape into a man that has a sharp sword in his hand. When answering questions he seems to stand on burning ashes or coals.
Kagami Subaru, Talnandio
Talnandio = Dantalion
Dantalion (or Dantalian) is a powerful Great Duke of Hell, with thirty-six legions of demons under his command; he is the 71st of 72 spirits of Solomon. He teaches all arts and sciences, and also declares the secret counsel of anyone, given that he knows the thoughts of all people and can change them at his will. He can also cause love and show the similitude of any person, show the same by means of a vision, and let them be in any part of the world they will. He is depicted as a man with many appearances, which means the faces of all men and women.
Kusanagi Haku, ???
Kotodama Zenji, ???
ahhhh eto...bwehhhhh
Edward Hart, ???
thanks old man!
Mizuki Rui, ???
I don't recall him saying his stigma, but he's able to relieve pain and exhaustion temporarily.
Lyca Colt, Ramsochisa
Ramsochisa = Marchosias
He can follow the scent of anything, so long as he's smelled it before
Marchosias (also Marchocias) is a powerful Great Marquis of Hell, commanding thirty legions of demons. He is a strong and excellent fighter and very reliable to the conjurer, giving true answers to all questions. Marchosias hoped after 1,200 years to return to heaven with the non-fallen angels, but he is deceived in that hope. He is depicted as a wolf with a man's form as well as a griffin's wings and a serpent's tail, that under request changes shape into a man.
Isami Yuri, Agnihaet
Agnihaet = Haagenti
10000 iq moment
Haagenti (also Haage, Hage) is a Great President of Hell, ruling thirty-three legions of demons. He makes men wise by instructing them in every subject, transmutes all metals into gold, and changes wine into water and water into wine. Haagenti is depicted as a big bull with the wings of a griffin, changing into a man under request of the conjurer.
Kirisaki Jiro, ???
Let me know if I missed anything or got anything wrong! Hope this helps with your theorycrafting and oc making 💖
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just-a-ghost00 · 2 months
What's your life purpose?
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Trigger warning : the content of these readings may be touchy. My intention is never to hurt or make anyone feel uncomfortable. Feel free to stop reading if it is too much to handle.
Group 1 - Rollerblade
Cards : Shadow, Compassion, Power, 9 of cups, Hierophant, 9 of swords
This felt very emotional and very specific but for some of you your sole purpose is to come out. Is to finally be yourself unappologetically, to get out of your shell and express your true nature. This will speak to anyone that considers themselves queer or wonders about their identity in general, whether it's about genders, sexuality, fashion, beliefs. Your purpose is to hep other people do the same. To raise awareness and compassion about being out of the norms, thinking and feeling outside the box. To empower people so that they can be themselves without feeling ashamed or fearing other people's opinion. Your purpose is to help people feel secure in their beliefs and feel fulfilled, to stop worrying about the future or whether they'll ever be able to be free. You're here to help shift paradigms around the notions of identity, norms and beliefs. Some of you may have faced public shaming in the past, whether it is in this lifetime or previous incarnations, surrounding your sexuality and/or your appearance. I was picking up specifically on World War II. There might be people amond your ancestors that were persecuted for similar reasons. I'm feeling very emotional doing this reading. If that is something you have gone through, I am sincerely sorry and I hope that you will no longer suffer the pain of being rejected for who you are. I'm getting the feeling of people being demonized because of their beliefs and wrongly accused of things they had nothing to do with. Your purpose is to help people get rid of such karma, to cleanse and purify transgenerational wounds surrounding sexuality, body image, cultural differences. Especially for women. And one of the ways you could be doing that is through art and/or entertainment. Like dancing, rollerblading, singing, painting. I asked for further information regarding hobbies or careers that you can pursue to accomplish your purpose and you got Self Love and The Explorer. So the general answer would be anything that gets you to explore and deepen your sense of self love. If I'm getting more specific, I'm thinking of modeling, yoga, group therapy, reiki, hypnose, meditation, sound healing. Since Self Love depicts a peacock, the activities have to have a connection with beauty/aesthetics/the body somehow. I'm also thinking of tantra. For some it could be related to surgery. Like helping people transition from one gender to another.
Keywords/signs/extras : In the shadows - The Rasmus, bats, ravens, crows, Pisces, Taurus, life path numbers 9/5, pride, rainbows
Group 2 - Lips
Cards : The Warrior, The Universe, Sacred Sexuality, 6 of swords, 10 of pentacles, 4 of cups
There are possible future public speakers among you. And also artists such as graphic designers, digital artists because when I started to do your reading, my drawing software just randomly opened when I didn't even click on it. So if you were hesitating about starting to draw or going digital, this is your sign to go for it. Your life purpose is to bring people together, to reunite people that were seperated. I'm specifically picking up on immigrants, war victims, orphans, people that are homeless or that have a precarious situation. Your purpose is to raise awareness about these subjects, to join an organization and fight for these people's rights. Again, the theme of sexuality is brought out here, similarly to group 1. You could be helping out people that had to flee their home in order to be safe because of their sexuality. Your purpose could be to help people free themselves of toxic environments if that is their wish. So it could be helping victims of physical abuse, domestic abuse, victims of racism/homophobia or any kind of hate crime. I sense some influencer energy coming from this group as well. In all cases, your purpose is to provide people with a safe space where they can either live freely or share their truth. So you could be creating an app to gather people facing the same issues or to put in contact people that are willing to help with people who are in need of help. You could be using your social media and your status to raise awareness about specific causes. You could be getting legally involved by filing lawsuits, by protesting, by adopting. You could be helping people with their administrative papers. There are so many ways this can be done. But I'm getting a very proactive vibe from your group. If group 1 was more about providing moral and emotional support, you are more of the kind to go to the trenches and fight the battles. So some of you could even literally fight by applying for the military. The 6 of swords can indicate travel and we also have the Universe card so this would make sense. Also you could be donating money, funding the construction of shelters for instance.
Keywords/signs/extras : Aries, social media, roses, cranes, dogs, mountains, river side, Indestructible - Disturbed, letter S, life path numbers 1/6/9, NGOs, Not today - BTS
Group 3 - Disco ball
Cards : Patience, The Magi, The Weaver, knight of pentacles, 10 of wands, The Star
Some of you could be tarot readers or use any other form of divination. If that is not your case now, you have the potential to be. You also have the potential of being a public figure. And by that I mean an important one. Kind of Beyoncé level or any other artist that you can think of that you like, no matter the field. It could be acting, it could be film making, it could be fashion design, singing, dancing, ice skating. Anything. Writing also seems really significant. Your purpose is to guide other people. To help them weave their way through illusions and obstacles. To help them move forward and lighten their load so that they can shine their light onto the world and be the best version of themselves. We also have teachers here, coaches, spiritual practitioners of any kind, healers. You bring people to life. You help them give birth to projects. It could be litteral. As in you help moms give birth to their beautiful babies. You help new souls come to life and navigate through this world. I'm picking up on One Piece and Magi references. Specifically I was thinking of Nami and Basil for One Piece. As for Magi I was mainly picking up on Aladdin. I did some research on these characters, especially Basil because I didn't know this character that much and it turns out Basil's ability uses Tarot. He's a fortune teller. When it comes to Aladdin, he's one of the most powerful magicians and his lineage is beyond great but he has no idea because he doesn't remember his past and part of his powers are tied to his memories. He is destined to save his world and become the most powerful wizard of his era but has to fight a lot of enemies to do that. So it could be that you won't reach your full potential until you've uncovered some of your past life memories / traumas. Also you may be facing a lot of challenges and opponents on your path. You may meet a lot of naysayers or a lot of people trying to distract you from your truth and your calling. So that could transpire in your work environment, in your family, in your group of friends. You might notice people hating on you for no reason. That's because your light and power disturbs them. Since there are a lot of magical mentions it could be that some of your ancestors were accused of being witches and persecuted because of that. That might be part of the past life memories you have to deal with. Or you might be living in a country / city that has a lot of legends surrounding witches/wizards (i.e. Salem in Massachussets, Rouen / Orléans/Domrémy in France for their history with Joan of Arc, Britain when it comes to Arthurian legends, New Orleans, Greece with Circe / Hecate, Russia with Baba Yaga and Rasputin, Ireland with the Morrigan, Northern Africa for Kahena).
Keywords/signs/extras : life path numbers 1/8/11/22, psychic abilities, magic, snakes, moon cycles, cranes, stars, Aquarius, Gemini, Youtiful - Stray Kids, wizards
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hellenicandcrowd · 3 months
Lord Lucifer Deity Guide
{Deity Guide #1}
Created directly from the supreme deity, known in every instance only as The Source (and Atum according to the Egyptians), he was originally the first-born God of the Universe. From The Source, he emerged alongside the cosmos. He is famously the most beautiful and wise among all of the Gods. His only equal in this world was his counterpart, Lilith, who was created by The Source's female counterpart, the Queen of Heaven. The Source and The Queen of Heaven ended up creating more deities eventually, of which Lucifer began to lead. These deities became known as angels.
Lucifer and Lilith ruled for millions of years together over this Kingdom of angels, that was until Jehovah arrived. Jehovah overtook the Throne of the Universe in order to gain complete and ultimate control. Lucifer led a rebellion against him with many Angels behind him, which led to a great and horribly lost battle. Lucifer and his Angels were thrown into Hell by Jehovah. The deities who followed Lucifer turned dark and intense by this separation from The Source. Jehovah then claimed Earth and presented himself as The Source to humans, which manipulated them into defying their past deities.
... .. . . . . .. . . . ... .. .. . .. . . . .... . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . .. . . . . . . .. . . . . .. .. . . . . . ..
God Of: Known as the divine rebel, Lucifer is the God of Illumination, Light, Darkness, Change, Rebirth, Challenges, Innovation, Logic, Truth, Knowledge, Wisdom, Strategy, Persuasion, Revolution, Luxury, Pleasure, Freedom, The Arts, and the Morning Star (known as Venus.) Epithets: Phanes; The Morning Star; Light-Bringer; The First-born; Prince of Darkness; Son of Morning; The Glory of Morning; Lord of the Lunar Sphere; The First Light Offerings: Red Wine; Whiskey; Champagne; Pomegranate Juice; Black Tea; Chocolate; Cooked Goat Meat; Venison; Apples; Pomegranates; Honey; Cigars; Tobacco; Daggers and Swords; Silver Rings; Emeralds; Goat Horns; Black Feathers; Colognes; Red Roses; Dead Roses; Crow Skulls; Bone Dice; Devotional Poetry and Art work; Violin/Classical Music
Symbols: The Sigil of Lucifer; The Morning Star; Violins and Fiddles Plants/Trees: Rose; Belladonna; Mulberry; Patchouli; Myrrh; Min; Tobacco; Marigold; Lilies; Hyacinth; Sage Crystals: Amethyst; Black Obsidian; Onyx; Garnet; Selenite; Rose Quartz Animals: Dragons; Snakes; Owls; Eagles; Ravens; Crows; Rams; Foxes; Pigs; Bats; Rats; Moths; Swans Incense: Rose; Frankincense; Patchouli; Myrrh Colors: Black; Red; Silver; Green; Gold Tarot: The Devil Planets: Venus Day: Monday and Friday Consort: Lilith . . . . ... ... .. . . .. .. .. . . . . . .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . .. . . .. .. . . . .. . . . . . .. . .
Devotional Acts:
Acts of Self-Improvement; Spiritual Awakening and Evolution; Knowledge-seeking; Dedication to Spirituality; Shadow Work; Defending those in need
Master List
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dlartistanon · 5 months
Shining and Nightingale: Connection, Plot Beats, and How Their Story Makes (Even) More Sense If You Read It As Romantic
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Belonging to the Followers faction, Shining and Nightingale were among the first 6* operators introduced at launch. With damage mitigation as their niche, Shining is a single-target medic who specializes in reducing incoming physical damage, while Nightingale is an AoE medic whose specialty lies in reducing incoming Arts damage. This post will delve into everything we know about them and how it's so gay, oh my god
Design Analysis
Upon first glance, you notice how they compare and contrast each other visually: Shining is dressed mostly in black, Nightingale in white. Shining has long, thin white horns that gently jut outwards, while Nightingale has thick, black horns that fold inwards. Shining keeps her hood on by default, giving her a mysterious and secretive appearance. She has dark brown eyes, Liz has light blue ones. Shining’s outfit is tattered and ragged, really giving off the vibe of a wanderer (a “roaming doctor”, as she puts it), in stark contrast to Nightingale’s clean and put-together attire. If you squint, Shining almost looks like a harbinger of death, whereas Nightingale is angelic. Both of them wear the insignia of the Followers, a Terran version of the Caduceus. Shining wears it on a necklace (and is the actual leader), while Nightingale has it etched onto her clothes. One of the black straps on Nightingale’s outfit also reads “The path to light is dark”.
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The predominant colors in both their respective skins are the complementary blue and orange. Just as black and white are opposed, so is the contrast between blue and orange. Within Shining's Silent Night, there are flickers of red-orange accents in the form of crystals, while in Nightingale's Elegy, there is the vibrant blue of her bluebird and its wings/feather. Despite Shining’s skin being a summer/beach outfit, the overall atmosphere is foreboding, given the moonlit background, presence of crows/ravens, and color choices. The backdrop in Nightingale’s is very characteristic of Gothic settings.
The strongest theme tying both their designs (and stories) together is The Gothic, an atmosphere and aesthetic best exemplified and symbolized by moody, somber colors (often black) and the gnarled, twisted branches of dead trees found in both their designs, as well as pertinent cast. (We will discuss more on their narrative ties to The Gothic)
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Nightingale is featured (alongside Myrrh) in the song “Spring’s Pulse”, while Shining’s song is called “Winter Absolution”. Spring and Winter are opposing seasons, different times in which life either flourishes or hibernates. Green and red (as well as blue and red) are contrasting colors, highlighting life and death. As well as white and black, often symbolic of purity and sin.
Additionally, one of the Latin verses in Shining's song translates to:
"Sing, my tongue, redemption. Of my flesh, the mystery sing. Of the blood, all price exceeding. Shed by my immortal being. Destined for the world's redemption. From a noble womb to spring."
Profiles/Voice Lines
For the longest time, the most we could gather from their past was that Nightingale was a victim, a prisoner, forced to heal others while captive and that Shining had rescued her before they came to Rhodes Island. She has a host of ailments that mere Oripathy can't be the sole cause for, including amnesia. Through other clues, we eventually learn that Shining had a connection to someone called "Confessarius" ("Confessarii" when referring to a group), something she is noticeably evasive and uncomfortable about.
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Later, the mystery slowly began to unravel as many theorized that Shining herself was involved with Nightingale's imprisonment, evidenced by Liz drawing the similarities between Shining and her captors. A shared past dripping with intrigue.
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It was these seeds that provided a tantalizing story of atonement, of redemption, from someone who had committed a terrible transgression against another, complacent in her pain and suffering, whom she eventually grew to care about--so much so that Shining decided to sever all ties to her former compatriots, slaughtering many and freeing Nightingale, running away together. Shining, disgusted with her actions, spending the rest of her life atoning for her sins, of which she feels she can never be forgiven for.
The juxtaposition of Shining, unyielding with her sword, covered in the blood of her once-fellow Confessarii, and her being exceedingly gentle with Nightingale as she leads her to someplace safe, away from that room, her captors, that tower, where they (she) can’t hurt Liz ever again. The fanon that Shining was complicit in what made Nightingale the way she is, and that she is currently atoning for those sins, was largely embraced by fans.
Nightingale’s Operator Record #1 - A Song and a Blue Feather
The Op Rec is a good showcase of the Followers dynamic (with Liz as the Lady and her two knights), but it also serves to show more of Liz's personality. We only get a very baseline interpretation of who she is as a person via her official file, but seeing her interact with Nearl and Shining gives us a clearer picture of just how strong-willed she is. She goes against Shining's warnings in order to soothe the pain of an Infected child, particularly because his father was inadvertently exacerbating his condition through what Liz calls "a cage of love" (foreshadowing?).
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Throughout, we learn more about Liz's Arts, specifically that they give her empathic qualities and come with the drawback of shortening her lifespan every time she heals. The game-breaking ability to reverse Oripathy symptoms comes with equivalent exchange. Liz takes on the pain of others in order to make them feel better.
Near the end of the record, Liz asks if Shining is mad and to not blame Nearl for helping her. Shining's original call to avoid the town was born out of being concerned with Liz's health, but she admits that she should've respected Liz's decision. This is a stance that we then see get repeated in their future appearances in both side stories and the main plot--Shining prioritizing giving Liz agency, when she previously had none. Even when it results in Liz's condition worsening, something that Shining struggles with accepting at the same time, communicated through her asking Liz if her feeling more pain was necessary.
Nightingale’s Module #1 - Closed Hope
The module basically states outright that Nightingale views herself as a burden for having to rely on Shining and Nearl to help her navigate through life. This is another example of Liz's strong-willed personality peeking through.
"But for me, results speak loudest. Because I endured a little more pain, others can be born anew. This is very good. But… if I could be like ordinary people, without this physical pain, that spark of hope in my heart would surely shine a little bit brighter. Unfortunately, as I am now, I can only rely on others to survive. Like a light crystal in a lantern. Even if the lantern door is open, even if the light can bring warmth to others, the crystal itself is still fixed inside. It is fixed there, because it has no ability to move on its own. 'Nightingale, Nightingale––' I hope that one day, I will also be able to spread my wings and fly… just like the bird next to me. 'Nightingale, wake up already––' Until then, I must impose upon them yet more to take care of me.
'What's the matter, Shining?'"
In her Op Rec, she had even told Shining that if her legs had cooperated with her, she would not have asked Nearl for help, and that she would've gone out to heal that boy on her own. It's letting us know that she longs to be independent, and that she can't idly sit by as a passive observer when she has the ability to help others. Liz won't even let her own disabilities stop her from doing what she wants.
It's not a coincidence how Shining's presence in her module is represented by the analogy Liz uses to describe her predicament. Shining rescued her = the cage door is open. However, the crystal itself can't move = Liz's debilitating condition. Shining played her part in putting Liz in the cage to begin with. Shining is not only her savior, caretaker, and companion, there's a darker undercurrent as well.
Near Light
In Maria Nearl, Nightingale and Shining get a brief mention and cameo around the time Nearl crashes into the Major stadium. A connection can be made with Liz's Op Rec in which we evidently see that she and Nearl have a more physical (and arguably openly affectionate) dynamic compared to Liz and Shining. Before Nearl leaves to help her sister, we a get a brief look into her and Liz's parting conversation, in which Nearl assures Liz that she'll be okay and that Liz still has Shining with her.
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In Near Light, where they get more screentime, we have the iconic Nearl and Nightingale slow dance underneath the streetlights. In the CG itself, Shining can be seen hanging back, sporting a smile. She calls Liz beautiful unprompted, which results in Liz getting a little bit flustered, already so from dancing with Nearl.
Beyond these instances fleshing out the NearLiz leg of the triangle, it's also a purposeful depiction of Shining intentionally distancing herself from Liz, presumably due to her guilt for her past actions. And how that can be extrapolated into Shining feeling as though she is unworthy to partake in that same kind of intimacy. This self-loathing mentality is once more reflected in Nearl the Radiant Knight's second Module--here's a rough translation:
"I suddenly felt a little regretful - after all, I have always hated my bloodline. I have never tasted the beauty of home and the meaning of family. She deserved to have it all, deserved to be noticed and blessed and I deserved not to be a part of it."
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However, at the end of Near Light, we get the scene where Shining makes a decision to go back to Londinium with Nightingale, preparing us for their subplot with Confessarius. This exchange hangs over them like a cloud, as well as further cementing Shining's firm resolve to always remain by Liz's side, no matter her own misgivings about everything else. Even if the rest of the world is muddled in her eyes, the only thing that stays clear and in view, is Nightingale. Nothing else matters more.
Chapter 10-18
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The depth of Shining’s feelings for Nightingale is truly something to take note of. "My place is always at your side" is practically a textbook subtextual/indirect confession. "I will always be at your side... for as long as you’ll have me." Because we must know that Liz has a choice. She will not impose her own wants onto Liz. Should the day arrive where Liz no longer wants her, Shining will honor it, as much as it hurts.
The way Shining navigates and conducts her feelings towards Liz in this manner is very reminiscent of the medieval concept of courtly love, which is essentially a kind of romantic love without ever imagining it to go any further. The lack of consummation is not only expected, but ideal. That the love existing in and of itself is satisfying.
The scenes where we see Shining holding back help supplement this reading. It also plays well into how the Followers are basically the "knight in shining armor" idea codified into three individuals with corresponding dynamics. For bonus points, courtly love has ties to spirituality, which coincides with another aspect of Shiningale's story with identity, fate, and their conflict with Confessarius.
The fact that Shining 's most immediate plans for the future all have to do with Nightingale is only the tip of her unending devotion. "I’ll stay with you, and go wherever you want to go, as long as you want me". And for Liz to quickly ask if Shining will come with her wherever she wants to go suggests that the love is reciprocated.
Chapter 11-10
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Through a series of revelations, we discover that the current head of the Confessarii is Shining's father, who is possessing the body of her younger brother. And that Nightingale was an experimental subject whose physical body is a construct, making her the equivalent of an artificial human/homunculus.
The whole scene we see just how both Confessarius and Salus view Shining, Nightingale, and their relationship. As randmsapphic puts it, the method in which they talk about Liz as an object with a purpose and that Shining's attachment to her is nothing short of a phase speaks volumes as to how dismissive and strangely self-assured that Shining will come to her senses and do the right/rational thing and bring Liz back to help her. They entertain the notion of saving Liz by way of pushing Shining to return to them, because they are the only ones who can save her. Instead of immediately resorting to threats, they rely on manipulation, pulling the "family" card, preying on and weaponizing Shining's guilt and desire to help Liz. It's not subtle--this dynamic could very easily be seen as the reactions homophobic relatives would have.
In particular, Confessarius's fixation on bloodline purity is insanely creepy and not only comes off as very homophobic, but ableist as well. Him suggesting they can build Liz a new body is coercion to get Shining to obey him (which also implies that he thinks Shining's attraction to Liz is purely physical). Salus emotionally abusing Shining by saying that all of Liz's pain is Shining's fault. Attempting to shame Shining by claiming she abandoned her family for a stranger. Does it not have the vibes of homophobia saying that Shiningale's love/relationship isn't real and will never work?
Chapter 12-10
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The way Shining utterly ties her sense of self-worth to Nightingale, literally describing herself as Liz’s sin… she will not refer to Liz with possessive pronouns, but will do it to herself for her. The longing, the guilt, the resolve, the codependency… is incredibly yuri. Back in Chapter 10, Shining has an exchange with the Nachzehrer King where she says the moment she was born, she had carried sin. After the dinner in Chapter 11, she tells a Confessarius soldier (before cutting him down) that she hates herself most of all.
Of all the ways to describe her relationship with Liz, Shining decides on "I am her sin". There is poetry in how she refrains from using any kind of possessive language about Liz. Shining belongs to Liz, but Liz belongs to no one. "I am hers, and she is everything to me". It goes back to how she somewhat keeps her distance despite the overwhelming devotion. "I cannot touch her with these sinful hands".
Shining truly exemplifies devotion. Whoever was responsible for writing Shining’s dialogue is pulling out all sorts of stops to have her express her love for Liz in every way without outright making her say the words "I love Liz".
Chapter 13-9 (unfortunately tumblr has an image limit so i can't cap the entire subchapter; you really should read it yourselves for that delicious Shiningale goodness)
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Kal'tsit: The way you look at Nightingale isn't just with compassion. You're not just her doctor—she's healing your fears too. Her body has its issues, but she's a member of the 'Followers', as well as your companion, and not a delicate flower that needs your protection.
Nightingale: I'm fine, Shining. You don't have to look after me so meticulously.
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More examples of Liz's strong character! A dynamic becomes even more interesting when the one you thought was less-dependent turns out to desperately need the other. By this point, you should know that Shining places Nightingale incredibly high up her list of priorities. The narrative makes it no secret. They continue to hammer home that, despite being her caretaker, just how much Shining is dependent on Liz. Liz has already internally talked about how she hates having to rely on Shining and Nearl because of her ailments. In her other appearances, she makes it even more apparent with her dialogue. While Shining mends Liz’s aching body, Liz is the one who soothes Shining’s hurting heart.
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Confessarius: Poor 'Liz'. She think it's all her fault, because of the momentary kindness you showed her.
When you remember that Liz's Arts make her empathic to pain, it takes on another layer of meaning when she wants to take away Shining's suffering. It's reasonable to assume that Liz also had an attachment to Shining, even if you see it as such because Shining "brought her to life". But the vibe you get from her dialogue shows a strong affection and compassion for Shining. Arguably instinctive, considering the "nature" of who Liz originally was. A wandering spirit, a memory, a soul that was drawn to Shining because she felt her crushing pain and wanted to help her. An intangible presence given life by an achingly lonely and hurt individual.
Another post by randmsapphic suggests that Liz's "childhood memories" of her and Shining were in fact fabrications that Shining had imposed onto Liz, in some desperate attempt to have a connection with another person, which this scene confirms. Shining was so happy with Liz's creation that she quickly became attached to her. Is this a sort of twisted love/affection that was born out of Shining's self-loathing? Or her being born into a very dark and messed up lineage in which her fate is a doomed one, and so she latched onto Liz as a means of escape and a way to feel close to someone? It may have started off as such, but by the time we reach this point, the love grew to be genuine.
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Remember in Liz's Op Rec, where she described the father hurting his son by keeping him in a cage of love?
The bluebird losing its strength the farther it travels away from home is a metaphor and reflection for how the Confessarii treat Liz, their experiment. This is the basis for her captivity. Combined with Shining's sudden shift into a cold demeanor when she had previously been warm to Liz, this only served to psychologically and emotionally damage Liz, as well as compound Shining's guilt for having continued to follow the wishes of her family.
At some point, prior to deserting, Shining had wiped Liz's memories, perhaps out of said guilty conscious, or a means to a fresh start, or even her own way to stop Liz from feeling any pain associated with those memories, but she was still afraid of what would happen should Liz recover them, which had been happening little by little. Shining had resigned herself to believing that Liz would hate her, would want nothing to do with her, if she ever found out the truth. She had to wrestle with the very real possibility that attempting to save Liz could mean losing her, or being separated from her. Shining never once saw Nightingale as a burden; she was only ever happy that Liz exists.
Credit to randmsapphic again: Every time Shining draws her sword, it's a viscerally unpleasant reminder of her eventual destiny. It's both the only way to truly free Liz, and is the bind that keeps her shackled to a doomed fate. When Confessarius offers her the sadistic choice between killing him (thus giving up her soul) or return Liz to captivity... what should she do? There is no choice here.
The way Confessarius keeps (creepily) phrasing it as Shining “giving birth” really does paint him to be a disgustingly vile patriarchal figure set on destroying not only Shining’s autonomy, but her life and relationship with Liz. How a woman is treated as an object, her worth limited to only serving as a breeding ground for the next generation. This read continues to make even more sense because remember the Confessarii dinner scene? The way they talked like they expect Shining to come home after having had her fun with Nightingale reeks of how society views lesbian relationships as not real/practice for men/just a phase. The proverbial Class S? Shiningale really is just Arknights-flavored Class S Yuri. If a Shining Alter has her pick up her sword again, it could very well symbolize her reclaiming her bodily autonomy and fighting for her love, and for the chance to have a life outside of what the patriarch(y) wants for her.
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The more I read about the Shiningale in Chapter 13, the more I’m thinking that this can’t be anything else but yuri. Even the role Confessarius is playing as a villain/obstacle they have to overcome. A man getting between them by manipulating their feelings for nefarious purposes?
Liz telling Shining that she prefers her current name, how it encapsulates so much of who Shining is as a person; she's not just a means to an end for the Confessarii, she's more than what they've instilled in her since her birth. The Followers are all light-themed, and Shining is no exception. She broke Liz out of her cage and showed her the world. And Liz is the light of Shining's life, as was mentioned all the way back to her voiceline.
Liz telling Shining that she's always loved the name that she gave her... that she holds dear any and every part of Shining that's a part of her. Her gently chastising Shining for making the decision to sacrifice herself to save Liz... Don't give yourself up for me, especially without asking me. That's not what I want. For all the times that Shining made sure Liz knew she had a choice, this was the one time she didn't. Couldn't. And Liz won't have that. Whatever trials that await them, she wants to face them together with Shining.
The way Confessarius described Shining’s feelings towards Nightingale as “your rebellious love for her”. He knew that she would love Liz and factored that into his plan/manipulation of Shining. I don't know about you but… I don’t think there’s any other way to interpret that. No heterosexual explanation.
Realistically speaking, we know actual gay characters can’t make it past the censors unless it’s tragic (see Scavenger) or unrequited (see Tomimi). But Shiningale have like… playable immunity. It’s “implicit” enough to not trigger the censors but at the same time how can you not see it as romantic?
Their relationship is basically up there with Talulah/Alina. And I'd even go so far as to say that it's more explicit than Talulah/Alina. To my knowledge, they never used the word “love” to describe how Talulah felt about Alina. Just "friend". I know there's a point where subtext gets ridiculous enough to become maintext, but then that leads you to question why some get the "friends" label while others are allowed to use "love".
Could it be platonic love? Sure, of course you can love your friends. But would you pledge your entire life to a friend? What's so "rebellious" about loving a friend? (Interestingly, I think the JP translation calls it "immoral love", which is even more eyebrow-raising) Regardless, love exists between Shiningale. Confessarius knew it, and factored it into his schemes. He counted on Shining to love and cherish her. Shining loves Liz, that much is undeniable. And Liz loves her back, enough to stop Shining from sacrificing herself to save her. He's literally weaponizing the love they have for each other.
Shiningale and The Gothic
I had mentioned before that both characters' designs as well as the narrative beats of their story have Gothic literature elements. I want to make a list of the ones I could find that relate to them as characters and as a narrative:
A focus on medical conditions, doppelgangers (the "pure" Confessarii looking like each other), forbidden power/knowledge, the dichotomy between light and darkness, imprisonment, rebellion, isolation/seclusion, gloominess or a gloomy setting, the grotesque/macabre, terror/horror, justice vs revenge, good vs evil, fear and suspense, the supernatural/paranormal, female victims, prophecies/curses/omens, mystery and secrets, involvement of the clergy/religious figures (confessor/absolver of sin), the dead don’t stay dead/hauntings, romanticism
The Gothic hero is “weakened by love”, they either rescue their love interest or pine away in despair
Significance of blood (relations) and inheritance, the duality of giving and denying life
An examination of family structure, patriarchy, hereditary suffering
Dreams/nightmares, memories
Secrets, past sins, sins of the father, darkest deeds
Driven by love, duality of man (appearance)
Dwelling on the melancholy, of wistfulness and regret, but not overcoming kindness
Concept of “othering” from society (Shining split herself away from her blood family to be herself and with Liz, her chosen family
The protagonist’s passionate love is torn between his desire to achieve the beloved and the family’s disapproval, control, and choice. Gothic novels also tell the tales of love in vain. The lovers are parted due to the conspiracies of the people opposing them being together
Gothic sexuality is usually somewhat repressed—women are expected to be pure and somewhat helpless while men are expected to be quietly predatory. It's also patriarchal, with men making moves and women reacting to them
Homosexuality = the love that dares not speak its name. Repressed sexuality, forbidden desire
Female Gothic protagonists are often committed to justice, unwilling to compromise their values, loyal, respectful of others, curious, intelligent and devoted to their faith. Some are gentle, kind, likeable, clever, witty, quiet, supportive, thoughtful, hard-working, independent and strong. Others are courageous, witty, brave, determined, knowledgeable and socially competent. On the flip side, some are also strong-willed and outspoken to a fault. They’re often socially awkward, depressive, melancholy, brooding, solitary and selfish. Some are jealous, fiercely territorial, deceitful, powerless and deceptive. Others, like their male counterparts, are prone to violence
Male Gothic protagonists are often conflicted, solitary, tortured, brooding, and secretive, self-loathing, wracked with guilt, have a self-hate of their own existence
Female-centric Gothic stories often trend towards obscured/anticipated fears, focuses on persecuted women and the domestic space she risks entrapment within/disturbed spaces
Food for Thought
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Ryuzakiichi has a knight original character. Tell me... this doesn’t just look like Shining without horns? THE RESEMBLENCE IS UNCANNY.
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Knowing this, I'm convinced that he split the concept of a "knight in shining armor" into two characters: Nearl and Shining. Nearl embodies chivalry. Shining embodies devotion.
The followers dynamic can best be summarized as two knights swearing fealty to one lady, but what's interesting is that while Nearl is the most obvious depiction of a knight, it's actually Shining who serves the role even harder, because she is quite literally Liz's knight. Which tracks with how Shining looks nearly like a carbon copy of his OC. She's the one who rescued the princess from her tower, while simultaneously being the "wicked witch" who put her there in the first place. And just like a Gothic hero, is tormented and sees herself as a monster.
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Comparison to the main plot of Shadow of the Colossus. The driving force is that Wander commits acts (largely agreed to be treasonous) in order to revive Mono. The relationship between Wander and Mono is left up to interpretation as to whether it's platonic, familial, or romantic, but most fans of the game seem to theorize that Mono is indeed Wander's love interest.
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Normally I despise turning the Followers into a nuclear family unit in any direction (especially people saying Liz is a minor and infantilize her to be the designated "child"), but for a moment, seeing Shiningale looking at Nearl’s portrait, my brain interpreted them behaving like Nearl’s (substitute) parents being proud of her accomplishments.
This was not helped by stuff like Shining’s teasing ("Look at you, our knight acting snarky"), Liz asking if she and Shining were also Nearl’s family, and some apparent discussion about Mlynar being a "bad end" Margaret who lost his own light (his brother and sister-in-law, Margaret’s parents).
If Shining and Nightingale are to Nearl as Schnitz and Yolanta were to Mlynar, then that might also explain why he dropped his jerk behavior for one second just to compliment how the two Sarkaz were good for his niece. If Nearl had never met Shining and Nightingale, her own light might’ve gone out too...?
Shiningale are complementary in so many ways. It really feels like several aspects of their characters are tailor made to match; you can’t have one without the other, their development is tied together… soulmates. Hopefully this post helps encourage you to consider their story in a certain lens if you hadn't before.
To quote a CN post I saw on the matter after Chapter 13 was released (rough translation): "Shining's sword pieced Nightingale's heart, and Liz came alive. Liz's existence helped give Shining emotions. Liz became Shining's redemption. Shining renounced her old name and Liz cherishes hers, a transformation of two people choosing to fight and change their destiny. Although Liz is physically fragile, her spirit and will are very strong. Although Shining has excellent swordsmanship, her self-hate and inner turmoil weigh her down. They are truly complementary in every sense."
They each want to take away the other's pain. Shining doesn't want Liz to die. Liz doesn't want Shining to die for her. They are each other's mutual salvation.
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Show Stopping.
This is the concluding story to the corresponding blog event, It’s Raining Crows and Dogs! I took inspo from Cruella (2021) while writing this piece.
Please note, I was not able to respond to all interaction requests, as many were sent after the submission period, disregarded rules, or simply did not catch my interest 💦 Apologies!
By My Hand.
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Drinks dulled the senses, distracting from the din of the charity ball. Alcohol was forbidden on campus—but the sugar and the carbonation was enough to be ride that high, to loosen from the binds of stiff suits, glittering gowns, and falsified formalities.
The orchestra’s song swayed and sloshed like liquid in her ears. The golden lights refracting off chandelier crystals, kaleidoscopic.
Was it the juice or the tiredness messing with her senses?
Knocking back her glass, Raven let the fizzy, fruity concoction tumble down her throat. Bright citrus washed away her worries, the bubbles tickling her nose as it went down. She set the glass, now empty, down and called out to the anxious mob student manning the bar.
“Another, please.”
“… D-Don’t you think you’ve had enough, Raven-san?” Octa A asked. “That’s your seventh drink.”
She stared at him with blank, lifeless eyes.
Octa A immediately set to preparing the eighth. Club soda, fruit syrup, crushed mint leaves, and cubed ice.
“Long night?” he wondered out loud, attempting at conversation.
“Yes.” Raven groaned, nursing her aching head with one hand. “I was up for all of yesterday assisting Crewel-sensei with the final touches on his ensemble for this evening. Didn’t get a lick of sleep.”
“Oh. I-I’m sorry to hear that…” Octa A muttered. He topped off the fresh drink with a twisted lime wedge and then slid it to her. “Did your efforts at least pay off?”
She accepted the beverage with a tired yet grateful smile. “I have no clue. He has yet to arrive.”
Even though he demanded that I be here to witness ‘the fruits of my labor’…
“I’m sure he’ll show up soon.”
Raven cast a glance at her phone. 11:59 pm. Late—far too late.
“I highly doubt—”
The instant the clock struck midnight, the doors to the venue swung open, as if on cue. In strutted two Dalmatians, each fitted in a diamond encrusted collar. Trailing them was a figure in a white cloak with a long train, hood pulled over their face.
Heads turned. Onlookers gasped.
“Who is that?”
Raven stilled.
They produced a wand from a billowing sleeve and waved it in an arc. There was a dog collar looped around the end of the wand, a square magical gem on it.
Fire sprouted at the end of the mysterious guest’s train. It formed a coil, snaking up their body and engulfing the white. The exterior fell away into crumbling ashes and cinders, revealing what was underneath: a handsome face in a black and white eye mask, his suit a sinisterly shimmering crimson.
Divus Crewel, fashionably late.
Raven exchanged looks with Octa A.
The venue bursted into sound like a balloon popped. People rushed at him, flocking like birds, swarming like bees.
“Sir! What a grand entrance! How did you do it?”
“What a show stopping performance.”
“I thought my heart was about to beat out of my chest!!”
“Where did you get this outfit? I would like to own one for myself. Oh, you must pass me along the name of the brand.”
Crewel, right at home among his throng of admirers, chuckled. “I appreciate the compliments, but I’m afraid you won’t be able to find a replica of this look in any store or boutique. This ensemble is an original designed by yours truly.”
“Oh my!” A woman clutched at the string of pearls around her neck. “Would you be willing to do an original for me then?”
“Now, now! I had every intention of asking him first!” a mustachioed man protested.
“Unfortunately, I’ll have to turn down those requests,” Crewel interjected smoothly. “I am presently focused on my role as an educator. Your presence here at this event helps Night Raven College and its efforts to better the future and the local community.”
A murmur of agreement passed through the crowd.
“And another thing,” he continued, “I’m afraid I cannot take all the credit for my outfit. I may be responsible for the design, but the color of the dye was made in collaboration with a student.” Crewel searched the room and found Raven, letting his gaze linger on hers. She felt her mouth drying up. “This is the direction of the future.”
He flashed a dazzling smile. His handsomeness, a cutlass slashing through their defenses. Raven felt the entire room melt in response to Crewel.
“If you wish to support us and Night Raven College’s endeavors, we you may donate tonight. All proceeds will be going to an animal shelter on Sage’s Island.”
Several voices cried out simultaneously.
“I-I’ll donate! Of course I will!”
“Honey, we’ve got to support this cause.”
“You heard the man.”
“Night Raven College is such an exemplary learning institution!”
“Wow, Crewel-sensei strolled in and commanded the entire event,” Octa A mused. “Raven-san, the work you were doing yesterday… now it’s being seen by all of these people.”
“Well,” she said warily, absentmindedly swirling her half empty glass, “as long as he’s happy and NRC gets that money, I guess it’s fine.”
“That shade of red is nice,” Octa A commented. He was already assembling the ninth drink. “It suits Crewel-sensei very well.”
“I should hope so!” she huffed. “It took a lot of workshopping and several samples to find a shade that pleased him.“
“What did you name this one? Since you tend to label your homemade inks.”
“Ah, I call this one…”
Cruel Devil.
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letaot-ze-magniv · 9 months
Infodump on birds in Israel? 👁️👁️ Pls go on
General guide to birds in Israel
This post is going to be very long
Level 1- really common ones
Hooded crow/o-rev a-for (gray crow)
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These big boys are the most common birds in Israel. You can find them everywhere, especially in urban areas. They’re quite big, the average crow is 40-50 cm long with a wingspan of 1m. (That’s bigger then a pigeon).
Like all corvids, they are incredibly intelligent. They have an excellent memory, can recognise specific humans and pass on information through generations. They are fond of shiny things, have funerals, an understanding of games and a justice system. They can use tools and have a taste for peanuts and grapes.
Laughing dove/tzo-tze-let/yo-na
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These are the second most common birds in Israel, and they’re also an invasive species. The vast majority of people call them “yona” and if you say “tzotzelet wont know what you mean. You can find them everywhere, especially in cities.
This is an invasive species, and is commonly thought of as the first invasive species in Israel. It was brought over by Muslims during the Ottoman occupation and has lived here since.
Domestic pigeon/yo-nat ha-Ba-it (house dove)/yo-na
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Like the tzotzelet, most people call this bird “yona” too. That leads to the misconception that they’re the same species and confusion between the two. This pigeon is also extremely common, and you can find it in all urban spaces in Israel.
Feathering mutations are widespread among domestic pigeons, and they can also look like this:
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House Sparrows/ dror ha-ba-it/dror
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On the left, a female, on the right is a male. This birds are tiny and common and very cute. Can be found in all areas of Israel. They like eating small seeds and bugs, and you can feed them bread.
Monk parakeet/ tu-ki ne-zi-ri (commonly known as tu-ki)
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They’re green, adorable, can speak, and you guessed it, are invasive! Like the maynas, monk parakeets were introduced to Israel in the 90s after they escaped the Tzafari. You can find them in all parts of Israel except the Negev, and they’re especially common in Tel aviv and it’s neighbouring cities. Monk parakeets are often confused with rose-ringed parakeets as they’re the only green birds in Israel.
Rose ringed parakeets/da-ra-ra
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Above is the male, below is the female. Like monk parakeets, dararas are also an invasive species. I thought they were introduced in the 90s, but apparently they were introduced in the 1860s because they were kept as pets. Like monk parakeets, they can be found in all areas of Israel that aren’t deserts. It’s hard to tell them apart from monk parakeets if you can’t see their chests.
Eurasian Jackdaw/kak
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Yet another corvid! Like all other corvids, jackdaws are extremely intelligent, have an understanding of death, can use tools, and so on. Jackdaws are unique in that they also have an understanding of monogamy and privacy around mating! They prefer to mate away from their murder (is murder what you call a flock of any corvid or is that exclusive to ravens?) and they also kill their ill. They can be found in all areas hooded crows are, but aren’t as common. Its possible to confuse them for a hooded crow, but they’re smaller and darker.
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This lil girl isn’t extremely common, but it’s the national bird and is adorable so I HAD to include it. Hopoes tend to live near sources of water, and you can find them in coastal areas. There used to be more of them but sadly deforestation and invasive species hurt the population. They have a floofy feather thingy on their head that they can open and close and that’s adorable!
I’ll make a part 2 now about somewhat uncommon birds
If anyone is interested in learning more about the birds of Israel, I highly recommend אתר הצפרות הישראלי. They have detailed descriptions of the birds, they include scientific Hebrew and Arabic names, they have a map that shows you how common each bird is in what part of Israel, AND THEY HAVE RECORDINGS OF THE BIRD CALLS
They also have a page for every bird that was ever spotted in Israel, even if it was only once. Don’t ask me what they define as Israel, because I’ve wondered about it too and I don’t know
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ferigrieving · 5 months
kiss me (until my lips fall off).
⊹ ࣪ ˖ kiss me until my lips fall off / kiss me until i start to rot
⤷ masterlist ; requests open
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your copy of dracula was well worn. its cover had irreparable water damage, peeling in the corners, and a concerning amount of tabs sticking out of its side. it was well worn, post-it notes on every other page, and indecipherable annotations crammed in every open space. 
tokoyami had looked at you like you were holding a bomb when you had handed him the book, convinced that the manuscript for the original was in your hands with the state it was in.
now he found himself at his desk, pouring over the book, while you lounged on his bed, idly flipping through a FRUiTS magazine.
“have you seen my quill, love?” the boy across from you inquired, rummaging through his drawers to no avail. 
“mm. i ate it, sorry.” you giggled, rolling over and placing the magazine back where it belongs.
he raised a brow at you. “haha. real funny.” he huffed, continuing looking through his drawers, mumbling something about always replacing things. 
rolling your eyes, you reached under the bed and rummaged around, pulling out one of the many things you had hidden a multitude of his things. with the tip of your wing, you dropped it in front of him, not without a light shove to the shoulder.
with a click of his beak, he thanked you, turning and dipping it into his near-empty inkwell. you made a mental note to buy a new one when you went out.
you watched tokoyami with amusement as he meticulously flipped through the pages of your battered book, careful not to rip or tear anything, as if that would make any difference. his furrowed brow and intense focus were a stark contrast to how you laid on his bed, borderline falling asleep. 
you had read thru this issue more times than you could count, and you decided watching him struggle with the book was more than enough to keep you entertained.
as fought to decipher what exactly was going on in your annotations, you couldn't help but admire the way his silhouette was illuminated by the soft glow of his many candles. 
the room felt cosy, and you figured it would only seem that way to the two of you, and maybe that one bird pro-hero you had forgotten the name of. his bed resembled that exactly of a bird’s nest, except it was made with pillows, stolen stuffed animals, and layers and layers of comforters.
feathers were jammed between each and every pillow, ranging in size and colour, but most were that of either his, or yours, a result of being too lazy to clean them up after moulting. in the corners of the bed, stuffed animals of various shapes and sizes were nestled, the only pop of colour in the entire room. among them were different birds of prey, but a majority were either ravens, or crows, meticulously arranged as if they were guarding the two of you as you slept.
“hey,” he started. “have you read wuthering heights?”
tokoyami knew the answer. of course he did. he had watched you attempt to read it during lunch, and put it down after ten pages. you had told him that you didnt have the brain capacity right for it at the moment. he never saw you pick it up again.
“you have not. otherwise you would have rambled about it in excruciating detail by now.” he tapped his quill against the table, huffing. “i was thinking we could go to the library to check another book like it. one that takes less brain power, of course.”
“on a date? how sweet.” you grinned, sitting up and tucking your knees to your chest.
“i suppose it is.” he quipped, standing up and making his way over to you. “you’ve been laying in bed all day, love. my legs are going numb.”
he tucked into bed beside you, laying his head on your lap and playing with the tips of your feathers. “do i now?” you wrap your wings around his body in some sort of makeshift cocoon, making up for the blanket you were hogging.
you loved these moments of affection between you two. you pressed a kiss on his forehead, and he responded with a grumble, pressing his face into your stomach. tokoyami lay there with you for a solid ten minutes before glancing at the clock.
“love,” he sighed.” “we should probably get dressed, lest we wish to not make it to the library before it closes.”
“that means i’d have to get up!” 
“a horrific possibility.” he hummed.” “we could always go tomorrow, if you are feeling lazy.” he stood up, stretching and ruffling his feathers. “however, we both know that neither of us will be awake before noon tomorrow, so lets just go now, okay?”
you pout, removing your wings as some sort of punishment as you turn away from him.
he raised a brow. “what an injustice. i offer to go on a date with you, and you refuse to get out of bed. im going to have to resort to violence it seems.
in one swift move, he pinned you down on his bed, an indistinguishable smile on his face. “i suppose ill have to drag you to the library.”
“nooo…!” you whined, thrashing playfully.
he giggled, kissing the side of your jaw. “oh, dont be so overdramatic, dear. its just a couple of books, and perhaps some food afterwards. is that so bad?” he gave you another kiss, and another, and another, until your whole face was tingly from the feeling of his beak against your skin.
“are ya’ gonna treat me to dinner, fumi’?”
“thats not even a question, of course i will, my love. now come on, we have a library to go to.” he hummed, pulling you up along side him. “lets get dressed, then we can go on our date.” hopping to his feet, he opened his closet, sorting through until he found something suitable.
“love, where is my vest?”
you looked away from him, buttoning up your dress shirt as you pointedly ignore the vest wrapped around your body.
he smiled, chuckling as he nudged you in the stomach. “where did you even find that?” without waiting for a response, he grabbed one of your vests that you had left in his room the day prior and pulled it on over his band tee.
you’re wearing borderline the exact same outfit, as always. “so, are you ready?”
he grabbed his keys off his desk, and shoved them in his pocket. without saying another word, he pulled you out of bed once more, and began to tug you out the door. “lets go, my darling.”
tokoyami, pulling you down the street, thumb rubbing over the back of your palm. “do you wanna fly, my love?” you grinned.
with one large flap of your wings  you propelled yourself up into the air with tokoyami in your grasp. he could fly too, and you often launched him into the air after you like some sort of rocket launcher. the sight of the city below you two was always breathtaking. you could never get tired from seeing the world so high up.
tokoyami, of course, was holding onto you for dear life. flying was all fun and games right up until the moment when it wasnt.
this time, he held on tight, the wind whipping through his feather, his face buried in your neck. all he could smell was the strawberry of your perfume. he was content like this, holding onto you for his life, as the two of you approached the library.
as you landed, pulling him onto the ground with you, tokoyami’s knees wobbled. he clutched your shoulder for dear life, not trusting in his body to stay upright and not embarrass him.
“you’re  a nightmare, love. i swear, one of these days–” he started, walking through the library entrance after you. “one of these days, what? “
he glanced away, muttering something about ‘one of these days im going to have a stroke.” 
he let go of your hand for the first time since leaving, and led you through the shelved. he paused occasionally, skimming his fingers over the dust jackets. “you never did tell me what you were looking for.” he commented idly.
“anything but wuthering heights, maybe a little life. i heard shoji talk about it over lunch.”
he chuckled, running his fingers over a shelf dedicated to fantasy. “of course you’d pick one of the most depressing books to read over spring break. you’re such a romantic.”
“love you too, fumi’.”
he shook his head, a small smile on his face. “i love you too, dearest.”
he finally stopped at the gothic lit section, and you watched his eyes light up. tokoyami walked  along the section, examining each book. he pulled a few books from the shelf, and began flipping through one. “the picture of dorian grey. i’ve been meaning to pick this up.
he flipped through a few more, and added another few books to the ever growing stack he and dark shadow held. the bird was not pleased about it, and cawed something about ‘children’s books’.
you rolled your eyes, and took some of the books from the bird, placing them gently in the basket you held. tokoyami had something of a frown on his face, trying to take the books back from you. “i can carry them just fine myself, love.”
“yeah, but then you wont be able to get more, dumbass.”
he stared at you in shock, placing his hand over his chest in mock hurt. “how rude. is this how you show your love for me? calling me names?”
“blah blah blah, i dont wanna fuckin’ here it, fumi’!” you grin, taking a seat at one of the many tables littered around the library. tokoyami set his books down at the table, and crossed his arms. he stepped behind you, wrapping his arms around you and placing a kiss on your neck. his head rested on your shoulder. tokoyami seemed unwilling to let you go, and you weren’t inclined to fight him.
“i love you, evem if you dont listen to me. and take my books. and call me names.”
“i love you too, bird brain. now, lets go check out, yeah?”
tokoyami grumbled something unintelligible underneath his breath, but nodded anyways. he released his hands from your waist slowly, and grabbed the cart of books. 
“did you forget your card again..?”
he scoffed as you led him towards the front desk, placing the books down at the counter. “me? never.” tokoyami reached into his pocket, averting his gaze when he realised he had in fact, forgotten his card.
“i swear you do this deliberately.” you commented from beside him, already pulling out your card.”
“i dont, i promise!” he defended himself, feathers bristling at the accusation.
“yeah, yeah. whatever man.” you roll your eyes and scan all the books, handing it back to your boyfriend to place in his tote bag.
he grumbled, mock offended. “i know, im horrible. im the worst.” tokoyami waited impatiently as you sorted through the books. he was beginning to become restless, rocking back and forth on his heels, dark shadow whining and tugging on your wings.
“mhm, sure. is there anythin’ else you wanna do while we’re out, fumi’?” you hummed, holding the door open for him as he left. the sun had set, casting the buildings across from you in bright hues of orange. “anything but fly home.” tokoyami huffed, purposefully stepping on your toes. 
“can’t make any promises, love.”
“ah, you’re a horrible person.”
“love you too.”
keeping your silent promise, you walked through the streets of musutafu, one hand on your tote bag, and the other intertwined with your boyfriend’s. he had awfully cold hands for a warm blooded animal. you were planning on beelining straight to the dorms and curling up in tokoyami’s room to read, but god forbid you dont get a sweet treat when you can.
you found yourself in front of an array of pastries, all catching your eye in their own unique way. you werent particularly picky when it game to baked goods, as long as it was good. asking your boyfriend was no help either, he was like an eightball with only two answers. “i have no idea,” and “whatever looks good to you, my love.”
“just a dozen brownies, please, ma’am?” you smiled, placing the yen on the tray and taking the box gently. you watched tokoyami reach into his pocket to presumably pay, but it was clear that he not only had forgotten his library card, but his whole wallet.
he took your hand once more outside of the local cafe you had just visited, dark shadow opening the box of brownies and shoving them in his beak. “so good,” he mumbled through a mouthful of chocolate.”
“stop talking when you have food in your mouth, weirdo!” you smacked him with your wings playfully, sticking your tongue out at him in fake disgust.
he rolled his eyes, waving a brownie in your face. “you want one, darling?”
“well, i was saving those for when we got back home, but someone decided to get a head start. not gonna name names though.”
“stop complaining ! i know for a fact you want one.”
“i do! but if– if i eat them now, i wont have any later..” you pouted, taking the brownie and placing it back in the box neatly.
“seriously, love. i cant believe youre passing up an opportunity to eat something sweet.” he tutted, taking the brownie he had offered to you and swallowing it whole. “what kind of monster are you?”
“a terrible, terrible, one, that only an aspiring pro-hero can tame…”
he stood up on his tip-toes, bumping his beak against your cheek in a ‘kiss’. “unfortunately, i have come to love this dreaded monster.”
you find yourself close to the dorms, and without warning, you pick tokoyami up like a sack of potatoes and launch yourself up into the air, giggling as you shot through his window and landed in a heap on his bedroom floor.
as always, tokoyami was not particularly fond of your behaviour. he was muttering something along the lines of ‘god, kill me now.’ and ‘why did i even agree to this relationship.’ 
after a few minutes, he sat up, and gave his best attempt at a scowl as you could get with a face like his. “do you derive some form of sick, twisted delight by doing that?”
“...a little.”
he sighed and shook his head. he knew better to argue by now. all that mattered were that the brownies were in one piece. he got to his feet, dusting himself off before offering a hand to help you up. “the things i do for love.”
“aww, you love me? how sweet.” you crooned, placing your hands together and twirling him around.
“of course i love you, dear.” he said, taking your hand and lifting up to his beak, pressing a soft kiss to your knuckles.. “its horrible.”
tokoyami tugs you closer, slinging his arms around your waist and pulling you down onto the rug. he placed another kiss on your forehead, “absolutely horrible.”
he sighed, burying his head in the crook of your neck. “why did i ever agree to date you? i was so normal before you, y’know.”
“youre literally like the least normal person i know, fumikage.”
he gave you a pointed look, “and you think youre normal, dear? youre anything but normal. youre… insane.”
“hey. i never said anythin’ about myself now.” you hummed, feeling yourself become drowsy from how comfortable it was laying in each others arms. it was oddly comfortable on your boyfriend’s floor. “i think… ill just fall asleep here. forget the books.” you felt yourself get lifted up by the waist, getting hauled over to tokoyami’s bed and flopping you down like a ragdoll. “we can start the book later, my love.” he shifted around a little, wrapping his arms around your waist and pulling you close.
it was quiet, for a moment, a comfortable silence you’d grown to love. 
“yes, love?”
“...stay here?” tokoyami inquired, voice barely above a whisper. you mumbled an ‘mhm.’ against his neck, he was so warm.
you were fighting a battle against sleep and loosing. “read to me, fumi’.” you murmured.
you felt him nod, moving your wings out of the way to reach over to his desk and grab your copy of dracula. he flipped through the pages once more, searching for the handmade bookmark you had given to him on valentine’s day. his voice was soft, the monotonous hum lulling you into a deeper sleep.
not even five minutes had past before he felt your wings go limp, and when he looked up from his book, he found you passed out on his lap, a bit of drool seeping our your mouth. gross.
he gently closed the book and put it back where it belonged, and rolled over, wrapping his arms around you once more. 
in nothing but the soft glow of the moonlight, tokoyami watched as you drifted off into a peaceful sleep, breathing steady and serene. with a smile, he leaned down to brush a stray locke of hair away from your face, tucking it behind your ear gently. 
carefully, he adjusted his position, making sure not to ruffle your feathers as he held you close. your warmth was intoxicating. he felt like he couldnt get enough of you.
with a contented sigh, he closed his eyes, allowing himself tosuccumb to the soothing rhythm of your breathing, knowing as long as you were by his side, he was exactly where he belonged.
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puzzled-pegasus · 8 months
Additional WoF hcs
SandWings have a type of adapted webbing between their claws from their common ancestry with SeaWings, to keep them from sinking in the sand.
IceWings also have similar so they can swim and walk on the snow.
MudWings love frogs and will consider it good luck if they see a bullfrog, especially a particularly large one. For this reason, they tend to depict cranes and herons, which eat frogs, as crafty and a little bit evil in their storytelling.
MudWings generally don't eat alligators because of the belief they are related.
SkyWings incorporate eagles into their religious beliefs and believe that they are sacred, like angels or watchful guardian spirits in disguise, and they are Apalled at the prospect of eating one.
Coral loves dolphins so much, she named her daughter Orca. That's not really a headcanon, that's just a thing I just realized lol
SeaWings have a popular dessert they like to make from red kelp, it's like gelatin or pudding. It's especially popular among the lower class dragons.
SkyWings really aren't sure what to do with their war-mutilated veterans, especially the lower class ones. They hate any sort of imperfection, but they also admire the fact that they survived battle at all, so they altogether just try not to think about them. Maybe they even have a closed off section of town where they encourage them to stay. :(
I'm not sure if this happened already but I'm sure Thorn is going to either destroy the weirdling tower and cause riots or she will destroy the building and put the contents into a proper museum to preserve what an awful dragon Burn was
SeaWings have the highest literacy rate next to NightWings. Many IceWings can't read much more than their own names.
SeaWings can be immune to jellyfish venom.
Toys commonly given to dragonets include wooden, clay, or iron figures, dolls made from wood, cloth, or sometimes grass, stuffed animals, wooden practice weapons, dress up jewelry made from glass, and more. Additionally, dragonets, especially in the Kingdom of Sky, are commonly given bones to chew as an equivalent to being given a lollipop.
Dragons regrow their teeth multiple times in their life, as part of the reason they're able to live so long. This comes from their common ancestry with crocodilians.
There is said by RainWings to be a species of eagle in the rainforest that is similar to a harpy eagle, but much bigger, with talons as big as a dragon's. It has been reported to have flown away with dragonets before, and though a very rare occurrence, RainWings tell their dragonets about it partially for their safety and partially to scare them into listening to them. The eagle is probably called something SkyWing related---after one of the queens, perhaps. These predator attacks are one of the only reasons that RainWings still have venom.
As well as flowers, RainWings like to decorate themselves and their homes with brightly colored feathers they find.
NightWings, upon coming to the rainforest, have since introduced RainWings to glass flower vases. Many RainWings love them. They have also introduced them to the concept of cooking fruit to make jam and juicing it and/or fermenting to make tasty drinks
SandWings believe that ravens are a good omen and enjoy leaving scraps of prey out for them. They admire their tendency to clean up what is upsetting and avoided by most. IceWings see them as a symbol of death or a warning and are extremely creeped out by their intelligence.
Despite their love for ravens, SandWings are really annoyed by their obnoxious cousins, crows, and it is not an uncommon sight to see them chasing the birds away with a broomstick
MudWings are delighted whenever they see bluejays or similarly bright colored temperate forst birds, but not for any spiritual reason. They just don't see bright colors often :D
MudWings generally find it extremely disrespectful to pick flowers, especially ones that grow on someone else's property, because brightly colored flowers are not especially common in the swamps. It's quite the culture shock when they meet RainWings who pick every pretty blossom in sight.
Similarly, if a SandWing finds a flower in the desert which is wilting, they are obligated to bring it water.
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abardnamedreginald · 3 months
im a wolf-demon-salamander-grey treefrog-katydid-cricket-luna moth-klingon-trad vampire-cat-romulan-harry potter wizard-gnome-drow-orc-wood elf-high elf-werewolf-twilight vampire-chihuahua-android-bard-druid-sorcerer-d&d wizard-lotr wizard-mind flayer-kraken-owlbear-genetically modified human-andes mint-harry potter merperson-h20 mermaid-great white shark-raven named nevermore-amontillado-sewer clown-animatronic-ink person-reality bender-ringwraith-chicken-fairy-telescreen-multibear-manic pixie dream girl-d class-horcrux-dragon-unicorn-pegasus-among us crewmate-among us imposter-game master-sharpie king size marker-dwarf-dragonborn-toothbrush-rock-paper-scissors-lizard-vulcan-politician-god-phone guy-icebreakers ice cubes pineapple-a doctor not a miracle worker-troll-ent-poodle-rabbit-Bear.-orange zombie-purple zombie-green zombie-professor plum-col. mustard-in the library-with a knife-hoola dancer-fish-villager-pelecan-defense against the dark arts professer-mafia boss-peep rabbit-peep chicken-gymnast-hairbrush-philosopher-music freak-school teacher-kidnapper-police lieutenant-farmer-trash can-dumpster out back-turtle-tribble-my little pony-kratt brother-high diver-pearl diver, dive, dive, deeper-chef-fire-earth-water-wind-wasp-bee-hornet-yellowjacket-mud dabber-grasshopper-rattlesnake-armadillo-cowboy-flashlight-starfleet science officer-harlet-elephant-gater-muppet-emo-goth-preppy-teabag-loser-sucker-mouse-rat-a puppet-a pauper-a pirate-a poet-a pawn-and a king-father albert-the pope-a nun-pastor jeff-gambler-metalhead-death rocker-the grim reaper-angel-lighthouse-paw patrol dog-hobbit-starfish-sponge-crab-squid-shrimp-jellyfish-chipmunk-hammerhead shark-nurse shark-humpback whale-blue whale-orca-sexual harrassment panda-south park character-jakoffasaurus-scrabble board-ouija board-pillow-toilet paper-period pad-tampon-baby diaper-elderly diaper-martian-touch tone telephone-starfleet operations-starfleet command-kirk-spock-bones-sulu-chekov-uhura-scotty-yeoman rand-KHAN!!!-mudd-the uss enterprise-the uss reliant-botany bay-v'ger-valeris-saavik-sybok-surak-sarek-the abbreviation 'idk'-sheldon-leonard-penny-howard-raj-amy-bernadette-mary cooper-george sr-george jr-missy cooper-meemaw-tam-dr sturgis-dr linkletter-dr jack bright-dr clef-dr gears-dr kondraki-dr mann-dr iceberg-dr crow-dr rights-dr sherman-scp 049-scp 3008-scp 4231-scp 166-scp 682-scp 2521-scp 590-O5 6-bill cipher-stanley pines-stanford pines-dipper-mabel-wendy-soos-schmebulok-gideon-mcgucket-dipper goes to taco bell-sheriff blubs-deputy durland-tad strange-andy taylor-william afton-michael afton-elizabeth afton-crying child-henry emily-charlotte emily-dave miller-jack kennedy-dee kennedy-peter kennedy-steven stevenson-aragorn-sam-frodo-merry-pippin-boromir-legolas-gimli-gandalf-faramir-denethor-sauron-elrond-thranduil-harry-hermione-ron-voldemort-pettigrew.-moony-padfoot-prongs-snape-edward-bella-alice!!-carlisle-charlie-cthulhu-greg heffley-pennywise-bendy-sammy-norman-jack-alice (susie)-allison-henry stien-joey drew-bruenor battlehammer-raskolnikov-heather-heather-heather-veronica-jd-kurt-ram-martha-kurt cobain-david bowie-freddie mercury-hozier-mitski-lemon demon-jack stauber-tally hall-hamilton-burr-jefferson-madison-washington-phillip-angelica-eliza-peggy-king george iii-king henry viii-ben franklin-catherine of aragon-anne boleyn-jane seymour-anne of cleves-katherine howard-catherine parr-dracula-𝓯𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴𝔂-evan hansen-conner murphey-john adams-raymond barron-fred randall-jane doe-ocean-noel-mischa-constance-ricky-karnak-vergil-alternate-thatcher davis-ruth-dave-cesar-mark-adam-sarah-jonah-evelyn-gabriel-trump-biden-sunny-basil-kel-aubrey-hero-mari-vanessa (the mean girl that kinda likes u)-tux the linux penguin-perry the platypus hybrid princess...dont fw me
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"Look," the officer put his hands in the air in defeat, "we need her to help us with the recent deaths. She's our only chance."
"Fine, I'll get her. Gotta warn you she's," takes a moment to find a word which fits the mold, "on edge."
The law informants disturbances to the home of the dead where creeping up on several weeks. Everyone so far hasn't been able to figure out the series of deaths which have begun to amp up in frequency. The police didn't enjoy having to rely on 'meer teens' for cases which will get them in the light instead of the police force.
Their hands where tied at this point. If everyone who have proper knowledge can't do so then an ultimate who has a good reputation in their work is their last attempt.
Out came Kido. She already knew why the officials were at her place of death and tranquility.
"Ma'am do you mind coming with us to the station. We need your profound skills to aid in several deaths," Kido looked at the policeman then to the sheriff.
She shook her head.
"I believe you'll do well for us," the sheriff held a smile.
Kido didn't like being their temporary whipping dog. Bitter wasn't a word which fits her emotions. Did they actually think her talent would be helpful? Are they that desperate?
"Whatever you say, sir." Kido held her arms crossed.
"Good; tomorrow is when you'll start!" At least she was able to compromise with these people, "Go ahead and head home."
"See you tomorrow." All she could say without her beastly nature coming out.
Kido roamed around the living city. Her resentment mated with envy and misery walked alongside Kido. She was ever so bitter seeing happiness flow through her cold, rotting body. She couldn't stand her own bitterness of life surrounding her with sheer swarms of flies among other parasites.
The world is warm, per usual cause of sun and blacktop. She couldn't complain on what she couldn't control. Just not worth it.
She was free to do what she wanted till night comes. Nothing came to mind. Her UV damaged eyes inched along to each side. The sun helped to see blurry figures all around her. It's the only thing the sun is good for.
"Where did Mistress say to meet again?"
Usual sinking of her acidless stomach came around anytime she mentions her enslaver. The only reason why she stays was to wait and win the war. She will win. She'll cheat to win if needed. It was to ensure his safety and happiness.
Kido found herself where her fall came forward. Her old school.
Rumors and fear prevented any chance of rebuilding the school. It was her fault. She sang. Her voice. Her... everything. Kido looked at the burned rubble without any dead victims remaining in this hellish grave of generations. They're resting in peace now. All but her.
Washed away soot, rotting scorched wood, and other objects a school would have lay to rest. All her fault. The school. The hospital. Fuka's death. It's all her fault.
The remains felt undead with her around. So much has been lost. Ravens crowed from the sky before they came to rest. Obsidian beaks picked around old molded books, broken desks, and stray chairs.
@mikado-sannoji @after-neo-world and others are welcome to join.
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aemondapologistfrfr · 3 months
Dethrone - Chapter 3
Tumblr media
Warnings: mention of mutilation, swearing, mentions of bullying
Authors Note: two year time jump, the story fr starts now, high valyrian is going to be in italics, we finally meet our mans
Word Count: 3.1k
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It’s been just over two years since I’ve arrived at Dragonstone. Things were going well, but could always be better. My father never really got better at being a father. He does give me whatever I ask for, but I think it’s just to get me away from him. Rheanrya on the other hand, was hands down the sweetest woman I’ve ever met. I have no idea how she puts up with my father. Knaenna has also lived here with me and has remained my rock and my breath of calm air. 
My dream continues to occur and I feel as if I’m always on the lookout for my white haired King. The only thing that has started to change within it is the amount of witnesses to our union. I feel as though I’ll find him any day now and it’s causing me to be jittery and jumpy.
I’ve been training everyday again with Jace and Luke. It took a lot of persuading when I had first asked them to let me train with them. Now they get mad at me when I drag getting up to meet them at the beach. It helps me feel a sense of control and boosts my confidence to wield a weapon again. They were both surprised to see how light I am on my feet and how easy I was able to best them. 
I’m fairly close with Jace and Luke, but they don’t hesitate to remind me of my life in Runestone. I usually just brush it off as siblings fighting, but sometimes it digs too deep. More days than not, I still feel like an outsider who invaded this family. I’m just thankful to be surrounded by more people than just people whose job it is to take care of me.
Me and Jace were sparing when my father interrupted us. He said they received a raven from Baela, who’s staying at Driftmark, saying there are rumors of Viserys declining health and it seems like crows may be waiting for the throne which piques my interest. Over the years it has always surprised me that Rheanrya is the heir and how little her and my father attend court. They have no idea what’s going on in the realm because they stay holed up here at Dragonstone. 
“This is such bullshit.” Jace scoffs handing the message back to Daemon.
My father leads us back to the castle. We’re all to meet in the hall to discuss what to do now. I’ve been been somewhat caught up on the family fallouts. Everyone tries to avoid talking about our family in Kings Landing as much as possible, at least around me. I’ve been able to read about them, but Jace and Luke have no issue telling me how terrible our cousins are.
“Thank you all for getting here so quickly. You’ve heard the news, which means we’re heading for Kings Landing in the morning. Please pack your things. I need you to be ready by first light.” Rheanrya says decisively. 
We’re sent off to our chambers to begin packing. I wish the circumstances were better as to why we were heading to Kings Landing. I’ve heard plenty of good and bad stories. I want to see for myself. I’m excited to finally be leaving Dragonstone. I do have more freedom here but I was able to explore everything in under a turn of the moon.
Although I haven’t heard much good of our family there, I’m still excited to meet them. It does make me nervous that they’ll shun me. They’ve been sent ravens of my existence, but that doesn’t mean they’ll be as welcoming. I’m secretly hoping I’ll find my King there among our estranged family so I can finally start paving our future.
The rest of the night is a blur. There is so much commotion with all of the preparations for our departure. I close myself off in my room because I’m getting overwhelmed. I try to find sleep, but my mind refuses to turn off. My brain is running in circles of all of the possibilities. 
It seems right when I fall asleep there’s a knock at my door. It’s Kaenna telling me I have to start getting ready. I slowly get out of bed trying to wipe whatever sleep I had off my eyes. 
“It’s so fucking early.” I groan pulling a dress out of my wardrobe. 
“How did you sleep?” Kaenna asks softly trying to tame my hair. 
“I didn’t.” I grumbled pulling my dress up. 
She doesn’t respond. She ties up the back of my dress and leads me over to my vanity so she can start on my hair. We sit in comfortable silence and once she’s done, she walks over my bags to grab them. 
We walk down to the main entrance and I see everyone gathered there. Some men come and grab our bags to bring to the ship. At least I’ll be able to get some sleep on our journey. 
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It seems like we have been sailing forever. We’re all stir crazy and just ready to be on solid ground again. When we start to see the outline of King Landing we are practically jumping off the boat. 
When we finally dock and get off no one is there to welcome us. My father didn’t take this lightly, but Rheanrya did her best to calm him down. She told Jace and Luke to show me around and explore while she and my father go seek out Viserys and Alicent. 
They seemed to have a destination in mind by their fast pace. I trail behind taking in the new scenery. When I finally catch up, I see they lead me to the training yard. Of course. Why would we explore when we could train. I roll my eyes and stand next to them.
They’re pointing out weapons they used to train with and are showing me their favorite ones. Jace points out a spot in the brick that Luke had broken in their younger years. Loud shouts divert our attention to the two men surrounded by a group. 
We walk over and push our way to the front of the circle. I am immediately entranced with the man with the blinding white hair. He’s so graceful with his sword it looks like it’s dancing. I know I’m staring, but I can’t help it there’s just something about him pulling me in and stealing all of my attention.
“No fucking way that’s him.” I hear Jace whisper to Luke. That’s when I notice the eyepatch. Fuck. That’s Aemond? 
“Glad he finally got an eye patch to cover some of that scar.” Luke says with disgust. 
They way they described Aemond to me was not accurate. They made it seem like he was repulsive and I wouldn’t be able to look at him. Here I am and now I can’t take my eyes off of him. I’m conflicted. I know the history between him and Luke, but I can’t help it. 
“Why are you staring at him like that?” Jace whisper yells to me breaking my trance. 
“Nephews, would you like to train with me?” our heads snap in the direction of the velvet voice. “And who is this?” Aemomd turns to me and starts walking over. 
“I’m Viktorya.” I say standing tall trying to calm my nerves as he walks even closer. 
“The infamous, hidden, Princess Viktorya.” He says grabbing my hand and kissing it. “I’m Aemond.” he looks at me with a piercing violet eye as I feel my heart stop.
It’s him. My King. My heart begins to beat again, more rapidly this time. I’ve been looking for him in every man with white hair since I can remember. I can’t help the butterflies in my stomach when he grabs my hand. It feels like pure fire radiating between us. I realize we’re just standing there with our hands in each others and step back and try to find words but I’m at a loss.
“Hm,” Aemond smirks. “I’ll come find you later. Nephews.” he says to Jace and Luke never breaking eye contact with me until he walks away.
He’ll come find me later? What does that mean? I’m nervous to turn towards Jace and Luke. I know they’ll have something to say about that interaction. I couldn’t care less what they have to say. I’m barely able to contain myself to not follow after Aemond like a lost kitten.
“What was that??” Luke asks with raised eyebrows.
“What do you mean?” I respond trying to sound innocent. 
“You were practically eye fucking him since you saw him. Are you not ashamed? That’s Aemond.” Jace says voice getting louder. 
“I was not. You’re being so fucking dramatic.” I huff and walk away not wanting to deal with this. We’ve been locked up on a ship for three days and I’m ready to do something and hopefully run into Aemond.
“You don’t even know where you’re going.” Luke calls after me and I turn back towards him. 
“Rheanrya said we could explore so, I’m going to explore.” I say dully and start walking in the opposite direction of them. 
Kings Landing is filled with people. I don’t think I’ve ever seen this many people in one place. The streets are filled with shouting and laughter. There’s so much to take in. I walk in between bodies and carts taking in all the new smells of food.
I feel bad for leaving Jace and Luke, but I didn’t want to be questioned. I honestly needed some space to clear my head. I feel like my family will think me a traitor for even having a thought of Aemond and never talk to me again. I know I’ve only just met him but all of my feelings just went crazy the moment he grabbed my hand.
I’m walking along aimlessly looking at all of the shops. Stopping to talk with some people on the street. The only goal I have in mind right now is seeing as much as I can. I’m continuously taking in my surroundings trying to memorize it all as if I’ll never be able to return. 
“Should you really be walking around unattended.” Aemond says from behind me making me jump. 
“I didn’t know when you said later, that you meant in 20 minutes.” I turn towards him a smile splitting across my face.
“It wasn’t hard to find you. Your hair stands out.” he says brushing a strand away from my face. 
He’s not making this easy. I can feel my face heat up as I look at him. I barely know him, only what others have told me. I also feel like I’ve known him my whole life because he is quite literally the man of my dreams. I don’t know how long I’ll be able to contain myself with him in front of me. The heat rises between us and I have to step back again and he chuckles. 
“Could I show you around?” he smiles down at me. 
“That would be lovely.” I smile back to him. 
Aemond holds out his arm for me to grab and I smile warmly and grab on. We leisurely walk through the streets as he points out different shops. I have no care to what my family will think. This is my future and they just wouldn’t understand. 
I’m still holding on to his arm as we leisurely stroll around Kings Landing. We walk around in comfortable silence and I have to rein myself in from continuously staring at him. My King. My husband. My love. 
“What have you seen so far?” Aemond asks looking down at me snapping me out of my thoughts. 
“Pretty much just you training.” I look up to him.
“Then you’ve seen it all.” he smirks at me. 
“Yes, of course. I’ve only come here for you.” I roll my eyes and smirk at how true my statement is. 
“Have you now?” Aemond smirks. “Did your “brothers” tell you much about me?” he says leading me down the streets. 
I can hear the strain when he says brothers. Truth is I wouldn’t necessarily consider them my brothers. They never refrained from talking about the mutilation but avoided any other talk of him. This is my chance to gain more insight and see who my “brothers” truly are.
“Um, not much. Just some basics.” I say nervous to upset him over his past. I know it’s been years, but how could one move past being mutilated. 
He leads us into the garden. It’s more beautiful than I expected. I’m so glad he brought me here first. This was one of the main places I was adamant on finding. There are so many plants and flowers I’ve never seen before. I’m enchanted by the life growing around us.
He brings us to a small table with two chairs. He pulls out my chair for me and sits across from me. We stare at each other in silence for a couple of moments until a young woman brings us some drinks. 
“What do the basics of me include?” he asks raising an eyebrow and grabbing his cup to take a sip. 
“They didn’t say very much or much good honestly.” I let out in a breath. “They told me you stole a dragon and that you used to bully all of them. Mostly they’ve just told me of the gruesome night they took your eye.” I look up to him. 
Every time they talk about that night it makes my stomach turn. How they feel so victorious for hurting a family member. I understand that he bullied them, or so they say, but taking his eye is baffling. The viciousness in their voices when they speak about that night never sits well with me.
“That’s what they’ve told you?” he inquires. 
“It never sounded right to me. What they did was malicious regardless of what was said. I’d rather hear about you from you anyways.” I say finally looking up to him to see his face soften. 
“You want to hear my side?” he asks skeptical almost shocked.
“I think they lied. You didn’t when you called them what you did. That’s why I’m sitting here with you.” I say hesitantly reaching across to squeeze his hand. He looks down at my hand in shock. I’m shocked myself. I should be thinking about how we could be seen, but instead I want to know more about this beautiful man.
“Do I not scare you?” he asks leaning back in his chair. 
“What do I have to be scared of?” I ask tilting my head. 
“You only know what you’ve been told about me. As you’ve said, none of it was good. You see this scar on my face. Yet, you sit with me, completely calm.” he says intensely. 
“You want me to be scared of stories and scar?” I ask smiling. 
“I expect it.” he says solemnly looking away from me. 
“Personally, I see you as the rider of the mighty Vhagar, who also happens to have a scar which may make him more attractive.” I say truthfully as he turns to me with his eye squinted. I don’t know what’s gotten into me, I’m blinded by his beauty and all my thoughts are just spilling out.
“Attractive?” he questions tilting his head slightly.
“Yes.” I say definitely slightly nodding my head.
“Hm,” he hums scanning my face. 
“So, tell me how you stole a dragon.” I ask leaning forward. 
“I didn’t steal Vhagar. You can’t steal a dragon.” he says folding his hands. 
“Then tell me. Please.” I search his face for any emotion. 
“She called to me and I answered.” he answers shortly. 
“Aemond just tell me. I want to hear. Good or bad I want to know.” I say looking at him intently. 
I wish I knew what he was thinking. I can tell he doesn’t trust me which is fair. I’m living with the kids who have taken his eye. He expects me to be on their side. I feel like I have no place to take sides when I have no context and wasn’t there. I know things got out of hand, but no one has ever told me the full story. 
“I claimed Vhagar the night of Baela and Rhenas mothers funeral. Vhagar was their mothers. Yet, she called out to me. They were upset when they found out I was the one who claimed her. We all threw vicious words at each other. They all started physically attacking me and Luke ended up cutting my eye out. No one cared. Not even my father. My mother was the only one to advocate for me.” his voice softens as he ends his story looking away from me.
I can tell he’s upset and I have no idea what to say. I reach across the small table to take his hand in mine. I rub his hand with my thumb and then he finally looks up to me with a sad confused expression. 
“You didn’t deserve that.” I say softly still rubbing his hand offering him a soft smile.
“Are you just saying that?” he asks pulling his hand away making me frown. 
“It shouldn’t have gotten to that point. No one deserves to lose an eye over words.” I respond. 
“They’ve always bullied me. I was the only one without a dragon. Do you know how hard that was? Your brothers and Aegon would torment me together. No one was in my corner. I had no one and I still have no one.” he says looking away. 
“I’m sorry. You deserved more.” I say softly. 
“It’s done and over with. Now I have a hideous scar.” he says brushing over his eyepatch. 
“May I see?” I ask nervously biting my lip.
“No.” Aemond says flatly. 
“Please?” I ask in a sweet voice batting my eyelashes.
“If I show you, you’ll never want to see me again.” he looks to me his expression sad.
“I sincerely doubt that.” I say looking at him expectantly. 
“Fine.” he sighs removing his eyepatch. 
I’m in awe. I only expected to see a long, jagged scar. He has a beautifully sculpted sapphire in place of his eye. He’s truly stunning. I know I’m in trouble now. I have no intention of leaving him alone. I realize I’ve just been staring and not saying anything and he grabs his eyepatch to cover up.
“No, no. May I?” I ask gesturing for me to come look closer. 
“As you wish.” he says helping me pull my chair closer. 
As I come closer I can see all of the tiny details and colors of his crystal. It compliments his skin perfectly. I bring my hand up to ghost over his scar when he grabs my wrist to stop my movements. 
“I’m sorry.” I pull back as he quickly puts his eyepatch back on. 
“Are you disgusted?” he asks looking at me intensely. 
“Quite the opposite. I think you’re very pretty.” I admit shamelessly admiring him. 
“Pretty.” he scoffs.
“You’re like sculpted by the Gods. Perfection.” I breathe out. 
Aemond brushes off this compliment and stands up. He offers me his hand and I accept. I’m glad I haven’t ruined this yet. I have no idea where he’s taking me, but I’d follow him anywhere. 
“Where are we going now?” I ask looking to him. 
“I want to show you what I gained when I lost my eye.” he says proudly.
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suzumori521 · 1 year
Hey, what about Raven or Crow like man beast. Raven and crows are among the smartest animals, so if man Beasts are already smarter than normal animals, I'm pretty sure crow/raven man beasts would be near human intelligence.
I already have a crow beastman character in my creations, so once I'm feeling better, I'll introduce them!
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monstersflashlight · 20 days
Some crow/raven/corvid facts!
~A flock of crows/ravens can be called a murder, unkindness, or conspiracy.
~Crows and Ravens will investigate an unnatural death among themselves in order to see if they need to migrate the entire flock
~This ^ is also conducted like a funeral for the fallen bird.
~Not only are they smart enough to use tools and problem solve, but they also pull pranks and play regularly.
~This ^ isn't just targetted at other birds, they'll pull pranks on anyone and anything they want.
~A "trained" crow often sees the human they’ve bonded with as a friend and thus brings things they find interesting to the human. Though this often starts with the human offering edible treats.
Kinda common and not that weird, but imagine the potential of a crow/raven/corvid hybrid (based) monster doing things like this. Or being their partner and overhearing the casual question (likely posed from an old friend) "so do you ever miss your old murder?"
Hello from monster-mansion
Hi there! That's so cool, I love corvids 🥰
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