#911 discourse ig????
lonelychicago · 1 year
queerbaiting is a marketing technique for fiction and entertainment in which creators hint at, but then do not depict, same-sex romance or other LGBTQ+ representation.
that's the definition of queerbating. can 911 be called out for queerbating when we have hen and karen? which also they have a whole episode dedicated to them? two black queer women in love?
not to mention that we used to have david and michael as a couple too and even if he barely is there, we also have josh— who's... an openly gay man??
like, i love buddie as much as the next guy but can we genuinely say that 911 is queerbating us?? i'm genuinely asking here, for real.
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tevanbuckley · 2 months
the lesbians revelling in the opportunity to be homophobic towards a gay man because they’ve decided he’s bad are suffering from such severe levels of internet brainrot. “I don’t care if I’m being homophobic to cis gay men,” is a fucking wild statement.
you’re not “punching up” by making jokes about how you want to violently kill a gay character, you’re just an asshole, and a stupid one at that. because for whatever baffling reason you’ve decided to peddle a bunch of homophobic stereotypes.
“but tommy was a bigot! who cares?” sorry but that’s actually completely irrelevant to this conversation! there’s no goodness quota queer ppl need to meet before it becomes unacceptable to dehumanise them. that should be the bare fucking minimum.
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fanonsupremecy · 2 months
why did you plagiarize someone else’s pro eddie post 💀
ok so imma make this real simple for you:
● ALL my posts are far from an anti eddie post. I love eddie. as a fellow cunty hispanic he is so dear to me. I think the word you're looking for is pro buddie.
● I have no clue what you're talking about and even if I did this wouldn't be plagiarism if I took an idea and made it my own (assuming that my bucktommy post isnt word for word of this supposed buddie post). Maybe learn the actual definition of plagiarism.
● if you wanna send an ask like this at least have the balls to show your face (as to say: don't do it anonymously) or do you only have the courage when you're anonymous? But really how much more anonymous can you get than a tumblr blog? But whatever go off. Also anonymous is now turned off 😊💕 because if you don't have the courage to send an ask like this without being anonymous (i.e. more anonymous than a fucking tumblr blog 🙄) then you just don't need to send it.
● First I get accused of being a new acc of a racist homophobic (most likely transphobic) white lady in her 40s when I'm hispanic bi nonbinary and 24 and now I'm accused of plagiarism over a silly little post about buck being horny on main for tommy... so fucking done 🙄 if you can't engage in fandom maturly then get off my fucking page istg be ffr.
● so are fanfic writers all plagerists now for taking an idea and making it their own? be for fucking real bro.
● literally don't get how a post about Tommy can sound anything like a post about Eddie when they are literally nothing alike (no matter how many people try to say he's an Eddie knockoff, which like ew).
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bibuckaroo · 4 months
kinda afraid to step in this discourse, most of all because i didn’t even finish the show yet (but i just finished s2!!!) but i’ve seen a lot of this fandom behavior and fandoms’ behavior in general.
and like i see a lot of bucktommys complaining about the buddie fandom (including in the buddie tag) but i never actually see the buddie fandom doing anything that terrible, like what i saw the most was them stating they don’t like tommy and even the actor that plays him, but they stayed in their lane and didn’t harass anyone?? maybe i’m in a privileged part of the fandom.
also, saw even people who claim to be from the buddie fandom talking about how this behavior is ruining the experience for them?? and i’m like what behavior?? and this is literally how fandoms work!!! there’s always fights!!!
all i’m saying is if it’s bothering you so much, just block these people (i know i did) and if it’s something truly serious, report them!!!
however, if it’s taking the joy out of the experience for you, maybe you’re just not that into it anymore.
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morganaspendragonss · 1 month
my issue with carlos joining the rangers isn’t the whole shitty law enforcement thing per se. i mean, this is a usamerican procedural, copaganda is implied. carlos has been a cop for four seasons and ls writers have been very careful to show us the good cops versus the evil minority
my issue is that it has been brought up in canon that the rangers are a racist institution. but this show can never commit to any of its big swings so of course gabriel magically fixed it all and now carlos is okay with joining up
we knew this was coming and i’m neither surprised nor disappointed. just resigned.
also, what the fuck is up with that hat
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maxanor · 5 months
and if i said many buddie fans don't even care about eddie and just want to see buck kiss a man?? what then??
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bucked-it-up · 4 months
I really don't feel like a feeling realisation will come out of this Eddie storyline. It doesn't feel like the right way to do it, I am not hoping for romantic buddie but if I was I wouldn't want it to come from a storyline where Eddie is cheating on his gf and needs to work through his guilt and grief for Shannon and I don't think it's where Oliver wants his story for Buck to go. He and Tim have said rom com vibes and that he doesn't want Buck to get with his best friend straight away and Ryan wants us to be in the moment where Eddie is straight and that vulnerable platonic relationship. Platonic relationships and love is just as important as romantic.
Bucktommy is important right now to Oliver lou and Tim and I don't think it will end by the season another reason why I don't think a feeling realisation will happen.
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angstydiaz · 1 year
So so excited to see what the insanely negative ppl have to say about this plot
(I will be tearing my eyes out as to avoid silly takes)
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matan4il · 7 months
I saw your post about Noah and it just but a bee in my bonnet about how people in all sorts of fandoms have been doing similar things to Jewish actors (but it’s not as well known cause they’re obviously not as high profile as stranger things). I follow you from the 911 fandom, and I also watch 911 Lone Star and both Ronen Rubinstein (who plays TK) and Lisa Edelstein (who guest starred so isn’t a regular anymore but is iconic in her own right) have gotten hate. Ronen removed his twitter after people started calling him a Zionist and harassing him. Lisa turned comments off on some of her ig posts and specifically said it was so she wouldn’t get attacked. The only things those two have said are in regards to getting the hostages home safe or in reaction to the immediate events of Oct 7. Yet they’re being called supporters of genocide. The antisemitism disguised as “antizionism” is so fucking obvious and it’s sad how it’s infiltrated even the smaller fandoms if actors involved dare to be Jewish and express concern for fellow Jews.
Hi Nonnie!
First of all, yes. Sadly, there is not a single fandom I have been active in, that has been a safe space for Jews in general, and they've all become worse since Oct 7. So I'll talk a bit about the 911 fandom, but let's be clear that this fandom isn't the issue, it really is a symptom of a much bigger problem, which is very prevalent in online spaces, not just online fandoms. What I'll talk about is obviously not true for every single person, but it IS true for enough people, and especially for some very vocal ones, who shape what the "allowed" discourse is.
I have not been following what the 911 fandom does and says about Ronen Rubinstein for at least 2 years, but I can't say I'm surprised by what you told me.
I've written more than once about the fact that Jews are not white, not even the white passing ones. Also, I'm hardly the only Jew raising their voice about this, and yet I've noticed that the 911 fandom, which raged when half-white Eddie Diaz was not recognized as a POC by one fan, the fandom which has accepted Christopher Diaz as a POC (even though he's canonically only 25% Mexican, and is played by an actor who actually IS white, which means there's no arguing over the fact that Chris looks white), is also the fandom which has repeatedly conceptualized Ronen as a white guy, same for his character TK (even though he's canonically only half white), and with that view in mind there's been hostility towards Ronen that I've come across not long after 911LS just started. Ronen's family is from an area where Jews had been repeatedly slaughtered, including during the Holocaust for NOT being white less than one hundred years ago. TK looks white (you know, exactly like Chris), so that's enough to ignore Jewish identity, history, being native to the Middle East, and anti-Jewish persecution. Ronen gets conceptualized as a white oppressor. And as such, he's a fair target, even an encouraged one.
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Gavin, whose character Chris is recognized as a POC, even though he himself is completely white.
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Ronen, whose character TK is not recognized as a POC, even though the actor is fully Jewish.
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Natacha, whose character Marjan is recognized as a POC, even though the actress herself is half white. She's also half Lebanese, Marjan is fully so, and whatever Arabs are, Jews are the exact same, because both groups are native to South West Asia (similarly, both groups come in a variety of skin tones).
So I'm not surprised that Ronen is being mistreated. Jews are mis-conceptualized as white, and the Israeli-Arab conflict gets mis-conceptualized by applying to it a race-based model imported from the US, in which Israelis are white Jews (even though 21% of our population is Arab, a part of our leadership is Arab and has been since the first Knesset was elected, over 70 years ago, and even though many of the Israeli soldiers fighting to protect us are Arabs... when the conflict is explained, they're all erased, and Israelis are only understood as - and blamed as - white Jews), who are evil oppressors of brown Arabs (even though some Arabs are just as white looking, or even whiter than some Jews). Then, this conflict is used to vilify and justify harassing Jewish actors, whether Noah in Stranger Things, Timothee Chalamet, or Ronen and Lisa.
Here are some white looking Palestinians, who always get ignored by the people conceptualizing the conflict as white vs brown people:
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Two pics of Israeli soldiers killed, each pic from just one day in this war in Gaza, and you can see the diversity of skin tones...
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Like I said, I haven't been following Ronen, but I did happen across a post that claimed he needs to be canceled for the crime of blocking people who the poster said were pro-Palestine. But in my experience, even when you're a Jew who is not being hateful towards Palestinians, you're just pro both groups, because you recognize they're both humans, the fact that you have the "audacity" to stand up for Jewish people and Jewish rights, and against the mis-representation of Jews in Israel, is enough for antisemitic bullies to use that to come after you with antisemitic abuse under the guise of being pro-Palestinian (here's just one example. I wonder how many Palestinians have been liberated by harassing Jews online. Pretty sure the answer is zero. I also always love how this crowd never actually stands up for Palestinians when they're wronged by fellow Arabs, in Kuwait, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon or Syria. It's only the Jews who bother these "pro-Palestinians," not the actual well being of Palestinians). I'm sure that if we could see who Ronen was blocking, it would be the same kind of people who have been sending me these very caring, human rights-oriented messages:
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^ This ask was specifically a response to my reply to an anon telling me I lost my claim to humanity when I became an Israeli (and me answering that that was at the age of 5 months, and that my parents' decision to bring me to Israel actually saved my life).
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^ Just a small collection, nowhere near what I actually got, but I kept them 'coz I wanted to show people at some point what Jews who dare to not want Israel destroyed are subjected to. And Ronen probably got similar ones, he blocked them, and for saying he was blocking them, he got further hate... At what point are people going to wake up and see that this is how an antisemitic misinformation campaign works? Lots of Germans genuinely believed in the narrative that Jews backstabbed them during WWI. If you were to ask them in the 1930's whether they hate Jews simply for being Jews, they'd say no, that they hated Jews, because Jews deserved to be hated due to their actions. In the exact same way, now support of the existence of the Jewish state, not even of its specific policies, is being spun as justification to hate on Jews.
I'll say this again. This reply isn't about Ronen. It isn't about Noah. It isn't about Lisa. This isn't about a specific fandom. This is a call for people to wake up and smell the antisemitic coffee, the legitimization of Jews being harassed. Please don't be a part of it, and if you can, please speak up when you see others being a part of it. I KNOW that online, and def on Tumblr, the majority of posts you see justify the vilifaction of anyone who is pro Israel's existence, even while also being critical of its leadership. And it's easy, and it feels right, to go with what everyone else in your echo chamber says. But you can be that one guy in 1930's Germany who didn't do the heil Hitler. If you will be, it may not be easy, but I very much doubt you'd ever regret it.
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(for all of my updates and ask replies regarding Israel, click here)
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supercalime · 5 months
all those interviews are fun even with hardcore stans speculation but god i wish they kinda stopped.
like, stop having stans interviewing actors in the first place, what do you mean they talk about couch theory? are we even serious right now? it’s obvious people are going to create even weirder hc after all these interviews.
I understand the interviewers (to a degree) bringing up b*ddie and baiting Oliver and Ryan to “leak” information or address how they are defenders of the ship, as it obviously makes dramatic headlines, which causes engagement, which advertises the show and by extent the website/reporter that did the interview.
Just a bit off topic but it has to be said: most of the interviews are borderline unprofessional. Not just with the aspect of bringing up b*ddie when the recent storyline has nothing to do with eddie but also relying their questions on stereotypes about the queer community (someone unironically asked Oliver who’s buck’s favorite pop diva now that he’s queer. Like wtf).
Anyway, going back to the mess haha. I’m not surprised the stans are acting this way (I’m very new to this fandom but not to fandoms and their discourses). I’m sometimes very invested in media and there are times I do extrapolate and need to touch grass. Sometimes I feel like people who are this invested in a fictional relationship that’s not even canon just need to find a different outlet for intense feelings, and not rely on things that are out of their control.
Of course fan reaction can influence a story being told, however fans have to also know how to approach it while being respectful. In all honesty, if I were writing a show and I finally went with a storyline I wasn’t allowed to write before because the network previously denied, and that was how the fans of a ship reacted, I would be pissed. I think I would not have b*ddie be a thing out of spite.
The bi!buck/bucktommy storyline is a huge step forward for a tv show in this scale. In fact, I can’t remember other procedurals that have as many queer main characters as 911/911 lone star. It’s been said, but a story about this very masculine man that has been known as a womanizer figuring out he’s bisexual well into his thirties and in the seventh season of a very popular show that is not part of a specific niche is important and should be celebrated on its own, regardless of ships or whatever the fans have to say about the partner choice.
But let’s be real for a second as I end my little essay here. If you know a single thing about writing, you know you can’t just throw a love story without buildup and as hard as it is to accept, the interactions between buck and eddie seemed to have always been ambiguous on purpose, and buck being maybe into guys was more played off as a joke. I know the fans want the ship to happen, but if they want this love story to happen, they gotta be patient. Just commenting “we don’t like this. We want buddie!” on an ig post about tevan won’t make the story suddenly turn into that direction.
What I’m saying won’t change anyone’s mind but whoever reads until the end, I want yall to know that unfortunately every fandom is like this and we gotta try our best to stay out of the discourse cause in all seriousness: none of this matters. It’s a show and arguing about it, bothering the actors, commenting annoying things on ig won’t change anything.
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lonelychicago · 1 year
i think as society we should stop making buck call eddie papi in fics. eddie would absolutely hate it and if not for him then for my sanity. thank yew <3
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yaz-the-spaz · 15 days
ok can someone please explain or link me to where/how this 911 hotshots buddie discourse arose? like I'm loving the content but I need context cause at this point I've seen so many headcanons about it I feel like I'm missing something major and I've checked the main 911 update accounts I know of on ig and twitter (I refuse to call it x) and I'm still seeing nothing please help!
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armandgender · 3 months
following up to your other anon heads up, the 911 fandom is currently a toxic dumpster fire and mentioning Tommy in a positive light is basically asking for angry anons. To be clear there is one (1) screenshot of him posting a meme from roughly a decade ago that falls somewhere between poor taste south park style humor and vaguely racist. he maybe replied and deleted to someone who called him out about the aforementioned meme by replying with a screenshot of an IG bio that appears to have been an attempt to do a “this you??” because the accounts had similar names and the one in the reply had a ableist joke as a bio. literally have spent multiple hours in the trenches trying to figure out where the other fatphobia/trump fan allegations come from and have not found anything. basically if you wanna protect your peace, stick with IWTV because the tommy haters are rabid. I know you did not ask for this much discourse in your inbox I am so sorry 911 fans are not ok
reading this days later is so funny. people can send me hate anons over tommy if they want because I just won’t see them NCKSNXKDK yeah I couldn’t find any evidence of said tweets either only people talking about it so I decided it’s none of my business/its not that serious/im bald
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ilostyou · 1 year
i’m doing so well on the discourse front today there’s stuff going on with 911 and with swiffers and i’m just like. idk what’s happening bc i only see people posting about the issues not the issues themselves so ig i really am only following the right crowd lol
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tawaifeddiediaz · 2 years
okay i really think that some of y’all aren’t understanding the fact that ramon didn’t bring up the silver star in the moment with the watch to slight eddie. eddie hating that medal is another conversation itself, but for ramon to say “it’s not a silver star but it’s...it’s something” is literally the equivalent of immigrant dads who celebrate the tangible proof of their kids’ achievements but don’t know how to celebrate their own. literally the proof of ramon’s intention behind spending most of his time in work — he’s clearly been raised without tools to recognize that there is something out there besides work and money, and it obviously affected his family, but that is the culture a lot of people have been raised in because all we’re taught is that you have to keep yourself above water, no matter what it takes (and today’s American work culture shows signs of that too, btw).
yes, it is nuanced in the sense that anyone can see how uncomfortable eddie is every time it’s brought up, and in the sense that it might come across that ramon’s jealous of the medal. but to me, who’s watched my dad shove his degrees carelessly into dusty folders while carefully placing mine in a plastic cover to protect the cardstock before we can get it framed, something about the quiet, awkward way ramon got when his achievement was celebrated just hit me. because every single one of my dad’s trophies have been locked away in a vault but my sisters’ and mine are proudly displayed — the freaking plastic trophies from sunday school.
there’s a whole other conversation about celebrating tangible proof (ie. medals, degrees, awards, etc.) vs non-tangible (happiness, contentment, doing better mentally, etc.) but that’s not what this post is about — i just don’t think ramon deserves the hate he’s getting for that comment in particular. the whole point of this episode imo was to show us exactly where ramon was coming from — the same place eddie was in 3a, the things he’s trying to unlearn — and by the time he says “i don’t want to miss any more of my son’s life” you know that bootstrap culture, etc etc has left him with nothing but regret for the 25-30 years he did miss out on his family’s lives.
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ioveiy · 2 years
not to be a buddie stan but when folks say “tHeY jUsT dOn’T hAvE rOmAnTiC cHeMiStRy” i wanna be like:
imagine one of them was a woman. really imagine it. people would ship them in a heartbeat. like early season 2 when eddie was introduced??? and everything that’s happened and brought them closer since???? if that was a M/F ship, folks would be far less anti lmao we’re just conditioned to default to heterosexuality
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