#6th degree
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empiresan · 1 year ago
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A new series I found awhile back called 6th degree, and I’m unhealthy about it. Idek what to say other then Kris is insanely hot, and I hope this series never ends.
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himemarcille · 6 days ago
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Eden - 6th degree
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webtoonscreenshots · 1 year ago
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6th Degree, by vultie!
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fancyperfectionsweets · 1 month ago
❤️‍🔥 Astrology Observations 3❤️‍🔥
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🔮 the more charts I observe, the more I understand that the houses the planets are placed in are equally important as the zodiac they are placed in. Let me explain. A virgo venus in 8th house will have the qualities of both virgo and scorpio (since scorpio is the 8th sign of the zodiac). How will it manifest? Your want would be to experience love as a scorpio/understand love as a scorpio (obsessive partner that understands you deeply) but how you go about it would be virgo-nian (not giving in early, paying attention to your partner's finer details like moods, words, actions).
🔮 I have kemdrum yoga in my chart. It's not auspicious, lol. This happens when your moon is sitting alone in a house and the adjacent houses are also empty. It is said to make the moon lonely and since moon needs the sun to reflect light (a.k.a, of highly dependent nature), it makes the person lonely. However, to me it doesn't make me "lonely" but rather harder to adjust in a social space for a long time. I literally am the person who runs out of social battery easily. And if I force myself to be social for a long time, it affects my daily routine (moon is in the 6th house which is the house of daily routines, pets, etc.)
🔮 a debilitated mars doesn't make you incapable of standing up for yourself. It makes you passive aggressive 😭. It makes sense why mars debilitates in cancers. Cancers are the kings and queens of passive agression.
🔮 when it comes to appearances, I've kind of found astrology inconsistent. Many people use nakshatras to predict "features" but even though I have a shravana on my first house, I feel like I embody vishakha more (my sun nakshatra)? The most accurate depiction I could find is the first house appearance reading. Cap rising makes my stature small but my face has the strongest influence of the three planets in the first house that conjunct my ascendant capricorn: Jupiter (enlarged features), uranus (asymmetrical features) and Neptune (doe eyes). Your rising sign signifies your height and your planets influence your appearance.
🔮 I'd always be thankful for my gemini moon for helping me detach from situations and viewing my emotions from a third person perspective. 😪
🔮 pluto conjunct moon in synastry is all about the pluto person wanting to baby the moon person?
🔮 also, men who have lilith conjunct my ascendant are... Ummm... Always tryna be weirdly protective? Like I can come across as scary and bossy to the entire line of men and there will be that one guy who just thinks I need to be "protected" (I love the attention tho🤭)
🔮 moon + neptune + rahu (north node) = delulu pro max of the themes of that house. Worse, moon in the area makes you emotionally vulnerable too
🔮 money placements according to astrologers that I've heard: 11th house and 2nd house connected in any way (e.g., 11th house lord is Capricorn = Saturn's zodiac and Saturn is sitting in the 2nd house, the if the lords exchange positions, that's even better), moon + mars sitting together (called laxmi yog), exalted moon or moon sitting in the second house, Venus sitting in the second, sixth, eleventh or twelfth house, Jupiter in second or eleventh house, ketu in 5th-rahu in 11th (not good for relationships but good for money), if your seventh lord is sitting in either 2nd or 11th house, it indicates to your spouse coming in with money or you get money when you get married
🔮 pluto/scorpio in 7th house or 7th lord in the 8th house/scorpio often points to painful transformations after marriage. If not painful, I've seen people sacrifice their jobs and move for their partners or change job lines or give up their education for their partners.
🔮 I know someone who has a very well adjusted chart (exalted sun, moon, jupiter, mars, uranus, venus, ketu) and the ascendant in Aries. The planets are also in the houses they exalt in: Sun in 1st, moon in 2nd, Jupiter in 4th etc. I gotta say, she's easy to be friends with everyone, is successful with whatever venture she's in, is the favourite child of her parents and a very nice person overall. Her only issue is that she sometimes let's other people take advantage of her kindness even when she KNOWS they're hurting her.
🔮 Moon in Libra, moon in 7th and 19 degree moons is such an attractive person placement. Adriana lima, ariana grande, Megan Fox, Marilyn Monroe all have these placements.
🔮 Mars darkaraka men are toxic imo. Most of these men like toxic women. They seek these women out, feed their toxicity and then act like THEY are the victim in public. Their type is literally "pretty women but toxic". A lot of times these women are "toxic" because these men have painted the women in public like that. 🙄
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tarotenchantress · 8 months ago
Astro observations pt.III 🐼LONER EDITION🐼
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All my observations are based on *personal* experiences
By- tarotenchantress🧚🏻‍♀️
I decided to make this post cause i too dont have alot of friends and decided to astro analyse
Here are some placements that indicate not having alot of friends, having a tough time making friends, feeling left out or sticking out in groups, not being able to stay in groups in general.
🐼saturn in 11th house, 10th house, 7th house, 1st house, 5th house, 6th house 3rd house, making aspects with personal planets like sun moon venus or with ascendant or mc, saturn in libra, aquarius, capricorn, cancer, gemini, scorpio, saturn in degree of 7°, 19°, 11°, 23°, saturn retrograde.
[Saturn restricts and creates a lack in the area it occupies. It also tends to create a harsher environment which may mean that you may sometimes feel as jf the peoplw around you dont show much care or concern towards you in comparison to others. You may also constantly feel as if you have to work harder to win them over or to be recognised.]
🐼neptune in 4th house, 3rd house, 1st house, making aspects with ascendant, sun, mc, in the houses 6th house 10th house, 5th house, 11th house, in the signs of libra, aquarius, gemini, capricorn in degrees of 7°, 19°,23°,11° degree
[ neptune tends to create haze in whatever area it occupies which means that even though you may undertsand others on a deeper level, you may feel like others dont, or you may feel as if others tend to forget about you or dont feel recognised enough, on occasions people may not even notice you or know you enough. People may also project on you alot and if you dont live upto their expectations they may reject you or you may try very hard trying to mold yourself into whatever they want. You may also feel a bit hesitant to stand up for youself]
🐼 uranus in 6th house, 5th house, 11th house, 1st house, 10th house, making aspects to these houses, in the signs of aqua, cap, libra, sag, scorp, in the degrees of 7°,11°,23°,19°,aspects with mc or personal planets.
[ uranus is by nature erratic and tends to create a bit of instability in whatever house it occupies. You may have friends one day and the next day they are gone. Like?? Poof.]
🐼 mars in 1st, 7th, 11th, 10th, 3rd, 6th house, making aspects with these houses, in the sign of aries, leo, scorp, cap, aqua, libra, in the degrees of 11°,19°,7°,23°
[Whatever house mars occupies or touches tends to creste a sense of hostility and competition, it may mean that people may be a bit hostile towards you or may view you as hostile or competitive or make you their competition, people with these placements may experience others putting you down in front of others or may experience that friends turned into enemies trope also jealousy is a common theme.]
🐼pluto in 6th house, 5th house, 11th house, 1st house, 10th house, making aspects to these houses, in the signs of aqua, cap, libra, sag, scorp, in the degrees of 7°,11°,23°,19°,aspects with mc or personal planets.
[Whatever house pluto touches or occupies creates an intense relation no matter what. You may feel as if people view you in a sexual manner, people may initially avoid you or stare at you as if theyre sensing you energetically, you may also experience people approaching you with manipulative sentiments or intentions, alsoo you may experience it that when you reject someone as friends or partner, the rejected party may start spreading rumours about you or become obsessed with trying to put you down or humble you and this may be a secret intention. People you dont know or notice know you and notice you. I have it in my 3rd house which also governs neighbourhod/neighbours and it squares my venus in 6th house and istg people idk know me and observe me but i keep my guards up. The people you befriend may also be jealous of you or become possessive over you and brooo.... its not a good thing so dont romanticise it like a pillowfucker♡]
🐼lilith in 6th house, 5th house, 11th house, 1st house, 10th house, making aspects to these houses, in the signs of aqua, cap, libra, sag, scorp, in the degrees of 7°,11°,23°,19°,aspects with mc or personal planets.
[Creates a similar theme to pluto but here you'll be shamed even more]
🐼 12th house personal placements
🐼sun and moon, mercury in 4th, 8th house.
🐼 4th, 12th, 8th hluse stellium
🐼mercury in aquarius or capricorn or pisces or scorpio
[May make you more private with your thoughts and you may feel as if others dont understand your ideas or you dont have anyone to talk too. It may also create trust issues.
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astrologicaldreamin · 2 months ago
Solar Return Chart Observations v2
In honor of the new year, I am recapping and digesting meaningful Solar Return placements I have personally experienced that hopefully can reach out to those that are also under the same placement influence. If anyone would like any further discussion of these, please let me know, as I would be happy to have a conversation. The past few years have been life-changing.
SR Moon in the 6th House has made me incredibly determined, if not almost obsessive, about my mental health and wellness journey. While I am naturally health conscious, this brought out a period where I was deeply involved within shadow-work and breaking down the cyclical nature of my emotions. Holding boundaries was not just a must anymore, but a need. While it is important not to gain too obsessed with emotional perfection, I highly honored this time period because it truly shown me my vulnerability. This is the perfect opportunity to lean into any lessons highlighted around this period, but make sure to give time for rest and space. Otherwise, those lessons will not digestible enough to gain wisdom from. There were moments where I severely underestimated the potential work of vulnerability that also brought on periods of extreme enclosement to watch out for. My emotional well-being was also linked to my state of health, having negative expressions was more noticeable physically.
SR Neptune in the 7th House has brought on an incredible change within my relationships. It was terrifying, in a way, that I might become disillusioned and newfound connections would become implications of this instability in the beginning. However, my relationship with Neptune flourished in the highest form it ever has been in my life and I have never had such profound clarity before, but only when I worked upon clarifying myself first. This is not easy, but it can be very well-meaning. It gave me a light to understand further where I was genuinely allowing myself to be confused and disillusioned within my relationships. The facade of hidden and open enemies began to lack the same believably as they had prior. While there were moments where I did second-guess and faltered against my own intuition speaking, those mishaps told me where I didn't initially trust in myself and how to bring that internal relationship back in. (special mention: SR saturn in the 7th house, SR neptune in the 29°)
SR 9th House in the 29° brought huge transformative, endings when it came to my academic and spiritual goals. Ultimately, my whole foundational way of thinking reached a peak and ending upon this year. In addition, it forward the ending of several academic platforms I began taking in previous years. Travel, in general, was the initiator to majority of this enlightenment as well. In terms of this placement in the anaretic degree, don't be surprised if there comes to be fundamental spiritual lessons taking place, providing space to have a complete mindset shift of previous expectations. Most likely that would come in forms of people, places, and ideas that were ultimately "foreign" in nature to you. Rewards, endings, and graduations may also take place during that year.
SR 4th House Ruler in the 0° provided, another huge and foundational shift to my background and home environment. Core values I held previously, as well as perspectives, transformed in a direction I never even saw coming. While it wasn't the breakdown, it was a continuation of new beginnings picked up from previous years. There is a ton of neutrality in this placement, but most likely will grant in some form of a surprise to those core values of home, family, and comfort. Emphasizing less of a breakdown, but furthering a year of growth and rebirth.
SR Venus in Gemini brought in a ton of new and almost randomized connections, each a varying degree of importance. There was a huge emphasis on communication and leaning more into quantity rather than quality of people met. Not to say that some connections weren't strong, but it brought on a lot of networking that became more short-lived. There was a lot of playful, dynamic, and curious energy that also provided a basis for a glow-up in myself, as well as the way I communicate. Enjoy this placement, because while it may not inherently come outright with stability, there is a sense of prospering in every environment you walk into. Social butterfly energy that allowed for those deeper connections to come to light due to the experimentation.
SR 2nd House Ruler in the 10th House shifted more financial efforts into my public perception and long-term goals. Though this is more natural to me, there was a mass theme of "investment" spending to further ambitions I had. Finances were also more openly talked about in my public spheres, as well as my self-worth and material possessions. This does shine a more public eye on the energy of this house that could potentially be triggering to others. This may insinuate more spoken about or collaborative efforts within finances. In other areas, this could come as investing in building up your desired reputation and self-image. It can be an empowering placement to have for the year.
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paulic · 2 years ago
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the love was there I think, until the end even
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sloaners · 2 years ago
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Some like it hot!! 🚒
Commission for @iamdusttoo
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hairybirthdayclown · 2 years ago
i. astrology notes
*(not a pro. just for fun)
• i've noticed a lot of the community is confused about what the 2H represents & i heard from a professional astrologer that the 2H (tropical) represents how/what we spend our money on. that's just one of the many things it represents but i'm not gonna get into the rest. i can confirm that the things i spend my money on are things are use on a daily basis & majority are my necessities because my 2H ruler is in my 6H (house that represents everyday occurences)
*TW: death
• for those who have 6H Pluto, you probably have had instances where your pets have died adruptly or other peoples pets in your possession. all in all you cannot keep a pet for too long because it's not going to live for a while in your care. pet could've ran away & disappeared as well (i have a friend with this placement & she said she has had 4 pets in her whole entire life & the longest one of them lived in her possession was 2 months - shortest was 2 weeks) this doesn't necessarily mean you're shit at taking care of pets though, the death could've been caused by something out of your control. really sorry for anyone who has lost a pet so dear to them :/
• 3°/15°/27° of Moon could have a maternal figure that is extremely talkative, has gemini placements or 3H stellium. they might even get a lot of phone calls or could own more than one phone. very active on their socials too.
• 2°/14°/26° of Saturn could have a paternal figure that is materialistic, has taurus placements or 2H stellium. constantly buying stuff that exceed their budget or they probably don't even have one. could make more money than any other family member or family member who spends the most.
• libra 4H probably didn't grow up in a happy family. more like a family that didn't want to deal with the pain & difficulties within it & swept them under the rug. some members might not be aware of it. very much Dollhouse by Melanie Martinez - could put out a front amongst outsiders to seem like everything is fine when it's not. absolute turmoil could be happening right in front of them & they would still pretend to be happy. this could be hard for family members with strong Pluto aspects/placements within this family as they will always feel the urge to unravel the truth.
thanks for reading :)
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foulbarbarianfest · 20 days ago
JANNIK SINNER (brief astrological portrait)
Then one wonders: what is the number of a champion, what determines it, what are the differences between him and a common mortal? There are many ways to try to understand. One of these, for those who believe in it, can be astrology. Which does not give you statistical data, does not offer you numbers to compare, does not even tell you about the physical qualities of one individual compared to another. But it is equally true that each of us, in the act of coming into the world, reflects and carries within himself the image of the position occupied by the planets of our solar system. Each of which, for exegetes, contains more than one meaning. After all, it is a game like any other. Like tennis.
Sinner (see graph below) was born with the Sun in Leo, in domicile. Attribute of kings. One destined to shine and reign.
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Gemini ascendant, at the 17th degree (co-significant of the sign of Leo), a clear indicator of fame through the media (Gemini), in his case audio-visual communication, being in the spotlight, at the center of media attention. Mercury in Virgo, exaltation of the planet to which speed of thought and action is attributed. The mantra of Virgo is to improve, to perfect. A sign that is significant of the sixth house, the one dedicated to routine, daily work, physical health due to discipline through daily training (Pluto also here = transformation).
Sun and Mercury are in House 4, co-significant of Cancer, the most underrated sign of the zodiac but, as far as I know, the most resilient of the entire astrological arc. In Cancer also Moon and Venus, closely conjunct, where the Moon is in domicile and Venus implies the sensitivity of man. Let's also add that both planets are in House 2, which is that one of Taurus (where Venus is in domicile and Moon in exaltation), so we cannot be surprised by his kindness and tranquility in human relationships, even with opponents, respect, both given and received. Apart from Medvedev, who yawned in his face a few years ago when he won (the Russian) 6-0 the first set. The same Medvedev who in these last months has received his pay, with elegance and refined nobility from Sinner. Do you want a sign? Look at the way he gives the ball back to the ball-boys, bouncing it so they don't have to bend down to pick it up. I think he learned it from Alcaraz who is, beyond appearances, another gentleman player.
Not only that: Jupiter (planet of expansion) is also in the 2nd house in conjunction with the Moon and Venus, a clear sign of formidable monetary gains.
These are the “sweet” sides, the ones that make him a good guy, intelligent, self-confident but also gifted with an uncommon sensitivity. Stuff that would have driven the ladies of the past crazy, to the point of considering him someone to take to the altar as soon as possible before some shameless woman comes to take him away from me (Kalinskaya?).
In all this, where are the stigmata of the champion?
First of all, Saturn on Ascendant. A hard, cold, calculating planet. One who knows how to regulate and dominate contingent emotions. Many scholars and scientists have important aspects with Saturn in their birth chart. Sinner is known for his (apparent?) coldness in crucial moments of his games.
On Descendant we have Mars (war) in conjunction with Pluto (the higher octave of Mars) in Sagittarius. The arrow and the bow are the symbols of Sagittarius: ball and racket or something similar. In other words: having an atomic arsenal at your disposal. This would be enough to explain the power of his shots (I was about to say violence), the courage to dare, the never giving up, the bearing of wounds (the shots taken or the ones missed), the throwing everything behind him and starting to fight again, blow after blow, as if nothing had happened.
Lastly, the opposition Sun-Uranus, of the series "let's do it strange", in the sense that I reserve the right to do things (on the court) that no one would expect from me. A certain amount of unpredictability that has not yet fully emerged (the drop shots, the changes of pace, the long one-handed backhand line, etc.).
The completeness of the champion, let's say maturity, will be reached when he manages to fully reconcile the two opposite sides of his character, that is, the dichotomy between soft/hard and hard/soft. Then he will have a great time playing.
Edit: I add that the story of the 0000000000.1 picograms of clostebol in his blood has further hardened him, bringing out more and more his cold (Saturn) and warlike (Mars with Pluto) character.
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himemarcille · 6 days ago
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webtoonscreenshots · 1 year ago
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6th Degree, by vultie!
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northopalshore · 24 days ago
Hey Gaia, I have union in 22 ° in Libra conjunct vertex in 6th house in my solar return chart. So is this means something important?
𝄞⨾𓍢ִ໋ Helloo
It definitely seems to be! Perhaps an important meeting? It could be a significant partner or meeting someone that will be important for your growth as a person in the future! Since it aspects Vertex & the 6th house. Libra does come off as a romantic relationship, but it's not always the case! (It could also be a close friend or a strong platonic relationship).
Either way, this person will be very significant in your life going forward!
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Hope this helps!
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rucow · 1 year ago
i must be the weirdest aquarius venus in the world, bc im actually obsessed with love and romance and relationships and i Need to be in a constant state of romantic attraction or else i'll just wither and die 💔
like, yea.. freedom is nice, but have you ever been made to feel like you're your partner's number one? like you're their whole entire world and they're (healthily) obsessed with you? have you had a lover that is your home, your safety, and your comfort? have you had a partner that encourages and supports your individual passions and hobbies the same way you do theirs? have you had a partner who only wants you and no one else? have you had a soulmate? have you been so close to another person that you start to adopt each other's words and mannerisms and interests to the point where you become the same person? no?? then what are u waiting for? who needs space and detachment and casual relationships when this other good stuff exists????? not me thats for sure 🫶
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astrologicaldreamin · 4 months ago
Sun in Cancer, 8th House, 14°, Moon in Taurus, 6th House, 12°, Ascendant in Sagittarius, 2° Playlist
I hope I did your beautiful and empowering energy justice, @cloudyluminousstarz ❤️
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man's world — marina
good mourning — halsey
hide and seek — claire guerreso
ghost in the machine — sza, phoebe bridgers
blue madonna — borns
cruel world — lana del rey
so sensual — vargo
ace of hearts — zella day
nostalgia — suki waterhouse
the knowing — the weeknd
If you have any requests, please let me know... might just take you up on the offer.
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darthschabba · 1 year ago
" Goin' on Down to chuckle fuck city ."
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